Childrens Day

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 4
SUNDAY 15th NOVEMBER 2009 Liturgy for Childrens’ Day Note to Animator: We offer you a special liturgy for Children’s day. It’s good for us to express to our children how very special they are in God’s eyes and also to us. We take our cue from Jesus who frequently showed his special love and appreciation of children. MAIN MESSAGE

[This is for reference only. Please do not read it at Mass] Today we tell our children that they are very important to God. He has a plan for each one, young as they are. (1st reading) We focus on the gospel passage, using a large poster of Jesus with children. We encourage them to come to Jesus for his blessing and loving touch.

INTRODUCTION: Celebrant: Today we celebrate ‘children’s day’ here at our Sunday school. There is a very special message for all of us today. We begin with a small song which will help you get the message. [The following song is sung in parts by 4 (or 2) children and one person who stands for Jesus. It is sung to the tune of ‘But You Love Me Daddy’. If possible have 2 mikes, one for the children and one for Jesus. Each one sings his verse and Jesus replies. After this he/she goes over to ‘Jesus’ who puts his arms around them. The part of Jesus could be sung by the priest] Johnny: I scatter my toys, and I make such a noise! Jesus: But I love you Johnny! Ronny: I’m rowdy and tough; people say I’m too rough. Jesus: But I love you Ronny! Dolly: Because I’m so small, I have no friends at all. Jesus: But I love you Dolly! Molly: I can’t tell you why… but I’m always so shy Jesus: But I love you Molly! Children: We can’t understand why you love us so! Jesus: But I do my Children, I’ve just told you so! Children: We’re happy to be, part of your family. Jesus: That’s coz I love you children! Celebrant: Can you guess who the man is? (Jesus) During this mass, look at this poster here, and remember: Jesus loves you as you are. Listen to what else he has to say to you today. Penitential Rite: Parent: Dear Lord, we parents ask you to forgive us for the times we have hurt our children by our words. We have failed to see the good in them and encourage them. Lord have mercy… All: Lord have mercy Teacher: Lord, we teachers also come to you today to ask your forgiveness. We know that when we have hurt, rejected or neglected your children, we have hurt you. Please forgive us for the times we have been insensitive and blind to the needs and feelings of our students. Help us to change. Christ have mercy. All: Christ have mercy.

Child: Jesus you have done everything possible to show us your love. You even died on the cross for us. But so often we just forget to thank you and we forget about you. Today we all want to say sorry. We really want to change. Lord have mercy. All: Lord have mercy. LITURGY OF THE WORD: Commentator: Listen to a short story from the Old Testament. God sent the prophet Samuel to a man called Jesse. He asks him to choose a new king for Israel from among Jesse’s sons. Samuel looks at the tall, strong, handsome men and wants to choose one of them, but God keeps stopping him. Who does God finally choose? Lets find out… First Reading: 1 Samuel 16: 6 - 13. Psalm: Imagine how happy and excited David must have felt when Samuel anointed him. Rather than choosing any of his big brothers, God had chosen him. We too, young as we are, have been chosen by God- to do great things for Him. Let us sing a hymn of praise to God for all he has done for usSing- We Got a Great Big Wonderful God Gospel: Mark 10: 13 - 16 Homily: Today we will go over the Gospel story again. What you need to do is imagine you are one of the children in the story. Please close your eyes, sit in a comfortable position, forget everyone else and really put yourself into the gospel story. [Make sure all are quiet and ready before you begin] You are very exited! Today you are going to meet Jesus with your friends. Your mother is also there with some grown ups. You have heard so many wonderful stories about Jesus of Nazareth and now, at last, your chance ahs come to meet him… You run along the path, across the village and then, at last to the house where Jesus is staying… As you go you wonder, ‘Will he be kind…will he bless me…or will he know that I am a naughty child and not like me?’ At last you come to the gate of the house… Through the bars of the gate, you see someone sitting on a bench in the garden… As soon as you see him, you are sure he is the one! What a kind, gentle face he has. He is looking very tired… Your mother opens the gate and you are about to go into the garden, when some men come and stop you… ‘No no! No more children now- the master is resting… he is tired… go away now!’ Tears of disappointment come to your eyes. Your friends also look very upset…one little girl starts crying in a loud voice… Then suddenly a strong but gentle voice is heard- ‘Let the children come to me! Do not stop them!’ He sounds angry, and the men quickly move aside and let you all come in. ‘Come, children’ Jesus smiles and you feel He is looking at you alone… You are filled with a great longing to get closer to him… Your legs seem to move by themselves as you run to him…As you reach Jesus, he takes your face in his strong hands and looks at you with so much love… All your sadness and worries just melt away… Then he places his hand on your head and you can hear him whispering a prayer… A warm feeling fills you… You know you have found the best friend in the world… and you know that he will never ever stop being your friend! AFTER MASS: It would be a very meaningful response to God’s call, if teachers gave each child in their class a small card with a short, personal message- Just a few words like ‘I like your smile!’ ‘I’m happy to have you in my class’ etc. This could be given out in class- such a gesture means a lot to a child.


A reading from the book of the

PREPARATION REQUIRED: ENTRANCE: Sons of God • Make a large sized picture of Jesus arrived, Samuel and said PSALM:When We’ve they got a great big wonderful God saw Jesse’s son withEliab the children and putto it in a himself, “This man standing here in the Lord’s presence is surely the OFFERTORY: On this day of Joy prominent place one he Lay has chosen.” the Lord said •to Practice him, “Pay nointroduction. attention to COMMUNION: your hands, IntoBut my heart song for how tallHe’s and he is. I have rejected him I do not RECESSIONAL: gothandsome the whole world • Arrange forbecause a parent, a teacher and a child for the Penitential Rite. judge as man judges. Man looks at the outward appearance, but I

look at the heart.” Then Jesse called his son Abinadab and brought him to Samuel. But Samuel said, “No, the Lord hasn’t chosen him either.” Jesse then brought Shammah. “No, the Lord hasn’t chosen him either,” Samuel said. In this way Jesse brought seven of his sons to Samuel. And Samuel said to him, “No, the Lord hasn’t chosen any of these.” Then he asked him, “Have you any more sons?” Jesse answered, “There is still the youngest, but he is out taking care of the sheep.” “Tell him to come here,” Samuel said. “We won’t offer the sacrifice until he comes.” So Jesse sent for him. He was a handsome, healthy

ALLELUIA: Alleluia, alleluia. Blessed is the one who inherits the kingdom of David our father; Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord.


A reading from the holy Gospel according to St.

Some people brought children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them, but the disciples scolded the people. When Jesus noticed this, he was angry and said to his disciples, “Let the children come to me, and do not stop them, because the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I assure you that whoever does not receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it.” Then he took the children in his arms, placed his

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