Chapter Four - 'our Assemblage'

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  • Pages: 13
Heroes Apocalypse volume one: Chapter Four: “Our Assemblage” *all characters of this story are original by jay choi, only characters of the original heroes series belong to tim kring. Heroes story elements belong to tim kring and writers * Note: Will not be listing all minor minor characters; i.e. A police officer, a student, etc. * = New Character main Characters: Vito Vincentino / “Nec” Lynne Varrow Ryan Visbeen Jon Snack Andy Reid Secondary Characters: Todd Rowland Julie Bentley “Glace” Walker Sonia Bell Minor Characters: Liza Dodson Malus Oran* Firebolt Man* Sid Ingram*

Helix Corps Central Building (Ryan, Snack are brought out of a truck. They look to their right and see Amadeus brought out of a truck as well. Ryan, Snack and Amadeus are escorted by guards. The guards receive tickets and read the gate numbers) Ryan: (Whispers) I hope we're not stuck with Amadeus, things would turn out nasty . . Snack: (Whispers) Please not with him, please not with him . . . Guard Escort: Gate 0601. Amadeus, you're coming with us. (Guards grab Amadeus and head towards to the gate) Guard Escort 2: Ryan Visbeen and Jon Snack, you will be going to(Snack and Ryan listen closely, hoping it not to be the same gate as Amadeus) Guard Escort 2: Gate 0530. Let's go. (Snack and Ryan sigh in relief and are escorted to the Gate 0530) (Ryan and Snack look at each other) Ryan & Snack: Ready? (Guards open doors for Ryan and Snack; all walk in and see the room: a room with two other doors, couple of chairs and couches; a small blank waiting room. There is one other person in the room, who is napping on a coach) Ryan: What is this place? Snack: I don't know, but it reminds me of the dentist . . . Guard: Quiet you two, and sit down! (Ryan and Snack take a seat, and the guards stand around them) Ryan: Uhm, officer? Can I ask just one question? Guard: What? Ryan: Why are we here? Guard: Well, you two and that psycho were supposed to go straight to interrogation and prison, but we were suddenly assigned to bring you all here for analysis. . . Snack: Analysis? Ryan: What do you mean? (Guards ignore Ryan) Ryan: Hello? Hey! Listen to me! Answer my question! ???: I can answer your question. (Camera turns and shows the man who was sleeping on the coach awake and sitting up) Ryan: Who are you?

???: Name's Burt Morrison. Who are you and your friend? Ryan: I'm Ryan Visbeen. Snack: And I am Jonathan Snack. Burt: Those are your real names? (Ryan and Snack give each other a confused look) Ryan: Yeah . . . Why? Is yours? Burt: Hell no! Lesson number one, don't give away your real name so easily! But you two look like innocent souls; my name is Malus Oran. Ryan: O-kay. Nice to meet you, Malus. Snack: (Whispers to Ryan) Visbeen, this guy's a weirdo. Malus: So what are you two here for? Ryan: It's a long story. Malus: Trust me, we got plenty of time! (Guards whispering with one another) Guard: Malus Oran, you say? Malus: That's correct, my dear good man. Guard: You are wanted for many criminal offenses. You are coming with us. Malus: (Chuckles) You caught me! Alrighty, come and get me. (One guard walks towards Malus with handcuffs. Camera sets on Malus's face close-up and shakes, then switches to the guard walking towards him and shakes) (The guard slips back and falls. The camera zooms out to show that the guard's handcuffs are on himself) Handcuffed Guard: What the? Guard: I got this. (Guard stretches his arm out and a strange energy ray shoots out of his hand) (Malus sits still and smirks; Camera focuses on his face again and shakes even more. The energy ray flies straight at Malus, but right before impact, flies right around his head and shoots into the Guard, knocking him out) (Ryan and Snack show shocked looks) Malus: I told you. We got plenty of time! Snack: . . . That was legit. (Opening Credits) (Lynne, Glace, Julie and Todd arrive in front of the Gate 0530) Lynne: Ready?

(The others nod to Lynne. Glace opens the door. All walk in and see the room: Ryan and Snack sitting, Malus napping on a couch) Lynne: Well . . this is a let down. Julie: It's a waiting room. What do you expect? Glace: Yeah, my first time here was pretty boring too. (Lynne and friends sit down. Door opens, and a person walks in) Lynne: Why is she here? (The person who walked in is revealed to be Liza Dodson) Liza: Oh, Glace! I didn't know you were here! I was checking my ticket to see what gate I was supposed to be at! Low and behold, I had been led to here with you! Is this destiny? (Todd looks over at the ticket Liza is holding) Todd: That's not this gate. Liza: Yes, it is! You wouldn't know anything. (Lynne and Julie exchange looks of disgust) (Glace turns to Ryan and Snack) Glace: I apologize for all the noise over here. My name is Glace. Ryan: Oh no, it's not a problem at all. Snack (mutters to himself) It actually is. Ryan: I'm(Malus, who is supposedly napping, coughs) Ryan: Ah, buddy, who are we again? Snack: My name is Ignacio, and this is Steven. I was born and raised in an orphanage, and Steven was raised off in the streets of Mexico. I grew tired of living in the orphanage monastery and decided to team up with Steven to become tag team luchadores, but I did it all to win the heart of the beautiful Sister Encarnación. It was all a big success as the mighty eagle egg had granted me my powers to defeat Ramses. Ryan: Yeah, what he said. Todd: That sounds awfully like the movie, Nacho Libre . . Snack: Oh yes, that film was based off a true story – my story. Julie: Isn't Steven supposed to be really skinny? Ryan: Er, I packed on a few pounds. Being that skinny is not healthy, so I began eating a lot of buttered corn. Just like the movie . . . Liza: That's a stupid lie. Malus: (gets up from his “nap”) Wow, you kids do suck at lying. It's okay, you can tell them your

names, I guess hiding identities isn't so much your thing. Ryan: Fine. I'm Ryan, and this is Snack. (Snack waves his hand once) Snack: So . . why are you guys here? Glace: This is a school field trip, and I'm their student chaperon. Our school takes all the students who have been effected by the eclipse to here or any registration building to get their powers registrated. Snack: Jeez, I wish our school wasn't so cheap. Ryan: I see. And this is some super registration place? It's huge! Glace: Yeah, this is the main Helix Corps building . . you didn't know that? Snack: We didn't have our powers till the recent eclipse, so we don't know so much about the super powered world; but anyhow, why are we sent all the way here? We're from New Jersey! Ryan: Where is this place anyway? Malus: Well, this building is in California. I don't know why you guys were sent all the way here, it's possibly because you two are pretty special. I'm pretty special as well, I know that's why I'm here. Ryan: Well, our powers are pretty . . . different. Snack: Didn't find them on Ability Wiki . . . . So, what are your powers, Glace? Glace: I can freeze things. Cryokinesis, if you will. Ryan: And the rest of you? Sorry, I didn't get your names. Liza: I can disintegrate things by touch. I'mSnack: Eh don't care who you are. Next! Liza: Why you littleJulie: I'm Julie. I can heal. Ryan: That's cool. And you? Todd: I'm Todd. I don't have powers yet. I'm just a tag-along. Snack: (whispers to Ryan) Now we know the slow point in the group. Lynne: I'm Lynne. I don't want to talk about my powers. Todd: Why not? You can teleport! Snack: Teleport? Dude! That's so legit! Like Wraith! Ryan: Or like Nightcrawler! Lynne: Who? Todd: X-Men characters; they also have teleporting powers. Glace: Yeah, except Nightcrawler poofs into a colored smoke. You're more like Wraith, moves about space leaving no flashy lights or sounds. Liza: I didn't know you were a comic book nerd.

Glace: Not so much, I just like studying powers. Todd: Uhm, yeah so do I. Liza: No one was talking to you, dweeb. Lynne: Leave him alone, Liza. Liza: What are you going to do about it? (Both girls stand up, Liza holds up her hand and it glows in radiant pulses. Lynne steps back in fright.) Julie: Woah, calm down! Ryan: Cat fight! Snack: (Imitated cat noise) Todd: Yeah! (Julie elbows Todd in the shoulder) (Liza fakes strikes to intimidate Lynne. Lynne then takes a gulp and stands firm. Liza then prepares to strike, camera focuses on Lynne's eyes, which close, then open. Camera zooms out to shown Liza is frozen, encased in an ice structure. Camera moves to show Glace holding his hand out.) (All look at Glace) Glace: What? Tell me you didn't want this? Andy Reid & Sonia Bell (Camera view shows empty street, Andy and Sonia arrive at super speed. Andy stands tall and Sonia rushes to a garbage can and vomits) Andy: You okay? Sonia: Yeah, I'm just not used to moving super fast. Andy: Neither do most people. Not like me at least. Sonia: Why are we here? (Andy walks up and stops. Camera moves down as it stays focused on Andy, showing dynamic angle, and camera stands still to show a burnt hand) Sonia: A pyro? Can't the police handle this? Andy: Somethings different . . (Camera moves to show the burnt victim and its surroundings. Scorched radial marks are on the body and other things) Andy: A normal pyro . . can't make these types of marks. Sonia: What do you mean? Andy: Fire only burns things. You would have to have a large amount of kinetic energy or momentum to push something back with fire.

Sonia: I don't get it. Andy: These marks suggest that something had hit the body with a concussive force. The impact would have caused the blast to create this symmetrical circular mark. Sonia: So we aren't dealing with our average pyro. Andy: Correct. But where to find our perp(Andy shows shocked look, Camera does dynamic turn angle and zooms in on Andy's ear, then the camera shakes intensely. Andy turns and runs at super speed and grabs Sonia and moves out of the way. A large fiery energy projectile impacts right at the spot Andy and Sonia avoided from.) Sonia: Looks like we don't need to find him. (Camera moves up to show a man in the middle of the street with his hands held out at them. Smoke from the impact leads back to the man's hands. The man retracts his hands.) Andy: Just sit tight, I got this. (Andy runs at super speed and ends up behind the man. Andy taps the shoulder of the man, who responds by attempting to swing a punch, but Andy blocks it and punches the man in the stomach. The man is sent flying back) Firebolt Man: Multiple abilities? You're one of them! Sonia: One of who? Firebolt Man: He's a Sylar! (Andy super speeds to the Firebolt Man and grabs him by the shirt and picks him up) Andy: Don't compare me to such wannabes! I'm nothing like them. I'm more special. Firebolt Man: We'll see! (Firebolt Man's palms generate light. He presses his hands against Andy's stomach and fires a blast. Andy flies back. Firebolt Man turns to Sonia) Firebolt Man: Now to get rid of you. (Sonia grabs her headphones and puts them on. Sonia takes out her iPod and slowly spins her thumb around the circular pad. The sound of clicks start off fast but slow down to a point where they stop and Sonia is about to select a song. Andy gets up. Firebolt Man is shocked and turns to see that Andy puts on his headphones and selects a song on his iPod. He then begins to regenerate) Firebolt Man: What . . Who the hell are you? Andy: The guy who's about to kick your ass. (Andy runs up to the Firebolt Man and holds his hand out. Andy prepares to strike the Firebolt Man, and Camera switches scenes) (Camera view shows darkness, and a light enters in the dark, showing that it is a closet and there are the

guards who were with Snack and Ryan in the beginning of the chapter. The guards are tied up and knocked out. Scene switches again and shows Snack and Ryan by the frozen Liza) Snack & Ryan & Todd: One, two(All three grunt as they push the frozen Liza into the closet) Glace: Don't worry, she isn't dead. I didn't freeze her actual self. Just encased her in ice. (The three boys finally manage to place the frozen woman in the closet. They shut the closet) Lynne: So, what now? Julie: They haven't called in any of us yet. Malus: So what happens when they call in Mrs. Frost? You can unfreeze her right? Glace: Hopefully, but I'm pretty sure I can do it. If I can't, I'm sure it's no big loss. (All shake their heads in agreement) (Doors open, a man who doesn't look so happy walks in) (The man mumbles to himself and takes a seat. Lynne watches the man) Sid: What are you looking at? (Lynne looks away. The camera focuses on the man and skips around the view of the man's face) Sid: What do you mean what's my problem? Is that any of your business? (Lynne is shocked) Lynne: How did youSid: It's called mind reading, dear. Are you done talking? Lynne: Yeah, sorry. Sid: I know its not the right way to treat the woman, but you think I care? (Turns to Todd) Todd: Excuse me? Sid: I just said that I can read minds, am I going to fast for you? (Turns to Glace) Yes, my powers do act subconsciously, therefore some thoughts enter into my head without me actually wanting to use my powers. It's a real pain. Julie: (Whispering to Lynne) This guy is such anSid: I don't need mind reading to hear your little women gossip. If you're going to talk about me, do it somewhere else, but chances are, I'll still hear you, if you're thinking about it. (Julie and Lynne keep silent) Sid: (Chuckles) Look at you two girls, so scared to think of anything! But I hear you two loud and clear, 'mustn't think of anything, mustn't think of anything.' (Laughs) Todd: Hey, stop being a jerk, man. (Todd steps up to Sid, who responds by grasping Todd's forehead. Dynamic camera skips, with Sid tilting his head, with Todd showing signs of struggle and little pain)

Sid: Well, it doesn't seem like you have any abilities. Todd: How do you know? For all you know, I could probably beat you up with my powers. Sid: Unlikely. I ain't no ordinary mind reader. I can extract information from people's heads by force; even if they aren't thinking it. (Turns to Snack) Sid: . . yes, it is quite 'legit.' And I believe we have a few more guests on the way right now. (Camera shifts to show doors leading into the room. Muffled voices can be heard. Door opens to show Vito and an Escort Guard. They walk in; everyone stares at Vito and his prison attire. The guard pushes Vito onto a seat and stands in position) (Vito looks around and sees people looking at him) Nec: Well at least you're the center of attention. Vito: Don't talk. Nec: Why? Because they'll think we're crazy? Vito: Yes. Nec: It doesn't matter. It's not like you'll ever see these people again. Vito: You have no idea what I'm dealing with now. Nec: Do I need to know? Sid: Who are you talking to? (Vito and Nec look at Sid. Others look at Sid with questioning looks) Vito: No one. Just myself. Sid: But where's your buddy? Nec: He's not talking about me is he? Sid: Yes, I'm talking to you. You got invisibility or something? It can't escape from my mind reading though. Nec: Mind reading? So he can hear me? Vito: I guess so. Sid: You can show yourself now. Ryan: There's an invisible man in the room? Snack: Now that's a power to have, huh? (Nudges Malus, who responds by using his powers. The seat Snack is sitting upon breaks and Snack falls down. He gets up and sits in another seat) Escort Guard: Where's your friend? (Guard takes out beating stick and starts swinging around randomly) Escort Guard: (Speaks into walkie-talkie) Requesting backup in Gate 0530. Prisoner is accompanied by invisible ally. Nec: Time to have some fun.

Vito: No, Nec don't(Nec and Vito swap places; Nec is in control of the body) (Nec gets up. Guard prepares to strike Nec. Nec burns the stick with a fire stream. The guard drops the stick and is then set aflame by Nec) (People start freaking out as the Guard is on fire. The guard pleads for the fire to be put out by someone. Todd grabs his jacket and attempts to put out the flames. Glace gets up and cools down the man and puts out the fire) Todd: I could have handled it. Glace: And burn yourself in the process. Lynne: Nice job, Glace. Glace: Thanks. Julie: You too, Todd. Todd: Yeah, thanks, I guess. (Guards enter the room and tase Nec, who becomes knocked out. As they go to retrieve his body, he wakes up, but it is Vito who is in control. Vito gets up and shoots lightning balls at the guards. The guards are knocked out) Vito: That was a close one. Well, I'm sorry for the trouble Nec- I mean, I caused. Now if someone can point me to the nearest(Vito dodges an icy wind, which freezes up a portion of the wall behind. All look at Glace) Glace: Who are you? Are you one of them? Vito: What? Glace: I said are you one of them! A Sylar! Vito: I don't know what you're talking aboutGlace: Don't lie to me! I saw it. We all saw it! You used more than one power! Vito: I did, but I don't know(Glace grabs Vito's arm and attempts to freeze it. Vito discharges some electricity to stop the attempt) Lynne: Glace, stop, this isn't like you. Todd: Yeah, just because he's a Sylar, it doesn't mean you have to kill him. Vito: What in the world is a Sylar? Glace: I hate Sylars. And he's one of them! Vito: Whatever that is, I am not it. Glace: Liar! Sid: He's not lying. Glace: What?

Sid: I read his mind. He isn't lying. Malus: Plus, he looks to nice to be a Sylar. Ain't that right, Ryan? Ryan: (To Snack) Did you see that?! Snack: Yeah he was all- (Imitates Vito's movements and sound effects for his powers) Malus: Never mind. Vito: Read my mind? What? Sid: Mind reading. Its a power. (Vito suddenly receives mental pain. Dynamic camera shifts) Glace: Are you doing this? Sid: What? No! (Camera focuses on Vito's eyes which turn bright and blue, then revert back to normal colors) Vito: (Panting) What just happened? Julie: You tell us. Vito: I think I just- (Vito suddenly hears many thoughts) Sid: Did you just- (Sid then tilts his head and an inner voice speaks) Are you reading my mind? Vito: (In response with his own inner voice) I think I am. Glace: What's happening? Sid: He just read my mind. Glace: Are you some new advanced Sylar? Sylars don't work like this. Vito: Look, I really have to leave right now. Glace: No, you're not going anywhere till you answer my questions! (Vito dashes off, out of the room. Glace chases after him, all but Malus follow out) (Vito runs into a large area where there are many people. He then gets a rush of thoughts in his mind. His eyes glow intensely as he hears more and more thoughts. Some other people are reacting the same as Vito is, each getting mental pains from thought overload. Sid is also reacting the same way) Ryan: You okay? Sid: (Grunts in pain) I think he's channeling all of his thoughts into other telepaths! Snack: (Looks around) That's a lot of telepaths. Ryan: So what's going to happen? Sid: I think (grunts) at this rate, its going to be a huge mind blowing blast. (Grunts) Literally. (Vito screams and a large mind wave is emitted from Vito and all the other telepaths. All are hit and get knocked out one by one) (Scene transits to black. Camera view of Lynne's view, as she wakes up) Julie: You okay?

Todd: Lynne, say something. Lynne: Uh . . Ow, what happened? Todd: I guess everyone blacked out somehow, and we all woke up in this room. (Camera view turns around to show what looks like a storage room) (Glace is talking to Vito) Glace: I still don't know exactly who you are, but I guess we need each other to survive this. Vito: Vito. Vito Vincentino. Glace: Glace Walker. (The two shake hands) Lynne: Well you two seem to be getting along now. Glace: Lynne, this is Vito. Vito, Lynne. Lynne: Weren't you two at each other's necks a couple of minutes ago? Julie: Uh, Lynne, you've been out for a well three hours. Lynne: Three- what? Todd: Yeah, you were knocked out cold. Lynne: Okay, so what's going on? Vito: After I lost control of my powers, I awoke to see that everyone was knocked. Sid was the first to awaken. I guess he had some resistance due to his mind powers, but he assisted me in getting as much people as possible into this storage room. Lynne: Much people as possible? What do you mean? Glace: Apparently, government or whoever, sent a huge force of soldiers to find Vito. They start tasing people and bringing them out of the building. I don't know what for though. But according to them, Vito is an 'empath.' Lynne: Empath? Todd: An old myth about a being with the power to mimic all other powers. Minus the Sylar method of course. Just through pure feeling. Vito: I don't know what it is or how it works either, so don't ask me. I was going to turn myself in. I didn't want anyone hurt, but they said they were going to 'wipe you all clean.' It didn't sound good, so I ran and gathered you guys up. (Snack appears from a small entrance) Snack: We finished the blockade! Ryan is just finishing up the detail. Glace: Good, now we just have to(Banging appears on the main shut door of the room. All are shocked and look at the closed up-andover garage type door)

Voice: Let me in! Please, you have to help me! Sid: We risk our cover if we let her in! Vito: But we have to help! Voice: Quickly! I hear them coming! Sid: I'm sorry, we can't help you. Go look somewhere else to hide. Lynne: No, don't worry. I got this. (Lynne takes a deep breath, dissapears, and reappears with a girl) Girl: Thanks so much. Lynne: No problem. (Ryan runs in) Ryan: Crap! They found us! (Everyone panics) Glace: Did they get through the blockade? Ryan: No but they ran around it. I think they might break through the front. (Voices are heard from the outside) Vito: Everyone keep quiet. (On the outside, a man is shown setting charges) Man: It's all set, sir! Squad Leader: Alright, let's blow it up! In three-two-oneMan #2: What is that!? (Back inside, shows frightened survivors. Noises of gunfire and men screaming are heard from the outside. Then all cease to silence) (Walls then explode, and a figure appears from the destroyed wall) Amadeus: Ryan Visbeen, Jonathan Snack. I found you. Snack: We're screwed. Ryan: Uh huh. (Amadeus puts his hand on his mask) (Transits to black)

To Be Continued . . .

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