Ch 7 Drive Train

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Becauseof the way an internalcombustronengine breathes,it can producetorque,or twisting force, only within a narrowspeedrange.Most modern, overheadvalve pushrodenginesmustturn at about 2500 rpm to producetheir peaktorque By 4500 rpm they are producrngso lrttletorquethat contrnuedincreasesin enginespeedproduceno powerincreases. Thetorquepeakon overheadcamshaftenginesIS generallymuchhigher,but much narrower. Themanualtransaxleandclutchareemployedto varythe relationshipbetweenenginespeedand the speedof thewheelsso thatadequateenginepowercan beproducedunderall crrcumstances. Theclutchallowsenginetorqueto beappliedto thetransaxleinput shaftgradually,dueto mechanicalslippage.Consequently,the vehiclemaybe startedsmoothlyfroma full stop Thetransaxlechangesthe ratiobetweenthe rotatingspeedsof the engineandthewheelsby the useof gears.Thegearratiosallowfull enginepowerto beappliedto the wheelsduringaccelerationat low speedsandat highway/passingspeeds. In a front wheeldrive transaxle,poweris usually transmittedfrom the input shaftto a mainshaftor output shaftlocatedslightly beneathand to the side of the input shaft.The gearsof the mainshaftmeshwith gearson the input shaft,allowing powerto be carried from oneto the other.All forwardgearsare in constantmeshand are freefrom rotatingwith the shaft unlessthe synchronizerand clutch ISengaged.Shafting from one gearto the nextcausesone of the gears to befreedfrom rotatingwith the shaftand locksanotherto it. Gearsare lockedand unlockedby internal dog clutcheswhich slide betweenthe centerof the gearand the shaft.Theforwardgearsemploysynchronizers;friction memberswhich smoothlybring gearand shaftto the samespeedbeforethe toothed dog clutchesare engaged.

SHIFTLINKAGE 1. Disconnectthe shift linkagefrom the transaxle. 2. Onthe transaxle,put selectleverin N and movethe shift lever in 4th gear.Depressthe clutch, if necessary,to shift. 3. Move the shift leverin the vehicleto the 4th gearposition until it contactsthe stop. 4. Turn the adjusterturnbuckleso the shift cable eyealignswith the eye in the gearshift lever.When installingthe cableeye,makesurethe flangeside of the plasticbushingat the shift cableend is on the cotterpin side. 5 The cablesshouldbe adjustedso the clearancebetweenthe shift leverandthe 2 stoppersare equalwhenthe shift lever ISmovedto 3rd and4th gear.Move the shift leverto eachpositronand checki that the shifting is smooth

REMOVAL&INSTALLATION 1, Disconnectthe negativebatterycable

2. Removeanycomponentsnecessaryto access the back-uplight switch. 3. Unplugthe back-uplight switch connector. 4. Removethe switchfrom the caseusingthe appropriatesize socketand drive tool.

To install: 5. Installthe switchand tighten it to 22-25 ft. Ibs. (30-35 Nm). 6. Attachthe back-uplight switchconnector 7. Installanycomponentsremovedto accessthe back-uplight switch 8. Connectthe negativebatterycable.

REMOVAL& INSTALLATION Mirage *If the vehicle is goingto be roiled while the halfshaftsare out of the vehicle, obtain2 outer CV-jointsor properequivalenttools andinstall to the hubs.If the vehicle is rolled withoutthe propertorqueappliedto the front wheel bearings,the bearingswill no longerbe usable. *The suspensioncomponentsshouldnot be tighteneduntil the vehicles weight is resting on the ground. 1. Removethe batteryand batterytray. 2. Removethe air cleanerassemblyandvacuum hoses. 3. Notethe locationsand disconnectthe shifter cables. 4. If equippedwith 1.61 engine,removethe tension rod. 5. Detachthe backuplampswitchconnector, speedometercableconnectionand removethe starter motor. 6. Raisethe vehicleand supportsafely. 7. Removethe front wheelsand the innerwheel panels. 8. Removethe undercoverand splashpan. 9. Drainthe transaxleoil into a suitablecontainer 10. Supportthe engineand removethe crossmember. 11. Removethe uppertransaxlemountingbolt and bracket. 12 Disconnectthe stabilizerbar,tie rod endsand the lower ball joint connections. 13 Removethe clutch releasecylinderand clutch oil line bracket.Do not disconnectthe fluid lines and securethe slavecylinderwith wire. 14 Disconnectthe clutchcable,if equippedwith cablecontrolledclutchsystem. 15. Removethe halfshaftsby insertinga prybar betweenthe transaxlecaseand the driveshaftand pryingthe shaftfrom the transaxle.Do not pull on the driveshaft Doingso damagesthe inboardjoint. Do not insertthe prybarso far the oil seal in the caseis damaged.

*It is not necessaryto disconnectthe halfshafts from the steering knuckle.Removethe shaft with the huband knuckleas an assembly. Tie the shafts aside. Notethe circle clip on the end of the inboardshafts shouldnot be reused.

16. Removethe bellhousinglowercover. 17 Removethe transaxleto enginebolts and lowerthe transaxlefrom the vehrcle.

To install: *When installing the transaxle, be sure to align the splines of the transaxle with the clutchdisc. 18 Installthe transaxleto the engineand install the mountingbolts.Tightenthe bolts to 31-40 ft. Ibs. (43-55 Nm) on 1990-92 modelsand 35 ft. Ibs. (48 Nm) on 1993-00 models. 19 Installthe bellhousingcover.

*When installing the halfshafts, use new circlips on the axle ends. Caremustbe taken to ensurethat the oil seal lip of the transaxle is not damagedby the serratedpart of the driveshaft. 20. Installandfully seatthe halfshaftsinto the transaxle. 21. Installthe slavecylinder. 22. Connectthe ball joints, tie rod endsand the stabilizerbarconnections. 23. Installthe uppertransaxlemountingbracket and bolt. 24. Installthe crossmember. 25. Installthe undercover. 26. Installthe uppertransaxle-to-enginemounting bolts,Tightenthe bolts to 31-40 ft. Ibs. (43-55 Nm) on 199C-92 modelsand 35 ff. Ibs. (48 Nm) on 1993-00 models. 27. Installthe startermotor. 28 Connectthe backuplight switchconnector and speedometercable. 29 Connectand adjustthe shifter cables. 30 Installthe air cleanerassembly. 31. Installthe front wheels. 32 Make surethe vehicle is level whenrefilling the transaxle UseHypoidgearoil or equivalent,GL4 or higher. 33. Connectthe negativebatterycableand check the transaxlefor properoperation.Makesurethe reverse lights operatewhenin reverse.

Galant 1999-93MODELS rlf the vehicle is goingto be rolled on its wheels while the halfshaftsare out of the vehicle, obtaintwo outer CV-jointsor proper equivalenttools and install to the hubs. If the vehicle is rolled without the propertorque appliedto the front wheel bearings,the bearings will no longer be usable. 1. Removethe batteryand the air intakehoses. 2. If equippedwith Active-ECS,unplugthe compressorwiring. 3. Removethe auto-cruiseactuatorand underhood bracket,locatedon the passengerside inner fenderwell. 4. Drainthe transaxleand transfercasefluid, if equipped,into a suitablewastecontainer. 5. Removethe retainerbolt and pull the speedometercablefrom the transaxleassembly. 6. Removethe cotterpin securingthe selectand shift cablesand removethe cableendsfrom the transaxle.

DRIVETRAIN7-3 7. Remove theconnection fortheclutchrelease cylinderandwithoutdisconnecting thehydraulicline, andsecureit aside. 8. Disconnect thebackuplightswitchharness andpositionaside. 9. Detachthestarterelectricalconnections, if necessary, removethestartermotorandposition aside. 10. Remove thetransaxle mountbracket. 11. Remove theuppertransaxle mounting bolts. 12. Raisethevehicleandsupportsafelyonjackstands. 13. Remove theundercover andthefrontwheels. 14. Remove thecotterpinanddisconnect thetie rodendfromthesteeringknuckle. 15. Remove theself-locking nutfromthehalfShaftS.

16. Disconnect thelowerarmballjointfromthe steeringknuckle. 17. Remove thehalfshafts fromthetransaxle. 18. OnAWDmodels,disconnect thefrontexhaustpipe. 19. OnAWD‘models, remove thetransfercaseby removing theattaching bolts,movingthetransfer caseto theleftandloweringthefrontside.Remove it fromthereardriveshaft. Becarefulof theoil seal.Do notallowthedriveshaft to hang;oncethefrontis removedfromthetransfer, tie it up.Coverthetransfer caseopenings to keepoutdirt. 20. Remove thecoverfromthetransaxle bellhousing. 21. OnAWDmodels,removethecrossmember andthetriangular gusset. 22. Remove thetransaxle lowercouplingbolt.It is justabovethehalfshaftopeningonFWDor transfercaseopeningonAWD. 23. Supporttheweightof theenginefromabove (chainhoist).Supportthetransaxle usinga transmissionjackandremovetheremaining lowermounting bolts. 24. Onturbocharged vehicle,becarefulnotto damage thelowerradiatorhosewiththetransaxle housingduringremoval. Wraptapeonboththelower hoseandthetransaxle housingto preventdamage. Movethetransaxle assembly to therightandcarefully lowerit fromthevehicle. To install: 25. Installthetransaxle to theengineandinstall themounting bolts,Tightentheboltsto 35ft. Ibs.(48 Nm).Installthetransaxle lowercouplingbolt. 26. Installtheunderpan, crossmember andthe triangulargusset. 27. InstallthetransfercaseonAWDmodelsand connect theexhaustpipe. 28. Installthehalfshafts, usingnewcirclipson theaxleends.Tryto keeptheinboardjointstraightin relationto theaxle.Becarefulnotto damage theoil seallip of thetransaxle withtheserrated partof the halfshaft. 29. Connect thetierodandballjointto thesteeringknuckle. 30. Installthetransaxle mountbracket. 31. Installwheelsandlowervehicle.Retorque axleshaftnutsto 145-188ft. Ibs.(200-260Nm). 32. Installthestartermotor. 33. Connect thebackuplightswitchandthe speedometer cable. 34. Installtheclutchreleasecylinder. 35. Connect theselectandshiftcablesandinstall newcotterpins. 36. Installtheair intakehose. 37. Installtheauto-cruise actuatorandbracket.

38. Installthebattery. 39. If equipped withActive-ECS, connect theair compressor. 40. Makesurethevehicleis levelwhenrefilling thetransaxle. UseHypoidgearoil orequivalent, GL4 or higher. 41. Checkthetransaxle andtransfercasefor properoperation. Makesurethereverselightscome onwhenin reverse.

boltto 54ft. Ibs.(73Nm).Installthefrontengineroll stopperthrough-bolt andhand-tighten. Oncethefull weightof theengineis onthemounts, tightenthe boltto 42ft. Ibs.(57Nm). 30. Installthetriangularstaybracketandtighten themounting boltsto65ft. Ibs.(88Nm). 31. Connect theclutchrelease cylinder. 32. Installthehalfshafts, usingnewcirclipson theaxleends.

1!I94-Ol?MODELS 1. Disconnect thenegative batterycableand waitatleast90seconds beforeperforming anywork. 2. Remove theaircleanerandintakehoses. 3. Drainthetransaxle intoa suitablewastecontainer. 4. Remove thecotterpinsandclipssecuring the selectandshiftcablesandremove thecableends fromthetransaxle. 5. If equipped withActive-ECS, disconnect the aircompressor. 6. Disconnect thebackuplightswitchharness andpositionaside. 7. Disconnect thespeedometer electricalconnectar,fromthetransaxle assembly. 8. Remove thestartermotorandpositionaside. 9. UsingspecialtoolM2203827 or equivalent, supporttheengineassembly. 10. Remove therearrollstoppermounting bracket. 11. Remove thetransaxle mountbracket. 12. Remove theuppertransaxle mounting bolts. 13. Raiseandsafelysupportthevehicle. 14. Remove thefrontwheelassemblies. 15. Remove therighthandundercover. 16. Remove thecotterpinanddisconnect thetie rodend,fromthesteeringknuckle. 17. Disconnect thestabilizerbarlink,fromthe damper fork. 18. Disconnect thedamper fork,fromthelateral lowercontrolarm. 19. Disconnect thelaterlowerarm,andthecompressionarm,lowerballjoints,fromthesteering knuckle. 20. Prythehalfshafts fromthetransaxle, andsecureaside. 21. Remove theconnection fortheclutchrelease cylinderandwithoutdisconnecting thehydraulicline, secureaside. 22. Remove thecoverfromthetransaxle bellhousing. 23. Remove theenginefrontroll stopper through-bolt. 24. Remove thecrossmember andthetriangular righthandstay. 25. Supportthetransaxle, usinga transmission jack,andremovethetransaxle lowercouplingbolt. *The couplingbolt threadsfrom the englne side, into the transaxle, and is locatedjust abovethe halfshaftopening. 26. Slidethetransaxle rearward andcarefully lowerit fromthevehicle. To install: 27. Installthetransaxle to theengine.Installthe mounting boltsandtightento 35ft. Ibs.(48Nm).Installthetransaxle lowercouplingboltandtightento 22-25ft. Ibs.(30-34Nm). 28. Installthecoverto thetransaxle bellhousing andtightenthemounting boltsto 7 ft. Ibs.(9 Nm). 29. Installthecrossmember andtightenthefront mounting boltsto 65ft. Ibs.(88Nm)andtherear

Whenhistalling the axleshaft, keepthe inboardjoint straight in relation to the axle, so not to damagethe oil seal lip of the transaxle, with the serrated part of the halfshaft. 33. Connect thetierodandballjointstothesteeringknuckle. Tighten theballjointself-locking nutsto 48ft. Ibs.(65Nm).Tighten thetierodendnutto 21ft. Ibs.(28Nm)andsecurewitha newcotterpin. 34. Connect thedamper forktothelowercontrol armandtightenthethrough-bolt to65ft. Ibs.(88Nm). 35. Connect thestabilizerlinktothedamper fork, andtightentheself-lockingnutto 29ft. Ibs.(39Nm). 36. Installtheunderpan. 37. Installwheelsandlowervehicle. 38. Installthetransaxle mountbrackettothe transaxle, andtightenthemounting nutsto 32ft. Ibs. (43Nm). 39. installtherearroll stoppermounting bracket. 40. Remove theenginesupport.Tightenthe transaxle mountthrough-bolt to51ft. Ibs.(69Nm) andtightenthefrontenginerollstopperthrough-bolt. 41. Installtheuppertransaxle mounting bolts andtightento 35ft. Ibs.(48Nm). 42. Installthestartermotor. 43. Attachthebackuplightswitchandthe speedometer connector. 44. Connect theselectandshiftcablesandinstall newcotterpins. 45. Installtheaircleanerandtheair intakehose. 46. Connect thenegative batterycable. 47. Makesurethevehicleis level,andrefillthe transaxle. 48. Checkthetransaxle for properoperation. Make surethereverse lightscomeonwheninreverse.

REMOVAL&INSTALLATION ) See Figures 1 thru 13



Fig. 2 . . . then loosen the axle nut while the vehicle is still on the ground

Fig. 5 Remove the lower coil-over shock lower mounting bolt and nut from the control arm I

Fig. 7 . . /, the lower lot ball joints from the steering knuckle



Fig. 8 Use a suitable prytool to release the inner CV-joint retaining ring from the transaxle by gently prying outward

Fig. 9 Remove the inner joint from the transaxle until the spline completely clears the transaxle

Fig, 11 , , . then slide the halfshaft out of the knuckle

Fig. 12 Removethe halfshaft from the vehlcle

Fig. 10 Uslng a suitable punch and hammer, gently tap the halfshaft out of the steering knuckle . . .


Fig, 13 Always replace the clrcllp on the inner joint before installing the shaft Into the transaxle

DRIVETRAIN7-5 1, Whilethevehicleisstill ontheground,removethecotterpin,andloosentheaxlenut. 2. Raisethevehicleandsupportit safely. 3. If equipped withABS,removethefrontwheel speedsensor. 4. If equipped withActiveElectronic Control Suspension (Active-ECS), performthefollowing: a. Loosenthenutthatsecurestheair lineto theto thetopof thestrutanddiscardtheO-ring. b. Remove theboltsthatsecuretheactuator to.thetopof thestrutandremovethecomponent.Disconnect thewiringharness. 5. Disconnect thelowerballjointandthetierod endfromthesteeringknuckle. 6. Remove theaxlenutandthewasher. 7. If removing theleftsideaxlewithaninner shaft,remove thecentersupportbearingbracket boltsandwashers. Then,remove thehalfshaftbysettingupa pullerontheoutsidewheelhubandpushingthehalfshaft fromthefronthub.Taptheshaft unionatthejointcasewitha plastichammer to removethehalfshaft andinnershaftfromthetransaxle. 8. If removing rightsideaxleshaftswithoutan innershaft,remove thehalfshaftbysettingupa pullerontheoutsidewheelhubandpushingthehalfshaftfromthefronthub.Afterpressing theouter shaft,inserta prybarbetween thetransaxle caseand thehalfshaft andprytheshaftfromthetransaxle. *Do not pull on the shaft; doingso damages the inboardjoint. To install: 9. Replace thecirclipsontheendsof thehalfshafts.


Fig. 14 Checkthe CV-bootfor wear

Fig 17 Removingthe CV-bootfrom the joint lho~sing IFi7~ /

IO. Insertthehalfshaftintothetram&e.Besure it is fullyseated. 1I. Pullthestrutassembly outandinstallthe otherendto thehub. 12. Installthecenterbearingbracketboltsand tightento33ft. Ibs.(45Nm). 13. Installthewasherontheaxleshaftsothe chamfered edgefacesoutward.Installtheaxlenut, \ butdo nottightenit fullyatthistime. 14. Connect theballjointtothesteeringknuckle. Torquethenewretaining nutto 43-52ft. Ibs.(68-72 Nm)andsecurewitha newcotterpin. 15. Connect thetie rodendto thesteering knuckle. Torquetheretainingnutto 21ft. Ibs.(29 Nm)andsecurewitha newcotterpin. 16. If equipped withABS,installthefrontwheel speedsensor. 17. If equipped withActive-KS,performthefollowing: a. Installtheair linewitha newO-ring. b. Installtheactuatorto thetopof thestrut. Connect thewiringharness. 18. Installthewheelandlowerthevehicleto the floor. 19. Tightentheaxlenutto 145-188ft. Ibs. (200-260Nm)andsecurewitha newcotterpin.

cleis beingserviced couldmakea difference injoint type.Besureto properlyidentifythejointbeforeattempting jointor bootreplacement. Lookfor identificationnumbers atthelargeendof thebootsand/or ontheendof themetalretainerbands. The3 typesof jointsusedaretheBirfieldJoint, (B.J.),theTripodJoint(T.J.)andtheDoubleOffset Joint(D.O.J.). *Do not disassemblea Birfield joint. Service with a new joint or clean andrepackusing a new boot kit. Thedistance between thelargeandsmallboot bandsis important andshouldbechecked priorto andafterbootservice.Thisissothebootwill notbe installedeithertoolooseortootight,whichcould causeearlywearandcracking, allowingthegreaseto getoutandwateranddirtin,leadingto earlyjoint failure. *The drfveshaftjoints use special grease; do not add any greaseotherthan that supplied with the kit. DoubleOffsetJoint TheDoubleOffsetJoint(D.O.J.)is biggerthan otherjointsand,intheseapplications, is normally usedasaninboardjoint. 1. Remove thehalfshaftfromthevehicle. 2. Sidecutterplierscanbeusedto cutthemetal retainingbands.Remove thebootfromthejointouter race.

CV-JOINTS OVERHAUL b See Figures14 thru 27 Thesevehiclesuseseveraldifferenttypesof joints. Enginesize,transaxle type,whether thejointisaninboardoroutboard joint,evenwhichsideof thevehi-


Fig. 15 Removingthe outer band from the I W-boot 1


Fig. 16 Removingthe inner band from the 1CV-boot


Fig 18 Clean the CV-joint housing prior to Fig 19 Removingthe CV-joint housingasremoving boot Tccs7W 1 1sembiy TCCS703



Removing the CV-joint outer fig. 20 Removingthe CV-joint

Fig. 21 inspectingthe M-joint housing

Fig. 25 Removingthe CV-joint assembly

11. Installthehalfshaft to thevehicle. ExceptDouble OtfsetJoint

TCCS7042 1

Fig. 26 Removing the CV-joint inner snapring

Fig, 27 installing the CV-joint assembly

(typiW I

3. Locateandremovethelargecirclipatthe ’ baseof thejoint.Remove theouterrace(thebodyof thejoint). 4. Remove thesmallsnapring andtakeoffthe innerrace,cageandballsasanassembly. Cleanthe innerrace,cageandballswithoutdisassembling. 5. If thebootisto bereused.wioethearease fromthesplinesandwrapthesplfnesin vin$tape beforeslidingthebootfromtheshaft. 6. Remove theinner(D.O.J.)bootfromthe shaft.If theouter(B.J.)bootisto bereplaced, removethebootretainerringsandslidethebootdown andoff of theshaftatthistime. To install: 7. Besuretotapetheshaftsplinesbeforeinstallingtheboots.Filltheinsideof thebootwiththe


specifiedgrease.Oftenthegreasesuppliedinthereplacement partskit is meantto bedividedin half, withhalfbeingusedto lubricatethejointandhalfbeingusedinsidetheboot. 8. Installthecageontothehalfshaftsothesmall diameter sideof thecageis installedfirst.Witha ’ me ‘* Inner ’ brassdriftpin,taplightlyandenemy ’ arouna raceto installtheraceuntilit comesintocontactwith theribof theshaft.Applythespecifiedgreasetothe innerraceandcageandfit themtogether. Insertthe ballsintothecage. 9. Installtheouterrace(thebodyof thejoint) afterfillingwiththespecifiedgrease.Theouterrace shouldbefilledwiththisgrease. 10. Tightenthebootbandssecurely.Makesure \onrlo thedistancebetween theboott,, IuJi.i IJ*nrro”+ ,,“IlGbl.

1. Disconnect theneaative battervcable.Remove thehalfshaft. ’ 2. Usesidecutteroliersto removethemetalretainingbandsfromtheboot(s)thatwill beremoved. 3. Remove thesnapring andthetripodjointspiderassembly fromthehalfshaft. Donotdisassemble thespiderandusecarein handling. 4. If thebootis bereused, wrapvinyltapearound thesplinepartof theshaftsotheboot(s)will notbe damaged whenremoved. Remove thedynamic damper, - if used,andthebootsfromtheshaft. To install: 5. Doublecheckthatthecorrectreplacement partsarebeinginstalled. Wrapvinyltapearoundthe splinesto protectthebootandinstallthebootsand damper, if used,inthecorrectorder, 6. Installthejointspiderassembly to theshaft and ipctdl

the cnmrinn

7. Filltheinsideofthebootwiththespecified grease. Oftenthegreasesuppliedinthereplacement partskit is meantto bedividedin half,withhalfbeing usedto lubricate thejointandhalfbeingusedinside theboot.Keepgreaseofftherubberpartof thedynamicdamper(if used). 8. Securethebootbandswiththehalfshaftina horizontal position.Makesuredistance between boot bandsis correct. 9. Installthehalfshaft to thevehicleandreconnectthe negative batterycable.

DRlVETRilN 7-7

.* * _ Theclutch driven disc mav comamasoestos. which has beendeterminedto be a cancer ’ causingagent. Neverclean clutchsurfaces with compressedair! Avoid inhaling any dust from any clutchsurface! Whencleaning clutchsurfaces,use a commerciallyavailable brakecleaningfluid. Thepurposeof theclutchis to disconnect and connectenginepoweratthetram&e.A vehicleat restrequiresa lotof enginetorqueto getall that weightmoving.Aninternalcombustion enginedoes notdevelopa highstartingtorque(unlikesteamengines)so it mustbeallowedto operate withoutany loaduntilit buildsupenoughtorqueto movethevehicle.Torqueincreases withenginerpm.Theclutch allowstheengineto builduptorquebyphysically disconnecting theenginefromthetransaxle, relieving theengineof anyloador resistance. Thetransferof enginepowerto thetransaxle (the load)mustbesmoothandgradual;if it weren’t,drive linecomponents wouldwearoutor breakquickly. Thisgradualpowertransferis madepossibleby graduallyreleasing theclutchpedal.Theclutchdisc andpressure platearetheconnecting linkbetween theengineandtransaxle. Whentheclutchpedalis released, thediscandplatecontacteachother(the clutchis engaged) ohvsicallvioininatheenaineand

bansaxle. Whenthepedalis pushedinward,thedisc andplateseparate (theclutchis disenqaqed) disconnectinotheenoinefromthetransaxie.-. Mostclutchesutilizea singleplate,dryfriction discwitha diaphragm-style springpressure plate. Theclutchdischasa splinedhubwhichattaches the discto theinputshaft.Thedischasfrictionmaterial whereit contacts theflywheelandpressure plate. Torsionspringsonthedischelpabsorbengine torquepulses.Thepressure plateappliespressure to theclutchdisc,holdingit tightagainstthesurfaceof theflywheel.Theclutchoperating mechanism consistsof a releasebearing, forkandcylinderassembly. Therelease forkandactuating linkagetransfer pedalmotiontotherelease bearing.Intheengaged position(pedalreleased) thediaphragm springholds thepressure plateagainsttheclutchdisc,soengine torqueistransmitted to theinputshaft.Whenthe clutchpedalis depressed, thereleasebearingpushes thediaphragm springcentertowardtheflywheel.The diaphragm springpivotsthefulcrum,relievingthe loadonthepressure plate.Steelspringstrapsriveted to theclutchcoverlift thepn--“-- -I-‘^ I--- ‘!-clutchdisc,disengaging theGllyl,loUllVcIIVIIIII1c transaxle andenabling thegc”--+,,h,n-‘----’ Theclutchis operating pryV’uV,J ,,. l It will stalltheenginewhenreleased withthe vehicleheldstationary. l Theshiftlevercanbemovedfreelybetween 1st andreversegearswhenthevehicleisstationary and theclutchdisengaged.

REMOVAL&INSTALLATION Galantand Mirage b See Figures28 thru 41

The clutchdriven disc may contain asbestos, which has beendeterminedto be a cancer causingagent. Never clean clutchsurfaces with compressedair! Avoid inhaling any dust from any clutchsurface! Whencleaning clutchsurfaces,use a commerciallyavailable brake cleaningfluid. 1. Disconnect thenegative batterycable. 2. Raiseandsafelysupportthevehicle. 3. Remove thetransaxle assemblv fromthevehicle.Referto theprocedure earlierinthissection. 4. Remove theoressure elateattachina bolts. pressure plateandclutchdisc.If thepressure plateis to bereused,loosentheboltsina diagonalpattern1 or 2 turnsata time.Thiswill preventwarpingthe clutchcoverassembly. 5. Remove thereturnclipandthepressure plate releasebearing.Donotusesolventtocleanthebearing. 6. lnsoecttheclutchrelease forkandfulcrumfor


Fig. 28 Loosen and remove the clutch and essureplate bolts evenly, a little at a time

1. 7 1 Ftg. 31 If necessary, lock the flywheel III place and remove the retaining bolts . . .

. . . then carefully removethe clutch and pressure plate assembly from the fly 1~~~~~ -1


/ F@%!,d . then remove the flywhee;;:! 1 the crankshaftm order replace d or have d

1Fig. pound’to the flywheel bolts it is usually . Tccs7’z3~ 33 Upon installation, a good Idea to apply a threadlockmg com-




/ sive


TCCS7126 j

Fig 34 Checkthe pressureplate for exces-


Fig 38 Be sure that the flywheel surface is clean, before installing the clutch

Fig. 36 Typical clutch alignmenttool, note how the splines matchthe transaxle’s input shaft ,,, 1

Fig. 38 Use the clutch alignment tool to align the clutch disc during assembly

Fig. 39 Pressure plate-to-flywheel bolt holes should align


TCCS7124 1


nodelsand16ft. Ibs.(22Nm)onall othermodels. 3emove thealigningtool. . 18. Installthetransaxle assembly. 19. Checkfor properclutchoperation.

4DJUSTMENTS PedalFree Play

Fig. 40 You may want to use a threadlocking compoundon the clutch assemblybolts

Fig, 41 Be sure to use a torque wrench to tighten all bolts

damage orwear.If necessary, removetherelease fork andunthread thefulcrumfromthetransaxle. 7. Carefullyinspecttheconditionof theclutch components andreplaceanywornor damaged parts.

theendof therelease cylinderpushrodandthe pushrodholeintherelease fork. 13. Applymulti-purpose greaseto theclutchreleasebearing.Packthebearinginnersurfaceandthe

1. Measure theclutchpedalheightfromtheface ofthepedalpadto thefirewall.Thedesireddistances areasfollows: a. Mirage--&6148 in. (168-171mm) b. Galant-6.93-7.17 in. (176182mm) 2. Measure theclutchpedalclevispinplayatthe aceof thepedalpad.Thestandard valuesareasfolDWS:

a. Mirage--0.04--0.12 in.(l-3mm) b. Galant4.04-0.12in. (l-3mm) 3. If theclutchpedalheightor clevispinplayare rrotwithinthestandard values,adjustasfollows:

DRIVETRAIN7-9 *When adjustingthe clutchpedal heightor the clutch pedal clevis pin play, be careful not to pushthe pushrodtoward the master cylinder.

quality brakefluid that is available. If the brakefluid becomescontaminated,drain and flush the system,then refill the mastercylinder with new fluid. Never reuseany brake fluid. Any brakefluid that is removedfrom the systemshouldbe discarded.Also, do not allow any brakefluid to come in contactwith a uaintedsurface; it will damagethe paint.

Clutch pedal height

d. Checkthat whenthe clutch pedal is depressedall the way, the interlockswitch switches over from ONto OFF.


# See Figure 42 *The following adjustmentis for the cable actuatedclutchsystemon the Mirage. The Hydraulicsystemson all other modelsare self-adjusting. 1. Measurethe clutchpedalheight(measurement A). The specificatronis 6.38-6.50 in. (162-165mm).

*The clutch pedal height is not adjustable. If not within specifications,part replacement is required. 2. Depressclutch pedalseveraltimes and check the pedalfree-play(measurementB). 3. If measurementis not 0.67-0.87 in. (17-22mm), adjustmentis required. 4. To adjust,turn the outercableadjustingnut, locatedat the firewall,until free-playis within range. 5. Depressthe clutch pedalseveraltimes and recheckthe measurement.

REMOVALANDINSTALLATION 1. Rotatethe adjustingwheelcounterclockwiseto loosenthe cable. 2. Removethe cableretainingclamps. 3. Removethe cotterpin from the clutchactuating arm at the transaxleand disconnectthe cable. 4. Disconnectthe cableat the pedaland remove the cablefrom the vehicle.

rln order to preventcable bindingor abrasion, be sure to take note of the cable routing, so that it can be reinstalled in the same position. To install: 5. Routethe cableand makethe connectionat the clutchpedal. 6. Make the connectionat the transaxleand securethe cablewith the retainingclamp.Installa new cotterpin. 7. Lubricateall pivot points. 8 Adjust the cableto achieveproperfree-play.

Fig. 42 Clutch pedal height (A) measurement-Mirage 3. Placea suitabledrain pan underthe vehicleto catchthe fluid oncethe line ISdrsconnected,or place a rag or shop towel underthe fluid line of the master cylinder. 4. Loosenthe line at the cylinderand allow the fluid to drain.

Clean, high quality brakefluid is essentialto the safe and proper operationof the brake system.Youshouldalways buythe highest quality brakefluid that is available. If the brakefluid becomescontaminated,drain and flush the system,then refill the mastercylinder with new fluid. Never reuseany brake fluid. Any brakefluid that is removedfrom the systemshouldbe discarded.Also, do not allow any brakefluid to comein contactwith a oaintedsurface; it will damagethe paint. 5. Removethe clevis pin retainerat the clutch pedaland removethe washerand clevis pm. 6. Removethe 2 nutsand pull the cylinderfrom the firewall.A sealshould be betweenthe mounting flangeandfirewall.This sealshouldbe replaced. 7. The installationis the reverseof the removal procedure. 8. Lubricateall pivot pointswith grease. 9. Bleedthe systemat the slavecylinderusing DOT3 brakefluid and checkthe adjustmentof the clutch pedal.

4. Removethe bolts and pull the cylinderfrom the transaxlehousing.On some 1.5L engines,insteadof a pushrodbearingagainstthe clutcharm, a clevis pin and yoke is used.Simply removethe circlip, pull out the clevis pin and removethe cylinder. 5. The installationISthe reverseof the removal procedure. 6. Lubricateall pivot points with grease. 7. Bleedthe systemusing DOT3 brakefluid.

HYDRAULICSYSTEMBLEEDING ) See Figure 43 With Hydraulic Clutch 1, Fill the reservoirwith cleanbrakefluid meeting DOT3 specificatrons.

Clean, high quality brakefluid is essentialto the safe and proper operationof the brake system.Youshouldalways buythe highest quality brakefluid that is available. If the brakefluid becomescontaminated,drain and flush the system,then refill the mastercylinder with new fluid. Neverreuse any brake fluid. Any brakefluid that is removedfrom the systemshouldbe discarded.Also, do not allow any brakefluid to comein contactwith a paintedsurface;it will damagethe paint. 2. Pressthe clutch pedalto the floor, then open the bleederscrewon the slavecvlinder. 3. Tightenthe bleedscrewand releasethe clutch pedal. 4. Repeatthe procedureuntil the fluid is free of air bubbles.

REMOVAL&INSTALLATION 1. Disconnectthe negativebatterycable 2. Removenecessaryunderhoodcomponentsin orderto gain accessto the clutch releasecylinder. 3. Placea suitabledrain pan underthe vehicle, then removethe hydraulicline andallow the system to drain. 7923PG91



1. Disconnectthe negativebatterycable. 2. Removenecessaryunderhoodcomponentsin orderto gain accessto the clutchmastercylinder.

Clean, high quality brake fluid is essentialto the safe and properoperation of the brake system.Youshouldalways buythe highest

Fig. 43 Bleeding a typical clutch hydraulic system


Theautomatictransaxleallowsenginetorqueand powerto betransmittedto the front wheelswithin a narrowrangeof engineoperatingspeeds.It will allow the engineto turn fastenoughto produceplentyof powerand torqueat very low speeds,while keepingit at a sensiblerpm at highvehiclespeeds(and it does this job withoutdriverassistance).Thetransaxleuses a light fluid as the mediumfor the transmissionof power.This fluid also works in ths operationof various hydrauliccontrol circuitsand as a lubricant.Becausethe transaxlefluid performsall of thesefunctions, troublewithin the unit caneasilytravelfrom one partto another Forthis reason,and becauseof the complexityand unusualoperatingprinciplesof the transaxle,a very soundunderstandingof the basic principlesof operationwill simplify troubleshooting

REMOVAL&INSTALLATION Panremoval,fluid and filter changesare covered in Section1 of this manual

1. Disconnectthe negativebatterycable. 2. Removethe nut attachingthe shift control cable from the transaxlemanualshaft lever.Position the control cableout of the way. 3. Placethe manualshaft lever in the Neutral position, removethe nut andthe manualshaft lever. 4. Detachthe park/neutralswitchelectricalconnector. 5. Removethe park/neutralswitchmounting boltsand removethe switchfrom the transaxlemanual shaft.

To install: 6. Installthe park/neutralswitch to the transaxle manualshaftand install the switchmountingbolts Do not tightenthe mountingbolts unh the switch is adjusted. 7. Installthe manualshaft leverto the park/neutral switchwith the nut. Makesurethat the shaftlever is in the Neutralposition. 8. Adjustthe switch in the following manner: turn the switch body until the hole in the body of the switchaligns with the hole in the manualshaftlever. Inserta drill bit or equivalentinto the holes.Tighten the switch mountingboltsto 8 ft. Ibs. (11 Nm). 9. Attachthe electricalconnector. 10. Installthe control cableto the manualshaft leverwith the nut.Adjustthe cableso that thereis no slackin the cableand that the selectorlevermoves smoothly 11. Reconnectthe negativebatterycable Check for properstartingand properreverselight operatron.



1990-97 Mirage and 1990-93 Galant

ti See Figure 44 1. Disconnectthe negativebatterycable.

# See Figure 44 1. Disconnectthe negativebatterycable. 2. Disconnectthe selectorcablefrom the lever 3. Removethe two retainingscrewsand lift off the switch.

To install: 4. Mount and position newswitch. Do not tighten the bolts until the switch is adjusted. 5. Connectselectorcableand adjustswitch. 6. Afterinstallationandadjustmentmakesurethe engineonly startsin the P andN selections.Also check thatthe reverselightsoperateonly in the R selectlon.

1994-00 Galantand 1998-00 Mirage e See Figure 44

Wait at least 90 secondsafter the negative batterycable is disconnectedto preventpossible deploymentof the air bag. 2. Disconnectthe selectorcablefrom the lever. 3. Removethe two retainingscrewsand lift off the switch.

To install: 4. Installthe lever,tightenthe bolts only hand tight. 5. Rotateswitch body so the manualcontrol lever 0.20 inch (5mm) hole and the switch body0.20 inch (5mm) holesare aligned. 6. Tightenthe mountingbolts to 7-8 ft. Ibs. (10-12 Nm). 7. Connectthe selectorcableto the lever. 8. Connectthe negativebatterycable. 9. After installahonand adjustmentmakesurethe engineonly startsin the P and N selections.Also checkthat the reverselights operateonly in the Rselection.

ADJUSTMENT 1990-97 Mirage and 1990-93 Galant 93157pm

Fig. 44 Typically, the park/neutral position switch is located on the top of the transaxle

1. Disconnectthe negativebatterycableand locatethe neutralsafetyswitchon the top of the transaxle.

*Apply parkingbrake and chockwheels before placingtransaxle into the N position 2. At the transmission,loosenthe shift cableadjustmentnut. Insidethe vehicleplacethe gearshift selectorleverin N 3. Placethe manualshift control lever in N. 4. Loosenneutralsafetyswitch mounhngscrews and rotateswitch bodyso the manualcontrol lever 0.20 in. (5mm) holeandthe switch body0.20 in. (5mm) holesare aligned. 5. Tightenswitch body mountingbolts to 7-8 ft. Ibs. (lo-12 Nm). 6. At the shift cableadjustingnut, gentlypull cable to removeany slack.Tightenlocknutto 8 ft. Ibs. (12 Nm) 7. Verifythat the switch levermovesto positions correspondingto eachposition of the selectorlever. Connectthe negativebatteryterminal. 8. Makesurethe engineonly startsin the P and N positions.Also makesurethe reverselights operateonly in R selection.

REMOVAL&INSTALLATION Diamante ) See Figures45, 46, 47, and 48 1. Properlydisarmthe SRSsystem(air bag). Referto Section6. 2. Raiseand safelysupportthe vehicle. 3. Removethe front wheels. 4. Removethe engineside coverand undercovers. 5. Drainthe transaxleassemblyinto a suitable container. 6. If equipped,removethe front catalyticconverter. 7. Removethe exhaustpipe, main mufflerand catalyticconverter. 8. Disconnectthe tie rod end and ball joint from the steeringknuckle. 9. Unboltthe supportbearingfor the left side halfshaft. 10. Removethe halfshaftsby insertinga prybar betweenthe transaxlecaseand the driveshaftand prying the shaftfrom the transaxle. 11. Removethe air cleanerassemblyandadjoining ductwork. 12. Detachthe engineharnessconnection. 13. If the vehicle is equippedwith Active Electronlc ControlledSuspension(Active-ECS),remove the compressorassemblyfrom the transaxleand suspendwith wire. Do not allow the compressorto hang from the air hose. 14. If equipped,removethe roll stopperstay bracket. 15. Disconnectthe speedometercablefrom the transaxle. 16. Removethe clip that securesthe shifterand disconnectthe shiftercontrol cablefrom the transaxle. 17. Disconnectand plug the oil cooler hoses from the transaxle. 18. Detachthe following:

DRIVETRAIN7-11 27. Removethe bolts holdingthe flexplateto the torqueconverter. 28. Removethe lowertransaxleto enginebolts and removethe transaxleassembly.

To install:

Fig. 45 location of 4-wheel steering oil

Park/neutralswitch electricalharness Kickdownservoswitch l Pulsegenerator l Oil temperaturesensorelectricalharness l Shift control solenoidvalve harness. 19. Supportthe transaxleand removethe transaxlemountingbracket. 20. Removethe threeuppertransaxle-to-engine mountingbolts. 21. Forvehicleswith 4WS,removethe heat shieldfor the 4WSoil pumpand removethe pump. Do not allow the pumpto hangfrom the oil hoses. 22. Forvehiclesequippedwith Active-ECS,disconnectthe heightsensorrod from the lowercontrol arm. 23. Removethe bolt that securesthe HeatedOxygen (HOaS)sensorharnessto the right side crossmember. 24. Removethe starterassembly. ’ 25. Removethe mountingbracketsfor accessto the bell housingcover, 26. Removethe bell housing/oil pancoversassembly. l l

29. Installthe transaxleassemblyto the engine block, installthe mountingbolts and tightento 54 ft. tbs. (75 Nm). 30. Installthe bolts that securethe torqueconverterto the driveplate.Tightenthe bolts to 34-38 ft. Ibs (4653 Nm). 31. Installthe bell housing/oil pancovers. 32. Installthe transaxlestay bracketsthatwere removedfor accessto the bell housingcover. 33. Installthe starterassemblyand connectthe wiring. 34. Installthe bolt that securesthe HO& sensor harnessto the right side crossmemberand tighten the bolt to 7-9 ft. Ibs.(X-12 Nm). 35. For vehiclesequippedwith Active-ECS,connectthe heightsensorrod from the lowercontrol’ arm. Checkthe heightsensorrod for a length(A) of 10.59-10.63 in. (269-270mm) 36. If removed,installthe 4WSoil pumpand tightenthe mountingbolts to 17 ft. Ibs. (24 Nm). 37. If removed,installthe 4WSoil pumpheat shield and tightenthe mountingbolts to 17 ft. Ibs. (24 Nm). 38. Installthe threeuppertransaxle-to-engine mountingbolts.Tightenthe mountingbolts to 54 ft. Ibs. (75 Nm).

*One of the upperbolts has a grounding strap to secureunderthe bolt. 39. Installand connectthe transaxlemounting bracket.Tightenthe mountingnut and boltsto 51 ft. Ibs. (70 Nm). 40. Connectthe shift control solenoidvalve harness

41. Connectthe kickdownservo switch,pulse generatorand oil temperaturesensorelectricalharness 42. Connectthe park/neutralswitch electrical harness. 43. Usingnewhoseclamps,install the oil cooler hosesto the transaxle. 44. Installshifter control cableto the transaxle and securethe cablewith clip. 45. Connectthe speedometercableto the transaxle. 46. If removed,install the roll stopperstay bracketand tightenthe onethroughnut and bolt to 36-43 ft. Ibs.(50-60 Nm).Tightenthe two mounting bolts to 16 ft. Ibs. (22 Nm). 47. If removed,install the Active-ECScompressor assembly.Tightenthe mountingbolts to 48 inch Ibs. (5 Nm) and connectthe electricalharness. 48. Attachthe engineharnessconnection. 49. Installthe air cleanerassemblyand adjoining duct work. 50. Usingnewcirclips, installthe halfshaftsand seathalfshaftsinto the transaxle.Installthe bolt that securethe left sidesupportbearingand tightenthe bolts to 33 ft. Ibs. (45 Nm). 51. Connectthe ball joint and tie rod endto the steeringknuckle.Usingnewnuts,tightenthe ball joint castlenutto 43-52 ft. Ibs. (60-72 Nm) and tightenthe tie rod castlenutto 22 ft. ibs. (30 Nm). install newcotterpins. 52. Using newgaskets,install the exhaustsystem. 53. If removed,installfront catalyticconverter. 54. Installthe engineundercovers. 55. Connectthe negativebatterycable. 56. Fill the transaxleto the correctlevel. 57. Startthe engineand checkfor leaks.

Gaiant 1999-1993 MODELS

Removal steps 1. Transaxle control cable connection 2. Transaxle 011cooler hoses connection 3. PNP swrtch connector 4. FvT control solenoid valve connector 5. Input shaft speed sensor connector 6. Output shaft speed sensor connector 7. Vehicle speed sensor connector 6. Spht pin 9. Connection of the tie rod end 10. Drwe shaft nut

11. Connectton for the lower arm ball jomt 12. Drwe shaft and inner shaft assembly (RH) and the drwe shaft (LH) Caution Mounting locations marked by l should be provisionally tightened, and then fully tightened when the body is supporting the full weight of the engine. 7923PG84

:io. 46 Transaxie removal (1 of 2)-Diamante with F4A51transaxie

1. Onvehiclesequippedwith auto-cruise,removethe control actuatorand bracket. 2. If equippedwith an active ECS,disconnect the air compressor. 3. Drainthe transaxlefluid into a suitablecontainer. 4. Removethe air cleanerassembly,intercooler and air hose,as required. 5. Mark the shift cable.Removethe adjusting nut and disconnectthe shift cable. 6. Tagand detachthe electricalconnectorsfor the solenoid,neutralsafetyswitch (inhibitor switch), the pulsegeneratorkickdownservo switchand oil temperaturesensor. 7. Disconnectthe speedometercableand oil cooler lines. 8. Disconnectthe wires to the startermotor and removethe starter. 9. Removethe uppertransaxleto enginebolts. 10. Supportthe transaxleand removethe transaxlemountingbracket. 11. Raisethe vehicleand supportsafely.Remove the sheetmetalunderguard 12. Removethe tie rod endsand the bail joints from the steeringknuckle. 13. Removethe halfshaftsby insertinga prybar betweenthe transaxlecaseand the driveshaftand pryingthe shaftfrom the transaxle.Do not pull on the driveshaft.Doingso damagesthe inboardjoint. Use


7-12 DRIVETRAIN 26-33Nm 19 - 24 itlbs. 45 - 52 Nm

30 Refill with DexronII, Mopar ATF Plustype 7176, Mitsubishi PlusATFor equivalent,automatic transaxlefluid. If vehicleis AWD checkandfill the transfercase. 31. Startthe engineand allow to idle for 2 minutes.Apply parkrngbrakeand move selectorthrough eachgearposrtion,endingin N. Recheckfluid level and add if necessary.Fluid level shouldbe between the marksin the HOTrange. 1994-90 MODELS

69 Nm 51 ftlbs. \ 66 Nm 65 ftlbs.

52 Nm 36 fl.lbs.

:ig. the prybar.Do not insertthe prybarso far the oil seal in the caseis damaged.Tie the halfshaftsaside. 14. On AWDvehicles,disconnectthe exhaust pipe and removethe transfercase. 15. Removethe lowerbellhousingcover and removethe specialbolts holdingthe flexplateto the torqueconverter.To remove,turn the enginecrankshaftwith a box wrenchand bringthe bolts into a position appropriatefor removal,oneat a time. After removingthe bolts, pushthe torqueconvertertoward the transaxleso it doesn’tstayon the engineallowing oil to pour out the converterhub or causedamageto the converter, 16. Removethe lowertransaxleto enginebolts and removethe transaxleassembly.

mantewith a F4A33automatictransaxle

To install: 17. Afterthe torqueconverterhas beenmounted on the transaxle,installthe transaxleassemblyon the engine.Tightenthe driveplatebolts to 34-38 ft. Ibs. (4653 Nm).Tightenthe transaxle-to-enginebolts to 35 ft. Ibs. (48 Nm). Installthe bellhousingcover. 18. OnAWDvehicles,installthe transfercase andframepieces.Connectthe exhaustpipe using a newgasket. 19. Replacethe circlips and installthe halfshafts to the transaxle. 20. Installthe tie rods and ball joint to the steering arm. 21. Installthe transaxlemountingbracket. 22. install the underguard. 23. Installthe starter. 24. Connectthe speedometercableand oil cooler lines. 25 Connectthe solenoid,neutralsafetyswitch (inhibitor switch),the pulsegeneratorkickdown servoswitchand oil temperaturesensor. 26. Installthe shift control cable. 27. Installthe air hose,intercoolerand air cleaner assembly. If equippedwith an active ECS,connectthe

1. Disconnectthe negativebatterycable. 2. Removethe air cleanerand intakehoses. 3. Drainthe transaxleinto a suitablewastecontainer. 4. Removethe nut securingthe shifter leverto the transaxle.Removethe cable retainingclip and removethe cablefrom the transaxle. 5. Removethe shifter cablemountingbracket, 6. Tagand detachthe electricalconnectorsfor the speedometer,solenoid,neutralsafetyswitch (inhibitor switch),the pulsegenerator,kickdownservo switch,and the oil temperaturesensor. 7. Tagand disconnectthe oil cooler lines at the transaxle. 8. Removethe bolt securingthe fluid dipstick tubeto the transaxle.Removethe dipstrckandtube from the transaxle. 9. Removethe startermotor and position it aside. 10. Usingspecialtool MZ203827or equivalent, supportthe engineassembly. 11. Removethe rear roll stoppermounting bracket. 12. Removethe transaxlemount bracket. 13. Removethe uppertransaxlemountingbolts. 14. Raiseand safelysupportthe vehicle. 15. Removethe front wheelassemblies. 16. Removethe right handundercover. 17. Removeand discardthe cotterpin, thendisconnectthe tie rod endfrom the steeringknuckle, 18. Disconnectthe stabilizerbar link from the damperfork. 19. Disconnectthe damperfork from the lateral lowercontrol arm. 20. Disconnectthe laterallowerarm,and the compressionarm lowerball joints from the steering knuckle. 21. Prythe halfshaftsfrom the transaxle,and secure aside. 22. Removethe cover from the transaxlebellhousing. 23. Removethe enginefront roll stopper through-bolt. 24. Removethe crossmemberand the triangular right handstay. 25. Removethe bolts holdingthe flexplateto the torqueconverterwith a box wrench Rotatethe engine to bringthe bolts into a position appropriatefor removal,one at a time. After removingthe bolts, push the torqueconvertertowardthe transaxle.This will preventthe converterfrom remainingintactwith the engine,possiblydamagingthe converter, 26. Supportthe transaxle,using a transmission jack, and removethe transaxlelowercoupling bolt.

*The couplingbolt threadsfrom the engine side, into the transaxle, and is locatedjust abovethe halfshafl opening.

DRIVETRAIN7-13 27. Shdethe transaxlerearwardand carefully lowerit from the vehicle.

To install: 28. Afterthe torqueconverterhasbeenmounted on the transaxle,install the transaxleassemblyto the engine.Installthe mountingboltsand tightento 35 ft. Ibs.(48 Nm). 29. Installthe transaxlelowercoupling bolt and tightento 21-25 ft Ibs. (29-34 Nm). 30. Connectthe torqueconverterto the flexplate and tightenthe boltsto 33-38 ft. Ibs. (45-52 Nm). 31. Install the cover to the transaxlebellhousing and tighten the mounting bolts to 7 ft. Ibs. (9 Nm). 32 Installthe crossmemberand tightenthe front mountingbolts to 65 ft. Ibs (88 Nm) and the rear bolt to 54 ft. Ibs. (73 Nm) Installthe front engineroll stopperthrough-boltand lightlytighten.Oncethe full weightof the engineis on the mounts,tightenthe ’ bolt to 42 ft. Ibs. (57 Nm), 33. Installthe triangularstaybracketand tighten the mountingboltsto 65 ft. Ibs.(88 Nm). 34. Installthe halfshafts,using newcirclips on the axleends.

Wheninstalling the axleshaft, keepthe inboardjoint straight in relation to the axle, so as not to damagethe oil seal lip of the transaxle with the serratedpart of the halfshaft. 35. Connectthe tie rod and ball joints to the steeringknuckle.Tightenthe ball joint self-locking nutsto 48 ft. Ibs.(65 Nm).Tightenthe tie rod end nut to 21 ft. Ibs. (28 Nm) and securewith a newcotter pin. 36. Connectthe damperfork to the lowercontrol arm and tightenthe through-boltto 65 ft Ibs. (88 Nm). 37. Connectthe stabilizerlink to the damperfork, andtightenthe self-lockingnut to 29 ft. Ibs. (39 Nm). 38. Installthe undercover. 39. Installthe wheelsand carefullylowerthe vehicle 40. Installthe transaxlemountbracketto the transaxle,andtightenthe mountingnutsto 32 ft. Ibs. (43 Nm). 41. Installthe rear roll stoppermountingbracket. 42. Removethe enginesupport.Tightenthe transaxlemountthrough-boltto 51 ft. Ibs. (69 Nm) and tightenthe front engineroll stopperthrough-bolt. 43. Installthe uppertransaxlemountingbolts and tightento 35 fl. Ibs. (48 Nm). 44. Installthe startermotor. 45. Installthe dipsticktubeand the dipstick 46. Installthe shifter cablemountingbracket. 47. Connectthe shifter leverand tightenthe retaining nut to 14 ft. Ibs.(19 Nm). 48. Connectthe oil cooler lines and securewith clamps. 49. Attachthe electricalconnectorsfor the speedometer,solenoid,neutralsafetyswitch (in-, hibitor switch),the pulse generator,kickdownservo switchand oil temperaturesensor. 50. Installthe air cleanerand the air intakehose. 51. Connectthe negativebatterycable. 52. Makesurethe vehicle is level,and refill the transaxle.Startthe engineand allowto idle for 2

minutes.Apply parkingbrakeand moveselector througheachgearposition,endingin N. Recheck fluid levelandadd if necessary.Fluid levelshould be betweenthe marksin the HOTrange. 53. Checkthe transaxlefor properoperation. Make surethe reverselights come on whenin reverseandthe enginestartsonly in P or N.

Mirage *If the vehicle is goingto be rolled on its wheels while the halfshaftsare out of the vehicle, obtaintwo outer CV-jointsor proper equivalenttools and install to the hubs.If the vehicle is rolled without the propertorque applied to the front wheel bearings,the bearings will no longer be usable. 1. Disconnectthe negativebatterycablethen the positive batterycable. 2. Removethe batteryand batterytray. 3. Removethe air hoseand air cleanerassembly. 4. Raisethe vehicleand supportsafely. 5. Removethe underguardpan. 6. Drainthe transaxleoil into a suitablecontainer. 7. If equippedwith 1.6L engine,removethe tension rod. 8. Disconnectthe control cableand cooler lines. 9. On3-speedtransaxles,disconnectthe throttle control cable. 10. On4-speedtransaxles,performthe following: a. Detachthe shift control solenoidvalve connector. b. Disconnectthe inhibitor switch and kickdown servo switch. c. Disconnectthe pulse generatorand oil temperaturesensor. 11. Disconnectthe speedometercableand removethe starter. 12. Removethe transaxlemountingbolts and bracket. 13. Disconnectthe stabilizerbarfrom the lower control arm. 14. Disconnectthe steeringtie rod endand the ball joint from the steeringarm. 15. Removethe halfshaftsat the inboardside from the transaxle.Tie the joint assemblyaside.

*It is not necessaryto disconnectthe halfshaftsfrom the wheel hubs. 16. Supportthe engineand removethe center member. 17. Removethe bellhousingcoverand remove the driveplatebolts. 18 Removethe transaxleassemblylowerconnectingbolt, locatedjust over the halfshaftopening. 19. Properlysupportthe transaxleassembly,then lower it, moving it to the right for clearance.

23. Replacethe circlips and installthe halfshafts to the transaxle. 24. Installthe tie rods, ball joints and stabilizer links to the steeringarm 25. Installthe transaxlemountingbracketand bolts. 26. Installthe starter. 27. Connectthe speedometercable. 28. Connectthe inhibitor switch,kickdownservo switch,the pulsegeneratorand oil temperaturesensor, if disconnected. 29. Connectthe shift control solenoidvalve connector. 30. Connectthe control cablesand oil cooler lines. 31. Installthe tensionrod, if removed. 32. Installthe air cleanerassembly. 33. Installthe batterytray and battery. 34. Connectthe positivethenthe negativeterminal. 35. Refillwith Dexron@II, Mopar ATF Plustype 7176 or equivalent,automatictransaxlefluid. 36. Startthe engineandallow to idle for two minutes.Apply parkingbrakeand move selectorthrough eachgearposition,ending in N. Recheckfluid level and add if necessary.Fluid levelshouldbe between the marksin the HOTrange.

ADJUSTMENTS Shifter Control CableAdjustment 1. Theshifter cableadjustmentis doneat the neutralsafetyswitch (inhibitor switch).Locatethe switchon the transaxleand notethe alignmentholes in the arm andthe bodyof the switch. Placethe selectorlever in N. Placethe manualleverof the transaxlein the neutralposition. 2. Checkalignmentof the hole in the manual control leverto the hole in the inhibitor switchbody. If the holes do not align, adjustmentis required. 3. To adjust, loosenthe nut on the cableend and pull the cableend by handuntil the alignmentholes match.Tightenthe nut. Checkthat the transaxle shifts and conformsto the positions of the selector lever.

Throttle Valve Cable Thethrottlevalve adjustmentappliesonly to the 1990-96 Mirage. 1. Placeselectorleverand manualcontrol lever in N position. 2. Loosenadjustingnut.While lightly pulling on control cabletightenmountingnut to 7-10 ft. Ibs. (X-14 Nm). 3. Whenadjustmentis complete,besureselector lever is still in the N position.Verify all functions correspondto the position indicatedon the selector lever.

To install: 20. Afterthe torqueconverterhasbeenmounted on the transaxle,installthe transaxleassemblyon the engine.Installthe mountingbolts and tightento 31-40 ft. Ibs. (43-55 Nm) on 1990-92 modelsand 35 ft. Ibs.(48 Nm) on 1993-00 models. 21. Tightenthe driveplateboltsto 33-38 ft. Ibs. (46-53 Nm). Installthe bellhousingcover. 22. Installthe centermember.

The halfshaftremovaland installationand overhaulare the sameas a manualtransaxle Pleaserefer to ManualTransaxlein this Section

7-14 DRIVETRAIN Theonly modelcoveredby this manualequipped with a transfercaseis the 1990-93 AWD Galant.

REMOVAL&INSTALLATION # See Figures49 and 50 1. Raiseand supportthe vehiclesafely. 2. Removethe propellershaftfrom the transfer

assembly.Placea drain pan underthe rearof the transferassemblyto catchany fluid that leaksout. 3. Usinqa flat-bladedpryingtool, carefullyremovethe ofi sealfrom the transferdustsealguard To install: 4. Using propersizesealdriver tool, installthe seal into the dustseal quardand the transferassemblv. ‘5. Installthe rearpropellershaft. 6. Carefullylowerthe vehicleand inspectthe transferassemblyfluid level.



1Fig. 49 Explodedview of the transfer case 1extension housingand related components

Fig. 50 Install the oil seal using the proper sized driver and a hammer

Theonly modelcoveredby this manualequipped with a driveshaftis the 1990-93 AWDGalant.

7. Installthe centersupportbearingwith all spacers in place.Tightenthe retainingnutsto 22-25 ft. Ibs. (3C-35 Nm). 8. Checkthe fluid levelsin the transfercaseand reardifferentialcase.



) See Figures 51 and 52

1. Make matingmarkson the yokeandthe universa1joint that is to be disassembled.Removethe snapringsfrom the yokewith snapringpliers.

1. Disconnectthe negativebatterycable.Raise the vehicleand supportsafely. 2. The reardriveshaftis a 3-pieceunit, with a front, centerand rearpropellershaft.Removethe nutsand msulatorsfrom the centersupportbearing. Work carefully.Therewill bea numberof spacers which will differ from vehicleto vehicle.Checkthe numberof spacersand write downtheir locationsfor referenceduring reassembly. 3. Matchmarkthe reardifferentialcompanion flangeand the rear driveshaftflangeyoke.Remove the companionshaftbolts and removethe driveshaft, keepingit as straightas possibleso as to ensurethat the boot is not damagedor pinched.Usecareto keep from damagingthe oil seal in the outputhousingof the transfercase.

REMOVAL&INSTALLATION 1. Disconnectthe batterynegativecable. 2. Raisethe vehicleand supportsafely.Drainthe transferoil. 3. Disconnectthe front exhaustpipe. 4. Unboltthe transfercaseassemblyand remove by sliding it off the reardriveshaft.Becarefulnot to damagethe oil seal in the transfercaseoutputhousing. Do not let the reardriveshafthang;suspendit from a framepiece.Coverthe openingin the transaxleandtransfercaseto keepoil from dripping and to keepdirt out. 5. Lubricatethe driveshaftsleeveyokeand oil seal lipan the transferextensionhousing.Installthe transfercaseassemblyto the transaxle.Usecare when installingthe reardriveshaftto the transfercase outputshaft. 6. Tightenthe transfercaseto transaxlebolts to 40-43 ft. Ibs. (55-60 Nm)with manualtransaxle; 43-58 ft. Ibs. (60-80 Nm) with automatictransaxle. 7. Installthe exhaustpipe usinga newgasket.Install removedbumpercomponents. 8. Refill the transfercaseand checkoil levelsin transaxleand transfercase.

2 Forceout the bearingjournalsfrom the yoke using a largeC-clamp.Installa collar on the fixed side of the C-clamp.Pressthe journal bearinginto the collar by applyingpressurewith the C-clamp,on the oppositeside. 3. Pull the journal bearingfrom the yoke.

rlf the journal bearingis hard to remove, strike the yoke with a plastic hammer. 4. Pressthe journalshaft using C-clampor similar tool, to removethe remainingbearings.

*Damage to the boot can be avoidedand work will be easier if a piece of cloth or similar material is inserted in the boot. 4. Do not lowerthe rearof the vehicleor oil will flow from the transfercase.Coverthe openingto keepdirt out.

To install: 5. Positionthe driveshaftin the vehicle,making sureto align the matchmarksat the rearyoke. 6. Installthe bolts at the reardifferentialflange and tightento 22-25 ft. Ibs. (30-35 Nm).

Fiu. 51 Explodedview of the proueller shafl mounting



side, using a brassbar with diameterof 0.59 in. (15mm). 8. Measurethe clearancebetweenthe snapring andthe groovewall of the yokewith a feelergauge.If the clearanceexceeds0.0008-0.0024 in. (0.02-O.O6mm),the snap rings should be replaced.



Fig. 52 Apply mating marks on the flange yoke and differential companion flange 5. Onceall bearingsare removed,removethe journal. To install: 6. Apply multi-purposegreaseto the shafts, greasesumps,dustseal lips and needleroller bearings of the replacementU-joint Do not applyexcessive grease Otherwse,faultyfitting of bearingcaps and errors in selectionof snapringsmay result. 7. Pressfit the journal bearingsto the yoke using a C-clampas follows: a. Install a solid baseonto the bottomof the C-clamp. b. Insertboth bearingsinto the yoke. Hold and pressfit them by tighteningthe C-clamp. c. Install snapringsof the samethickness onto both sides of eachyoke. d. Pressthe bearingand journal into one

The only modelcoveredby this manualequipped with a rearaxle differentialis the 1990-93 AWD Galant.

REMOVAL&INSTALLATION # See Figures 53 and 54 1. Disconnectthe negativebatterycable.Raise the vehicleand supportsafely. 2. Removethe bolts that attachthe rearhalfshaft to the comoanionflanae. 3. Use’aprybartopry the inner shaftout of the


IFig. 53 Rear driveshaft mounting

Driveshaftbalancingis a processbest leftfor a professionalwrththe properequipment.Makeshift methodsusing hoseclampsor similar devicescan work, but the processof correctingthe imbalancein this manneris very toughand extremelytime consuming. Many machineshopscan balancedriveshafts; some partsstoresandjobberscan also balancedriveshaftsusing outsidecontractors.

REMOVAL&INSTALLATION 1. Placematmgmarkson the companronflange and the Lobrojoint assembly 2. Removethe Lobrojoint installationbolts. Separatethe Lobrojoint from the companionflange. 3. Placematingmarkson the centeryoke and centerpropellershaft,and the companionflangeand the rear propellershaft. 4. Removethe self-lockingnuts.Removethe centeryokeand companionflange.

differentialcase.Don’tinsertthe prybartoo far or the sealcould be damaged. 4 Removethe reardriveshaftfrom the vehicle. 5. If necessary,carefullypry the oil sealfrom the rear differentialusing a flat tipped pryingtool. To install: 6. Installa newoil seal into the reardifferential housing usingproper sizedriver. 7. Replacethe circlip and installthe reardriveshaftto the differentialcase.Makesure it snapsin place. 8. Installthe companionflangebolts and tighten to 40-47 ft. Ibs.(55-65 Nm). 9. Checkthe fluid levelin the rear differential.


Fig. 54 Remove the driveshaft from the differential carrier with a prybar

5. Placematingmarkson the centerbearingassemblyfront bracketand the centerpropellershaft, and the centerbearingassemblyrearbracketand the rearpropellershaft.Removethe centerbearing bracket. *The mounting rubber can not be removed from the center bearing bracket. 6. Pull out the front and rearcenterbearings with a commerciallyavailablepuller To install: 7. Apply multi-purposegreaseto the center bearingfront and reargreasegroovesand to the dust seal lip Be sureto fit the bearinginto the rubber mount grooveon the centerbearingbracket. *Face the bearing dust seal to the side of the center bearing bracket mating mark. 8. Assemblethe centerbearingto the center propellershaftand rearpropellershaft.Facethe side onto which the centerbearingbracketmatingmarks IS placedand the dust seal is installedtowardthe side of the centerpropellershaftand rearpropeller shaft. 9 Apply a thin and evencoatof the grease,enclosedwith the repairkit, to the rubberpackingon the companionflange.Align the matingmarkson the centerpropellershaftand the companionflange,then pressfit the centerbearingwith self-lockingnuts. 10 Installthe Lobrojoint assemblyinstallation bolts. Securethe companronflangeand Lobrojoint assemblywith the installationbolts Checkfor grease leakagefrom the Lobrojoint boot and companion flangeinstallabonparts.

REMOVAL&INSTALLATION 1. Disconnectthe negativebatterycable. 2. Raiseand supportthe vehiclesafely. 3 Removethe tire andwheelassemblyfrom the vehicle. 4 If equippedwith ABS,removethe rearwheel speedsensor. *Be cautious to ensure that the tip of the pole piece on the rear speed sensor does not come in contact with other parts during removal. Sensor damage could occur. 5. Removethe rearcaliperand supportassembly out of the way. Removethe brakedisc. 6. Removethe driveshaftand companionflange installationbolts, nuts and washers.Move the end of shaftslightlyto accessthe self-lockingnut. 7. Usingaxle holding tool MBSbll-01 or equivalent,securethe rearaxle shaft in position,then removethe self-locking nut. 8. Usingpuller and adapterMBSbll-01 and MB9b41-01or equivalents,removethe rearaxle shaftfrom the trailing arm 9. If equippedwith ABS,removethe rearrotor from the axleassemblyusing collar and press.The rotor is a pressfit. 10 Removethe outerbearingand dust cover concurrentlyfrom the axle shaft using a press.

. 7-16 DRIVETRAIN 11. Using puller,removethe oil sealand inner bearingfrom the trailing arm. 12. Inspectthe companionflangeand axle shaft for wearor damage.Inspectthe dust cover for deformationor damage.Inspectthe bearingsfor burning or declaration.Replacecomponentsas required 13. Usingthe properdriver, pressfit the inner bearingonto the trailing arm. Pressfit the oil seal onto the trailing arm with the depressionin the oil sealfacing upward,and until it contactsthe shoulder on the innerarm.

18. Whileholdingthe rearaxleshaftin positron usingholdingfixturetool MB9g67-01or equivalent, tightena newself-lockingnutto 159 ft. Ibs.(220 Nm). 19. Installthe drive shaftnuts,washersand bolts. Tightento 40-47 ft. Ibs.(55-65 Nm). 20. Installthe rear brakedisc, caliperassembly and parkingbrake. 21. Installthe tire and wheelassemblyand lower the vehrcle.Checkthe parkingbrakestrokeand adjust as required. 22. Beforemovingthe vehicle,pumpthe brakes until a firm pedalis achieved.

*When tappingthe oil seal in, use a plastic hammerto lightly tap the top and circumference of the seal installation tool, pressfitting gradually and evenly.


To install:

14. Pressfit the dust coversonto the axle until it contactsthe axle shaftshoulder.Installthe innermost cover so the deDressionis facino . UDWard. ,

*When tappingthe oil seal in, use a plastic hammerto lightly tap the top and circumference of the seal installation tool, pressfitting graduallyand evenly. 15. Apply multi-purposegreasearoundthe entire circumferenceof the Innerside of the outer bearing seal lip. Pressfit the outerbearingto the axle shaftso that the bearrngseal lip surfaceis facingtowardsthe axle shaftflange. 16. Pressfit the rearrotor to the axle shaftwith the rear rotor groovesurfacetowardsthe axle shaft flange. 17. Installthe rearaxle shaftto the trailing arm temporarily.Installthe companionflangeto the rear axle shaft,then install a newself-lockingnut.

1. Raisethe vehicleand supportsafely. 2. Matchmarkthe driveshaftand comoanion flangeand removethe shaft.Don’t let it hangfrom the transaxle.Tie It up to the underbody. 3. Hold the companionflangestationaryand removethe largeself-lockingnut in the centerof the comoanionflanoe. 4: Usinga Gller, removethe flange.Prythe old sealout.

To install: 5. Applya thin coatof multi-purposegreaseto the seallip andthe companionflangesealcontactingsurface.Installthe newsealwith an appropriatedriver. 6. Installthe companionflange.Installa newlocknutandtorqueto 116-159 fl Ibs.(157-220 Nm).The rotationtorqueof the drive pinionshouldbeabout4 inch Ibs.for newor reused,oiled bearings 7. Installthe driveshaft.

REMOVAL&INSTALLATION 1. Raisethe vehicleand supportsafely. 2. Drainthe differentialgearoil and removethe centerexhaustpipe. 3. Matchmarkand removethe reardriveshaft. 4. Removethe rearhalfshafts. 5. Removethe centerexhaustpipe and muffler assembly,as required. 6. Removeor disconnectthe 4 wheelsteering oil pump. 7. The largemountingbolts that hold the differential carriersupportplateto the underbodymayuse self-lockingnuts.Beforeremovingthem, supportthe rearaxle assemblyin the middlewith a transaxle jack. Removethe nuts,then removethe support plate(s)and the squaredynamicdamperfrom the rear of the carrier. 8 Lowerthe differentialcarrierand removefrom the vehicle.

To install: 9. Raisethe reardifferentialcarrier into position and install supportmemberbolts. Installnewlocknutson all supportbolts. 10. Installthe 4 wheelsteeringoil pump. 11. Install newcirclips on both reardriveshafts and install. 12. Installthe propellershaft. 13. Installthe centerexhaustpipe and muffler. 14. Lowerthe vehicle. 15. With the vehiclelevel,fill the reardifferential.

TORQUESPECIFICATIONS Components Automatic Vansaxle-toengme mountrng bolts Diamante models 1990-92 Mrrage 199390 Mrrage 1990-93 Galant 199400 Galant Axle hub nuts Back-up lamp swatch Clutch release fork fulcrum Driveshaft-to-rear drfferentral flange bolts Driveshaft center bearrng support bracket mountrng nuts Halfshaft center bearing support bracket Manual transaxle-toengrne mountrng bolts 1990-92 Mtrage 1993-00 Mrrage 1990-93 Galant 199400 Galant Manual transaxle lower coupling bolt Manual transaxle mount retaining nuts Manual transaxle mount through-bolt Park/neutral safety swatchretainrng bolts 1990-97 Mrrage and 1990-93 Galant 1994-00 Galant and 199600 Mirage Dramante models Pinion nut Pressure plate-to-flywheel bolts 1994-98 Galant / All other models Rear halfshaft-tocompanron flange bolts Stub axle shaft hub nut Throttle valve cable mounting nut Torque converter-todnveplate bolts Transfer case-to-transaxle mounttng bolts Manual transaxle Automatic transaxle



54ft Ibs. 3140ft Ibs. 35ft Ibs. 32-39 ft Ibs. 35ft Ibs. 145-188 ft tbs 22-25 ft Ibs. 25ft Ibs 22-25 fl lb?.. 22-25 fl. Ibs. 33ft Ibs.

75 Nm 43-55 Nm 48 Nm 43-55 Nm 48 Nm 200-260 Nm 30-35 Nm 35 Nm 30-35 Nm 30-35 Nm 45 Nm

3140 ft. Ibs. 35 ft. Ibs. 32-39 fl Ibs. 35ft Ibs. 22-25ft Ibs 32ft Ibs. 51 R Ibs.

43-55 Nm 48 Nm 43-55 Nm 48 Nm 30-35 Nm 40 Nm 69 Nm

76 ft. Ibs afl Ibs 78 fl. Ibs 116-159fl lb?..

IO-12 Nm 11 Nm IO-12 Nm 157-220 Nm

14ft Ibs. 16ft Ibs. 4047ft Ibs. 159n Ibs. 7-10 ft. Ibs. 34-38 n. ibs

19 Nm 22 Nm 5565 Nm 220 Nm lo-14 Nm 46-53 Nm

4043n Ibs. 43-58 ft. Ibs.

5560 Nm 60-80 Nm 93157co1

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