Chapter 7

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Hello to all of You. In this,and forthcoming few Chapters we would be studying the not so very interesting Topics, but remember and do not make a mistake to treat them lightly,these would be the most Important and to be by hearted to memory if one wishes to be a Good astrologer. Many young budding astros skip these parts (Even I did so) due to the boring and unpredective stuff, but later on one will realise that astrology cannot be done truly without knowing the terminology, meaning, use and application of these principles. The Elements – (Triplicities) The 12 Signs of The Zodiac are divided into 4 Elements As under – Fire Aries Leo Sagittarius

Earth Taurus Virgo Capricorn

Air Gemini Libra Acquarius

Water Cancer Scorpio Pisces

How did I put this in my Memory ? I remembered the Word – FEAR and practised writing and thus memorising on any piece of paper –chits Whenever I had time in day or night or when travelling. On bus tickets., back side of unimportant papers etc. I used to draw columns and rows and make a grid like above and fill it with numbers for a start, like this below F 1

E 2

A 3

W 4

5 9

6 10

7 11

8 12

These numbers of course represent the Signs as we have studied in previous lessons. How to remember after some practise ? Fiery Signs would be – 1,5,9 or Aries,Leo,Sagittarius Earthy – 2,6,10 or Taurus,Virgo and Capricorn. Airy – 3,7,11 or Gemini,Libra and Acquarius Watery – 4,8,12 or Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. Also remember the following Table. Sign No. 1

Name Symbol KeyWord s Aries (I Am) Ram


Taurus (I Have) Bull


Gemini (I Think) Twins


Words which denote the nature of the sign Body Part represented by Sign (Not exhaustiv

Symbol-Two Rams striking one another by H The idea in this Sign essentially is Action. To Compete,Rival,Challenging,defying,Compete Contest,Fight,War,Strong,Powerful,Resistanc Withstand Passionate,Obstinate,Sexual Passi Body Part- Head and face Symbol – A Bull. Ideas are related to Earthy things or Materia Its virtous for bull is concerned primarily wit supreme virtues on Earth, Agriculture and M Virtous, slow,just deeds,fragrance.discharge, to overpower, to defeat a foe or rival,sexual v Manly power,potent,Male of any animal. Body part – Throat and neck Symbol-Man with a Club and Women with a Represents uncommon power to grasp thoug of others. Mental vigour,intelligence,Memory Presence of Mind,Flexibility,Having two fold meanings,double purpose ,Pairing,twins,anyt completed by two,Companion. To meet mutu friend and as Foe. Body Part – Shoulders,Arms and hands


Cancer (I Feel) Crab


Leo (I Will) Lion


Virgo (I Analyse) Virgin


Libra (I Balance) Scales


Scorpio (I Desire) Scorpion

Symbol – Crab. Ideas are related to the form and character o Abode is vicinity of Water.They get swayed b emotions.Blind in emotion.Allows torture. Re has finest feelings for maternal principles. Cl Motion sideways,to clasp,.soround,encompas Hide, dissapear,claws.tenacity, Body Part – Chest & breasts Symbol – Lion Represents forceful expression and dominatin To rule over others. Show,Grandeur,Power,P Ferocious,Defiant,Confident,Victorius,Grand Enterprise,Adventure,Dignity,Splendour,Sup Nobility,Chief,Withstand,Blazing,Flaming,To Crown,Throne,Vociferous,War-cry. Body part – Heart,Soul,Back and Spinal Cho Symbol-Virgin with a bundle of corn in one h Light in another, standing on a boat anchored Represents earthy things or material, trade,c and expression by representation viz.painter, etc. Young, youthful, bright,Virgin,maidenho undefiled, daughter, female, weak,small, youn decorum,modesty, delicacy,kindness,grace,lov Body Part – Stomache and Intestines. Symbol – A scale balance. Represents balanced ideas by judgement.. To examine, counterbalance,ponder, likeness,sim proof,tribunal,arbitration,measure,regulate,m Appraise,value,assess,assort,arrange. Body Part – Navel & external Organs of Gen Symbol – Scorpion Represents mystic idea (8th Sign) and Occult. Destruction of materialism and birth of psych Sting,Tearing,Divide,seperation,Wounding,C Venomous discharge, Incision,Hole,Opening, hurt,restrain,Obstructor, Opposing,Dangerou Body Part – Internal organs of Generation


Sagittariu s (I See) Centaur


Capricor n ((I Use) Mountain Goat


Acquariu s (I Know) Man carrying Pitcher


Symbol- An archer on a horseback about to arrow and has empty quilt.Represents aiming certain object in view. It aims at one thing at hence empty quilt. To let fly, throw,to cause to quickly,project forward, propel, arrow, bulle weapon,artillery,set in motion, hasten,vigorou Body Part -Thighs Symbol – Mountain Goat , Or Forehalf anim rest is fish partly under water in a stream wit Hard labour,concentration, Reluctance to ma things,Philosphers,Dualistic,Mystic and Psyc To think,reflect,to consider, form,fabricate, ,p build,compose,construct,invent, Conviction,D Body Part - Knees Symbol – Man carrying Pitcher or Empty wa With a lid on. Represents unseen power, emp occult knowledge, fulfilling,satisfying, filling air,breathing,abundance,flood,swelling of riv Ways, applicable to two purposes,two edged, middleman, Potter, pottery, earthen wares. Also known as an Intellectual Sign. Body Part - Legs Symbol- two fishes chasing each other in a cy under water. Called Moksha (Salvation)Sign. Loose ones way, go astray,frustration, haught Escape,elopment,allurement,inducement,glid Slipping,superficial, scope,range,extent,sprea expansion, dissapear,despondency,despair. Body Part – Feet,Ankle and Toes

Pisces (I Believe) Two Fishes the tail of one in mouth of another (The above is not Exhaustive, we would be taking up all the signs in details which again would not be exhaustive but with more information).

If You notice the Watery signs are Cancer (Crab),Scorpio(Scorpion) and Pisces(fishes), all related and found near/in water. That way You should connect and remember the watery signs. Aries (Ram),Leo(Lion) and Sagittarius (Centaur) all ready for action and full of Fire You can connect to the Fiery

signs this way. Scales for example connected to Libra needs Air to be suspended in , therefore Airy sign, or Bull needs earth to stand firmly upon, and you just can push it because its feet are firmly fixed to the ground (earth), that way You can remember that Taurus is an earthy sign etc.etc. Form your own logic, use any imaginations funny or logical, but just remember what the signs stand for. Remember the above symbols and try writing and practising them, because all the advanced book on astrology would contain these symbols,for example the Rapheals Ephemeris would contain these and when you learn aspects then you will have another lot of symbols to be learnt. So start right now. That much load would be less. And remember in advanced books many sentences can be written in just one Short single sentence containing just symbols, So if you are really serious and want to get further headway in this science , then learn and practise. Note- The symbol of Virgo and Scorpio is quite similar with a difference that in Scorpio the tail end goes outwards signifying sexuality and in Virgo the tail goes in signifying virginity. (Do not take this as written in scriptures, but just to remember as we were taught as students). The Characteristics : (Quadruplicity) The 12 Signs of the Zodiac are divided in 3 major Characteristics as under – Cardinal or Movable Aries Cancer Libra Capricorn

Fixed Or Root Taurus Leo Scorpio Acquarius

Dual- Common-Mutable Gemini Virgo Sagittarius Pisces

How did I memorise this ? I remembered CFL a short Form for Compact floursecent Lamp., which had entered the Indian Market in full swing some years ago. My way of remembering was this- I used to draw the above Grid and remembered CFL and while filling in the L part I switched over to writing Dual . Thus CFL for Cardinal , Fixed and Dual. Now looks as under for memorising C F D 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Another way to remember the Signs for Fiery would be to just Remember 1,5,9 and The rest of the Signs for Earthy,Airy and Watery would come automatically by putting in The next numbers in line. Same for The other Quality for example Duality, its easy to Remember 3,6,9 and 12. and rest would come in line.automatically. Please remember Why am I taking time and efforts to write all above Is simply because the whole astrology for prediction is based on these Qualkities and more, which we would be taking in other Chapters as we progress through our Course. What do the triplicities (Fiery,Earthy,Airy and Watery)denote ? In any natives chart, when we check the Planets in signs, More Planets in Fiery signs would denote a person with fiery Constitution. (We call here in India predominance of Agni tattwa –or Fire) This man would be more given to heat in his body, heat in his arguments, forceful nature, hot temper, supsecptible to diseases caused by Heat in body,etcetra. The temperament in personality of the native with predominance Of any of the Triplicities would be as under.

More Planets inFire – Leadership Qualities,Potential, enthusiasm, Creativity, Energy, Aggressiveness, Egoism etc. Earth- Practical, Wanting concrete results,Involved with Financial,Business & professional affairs,defensive,Caution etc. Air- Intellectuality, Mental agility,Ideas,Human relations, Rational, Open minded,Friendly etc. Water – Emotions, feelings, Sensitivness, Intuitive awareness,reflective etc. People with more Planets in fiery signs indicate independent,courageous and assertive nature. There is ambition, push, Energy and inherent vitality in such people. (You may find their palms more Pinkish or reddish if one is interested in palmistry applied to astrology.) they are confident and can get easily into fights and duals. They like to lead and act on impulses rather’than being subordinate to others. They can suffer from inflammatory disorders and fevers . Such people should be connecetd to any professions connected to Heat or Metals, mechanical, Engineering etc. Fire is hot and Dry in Nature, is active,fastest,lightest and represents a Extrovert Nature. Just like Fire cannot just be,thus even natives with more planets in Fiery Planets would be restless in nature and seeking change in the departments where the Planets gather in the particular sign and house. If the ascendant is Fiery and Saturn.or Mars or Sun influence the same, then the native is likely to be lean. People with more Planets in Earthy Signs would show stability . Such people are practical, Financial and business affairs play an important role for them and Matters of Status (Material), Comfort and security are their major concerns. They also have patience. Such people would be careful and cautious, secretive and supsicious, pre-meditative and practical,

stubborn and self-protective, methodical and economical. Business would be best suited for them. For them businesses which suit their Characateristics are Building constructions, Mining and all laborius, heavy and slow work, in which time, labour and perseverance are required. Earth Element is cold and dry. It is the slowest and heaviest of all the elemnts, indicating solidification and inertia. Thus the native with more planets in Earthy signs too, would be diffcult to move Physically or mentally, He would have strong body , would not like much movement or travel, and also not easily accept advises or new ideas.. People with more Planets in Airy signs denote the intellectual stimulus at play. Such natives have a good ability to communicate intelligently and freely. Their power of grasping is above average. They indicate less of vitality, more to do with mind,mental. Fertile imaginations if well disposed, fond of reasoning, well behaved and tactful. Such people are best suited to Advisory businesses or scientific, like Accountants, Novel writers, Lawyers, artists,reporters, literary persuits,Scientists, media People etc. they will have active circulation of air in their body. The air element is warm and moist.It is a positive element faster and more active. It tends to rise upwards and spread outward. Sun which is source of fire and energy all around and this Energy (Heat-Fire-Light) is brought down to earth by Air Present in the atmosphere , which makes Air a good communicator. Thus When a native has Airy signs in the 3rd house (Denoting communication) Plus Planets in that House (Example- Mercury in Gemini) which represent communication too , then the abilty of communications of such native is extraordinary or enhanced. People with more Planets in watery signs, their Emotional issues would predominate. They have extreme sensitivity and sympathetic understanding. They are More receptive and passionate at times, than others.

There is les of stamina in them.Their constitution would be weak as they have less of power to re-vitalize or recuperate.They are sentimental and may be psychic and interested in occult.. They make good Mediums . Professions best suited would be related to liquids or where water is predominantly a Integral part of that business. This Element (Water) is cool and wet. It is a negative element, slower and passive. It tends to fall, run together and collect in the lowest levels. It has a passive and rather introvert nature. Thus the native influenced by more Watery signs especially ascendant , is likely to be Round in shape (Physically), And if the influences of many Planets on the 5th House ,then there would certainly be offsprings (Issues or Children) to the native. Because life originates from water which is the essence and signifies fertlity (seed and watering a plant). RELATIONSHIPS One may also check the friendships or relationships between two people on the above basis. For example Fire and Air are Mutual friends as air increases and spreads the fire. Whereas Fire and Water are natural enemies as water can extinguish the Fire. Fire and earth are neutral to each other. Earth and water are again friendly to each other since when water is mixed with earth ,it makes it concrete and builds. Whereas Earth and Air are Mutual enemies as a gust of Air (Wind)can drive away the Earth (Dust) and displace it. Air and water are neutrals. What do Planets in Cardinal, Fixed and Dual Signs denote ? (How to check ? See the Ascendant first and then rest of the Planets where they are placed) The cardinal (Also known as Movable)Signs have quality of aggressivenes ,Mobility and energy and are called Rajas (In Hindi). Such signs would represent movement from one place to another. This would incline the native towards constant activity, with concern for present circumstances.ambition,enthusiasm. They love changes.recognition,fame, execution and ability to execute plans. Such people make good business men, the pioneers, self-made ones,

Who can make breakthrough against heavy odds and succeed. They Like to control and not otherwise, ie,they do not like to be controlled. If pre-dominance of Quadruplicities in Movable signs exists then this indicates a very rapid, action oriented nature. The Fixed quadruplicity would incline the native towards future set goals with Pesistence and unwavering efforts to achieve them. Such natives with Fixed Ascendants and many strong planets influencing these would develop Stubborn and uncompromising attitudes and stick to their own ideas ,often dogmatic, but with a strong sense of loyalty and commitment to their goals and objectives. They are firm in their attitude , reliant,obstinate,unrelenting and rigid. They Are persistent in their efforts,do not accept defeat, and reach their goals slowly but surely. He is conservative and a slow starter, execution of plan only after studying the feasibility and chances of success , then taking up, They are among the most reliable people in the world. The Dual (Also known as Common or Mutable) Quadruplicity signs When influencing any natives chart, this natives relationship would be based on past experience,mental Communication and adaptability. The native is often pre-conditioned and prejudiced in his attitudes and by subcoscious,physchological conditionings. They often get trapped in their own memories. But they are equally flexible,intelligent, amd have mature understanding borne out of experience. Their nature is dual and fluctuating .They are intellectual,sympathetic,sensitive and versatile ie.changing nature. They drift and dream of the future. They are pleasing in manner and peaceful types. Their power is mental and spiritual. They are best fitted to be employed rather than be employers. They are often found to be vascillating, indecesive and constantly seeking change. They lack stamina and outseide conditions can easily dominate them. They are also averse to strenous physical actions. Dual signs are very difficult to understand. But a general rule of the thumb, which can be advantageously adopted by a student, is that the first 5 degrees or so for a common sign, invariably absorb and display the fixed characteristics of the previous

fixed sign,while the last 5 degrees or so of a common sign often tends the characterisitcs of the following Moveable sign. In Hindi Moveable Signs are known as – Chara Raashis. Fixed Signs are known as – Sthira Raashis. Common Signs are known as – Dwisbhava Raashis. Fiery – Agni tattwa Earthy – Prithvi tattwa Airy – Vayu tattwa Watery – Jal Tattwa. Now we come to, POLARITIES The whole Universe is effected by the Law of Duality And so are the sexes- Male and Female, Masculine or Feminie. The 12 Sugns are divided in two Partitions, Positive and Negative. The odd Signs or Masculine ones are 1,3,5,7,9 and 11 while the, Even Signs or femine are 2,4,6,8, 10 and 12. The predominance of masculine Signs in a Chart (means more Planets in Odd Signs)would mean such individuals would take iniatives and action without resort to outside stimulus or coaxing them. They would be in other words self-starters in those Departments of lifewhere such signs fall. Means if a group of people are waiting on a Airport Subway waiting for the porter, the person with predominance of Odd signs in his chart, would not like to wait, but immediately get the Carrier and start loading the Suitcases himself, for instance. Understand the opposite for the Even signs. Such type of classification helps one to know many things such as Sex determintion when one is expecting a child. One good astrologer can

Also check the chart of any native without actually meeting the native and tell much about the Native what quality he or she may possess. For instance suppose a chart of a female shows many planets in odd Signs including The Ascendant, then it can be easily surmised that though she may be a female but she would behave or look like a Man. Understand the same for Male natives with dominance of Even signs in their charts.(here there would be more pasiveness rather than active nature). Personal Note- This can also be linked to the Chromosome factors (predominance of X and Y in males or Females as the case may be. Some research if oriented would confirm this). So dear friends we now come to the close of this Chapter. What have we learnt in this Chapter ? In a Nutshell – What is the meaning of Fiery,Earthy,Airy ,Watery signs and Their predominance in a Chart. What is the meaning of Cardinal,Fixed and Dual Signs and their pre-dominance in any Chart. Odd and Even Signs. (The above can be made more exhaustive running into hundreds of Pages and with more details and examples, but not possible physically, as other matters in life too have to be attended to.) Let us apply what we have learnt to the Example Chart as below. Whenever you read this and in future,take a paper pen and copy The chart on that paper and then read, so that You do not have to unnecessarily use the keyboard for Page Up or Down and create a headache for You. Also copy the table for the Quadruplicity and Triplicity on the same sheet. Example Chart A

(Delhi Birth)







Saturn,Ascenda 3 nt Venus 3







Water Total










Those who wish, may also Calculate the Positions of the MC,,Fortuna, Neptune,Pluto and Uranus, and fit in above Chart. What do we see above ? 3 planets in Fiery Signs.(Inc. Asc) 3 planets in Earthy Signs. 2 Planets in Airy, and 2 planets in Watery Signs. 2 in cardinal. 4 in Fixed, and 4 in Dual or Common. The above is a most healthy Mix in all ways.

The Native has 5 Planets in Odd Signs ( Ascendant inclusive) The Native has 5 Planets in Even Signs. That is again a healthy Mix. Now what more remains to be seen more in above to polish Your Predictions? You should also check whether Male Signs are sitting in Odd Houses Or fiery Planets are sitting in Fiery Signs. That would make that department more Fiery. If Watery Planet (Like Moon) sitting in Fiery Sign, then the indicates of the Fire in the person would be reduced to that extent. (Not related to above Example) Suppose We are looking for the Nature of the Person. If Sun is sitting in Aries or Leo along with Mars. Sun and Mars are both masculine. Leo itself is a odd and masculine sign. Leo is also a Fixed Sign. Sun and Mars are both Fiery in nature. So what do You induce ? That the Native would be very strong in Nature, Fixed in his views which no one could be able to change. He would Be at times very strong in speech too, cutting a person in two, with the same, if his demands are not met. This Person would have a strong constitution and build, Hot tempered and also have diseases of excessive Heat (Pitta) in his system. He would be commanding, a leader in his field, Fit for all positions of authority as Mars is a fiery planet joins Sun another Fiery one, Military type, would not accept “ No “ as a answer. He Would be Egoistic, Extravagant, pushing, in Manner. In speech He would be forceful. He would be impulsive in actions. He would trust only in himself. He would always be ready for attack and never be on defensive. His social attitudes would be marked with aggression, demanding, spirited and Dash of rashness. What type of women he should marry ? I leave that answer to You. (Home Work- prepare Your own Chart like above and check what Qualities are pre-dominant in You, and whether it matches with

your Persona In real life. After that prepare such tables for your family members too and Check whether their their personalities too match with what is shown in your table- This Home work no one is going to check except You, since You are the Master and know yourself and your family members very well and more better than others – let me know if your attempts are succesful and you find this way of reading Perfect in the Charts You study ) The Planets(This may be Controversial classification ,and to each his own) Sun,Mars,Jupiter are Masculine Planets. Moon,Venus and Rahu, are Feminine Planets. Mercury,Saturn and Ketu, are considered Neutral.

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