Church Profile

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 34
CHU RC H OF CH RI ST A T Q UE ZO N CI T Y Bansalangin St. cor Dangay, Project 7, Quezon City Tel No. 4106307

G R E E T I N G S: We, your brothers and sisters in the Church of Christ at Quezon City (Project 7), in Metro Manila, have been your partners in God’s ministry in our community for the past 29 years. It has been our fervent prayer to the Heavenly Father to be blessed with more strength to continue serving Him. With our renewed commitment, we are presently engrossed in our plan to build a new church building that will serve as sanctuary for anyone who needs God’s reassuring presence and where the activities and programs of the church will be accommodated. We have embarked in an ambitious project of making this Church the center of early Christian education in our community, which is vital to our evangelism mission. We are blessed with a good property which is ideally located, accessible by mass transportation and in a good and clean neighborhood. But the old, termite-ridden and out-moded church building has to be torn down to give way for the facilities we will need. We now have the building plan, and the estimated project cost is Php 25 million (about US $500,000). With our meager resources, we are committed to raise one-tenth (Php 2.5 million) of the cost and the rest, we pray, will be from your support. We are seeking the help of brethren, cluster of brethren, churches, or cluster of churches who can pledge US $1,000 each to streamline this campaign. We have stretched the fund-raising period to two years to provide our sponsors a more convenient time to schedule their pledges.

We encourage that you read through this Church Profile to learn more about our Church and this endeavor. We trust you will join us to realize this project for the glory of our Lord.

In His Name, The Church

The Church is strategically located at the heart of Quezon City • • •

The Vicinity Map illustrates how the Church of Christ at Project 7 can serve a bigger number of people who seek Christ and can extend its service to neighboring communities. It is easily accessible via public transport, i.e. via Metro Rail Transit (MRT) and other public utility transport, from different points in Quezon City and Metro Manila. The regular attendees of Bible study sessions conducted by the Evangelism Ministry may easily visit the church. Attendees from southern Metro Manila may easily attend Worship and other church activities via the MRT and other public transport. The proximity of the Church with various establishments, i.e. government offices and shopping malls, gives the Church advantage in terms of exposure and inviting more people to visit and become members of the congregation.

Growing membership • • •

Presently, the Church accommodates more than 100 members, who reside at Project 7 and in neighboring communities. Membership has improved in size with the efforts of the Ministries set-up by the Board of Elders. To date, the Church has 14 different bible study groups within Metro Manila and has encouraged a number of regular church attendees from neighboring places such as Westriverside, Commonwealth Avenue, and Libis and is expected to grow even larger with the reinforcement of the Church’s evangelical work.

To further community • • •







The Church envisions to construct a Pre-School Learning Center in the first floor of the church building as a significant tool in introducing the Church to the community. The Leadership recognizes that educating the children at their tender age is an effective means of transcending the Word of Christ. Further, the parents of the students may also be encouraged to participate in Church activities and eventually may be inspired to join the congregation.

To facilitate activities and fellowships with other Churches •

To realize its objective of engendering camaraderie among the congregation and members of the other Churches of Christ, the new church building can provide adequate facilities and needed venues for various church activities. More importantly, the Church will now be able to sponsor bigger events like, fellowships with other Churches and other activities.






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(for security) 2. DONATION SCHEME How much are you willing to donate? ______________________ How are you going to remit your donation to us? (please check)  Remit to your area coordinator  Deposit directly to our bank account (US $ Account No. ) What will be your mode of remittance?  Monthly  Quarterly  Annually

 Others _____________

How did you come to know about this project?  Website  Direct Letter/  Area Coordinator

Church Profile ___________________________

_______________________________________ Sponsor’s Signature


_____________________ Date

How to become a Protected Sponsor 1. Fill up the “Sponsor Commitment Form” which can be found attached at the back of the Church Profile or may be downloaded from the Church website: http://www.________________. You can thereafter send this Form to us through the following means: a. Submit to your appointed area coordinator in your area, if any. (We shall be appointing coordinators, if available, in your area to directly communicate with us); or b. Send it back directly to us through regular mail addressed to Church of Christ at Quezon City (Proj 7 Church of Christ) under P.O. Box ______; or c. Send it through electronic mail through this address: [email protected]. 2. We shall acknowledge receipt of your accomplished Form through electronic mail or regular mail, if necessary. We shall also advise your area coordinator, if applicable. 3. We shall send you an identification card bearing a control number which shall be used as you control number of all donations that we shall receive in our US $ Account No. _____________. This I.D. will also be our way of identifying you when you come to visit us in the Philippines to avail of Sample I.D. card the privileges of being a Sponsor of our Church. 4. You can give your donations to your coordinator, if any or send directly to our US $ Account No. _____________. 5. Please advise us through email or through regular mail, if necessary, of any donations you have given either to your area coordinator or through a direct deposit in our bank account, indicating the date you have made the transaction and the amount of the said transaction. 6. We shall acknowledge through electronic mail or through regular mail, if necessary, as soon as the donation you have made shall have been credited to our account. 7. Rest assured that your donation shall be exclusively used for our Church Building Construction Project and not for any other purpose. 8. For your reference, we shall be posting weekly updates in our website and send through email or regular mail, if necessary, to keep you up to date with the development of the project through actual pictures, financial report and work progress development graph.

The first missionaries of the Church of Christ arrived in the Philippines together with, the establishment of the American civil government in 1901. In the early days, the missionaries experienced great difficulty in propagating the Gospel of Christ because of the long and embedded religious tradition which has been taught and practiced by the Filipinos for over 300 years. But the American missionaries remained unfazed. And with their efforts, the Gospel of the New Testament Church razed like fire throughout the country. In 1953, the teachings of Christ reached Quezon City and finally the early members of the Project 7 Church of Christ through the efforts of the Church of Christ at Cruzada by conducting meetings at Roosevelt Street (Pitimini), San Francisco del Monte, Quezon City. The meetings grew into regular gatherings where the Gospel of Salvation was shared. This was reinforced by the personal evangelism of the members of the Cruzada Church of Christ. Soon the missionaries decided to transfer the church services to the house of Mrs. Carrie Wolfe. Mrs. Wolfe opened her “retirement home” for evangelism where the first small group was organized through Bro. Lungat and an elder of the Church of Christ at Cruzada. And from this small Leslie and Carrie nucleus, a Church grew. Wolfe


was in 1956 when the first congregation was established at Pitimini Street. Mrs. Wolfe would hire a public transport to pick-up families who usually attended service at different Churches in Manila. The church

services were facilitated through the assistance of our Brothers and Sisters from different Churches. Evangelism was extended to the surrounding communities through Bible study sessions held every Sunday afternoon and every day during the Early members of Proj 7 Church of summer for children. With the effort of Mrs. Wolfe, Christ then meeting at Mrs. Wolfe’s the missionaries and members, the flock at Pitimini home at Pitimini Street. multiplied. Barton and Betty McElroy took over the congregation when Mrs. Wolfe met her Creator. In the early part of the 1960s, a small parcel of land, measuring 625 square meters located at Bansalangin corner Dangay St., was purchased for the purpose of establishing a permanent house for the growing members of the Church. Groundbreaking and dedication for the church was held in 1964. Financial donations poured in from various Churches in Manila. Barton and Betty McElroy

Thus, on the 17th day of April 1977, the Church held its first service in the new building where the current Church of Christ at Project Seven stands. A total of 32 individuals were present during the first service at the Worship Hall of the Church. Twenty-four were adults and eight were children. Sunday School was taught dividing the attendees into groups for adults and for children.

Pastor Bonifacio Martin served as minister for over 20 years from the 1970s until 2001 and then was formally succeeded by Pastor Vergilio Palang as Senior Pastor in 2002 up to the present.

Project 7 Church of Christ then

From its humble beginnings at Pitimini Street, until it finally transferred to its present location at Project 7, the Church has untiringly strived to spread the Gospel of Christ and encouraged others to accept Christ. At present, the congregation consists of men, women, youth and children who hail from Project 7 and from

neighboring communities. There is also a growing number of regular church attendees who come from adjacent cities and municipalities and at times worshipers from different provinces. Currently, the church is home to 110 regular worshipers. This figure excludes the rapidly

growing youth members.



The Church is guided under the stewardship of Pastor Vher Palang, who became full time Senior Pastor of the Church in 2002 after serving as part-time evangelist and assistant to Pastor Bonifacio Martin for two (2) years. He has served the Lord for over seven years as Senior Pastor of the Church of Christ at Calapan, Mindoro and at Galas, Quezon, City. The Board of Elders, which serves as the robust pillars of the Church, is composed of six wise and inspired men. The Elders serve as the overseer of the congregation, who labor for the growth and development of its members. Each elder heads a particular ministry. The Christian

Education Ministry is under the tutelage of Pastor Ver Palang. Bro. Noel Obispo leads the Evangelism Ministry. The Worship and Music Ministry is co-chaired by Bro. Atoie Conte and Bro. Renato Mallari. The Finance Ministry, which handles the finances of the Church, is headed by Bro. Dado Leonardo. The Property and Space Ministry is headed by Bro. Noe Delfin. Bro. Oliver B. Peneyra currently heads the Property Development Team. The Elders work hand-inhand in fulfilling the mission of Christ on earth. The Elders are responsible in making sure that the members grow into spiritually-mature Christians.

Thus, spiritual growth is always a consideration in its conceptualization of programs, projects, guidelines and principles for the congregation. Administrative concerns and all major decisions of the Board of Elders are resolved through a consensus and under the guiding light of Jesus Christ. The Board of Elders is supported by a hardworking and inspired army of Deacons and Lady Christian Workers (Deaconesses), numbering at 13 and 19 respectively.

Present Church Leaders Minister: Vergilio Palang Elders: Atoie Conte Noe Delfin Diosdado Leonardo Renato Mallari Noel Obispo Oliver Peneyra Deacons: Vic Arnante Joven Flores Rainier Aliwate Dicko Leron Renante Aliwate RomuloSevillena Ronald Aliwate Ric Tanghal Zach Camacho Jophet Tiongson Jun Conte Jerry Vagilidad Albert Flores Jimmy

Lady Christian Workers (Deaconesses): Lydia Aguila Mallari Auring Aliwate Obispo Dyne Arnante Genie Camacho Aida Canda Josephine Conte Tactacan Tess Conte Dette Dela Pena Glen Delfin Gigi Leonardo

Thelma Belle Ruth Palang Cora Pelagio Zenaida Peneyra Rosalinda Esther Sevillena Precy Tanghal Leah Valerio

Christian Education Ministry The Christian Education Ministry (CEM) is responsible for the religious education of the congregation of Project 7. With the growth and maturity of the church members as its primary goal, the CEM has continuously remodeled its program and curricula to adapt to their needs. The CEM believes that focus must be made on the quality of the growth and maturity of the members as Christians and not merely on the quantity or number of Men’s bible study group the congregation. The CEM, therefore, oversees the entire educational program of the Church and ensures that the Bible study programs are in line with the vision and mission of the Church. The CEM also assists the other ministries in their respective projects and extends services in terms of the materials necessary for Christian education. It also works closely with the pastor for the purpose of selecting and training members to become qualified leaders and teachers of the Church, i.e. teachers, worship leaders, deacons, deaconesses, and elders. In addition, the CEM assists the pastor in conceptualizing essential programs for the members such as retreats and seminars. The CEM is presently headed by Pastor Ver Palang. Small-group Bible study The CEM undertakes to provide Christian education to the members through the Small Group Bible study program. This program was developed when Pastor Ver Palang was inspired by the phrase, “growing larger and smaller at the same time.” After having long adhered to the traditional congregation-type of Bible study, wherein all adults and youngadults were put together in one class,

Adult women’s bible study group

the CEM introduced the small-group type of Bible study with the PurposeDriven series as its main curriculum. The CEM divided the congregation into several groups, consisting of the Men, Women, Elderly, Adults, Youth and Teen’s department in which the Elders act as facilitators for each class.

Young adults’ bible study group

The Teens group during their bible study

Children’s Sunday School The CEM also conducts a regular Bible study program with children ages 4 to 12 years. It implements child-friendly methods in teaching the Gospel of Christ, Jesus’ life story and other valuable lessons from the Bible. This program also incorporates the Purpose-Driven series as its main curriculum. The ministry also comes up with various enjoyable activities that is integrated in the Bible study program for the children. The children experience an enjoyable time under the CEM Bible study program and at the same time learns the Gospel of Christ. The Children’s Sunday School currently has four (4) departments, namely, Beginners, Primary, Middlers and Juniors which are being handled by ten (10) volunteer teachers. Sunday school teacher and kids

Vacation Bible School (VBS) Being the future members and leaders of the Church, the children play an important role in the Church. They are seen as the hope of the Church who will continue the works of Christ not only in Project 7, but in other places in the Philippines as well. Thus, the CEM organizes an annual summer Vacation Bible School (VBS), participated in by children ages 4 to 12 years. In this summer program, the children engage in enriching activities where they learn the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, biblical stories and valuable lessons. They are taught of the importance of having Jesus Christ in their lives. They are also encouraged to have a relationship with God and to practice the things that they learn from the program in their day-to-day living. Outreach to West Riverside Children Even with the conclusion of the VBS, students and their parents, mostly residents of the West Riverside Community, continued to join us in our Sunday worship. After a few weeks, however, the Church noticed a sharp decline in their attendance. When asked the reason for this, a resident replied that with their meager resources, they could not afford to go to church every Sunday. Thus, the CEM decided to “bring the Church to the community.” And on June 2004, the CEM developed a weekly devotion for the kids, as an extension of the Children’s Sunday Teacher Liv (above) with the school program. Led by Teacher Liv Peneyra, children of West Riverside kids from the community, ages 4-13 years community old, meet up every Saturday in one house and there they learn praise songs, listen to Bible stories and do their activities and worksheets.   

Evangelism Ministry The Church reaches out and shares the Word of God to the community through the Evangelism Ministry. It is responsible for conceptualizing effective means of spreading God’s Good News and encouraging not only the members of the Church but also the members of the community to read the Bible. The Evangelism Ministry, headed by Pastro Ver Palang and assisted by

Bro Noe Obispo, directly supervises the Home Bible Study and the Small Group Bible study programs. One of the primary functions of the Ministry is to encourage the congregation to invite non-members to conduct Bible study sessions in their homes, neighborhood, workplaces, etc. A number of regular Home Bible Study sessions are currently being conducted in Tandang Sora, Commonwealth Avenue and Libis, Quezon City. Students Bible sharing with University of the from the University of the Philippines at Philippines Diliman students Diliman have also consistently participated in the Bible study sessions held in the campus. As a result of which, the household who partake in the Home Bible Study have also regularly attended Sunday Worships. The Ministry coordinates with the Board of Elders for the implementation of its functions and projects. It recommends plans and strategies for the improvement of its primary task, which is to evangelize. The Ministry also facilitates the training and development of teachers in the Home Bible Study and Small Group programs. The Ministry works closely with the pastor as well in the synchronization of Church and Some of Ptr projects of the other ministries. It Ver’s home is also tasked with evaluating and bible study planning of congregational services for the purpose of improving the same. It keeps the other Ministries updated as regards the methods, materials, principles and procedures in the conduct of evangelism and other programs of the ministry.   

Worship and Music Ministry The Worship and Music Ministry (WMM) is tasked with the preparations for the weekly Sunday Worship. It is responsible for providing the Worship program and music. The group also offers their musical talents in special occasions such as in Thanksgiving celebrations, fellowships, Church anniversaries and other programs. The ministry is

under the guidance of Bro. Atoie Conte and Bro. Renato Mallari. The group consists of a five-piece band, led by Bro. Jerry Vagilidad and a worship leader who is supported by four backup vocalists. The ministry’s mission is to become a purpose-driven ensemble and elicit a highly spiritual Worship every Sunday. And as a way of reaching out to the community, the ministry also visits various places to hold a Praise and Worship sessions. Spiritual Upliftment & Rededication The ministry holds a Spiritual Upliftment and Rededication Activity whereby the pastor imparts spiritual motivation to the members to allow them to acquire wisdom and improve their service to the Lord through music. The members of the WMM, recommits to their calling through the Rededication Activity. With the blessing of the Elders, they believe that God has poured His blessings and guidance in the ministry they serve. Music Training On March 2005, the ministry conducted weekly music training for the members of

the congregation. The purpose of which is to encourage the other members of the Church to discover their musical talents and to use the same in serving the Lord. The training emphasized that Music for the Lord is not merely about singing and playing the instruments but more importantly it is for the purpose of offering pleasure to God. Music Camp As part of its mission to make fellowship with the other churches, the ministry joins various activities in different parts of the Philippines. The ministry joins the Praise Theme in its Music Camp held every two years for musically-inclined Christians. The Camp is for those who are interested in learning to play musical instruments and also for those who desire to improve their musical skills. The purpose of the Music Camp is to encourage Christians to share their God-given talents to others and to enlighten them that they can serve the Lord through music. Music Workshops

Participants of the Music

In addition, on Camp led by Sis Abie Bagain November 2005, the ministry was invited to Calapan, Mindoro for a workshop for Christian musicians. It was a oneday event of spiritual motivation on how to improve themselves in the music ministry. Lectures on music theory, worship leading and hands-on instrument playing were conducted.   

Property and Space Ministry The Property and Space Ministry (PSM) consists of Christians who look after the use and maintenance of the Church’s facilities and equipment. This ministry formulates measures to maximize the utility of the Church’s amenities in achieving its objectives.

The PSM works in close coordination with the other ministries of the Church. It extends assistance to the Music Ministry and Christian Education Ministry by conducting an annual evaluation of its respective needs in terms of space allocations and rearrangement or adjustments of their designated areas. It submits proposals to the Finance Ministry and to the Board of Elders for prospective acquisitions that may be necessary in furthering the missions of the Church. The ministry also assists in preparing and providing facilities for activities, fellowships, trainings, and seminars that are held within the Church’s premises. A Chairman and a Co-Chairman, who are assisted by the Maintenance, House Keeping and Store Keeper Personnels, head the ministry. Bro. Noe Delfin and Bro. Dado Leonardo currently serve as Chairman and CoChairman, respectively.   

Finance Ministry The Finance Ministry handles the finances of the Church and ensures transparency in the reporting of the Church’s utilization of its financial resources. The Ministry is headed by Bro. Dado Leonardo, as Treasurer. The duties of the Finance Ministry include the collection and accounting of offerings, donations and pledges, disbursement of Church expenses, including the Minister’s salary, Musicians’ Bro Dado Leonardo reporting the Church’s honorarium and expenses of the ministries. Further, the Finance financial statement to the Ministry handles book keeping of funds and congregation receipts, safekeeping of records, books and vouchers, and provides periodic financial reports and annual budget reports.

  

Cheerful Ladies of Seven The Cheerful Ladies of Seven signifies that the women of Project Seven Church of Christ also play a significant role. This Ministry is composed of adult women, most of whom are deaconesses, who support all the activities and programs of the Church. As servants of the Lord, they assist in the preparation of the Lord’s Table and in the collection of offerings during Sunday Worship. The Cheerful Ladies is a member of the Christian Women of Metro Manila (CWMM). As part of their activities, they join other women groups from different churches in fellowships and gatherings. The Cheerful Ladies also conduct their own fellowship once a month. The group is also in charge of the beautification of the Church and its surroundings as well as planning of programs and presentations in special occasions and preparation in luncheon fellowships. They also come up with ideas for special projects and work hand-in-hand in its implementation. This Ministry believes in the principle that there is strength in working together and in helping one another.   

Prayer Support Group The Prayer Support Group (PSG) is a ministry composed mostly of elderly women members of Project 7. It primarily functions as the

Church’s Prayer Support System. They are responsible for praying for the members of the Church, the leaders, ministries and all its activities and projects.   

Christian Youth Ministry Upon realizing the need to unify the Youth of Project Seven into one vision and mission, the Church formed the Christian Youth Ministry (CYM). The CYM’s purpose is to reach out to the youth of the Church and also to the community. It endeavors to inspire the youth to engender a dynamic relationship with God and to encourage them to lead a purpose-driven life. The Ministry provides activities, programs and support for the youth and undertakes to impart the Word of God to them so that they may know the story of Christ’s life and inspire them to be like Him. The CYM also encourages them to reach out to the members of the community who have not yet been enlightened by Christ. The CYM regularly conducts various programs all throughout the year. Monthly Youth Fellowship To strengthen their bond with each other and to welcome new comers and visitors as well, the Youth holds a fellowship every last Sunday of the month. Its activities are usually related to the Vision/Mission of the Church and especially, on the relevant and current issues or needs they face as growing teenagers and adults. Berean Nights To deepen their relationship with God and to better understand God’s part in their growth as mature Christians, the CYM developed a Bible study program exclusively for the teenage and young-adult members of the Church. Every Friday night, they gather in the church grounds and have an interactive discussion on the Word of God, group dynamics

and reflection/meditation prayers. It also became an opportunity for them to invite their “unchurched” friends and introduce God into their lives. Youth Month To better understand and experience the different ways one could serve God, serve others and the Church, the CYM holds a Youth month every October. For the next five (5) Sundays of October, the Youth will acts as Deacon, Deaconess and Elder or as a Teacher or Assistant Teacher for the Children’s Sunday School. Others will also be the Worship leader and instrumentalists for the Worship service. In this way, they will be able to further develop their skills, talents and qualities God has given them for their ministry and prepare themselves for their future roles in the Church.

Preparations by PDT In anticipation project, the Church has made



preparations as to its facilities to accommodate worshipers during the construction phase of the new building. Thus, on 26 January 2006 the

congregation worked together in cementing the church grounds, which will serve as the worship area when the new building of

this Church is being built. A huge tent shall be set-up on the church grounds to provide comfort to the church attendees. The congregation has committed to shoulder 10% of the total cost of the building. Hence, the Board of Elders has set-up the Property Development Team (PDT) headed by Bro. Oliver B. Peneyra and the Secretariat, which is supervised by Bro. Jimmy Valerio, to come up with projects in the attainment of the Church’s vision for a new church building.

Other Preparations On February 12, 2006, the CYM organized a Dinner-Date Fellowship for the members of the Church. Couples were treated to a nice and elegant dinner. The proceeds of the event was the first fund to be deposited for the church building project. On April 12, 13 and 14, 2006, the Church opened its gates to the public for a musical play entitled Calvary’s Love, which was an adaptation of the play written by Greg Nelson, Tom Fettke, Phill McHugh and Don Cason. The musical play was directed by Bro. Faust Peneyra. The The Cast, Band and proceeds of the play was likewise set aside to Production Staff of “Calvary’s be used for the reconstruction of the church Love” building. The Finance Ministry has also set-up an exclusive account to handle the funds for the church building project

Considering that the Church has placed emphasis on evangelism and spiritual growth and maturity of the members, it envisages an even bigger congregation in the coming years. The Church’s untiring efforts for evangelism have proven that it has greater potential in fortifying its mission in Quezon City and in extending its activities in different parts of Metro Manila. The Church endeavors to continue and strengthen its projects and activities in Project 7 and in neighboring communities. With this, the Church believes that it will be able to embrace more people to become believers of Christ. The Church further seeks to broaden its membership base. It is the vision of the Church to draw people from all walks of life and inspire them through the story of Jesus Christ. A new and bigger church building will be able to make the Church realize this vision. The growing membership and the evolving set of needs of the members made the Leadership realize that it is time for a new church

building that will be able to accommodate a larger number of attendees with adequate and suitable facilities and equipment. Presently, the Church stands on a 625-square meter lot located at Bansalangin corner Dangay St, which was procured in the 1960s. With its strategic location and ample size, the Congregation envisages a four-storey church, with accommodation capacity of 300 attendees, adequate space for the different Ministries and with facilities for a pre-school learning center. The ground floor will house six classrooms for the pre-school learning center. The ground floor will also have offices for the pastors, a conference room, a reception area and a lobby. All of the classrooms and the conference room may be used for varied purposes. The Worship Hall will be located in the second floor, together with the Women’s Hall Area. The Baptism Area will also be located in the Worship Hall. The third floor will house a library that may be used by the members for study and Bible reading. The pastoral house will be located in the fourth floor. The classrooms for the pre-school center will also be used for other Church activities like rooms for Sunday Schools, Bible Study sessions etc. Presently, some Small Group Sunday school classes are being held inside and outside of the Worship Hall and in tents as makeshift classrooms. The new classrooms will enhance the effectiveness of the Bible study sessions by providing a convenient place for sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Moreover, it will encourage more people to attend the Small Group sessions and other Church activities. With the new church building, a dynamic and larger Church membership will evolve, with members from different professions, of various ages, both men and women and from different parts of the Philippines.


The Ground floor carries the classrooms for the planned PreSchool Learning Center, playground for the children/future students, as well as the parking area. There will also be a reception and lobby area wherein the parents can interact with each other while waiting for their children to finish their classes. The classrooms may also be used


The Second floor carries the main sanctuary, a lounge area, Women’s Hall area, Choir room and a room for the preparation of the Lord’s Table. The Women’s Hall Area may also be used for other purposes, like venue for


On the Third floor, there will be a balcony area of the main sanctuary and the control room. There will Counselling Library.

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The Third Floor also has 2 studio-type rooms with their own bathrooms which can be


The two (2 )Pastoral Homes will be on the Fourth floor. There will also be a Youth Center, a Prayer room and a Lounge area.

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