Checklist: Hitting A Baseball

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  • April 2020
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  • Words: 353
  • Pages: 1
Throwing a Baseball

Hitting a Baseball

Checklist for Success

Checklist for Success


Ready Position

† Turn shoulders and whole body perpendicular to target with non-throwing shoulder fully in rear

† Stand perpendicular to pitcher, shoulders facing at 90˚ angle.

† Begin raising throwing arm’s elbow

† Knees are slightly bent, feet shoulder-width, slight bend at waist

Step † Slightly raise non-throwing foot (opposite leg), bending the knee

† Bat is raised off rear shoulder, pointing straight to sky

† Bend knee of throwing leg, preparing to push-off

† Hands grasping the bat are touching together, dominant hand on top

† Point non-throwing arm at target

Step † Batter closely watches ball leave the hand of pitcher

† Push off rear foot † Step toward target, planting foot in the ground, toes pointing to target Throw

† Slightly raise front foot (nearest to pitcher), bending the knee † Bend knee of rear leg, preparing to push-off † Push off rear foot

† Throwing hand has ball raised near ear † Elbow of throwing arm is raised higher than shoulder † As shoulders begin to turn toward target, arm extends to rear, away from body, creating a lever

† Step toward pitcher, planting foot in the ground, toes pointing ahead Swing

† Throwing arm whips ball around and releases ball to target

† Bat begins to swing forward, lead arm pulling

† Elbow, bent at a 90˚ angle, stays higher than shoulder

† Begin transferring weight of body from rear to front leg


† Bat swings down and across body of batter in level motion

† Throwing arm follows-through by flowing down and across the body, wrapping across the waist † Rear leg raises off the ground to absorb energy of push † Body is slightly bent at waist † Eyes maintain contact with target throughout motion

† Rear shoulder stays high throughout swing

Follow-Thru † Bat is steered up, from waist to across leading shoulder, and behind the back † Body faces pitcher fully † Body weight is balanced between legs † Bat is purposefully placed on ground

Mr. Loftus

Mr. Loftus

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