Chores Checklist & Allowance Contract Copyright © July 2003
Name______________________ Age________ Month__________________ Year___________ Beginning Date____________________ Ending Date____________________
I have agreed to complete the following chores this week in order to receive my allowance. I understand that if I do not complete all chores, my allowance may be reduced: Signed_____________________________________ Date_______________________ Chore
(Briefly List)
(Fully detail what chore entails)
Point Value
Parent OK
Tips: List chores briefly in the “Chores” column, then list what the chore entails in the “Description” column. Assign each chore a point value for the week (i.e.: 1 point/day x 5 days of a particular chore = 5 points for the week) and list in appropriate column. Check off “Parent OK” column when week is completed. Either child or parent can check off daily boxes. Points can be taken away for incompletion. Highlight each daily box that you expect each chore to be completed. If child does not complete any chore for the week, the point value can be diminished at parents’ discretion. Allowance can be reduced by an amount set by parent.
Allowance Day Goal $_______________ (i.e.: $2.50/week) In order to receive my Allowance Day Goal, I must end up with _________ points.
My Total Points Earned____________ Total Allowance Earned $____________