Childrens Essays

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ABOUT PLANTS Once a little girl named Aisha planted a seed. Everyday she put water. Soon something was coming out! She was so happy and in a week she saw a flower. Her mother was so happy!. But one day her mom decided to go to Los Angeles. She told her mom “Who will water the seed?” Her mom said leave it to Allah. She said “OK”. The next day they left. But after a week they came back. Aisha screamed when she went to see the seed. Her parents came rushing and screaming “What happened”. When they looked at the plant, it had grown tall and was still alive. They thanked Allah. Eman Shaw, 10

ABOUT INDEPENDENCE DAY Long ago Muslims ruled India. Muslims also teraded or bought from India and sold to some of the other countries. India was a very rich country. The Europeans thought we should see India and buy from them ourselves. Then some days later they thought “Why should we buy? We can steal from them” Then they killed the Indian kings and ruled India. They said “You should pay taxes to us” They stole gold, rice, wheat, honey, spices, cotton, etc. They beat the poor farmers. They thought we should teach them how to write and then they can work for us. When somebody asked “Why are you doing this?”, the British put them in jail. When the Indians wanted salt, the British said “You should pay taxes”. So Gandhi said “We will make our own salt!” Gandhi went to Dandi and made salt. That was 100 miles away and he walked for nearly a month. Then some people thought “We should not obey the British”. So teachers did not go to schools and policemen did not go to police stations. Then on 15th August 1947. we got freedom. Mujahid ul Islam, 10

THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Food goes into your mouth and digesting starts. Food goes through your foodpipe and into your stomach. Your stomach mashes the food. The liver, spleen and pancreas all help mash the food. The food is then pushed into the intestines. Good things are taken by the blood until the bad things are pushed into the big intestines which pushes them out of the body. Aisha Jamal, 8

RAMADHAN IN LIBYA Libya is a country in North Africa. It is quite cold. So fruits like plums, peaches, strawberries can grow there. There are lots of grapes and oranges also. More than 50 types of oranges are grown in Libya. In Libya the currency is the Libyan dinar. The highest amount of money is 10 dinars. The Libyan flag is pure green. In Libya there are no butchers so even on Eid-ul-Adha, you have to cut the meat yourself. Libya is mainly a Muslim country. And just like Muslims everywhere, Libyan muslims also fast and pray during the month of Ramadhan. An Iftaar meal usually has cakes, pizzas, breads, pastas and burgers. They serve meals on a big tray with bowls of different foods. They learn the Quran by writing on wooden tablies. And especially during Ramadhan, Muslims read more Quran, give charity and do dhikr. I feel Libya is a very nice country. I’d like to learn more about it and about Libyan Muslims. Aisha Jamal, 8 years

MY FASTS IN RAMADHAN My father told me the new moon has come. It meant that Ramadhan has come. I went to the Adyar mosque with my father to pray Tarawih with Jamaath. I like to pray with jamaath. Every morning, I wake up when my mother wakes me for suhoor. We eat rice and curd and rasam. I drink water and tea and wait for some time. Then I go with my father to pray Fajr salah with jamath. Then I sleep. I wake up later in the morning, have my bath and go to school. I study and at 12:30 pm the school gets over. I go home. I pray Dhuhr salah. Then I sleep. My father tells me to wake up for Asr salah. After salah, my father reads the Quran . My mother calls my father to open the fast at Maghrib. For Iftar, my mother makes ganji, samosas, vadai, finger chips. We see the clock and open the fast with dates. After Iftar we pray Maghrib. Then I read books after which I sleep for a short time. Then I wake up and go to the mosque for Isha and Tarawih. AT Fuaad, 9 years

WORSHIP IN RAMADHAN Ramadhan is the 9th month of the Islamic calendar. In Ramadhan there are 29 or 30 days. In Ramadhan we have to fast from early morning to sunset.

Allah says that “Angels carry the rewards for all good deeds except for fasting. For fasting I Myself will give, because it is for Me alone”. In a hadith it is reported that for every nafl good deed the reward is a fard at other times. And for every fard the reward is like 70 faraidh. In the first 10 days of Ramadhan, Allah’s mercy comes, the next 10 Allah’s forgiveness and in the last 10 people are freed from Jahannum In Ramadhan you should do lots of Ibadah. You should do lots of extra salah. Tarawih happens after Isha salah and is a sunnah. You can pray at home but it is better to pray at the Masjid. You should do lots of dhikr like “SubhanAllah”, Alhamdulillah”, AllahuAkbar” but the best dhikr is “La Illah Il Allah”. You should beg Allah’s forgiveness with “Astagfirullah”. You should read lots of Quran because in Ramadhan the Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (SAW). You should give zakah in Ramadhan. You should do lots of Dua because your duas InshaAllah will get accepted. You should try to go on Umrah because it is equal to a Hajj with Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Layal-a-tul Qadr is a night in Ramadhan that is better than a thousand months. Ibadah in this night will get you ibadah for 83 years. Allah boasts to his angels on the day of Eid about the believers. He exchanges their evil deeds with good deeds and they are forgiven. I like fasting in Ramadhan Aisha Jamal, 8 years

MY RAMADHAN India has many Muslims. It has the second largest Muslim population in the world, MashaAllah. It has many poor people. We celebrate Ramadhan and Eid with our cousins and relatives. We sight the moon and tell other relatives that it is going to be Ramadhan tomorrow. Then we plan out how we are going to celebrate it. We wake up for suhoor and we eat chicken, rice and maybe roti and sometimes they put rose milk and soup. And after we eat, we go back to sleep. At 8oclock we wake up and I brush my teeth and go to school The fast feels easy. I read the Quran, mainly Surat-ulKahf and Surah Yasin. For Iftaar, we have a sort of jelly “Kadalpasy” and we have samosas, bhajis, dates and kanji. Where my Quran teacher comes from, West Bengal, he eats dates, chanas, boiled chanas, fruits, bhelpuri and sweets. What some people in North India eat is bhajis, sundal, fruit salad, Bombay toast and dates. For Tarawih, we go to a relatives house sometimes otherwise we go to the Community Hall and pray 20 rakahs. After that we play.

I feel good during my fast, but I feel hungry. Eman Shaw, 9 years

RAMADHAN IN MALAYSIA Malaysia is a country in Asia. Its capital is Kuala Lampur. It is a peninsula. Its neighbour is Singapore. It rains a lot in Malaysia. There are many Muslims in Malaysia. Al the Muslims fast in Ramadhan. Even some Hindus fast. Everyone cleans up their houses because they say Ramadhan is their guest. 15 minutes before Iftaar, all will be quiet and as soon as Iftaar comes, there will be a big sound from a siren to say that it is time to open the fast. They eat rice, chicken with peanuts and drink juices. They read the Quran completely in 30 days. Mujahid-ul-Islam, 10 years

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