Children Receive Book Week Prizes

  • December 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 560
  • Pages: 2
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lq'3~ .An en terta in in g Ik itt!h, dopk ll n g Ii fam OIL\ fa iry tale, "Snow White lin d


th e Seven Dwarfs," will ' be prelM!Qt crl by th l:. Monda y Afte rn oon O lr l::' Club ' Of t he QUIn31gamonli Brandl Libra ry tomor r ow a rternoon at 2.3!l o'clock. Mis., El ea nor Devlin , 8.\ 515t­ tan ~ Ilbrarta n , Is in c harge of ar­ rangernen ts and ticket.' may be had by apply in g lit th e libra !)' desk or fr om any of the clu b members . In the cas t are Minnie K ass, wh o will Im person ate Show Wh ite : Virgi­ nia Gu sta tt is . who enacts the rol e ul Lisa, lind Louts Spongberg as the Prince, In t he role of Qu een is s een OliVe Ayotte, and Helen Feen ey por­ trays ~he ch a ra cter of t he Gypsy . A peasant woman will be p laye d by Ju!;a Mannix. and the seven dwar fs Include el Sha r p, R ita Foley, , Alice Mars\loblnn, Mary Krlstolltls, Doroth y Peterson, Ruth Olson an d Ann e Ha stings, us hers will Include Mar)' S h ea , Helen Horowitz and Victoria cn tra s, Sta cia Sp iewak .an d H elen But ry n will be In charge of tick ets at t h e door, lind stage IIghl.s will be ta k en I· care 01 by Adeline p illo ga , with Flor- · ence Br en nan lind Ruth KaslI In _ .I cha rge of t he curtains,

T'h e book, "Eight Co usi ns." wa warded An n Hastings, w inner In the seventh and eighth grade dlvi­ ston ot Children's Book Week. ob­ s erved la s t w eek by the Qulns iga , mon d branch of th e Worcester Public Libra.ry, "Heidi" was a wa rde d Eva Ru k s­ nalt is, wi n ner In t he tlfth a n d sixth ~ra de d ivi s io n . a n d a copy of "Plnoceh io" w a s a wa r d ed !':vtah ' n ;elson , w in n er in t he thhd and fo urth gr ad e d ivt s lon . Honorable men tl on we nt to Ru th Co nway , Margare t K a lls t r om an d LiIll n'n Lin d gre n.



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lq 33

Quinsigamond Library Play Cast

In r)' R r ls l ollt h,. Rita

A)'olle, Minn l!'


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