Chapter 1-3 Tri

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  • Words: 2,209
  • Pages: 14
Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION The ever-increasing demand for goods and commodities brought about by the rapid increase in population has spawned a phenomena: the rapid increase of the number of means of transportation via land. In Antique, especially in its capital town – San Jose de Buenavista,





Transporting goods and the populace




to their different destinations

everyday. Tricycle drivers form a significant number of the workplace of San Jose. From a sociologist point of view, they are a good “object of study” due to the fact that, aside for a privileged few who can afford to have a privately-owned vehicle, majority of the populace in San Jose, Antique commute everyday via public transport system. In, San Jose, this means riding in tricycles. At stake in this scenario are the lives of the commuters. In the hands of “good” tricycle drivers, lives of their passengers are secure. With “bad” driver, lives as in constant danger.

Background and Rationale of the study

2 The respondents of the study are daily commuters themselves, as such, they are also prone to vehicular accidents. In the hands of “good” drivers they are assured continuity of their daily flow of activities. One “mistake” and they could be plunged into uncertain future. Jeepney or bus drivers number only a few. They do not form a significant group away those who are daily “kings of streets.” Tricycle drivers are many-hence, it is easily assumed, they are the ones who are daily “in-charge” of the commuters’ safety or demise.

Objectives of the study This study aimed to determine the practices, violations and awareness of traffic signs of tricycle drivers in San Jose, Antique for calendar year 2009.

Specifically, this study sought answers to the following questions: 1. What is the profile of tricycle drivers in San Jose, Antique for CY 2009









attainment, license status, length of driving, and type of driver? 2. What are the practices and violations tricycle drivers in San Jose,

Antique for CY 2009 and what are their awareness of traffic signs?

1 3. What is the level of awareness of traffic signs of tricycle drivers

in San Jose, Antique for CY 2009?

Theoretical Framework


Conceptual Framework


The assumed relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variables is diagramed below. Independent Dependent Variables Variables

Age Practices Gender Violations Civil Status Awareness of traffic Educational Attainment Signs License Status Length of Driving Type of Driver


Operational Definition of Variables and Other Terms

Chapter 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE The rapid increase of machineries and the mobility of your society have exposed the individual and the community to the many dangers associated with the operation of water vehicles. Motor vehicle traffic accident occurs when motor vehicle in motion on a public street or highway causes death, injury or property damage. Although our society is full of law, ordinances and precautions regarding proper decorum on streets, traffic accidents still occur every day.

2 In the forefront of this scenario are drivers, for no vehicle can move around or for that matter, no accident may occur, if drivers are not there to man these vehicles. It is of no question that drivers themselves put extra conscious effort towards their driving business. For aside from the fact that driving is their livelihood, more important are their lives that are in constant danger. One small move and either they land in hospitals or cemeteries. Driving as an occupation, then, is a dangerous one, and drivers, if they do not put extra effort towards road safety, are deemed as “spent bullets.” Always associated with driving are accidents. Collusion, travelling off-course, and falling-off on cliffs are almost of daily occurrence. Needless to say, all of these bring about disastrous consequences. Loss of lives and damage to property are the most likely result. Vehicular Accidents Vehicular accidents – the occurrence of any unknown incidents that happens when one is riding a vehicle – are of daily occurrences. News reports, TV footages, and radio reports are almost always full of reports on vehicular accidents. It seems as if it can almost be said that driving a vehicle or riding one is almost “a trip towards one’s grave.” Although one may make extra effort to make sure his actions don’t result in a vehicular accident, oftentimes an accident will still occur as a result of another’s negligence or carelessness. Many

2 ordinances have been passed to reduce the number of accidents, however, vehicular accidents continue to be the most common type of accident in the Philippines, due largely to driver negligence and disregard for traffic safety rules. In addition to everyday distraction causing an accident such as road construction and weather, the increased use of electronic devices by person while driving – cell phones and iPods, – further increase the potential for accidents. When an auto accident occurs, the first act taken would be to determine the safety and injuries of all drivers and passengers. When the driver is not seriously injured and the vehicle is able to be moved, He/she should immediately move it out of traffic to a safe location on the side of the road to avoid causing an additional collusion. If no emergency medical treatment is needed, contact with the nearest local police precinct and preparation of the accident report is the driver’s immediate concern. The report should include detailed description regarding the accident based on the actual experience of the driver.

Car Accidents Oftentimes, car accident occurs as a result of a driver’s negligent or careless behavior. Failure to properly follow traffic safety rules and use reasonable care when driving a vehicle increases the potential for a road injury to occur; however, contributing factors to an accidents may also include: disregarding traffic signs and warnings, improperly

2 trained driver, speeding, driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, tail gating, disregarding regular car maintenance and safety checks, disregarding dangerous weather and road conditions.

Semi Truck Accidents Semi truck accidents often occur for mistakes and negligence committed by truck drivers. As our economy gets better and as our country’s food producers and retailers continue to transport goods using large scale trucking service, the potential for semi-truck accidents may be substantially reduced by the drivers paying special attention to their speed, unsafe road conditions, fatigue, necessary truck maintenance, intoxication, equipment defects of malfunction, improperly loaded or unbalanced cargo, inadequate and improper signage.

Motorcycle Accidents Riding a motorcycle can be very convenient and cost friendly, especially while gas prices continue to rise across the nation; however, the limited safety features of a motorcycle can present an extreme risk to a driver. Although safety laws require motorist to watch for motorcycles on the road, oftentimes they do not exercise proper procedures, resulting in serious injuries, which include: broken bones,

2 brain damage and head injuries; back, neck, and spinal chord injuries including paralysis and road burn. Safety Driving Researches have shown the following to be the top five (5) causes of accidents: Failure to yield right of way to other vehicle and pedestrian, reckless overtaking, improper turning, following too close, exceeding lawful speed limit. Corollary to this, the following are highly recommended for drivers to obey about safety in driving: Beware of drugs (medications) that can impair driving ability, frustration, anger and anxiety increases the driver’s involvement in motor vehicle carnage, turn lights on at dusk (don’t wait until dark), slow down at intersection even if you don’t have the stop sign, do not squeeze in front of a truck because it takes 18 wheeler twice as long to stop as a car, always wear seatbelts, never ride with a baby in your lap, do not drink and drive, look and listen carefully before driving over railroad crossings (train needs 6000 feet or a mile to stop from an average speed), always keep a safe distance (1 car length for every 10 kph), pull off the road before taking care of any situation. (do not eat, put on make-up, or use cell phone while driving) Defensive Driving Defensive driving is often defined as preventing crashes before they occur, it is the demonstration of an attitude, awareness and driving kills such as: stay alert and keep eyes moving so that you can

2 keep track of what is happening at all times; look for trouble spots developing around you; have plan of action if the other driver does the wrong thing; and know the law requires drivers to protect each other from their own mistakes. A defensive driver must: be able to keep a safe driving record, have a positive attitude on road safety, be physically and mentally fit to drive, have received proper training before driving. Factors that Affect Driving Attitude, a defensive must develop and demonstrate an attitude that: shows concern for other road users; recognizes that other road users will make mistakes; knows no journey is so urgent that a safe speed can be maintained; driving is a skill which requires the application of good techniques; and; believes that safe driving requires an alert mind at all times. Behavior, an ideal defensive driver: always clean the seatbelt, keep within the advisory speed limit; constantly scans the road for potential hazard, signals his intentions at all times and show courtesy at all times. The factors affecting the behavior of the driver are the following; alcohol, drugs and fatigue. Right mental attitude, a defensive driver always maintains a safe caution of distance in front and behind his vehicles by: a) observing the four-second rule, b) adopting a positive and skilled mental approach. Search the road seen ahead, around and rear of the vehicles, identity the potential and

2 immediate hazard on the road, predict the actions of other road users and decide what to do to avoid an unsafe situation.

Keys to Effective Defensive Driving Concentration, standard vision, hearing and health all have a bearing on the amount of concentration; the driver must adjust the speed of his vehicle on the degree of concentration he is able to apply. Driving plans and decisions, driving plans should be made on the correct assessment of the changing scene both ahead or to the rear of the vehicle, driving plans should enable the driver to make decisions in a methodological manner, plans and decisions are combination of what can be seen, what cannot be seen circumstances which are expected to rise, allowances for the mistakes of other road users. View from the vehicle, the driver must aim to have the best possible view of the area around the vehicle, windows and windshield must be clean, washers and wipers should be functioning, mirrors are properly adjusted at the start of the journey. Visions affected by speed, the driver must adjust the length and the depth of his vision according to the speed trail, focus further ahead as his speed increases; road and traffic conditions will govern speed, mirrors are properly adjusted at the start of the journey. Vision affected by fatigue, continuous driving for long periods will causes fatigue which will result in eye strain, recognition and

2 assessment of dangerous situations will become late and inaccurate, making it essential to have period of rest. Weather conditions, fog, rain, fading daylight or bright sunshine will reduce visibility so speed must be kept low. Road surface, a good driver is one that looks ahead and recognizes any change in the road surface; keep a steady speed on open roads. Slow down smoothly, press the pedal lightly. Starting up slowly give other drivers and people walking a chance to see what you are doing. They can then judge how to react. When you have reached the speed you want, glance at the speedometer.

Driving Techniques and Safety Keys to safe driving, good vision, look with your eyes but see with your mind, obeying traffic rules and regulations, proper care of your car, be courteous to other road users, proper signaling, failure to signal is dangerous and inconsiderate, physical fitness, let someone else take the wheel if you are not physically and mentally alert. A good driver uses his brakes. An experienced driver is able to make without using his brakes a great odd and yet be perfectly safe, as compared to the less experienced one who keeps on banging at his brakes every now and then. Skidding is cause by sudden hard and violent braking as the weight of the vehicle is thrown forward and

2 downward thereby subjecting the front suspension to a force greatly in excess of what is normal. Steering therefore becomes unwieldy. Things to do while driving in the rain, turn your headlights when visibility is very poor, slow down at first sign of rain or drizzle on the roadway. This is when may road pavements are most slippery because oil and dust have not been washed away, driving on flooded roads could lose your brakes, if this happens, test your brakes thoroughly to dry them out (do this if the engine has not drowned and once beyond the flooded stretch, avoid instant stopping, turning and starting the engine, increase your “following” distance and allow extra space, clean your windshield, washers and check wiper blades if they are working.

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