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  • Words: 949
  • Pages: 20

Association of Research Administrators in Africa (ARAA) Annual Meeting Kampala, Uganda 2010

Human Resource Management (HRM)  Human Resource Management (HRM) is a strategic and

coherent approach of managing the most important asset in an organization, the human resources.  It’s a function within an organization that focuses on;  recruitment and retain of,  management of, and  providing direction for the people who work in the organization.

HRM Cont’d  Human resources are an organization's greatest assets because without

them, everyday research functions such as;    

managing clients flow, making daily protocol decisions, communicating through all forms of media, and dealing with clients and stake holders could not be accomplished.

 Human resources and the potential they possess are key drivers for an

organization’s success. With globalization and technological advances, today's organizations are continuously changing.

 Thus, organizational change impacts not only the Research output but

also its employees.

HRM Cont’d  In order to maximize organizational effectiveness,  human potentials,  individuals' capabilities, time, and talents must be

managed and developed.

Hence, The practice of human resource management (HRM) and human resource development (HRD) works to ensure that employees are able to meet the organization's goals

HRM FUNCTIONS  Globally, the term HRM and HRD has been used by scholars,

researchers, academics and practitioners.  HRD evolved from HRM

 In the research world the term admin and HR have

been confused However  Confusion arises on the terms or labels for HRM and HRD and its position in management function.  The term for HRM has been understood as the only word to represent and explain the management and development of human resources from the point of;  Recruitment to compensation and rewards Through to

HRM Functions cont’d Hence  It is pertinent to examine the terms that evolve- around the

management and development of human resources in organizations. Therefore  In order to achieve this objective, it is important to examine the difference in terms for HRM and HRD, the history or starting point for HRM and HRD, their relationships and the up-coming terms used to refer human resource management and development.

 Goals of HRM Employer


Effectively make use of the talents and abilities of employees to achieve the operational objectives

Seeks to ensure that the individual employee is satisfied with both the working environment and the compensation and benefits that he or she receives

Human Resource management in Research  Competitive advantages for Research management

focus Recent past


Emerging research management

Quality Data output and technology


Investment in human capital Knowledge and commitment and Enthusiasm of employees

 Shift in Research focus  From

Physical Assets


Knowledge and Information i.e. Intellectual capital.

 This shift poses challenges in research management


Challenges 1.

Ability to effectively manage a diverse body of talent that can bring innovative ideas, perspectives and views to their work.  With the mixture of talents of diverse cultural

backgrounds , gender, ages and lifestyles , the Organization can benefit more from research skills rapidly which must be one of the Organizational goals to be attained and support of diversity broadly, will prevent losing talent to competitors.

Strategy # 1  Initiating diversity mentoring programs.

Engage consultants to; 

Encourage members to move beyond their cultural frame of reference Recognize and take full advantage of the productivity potential inherent in a diverse population

Challenges cont 2. We still hold to some old systems of leading and

managing human resources exclusively for research output which do not work in today’s context. 

 

Leaders with limited management skills and inadequate mentorship Focusing on physical assets instead of intellectual capital ‘The Responsibilities and objectives of Human Resource Management’, Richmond Anyidoho,June 18,2010.

Strategy # 2  A more appropriate mode of leadership linked to reforming

management systems and committed to moving beyond planning to implementation , is essential to the solution .



Effective Leadership

Challenges cont’d 3. HR management policies and practices are often not

in professional hands. 

This includes all line managers

Strategy # 3 Train line managers in current leadership/management skills that focus on intellectual capital

Challenges cont’d 4. There is lack of support to advocate for funding of

HR solutions to go hand in hand with funding for Research Programs .  Some donors limit funding to certain aspects of research 

E.g. millions of dollars have been availed to ensure availability of AIDS and tuberculosis drugs but limited funding has been committed to ensure that there a sustainable workforce to administer these drugs

Strategy # 4  Advocate funding for HR solutions  Sensitizing donors about the importance of Human

resource solutions  Involvement of HR managers in budget development

Challenges cont’d  Another challenge is the unrealistic time frame. - HR solutions require time (at least three to five years ) to produce results .

Change takes time

Conclusion  The complex conditions under which we work to

address the HR crisis demand a new style of leadership that;  Encourages innovation and  Team work and  A more professional approach to HR management .

At all levels of the Organization we need committed leaders and qualified HR managers to translate organization strategies and HR reforms into solutions on the ground.

Some References:  Human Resources for health  Abstract :The key to improved results in health , Mary l O’Neil Human resources for Health 2008  Richmond Anyidoho, June 18,2010.’The Responsibilities and objectives of Human Resource Management.’

Any Questions ???????? Thank you

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