Chess Openings

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  • October 2019
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  • Words: 636
  • Pages: 2
As the game developed, through the centuries, players and students of chess have developed several basic principles chess opening. These principles were developed with the aim of achieving certain specific strategic goals. It is of utmost importance that chess players keep these principles in mind if they want to succeed in chess. Most standard book openings justify their moves according to these principles. So in addition to being a necessary component of success, these principles help us to understand the logic behind the openings and thus to fully appreciate and enjoy the games played by chess masters at tournaments. Generally speaking the main strategic goals aimed at during the opening are; gaining control of the central squares, effective and quick development of chess pieces, creation of a strong pawn structure without unnecessary weakening of the pawns, and ensuring the safety of the King. Some students of the game point out that broad opening aims of two sides can be slightly different; White aims to consolidate and augment the first move advantage, while Black will aims to even out that advantage. We will now look at each of the aims. Pieces placed on the central squares of the board (e4, e5, d4, and d5) can control and target larger number of squares than pieces placed elsewhere. They also confer high mobility to pieces placed there. In addition centrally placed pieces will cramp the mobility of the opponent. Due to these reasons players should take control of the center and while making room for their own pieces prevent opposing pieces from doing the same. In most openings this is done by advancing the central e and f pawns. Usually creating a pawn center by placing pawns on e4 and d4 (or e5 and d5 by Black) will allow the player to dictate how the game will proceed. However it is important that such a pawn center be adequately defended to gain the full benefit. The player who cannot establish such a center must try to undermine it. In some of the modern openings Black aims create such undermining threats to the center from the first, instead of trying to establish or prevent a pawn center as in more classical openings. Quick and effective development of chess pieces to their most effective positions during the opening is important because such

placement allows the player to seize the initiative, control the flow of the game, and to hamper the attacks of the opponent. The most potent positions and sequence of piece mobilization differ in each opening. However, usually Knights are best placed at c3 and f3 (or c6 and f6 for Black), or in some cases at e2, e7, d2, and d7. In order to allow the Bishops to develop e and d pawns are advanced. In some modern openings Bishops are fianchettoed to b2 and g2 (or to b7 and g7) by advancing the b and g pawns to third rank. A pawn defended by another pawn cannot be captured without loss of material. As such the creation of a strong pawn structure is an important part of the opening. However pawns moves should be kept to a minimum during the opening and player should concentrate on development of pieces. Openings should not result in weak pawns, such as isolated, backward, or doubled, pawns. However some openings might intentionally risk such weakness to gain other advantages; Black in Sicilian for instance. Since advance of central pawns will leave the King vulnerable openings will usually involve transference of the King to either flank, usually through castling. Castling also develops the Rook By following the opening principles player will be well placed for tactical and positional play in the middle game and to take advantage any weakness on the part of opposing side. For More Chess Openings Click Here Chess Openings

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