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Rationale of the study Over the years, human’s way of living changed from time to time when every little thing may get into discovery towards development. People expand their minds to get a better and easy way of earning also with managing certain situations mainly in the business world. Part of the development is to change how a business or organization process of all its operation as the overall cycle of the business over the years. Nowadays, the business had already grown wider and has many different roles to the community and for the economy. Its field has captured the entire scenario of having the best earnings that one may get which may also cause more complications through dealing with different activities and demands of the people behind this field that may result to higher risks and problems. To obtain development, one should consider the most convenient process wherein it involves technology in managing all the business operations through using computer-based systems that will enable the possibilities to improve the performance of their business processes. In this new era, technology has become an integral part of the way of managing all of its activities. Parts of business are the associations created to manage certain operation such as Dental Clinics that deals with billing transactions and patient records, Dental Clinic is an organization that is responsible in providing health medication and treatment for all types of dental illness/issues from various type of patients. As the years rolled by, the number of patients has grown, and various medical cases arise. But how can clinic provide a faster and efficient services if they are still using the traditional method on their daily operation?

The degree to which the patients are satisfied with the care received is relative not only to the doctor’s expertise in their field, but also to the quality of the clinic management. And we all know that as the number of beautifications increase, managing a clinic can also become increasingly difficult, especially everything is done manually. In this study, The researchers hope to develop an application that will minimize all paper works and manual records keeping. Which allow dentist and staff ease in keeping track of patients, reducing patients waiting time and increasing the number of patients served in a system that is fully automated, user-friendly, time effective and efficient. The researchers will create Ramirez Dental Clinic Record System (RDCRS) to solve the problems of the Ramirez dental clinic such as information loss, storage space problems, and security of information, evaluated thoroughly to meet the standards in making such a project and to give the Ramirez dental clinic an efficient flow, outrage and security information through the use of Ramirez Dental Clinic Record System (RDCRS) in their staffs. The Ramirez Dental Clinic uses manual management system which faces a lot of technical problems which leads to slow business growth. Ramirez Dental Clinic Record System (RDCRS) gives the dental clinic the opportunity to offer high and consistent levels of output quality, while improving their productivity through reduction of time consumed and cost. It enables this level of quality by ensuring data integrity and reduces time. The project will mainly generating patient information reports and providing dental clinic dentist and staffs efficient way of storing and getting information. The system is a solution for the in-accurate that are currently happening with the use of manual amputations, not only for the dental clinic’s bill, but also for the transaction with customer. This system will make use of the efficient task distribution for every employee without hustle not like before when they are using manual processes for resolving the work overload issue.

Theoretical Background Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is one of the most influential extensions of Ajzen and Fishbein’s theory of reasoned action (TRA) in the literature. Davi’s technology acceptance model (Davis, 1989; Davis, Bagozzi, & Warshaw, 1989) is the most widely applied model of user’s acceptance and usage of technology (Venkatesh, 2000). It was developed by Fred Davis and Richard Bagozzi (Davis 1989, Bagozzi & Warshaw 19929. TAM replaces many of TRA’s attitude measures with the two technology acceptance measures-ease of use, and usefulness. TRA and TAM, both of which have strong behavioral elements, assume that when someone forms an intention to act, that they will be free to act without limitation. In the real world there will be many constraints such as limited freedom to act (Bagozzi, Davis & Warshaw 1992). Because new technologies such as personal computers are complex and an element of uncertainly exists in the minds of decision makers with respect to the successful adoption of them, people from attitudes and intentions toward trying to learn to use the new technology prior to initiating efforts. Attitudes towards usage and intentions to use may be ill-formed or lacking in conviction or else may occur only after preliminary strivings to learn to use the technology evolve. Thus, actual usage may not be a direct or immediate consequence of such attitudes and intentions. (Bagozzi, Davis & Warshaw 1992). Earlier research on the diffusion of innovations also suggested a prominent role for perceived ease of use. Tornatzky and Kelin (Tornatzky & Klein 1982) analyzed the adoption, finding that compatibility, relative advantage, and complexity had the most significant relationships with adoption across a broad range of innovation types. Eason studied perceived usefulness in terms of a fit between systems, task and job profiles, using the terms “task fit” to describe the metric (quoted in Stewart 1986) Legris, Ingham & Collerette 1003 suggest that TAM must be extended to include variables that account for change processes and that this could be achieved through adoption of the innovation mode into TAM.

Several researchers have replicated Davis’s original study (Davis 1989) to provide empirical evidence on the relationships that exists between usefulness, ease of use and system use (Adams, Nelson & Todd 1992; Davis 1989; Hendrickson, Massey & Cronan 1993; Segars & Grover 1993; Subramanian 1994; Szajna 1994). Much attention has focused on testing the robustness and validity of the questionnaire instrument used by Davis. Adams et al. (Adams 1992) replicated the work of Davis (Davis 1989) to demonstrate the validity and reliability of his instrument and his measurement scales. They also extended it to different settings and, using two different samples, they demonstrated the internal consistency and replication reliability of the two scales. Hendrickson et al. (Hendrickson, Massey & Cronan 1993) found high reliability and good test retest reliability. Szajna (Szajna 1994) found that the instrument had predictive validity for intent to use, selfreported usage and attitude toward use. The sum of this research has confirmed the validity of the Davis instrument, and to support its use with different populations of users and different software choices. Segars and Grover (Segar & Grover 1993) re-examined Adams et al.’s(Adams, Nelson &Todd 1992) replication of the Davis work. They were critical of the measurement model used, and postulated a different model based on three constructs: usefulness, effectiveness, and easeof-use. These findings do not yet seem to have been replicated. However, some aspects of these findings were tested and supported by Workman (Workman 2007) by separating the dependent variable into information use versus technology use. Mark Keil and his colleagues have developed (or, perhaps rendered more popularisable) Davi’s model into what they call usefulness/EOU Grid, which is a 2x2 grid where each quadrant represents a different combination of the two attributes. In the context of software use, this provides a mechanism for discussing the current course if a different mix is desired, such as the introduction of even more powerful software (Keil, Beranek & Konsynski 1995). Venkatesh and Davis extended the original TAM model to explain perceived usefulness and usage intentions in terms of social influence (subjective norms, voluntariness, image) and cognitive instrumental processes (job relevance, output quality, result demonstrability,

perceived ease of use). The extended model, referred to as TAM2, was tested in both voluntary and mandatory settings. The results strongly supported TAM2 (Vnekatesh & Davis 2000). In an attempt to integrate the main competing user acceptance models, Venkatesh et al. formulated the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). This model was found to outperform each of the individual models (Adjusted r square of 69 percent) Venkatesh et al. 2004(. UTAUT has been adopted by some studies in healthcare. TAM has been widely criticized, despite its frequent use, leading the original proposers to attempt to redefine it several times. Criticisms of TAM as a “theory” include its questionable heuristic value, limited explanatory and predictive power, triviality, and lack of any practical value (Chutur 2009). Benbasat and Barki suggest that TAM has “diverted researchers’ attention away form other important research issues and has created an illusion of progress in knowledge accumulation. Furthermore, the independent attempts by several researchers to expand TAM in order to adapt it to the constantly changing it environments has lead [sic] to a state of theoretical chaos and confusion” (Benbasat & Barki 2007). In general, TAM focuses on the individual ‘user’ of a computer, with the concept of ‘perceived usefulness’, with extension to bring in more and more factors to explain how a user ‘perceives’ ‘usefulness’, and ignores the essentially social processes of IS development and implementation, without question where more technology is actually better, and the social consequences of IS use. Lunceford argues that the framework of perceived usefulness and ease of use overlooks other issues, such as cost and structural imperative that force users into adopting the technology. For a recent analysis and critique of TAM, see Bagozzi (Bagozzi 2007). Legris et al. claim that, together, TAM and TAM2 account for only 40% of a technological system’s use.

Technology Acceptance Model

Diffusion of Innovations Theory

(Davis, Bagozzi & Warshaw 1989)

(Tornatzky & Klein 1982)


Level of Usability

Overall Impression


Figure 1: Theoretical Framework of the Study

Review of Related Literature/Studies The following related systems are all widely used Dental Clinic Automated Systems that are similar to the proposed project. They all provide computerized dental office solutions and assistance. The Ramirez Dental Clinic System is a system that merges all the missing components and features of all these applications while adding its best and important features.

Figure 1: name of the system you have researched from the net Below is a Sample description. LA desk is a neatly made helpdesk that allows the administrators to manage their agents on their ticket loads. It also has agent performance reports, broad knowledge base, and also “gamifys” the agent’s performance through badges and levels.

Related Literature and Studies The current system being used in the Ramirez Dental Clinic is still the traditional way of manipulating data. Presented below are some of the related literature that serves as secondary source of information. This section presents the theoretical focus relevant to the field of research and interpretation in relation to the research approach model being used. This theoretical focus, together with the research findings, makes up the foundation for analysis and discussion of the research. In order to analyze the use and management of Information at local levels within the Ramirez Dental Clinic Record System (RDCRS). It needs a theoretical focus for approaching it. The literature was reviewed in the following areas, in order to develop an understanding and Knowledge around issues relating to Ramirez Dental Clinic Record System (RDCRS) in developing. In order to gain an understanding of both the general themes of this thesis and the context of our studies, the literature review prior to, during and after fieldworks. The Literature review is based on the existing Ramirez Dental Clinic System which is manual. In developing, basing on the concept that information systems cannot be understood independently of the people around them, how people work and what kind of organizational practices they are engaged in. This means that work practices that surround data collection, data storage, data processing and analysis, data presentation and use, and information flows within and across the Ramirez Dental Clinic Existin System reflect the wider socio- cultural and politicaleconomic context in which they occur and are influenced by that content.

Overview of the Existing System The current manual system that is being used widely on many Dental Clinics makes the services received by patients not so efficient and effective. Time wasting, loads of paperwork, filing, and a huge numbers of man power needed. This can be lessen it if a computerized system is

being implemented in this organization. This is to make sure that the service and treatment in a Dental Clinic offer become more standard and have a good quality. This system is capable mostly in registration process and billing, In addition most of these available systems are stand alone systems and so all data are not being updated on demand. People who work in the administration needed to key in new data daily. These types of work process are not so efficient, because still the workloads are there, where the admin need to enter important data before the clinics operation are being closed for that day. Usually in computerized Dental Clinic Record System, dental staffs/admin are responsible to handle the system for all registration process and billing. Dental staffs/admin can know either the patients are new to the clinic or the patients have received treatment before. This way of working does reduce time waiting because dental staff/admin are prepared before they see the patient. In this section, location and analysis of the existing knowledge related to the subject of inquiry are cited.

The following section presents the different technologies used in the designing of the application system: Please look below for the format. CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) CSS defines the layout of html documents. It can be used to add a different layout to different html objects/tags, from fonts, colors, margins, images and more. Also, CSS can be defined once and be used in multiple webpages, improving content accessibility and maintenance.

Figure 6: Cascading Style Sheet graphic CSS will be used to design the look and format of the proposed system’s webpages. The researcher will mainly use it to make the web page presentation more user friendly compared to plain format html. A single style sheet will mostly be used for multiple webpages.

Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0

Commented [WU2]: Please provide the name of the t

Microsoft Visual Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) from programs. It is used to develop computer services, as well as websites, web apps, web services and mobile apps. Visual Studio uses Microsoft software development platforms such as Windows API, Windows Forms, Windows Presentation Foundation, Windows Store and Microsoft Silverlight. It can produce both native code and managed code.

C# (C Sharp)

C# is a general objectoriented programming (OOP) language for networking and Web development. C# is specified as a common language infrastructure (CLI) language.

Objectives of the Study Generally, this study aims to design and develop a system that will help dentist and staffs to save time and resources with the automation of specific clinic operations. This study specifically intends to do the following: 1. To provide automated record-keeping; 2. To improve the billing procedures through its computerization; 3. To allow easy, efficient and automated retrieval of patients records.


Scope 1. The system will record all necessary information with regards to patients, treatments, and services. 2. The system will process and determine the payment summary of the patient regarding to their current balances. 3. The system keeps track the records of the patients. 4. The system is password protected. 5. The system can print receipt for the patient’s payment.

Limitation 1. Only the admin can use the system.

Significance of the Study Socio-economic Significance in this study. The study has its significance to a wide range of users. Furthermore, it is believed that the system is of great help to the following entities: Clinic. The Proposed system will simplify and automate everyday clinic and task can help maximize time spent with clients thereby providing better service making timbre profitable. Dentist.The proposed system will make it easier for the doctors to manage technician and convenient when it comes to retrieving patient record. Dentist Staff. Dentist secretary and staff can benefit a lot from this study, states are an integral part of the whole clinic management. Patients.Patients are the dentist’s principal assets. And the reason why ethicists is conducted is to provide a solution to dentists’ need to better serve their patients. Future Researchers. This will benefit other researchers who wish to have similar studies as they can get background information from the result of this study which we’ll share a template to modify their research.


The type of research procedure that is used in conducting this study is developmental method. The researchers mainly used Visual Studio.6 as their programming language to create Dental Clinic Record System. To get a more profound comprehension of the study, descriptive survey method was used to explore functionality and the screen design of the prototype. The purpose behind using descriptive method for this study was to get broad answers/finishes of the respondents to what they feel about the framework and further recognizes the issues and problem during the execution. A survey questionnaire was made taking into the standards of software evaluation to identify issues/problem areas of the system and after an intensive descriptive analysis, was interpreted in qualitative terms.

Organizational Chart

Dr. Ramirez Admin/Dentist

Mike Kenel Niere Dental Staff

Lovette Cabuguas Dental Staff

Ma. Therese Monicit Dental Staff

Figure 2: Organizational Chart for the Ramirez Dental Clinic The Dentist and Staff is there to help maintain the entire Ramirez Dental Clinic and their systems.




Users Figure 3: Organizational Chart for the Ramirez Dental Clinic Record System

List Of Modules User-Admin 1.Log in 1.1 Input Admin Username 1.2 Input Admin Password 1.3 Click Log In (Error Trapping) 2. Add New Patient 2.1 Input Client Id, Full Name, Address, Contact No., Age, Birthday & Email Address. 3. Add New Appointment 3.1 Input Client Id, Appointment Id, Date & Time, Service Type, Dentist.

3.2 Pop Up Appointment Confirmation 4. Search Patient 5. Search Appointment 6. Make Payment 7. Print Reciept 8. View Patient’s Billing and Appointment Report 9. View Total Sales 10. Log Out

Object Modeling LOG IN

Input Admin UserName and Password (Error Trapping)





Input Cliet Id, Full Name, Age, Birthday, Address, Email Address, Contact No. Input Client Id, Appointment No, Date/Time, Service Type and Dentist..






Figure 4: Use Case Diagram for the Administrator

Schedule Feasibility

Inout Appointment No, Date/Time, Ammount

Table 1.: Gantt chart

The Gantt chart shows the proponent’s productive timeline and management of deliverables to be submitted. With a short and limited time available, the proponent’s had to be quick and efficient in handling the systems progression.

Flow of the Study

INPUT. The research procedural flow of the study will commence with the identification of the status of Dental Clinic Record System. It also covers the functionalities of the system in terms of speed, accessibility, usability, efficiency, acceptability. And the overall impression of the system.

PROCESS. The process stage begins with data gathering through survey. Interpreting the data. Planning phase is done to understand why an information system should be created. After planning, analysis investigated the answers of questions of who uses the system, what the system does, and where and when it is used. A design is developed to determine exactly how the system operates.

OUTPUT. Based on the data gathered, the Ramirez Dental Clinic Record System was output of this study.


1. Level of usability of Ramirez Dental Clinic Record System

2. Content, Organization, Readability


Process of Data through:

1. Data gathering from survey questionnaire

2. Interpretation of data

3.Navigation and Links 3. Planning

4. Interface Design

5. Performance and Effectiveness

4. Statistical Computation

5. Analysis 6.Clearness of Information

1.6 Overall Impression



Figure 5: Flow Of The Study


This study was conducted in the town of Argao, specifically at Ramirez Dental Clinic. It is located in the southern part of Cebu Province with 45 barangays. The region of Argao is situated in the southeast of the territory of Cebu, 68 kilometers (42ml) from Cebu City. Argao is precisely mid-path between Cebu City and the southern tip of Cebu Island at Santander. It is roughly 26 kilometers (16ml) from Carcar City, from Alcoy, and from Loon which is over the Bohol or Cebu strait. The rectangle that is Argao, clockwise, in the west by Badian, Alcantara, Ronda, and Dumanjug; in the north by Sibonga; in the east by the Bohol Strait; and in the south by Dalaguete. The Dental Clinic is located at Poblacion,Argao Cebu. It is one of the popular place listed under Dentist in Argao.

Map of Cebu

Map of Argao

Ramirez Dental Clinic Figure 5: Location Map of the research Environment

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