This chapter presents the conclusions of the study and offers some suggestions to the teachers of English and the students of SMA Negeri 11 Palembang.
5.1 Conclusions The results of the tests showed that the mean score of the vocabulary test was 36.62 (73.24 %) and the mean score of the translation test was 49.70 (49.70 %). Based on the statistical analysis, there was a significant correlation between the vocabulary mastery and the translation ability of the eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri 11 Palembang. The correlation coefficient was 0.620 (strong correlation).
5.2 Suggestions The writer offers two suggestions from this study. First, the teachers of English should improve the students’ translation skill by expanding the students’ vocabulary because the results of this study showed that the students’ vocabulary mastery was strongly correlated with the students’ translation ability. Second, the students of SMA Negeri 11 Palembang should improve their vocabulary mastery in order to improve their translation ability because the results of this study showed that the students who had higher scores in the vocabulary test tended to have better scores in the translation test.