Chronicle Dec 31 08

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Bleak Future Will Continue Say Officials By Barney Blakeney What does S.C. Sen. Robert Ford, Charleston County Councilman Teddy Pryor and Charleston City Councilman Robert Mitchell all have in common? They each see tough times ahead in 2009. As President-elect Barack Obama prepares to take office Jan. 20 he is inheriting a nation in an economic recession. Locally, some of the fall out from that recession is proposed public school closures, a floundering port industry and increasing unemployment. Ford, Pryor and Mitchell shared their prospects for the upcoming year amid such financial turmoil. The state’s economic crunch is causing other major financial woes, said Ford. To see its total impact would take an indepth study, but in the absence of such a study state employees can expect some mandatory unpaid furloughs from work and less efficient government, he said. Everybody’s in for some suffering as the state wrestles with a $8 billion budg-

Saving the African-American ChildA Community Responsibility

et shortfall, Ford said. To help ease some of that suffering he suggests people start spending more money. See pg 2

County Councilman Pryor

City Councilman Mitchell

By Dr. Luther Seabrook I have little sympathy for the alleged budget shortfall for our School Board’s operating budget. Is this a ploy to raise our taxes again? Did we not witness a School Board action that not only agreed to fund the needs of a proposed Charter School but appropriated more money than had been requested? The issue may be stewardship. Can we forget the millions of dollars given to the James Island Charter School, with a former Chair of the Board as its champion that resulted in such a surplus of dollars at the school that everyone received a bonus; with a proposal to include students in the monetary rewards? The shortage seems to only exist for the students of poor Black parents. For others there is always cash available. The issue is stewardship.

When I questioned the behavior of the Board in reference to the additional resources awarded to the Math and Science Charter, the response was, “Whatever Arthur wants, Arthur gets.” Is our School Board so intimidated by this aging buffoon who recently exhibited his power to con-

trol while using racist and sexist remarks to staff? To his credit, I must say he is an equal opportunity abuser of women – a step forward. Year after year, at budget time, this School Board violates our sense of fairness by “pimping” off the condition of underachieving students attendSee pg 2

Dr. Luther Seabrook

“Many of these students are poor and Black, victims not of benign

neglect but of intentional neglect by our School Board. Busing these students into a decreasing number of schools as well as into predominately white schools, will mask the problem of the process of undereducation now taking place on the islands and downtown.” Luther Seabrook.

Lincoln High St. John’s High Baptist Hill Haut Gap Brentwood Middle Charlestowne Academy




Jerry Reves An Advocate For Diversity At MUSC By Barney Blakeney In honoring Dr. Jerry Reves for his outstanding contributions, leadership and trailblazing efforts to diversity with the Jerry Reves Scholarship Endowment, the University Medical Associates recognizes Reves’ commitment to making diversity a hallmark at all levels at the Medical University of South Carolina’s College

Medicine, launched a 5year plan. Departmental heads were charged with developing diversity plans and forums were held with students, staff and faculty. The results by fall 2007 were minority faculty members increased from 23 to 57, minority house staff increase from 16 to 58 and the minority student percentage increased from about 10 percent to 17 percent. Notably, while MUSC College of

•1111 King St. •Charleston, SC 29403• December 31, 2008 •


Black State Legislators Want Economic Bailout – “In the Neighborhood” by Hazel Trice Edney NNPA Editor-in-Chief WASHINGTON (NNPA) They clearly won't have it by Christmas, but the nation's Black state legislators are now looking for what they perceive as their fair share of an economic bailout 'the neighborhood' while Congress is doling them out to corporations. “While we support the bail out of Wall Street, the bail out of the financial institutions, and the automobile industry, we feel very strongly that Main Street and our streets need to be bailed out as well,” says Georgia State Rep. Calvin

Smyre, president of the National Black Caucus of State Legislators. “So, with that in mind, we need to finish a package whereas a check can get into the hands of the consumer and then therefore the consumer can go to the corner grocery store, the drug store, the supermarket, the various department stores and where the rubber meets the road is the consumer spending has to go up so therefore that stimulates the economy in the neighborhood sort of speak.”

how can the nation help the average citizen who is out of work or living from pay-check to pay-check, one missed rent from homelessness? Smyre and state legislators have a remedy.

The U. S. Congress has approved a $700 billion bailout for the financial industry; a $17.4 billion loan or troubled U. S. automakers. But,

Facing a gamut of dire needs on the state level, Smyre and his 125 fellow representatives from 42 states met in Washington earlier this month

“The only way to do that is to create a stimulus program whereas the American consumer is involved. Those other bailouts are rightfully so. But, they don’t help create jobs. They help save jobs. So, unemployment is a key factor.”

for the Caucus’ 32nd Annual Legislative Conference. They met with members of the Obama transition team with hopes of bringing home federal dollars to offset serious shortages that are often used to deal with social programs and other crucial needs that are now exacerbated by the failing economy. Obama has set a goal to create at least three million jobs in the first two years of his administration, which starts Jan. 20. Meanwhile, states are suffering, Smyre says. “There are 43 out of 50 states with some sort of budget shortfall. With Georgia alone, See pg 2

It's Time to Meaningfully Support Prevention By and for Black Communities By Dr. (CDC)

Shown are Raymond Greenberg M.D. and Senior Assoc. Dean Strategic Diversity Initiatives; Dr. and Mrs. Jerry Reves Vice President and Dean of the Medical University; and Dr. John Feussner Chairman of the Dept. of Medicine.

of Medicine. A Charleston native, Reves is a 1969 graduate of MUSC. Prior to joining the MUSC College of Medicine in 2001, Reves for 10 years was chairman of the Department of Anaesthesiology at Duke University. During his tenure there he also served as director of C a r d i o t h o r a s c i c Anesthesia and director of Duke Heart Center. After joining MUSC Reves recognized the need to enhance diversity within the College of Medicine and the university. He saw African Americans, Native Americans and Hispanic were under-represented in the College of Medicine. Of 800 faculty members only 23 were minorities; of 500 house staff physicians only 16 were minorities; and less than 10 percent of students were minorities. “We cannot be a world class institution unless we have diversity,” Reves exclaimed and after appointing a diversity committee for the College of

Medicine in 2006 matriculated 11 African American males other medical schools around the country matriculated an average of only about two. Calling Reves a champion of diversity and a model for change University Medical Associates Diversity Scholarship Endowment insures Reves’ work will continue through minority recruitment and activities which address health care disparities. Moreover Beverly L. Pinder suggests Reves efforts to create greater diversity, “Will make a change for years to come for the betterment of all concerned.” An employee in the College of Medicine’s Deans office, Mrs. Pinder is the parent of 2005 College of Medicine graduate Leeya Pinder. “As a parent I know the struggles, I have seen the hardship that minority students face and I have been on both sides of the specSee pg 2



The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released new data today confirming what AIDS watchdogs have been saying for years: Black gay and bisexual men and Black women are being

devastated by HIV/AIDS. That ugly reality is now indisputable. But what’s just as clear is that resources currently dedicated to changing that reality are woefully inadequate and not targeted at the heart of the problem. A mobilization to end AIDS in Black communi-

ties has exploded in recent years. People from every corner of our community are getting involved—gay and straight, male and female, churches and civil rights groups, business people and celebrities, college students and community organizers. It is now crucial that policymakers at both the federal and

local level finally join the fight. "We're told the CDC's new data is the result of breakthrough technology," said Black AIDS Institute CEO Phill Wilson. "The question now is, where is the breakthrough urgency? We know the problem. So what are we going to do See pg 2

Obama’s Historic Inauguration Features Music Legends, Service Projects and Much More by Sean Yoes Special to the NNPA from the Afro-American Newspapers WASHINGTON (NNPA)As the nation's capital braces for what some officials estimate will be a crowd of at least 4 million people, Presidentelect Barack Obama's inauguration is shaping up to be a four-day first-class affair that will include top entertainers, wall-to-wall parties, traditional balls and service projects to honor Martin Luther King's holiday. The inaugural theme,

Aretha Franklin

''Renewing America's Promise,'' is borrowed from the Democratic National Convention in Denver and from the party's national platform. ''At this moment of great challenge and great change, renewing the promise of America begins with renewing the idea that in America, we rise or fall as one nation and one people,'' Obama said in a statement. ''That sense of unity and shared purpose is what this inauguration will

Dr. Joseph Lowery

reflect.'' The surviving members of the Tuskegee Airmen, the first Black military pilots in the U.S., have been officially invited to witness the inauguration of the nation's first Black president. ''I want to come hopping, skipping and jumping!'' declared 92-year-old Spann Watson, an airman from New York. ''We had a part in changing these United States.'' After fighting the Nazis dur-

ing World War II and producing one of the most successful combat mission records in history, the Black war heroes returned to America only to face Jim Crow discrimination. ''We were excluded out of everything and hidden from everything,'' Watson said. ''Now this time is our time. And to have a Black man as the elected president, this is indeed a turn in history.'' The program for PresidentSee pg 2

Oprah Winfrey


The Chronicle

2-December 31, 2008 Commentary- Saving ---------------------------------------------------------------------cont. from pg 1 ing schools with a culture of failure. They do this to justify raising our taxes. After being successful, these schools are ignored again, until their situation becomes useful to the Board. THAT TIME IS HERE – AGAIN. I fear for our superintendent. She has been put on notice. The time is now for those Board members of good will to renegotiate her contract, to protect her from those who, through intimidation, would cause her to leave. Headhunters earn their capital by successfully placing competent superintendents in communities that respect their professionals. Charleston County does not appear, at this time, to be one of those school districts. I am willing to bet my last untaxed dollar that she has received at least ten calls of inquiry. In 1969-70, when I was a member of Boston’s Charter Revision Commission, that city had a runaway dysfunctional Board; we had to institute a system of accountability. We recommended that the school system be placed under the Office of the Mayor, Kevin White. It was done. To achieve a measure of fairness, Charleston County needs single member districts for membership on its School Board. No Black can be elected to that Board without passing the white approval test. Enuff said. Perhaps it is time to reflect on a different governance model for our schools. Clearly the process will be difficult but doable. The school system, as we know it, may be driven to extinction. Clearly reform is called for – accountability is demanded. Let the conversation begin. The conversation, at this time, has been framed by the Charleston County school system. What policies and behaviors have informed the school closing plan? Who is the most disposable element within our school population? What will be the overall effect of that loss? Which group will accept the Board’s actions with the least amount of protest? Questions answered – develop the plan for concerned community discussion framed to accomplish the desired outcome. No school district who values its students and respects their community would advocate closing

THE CHRONICLE 1111 King Street Charleston, SC 29403


(843) 723-2785 Fax: (843) 577-6099 Email: [email protected] J. JOHN FRENCH, SR. President - Editor//Publisher VALENTINA SMALLS Operations-Business Mgr./ Comptroller-Advertising SIMONA A. FRENCH ReceptionistTraffic/Photographer Marketing Tolbert Smalls, Jr. Contributing WritersHakim Abdul-Ali Beverly Birch Bob Small DEADLINE: PUBLIC SERVICES FRIDAY PRIOR TO PUBlICATION DATE Member: National Newspaper Publishers, Assoc. South Carolina Press Assoc. Amalgamated Publishers S.C. Chamber of Commerce NO REFUNDS ON SUBSCRIPTIONS Published Wednesday TRI State PrintingNorth Charleston Credo of The Black Press The Black Press believes that America can best lead the world from racial and national antagonism when it accords to every person, regardless of race, creed or color, his or her human and legal rights. Hating no person, fearing no person, the Black Press strives to help every person in the firm belief that all persons are hurt as long as anyone is held back

schools on their outer borders. Parents and students will then enroll in the nearest school, regardless of stated boundaries, resulting in a loss of students. Charleston County may want to lose those students. The result may well be an overall district academic improvement. Many of these students are poor and Black, victims not of benign neglect but of intentional neglect by our School Board. Busing these students into a decreasing number of schools, as well as into predominately white schools, will mask the problem of the process of under education now taking place on the islands and downtown. The powerful have always made love to the powerless without their consent. Since they control the prizes, there are always viceroys from our community available to seek the compliance of powerless communities. In a larger sense, we will always be at these hearings whose agenda is set at 75 Calhoun, reacting to the newest destructive proposals; until all become proactive, until we decide to say – NO MORE – until we decide to say, “Never Again.” The very survival of our schools and the opportunity to redesign them may well be the taking over of these schools by the affected communities. I wish to share excerpts from my remarks at the NAACP banquet. A Good Public Education – A Public Trust At this time, when our School Board is embarking on a process to close schools, the NAACP is to be commended for reminding us of the “Public Trust.” The consolidation, reconstitution or the potential closing of schools may offer us an opportunity to involve “all of the players” in a process to bring about the end of unequal educational and social results in our public schools. Let me state some of the Truths in which I believe: •Education is key to freedom. •Reading is the key to educational success. •Children, generally, have the same potential to be successful in schools. •Everyone who attends a school with a culture of poverty is negatively affected by that culture and must work extremely hard to overcome it. •The methods and materials that we use with the Gifted and Talented should be the methods and materials we use in every classroom in every school. It is foolish to believe that Gifted and Talented students would be bored with a remedial program but poor students would be motivated by such. We can, collectively, with no new monies, design a humanistic approach to education. It will take all of us working together to create these new public schools. We are co-equally responsible for not having provided an educational environment where the dreams and aspirations of poor parents, poor students and overworked teachers might have flourished. We must become pro-active. As a first start, I would recommend establishing an informal group of parents, teachers, retired educators and district administrators concerned about the quality of education in our schools and about the utilization of school buildings. Let us not underestimate the enormous power of constructive leadership from the school system and from community based organizations. There are many persons in Charleston who share my enthusiasm. The potential pool is unlimited and includes many talented and underutilized individuals who would volunteer if the charge is clear. Looking forward, not backward. We are all victims of blame for the past. I look with great enthusiasm to passionate leadership from you President Dot Scott and Superintendent McGinley

to begin this positive process. Our children have paid dearly for our inaction. We have the potential to infuse new life into our educational system, saving not only our poor and disadvantaged youth but we may be saving our public school system for ALL children - a goal, I know, we share. Thank you. The time for action is now. Let’s stop the assault on poor Black people. They have a voice, but they are not heard. We need a collective voice, NOW. My management professor at the University of Massachusetts used to remind us of the 5 p’s. Proper planning prevents poor performance. Minimally, I would suggest the following: 1. A six month moratorium on “possible school clos ings” to allow a school utilization/reconstitution process to begin, controlled by the community. 2. Board staff to be directed to perform a comprehensive audit of each school with the results given to the community planning committee before the beginning of the six month planning process. 3. A request to the State Department of Education for a comprehensive audit of the Charleston County School Board’s disbursement of funds; disaggregated by source and intent of all monies, including federal and state monies appropriated for disadvantaged students. 4. Every elected official from the affected communities must sign on as an active supporter (not verbal) of the process – or declare why not 5. The School Board request from the criminal justice system a profile of all prisoners from Charleston County; especially the schools within the County that they attended. 6. We have a more than competent Superintendent of Schools. She is fully aware of what needs to be done. She must be protected from those who would seek her removal. We must move aggressively to insure that each year, after the evaluation of the Superintendent, if the Superintendent is deemed effective, a year is added to the Superintendent’s contract. Our representatives on the School Board should be able to accomplish this task. We cannot effectively decide what to do without data. Any attempt to push us to “vote” on options is insulting and disrespectful. We have the power. Let’s begin to pay any price to save the African American children attending “disadvantaged schools.” In her poem, The Supplicant, G.D. Johnson writes, “ . . . The strong demand, contend, prevail, . . . the beggar is a fool.” Let’s get up off our knees. Luther W. Seabrook Johns Island, SC

jJerry Reves ------------cont. from pg 1 trum. I applaud and appreciate what Dr. Reves has done,” said Mrs. Pinder, noting that through personal donations and fundraising efforts Reves and his wife, Jenny, have contributed some $2 million to the scholarship endowment.


Obama’s Historic ---------------------------------------cont. from pg 1 elect Barack Obama’s inauguration was announced Wednesday, Dec. 17. In announcing the lineup, Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies Chair Sen. Diane Feinstein said, “It is appropriate that the program will include some of the world’s most gifted artists from a wide range of backgrounds and genres.” The 56th Presidential Inauguration will be held Jan. 20 on the west front of the U.S. Capitol. Musical Selections • The United States Marine Band. The oldest professional music organization in the nation, also known as The President's Own, performs a variety of compositions. • The San Francisco Boys Chorus and the San Francisco Girls Chorus, featuring singers from hundreds of schools in dozens of Bay Area cities. Call to Order and Welcoming Remarks • The Honorable Dianne Feinstein Invocation • Dr. Rick Warren, founder of Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, Calif., an evangelical congregation that averages 22,000 attendees per week. Musical Selections • Aretha Franklin, whose career spans more than 50 years, featuring a repertoire of soul, jazz, rock, blues, pop and gospel and earning 21 Grammy Awards. Rolling Stone recently named the Queen of Soul the greatest singer of the rock era. Oath of Office to Vice President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. • Administered by Associate Justice of the Supreme Court the Honorable John Paul Stevens Musical Selection, Composer/Arranger John Williams • Itzhak Perlman, one of the greatest violinists of his time. • Yo-Yo Ma, renowned cellist. • Gabriela Montero, classical pianist known for her improvisation. • Anthony McGill, principal clarinetist of the New York Metropolitan Orchestra. Oath of Office to President-elect Barack H. Obama • Administered by the Chief Justice of the United States the Honorable John G. Roberts Jr. The phalanx of superstars from movies and television will include Oprah Winfrey, Spike Lee, Scarlett Johansen, Chris Rock, Chris Tucker, Ron Howard, Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins. They are just a few of dozens of stars who will attend official and unofficial parties and balls in Washington, D.C. And there may be even more music greats lined up to perform at formal concerts and informal jam sessions all over the District. Other stars rumored to perform include, who produced an all-star music video honoring Obama, Seal, Cyndi Lauper and Melissa Etheridge. The president-elect himself is expected to attend dozens of events during his four-day inaugural celebration. But many of the A-list entertainers and celebrities who want to be a part of history may suffer the same fate as the millions of ''regular'' inauguration attendees – finding somewhere to stay since hotel rooms in the District are sold out.

it’s time ------------------cont. from pg 1 about it? Where are the federal resources to support Black people in saving our community?" The New Data: Today’s study follows the CDC's August announcement that the domestic AIDS epidemic is 40 percent larger than we have previously believed. Using new technology that pinpoints how long a person has been infected, CDC researchers determined in that earlier study that roughly 56,300 people were newly infected in 2006. 45 percent of those newly infected were African American and more than half of them were gay and bisexual men. Today's study drills down on the broad numbers released in August and finds: * Blacks bear the brunt of the AIDS epidemic in America. The number of new HIV infections in Blacks was 1.6 times the number in whites * Blacks carry the bulk of the epidemic among women. While men accounted for two-thirds of new infections among Blacks, the infection rate among Black women is 15 times higher than among their white counterparts. High-risk heterosexual contact accounted for 80% of new infections among Black women. * Black gay and bisexual men under 30 are hardest hit. Black "men who have sex with men" between the ages of 13 and 29 had infection rates roughly twice that of their white and Latino counterparts. This group had the highest number of infections of any other subset of gay and bisexual men.

Additional information provided by AFRO staff writers.

Black State---------------------------------------------------------------------------------cont. from pg 1 we’ve got a $2 billion shortfall. So, with that in mind, we just want to be partners with our federal government to be able to assist us in the downturn in our economy,” Smyre says. Smyre was on his way to a policy meeting dealing with the Second Chance Act to help lower the prison recidivism rate. There would also be discussions on the high school drop out rates. “In Georgia alone there were 60,000 drop outs in ’07,” he said, connected the statistic to the economy. “If we could cut back on our drop out rate, if those 60,000 kids had stayed in school over their lifetime, it would have been $16 billion to the Georgia economy over their lifetime. So there is a direct co-relation to those kinds of issues. So, naturally, we as state legislators, we’re going to still be vigilant as it relates to gang violence, as it relates to the recidivism rate in our prison system and making sure that folks get a second chance.” Still, he says legislators are well aware that the blame for the economy can’t be laid at the feet of the new administration. But, the socio-economic impact is worsening, therefore, there must be some pressure. For example: The states of Michigan Rhode Island and California have the worst jobless rates in the nation at 9.6 percent, 9.3 percent and 8.4 percent respectively. The states with the worst annual murder rate in the nation are California, where Compton has 67.1 murders per 100,000 people; Indiana, where Gary has 58 per 100,000 and Alabama, where Birmingham has 44.3 per 100,000. Social statistics across the board, including drop out rates, infant mortality rates and incarceration rates – all often associated with economic injustice - are skyrocketing in cities and states across the nation. The Caucus released a 47page document outlining proposed resolutions to some of the problems faced by states, including requiring states to

report impacts on racial minorities when changing criminal laws and laws pertaining to state procurement. The Ratified Resolutions also calls on Congress to “take all action necessary to ensure that states are able to meet needs of our citizens during these difficult financial times; and … that NBCSL calls on Congress to provide an excess of capital to the states so they are not only able to fill their budget shortfalls, but able to provide additional stabilization to their economies.” Smyre says these are the resolutions that will be passed on to President Obama and to the members of the House and Senate.

olutions will be easy. “Regardless of how you put it, it’s not going to be on automatic pilot. In just a little time, the budget is going to change, it’s going to require funding and that’s always going to require a very difficult proposition,” he says. “There’s a lot of anticipation with the legislators and this is just a start. Nobody has made a first down yet. Nor has anyone scored. But, we as African-Americans, we don’t want to suffer from the illusion of inclusion. We want to be involved in the process. And from every indication that we’ve been given we are going to be involved.”

He doesn’t anticipate a fight, but knows that none of the res-

Bleak Future---------------------------------------------cont. from pg 1 Though a natural tendency during a recession might be to save money, Ford says saving money - especially in banks which likely will be the first economic institutions to collapse - will increase the hardship. “When people don’t shop, businesses have to lay more people off,” Ford reasoned. Pryor agrees slowed consumer spending will translate into more employee layoffs because when fewer people buy cars workers at local companies that supply automakers such as Bosch feel the pinch. A pinch that likely will be felt through mid-2009, he said. Pryor’s concerned that until then, the county will cut some needed services to many of the people who need them most. For example dirt roads in rural communities may go unbladed and social services like meals on wheels programs could get cuts. Pryor says he giving priority to the county sheriff’s budget because he expects that as more people feel the financial crunch some may attempt to loosen things up through illegal means. Mitchell, a housing counselor for Trident United Way, has those concerns as well. As unemployment increases so will crime, Mitchell said. “We’re seeing more crimes being committed by first time offenders,” he said. That likely comes as people unaccustomed to being unemployed face growing inability to pay their bills, he said. “The unemployment situation will bring more turmoil, homelessness and crime.” The city in 2009 will give one percent pay raises to employees earning $60,000 or less, Mitchell said, but some employees close to retirement or who may be participating in the Terry program may be given incentives to leave their jobs. From a cell phone on U.S. Interstate Highway 95 S.C. Rep. David Mack Monday encouraged people to “Hang in there, find legitimate ways to increase their revenue streams and be more efficient with their money management.” The challenge in 2009 will be to wait out the economic recession while finding creative ways to make money, he said.

The Chronicle

December 31, 2008- 3

Remembering Eartha Kitt, Sultry Singer of 'Santa Baby' the holidays.

Eartha Kitt, the sultry singer of "Santa Baby," died on Christmas Day.

She made headlines in 1968 when she was invited to the White House by Lady Bird Johnson. When the First Lady asked her about the Vietnam War, she replied: "You send the best of this country off to be shot and maimed. No wonder the kids rebel and take pot." The remark reportedly caused Johnson to burst into tears and Kitt was exiled to Europe for almost

The stylish singer, dancer and actress, who was the self-proclaimed sex kitten with the famous catlike purr, passed away Christmas day in a Connecticut hospital of colon cancer, her publicist said. She was 81. Kitt, whose career spanned six decades, was one of most versatile stars, winning two Emmys and being nominated for three Tonys and two Grammys. Kitt, who’s perhaps most remembered for her role as the sexy Catwoman in the 1960s TV series "Batman," has a long list of achievements — sprinkled with its fair share of controversy. Kitt was born on January 17, 1927, and raised in the cotton fields of South Carolina. As a biracial woman — her father was African American and her mom was Cherokee — life wasn’t easy for Kitt. She had been raped by a white

Eartha Kitt owner of a plantation and, at age eight, given up by her mother. She lived with an aunt in Harlem, quit school at 15 and lived for a period of time in subways. Kitt’s big break came when she was a dancer with the famed Katherine Dunham troupe. This led her to star in cabarets and act and sing on stage, television and in movies. Her first album in 1954, named "RCA Victor Presents Eartha Kitt," featured such hits as the seductive "Santa Baby," which is still played on airwaves throughout

Kitt also acted in movies, playing opposite Nat King Cole in "St. Louis Blues" in 1958 and, more recently, in "Boomerang" and "Harriet the Spy."

Kitt was adored by many fans throughout her years and always maintained her elegance and sensuality. Never a victim of age, in 2001 she authored a guide book to staying physically active — and attractive — called Rejuvenate! It’s Never Too Late. She graced the cover in a hiphugging black dress — flaunting the figure of a 20something-year-old woman when she was nearing 80. Orson Welles once called her the "most exciting woman in the world" and we couldn’t agree more.

Eartha Kitt “Cat Woman”

a decade. She was invited back by President Carter and, when she returned, she earned her first Tony nomination in 1978 for her work in "Timbuktu!," a black remake of "Kismet."

The Women's Resource Project, Inc. to Sponsor Luncheon In recognition of American Heart Month and Black History Month, the Women's Resource Project, Inc. will sponsor a "Go Red for Women Luncheon" to support the health initiatives in the local churches. The luncheon will be held on Saturday, February 7, 2009 from 12:00 - 2:00 PM at the AKA's Building, 689 Meeting Street, corner of Romney. The luncheon is FREE and will include a heart healthy lunch, nutrition and fitness tips, presentations by health experts, door prizes and gift bags. Participants are asked to wear red.

The purpose of the luncheon is to raise awareness that heart disease is the number one killer of women, particularly African American women. Focusing on heart disease, stroke and diabetes, this empowering event is designed to a) provide women with dependable information on health maintenance and disease prevention and b) encourage women to become advocates of their own health and the health of their families, friends and fellow parishioners. Attendees will be encouraged to incorporate the messages and the materials received at this event into

Ask Deanna! Real People, Real Advice Dear Deanna! I had a friend that was lonely and unhappy, so I decided to help her. I asked her to be my roommate and introduced her to my crowd. She later told our mutual friends about my personal business and she became best friends with them. They told lies about me around campus, my grades deteriorated, and I lost my friends. I have wanted to get back at her for backstabbing me. How do I repair a ruined reputation and deal with these vicious two-faced people? Totally Ruined Line Reader


Dear Ruined: Consider yourself lucky that your so-called friends have been revealed as wolves. These weren¢t your friends to begin with and you shouldn¢t let them see you stress. Hold your head high, get a life and find a new set of friends with high values and morals. The two-faced people are beneath you and you should separate yourself. Get a tutor to help pull your grades up, and stick with people that have common interests. Stay positive, smile and keep it moving. Dear Deanna! My girlfriend is sending mixed signals about our relationship. At times, she makes me feel as if I¢m the only one for her and other times she makes me feel as if she doesn¢t want me. As long as I¢m spending money and things go her way she¢s happy. When things aren¢t rosy or I have an issue or need attention, she acts funny. I¢m beginning to feel like she¢s using me but don¢t know how to approach her. How do I ask where I stand in this relationship? Wayne

Altus, OK

Dear Wayne: You¢re being used and have allowed yourself to become a financial sponsor. If you can¢t

pull the money away and still get the girl, you have your answer. She doesn¢t give a damn about you and her emotions are tied to your money and what she can get out of you. You can make an effort and let her know you¢re scaling back on the spending and ask to have your needs met. If she agrees to work on this, then stick with it. If not, pack your bags and exit stage left. Dear Deanna! I have a situation where I¢ll be wrong no matter what happens. My sister and I were talking and she made a comment that if I knew her

the ongoing health initiatives in their respective churches. Letters were sent out to over 75 churches in the area, with a registration deadline of December 31, 2008, however as of today, only 15 churches have responded. The deadline has now been extended to January 10, 2009 with hopes that the churches will respond. Pre-registration is required as seating is limited. Please do not make plans to attend if you have not registered. If you have any questions, please contact Barbara Gathers at 722-6217.

husband was cheating. I probably wouldn¢t tell her. Imagine my surprise that she said this because he¢s having an affair. I¢m the other woman and we¢ve been seeing each other for a while. I feel guilty because I think she¢s suspicious, just not of me. I need some help breaking this to news to her. Confused Sister Jacksonville, MS Dear Confused: Pull out a pen and add the words trifling, low-life, and scandalous next to your face. You need to let her husband know that you¢re going to tell and then see how much he loves his wife when he lies, places all the blame on you and throws you under the bus. If they stay together, your new title will be tramp while the family looks down upon you. If he leaves, you won¢t be on his list of selections. Grow up and learn some family values and get your own man.

Do the math…

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4-December 31, 2008

The Roots of Christmas & Jesus By Darryl James *For most of the Free World, Christmas is a holiday season celebrated more for its shopping, overeating and gift giving than the actual religious significance it once contained. The season is represented by silver and gold adorned trees, as well as colorful twinkling lights spilling over homes, churches and businesses. Family and friends exchange gifts, kiss under mistletoe, burn Yule logs and yet, sadly, most people have no idea where the Christmas holiday traditions come from, but they swear that it is all about Jesus. The Christmas holiday as we know it is really an aggregation of a bunch of mythology and customs that were actually around before the birth of Jesus. And, the actual birth of Jesus has been placed somewhere around September. And, while some Christians may not want to hear it, even the story of a god’s rebirth into a new being predates Jesus. December 25th as a commemorative date was a Roman celebration of Saturn, who was the rebirth of the Sun God. According to the Romans, the Sun God was resurrected three days after his death. This resurrection caused the Romans to celebrate with gift giving and processions of celebration featuring priests carrying wreaths of Evergreen boughs. So, how did the pagan traditions become merged with Christian traditions? If we take a look at the history of the Roman Catholic Church, we see that the church repeatedly absorbed the traditions of as many groups as possible in order to increase its dominion. We know that Martin Luther initiated the Reformation in 1517 and when the pagans came into the Christian church, they brought their pagan celebration of Christmas with them. In 1611, when King James made his version of the Bible available to all people in England, other versions also became conspicuous and the roots of Christmas were revealed Jeremiah 10:2-4 states: "Thus saith the Lord, learn not the way of the heathen; and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven. For the heathen are dismayed at them. For the customs of the people are vain. For one cutteth a tree out of the forest. The work of the hands of the workman with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold. They fasten it with nails and with hammers that it move not." Eventually, the celebration of Christmas was outlawed as witchcraft. However, as other versions of the Bible kept creeping up, so did the celebration of Christmas. The goal was to keep as many people under the Christian umbrella as possible, and allowing them to hold on to their traditions was a good way to continue the “Reformation.” The very word “Christmas” combines “Christ” and “Mass.” “Mass” literally means death and the ritual of Mass, once incorporated into Christianity referred to the death of Christ and the “Host,” which is Latin for victim. As for the actual Christmas tree, the Germans used the Evergreen tree to worship the Yule God. Sound familiar? Of course—Yuletide greetings…Yule logs…”Yuletide carols being sung by the choir…” The Germans also had a tradition of giving gifts as a part of the Yule celebration. A Winter Solstice celebration, Yule was Christianized as Christmas and imbued with the birth of Jesus story. The Romans incorporated this and a number of other pagan celebrations starting when Constantine recreated, rewrote and consolidated Christianity and the Bible in 432 AD. And finally, the German Yule celebration included hanging mistletoe and holly. How “Christian” are these symbols? Let’s see…going back to the Sun God, worshippers believed that the white berries on the mistletoe represented the Sun God’s semen, while the red holly was held by witches to represent the menstrual blood of heaven’s queen, Diana. There are also other fertility references, including the evergreen tree, which was regarded as a symbol of the essence of life and was used as a phallic symbol in the rituals of fertility worship. Of course, since many Christians never really read the Bible or study history, I will be seen as evil and a hater of Christians, which is okay, because those who will label me as such are stupid anyway. But, let’s take a look at who believes in God. According to a survey conducted by Harris Interactive, ten per cent of Protestants, twenty-one per cent of Roman Catholics and fifty-two per cent of Jews do not believe in God. Surprised? Well, there’s more that may also shock you. Eighty-four per cent of women believe in God, while only seventy-three per cent of men do. In terms of education and faith, eighty-two per cent of those with no college education believe in God, while only seventy-three per cent of those who went to college have faith. Eighty-seven per cent of Republicans believe, while seventy-eight per cent of Democrats and seventy-five per cent of Independents have faith. When it comes to race, guess who has the greatest faith? African Americans lead the faithful at ninety-one per cent, while eighty-one per cent of Hispanics and only seventy-eight per cent of whites have faith. That brings us back to the holiday season. Many people do not believe in God and yet they celebrate Christmas. Still, others believe in God, but do not believe in Jesus Christ and yet, they too, celebrate Christmas. The season has come to symbolize much more than the Christian holiday it originally was designed to be. It is now a season—a season of love and giving, a season of understanding and a season of peace and kindness. Such a powerful season should have a powerful impact on people, particularly men and women who claim to love and believe in Jesus Christ, who, incidentally, was not a Christian. I’ll deal with that in depth next week.

The Chronicle

Coalition Accuses CVS of Redlining

Who Asked Me?

By Ayana Jones Special to the NNPA from the Philadelphia Tribune The NAACP of Philadelphia has joined a national coalition of community organizations in protesting alleged discriminatory treatment by CVS pharmacies to people of color. During a press conference, coalition members highlighted the results of a 14-month investigation released by the Change to Win coalition in a study titled "Cure CVS: From High Prices to Low Quality, CVS is Failing Our Communities." "We believe that health care in Philadelphia--right after violence against our children--is the number one issue facing our city. We want to make it empathically clear that after a year-long study, that CVS is a lousy corporate citizen," said J. Whyatt Mondesire, president of the NAACP of Philadelphia. The investigation of CVS stores across the nation claims that the drug store chain failed to provide equal and fair access to its stores and services. Furthermore, the report claimed the retailer overcharges customers, has questionable product quality control, lacks consumer privacy protection and has consumer safety issues. "Milk, eggs, over-the-counter drugs--these are the kinds of products we found expired in high amounts at CVS stores, not only in Philadelphia but nationwide," said Change to Win spokeswoman Joanna Boulden. According to the coalition's report, CVS operates fewer stores per person in the least affluent areas than in the wealthiest. In Philadelphia, CVS operates 48 percent more stores per person in the wealthiest areas than in the least wealthy. In the last five years, CVS has closed three stores in majority nonWhite ZIP codes in the city and has opened only one in those areas. "Drug store redlining is a real problem," Mondesire added. Mondesire and others are hoping to meet with CVS officials to discuss these issues. In response, CVS Caremark Corp. spokesman Michael J. DeAngelis issued a lengthy statement. "CVS Caremark respects the history and mission of the NAACP. We do not discriminate in our policies, our store operations or tolerate discrimination of any kind in our organization. We will carefully review the information that has been released and contact the NAACP to follow up," the statement said. "It is important to recognize that the driving force behind these inaccurate and misleading allegations is a consortium of labor unions called Change to Win. Since 2007, CtW has attempted to pressure CVS to deny our employees the full benefit of voting rights afforded to them under federal law. This report and accompanying media outreach is the latest attempt by CtW to achieve this objective. "CVS Caremark participates cooperatively in the collective bargaining process," the statement added. "We have thousands of unionized employees and many union customers. Union members also participate in many of our store and facilities construction projects throughout the country. We believe in the right of our employees to freely choose to join a union, or not to do so, as they see fit...The allegations raised in CtW's latest 'report' are based on inaccurate and outdated information." The retailer said it provides equal access to its stores. "The allegation that we concentrate stores in White neighborhoods compared to our competitors is simply untrue. For example, CVS holds the number one or number two market share in eight of the top 10 U.S. markets with the largest non-White populations," the statement said. The study said CVS is more likely to allocate conveniences like 24-hour stores and in-store mini-clinics to majority-White neighborhoods and higher income communities. Over half of Philadelphia area's population lives in neighborhoods that are comprised of residents of color, however there is not a single 24-hour CVS in those communities. The report indicated that unsanitary conditions were found at stores in communities of color and lower-income areas. The investigation includes food inspection reports for the city of Philadelphia, which found that inspectors were twice as likely to cite CVS for vermin violations in the least affluent areas compared to areas with a median household income above $40,000. Lauren Townsend of the National Organization of Women Philadelphia chapter said there are discrepancies in the way that CVS sells condoms in its stores. "In communities of color--where six cities were surveyed-CVS locks up condoms in more than half of the areas with the highest concentration of people of color, but never in communities that were predominately White," Townsend said. CVS officials countered such findings by stating that the company does not discriminate in its anti-theft measures. "In a small percentage of our stores where condom products have been heavily shoplifted a majority of such products are kept in a locked display to ensure there is stock available for customers to purchase," CVS said. "Decisions to do this are based on theft experience, not ethnicity.

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by Beverly Gadson-Birch



It’s that time of year that we begin to reflect back on things that impacted our lives and things that we hope to change during the New Year. As I reflect back, I am still most affected by the number of black on black killings, drug trafficking in our communities, the war on Iraq, educational issues and the unfair and unethical practices in the construction bid process. I am also concerned about the collapse of the market, the recession and all of the bail-outs to large corporations, mortgage lenders and banks. What disturbs me more is what will the CEO’s do with the bailout funds that they could not do with all of the money they racked up from consumers? They need to get rid of all of those crooks and start over again from scratch with some measurable form of accountability. The bail outs are using taxpayers’ dollars. Yet, they are making it almost impossible for taxpayers to get out of debt by denying credit. Credit card companies have already begun increasing interest rates on new purchases as if they don’t already charge enough. New auto loans are being stretched from 60 to 72 months. Within the past few weeks, I received reports from friends with good credit who can’t buy a home and some whose mortgage companies are making them jump through hoops to restructure their loans. This country’s attention is focused on Wall Street but who will look out for folks on my street? I am still disturbed by the divide within the Black community. It’s the constant bickering between “so-call” black leaders over territorial issues. We should leave territorial issues to the animals in the wild. There are several types of fights. In professional fighting, it takes a lot more energy and hype going into a fight than the actual fight itself. Oftentimes, it is the hype leading up to the fight that draws us in. Sometimes, we are drawn in by the record or personality of a fighter. At the mere mention of a fight, we get hyped up as we prepare for the showdown. Our adrenalin begins to flow and suddenly the fight is over. Your fighter is down in the second round. You feel let down because you were confident that your fighter would emerge the winner. The winner holds his gloves up basking in the glory of the moment. However, at some other time and place, the winner will trade places with the loser. He will face the humiliation of losing just like his opponent will one day win if he stays in the fight long enough. Another type of fight is a street fight. In a street fight there are no rules and generally the participants are in it to win by any means. Then there is another kind of fight—the fight where folks just need to come together for the good of the community. Everyone seems to want to do his or her own thing. There are just too many important issues on the table affecting our lives to get caught up in such unintelligent squabbling and power struggling over turf. Our differences are so miniscule in comparison to the many life altering issues that we face. Instead of wasting energy on pointless battles, we need to pick our fights. We need to work with the new administration to bring about positive changes in our communities, state and nation. As Blacks, we have had to fight racism at every turn in the road. Today, we find ourselves fighting to save our homes and jobs. The reality going into 2009 is many folks have lost their jobs, homes and retirement savings. The trickle-down effect of those losses will set in real soon and we will have to have to deal collectively with some real problems. We are going to see depression on, suicides, divorces and homelessness on the rise. Are we ready for the fall out? Violent crimes have already increased over the Christmas holidays. Robberies are on the rise. I know. I was hit twice this year. We must continue to monitor our children’s education to ensure that they have equal access to a quality education. Have you been paying attention to the recent community meetings by Charleston County School Board to obtain input into repositioning and school closings? If I didn’t know any better, I would be surprised by the proposals that recommended all black school closures. Every day is a fight in the black community just to survive. There are real issues impacting the black community such as jobs, affordable housing and health care, black on black crimes, economics and parity in education. We did not work hard to elect persons to public office just to have them warm a seat. There is reasonable expectation for our elected officials to stay abreast of those issues that impact their constituents and work to resolve those issues. We are making too many heroes out of zeroes. I am committed to the fight to save our children, to eradicate drugs from our communities, to restore parity in education and to bring some fairness to the construction bid process. These are my battles. And, these are also my resolutions for 2009. What are your resolutions? Don’t just make them if you are going to break them!! Get off the sideline and get in the ring. Pick your fights!!!


The Chronicle

December 31, 2008-5

Consumers are being consumed

As I See It

By James Clingman

Hakim Abdul-Ali

New Year’s Wishes This past year has been something else for me. It’s been a year of serious revelations, some positive; some less than that. I guess you probably feel the same way if the past year has been less than stellar for you. You may not feel that way if the past year was all of that and a goody bag of happy chips for you. If it was then I’m sure that you’ll want a repeat of the same. In any case the last 365 days should have been days of reflective evaluation because they are now history, and the future lies ahead. That’s a good way to view the best of what’s in store for you, me and the rest of society. I’m a realist-at-heart, and I tend to view things through the prism of “it is what is” actuality so my look at life is from a truly spiritual perspective. I know that all things are under the Creator Alone’s control because I believe that no created “hue-man” knows the future. There may be some people from various ethnic cultures from throughout the world who may think that this assertion of mine is flawed, and they may feel that they have some sort of hint what the future is going to be. That’s cool, but the reality is in my head is that no one but God Alone knows the certainty of every happening. With that personal, powerful thought in mind I’d like you to think about what you’ve experienced last year. Were they things you knew were going to go down or happen or did they come at you from out of the blue? Be honest and true to yourself when you answer those questions, because this is a new year and you must promise to be true to your original dynamic nature. That original nature was for you to obey the Supreme Force Alone Who created you from a sperm drop and we all were created to experience challenges and tests beyond our collective wildest imaginations. I like that word imaginations because when I think of “New Year’s Wishes” sometimes I could never imagine that most “colored” folk’s flippant resolutions are only verbal slips of their vague imaginations in my candid assessment. Most people only imagined what they would like to see occur in the next year but will never put any serious effort in bringing about those lofty ambitions, goals or intentions. That’s why unless you’re really serious and dedicated in bringing about those imagine expectations in your life, you should remain silent. I hope that you understand when I say this because too many of us in “hue-manity” play with ourselves by making dodgy oaths and promises for no valid reasons whatsoever. From I’m going to be a better person to I’ll stop smoking or I’m going to lose this and that amount of excess body fat many “colored” folk in our society live in a placebo world of artificial imaginations. In other words many “hue-mans” lie to themselves on a daily basis and on an annual occasion called New Year’s Eve, and they may not even sense that they are lying and are only deceiving themselves. It’s said a resolution, if you’re going to stick to it, is as good a way to change a condition to and for the betterment of the individual. I believe that any positive action starts with an earnest intent and the occasion of New Year’s Eve is just as grand an occasion as any to usher forth said expected start of a good resolution. The trouble with many “colored” folk’s “New Year’s Wishes” is that they are just aimless verbal gestures of the moment. That’s the trouble with many of our spur of the moment intentions as we forget that every intent should and must be backed with equal action in order bring any uttered resolution to actuality. I’m bringing this to your attention because I, too, need a wake-up call to bring some of my intimate and openly voiced resolutions to actuality. My resolutions may not deal with weight loss, for example, but they do include being a better “hue-man” being, along with some of my other private resolutions I haven’t declared. That’s why I try not to make myself become a hypocrite in my own eyes. That can be an easy task for some “colored” folks, just as it was for me in some of my past years’ resolutions that went nowhere and none of them saw actuality. Because of this I’m a work in perpetual development who has to always be reminded of same. Yes, I have to look at “me, myself and I” in the daily and annual mirrors of resolutions in order to assess where I’m headlining from where I’ve been and done in the past. I must do this realistically speaking in order to be a better person and to make any “New Year’s Wish” that I have for today and the future become an actuality. I try to be real to myself in any resolutions that I make knowing that the sky’s the limit, with God Alone’s help, in any of my stated intentions. Are you in the similar belief mode that you don’t want to a hypocrite to yourself in making any “New Year’s Wishes” that you know that you aren’t going to keep? I don’t think that you are a hypocrite and, as such, I believe that you are fully aware of your own possible expectations never accepting any ill-conceived limitations of negativity. Read that statement again if you don’t fully comprehend the gist of what I’m leading to. If you have and do understand that I’m talking about the fact that no one can afford the luxury of a negative thought, word, action or resolution, then you’ll know that any “New Year’s Wish” is a wish that requires committed resolve to take care of business by any means necessary. That’s right, it takes sweat and discipline in order to accomplish any goal, especially those fabled “New Year’s Wishes” that so many “colored” folks make during the winter of their solemn oaths. For any wish to become an actuality it all begins with positive and righteous intentions “As I See It.” I’ve learned the hard way that a thought is a start to getting something done, but only if disciplined action is following close behind breathing on the neck of that thought. I hope that you also understand that point of view, because every committed thought is a “New Day Wish” that challenges the “real” you to step up to the plate and “really” take care of business big time. Accepting that challenge, whenever it’s made, is the best time to know that you’re truly a work in progress, so why not just go on and “get busy” in accomplishing what you want out of life for that moment, day and year. It all makes sense to me to take care of business by any means necessary, and why not “TCB” by using your own positive sweat and discipline. That sounds like a “New Year’s Wish” or resolution that’s already taking shape. Please always remember that action speaks louder than words. I know that to be true, especially after seeing so many of my own past “New Year’s Wishes” that didn’t come to fruition due to my own lack of disciplined action. Id like to think that I’ve learned from those errors in judgments and I now know that if I make a resolution of any kind, I’d better be prepared to back it up with some committed disciplined action if I want to see success at the end of my efforts. I hope that you understand that also, and if you do, I hope that all of your “New Year’s Wishes” become “realities,” and for today, that’s, “As I See It.”

In light of the fact that the broad components of this country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) are consumption, investment, net exports, government purchases, and inventories — and that consumption is by far the largest component, totaling roughly two-thirds of GDP — why haven't consumers been bailed out yet? Instead of the most vital segment of the GDP receiving relief, we see the high and mighty getting billions of dollars. What's up with that? Private consumers, who provide the major portion of GDP, are being consumed by the conspicuous consumption of corporate covetousness. Pardon the alliteration. How do you feel about the fact that those folks who earn millions of dollars are already at the front of this new millennium soup line? First they allocate and disburse half of the $700,000,000 to Wall Street types, investment bankers, and banks that used their windfall to purchase more banks rather than make loans to us, the consumers. Now consumers are faced with depreciating homes, which are the basis of our wealth, upside-down mortgages, evictions, inability to get a loan even for an automobile, and massive layoffs of thousands of "consumers." To top it all off, we have a guy named Madoff, pronounced "Made-off," who bilks his investors out of $50 billion and is punished by house arrest in his multimillion-dollar home. To add insult to injury, the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) was asleep at the wheel (or was it?) and allowed this debacle to occur, despite the fact that some of its investigators had knowledge of Madoff's Ponzi scheme. By the way, Charles Ponzi, for whom the scheme is named, received a five-year sentence and a 10-year sentence for stealing a few million from his "suckers" in the 1920s. Prior to Ponzi, another guy named William Miller, got 10 years in prison for bilking a million dollars from his lemmings back in 1900. There is such little regard for the consumers of this country by those who are steadily grabbing all they can get, at the expense of those they depend on to purchase their goods and services that you'd think the consumers of this country would change our behavior and use our collective leverage to maintain and raise our economic empowerment. Yeah, you'd think we would. But we are too busy buying everything they make and everything they are selling in our "I-gotta-have-it" mode. We are so crazed by our obsession to accumulate "stuff" that we stampede a Wal-Mart and kill a worker who was just trying to earn some extra money on a temporary job. We the consumers, as critical as we are to the vitality of this country, are acting like children instead of adults, despite the fact that we are on the verge of total economic collapse. Consumers are being consumed and subsumed by the higher order of merchants, bankers, and government officials who need us most; and the sad part about it is that we are allowing them — no, we are helping them — in their efforts to do so. Look at some of our more affluent entertainers. Look at their videos and television shows. Look at the commercials that emphasize the outlandish, the gaudy, the buffoonery, and the conspicuous consumption. BET is literally a potpourri of crime and prison flicks, bump-andgrind videos of tattooed, blinged-out characters who have all the possessions any 10 persons could ask for. Listen to the lyrics of some of the rap songs and tell me if consumption is not the watchword of these folks. They promote everything from champagne to cognac to watches to clothing to perfumes and colognes to cars and houses that contain everything except libraries. Look at some of our athletes, rich beyond our wildest imagination. Many of them, having exhausted the limits of ownership of "things," have moved to the point of really believing they have arrived and are at a point where they cannot and will not be punished by the system if they get caught committing a crime. Thus they do the most ridiculous things to put themselves in harm's way, losing their careers and in some cases the consumer items they held in such high esteem. What's fashionable about going to jail? What's iconic about being in a commercial that demeans your people? What's commendable about being used by hidden hands to keep your people, especially the young people, always seeking material possessions — at any cost? These and other examples comprise the folly and the foolishness of consumption at any cost. And those of us who are not rich athletes and entertainers carry much of the responsibility for our condition in this country. We see what is happening in our neighborhoods every day, but we fail to do anything about it. We do not act appropriately when it comes to supporting ourselves and our own businesses. In many cases, we are indeed being consumed by our own consumption. We are also being abused by a system of business and government that places more value on those who have than on those who have not and those who need. We saw what happened when the demand for and use of gasoline went down; we must do the same thing when it comes to our general consumption. If we fail to do so, we will soon be unable to purchase even the minimal items that we need to survive. We must not continue to be consumed by our own consumption — nor by anyone else's. James E. Clingman, an adjunct professor in the University of Cincinnati's African American Studies Department, is former editor of the Cincinnati Herald newspaper and founder of the Greater Cincinnati African American Chamber of Commerce. He hosts the radio program ''Blackonomics'' and has written several books, including "Black-o-Knowledge — Stuff You Need to Know."

New South African Party Draws More Defectors From ANC A veteran anti-racist fighter, the Rev. Allan Boesak, has joined the stream of defectors leaving the ANC Party, once lead by Nelson Mandela, for the Congress of the People – also known as “COPE”. One-time president of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches, Boesak joined former defense minister Mosiuoa “Terror” Lekota this week at the party launch at the University of Free State in the town of Bloemfontein. Lekota called COPE, “the party of the future.” "The history of South Africa will never be the same again," said Lekota to a cheering crowd of some 4,000 delegates. "Ours shall be a truly non-racial party that will provide a true home to all South Africans irrespective of race, class or gender." Also in Bloemfontein, ANC leader Jacob Zuma spoke at a rally for veterans of the former Umkhonto we Siswe ANC military wing. On neighboring Zimbabwe, he reported that efforts to press the Zimbabwe comrades to agree on a unity government were underway. "We are concerned that they are taking longer to finalize the (power-sharing) agreement while the humanitarian situation is deteriorating," said Zuma, as deaths from a cholera epidemic inched closer to 1,000. "We have a responsibility to push them all in the right direction, and will continue to do so." The rally marked the Day of Reconciliation, which recalls the thousands of Zulus killed in a war with Afrikaners in 1838. It is now celebrated as a day for fostering reconciliation and national unity.

The Chronicle

6- December 31, 2008

CHURCH NEWS/SOCIAL WALLINGFORD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Invites You To COME, SHARE and FELLOWSHIP with The Seniors Activities Bible Study, Physical Fitness, Arts & Craft Projects, Health Education, Enrichment Programs, Speakers, Community Resources, Trips, Recreation, Nutritional Lunch and lots more fun . . .When: Every Thursday, Where: 705 King Street, Time: 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Cost: NO CHARGE~~FREE, (843) 723-9929





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By Mike Stobbe, Medical Writer


ATLANTA - The racial gap in colon cancer death rates is widening, a new report says, and experts partly blame blacks' lower screening rates and poor access to quality care. Colon and rectal cancer death rates are now nearly 50 percent higher in blacks than in whites, according to American Cancer Society research being released Monday. The gap has been growing since the mid-1970s, when colon cancer death rates for the two racial groups were nearly equal. "We have seen this enormous progress in whites. We could be seeing the same progress in blacks, if we could overcome disparities in access to health care," said Elizabeth Ward, who oversees surveillance and health policy at the cancer society. Colorectal cancer is the third leading cancer killer in the United States. About 50,000 Americans will die of the disease this year, the cancer society estimates. Last month, researchers reported the rate of new cancers in general is inching down and death rates continue to decline in the United States - important good news in the fight against the dreaded disease. But when it comes to colon cancer, progress has been greater for whites than for blacks, the new report says. The rate of diagnoses in blacks was about 19 percent higher than it was for whites in 2005, the most recent year for which statistics are available. The death rate difference was even more pronounced. Among blacks, there were about 25 deaths per 100,000 people, compared to 17 per 100,000 in whites - a 48 percent difference. The two groups' death rates were similar until the 1980s when colon cancer began to kill blacks at a higher rate than whites. Researchers say it's not clear why black mortality jumped in the 1980s, but it started a gap that continued to widen even after the black rate began to fall again. Colon cancer deaths can be prevented by early diagnosis through screening and quality care. The screening rate for whites is 50 percent compared to just 40 percent for blacks. The screening rate for Hispanics is an even-lower 32 percent, but the death rate for Hispanics - fewer than 13 per 100,000 - is lower than it is for whites. That paradox is not unique to colon cancer: Poorly insured Hispanics have fared better than whites and blacks in several measures of cancer and heart disease. "It's a mystery," said Dr. Daniel Blumenthal, chair of the Morehouse School of Medicine's Department of Community Health and Preventive Medicine.

The Chronicle

December 31, 2008-7

Idea to Merge HBCUs in Georgia Facing Resistance By: Associated Press ATLANTA - Public colleges created during segregation to provide blacks an education denied to them by white institutions are at the center of a budget battle brewing in Georgia. Facing a $2 billion shortfall, a Republican state senator has proposed merging two of the historically black schools with nearby predominantly white colleges to save money and, in the process he says, erase a vestige of Jim Crow-era segregation. "I think we should close this ugly chapter in Georgia's history," Seth Harp, chairman of the state Senate's Higher Education Committee, said Tuesday. But Harp has stirred a torrent of opposition. Critics of the plan say students who might otherwise not

attend college are being educated at the schools. Black students perform better in the black-college setting, experts say, and the dropout rate among African-Americans is lower than at majority white institutions. The schools also represent a critical piece of the civil rights struggle. "We can't afford to run away from our history," said Leonard Haynes, executive director of the White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges. The schools were largely founded before 1964, mostly in the segregated South to teach African-American students. But they are open to people of all races and experts say the number of white students at the campuses has been on the rise. Harp's proposal would

merge the historically black 3,400-student Savannah State University with Armstrong Atlantic State University, a majority white school. Also, Albany State University, which has about 4,100 enrolled, would combine with nearby Darton College, which also has a predominantly white student body. The new campuses would keep the names of the older and more established black colleges. But Harp's plan was preliminary with few details about how the mergers would work. Any combining of public universities need Georgia Board of Regents' approval. A Regents spokesman said the board has no plans to consider the idea and suggested it runs contrary to the goal of increasing the number of

Georgians degrees.



"If anything, we need to be broadening access to higher education," Regents spokesman John Millsaps said. But Harp said deep budget cuts rippling across the state may leave the universities with little choice when trying to save some $250 million. Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue on Tuesday declined to comment specifically on his fellow Republican's plan but said the grim economic picture gripping the nation and state means public universities must look to spend efficiently. "A lot of tradition has gone on in our traditionally black universities and colleges," Perdue said. "I think we need to respect

that, and I think there are ways we can wring out efficiency in there that may not entail colleges losing their identities. So we'll continue to look." But Harp, who is white, found an ally in Cynthia Tucker, the Pulitzer Prizewinning editorial page editor for the Atlanta JournalConstitution. Tucker, who is black, wrote in a recent column that taxpayer-funded colleges "should be diverse, educating men and women of all colors and creeds." "There is no longer good reason for public colleges that are all-white or allblack," Tucker wrote. There are 105 public and private historically black colleges in the U.S., most in the South where JimCrow-era segregation laws were strictest - preventing some African-Americans

from obtaining education. While some private black colleges have folded over the years, no state has dismantled a public one, Haynes said. Michael Lomax, president and chief executive officer of the United Negro College Fund, questioned why Georgia's black colleges must bear the burden of the state's budget shortfall. "It seems like a politically charged and politically motivated move rather than a fiscally responsible one," Lomax, former commission chairman of Georgia's most populous county, said. "I am deeply concerned .... This is a proposal by a politician to address a budget shortfall without engaging academic professionals and planners."

BETA’S, ALPHA’S CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARIES, $500 SCHOLARSHIPS AWARDED Beta Kappa Lambda Chapter celebrated its 69th Annivesary and Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., observed its 102nd Anniversary during a Founder’s Day Program at Wesley United Methodist Church pastored by Rev. Dr. George A. McClenan, on Sunday, Dec. 14, 2008. Brother Rev. Dr. Mckinley Washington, Jr., a former State Senator and a Life Member of Beta Kappa Lambda, delivered a dynamic Founder’s Day message as his choir from Edisto Presbyterian Church USA, provided the music. The Chapter awarded $500.00 Scholarships to the following Senior High School Students attending James Island Charter High School: •JULIUS ASCUE, Parent/Guardian: Julius & Ivy Ascue •ANTHONY MOORE, Parent/Guardian: Anthony & Stacy Royal; SHELTON MIDDLETON, Parent/Guardian: Kevin & Shelia Middleton •AUGUSTUS RICHARDSON, Parent/Guardian: Augustus & Corrie Richardson •MICHAEL ROPER, Parent/Guardian: Henry & Sonya Roper CommunityService awards

were presented to the following persons: The Arts: Mrs. Dorothy Brunson Wright; Cultural Arts: Mr. Alphonso Brown; Education: Ms. Lois A. Simms; Medicine: Dr. DeAnna Cheek; Politics: House Majority Whip, U.S. Congressman James E. Clyburn and Representative Floyd Breeland;Religion: Reverend Issac Holt and Youth Services: Mr.

Herman D. Singleton, I CHAPTER OFFICERS: Brother Damien Seabrook, President; Brother Wayne Shider, Vice President; Brother Leon S. Green, Corresponding Secretary; Brother Anthony Joyner, Treasurer; Brother Hillery Douglas, Financial Secretary, Brother Reverend Dr. William Swinton, Chaplain; Brother Leon S. Green,

Membership Intake Coordinator; Brother Jermaine Joyner, Director of Education; Brother Ronald A. Ravenell, Editor-to-The Sphinx, Brother Judge Daniel E. Martin, Sr., Historian, Brother Anderson Mack, Jr., Parlimentarian; Brother Marc Brown, Sergeant-at-Arms; and Brother Robert N. Curry, Jr., Immediate Past President.

Senior High School Students attending James Island Charter High School received $500 Scholarships

The Chronicle

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YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED AND REQUIRED TO ANSWER the Complaint in this action, a copy of which is hereby served upon you, and to serve a copy of your Answer upon the undersigned subscriber at James E. Reeves, P.A., 400 North Cedar Street, Summerville, SC 29483, within thirty (30) days, thirty-five (35) days if service is by certified mail, after the service hereof, exclusive of the date of such service; except the United States of America shall have sixty (60) days; and if you fail to file an Answer or appear to defend the Complaint within the time aforesaid, the Plaintiffs will apply to the Court for a judgment by default to be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. YOU WILL ALSO TAKE NOTICE that the Plaintiffs will move for an order of reference or that the court may issue a general order of reference of this action to the Master-inEquity, pursuant to Rule 53, South Carolina Rules of Civil Procedure, on all issues to come before the Court. TO MINORS OVER FOURTEEN YEARS OF AGE AND MINORS UNDER THE AGE OF FOURTEEN YEARS OF AGE AND THE PERSON WITH WHOM THE MINOR RESIDES AND/OR TO PERSONS UNDER SOME LEGAL DISABILITY: YOU ARE FURTHER SUMMONED AND NOTIFIED to

apply for the appointment of a guardian ad litem within thirty (30) days after the service of this Summons and Notice upon you. If you fail to do so, application for such appointment will be made by the Plaintiffs. LIS PENDENS PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the above named Plaintiffs have commenced or intend to commence an action affecting the title to the real estate described below. The Complaint to be filed simultaneous herewith or within twenty days hereof, prays for a suit to quiet title for property in Charleston County, South Carolina. The real estate is described as follows: All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land, situate lying and being in the state and county aforesaid in St. Pauls Parish which is better described as follows: Tract No. 2 of plat by M. Kenyon Millard, Reg. C.E. & L.S. #635, dated August 29, 1986, containing 1.2 acres and specifically described on said plat as follows; beginning at an iron stake on the Northeast side of the 50’ R/W road 539.06’ West of S.C. Highway 162 and running along the Northeast R/W of said road N 79 47 01 W, 152.59’ to an iron stake, thence N 42 30 E, 459.95’ to an iron stake, thence S 47 30 E, 129’ to an iron stake, thence S 42 30 W, 378.46’ to an iron stake the point of beginning. BUTTING and bounding on the South by the 50’ R/W road; on the Northwest by Tract No. 3 of the above plat, on the Northeast by lands now or formerly of James Smith, and on the Southeast by Tract No. 1 of the above plat. THIS lot cut from Estate of Robert Tolbert acquired by him by deed of Robert Rivers, dated 3 February 1870, recorded in Book E at Page 96 at Colleton County Court House on 16 December 1911 and now shown in Deed Book B27 at Page 220-221 at the RMC Office for Charleston County. The above described Tract No. 2 has recently been surveyed and is more accurately described as: All that piece, parcel or tract of land, lying and being in Charleston County, South Carolina and known and designated as Tract No. 2, containing 1.13 acres, as shown on that certain plat entitled "BOUNDARY SURVEY OF TRACTS 2, 3 AND 4 248-0000-049, 050 AND 051 4.70 ACRES TOTAL REQUESTED BY WAYNE WIGGINS LOCATED IN SAINT PAULS PARISH CHARLESTON COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA" prepared by Jerrold Anderson dated December 5, 2008, revised March 13, 2008 and recorded May 23, 2008 in the RMC Office for Charleston County in Plat Book EL, page 532; said tract of land having such actual size, shape, dimensions, buttings and boundings as shown on said plat, reference to which is hereby made for a more complete description. TMS#: 248-00-00-049 AND All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land situate lying and being in the state and county aforesaid in St. Pauls Parish which is better described as follows: Tract No. 3 of plat by M, Kenyon Mallard, Reg. C.E. & L. S. #635, dated August 29, 1986 containing 1.2 acres and specifically described on said plat as follows: beginning at an iron stake on highway 162 and running along the northeast R/W of said road N. 79 47 01 W, 125.28’ to an iron stake, thence N 42 30 E, 526.91’ to an iron stake, then S 47 30 E, 106’ to an iron stake thence S 42 30 W, 459.95’ to an iron stake, the point of beginning. BUTTING and bounding on the south by the 50’ R/W road, on the Northwest by Trace No. 4 of the above plat, on the Northeast by lands of James Smith and on the Southeast by Tract No. 2 of the above plat. THIS lot cut from Estate of Robert Tolbert acquired by him by deed of Robert Rivers, dated 3 February 1870, recorded in Book E at Page 96 at Colleton County Court House on 16 December 1911 and now shown in Deed Book B27 at Page 220-221 at the RMC Office for Charleston County. The above described Tract No. 3 has recently been surveyed and is more accurately described as: All that piece, parcel or tract of land, lying and being in Charleston County, South Carolina and known and designated as Tract No. 3, containing 1.16 acres, as shown on that certain plat entitled "BOUDNARY SURVEY OF TRACTS 2, 3 AND 4 248-0000-049, 050 AND 051 4.70 ACRES TOTAL REQUESTED BY WAYNE WIGGINS LOCATED IN SAINT PAULS PARISH CHARLESTON COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA" prepared by Jerrold Anderson dated December 5, 2008, revised March 13, 2008 and recorded May 23, 2008 in the RMC Office for Charleston County in Plat Book EL, page 532; said tract of land having such actual size, shape, dimensions, buttings and boundings as shown on said plat, reference to which is hereby made for a more complete description. TMS #: 248-00-00-050

side of the 50’ R/W road 817.03’ West of South Carolina Highway 162, thence N 79 47 01 W, 105.27’ to an iron stake, thence N 79 47 01 W, 111.30’ to an iron stake, thence N 42 30 E, 638.06’ to an iron stake, thence S 50 150 E, 94.1’ to an old con.mon., thence S 47 30 E, 89.0’, thence S 42 30 W, 526.91’ to an iron stake, the point of beginning. BUTTING and bounding on the South by the 50’ R/W road, on the Northwest by Tract No. 5 of the above plat, on the Northeast by lands now or formerly of F.W. & C.A. Cera and James Smith and on the Southeast by Tract No. 3 of the above plat. THIS lot cut from Estate of Robert Tolbert acquired by him by deed of Robert Rivers, dated 3 February 1870, recorded in Book E at Page 96 at Colleton County Court House on 16 December 1911 and now shown in Deed Book B27 at Page 220-221 at the RMC Office for Charleston County. The above described Tract No. 4 has recently been surveyed and is more accurately described as: All that piece, parcel or tract of land, lying and being in Charleston County, South Carolina and known and designated as Tract No. 4, containing 2.41 acres, as shown on that certain plat entitled "BOUDNARY SURVEY OF TRACTS 2, 3 AND 4 248-0000-049, 050 AND 051 4.70 ACRES TOTAL REQUESTED BY WAYNE WIGGINS LOCATED IN SAINT PAULS PARISH CHARLESTON COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA" prepared by Jerrold Anderson dated December 5, 2008, revised March 13, 2008 and recorded May 23, 2008 in the RMC Office for Charleston County in Plat Book EL, page 532; said tract of land having such actual size, shape, dimensions, buttings and boundings as shown on said plat, reference to which is hereby made for a more complete description. TMS#: 248-00-00-051 ORDER APPOINTING GUARDIAN AD LITEM NISI Upon reading and filing the Petition of the Plaintiffs for appointment of S. Thomas Worley, Jr., Esquire, as guardian ad litem nisi for the unknown defendants who are minors and unknown defendants under other legal disability, collectively designated as John Doe and Mary Roe, and it appearing that the names and addresses of such minors, or other persons under other legal disability, whether residents or non-residents of the State of South Carolina, are unknown to the Plaintiffs and cannot with reasonable diligence be ascertained, and that S. Thomas Worley, Jr., Esquire, is a suitable and competent person to understand and protect the rights and interest of said minor defendants and others under legal disability, and is not connected in business with the Plaintiffs in this action or with their counsel. IT IS ORDERED that S. Thomas Worley, Jr., Esquire, be, and is hereby designated and appointed guardian ad litem nisi for said unknown minor defendants and those other defendants under legal disability, collectively designated as John Doe and Mary Roe, and is hereby authorized to appear and defend said action on behalf of said defendants unless said minor defendants or other defendants under other legal disability, shall within thirty days after the service of a copy of a Notice of this Order upon them, exclusive of the day of service, procure another to be the guardian ad litem for said minor defendants or other defendants under legal disability, for purpose of this action. NOTICE OF FILING SUMMONS, COMPLAINT, LIS PENDENS AND PETITION AND ORDER APPOINTING GUARDIAN AD LITEM NISI TO THE DEFENDANTS ABOVE NAMED: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the Summons, which included a Notice of Intention to Refer Action to the Master-in-Equity for Final Determination and a Notice of Appointment of Guardian Ad Litem Nisi; the Complaint; and Lis Pendens; were filed with the Clerk of Court for Charleston County Court of Common Pleas on August 21, 2008. Further, a Petition and Order Appointing S. Thomas Worley, Jr., whose address and phone number are 942 McCants Drive, Mouth Pleasant, South Carolina, 29464; (843) 8845474, as guardian ad litem nisi, for the Defendants designated as John Doe and Mary Roe, have also been filed on October 14, 2008, which said appointment becomes absolute thirty (30) days after the service of this Notice unless you or someone on your behalf procure another to be appointed as guardian ad litem to represent their interests in this action. The purpose of this suit is to determine the interests of the parties to the property, which is the subject matter of this suit, and to ask the Court for an Order from the Master-in-Equity for Charleston County approving the sale of the property to the Plaintiff, Sample & Associates, LLC. JAMES E. REEVES, P.A.

AND All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land situate lying and being in the sate and county aforesaid in St. Pauls Parish which is better described as follows: Tract No. 4 of plat by M, Kenyon Mallard, Reg. C.E. & L. S. #635, dated August 29, 1986 containing 2.4 acres and specifically described on said plat as follows: beginning at an iron stake on the Northeast

BY: JAMES E. REEVES, ESQUIRE 400 North Cedar Street Summerville, SC 29483 (843) 832-7337



v. Carolyn Chisholm Daniel, Joanne Chisholm Byrd, Gloria Poinsette Harrison, Archie C. Moore, Michael C. Moore, Robert Poinsette, Jr., Robin Poinsette, Yvonne Poinsette Wilson, Chrysler Financial Company, LLC, Domino Properties, LLC, Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company, South C a r o l i n a Department of Revenue, and John Doe, a fictitious name used herein to designate the unknown heirs at law, distributees, and/or devisees of Helen Balaam,Mary Streety Balaam, Robert Balaam, Robert Balaam, Jr., Alice Cecilia Smalls Chisholm Cecilia Chisholm, Diana Chisholm, Evalese Chisholm,Jennie Chisholm, Jeremiah Chisholm, John C. Chisholm aka John Chisholm, John Chisholm, Jr., Louise Chisholm, Sarah Chisholm, Alice Chisholm Dusenbury, Archie Moore, Sr., Geraldine Chisholm Moore, Armenia Chisholm Poinsette, Robert E. Poinsette, Sr., Jo Streety, Julia Rebecca Chisholm Streety, Martha Streety, Viola Streety, James Wright, James Wright, Jr., Lucille Streety Wright, all being deceased persons; and Mary Roe, a fictitious name designating all other persons and legal entities unknown who may have or claim an interest in or lien upon the real estate described herein, including any such as may be infants, incompetents, or under any otherdisability, including the Soldiers and Sailors Civil Relief Act, Defendants. AMENDED SUMMONS TO THE ABOVE DEFENDANTS:


YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED AND REQUIRED TO ANSWER the Amended Complaint in this action, a copy of which is hereby served upon you, and to serve a copy of your Answer upon the undersigned subscriber at James E. Reeves, P.A., 400 North Cedar Street, Summerville, SC 29483, within thirty (30) days; thirty-five (35) days if service is by certified mail, after the service hereof, exclusive of the date of such service; except the United States of America shall have sixty (60) days; and if you fail to file an Answer or appear to defend the Amended Complaint within the time aforesaid, the Plaintiffs will apply to the Court for a judgment by default to be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Amended Complaint. YOU WILL ALSO TAKE NOTICE that the Plaintiffs will move for an Order of Reference or that the Court may issue a general Order of Reference of this action to the Master-in-Equity, pursuant to Rule 53 of the South Carolina Rules of Civil Procedure, on all issues to come before the Court with direct appeal to the South Carolina Court of Appeals or South Carolina Supreme Court. TO MINORS OVER FOURTEEN YEARS OF AGE AND/OR MINORS UNDER FOURTEEN YEARS OF AGE AND THE PERSON WITH WHOM THE MINOR RESIDES AND/OR TO PERSONS UNDER SOME LEGAL DISABILITY: YOU ARE FURTHER SUMMONED AND NOTIFIED to apply for the appointment of a guardian ad litem within thirty (30) days after the service of this Amended Summons and Notice upon you. If you fail to do so, application for such appointment will be made by the Plaintiff(s).

YOU WILL ALSO TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to S.C. Code Ann. §15-61-25 (1976), as amended, if you are a joint tenant or tenant in common, you are hereby notified of your right to purchase the property, which is the subject matter of this action, and the need to notify the Court of your intention. LIS PENDENS PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the above named Plaintiff has commenced or intend to commence an action affecting the title to the real estate described below. The Amended Complaint to be filed simultaneous herewith or within twenty days hereof, prays for a suit to quiet title for property and for partition in Charleston County, South Carolina. The real estate is described as follows: All that piece, parcel or tract of land, lying and being in Charleston County, South Carolina and known and designated as containing 27.064 acres, as shown on that certain plat entitled "A BOUNDARY SURVEY OF TMS 312-00-00049 BEING 27.064 ACRES ON BROWNSWOOD ROAD OWNED BY THE ESTATE OF JOHN CHISOLM LOCATED IN THE TOWN OF CHARLESTON COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA" prepared by Southeastern Surveying of Charleston, Inc. dated June 1, 2006 and recorded July 11, 2008 in the RMC Office for Charleston County in Plat Book EL, page 632; said tract of land having such actual size, shape, dimensions, buttings and boundings as shown on said plat, reference to which is hereby made for a more complete description. TMS#: 312-00-00-049 NOTICE OF FILING AMENDED SUMMONS, AMENDED COMPLAINT, LIS PENDENS, AND PETITION AND ORDER APPOINTING GUARDIAN AD LITEM NISI TO THE DEFENDANTS ABOVE NAMED: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the Amended Summons, which included a Notice of Intention to Refer Action to the Masterin-Equity for Final Determination and a Notice of Appointment of Guardian Ad Litem Nisi; the Amended Complaint; and Lis Pendens; were filed with the Clerk of Court for Charleston County Court of Common Pleas on August 29, 2008. Further, a Petition and Order Appointing S. Thomas Worley, Jr., Esquire, whose address and phone number are 942 McCants Drive, Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464, (843) 884-5474, as guardian ad litem nisi, for the Defendants designated as John Doe and Mary Roe, have also been filed on October 14, 2008, which said appointment becomes absolute thirty (30) days after the service of this Notice unless you or someone on your behalf procure another to be appointed as guardian ad litem to represent their interests in this action. The purpose of this suit is to determine the interests of the parties to the property, which is the subject matter of this suit, and to ask the Court for an Order from the Master-in-Equity for Charleston County approving the sale of the property to the Defendant, Domino Properties, LLC. JAMES E. REEVES, P.A. By James E. Reeves, Esquire 400 North Cedar Street Summerville, SC 29483 (843) 832-7337 STe ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF



Case: ZPD-12-08-2222 Area: 8754 Savannah Hwy, St. Paul’s Parish Parcel Identification: 050-00-00-004 and 050-00-00-012 Acres: 313.42 Request to change from Agricultural Preservation (AG-10) district to Planned Development (PD-139) Case 3463-C Area: 6775 Bears Bluff Road, Johns Island Parcel Identification: 133-00-00-041 Acres: 47.5 Request to change from: Planned Development PD-94 to PD-94A Case 3468-C Area: 3830 & 3780 Chisolm Road, Johns Island Parcel Identification 249-00-00-005 & -013 Acres 118.6 Request to change from Agricultural Preservation (AG-8) District to Planned Development (PD) 137 District Case 3471-C Area: 2122 North Dallerton Circle, St. Andrews 310-07-00-073 Parcel Identification Acres: 0.33 Request to change from: Single Family Residential (R-4) District to Community Commercial (CC) District Case: 3477-C Area: 5907 Hwy 174, Adams Run Parcel Identification: 120-00-00-111 Acres: 1.86 Request to change from Agricultural/Residential(AGR) District To Rural Commercial (CR) District If you require further information, please contact the Charleston County Planning Department (843) 202-7200.


Beverly T. Craven Clerk of Council

The Chronicle

December 31, 2008- 9

Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the properly licensed under the Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the properly licensed under the Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the will be received from qualified bidders will be received from qualified b--__idders,properly licensed under will be received from qualified licensed under the wil will be received from qualified bidders Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under- from qualified bidders, will be received from Advanced Medicine licensed under the properly under the will be be received from qualified bidders,properly licensed under will be received from qualified licensed under the wil will be received from eceived from qualified bidders, dvanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the properly licensed under the Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the properly licensed under the Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the will be received from qualified bidders will qualified biddersackage for licensed


CHARLESTON COUNTY PUBLIC HEARING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT REQUEST CHARLESTON COUNTY COUNCIL WILL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT AT 5:00 P.M. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2009, AT THE LONNIE HAMILTON, III PUBLIC SERVICES BUILDING, 4045 BRIDGE VIEW DRIVE, NORTH CHARLESTON, SC: Case ACP-12-08-2221 TRP, LLC Application to amend the Charleston County Comprehensive Plan adopted November 18, 2008 (text and maps): The text amendment requests to add language to Section 3.1.7 (Future Land Use Recommendations), Sub-Section A (Rural Area Future Land Use Categories), Rural Industrial to include waste-related uses. The map amendment requests to amend Map 3.1.4, Future Land Use, to indicate a Rural Industrial Future Land Use recommendation for Parcel Identification Numbers 050-00-00-004 and 050-00-00-012. [THIS APPLICATION IS ASSOCIATED WITH A ZONING CHANGE REQUEST (CASE ZPD-12-08-2222).] . LENGTHY PRESENTATIONS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING PRIOR TO THE MEETING. Beverly T. Craven Clerk of Council

ESTATES’ CREDITOR’S NOTICES All persons having claims against the following estates are required to deliver or mail their claims to the Personal Representative indicated below and also file subject claims on Form #371PC with Irv Condon, Probate Judge of Charleston County, 84 Broad Street, Charleston, S.C. 29401, before the expiration of 8 months after the date of the first publication of this Notice to Creditors, or else thereafter such claims shall be and are forever barred. Estate of:

HELEN C. HAMPTON 2008-ES-10-1661 DOD: 10/30/08 Pers. Rep: JOAN C. O’BANNER 1425 WITTER ST., CHARLESTON, SC 29412 *************************************************************************






All persons having claims against the following estates are required to deliver or mail their claims to the Personal Representative indicated below and also file subject claims on Form #371PC with Irv Condon, Probate Judge of Charleston County, 84 Broad Street, Charleston, S.C. 29401 before the expiration of 8 months after the date of the first publication on his Notice to Creditors or else thereafter such claims shall be and are forever barred.


Estate of:


DOD: Pers. Rep:


29412 ESTATE of: DOD: Pers. Rep:


REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING SERVICES The Housing Authority of the City of Charleston 550 Meeting Street Charleston, South Carolina 29403 The Housing Authority of the City of Charleston (CHA) will receive qualifying documentation from Architect and Engineer firms interested in Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contracts to provide engineering and architectural services at various CHA locations. Term will be for twenty-four base months from award and up to two renewal options of twenty-four months each. Multiple IDIQ contracts may be awarded. The selected firms will be required to provide professional services to support the design and construction of new facilities as well as extensive renovations of single and multi-family residences. Engineering requirements includes electrical, mechanical, structural, and civil applications. The Housing Authority of the City of Charleston administers private and federal funds for various comprehensive grant programs that come under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. An agency selection committee will evaluate each submittal on the basis of (a) qualifications and expertise of personnel, (b) ability to meet time and budget requirements, (c) experience on similar projects, and (d) current and projected workload of the firms. Interested firms are invited to submit 4 copies of a Standard Form 330, Architect-Engineer Qualifications, Part I & II not later than 2:00 p.m. local time on January 8, 2009. Qualifications should be submitted to: Mr. W. Keith Brown, Purchasing/Contracts Manager 550 Meeting Street, Room 114 Charleston, South Carolina 29403 Late responses will not be accepted. This contract is Federally assisted; therefore, contracts for work under this bid will obligate the contractor and subcontractors not to discriminate in employment practices as mandated by the Davis-Bacon Act and Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968. The Housing Authority reserves the right to wave irregularities and to reject any and all proposals. Donald J. Cameron President and Chief Executive Officer

CASE NO.: 2008-DR-10-3533

CONSUELLA GILLIARD, Defendant. IN THE INTEREST OF: DEVONTRY MARQUIS GILLIARD, a minor child under the age of Eleven (11). TO THE DEFENDANTS ABOVE NAMED: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED AND REQUIRED to Answer the Complaint in this action, a copy of which is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your Answer thereto on the subscriber, Charlie L. Whirl, Esquire, at his office, 2112 Commander Road, North Charleston, South Carolina 29405, within thirty (30) days after the date of service upon you, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to Answer the Complaint within the time aforesaid, the Plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the Complaint and judgment by default may be entered against you. YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE FURTHER that if you fail to appear and defend and filed to answer the Complaint as required by this Summons within thirty (30) days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service, judgment by default will be entered against you or the relief demanded in the Complaint. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: The Summons and Complaint in the above-entitled action were filed in the Office of the Clerk of Court of Charleston County Family Court, Charleston, South Carolina on September 26, 2008. The Final Hearing date for the Adoption is scheduled for December 19, 2008 at 9:30 a.m. on the second floor, 100 Broad Street, Charleston County Judicial Center, Family Court, Charleston, South Carolina. CHARLIE L. WHIRL 2112 Commander Rd. Charleston, SC 29405 (843) 566-9705-Office Attorney for Plaintiffs

AMENDED SUMMONS DEFICIENCY DEMANDED TO THE DEFENDANTS ABOVE NAMED: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to appear and defend by answering the Amended Complaint in this action, of which a copy is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your Answer to the Amended Complaint upon the subscriber at his address, Larry D. Cohen, LLC, Attorney at Law, P.O. Box 30547, Charleston, South Carolina 29417, within thirty (30) days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service; except that the United States of America, if named, shall have sixty (60) days to answer after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to Answer the Amended Complaint within the time specified above, or otherwise appear and defend, the Plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the Amended Complaint, and judgment by default will be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Amended Complaint. R E S P E C T F U L LY SUBMITTED, Larry D. Cohen, LLC Attorney at Law P.O. Box 30547 Charleston, South Carolina 29417

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Charleston, South Carolina August 29, 2008 NOTICE OF FILING DEFICIENCY DEMANDED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Amended Lis Pendens, Amended Civil Cover Sheet, Amended Summons and Amended Complaint in this action were filed in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Common Pleas for Charleston County, South Carolina on September 18, 2008.

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APPOINTING GUARDIAN AD LITEM NISI TO: THE DEFENDANTS HEREIN, NAMES AND ADDRESSES UNKNOWN, INCLUDING ANY THEREOF WHO MAY BE MINORS, IMPRISONED PERSONS, INCOMPETENT PERSONS, UNDER OTHER LEGAL DISABILITY OR IN THE MILITARY SERVICE, IF ANY, WHETHER RESIDENTS OR NON-RESIDENTS OF SOUTH CAROLINA AND TO THE NATURAL, GENERAL, TESTAMENTARY GUARDIAN OR COMMITTEE, OR OTHERWISE, AND TO THE PERSON WITH WHOM THEY MAY RESIDE, IF ANY THERE BE: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a Motion for an order appointing Mason D. Salisbury, Esquire, as Guardian ad Litem Nisi, for all persons whomsoever herein collectively designated as Richard Roe or John Doe, defendants herein, names and addresses unknown, including any thereof who may be minors, imprisoned persons, incompetent persons, in the military service or under other legal disability, whether residents or non-residents of South Carolina, was filed in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Charleston County. YOU WILL FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that unless the said minors or persons under other legal disability, if any, or someone in their behalf or in behalf of any of them, shall within thirty (30) days after service of notice of this order upon them by publication, exclusive of the day

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of such service, procure to be appointed for them, or either of them, a Guardian ad Litem to represent them for the purposes of this action, the appointment of said Guardian ad Litem Nisi shall be made absolute. Larry D. Cohen Larry D. Cohen, LLC P.O. Box 30547 Charleston, SC 29417 Tel. (843) 225-4445 Fax (843) 225-2009 Attorney for the Plaintiff September 19, 2008 Charleston, South Carolina

COMPUTERS GET A NEW COMPUTER!!! Brand name laptops & desktops. Bad or NO credit- No Problem. Smallest weekly payments avail. Call NOW - 800805-1525. MISCELLANEOUS A NEW COMPUTER NOW!!! Brand name laptops & desktops. Bad or NO credit- No Problem. Smallest weekly payments avail. It’s yours NOW Call 1-800-816-2375.

Who Will Get the 2,500 Million New Jobs? by Ron Walters President Election Barack Obama has been formulating plans for the Stimulus Package that will be enacted shortly after he takes office. It is reputed to be in the area of $800 billion to $1.2 trillion and he originally proposed to create 2.5 million jobs. More recently, however, he has adjusted his goal to 3-3.5 million jobs because of analyses that show the probability that the economy will lose 3.5 million jobs in all of 2009. Yet this goal should be juxtaposed against the size of the growing Black unemployment rate, estimated to be 12 percent at present, which would be viewed as a crisis if it were a national figure. It has always mystified me why government officials and economists consider this as “normal” with respect to Blacks. The truth is that it has always been a crisis, but neither Democratic nor Republican officials have cared enough to enact special measures targeted to this population of 40 million to help it achieve employment parity. So, my question is who will get those jobs? More directly, since the Black unemployment rate could reach 20 percent by the end of next year, and they have had difficulty accessing jobs in “normal” times, whether this fact will be taken into consideration in the Obama administration. Every one talks about education as the remedy, but education is a very long range strategy and is not guaranteed to bring about employment parity, when racism still influences who gets a job when employers can detect that an AfricanAmerican is at the other end of the application process. Studies still show that whites with a prison record and a high school education are able to secure employment in a greater measure than Blacks with a college degree or a Black-sounding name. For Blacks to get those jobs the Obama administration will need to vigorously enforce the laws against employment discrimination. Second, the announced targets for job creation by Obama in areas such as infrastructure, healthcare, environment and others, creates some doubt that the available jobs will be distributed equitably. For example, in infrastructure jobs, Hispanics are poised to consume them, having “crowded out” African-Americans and others, to use a concept of some economists, in trades such as construction, landscaping and other pertinent employment categories. Many people have asked “What’s next?” now that we have a Black president and many of the answers have been abstract. However, coming down the pike is the largest amount of social and economic funding to be invested in moving the economy and the country forward we have seen in a long time. If Blacks are not poised to take advantage of it, they will not only lose one of the most important economic opportunities in history, but also fail to provide our own answer to the question of what it means to have Barack Obama in the White House. His job is to open the doors, ours is to fight to open it wide enough to that we can obtain the equal benefits of American citizenship.

10-December 31, 2008

The Chronicle

Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the properly licensed under the Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the properly licensed under the Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the will be received from qualified bidders will be received from qualified b--__idders,properly licensed under will be received from qualified licensed under the wil will be received from qualified bidders Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under- from qualified bidders, will be received from Advanced Medicine licensed under the properly under the will be be received from qualified bidders,properly licensed under will be received from qualified licensed under the wil will be received from eceived from qualified bidders, dvanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the properly licensed under the Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the properly licensed under the Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the will be received from qualified bidders will qualified biddersackage for licensed


STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA IN THE FAMILY COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COUNTY OF CHARLESTON CASE NO.: 2008-DR-10-3534 CYNTHIA DENISE LLOYD, Plaintiff, v. RANEISHA MITCHELL, Defendant. IN THE INTEREST OF: XAVIAR DAVEON LLOYD, a minor child under the age of Eleven (11). TO THE DEFENDANTS ABOVE NAMED: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED AND REQUIRED to Answer the Complaint in this action, a copy of which is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your Answer thereto on the subscriber, Charlie L. Whirl, Esquire, at his office, 2112 Commander Road, North Charleston, South Carolina 29405, within thirty (30) days after the date of service upon you, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to Answer the Complaint within the time aforesaid, the Plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the Complaint and judgment by default may be entered against you. YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE FURTHER that if you fail to appear and defend and filed to answer the Complaint as required by this Summons within thirty (30) days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service, judgment by default will be entered against you or the relief demanded in the Complaint. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: The Summons and Complaint in the above-entitled action were filed in the Office of the Clerk of Court, Charleston County Family Court, Charleston, South Carolina on September 26, 2008. The Final Hearing date for the Adoption is scheduled for December 19, 2008 at 9:30 a.m. on the second floor, 100 Broad Street, Charleston County Judicial Center, Family Court, Charleston, South Carolina.

CP0516C1 Avondale Streetscape Project City of Charleston Request for Qualifications The City of Charleston is requesting statements of qualifications from Contractors to perform construction of streetscape improvements in the Avondale area (Hwy 17, West Ashley) of the City: The City intends to pre-qualify Contractors who have completed and submitted the Qualification Questionnaire and AIA Document A305 - Contractor Qualification Statement, are deemed to be qualified by the City and will be allowed to bid on this project. Contractors interested in submitting their qualifications shall obtain a Qualification Package from The LandPlan Group South, ATTN: Linda Moebes, 854 Lowcountry Blvd., Suite 101, Mount Pleasant, SC 29464. Telephone 843-216-1612. Contractors who demonstrate the financial ability to perform the work will be judged on the following factors ranked in order of importance: Previous experience with projects of a similar nature and size; past performance with regards to quality and execution of projects with the City of Charleston; schedule and cost control; qualifications of office and field personnel; safety program; current backlog and project procedures. Only the most highly qualified, financially capable contractors will be qualified. This project will require 100% Performance and Payment bonds.



Deadline for submission of Qualifications is 2.00pm Friday January 9th, 2009. Please submit the forms in a sealed envelope along with the project title “Avondale Streetscape Project CP0516C1”to: Mr. Ross Eastwood, Project Manager, City of Charleston, 823 Meeting Street Road, Charleston, SC 29403. 843-579-7552 [email protected]. Construction costs for this project are expected to be in the range of $550,000 – $600,000. The City reserves the right to reject all qualification packages if the City deems it to be in their best interests. Qualification Packages will not be returned.

REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS Solicitation Number: 08R039B Worker’s Compensation Consultant The City of Charleston is accepting Request for qualifications for Worker’s Compensation Consultant for the City of Charleston. The City will receive bids until January 22, 2009 @ 11:00 a.m. at 288 Meeting Street, Suite 310 Charleston, SC. The solicitation will be available upon request and may be obtained by submitting a written request to: Robin D. Barrett, CPPB by fax (843720-3872), by phone (843-724-7312) or mailing to the above address. You may also obtain a copy of the solicitation by going to our website: and then click on the CHARLIE L. WHIRL 2112 Commander Rd. Charleston, SC 29405 (843) 566-9705-Office Attorney for Plaintiff

ZONING CHARLESTON COUNTY PUBLIC HEARING CHARLESTON COUNTY COUNCIL WILL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE FOLLOWING ZONING CHANGE CASES AT 6:00 P.M, JANUARY 13, 2009 IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS AT THE LONNIE HAMILTON, III PUBLIC SERVICES BUILDING, 4045 BRIDGE VIEW DRIVE, NORTH CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA: Case: 3476-C Area: 1426 Alma Street, St. Andrews Parcel Identification: 351-06-00-087 Acres: 0.33 Request to change from Single Family Residential (R-4) District to Community Transition (CT) District Case: 3479-C Area: 130 Main Road, St. Andrews Parcel Identification: 285-07-00-012 Acres: 4.2 Request to change from Planned Development (PD) 106 to Planned Development (PD) 106A If you require further information, please contact the Charleston County Planning Department (843) 202-7200. LENGTHY PRESENTATIONS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING PRIOR TO THE MEETING. Beverly T. Craven Clerk of Council ESTATES’ CREDITOR’S NOTICES All persons having claims against the following estates are required to deliver or mail their claims to the Personal Representative indicated below and also file subject claims on Form #371PC with Irv Condon, Probate Judge of Charleston County, 84 Broad Street, Charleston, S.C. 29401, before the expiration of 8 months after the date of the first publication of this Notice to Creditors, or else thereafter such claims shall be and are forever barred. Estate of:

ADVERTISING 843- 723-2785 Email: [email protected]

KING DAVID GRAHAM 2008-ES-10-1456 DOD: 09/04/08 Pers. Rep: EDNA K. GRAHAM 2144 MIDLAND PARK RD., NORTH CHARLESTON, SC 29406 Atty: EDUARDO K. CURRY, ESQ. PO BOX 42270, NORTH CHARLESTON, SC 29423 *************************************************************************

STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF CHARLESTON George Herbert Roper, Kurline White, Gracie Roper Grant, and Carolyn Gibbs, Plaintiffs, The Estate of Isiah Roper, The Estate of Maggie Roper, The Estate of Sadie Roper, The Estate of Hutchinson Roper, The Estate Idella Roper, The Estate of Melvin Roper, The Estate of James Roper, The Estate of Alla Mae Roper, The Estate of Emily Roper Gibbs, The Estate of Arthur Gibbs, Arthur Gibbs, Jr., Henry Gibbs, Ronald Lee Gibbs, Bernard Gibbs, George Herbert Roper, Kurline Roper White, Gracie Roper Grant, The Estate of Herman Roper, Margaret Roper, J Doe adults and M Roe infants, insane persons, incompetents being fictious names designating a class of persons known or unknown who may be heirs, distributees, devisees, legatees, widow, widower, assignees executor, administrators, creditors, successor, issue and alieness of the Estate of Isiah Roper and Maggie Roper, and all other persons known or unknown claiming any right, title, Estate, interest in or lien upon the real property described in the complaint, adverse to the Plaintiff’s ownership, or any claim on Plaintiff’s title, Defendants. _______________________ IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT CASE NO.: 07-CP-10-4227 SUMMONS AS A NOTICE OF THE COMPLAINT TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to answer the Complaint in this action, a copy of which is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your Answer to the said Complaint on the Plaintiff, or on Plaintiff’s attorney, Brian G. Burke, at his office, 113 Wappoo Creek Drive, Charleston, South Carolina 29412, within thirty (30) days after service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service, and if you fail to answer the Complaint within the time aforesaid, the Plaintiff in this action will apply to Court for the relief demanded in the Complaint and a judgment by default may be rendered against you. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the Summons and Complaint in this action were filed on June 17, 2008, at the Charleston County Courthouse, 100 Broad Street, Charleston, South Carolina.

-versusPEGGY MOSLEY, Auditor for Charleston County and successor in Office to John C. Mehrtens and Henry Tecklenberg; D. MICHAEL HUGGINS, Assessor for Charleston County and successor in Office to John R. Lindsey; Andrew C. Smith, Treasurer for Charleston County and successor in Office to William J. Leonard, J. Riddick and William O. Thomas, Jr., and MORT FARRIS, Delinquent Tax Collector for Charleston County and successor in Office to Joseph M. Poulnot, Sheriff and the former Delinquent Tax Collector for Charleston County; JOHN DOE, adults, and RICHARD ROE, infants, insane persons and incompetents, being fictitious names, designating as a class any person who may be an heir, distribute, devisee, legatee, widow, widower, assignee, administrator, executor, personal representative, creditor, successor, issue and alienee of Samuel Bash, Julia Myers and Charles Case, deceased; and Thelma Myers, Richard Cash, Lemark Cash a/k/a Lamar Cash, Mary Lee Singleton and Charlie Cash, Defendants. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT CASE NUMBER: 06-CP-10-2043 NOTICE NISI PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that there has been filed in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Charleston County, State of South Carolina, an Order appointing for you as Guardian Ad Litem, KELVIN M. HUGER, whose business address is 27 Gamecok Avenue, Charleston, South Carolina, 29407, which appointment shall become absolute upon the expiration of thirty (30) days after the last day of publication of a copy of the Summons and Lis Pendens herein unless you or someone on your behalf, on or before the last mentioned date, shall produce someone to be appointed as Guardian Ad Litem to represent you in this action. DANIEL E. MARTIN, JR. Attorney for Plaintiff 61 Morris Street Charleston, S.C. 29403 (843) 723-1686 CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA June 6, 2006. AMENDED NOTICE YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the Civil Action Cover Sheets Amended Lis Pendens, Amended Summons and Amended Notice, Complaint, Petitions for Appointment of Guardian Ad Litem, Order for Appointment of Guardian Ad Litem, Notice Nisi, Affidavit of Publication, Order of Publication, and Notice of Intention to Refer to Master-in-Equity for Final Determination were filed with the Clerk of Court for Charleston County on November 12, 2008. The purpose of this action is to clear the title to the subject of real estate property. DANIEL E. MARTIN, JR. Attorney for Plaintiff 61 Morris Street Charleston, S.C. 29403 (843) 723-1686 CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA November 12, 2008. AMENDED SUMMONS

Martin Law Firm s/Brian G. Burke_____ Brian G. Burke Martin Law Firm 113 Wappoo Creek Drive Charleston, SC 29412 843-762-2121 843-762-2333 fax Charleston, South Carolina

TO: THE DEFENDANTS ABOVE NAMED: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to answer the Complaint in this action, a copy of which is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your Answer on the Plaintiff or her attorney, Daniel E. Martin, Jr., at his office, No. 61 Morris Street,

Charleston, South Carolina, within thirty (30) days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service, and if you fail to answer the Complaint within time aforesaid, the Plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for relief demanded in the Complaint and a judgment by default shall be rendered against you. YOU WILL ALSO TAKE NOTICE that should you fail to Answer the foregoing Summons and Complaint, the Plaintiff will move for a general Order of Reference in this case to the Master-in-Equity or Special Referee for this County; which Order shall, pursuant to Rule 53(e) of the South Carolina Rules of Civil Procedure, specifically provide that the said Master-in-Equity or Special Referee is authorized and empowered to enter a Final Judgment in this case. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the Amended Lis Pendens, Amended Summons and Amended Complaint in this action were filed on November _____, 2008, at the Charleston County Courthouse, 100 Broad Street, Charleston, South Carolina 29401. Dated at Charleston, South Carolina, this 10 day of November, 2008. DANIEL E. MARTIN, JR., ESQUIRE 61 MORRIS STREET CHARLESTON, S.C. 294131830 (843) 723-1686 ATTORNEY FOR THE PLAINTIFF Charleston, South Carolina November 10, 2008. AMENDED LIS PENDENS TO THE DEFENDANTS ABOV NAMED: NOTICE IS HEREBY given that an action has been commenced and is now pending in the Court of Common Pleas for Charleston County, pursuant: the provisions of Title 12, Chapter 49, South Carolina Code of Laws for 1976, as amended, as to the Plaintiff’s First Cause of Action for the entry of judgment declaring the tax sale of the subject was valid. the provisions of Title 15, Chapters 53 and 67, South Carolina Code of Laws for 1976, as amended, with respect to the Second Cause of action for the purpose of obtaining the judgment of this Court declaring that the Plaintiff is the owner of the parcels of land described herein, the contents of which are being fully incorporated herein and made apart hereof, with fee simple title thereto, free and clear of any adverse claims of each and every one of the Defendants who are joined in the above entitled action, and to declare that each and every one of them to be forever barred from asserting or claiming any right, title and interest therein or thereto, and pursuant to the provisions of Title _____, Chapter ____, South Carolina Code Code of Law for 1976, as amended for the purpose of obtaining the judgment of the Court declaring that the Defendants Thelma Myers, Richard Cash, Lemark Cash a/k/a Lamar Cash, Mary Lee Singleton and Charlie Cash be ejected from Parcels “A”, “B”, “C”, and “D” that are described herein, and the contents thereof are being incorporated herein by reference. THE BELOW DESCRIBED parcel of real estate was at the time of the filing of this Lis Pendens, and at the time of the commencement of this action, situated, lying and being in the County of Charleston, State of South Carolina, and is more particularly described as follows: (PARCEL –A) ALL that certain piece, part and parcel of land, situate, lying and being in Santee Parish No. 1, in the County of Charleston, State of South Carolina, measuring an containing 0.69 acre, more or less, and being bounded on the Northern side by U.S. Highway 17 North; on the Eastern side by a parcel of land assigned Charleston County TMS #712-00-00-121; on the Southern side by a parcel of land assigned Charleston County TMS #71200-00-110; and on the Western side by a fifty feet wide road right of way. This being a parcel of land conveyed in a deed of Mary W. Witherspoon to Betty Myers, dated June 24. 2005 and recorded on August 11, 2005, in Book X-548, at Page

189, in the Charleston County R.M.C. Office. TMS #712-00-00-109 (PARCEL-B) ALL that certain piece, part and parcel of land, situate, lying and being in Santee Parish No. 1, in the County of Charleston, State of South Carolina, measuring an containing 0.72 acre, more or less, and being bounded on the Northern side by a parcel of land assigned Charleston County TMS #712-00-00-109; on the Eastern side by a parcel of land assigned Charleston County TMS #712-00-00-121; on the Southern side by a parcel of land assigned Charleston County TMS #71200-00-151; and on the Western side by a fifty feet wide road right of way. This being a parcel of land conveyed in a deed of Mary W. Witherspoon to Betty Myers, dated June 24, 2005 and recorded on August 11, 2005, in Book X-548, at Page 189, in the Charleston County R.M.C. Office TMS #712-00-00-110 (PARCEL-C) ALL that certain piece, part and parcel of land, situate, lying and being in Santee Parish No. 1, in the County of Charleston, State of South Carolina, measuring and containing 1.12 acre, more or less, and being bounded on the Northern by a parcel of land assigned Charleston County TMS #712-00-00-121; on the Eastern side by a parcel of land assigned Charleston County TMS #712-00-00-111; on the Southern side by a parcel of land assigned Charleston County TMS #71200-00-11; and on the Western side partially by a fifty feet wide road right of way and a parcel of land assigned Charleston County TMS #712-00-00-111. This being a parcel of land conveyed in a deed of Mary W. Witherspoon to Betty Myers, dated June 24, 2005 and recorded on August 11, 2005, in Book X-548, at Page 196, in the Charleston County R.M.C. Office TMS #712-00-00-151 (PARCEL-D) ALL that certain piece, part and parcel of land, situate, lying and being in Santee Parish No. 1, in the County of Charleston, State of South Carolina, measuring and containing 9.03 acre, more or less, and being bounded on the Northern side by a parcel of land assigned Charleston County TMS #712-00-00-151 and a fifty feet wide road of way; on the Eastern side by a portion of a parcel of land assigned Charleston County TMS #712-00-00-121; on the Southern side by the marshes of an extending to the Intercoastal Waterway; and a parcel of land assigned Charleston County TMS #71200-00-122; and on the Western side by the parcel of land assigned Charleston County TMS #712-00-00-_____and TMS #712-00-00-122. This being a parcel of land conveyed by Mary W. Witherspoon to Betty Myers, in a deed dated June 24, 2005 and recorded on August 11, 2005, in Book X-458, at Page 196, in the Charleston County R.M.C. Office TMS #712-00-00-111 (PARCEL-E) ALL that certain piece, part and parcel of land, situate, lying and being in Santee Parish No. 1, in the County of Charleston, State of South Carolina, measuring and containing 0.69 acre, more or less, and being bounded on the Northern side by lands of __________; on the Eastern side by a parcel of land now or formerly owned by the Estate of March Washington; on the Southern side by lands now or formerly of Jerry L. Middleton, and on the Western side by the parcel of land now or formerly owned by the Estate of Mose and Stephney McNeal. This being a parcel of land conveyed in a deed Mary W, Witherspoon to the Grantee Betty Myers, dated June 24, 2005 and recorded on August 11, 2005, in Book X-548, at Page 189, in the Charleston County R.M.C. Office. TMS #712-00-00-180 DANIEL E. MARTIN, JR., ESQUIRE 61 MORRIS STREET POST OFFICE BOX 21830 CHARLESTON, S.C. 294031830 (843) 723-1686 ATTORNEY FOR THE PLAINTIFF Charleston, South Carolina November 10, 2008.

The Chronicle

December 31, 2008-12

Fundraiser For Jenkins A Success It was a noble gesture by a Baptist minister that began some 115 years ago when he invited four homeless boys into his home for food and warmth, and it has not been forgotten, said Mr. Richard Brewer and Mrs. Alma R. Latten, during their recent annual fundraiser at the ILA Hall for the Daniel Joseph Jenkins Institute for Children, attracting supporters from throughout the Lowcountry. Said Ms. Latten, chairperson for the event, “My heart swells with pride and joy when the golden opportunities of happiness in a nurturing envi-

ronment who are separated from their families at a delicate time in their young lives, because of joy of the Lord is our strength.” Under the strong leadership of Ms. Latten and Mr. Brewer, the annual fundraiser was tremendous, with proclamations from the City of Charleston Mayor Joseph P. Riley, Jr., and Mayor Keith Summey, of North Charleston. Advisory board members include Vermell V. Bass, Whilhelmina R. Jones, Benjamin E. Mood, Jr., Martha L. Rhodes, Essie W. Simmons, Elizabeth Williams, and Laura Williams.

Richard Brewer, Jr., Advisory Board President & Vermell Bass

Rep. David Mack III, Samuella Holmes & Sheryl Mack

Elease Amos-Goodwin, Clay Middleton, Alma R. Latten, Chair-Banquet Committee

(from left to right) Kenny Gardner, Alphonso Brown, Loretta Veal, Ann Evans, Margaret Brightman

Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Rhodes

(from left to right) Barbara Gathers, Gertrude Christopher, Rev. Alma Dungee, Anna Bell Seabrook

Essie Simmons & Thomasina Smith-Cook seating- Mildred Carr

Rev. Leeper and wife, Brenda Smalls and Ellen Smalls

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