Cics Screens

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  • Words: 4,840
  • Pages: 53
CICS Screens Tutorial

Revised 05/01/03

Table of Contents Preliminary Screens ........................................................................ 3 Fast Access ..................................................................................... 5 Fast Access F10 Screen ................................................................................................. 12

Notepad......................................................................................... 13 Membership System ..................................................................... 14 Membership A – Member Information Screen.............................................................. 15 Membership B – All Retirement Plans for a Member................................................... 16 Membership C – Retirement Plans Detail Screen ......................................................... 17 Membership F – Service Credit Screen......................................................................... 18 Membership K – Address Change................................................................................. 21 Membership N – Name Search...................................................................................... 22 Membership R Financial Transaction –Screen.............................................................. 23 Membership T – Membership Check write Screen ....................................................... 24 Membership U – Browse Checks by Name................................................................... 25 Membership Z – CAP Screen........................................................................................ 26 Membership “\” F11 – Buyback Detail ......................................................................... 27

Annuitant System ......................................................................... 28 Annuitant Payment A – Annuitant Information ............................................................ 29 Annuitant Payment C – Payment Detail........................................................................ 30 Annuitant Payment G – Surepay ................................................................................... 31 Annuitant Payment E – Year-to-date information......................................................... 32 Annuitant Payment N – Name Search........................................................................... 33

Annuitant Insurance...................................................................... 34 Annuitant Insurance B – Insurance Data....................................................................... 36 Annuitant Insurance C – Dependants Screen ................................................................ 37 Annuitant Insurance D – Insurance Carrier................................................................... 38 Annuitant Insurance E – Insurance Payment Detail...................................................... 39 Annuitant Insurance G – Premium Balance .................................................................. 40 Annuitant Insurance H – Premium Information ............................................................ 41 Annuitant Insurance I – Plan codes ............................................................................... 42 Annuitant Insurance N – Name Search ......................................................................... 43

Loans ............................................................................................ 45 Loan A – General Loan Information ............................................................................. 46 Loan B – Loan Data....................................................................................................... 47 Loan D – Loan Balance ................................................................................................. 48 Loan D F10 – Payoff Screen ......................................................................................... 49 Loan F – Loan Servicing Screen ................................................................................... 50 Loan L – Processing/Funding/Origination .................................................................... 51

Index ............................................................................................. 52

University of California Office of the President Revised 05/01/03

Preliminary Screens

Type "RBP_ _ _" as your user identification (tab) then type your Password and press Enter.

Note - Passwords need to be changed every 31 days. The system will prompt when an update is required.

University of California Office of the President Revised 05/01/03


This is the main menu of the system. The authorization code is given by your supervisor and is a four-character code. After typing your code the cursor will bring you to the "Select Menu Number" field. The menu numbers used by customer service are 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6. Press F5 to return to this screen at any time.

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Fast Access

Menu #6 - Fast Access screen presents data from both the membership and Annuitant Payment systems in a single screen that is easy to understand.

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The Fast Access Screen is created by combining data from both the Membership and Annuitant Payment systems. The left half of the screen (Example A) shows Membership system data. The right half of the screen (Example B) shows the Annuitant Payment system data. Fast Access gives a quick profile of the caller. For example: This member is an annuitant who is receiving a monthly income benefit and also has a D.C. plan and 403B plan. PLAN CODES UCRP




Non-Contrib After-Tax

2 3


10 14 16

4 12 15

71 72 73

81 82 83

Pretax CAP CAP 2

5 22 23


33 36 54

31 34 53

74 75 76

84 85 86

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DCP After DCP DCP Safe CSU Plan Tax UCRP Harbor Code




Plan Codes - (Example A) • A - Funds with a balance • T - Funds were transferred • Z - Funds were distributed

• • • • • • • • • • • •

FLG/DTE: Surepay • MBR STAT: Mbr status • SUREPAY RET CD: Retirement Code • PAYEE: Identifies payee TEL TRF: Obsolete (Not Used) • RETIRE DATE: Retirement Date LOC: Location • FED/ST TAX: Tax withholding UCRP DT: Entry date into UCRP • OPTION: Retirement options LAST PAY: Last day on payroll status • VERIP: Flag if mbr retired with VERIP TOT SC: Total SVC credit • GROSS: Gross Benefit LIENS: Any liens that may be on the account • TOTAL TAX FED/ST: Taxes withheld HAPC: Highest Annual Plan Compensation • TOTAL DED/REIMB: Insurance Deduct PYI/TRIP: Y or N/ Y or N • NET CHECK AMT: Net Benefit Amount DEPCARE: Y or N • SW: Systematic Withdrawal CCL: Covered Compensation Limit • G indicates the member was UCRP before 07/01/94 and will use a higher CCL amount • N indicates the member was UCRP after 07/01/94 and will use the lower CCL amount USHC: Identifies UC/Stanford retirement options; A, S, B or E. • A: SPP Member with Schedule A coverage • S: SPP Member without Schedule A coverage • B: Retirement Plan Member with Schedule A coverage • E: Retirement Plan Member without Schedule A coverage

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• • • • • •

The bottom of every screen will show the available navigational options (Example A) F7 will take you to the Membership A Screen F8 will take you to the Annuitant Payment A Screen F10 will take you to additional information on the member F9 will show any additional accounts that do not fit on Fast Access • Including any active Fidelity or Calvert contributions F11 will take you to the notepad

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• • •

This is the sample screen of an active employee. Nothing exists on the right side (Annuitant system) since the member is not receiving an annuitant payment. The asterisks next to the Plan Codes indicate that a debit/credit took place in these funds with the last pay period. (Example A) There will be no INS information because CICS will not show any information on Active Employees Insurance.

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This is a sample screen for a contingent annuitant receiving a survivor benefit. ANN TYPE and MEM TYPE can be: • B for Beneficiary. (Example A) • M for Member • D for QDRO account • R for 415(m) restoration account PAYEE is C/A for Contingent Annuitant. (Example B) CURR STAT is Surv for Survivor. (Example C) No data exists of the left side (Membership side) because this person is a survivor and did not work for the University.

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• • •

This is a sample screen for a student employee, identified by the Student (STU) code 3 or 4 as shown by Example A. Member’s last pay was 10/31/00. (Example B) Student employees do not necessarily make monthly contributions to the D.C. Plan.

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Fast Access F10 Screen

• • • • • • • • • • • •

FID ACT: Fidelity Account; Y or N CALV ACT: Calvert Account; Y or N LOAN: Y or N SPOUSE/DP NAME: Name on record for a spouse or DP DOB/TYPE: Date of Birth and type of dependant. DEPENDENTS: Y or N MEDICAL: Y or N; Coverage for retirees only DENTAL: Y or N; Coverage for retirees only LEGAL: Y or N; Coverage for retirees only 415(m) : Y if mbr participates in the 415(m) restoration plan TRAVELERS: Y if mbr is covered by Travelers insurance U114: Y if mbr has submitted a beneficiary form for retirement funds

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• • • • • •

Notepad is used to record any member inquiries requiring research, allowing the status to be displayed F1 will allow updating of the notepad • The format used is: Initials, Unit, Date and then note F4 will advance to the next page F7 will make a new page F8 will return to a previous page F11 will return to the screen viewed previous to notepad

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Membership System

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Membership A – Member Information Screen



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Most information on this page is found on the fast access with the exception of the Separation Date (Example A) and Employee I.D. (Example B) FLAG (Example C): The address flags will be: • N – Not an incorrect address •

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* – Bad address, mail was returned by post office and asterisk prevents

other system generated mail from being sent. • Y – Foreign address 12-88-BAL (Example D): 403(b) plan 12/88 balance. • May not be accurate LOA START - LOA END: Start and end dates for most recent Leave of Absences. Not all LOAs will appear only the most recent.

University of California Office of the President Revised 05/01/03


Membership B – All Retirement Plans for a Member



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This screen provides a summary of information regarding all plans Data at the top of the page is repeated and is also found on the Membership A screen Screen Information (Example A): • BASC: Totals for UCRP • VOL: Totals for 403b and DC Plan. • MBR: Total for all plans; 403b, DC Plan and UCRP This screen also shows the Employee number (Example B), and the 403b Maximum annual contribution (Example C) The screen also shows the break down if contributions and interest in each account; Current month contribution, Cumulative contribution, Total interest or units, Gain or Loss, and Plan total.

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Membership C – Retirement Plans Detail Screen



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Presents detailed information about a specific plan code This screen will show the last three transactions in each plan. (Example A) Any negative numbers are money that has been moved out of that account This screen shows (Example B): • CURR MO-ACTIVITY: Current month Activity • PAYROLL & INT: Credits/Debits and interest • PENDING-TRANS: Pending Transactions will show before being posted to plan balance. This usually occurs between the first monthly update (the 11th) and the large check write (the 25th)

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Membership F – Service Credit Screen



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Service Credit Detail Screen History: • Members records became computerized in 1982 • University became coordinated with Social Security on 04/01/1976 Example A • WORK YEAR: Based on Fiscal year; 07/01 – 06/30 • LOC CD: Location code • TITLE CD: Position Code • YTD-COV GROSS: Salary earned on a fiscal year basis • YTD-TIME: Months worked • YTD-SERV CREDIT: Service credit earned during fiscal year • ST: • W: Service credit was withdrawn from the system • R: Refund of UCRP accumulations or Moved to reserves • A: Active service credit Example B • PRE-COORD: Service Credit earned prior to 04/01/1976 • POST-COORD: Service earned between 04/01/76 - 1982

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By pressing F1 • The HAPC (Example A) will be displayed if there is one in the system • The Covered Gross Income and percent worked for previous month will also be displayed

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By pressing SHIFT F11: • The HAPC will again be displayed • The Monthly Covered Gross Salary is also displayed

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Membership K – Address Change




• • •

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Membership K is used to update the members address in the Membership System. After the address change has been input, press F2 and then F3 to save the change AUDIT STAMP: This Stamp is generated automatically by CICS whenever and address is changed. It will give the Date (ADDR-CHANGE-DATE) of the change and the RBP login of the person who changed the address. In the example above, the address was changed 10/07/02 by RBPAGC. (Example A) FLAG: The Flag field is used to indicate if the address is domestic (N) foreign (Y) or incorrect (*). (Example B) LIEN TYPE: Any lien on the members account will show here • T: Tax lien • Z: Disability lien • R: Reciprocity

University of California Office of the President Revised 05/01/03


Membership N – Name Search

This screen allows a search of the Membership system by last name Once a member is located, you move the curser to the name and navigate to the desired screen

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Membership R Financial Transaction –Screen

• • •

This screen shows all pending and past financial transactions Screen is sorted by social security number Hand issue checks do not always show up

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Membership T – Membership Check write Screen

• •

Confirms that a check from the membership system was sent Will show Check Number, Check Date, Check Amount, and distribution address.

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Membership U – Browse Checks by Name

This screen will show all the checks issued under the membership system sorted by social and searchable by name.

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Membership Z – CAP Screen


• •

• •

Shows all CAP allocations and interest earned to date Posting F Code (Example A): • Shows the status of the CAP account • Z: Funds were refunded to member • A: CAP account is active REFND: Shows that the CAP was withdrawn DATE: : • The date the account was credited with the funds

University of California Office of the President Revised 05/01/03


Membership “\” F11 – Buyback Detail


• • •

This screen shows all information regarding buybacks for any member. The buy back is organized by GTN number (In Example A). Left Side of Screen (Example A): • BB-TYPE: Shows why the buy back was granted • GTN: Changing the GTN will show information on all buy backs for any member. All possible GTNs for a specific member are located at the bottom of example A under OTHER-BUYBACK-RECORDS. • ACT SC POSTED: The actual service credit credited to the member’s account Right side of screen (Example B): • BB-PERIOD: The dates the bay back are to reinstate • BB-INSTLMNT: Date of the first payment • MOS-LEFT: The total number of months remaining in the buy back • INSTLMT-AMT: The cost per month for the buy back

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Annuitant System

University of California Office of the President Revised 05/01/03


Annuitant Payment A – Annuitant Information



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This screen allows for address changes to the Annuitant System • Pressing F2 will allow updates • It will also allow changes to the Check Address on Fast Access • Only change the Annuitant Address if there is active SurePay or the member has submitted the change in writing. TYPE: M, B, and D are most common (Example A) • M: Member • B: Beneficiary • D: Divorce • R: 415(m) restoration account LOC: Location Code (Example A) Annuitant Check Information (Example B) • RECOVERY AMT: Basis recovery amount left • PYR SUBJ RECOV: Basis already recovered • 415 Flag: Y indicates that the member has a 415 account. • When changing a 415 member account you have to change the address under Membership Type M and R. (Example A)

University of California Office of the President Revised 05/01/03


Annuitant Payment C – Payment Detail


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Screen shows all funds issued from the Annuitant System, when they started and when they will end Commonly Used PAY CODES (Example A): • 001 – Retirement Income (the 2nd 001 is the SS Supplement) • 002 – Pre-Retirement Survivor Income and DWE • 003 – Disability Income • 004 – COLA • 005 – Social Security Guarantee Supplement • 006 – PERS VERIP retirement annuity • 008 – PERS VERIP 25% COLA • 101 – Federal Tax withholding • 100 – California State tax withholding • 106 – Basis Recovery (non taxable amount) for the SS Supplement • 107 – Basis Recovery (non taxable amount)

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Annuitant Payment G – Surepay



• •

Shows the status of an annuitants Surepay Under Detail Records: • START DATE: The first month the check will be deposited (Example A) • BANK TRANSIT: Bank transit Number (Example B) • BANK ACCT NO: Account number (Example C)

University of California Office of the President Revised 05/01/03


Annuitant Payment E – Year-to-date information


• • • • • •


This screen shows all payments out of the Annuitant System for the Current year, the Last year, and all years prior. This screen shows both Hand-issue checks as well as system generated. The Payment codes are the same as Annuitant C screen (See page 29) This screen is helpful when members call regarding 1099Rs. THIS YEAR AMOUNT: Shows all annuitant payments during this calendar year. (Example A) LAST YEAR AMOUNT: Shows all annuitant payments during the last calendar year. (Example B)

University of California Office of the President Revised 05/01/03


Annuitant Payment N – Name Search

This screen allows a search of the Annuitant Payment system by last name Once a member is located, you move the curser to the name and navigate to the desired screen

University of California Office of the President Revised 05/01/03


Annuitant Insurance

University of California Office of the President Revised 05/01/03


Annuitant Insurance A – Member Information


• • •

Use this screen to change the address in the INS system This is the only place in CICS which will display a members phone number Press F2 to enter update mode, then make the necessary address updates in section A. Press F2 and then F1 to save the changes.

University of California Office of the President Revised 05/01/03


Annuitant Insurance B – Insurance Data


• • • •

This screen shows useful information about the member’s insurance. This screen is broken into three sections; Personal Data, Insurance Payment Data, and Insurance Disability and Medicare. Personal Data (Example A) Insurance Payment Data (Example B) • DP TAX FLAG: “0 or blank” indicates that we do not withhold state FICA for imputed income. Insurance Disability And Medicare • This section displays the Medicare status of the member and spouse under the MBR-MEDICARE, SPO-MEDICARE, and DPN-MEDICARE • This field can have the following values: • A – Medicare part A only • C – Member or Dependent is enrolled in both Medicare A and B • E – Member or dependant is covered under Employee Group Health Plan • O – There is currently a Medicare offset based on this individual • N – Member is not eligible for Medicare Part A free of cost

University of California Office of the President Revised 05/01/03


Annuitant Insurance C – Dependants Screen


• • • •



This screen shows all dependants listed on Member’s insurance MEDICAL: Effective date of Medical for Dependant (Example A) DENTAL: Effective date of Dental for Dependant (Example B) LEGAL: Effective date of Legal for Dependant (Example C)

University of California Office of the President Revised 05/01/03


Annuitant Insurance D – Insurance Carrier

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This screen shows the current coverage for the member’s account The carrier code indicates the most recent plans in which the member is enrolled, the type of coverage the member has and the Medicare status of the member and dependants. The Audit-Stamp indicates the date the coverage was changed in CICS. For Example, this member and dependant are enrolled in High Option effective 01/01/03 and the coverage was updated in CICS on 09/26/02. The STA field indicates whether the coverage is Active (A) or Inactive (I).

University of California Office of the President Revised 05/01/03


Annuitant Insurance E – Insurance Payment Detail


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Example A: • DESC – Two letter code for the health carrier • YR MO – The year and month of the insurance premium Example B: • PREMIUM – Gross Premium • UC-SHARE – Amount paid by the University • EE-SHARE – Amount deducted from the annuitants check

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• PART B – Amount of Medicare B refund if any TRANS (Example C): • REG – Regular monthly transaction • ADJ – Retroactive Adjustment

Annuitant Insurance G – Premium Balance

• • •

Shows the balance a member has in there account if they have to pay semiannually for insurance DEDUCTION LAST POSTED: Last amount deducted and applied to ins. DEPOSIT CURRENT BAL: Amount left in Account

University of California Office of the President Revised 05/01/03


Annuitant Insurance H – Premium Information

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This screen shows the premiums for any plan The system will display the premium based on the Plan Code, the Plan Year, the Graduated Eligibility information and the Location. This Plan is helpful in determining the rates for members who are on G.E. All of the Plan Codes can be found on the Insurance I screen

University of California Office of the President Revised 05/01/03


Annuitant Insurance I – Plan codes

• • •

This screen shows the Plan Codes for all the UC plans Pressing F4 will show the next page of plans If you enter the plan code at the top of the page and press F12, you will go to the Insurance H screen and the selected plans information will be displayed.

University of California Office of the President Revised 05/01/03


Annuitant Insurance N – Name Search

This screen allows a search of the Annuitant Insurance system by last name

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Once a member is located, you move the curser to the name and navigate to the desired screen

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University of California Office of the President Revised 05/01/03


Loan A – General Loan Information


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Shows all outstanding loans (Example A), including loan number, type, start date and current balance). Shows 403(b) account balance (Example B)

University of California Office of the President Revised 05/01/03


Loan B – Loan Data


• • •


This screen displays all information on any one loan All information is sorted by loan number. The most current loan numbers are located at the top of the page. (Example A) Left side of screen (Example B): • STATUS: Active or Inactive • APPLICAT’N: When the member requested the loan • CALL-UP: When the loan is scheduled to be funded • COMMITMENT: The date the loan paperwork was received • EXPIRATION: The date the loan request expires • FUNDING: The date the check was mailed • BALANCE: Current Balance of the loan Right Side of screen (Example C): • PHONE NUMBER • LOAN TYPE: S – Short, or L – Long • 1st – INSTL: Date of first payment • MATURITY: Date of last payment • GROSS-INT: The total interest rate on the loan • SERV-FEE: The amount of the gross interest which is service fee

University of California Office of the President Revised 05/01/03


Loan D – Loan Balance


• •

This screen shows current loan payoff amount, terms of the loan, and next payment due. POSTED (Example A): Shows all posted information • LIFE-TODATE: All cumulative totals for the life of the loan • CAL-YTD: All totals for the current calendar year • FISCAL-YTD: All totals for the current fiscal year (July 1 – June 30) • LAST-MONTH: Payment information for last month • THIS-MONTH: The payment structure expected for the next payment TO-DATE DOLLAR DISTRIBUTION BY PLAN (Example B): Shows how the payments have been credited to the 403(b)

University of California Office of the President Revised 05/01/03


Loan D F10 – Payoff Screen

• • •

This screen shows two possible payoff amounts NEW-BAL: • Before the monthly update (From the 1st to the 12th): not used. • After the month update: This is the current balance due. THEO-BAL: • Before the update: This is the current balance • After the update: This is the amount taking into account the next payment. It is important to remember that it takes one month to update campus payroll. When advising a member of the payoff amount, always indicate that there may be one additional deduction.

University of California Office of the President Revised 05/01/03


Loan F – Loan Servicing Screen



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This screen gives details on payments OTHER-TT (Example A): Shows all transactions in the account. • FP: Forecast Payment. Normal payment sent from campus payroll • CU: Curtailment. Partial re-payment of the loan • PO: Payoff. Full payoff of the loan (Note: There may be one additional payment required) SEQ-NO (Example B): By entering the number located to the right of the transaction code (OTHER-TT) a full detail of the transaction will be displayed in the lower left area of the screen (Example C).

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Loan L – Processing/Funding/Origination

• • •

This screen can be very MISLEADING. It will show the amount the member can borrow, IF THE MEMBER IS ELIGIBLE. This screen does not determine if the member is eligible for a loan. AVAIL NEW LOAN AMT: The maximum amount the IVR/Web will allow the member to request. AVAIL SHORT REFI AMT: The maximum amount the IVR/Web will allow the member to request on a refinance.

University of California Office of the President Revised 05/01/03


Index 1 1099R ......................................................................32 12-88-BAL...............................................................15 1st-INSTL .................................................................47

4 403(b) Account Balance...................................................46 Maximum Annual Contribution ...........................16 415(m) restoration............................................10, 29

A ACCOUNT TYPE ...................................................29 ACT SC POSTED ..................................................27 ADDR-CHANGE-DATE.........................................21 Address Change Annuitant .............................................................29 Insurance ............................................................35 ANN TYPE ..............................................................10 APPLICAT’N..........................................................47 AUDIT STAMP........................................................21 authorization code....................................................4 AVAIL NEW LOAN AMT ....................................51 AVAIL SHORT REFI AMT..................................51

B BALANCE...............................................................47 BASC.......................................................................16 BB-INSTLMNT .......................................................27 BB-PERIOD............................................................27 BB-TYPE.................................................................27 B-POSTED ..............................................................48 Buy Back ................................................................27

C CALL-UP ................................................................47 CAL-YTD ................................................................48 CAP allocations ......................................................26 DATE...................................................................26 F - CODE.............................................................26 carrier code .............................................................38 CCL ............................................................................7 COMMITMENT.....................................................47 contingent annuitant ..............................................10 Covered Gross Income.......................................19 CU ............................................................................50 CURR MO-ACTIVITY............................................17 CURR STAT ...........................................................10

D DEDUCTION LAST POSTED..............................40 DepCare ....................................................................7

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DEPOSIT CURRENT BAL .................................. 40 DESC ...................................................................... 39 Distribution Check Amount ..................................................... 24 Check Date .......................................................... 24 Check Number ..................................................... 24 DP TAX FLAG ....................................................... 36 DPN-MEDICARE................................................... 36

E EE-SHARE ............................................................. 39 Employee I.D................................................... 15, 16 EXPIRATION ........................................................ 47

F Fast Access.......................................................... 5, 6 FED/ST TAX ............................................................ 7 financial transactions............................................. 23 FISCAL-YTD ......................................................... 48 FLAG................................................................. 15, 21 FP............................................................................. 50 FUNDING ............................................................... 47

G Graduated Eligibility ........................................... 41 GROSS ...................................................................... 7 GROSS-INT............................................................ 47 GTN ......................................................................... 27

H HAPC ............................................................ 7, 19, 20 Health Plan Code........................................... 41, 42 History ..................................................................... 18

I Imputed Income tax.................................................. 36 INSTLMT AMT....................................................... 27 Insurance dependants .......................................... 37

L LAST PAY ................................................................ 7 LAST YEAR AMOUNT ......................................... 32 LAST-MONTH ...................................................... 48 LIENS.................................................................. 7, 21 LIFE-TODATE ...................................................... 48 LOA......................................................................... 15 Loan Current Balance................................................. 46 Loan Data........................................................... 47 Loan Number ............................................... 46, 47 Loan type............................................................ 46 Start Date ........................................................... 46 Loan payments ...................................................... 50


Loan payoff .......................................................48, 49 LOAN TYPE ...........................................................47 Location Code .........................................7, 18, 29, 41

M MATURITY ............................................................47 MBR .........................................................................16 MBR STAT................................................................7 MBR-MEDICARE...................................................36 Medicare Eligibility ..................................................36 MEM TYPE ............................................................10 Membership Address.................................................................21 Membership Check write ..........................................24 Membership System .................................................14 MOS-LEFT..............................................................27

N NET CHECK AMT ..................................................7 NEW-BAL ...............................................................49 Notepad ...................................................................13

O OPTION ....................................................................7 OTHER-BUYBACK-RECORDS ..........................27 OTHER-TT .............................................................50

P Part B ......................................................................40 PAY CODES...........................................................30 PAYEE.......................................................................7 PAYROLL & INT....................................................17 PENDING-TRANS .................................................17 percent worked.....................................................19 Phone Number Insurance ..............................................................35 Loans ....................................................................47 PHONE-NUMBER .................................................47 PO.............................................................................50 POST-COORD .......................................................18 PRE-COORD ..........................................................18 PREMIUM ...............................................................39 PYI/TRIP...................................................................7 PYR SUBJ RECOV ...............................................29

S Separation Date ................................................... 15 SEQ-NO ................................................................... 50 SERV-FEE.............................................................. 47 Service credit ......................................................... 18 SPO-MEDICARE................................................... 36 ST ............................................................................ 18 STA.......................................................................... 38 STATUS .................................................................. 47 Surepay................................................................... 31 Bank Acct ............................................................ 31 Bank Transit......................................................... 31 Start Date ............................................................. 31 SUREPAY FLG/DTE .............................................. 7 SW ............................................................................. 7 System Codes Fast Access ............................................................ 7 Loans ................................................................... 50

T THEO-BAL............................................................. 49 THIS YEAR AMOUNT .......................................... 32 THIS-MONTH ....................................................... 48 TITLE CD................................................................ 18 TO-DATE-DOLLAR-DISTRIBUTION-BY-PLAN ............................................................................. 48 TOT SC ..................................................................... 7 TOTAL DED/REIMB.............................................. 7 TOTAL TAX ............................................................ 7 TRANS.................................................................... 40

U UBEN 114................................................................ 12 UCRP DT .................................................................. 7 UC-SHARE............................................................. 39 user identification....................................................... 3 USHC ........................................................................ 7

V VERIP ....................................................................... 7 VOL ......................................................................... 16

W WORK YEAR......................................................... 18

R RECOVERY AMT ..................................................29 REFND ....................................................................26 RET CD .....................................................................7 RETIRE DATE .........................................................7

University of California Office of the President Revised 05/01/03

Y YR MO .................................................................... 39 YTD-COV GROSS ................................................ 18 YTD-SERV CREDIT.............................................. 18 YTD-TIME............................................................... 18


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