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Payroll Management In Simhapuri Hospitals 1.2 INDUSTRY PROFILE INTRODUCTION

India is on the threshold of a remarkable progress and has made great strides in social, political and economic fields since Independence. This progress has received further fillip after liberalization, privatization, and globalization, came into effect and India is now recognized for its all round development and growth by the advanced nations.

Astonishing is the of hospital administration in India when compared to the era of pre independence. Entrepreneurs and technocrats in the private sector see immense opportunity for ROI in this sector. There is enough evidence to justify a higher inclination to pay for medical services out of one’s own savings or through organizational perquisites. The era of charity, either by a social organization, or by the government, that existed in the pre independence days is no more relevant and prevalent. Strides made are commendable in the area of medical science and research.

Unfortunately, Government hospital administration is lagging far behind when compared to the corporate hospitals. Though half of the Pharmacy colleges in India are not recognized by PCI, Medicare has immense earning potential.” India Medicare” an exhibition focused towards medical devices, equipment, hospital industry supplies was held in Bangalore from 7-10 October 2005. The exhibition showcased the latest products, technologies and services related to the health care industry “Promoting Indian Medicare in South East Asia” The Hindu August 19th 2004, throws light on the efforts of delegates in Health Care Industry from Chennai, Madurai, Bangalore, Kolkata, Mumbai leaving to Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia to propagate globally competitive Medicare available in India The delegation would look for cooperation in the establishment of hospitals and teaching institutions, including training of nurses. It would also interact with insurance companies and third party administrators of medical insurance.

Even the most sophisticated and the so-called modem government hospitals in India are still managed by the traditional and stereotyped system of hospital administration, where a senior Priyadarshini College Of Engineering & Technology

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Payroll Management In Simhapuri Hospitals doctor is appointed as a medical superintendent. He is entrusted with the wholesome responsibility of the entire administration of the hospital, irrespective of whether or not he has undergone any formal (or even informal) training in hospital administration. Changing Indian Hospitals The present Indian market is an arena of stiff competition for all the latest products, services and technologies, warranting specialization to the core, which is the order of the day. The corporate hospitals are embarking upon heavy advertisements to attract the patients, displaying the physical infrastructure, reputed doctors on consultants list, ambulance facilities and accident management facilities on par with any hospital in developed nations. It is thus imminent and imperative to have separate specialists for general, administrative and human resource functions in government hospitals; secondly, with the tremendous growth in health services, it is now essential to appoint specialists or experts in other areas of hospital administration in order to maximize efficiency at minimum cost. Thirdly, the burgeoning number of patients did not commensurate with adequate expansion of hospitals. This led to a chaotic like situation in the administration of government hospitals. This has thus led to an immediate requirement for better planning, as hospital administration can no longer be left to reel under the hands of an unskilled and untrained people who are expected to deal with people who are normally under great stress and anxiety while visiting hospitals. HISTORY OF INDIAN HOSPITALS The past history of hospitals is replete with ill-treatment, recklessness, corruption, nepotism and what not, they could then afford the luxury of being totally un-business, nonprofessional like and resorting to trial and error and hit-and-miss methods of management. The government hospitals then were partly dependent on huge donations from a number of philanthropists to meet the ever-rising deficit in hospital budgets. Similarly, in the field of human resource management, as long as the salary budget was minuscule of the total budget, hospital administration could afford to neglect the introduction of scientific and progressive principles of human resource management. But they can no longer afford to do so as salary and wages now stand at 65 per cent or more of the total hospital budget. Hospital status As per the report of the Steering Committee on Health for the tenth Five Year Plan, in India, there were 15,188 hospitals of Modem System of medicine having 6,65,639

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Payroll Management In Simhapuri Hospitals beds, 2,991 hospitals of the Indian System of Medicine and Homoeopathy having 60,803 beds and 23,028 dispensaries of the Indian System of Medicine. The hospital is one of the most complexes of all administrative organizations. Therefore, it requires a thorough knowledge not only of the hospital set-up but also of its meaning, history, classification, peculiar conditions prevailing in hospital administration, etc, before one can undertake to study the relevance of human resource management. NATURE AND SCOPE OF HOSPITALS Human beings make society and Healthy human beings make a healthy society; however, every society has its share of unhealthy human beings. Illness, disease and invalidity with or without a remedy is no more considered a bane and is now the duty of the government to take remedial steps, to control them AIDS control exercise is one example. Patients are the ones who have already lost their health and are under a great stress and trauma and the hospitals should be the right place for these kinds of people. Since, they are as much a part of society as the healthiest of individuals. In the past, an individual afflicted by a wound or disease was condemned to suffer and fend for himself. In those primitive days, the healthy never assisted or looked after the afflicted. The practice was to consider such an afflicted person a spent-force and no longer useful to society. Thus, complete isolation from society was the tragedy for the ailing. The belief, then, was that, illness was caused either by evil spirits or was the result of looking after the sick that were considered victims of a magic spell, by appeasing or scaring away the evil spirits with a counter-curse. Individuals civilized to civilize their families, tribe, community and finally to the organized community. Society acknowledged a common responsibility towards the sick. It was only when civilization progressed that man sought to provide for the welfare of his fellow beings (other than his own kith and kin) DEFINITIONS OF HOSPITAL The word ‘hospital’ is derived from the Latin word hospital, which comes from hopes, meaning a host. The English word ‘hospital’ comes from the French word hospital, as do the words ‘hostel’ and ‘hotel’, all originally derived from Latin. The three words, hospital, hostel and hotel, although derived from the same source, are used with different meanings. The term ‘hospital’ means an establishment for temporary occupation by the sick and the injured.

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Payroll Management In Simhapuri Hospitals Today hospital means an institution in which sick or injured persons are treated. A hospital is different from a dispensary a hospital being primarily an institution where in patients are received and treated while the main purpose of a dispensary is distribution of medicine and administration of outdoor relief. Dorland’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary defines a hospital as “An institution suitably located, organized, staffed to supply scientifically, economically, efficiently and unhindered, all or any recognized part of the complex requirements for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of physical, mental and the medical aspect of social ills, with functioning If facilities for training new worker in many special professional, technical and economical fields, essential to the discharge of its proper functions, and with adequate contacts with physicians, other hospitals medical schools and all accredited health agencies engaged in the better health program. A hospital in Steadman’s Medical Dictionary is defined as an institution for the care, cure and treatment of the sick and wounded, for the study of diseases and for the training of doctors and nurses. Blackiston’s New Gould Medical Dictionary (Me Graw-Hill, New York, 1956, p.560) describes a hospital as “An institution for medical treatment facility primarily intended, appropriately staffed and equipped to provide diagnostic and therapeutic services in general medicine and surgery or in some circumscribed field or fields of restorative medical care, together with bed care, nursing care and dietetic service to patients requiring such care and treatment4”. According to the Directory of Hospitals in India, 1988 “A hospital is an institution which is operated for the medical, surgical and/or obstetrical) care of in patients and which is treated as a hospital by the Central/state government/ local body/ private and licensed by the appropriate authority5”. A close analysis of the above definitions reveals that no single definition is perfect in defining a modem hospital and its multifarious services. Dorland’s definition is comprehensive but fails to visualize rehabilitative and follow up aspects. Steadman’s definition is very simple and to a great extent, highlights all the essential services definition given in the Directory of Hospitals in India. 1988 is also very simple but too short to cover all the aspects of a hospital. Priyadarshini College Of Engineering & Technology

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Payroll Management In Simhapuri Hospitals On the basis of the above definitions, we can evolve a comprehensive definition of a hospital, highlighting all the essential services provided by a modern hospital. A modern hospital is an institution which possesses adequate accommodation and well qualified and experienced personnel to provide services of curative, restorative and preventive character of the highest quality possible to all people regardless of race, for the personnel particularly required for efficacious medical care and hospital service, which conducts research assisting the advancement of medical service and hospital services and which conducts programs in health education. Modem hospitals are open 24 hours a day. Their personnel render services for the cure and comfort of patients. In the operation theatre, skilled surgeons perform lifesaving surgery. In the nursery, new born receive the tender care of trained nurses. In the laboratory, expert technicians conduct urine, stool, and blood tests, vital to the battle against disease. In the kitchen, cooks and dieticians prepare balanced meals that contribute to the patient’s speedy recovery

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Payroll Management In Simhapuri Hospitals HISTORY OF INDIAN HOSPITALS Role of Indians The history of Indian medicine and surgery dates back to the earliest of ages. But hospitals as institutions to which a sick person could be brought for treatment were of a much later origin in other countries. In India, hospitals have existed from ancient time. Even in the 6th century B.C. during the time of Buddha, there were a number of hospitals to look after the crippled and the poor. More such hospitals were started by Buddha’s devotees later on in different parts of India as well as outside the country. The outstanding hospitals in India at that time were those built by King Asoka (279-232 B.C) Charaka and Sushrutha of ancient India were famous physicians. Medicine based on the Indian system was taught in the universities of Takshashila and Nalanda, which probably contributed to the advances in Arabic medicine. The Upakalpa niyam Adhyayam of Charaka Suthrasthanam gives specification for hospital buildings, labor rooms and children’s wards. The qualifications for hospital attendants and nurses as well as specifications for hospital equipment, utensils, instruments, and diets have also been given. There is evidence to show that there were many hospitals are South India in the olden days, as observed in the Chota and Malakapuram edicts. According to historians, the study of the history of the medicine of ancient India was greatly handicapped for want ofinscriptions, manuscripts or other records as are available for other ancient systems of medicine. The seals and tablets discovered at Harappa and Mohenjodaro are yet to be deciphered. But we do find from the books written by Arabian and European travelers (about A.D. 600) that the study of medicine in India was in its bloom. Every major city had a medical school. The decline of Indian medicine started with the invasions of foreigners in the 10th century A.D., which was a period of unrest. The zeal of the native vaidyas for the investigation ofthe Indian flora slackened for want of encouragement. The invaders brought with them their own physicians called hakims. Under imperial patronage, the hakims began to prosper at the expense ofthe vaidyas. The maintenance of hospitals in India declined during this period.

Role of British European missionaries on their arrival to South India brought the allopathic system of medicine in the 6th century. It was during the British rule that there was once again progress in the building of hospitals. The first hospital in Madras was opened in 1664, the Priyadarshini College Of Engineering & Technology

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Payroll Management In Simhapuri Hospitals establishment of a hospital in Bombay was under discussion in 1670 but apparently it was not actually taken up till 1676, the earliest hospital in Calcutta was built in 1707-1708, and in Delhi, in 1874. Role of Portuguese The Portuguese organized hospitals of the European type at Calicut (Kerala), Goa and Santhoime (Madras) through missionary organizations. They set up treatment centers and trained local men and women as dresses, nurses, etc. In the early 11stages, missions were financed by foreign sources but later on when the people realized their value, local support and subsidies were available. Evolution of Modern Hospitals In the 17th century, the European doctors employed by the east India Company played an important role in the introduction of modem medicine in India. The East India Company in Madras established its first hospital in 1664 for its soldiers and another in 1688 for the civilization population. Moreover, in the 17th century, Sir Thomas Roe introduced modem medicine in the court ofJahangir, the Moghul emperor when other princely states also evinced interest, European doctors started becoming popular. Many6 doctors, after discharge from the services of the East India Company, settled down in India as private practitioners. Quite a few also got employment in the courts of princely states. When Europeans doctors felt the need for assistants, they trained some local inhabitants as compounders and dressers. After some training and experience they were termed ‘native doctors’. Growth of Modern Hospitals During the 17th and 18th centuries, there was a slow but steady progress in the growth of the modem system of medical practice in India and the indigenous system was pushed to the background. In the 19th century, modem medicine took firm root. Medical care based on this system spread all over India, mainly through the efforts ofthe missionaries7. Training Organized medical training was started in the 19th century. The first medical school (*The Native Medical School) was started in Calcutta, followed by one in madras. In the Beginning, both the modem system and the Ayurvedic system were taught.

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Payroll Management In Simhapuri Hospitals 1.3 COMPANY PROFILE

Simhapuri Hospitals was established in 2014 with a vision to address the healthcare needs of the people from Coastal Andhra. Understanding the need for a high quality healthcare facility to serve the people of the area, a group of passionate individuals put together their expertise and skills to set up this Multi Super Specialty Hospital, the first in the area. Simhapuri Hospital is all set to bring international standard healthcare technology and services within the reach of all. Equipped with the best of doctors and surgeons, advanced equipment and trained support staff, the Hospital aims to help patients smile in good health.

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Going all the way to the metros or bigger cities for quality treatment for various health problems is now going to change. Presenting Simhapuri Hospitals - established with a vision to address the healthcare needs of the people from Coastal Andhra. Understanding the need for a high quality healthcare facility to serve the people of the area, a group of passionate individuals put together their expertise and skills to set up this multisuper specialty hospital, the first in the area. Simhapuri Hospital is all set to bring international standard healthcare technology and services within the reach of all. Equipped with the best of doctors and surgeons, advanced equipment and trained support staff, the Hospital aims to help patients smile in good health.

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Payroll Management In Simhapuri Hospitals SIMHAPURI HOSPITAL LOGO

MISSION:  To bring technology and care of the highest level within everyone’s reach.  To offer services on the basis of transparency, innovation, responsiveness and efficiency.  To encourage partnerships and ensure timely, and effective healthcare delivery.  To impact the lives of the lesser privileged and support them in achieving good health.

VISION: To be a trusted healthcare provider dedicated to the people of Coastal Andhra, providing international standard healthcare in an advanced and caring environment.

QUALITY POLICY: We believe in commitment towards meeting customer expectations and also focus on quality services and process.

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Payroll Management In Simhapuri Hospitals THE LEADERSHIP TEAM: LEADING FROM THE FRONT Simhapuri’s leadership team comprises of experienced promoters, from Nellore and surrounding areas, with very successful backgrounds.

Ravindra Reddy Katama Reddy Chairman

An engineer by profession, Mr. Ravindra Reddy is from A.S Pet Mandal (Nellore Dist.) and has handled medium to major infrastructure projects across India. His objective was also to bring the best of medical facilities to Nellore, so that there is no need for people to travel all the way to the metros for medical treatment.

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Payroll Management In Simhapuri Hospitals Bramhanand Reddy Managing Director

A businessman from Nellore region, Mr. Reddy is providing employment opportunities to around 5000 people directly and indirectly. He was immensely moved by the fact that Nellore lacks a quality healthcare facility which is leading to loss of human lives. He formed a partnership with like-minded people to establish Simhapuri Hospital for the people of Nellore region. Dr. N.Sudhakar Reddy Director

Dr. Sudhakar Reddy hails from Ananthasagaram Mandal, Nellore Dist. One of the most respected and senior most Laparoscopic Surgeons, from Nellore Dist., Dr. Sudhakar Reddy understood the immense shortage of quality healthcare services in Coastal Andhra and felt

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Payroll Management In Simhapuri Hospitals the need for a full service multi-superspecialty hospital in theregion. Thus, he joined the Simhapuri leadership team to serve the people of this area.

Dr. Anil Krishna Executive Director

Dr. Anil Krishna hails from Atmakur Mandal of Nellore Dist. He is a famous interventional cardiologist in Hyderabad and has started Sunshine Heart Institute in Hyderabad, which is one of the leading heart centres in AP. As a part of his vision to provide quality healthcare to his town he joined hands to establish Simhapuri Hospitals as a complete healthcare facility catering to all sections of the society.

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