Chris Online Assignment

  • June 2020
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Title: �United States Department of the Treasury�

This is the homepage for the site of the U.S. Department of the Treasury. This site provides general information about the financial status of our nation and coins and currency, taxes, and the economy. This site shows direct links for many subjects such as auctions, bonds and securities, careers at treasury and IRS tax filing, forms and refunds. When clicking on the link for auctions, you get a list of different kinds of auctions such as for aircrafts, antiques, automobiles, real estate, etc,. Under each category there is a list of states where the different kinds of auctions are taking place. I then clicked a link labeled �Bureaus� and it led to a list of the different bureaus in the department, such as the US Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP). The BEP prints the federal reserve notes, but not coins. They produce many features on notes to reduce the amount of counterfeiting money. #A.22

Title: �US Department of Homeland Security�

This is the homepage for the site for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS). When clicking a link labeled �About�, and following down to �Department Structure�, there is a list of the major components of the DHS, such as the Directorate for Management, which is responsible for budgets and accounting and finance as well as human resources. The Directorate for Management is currently led by Elaine Duke, the Under Secretary for Management. Also on the homepage for the DHS, there is a link that is labeled �Check the threat level�. When clicking this, the site states that the current national threat level is yellow, meaning it is elevated, and for domestic and international flights, the level is orange, meaning high. The basic job for the DHS is to protect our nation of foreign and domestic threats with the help of agencies such as the US Coast Guard, US Secret Service, and Immigration and Customs Enforcement.


Title: Republican National Committee

This is the homepage for the Republican Party, or today�s modern conservatives. There is a link on the homepage labeled �Learn�, and when following that there is a button for �Who we are�. After following those, the history of the Republican Party is laid out. I learned from this site that the Republican Party started in the early 1850�s with those who opposed slavery. The main policy of the GOP is that individuals make better decisions than large governments, therefore, a smaller government is better. While exploring the homepage, there is a link called �Republican Heroes�, where there are pages dedicated to pictures of Republican Heroes from Abraham Lincoln to Jackie Robinson to Dwight Eisenhower. There is also

a link called �What we believe�, and when you click it, it shows the basic policies. As previously stated, the government should be limited, community involvement and support is more valuable than taxation, and our national strength, or military should be preserved. #B.2

Title: The Democratic Party

This is the homepage for the Democratic Party, today�s modern liberals. There is a link for �What we stand for�. The basic policies for the Democratic Party revolve around providing affordable commodities for the American people, mainly referring to health care. Also, the Democratic Party is pushing to revive civil liberties and rights while serving in the interests of the working people. As far as the history goes, the Democratic party is proud of its past that included building up the economy to heights that seemed insurmountable, welcoming immigrants, and maybe one of the greatest periods of time ever, the defeat of the Great Depression. Franklin D. Roosevelt felt that the American people would be better off with the help of the Government, and he was right. On the main page, there is a box where you can search for groups. I entered the zip code �49829� and found various groups such as �Fight to save the working middle class and what we believe in� and �Carl Levin for Senate�.


Title: Libertarian Party

This is the homepage for the Libertarian Party. When clicking a link labeled �Introduction�, the basic principles of the Libertarian Party are listed as basically being supportive of each individual. The party is �free and independent�, also stating that they want to support the people when they choose what they want out of life. �Live and let live is the Libertarian way�. Also on the main page is a link for states. When finding Michigan, I was led to a page with a list of Libertarian candidates including Mark Byrne and Tom Hren, and also already elected Libertarians including Kurt Perron and Tom Bagwell. While reading some of the FAQ�s, I learned that the Libertarian Party borrows values from both the conservative and liberal sides. Also, I found it interesting that the Libertarian Party is the third-largest party in America, with 250,000 registered voters. #C.6

Title: Socialist Party USA

The homepage for the URL above is for the Socialist Party. The Socialist Party pushes for eliminating all social boundaries and giving everybody equal living conditions. Besides just racial, gender, or age boundaries, the Socialist Party especially wants to get rid of the different classes (upper class, lower class, middle class). After clicking a link labeled �Platform�, I learned that the

Socialist Party is working for the elimination of all �domination and exploitation�. Then, I clicked a link labeled �Locals and commissions�, where I learned that the �Socialist Party of Michigan� exists, and resides in Marquette Michigan. Also, there is a link for �Activist Campaigns� where there is a list of current and rising issues. The Socialist Party is currently campaigning for National Health Care, and slashing the military budget.


Title: Fair Vote

This is the homepage for FairVote. When clicking a link called �About us�, I learned that FairVote acts to make elections more widespread, making it easier for citizens to vote. After clicking another link labeled �What we do�, I found out that FairVote works to change America�s view on elections, letting everybody know that each vote counts. Some of the recent achievements accomplished are supporting the Instant Runoff Voting, starting voter registration at age 16 and educating future voters, and contributing to the success of proportional voting. I learned that IRV is when a candidate wins, even though he/she is opposed by most voters. The candidate just gets more votes than the opponent. Then I learned that proportional voting in legislature for example would be when a party receives 30% of the vote, it in turn receives 30% of all representation in the legislature, which I believe is a great concept. This will eliminate the 100% power to the party winning by the slim margins. #D.7

Title: US Election Calendar

This the homepage for the Calendar of Elections and Major Political Events. On the main page there is a list of dates of elections such as� OCTOBER 20, 2009: Massachusetts - US Senate Special Election - Primary Filing Deadline NOVEMBER 3, 2009: California - CD-10 Special - General Election New Jersey & Virginia - Gubernatorial General Election New York - CD-23 Special - General Election NOVEMBER 24, 2009: Massachusetts - US Senate Special Election - Filing Deadline (Independents/Third Parties)


Title: US Census Bureau

This is the homepage for the United States Census Bureau. When clicking a link labeled �Projections� and clicking �State�, I then followed another link labeled �Interim Projections� where the population is projected from the year 2001-2030. I clicked a link for �Population of the United States� and saw projections for each state from 2000-2030 in five year increments. I thought that Michigan�s projections were odd, as the census recorded nearly 10 million people in the state of Michigan, and the projections for the future kept on increasing through 2025. This was odd because I am almost positive that the population in the state of Michigan has not increased in the past 10 years. After clicking a link labeled �Overview�, I learned that a population projection is based on assumptions of future deaths, births, and international and domestic migration. #E.10

Title: Gallup

This is the homepage for Gallup, which is a source for daily news related to Government issues. The main page is full of statistics on polls ranging from Obama-approval, opinion on sending more troops overseas, and number of jobs available. When clicking a link called �About Gallup�, I learned that Gallup has been studying human nature and behavior for over 70 years. Gallup employs the world�s leading scientists and boosts the growth of organizations by maximizing employee productivity. I then clicked a link labeled �Well being� and found an article called �More Americans Rate Lives Well, but More Hurting at Work�, where I learned that about 53% of surveyed Americans were considered to be thriving in October of 2009, considerably higher than the 39% from November of 2008. The workrelated survey asks if Americans are satisfied with their jobs, using factors such as how they are treated, if the work environment is trustworthy, and if they are able to use their strengths at work.


Title: Public Citizen

This is the homepage for Public Citizen. When clicking a link labeled �About PC (Public Citizen), I learned that PC is a nonprofit consumer advocacy organization founded in 1971. I then clicked a link labeled �Accomplishments� and saw dates and achievements such as in 2005, where PC petitioned to require auto manufacturers to notify dealers of an automobiles most serious defects, and in 2006, where a report from PC prompted the repeal of the estate tax, which benefited the upper class. After clicking a link on the main page labeled �Public Citizen Divisions�, I clicked the division for �Auto Safety� and found a list of stories of what seemed to be complaints against either faulty auto parts or against industries that use automobiles, such as freight delivery industries pressing to significantly raise hours on truck drivers. #F.

Title: The Center for Public Integrity

This is the homepage for the Center for Public Integrity. When clicking a link labeled �About Us�, I learned that the mission for the CPI is to investigate issues to basically make the government less big and more accountable. The Center is nonprofit and nonpartisan. I then clicked a link labeled �Investigations� and then �The Global Climate Change Lobby�, I learned that research in 7 different countries has been gathered that many fossil fuel industries are working hard to reject control on greenhouse gas emissions.


Title: State of Michigan

This is the homepage for the State of Michigan. On the main page there is a link called �Michigan in need�. This led to an article where the Secretary of State Terri Lynn Land is urging Michigan residents to donate food and/or money to needy families. I then clicked a link labeled �Health� and followed a link to the MI H1N1 site. This page contains various information such as where to get the flu vaccine. When clicking a link called �Clinicians� I read that the Michigan Department of Community Health is not requiring pre-approval for influenza testing. Back on the home page I clicked a link for �About Michigan� and found an article labeled �Delayed Corn Harvest Could Impact Deer Harvest�. This article

states that as of Nov. 8th, only 16% of the harvest has been collected, and usually by Nov. 15th, an average of 80% of the harvest has been collected in the past five years. Seeing as corn is a main mean of baiting deer, it will be hard to harvest close to the same amount of deer without finding alternate ways of baiting them. #G.

Title: Michigan Votes

This is the homepage for Michigan Votes. When finding a link labeled �About this site�, I learned that the purpose of this site is to explain every bill that is up for voting in the Michigan Legislature. On this site, you are able to track the votes of any legislature, like Bart Stupak, for example. You are also able to view all bills or amendments introduced by any legislator, email legislators about bills, sign up for email alerts about bills or amendments, and more. Back on the homepage I searched the records for Senator Mike Prusi where I found an interesting Bill he introduced that was passed that sold the UP Fairgrounds to Delta County for $1. I also saw a list of 7 amendments Sen. Prusi introduced, where only one of them had been passed. For the most part, Sen. Prusi had voted more for Liberal bills, like bailout bills for example.

#H.3 Title: C-SPAN This is the homepage for C-SPAN, a news source from Capitol Hill. I clicked a link labeled �Featured Topics�, clicked �Iraq� and followed to another link for �Guantanamo Prisoners� where there was a comprehensive list of all detainees held at Guantanamo Bay since it opened. The list amassed a total of 779 names so far. Again under �Featured Topics�, I clicked a link labeled �Supreme Court� where there was an article where the Supreme Court heard arguments on a ruling that sentenced two juveniles to life in prison for a crime besides murder. Basically, C-SPAN covers all major political stories, mainly at the federal level, covering every branch of government (Legislative, Executive, and Judiciary). #H.7 Title: Roll Call This is the homepage for About Roll Call. On the main page, it says that Roll Call has been around since 1955, and has delivered superior coverage on people, politics, process and policy on Capitol Hill. There is a quote �When I get to Washington, I want three things: my phone messages, my schedule and Roll Call. Then I know what�s going on.� -Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.). This quote further emphasizes the dependability of Roll Call, and the trust it has gained.


Title: NRA

This is the homepage for the National Rifle Association (NRA). On the main page, there is a long article on gun control, which as you may have guessed, the NRA strongly opposes. The article states that many gun-control advocates are more concerned about passing gun control laws, than reducing violence. It also states that the amount of violence will only decrease if lawbreakers are punished to the fullest extent of the law. When clicking a link labeled �Foundation� I learned that the NRA was founded in 1871 by two Civil War Veterans. The NRA had a marksmanship training program and started National Guards in states. In all, I learned from this site that the NRA is definitely a conservative group, pushing to keep our rights to bear arms. #I.7 Title: Operation Rescue This is the homepage for Operation Rescue. When I clicked a link labeled �About us� and �Who we are�, I learned that Operation Rescue is one of the leading prolife Christian organizations in the nation. Recently, Operation Rescue bought an abortion clinic and closed it in Wichita, Kansas. Under the �About us� section, there was a link for �History�. After clicking that, I found that Operation Rescue was founded in 1986. Early on, the men and women of this group used methods of peaceful civil disobedience to get their message out and mostly got arrested for sitting outside of abortion mills preventing the abortions. One of the main achievements of Operation Rescue is the city of San Diego, where over 70 abortionists resided before the year 1993. After campaigning by Operation Rescue, over 40 abortionists have left town or quit, and 20 abortion mills were closed. This spread throughout the state of California where abortionists were losing their licenses, having their clinics closed, all because of the pressure of a peaceful interest group.

#J.2 Title: US Agency for International Development This is the homepage for the US Agency for International Development. When clicking a link labeled �About USAID�, I learned that in 1961, Congress passed the Foreign Assistance Act, mandating the creation of an agency to deliver economic assistance. Thus, a few months later and under the direction of Franklin D. Roosevelt, the USAID was formed. Under a link labeled �Our Work�, I clicked a link called �Health� and learned that USAID works to improve the quality and amount of health care across the world in order to save lives. The USAID also works to confront many diseases, mainly including those affecting fertility, and HIV/AIDS. Following a link for �Nutrition�, I learned that malnutrition is the most serious health problem in the world, and that it is the largest contributor to child deaths. I also learned that malnutrition weakens the immune system and causes physical effects that are irreversible if they occur in the first two years of life. #J.6 Title: United Nations Association of the USA This is the homepage for the United Nations Association of the USA (UNA-USA). When clicking a link labeled �About us�, I learned that the UNA-USA is dedicated to bringing the ideas of the UN to American people. The UNA-USA�s programs emphasize the importance of countries working together. Under �Education�, there was a link labeled �Curricula�. When clicked, I was led to a page of classes aligned with standards of social studies, English, geometry, and government. On the main page I clicked another link labeled �Policy� and learned that the organization stands for strong US involvement and strengthening the UN.

Follow-up paragraphs #1. My first follow-up paragraph is referring back to paragraph #D.7 and FairVote. I strongly believe that our representation in the legislature should be dependent on the percentage of vote gained, not winner take all by majority. This would defeat the elimination of small groups, and would ensure that every voice be heard. For example, if one group received a majority of 51%, another earning 40%, and one group getting 9%, the group with the majority should gain 51% of the seats, the next getting 40%, and the third getting 9%. This is a method commonly used in different systems of government around the world, and I believe that in order to prevent complete domination of one group, should be adopted in our very own government. #2. My second follow-up paragraph is referring to paragraph #I.1 and the NRA. I completely 100% agree with the NRA�s stand against gun control, and believe that the most efficient way to lessen the amount of violent crime is to take advantage of our judicial system and punish those violating the laws. Punishing everybody by restricting or even prohibiting the use of firearms, I feel is very elementary and is not the right approach. I think that if distributors were more careful to who they sold their firearms to, there would be a HUGE decrease in violent crime. For example, background checks should be administered, and if the firearm is sold, then continue with the background checks routinely, to ensure that the consumer with the purchased firearm is not subject to any psychological disorders and is fit to possess a firearm. #3. My final follow-up paragraph is of a genuine dislike of this assignment, or at least how I went about completing it. This assignment was not terribly difficult, but I am a terrible procrastinator and ended up writing 15 paragraphs in one day because of a lack of time to evenly and more so properly go about completing this assignment. The one thing I really did not like about this assignment was that it got very repetitive (using basically the same format for each paragraph) and I grew tired of it very quickly and found it hard to spend time on it. I truly am glad that I have finished and hope that I may have learned my lesson not to put things off any further than they have to be.

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