Cidera Servikal.pptx

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 291
  • Pages: 7
Cedera Servical Disusun Oleh : Virga hasna Ghaida : P27220015039 Wahyuningsih : P27220015040 Wilantika Ida W : p27220015041 Yeni Eka A : p27220015042 Yunita Devi A : p27220015043 Atika Zaianab M : P27220015044

Definition Cervical Trauma is a state of injury to the cervical spine and spinal cord caused by the dislocation, subluxation, or fracture of the cervical vertebrae and is characterized by compression of the cervical region of the spinal cord.

The etiology of cervical spinal cord injuries are caused by direct trauma. direct trauma include: Traffic accidents Accidents Sports Accidents industry Another accident (such as falling from a tree or building, stab wounds, gunshot wounds, and fall hard object)

Signs and Symptoms Below the line breakage occurs, for example the loss of voluntary movement, loss of pain sensation, temperature, pressure and proprioseption, loss of bowel and bladder function and loss of function of spinal and autonomic reflexes.

Reflex changes muscle spasm Spinal shock Autonomic dysreflexia

clinical manifestations clinical manifestations in cervical trauma, among others:  between C1 through C5  between C5 and C6  between C6 and C7  between C7 and C8  C8 to T1  between T2 to T12  T12 to L1  L2 to S2  S3 to S5

Investigations Investigations the investigation of traumatic cervical namely: • X-ray Spinal • CT-Scan • MRI • Myelography • TorakX-rays • AGD

Complications complication that occurs in the cervical trauma is:  Neurogenic shock  Spinal shock,  Hypoventilation  Hiperfleksia autonomic

Management treatment in patients with traumatic cervical namely:

 Maintaining ABC  Adjust the position of the head and neck to support Airway  Stabilization of the cervical spine  provide additional oxygen  Monitoring vital signs  Provide ventilation meanik if necessary

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