Chapter Iii-testing.docx

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  • Words: 1,644
  • Pages: 7
CHAPTER III 3. Testing methodology Software testing is an investigation conducted to provide stakeholder with information about the quality of the product or service under test. It is also provides an objective, independent view of the software to allow the business to appreciated and understand the risk implement of the software .test techniques includes ,but are not limited to, the process of executing a program or application with the intent of finding software bugs. The purpose of testing is to discover errors. Testing is the process of verifying and typing to discover every conceivable fault or weakness in our product. It provides a way to check the functionality of components, subassemblies and finished product. It is the process of exercising software with the intent of ensuring that the software system requirement and user expectation and does not fail in an acceptable manual . Testing is a process of executing a program without finding error. Testing present an interesting anomaly for the software engineering. 3.1 System testing System testing is a stage of implementation which is aimed at ensuring that system works accurately and efficiently as expected before live operation commences. It verify that the whole set of programs hangs together. System testing requires test plans that consists of several keys. This implementation of newly designed package is important adopting in successful new system. Testing is an important stage in software development. The system test in implementation should be confirmed that the system works as expected .It account for the largest percentage of technical effort in the software development process. The objective of this testing are to discover errors. To fulfill this objectives a series of test step unit, integration, validation and output testing was planned and executed. Software testing is a critical element of software quality assurance represent the ultimate review of specification ,design and coding. 3.2 Types of Testing The goal of testing is to improve the program’s quality. Quality is assured primary through some software testing. This history of testing goes back to the beginning of the computing field .testing is done at two levels of testing of individual modules and testing the entire system. During the system testing, the system is experimentally to ensure that the software

will run according to the specification and in a way the user experts. Testing is very tedious and time consuming. Each test cases design with the intent of finding errors in a way the system will process it. Testing objectives 

Testing is a process of executive a program with the intent of finding error.

A good test case is one that has a high probability of finding as and discovered error.

A successful test is one that uncovers an as yet undiscovered error.

Level of testing 

Unit Testing

Integration Testing

Functional Testing

Navigation Testing

Interface Mechanism Testing

Form Testing

Unit Testing Unit testing is this testing of each module and the integration of overall system is done. Unit testing becomes verification effort on a smallest unit of software design in the modules. It is also known as module testing. The module of the system are tested separately .this testing is carried out during the programming itself. In this testing a step,each module is found to be working satisfactorily as regular to the expected output from the module. There are some validation checks for the fields . S.No.

Test Condition





data Upload the file

Expected Output

File are spilted Success



module working



across the server


index Spilted file



files upload

Generate the mac success

module working

address for each


file and stored in the data base


Check the third Specify

the Check


the Success

party module is server

server and return

working properly

the server status whether



active or not 4.


the File

regeneration module

Regenerate Mac Success address for the


working properly

file based on the content

Test objectives 

All field entities must work properly.

Pages must be activate a from the identifying link.

The entire screen, messages and responses must not be displayed.

Features to be tested 

Verify that entries are the of the correct format.

No duplicate entries should be allowed.

All link should take the user to the correct page.

Integration testing Integration testing is the phase in a software testing in which individual software models are combined and tested as a group. It occurs after unit testing and before validation testing . Integration testing is the complete testing of the set of module ,using the previous unit test modules. The integration testing is in this project is done during linking of different table after the successful integration of the modular system was found to be running with no uncover errors without any deviation from the feature of the system design integration testing a systematic testing that can be done with the sample data they need for the integrated test is to find overall system performance .


Test Condition




The File



correctly passed

Expected output Upload


form success

successfully running

through the next. 2.


Check the third Select the file





party success module

module is passed


to another page



Indexing module success

the Spilted files

indexing module






another page 4.


the File content



module running

code module is



passed to another page 5.

Check the data File content


integrity module


integrity Success

is running. Functional Testing:

Functional testing has to be performed to make sure that offering provides the services that the user is paying for. Functional tests ensure that the business requirements are being met.

Some of the functional tests are performed on this project:

System Verification Testing: This ensures whether the various modules function correctly with one another, thus making sure that their behaviour is as expected.This testing is successfully completed on this project. Acceptance Testing: Here the cloud-based solution is handed over to the users to make sure it meets their expectations. This testing is successfully completed on this project

Interoperability Testing: Any application must have the flexibility to work without any issues not only on different platforms but it must also work seamlessly when moving from cloud infrastructure to another. This testing is successfully completed on this project. 5.2 Interface Mechanism Testing When a user interacts with a web application, the interaction occurs through one or more mechanisms which are called interface mechanisms. Testing done within these mechanisms is the interface mechanism testing 5.3 Forms Testing forms has been done at two different levels i.e. at minimum level and at more targeted level. At minimum level I have tested for: o Whether labels been correctly defined for fields or not. o Whether server is receiving all the information contained in the form and no data are lost in the transmission between client and server. o Whether appropriate default values are available when the user does not select any item in the selection box. o Whether scripts that perform data validation from the client-side are working properly or not. At more targeted level I have tested for, o Whether text fields have proper width to enter data. o Whether text fields are allowing string length more than specified length. o Whether tab order among different controls is in required order or not. 5.4 Navigation Testing

The job of navigation testing is to ensure that the navigation mechanisms are functional, and to validate that each Navigation Semantic Unit can be achieved by the appropriate user category We have done the navigation testing in following areas. o Navigation links are thoroughly tested. o Redirects are properly checked. o Is the target page to a navigation link is correct or not. o Is the link caption meaningful or not.

Test strategy The purpose of testing is to fine defects.a test strategy basically tells which types of testing seem best to do,the order in which to perform them,the proposed sequence of execution, and the optimum amount of effort to put into each test objective to make your testing most effective. Test strategy is based on their prioritized requirements and any other available information about what is important to the customer for ur proj add upto 10 lines Testing Plan A testing plan is simply that part of the project plan that deals with the testing task. It tells the details about who will do which tasks, starting when, ending when, taking how much effort, and depending on which other task. Testing plan provide a complete list of all the things that need to be done for testing, including all the preparation work during all the phases before testing. It shows the dependencies among the task to clearly create a critical path without surprises. To start filling in the details of this testing plans as soon as the test strategy is completed. Both the test strategy and testing plan are subject to change as the project evolves. Test Cases Test cases are prepared based on the strategy which tells you how much of each type of testing to do. Test cases are developed based on the prioritized requirements and acceptance criteria for the software, keeping in mind the customer’s emphasis on quality dimension and the

project’s latest risk assessment of what would go wrong, expect for the small amount of ad hoc testing ,all of the test cases should be prepared in advance of the start of testing There are many different approaches to developing test cases. Test case development is an activity performed in parallel with software development. It is just as difficult to do a good job of coming up with test case as it is to program the system itself.

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