Chu - Planning Matrix - Week 5

  • July 2020
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  • Words: 239
  • Pages: 1

GOAL(S): Finalization of projects and presentations, Assessment of students

Monday Students will continue work on their project.

Tuesday No Class

Wednesday 12-15 Minute Presentation on Topics

Thursday No Class

Friday Introduction. Bring up topics addressed in presentations. Facilitate a discussion of topics. Perhaps debates?

Students will finish creation of final project.


The students will be finishing their proposals and readying their presentations.

Students will present, other students will observe and fill in blank topic outline for each presentation. Students will also fill out a self assessment rubric to determine if they feel they have accomplished the goals of the project.

Students will be discussing controversies in topics and debating among themselves with some teacher direction.


Teacher will be assisting students in whatever way possible, aside from actually doing the work of students.

Teacher will be assessing project based on rubric.

Teacher will introduce the topics as covered by the students and will be facilitating a classroom discussion and debate, acting as moderator rather than a lecturer.


These students will learn about African topics of importance, research, and group projects through investigation.

Students should show understanding of research, synthesizing information, working in a group, and African material.

Teacher will know through a predetermined rubric. Students will know about their topic, origins, solutions, possible new solutions. Discussion and debate will reinforce these concepts.

CI 401 – Conceptual Humanities Unit – Discovering Africa 12/8/2009

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