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CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction RFID door access system using Audrino Level crossing is that area where the rail line intersects with the road which is used by transportation or other vehicles.To prevent accidents a system named “Level Crossing” has been developed.But in early days all the level crossings are operated by humans.So human interference was mandatory.But,manual control is not erros free.The RFID gate or level crossing is opened or closed by a gateman who was informed from the nearest RFID station about the arrival of a train. There’re also many level crossings in India which are unmanned.So they are potentially dangerous for road users. In India we must develop a prototype to be implemented to automatically control RFID gate upon arrival as well as departure of train.The project should not be too much expensive but must be reliable.So we used Audrino uno R3 which is quite reliable as well as affordable. We started to develop our project based upon 8051 microcontroller which is also cheaper than Audrino.But in terms of of reliability and implementation of future featured we upgraded to audrino uno. 1.2 Level crossing A level crossing is an intersection where a RFID line crosses a road or path at the same level, as opposed to the RFID line crossing over or under using a bridge or tunnel. The term also applies when a light rail line with separate right-of-way or reserved track crosses a road in the same fashion. Other names include RFID level crossing, grade crossing, road through railroad, railroad crossing, train crossing, and RXR . 1.3 History of level crossing The history of level crossings depends on the location, but often early level crossings had a flagman in a nearby booth who would, on the approach of a train, wave a red flag or lantern to stop all traffic and clear the tracks. Gated crossings became commonplace in many areas, as they protected the RFID from people trespassing and livestock, and they protected the users of the crossing when closed by the signalman/gateman. In the second quarter of the 20th century, manual or electrical closable gates that barricaded the roadway started to be introduced, intended to be a complete barrier against intrusion of any road traffic onto the RFID. Automatic crossings are now commonplace in some countries as motor vehicles replaced horse-drawn vehicles and the need for animal protection diminished with time. Full, half or no barrier crossings superseded gated crossings, although crossings of older types can still be found in places. New technology is advancing to create new ways of protecting the RFID from users of a level crossing, with one of the most recent being obstacle detection scanners fitted to some crossings in Europe. In rural


regions with sparse traffic, the least expensive type of level crossing to operate is one without flagmen or gates, with only a warning sign posted. This type has been common across North America and in many developing countries. Some international rules have helped to harmonize level crossing. For instance, the 1968 Vienne convention about signalisation routière: in its article 27, a stop line is suggested at grade crossing • article 33, 34, 35 and 36 are specific to level crossing, because level crossing are recognized as dangerous • article 35 indicates a cross should exist when there is no barrier 12 A majority of the level crossings in India were manually regulated. Signals and barriers are installed at all crossings while manual crossings are additionally required to have the hand red and green signal flags. But Indian RFIDs aims at elimination of all unmanned crossings and replacing it with manned crossings.



2.1 Required Components 


Servo Motor



MFRC522 RFID Reader


Push button

Power source


2.2 Description of components 2.2.1 Arduino UNO The Arduino UNO is a widely used open-source microcontroller board based on the ATmega328P microcontroller and developed by board is equipped with sets of digital and analog input/output (I/O) pins that may be interfaced to various expansion boards (shields) and other circuits.[1] volt battery, though it accepts voltages between 7 and 20 volts. It is also similar to the Arduino Nano and LeonardoThe Uno board and version 1.0 of Arduino Software (IDE) were the reference versions of Arduino, now evolved to newer releases. The Uno board is the first in a series of USB Arduino boards, and the reference model for the Arduino platform.


Fig 2.1 Arduino UNO R3

2.2.2 Servo Motor There are some special types of application of electric motor where rotation of the motor is required for just a certain angle. For these applications, we require some special types of motor with some special arrangement which makes the motor to rotate a certain angle for a given electrical input (signal). For this purpose servo motor comes into picture. The servo motor is usually a simple DC motor controlled for specific angular rotation with the help of additional servomechanism (a typical closed-loop feedback control system). Now day’s servo system has large industrial applications. Servo motor applications are also commonly seen in remote-controlled toy cars for controlling the direction of motion, and it is also very widely used as the motor which moves the tray of a CD or DVD player. Besides these, there are other hundreds of servo motor applications we see in our daily life. The main reason behind using a servo is that it provides angular precision, i.e. it will only rotate as much we want and then stop and wait for next signal to take further action. The servo motor is unlike a standard electric motor which starts turning as when we apply power to it, and the rotation continues until we switch off the power. We cannot control the rotational progress of electrical motor, but we can only control the speed of rotation and can turn it ON and OFF. Now we come to the specific answer to the question “what is servo motor?” Servo motor is a special type of motor which is automatically operated up to a certain limit for a given command with the help of error-sensing feedback to correct the performance.


Fig 2.2 Servo motor 2.2.3 Buzzer A buzzer is a device which makes a buzzing or beeping noise. There are several kinds; the most basic is a piezoelectric buzzer, which is just a flat piece of piezoelectric material with two electrodes. This type of buzzer requires some kind of oscillator (or something more complicated like a microcontroller) to drive it if you apply a DC voltage you will just get a click. They are used in places where you need something that emits an audible tone, but don’t care about high-fidelity sound reproduction, like microwave ovens, smoke alarms, and electronic toys. They are cheap and can be very loud without using very much power. They are also very thin, so they can be used in flat objects like “singing” greeting cards.

Fig 2.3 Buzzer 5

2.2.4 LED In the simplest terms, a light-emitting diode (LED) is a semiconductor device that emits light when an electric current is passed through it. Light is produced when the particles that carry the current (known as electrons and holes) combine together within the semiconductor material. Inside the semiconductor material of the LED, the electrons and holes are contained within energy bands. The separation of the bands (i.e. the bandgap) determines the energy of the photons (light particles) that are emitted by the LED.

Fig.2.4 LED

2.2.5 MFRC522 RFID Reader Mifare RC522 is the high integrated RFID card reader which works on non-contact 13.56mhz communication, is designed by NXP as a low power consumption, low cost and compact size read and write chip, is the best choice in the development of smart meters and portable hand-held devices. MF RC522 use the advanced modulation system, fully integrated at 13.56MHz with all kinds of postive non-contact



Support 14443A






with ISO14443A frames and error correction. Futhermore, it also supports rapid CRYPTO1 encryption to validate Mifare series products. MFRC522 support Mifare series higher speed non-contact communication, duplex communication speed up to 424 kb/s. As a new family member in 13.56MHz RFID family, MF RC522 has many similarities to MF RC5200 and MF RC530, and also has more new features.


Fig: 2.5 MFRC522 RFID Reader

2.2.6 Tags RFID tags are a type of tracking system that uses smart barcodes in order to identify items. frequency identification,” and as such, RFID tags utilize radio frequency technology. These radio waves from the tag to a reader, which then transmits the information to an RFID computer program. RFID tags are frequently used for merchandise, but they can also be used to track vehicles, pets, and even patients with Alzheimer’s disease. An RFID tag may also be called an RFID chip. An RFID tag works by via an antenna and a microchip — also sometimes called an integrated circuit or IC. The microchip on an RFID reader is written with whatever information the user wants.

Fig.2.6 Tags 2.2.7 Push button A push-button (also spelled pushbutton) or simply button is a simple switch mechanism for controlling some aspect of a machine or a process. Buttons are typically made out of hard material, usually plastic or metal.[1] The surface is usually flat or shaped to accommodate the human finger or hand, so as to be easily depressed or pushed. Buttons are most often biased switches, although many un-biased buttons (due to their physical nature) still require a spring to return to their un-pushed state. Terms for the 7

"pushing" of a button include pressing, depressing, mashing, slapping, hitting, and punching.sensor.The two legs at back offer fixed resistance which is divided by the front leg. So whenever only the back terminals are used, a preset acts as a fixed resistor. Presets are specified by their fixed value resistance.

Fig.2.7 Push button

2.2.8 LED An LED lamp or LED light bulb is an electric light for use in light fixtures that produces light using one or more light-emitting

diodes (LEDs).










equivalent incandescent lamps, and are significantly more efficient than most fluorescent lamps, with some LED chips able to emit up to 303 lumens per watt (as claimed by Cree and some other LED manufacturers). However, LED lamps require an electronic LED driver circuit when operated from mains power lines, and losses from this circuit mean the efficiency of the lamp is lower than the efficiency of the LED chips it uses. The most efficient commercially available LED lamps have efficiencies of 200 lumens per watt (lm/w). Similar to incandescent lamps (and unlike most fluorescent lamps), LEDs come to full brightness immediately with no warm-up delay. Frequent switching on and off does not reduce life expectancy as with fluorescent lighting. Light output decreases gradually over the lifetime of the LED (see Efficiency droop section).

Fig.2.8 LED


2.2.9 Resistors A resistor is a passive two-terminal electrical component that implements electrical resistance as a circuit element. In electronic circuits, resistors are used to reduce current flow, adjust signal levels, to divide voltages, bias active elements, and terminate transmission lines, among other uses. Resistors are common elements of electrical networks and electronic circuits and are ubiquitous in electronic equipment. Practical resistors as discrete components can be composed of various compounds and forms. Resistors are also implemented within integrated circuits.

Fig.2.9 Resistors


CHAPTER 3 WORKING OF THE MODEL 3.1 Working All grade crossing predictors rely on the changes in the electrical characteristics of the rails that occur as a train approaches the point at which the predictor is connected to the rails. As the train approaches the feedpoint, the area enclosed by inductor diminishes. Thus reducing the inductance. For measuring the inductance, a constant-current alternating current source is connected to the rails. Now the resulting voltage is measured and by ohms law the voltage measured will be proportional to the impedance. The absolute magnitude of this voltage and its rate of change can then be used to compute the amount of time remaining before the train arrives at the crossing. As soon as the computed time for train to reach the crossing reaches to programmed threshold value, the crossing’s warning devices are activated. 3.2 Automatic RFID gate using arduino This project is designed to control RFID gate through an android application by the station master remotely. A smartphone or tablet with with an android-OS with a graphical user interface, based on touch screen operation is used to send the instructions to open and close the RFID gate. Microcontroller once again acts as the brain of the project. A











remote(smartphone or tablet) using Bluetooth. Further, microcontroller controls the motors and is programmed to open and close the gates when the instructions are received. Gate can be remotely controlled by station master or driver himself. Indian RFID is considered as the life line of the nation and carries 23 million passengers daily. It is also acknowledged as fourth largest RFID network in the world by size. But recently it has been in news for all the wrong reasons such as increase in number of accidents. Its the need of the hour to modernize this system to make it more safe, swift and comfortable. Automating RFID gates will be the significant step forward. This articles present the already available technology which can be put to work. Provided projects provides the fundamental concepts and principles of this system which can be further used to create new designs to target the limitations of current designs such as cost and energy needs. The working principle of the prototype is quite simple.Two IR sensors are placed at the bpth sides of RFID crossing.They are placed 1Km. apart from level crossing.The arrival and departure of train is sensed by the sensors and transmitted to the arduino uno. There’s a loop that keeps running in the audrino that always checks the ir sensor output. 10

If the IR sensor outputs the signal ,the audrino instructs the L293D to close the gate using Stepper motor and play the buzzers to alert the road users.The stepper motor exactly rotated at 90 degrees and the RFID gate gets closed.After passing the train the departure is sensed by the another IR sensor which is placed at the opposite side of the other other IR sensor. When the departure is sensed by the another IR sensor the audrino gets the acknowledgement signal to open the gate via L293D module. Same process happens if the train is coming from another side.The delay between sensed signal and closing of gate is kept small here(500 ms).But in real ife the delay is kept more.

3.3 Circuit diagram

Fig.3.1 Circuit Diagram of model 3.4 Software Arduino IDE is used to develop the prototype of the software.Audrino IDE is available at the official website of audrino.This is open source. So any one can develop anything according to their choices.


Fig:3.2 Arduino IDE interface 3.4 Program used #include <EEPROM.h> #include <Servo.h> Servo myservo1; Servo myservo2; int pos = 0; int sensor1 = A0; int sensor2 = A1; int sensor3 = A2; int sensor4 = A3; int RLED1 = 8; int GLED1 = 9; int RLED2 = A4; int GLED2 = A5; int buzzer = 13;

void setup() { //Serial.begin(9600); 12

myservo1.attach(5); myservo2.attach(6); pinMode(sensor1,INPUT); pinMode(sensor2,INPUT); pinMode(sensor3,INPUT); pinMode(sensor4,INPUT); pinMode(buzzer,OUTPUT); EEPROM.write(0, 0); EEPROM.write(1, 0); } void loop() { if ( ||{ while (analogRead(sensor1)>500){ if (analogRead(sensor2)>500){ if (!=1){ EEPROM.write(1, 1);} if (!=1){ EEPROM.write(0, 1);} // Serial.println("X"); delay(100); }} while (analogRead(sensor3)>500){ if (analogRead(sensor4)>500){ if (!=1){ EEPROM.write(1, 1);} if (!=1){ EEPROM.write(0, 1);} // Serial.println("Y"); delay(100); }} } if ( ||{ while (analogRead(sensor2)>500){ if (analogRead(sensor1)>500){ if (!=0){ EEPROM.write(1, 0);} if (!=1){ EEPROM.write(0, 1);} //Serial.println("Z"); delay(100); }} while (analogRead(sensor4)>500){ if (analogRead(sensor3)>500){ if (!=0){ EEPROM.write(1, 0);} 13

if (!=1){ EEPROM.write(0, 1);} //Serial.println("A"); delay(100); }} } if ({ //Gate open if (pos != 90){ for (pos = 0; pos < 90; pos += 1){ myservo1.write(pos); myservo2.write(pos); // Serial.println(pos); digitalWrite(buzzer,HIGH); delay(10); digitalWrite(buzzer,LOW); delay(10); }} //Serial.println("Gate Opend"); digitalWrite(buzzer,LOW); if (!=0) {EEPROM.write(0, 0); /*Serial.println("OK");*/} } if ({ //Gate close if (pos != 0){ for (pos = 90; pos > 0; pos -= 1){ myservo1.write(pos); myservo2.write(pos); digitalWrite(buzzer,HIGH); delay(10); digitalWrite(buzzer,LOW); delay(10); }} //Serial.println("Gate Closed"); if (!=0) {EEPROM.write(0, 0); Serial.println("OK");} }



CHAPTER 4 ADVANTAGES AND LIMITATIONS 4.1 Advantages and limitations 4.1.1 Advantages 

Automatic RFID gate control systems reduce the time for which gate remains closed.

This type of gates can be employed in an unmanned level crossing where the chances of accidents is higher and reliable operation is required.

Automatic operation prevents errors due to manual operation.

Lastly, no human resource is required. This makes its running cost very low compared to manned gates.

4.1.2 Limitations 

To establish the entire network is quite costly task.

Energy requirements are high.

Involves complex network of connections and require skilled workforce to build it in a good manner.


CHAPTER 5 POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS AND FUTURE SCOPE 5.1: Possible obstacles Though this prototype is simple to build and highly reliable but there’re some obstacles too. Rather than a train if an animal or other object is placed in front of the IR sensor the alarm will and the gate will be closed which is not desirable at all.Also other natural obstacles like fog may arise problems. 5.2: Possible soltions and future scope The problems indicated above can be overcome by adding some extra modules. Like we left the GSM module for future scope.After addingh this module,upon arrival and departure of train,the GSM module will send an SMS to registered phone number for acknowledgement and safety. Also adding a pair of pressure sensor increases the chance of fault triggering of gate as well as alarm. After adding the pressure sensor , the audrino closes the gate after reciving both signal from IR sensor as well as pressure sensor.




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