You can tell the condition of a nation by looking at the status of its women. ---JAWAHARLAL NEHRU
INDIVIDUALITY is her attribute and most precious jewellery as she believes in seeking a name for herself. Indian have women put their foot in varied areas and have made a remarkable name and identity for themselves in the society. Some have entered the political arena, some are flying planes and others are entrusted the responsibility of running MNCs. They’re at par with
qDespite creating a dignified position in this male dominated society; the struggle for each and every woman is far from over. qAlthough it’s evident that women have left nothing unaccomplished, the percentage of women achievers to men achievers is comparatively low. qWomen are subject to prejudice by the dominant patriarchy and are in turn left out from supremacy. qTime and again, she has been redefining
Women A re §Women and girls receive far less education than men, due both to social norms and fears of violence. §Ind ia' s co nst itutio n g ua rant ees fre e p rimar y sc hoo l ed ucatio n f or b oth b oys and girls up t o ag e 14. §This goal has b een rep eat edly rec onf irmed , but prima r y e ducatio n in Ind ia is no t univ er sal. §Overall, the lit eracy rat e f or w ome n is 39 p er cent ver sus 64 per cent for men. §Girls ar e inc reasing ly rep lacing the ir brother s o n the far m whil e car r ying on t heir us ual resp onsib ilitie s in ho usework.
ØChild marriages keep women subjugated. ØWomen are kept subordinate, and are even murdered, by the practice of dowry ØCompelled to be a professional coupled with nurturing her children, a woman misses out on being an ideal mother to her children.
ØRather, she should be given the choice to decide whether she is comfortable working or staying at home in concurrence with her personality.
vBut thanks to the help of feminists and other reformists, women have been able to uplift themselves by shedding their domestic tag. vThey have eventually managed to shake the brawny walls of social and economic exploitation. vThe modern woman of today is learning to break away from the shackles of the past. vShe is no more the traditional, timid, domesticated woman. vThe emerging new-age woman has the ability to equip herself with education thereby seeking her own identity, confidence and not compromising on her
As women gain influence and consciousness, they will make stronger claims to their entitlements gaining further training, better access to credit and higher incomes -
Wome n too a re i nto th e race Of th e wor ld. St rong d esir e to achie ve th in gs lead her to the g reatest heights . It s o nly a sin gle n otio n resonatin g o n th is v er y la nd is “ IF IT IS F OR H ER