Character Recognition Dibakar

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 3,745
  • Pages: 32
Character Recognition

Introduction A lot of people today are trying to write their own OCR (Optical Character Recognition) System or to improve the quality of an existing one. This article shows how the use of artificial neural network simplifies development of an optical character recognition application, while achieving highest quality of recognition and good performance.

Background Developing proprietary OCR system is a complicated task and requires a lot of effort. Such systems usually are really complicated and can hide a lot of logic behind the code. The use of artificial neural network in OCR applications can dramatically simplify the code and improve quality of recognition while achieving good performance. Another benefit of using neural network in OCR is extensibility of the system – ability to recognize more character sets than initially defined. Most of traditional OCR systems are not extensible enough. Why? Because such task as working with tens of thousands Chinese characters, for example, is not as easy as working with 68 English typed character set and it can easily bring the traditional system to its knees! Well, the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is a wonderful tool that can help to resolve such kind of problems. The ANN is an information-processing paradigm inspired by the way the

human networks





information. of






represent some of the observed properties of biological nervous systems and draw on the analogies of adaptive biological learning. The key element of ANN is topology. The ANN consists of a large number of highly interconnected processing elements (nodes) that are tied together with weighted connections (links). Learning in biological systems involves adjustments to the synaptic connections that exist between the neurons. This is true for ANN as well. Learning typically occurs by example through training, or exposure to a set of input/output data (pattern) where the training algorithm adjusts the link weights. The link weights store the knowledge necessary to solve specific problems. Originated in late 1950's, neural networks didn’t gain much popularity until 1980s – a computer boom era. Today ANNs are mostly used for solution of complex real world problems. They are often good at solving problems that are too complex for conventional technologies (e.g., problems that

do not have an algorithmic solution or for which an algorithmic solution is too complex to be found) and are often well suited to problems that people are good at solving, but for which traditional methods are not. They are good pattern recognition engines and robust classifiers, with the ability to generalize in making decisions based on imprecise input data. They offer ideal solutions to a variety of classification problems such as speech, character and signal recognition, as well as functional prediction and system modeling, where the physical processes are not understood or are highly complex. The advantage of ANNs lies in their resilience against distortions in the input data and their capability to learn.

Using the code In this article I use a sample application from Neuro.NET library to show how to use Backpropagation neural network in a simple OCR application. Let’s assume you that you already have gone through all image pre-processing routines (resampling, deskew, zoning, blocking etc.) and you already have images of the characters from your document. (In the example I simply generate those images).

Creating the neural network. Let’s construct the network first. In this example I use a Backpropagation





network is a multilayer perceptron model with an input layer, one or more hidden layers, and an output layer.

The nodes in the Backpropagation neural network are interconnected via weighted links with each node usually connecting to the next layer up, till the output layer which provides output for the network. The input pattern values are presented and assigned to the input nodes of the input layer. The input values are initialized to values between -1 and 1. The nodes in the next layer receive the input values through links and compute output values of their own, which are then passed to the next layer. These values propagate forward through the layers till the output layer is reached, or put another way, till each output layer node has produced an output value for the network. The desired output for the input pattern is used to compute an error value for each node in the output layer, and then propagated backwards (and here's where the network name comes in) through the network as the delta rule is used to adjust the link values to produce better, the desired output. Once the error produced by the patterns in the training set is below a given tolerance, the training is complete and the network is presented new

input patterns and produce an output based on the experience it gained from the learning process. I will use a library class BackPropagationRPROPNetwork to construct my own OCRNetwork. override the Train method of the base class to implement my own training method. Why do I need to do it? I do it because of one simple reason: the training progress of the network is measured by quality of produced result and speed of training. You have to establish the criteria when the quality of network output is acceptable for you and when you can stop the training process. The implementation I provide here is proven (based on my experience) to be fast and accurate. I decided that I can stop the training process when network is able to recognize all of the patterns, without a single error. So, here is the implementation of my training method. Also, I have implemented a BestNodeIndex property that returns the index of the node having maximum value and having the minimal error. An OutputPatternIndex method returns the index of the pattern output element having value of 1. If those indices are matched – the network has produced correct result. Here is how the BestNodeIndex implementation looks like:

Note: You can experiment by adding more middle layers and using different number of nodes in there - just to see how it will affect the training speed and recognition quality of the network. The last layer in the network is an output layer. This is the layer where we look for the results. I define the number of nodes in this layer equal to a number of characters that we going to recognize.

Creating training patterns Now let's talk about the training patterns. Those patterns will be used for teaching the neural network to recognize the images. Basically, each training pattern consists of two single-dimensional arrays of float numbers – Inputs and Outputs arrays.The Inputs array contains your input data. In our case it is a digitized representation of the character's image. Under “digitizing” the image I mean process of creating a brightness (or absolute value of the color vectorwhatever you choose) map of the image. To create this map I split the image into squares and calculate average value of each square. Then I store those values into the array.

I have implemented CharToDoubleArray method of the network to digitize the image. There I use an absolute value of the color for each element of the matrix. (No doubt that you can use other techniques there…) After the image is digitized, I have to scale-down the results in order to fit them into a range from -1 ..1 to comply with input values range of the network. To do this I wrote a Scale method, where I look for the maximum element value of the matrix and then divide all elements of the matrix by it. So, implementation of CharToDoubleArray looks like this: The Outputs array of the pattern represents an expected result – the result that network will use during the training. There are as many elements in this array as many characters we going to recognize. So, for instance, to teach the network to recognize English letters from “A” to “Z” we will need 25 elements in the Outputs array. Make it 50 if you decide to include lower case letters. Each element corresponds to a single letter. The Inputs of each pattern are set to a digitized image data and a corresponding element in the Outputs array to 1, so network will know which output (letter)

corresponds to input data. The method CreateTrainingPatterns does this job for me.

Now we have completed creation of patterns and we can use those to train the neural network.

Training of the network. To start training process of the network simple call the Train method and pass your training patterns in it.

Normally, an execution flow will leave this method when training is complete, but in some cases it could stay there forever (!).The Train method is currently implemented relying only on one fact: the network training will be completed sooner or later. Well, I admit - this is wrong assumption and network training may never complete. The most “popular” reasons for neural network training failure are:


never Possible solution

completes because: 1. The network topology is too



handle Add more nodes into middle layer



training or add more middle layers to the

patterns you provide. You network. will have to create bigger network. 2. The training patterns As a solution you can clean the are not clear enough, not patterns or you can use different precise


complicated network



too type


the algorithm. Also, you cannot train



differentiate the network to guess next winning

them. 3.


lottery numbers... :-) Your

training Lower




expectations are too high network could be never 100% and/or not realistic.


4. No reason

Check the code!

Most of those reasons are very easy to resolve and it is a good subject for a future article. Meanwhile, we can enjoy the results.

results Now we can see what the network has learned. Following code fragment shows how to use trained neural network in your OCR application. In order to use the network you have to load your data into input layer. Then use the Run method to let the network process your data. Finally, get your results out from output nodes of the network and analyze those


Operating System : Windows XP/2000

Language : Visual Basic .net

Software Part : Why in Visual Basic .NET ?

Microsoft Visual Basic .NET is faster and the easiest way to create applications for Microsoft Windows. Visual Basic .NET provides a complete set of tools to simplify rapid application development for the experienced as well as inexperienced users.

The Graphical User Interface (GUI) provided by visual basic .NET avoids writing of numerous lines of codes to describe the appearance and location of interface elements. The basic part refers to the BASIC language. VB .NET has evolved from the original BASIC language. It contains several hundred statements, functions and keywords. Beginners can create useful application by learning just a few of the keywords, yet the power of the language allows professionals to accomplish anything that can be accomplished using any other Windows programming language.

Visual Basic .NET contains msany integrated tools to make the application development process simpler. VB .NET is the newest addition to the family

of VB.NET products. It allows you to develop Windows application quickly and easily for your PC without being an expert in any other language.

VB.NET provides a graphical environment in which you visually design the forms and controls that become the building blocks of your applications. VB.NET supports many useful tools that will help you to be more productive. Time consumed by the project in VB.NET is less than that of in any other language.

Features of Visual Basic.NET

Timer control responds to the passage of time. They are independent of the user, and user can program them to take actions at regular intervals. A typical response is checking the system clock to see if it is time to perform some task. Timer also is useful for other kinds of background processing.

Each timer control has an Interval property that specifies the number of milliseconds that pass between one-timer events to the next. Unless it is disabled, a timer continues to receive an appropriately named the timer event at roughly equal intervals of time.

At run time timer is invisible and its position and size are irrelevant. Timer event is periodic.

COM port and LPT port accessing is also very easy in Visual Basic.NET. Just drag-n-drop the component, change its properties according to your ease, get and receive the data from the port.

As VB.NET provides such functions which helps in capturing image, this project is developed using visual basic.

Along with these VB.NET provides some additional features, which are useful in applications such as networking.


1) No person in this world under this system can hide his identity.

2) Any unit / firm / govt. can use this system with ease.

3) There is no chance of creating any duplicate or unwanted pins.

The Domain For more than thirty years, researchers have been working on handwriting recognition. As in the case of speech processing, they aimed at designing systems able to understand personal encoding of natural language. Over the last few years, the number of academic laboratories and companies involved in research on handwriting recognition has continually increased. Simultaneously, commercial

products have

become available. This new stage in the evolution of handwriting processing








improvements in recognition rates, the use of complex systems integrating several kinds of information, the choice of relevant application domains, and new technologies such as high quality high speed scanners and inexpensive powerful CPUs. A selection of recent publications on this topic is:

Methods and recognition rates depend on the level of constraints on handwriting. The constraints are mainly characterized by the types of handwriting, the number of scriptors, the size of the vocabulary and the spatial layout. Obviously, recognition becomes more difficult when the constraints decrease. Considering the types of roman script (roughly classified as hand printed, discrete script and cursive script), the difficulty is lower for handwriting produced as a sequence of separate characters than for cursive script which has much in common with continuous speech recognition. For other writing systems, character recognition is hard to achieve, as in the case of Kanji which is characterized by complex shapes and a huge number of symbols. The characteristics which constrain hand writting may be combined in order to define handwriting categories for which the results of automatic







constraints and error rates give rise to applications in several domains. The resulting commercial products have proved that handwriting processing can be integrated into working environments. Most efforts have been devoted to mail sorting, bank check reading, forms processing in administration and insurance. These applications are of great










Mail sorting is a good illustration of the evolution in the domain. In this case, the number of writers is unconstrained. In the early stages, only ZIP code was recognized. Then cities (and states as in the U.S.) were processed, implying the recognition of several types of handwriting: hand printed, cursive, or a mixture of both. The use of the redundancy between the ZIP code and the city name, as well as redundancy between numeral and literal amounts in bank checks, shows that combining several sources of information improves the recognition rates. Today, the goal is to read the full address, down to the level of the information used by the individual carrier. This necessitates precisely extracting the writing lines, manipulating a very large vocabulary and using contextual knowledge as the syntax of addresses (such as in the case of reading the literal amount of checks, the use of syntactic rules improves the recognition). These









unconstrained handwritten language processing which is the ultimate aim. The reading of all of the handwritten and printed information present on a document is necessary to process it automatically, to use content dependent criteria to store, access and transmit it and to check its content. Automatic handwritten language processing will also allow one to convert and to handle manuscripts produced over several centuries within a computer environment.

2.4.2 Methods and Strategies Recognition strategies heavily depends on the nature of the data to be recognized. In the cursive case, the problem is made complex by the fact that the writing is fundamentally ambiguous as the letters in the word are generally linked together, poorly written and may even be missing. On the contrary, hand printed word recognition is more related to printed word recognition, the individual letters composing the word being usually much easier to isolate and to identify. As a consequence of this, methods working on a letter basis (i.e., based on character segmentation and recognition) are well suited to hand printed word recognition while cursive scripts require more specific and/or sophisticated techniques. Inherent ambiguity must then be compensated by the use of contextual information. Intense activity was devoted to the character recognition problem during the seventies and the eighties and pretty good results have been achieved Current research is rather focusing on large character sets like Kanji and on the recognition of handwritten roman words. The recognition of handwritten characters being much related to printed character recognition, we will mainly focus on cursive word recognition.

Character Recognition Character Recognition techniques can be classified according to two criteria: the way preprocessing is performed on the data and the type of the decision algorithm. Preprocessing techniques include three main categories: the use of global







comparison (local densities, intersections with straight lines, variable masks,








characteristics (strokes, loops, openings, diacritical marks, skeleton, etc.). Depending on the type of preprocessing stage, various kinds of decision methods have been used such as: various statistical methods, neural networks, structural matchings (on trees, chains, etc.) and stochastic processing (Markov chains, etc.). Many recent methods mix several techniques together in order to provide a better reliability to compensate the great variability of handwriting.

Handwritten Word Recognition As pointed out in the chapter overview, two main types of strategies have been applied to this problem since the beginning of research in this field: the holistic approach and the analytical approach. In the first case recognition is globally performed on the whole representation of words and there is no attempt to identify characters individually. The main advantage of holistic methods is that they avoid word segmentation. Their main drawback is that they are related to a fixed lexicon of word descriptions: as these methods do not rely on letters, words are directly described by means of features and adding new words to the lexicon require human training or the automatic generation of word descriptions from ASCII words. These methods are generally based on dynamic programming (DP) (edit distance, DPmatching, etc.) or model-discriminant hidden Markov models. Analytical








corresponding to increasing levels of abstraction (usually the feature level, the grapheme or pseudo-letter level and the word level). Words

are not considered as a whole, but as sequences of smaller size units which must be easily related to characters in order to make recognition independent from a specific vocabulary. These methods are themselves subclassed into two categories: analytical methods with explicit (or external) segmentation where grapheme recognition







segmentation methods



takes implicit



place (or

before internal)


simultaneously (segmentation is then a by-product of recognition). In both cases, lexical knowledge is heavily used to help recognition. This lexical knowledge can either be described by means of a lexicon of ASCII words (which is often represented by means of a lexical tree) or by statistical information on letter co-occurrence (n-grams, transitional probabilities, etc.). The advantage of letter-based recognition methods is that the vocabulary can be dynamically defined and modified without the need of word training. Many techniques initially designed for character recognition (like neural networks have been incorporated to analytical methods for recognizing tentative letters or graphemes. The contextual phase is generally based on dynamic programming and/or Markov chains (edit distance, Viterbi algorithm, etc.). Fruitful research has been realized in recent

years in the field of analytic recognition with implicit segmentation using various kinds of hidden Markov models 2.4.3 Future Directions Exploitable results can already be obtained when the data is sufficiently constrained. Commercial products are already available for hand printed characters recognition in forms and recent research projects have shown that cursive word recognition is feasible for small lexicons and/or when strong sentence syntax is provided. For instance recognition rates of 95% (respectively 90%) or more have been obtained for lexicons of American city names whose size varies between 10 and 100 (respectively 1000) words. Recent studies show the emergence of two promising tendencies: 1. hybrid systems that combine several recognition techniques; and 2. the use of contextual analysis at word, sentence or text level to predict or confirm word recognition. This is already the direction that several major research teams have decided to follow and there is no doubt that contextual analysis will be a field of intense research and achievements in the next few years.

References AB91a J. C. Anigbogu and A. Belaïd. Application of hidden Markov models to multifont text recognition. In ICDAR [ICD91], pages 785--793. AB91b J. C. Anigbogu and A. Belaïd. Recognition of Multifont Text Using Markov Models. In 7

Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, volume 1, pages

469--476, August 1991. AHJM94 T. Allen, W. Hunter, M. Jacobson, and M. Miller. Comparing several discrete handwriting recognition algorithms. Technical report, AT&T GIS, Human Interface Technology Center, New User Interface Group, 1994. AP93 A. Alimi and R. Plamondon. Performance analysis of handwritten strokes generation models. In IWFHR [IWF93], pages 272--283. AP94 A. Alimi and R. Plamondon. Analysis of the parameter dependence of handwriting generation models on movements characteristics. In C. Faure, G. Lorette, A. Vinter, and P. Keuss, editors, Advances in Handwriting and Drawing: A multidisciplinary Approach, Paris, February 1994. Presse de l'Ecole Nationale Superieure de Telecommunication. BA91 A. Belaïd and J. C. Anigbogu. Text recognition using stochastic models. In R. Gutiérrez and M. J. Valderrama, editors, 5

International Symposium on ASMDA,

pages 87--98. World Scientific, April 1991. Bai90 H. S. Baird. Document Image Defect Models. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Syntactical and Structural Pattern Recognition, pages 38--47, 1990.

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