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Comments: please refer to appendix E for the title page (naa sa capstone manual)

N.L. RECORD AND RENTAL SYSTEM A Capstone Project In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

By Glice Aliponga Hanie Maluya Regeneil Ocana

Mrs. Christine Joy Tomol Adviser MARCH 2019


Comments: pls check the manuscript format details Pagination is upper right hand corner and pls set the margins and be consistent with verdana 12 as well as the spacing which is 1.8 lines For the organizational chart, you only need to include the org chart sa nardos boarding house.

Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Rationale Boarding Houses provides a low-cost accommodations to some of the most marginal and disadvantage members of our community including Argao where there are college students who came from far places. As their temporary home, they are also expecting most of the facilities they are enjoying in their respective home places. In the continuum of housing security, managing tenant’s information in boarding houses is an insecure and commonly inadequate to use the current manual system. Advances in information technology and changes in laws, institutions and regulations in some countries have encourage the emergence of computer based information system has change the world a great deal (Jantz, 2001). Both large and small value of processing arrangement and time critical payment as well as the documentation of record system have adopted the new methodology by the use of personal computer that enable easier manipulation of the input process and output to fulfill several roles in the production of information system. The focus of this research project is basically managing the record and processing rental payments with the increasing number of tenants in Nardo’s Boarding Houses to help in the difficulties that the landlord is facing. These difficulties are the following; losing huge money through tenants who evade rent, storing and keeping in tangible files may cost higher damage leading to data loss. The researchers decide to develop a reliable system that will serve an accurate and efficient service for rental managers in restoring and keeping record of tenant files properly and with confidentiality.


Theoretical Background Both practitioners and researchers have a strong interest in understanding why people accept information technology so that methods for designing, evaluating and predicting how users will respond to a new technology can be developed. Although practically intertwined, design and evaluation are logically independent issues, noted by Dillon, and it remains an open question in many instances how to translate usability evaluation results to specific interface design improvements. Acceptance theory seeks to extend the traditional model of usercentered design espoused in usability engineering (e.g., Nielsen) from question of interface improvement towards predictions of likely usage. Lack of user acceptance is a significant impediment to the success of new information system (Gould et al; Nickerson). In fact, users are often unwilling to use information systems which, if use, would result in impressive performance gains (Alavi Henderson; Swanson, 1998). Therefore, user acceptance has been viewed as the pivotal factor in determining the success or failure of any information system project (Davis, 1993). N.L. Record and Rental System of Lamacan Argao in which tenants’ record is currently collected manually, and to achieve the objectives given in this study, the researcher has plan to apply the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM Theory)(Davis,1989). The goal of TAM is to predict information system acceptance and diagnose design problems before users have experience with a system. TAM predicts user acceptance of any technology is determined by two factors: perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. Within TAM, perceived usefulness (U) is defined as the degree to which a user believes that using the system will enhance his or her performance. Perceived ease of use (EOU) is defined as the degree to which the user believes that using the system will be free from effort.


Both U and EOU are specific perceptions and are anchored to specific beliefs users hold about the system. Thus, attitude is a general construct not tied to any specific beliefs about the technology. Behavioral intentions to use the system (BI) are modeled as a function of A and U. Behavioral intentions (BI) then determines actual use. Research has a consistently shown that BI is the strongest predictor of actual use (Davis et al., Taylor Todd).

Acceptance Theory

Perceived usefulness (U)

Perceived ease of use (EOU)

N.L. RECORD AND RENTAL SYSTEM Figure1: A Schema of the theoretical framework of the Study


Comment: for this framework, use arrows for better view of its direction or where its heading to

Review of Related Literature and Studies These studies done by other people similar with the researchers. These may offer great help for the study through more comprehensive ideas and any other keys for its development.

Comments: you need to include a related system and describe the software you have researched from the net

NL Record and Rental System (this is overview of the existing system not a related study, you can place this one after the review of related lit and studies) Boarding House plays an integral role in the provision of housing facilities to individuals, most particularly who come from remote provinces and city outskirts. With vast improvement of technology, a boarding house without an accurate, reliable and comprehensive tenant record and rental system can be in a serious risk. Pressure to manage paper registry works from the new file to the old files of the tenants, overwhelming pressures on the segregating the rental documents, diminishing landlords profit, strict administrative policy institution and serious concern on the aspect on legal liabilities leave an insufficient dedicated time in entertaining tenants with best quality accommodation they deserve. The Nardos’ Boarding Houses in Argao up until today is still observed to have been using paper-based system for keeping tenant’s records and rental payments transactions.

Automated Record Management System (ARMS) A Case Study of Ahmadu Bello University Sick-Bay With the advent of computers and its related technology in which everything needs to be done efficiently and effectively the existence of a system become necessary (Alfa Mahfooz Ahmed, 2015). In every


payment transactions, possibly there could be a series of instances especially regarding to keeping of records. One may either find it hard or easy depending on their system implemented. In order to obtain a more productive and maintain a vigorous storing of data, one of the most efficient way is developing a computer-based system. The main objective of his research work is to design a computer base program that will cover all aspects of management and operations. The program will enable the registration process and this features used for proper handling of records and related information the boarding house. This will be stored in a database that can be accessed easily within the short span and yet securely stored in an appropriate and stress free manner. The Problem Statement of the Problem The primary purpose of this study is to develop a system that will maintain and manage the tenant’s record and rental information through N.L Record and Rental System.

This study seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the performance level of the current record manual system in terms of: 1.1 1.2 1.3

Speed; Security; Efficiency?

2. What are the problems encountered in using the current manual record in terms of: 2.1 2.2 2.3

Speed; Efficiency; Accessibility?

3. Based on the problems encountered what should be the functionalities of the proposed system?


Scope and Limitations of the Study This study is basically intended for Nardos’ Boarding Houses. It aims to help the owner/manager to improve the efficiency of the procedures in keeping records and managing its rental payments information. The scope of this study is the development of a computer-based program that allows the user to view customer’s data as well as houses record. It will include only tenant’s registrations and rental payment that allows the users to add, edit, search and delete data from the relational database in Java NetBeans as the programming language tool. The program will also generate a report about which month has the most rental made and payment cancelled either by the tenants or terminated by the system. (pls rephrase, you do not need to include the java netbeans since you will explain this in the technological background) In program limitations, the program will not include a central accounting system. It will not also include tenants’ requests from the central administration to the managers, boarding house maintenance services as plumbers, windows, insects, etc., building maintenance and contract management. This program will not be suitable for computer illiterate.

Significance of the Study The overall output of this study can be of great help to the owner of the Nardos’ Boarding Houses in controlling the rental payment of the tenants.


Specifically, the results of the study would benefit the following: Tenants. The tenants are the primary of the study and they are directly beneficial on this study. Landlords. The findings of this study are great help to the landlord to monitor the record of the system easily and tenant’s payment. Researchers. The implementation of this study will enable them to showcase all their skills, capabilities and programming prowess. Future Researchers. The system will serve as a good and reliable research material who wishes to develop similar system and require background information in furthering their research.

Research Methodology Project Environment (Locale of the Study) This study will be conducted at Lamacan, Argao, Cebu specifically at the Nardos Boarding Houses. This is located at Barangay Lamacan, Argao, Cebu. This Boarding House aims to provide safety homes for the tenants for double purposes.(pls rephrase) This Boarding Houses are known not only here in Argao but whole province of Cebu. The researchers concentrated only the NL Record and Rental Payment at Lamacan, Argao, Cebu.


Figure 2: Location Map of the Research Environment Organizational Chart

Glice Aliponga IT Manager

Regeneil Ocaña Programmer

Hanie Maluya Technical Staff

Figure 2: Organizational Chart for the CTU-AC IT Department

The IT Department is there to help maintain and computerize the tenant’s record of Nardo’s Boarding House. The IT Department is located at CTU-AC. Researchers

CTU Colleges

IT Department


Figure 3: Organizational Chart for the Nardo The IT Department is there to help maintain and computerize the tenant’s record of Nardo’s Boarding House. The IT Department is located at CTU-AC.

Requirement Specifications List of Modules 1. User Login 1.1 Verify username and password 1.2 Display message 2. Displays the Dashboard 2.1 Display the Menu 2.2 Log out 3. Register Tenants 3.1 Display Registration Form Fill up the Form 3.2 Add New Record 3.3 Delete Tenant 3.4 Update Tenant 3.5 View Tenant


4. Rental Payment 4.1 Display all the data in the table 4.2 Click a Data in the table and displays it to the form 4.3 Generate Payment 4.5 Save the Record 4.5 Generate Receipt 4.6 Print Receipt

Schedule Feasibility (set the margins so that you can adjust the figures)

1/5/2019 1/5/2019 ID

Task Name


Requirements Specification




January 5,2019

January 18,2019

13d. 0h

February 25,2019

39d .0h



January 18,2019


February 25,2019

March 31,2019

36d. 0h



May 11,2019



March 31,2019


May 11,2019

May 16,2019

5d. 0h


May 16,2019

May 19 ,2019

3d. 0h


Development and Implementation

5/5/2019 2/20/2019




Figure 4: Gantt Chart The Gantt chart Shows the proponent’s productive timeline and management of deliverables to be submitted. With a short and limited time available, the proponents had to be quick and efficient in handling the systems progression.

Requirements Modeling


Preparing of the survey Questionnaire: Status of the Lamacan Argao Cebu Existing Lamacan Argao of NL Record and Payment System Problems in the Existing Record and Payment System

Processing of data through


    

Data Gathering from survey questionnaire Interpretation of data Planning Analysis Design




Figure 5: Input Process Output Diagram

Use Case Diagram Actors are external entities that interact with the system. Actor initiates system activities for the purpose of completing some task. So actors in this project are as follows: 

Administrator/ Landlord:-Super user, manages tenant’s data information in the system.

Tenant – user who are evaluated and can view reports.




Figure 6: Overall Use Case Diagram


Class Diagram

Figure 7: Class Diagram for NL Record and Rental System The Figure above shows the interaction of different classes within the system. Most of the classes interact with the Admin class for it to work properly.


Design Outputs and User Interface Design

Figure 8: User Log in This screen, admin enter his/her username and password to be able to use N.L. Record and Rental System. This page is to provide the security of the system. Therefore, in wrong password entries system shall warn the user with pop-up window.

Figure 9: Administrator Controls This administrator can choose to register and to view tenant’s information.


Figure 10: Tenant Registration The Admin will register the tenants through his/her corresponding information.

Figure 11: Rental Payments The Admin will search the tenant id and the rental amount, balance, and total of all payments displays.


Data Design

Figure 12: Entity Relationship Diagram Above are the tables and the relationship that the proposed system utilizes. Database implementation is made possible by Java Netbeans and MySQL.


System Architecture (are you sure this is available in Nardos Boarding house. ) Network Topology

Figure 13: Hybrid Topology The system utilizes topology networking method is a combination of the star (multiple PC to Switch) and bus (linear switch to server) this workstation accesses the system through a switch, which is connected to the server, which stores the physical system itself.


Development Hardware Specifications The hardware needs of the N.L Record and Rental System are as follows: Server PC of the Boarding House Management System: 1. Processor: Penti 2. RAM: 2 Gigabytes 3. Hard Disk Drive: 100 Gigabytes Software Speciations 1. Java Netbeans 2. XAMPP web server. Program Specifications One of the constraints that the N.L Record and Rental System may encounter is the operation intervention in a way that the operation of testing the system may be affected due to the malfunctioning of the hardware and software of the system.


Testing The testing for the N.L Record and Rental System will consist of Unit, System/Integration (combined) and Acceptance test levels. Mainly the proponent will be the one to do all the tests except for the part where the participants will evaluate the event. The proponent will request other persons to serve as participants in the conduct of the said test. UNIT Testing will be done by the proponent and will be approved by the adviser and a panel of experts. SYSTEM/INTEGRATION Testing will be performed by the adviser and a panel of experts and with assistance from the program developer as required. No specific test tools are available for this project. A program may have up to two Major defects as long as they do not impede testing of the program. ACCEPTANCE Testing will be performed by the actual end users with the assistance of the program developer. Programs will enter into Acceptance test after all critical and major defects have been corrected. A program may have one major defect as long as it does not impede testing of the program.


Definitions of Terms


The super user of the system, capable of creating, editing deleting and viewing results of the system


The user who will be the admin

NL Record and Rental System

The java application.


This Software Project Management Plan


Java is the main programming language used in developing the system


Refers to this system.


The database used in this system.


Structured Query Language, the query language used to store, update and delete records in the database.


It may refer to the admin


The web server used in this system.


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