Chapter 2 Section 3 4 Worksheet

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 308
  • Pages: 1
Chapter 2 Section 3 & 4 Worksheet Section 3 1. Which conquistador conquered the Aztec? 2. Which conquistador conquered the Inca? 3. What three reasons allowed the Spanish to conquer such huge Native American empires? 4. What, besides gold, was Juan Ponce de Leon searching for? 5. What was the first Spanish settlement in what is now the United States? In what present day state is it located? In what year was it settled? 6. Define Pueblo-7. Define Mission— 8. Define Presidio— 9. What is a mestizo? 10. Define encomienda— 11. What did the system if encomienda do to the Native Americans? 12. Who was Bartolome de Las Casas and what did he do that was significant? 13. Who did Las Casas suggest should replace the Native Americans as slaves?

Section 4 14. Who was Martin Luther and what did he do that was so significant? 15. Who was John Calvin and what did he do that was so significant? 16. Who was King Henry VIII and what did he do that was so significant? 17. Define Mercantilism— 18. What two reasons pushed Europeans across the Atlantic? 19. According to the Columbian exchange what things: Went form America to Europe? Went from Europe to the Americans? When from Africa to the Americas? 20. What was the Northwest Passage? 21. England uses _____________ voyage as the basis for its claims to North America 22. What three things did the French view North America as an opportunity for profits? (The three F’s) 23. What settlement did Samuel de Champlain establish? 24. What present day state did the Dutch first settle? 25. How much did Peter Minuit pay the Manhates for what is now Manhattan Island? 26. Who was the first to trace the Mississippi River to its mouth at the Golf of Mexico? Which country did he claim it for?

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