Christian Subversive Reading List

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 555
  • Pages: 4
Subversive Christian Writers Theodore Adorno Minima Moralia Politics and Aesthetics Thomas J.J. Alitzer The New Apocalypse: The Radical Christian Vision of William Blake Radical Theology and the Death of God Ernest Becker The Denial of Death Nicholas Berdyaev The Meaning of History Wendell Berry Another Turn of the Crank Citizen Papers The Unsettling of America Life is a Miracle Leon Bloy Pilgrim of the Absolute Dietrich Bonhoeffer Letters from Prison Wayne C Booth Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent Taylor Branch Parting the Waters GK Chesterton The Everlasting Man William Blake What’s Wrong with the World Outline of Sanity Lunacy and Letters Tremenous Trifles Hugh Kenner Paradox in Chesterton Fyodor Dostoevsky

The Idiot Crime and Punishment The Brother Karamazov Notes from the Underground Joseph Frank Dostoevsky: The Miraculous Years Dorothy Day Dorothy Day Library – Jacques Ellul The Subversion of Christianity What I Believe Living Faith The Technological Society The Humiliation of the Word A Critique of the New Commonplaces The New Demons The Politics of God and the Politics of Man Darrel J. Fasching The Thought of Jacques Ellul Northrop Frye The Great Code: The Bible and Literature Northrop Frye on Religion The Modern Century: The Whidden Lectures Anatomy of Criticism Spiritus Mundi: Essays Stubborn Structure Fearful Symmetry: A Study of William Blake Rene Girard Things Hidden Since the Foundation of the World Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Maxims and Reflections Faust Wilhelm Meister Propaganda Ivan Illich The Corruption of Christianity Tools for Conviviality ABC: The Alphabetization of the Popular Mind In the Mirror of the Past

Jack Kerouac Satori in Paris On the Road -- Text and Criticism Selected Letters: 1940-56, ed. by Ann Charters The Portable Jack Kerouac Some of the Dharma Jim Christy The Long Slow Death of Jack Kerouac Ben Giamo Kerouac: The Word and the Way Ann Charters Kerouac: A Biography Martin Luther King The Strength to Love The Words of Martin Luther King, Jr. ed by Coretta Scott King Milan Kundera The Art of the Novel Dennis P. McCann Christian Realism and Liberation Theology Marshall McLuhan The Gutenberg Galaxy The Medium and the Light: Reflections on Religion Counter Blast The Medium is the Message, (with Quentin Fiore) Culture is Our Business Donald Theall The Virtual McLuhan W. Terrence Gordon, ed Marshall McLuhan: Escape into Understanding Eric McLuhan and Jacek Szlarek The Medium and the Light: Reflections on Religion Thomas Merton Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander Literary Essays Disputed Questions New Seeds of Contempation No Man is an Island The Hidden Ground of Love Faith and Violence Zen and the Birds of Appetite Contemplative Prayer

Passion for Peace: The Social Essays Ishi Means Man Boris Pasternak Doctor Zhivago Safe Passage Joseph Pearce Literary Converts: Spiritual Inspiration in an Age of Unbelief Walker Percy The Message in the Bottle Lost in the Cosmos Signposts in a Strange Land The Moviegoer The Second Coming Love in the Ruins Patricia Lewis Poteat Walker Percy and the Old Modern Age Robert Roth, SJ American Religious Philosophy E.F.Schumacher A Guide for the Perplexed Small is Beautiful Alexander Solzhenitsyn Gulag Archipelago (3 vols) The Oak and the Calf A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich Simone Weil The Simone Weil Reader, ed by George A. Panichas Gateway to God Slavoj Zizek The Fragile Absolute, or Why is the Christian Legacy Worth Fighting For

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