Chap4 Departments Of Pia

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Chapter4 Departments of PIAC

CHAPTER 4 DEPARTMENTS OF PIAC PIAC’s major departments are: 

Finance Department

Human Resource Department

Marketing Department & its various sections


FUNCTIONS OF FINANCE DEPARTMENT The duties of a typical finance department can be classified into two generic

categories. The first category is planning and the second function is controlling. These activities are inter-related and inseparable because if there is no planning there will not be any control. Therefore planning and control move together. Planning refers to the activities which bridge the gape from the starting point to the terminal point. Planning in the finance department under review refers to the activities of Cash Flow and Budget preparation. 1 PLANNING Planning is fundamental to the management process, a process of sensitizing an organization to external opportunities and threats, of determining the desirable and possible objectives, and of deploying the resources to match the objectives. Without planning there is no basis for controlling as planning provides the foundation upon which the control function operates. The planner should be able to visualize the proposed pattern of activities individually and collectively, internally and externally. BUDGETS The budget is not only the most important plan of an enterprise, but also the basic link of accounting with management. The use of budgets, particularly in connection with the

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Chapter4 Departments of PIAC

control phase of management, has been termed as “budgetary control”. A company’s organizational chart and its chart of accounts form the basic framework on which to build a coordinated and efficient system of managerial planning and budgetary control. The organization chart defines the functional responsibilities of executives and thereby justifies their budgets. Although final responsibility for the budgets rests with executive management, all managers are responsible for the preparation and execution of their departmental budgets. If a budgetary control system is to be successful, these managers must fully cooperate and must understand their role in making the budget system successful Budget precedes the cash flow or cash budget. Budgeting process is usually directed by a budget committee. The budget committee review, decides, suggest and approve various policy matters and then all the work is submitted to the Managing Director/ Chairman for the final consideration and approval. In performing these functions, the budget committee becomes a management committee. It is a powerful forces in coordination the various activities of the business and in controlling the operations. BUDGET-DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION The procedure used in developing a budget may be as important as its content and should include these fundamental principles;  Provides adequate guidance so that all management levels are working on the same assumptions, targeted objectives, and agenda. All managers should understand the limitations and constraints of their participation and the bounds of their decision making. Participants should be told, prior to the time.  Encourage participation in the budgeting process at each level within the organization. Structure the activity of developing the budget by involving the people who will be responsible for the implementation of the budget and who will be rewarded accordingly to its accomplishments.  Structure the climate of budget preparation to eliminate the anxiety and defensiveness. Individuals should have the freedom and authority to influence and accept their own performance levels, and should assume the responsibility

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for the accomplishment. Budget preparation should be oriented to the problems and opportunities of the participants.  Structure the preparation of the budget so that there is a reasonably high probability of successful attainment of the objectives. When challenging the attainable objectives achievement, feeling of success, confidence, and satisfaction are produced and aspiration levels are raised. A careful distinction should be made between controllable factor for which individuals should be responsible and for uncontrollable factor for which they are not. CONTROLLING This function of the finance department is carried out in the light of standards set in the planning stage. The actual performance is compared with the preplanned objectives and standards, which lead to rectification of any deviation and improvement suggestions which will assist in future planning. Management control is the systematic effort by the business management to compare performance with plans. The control function is of prime importance in the accomplishment of objectives. The need for control increases with the size and complexity of the organization. Continuous supervision of an activity, task or job is required to keep it within previously defined boundaries. These boundaries are termed as budgets in the planning phase, are set up for manufacturing, marketing, finance and all other activities. Actual results are measured against plans; and if significant differences are noted, remedial actions are taken. Generally in this phase the actual performance is derived from the preparation of the monthly Profit and Loss Account and is compared with the projected profit and loss account in order to observe the actual variance. When the variance is detected then it is analyzed to know the reasons/ causes resulted in the variance. If these causes or reasons are controllable then corrective measures are taken to rectify it. The difference is projected and actual performance (surplus or deficit) is taken to the next period and adjusted accordingly. Monthly Profit and Loss Account – tool of control Comparison of actual Vs projected or judicial figures which leads to variance.

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Chapter4 Departments of PIAC

4.1.2 ORGANIZATION OF FINANCE DEPARTMENT All the financial activities and units at the various sub-stations level like Peshawar, Chitral, Swat, Bannu, and D.I.Khan are administratively under the control of Finance Manager Peshawar station. The entire District Sale Managers (DSMs) at other stations are administratively responsible to GM (NWFP) for their station’s accounts. The finance departments of all the regional head offices of NWFP is headed by the Finance Manger, who is assisted by assistant finance Manager, and five officers. Besides, there are four cashiers, four supervisors and lower staff. The supervisors and cashiers are responsible to their respective account officer. The whole of finance section is functionally responsible to the Director finance at the head office level. The Finance Department is further sub-divided into five sections namely Revenue section, Disbursement section, Agent sales section, Credit section and Refund section. The organizational hierarchy of finance section of PIA Peshawar is given below 2

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(Chart no. 2) The organizational Hierarchy of Finance Section of PIA, Peshawar3














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4.1.3 STATION ACCOUNTING FUNCTIONS The Accounting functions of finance department at Peshawar station are as follows. 1. Maintenance of accountable forms, control, custody and reserve stock and requisitioning of accountable forms. 2. Acceptance, safe book keeping, deposit and reporting of proceeds from passenger, cargo and other sales, including the preparation of the related sales reports. 3. Making refund and disbursements and reporting of funds expended for payrolls and other operational expenses. 4. Maintenance of details, accounts, routine follow-up and control of local debtors. 5. Determining that credit practices confirm to prescribed limitations and reporting of delinquent accounts to District manager/head office. 6. Maintaining record of fixed assets and reporting of new acquisitions, disposal or movements of new assets from one location to another. 7. Performance of audit function. 8. Maintaining books and accounts for function station operation, making necessary provisions, comparing with budget and reporting of variances and analysis thereof. 9. Reporting of the inter station transactions. 10. Reporting significant changes in valuation of fixes assets4.

4.1.4 FINANCIAL PROCEDURE AT PIA PESHAWAR 4.5.1 Accounting Activities a.

The accounting activity at the station starts with the issuance of basic accountable documents i.e. issuance of ticket, airway bill, miscellaneous charges order, official receipt and preparation of pay vouchers etc.


Entries are made in the relevant report from the basic accountable documents continuously in a systematic manner on the same day of its issuance.

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Posting into the ledger, registers and other station records are made from the office copies of the reports. For posting transactions like gross salaries, expanses paid by the other stations and outstanding payments etc, such transactions are made in the register. Posting with the ledger, registers and other station records are made from the register or statements. Inter office clearing For collection made on behalf of other station, an invoice collection advice is prepared and sent to the station on whose behalf the collection has been made. For payments made on behalf of other station, an inter station advice is prepared and sent to the station on whose behalf the payments has been made, entries are made accordingly. Submission of Reports and Statements to the Head Office Reports and statements submitted to head office by station accounts are; a. Daily i. Passenger and baggage sales report R-1 ii. Cargo sale report R-2 iii. Cargo delivery and collection report R-3 iv. Miscellaneous cash/credit transactions report R-3 v. Invoice collection report R-5 vi. Refund report R-6 vii. Statement of cash transactions and banking control R-9 viii. Statement of staff advances and loans R-14 ix. Station disbursement report R-15. b. Weekly i. Refund report R-6 ii. Statement of staff advances and loans D-4 iii. Station disbursement report D-15 iv. Station sales performance report

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c. Fortnightly i.

Agents’ performance report and payment record.

d. Monthly i. Reconciliation statement of collection bank’s account. ii. Reconciliation statement of working or revolving funds of bank’s account. iii. Foreign stations. 

Monthly statement of receipts and expenditures.

Summary of statement of cash transactions and banking form R-9

dispatched to head office. 

Classified summery of expenditure.

Summary of station disbursement report (D-15) dispatched to head

office. e. Annually Inventory of assets at station. All the reports and returns are prepared in the manner laid down in the manuals. By 15th of each month when all the reports and returns of the previous month have been dispatched to head office, the station accountant prepares a statement of monthly reports and returns submitted to head office giving the data of dispatch and forward the same to controller in charge of station operations along with his comments and explanations where necessary.

4.1.5 FINANCIAL REPORTING5 A report code “R” along with a number is used for representing these reports. These all reports are revenue reports, which are as follows. R-1, Direct PAX (Passengers) Sale In this report the revenue record is maintained regarding direct PAX sales by PIAC itself. The record of all tickets sold by PIAC is sent to finance department for controlling and auditing purpose.

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The audit coupon of tickets is used as a basis of this report. The mode of payment may be in the shape of: 



TVs (Travel vouchers) for MNAs/MPAs.

TAC (Travel authorization certificate) for defense forces. *

APW (Air passage warrant) for defense forces. *

Credit cards

Personal credit by high officials * For TAC, 50% concession is allowed * For APW, 100% concession is available but one APW is valid for one-way journey only.

R-2 Direct Cargo Sale It includes the record of all cargo revenue booked by PIAC. Credit extended to the followings. 

Ministry of foreign affairs; for diplomatic bags and for foreign office mails.

Defense Agencies, domestic/international airways bills are issued to army, PAF and Navy for the transportation of defense goods.

The Jung Group of Publications, for the newspaper mails.

R-3, Incoming Shipments It contains the record of all incoming shipments. Pak Army, Navy and Air force buy/ goods on “TO PAY BASIS” OR “CHARGES COLLECT” R-4 Misc. Receipts The record of income other than PAX + Cargo sale is maintained in R-4. The sources may be like, 

Catering sale

Ground handing

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Engineering earned revenue

Rent of computer and binding to the agents

Utility bills

PF loan adjustment

Family cards

Validity of tickets extended For credit transactions, the invoice record is maintained in R-4 when cash is received, it is recorded in R-4 and R-5 is based on C-R. R-5, Collection of Accounts receivable It is invoice collection and adjustment report. When credit is made, invoices are raised. These invoices are then fed in computer programme. As soon as the cheque is received “CR” is also fed in computer. At the end of month, the invoices against which the payments have been made are deleted from records. At the end of month totals are reconciled. It includes the following information,

Invoice date/number

Location & A/C No

Customer No & amount received etc. R-6, Cash Refund It includes the record of all tickets refunded. The details are as following,  If tickets refunded before 24 hrs of departure, full amount is paid.  If ticket is refunded before 6 hours of departure, 25% deduction is made.  If ticket is refunded less than 6 hours of departure, 50% of deduction is made.  For flight subject to weather conditions (northern areas), no deduction is made.  For international Tickets Cheque is issued instead of cash.  Tickets loss refund is valid for international Tickets only.

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R-7 It is related to payments received against invoices raised by other stations. It has two types. a) Incoming R-7 b) Outgoing R-7 Incoming R-7 It includes the record of payments received by other station on

behalf of our

station and invoices collection advice from other station. Outgoing R-7 In this report our station sends intimation so other relevant stations about payments received against invoice raised by other station. It also certain invoice collection advice R-7. R-8 It includes statements of reconciliation of A/R and adjustment. It contains the following information, 

Balance at the end of previous month.

Invoices rose during the month.

Cash collected during the month against invoices.

Outgoing and incoming R-7 and Dads. R-9 It is monthly summary of collections. It contains summary of the collection of revenue through R1, R2, R3, R5, R10 and R11 and details of report wise deposits. It also shows cash collections under columns. R-10 The tickets sold, mostly international through IATA and GSA agents’ known as PAX sales report and is submitted to the head office called R-10. R-11 The report showing cargo booking through cargo booking agent is known as R11.

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D-15 This is about the disbursement and internal and external expenses of the PIAC.

4.2 HUMAN RESOURCE DEPARTMENT IN PIA 4.2.1 INTRODUCTION Every organization has to perform certain personnel functions in its own capacity. Every organization must hire, train, pay, motivate, maintain and ultimately separate employees. Every organization has its peculiar administrative structure, which suits the function, objectives, strategies, rules and procedure of that organization. Administration is the collective activity directed towards the attainment of a specific goal. Administration and management are used interchangeably and have no distinction. In the strict sense, Administration is execution of pre-determined policies; while management is the determination, execution and evaluation of these policies. Thus administration is defined as determination, execution and evaluation of policies. Administration/Human Resource Management is one of the most complex and challenging fields of endeavor. Human Resource (HR) manager for that matter must be greatly concerned with the expectations of both employees and society in general. Society at large proclaimed its human resources to have vital needs that move beyond a “work force” status. The Pakistan international airlines corporation (PIAC) has an Administration department, which involves the organization and management of man and material in order to accomplish its goals. Administration Manager is the head of the Administration department; where as the head of the overall Administration is GM HR of the region. The HR Manager is directly under the control of GM of the respective region.

4.2.2 HUMAN RESOURCE DEPARTMENT AT PIA PESHAWAR The HR section at Peshawar station is headed by the HR Manager. The HR section comprises of an HR officer and three HR Supervisors. The activities of HR department include the personnel and human relations, security arrangement, transportation, stationary, filing and record keeping, discipline in the organization, development and maintenance of support system for the successful operations and the HR Manager Peshawar, Lahore, Rawalpindi, Islamabad, Manager Department of Business& Administration, Gomal University. 44 Policy & Procedure Sub-Division Admin. Manager Manager Staff Personnel Officer Remuneration Planning Manager Industrial Development Employment Relations Multan, Karachi Quetta

Chapter4 Departments of PIAC

coordination of activities of various departments. The communication of various decisions, policies, plans and strategies to the various departments is the responsibility of the Administration department.6










4.2.3 FUNCTIONS OF THE ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT The Administration/HR department in PIA is concerned with the following functions. 1. The structuring of individuals and functions in productive relationship is carried out by the Administration department, in the form of organization of rules, procedures, functions and human resources. 2. The Administration department of PIA manages the personnel and is concerned with the direction of these individuals and functions to achieve ends previously determined.

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3. The techniques and process of working and the interrelationship of various functions are determined by the Administration dept: in PIA. 4. The Administration Dept: in PIA provides the tools and material with the help of which the operational work is carried out. This includes pens, ink, computers, papers, files, cabin, furniture, air-conditioner etc. 5. The Administration dept: in PIA also carry out the investigations and inquiries of any office employee violating the rules and regulations, indiscipline and misuse of his/her authority etc. 6. The arrangements for infrastructure like offices support services and the Administration department maintains physical facilities for the human resources. The Administration of PIA through the maintenance of security staff ensures the security of the office, building, furniture, fixture and supplies etc. 7. The uninterrupted communication and the maintenance of the means of communication is the responsibility of the Administration department. It ensures the proper co-ordination among the employees, management, rules, procedures and functions of different departments.

4.2.4 PERSONNEL (HRM) FUNCTIONS OF THE ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT PIA being one of the largest organization of the country is also absorbs graduates from different parts of the country. Both for its managerial and non-managerial positions, posts are advertised with the requirements mentioned through newspapers and also through it website. In response a bank of application is formed and after the initial screening a test is given and the top scorers are interviewed for further refining of the selection process. After physical examination and approval from the competent authority, offer for appointment is given to the candidates. Those selected are given an orientation and then their positions are confirmed. Once selected, the employees are given different trainings from time to time by PTC (PIA Training Center) to enhance their skills so that they better perform their existing work and are prepared for future work. A complete employee record is maintained and every employee is assigned a P-number.

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The benefits are in the form of salary and allowance, with medical facilities and fixed free tickets. An ACR is maintained for the performance appraisal which also provides basis for promotion. Discipline is maintained any for any violation show cause notice and explanation are called. The age of retirement in PIAC is the completion of 25 years of service or attaining the age of sixty. The Administration Dept maintains the record of each and every employee of its home station, which after the retirement of employee is sealed and stored.

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Chapter4 Departments of PIAC

4.3.1 MARKETING DEPARTMENT IN PIA Today is the era of change and in this regard PIA cannot remain aloof from this very trend prevailing in the market. There exists a tough competition in the travel industry. Advancement in technology, change in economic conditions and relaxation in government protection has exposed PIA to a number of challenges in the market. Customers are also becoming better informed, thus demanding and expanding a better quality services. Now-a-days success of any company depends on its efficiency in the marketing activity. A wrong assessment of market causes serious doubts about the success of any business concern especially when it has competitors and challenges in front. Customers’ analysis, Customers’ needs and wants, Customers’ satisfaction, product features, competitors’ advantages, cost factors, price assessment, different traveling packages (summer package), award plus (concession to regular customers) and many such like things which are related with the customers needs and wants, purchase of new aircrafts and profit making; are handled by the marketing department of PIA. Therefore they have to prepare an effective and efficient marketing mechanism so as to answer all the questions favorably in the presence of social and economic forces, which are presenting serious challenges to the business.8

4.3.2 ROLE OF MARKETING DEPARTMENT The major role of marketing department in PIA is to earn sufficient revenue for the airline both through the passengers and cargo sales. Both the passengers and cargo sections are given monthly, quarterly, six months and yearly targets by the Head Office Karachi throughout the financial year. These sections have to achieve targets set for them after having evolved their marketing plans prepared for them by the marketing department of PIAC. The practice in PIA is that the marketing strategy is determined on the basis of prevailing business conditions and the previous year’s performance. In this regard marketing department prepares district activity report for the whole of NWFP. The report includes the last month and the current month performance. Both the passengers and cargo sections initiate their activity reports separately for each month. The reports are helpful to the head office as they provide them with full information regarding the

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business activities of the two sections independently hence highlighting their monthly performance in regard to business9.

(Chart no 4) Organizational set up of Marketing Dept. at PIA Head-Office10 SVP Marketing

GM Passenger (Sales)

GM Cargo (Sales)

GM Gulf

GM Europe

GM North

GM USA & Canada

GM Marketing Planning & Services GM South (KSA)

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GM Asia Pacific


Chapter4 Departments of PIAC

4.3.3 FUNCTIONS OF MARKETING DEPARTMENT There are many functions performed by the marketing department, some of them are the following:  The main functions of marketing department are to earn revenue for the corporation either through passengers or through cargo transactions.  To earn revenue for the corporation; passenger and cargo section receives targets from the head office, which are to be met in the current financial years.  To achieve these targets, the marketing department converts them to monthly basis, i.e. how much part of the specified targets to be achieved in a particular month of the current year.  Marketing department makes marketing plans both for passengers’ section and cargo section; and determines their marketing strategies keeping in view their previous year’s performance and current business environments.  The marketing department both the passengers and cargo branches make its District Activity Report about their previous months’ performances.  These reports are then sent to the head office to inform higher authorities11.

4.3.4 MARKETING DEPARTMENT AT PIAC PESHAWAR INTRODUCTION12 Marketing is an important business function. Customer is the center point of marketing. Every decision in the enterprise is taken in the context of customer. Marketing actually bridges the

gap between production and consumption. Today marketing has

become the most significant function of business function. In this connection, marketing plays a significant role in the economy of the country and raising the standard of living of society. Philip Kotler defines marketing, “as a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating an exchanging products and value with others.” Thus marketing aims at exchanging products or services that satisfy human wants. The marketing department is one of the most important departments among other department of PIAC. Marketing is the performance of those

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activities which seek to accomplish an organization’s objectives by anticipating customer needs and directing the flow of goods and services from producer to consumer. The main source of revenue generation is the Marketing department, because it deals with commercial side of the organization. Marketing department at Peshawar station is directly under the control of SVP Marketing and functionally responsible to the Managing Director. Where as the Marketing department is administratively under the control of D.M. NWFP because of its strategic nature in organization. The SVP Marketing at the head office advises the M.D on the development of corporate plans and long-term strategic gains from this very department. The Marketing department has unique nature because of following reasons. 

The product is highly perishable.

The quality of product is difficult to check before the final sale.

The service cannot be inventoried.

4.3.5 MARKETING DEPARTMENT SETUP AT PIA PESHAWAR At Peshawar station the marketing department can broadly be divided into two sections.13 A. PASSENGER SECTIONS. B. CARGO SECTION. We are concerned with Passenger Section of Marketing Department of PIA, Peshawar. PASSENGER SECTION The PAX (Passengers) of the marketing department are again divided into two parts: A. Passenger Sales Section. B. Passenger Service Section PASSENGER SALES SECTION The Passenger Sales Manager (PSM) who is assisted by four Sales Promotion Officers (SPO) and one Assistant Passenger Sales Manager heads the PAX (Passenger) Sales Section. The main function of this section is to promote PIA’s business by the sales of revenue documents and earn more revenue for the corporation. As already mentioned the Pax Sales Section receives body targets for the head office for every financial year, with mutual concentration of high-level authorities of this section. These body targets are Department of Business Administration, Gomal University.


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given as 10% increase on the previous year’s target and are different for different sectors, for instance for Peshawar-Dubai sector they are different from Peshawar-Karachi-Jeddah sector.

(Chart no-5) Organizational Structure of Passenger Sales Section at PIA, PEW15


Assistant PSM

HR/Admin Assistant



Office Attendant

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Computer Operator


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In simple words it means that the head office authorities specify for Peshawar station Pax Sales Section that it has to take a particular number of passengers to a particular sectors in that financial year. To meet these body targets, the Pax Sales Section, convert into revenue targets for each sector. These revenue targets are again divided on monthly basis, i.e. specify parts of these revenue targets are set for a particular sector, to be achieved in a particular month. For the achievement of these revenue targets, the Pax Sales Section formulates “Marketing Plan” and determines the Marketing Strategy considering the previous year’s performance. For its monthly performance, it makes a monthly district activity sales report, which is sent to the head office for the information of the concerned authorities. For the achievement of these revenue targets the Pax Sales Section takes the help from various agencies (travel agents). There is also different District Sales Managers (DSM) for different districts like Chitral, Swat, Abbottabad, Bannu and D.I.Khan; who are assigned a part of these targets to be achieved. Generally speaking PIA has three major types of commission travel agents, who also help the Pax Sales Section in the achievement of these targets. These travel agents are GSA, PSA and IATA General Sales Agents (GSA) The GSA is PIA approved travel agent. They only deal with PIA’s documents both domestic and international and do not deal with any other airline. PIA pays 5% commission to GSA on domestic tickets and 12% commission on international tickets. Passenger Sales Agent (PSA) The PSA are PIA’s approved agents for the sales of domestic as well as international tickets. PIA pays 7% commission to PSA on domestic and 9% commission on international tickets. Besides that if the PSA exceeds its sales more than two millions (achieves its target) then 1.5% incentive is also given to PSA. International Air Transport Association (IATA) The IATA approved agents are those who deal with the sales of PIA as well as other airline documents. The PIA pays 5% commission to IATA on domestic tickets and 9% commission on international tickets. These kinds of agents do not have any obligation to

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sell any particular airline; rather they are free to sell any airline’s ticket, which they find suitable both for the passengers and for themselves.

4.3.6 COMMUNICATION DEPARTMENT Communication department is headed by a General Manager. This department plays a very vital role in any organization because we know that without effective communication system any organization cannot perform its operations properly. Communication system in P.I.A is like oxygen. Minor mistake can cause huge loss.

4.3.7 RESERVATION AND TICKETING DEPARTMENT INTRODUCTION Reservation means the accommodation held by a passenger on a given flight and the passenger is to be carried from boarding point. Reservation and ticketing section is headed by TOM (Ticket Office Manager) who is directly responsible to Passenger Sales Manager (PSM). Though there is acute competition seen among different airlines. So ticketing and reservation plays a vital role in advertising their product and in the promotion of good will of the corporation.

4.3.8 Reservation System at PIA, Booking Office, Peshawar Ticketing is the LIFE BLOOD of PIAC, because most of the revenue is generated through ticketing and reservations. Reservations are carried out both internally through booking offices and externally through travel agents. Proper and sound reservation system and plans are required to achieve the goals and objectives of any airline. Reservation system at PIA booking office is kept to serve the customers at their best. For better services the office has been divided into different categories in

order to

carry out different functions. These categories are:  International reservations counter.  Domestic reservations counter.  Northern areas reservations counter.

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 Flight Checks. 

1= PFC (pre flight check).

2= PFA (post flight analysis).

 PTA (Pre paid ticketing Advice).  Award plus.  Advance Boarding Section  Direct selling section  Reservation on Telephone  Central reservation Control  Rate deske16.

4.3.9 AIRPORT SERVICES TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT The traffic people are in direct contact with the passengers and they handle different stages occurred during a passenger's way from check-in lounge to the aircraft. As the passenger enters the check-in lounge the duties of traffic people starts till the passenger boards to the aircraft. As the traffic department relates to passenger services, the passenger Services comprises of the following units:  Management  Passenger Handling:  Traffic Controller  Officer In charge Counters  Weight Balance Unit  Departure Control Unit  Special Handling Unit  Protocol Handling Unit  Flight Inquiries  Post Flight Unit

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 Lost and Found Unit  Lounges

References 1. Mehmood, Shahid (2007). Managerial structure of PIA. An internship Report on PIAC, Peshawar. Unpublished internship report, Institute of Management Studies, University of Peshawar 2. Ibid 3. Ibid 4. Ibid 5. Lecture delivered by Mr. Faysal, Incharge Cargo, credit control, Finance Department 6. Khan, Sohail (2006). HR Department. An internship Report on PIAC, Peshawar. Unpublished internship report, Institute of Management Studies, University of Peshawar 7. William B. Werther Jr (2001) Human Resources and Personnel Management, Fifth Edition. New York (McGraw-Hill Inc. 8. Etzel-Walker-Stanton(2007). Importance of Marketing. Principles of Marketing 14th Edition. 9. Khan, M. Adeel (2006). Role of Marketing department. An internship Report on PIAC, Peshawar. Unpublished internship report, Institute of Management Studies, University of Peshawar 10. Ibid 11. PIA monthly magazine. “VISION. Jan-Feb 2006”p. 22 12. Personal observation 3 weeks at Marketing department during internship 13. Ibid 14. Interview & discussion with the “HR/Admin Assistant” in the Passenger Sales Section of PIA, Peshawar 15. Personal observation at counter, PIA Booking office.

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16. Personal observation during visit to Airport.

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