Child Membership Application - 2008[1]

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  • Words: 1,457
  • Pages: 4
C CH H II LL D DM M EE M MB B EE R R SS H H II PP A A PP PP LL II C CA A TT II O ON N FF O OR RM M The Child Membership is an added facility provided by QP Central Library to its Patrons. Following are the rules and regulations for availing this facility. Patrons are advised hereby, to make sure both the Patrons and their wards will be adhered to these rules strictly. Violating the rules of the Library may result in the cancellation of the library membership. • A child membership card will be issued to each registered Patron whose family is residing in Qatar and children fall in the age limit of 7-18 years. The card will carry a personal registration number and the patron number. The card should be presented to the library staff prior to issuing the materials. • The membership card is not transferable. replacement card.

A charge of QR. 10/- will be made for a

• Materials may be used in the library, but cannot be borrowed without a library card. Books may be reserved for use within the library for special needs, and audiovisual room can be reserved at the circulation desk. • The patron is responsible for materials checked on his or her child membership card. Loss of the card must be reported immediately, or the patron will be held responsible for materials checked on it. • Children under the age of five (5) are not normally permitted on library premises if not accompanied by a responsible adult at all times. • Children left at the library unattended by parent or guardian are not the responsibility of the library staff. • Guidelines and rules for the use of library computers are posted and must be read and agreed to before registering for computer use. Eligible visitors, however, may present ID to use the computers. Borrowing: • No library material shall be removed from the library until its issue has been properly recorded by a member of the Library staff. • Materials borrowed shall be returned within the stipulated loan period. Further loans will not normally be permitted to a borrower who has one or more overdue items. • Any material borrowed may be recalled after fifteen days of being issued if it has been requested for use by another reader. It must be returned by the day specified in the recall notice.

• Borrower is entitled to renew the borrowed materials for another month (except the periodicals) if not requested by others. • Library materials in certain advertised categories may not be borrowed without special permission: (a) Latest issues of periodicals and other unbound material; (b) Items from the Reference collections; (c) Material from the Special Collections (e) Material labeled “Not to be taken away” or “Not to be removed from the Library”; . • Reserved Materials must be returned and cannot be renewed. Child members may borrow the materials classified as and fall under the categories of: • • • •

Secondary level educational materials Juveniles (J.L) Fictions (FIC) Simplified Fictions (S.F)

• • • •

Simplified Readers (S.R) Novels Cartoons General category magazines

Number of checked-out materials at any one time for Child Members is limited to: • • •

10 (ten) books 4 (four) CD-ROMs 4 (four) DVDs

• • •

4 (four) Videocassettes 8 (eight) periodicals 4 (four) audiocassettes

* Book with CD-ROMs, DVDs, videocassettes and audiocassettes will be considered as one item. Child members’ borrowing period: One (1) month from the borrowing date. Conduct: • Borrowers/readers must take care of library materials and must not deface them in any way, including by highlighting, underlining, writing or drawing in them or by removing any part of them. • Borrower should not lend the loaned items to a third party. • Library users shall respect the rights of other users to work quietly. Silence shall be maintained as far as possible in the study areas of the library. Mobile phones must be switched off or put into silent mode within library buildings. • Food and drink may not be consumed nor displayed within the library. Food and drink should be kept in closed containers in bags. Library staff may remove food and drink found on tables or desktops. Smoking is not permitted anywhere in the Library. • Library users are responsible for the security of their own property. They must, if required, submit their belongings for inspection as they leave the library. Personal possessions must not be left in the Library overnight. Readers must not be allowed to carry bags or cases inside the library without special permission.

• Any person who is disruptive or verbally abusive to clients or staff, or who exhibits inappropriate behavior for a public venue will be escorted from the library. • Readers using their own laptops in other areas of the library do so at their own risk and are responsible for the safety and security of their equipment. It is the responsibility of the owner to have such equipment tested for electrical safety, and use is conditional upon the owner’s acceptance of responsibility for damage to library property caused by their equipment. Legal issues: • A release letter from QP or the concerned will not be issued unless a library clearance is obtained. • The Head of Central Library has the right not to lend any of the library materials according to his judgment without showing the reason. • No library material may be reproduced for commercial purposes nor used for any other commercial purpose without the Librarian’s consent. • Personal details of library users may not be disclosed to other users, nor shall any person use the computerized facilities of the library to obtain or process data except in accordance with the provisions of the QP policy. Library staff may however disclose information on the loans of individual users for the purposes of formal disciplinary procedures. • Photocopying facilities are provided on the condition that the library users making photocopies do so in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Acts. If a person using a library photocopier infringes the provisions of the Act, that person will be deemed wholly responsible for the infringement. Penalties: • Any member of the QP staff may act, as appropriate, to uphold the Library rules. • Fines, at rates determined by the Librarian, will be charged on overdue items. • Fines are Qr. 1.00 a day per item for overdue materials. charged Qr. 0.50 a day if overdue.

Interlibrary loan items are

• All fines must be paid before anything else can be checked out. In-house use of materials, however, will not be affected. • A penalty will be charged for damaged items as per the discretion and judgment of the Head of Central Library. • Damage to library materials or property including the defacing or removal of pages will be regarded as an offence under the regulations for Conduct. A reader who damages, fails to return (or returns in a damaged condition) any material shall be liable to pay the cost of replacement or repair, at the discretion of the Head of Central Library.

• The Head of the Central Library has the power to impose penalties or any other disciplinary action including membership cancellation in order to enforce the library rules and regulations. • The Head of Central Library may withhold Library facilities for any infringement of these Rules. In exceptional circumstances, the Librarian may exclude from the Library any person whose behavior, in the opinion of the Librarian, is prejudicial to the proper conduct of the Library. General: • The audiovisual room may be scheduled for use at the circulation desk. Rules for its use are posted within the room, and must be observed. • Donations of materials to the library will be accepted on the condition that the Library has full control of the materials. Any material not acceptable for the library collection will be disposed of at the Librarian’s discretion. TO BE FILLED BY THE PATRON To, The Head of Central Library, QP Central Library, Please provide me with a Child Membership Card. Patron Name:

Patron No.

Name of the dependent: Age: Telephone:




Mobile :


(Res.) Bleep:

Patron E-Mail: Child E-Mail: I have read and will comply with the lending rules of the QP Central Library



Child Membership Card No. Valid Until:

Issued on: Librarian Signature:

I have received my Child Patron ID card and password from the Central Library on: ___/___/_____ Sign:


Central Library – Corporate Training – Qatar Petroleum. P.O. Box 47. E-Mail: [email protected] Tel 4402135 / 4402135. Fax: 4402893 Revised on 5-5-2008.

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