Chpoa Minutes Nov 5 2009

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The meeting was called to order by Paul Gommo at 9:30 a.m. on Nov. 5, 2009. The meeting was held by conference call. All Board members were present at the meeting.


Meeting Minutes - Paul Gommo motioned to approve the Minutes of the Board meeting held on Oct. 30, 2009. David Cohen seconded the motion and the Board unanimously approved the Minutes.


Contracts Review - The Board discussed all CHPOA contracts which AIM had provided for the Board to review. Helen Ownby requested that AIM present an assessment of the number of lots which may still be owned by Point Peter, LLLP and the number of lots which are subject to assessment and for which AIM charges a management fee. Paul Gommo stated that the Board needs copies of the janitorial and pest control contracts.


Invoice Approval - Bernie Huber stated that there were 13 invoices that needed to be paid. The Board agreed that the best method was to have Bernie review invoices every week with Jeanette Jones of AIMS and then to have Bernie and Paul Gommo approve the invoices jointly, matching the invoices with purchase orders or contract costs.


Audit – The Board reviewed and discussed the audit performed by Patterson & Associates located in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida which was dated August 31, 2009. This audit is for the year ending December 31, 2008 and includes a Report of Independent Auditors, a Statement of Assets, Liabilities, and Fund Balances, a Statement of Revenues and Expenses and Changes in Fund Balances, a Statement of Cash Flows, and Notes to Financial Statements. The Board had many questions regarding the definitions of each account as well as the amounts presented. The questions were recorded by Paul Gommo and Paul agreed to contact the accountants to receive answers to the Board members’ questions. (David Cohen had to leave the Board meeting at this time.)


Landscaping Committee– Bernie Huber reported that the Cumberland Harbour Landscaping Committee would like to give a presentation at the Board’s meeting next week, and that additionally some Charleston Place property owners would like to be present by conference call to discuss their landscaping situation. Because the meeting will be by conference call, Bernie will have the Landscaping Committee and the Charleston Place owners meet with him in the activities room at the Cumberland Harbour fitness center.


Prior Board’s Initiatives– Paul Gommo stated he has had phone conversations with prior Board member Brian Timberlake in an effort to determine how best to continue a smooth transition to the present Interim Board. Former Board member Bill Whitlock has also emailed Paul giving his congratulations to the new Interim Board. The Board stressed the importance of maintaining open communications with the prior Board to continue their initiatives and discussed ways to include prior Board members in the activities of the new Interim Board.


Bylaw Amendment - Michelle Deis reported that she has contacted George Nowack, the attorney for the CHPOA, to determine whether the Bylaw Amendment regarding the Interim Board’s term, which was approved at the Oct. 30, 2009 meeting, must be filed with the Georgia Secretary of State along with a complete copy of the Bylaws, which have never been filed with the Secretary of State. Or, whether the Bylaw Amendment can just be appended to the Bylaws, with no filing of the Bylaws. She will report Mr. Nowack’s answer at the next Board Meeting.


CHPOA Secretary of State Annual Filing - Michelle Deis has also asked George Nowack to make the annual CHPOA incorporation filing with the Georgia Secretary of State because this filing had not yet been made for 2009 when Michelle checked the records at the Secretary of State’s website. Mr. Nowack will be providing Michelle with a copy of the filing.


Fitness Center Rules and Community Facility Rental Policy– The Board received copies of the Fitness Center Rules and the Community Facility Rental Policy from AIMS. Michelle Deis stated that these policies, as adopted by the previous Board, need to be posted on the CHPOA website, and perhaps on the Harbour Light website and yahoo Cumberland Harbour forum, so that property owners are aware of the policies. The Board decided to further review the policies and at a future meeting the Board will decide where to post the policies.


CHPOA Committees– The Board discussed and listed all the CHPOA committees and expressed a desire to keep the CHPOA committees intact. Bernie Huber stated that he would contact the committee members to express the Board’s desire to keep the committees intact. The Board members identified the following CHPOA committees as existing at the present time: Landscaping Committee Rules Committee Entertainment Committee The Board discussed the need to get the names of all committee members and chairpersons and discussed the need for some potential future committees, such as a Communications Committee that would be responsible for mailings and the CHPOA website.


Camden County Real Estate Taxes– Helen Ownby asked whether the Board should become involved in seeking a lowered real estate valuation for all the Cumberland Harbour lots, based on Camden County having reduced the valuation of all the Bridge Pointe at Jekyll Sound lots. The Board agreed that Helen should check with the Camden County Tax Assessor to see whether such an action could be taken. However, several Board members stated that the Board should not get involved in individual lot owner’s tax assessment concerns because that is not a function of the Board.

XIII. Next Meeting– The Board set the next Board Meeting for Thursday, Nov. 12, 2009 at 9:30 a.m. by conference call. The Landscape Committee and several Charleston Place owners will attend the beginning of the meeting by conference call. Paul Gommo adjourned the meeting.

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