Christian Family Life Center 2009 Catalog

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  • Pages: 24
a personal note from Steve Wood

new & best-selling items

It has been an exciting and momentous year for the Family Life Center. We recently celebrated the 10th anniversary of our Faith & Family program that airs on EWTN Radio. I truly believe that radio is one of the most effective means of communicating the truths of the Catholic faith in the modern world, and it has been an honor to play a part for the past decade. We also celebrated the 10th anniversary of publishing my first book, Christian Fatherhood. Jim Burnham and I wrote this book in response to the critical need to equip fathers to be loving leaders in the home. Christian Fatherhood is one of the very few contemporary books written specifically to and for dads, and we’ve received numerous testimonies over the years of its impact on fathers and families. Our new 10th anniversary edition of Christian Fatherhood contains a decade’s worth of updated statistics, stories, and quotations. We also published this new edition as a hardback, since we’ve found that many of our fatherhood resources are given to dads as gifts on birthdays and other holidays, and men judge a book by its perceived value. One of the foundational purposes of the Family Life Center is to strengthen marriages. In response to the growing need, we’ve expanded our list of marital and pre-marital resources in this catalog. I’ve strategically focused my energies on the pre-marital years as the point where I could offer the greatest assistance. This is the reason for my writing The ABCs of Choosing a Good Wife and The ABCs of Choosing a Good Husband. There are few people more excited than myself that Pope Benedict XVI declared the Year of St. Paul. I’ve been studying St. Paul for over thirty years, and am convinced he is one of the most significant figures in the history of the world. There are easy ways for families to begin studying St. Paul in the home. To help you get started I recommend my new CD and Study Guide: A Survey of the Life and Writings of St. Paul. I taught a Bible study on Romans to a group of teenagers and their parents this year. The Catholic teens brought their Protestant friends to the study – and the Protestant teens came back week after week! My new series What is Justification? may be the most significant project I’ve done all year. As you browse the many family, faith and apologetics resources in this catalog, I hope that you educate yourself and then pass them along to friends, family members, and co-workers. The Catholic faith is too good to keep bottled up. Share it. Yours in His Majesty’s Service,

Steve Wood, President


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page 4

ABCs of Choosing a Good Wife and Husband page 6


page 13

What is Justification? page 21

Note: A few of the titles in this catalog are authored by Protestant Evangelicals who are qualified experts in areas such as marital communication, sexual addiction and alcohol recovery. Such titles are marked with a “+” next to the product item number.

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How to Avoid Marrying a Jerk Combo

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Greenville, SC 29615

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10th anniversary hardcover edition!

“And he will turn the hearts of fathers to their children, and the hearts of children to their fathers.” – Malachi 4:6

FATHERHOOD CHRISTIAN The Eight Commitments of St. Joseph’s Covenant Keepers Stephen Wood with James Burnham

This best-selling book covers the eight commitments of St. Joseph’s Covenant Keepers and gives dads the tools they need to succeed as husbands and fathers. Endorsed by Mother Teresa, Cardinal Stafford, Archbishop Raymond Burke, and many others, Christian Fatherhood presents a genuine Christian perspective for renewing the world by restoring the vocation of fatherhood. Fathers will learn: • Why covenant keeping is so important • How to follow St. Joseph as a role model for fathers • What it means to be a “servant leader” of a family • How the sacraments are necessary for effective fatherhood • How to improve communication in your marriage • How busy dads can preserve their priorities and manage their time “Christian Fatherhood identifies and addresses • Ingredients necessary for building a successful men’s ministry the unique needs of fathers. It gives men the practical truths to become faithful husbands and • What your children want most from you – and how to give it conscientious fathers.” • How to protect, provide for, and educate your children — James Francis Cardinal Stafford, • How to build your marriage on a solid foundation so that it lasts a lifetime president, Pontifical Council for the Laity Christian Fatherhood includes a chapter on the effects of birth control on a marriage and family, and challenges Christian men to follow the Church’s “Christian Fatherhood is a championship gameplan for fathers who will turn their hearts teaching in this area of their marriage. This chapter has literally saved marriages toward their children. Fathers, open and read on the brink of divorce, and brought many Christian men back into the fullness — Rick Strom, former NFL Quarterback, this plan!” of the Catholic faith. This small chapter is worth its weight in gold for its Pittsburgh Steelers, Buffalo Bills unique effectiveness in communicating to men in a simple, challenging and straightforward way the Church’s teaching on the sacrament of marriage. “This book is not just another self-help book on how to be a good father. It does not tell men to There are very few contemporary Catholic books written to dads about their get in touch with their feminine side. It is both roles as fathers. Christian Fatherhood is a unique resource and the perfect a call to return to the traditional exercise of tool to help any father become the very best Dad he can be. The new hardcover fatherhood, and a call to turn to the Church and edition makes a perfect gift for any dad.


the sacraments for guidance and grace which they will need for this sacred vocation.” — Mary R. Schnieder,

Hardcover, 201 pages #B482 $19.95 Book-On-CD #CD353 $29.95

Homiletic and Pastoral Review

Book & Book-On-CD COMBO: #CO150 $39.95


This small group resource is divided into eight sections that mirror the teaching of the eight commitments found in the book Christian Fatherhood. Each section includes the following components: (1) Scripture and Tradition; (2) Questions for Discussion; (3) Areas of Accountability; (4) Prayer Focus; (5) Resources. The Study Guide also features a brief overview of St. Joseph’s Covenant Keepers, the purpose of men’s small groups, and how to use the Study Guide, particularly in the context of a men’s small group. #B483 $4.95 toll free 800-705-6131



In this professionally recorded and mastered presentation of a St. Joseph’s Covenant Keepers men’s conference, Steve shares eight commitments for successful fathering. This dynamic conference DVD set also includes special interview segments with Steve on faith, family, and fathering topics. This DVD series is perfect for individual viewing by dads and dads-to-be, men’s small groups, parish seminars and retreats. Running time: 6 hours 10 minutes. 3-DVD Set #DVD103 $49.95

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marriage new




Steve Wood

Dr. John Van Epp

It’s happened to everyone: you meet someone and fall madly in love and good judgment is thrown out the window – until you realize this person isn’t who you thought he or she was. Following Dr. John Van Epp’s steps in How to Avoid Marrying a Jerk can save you a lifetime of heartache. Based on years of research on marital and premarital happiness, this book maximizes your potential for finding “the one” by helping you focus on the crucial characteristics of a lasting and loving relationship. Dr. Van Epp also addresses one of the most critical problems with singles today: living together before marriage. Using statistics, research, and common sense, he demonstrates that cohabitation is a foolish way to pursue happiness in marriage. But how do you get the anti-cohabitation message across to people whose hearts and minds are closed to the truth? Steve Wood answers this critical question in his new CD by offering commentary and strategies for using Dr. Van Epp’s book. Steve’s CD explains a way that could reach even couples who are already cohabiting and persuade them to separate! These resources will help you avoid disastrous decisions and gain valuable insights into how to choose a lifelong mate. CD #CD346: $9.95 • Book #B478+ $22.95 Combo Special Book & CD: #CO147 $29.95


Archbishop Fulton Sheen

In this classic book, one of the greatest and best-loved spokesmen for the Catholic faith sets out the Church’s understanding of marriage in his trademark clear and entertaining style. Sheen presents the causes of and solutions to common marital crises, and emphasizes that Christ is at the center of every successful and loving marriage. #B184 $9.95

How do you stop the downwardly spiraling cycle of marital discord and strife once it starts? How can you help a couple stop the process of divorce proceedings once they begin? How do you put some spark back in your marriage when it needs some freshening? In What Works in Marriage, Steve Wood shares some uncomplicated yet incredibly effective information. He reveals a simple secret that can make troubled marriages better and good marriages great. This secret is so powerful it has rescued marriages on the brink of divorce. Steve also equips you to help someone else’s marriage. You don’t need to be a trained counselor to help a friend or loved one whose marriage is in trouble. That’s because the secret is simple and it works with all marriages across the board – from newlyweds to seasoned marriage partners. #CD343 $9.95



Steve Wood

Financial issues are a primary cause of stress in marriages. The cancer of credit card debt, the plague of student loans, and burdensome home equity loans are causing families to overextend themselves at a time of great financial volatility. Steve helps you face your financial fears and embark on the journey to debt-free living. He teaches you how to begin a time-proven financial plan that will work even in these times of economic uncertainty. The basic plan is so simple it can fit on a 3x5 index card! Most married couples know they should spend less, save more and avoid debt, and yet they don’t do it. This CD is intended to motivate couples into action. #CD316 $9.95

strengthening marriage with natural family planning

Divorce-Proofing Your Marriage with


Bruce and Diane Conroy & Dr. Kim Hardy

Bruce and Diane Conroy, a teaching couple of Natural Family Planning (NFP), help couples understand how and why NFP is a vital way to strengthen their marriage and family life. They answer common concerns such as: Is NFP safe? Is it effective? How will NFP affect my relationship with my spouse? Dr. Kim Hardy, an OB-GYN, shares how his perspective on life and contraception was dramatically changed after a tragic accident. He offers a physician’s perspective on why NFP is a safe, effective, and valuable method for couples. 2-CD Set #CD192 $16.95


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Steve Wood

Natural Family Planning (NFP) is rejected by thousands of couples who could be persuaded to change their minds – if we improve the way we communicate to them. In this dynamic presentation, Steve Wood teaches you how to communicate the NFP message to men, Protestants, Catholics, and non-practicing Catholics. You’ll learn about using effective titles in a presentation, establishing common ground, building trust, selecting an event speaker, planting time-delay fuses in an NFP talk, advanced communication strategies for Protestant pastors, and why aiming for a high commitment achieves spectacular results. This CD could help a lot of good people help a lot of other good people. #CD156 $9.95 free shipping for online orders over $25.00*

marriage new expanded edition



A Challenge to Married Men Steve Wood

In this marriage talk given to a men-only audience, Steve Wood gives a no-holdsbarred challenge to men to build a strong marriage: the foundation of their fatherhood and family life. Steve shares with men seven secrets to a happy marriage, with topics including: • How to improve communication skills with your wife • The one thing that can make your marriage work – or bring you back together • Something to remember about divorce that can literally save your marriage • The three-fold dimensions of the marital bond, how they are broken by a mistake many couples make, and how to fix it. #CD149 $9.95

Building Your Marriage on THE Steve Wood


The storms of the modern world blow heavy challenges on married life today. Only those couples who learn how to build their marriage on a solid foundation will be able to weather the hard times in married life and make their marriage last a lifetime. In this best-selling album couples will learn: How to overcome selfishness in family relationships; Where to discover a “fountain of love” for your marriage; A special way for Catholics to discover forgiveness; Help for family finances and for avoiding money conflicts; How to avoid common “marriage busters.” 2-CD Set #CD113 $16.95

OUR MARRIAGE COVENANT & Our Covenant with God Steve Wood

Those who have read Steve Wood’s conversion story in Surprised by Truth know that the Catholic Church’s teaching on the sanctity of the marriage covenant was the number one reason Steve began investigating Catholicism as an Evangelical Protestant minister. This CD chronicles Steve’s personal journey of faith and explains the profound connection between the sacrament of marriage and Christ’s relationship with His Church. #CD170 $9.95 “Our Marriage Covenant & Our Covenant with God helped me stay married during a very trying time in my marriage. I didn’t have a clue about what sacramental marriage was, or the covenantal nature of marriage. Steve’s talk was absolutely instrumental in saving my marriage.” – Bob

Steve Wood

In every marriage there are highs and lows, good times and difficult times. All couples struggle! Yet what happens if you turn to a popular, but basically ineffective, marriage program when your marriage is hurting? It will increase discouragement and eventually lead to hopelessness. Thus, it is critically important that you choose the best marriage remedies that have a proven track record of helping marriages, especially when you are having trouble with verbal conflict and marital communication. In this CD album you’ll learn: • What should a couple do if their marriage is hurting? • Skills for strengthening marital communication • How to help your friends in hurting marriages • What you need to know about the “danger years” • How the birth of a child affects your marriage • Help for stress, overload, burnout, and financial frictions • How Christ can heal your marriage • An effective way to lower your chances of divorce • How to use the Family Life Center’s “Saving Marriages” online resources to strengthen and heal your marriage 2-CD Set #CD237 $16.95

[Note: Recommended with this album: A Lasting Promise (below)]


A Christian Guide to Fighting for Your Marriage Scott Stanley

This non-denominational Christian guide to PREP (a marital communication program) teaches couples (engaged or married for years) how to minimize harmful verbal conflict using the speaker-listener technique. How you handle verbal conflict is one of the most important predictors of the well-being of your marriage. University studies have verified the extraordinary effectiveness of PREP in preventing divorce and healing hurting marriages. #B420+ $17.00

How to Avoid Fatal Mistakes When

CHOOSING A COUNSELOR Dr. William Bellet & Steve Wood

Couples need to exercise great caution in choosing a counselor. After an unsuccessful try at counseling with an incompetent counselor, many couples are ready to give up on their marriage. Psychologist Dr. William Bellet shares essential information on how to choose a good counselor and avoid fatal mistakes that could ruin your chances of saving your marriage. #CD220 $9.95

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relationships | courtship

best sellers


“Steve Wood offers invaluable insight into choosing a good wife; if acted upon, his suggestions may change your life and the lives of others for eternity. The destiny of your future children may very well come down to one choice. Make it a good one! Not only is this book a tremendous resource for choosing your lifelong marriage partner – it is a fabulous devotional for fathers in training their sons.” – Jeff Cavins, Catholic author, speaker and media host

The ABCs of Choosing a Good Wife: #B387 $13.95

Finding a good spouse is no easy task in our divorceplagued society. In fact, many young people today are giving up hope of ever finding a suitable marriage partner. These unique, newly-updated books offer practical and insightful advice on how to choose a partner for life. They embody the traditions and wisdom of the Catholic Church and the teachings of Scripture on preparing for marriage. Concrete examples and anecdotes abound, along with a healthy dose of common sense. Topics include:

•• •• •• K • •

How to know when you’ve found the right person How to develop good communication skills What to do about the scarcity of good men and women How to avoid getting stuck in dead-end relationships ey questions to ask before getting married Two reliable ways to determine if your relationship has the potential for a lasting marriage New Chapter in ABC Husband: How young brides can prevent being blindsided by the fastest growing marital problem in today’s world For men in ABC Wife: The “big decision” every man needs to make before entering courtship or marriage

Steve Wood’s best-selling books restore hope that a lasting, loving, and fulfilling marriage is still possible.

The ABCs of Choosing a Good Husband: #B356 $13.95



Steve Wood & Stephanie Wood

Fr. John A. O’Brien

A Seminar for Teens & Twenties

How to Prepare for Lifelong Love

Join a live audience of Catholic college students for a seminar of challenging principles and practical advice on how to prepare for a happy, lasting marriage. In this two-part seminar, Steve Wood explains how to find and marry a great spouse, highlighting principles from his books The ABCs of Choosing a Good Husband and Wife. With humor and wisdom, he shares advice from his own marriage, and his professional work with marriage and family life. Stephanie Wood encourages her peers with principles for conducting relationships God’s way. She shares how to preserve chastity in your relationships, the importance of compatibility, and what to do while you wait for a godly spouse. Stephanie motivates her peers with the message that practicing honorable courtship in the 21st century is not only possible – it’s the best way to prepare for marriage in the world today. 2-CD Set #CD126 $16.95


“Women who wish to date according to the mind of Christ with the object of finding a spouse will find no better guide than The ABCs of Choosing a Good Husband. Those who follow Wood’s concise, wellthought-out guidelines will experience chastity during courtship, including the engagement period. Then they will be clear-headed enough to examine with a potential spouse a host of topics, such as ways to get to know the heart of a person.” – Inez Fitzgerald Storck, The New Oxford Review

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Young adults are looking for real answers, practical advice, and solid principles to prepare for lifelong commitment. That’s why they are turning to time-honored resources such as this book. Courtship and Marriage was originally published in 1949 by Fr. O’Brien, a Notre Dame professor of moral theology and founder of the Newman Club movement. He courageously challenges young adults to build a greater kind of love through honorable courtship – the kind of love that will stand the test of time. While Courtship and Marriage has been revised and updated for a contemporary audience, the time-tested wisdom is the same. Topics include: How to preserve chastity in your relationships; How to keep your head when you’re head-over-heels in love; The #1 enemy of your relationship and how to avoid it; The best “test” to see if your relationship is on the right track. #B402 $7.95 free shipping for online orders over $25.00*

teens | young adults new


Embracing God’s Standards for Purity & Modesty

Disc One: Doug Barry and Stephanie Wood discuss “Modesty: A Virtue Worth Dying For.” Doug tackles important questions such as: What does it mean to put modesty into practice? Why is the virtue of modesty necessary for salvation? Who should we look to as role models for modesty? How can we practice modesty in relationships? How should we deal with challenges and temptations against modesty? Disc Two: Stephanie Wood, Rose DeCaro and Kristen Harr discuss “Practical Ways to Dress with Style and Dignity.” These young women talk about: God’s purpose for the dignity and vocation of women; Does dressing modestly automatically mean you have to look frumpy, out of style, or boring? Basic standards for what to wear and what not to wear; Tips for shopping at the mall; Ideas for accessorizing outfits; Tips for building a summertime wardrobe; Ideas for modest prom and formal outfits; How modesty positively affects a girl’s relationship with guys; What Christian guys can do to encourage young women in their pursuit of modesty. 2-CD Set #CD272 $16.95




Football players do not head for the playing field until their coach has given them the game plan: a playbook of wise tactics and winning strategies to help them accomplish their goal of victory. Just like football, young people need a game plan for determining their purpose in life. In this live seminar, Steve Wood equips today’s young adults with the tools and information they need to answer life’s biggest questions: Where do I come from? Where am I going? What am I called to do in this life? Steve explains to young people how the answers to these three questions will shape their decisions on other important life questions, such as: Where should I go to college? What should I choose for a college major? What careers am I best suited for? Whom should I marry? and many others. This seminar is a “must listen” for every Catholic seeking God’s will and direction for his life. #CD259 $9.95


Jason Evert

Pure Faith is the perfect devotional for every young person desiring a deeper prayer life. Jason Evert offers advice for how to pray, how to find time to pray, and how to understand the value of prayer. Pure Faith contains prayers from the saints, prayers for every occasion, and prayers to help young people get the most out of Mass, Confession, and adoration. This hardcover book makes an ideal gift for confirmations, birthdays, or graduations! #B465 $12.95


A Challenge to Teens & Twenties

This 3-CD album features live radio discussions about Catholic Courtship with Steve Wood, Brian Barcaro, Amberly Sherman, and Jason and Janelle Reinhart. You will learn: What is the difference between dating and courtship? How can you triple your probability of success in marriage? What role should parents play in courtship? What questions should you ask a prospective spouse? Jason and Janelle Reinhart’s real life courtship story is guaranteed to inspire every listener. 3-CD Set #CD116 $22.95

LIVING YOUR LIFE PURPOSE Dave Durand & Stephanie Wood

Many young adults struggle with understanding their true life purpose, and with keeping time and life priorities in order. Dave Durand discusses with a live radio audience how to discover and live out a life purpose that honors God. He shares practical advice for avoiding stress, burnout, and debt in the college and young adult years. He offers strategies for financial management and defuses the most common “time bombs” that keep young people from achieving their priorities and life goals. #CD246 $9.95 toll free 800-705-6131


& Finding a Purpose in Life

Dan Dentino was his team’s star player in high school. With 45 Division I college scholarship offers and the big game depending on his next play, Dan sent the opposing quarterback into the stands and landed himself a free ride to the hospital, paralyzed from the neck down. Hear how a teenage guy whose sole religion was football found a purpose for his life much bigger than the playing field. Mark Rutherford was the fear factor on the hockey field, a troublemaker at school, and a nuisance to his two macho older brothers. While drugs, alcohol, and hating the world didn’t satisfy the hunger in his heart, an unexpected trip and an unusual TV show changed his life, his parents’ relationship, and gave him a mission from God. These testimonies are a powerful witness to young adults that real men love God and His Church and are called to live a challenging, rewarding, exciting life for Jesus Christ. 2-CD Set #CD167 $16.95


Every man, young and old, must fight to have sexual purity in our X-rated culture. This excellent 58-minute DVD teaches both the pitfalls to avoid and the strategies to adopt to win the battle for purity. Every Young Man’s Battle is the best multi-media tool for teens and college-age young men seeking to break free from the allure of pornography. The DVD comes with a free Breaking Free booklet and a follow-up memo from Steve Wood. It is an excellent resource for father/son viewing together. #DVD104+ $19.99

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teen apologetics




Doug Barry

for Catholic Students

College campuses, both secular and Catholic, are a battleground in today’s world. From the classroom to the cafeteria to the dorms, all Catholic students must actively, wisely, and daily fight to keep their faith and morals intact. On the CD College Survival Strategies for Catholics, Steve Wood is joined by Stephanie Wood and Jason Braga to discuss essential tips for keeping your faith strong during your college years. They discuss advice for students on Catholic campuses, tips for students at secular universities, the importance of good friendships and accountability, how to keep your faith strong, and how to avoid common pitfalls and temptations that all Catholic students face. A must-listen for every parent and teenager! The perfect companion to this powerful CD is Chris Kaczor’s new booklet, How to Stay Catholic in College. Chris outlines proven strategies for meeting campus challenges. Topics include: Two key temptations every student faces – and how to fight them; What to do when your faith wanes or disappears; The dangerous allure of relativism; Crucial books every Catholic student should read to get inoculated against the errors that destroy faith.

In this gripping interview, Doug Barry and Stephanie Wood investigate Catholic teaching on the Four Last Things: Death, Judgment, Heaven, and Hell. These are topics that today’s young adults aren’t hearing anything about – in fact, many teens no longer believe that Hell or Purgatory are real places. This CD presents truths that teens desperately need to learn about because they deeply shape a young person’s view of how our everyday decisions and actions affect our lives, both in the present and in eternity. Topics include: • What exactly is a mortal sin? • How do people lose their souls? • Is Satan a real being? • Venial sins are no big deal, right? Wrong! • When you die, what happens next? • What will Heaven be like? • What will Hell be like? • The most horrible thing about Hell (Hint: It isn’t just the torments) #CD250 $9.95

CD #CD314 $9.95 • Booklet #B464 $1.95


Combo Special Booklet & CD: #CO131 $10.95

Stephanie Wood



When you begin college, you’re leaving behind your network of support and heading to a world with different perspectives, responsibilities, and expectations. Even if you’re going to a “Christian” college, there’s no guarantee you won’t face challenges to your faith. So how do you stay Christian in college? How do you stay open about your faith in the face of potential ridicule? A must-read for every college student, How to Stay Christian in College is a non-denominational guide through the maze of campus realities, including social life, religious life, and life in the classroom. J. Budziszewski, a recent convert to Catholicism, discusses the foundations of the Christian faith and directly addresses different worldviews and myths that students encounter. Filled with quotes, statistics, resources, stories, and encouragement, this book prepares, equips, and encourages you to meet the challenge of living out your faith at school. #B489+ $13.95 “I read the whole book in one afternoon. I plan on getting familiar with all the topics J. Budziszewski covered, such as post-modernism and the different schools of thought that exist on campuses. I also plan to take a copy with me to college next year.” —John, a high school senior “Think of this wonderful book as ‘boot camp’ to prepare your kids for the war of ideas that awaits them in college.” —Dr. William Dembski


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In this powerful live seminar, Stephanie Wood shares practical ways that the next generation can live for Christ in the modern world. She challenges young people to ignite the fire of the Holy Spirit in their lives – given to them at Confirmation – to avoid temptation, conquer Satan, and set their hearts and the world ablaze with God’s love. Topics include: A Catholic teen’s “triple ammo” for fighting Satan; How does Confirmation equip us for life in Christ? Strategies for how teens can fight and end abortion; Where to find positive music and media influences in our culture; How to find forgiveness and healing from past mistakes and sins; Helpful hints for how to share your faith with friends and classmates. 2-CD Set #CD188 $16.95

best seller


Jim Burnham

This CD will equip teens with basic apologetics training so they can defend their faith during the challenging years ahead. Jim shares two key points that literally saved his faith while he was in college. Topics include: The #1 apologetics rule; What are the four marks of the true church? Practical ways to begin defending your faith; How to explain and defend the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. #CD111 $9.95

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parenting teens and twenties


7 Mistakes to Avoid When



Steve Wood & Stephanie Wood

The college decision, although one of the most important family decisions, can be very difficult to make. This radio interview with Steve and Stephanie will not make the decision for you, but it will set down some key ideas and questions that few are talking about, but that many need to consider. Topics include: • What you need to read about a college that is much more important than the full-color glossy catalog • Which campuses, if any, are safe havens from worldly temptations? • How to find the person who really knows what is happening on any campus (hint: it’s not the admissions director) • Should debt be the answer to skyrocketing tuitions and fees? • Why having your children contribute financially to their college education encourages responsibility • An often-overlooked low cost option for college • The really big mistake middle class families make when selecting a college and a college major #CD241 $9.95


Tim Gray & Curtis Martin

Need a spiritual workout? This dynamic book is designed specifically for men who want to build their spiritual strength. Each chapter focuses on a different virtue necessary to help raise a new generation of godly men. Every father needs a few essential books in his father’s ‘tool box.’ This is one of them. Get it, read it, and most importantly, practice what it teaches! Perfect for small groups; questions included at the end of every chapter. #B354 $9.95


Raising Boys into Men

Steve Wood

Many parents fear rebellious behavior from their teenagers. Parents are worried about immorality, substance abuse, the wrong crowd of friends, loss of faith, and a host of other issues as their children progress through adolescence. Many parenting experts try to help parents “cure problems” after they have already appeared. In this audio CD, Steve Wood equips parents with practical ways they can avoid many of these problems in the first place. While there is no 100% fail-safe against rebellious behavior, there are many proven things parents can do throughout childhood that will be major investments in safeguarding their sons and daughters’ faith and moral foundation throughout the teen years. Following Steve’s sage advice is a valuable step that could save parents years of heartache and headache with their teenagers. #CD368 $9.95

How to Raise


Sean Dalton

Never before in world history has it been so difficult for parents to guide their children through childhood and the teen years. Hear sterling advice on how to form teens and young adults into strong men of virtue and faith from Sean Dalton, a veteran youth minister and a staff member of FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students). Topics include: • The “mama’s boy” syndrome, and how to avoid it • How to best prevent homosexuality in your sons • Secrets for how to draw young men to the Faith like magnets • What to do if there isn’t a father in the home • How to ensure your son doesn’t become a barbarian or a wimp • Activities that will attract boys to godly manhood #CD212 $9.95

Tim Gray and Curtis Martin with Steve Wood

This album offers insights and advice on how men can recover the virtuous life and train their sons to become men of God. Topics covered include: How to build virtue in your step at a time; How fathers can pass on the practice of virtue to their children; The necessary requirements to grow in virtue; A surprising way to use TV to build virtue. 2-CD Set #CD108 $16.95

Combo Special Book & CD: #M167 $23.95 toll free 800-705-6131


Teaching Teens


Steve Wood

Recreational dating as a means of selecting a marriage partner is a 20th century phenomenon that has proved disastrous for marriage. In this seminar Steve Wood shares with parents, teachers, and youth workers the principles of honorable courtship. He explains how to implement courtship in your family, when to start educating your children about courtship, and how to answer common questions teens have about relationships. #CD110 $9.95

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parenting resources best seller

“It is important to make no mistake in education.”


- Pope Pius XI, Christian Education


Steve Wood


Steve Wood

Is Catholic education simply an intellectual exercise? Is it merely digesting a body of facts about certain subjects, a religion class, reading classical literature, and acquiring a set of skills? Or is it something much more that captures the whole person, mind and heart, and ultimately develops virtuous moral character and a Christian worldview in our children? Parents have exactly one opportunity to educate their children. It is certainly worth looking carefully into the “what” and “why” of how to educate them. In this CD series, Steve Wood shares fundamental components of a truly Catholic education that are often missing in Western education. On Disc One, Steve explains the importance of “knowing God” as the key to all Christian formation. On Disc Two, he presents seven key (and often missing!) elements in a Catholic education that have at their heart the formation of wisdom in the life of a child. 2-CD Set #CD370 $16.95

This popular album covers the whole spectrum of parenting – from early childhood to young adulthood. Drawing from 30 years of experience as a youth minister, marriage counselor, and family life expert, Steve shares practical “how to” advice with parents. You’ll learn: • Key components for building a Christian home • Something that’s even more important than spending time with your children • The best way to prevent teen problems • The missing spiritual foundation for an enduring faith in children and teens • An effective way to overcome negative peer socialization • How to teach the Faith to your sons in a way that will stick • The two critical questions teens need an answer to in order to have godly direction in their lives • Why determining right and wrong by feelings (moral relativism) leads teens into big trouble 2-CD Set #CD103 $16.95


Solutions for



12 Strategies for Success

Richard Swenson & Dave Durand

Steve Wood

Youth programs are often the toughest parish ministry to start and the toughest to sustain. And yet teenagers must be successfully mentored by their parents and their parish during these formative transition years. In this series, Steve Wood shares with parents, priests, and youth workers twelve necessary strategies for success in youth ministry. Topics include: How to jump start your youth ministry; Ways to encourage your parish youth minister; Outreach, service & evangelism ideas for teens; What topics to cover in youth group meetings; How to teach teens about purity issues and moral absolutes; How to develop peer leaders in the youth group. Parents should first listen to this series themselves and then share it with their pastor and youth ministry leaders. 2-CD Set #CD372 $16.95

Tired of the 24/7 treadmill? This album offers Christian and common sense solutions for anxiety, fatigue, stress, and burnout. Well-known author and medical doctor Richard Swenson pinpoints the symptoms of the “overload syndrome” and explains how to reduce stress and resist overload by focusing on four key areas: emotional energy, physical energy, time, and finances. Dave Durand, successful businessman and time/life coach, offers real-life solutions to managing your time. Dave will help you discover your mission in life, define your priorities, set and achieve your life goals, and save HOURS of time each week. 2-CD Set #CD118 $16.95



Patrick Madrid

Learn from a father of eleven how to avoid the top ten mistakes parents make with their kids. With humor and wisdom, Patrick Madrid shares how parents can overcome and avoid these most common parenting follies. This CD is a great resource for parents with any number of children, at all stages of parenting. #CD203 $9.95 10

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For Catholic parents and their children, this booklet is the best up-to-date preparation for the Sacrament of Confession that we have seen. Besides defining the conditions for when a sin is venial or mortal, Fr. Rego explains the integral elements of a worthy Confession. He offers instruction on sins against God, faith, self, and others, as well as the commandments of the Church and the Seven Capital Sins. His work includes an extensive examination of conscience and beautiful and inspiring words on the benefits of Confession. #B393 $2.95 free shipping for online orders over $25.00*

sex education

“Sex education, which is a basic right and duty of parents, must always be carried out under their attentive guidance.” – John Paul II, Familiaris Consortio new

best seller


Principles for Sane & Safe


Fr. Henry V. Sattler

To Catholics, sex education primarily means the training of boys and girls to be pure and innocent, and eventually to enter marriage with a noble and holy purpose – if God calls them to that state of life. According to official Catholic teaching, sex education is the primary duty of parents. However, parents must be extremely careful about who they turn to for advice on this sensitive topic. In this clear, easy-to-understand book, Father Sattler helps parents fulfill their important duty to properly and prudently educate their children about the facts of life. Applying traditional Catholic principles to very practical questions, Father Sattler explains what parents should tell their children, when and how they should tell it, what psychological and moral dangers they must avoid, and what questions they should expect. In these days of classroom “sex education,” this classic Catholic handbook is urgently needed by every Catholic parent. #B417 $12.50 “I searched long and hard to find a book like this. It is the only one I recommend on the subject.” – Steve Wood


Guidelines for Education Within the Family This is the Pontifical Council for the Family’s document outlining guidelines for sex education within the family. This document is essential reading for every Catholic parent. #B167 $5.50

Steve Wood

This CD series gives parents essential information and rock-solid answers to basic questions about sex education. Steve Wood shares what the Catechism, popes, Scripture, Church documents, and contemporary family research say about children and sex education. This series answers key questions about sex education such as: • What did Vatican II intend when it called for sex education? • What is the forgotten way parents can teach their children the true purpose of human sexuality? • Does the contemporary sexual revolution require more explicit sex education? • How does good child-training contribute to teen chastity? • Does focusing too much on diseases and negative consequences often backfire with teens? Steve shares surprising new research showing that teens whose parents (even religious parents) discussed sex more often were more likely to lose their virginity. He also presents contemporary research exposing the dangers of teen recreational dating. Before making a decision as to the best form and method of sex education for their children, every parent needs the vital information contained in these CDs. 2-CD Set #CD324 $16.95

Combo Special Book, CD Set, & Booklet: #CO133 $29.95


“75% of 18-34 year-olds view homosexuality as an acceptable lifestyle.” - Gallup Survey, May 10-13, 2007

A Parent’s Guide to PREVENTING Joseph Nicolosi & Linda Ames Nicolosi


Homosexuality is a rapidly growing problem among Catholic youth, even for conservative Catholic parents giving their children an orthodox education. It is becoming common for young Catholics in their teens and twenties to announce to their parents “I’m gay.” Many Catholic parents have a nagging fear that this might happen to one of their children. This does not need to happen if you know what signs to look for – as Dr. Joseph Nicolosi explains in this groundbreaking book. Be warned: many books offer parents fatal advice about youth and homosexuality. In contrast, Dr. Nicolosi is knowledgeable and highly trustworthy. Parents will learn: What are the true causes of homosexuality in boys? What is Gender Identity Disorder (GID) and what are its signs? How can families identify homosexual tendencies in their children? What can parents do to help their children correct these tendencies? What is a father’s critical role with his sons? What role should mothers play in their sons’ lives? What if there’s no father in the home? Is homosexuality Combo genetically caused? Surprising news that wasn’t reported. #B401 $17.00 toll free 800-705-6131


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Dr. Joseph Nicolosi with Steve Wood

Don’t miss this powerful discussion of Dr. Nicolosi’s book, A Parent’s Guide to Preventing Homosexuality, as well as his answers to questions from concerned Catholic parents. #CD124 $9.95

Special Book & CD: #M172 $23.95

free shipping for online orders over $25.00*


motherhood | homeschooling

JUST A MOM? Encouragement

Passing on a Legacy of Faith through


for Mothers in the Home

Karen Wood

Karen Wood

Karen Wood, a homeschooling mother with twenty years of experience, shares the vision of Catholic homeschooling and how it can strengthen your faith and family life. Learn: The #1 reason to homeschool your kids; Seven steps for passing on a legacy of faith through homeschooling; Establishing parental priorities; How to homeschool through high school. 2-CD Set #CD133 $16.95

This inspiring CD offers encouragement and practical advice for mothers in the home. A stay-at-home mother of eight children, Karen Wood shares with moms: God’s special ministry to mothers; The high calling of motherhood; What mothers should aim for in the Catholic home; Six ways to build a legacy of faith through Catholic motherhood; How to keep your priorities straight; How to live and teach what matters most. #CD204 $9.95


Mary Reed Newland

In this classic of domestic spirituality, you’ll find all the prayers, crafts, family activities, litanies, and recipes that will help make your children evermindful of the beautiful rhythm of the Church calendar. Learn: How to make an Advent wreath; How to teach your children about the real Santa; How to celebrate all twelve days of Christmas; Lenten sacrifices for children; How to celebrate saints days, baptism days, and other important feasts; Why the Church gives special meanings to certain foods, colors, and symbols, and much more. Give your kids the gift of a fully lived faith, every day and in every season, with the help of this book. #B474 $19.95

Johnnette Benkovic and Marie Bellet

In these live radio interviews, Johnnette Benkovic and Marie Bellet share encouragement, practical advice, and timely wisdom with Catholic wives and mothers. EWTN television host Johnnette Benkovic shares: How to fulfill your God-given role as a woman; How to become a woman of grace; The meaning of true femininity; How to develop a prayer life and devotional time. A singer-songwriter and mother of eight, Marie Bellet discusses: How to become a living example of grace to your children; How mothers can overcome the secular (often negative) view of motherhood; How to promote a godly attitude towards stay-at-home moms; How to find daily peace and strength for mothering a large family.


ST. PAUL THE APOSTLE Mary Fabyan Windeatt

2-CD Set #CD117 $16.95

MOTHER’S MANUAL Fr. Francis Coomes

The prayers and directives in this little manual aid mothers in realizing and fulfilling the dignity of their vocation. Prayers include those for special graces for mothers, for expectant mothers, for fidelity to the married life, for health and holiness of the family, for children, and for various family difficulties and situations. A perfect gift for every mother! #B289 $3.95

A CONTINUAL FEAST A Continual Feast will quickly become every family’s favorite cookbook – full of wonderful recipes and ideas drawn from throughout the Christian tradition, with suggestions for when, and why, these dishes might be served. Vitz’s cookbook includes recipes for holidays, feast days, birthdays, “name days,” confirmations, and baptisms. Celebrate Advent, Christmas, Easter, Pentecost and other major liturgical feasts with new meaning in your home. A gift that every family will treasure! #B449 $19.95 “I’ve used this cookbook for over 13 years. It’s my favorite not only for its excellent explanation of liturgical feasting and fasting, but also because some of my family’s favorite recipes are in it.” – Deborah toll free 800-705-6131


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St. Paul is the Apostle sent to preach the Gospel to the Gentile world and lead us to conversion and a life of grace. In this book written for children ages ten and up, readers will be inspired and captivated by St. Paul’s perils and adventures which he endured to bring the Gospel to heathen nations. Discover St. Paul like never before in this easy-to-read book that is perfect not only for children, but also for teenagers and adults! 231 pages, 23 Illustrations. #B487 $15.00


Evelyn Birge Vitz




Parents wonder when the proper time is to begin teaching teens about courtship and marriage. A wise parent will plant the seeds of chastity and courtship in early childhood. There’s no better way to introduce your child to to the beauty of pure love than with the books The Princess and the Kiss and The Squire and the Scroll. Just leave them on your coffee table and watch your children (and even your teens) reach for these books. Princess #B416 $12.99 • Squire #B425 $12.99

Combo Special Princess & Squire Books: #M169 $23.95 “When teaching chastity to children, these books by Jennie Bishop are worth their weight in gold!” - Steve Wood


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“And he will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers.” – Malachi 4:6


“I can’t tell you how much the conference meant to me. It changed my life.” - Richard

St. Joseph’s Covenant Keepers presents the first-ever National Catholic Men’s Conference, an event designed to motivate, challenge, and equip Catholic fathers and their sons. This powerful conference will help married men become the best husbands and fathers they can be. It will also benefit young men preparing for fatherhood, encouraging them to fight peer pressure and grow towards godly manhood. Enjoy the entire conference on seven audio CDs – perfect for drive-time listening. Talk topics include: Faith in the Public Square; Boys to Men: The Transforming Power of Virtue; Successful Relationships: How to Win at What Matters Most; Finding Freedom Through the Power of Confession; Men as Witnesses of Christ; Faith Alive: At Home, At Work, On Campus, and On the Field; Winning the Manly Battle for Purity.

“Words can’t express my gratitude for the experience I had at your conference. It was enlightening, inspiring, and I hope and pray the first step in making me a better husband and father.” - Jeff “My husband went to the conference and things haven’t been the same around here since. They have improved by 100%! The kids’ behavior has improved tremendously and our relationship with each other has never been so good.” - Myra

7-CD Set #CD306 $39.95

Bishop Robert Baker

Senator Sam Brownback

Curtis Martin

Rick Strom

Jesse Romero

Steve Wood

LEGACY A Father’s Handbook


for Raising Godly Children Stephen Wood

This guidebook covers fundamental principles, priorities, and practical strategies to help you raise godly children and build a legacy of faith in your family. You’ll learn: How to use sports and adventure to pass on the Faith to your children; Practical ways to find adequate time for fathering; The 60-second secret to getting your kids to obey the first time; How to handle a strong-willed child; How to tame the “terrible twos”: Why the central focus of discipline is the ear, not the rear; How to help your sons win the war to be pure, and much more. Legacy shows how families and children are transformed when Dad takes an active role in child training, and when he becomes a true partner with his wife in parenting. Steve Wood gives men a vision of the Faith running through the generations of their family. He couples this vision with down-toearth strategies to help fathers successfully fulfill their role within the family. The audio version of Legacy makes a perfect gift for busy dads who spend lots of time in a car or truck. Hardcover, 159 pages #B427 $19.95 Book-On-CD #CD236 $29.95

Steve Wood

In this recording of a lively fathers’ seminar, Steve Wood shares manto-man how husbands and fathers can fortify the three most important relationships in their lives. Men will learn how to strengthen: •your relationship with God •your relationship with your wife •your relationship with your children Men’s lives have literally been transformed by the challenging information they received from this conference.

Audio 2-CD Set #CD132 $16.95 DVD (120 min.) #DVD102 $19.95

Combo Special DVD & CD Set: #CO134 $31.95 “I attended your Call of God the Father conference with five was one of the best days I’ve ever had.” - Mike

FATHER’S MANUAL Fr. Francis Coomes

Combo Special Book & CD: #M180 $39.95

This pocket-sized manual is a goldmine of prayers and directives for Catholic dads. Includes prayers for: help to be a good husband and father; help to train children in obedience; wisdom and self control; success in work and career, and much more. #B197 $3.95

“I found myself repeatedly exclaiming ‘YES!’ as I devoured each page of the practical, time-tested wisdom Steve shares so effectively in Legacy.” – Patrick Madrid “The hours you invest in reading Legacy will bear fruit into eternity.” – Curtis Martin toll free 800-705-6131


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staying free and breaking free from pornography “Whenever pornography is widely accepted, people en masse will turn their back on God, for if they do not live the way they believe, they come to believe the way they live.” – Frederick Marks

best seller



12 Steps to Sexual Purity for Men

Steve Wood

Stephen Wood

In this live presentation to Catholic fathers and their sons, Steve Wood delivers a battle plan for how men can rise up and win the fight for sexual purity. Steve shares ageless wisdom and helpful advice for how Catholic men can break free from the clutches of pornography, fight temptation, and strive for holiness in our pagan world. This is the most challenging, effective, and heartfelt talk Steve has ever given on the subject of manly purity. #CD317 $9.95

The venom of Internet pornography is slowly killing the spiritual life of millions of Christian fathers. Pornography, like alcoholism, isn’t a problem that goes away if left untreated. This booklet is designed to educate Christians regarding this crisis that is facing men in the Church today. Not only does it help one overcome an addiction to pornography, but it also helps prevent an addiction. All men desiring sexual purity should read this booklet!

[NOTE: This CD is also part of the 7-CD Set National Catholic Men’s Conference, see page 13.]

#B398 $2.95 • 10+ $2.00/copy • 50+ $1.50/copy

Healing the Wounds of

[Call for further discounts. Special discounts are available for priests who want to distribute these booklets in the confessional.]


Overcoming a sexual addiction is an extremely difficult task that requires more than ordinary counseling advice. Some recovery “experts” propose a spiritual plan of recovery, while others emphasize psychological, medical, and scientific solutions. A recovery plan needs to address all the associated and underlying issues fueling sexual addiction. Better than anyone else, Dr. Mark Laaser combines both the spiritual and the scientific in a realistic, achievable, and comprehensive plan for recovery. Mark Laaser is an Evangelical who is respectful of Catholic beliefs. He has extensive experience counseling Catholic clergy and laity. Whether you struggle with sexual addiction yourself, or know someone who does, this book is essential in finding the path to lasting healing. #B438+ $12.99

Healing the Wounds of


Audio Interview

Dr. Mark Laaser with Steve Wood

Dr. Mark Laaser joins Steve Wood in this audio interview to offer advice for healing, transformation, and recovery from pornography. Sensitive to the shame of sexual addiction without minimizing its sinfulness, Dr. Laaser traces the roots of the problem, discusses its patterns and impact, and maps out a biblical approach to healing and recovery from this rampant epidemic. #CD247 $9.95

Combo Special Healing Wounds Book & CD: #CO104 $20.95

“Satan used this sin to cripple me. Your 12-step plan is bullet proof. Thank you a million times over!” – Joe, a single man “Thank you for your wonderful booklet Breaking Free. I wish I had known about your work years ago.” - Ken


Audio Interviews

This best-selling 3-CD series offers practical assistance to help safeguard against, or overcome, an addiction to pornography. On the first CD, Steve Wood outlines and explains the twelve steps to achieving sexual purity discussed in his booklet Breaking Free. He offers hope, encouragement, and very specific advice for combating and conquering this serious addiction. On the second CD, Steve interviews Laurie Hall, author of An Affair of the Mind, and a wife who went through the devastating discovery that her husband had a pornography addiction. Laurie shares the destructive effects that pornography has on a family. The third CD is a riveting interview with Scott Hahn, author of Lord, Have Mercy: The Healing Power of Confession. Listeners will be inspired and deeply moved by Hahn’s in-depth explanation of the Sacrament of Confession and its power to heal our souls from even the deadliest sins and addictions. 3-CD Set #CD109 $22.95

PURE MIND Scripture Memory Kits

The Scriptures have divine power to cleanse the mind of filth, to guard our minds, and to implant pure thoughts. These Kits are invaluable for men wishing to remain pure and for those struggling to find freedom from impure thoughts. They can fit in your back pocket so they are always at your fingertips. Vol. I #M144 $3.95 Vol. II #M145 $3.95


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hope & help for families struggling with pornography




What To Do Now That You Know Steve Wood

What happens when a Christian wife makes the heartbreaking discovery that her husband has a secret life with pornography? Learning of a husband’s habit/addiction puts a wife into a near state of shock, including feelings like humiliation, anger, betrayal, rejection, fear, and embarrassment. A husband’s pornography addiction is one of the toughest situations a wife can face. This CD helps her answer three critical questions: How can I know? What can I do? Where can I turn? About forty percent of all requests for help at the Family Life Center deal with pornography problems. Seventy percent of those contacting our office about pornography are wives who have learned of their husband’s secret life. Carefully listening to this CD is the starting place on the difficult road to recovery. It is recommended that you listen to this CD before choosing a counselor and the type of counseling you wish to receive. #CD242 $9.95

Debra Laaser

A husband’s sexual addiction causes unimaginable shock, sorrow, shame, self-doubt, shattering of trust, grief, disappointment, and depression. Many women in this situation don’t have the slightest idea of where to turn, what to do, how to find help, or how to find hope in the midst of the valley of despair. Shattered Vows is the finest and most helpful book for women whose lives have been crushed by their husband’s sexual addiction. This sensitive guide provides practical tools to help you make wise decisions, emotional tools to develop greater intimacy in your life, and spiritual tools to transform your suffering. Debra Laaser’s personal journey through her husband’s betrayal and how she and her husband rebuilt their marriage provide meaningful answers to hurting women. This book desperately needs to be placed into the hands of every woman whose husband has a sexual addiction. #B479+ $12.95 “Shattered Vows may be the most profound, most honest, most helpful, most hopeful, and most healing book for marriages that I’ve come across.” – Steve Wood


How to Help Families Break Free

Rebuilding a Marriage Broken by Pornography


Clay and Renee Crosse

This remarkable book candidly describes the horrendous damage to a marriage that comes from pornography. But this is only half the story in I Surrender All. Through honest and transparent personal testimony, Clay and Renee recount their difficult, but successful journey of recovery and restoration. Out of the ashes of a marriage slammed by pornography, a truly beautiful, passionate, and trusting Christian marriage has arisen. Clay Crosse is a well-known Evangelical musician who now, along with his wife Renee, shares the story of his struggle and recovery. This book is a beacon of hope for restoring marriages harmed by pornography – the first and only written by a couple who has personally undergone the agony of pornography and found hope and healing from this addiction. #B428+ $12.99

Steve Wood

Millions of families in the modern world suffer from the effects of pornography. In this live seminar Steve Wood offers practical advice for how you can help family members, friends, and countless hurting people break free from this spiritually, mentally, and emotionally crippling addiction. You’ll learn: Where to find help for those struggling with pornography; Things to consider when choosing a counselor for sexual addiction; Nuclear-powerful accountability software for home and work computers; How to help female sex addicts; How to reach out to wives whose husbands have a porn addiction; Recommended books, courses, and resources for those struggling with pornography. #CD265 $9.95




What You and Your Family Should Know About Alcoholism Dr. Anderson Spickard

This book is authored by one of the world’s leading physicians in the treatment of alcoholism. Dr. Spickard’s experience in the medical field, the church, and working with problems of addiction enables him to present this desperately needed message in a relatable manner. Dying for a Drink discusses why people become addicted, and how the family and the church can help them overcome their addiction and find lasting peace and sobriety. #B126+ $14.99 toll free 800-705-6131


Audio Interview

Dr. Anderson Spickard with Steve Wood

Medical researcher and professor Dr. Anderson Spickard offers invaluable advice on how to overcome an alcoholic addiction. You will learn: How much is too much drinking? What are the signs of alcoholism? Why do people become alcoholics? Is getting drunk a sin? What can family members and friends do to help an alcoholic loved one? Does Alcoholics Anonymous really help? #CD194 $9.95

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free shipping for online orders over $25.00*


current issues



Vital Information for Families Steve Wood

The plague of debt is causing countless families to overextend themselves at the worst possible moment in history. The Chinese economic “miracle” and globalization will radically change American family finances. To make matters worse, radical Muslims worldwide are waging an economic Jihad against the United States. Did you know that Osama Bin Laden is carefully watching the U.S. budget deficits? Did you know that the Taliban terrorists are counting on bankrupting the U.S. using the very methods the C.I.A. taught them to use against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan? These men aren’t ignorant camel drivers. They brought the Soviet Union to economic collapse and now they intend to do it again to us. Unfortunately, most Americans don’t even know that the economic Jihad began along with the plane hijackings on 9/11. While globalization eliminates American jobs and the economic Jihad is in motion worldwide, the U.S. has created the largest debt bubble in human history. You need to know what steps to take now as America’s great debt bubble bursts. This CD offers vital information for the protection and welfare of your family in the midst of America’s dangerous economic situation. #CD326 $9.95

DEFEATING DARWINISM by Opening Minds Phillip E. Johnson

Phillip Johnson has created a masterpiece: an easy way to understand the basic issues of evolution without oversimplifying the debate. Johnson says the key to defeating the false claims of Darwinism is to open our minds to good thinking habits. He gives first-rate advice on avoiding common mistakes in discussions about evolution, understanding the legacy of the Scopes trial, spotting deceptive arguments, and grasping the basic scientific issues without getting bogged down in unnecessary details. The goal of this book is to give a good high school education in how to think about evolution. It’s for high-schoolers, college students, parents, teachers, youth workers, homeschoolers, pastors, and also scientists whose education didn’t encourage them to take a skeptical look at Darwin’s claims. It’s just an easy-to-understand guidebook to the basic information you need to defeat the arguments of Darwinism. #B337+ $12.00

LIFE ISSUES, MEDICAL CHOICES Janet E. Smith & Christopher Kaczor

Every family will be faced with making critically important medical choices for loved ones. Serious sicknesses, prolonged suffering, or the impending death of a family member are intensely stressful. Making sound life and death decisions in such situations can be extremely difficult without having a solid moral framework. This valuable book will teach you sound moral principles and how to apply them to concrete situations in an easy-to-understand fashion. We recommend that you read it before you are faced with a life and death decision for a family member. #B468 $14.99 16

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How did God create the world? Was there really a flood? What about Noah’s Ark? new

A CATHOLIC VIEW OF CREATION Steve Wood and Gerry Keane

Is the Genesis account of creation just a collection of myths, as most young Catholics are taught, or is it an accurate depiction of our origins? Unfortunately, most Catholics have only heard the evolutionist side of the origins debate. They have never been told that popes, church fathers, saints, doctors of the church and ecumenical councils have consistently affirmed special creation and the Flood. In his groundbreaking audio presentation, A Catholic View of Creation, the Flood, and Noah’s Ark, Steve Wood presents the historic Christian perspective on the creation of the universe and the events recorded in the early chapters of Genesis. Steve breaks down difficult topics in an easy-to-understand manner in this talk given to a live audience of Catholic teenagers and their parents. But what about Noah’s Ark? About 98% of Catholic youth are being told that Noah’s Ark and the Flood are nothing more than myths, like the other “stories” in the early chapters of Genesis. And yet early church historians, church fathers, saints, and doctors of the church believed Noah’s Ark was real. Believe it or not, they affirmed that the Ark survived and that its remains were still plainly visible at least 3,000 years after the Flood. The CD’s accompanying study handout contains a collection of often ignored citations on the Flood from the church fathers. For example, St. Isadore of Seville, who lived in the seventh century A.D., said, “Ararat is a mountain in Armenia, where the historians testify that the Ark came to rest after the Flood. So even to this day wood remains of it are to be seen there.” In other words, if you doubt that the Ark is real, then go and see it for yourself. In his booklet Special Creation Rediscovered, author Gerry Keane investigates the origins debate from a Catholic perspective. You’ll discover why evolution is outmoded science and in fact, impossible! Keane gives abundant evidence that God rapidly created all life forms in their own unique kinds. He outlines Church teachings from Sacred Tradition which oppose molecules-to-man evolution. This booklet and CD combo was the Family Life Center’s most popular resource this year. CD & Handout: #CD341 $12.95 Booklet: #B473 $6.00

Combo Special CD, Handout & Booklet: #CO152 $16.95

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best seller


How to Explain & Defend the Catholic Faith Steve Wood & Jim Burnham

This dynamic series contains the basic equipment you need to learn how to defend and explain your Catholic faith. This 12-part series covers all the bases in a way that’s easy to understand for everyone: seniors, adults and teens! The Beginning Apologetics Kit includes a six-CD album featuring Steve Wood and Jim Burnham, and the famous laminated Bible “Cheat Sheet” which puts hundreds of key Scripture passages right at your fingertips (it is indexed by subject, so you’ll have no difficulty putting your finger on the right Scripture when you need to answer a non-Catholic). The Kit also contains the best-selling booklet Beginning Apologetics and the Beginning Apologetics Study Guide. Questions Answered: • Does it make a difference what denomination one joins? • Why do Catholics call priests “father” when Jesus said “Call no man father”? • How do I explain the doctrine of the Eucharist? • Do Catholics worship statues in defiance of Scripture? • How do we know which books belong in the Bible? • Is the Mass really a sacrifice? • Are we saved by faith alone? • Why are babies baptized when they have no awareness of what’s going on? • Why should we confess our sins to a priest? • Do Catholics depend on good works and penances for salvation? • Do Catholics worship Mary? • Are Catholics adding to the redemptive work of Christ? • Does Scripture teach that the Bible alone should be our sole rule of faith? • Once saved, are you always saved? • Do Catholics worship saints? • Does the Bible teach that Purgatory exists? #M148CD $44.95 toll free 800-705-6131



Jim Burnham & Fr. Frank Chacon

This easy-to-understand guide is the perfect tool for Catholics of all ages to begin learning how to explain and defend their Catholic faith. Burnham covers the most commonly misunderstood Catholic doctrines including the Eucharist, the Canon of the Bible, papal authority, Marian doctrines, Confession, Purgatory, and praying to saints. #B206 $5.95


Jim Burnham & Steve Wood

This Study Guide is an accompaniment to Beginning Apologetics Vol. I, and is perfect for individual, family, homeschool, parish, or small group use. The apologetics topics are arranged into twelve units, suitable for weekly or monthly meetings. Each unit takes approximately 45 minutes. #B301 $4.95


Also known as “The Catholic Verse-Finder” this laminated sheet organizes over 500 verses showing the biblical basis for more than 50 Catholic doctrines – all in two pages! Subjects include: Infallible Church; Apostolic Succession; Immaculate Conception; Confession; Contraception, Eucharist, and much more. #M128 $2.95


Audio Series

This twelve-part discussion on six audio CDs is the most engaging discussion of Catholic apologetics “basics” that you’ll find. Steve Wood and Jim Burnham tackle all the major topics in a way that will prepare you to explain the Faith clearly, defend it charitably, and share it confidently. #CD164 $34.95

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scripture study best seller



Discovering Catholic Teaching in Scripture

“As I was rummaging through the Bible section of a large Christian bookstore, I came across absolutely the nicest Catholic Bible I’ve ever seen. To my delight, this Catholic Bible is my favorite translation, the Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition [RSVCE]. I couldn’t believe what I had found! This Bible’s flexible two-tone tan imitation leather cover is stunning. The page edges are gold. Its small handy size (about 5” x 6.5”) allows you to take it wherever you go. (Bibles shouldn’t collect dust at home on the shelf.) Despite its small size, the text was laid out clearly, unlike some RSVCE Bibles that are printed using decades-old plates. When I brought this Bible home, my college-aged daughter asked for one so she could take it with her in her backpack to college. Since then, our family has given copies to each other as presents. This Bible is a great gift for Christmas, birthdays, graduations, baptisms, first communions, confirmations, Mother’s Day, and Father’s Day. I recommend that you take advantage of the special discounts by ordering multiple copies.” – Steve Wood

Patrick Madrid

This book is the place to begin discovering Catholic teaching in Scripture. There isn’t another book that is packed with more truth per page than this one. Does the Bible Really Say That? Discovering Catholic Teaching in Scripture is extra-lean highprotein for the soul. Unlike most gifted theologians, Patrick Madrid writes in an easyto-understand fashion so that the average person can firmly grasp each truth. Each of the 46 chapters covers an important topic in about three pages. Some of the topics include eternal security, calling a priest “Father,” the Rapture, questions about drinking alcohol, original sin, profanity, divorce and remarriage, voting for pro-abortion candidates, Purgatory, the divinity of Christ, Hell, confession, guardian angels, infant baptism, and much more. This highly recommended book is ideal for: teens, adults who want to learn more about their faith, confirmation classes, RCIA classes, family reading after dinner, and Protestants who want to know what the Catholic Church really teaches. #B441 $13.99 • 3 or more copies: $12.00 each

#B426 $29.95 • 3 or more copies: $24.95 each


IGNATIUS STUDY BIBLES Dr. Scott Hahn and Curtis Mitch

These Study Bibles are easy enough for the novice, useful for the serious student, and perfect for family study! Based on the RSVCE translation of the Bible, these volumes lead readers through a penetrating study of the Gospels and Paul’s Epistles using the biblical text itself and the Church’s own guidelines for understanding the Bible. Ample notes accompany each page, providing fresh insights and commentary by renowned Bible teachers Scott Hahn and Curtis Mitch, as well as interpretations from the Early Church Fathers. These helpful study notes provide rich historical, cultural, geographical and theological background to the Scriptures. The Study Bibles also include Topical Essays, Word Studies, Charts, an easy-to-use CrossReference Section, and Study Questions at the end of each chapter. #B359 – Mark $9.95 #B348 – Matthew $9.95 #B436 – John $9.95 #B442 – Luke $9.95 #B434 – Corinthians $9.95 #B435 - Galatians/Ephesians $9.95 #B458 – Romans $9.95 #B459 - Philippians, Colossians, & Philemon $9.95 #B460 - Thessalonians, Timothy & Titus $9.95


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Paul’s Epistles (5 Volumes) #CO136 $44.95 |

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#B447+ $14.95

A Practical Commentary on


Bishop Frederick Justus Knecht

This is a great introductory Bible commentary, not for scholars, but for “ordinary” Catholics. Each chapter begins with a Bible story and then explains particular words and phrases. A brief commentary on Catholic teaching is followed by a succinct “application” to daily life. This book is deep, but also clear and easy to understand. Every Catholic family, every classroom, every homeschool, every catechist and every priest should have a wellused copy of A Practical Commentary on Holy Scripture.

Combo Specials The Four Gospels #CO105 $36.95

Sadly, many people in our secular society believe the Bible is just a book of myths – like the Greek myths of old. This notion is a lie that your children will sooner or later encounter. Using a good Bible atlas is a subtle but effective way to combat false notions about the Bible. The Atlas of the Bible Lands will help you and your children understand that the events recorded in the Bible happened to real people in real places at specific historical times. Your family will follow the biblical narrative from the earliest ancestors of Israel to the founding of the early Christian church with easy-to-read maps, plans, timelines, and lavish photographs and illustrations. If a picture paints a thousand words, an atlas paints a thousand pictures. When studying the Bible with all ages, this Atlas will open up God’s Word in a new and profound way for your family.

#B407 $35.00


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sharing & defending the faith “St. Paul shines like a star of the highest magnitude in the Church’s history. St. John Chrysostom praised him as a person superior even to many angels and archangels.”


Seven-Step Guide in the


- Pope Benedict XVI


This audio CD is unique both for its depth and its clarity. Steve Wood shares with families in his characteristically easy-to-understand manner an outline of the life and writings of one of the greatest men the world has ever known. You will learn: • An outline of the seven periods in Paul’s life and ministry • A timeline of Paul’s life including his conversion, missionary journeys, and death • A chronological list of St. Paul’s Epistles • Tips for how to study St. Paul’s Epistles This CD also comes with an accompanying study handout. Combined with the Atlas of the Bible Lands and any of the Ignatius Study Bibles on Paul’s Epistles (see p. 18) this CD is the perfect place for families to kick-start their family or group study of the Apostle to the Gentiles. #CD361 $9.95

HOW TO HAVE A TWO-WAY CONVERSATION Between Catholics & Protestants Steve Wood

In order to be an effective evangelist of the Faith, Catholics must learn how to have a scriptural dialogue with a Protestant. In this special CD series, Steve Wood explains how to have a charitable, knowledgeable, engaging conversation between a Catholic and a Protestant. Topics include: • Why it’s important for Catholics to learn the books of the Bible • How to use study bibles and which one to start with • The differences between the main branches of Protestantism, and how to approach the different kinds of Protestants • Why Catholics need to avoid liberal/modernist Bible criticism if they wish to have any hope of communicating with an Evangelical Protestant (this is a blind spot for many Catholics) • How to avoid the hot-button phrases that immediately turn off Protestants to Catholicism • The one or two issues you should zero in on FIRST – otherwise a Protestant may pull you off onto a tangent • Why you should never try to discuss a basketful of theological issues with a Protestant in a single conversation • How to show a Protestant that Sacred Tradition doesn’t detract from Scripture, but rather defends it against the “Jesus Seminar” and “Da Vinci Code” type of attacks.

Steve Wood “How can I get to Heaven?” “Who is Jesus?” “How can I know Him?”

What will you do when a friend, neighbor, loved one on his deathbed, or your own child asks you these questions? Will you be prepared to answer? In this valuable interview Steve Wood teaches you how to lead someone to faith in Jesus Christ and His Church. Topics include: The 10-second secret that will make the Scriptures come alive for you; Where to start when you begin reading the Bible; How to repent and know that your repentance is sincere; How to get peace of mind from the Sacrament of Confession; The hardest thing for a Christian to believe and why.

[BONUS: Place this CD in your computer to download Steve Wood’s FREE Journey to Salvation Study Guide.] #CD213 $9.95


& How You Can Bring Them Back Steve Wood

Hundreds of thousands of Catholics have left the Church for Protestant pastures in recent decades. It’s often said that “the second largest denomination in America is former Catholics.” During his years of ministry as a Protestant pastor, Steve led many people out of the Catholic Church. Unfortunately, it wasn’t hard. In this CD series, Steve shares the 3-step process he used to lead people out of the Catholic Church, and teaches you how to counter this formula to lead Protestants into (or back into) the Church. Steve covers: The Catholic interpretation of the most common Bible verses used to lead Catholics out of the Church; Six steps for leading former Catholics back to the Faith; How to avoid the major pitfalls Catholics fall into when trying to convert Protestants; Eight key topics to cover with a Protestant. Included is one of the most powerful renditions of Steve’s conversion story ever recorded. 2-CD Set #CD107 $16.95

SURPRISED BY TRUTH Patrick Madrid, editor

Here is one of the most effective tools for introducing (or re-introducing) Evangelical Protestants to the Catholic faith. These eleven personal conversion accounts are unlike any you’ve ever read; they are packed with biblical, theological, and historical proofs for Catholicism. #B152 $13.99

3-CD Set #CD270 $22.95 toll free 800-705-6131


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sharing & defending the faith new

“One summer I worked with five hard-core Protestants. Since they knew I was a Catholic seminarian, they hammered me with Protestant arguments against the Faith. I finally asked them to give me just one hour to explain Catholicism to them. I transcribed word-forword Steve Wood’s Eucharistic Messages CDs. The result of that one-hour conversation was five conversions out of five!” – Fr. Phil Wolfe


Catholics are mystified by Protestant objections to Mary, and Protestants are scandalized by Catholic Marian beliefs. Steve Wood investigates the biblical and historical basis for the Queenship of Mary in this CD that bridges the gap of confusion between Protestants and Catholics. He begins by sharing personal testimony of how difficult it was for him to understand Catholic teaching on Mary when he was a Protestant minister, and how amazed he was to discover that this teaching was rooted in Scripture. Steve offers listeners a four-step process for how any Protestant or Catholic can come to a richer and fuller understanding of Mary’s role in the plan of salvation. This CD is the perfect resource to share with any friend or loved one wrestling with questions about Mary. #CD366 $9.95


This CD album is a profound exposition of Catholic teaching on the Eucharist. On Disc One, entitled “Miracle Bread of the Old and the New Testaments,” Steve offers a simple, yet powerful defense of the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. This message follows the outline of Jesus’ teaching in John 6. You’ll discover how the Old Testament bread miracle of the manna and the New Testament bread miracle of the feeding of the five thousand point to an even greater miracle: Jesus’ institution of the Eucharist at the Last Supper. Disc Two is a presentation entitled, “The Eucharist: Fuel for Good Works.” Catholics know that good works are not an option for Christian living. Yet these good works are not supposed to be done with self-generated effort. We are to depend upon the power of the Holy Spirit in the performance of good works. Where do we find such power for Christian living? Steve shows how the relationship between the Eucharist and abiding in the power of the Holy Spirit accomplishes good works that might otherwise seem impossible. 2-CD Set #CD130 $16.95

“I'm a Protestant minister and I've been listening to you guys for years. The Queenship of Mary is the best explanation of Mary I’ve ever heard. I could make sense of it for the first time and I'm going to have to ponder this further.” - Randy

MARY, The Second Eve John Henry Newman

This booklet is a gold mine of teaching on the Blessed Mother. It shows that Marian doctrines are rooted in Scripture and the teachings of the Early Church. It is full of the fresh insights and persuasive logic so typical of this holy and learned convert from Anglicanism, who later became a Cardinal. #B101 $4.00


The World’s Greatest Woman Steve Wood

In this powerful CD series you will come to a greater understanding of and appreciation for Jesus’ Blessed Mother, and learn how to share the Church’s teaching on Mary with your Protestant friends and family members. Topics covered: Why Protestants and Catholics differ over Mary; Mary as the Mother of God; Mary as the Second Eve; Mary’s Immaculate Conception; Mary as a Type of the Ark of the Covenant; The Assumption of Mary; Asking for Mary’s intercessory prayers. 3-CD Set #CD138 $22.95



This DVD focuses on the three underlying reasons why Protestants and Catholics differ over Mary. While the material covered is similar to Steve Wood’s audio series Mary: The World’s Greatest Woman, this DVD captures the dynamism of a live presentation and is perfect for showing in a family, parish, or small group setting. Running time: 68 minutes. #DVD101 $19.95 20

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Most Catholics have been asked this question dozens of times by Protestants, but are not sure how to respond. This highly informative CD offers a scriptural examination and historical investigation into the “born again” passage in John 3. After studying this CD, any Catholic, when asked if he or she is born again, will be able to answer, “YES!” Topics include: • What do Catholics believe about being “born again”? • What do Protestants believe about being “born again”? • The baptismal context of John 3 • Old Testament symbolism in John 3 • How did the early Church interpret John 3? • The difference between John the Baptist’s baptism and Jesus’ baptism • What does water have to do with a passage dealing with a new birth (regeneration)?

[BONUS: Place this CD in your computer to download Steve Wood’s FREE Have You Been Born Again? Study Guide.] #CD135 $9.95

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sharing & defending the faith




Is the Bible the Sole Rule of Faith? Steve Wood

Sola Scriptura (“Scripture Alone”) is one of the two pillars upon which the Reformation and Protestantism rest. Understanding what Protestants believe about the “Bible Alone” and how to explain the Catholic teaching on Church authority is of vital importance. In this best-selling CD set you will learn: • What do Catholics and Protestants hold in common regarding Scripture? • What is the importance of the Sola Scriptura question? • What does the Bible say about Sola Scriptura? • What do early Church Fathers say about Sola Scriptura? • What is the difference between Dead Tradition and Living (Apostolic) Tradition? • How did the Canon of Scripture come to be? • Why did Martin Luther drop seven books from the Bible?

[BONUS: Place Disc Two in your computer to download Steve Wood’s FREE Sola Scriptura Study Guide.] #CD134 $16.95

An Introduction to


• • • •

• • •

Join Steve Wood for a six-session study of prophecy throughout the Bible, in what has become one of his most popular and life-changing CD albums. Topics include: What are the historic Christian teachings on the Rapture, the Great Tribulation, and the Millennium? How to use the Bible and the Catechism to answer and understand prophecy questions Prophecy in Genesis: how the last things are prefigured in the first book of the Bible Prophecy in Daniel: an amazing prophetic outline of world history, a prophecy about the Catholic Church and Daniel’s fifth kingdom, and the rise of the Antichrist Prophecy in the Gospels: Jesus’ teaching & warnings about the last days Prophecy in the Epistles: St. Paul’s forewarning about the Great Apostasy, and answers to Rapture questions Prophecy in Revelation: dispelling nonsense and making sense of the last book of the Bible

[BONUS: FREE Bonus CD included with over 75 pages of invaluable prophecy notes, diagrams, and background reading!] 6-CD Set #CD145 $34.95

“I ordered a copy of your Biblical Prophecy series for my brotherin-law, who was on the brink of leaving the Church and joining a Protestant sect. I can happily report that he and his family have been transformed by this experience.” – Patrick toll free 800-705-6131


Steve Wood

You’ve probably never heard of a Bible study like this one. It was composed of teens from three Catholic youth groups, Protestant teens from a variety of denominational backgrounds, along with a diverse group of adults – mostly Catholics, but

also several inquisitive Protestants. What was the subject that brought this diverse group together for five sessions? They were studying St. Paul’s Epistle to the Romans with Steve Wood. Since Steve has personal Bible study experience both as a Protestant and as a Catholic, he was able to present clearly, simply, and accurately both the Protestant and the Catholic interpretations of Romans. The special focus of the class was St. Paul’s teaching on justification by faith, the theme of Romans. Most of the audience had never heard the Catholic beliefs on justification explained understandably right from the Bible. Rather than just proving the Protestant position wrong, Steve showed in a positive way how the Catholic faith makes the most sense of all of St. Paul’s teaching in Romans. Evangelical Protestants think that the Catholic understanding of Romans will hinder having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Many Evangelicals are astonished to learn that Catholicism’s understanding of Romans unlocks immeasurable riches for developing a relationship with Christ. If there is one book of the Bible to know well in order to share the Catholic faith with Protestant friends, it’s undoubtedly Romans. For teen and adult apologetics, the doctrine of justification is of central importance. Yet most apologetics resources on this topic quickly get overly-complicated and confuse everyone. Steve’s goal in this series was to distill and simplify the rich content of Romans so that a fifteen-year-old could understand St. Paul’s message and share it with others. The series included humorous moments as well as practical applications of timeless truths. 5-CD Set #CD364 $32.95


Is the doctrine of Purgatory just a Catholic “invention” or is it rooted in Scripture and the early history of the Church? The answers are documented on this CD. Special treatment is given to the seven missing books in Protestant versions of the Old Testament; why they are not included may surprise you. The accompanying study guide is chock-full of biblical references supporting this dogma. Topics include: What Catholics believe about Purgatory; Abuse of the doctrine of Purgatory and Catholic Indulgences; Can sins be forgiven and lasting consequences still remain? The General and the Particular Judgments; What will purgatorial suffering be like? #CD137 $9.95

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church history



Steve Wood

There are mountains of misconceptions of what the early Church was really like. Amazingly, the writings of the Apostolic Fathers, the Christian leaders who immediately followed the Apostles, are readily available. Their writings are the earliest documents we have of the early Church outside of the New Testament itself. The CD set, Early Church Fathers (at left), is designed to be used with this edition of the Apostolic Fathers. #B121 $14.00

With abundant references to Scripture and the Early Church Fathers, this 6-CD series invites you to time travel to the early Church with Steve Wood and embark on an exciting investigation of the Apostolic Fathers. Since the Early Church Fathers are accepted as reliable teachers by Protestants, they are the key to bridging the gap between our separated brethren and rescuing them from a sea of misconceptions regarding the Catholic Church. This comprehensive study is sure to rejuvenate your faith and give you a deeper appreciation of your Catholic heritage. Questions answered include: Did the Bishop of Rome exercise special authority beyond Italy? Was the form of early Church government democratic or hierarchical? Did the early Church believe in Apostolic Succession? What was the special focus of early Church worship? Did the Apostolic Church call the Mass a “sacrifice”? Who were the early Church leaders after the Apostles? Did the early Church believe in the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist? 6-CD Set #CD166 $34.95


This 3-Volume set is the apologist’s “Patriot Missile” for defending the Faith. These fully indexed volumes contain a selection of actual writings from the first seven centuries of the early Church, including selections from the writings of the Apostolic Fathers. Volume I may also be used as a companion to the Early Church Fathers CD set with Steve Wood. Volume I #B115A $19.95 3-Volume Set #B115 $49.95

“Thank you for your talks on the Early Church Fathers. They were very influential in my decision to return to the Catholic Church after 23 years as an Evangelical Christian and former missionary. My entire family will be entering the Church at Easter.” - Jim

[BONUS: Each Jurgens order includes a FREE CD of Steve Wood’s presentation “How to Study Church History Using Jurgens.”] new


How to Study

A Convert’s View of 1517


Steve Wood

As a Protestant pastor, Steve Wood led his congregation in honoring Martin Luther as a reformation hero. In this hard-hitting message, Steve shares his second thoughts on Luther. Learn how Luther’s view of the Heavenly Father was twisted by his cruel father. Also hear some disturbing facts about Luther’s private life and morals. Topics about Luther’s tragic legacy include: The breakdown of morals after Luther’s revolt; The breakdown of authority in the modern world; The breakdown in the authority of Scripture; The breakdown in marriage and family life. The phones at the Family Life Center rang for a long time after this radio show. Get your own copy to hear a convert’s view of the “reformation.” #CD201 $9.95

Studying the early Church fathers is a life-changing experience. Catholics are fascinated as they see their timeless faith expressed in the ancient fathers. Thousands of Evangelical Protestants are studying the history of the early church and are developing an entirely new attitude towards Catholicism. In fact, Church history is moving hundreds of Evangelicals to convert to Catholicism. Many others haven’t yet embarked on this journey because they don’t know where to begin or what resources to use. This CD is for those who want a “how-to” guide for beginning an exploration of the early Church. #CD347 $9.95

St. Joseph’s Covenant Keepers

St. Joseph’s Covenant Keepers is an informal network of Christian men under the patronage of St. Joseph, active in 67 countries throughout the world. We are dedicated to strengthening faith, fatherhood, and the family. The primary outreach of St. Joseph’s Covenant Keepers is to men who are fathers of children still living at home. 22

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Steve Wood

Check out these features on our website: • • • • • • •

Prayer support Free newsletters for men Help for common family problems Resources for fathering children and teens Tools for safe media in the family Dozens of articles relevant for fathers Info on men’s conferences and small groups

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About a hundred years ago, Pope St. Pius X said to a group of bishops, “What the Church needs most today is a laity that knows the Faith, loves the Faith, and has the courage to stand up and defend the Faith.” If that was true a century ago, it’s all the more true today. The Pope’s words challenge us, too. We need help to raise an army of Catholics who know and love the Faith, and have the courage to stand up and defend it! And that’s why we’re inviting you to belong to the Family Life Team, as a Supporter of the Family Life Center International and St. Joseph’s Covenant Keepers. The Supporters on our Family Life Team consist of a group of over 2,000 Catholics who are serious about living their faith. Each month we send Supporters an informative and inspirational letter highlighting a project to help solve a moral, theological, or family crisis. Often we feature a book, CD, or DVD with cutting-edge information. We’ve dealt with topics like these: • How to bring loved ones who have fallen away from the Church back into the fold • Practical ways parents can help young children and teenagers grow in the virtues • How to manage family finances • How to be an effective Catholic parent – and how to teach the Faith to children so that they’ll treasure and pass on the Faith to their children • How to revive the centuries-old practice of honorable courtship – and why courtship (rather than “dating”) is a key to establishing a rock-solid marriage

• Internet Porn: why so many Catholic men are enmeshed in it, and a guaranteed method to break the cycle of addiction • How to really understand the Bible We guarantee that you’ll benefit from receiving informative monthly mailings about topics like these. You’ll become a better Catholic, a better spouse, and a better parent. Best of all, you’ll find a deeper and more personal relationship with Jesus Christ. You will be better equipped to pass on vital assistance to friends and family members who need help in their faith and family life. Thus, our Family Life Team strategy for Supporters involves much more than just sending something in response to a gift. Rather, it is really a strategy of multiplication: of helping many other families by helping you and your family. So why not become a Member of the Family Life Team today? Try us for a year. Simply call our office toll-free at 800-705-6131, or send your email request to: [email protected]. You can also request your no-obligation trial membership to the Family Life Team at Obviously it costs money to send out these monthly mailings. All we ask is that you send a sacrificial gift at least once or twice during the next 12 months – a reasonable request. We’re confident that you and other people you know will benefit from it. Your gifts will sustain the Family Life Center’s outreaches, will strengthen your own faith and family, and finally, the monthly premiums will sharpen your ability to be a bearer of the Good News. Please accept my invitation to become a member of our Family Life Team. Yours in His Majesty’s Service,

Steve Wood


Phone 800-705-6131 • Fax 864-268-6773 • [email protected] • 2130 Wade Hampton Blvd. Greenville, SC 29615 •

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LEGACY A Father’s Handbook for Raising Godly Children

by Stephen Wood The most important job a man has is fathering his children, but raising godly children in today’s world isn’t an easy task. Don’t tackle the most important job of your life unprepared. Legacy will equip you with the basic tools you need to fulfill your role as a father. This man-to-man book covers fundamental principles, priorities, and practical strategies to help you build a legacy of faith in your family. In Legacy you’ll find: • How to use sports and adventure to pass on the Faith to your children • Practical ways to find adequate time for fathering • The 60-second secret to getting your kids to obey – the first time • How to handle a strong-willed child • To spank or not to spank, that is the question… • How to tame the “terrible twos” • Why the central focus of discipline is the ear, not the rear • How to help your sons win the war to be pure “After reading Legacy I can only say, Warning to Catholic Legacy shows how families and children are transformed when Dad men: Use of this book has been known to cause radical takes an active role in child training, and when he becomes a true positive, life changing alterations. This book is not simply partner with his wife in parenting. Steve Wood gives men a vision of another book on fatherhood with information – it will also the Faith running through the generations of their family. He couples cause transformation! Men were made for heroism and this book gave me a baptism of boldness. This book is a this vision with down-to-earth strategies to help fathers successfully ‘weapon of mass instruction’ and its insightful array of tips fulfill their role within the family.

Hardcover, 159 pages #B427 $19.95 Book-On-CD #CD236 $29.95 Book & Book-On-CD COMBO: #M180 $39.95



page 3

page 4

and Catholic wisdom should be adopted by every Catholic father as a way of life.” —Jesse Romero, father of three Catholic lay evangelist, USA middleweight kickboxing champion World Police Boxing champion, veteran deputy sheriff

COLLEGE SURVIVAL KIT For Catholic Students page 8

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