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Supplemental Application 8-1


Phrases, Clauses, and Coordinating Conjunctions

PA RT A Directions: Identify each sentence element below as PH (phrase), DC (dependent clause) or IC (independent clause). Inital capitalization and end-of-sentence punctuation are omitted. DC ■ while he completed the application 1. where he went 2. in the early morning 3. do you agree 4. when he entered the room 5. to answer the question correctly 6. whom you want to see 7. commodity prices are steady 8. whoever wishes to go 9. before your retirement party 10. that she would hear the news so soon

PA RT B Directions: Write a coordinating conjunction that appropriately expresses the relationship indicated by the hint following each sentence. ■

Mandy showed him the article, _____he refused to comment. (contrast). 1. Sophia attended Martin College, ____Rob attended Drake University. (addition) 2. I did not review the assignment, ____did I complete the test. (exclusion) 3. I do not like heights, ____ I climbed to the top of the Statute of

Liberty. (contrast) 4. You may complete the assignment online ____ in the laboratory. (choice) 5. Jonathan will not graduate in May, ____ he has not completed the required

credits. (reason) 6. Ubaldo plays golf ____ tennis. (inclusion)

7. His geography ____ math grades are excellent. (addition) 8. I have no computer experience, ____ I cannot apply for the position. (result) 9. Smythe & Company offered the job to Raul, ____ he declined the offer. (contrast) 10. Amanda ___ Zona will bake cookies for the party. (choice)


Supplemental Application 8-2


Coordinating Conjunctions and Correlative Conjunctions

PA RT A Directions: Write a coordinating conjunction or correlative conjunctions that appropriately express the relationship indicated by the hint following each sentence. ■

You must complete ____the objective items ___ the subjective section. (addition)

not only ... but also or both ... and

1. John does not want to plant corn, _____ I think that the crop would be profitable this season. (contrast) 2. _____Kevin will conduct the tour in May, _____ Marvin will guide the group in June. (choice) 3. Attendance has dropped, _____ the program director is planning more exciting activities. (reason or purpose) 4. _____Clara _____I decorate the building for the holiday makes no difference to us. (two options) 5. Eleanor traveled _____ in Europe _____ in China last year. (addition)

PA RT B Directions: Underline the coordinating and correlative conjunctions in the following sentences. Then identify the type of conjunction by writing either CO (coordinating) or CRR (correlative) above each conjunction. CRR


■ Either Kim Nguyen or Alice Grant will speak in Charlotte.

1. Both Carla and Irisi are excellent candidates. 2. You may post the policy statement on either our web site or our answering system. 3. The Management Information Society and the Administrative Professional League will sponsor not only a clothing drive but also a food drive for the New Day Shelter. 4. Southeastern Wisconsin had six inches of snow during the night, yet schools opened on time the next morning. 5. Jim wanted to know whether furniture design or automobile repair would be the better elective class for him.

Supplemental Application 8-3


Conjunctive Adverbs and Parallel Structure

PA RT A Directions: Write a conjunctive adverb that appropriately expresses the relationship indicated by the hint following each sentence. ■

First I was directed to the admitting office. ______I was told to talk with the accounting clerk. (sequence)


1. The EPA agent tested and approved the well; ______, you may drink the water from the kitchen tap. (result or consequence) 2. You must submit your conference registration by September 15. ______, you cannot attend the technology sessions. (contrast) 3. Charlene transmitted an electronic resume; ______, she mailed a paper copy from the local post office. (addition)

4. The instructor told Adam to report to the chemistry lab. ______, he reported to the biology lab. (contrast) 5. Read the paragraph; ______ underline all of the proper nouns. (sequence).

PA RT B Directions: Write the letter of the sentence that illustrates correct parallel structure. ■

A. The new desks are sturdy, compact, and they are lightweight. B. The new desks are study, compact, and lightweight.

1. A. People often are judged both by how they act and by what they say. B. People often are judged by both how they act and by what they say. 2. A. Antonio explained the rules that he would follow and that he would use certain procedures. B. Antonio explained the rules that he would follow and the procedures that he would use. 3. A. Achieving a place on the swim team requires skill, practice, and desire. B. Achieving a place on the swim team requires skill, practice, and you have to want to. 4. A. The goal is to create and maintain a sanitary environment. B. The goal is to create and the maintenance of a sanitary environment. 5. A. Not only do I need to improve my proofreading skills but also my spelling skills. B. I need to improve not only my proofreading skills but also my spelling skills.


Supplemental Application 8-4


Parallel Structure

PA RT A Directions: Rewrite the following sentences to make them parallel. ■

You proofread that document quick and thoroughly. You proofread that document quickly and thoroughly. 1. Hailee completed the application, signed the signature card, and she deposited $500. 2. Jeffrey attends classes, works in the student café, and he supervises the computer lab. 3. Evelyn is intelligent, ambitious, and likes to study.

4. You can buy your new clothes in Hattiesburg or when you go to Jackson.

5. Dr. Quinn either will accept the O’Malley proposal or the Novakovich proposal. 6. Shaun schedules appointments and is greeting the clients. 7. The artist’s work both illustrates a spontaneous approach and a whimsical spirit. 8. His work is not only exhibited locally, but also his work is exhibited internationally.

9. The company prefers to repair the roof now rather than waiting until next week.

10. Cassandra volunteers regularly and with enthusiasm at various community events.

Supplemental Application 8-5


Subordinating Conjunctions

PA RT A Directions: Underline the subordinating conjunction in each sentence. ■

If your score is below 80, you must attend a review session. 1. As we speak, Timothy is flying to Jacksonville. 2. While I was running errands, George was mowing the lawn. 3. Didn’t the weather report indicate that the hurricane is moving toward Miami?

4. Please call me before you leave the city. 5. As soon as Martine completes the course, she will leave for Paris. 6. We will reserve the room for April 12 once we receive a deposit.

7. Mr. Huang is eager to learn the electronic calendering system so that he can efficiently organize his appointments. 8. Because Kristen does not eat seafood, she will not eat dinner at Sam’s Seafood Bistro. 9. The insurance rates increased after three hurricanes struck the Florida Panhandle. 10. The stairs need to be repaired because three boards are loose.

PA RT B Directions: Write a subordinating conjunction that appropriately expresses the relationship indicated by the hint following each sentence. as though ■ I feel _____I could sleep for 14 hours. (contrast or comparison) 1. Marisa agreed to go ____ her company sends her. (place) 2. Please continue working ____ Wilma locates the fax number. (time) 3. Renee is more talented ____ I thought. (contrast or comparison) 4. ____ you send the fax, confirm the fax number. (time) 5. Show the carpenter ____ you want the fence built. (place)

Supplemental Application 8-6


Conjunctions and Conjunctive Adverbs

PA RT A Directions: Write the letter that identifies the conjunction or the conjunctive adverb italicized in the following sentences. A. conjunctive adverb B. coordinating conjunction ■

C. correlative conjunctions D. subordinating conjunction

The employees were glad to go home, for the hour was late. 1. Megan and Robert are twins. 2. I will meet with you after I meet with Mr. Toler. 3. Both day and evening classes are offered: additionally, many weekend classes are available.

4. Vikash pretended that he neither saw the men nor heard their conversation. 5. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, return the merchandise within 15 days. 6. I cannot decide whether Sheila or Martin will go.

7. At the November meeting, we will discuss hiring a marketing manager; furthermore, we will discuss potential employee promotions. 8. I was invited not only to Erin’s party but also to Shelly’s.

9. As soon as the interest rates drop, Tracy will refinance her house. 10. Morgan was ahead in the polls, but he lost the election.

11. When Martha walked into the nursing home, the residents smiled warmly. 12. Either Patrice or Shaundra will represent the faculty during the negotiations. 13. The doctor said, “Some diseases have strong genetic links.” For example,

several of my family members are diabetic. 14. Did Anne Vallejos or Victoria Skelton attend the wedding? 15. Since the new plant was built, 100 employees have been hired.

16. Christopher fishes wherever he can; however, he prefers fishing from the west pier. 17. Barbara discussed whether to leave or to stay. 18. The band played both blues and jazz.

19. Are more students enrolled in health occupations or in marketing. 20. I plan to visit friends in Arizona before the semester begins in January.


Supplemental Application 8-7


Interjections and Multipurpose Words

PA RT A Directions: Write the letter that identifies the italicized word in each sentence. A. adjective B. adverb C. interjection D. noun

E. preposition F. pronoun G. subordinating conjunction H. verb

That book is no longer available. 1. Primo Corporation may have to lay off employees unless sales improve. 2. Either is correct. 3. “Stop! The light is red!” shrieked Victor.

4. Ms. Price will meet with you after lunch. 5. The large pumpkins are on sale. 6. When will you travel to New York and Boston?

7. Mark your answers with a pencil. 8. Isabel planned a lengthy visit with her relatives in Birmingham.

9. That was not my answer. 10. Model 1030X will be discontinued unless the sales increase by June 1.

11. Your order will be shipped before May 10. 12. Wait! I need your help. 13. Examine the entire roof so that any damage can be repaired immediately.

14. George said, “May I help you?” 15. Both students submitted excellent proposals.

16. I will view the Maine foliage during October. 17. Both of Joseph’s stores were open last weekend. 18. The bridge will be reopened when the broken span is repaired.

19. During the storm, we took Highway 29 to Moline; that was a wise choice. 20. Well, you may have to wait several minutes for my answer.


Chapter 8 Supplemental Apply Your Knowledge A Cumulative Activity


Directions: This letter contains 24 errors in the parts of speech. Underline each error, and write your correction above the error.

September 20, 20--

Mr. Damon Rousseau 2347 West Kieffer Lane Chicago, IL 60654 Dear Mr. Rousseau This letter contain the information that you requested about plain language writing. Focuses on the reader are the keys too plain language writing. You’re tone, you choice of words, and you’re document style should reflects that you are writing your message for the reader. As you prepare your message, remember which a reader does’nt need to know everything! Including to much information is as badly as including to little information. To determine what to include in your message, follow this three guideline: •

Consider what the reader already know.

Consider what information the reader need for understanding.

Considers how to organize and expresses the information clear.

For addition information, conduct an Internet search using keywords such as plain writing and plain language. You will find many sites that are devote to reduce not only wordy expressions and also unnecessary information in messages. Sincerely

Colette Ansmay Director of Communication CA:rj

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