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  • Words: 3,074
  • Pages: 17
St. Andrew’s School Quirino Ave., La Huerta, Parañaque City Academic Year 2018-2019

A Study on the Effect of Generation Z Culture to the Traditional Filipino Values A.Y. 2018-2019

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements in Practical Research 2 and Research Project

Submitted by: David, Jeramiah M. Navarro, Yobhel M.

Submitted to: Mr. Jonaldie Fabaliña Ms. Riza Aviles

CHAPTER 1 Introduction According to Heraclitus “The only constant in life is change” meaning we face change every day. In the past, “Harana” is a special thing because it was a courtship tradition same with sending of letters to person that they are courting through mail. In the era of today “Harana” is not that observed anymore and sending letters can be as easy as simply connecting to the Internet. Many things change mostly it is culture that changes. That is why in our research paper our goal will be knowing the causes and the effect of the cultural change between the Generation Z culture and the traditional Filipino values. Background of the Study Family Values are the values that are learned from one’s family such as respect to others and respect to the law, Church attendance, honesty and many more. In a Filipino family there are cultural values like saying “Po and Opo” as a way of talking to elders, “Pagmamano” is raising an elder’s hand to touch your forehead, this is also done as a sign of respect. Many Traditional Filipino Family Values are followed in order to show respect to the elderly because we Filipinos love our elders and to show our love is to simply show respect. These are some values that Filipinos follow to show the respect and honor to be given to our elders. The researchers chose this topic because the researchers noticed that many Filipino family values are not being done by many Filipinos of today that is why the researchers wanted to know why, are Filipino family values are dying slowly in the Filipinos of today. An article from Stonestreet 2015 said that teenagers choose to stay at home rather than celebrating Mass or going to Church because most devices today provide an opportunity for families to watch services or even make

financial contributions from mobile devices. Based on the experience of the researchers, technology is one of the causes of why Traditional Filipino Family Values are not followed anymore. Technology was made for the betterment of the society and to make life easier. Based from an article by Bates 2016 many children are now technologically literate because it is easily accessible, while children are accessing the Internet the children are able to learn many things which affects their values. The respondents will be random high school students from St. Andrew’s School, the students will answer essay type questionnaires and short interviews during their break time. The location where the data gathering will happen is in St. Andrew’s School in La Huerta, Paranaque City. The estimated time that will be used for the researchers to conduct this research is 2 to 3 school months. The researchers think that the culture of today has a large effect on the Traditional Filipino Family Values. That is what the researchers wants to know, the researchers wants to know the main causes of the cultural change happening in the Generation Z culture.

Statement of the Problem This researcher aims to determine the possible causes of the cultural changes in the Filipino traditional values. 1. What are the Generation Z cultures? 2. What are the Traditional Filipino Family Values? 3. What are the effects of the Generation Z culture to the Traditional Filipino Family Values? 4. What is the cause of the cultural change happening?

5. Who are the people mostly affected by the cultural change? Conceptual Framework

Cultural Diffusion

[Grab your reader’s attention with a great quote from the document or use this Generation Z space culturetoand emphasize a key point. To Traditional Filipino Values place this text box anywhere on the page, just drag it.]


According to Kirschner the Cultural diffusion is the spread of cultural traits from one society to another. Cultural diffusion changes the culture through contact with other cultures. Contact with other cultures can occur in a number of ways including trade, immigration, or warfare. Cultural diffusion affects the culture of the Generation Z and the Traditional Filipino Values through Globalization. Technology also has a great impact on cultural change. Computers and the internet are revolutionizing how people live today and a relevant examples of cultural change through technology.

Scope and Limitations The study will focus on the effects of the Generation Z culture to the traditional Filipino values, the goal of the researchers is to determine the factors that affects the Generation Z culture

in terms of having Filipino values. The researchers will select senior high school students from St. Andrew’s School A.Y 2018-2019 as the respondents. The researchers selected students because most of them belong to the Generation Z culture and are experiencing the same thing about the changes in Filipino traditional values. The methodologies that are going to be used by the researchers are essay type questionnaires and interviews.

Definition of Terms 1. Generation Z - the demographic cohort following Generation Y, also known as the Millennials or the Millennial Generation. The range of the year of the Generation Z are 1995-2012. 2. Values - a person's principles or standards of behavior; one's judgment of what is important in life. 3. “Po” and “Opo”- Filipinos say this as part of respect whenever they talk to elderly people 4. “Pagmamano” – Filipinos practice this gesture as part of respect whenever they see their elders they took their elder’s hands and sticks it to their foreheads. 5. Cultural change - a change in culture 6. Cultural Diffusion – the spread of cultural traits from one society to another.

Significance of the Study

Filipino Youth The findings of this research study will help the Filipino youth of today regarding the cultural change happening. Filipino kids or teens of today will realize that the Traditional Filipino Values are not that sincerely followed. The Generation Z children will know the effect of cultural change to the Traditional Filipino Values that these children grew up with. As technology being easily accessed this also affects the cultural change that the Filipino children of today does not realize the transformation happening between the traditional cultures. The Researchers For the researchers, this will help in discovering the main causes of the cultural change in the society. The Indigenous People The indigenous people or ethnic people are kind of isolated to the technological world that makes them less knowledgeable in technology that is why the indigenous people can benefit from the study by learning why culture always change.

Chapter II This chapter shows the local and foreign related literature will be used by the researchers that will help in the study of the researchers.

Filipino Core Values An article from Dalayoan (2019) stating the different Filipino Core Values, these values were taught to Filipinos since birth and were passed from one generation to another generation. According to Dalayoan (2019), values change slowly, meaning there is cultural change happening. One cause of this cultural change is Filipinos living in other countries that allows Filipinos to adapt those cultures. Slowly Deteriorating and Fading of Filipino Values A study from Arcega and Medrano stating that many Filipinos of today look far different from Filipino ancestors in the way of the Filipinos actions and mode of living in today. Because of the vulnerability to outside cultures or colonial mentality, the way Filipinos live today affects the practiced traditional Filipino cultures. Urbanization is another cause of fading of Filipino values because it affects the living of Filipinos that leads Filipinos to forget to practice those Filipino values.

According to Chukwuere (2017), the impact of social media on social style: a case study of university female students, the impact of social media or new media in education and society. According to the researcher students in developed and developing countries are becoming more addicted to social media, and these reasons can lead to change in social and personal lifestyle both academically and off academic.

According to Schwarth an elementary teacher in California, states that Generation Z would rather communicate in ways that don’t leave paper trail, in short they are more hook with technology. According to a study conducted by Corpuz about understanding the Filipino Values of millennials on social media: A netwographic study, the study reveals Filipino using social media, there are no significant changes on Filipino values.

Chapter III In this chapter the researchers will determine what is going to be the Sampling technique, who are going to be the respondents, what will be the sampling design and instruments to be used and also the procedure on how will the data gathering will happen.

Respondents The goal of the researchers is to know the cause of the slowly fading of the Traditional Filipino Values. In order to find the cause of the cultural change the researchers will need to gather data and in order to get the data the researchers will get respondents. The sampling technique that will be used is simple random sampling. The respondents will be random Gr. 12 Senior High school students from the section of STEM and HUMSS from St. Andrew's School.

Sampling Design

The researchers will use Simple Random Sampling for choosing the respondents, and the entire respondents is chosen randomly and by chance. The researchers have chosen this type of sampling design to avoid bias, in choosing the right respondents. The researchers have chosen this sampling technique because all of the Gr. 12 Students of STEM and HUMSS are part of the Generation Z culture.

Research Design The research that will be conducted is going to be mixed, both quantitative and qualitative. The research design that will be used is correlational because the researchers will be comparing two variables and will be determining the relationship of Generation Z culture and the traditional Filipino Values. The researchers chose this kind of research design because the researchers will be examining the

Instruments The researchers will use questionnaire forms for collecting data needed. The questionnaires should be approved by the research professors. The researchers aim to find answers to the questions: What are the different Generation Z cultures? What are the different Filipino Values? What is the effect of the cultural change? What are the causes of the cultural change happening? Who are the people mostly affected by the cultural change? The researchers will give an allotted time for the respondents to answer the questionnaires given to the respondents.

Procedures The researchers will be giving letter of approval for the teachers of the respondents to conduct a research that will help the researchers in gathering data needed. The researchers will give the questionnaires to the respondents and will give the respondents an allotted time for answering the given questionnaires. After giving questionnaires, tallying will be observed from the researchers. After tallying the researchers will treat the data that the researchers have gathered.

Chapter IV Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data The purpose of this part is to know the main causes of cultural change happening to the traditional Filipino values, and how it is practiced in the culture of the Generation Z. The research study is based on the following assumptions about the Generation Z culture to the traditional Filipino values: the people who belongs to the Generation Z culture tend to forget on how to follow the Filipino traditional values, the internet has vital role towards the behavior and attitudes of a person belongs to Generation Z. The traditional Filipino values are being forgotten as time goes by, and Generation Z people does not know how to respect others. The research design is in the form of descriptive such as survey. The researcher conducted a survey to the senior high school Grade 12 Students of STEM and HUMSS from St. Andrew’s school, the researcher chose the respondents based on their age range in Generation z or students born between 1995 and 2015.

35 32


30 25 25

23 Question 8



Question 3 Question 5


Question 6 Question 9



0 Generation z culture


Generation Z Culture

Q no. 8 I am a price-conscious consumer = 32 responded Q no. 3 I own branded gadgets = 31 responded Q no. 5 I want to start my own business someday = 25 responded Q no. 6 I use abbreviations such as JGH, ILY, HMU, BTW, IMY etc. = 23 responded Q no. 10 Fashionable design matters to me whenever I buy products. = 22


Filipino Values

Q no. 2 Filipinos say “Po” and “Opo” to show respect = 34 responded

Q no. 3 Filipinos practices “Pagmamano” especially to the elderly to show respect = 33 responded Q no.6 I observed Filipinos as hospitable = 33 responded Q no. 7 Filipinos has many superstitious beliefs = 32 responded Q nos. 4 and 5 Filipinos have strong family ties and exercise debt of gratitude = both 31 responded



0.01 – 1.00

Strongly Disagree

1.01 – 2.00


2.01 – 3.00


3.01 – 4.00

Strongly Agree

TABLE 1 Below are the effects of Generation Z culture to the Traditional Filipino Values. Check the response that corresponds to your answer. Σx

























1. One person can spark or top towards meaningful change, one person can’t do much on his or her own. (Social involvement)




2. Filipinos are family oriented but because of technology isolates them to their families.



3. Filipinos of today prefer buying food from fast food restaurants or convenience stores, instead of cooking at home.



4. Filipinos are known for being hardworking until technology, caused them to being technological dependent.








5. Filipinos try their best to conform to social norms, but tend to shy away because of possibility of being bullied through social media.







Strongly Agree

6. Technology affects time management of Filipinos in the Generation Z.







Strongly Agree

7. Some Filipinos of today celebrate mass through television








8. We Filipinos have accepted foreign culture like K- Pop, Anime, American Music etc.







Strongly Agree

9. Filipinos of today become more open to talking to strangers through the use of social media unlike before.







Strongly Agree

10. Filipinos before are thrifty but in today’s culture they tend to spend more on gadgets, or travelling









Kindly answer the questions given below. 1. What do you think is the cause of cultural changes happening between Generation Z culture and Traditional Filipino Values?

Top 3 Answers Time











Top 3 Answers

According from the data gathered the researchers noticed that Technology is the cause of the main cause of the cultural change happening between the Generation Z culture and the Traditional Filipino Values. The second one is Globalization because of the influence of the other countries the Filipino People, are most likely to appreciate the culture of other countries. The third answer is time of course time because time changes and while time change, everything change. That is the collected data

2. Who do you think are mostly affected by the cultural change?

Chart Title

Indegenous People Elderly

Youth or the Future Generation 0 Top Answers


10 Series 2





According to the data from the gathered questionnaires the results stated that youth is the most affected by the cultural change happening. The second one who is mostly affected by the cultural change is the elderly people because some of the elderly still follow traditional practices. The third one is the indigenous people because some of the ethnic people are alienated to the internet or to technology. That is why they are affected by the cultural change.

Chapter V The following chapter concludes this research study. A summary of the research presented, and findings of the study are discussed and interpreted. Recommendations for further research is seen at the end of the chapter. Summary This study observed the effects of the Generation Z culture to the Traditional Filipino Values. The Literature review helped the researchers in knowing the different Filipino core values and

the cultural change in the traditional Filipino values. The research design was followed by the researchers in gathering data. The right way of creating questionnaires and sampling was done for the researchers to start the data gathering. The gathering of data was done, after gathering tallying of the questionnaires was observed from the researchers. After tallying the given findings the right treatment of data was done by the researchers. The use of weighted mean and listing was done by the researchers. Conclusion When there is an effect automatically there is a cause, the effect of Generation Z culture to Traditional Filipino Values is the slowly fading of the Traditional values that were taught by the elderly Filipinos to the children. The number one cause of this effect is Technology because technology changed the way we live. Before buying in malls is done physically but technology made it easy for the people by the use of online shopping applications. Technology is also developing causing the gadgets of the people to be upgraded. Technology also affected the hardworking value of the Filipinos that makes the Filipino people in being technological dependent. That is why technology is the cause of the slow fading of the traditional Filipino values. Recommendations For the future researchers since this study had only focused on the effect and the causes of the slow deteriorating of the traditional Filipino Values, it is recommended to focus on what will be the effect of this to the people who are mostly affected by the cultural change. Let this study be a guide to the future research.

To the Filipino Youth, that this study will let the Filipino children not to be technological dependent and not get heavily influenced by the other countries.

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