Chess Openings: Vienna Game

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  • Words: 810
  • Pages: 2
Category – Open Game Opening Move Sequence – 1 e4 e5, 2 Nc3 ECO Codes – C25 to C29 The idea behind Vienna Game has evolved through the years. Initially the distinctive 2 Nc3 was intended for the advance of f4 in a delayed version of King's Gambit opening. Nowadays White play in Vienna Game is more restrained even featuring fianchetto of f Bishop to g2. Vienna Game falls under the category of Open Game openings that begin with 1 e4 e5. Its ECO codes range from C25 to C29.

Moves and Variations 1 e4 e5 2 Nc3 Black’s most popular replies are 2 ... Nf6 and 2 ... Nc6. 2 ... Nf6 White can reply to this by 3 f4, 3 Bc4, or 3 g3. The move 3 Nf3 after 3 … Nc6 will transform the game to a Four Knights Game. After 3 f4 Black can reply with 3 … d5 counter attacking the center. It is better than 3 ... exf4, 4 e5 Qe7, 5 Qe2 an subsequent retreat of the Knight. Play will now proceed; 4 fxe5 Nxe4, followed by 5 Nf3, 5 Qf3, or 5 d3. White may gain some open lines and initiative, but Black will probably be able fight off the attacks. After 3 Bc4 the board will resemble a position in Bishop's Opening (1 e4 e5, 2 Bc4). In this situation Black reply by 3 … Bc5 transforming the game to King's Gambit Declined after 4 d3 d6, 5 f4 Nc6, 6 Nf3. Other Black replies include, 3 ... Nc6 4.d3, followed by any one of 4 ... Na5, 4 ... Bc5, or 4...d6. 3 ... Nxe4 followed by 4.Nxe4 d5 will give Black the opportunity to fork Bishop and Knight. After 3 ... Nxe4 White should do well to play 4.Qh5 (with 5 Qxf7 mate) Nd6, 5 Bb3. after which Black choose either the simple 5 ... Be7, 6 Nf3 Nc6, 7 Nxe5 0-0 or the complicated Frankenstein-Dracula Variation (5 ... Nc6, 6 Nb5 g6, 7 Qf3 f5, 8 Qd5 Qe7, 9 Nxc7+ Kd8, 10 Nxa8) White can opt for 3 g3 as a quieter option. The main play line here is 3 ...d5, 4 exd5 Nxd5, 5 Bg2 Nxc3, 6 bxc3 Bd6, 7 Nf3 O-O, 8 O-O. Alternatively the game may continue 3 ...d5, 4 exd5 Nxd5, 5 Bg2 Be6, 6 Nf3 Nc6, 7 O-O Be7, 8 Re1 Bf6, 9 Ne4 O-O, 10 d3 Be7, 11 a3 Nb6, 12 b4, with a slight advantage for White. Black can also play 3...Bc5. Playing 3 … Nc6 transform the fame to one of the variations above. . American master Ariel Mengarini has backed the rather quirky 3 a3. It is a waiting move intended to give White better positions by delaying. For instance, after 3 ... d5, 4 exd5 Nxd5, 5 Qh5!? White will get a more advantageous version of Steinitz

Variation in the Scotch Game, given that here Black is unable to play Nb4. Similarly after 3 ... Bc5, 4 Nf3 White get a reversed Two Knights Defense. After 4 ... Ng4 White can play 5 d4 exd4 6 Na4, since 6 ... Bb4+ is not possible. Other possible variations that can be reached by here include Ulvestad Variation (after 6 b4) and Fritz Variation (after 6.Nd5 c6 7 b4) with difference that white pawn b4 will be defended now. Black can also play the simpler 3...Bc5, 4 Nf3 Nc6, 5 Nxe5! Nxe5, 6 d4, with a slight advantage for White. However the best move for Black is probably 3 ... Bc5, 4 Nf3 d5, 5 exd5 0-0, (if 5 ... e4 6.d4, and Black will not be able to play 6 ... Bb4 as in normal position), 6 Nxe5 Re8, 7 d4 Bxd4!, 8 Qxd4 Nc6. Other possibilities like 3 ... Bc5, 4 Nf3 d6, 5 Bc4 Be6, is also good for Black. 5 d4 cxd4 6 Nxd4 here will also result in an equal game 2 ... Nc6 In reply White can play 3 f4 as in King's Gambit or 3 g3. 3 … d5 in reply to both those replies will be bad for Black. Hamppe Muzio Gambit (also called the Vienna Hamppe Muzio Gambit is reached after 1 e4 e5, 2 Nc3 Nc6, 3 f4 exf4, 4 Nf3 g5, 5 Bc4 g4, 6 0-0 gxf3, 7 Qxf3. In this gambit a piece is sacrificed with the aim of attacking the Black’s King side Most popular reply to 2 ... Nc6 is 3 Bc4 which when answered by 3...Nf6 transforms the game to 2...Nf6 3.Bc4 Nc6 variation above. Worse for Black is 3 … Bc5, because of strong 4 Qg4! Leading to real danger with none of the moves available helping Black. For instance, if 4 ... Qf6? 5 Nd5! Qxf2+, 6 Kd1 followed by threats 7.Qxg7; 7.Nxc7+; and 7.Rf1 For More Chess Openings Click Here Chess


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