Chapter 21-22.docx

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Chapter 21 -june 26,1892(12 noon) rizal arrived with his sister lucia -went to hotel de oriente room no.22 -his father got pardoned but not the rest of his family -homes raided by guardia civil and found some copies of noli and fili and some subversive pamphlets -july 3,1892 founded la liga Filipina -officers of la liga -Ambrosio Salvador(president) -Deodato Arellano(secretary) -Bonifacio Arevalo(treasurer) -Agustin de la Rosa(fiscal) -aims of the la liga unite the whole archipelago into one compact and homogenous body protection in every want and necessity 3.defense against all violence and injustice 4.encouragement of education, agriculture and commerce and application of reforms -motto of la lifa (Unus Instar Omnium (One Like All)) -member pays entrance(P2.00) and monthly due (10 centavos) -duties of liga members are as follows 1.obey the orders of the supreme council help in recruiting new members keep in strictest secrecy and decisions of the liga authorities have a symbolic name which he cannot change until he becomes president of this council report to the fiscal anything that he may hear which may affects the liga behave well as befits a good Filipino help fellow members in all ways -july 6 he got arrested and jailed in fort Santiago -escorted by ramon despujol nephew of gov.gen.eulogio despujol -pobres frailes (poor friars) leaflets were allegedly found in lucia’s pillow case -reasons for rizal’s deportation 1.published books and articles which was frankly anti-catholic and anti-friar 2.a bundle of handbills entitled pobres frailes 3.his novel el fili was dedicated to the three traitiors gumborza tear from the loyal Filipino breasts the treasures of our holy catholic faith -july 15,1892 12:30am he was brought to steamer CEBU sailing for dapitan -steamer CEBU is under captain delgras -reached dapitan in july 17 7pm -handed rizal to captain ricardo carnicero Spanish commandant of dapitan -july 17,1892 – july 31,1896 exile for a period of 4 years

CHAPTER 22 -father pastells informed father obach that rizal could live at the parish convent on the ff.conditions 1.rizal publicly retracts his errors concerning religion 2.that he performs church rites and make a general confession about his past life 3.that henceforth he conducts himself in an exemplary manner as a Spanish subject -rizal did not agree with those conditions, he lived in the house of commandant capt. Carnicero -carnicero gave rizal complete freedom to go anywhere, reporting only once a week -rizal wrote a poem “ A Don Ricardo Carnicero” on aug.26,1892 on the capt. -sept.21,1892 they won lottery ticket no.9736, 3 winners of (P20,000) -capt.carnicero -rizal -francisco equilior -rizal had a share of P6,200, gave P2,000 to his father and P200 to his friend Basa and invested the rest -rizal never drank hard liquor and never smoked but he was lottery addict -father pastells sent rizal a book by sarda -father pastells gave rizal a copy of Imitation of Christ a famous catholic book of father Thomas a kempis -rizal gave pastells a bust of st.paul which he made -rizals Catholicism of renan and teilhard de chardin -rizal vs lardet(French man) due to bad quality of logs lardet bought -lardet wrote a letter of apology to rizal dated march 30,1893 -father sanchez only spanish priest to defend noli in public -rizal gave him a manuscript of “studies on the tagalog language” on his -friars spy with an assumed name of Pablo Mercado (Florencio Namanan ) and posing as a relative -rizal (eye specialist) practiced medicine in dapitan, gave free medicine to poor -rizal engineered water system in dapitan -P500 was used to equip the town with its lighting system consisted of coconut oil lamps -established a school in 1893 untill 1896 the end of his exile( started 3 pupils until 16 later 21) -reading, writing, (Spanish and English language) -geography, history, mathematics, industrial work, nature study, morals -and gymnastics (boxing, wrestling, stone throwing, swimming, arnis and boating -wrote a poem entitled “Himno a talisay” -discovered 3 rare specimens 1.draco rizali ( a flying dragon ) 2.apogonia rizali ( a small beetle) 3.rhacophorus rizali ( a rare frog ) -in dapitan he learned bisayan, subanum and malay languages -rizal modeled statue representing the mother dog killing the crocodile (The Mother’s Revenge) -other works called “the dapitan girl (Josephine bracken his wife” and bust of st.paul -bought 16 hectares of land and planted cacao, coffee, sugarcane, coconuts and fruit trees -16 hectares became 70 w/ 6,000 hemp plants 1k coconuts and numerous fruit trees -rizal engaged in business in partnership with ramon carreon -organized cooperative association for dapitan farmers (January 01,1895) -rizal invented a cigarette lighter (sulpakan) which he sent to blumentritt And a machine for making bricks (6k bricks a day) - wrote a poem entitled ( “Mi Retiro (my retreat) “) and sent to her mother dona Theodora -the death of Leonor rivera on aug.28,1893 -josephine bracken born oct.3, 1876 (his wife)


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