Ch 3 Engine Mechanical

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REMOVAL&INSTALLATION # See Figure 1 In the processof removingthe engine,you will comeacrossa numberof stepswhich call for the removal of a separatecomponentor system,suchas “disconnectthe exhaustsystem”or “removethe radiator.” In most instances,a detailedremovalprocedurecan befound elsewherein this manual. It is virtually impossibleto list eachindividual wire and hosewhich must be disconnected,simply becauseso manydifferentmodeland engrnecombinationshavebeenmanufacturedCarefulobservation and commonsensearethe bestpossibleapproaches to any repairprocedure. Removaland installationof the enginecan be madeeasierif you follow thesebasicpoints: l If you haveto drain any of the fluids, usea suitablecontainer. l Alwaystag any wires or hosesand, if possrble, the componentstheycamefrom beforedisconnecting them. l Becausethereareso manybolts and fasteners involved,storeand labelthe retainersfrom componentsseparatelyin muffin pans,jars or coffeecans. This will preventconfusionduring installatron. l Afterunboltingthe transmisstonor transaxle, alwaysmakesure it is properlysupported. l If it is necessaryto disconnectthe air conditioning system,havethis serviceperformedby a qualifiedtechnicianusinga recovery/recyclingstation If the systemdoesnot haveto be disconnected, unboltthe compressorand set it aside. l Whenunboltingthe enginemounts,always makesurethe engineis properlysupported.When removingthe engine,makesurethat any lifting devices are properlyattachedto the engine.It is recommendedthat if your engineISsuppliedwith lifting hooks,your lifting apparatusbe attachedto them. l Lift the enginefrom its compartmentslowly, checkingthat no hoses,wires or othercomponents are still connected. l Afterthe engineis clearof the compartment, placeit on an enginestandor workbench. l After the enginehas beenremoved,you can performa partialor full teardownof the engineusing the proceduresoutlinedin this manual. 1. Relievefuel systempressure.

Observeall applicable safety precautions when working aroundfuel. Wheneverservicing the fuel system,always work in a well ventilated area. Do not allow fuel spray or vapors to comein contactwith a spark or openflame. Keepa dry chemicalfire extinguishernear the work area. Always keepfuel in a containerspecifically designedfor fuel storage;also, always properly seal fuel containers to avoid the possibility of fire or explosion. 2. Disconnectthe negativebatterycable. 3. Removethe engineundercoverif equipped.

4. Matchmarkthe hoodand hingesand remove the hood assembly. 5. Removethe air cleanerassemblyand all adjoining air intakeductwork. 6. Drainthe enginecoolant,removethe radiator hoses,and removethe radiatorassembly,coolant reservoir,and intercooler,as equipped.

cooling systemwhen hot; serious burnscan occurfrom the steamand hot coolant. Also, when draining enginecoolant, keep in mind that cats and dogsare attractedto ethylene glycol antifreezeand could drink any that is left in an uncoveredcontaineror in puddles on the ground.This will prove fatal in sufficient quantities.Always drain coolant into a sealable container.Coolantshouldbe reused unlessit is contaminatedor is several years old. 7. Removethe transaxleandtransfercaseas equipped. 8. Tagand detachthe following electricalconnections: l Acceleratorcable l Heaterhoses l Brakeboostervacuumhose l Vacuumhoses l Fuel lines l Enginegroundcables l Any applicablesensors l Coolanttemperatureand oil pressuresending units l ExhaustGas Recirculation(EGR)temperature sensor l Connectionfor the idle speedcontrol motor l Fuel injectors l Powertransistor l Ignition coil and any applicabledistributor connections l The connectionsfor the alternator l Powersteeringpressureswitch l A/C compressor l Refrigeranttemperatureswitch l Condenser 9. Removethe air conditionerdrive beltand the air conditioningcompressor.Leavethe hosesattached.Do not dischargethe system.Placethe compressorasideand secureit using a suitabledevice. 10. Removethe powersteeringpumpand place the pumpasrdeand secureit using a surtabledevice. 11. Removethe exhaustmanifold-to-exhaust pipe nuts. Discardthe gasket. 12. Installthe enginehoist equipmentand make certainthe attachingpoints on the engineare secure. 13. Raisethe hoist enoughto supportthe engine. 14. Removethe front and rearengineroll stoppers 15. Removethe left enginemountand support

Doublecheckthat all cables, hoses,harness connectors,etc., are disconnectedfrom the engine.

16. Slowly lift the engineand removeit from the vehicle. To install: 17. Installthe engineand secureall control bracketsand mounts. 18. Installthe transaxle,and transfercaseif equipped. 19. The balanceof the installationis the reverse of removalwith the addition of the following notes: a. Use newclamps or O-rings to connectthe high pressurefuel lme and the fuel return line. b. Use new gasketsto connectthe exhaust systemto the engine. c. Fill the enginewith the properamountof engineoil and coolant. d. Startthe engine,allow it to reachnormal operatingtemperature. e. Checkfor leaks. f. Checkthe ignition timing and adjust if necessary. g. Roadtest the vehicle and checkall fluid levelsand functionsfor proper operation.

Fig. 1 Alignmentof the engine mountstopoer bracket-Diamante shown

REMOVAL&INSTALLATION Except3.OL(SOHCand DOHC)and 3.5L Engines # See Figures2 thru 11 1. Disconnectthe negativebatterycable. 2. If necessary,removethe air intakehose. 3. If necessary,removethe throttlecablefrom the cableroutingclips.

Fig. 2 If necessary, removethe throttle cable from the cable routing clips


Fig. 3 Removethe breather hose from the

Fig. 4 Removethe PCWvalve and hosefrom


Fig. 6 . . . then position the wires out of the

Fig. 9 Remove the valve cover retaini removethebreather hosefrom 4. If equipped, thevalvecover. thecrankcase ventilation tubefrom 5. Remove thevalvecover. 6. Onthe1.6Land2.gL(DOHC) engines,removetheignitionwirecover. 7. Labelandremovetheignitionwiresandseparators. theuppertimingbeltcover. 8. Remove thevalvecoverretainingbolts,start 9. Remove ingfromtheoutsideandworkingin. thevalvecoverandgasketfromthe 10. Remove cylinderhead. To install: 11. Cleanthevalvecovergasketsealingsurfaces, 12, Installnewvalvecovergaskets andif equipped, O-ringsontothevalvecovers.

Fig. 7 The uppertiming cover is retained by three bolts. Unfastenthe bolts . . .

Fig. 8 . . . then carefully remove the cover from the engine

then lift the valve cover 13. Placethevalvecoverintopositionandbeginningin thecenterof thevalvecoverandworkingoutward,tightentheretainingboltsasfollows: l 15L engine:12-18inchIbs.(l-2 Nm) l 1.6L,1.8L,2.OLDOHC,and2.4Lengines: 24-36inchIbs.(2-3 Nm) * 2.OLSOHCengine:WO inchIbs.(4-5 Nm) 14. Installthecrankcase ventilation tube. andtheig15. Installtheignitionwireseparators nitionwires. engines, install 16. Onthe1.6Land2.OL(DOHC) theignitionwirecover. 17. Installtheair intakehose. 18. Connect thenegative batterycable. 19. Runtheengineandcheckfor leaksand properoperation.

3.OLand 3.5L Engines b See Figure 12 1. Disconnect thenegative batterycable. 2. Remove theupperintakemanifoldasdescribedin thissection. 3. Onthe3.OLDOHCengine,remove theignitionwirecover. 4. Remove theignitionwiresandsparkplugs. 5. Remove thecrankcase ventilationtubesfrom bothvalvecovers. 6. Remove theretainingnutsandenginewiring frombothvalvecoversandmoveaside. 7. Remove thevalvecoverretainingboltsand studs. 8. Remove bothvalvecoversfromtheengine.






1.5L and 1.8L Eflgin8S ,# See Figures13 and 14



02] 7923PG25

Fig. 12 Rocker cover bolt torque sequence-3.01 DOHCengine To install: 9. Cleanthe valve cover gasketsealingSW faces. 10 Installnewvalve cover gasketsontothe valve covers. 11. Placethe valvecovers into position. 12. Reinstallthe valve cover retainingbolts and studsand tightenin sequenceto: l 3.OLSOHCengine:7 ft. Ibs. (9 Nm) l 3.OLDOHCengine:42-54 inch Ibs. (4-5 NM l 3.5L engine:30 inch Ibs. (3 Nm) 13. Installthe enginewiring andtightenthe retaining nuts. 14. Installthe crankcaseventilationtubesinto both valve covers. 15. Installthe ignition wire separators,the ignition wires, and the sparkplugs. 16. Onthe 3.OLDOHCengine,installthe ignition wire cover. 17. Installthe upperintakemanifoldas described in this section. 18. Connectthe negativebatterycable. 19. Runthe engineand checkfor leaksand properoperation.

1. Disconnectthe negativebatterycable. 2. For 1.8L engines,labeland disconnectthe sparkplug cables. 3. Disconnectthe acceleratorcable,breather hoseand PCV hoseconnections. 4. Removethe rockercover. 5. Loosenboth rockerarm shaftassemblies graduallyand evenlyand removethe rocketshafts from the vehicle. 6. If disassemblyis required,keepall parts in the exactorder of removal.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 6. 9.

Fig 13 Camshaft rocker arm and shafl as( ser;lblies-l.5L dngine g3’53goi

Breather hose P.C.V. hose Rocker cover Rocker cover gasket Valve clearance pre-adjustment Oil seal Oil seal Rocker arms and rocker arm shaft Rocker arms and rocker arm shaft Rocker shaft spring

7. Lubricatethe rockershaftwith cleanengine oil and Installthe rockersand springs. 8. Installthe rockerarm and shaftassemblies. Tightenthe rockerarm shaftretainerbolts to 23 ft. Ibs. (32 Nm). 9. Checkvalveadjustmentand installthe valve cover.Tightenthe valvecover bolts to 16 inch Ibs. (1.8 Nm) for the 1.5L engineor to 29 inch Ibs. (3.3 Nm) for the 1.8L engine. 10. If detached,connectthe sparkplug cables. 11. Connectthe acceleratorcable,breatherhose and PCV hose. 12. Connectthe negativebatterycable.

2.OLSOHCEngine # See Figure 15 Onthis engine,the hydrauliclifters are built into the rockerarms. If lifter serviceis required,simply

10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

Rocker arm A Rocker arm 6 Rocker arm shaft (Intake side) Adjusting screw Nut Rocker arm C Rocker arm shaft (Exhaust side) Adjusting screw Nut Camshaft 7923PG27

:ig. 14 Camshaft,rocker arm and shaft assemblies-l .8L engine

ENGINEANDENGINEOVERHALJL 3-5 14. Installthe valve cover,with a newgasketand semi-circularpackingin place. 15. Connectthe negativebatterycable. 16. Runthe engineand checkignition timing.

1.6L and 2.OLDOHC(Turbo and Non-turbo) Engines 6 See Figure 16 1. Disconnectthe negativebatterycable. 2. Removethe valve coverand discardthe gasket. 3. Install lashadjusterretainertools MD998443 or equivalent,to the rockerarm. 4. Removethe rockershaft hold-downbolts graduallyand evenlyand removethe rockershaft/arm assemblies. 5. If disassemblyis required,keepall partsin the exactorderof removal.Inspectthe roller surfaces of the rockers.Replaceif thereare anysigns of damage or if the roller doesnot turn smoothly.Checkthe inside boreof the rockersand the adjustertip for wear.

To install:

Fig. 15 Camshaft,rocker arm and shaft asremblies-2.01 SOHCengine

removethe lifter from the bore in the rockerarm. It is recommendedthat all of the rockerarms and lashadjustersbe replacedat the sametime. 1. Disconnectthe negativebatterycable. 2. Removethe valve cover. 3. Matchmarkthe distributorto the cylinder headand removethe distributor. 4. Removecamshafttiming belt. 5. Workingin a crisscrosspatternfrom the center outward,loosenthe camshaftbearingcapsin gradualsteps. 6. Removethe rockerarms,shaftsand bearing capsas an assembly.

# See Figures 17, 16, and 19 1. Disconnectthe negativebatterycable. 2. Removethe acceleratorcablefrom the retaining clampsand positionthe acceleratorcableout of the way. 3. Removethe air intakehose. 4. Disconnectthe breatherhoseandthe PCV hose. 5. Disconnectthe sparkplug cablesfrom the sparkplugs. 6. Removethe rockercoverand gasket. 7. Installlashadjusterretainertools MD998443 or equivalent,to the rockerarm. 8. Removethe rockershafthold-downbolts graduallyand evenlyand removethe rockershaft/arm assemblies. 9. Disassemblethe rockersand the rockershaft springsfrom the rockershafts.If they areto be reused,notethe locationand positionrngof all rocker shaftcomponents.It is recommendedthat all lash adjustersand rockersbe replacedas a completeset.

To install:

6. Lubricatethe rockershaftwith cleanengine oil and installthe rockersand springs in their proper places. 7. Installthe rockershaftassemblieson the engine. Tightenthe bolts graduallyand evenlyto 21-25 ft. Ibs. (29-35 Nm).

*When installing the rocker arm shaft, makecertain the notchis properly located. 8. Removethe lashadiusterretaininatools 9. Installthe valve coverwith a newgasket. 10. Connectthe negativebatterycable.

*o Nm IILlbs -

*It is essentialthat all parts be kept in the sameorder andorientation for reinstallation. Be sure to markand separateparts, so parts will not be mixedduring reassembly. 7. Disassemblerockershaftassembly.Starting at rearbearingcap,slide eachpieceoff shafts.

*Inspect the roller surfacesof the rockers. Replaceif there are any signs of damageor if the roller doesnot turn smoothly. Check the inside bore of the rockersand lifter for wear. To install: 8. Apply a drop of sealantto the rearedgesof the end caps. 9. Installthe assemblyinto the front bearing cap, makingsurethe notchesin the rockershaftsare facing up. Insertthe installationbolt, but do not tightenat this point. 10. Installthe remainingcapbolts. Tightenall bolts evenlyand graduallyto 15 ft. Ibs. (20 Nm). Remove the lash adjusterretainers. 11. Installthe timing belt as required. 12. Align the matchmarksand installthe distributor. 13. Removethe lashadjusterretainingtools.

2.4L Engine

10. Immersethe lashadjustersin cleandiesel fuel, and using a small wire, movethe plungerup and downfour or five times.while pushingdown lightly on the checkball in orderto bleedthe air from the adjuster. 11. Installthe lashadjustersto the rockerarms andattachthe specialholdingtool. 12. Lubricatethe rockershaftwith cleanengine oil and installthe rockerarms. 13. Temporarilytightenthe rockershaftassembly with the mountingbolts so that all rockerarms on the inlet valve side do not pushon the valves, 14. Fit the rockershaftspringsfrom aboveand positionthemso that they are at right anglesto the plug side. Installthe rockerspringsbeforeinstalling the exhaustside rockershaftand rockerarm assembly. 15. Installthe exhaustside rockershaftassembly in the engine.Tightenthe rockershaft mountingbolts graduallyand evenlyto 23 ft. Ibs.(32 Nm). 16. Removethe lashadjusterretainingtools. 17. Installthe rockercoverand tightenthe mountingbolts to 30 inch Ibs. (3 Nm). 18. Reinstallthe sparkplug wires to the spark plugs. 19. Reconnectthe PCVand breatherhoses. 20. Installthe air intakehose. 21. Reattachthe acceleratorcablebracketsand reconnectthe acceleratorcable. 22. Connectthe negativebatterycable.

3.OLSOHCEngine 6 See Figures 20 and 21

9315390 3

F:ig. 16 Camshaft,rocker arm and shaft as siemblies-1.6L and 2.OLDOHCengines

Onthis engine,the hydrauliclashadjustersare built into the rockerarms, 1. Disconnectthe negativebatterycable. 2. Removethe valve cover. Install lashadjuster retainertools MD998443 or equivalent,to preventthe auto-lashadjusterfrom falling out of the rockerarm. 3. Loosenrockerarm and shaftassemblyevenly in severalsteps.Removethe rockerarm and shaftassemblyas a completeunit. 4. Removethe rearcamshaftbearingcapand slide the rockerarms,springsand washersfrom the shaft.If they areto be reused,notethe locationand positioningof all rockershaftcomponents.It is rec-






Arrow mark fcyllnder head) 7923PG35

Fig. 21 Wheninstalling the rocker arm/shafi assemblies, ensure that the arrow marks point in the same direction as the arrow stampedinto the cylinder head-3.01 SOHC engine


IFig. 17 Rocker arm shafts and components-2.41 engine

7. Lubricatethe camshaftand rockershaftwith cleanengineoil and position on the cylinderhead. 8. Apply a drop of sealantto the rearedgesof the end caps. 9. Installthe assemblymakingsurethe notches in the rockershaftsarefacing up. 10. Installthe cap bolts andtightenevenlyand graduallyto 14 ft. Ibs. (20 Nm). Removethe lashadjuster retainers 11. Installthe valve cover. 12. Connectthe negativebatterycable.

3.OLOOHCEngine ) See Figure 22 1. Relievethe fuel systempressure.

Observeall applicable safety precautions when working aroundfuel. Wheneverservicing the fuel system,always work in a well ventilated area. 00 not allow fuel spray or vaporsto comein contactwith a sparkor openflame. Keepa dty chemicalfire extinguishernear the work area. Always keepfuel in a containerspecifically designedfor fuel storage;also, always properly seal fuel containers to avoid the possibility of fire or explosion.

Fig. 18 Installing the rocker shaft springs-

13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 16 IQ. 20.

Bearing Rocker spring Rocker Spring Bearing Rocker spring Rocker Spring Bearing Rocker spring Rocker Spring Rocker Rocker Bearing

21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.

28. 29. 30.

cap arm arm

2. Disconnectbatterynegativecable. 3. Removethe timino belt coverandtimina belt. Referto the timing belt procedurein this section.

cap no. 3 arm arm cap no. 2 arm arm arm shaft arm shaft cap no. 1 7923PG3

Fig. 20 Rocker arm assembly-3.01 SOHCengine ommendedthat all lashadjustersand rockersbe replacedas a completeset. To install: 5. Immersethe lashadjustersin cleandiesel fuel. Usinga small wire, movethe plungerof the lash adjusterup and down4 or 5 times while pushing

downlightly on the checkball in orderto bleedout the air. Installthe lashadjustersin the rockerarms. 6. Usinga light coat of engineoil, assemblethe rockerarmsto the shaft.Installthe rearcamshaft bearingcap.


Fig. 22 The rocker arms sit beneath the camshaftand are supportedon one end bl the valve stem and on the other end by the hydraulic lash adjuster-Oiamante wit1 3.OLOOHCengine

ENGINEANDENGINEOVERHAUL 3-7 4. Remove thecentercover,breather andPCV hoses,andsparkplugcables. 5. Remove therockercover. 6. Remove thethrottlebodystay,bothcamshaft sprockets, andoil seals. 7. Remove theCamshaft PositionfCMP)sensor nd adapter fromtherearof thecamshah. ’ 8. Remove theintakeandexhaust camshafts. 9. Remove rockerarmsandlashadjusters from hehead.It is recommended thatall lashadjusters mdrockersbereplaced asa complete set. To Install: 10. Immerse thelashadjusters in cleandiesel uel.Usinga smallwire,movetheplungerof thelash tdjusterupanddownfourorfivetimeswhilepushngdownlightlyonthecheckballin orderto bleed juttheair.Lubricate andinstallthelashadjusters in hecylinderhead. 11. Lubricate thecamshafts withcleanenqineoil nd positionthecamshafts onthecylinderhead. 12. Installthebearingcaps.Tightenthecapsin sequence, in 2 or 3 steps.Caps2,3 and4 havea rontmark.Installwiththemarkalignedwiththefront narkonthecylinderhead.IntakecapshaveI stamped onthecapandexhaustcapshaveE.Also, )esuretherockerarmiscorrectlymounted onthe ashadjusterandthevalvestemend.Torquethefront mdrearretaining capboltsto 14ft. Ibs.(20Nm)and ightenthecenter3 retainingcapboltsto 8 ft. Ibs. 11Nm). 13. Applya coatingof engineoil to theoil seals mdinstall. 14. Installthetimingbelt,valvecoverandall reatedparts.Refertothetimingbeltprocedure in this ;ection. 15. Connect thenegative batterycableandcheck or leaks.

3. installthelashadjusterclipsontherocker arms,thenloosenthebearingcapbolts.Donotremovetheboltsfromthebearingcaps. 4. Remove therockerarms,shaftsandbearing capsasanassembly. lo hlstall: 5. Installthebearingcaps/rocker armassemblies.Tightentheboltsto 23ft. Ibs.(31Nm). 6. Remove thelashadjusterclips. 7. Installtherockerarmcoverusinga newgasket. 8. Connect thenegative batterycable.

REMOVAL&INSTALLATION b See Figures 24, 25, 26, and 27 1. Disconnect thenegative batterycable. 2. Drainthecoolingsystem. Never open, service or drain the radiator or cooling systemwhen hot; serious bumscan occurfrom the steamandhot coolant. Also, when draining enginecoolant, keepin mind that cats and dogsare attractedto ethylene glycol antifreezeand could drink any that is left in an uncoveredcontaineror in puddles on the ground.Thiswill provefatal in sufficient quantities.Always drain coolant into a sealable container. Coolantshouldbe reused

unless it is contaminatedor is several years


3. Remove anynecessary components to access thethermostat. 4. Remove thethermostat housinqretaininq bolts. 5. Liftthehousingfromtheengine. 6. Remove thethermostat takingnoteof its originalpositioninthehousing. To Install: *In order to preventleakage, makesure both matingsurfaces are clean and free of any old gasketmaterial. 7. Installthethermostat so itsflangeseats tightlyinthemachined grooveintheintakemanifold orthermostat case.Referto itslocationpriorto removal.Aliqnthereliefvalvewiththealignment mark onthethermostat housing. 8. Usea newgasketor D-ringandreinstallthe thermostat housing. Torquethehousingmounting boltstothefollowingspecifications: l 1.8Lengine:16ft. Ibs.(22Nm) l 1.5L,1.61,2.OLDOHC,and1990-922.OL SOHCengines:12-14ft. Ibs.(17-20Nm) l 19932.01SOHCengine:7-10ft. Ibs. (10-15Nm) l 2.4Lengine:IO ft. Ibs.(14Nm) l 3.OLand3.5Lengines:12-14ft. Ibs. (17-20Nm) 9. Fillthesystemwithcoolant. 10. Installtheremoved air intakeplumbing.

3.51Engine I See Figure 23 1. Disconnect thenegative batterycable. 2. Remove therockerarmcover.

g. 26 Remove the thermostat from the ousing, noting the location of

usingthe thermostat,always re-


Nm ft.lbs.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Engine hanger Intake manifold intake manifold Intake manifold

stay gasket

5. 6. 7. 8.

Engine hanger Exhaust manifold Exhaust manifold Exhaust manifold

cover gasket 7923ffi38

:ig. 28 Explodedview of the intake and exhaust manifold mounting-l .5L (4615) engine . run the ,.11. Connect . . the negativebatterycable, vemcieunnl me tnermostatopensano till the radiator completely. 12. Oncethe vehicle hascooled,recheckthe coolantlevel.

REMOVAL&INSTALLATION 1.51 Engine # See Figure 28 1. Relievethe fuel systempressure.

Observeall applicablesafety precautions when working aroundfuel. Wheneverservicing the fuel system,always work in a well ventilated area. Do not allow fuel spray or vapors to comein contactwith a sparkor openflame. Keepa dry chemicalfire extinguishernear the work area. Always keepfuel in a containerspecifically designedfor fuel storage;also, always properly seal fuel containers to avoid the possibility of fire or explosion. 2. Disconnectbatterynegativecableand drain the cooling system.

Neveropen, service or drain the radiator or cooling systemwhen hot; serious burnscan occurfrom the steamand hot coolant. Also,

when draining enginecoolant, keepin mind that cats and dogsare attractedto ethylene glycol antifreezeand could drink any that is left in an uncoveredcontaineror in puddles on the ground.Thiswill prove fatal In sufficient quantities.Always drain coolant into a sealable container. Coolantshould be reused unless it is contaminatedor is several years old. 3. Disconnectthe upperradiatorhose,heater hoseand waterbypasshose. 4. Removethe thermostathousingfrom intake manifold. 5. Disconnectthe acceleratorcable,breather hoseand air intakehose. 6. Removeall vacuumhosesand pipesas necessary,includingthe brakeboostervacuumline. 7. Removethe throttlebodyassembly. 8. Disconnectthe high pressurefuel line and the fuel returnhose. 9. Tagand detachthe electricalconnectorsfrom the oxygensensor,coolanttemperaturesensor,intakeair temperature,idle speedcontrol assembly, EGRtemperaturesensor,sparkplug wires and distributor. 10. Removethe fuel rail, fuel injectors,pressure regulatorand insulators. 11. Removethe EGRvalvefrom the intakemanifold. 12. Removethe intakemanifoldsupportbracket and removethe enginemountsupportbracket. 13. Removethe intakemanifoldmountingbolts and removethe intakemanifoldassembly.

To Install: 14. Cleanall gasketmaterialfrom the cylinder headintakemountingsurfaceand intakemanifoldassembly.Checkboth surfacesfor cracksor otherdam-

age.Checkthe intakemanifoldwaterpassagesand jet air passagesfor clogging.Cleanif necessary. 15. Usinga straightedge,measurethe distortion of the intakemanifold-to-cylinderhead.Totaldistortion or warpageshouldbe 0.006 inches(0.15mmor less). 16. Installa newintakemanifoldgasketto the headand installthe manifold.Torquethe manifoldin a crisscrosspattern,startingfrom the insideand working outwardsto 13 ft. Ibs. (18 Nm). 17. Installthe intakemanifoldsupportbracket and torquethe mountingbolts to 16 ft. Ibs. (22 Nm). 18. Installthe enginemountsupportbracketand torquethe mountingbolts to 26 ft. Ibs. (36 Nm). 19. Usinga newgasket,install the EGRvalveand torquethe mountingbolts to 15 ft. Ibs. (21 Nm). 20. Using newinsulatorsand O-rings,install the fuel deliverypipe, injectorsand pressureregulatorto the engine.Torquethe retainingbolts to 7-9 ft. Ibs. (10-14 Nm). 21. Attachthe electricalconnectorsto the oxygen sensor,coolanttemperaturesensor,intakeair temperature,idle speedcontrol assembly,EGRtemperature sensor,sparkplugwires and distributor. 22. Usinga newO-ring for the feedpipe and a newclampfor the returnpipe, installthe fuel hoses. 23. Installthe throttlebody assembly. 24. Installthe vacuumhosesand pipesas necessary, includingthe brakeboostervacuumline. 25. Installand adjustthe acceleratorcable.Install the breatherand air Intakehose. 26. Usinga newgasket,install the thermostat housingto the intakemanifoldand tightenthe mountingboltsto 13 ft. Ibs. (18 Nm). 27. Connectthe upperradiatorhose,heaterhose and waterbypasshose.Besureto usenewhose clamps.

ENGINEANDENGINEOVERHAUL 3-9 28. Fill the systemwith coolant. 29. Connectthe negativebatterycable,run the vehicleuntil the thermostatopens,fill the radiator completely. 30. Checkandadjustthe idle speedand ignition timing. 31. Oncethe vehiclehas cooled,recheckthe coolantlevel.

1.8L Engine ) See Figures 29 and 30 I. Relievethe fuel systempressure.

Observeall applicable safety precautions whenworking aroundfuel. Wheneverservicing the fuel system,always work in a well ventilated area. Do not allow fuel spray or vaporsto comein contactwith a sparkor openflame. Keepa dry chemicalfire extinguishernear the work area. Always keepfuel in a containerspecifically designedfor fuel storage;also, always properly seal fuel containers to avoid the possibility of fire or explosion. 2. Disconnectbatterynegativecableand drain the cooling system.

Never open, service or drain the radiator or cooling systemwhen hot; serious burnscan occurfrom the steamand hot coolant. Also, when draining enginecoolant, keep in mind that cats and dogsare attractedto ethylene glycol antifreezeand could drink any that is leff in an uncoveredcontaineror in puddles on the ground.This will prove fatal in sufficient quantities.Always drain coolant into a sealable container.Coolantshouldbe reused unlessit is contaminatedor is several years old.

Fig. 29 Explodedview of the intake mani. old mounting-1993 1.8L engine

3. Disconnectthe acceleratorcableand the air intakehose. 4. Tagand detachthe electricalconnectorsfrom the oxygensensor,coolanttemperaturesensor,idle speedcontrol assembly,EGRtemperaturesensor,oil pressureswitch,sparkplug wires and distributor. 5. Disconnectthe wiring from the throttleposition sensor,fuel Injectorsand disconnectthe ground cables. 6. Removeall vacuumhosesand pipesas necessary,includingthe brakeboosterand PCVvacuum lines. 7. Disconnectthe upperradiatorhose,heater hoseand waterbypasshose. 8. Disconnectthe high pressurefuel line and the fuel returnhose. 9. Removethe fuel rail, fuel injectors,pressure regulatorand insulators. 10. Removethe intakemanifoldsupportbracket. 11. If the thermostathousingis preventingremoval of the Intakemanifold,removeit. 12. Removethe intakemanifoldmounting bolts/nutsand removethe intakemanifoldassembly.

To install:

19. Usinga newO-ring for the feedpipe and a newclampfor the returnpipe, install the fuel hoses, 20. Connectthe upperradiatorhose,heaterhose andwaterbypasshoses. 21. Installthe vacuumhosesand pipesas necessary.Be sureto connectthe brakeboosterand PCV vacuumlines 22. Connectthe wiring to the throttleposition sensor,fuel injectorsand connectthe groundcables, 23. Attachthe electricalwiring to the oxygensensor, coolanttemperaturesensor,Idlespeedcontrol assembly,EGRtemperaturesensor,oil pressure switch,sparkplugwires and distributor. 24. Connectand adjustthe acceleratorcableand installthe air intakehose. 25. Fill the systemwith coolant. 26. Connectthe negativebatterycable,run the vehicleuntil the thermostatopens,fill the radiator completely. 27. Checkand adjustthe idle speedand ignition timing. 28. Oncethe vehiclehascooled,recheckthe coolantlevel.


13. Cleanall gasketmaterialfrom the cylinder headintakemountingsurfaceand intakemanifoldassembly Checkboth surfacesfor cracksor otherdamage.Checkthe intakemanifoldwater passagesand jet air passagesfor clogging.Cleanif necessary. 14. Usinga straightedge,measurethe distortion of the intakemanifold-to-cylinderhead.Total distortion or warpageshould be0.006 inches(0.15mmor less). 15. Installa new intakemanifoldgasketto the headand installthe manifold.Torquethe manifoldin a crrsscrosspattern,startingfrom the insideand workingoutwardsto 14 ft. Ibs.(20 Nm). 16. If removed,install the thermostathousing. 17. Installthe Intakemanifoldbracebracket. 18. Installthe fuel deliverypipe, injectorsand pressureregulatorto the engine.Torquethe retaining bolts to 108 Inch Ibs. (12 Nm).

Observeall applicable safety precautions when working aroundfuel. Wheneverservicing the fuel system,always work in a well ventilated area. Do not allow fuel spray or vaporsto comein contactwith a spark or openflame. Keepa dry chemicalfire extinguishernear the work area. Always keepfuel in a containerspecifically designedfor fuel storage;also, always properly seal fuel containers to avoid the possibility of fire or explosion.

Fig. 30 Explodedview of the intake mani, iold mounting-1994-00 1.8L engine

Fig. 31 Explodedview of the intake mani fold mounting-2.01 SOHCermine

# See Figure 31 1. Relievethe fuel systempressure.

3-10 ENGINEANDENGINEOVERHAUL 2. Disconnectthe batterynegativecable. 3. Drainthe cooling system.

Never open, service or drain the radiator or cooling systemwhen hot; serious burnscan occurfrom the steamand hot coolant. Also, when draining enginecoolant, keep in mind that cats and dogsare attractedto ethylene glycol antifreezeand could drink any that is left in an uncoveredcontaineror in puddles on the ground.This will prove fatal in sufficient quantities.Always drain coolant into a sealable container.Coolantshouldbe reused unlessit is contaminatedor is several years old. 4 Disconnectthe acceleratorcableand air intakehose. 5. Disconnectthe upperradiatorhose,heater hoseand waterbypasshose. 6. Unplugthe vacuumconnectionat the power brakeboosterandthe PCVvalve if still connected. Disconnectall remainingvacuumhosesand pipesas necessary. 7. Disconnectthe high pressurefuel line, fuel returnhoseand removethrottlecontrol cablebrackets 8. Tagand detachthe electricalconnectorsfrom the oxygensensor,coolanttemperaturesensor, therm0switch, idle speedcontrol assembly,EGR temperaturesensor,distributor,fuel injectorsand sparkplug wires. Positionthe enginewiring harness aside. 9. Matchmarkthe distributorhousingto the intakemanifold,and removethe distributor. 10. Removethe intakemanifoldbracketand the enginehanger. 11. If the thermostathousingis preventingremovalof the intakemanifold,removeit. 12. Removethe intakemanifoldmountingbolts and removethe intakemanifoldassembly.Drsassemble manifoldfrom the Intakeplenumon a work bench as required

22. Adjustthe acceleratorcable.Checkand adjust the idle speedand ignition timing. 23. Oncethe vehiclehascooled,recheckthe coolantlevel.

1.6L and 2.OLDDHCEngines # See Figure 32 1. Relievethe fuel systempressure.

Observeall applicablesafety precautions when working aroundfuel. Wheneverservicing the fuel system,always work in a well ventilated area. Do not allow fuel spray or vaporsto comein contactwith a spark or openflame. Keepa dry chemicalfire extinguishernear the work area. Always keepfuel in a containerspecifically designedfor fuel storage;also, always properly seal fuel containers to avoid the possibility of fire or exulosion. 2. Disconnectbatterynegativecableand drain the cooling system.

Never open,service or drain the radiator or cooling systemwhen hot; serious burnscan occurfrom the steamand hot coolant. Also, when drainingenginecoolant, keep in mind that cats and dogsare attractedto ethylene glycol antifreezeand could drink any that is left in an uncoveredcontaineror in puddles on the ground.This will prove fatal in sufficient quantities.Always drain coolant into a sealable container.Coolantshouldbe reused unlessit is contaminatedor is several years old.

To install: 13. Cleanall gasketmaterialfrom the cylinder headintakemountingsurfaceand intakemanifoldassembly.Checkboth surfacesfor cracksor otherdamage.Checkthe intakemanifoldwaterpassagesand jet air passagesfor clogging.Cleanif necessary. 14 Assemblethe intakemanifoldassemblyusing all newgaskets.Torqueair intakeplenumbolts to 11-14ff. Ibs. (15-19 Nm). 15. Installa newintakemanifoldgasketto the headand installthe manifold.Torquethe manifoldin a crrsscrosspattern,startingfrom the insideand working outwardsto 11-14 ff. Ibs.(15-19 Nm). 16. Installthe fuel deliverypipe, injectorsand pressureregulatorto the engine.Torquethe retaining bolts to 4 ft. Ibs (6 Nm). 17. install the thermostathousing,intakemanifold bracebracket,and enginehangerbracket. 18 Connector installall hoses,cablesand electrical connectorsthat were removedor disconnected during the removalprocedure. 19. Align the distributormatchmarksand install the distributor. 20. Fill the systemwith coolant, 21. Connectthe negativebatterycable,run the vehicle until the thermostatopens,fill the radiator completely.

3. Disconnectthe acceleratorcableand air intake hose. 4. Disconnectthe coolanthosefrom the throttle housing. 5. Detachthe vacuumconnectionat the power brakeboosterandthe PCVvalve If still connected. Disconnectall remainingvacuumhosesand pipesas necessary. 6. Drsconnectthe high pressurefuel line, fuel returnhoseand removethrottlecontrol cablebrackets 7. Tagand detachthe electricalconnectorsfrom the oxygensensor,coolanttemperaturesensor, therm0switch,throttleposition sensor,rdlespeed controlassembly,EGRtemperaturesensor,distributor, fuel injectorsand sparkplugwires. Positionthe enginewiring harnessaside. 8. Removethe intakemanifoldbracket. 9. Removethe intakemamfoldmountingbolts and removethe intakemanifoldassembly.Disassemble manifoldon a work benchas required. To install: 10. Cleanall gasketmaterialfrom the cylinder headintakemountingsurfaceand intakemanifoldassembly.Checkboth surfacesfor cracksor otherdamage.Checkthe intakemanifoldwaterpassagesand jet air passagesfor clogging.Cleanif necessary. 11. Assemblethe Intakemanifoldassemblyusing all newgaskets. 12. Installa newintakemanifoldgasketto the headand install the manifold.Torquethe manifoldin a crisscrosspattern,startingfrom the insideand working outwardsto 11-14 ft. Ibs.(15-20 Nm). 13. Installthe fuel deliverypipe, injectorsand pressureregulatorto the engine.Torquethe retaining bolts to 4 ft. Ibs. (6 Nm). 14. Installthe intakemanifoldbracebracketand tightenbolts to 13-18 ft. Ibs. (18-25 Nm). 15. Connector installall hoses,cablesand electrical connectorsthat wereremovedor disconnected duringthe removalprocedure. 16. Fill the systemwith coolant. 17. Connectthe negativebatterycable,run the vehicleuntil the thermostatopens,fill the radiator completely. 18. ‘Adjust the acceleratorcable. 19. Checkand adjustthe idle speedand ignition timing. 20. Oncethe vehiclehascooled,recheckthe coolantlevel.

2.4L Engine ) See Figures33 thru 51

Fig. 32 Explodedview of the intake manifold and related components-1.6L and 2.OLDDHCengine


Fig. 33 Detachthe A/Ctemp electrical con- 1



Fig. 34 Unplugthe connectorfrom the Throttle Position (TP) sensor

Fig. 35 Detach the connectorsfrom all of the fuel injectors

Fig. 38 Unplugthe connectorfrom the Manifold AbsolutePressure(MAP)sensor

Fig. 39 Detachthe connectorfor the Idle Air Control (IAC) motor


Fig. 40 Removethe engine harnessretaining bracketbolts,then movethe harnessout of the way


Fig. 41 Removethe accelerator cable end from the throttle lever


Fig. 42 Remove the accelerator cable bracket retaining bolts . . .

93i53p9a 93153p59

Fig. 43 . . . then position the accelerator cable outof the way

Fig. 44 Disconnectthe EGRhose and the three vacuumhoses on the back of the intakemanifold


Fig. 45 Removethe hose shown here from the throttle body



93153p54 1


Fig. 46 Removethe brake booster vacuum hose from the back of the intake manifold

Fig. 49 From underneaththe vehicle, remove the two intake manifold support

1. Relievethefuelsystempressure. Observeall applicablesafety precautions when working aroundfuel. Wheneverservic- __. ing the fuel system,always work in a well ventilated area. Do not allow fuel spray or vapors._to comein contactwith a spark or openflame. Keepa dry chemicalfire extinguishernear the work area. Always keepfuel in a containerspecifically designedfor fuel storage; also, always properly seal fuel containers to avoid the possibility of fire or explosion. 2. Disconnect batterynegative cableanddrain thecoolingrtfctnm Ruver open, service or drain the radiator or @Ming systemwhen hot; serious burnscan II&ur from the steamand hot coolant. Also, draining enginecoolant, keep in mind ’ j “thiatcats and dogsare attractedto ethylene .....____“..” 11_,1-...... any that is t uncoveredcontaineror in puddles FEol ihaground.This will prove fatal in suffik ici?M quantities. Always drain coolant into a $1pealable container. Coolantshould be reused h’ uniassit is contaminatedor is several years j$O'd. **w W.>.

!&S 3. Disconnect theaccelerator cable,breather fir!: El .;, andair intakehose. +w..”

rail’retaini”g fitti”g bo,ts ... Fig 47 Remove the fuel feed line-to-fuel



Fig. 50 Removethe intake manifold retaining bolts . . .

Fig. 51 . . . then remove the manifold from the cylinder head

4. Disconnect thecoolanthosefromthethrottle housing. 5. Detach thevacuumconnection atthepower brakeboosterandthePCVvalveif stillconnected. Clisconnect all remaining vacuumhosesandpipesas necessary.

etairpassages for clogging.Cleanif necessary. 12. Assemble theintakemanifoldassembly using IIInewgaskets. 13. Positiona newintakemanifoldgasketonthe lead,theninstallthemanifold. Torquethemanifold n a crisscross pattern,startingfromtheinsideand vorkingoutwards to 15ft. Ibs.(20Nm)for bolts,and o 26ft. Ibs.(35Nm)for nutson1994vehiclesor 15 ft. Ibs.(20Nr$ for nutson1995-00vehicles. 14. Installthefueldeliverypipe,injectorsand to theengine.Torquetheretaining [xessureregulator )oltsto 4 ft. Ibs.(6Nm). 15. Installtheintakemanifoldbracebracketand tightenboltsto 21ft. Ibs.(29Nm). 16. Connect or installall hoses,cablesandelectricalconnectors thatwereremoved or disconnected durinotheremovalorocedure. 17: Fillthesystemwithcoolant. ,18 . : Connect .., ,, .,thenegative , , battery ,,,,cable, ,. run ,. the vemcleunrnmemermosrar opens,mltneraalaror completely. 19. Adjusttheaccelerator cable.Checkandadjusttheidlespeedandignitiontiming. 20. Oncethevehiclehascooled,recheck the coolantlevel.

Fuel injection systemsremain underpressure after the engine has beenturnedOFF. Properly relieve fuel pressurebefore disconnectingany fuel lines. Failure to do so may result in fire or personalinjury. 6. Disconnect thehighpressure fuelline,fuel returnhoseandremove throttlecontrolcablebrackn+C. cm. 7. Tagandunplugtheelectricalconnectors fromthecoolanttemperature sensor,coolanttemperaturegauge,IACvalve,ignitioncoil,EGRtemperaturesensor,knocksensor,oxygensensor,throttle positionsensor,distributor, A/Ctemperature sensor, fuelinjectorsandignitionpowertransistor. Position theenginewiringharness aside. 8. Labelanddisconnect thesparkplugwires fromthesparkplugs. 9. Remove theintakemanifoldstaybracket. IO. Remove theintakemanifoldmounting bolts andremovetheintakemanifoldassembly. Disassemblemanifoldona workbenchasrequired. Tanis”.+..ll. Cleanall gasketmaterialfromthecylinder headintakemounting surfaceandintakemanifoldassembly.Checkbothsurfaces for cracksor otherdamage.Checktheintakemanifoldwaterpassages and

3.OLand 3SL Engines ti See Figures52 thru 57 1. Relievethefuelsystempressure. Observeall applicablesafety precautions when working aroundfuel. Wheneverservic-

ENGINEANDENGINEOVERHAUL 3-13 15. Disconnectthe coolanthosesfrom the intake manifold.Besureto notethe connections. 16. Removethe intakemanifoldmountingnuts and removethe intakemanifold. 17. Cleanthe gasketmountingsurfaces.

To install:

EGR pipe - Up to 1993 model EGR pipe - From 1994 model Intake manlfold plenum stay, rear Intake manifold plenum stay. front EGR valve EGR valve gasket > Throttle body Throttle body gasket Intake mantfold plenum Intake manifold plenum gasket

:ig. 52 Explodedview of air intake plenum assembly-3.01 DOHCengine ing the fuel system,always work in a well ventilated area. Do not allow fuel spray or vapors to comein contactwith a spark or openflame. Keepa dry chemicalfire extinguishernear the work area. Always keepfuel in a containerspecifically designedfor fuel storage;also, always properly seal fuel containers to avoid the possibility of fire or explosion. 2. Disconnectbatterynegativecableand drawn the cooling system.

Never open, service or drain the radiator or cooling systemwhen hot; serious burnscan occurfrom the steamandhot coolant. Also, when draining enginecoolant, keep in mind that cats and dogsare attractedto ethylene glycol antifreezeand could drink any that is left in an uncoveredcontaineror in puddles on the ground.This will prove fatal in sufficient quantities.Always drain coolant into a sealable container. Coolantshouldbe reused unlessit is contaminatedor is several years old.

3. Removethe air intakehose(s). 4. Disconnectthe acceleratorcontrol cables from the throttlebody. 5. Tagand disconnectthe vacuumhosesincludingthe brakeboosterhose. 6. Tagand detachthe wire harnessconnectors, 7. Disconnectthe high pressureand returnfuel hoses. 8. DisconnectEGRpipe and removethe EGR valve and EGRtemperaturesensorfrom the intake plenumassembly. 9. If equipped,removethe manifoldpressure sensor. 10. Removethe plenumretainingbracket. 11. Removethe plenumretainingnutsand bolts and removethe air intakeplenumfrom the intake manifold.Discardthe gasket. 12. Removethe uppertiming belt covers. 13. Removethe waterpumpstay bracket.

*It is not necessav to removethe fuel lnjectors from the intake unlessthe manifold , assemblyis beingreplaced. 14. Removethe fuel rail with the injectorsattached.

18. Checkall itemsfor cracks,cloggingand warpage.Maximumwarpageis 0.0059 inches (0.15mm).Replaceany questionableparts. 19. Thoroughlycleanand dry the matingsurfaces of the heads,intakemanifoldandair intakeplenum. 20. Install newintakemanifoldgasketsto the cylinderheadswith the adhesiveside facingup. 21. Placethe manifoldon the cylinderheads. 22. Lubricatethe studs lightly with oil and install the nuts. 23. Forvehiclesproducedup to and including Novemberof 1993,tightenthe mountingnutsas follows: a. Front bank nuts:27-43 inch Ibs. (3-5 Nm) b. Rearbank nuts:9-11 ft. Ibs. (12-15 Nm) c. Front bank nuts:9-11 ft. Ibs. (12-15 Nm) 24. For vehiclesproducedafterNovemberof 1993, tightenthe mountingnuts as follows: a. Front bank nuts:48-72 inch Ibs. (5-8 Nm) b. Rearbank nuts to: 14-17 ft. Ibs. (20-23 Nm) c. Front bank nuts to: 14-17 ft. Ibs. (20-23 NM 25. Usingnewclamps,connectthe coolanthoses to the intakemanifold. 26. UsingnewO-rings,install the fuel rail assembly,if removed.Tightenthe mountingbolts to 7-9 ft. Ibs.(10-13 Nm). 27. Installa new intakeair plenumgasketand install the plenum.Tightenthe retainingnutsand bolts evenlyand graduallyto 13 ft. Ibs. (18 Nm). 28. Installthe retainingbracketand tightenthe retainingbolts to 13 ft. Ibs. (18 Nm). 29. If removed,installthe manifoldpressuresensor. 30. Usinga newgasket,install the EGRvalve and tightenthe bolts to 16 ft. Ibs. (22 Nm). 31. Installthe EGRtemperaturesensorand tightenthe fitting to 7-9 ft. Ibs. (10-12 Nm). 32. Connectthe EGRpipe and tightenthe fittings to 43 ft. Ibs. (60 Nm). 33. Replacethe O-ring and connectthe high pressurefuel hose.Tightenthe retainingboltsto 48 inch Ibs. (5 Nm). 34. Usinga newhoseclamp,connectthe fuel return hose. 35. Installthe waterpumpstay bracket. 36. Installthe uppertiming belt covers. 37. Connectthe harnessconnectorand vacuum hoses. 38. Connectand adjustthe acceleratorcables. 39. Installthe air intakehose(s). 40. Fill the systemwith coolant. 41. Connectthe negativebatterycable,run the vehicleuntil the thermostatopens,fill the radiator completely. 42. Checkand adjustthe idle speedand ignition timing. 43. Oncethe vehiclehascooled,recheckthe coolantlevel.


3-14 ENGINEANDENGINEOVERHAUL 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8 9. 10. 11. 12. 13 14. 15.

Connection for high-pressure fuel hose O-ring Connection for fuel return hose Connection for vacuum hoses Wrring harness connector Oxy en sensor Fuel rail (with injectors) Insulators Timing belt upper cover Water pump stay mountrng bolt Intake manifold mounting nut Intake manifold mounting nut Cone disc spring Intake manrfold intake manifold gasket

:ig. 53 Intake manifold and related components-3.01 DDHCenaine

Fig. 55 Explodedview of the intake manifold mounting-3.01 SDHCengine

REMOVAL&INSTALLATION 1.5L and 1.8L Engine # See Figures58 and 59 1. Disconnectbatterynegativecable. 2. Raisethe vehicleand supportsafely 3. Removethe exhaustpipe to exhaustmanifold nutsand separateexhaustpipe. Discardgasket,

:ig. 56 Explodedview of air intake plenum Issembly-3.5L engine 4. Lowervehicle. 5. Removeelectriccooling fan assembly,if necessary. 6. If the oxygensensoris locatedin the manifold, removethe sensor. 7. DisconnectnecessaryEGRcomponents. 8. Removeouterexhaustmanifoldheatshield and enginehanger.Detachthe electricalconnector and removethe oxygensensor. 9. Removethe exhaustmanifoldmounting bolts,the inner heatshieldand the exhaustmanifold.

To install: 10. Cleanall gasketmaterialfrom the matingsurfacesand checkthe manifoldfor damage. 11. Usinga newgasket,installthe manifold.For 1.5L engines,tightenthe nuts in a crisscrosspattern to 13 ft. Ibs. (18 Nm). For 1.8L engines,tightenthe inner nuts in a crisscrosspatternto 13 ft. Ibs. (18 Nm) and tightenthe two outer(larger)nutsto 22 ft. Ibs. (30 Nm). 12. Installthe heatshields, 13. ConnectEGRcomponents. 14. If removed,installthe oxygensensor.

ENGlNEANDENGlNEOVERHAbL 3-15 14. Connectthe negativebatterycableand check for exhaustleaks.

2.4L Engine g See Figures63 thru 71 1, Disconnectbatterynegativecable. 2. Raisethe vehicleand supportsafely. 3. Removethe exhaustpipe-to-exhaustmanifold nuts,the hangerretainingbolt, then separatethe exhaustpipe. Discardthe gasket. 4. Removethe outerexhaustmanifoldheat shield and enginehanger. 5. Removethe exhaustmanifoldmountingnuts and the exhaustmanifoldfrom the engine.

To install:


Fig. 58 Explodedview of the exhaust man, ifold -1.5L enoine

Fig. 59 Exhaustmanifold exploded vlew1.8L engine

15. Installthe electriccooling fan assemblyas required. 16. Installa newflangegasketand connectthe exhaustpipe. 17. Connectthe negativebatterycableand check for exhaustleaks.

7. Removeouterexhaustmanifoldheatshield andthe enginehanger. 8. Removethe exhaustmanifoldmountingnuts, the inner heatshield andthe exhaustmanifoldfrom the engine.

1.8L and 2.OLEngines u See Figures 80, 81, and 62 1. Disconnectthe negativebatterycable. 2. Raisethe vehicleand supportsafely. 3. Removethe front exhaustpipeto exhaust manifoldnuts and separateexhaustpipe. Discardthe gasket. 4. Lowerthe vehicle. 5. If equippedwith air conditioning,remove condensercooling fan assembly. 6. Usingspecialtool MD998703 or equivalent, disconnectand removethe oxygensensor.

To install: 9. Cleanall gasketmaterialfrom the mating surfacesand checkthe manifoldfor damageor cracking. 10. Usinga newgasket,install the exhaustmanifold, to the engine.Tightenthe nutsto in a crrsscross patternto 11-14 ft Ibs. (15-20 Nm) for 2.OLSOHC engineor to 18-22 ft. Ibs. (25-30 Nm)for 1.6L and 2.OLDOHCengine. 11. Installthe outerheatshield andtightenthe mountingbolts to 10 ft. Ibs. (14 Nm). 12. Installthe electriccooling fan assembly,if removed. 13. Usinga newflangegasket,connectthe exhaustpipe and tightenthe mountingnutsto 29-36 ft. Ibs. (40-50 Nm).

6. Cleanall gasketmaterialfrom the mating surfacesand checkthe manifoldfor damageor cracking. 7. Installa newgasketand installthe manifold. Tightenthe nutsto in a crisscrosspatternto 18-21 ft Ibs. (25-29 Nm). 8. Installthe heatshieldsandtightenthe mountingbolts IO ft Ibs. (14 Nm). 9. Installa newflangegasketand connectthe exhaustpipe.Tightenthe mountingnutsto 32 ft. Ibs. (44 Nm). 10. Connectthe negativebatterycableand check for exhaustleaks.

3.OLEngines ) See Figures72 and 73

Do not attemptthe work on the exhaustsystem until it hascompletelycooled. 1. Disconnectbatterynegativecable. 2. Raisethe vehicleand supportsafely. 3. Removethe exhaustpipe to exhaustmanifold nuts and removethe front exhaustpipe. 4. Lowerthe vehicle. 5. If removingthe front manifold,removecondenserelectriccooling fan assembly.

:z** ::EEWl 93153915 9315391;

:ig. 60 Exhaustmanifold exploded view!.OLSOHCengine

:ig. 81 Exhaustmanifold exploded viewI .8L and 2.OL(non-turbo)DOHCengine

-ig. 82 Exhaustmanifold exploded view!.OL (turbo) DOHCengine


Fig. 64 Remove the hanger retaining bolt * . I(

Fig 66 Remove the heat shield retaining bolts. . . g3’~‘51

Fig, 67 . . . then remove the heat shield from the exhaustmanifold

Fig. 69 Removethe engine lifting eye from the manifold . . .

Fig. 70 , . . then removethe manifold from the cylinder head

6. FortheDOHCengine,if removing thrafront manifold,remove thealternator andmountin! 3bracket fromthevehicle. /r nnm 7. FortheDOHCengine,separate theI$,, I.vIIIpressorfromthemounting bracket.Leavingthe hoses~~~, positionthecompressor aside, 8. ff removing thefrontmanifold,remove theoil dipstickandtubefromtheengine. 9. FortheDOHCengine,if removing thefront manifold,removetheheatprotector. IO. If removing therearmanifold, disconnect the EGRtube. 11. FortheSOHCengine,if removing therear manifold,removetheintakeplenumstayandtheroll stopperbracket. 12. Unplugtheelectricalconnector andremove theoxygensensor.

13. Remove theexhaustmanifoldmounting bolts themanifold. To install: -4” PI,*, -11rm.A.^L -,‘&^-:-If-e.IL- -_-I!-- - .17. lrlMll dll yWK1 Illdlell~l 110111LIle lKWi~ SINfacesandcheckthemanifoldfor damage. 15. Installa newgasketandinstallthemanifold. Tightenthenuts--.._ ina crisscross patternto 21ft. Ibs. (30Nm). .’ SOHCengineorto 14ft. Ibs.(19 to1the Nm)for1heDOHCengine. 16. IIWalltheheatshields. 17. c“IIII”“IUI” L”ll L”“““ll” IIIlu#lb p,““l~,aa~ androllstopperbracket, if removed. 18. Installtheoxygensensor. 19. Installtheelectriccoolingfanassembly, A/C compressor, dipsticktubeandalternator, asrequired. 20. Installa newflangegasketandconnect the exhaustpipeor converter assembly.

Fig. 71 Removethe exhaust manifold gasket, thoroughly clean the mountmg sur/ faces, and replace the gasket ’ 93’53p72 21. Installthedrivebelt(s)andadjustfor proper tension. 22.L-Connect batterycableandcheck IL,leaks. # thenegative rorexnausr 3.51 Engfne A Sam Finnwn


Do not attemptthe work on the exhaustsystern until it hascompletelycooled. 1. Disconnect batterynegative cable. 2. Raisethevehicleandsupportsafely. 3. Remove theexhaustpipeto exhaustmanifold nutsandremovethefrontexhaustpipe.

ENGlNEANDENGlNEOVERHAiJL 3-17 8. If removingthe rearmanifold,disconnectthe EGRtube. 9. Removethe exhaustmanifoldmountingbolts the manifold. To install: 10. Cleanall gasketmaterialfrom the matingsurfacesand checkthe manifoldfor damage. 11. Installa newgasketand install the manifold. Tightenthe nuts in a crisscrosspatternto 21 ft. Ibs. (30 Nm). 12. Installthe heatprotector(s). 13. If installrngthe rear manifold,replacethe gasketand connectthe EGRtube. 14. If installingthe front manifold,installthe radiatorand cooling fan assembly. 15. If installingthe front manifold,installthe alternator. 16. Installthe drive belt(s)and adjustfor proper tension. 17. Raiseand safelysupportthe vehiclesecurely on lackstands. 18. Installa newflangegasketand connectthe exhaustpipe or converterassembly. 19 Lowerthe vehicle 20. Connectthe negativebatterycableand check for exhaustleaks.


Fig. 75 Exploded view mounting (1 of 2)

the turbocharget

REMOVAL&INSTALLATION 2.OL DOHC Engine (1990-93 Galant Only) # See Figures 75 and 76

Fig. 73 Exploded view of the exhaust man ifold -3.OL DOHC engine


Fig. 74 Exhaust manifold exploded view3.5L engine 4. Lowerthe vehicle. 5. If removingthe front manifold,removethe radiator and cooling fan assembly. 6. If removingthe front manifold,removethe alternator. 7. Removethe heatprotector(s).

Manyturbochargerfailuresare due to oil supply problems.Heatsoakafterhot shutdowncancause the engineoil in the turbochargerand oil linesto “coke.” Oftenthe oil feedlines will becomepartially or completelyblockedwith hardenedparticlesof carbon, blockingoil flow. Checkthe oil feedpipe and oil returnline for cloggrng.Cleanthesetubeswell. Always usenewgasketsaboveand belowthe oil feed eyeboltfitting. Do not allow particlesof dirt or old gasketmaterialto enterthe oil passagehole and that no portionof the newgasketblocksthe passage. 1. Disconnectthe negativebatterycable. 2. Drainthe engineoil, cooling systemand removethe radiator Onvehiclesequippedwith A/C, removethe condenserfan assemblywith the radiator.

The EPA warns that prolonged contact with used engine oil may cause a number of skin disorders, including cancer! You should make every effort to minimize your exposure to used engine oil. Protective gloves should be worn when changing the oil. Wash your hands and any other exposed skin areas as soon as possible after exposure to used engine oil. Soap and water, or waterless hand cleaner should be used.

Never open, service or drain the radiator or cooling system when hot; serious burns can occur from the steam and hot coolant. Also, when draining engine coolant, keep in mind that cats and dogs are attracted to ethylene


:ig. 76 Exploded view of the turbocharger nounting (2 of 2) glycol antifreeze and could drink any that is left in an uncovered container or in puddles on the ground. This will prove fatal in sufficient quantities. Always drain coolant into a sealable container. Coolant should be reused unless it is contaminated or is several years old. 3 Detachthe oxygensensorconnectorand removethe sensor. 4. Removethe oil dipstick andtube. 5. Removethe air intakebellowshose,the wastegatevacuumhose,the connectionsfor the air outlet hose,andthe upperand lowerheatshield. 6. Unboltthe powersteeringpumpand bracket assemblyand leavingthe hosesconnected,wire it aside. 7. Removethe self-lockingexhaustmanifold nuts,the triangularengrnehangerbracket,the eye-


3-18 ENGINEANDENGINEOVERHAUL boltandgaskets thatconnecttheoil feedlinetothe turbocentersectionandthewatercoolinglines.The waterlineundertheturbohasa threaded connection. 8. Remove theexhaustpipenutsandgasketand lift offtheexhaustmanifold.Discardthegasket, 9. Remove the2 throughboltsand2 nutsthat holdtheexhaustmanifoldto theturbocharger, 10. Remove the2 capscrews fromtheoil return line(undertheturbo).Discardthegasket.Separate theturbofromtheexhaustmanifold. The2 water pipesandoil feedlinecanstill beattached. 11. Visuallychecktheturbinewheel(hotside) andcompressor wheel(coldside)for crackingor otherdamage. Checkwhether theturbinewheeland thecompressor wheelcanbeeasilyturnedbyhand. Checkfor oil leakaae. Checkwhetheror notthe wastegate valveremainsopen.If anyproblemis found,replacethepart.Inspectoil passages for restrictionor deposits andcleanasrequired, 12. Thewasteaate canbechecked witha oressuretester.Applyapproximately 9 psitothe&h&or andmakesuretherodmoves.Donotapplymore than10.3psiorthediaphragm inthewastegate may bedamaged. Vacuum appliedtothewastegate actuatorshouldbemaintained, replaceif leaksvacuum, Donotattempt to adjustthewastegate valve. To install: 13. Primetheoil returnlinewithcleanengineoil. Replace all lockingnuts.Beforeinstallingthe threaded connection forthewaterinletpipe,apply lightoil to theinnersurfaceof thepipeflange.Assembletheturbocharger andexhaustmanifold. 14. Installtheexhaustmanifoldusinga newgasket. 15. Connect thewatercoolinglines,oil feedline andenginehanger.

16. If removed, installthepowersteeringpump andbracket. 17. Installtheheatshields,airoutlethose,wastegatehoseandair intakebellows. 18. Installtheoil dipsticktubeanddipstick.Installtheoxyqensensor. 19. In&h theradiatorassembly. 20. Filltheenginewithoil,fill thecoolingsystem andreconnect thenegative batterycable.

cient quantities.Always drain coolant into a sealable container. Coolantshould be reused unlessit is contaminatedor is several years old.

Neveropen, service or drain the radiator or cooling systemwhen hot: serious burnscan occurfrom the steamand hot coolant. Also, when draining enginecoolant, keep in mind that cats and dogsare attractedto ethylene glyeol antifreezeand could drink any that is left in an uncoveredcontaineror in puddles on the ground.This will prove fatal in suffi-

3. Disconnect theoverflowtube.Somevehicles mayalsorequireremovalof theoverflowtank. 4. Disconnect upperandlowerradiatorhoses. 5. Detach theelectricalconnectors fromthe coolingfanandairconditioning condenser fan,if equipped. 6. ForMirageandDiamante models,remove thefanassembly. 7. Disconnect thetherm0sensorwires, 8. If equipped withanautomatic transaxle, disconnect andplugtheautomatic transaxle cooler lines. 9. Remove theupperradiatormountsandlift outtheradiatorassembly or radiator/fan assembly, asapplicable. To install: 10. Installtheradiatoror radiatorandfan,if removedasanassembly. 11. Connect theautomatic transaxle coolerlines if disconnected. 12. Connect thetherm0sensorwires, 13. Installthefan,if removed separately. 14. Installtheradiatorhoses. 15. Installtheaircleanersupportbracket, if renoved. 16. Installtheoverflowtubeandreservoir,if renoved. 17. Fillthesystemwithcoolant. 18. Connect thenegative batterycable,runthe vehicleuntilthethermostat opens,fill theradiator

Fig. 77 Use a pair of pliers to remove the hose clamp . . .

Fig. 78 . . . then disconnectthe overflow hose from the radiator

Fig. 79 Use pliers to release the hoseclamp tension . . .

Fig. 80 . . . then removethe upper radiator hose from the radiator

Fig. 81 From underneaththe vehicle, remove the hose clamp , . .

” Fig. 82 . . . then disconnectthe lower radiator hose

Operatingthe enginewithout the proper amountandtype of engineoil will result in severe enginedamage. . #I , I

REMOVAL & INSTALLATION $ See Figures77 thru 91 I. Disconnect thenegative batterycable. 2. Drainthecoolingsystemwhensafe.





Fig. 87 Detachthe connectorsfor the elecradiator to prevent contamination


/..: Fig 89 Remove the radiator mount g3’Bpz] bolts

lFig.PO,..thenremovethemo”n~;~~ the radiator and radiator support panel

Fig. 91 Carefully graspthe radiator and fan assemblyand lift Stout of the vehicle

completely andchecktheautomatic transaxle fluid level,if equipped. 79. Oncethevehiclehascooled.recheck the coolantIevel.

ExceptDiamante 6 See Figures77 thru 93 1. Disconnect thenegative batterycable. 2. Drainandrecycletheenginecoolant.

Fig. 92 The fans are retained to the radlator by four retaining bolts. Removethe retaining bolts . . .


Fig. 93 . . . then carefully lift the fan from the radiator


3-20 ENGINEANDENGINEOVERHAUL 2. Drainthe cooling systemonly whenthe radiator and the engineareat safetemperatures.

Never open, service or drain the radiator or cooling systemwhen hot; serious burnscan occurfrom the steamand hot coolant. Also, when draining enginecoolant, keep in mind that cats and dogsare attractedto ethylene glycol antifreezeandcould drink any that is left in an uncoveredcontaineror in puddles on the ground.This will prove fatal in sufficient quantities. Always drain coolant into a sealable container. Coolantshouldbe reused unlessit is contaminatedor is several years old. 3. Removethe overflowhoseand disconnect the upperradiatorhose.

*It is recommendedthat each clampbe matchmarkedto the hose. Observethe marks and reinstall the clampsexactly when reinstalling the radiator. 4. If equippedwith an automatictransaxle,removeand plugthe fluid cooler hoses. 5. Unplugthe electricalconnector(s)from the coolantfan motor. 6. Removethe mountingbolts,then removethe fan and shroudassemblyfrom the vehicle. 7. Removethe fan bladeretainernut from the shafton the fan motor andseparatethe fan from the motor. 8. Removethe motorto shroudattaching screwsandthe motor from the shroud.

To tnstall: 9. Installthe motorto the shroudand secure with the mountingbolts. 10. Installthe remainingcomponentsin the reverseorderof removal. 11. Fill the coohngsystem.Connectthe negative batterycableand checkthe cooling fan for properoperation.

Diamante # See Figure 94

1. Disconnectthe negativebatterycable 2. Drainthe cooling system.

Neveropen, service or drain the radiator or cooling systemwhen hot; serious burnscan occurfrom the steamandhot coolant. Also, when draining enginecoolant, keep in mind that cats and dogsare attractedto ethylene glycol antifreezeand could drink any that is left in an uncoveredcontaineror in puddles on the ground.This will prove fatal in sufficient quantities.Always drain coolant into a sealable container. Coolantshouldbe reused unless it is contaminatedor is several years old.

Never open,service or drain the radiator or cooling systemwhen hot; serious burnscan occurfrom the steamand hot coolant. Also, when draining enginecoolant, keep in mind that cats and dogsare attractedto ethylene glycol antifreezeand could drink any that is left in an uncoveredcontaineror in puddles on the ground.This will prove fatal in sufficient quantities.Always drain coolant into a sealable container.Coolantshouldbe reused unlessit is contaminatedor is several years old.

3. Unplugthe cooling fan and radiatorsensor connector(s).Most of theseconnectorsemploya waterproofconnector.Whendisconnecting,makesure all partsof the connectorremainintact. 4. Disconnectthe upperradiatorhosefrom the radiatorand removeoverflowtank. 5. Removethe fan mountingscrews.The radiator and condensercooling fans are separatelyremovable. 6. Removethe fan assemblyand disassemble as required.

3. Removethe engineundercover. 4 Disconnectthe clampbolt from the power steeringhose. 5. Removethe enginedrive belts. 6. Supportthe enginewith the appropriate equipmentand removethe enginemount bracket. 7. Removethe timing belt Reierto the timing belt procedurein this section 8 Removethe powersteeringpumpbracket. 9. Removethe alternatorbrace.

To install: 7. Posrtionthe fan and installthe mounting screws 8 Installthe electricalconnectorsand the upper radiatorhose. 9. Refill the cooling system. IO. Connectthe negativebatterycableand check the fan for orooer ooeration.


*The water pumpmountingbolts are different in length, notetheir positioningfor reassembly. 10. Removethe waterpump,gasketand O-ring wherethe waterinlet pipe(s)joins the pump.

To install: 11, Thoroughlyclean both gasketsurfacesof the wateroumoand block. 12. For 1.5L engines,install a newO-ring into the grooveon the front end of the waterinlet pipe. Do not applyoils or greaseto the O-ring.Wetthe O-ring with wateronly 13. For 1.8L engines,applya 0.09-0.12 in. (2.5-3 Omm)continuousbeadof sealantto water pumpand rnstallthe pumpassembly.Installthe water pumpwithin 15 minutesof the applrcationof the

) See Figures 95 and 98

1. Disconnectthe negativebatterycable


:ig. 94 Explodedview of the fan mountingand related componentsliamante

Fig. 95 Water pump and related components-Mirage with 1.51 (4615) engine

ENGINEANDENGINEOVERHAUL 3-21 1. Disconnectthe negativebatterycable. 2. Drainthe enginecoolant.

Neveropen, service or drain the radiator or cooling systemwhen hot; serious burnscan occurfrom the steamand hot coolant. Also, when draining enginecoolant, keep in mind that cats and dogsare attractedto ethylene glycol antifreezeand could drink any that is left in an uncoveredcontaineror in puddles on the ground.This will prove fatal in sufficient quantities.Always drain coolant into a sealable container. Coolantshouldbe reused unlessit is contaminatedor is several years old. 3. Removethe timing belt. Referto the timing belt procedurein this section. 4. If necessary,removethe alternatorbracefrom the waterpump. 5. If necessary,removethe timing belt rear cover. 6. Removethe waterpumpmountingbolts. 7. Removethe waterpump,gasketand O-ring. 7923PG08

ealant.Wait 1 hour afterinstallationof the water pumpto refill the cooling systemor startthe engine. 14. Installthe gasketand pumpassemblyand tightenthe bolts to 17 ft. Ibs. (24 Nm). Usecarewhen aligningthe waterpumpwith the waterinlet pipe. 15. Installthe remainingcomponentsin the reverseorder of removal. 16. Fill the systemwith coolant.

17. Connectthe negativebatterycable,run the vehicle until the thermostatopensand fill the radiator completely. 18. Oncethe vehicle hascooled,recheckthe coolantlevel.

1.6L and 2.OL(SOHCand OOHC)Engines + See Figure 97

To Install: 8. Installa newO-ring on the waterinlet pipe. Coatthe O-ringwith wateror coolant.Do not allow oil or othergreaseto contactthe O-ring. 9. Usea newgasketand installthe waterpump to the engineblock Torquethe mountingbolts to 8.7-11 ft. Ibs. (12-15 Nm). Installthe alternator braceon the waterpump.Torquethe bracepivot bolt to 17 ft. Ibs. (24 Nm). 10. If removed,installthe timing belt rearcover. 11. Installthe timing belt. Referto the timing belt procedurein this section. 12. Installthe remainingcomponents. 13. Refillthe enginewith coolant. 14. Connectthe negativebatterycable,startthe engineand checkfor leaks.

2.4L Engine ) See Figures98 thru 108 1. Disconnectthe negativebatterycable 2. Drainthe cooling system.

Never open,service or drain the radiator or cooling systemwhen hot; serious burnscan occurfrom the steamand hot coolant. Also, when draining enginecoolant, keep in mind that cats and dogsare attractedto ethylene glycol antifreezeand could drink any that is left in an uncoveredcontaineror in puddles on the ground.This will prove fatal in sufficient quantities.Always drain coolant into a sealable container. Coolantshouldbe reused unless it is contaminatedor is several years old.


3. Removethe engineundercover. 4. Disconnectthe clamp bolt from the power steeringhose. 5 Supportthe enginewith the appropriate equipmentand removethe enginemountbracket. 6. Removethe enginedrive beltsand the A/C tensionerbracket. 7. Removethe timing belt coversfrom the front of the engine.



Fig. 98 Removethe wafer pumppulley retaining bolts ~ . .

Fig. 99 . . . then removethe pulley from the pump

Fig 101 Removethe A/C beit idler pulley braEketretainingboit..., g3’a/

Fig. 102 . . * then remove the idler pulley retaining bracket

Fig. 104 Removethe water pumpretaining bolts on the top . . .

Fig. lfJ5 . . . then remove the bolts on the bottom of the pumpassembly

Fig. 100 Removethe A/C belt idler pulley


g. 103 Removethe alternator brace from

Fig. 107 if the impeller fins on the water able to replace the water pumprather than reuseit

Fig. 108 Water pump bolt identification-2.41 Engine

ENGlNEANDENGlNEOVERHAiL 3-23 8. Removethe camshaftand silent shafttiming belts.Referto the timing belt procedurein this section 9. Removethe A/C belt idler pulleyand pulley bracket. 10. Removethe alternatorbrace, 11. Removethe waterpump,gasketand O-ring wherethe waterinlet pipe(s)joins the pump. To install: 12. Thoroughlycleanboth gasketsurfacesof the waterpumpand block. 13. Installa newO-ring into the grooveon the front end of the waterinlet pipe and wet with clean antifreezeonly. Do not applyoils or greaseto the Oring. 14. Usinga newgasket,install the waterpump assembly.Tightenbolts with the headmark4 to 10 ft Ibs. (14 Nm) and bolts with the headmark7 to 18 ft. Ibs. (24 Nm). 15. Installthe A/C pulleyand pulleybracket, 16. Installthe timing belts.Referto the timing belt procedurein this section. 17. Installthe enginedrive belts. 18. Installthe enginemount bracket. 19. Installthe engineundercover, 20. Fill the systemwith coolant. 21. Connectthe negativebatterycable,run the vehicleuntil the thermostatopensand fill the radiator completely. 22. Oncethe vehiclehascooled,recheckthe coolantlevel.

3.OLand 3.5L Engines # See Figure 109 1. Disconnectthe negativebatterycable, 2. Drainthe cooling system.

Never open,service or drain the radiator or cooling systemwhen hot; serious burnscan occurfrom the steamand hot coolant. Also, when draining enginecoolant, keep in mind that cats and dogsare attractedto ethylene glycol antifreezeand could drink any that is left in an uncoveredcontaineror in puddles on the ground.This will prove fatal in sufficient quantities.Always drain coolant into a sealable container.Coolantshouldbe reused unless it is contaminatedor is several years old. 3. Removethe engineundercover. 4. Disconnectthe clampbolt from the power steeringhose. 5. Supportthe enginewith the appropriate equipmentand removethe enginemountbracket. 6. Removethe timing belt. Referto the timing belt procedurein this section. 7. Disconnectthe coolanthosesfrom the pump, if equipped. 8. Removethe alternatorbrace.

*The water pumpbolts are different in size. Notetheir locationsfor installation. 9. Removethe waterpump,gasketand O-ring wherethe waterinlet pipe joins the pump.

To install: 10. Thoroughlycleanboth gasketsurfacesof the waterpumpand block. 11. Installa newO-ring into the groove on the front end of the waterinlet pipe. Do not applyoils or greaseto the O-ring.Wetwith wateronly.

12. Usinga newgasket,install the waterpump assemblyto the engineblock.Torquethe mounting boltsto 17 ft. Ibs.(24 Nm). 13. Connectthe hosesto the pump. 14. Installthe timing belt.Referto the timing belt procedurein this section. 15. Installthe enginedrive belts. 16. Fill the systemwith coolant. 17. Connectthe negativebatterycable,run the vehicle until the thermostatopensand fill the radiator completely. 18. Oncethe vehicle hascooled,recheckthe coolantlevel.

REMOVAL & INSTALLATION 1.5L Engine u See Figures 110 and 111 1. Relievethe fuel systempressure.

Observeall applicable safety precautions whenworking aroundfuel. Wheneverservicing the fuel system,always work in a well ventilated area. Do not allow fuel spray or vaporsto comein contactwith a sparkor openflame. Keepa dry chemicalfire extinguishernear the work area. Always keepfuel in a containerspecifically designedfor fuel storage;also, always properly seal fuel containers to avoid the possibility of fire or explosion. 2. Disconnectthe negativebatterycable. 3. Drainthe cooling system.

Neveropen, service or drain the radiator or cooling systemwhen hot; serious burnscan occurfrom the steamand hot coolant. Also, when drainingengine coolant, keep in mind that cats and dogsare attractedto ethylene glycol antifreezeand could drink any that is left in an uncoveredcontaineror in puddles on the ground.This will prove fatal in sufficient quantities.Always drain coolant into a sealable container. Coolantshouldbe reused unlessit is contaminatedor is several years old.

5 6. 7 8 9. 10. 11. 1f

Atr Intake hose Connactlon of’ radlator upper hose Water outlet fming Gasket Connacmn of harness Connection of heater hose Connection of water hose A ConnectIon of water hose Connection of radiator Iowar hose Thn&ostat housing

14 Inlet water 15 O-ring

pye 7923Fw

:ig. 109 Water pumpand related components-3.01 DOHCshown

4. Removethe air intakehoseand the air cleanerassembly. 5. Disconnectthe groundcableconnectionand the acceleratorcable. 6. Disconnectthe PCVand the breatherhose connection. 7. Labeland disconnectthe vacuumhosesfrom the intakeand throttlebody. 8. Disconnectthe vacuumline for the brake booster. 9. Removethe upperradiatorhose,throttle body hoses,bypasshoseand heaterhoseconnections 10. Disconnectthe fuel feedand returnlines. 11. Removethe sparkplug wires.


Intake side

Exhaust side 7923PG13

Fig. 110 Cylinder head bolt loosening seuuence-Mirage with 1.5L (4615) ermine inwe




of engine

((9 Exhaust side 7923PG14

Fig. 111 Cyllnder head bolt tightening sequence-Mirage with 1.5L (4615) engine 12. Disconnectthe electricalharnessplugsfrom the following: l CrankshaftPosition (CKP)and Camshaft Position (CMP) sensors l HeatedOxygen(HO*S)sensor l EngineCoolantTemperature(ECT)sensor and gaugesender l Idle SpeedControl (ISC) motor l ThrottlePosition (TP) sensor l IntakeAir Temperature(IAT) sensor l ExhaustGas Recirculation(EGR)temperature sensor 13. Disconnectelectricalharnessplugsfrom the ignition distributor,fuel injectors,powertransistor and groundcable. 14. Disconnectthe enginecontrolwiring harness. 15. Removethe clampthat holdsthe powersteering pressurehoseto the enginemountingbracket. 16. Placea jack and wood block underthe oil panand carefullylift just enoughto takethe weight off the enginemountingbracketand removethe bracket. 17. Removethe valve cover. 18. Removethe timing belt uppercover. 19. Rotatethe crankshaftclockwiseand align the timing marks. 20. Attachthe timing belt to the camshaft sprocketwith cord or a wire tie. 21. Securethe camshaftfrom turningand remove the camshaftsprocketwith the timing belt attached. 22. Removethe timing belt rear uppercover. 23. Removethe exhaustpipe from the exhaust manifold. 24. Loosenthe cylinderheadmountingbolts in sequenceusingthreesteps. 25. Removethe cylinderhead. To install: 26. Thoroughlycleanthe matingsurfacesof the headand block.

27. Placea newheadgasketon the cylinder block with the identificationmarksfacing upward.Do not usesealeron the gasket. 28. Carefullyinstall the cylinderheadon the block.Tightenthe cylinder headbolts as outlined in the followlngsteps: a. Tightenthe bolts to 36 ft. Ibs. (49 Nm) in the correct sequence b. Loosenthe bolts completelyin the reverse of the tighteningorder, c. Tightenthe bolts, in sequence,to 14 ft. Ibs. (20 Nm) d. Tighten eachbolt, in sequence,90 degrees e. Tighteneachbolt, in sequence,an additional 90 degrees 29. Installa newexhaustpipe gasketand connect the exhaustpipe to the manifold. 30. Installthe upperreartiming cover. 31. Align the timing marksand installthe cam sprocket.Torquethe retainingbolt to 51 ft. Ibs. (76 Nm). Checkthe belttensionand adjust,if necessary. Installthe outertiming cover. 32. Installthe valve cover and torquethe retaining bolts to 16 inch Ibs.(1.8 Nm). 33. Installthe enginemount bracketand remove the supportjack. 34. Installthe clampthat holdsthe powersteering pressurehoseto the enginemountingbracket. 35. Attachthe following electricalconnectors: l CKPand CMP sensors l HOPSsensor l ECTsensorand gaugesender l ISC motor l TP sensor l IAT sensor l EGRtemperaturesensor 36. Connectwiring for the ignition distributor, fuel injectors,powertransistorand groundcable. 37. Connectthe enginecontrolwiring harness. 38. Replacethe O-ringsand connectthe fuel lines. 39. Installthe air cleanerassembly.Connectthe breatherhose. 40. Fill the systemwith coolant. 41. Connectthe negativebatterycable.

5. Notethe locations,then disconnectthe vacuum hosesfrom the intakeand throttlebody. 6. Removethe upperradiatorhose,overflow tube andthe waterhosefrom the thermostatto the throttle body. 7. Disconnectthe fuel feedand returnlines. 8. Unplugthe acceleratorcableconnectionfrom the throttle body. 9. Detachthe wiring from the oil pressure switch. 10, Disconnectthe wiring from the following components: l HeatedOxygen(HO*S)sensor l EngineCoolantTemperature(ECT)sensor and gaugesender l Idle Air Control (IAC) motor l ExhaustGas Recirculation(EGR)temperature sensor l ThrottlePosition (TP) sensor l Knocksensor l Fuel injectors 11. Removethe sparkplug wires. 12. Unboltthe control harnessassemblyand position aside. 13. Removethe thermostathousing,thermostat andthe thermostatcasewith O-ring from the engine. 14. Removethe rockercover. 15. Removethe timing belt uppercover. 16. Rotatethe crankshaftclockwiseand align the timing marks. 17. Attachthe timing beltto the camshaft sprocketwith cord or a wire tie. 18. Securethe camshaftfrom turningand remove the camshaftsprocketwith the timing belt attached. 19. Removethe timing belt rear uppercover. 20. Loosenthe cylinderheadbolts in two or three stepsin the propersequence. 21. Removethe cylinder headfrom the engine. Intake side

Front of engine


1.8L Engine # See Figures 112 and 113 1. Relievefuel systempressure.Disconnectthe negativebatterycable. 2. Removethe air cleanerassembly. 3. Drainthe cooling system.

Neveropen, service or drain the radiator or cooling systemwhen hot; serious burnscan occurfrom the steamand hot coolant. Also, when draining enginecoolant, keep in mind that cats and dogsare attractedto ethylene glycol antifreezeand could drink any that is lefl in an uncoveredcontaineror in puddles on the ground.This will prove fatal in sufficient quantities.Always drain coolant into a sealable container.Coolantshould be reused unless it is contaminatedor is several years old. 4. Disconnectthe brakeboostervacuumhose and PVCvalve connection.



Loosening&der 7923PG15

Fig. 112 Cylinder head bolt loosening sequence-l .8L engine intake side



Front of

engine *



Fig. 113 Cylinder head bolt torque sequence-l .8L engine


ENGINEANDENGINEOVERHAUL 3-25 Whenremovinathe cvlinder head.take care not to bendor iamag;! the plug guide.The plug guidecan not be replaced. To install: 22. Thoroughlycleanthe matingsurfacesof the headand block. 23. Placea newheadgasketon the cylinder blockwith the identificationmarksfacing upward.Do not usesealeron the gasket. 24. Carefullyinstallthe cylinder headon the block. 25. Measurethe cylinderheadbolts prior to installation Replaceanythat exceed3.795 in. (96.4mm) 26. Apply a small amountof engineoil to the threadsectionof the bolt and install so the chamfer of the washerfacesupward. 27. Tightenthe cylinderheadbolts as follows: a. In the propertighteningsequence,torque bolts to 54 ft. Ibs. (75 Nm). b. In the reverseorder of the tighteningsequence,fully loosenall bolts. c In the propertrghteningsequence,torque bolts to 14 ft. Ibs. (20 Nm). d. In the propertighteningsequence,tighten bolts 1/4turn (90 degrees). e. In the propertighteningsequence,tighten bolts an additional1/4turn (90 degrees). 28. Installthe camshaftsprocketandtightenthe bolt to 65 ft. Ibs (90 Nm),while holdingthe sprocket in placeusing the appropriatewrench.Confirm propertiming markalignment. 29. Installthe uppertiming belt cover and rocker cover.Torquethe rockercover bolts to 29 inch Ibs. (3 Nm). 30. Loosenthe waterpipe mountingbolt for ease of thermostathousinginstallation. 31. Apply a thin beadof sealantMD970389 or equivalent,to the watertube connectionon the thermostatcase. 32. Apply a small amountof waterto the O-ring of the water inlet pipe and pressthe thermostatcase assemblyonto the water inlet pipe. Installthe thermostatcaseassemblymountingbolt tighteningto 16 ff. Ibs.(22 Nm). 33. Tightenthe waterpipe mountingbolt. 34. Installthe thermostatinto the housingso the jiggle valve is locatedat the top. Tightenthe housing bolts to 10 ft. Ibs (14 Nm). 35. Attachthe wiring to the following components: l HO& sensor l ECTsensorand gaugesender l IAC motor l EGRtemperaturesensor l TP sensor l Knocksensor l Fuel injectors 36. Connectthe upperradiatorhoseto the thermostathousing. 37. Connectthe acceleratorcableconnectionto the throttlebody. 38. Connectthe oil pressureswitch. 39. Installthe sparkplug wires, 40. Connectthe control harnessassembly. 41. Replacethe O-ring for the high pressurehose and install a newclamp on the returnhoseand reconnectthe fuel lines.

42. Installthe air intakehose.Connectthe breatherhoseand air cleanercasecover 43. Reconnectthe brakeboosterandthe PCV vacuumhoses. 44. Fill the systemwith coolant. 45. Connectthe negativebatterycable

2.01 SOHCEngine # See Figures 114 and 115

Front Intake

of engne



1. Disconnectthe negativebatterycable. 2. Drainthe coolrngsystem. ~~

Never open, service or drain the radiator or cooling systemwhen hot; serious burnscan occurfrom the steamand hot coolant. Also, when draining enginecoolant, keep in mind that cats anddogsare attractedto ethylene glycol antifreezeand could drink any that is left in an uncoveredcontaineror in puddles on the ground.Thiswill prove fatal in sufficient quantities.Always drain coolantinto a sealable container. Coolantshouldbe reused unless it is contaminatedor is several years old.


side 93153~24

Fig. 114 Cylinder head bolt loosening sequence-2.01 SOHCengine

3. Removethe air intakehose. 4. Disconnectthe acceleratorcableand remove the bracket. 5. Disconnectthe high pressurefuel line and removethe O-ring. Front

Observeall applicablesafety precautions when working aroundfuel. Wheneverservicing the fuel system,always work in a well ventilated area. Do not allow fuel spray or vapors to come in contactwith a sparkor openflame. Keepa dry chemicalfire extinguishernear the work area. Always keepfuel in a containerspecifically designedfor fuel storage;also, always properlyseal fuel containers to avoid the possibility of fire or explosion. 6. Disconnectthe upperradiatorhose,the coolantby-passhoseand the heaterhosefrom the headand/or intakemanifold. 7. Disconnectthe brakeboostervacuumhose. 8. Removethe fuel returnhose. 9. Labeland detachthe vacuumhose(s)running to the manifold.Disconnectthe PCVhoseat the valve cover. 10. Tagand disconnectthe sparkplug wires from the drstnbutorcap 11. Labeland detacheachelectricalconnector, includingthe distributor leadand the injectorconnectors Notethat some of the wiring must be drsconnectedat the firewall.Whenall the connectorsare loose,removethe bracketbolts holdingthe control wiring harnessrn placeand movethe harnessto an out-of-the-waylocation. 12. Removethe clamp holdingthe powersteering and air conditioninghosesto the top of the left engine mount bracket.Move the hosesout of the way but don’t drsconnecteitherhosefrom its system. 13. Positiona floor lack and a broadpieceof lumberunderthe engine.Elevatethe jack lust enough to supportthe enginewithout raisingit.



of engme



side 93153g25

Fig. 115 Cylinder head bolt tightening sequence-2.01 SDHCengine 14. Removethe through-boltfrom the left side enginemount.It maybe necessaryto adjustthe jack slightly to allow the bolt to comefree Whenthe bolt has beenremoved,disconnectthe nutsand bolts holdingthe mountingbracketto the engineand removethe bracket 15. Removethe valve cover and gasket.Remove the half-circleplug from the head. 16. Removethe uppertiming belt cover.Turn the crankshaftclockwiseuntil all the timing marksalign, settingthe engineto TDUcompressionfor No. 1 cylinder. 17. Removethe bolt holdingthe camshaft sprocketto the camshaft.Removethe camshaft sprocket,with the beltattached,and placeit on the lowertiming belt cover. Do NOTallow the beltto comeoff the sprocket

Do not rotate the crankshaftoncethe camshaftsorocketis removed.

3-26 ENGINEANDENGINEOVERHAUL 18. Removethe self-lockingnutsandthe small retainingbolt holdingthe exhaustpipe to the bottom of the exhaustmanifold.Separatethe pipe from the manifoldand removethe gasket. 19. Removethe bolts holdingthe supportbrace to the bottomof the intakemanifold. 20. Usethe specialhex wrench(MB 998051-01) and loosenthe headbolts in the ordershownin 2 or 3 passes.Whenall are finger loose,removethe bolts. 21. Rockthe headgentlyto breakit loose;if tapping is necessary,do so with a rubberor wooden malletat the cornersof the head.DONOTpry the headup by wedgingtools betweenthe headandthe block. 22. Lift the headfree of the engine.It is coming off with both manifoldsandthe intakeplenumattached;the help of an assistantis recommendedfor lifting. Supportthe headassemblyon woodenblocks on a suitableworkbench.Referto Cleaningand Inspectionin this sectionfor work to be donebeforeinstallingthe head.If the headhasbeenremovedfor work otherthan gasketreplacement,the rockerassemblyand camshaftor othercomponentsmaybe removed. Beforereinstallation,the headshould be completelyassembledon the bench.This allows proper locationand tighteningof all the externalitems.

To install: 23. Placea newgasketon the engineso that the identifyingmarkfacesup (towardsthe head)and is at the timing belt end of the block. Installa newgasket on the exhaustpipe.

Do not apply sealant to the headgasketor matingsurfaces. 24. Installthe headstraightdownonto the block. Try to eliminatemost of the side-to-side adjustmentsas this may movethe gasketout of position. Installthe bolts by handand just starteachbolt 1 or 2 turns on the threads. 25. The headbolt torquespecificationis 68 ft. Ibs. (92 Nm) for a cold engine.The bolts must be tightenedin the ordershown in 3 steps.Onthe first pass,tightenall the bolts to about22 ft. Ibs. (30 Nm), then proceedthroughthe ordertighteningeachbolt to about45 ft. Ibs. (61 Nm).Thefinal torque is achievedon the third pass. 26. Installthe intakemanifoldsupportbraceto the manifoldand tightenthe bolts to 16 ft. Ibs.(22 Nm).

27. Makingsurethe gasketis still in place,connectthe exhaustpipe to the baseof the exhaustmanifold. Use newself-lockingnuts;tightenthe nutsand the small bracketbolt to 26 ft. Ibs. (35 Nm). 28. Makesurethe camshafthas not changedposition during repalrs.Carefullyinstall the camshaft sprocketand belt onto the camshaft.Tightenthe retaining bolt to 66 ft. Ibs. (91 Nm). 29. Installthe uppertiming belt cover,then tightenthe bolts to 8 ft. Ibs. (11 Nm). 30. Apply sealantto the contactsurfacesof the half-circleplug and installthe plug in the head Install the valve cover and gasket. 31. Installthe enginemountbracketto the engine.Tightenthe mountingnutsand boltsto 42 ft. Ibs. (57 Nm). 32. Adjustthe jack (if necessary)so that the engine mount bushingaligns with the bodywork bracket.Installthe through-boltand tightenthe nuts snug. 33. Slowly releasetensionon the floor jack so thatthe weightof the enginebearsfully on the mount.Tightenthe through-boltto 52 ft. Ibs. (71 Nm) and the small safetynut to 26 ft. tbs.(36 Nm). 34. Installthe bracketholdingthe powersteering hoseand air conditioninghoseto the top of the engine mount. 35. Positionthe controlwiring harnessand install the retainingbolts.Attacheachelectricalconnectorto its properlocation,makingsurethe wires are properlyroutedandfirmly connected. 36. Installthe sparkplug wires in the distributor cap. 37. Connectthe PCV hoseand the vacuum hose(s). 38. Connectthe fuel returnline. Connectthe brakeboostervacuumhose. 39. Installthe heaterhose,the coolantby-pass hoseand.theupperradiatorhose.Paycloseattention to the position and routingof thesehosesand insure that theyare not crimpedor constricted.Installthe clamps in the samelocationas beforeremoval. 40. Installa newO-ring on the high pressurefuel line and lubricateit with a coatingof gasoline.Carefully connectthe high pressurefuel line to the fuel rail, taking carenot to damagethe O-ring.Tightenthe bolts only to 4 ft. Ibs. (6 Nm). 41. Connectthe acceleratorcableand adjust it as necessary. 42. Installthe air intakehose. 43. Fill the cooling systemwith coolant. 44. Changingthe oil andfilter is recommended to eliminatepollutantsin the oil.

Operatingthe enginewithout the proper amountandtype of engineoil will result in severe enginedamage. 45. Connectthe negativebatterycable. 46. Startthe engineand checkfor leaksof fuel, vacuumor oil. 47. Checkthe operationof all engineelectrical systemsas well as dashboardgaugesand lights. 48. Performnecessaryadjustmentsto the acceleratorcable,drive beltsand enginespecifications. Adjust the coolantlevelafterthe enginehascooled Off.

1.6L and 2.OLDDHCEngines ti See Figures 116,117, and 116 1. Relievefuel systempressure. 2. Disconnectthe negativebatterycable. 3. Drainthe cooling system.

Never open,service or drain the radiator or cooling systemwhen hot; serious burnscan occurfrom the steamand hot coolant. Also, when drainingenginecoolant, keep in mind that cats and dogsare attractedto ethylene glycol antifreezeand could drink any that is left in an uncoveredcontaineror in puddles on the ground.This will prove fatal in sufficient quantities.Always drain coolant into a sealable container. Coolantshouldbe reused unlessit is contaminatedor is several years old. 4. Disconnectthe acceleratorcable.Therewill be 2 cablesif equippedwith cruise-control. 5. Removethe air cleanerwith the air intake hose. 6. Detachthe electricalconnectorsfrom the the oxygensensor,enginecoolanttemperaturesensor, the enginecoolanttemperaturegaugeunit and the enginecoolanttemperatureswitchon vehicleswith air conditioning. 7. Disconnectthe wiring from the ISC motor, throttle position sensor,crankshaftanglesensor,fuel injectors,ignition coil, powertransistor,noisefilter, knocksensoron turbochargedengines,EGRtemperaturesensor(Californiavehicles),groundcableand enginecontrolwiring harness.

intake side

Intake side I

Front of engine

Front of entine

Painted mark

Exhaust side

Exhaustside 7923PG18

Fig. 116 Cylinder head bolt removal sequence-l .6L and 2.OLDDHCengines

Fig. 117 Cylinder head bolt torque sequence-l .6L and 2.OLDDHCengines

Painted mark

Fig. 116 To ensure that the bolts are tightened exactly 160 total degrees, mark the head bolt and cylinder head as shown11.6L and 2.OLDDHCengines


ENGlNEANDENGlNEOVERHALiL 3-27 8. Remove theupperradiatorhoseandthe overflowtube. 9. Remove thesparkplugcablecentercover, thenremovethesparkplugcables. 10. Disconnect andplugthehighpressure fuel line. 11. Disconnect thesmallvacuumhoses. 12. Remove theheaterhoseandwaterbypass hose. 13. Remove thePCVhose. 14. If turbocharged, remove thevacuumhoses, waterlineandeyeboltconnection fortheoil linefor theturbo. 15. Disconnect andplugthefuelreturnhose. 16. Disconnect thebrakeboostervacuumhose. 17. Remove thetimingbelt. 18. Remove thevalvecoverandthehalf-round seal. 19. Onnon-turbocharged engines,removethe exhaustpipeself-locking nutsandseparate theexhaustpipefromtheexhaustmanifold.Discardthe gasket. 20. Onturbocharged engines, remove thesheet metalheatprotector andremove theboltsthatattach theturbocharger to theexhaustmanifold. 21. Loosenthecylinderheadmounting boltsin 3 steps,startingfromtheoutsideandworkinginward, Liftoffthecylinderheadassembly andremovethe headgasket. To install: 22. Thoroughly cleananddrythematingsurfaces of theheadandblock.Checkthecylinderheadfor cracks,damage or enginecoolantleakage. Remove scale,sealingcompound andcarbon.Cleanoil pas-

sagesthoroughly. Checktheheadfor flatness.Endto end,theheadshouldbewithin0.002in.(0.05mm) normally,with0.008in.(0.2mm) themaximum allowedoutof true.Thetotalthickness allowedto be removed fromtheheadandblockis0.008in. (0.2mm) maximum. 23. Placea newheadgasketonthecylinder blockwiththeidentification marksatthefronttop (upward)position.Makesurethegaskethasthe properidentification markfor theengine.Donotuse sealeronthegasket.Replace theturbogasketand ring,if equipped. 24. Carefullyinstallthecylinderheadonthe block.Using3 evensteps,torquetheheadbolts,in sequence, to 65-72ft. Ibs.(90-100Nm).Thistorque appliesto a coldengine.If checking cylinderhead bolttorqueonhotengine,thedesiredspecification is 7240 ft. Ibs.(100-110Nm). 25. Onturbocharged engine,installtheheat shield.Onnon-turbocharged engines, installa new exhaustpipegasketandconnecttheexhaustpipeto themanifold. 26. Applysealerto theperimeter of thehalfroundsealandtotheloweredgesof thehalf-round portionsof thebelt-sideof thenewgasket.Installthe valvecover. 27. Installthetimingbeltandall relateditems. 28. Connect or installall previously disconnected hoses,cablesandelectricalconnections. Adjustthe throttlecable(s). 29. Installthesparkplugcablecentercover. 30. Replace theO-ringsandconnect thefuel lines.

Fig. 119 Remove the upper radiator g3153p44 hose 1Fig. 129 . . . and also the lower rad:gzi *. . hosesfrom the thermostathousing

31. Installtheaircleanerandintakehose.Connectthebreather hose. 32. Change theengineoil andoil filter, 33. Fillthesystemwithcoolant. 34. Connect thenegative batterycable. 35. Runthevehicleuntilthethermostat opens, andfill theradiatorcompletely. 36. Checkandadjusttheidlespeedandignition timing. 37. Oncethevehiclehascooled,recheck the coolantlevel. 2.41 Engine b See Figures119 thru 131 1. Relievethefuelsystempressure. 2. Disconnect thenegative batterycable. 3. Remove theaircleanerwithall air intake hoses. 4. Drainthecoolingsystem. Neveropen, service or drain the radiator or cooling systemwhen hot; serious burnscan occurfrom the steamand hot coolant. Also, when draining enginecoolant, keep in mind that cats and dogsare attractedto ethylene glycol antifreezeand could drink any that is left in an uncoveredcontaineror in puddles on the ground.Thiswill provefatal in suffieient quantities.Always drain coolant into a sealable container.Coolantshouldbe reused unlessit is contaminatedor is several years old.

/ cyl.der g3153W Fig 121head Removethe heater hose from the


Fig. 122Removethe three thermostathousing retaining bolts . . .

Fig. 123 . . . then remove the thermostat housingfrom the cylinder head

Fig. 124 Usinga suitable device, suchas a breaker bar and the appropriate socket, loosen the cylinder head bolts in the proper sequence

3-28 ENGINEANDENGINEOVERHAUL lntsltaelde Front of engine c3

Fig. 125 Cylinder head bolt removal sequence-2.41(4664) engine

ig. 126 A magnetcan be extremely helpI ful when removingthe cylinder head bolts 1



Fig. 128 Removethe cylinder head gasket from the block

Fig, 129 Thoroughly clean the gasket surfaces of the cylinder head IntakeAir Temperature (IAT)sensor ThrottlePosition(TP)sensor : /I;%;,; rZ;Z;;(lAC) motor

l l

Ignitioncoil Camshaft Position(CMP)sensor l Exhaust GasRecirculation (EGR)solenoid valve 11. Remove thesparkplugwirecoverandwires. 12. Atthethermostat caseassembly, removethe coolanthosesandunboltthethermostat casefrom theengine. 13. Remove theuppertimingbeltcover 14. Alignall timingmarks. 15. Securethetiminabeltto thecamshaft sprocket withcordor a wiretie. 16. Remove thecamshaft sprocket. 17. Remove thevalvecoverandthehalf-round seal. 18. Disconnect theintakemanifoldstaybracket fromtheintakemanifold. 19. Remove theexhaustpipeself-lockingnuts andseparate theexhaustpipefromtheexhaustmanifold.Discardthegasket, 20. Loosenthecylinderheadmounting boltsin3 steps,startingfromtheoutsideandworkinginward. Liftoffthecylinderheadassembly andremove the headgasket. To install: 21. Thoroughly cleanthematingsurfaces ofthe headandblock. 22. Placea newheadgasketonthecylinder blockwiththeidentification marksatthefronttop (upward)position.Donotusesealeronthegasket. l l

Fig. 131 Cylinder head bolt installation se5. Disconnect theaccelerator cable.Remove the cablemounting brackets andpositionthecable aside. 6. Remove thebreather hose. ‘7. Labelanddisconnect thevacuumlinesatthe tree body. . 8. D&connect andplugthehighpressure fuel lint3 iliiL.-

9. Disconnect andplugthefuelreturnhose. 10. Labelanddetachtheconnectors fromthefollowingcomponents: * A$ compressor * Powersteeringpressure switch * HeatedOxygen(HO$)sensor * EngineCoolantTemperature (ECT)gauge sender l ECTsensor l ManifoldAbsolutePressure (MAP)sensor

Fig. 127 Graspthe cylinder head and lift it off the engine block with the manifolds attached. It is a good idea to use a helper for 1this, as the assembly is very heavy

Fig. 130 Also, make sure to thoroughly clean the engine block mating surfaces before reassemblingthe engine 23. Inspectthecylinderheadboltlengthpriorto installation. If thelengthexceeds 3.91in.(99.4mm), theboltmustbereplaced. Installthewasherontothe boltsothechamfer onthewasherfacestowardsthe headof thebolt. 24. Carefullyinstallthecylinderheadonthe blockandtightenthecylinderheadboltsasfollows: a. Followingthepropertightening sequence, tightenthecylinderheadboltsto 58ft. Ibs.(78 Nm). b. Loosenall boltscompletely. c. Torqueboltsto 15ft. Ibs.(20Nm). ’ d. Tightenboltsanadditional1/4turn. e. Tightenboltsanadditional1/4turn. 25. Installthenewexhaustpipeaasketandconnecttheexhaustpipetothemanifold. Tightenthe boltsto 33ft. Ibs.(44Nm). 26. Installthethermostat caseandtightenthe mounting boltsto 18ft. Ibs.(24Nm). 27. Connect thecoolanthosestothethermostat case. 28. Applysealerto theperimeter of thehalfroundsealandto theloweredgesofthehalf-round portionsofthebelt-sideof thenewgasket.Installthr valvecover. 29. Installthecamshaft sprocket withthetiming beltattached. Remove thecordorwiretie. 30. Installtheuppertimingbeltcover. 31. Connect theintakemanifoldstayandtighten themounting boltsto 22ft. Ibs.(30Nm). 32. Attachtheconnectors to thefollowingcomponents: l A/Ccompressor l Powersteeringpressure switch

ENGINEANDENGINEOVERHAUL 3-29 HOzSsensor ECTgaugesender l ECTsensor l MAP sensor l IAT sensor l TP sensor l IAC motor l injector harness l ignition coil l CMP sensor l EGRsolenoidvalve 33. Installthe sparkplugwires and cover, 34. Replacethe O-ringsand connectthe fuel lines. 35. Installthe air cleanerand intakehose.Connectthe breatherhose. 36. Fill the cooling system. 37. Connectthe negativebatterycable

33. Fill the systemwrthcoolant. 34. Connectthe negabvebatterycable. 35. Adjustthe acceleratorcable. 36. Startthe engine. 37. Checkand adjustthe idle speedand ignition timing. 38. Oncethe vehiclehascooled,recheckthe coolantlevel.

l l

3.OLSDHCEngine # See Figure 132 1. Relievethe fuel systempressure. 2. Disconnectthe negativebatterycable. 3. Drainthe cooling system. @

Timing belt side

3.01 DDHCEngine ti See Figures 132 and 133 1. Relievefuel systempressure.Disconnectthe negativebatterycable. 2. Drainthe cooling system.

Neveropen,service or drain the radiator or cooling systemwhen hot; serious burnscan occurfrom the steamand hot coolant. Also, when draining enginecoolant, keepin mind that cats and dogsare attractedto ethylene glycol antifreezeand could drink any that is left in an uncoveredcontaineror in puddles on the ground.Thiswill prove fatal in sufficient quantltles.Always drain coolant into a sealable container. Coolantshouldbe reused unless it is contaminatedor is several years old. 3. Removethe air intakehoses. 4. Removeair intakeplenumand intakemanifold. 5. Removethe exhaustmanifold. 6. Removethe timing belt.Referto the timing belt procedurein this section. 7. Removethe breatherhose. 8. Removethe sparkplug wire centercover and removethe sparkplugwires. 9. Removethe rockercovers. 10. Removethe intakecamshaftsprockets. 11. Removethe reartiming belt cover. 12. Removethe ignition coil assembly. 13. Disconnectall waterhosesfrom the thermostat housingand removethe housing. 14. Disconnectthe waterinlet from the front head. 15. Loosenthe cylinderheadmountingbolts in the reverseof the torquesequenceand loosenthe bolts in threesteps.Lift off the cylinderheadassembly and removethe headgasket.

To install: 16. Thoroughlycleanthe sealingsurfacesof the headand block. 17. Placea newheadgasketon the cylinder block with the identificationmarksin the front top (upward)position. Do not usesealeron the gasket, 18. Carefullyinstallthe cylinderheadon the block. Besurethe headbolt washersare installed with the chamferededgeupward.Usingthreeeven steps,torquethe headbolts in sequence,to 76-83 ft. Ibs. (105-115 Nm).


:ig. 132 Tightenthe cylinder head bolts ac:ording to the sequence shown-3.01 SDHCand DDHC)engines Rear bank





Front bank '1








02 7923ffi25

Fig. 133 Rocker cover bolt torque sequence-Diamante 3.OLDDHCengine 19. InstallnewO-ring and connectthe waterinlet to the head.Tightenthe mountingbolt to 9-11 ft. Ibs (12-15 Nm). 20. Replacethe gasketsand installthe thermostat housing.Tightenthe mountingbolts to 12-14 ft. Ibs. (17-20 Nm). 21. Usingnewhoseclamps,connectthe hosesto the thermostathousing. 22. Installthe Ignitioncoil and torquethe mounting boltsto 7 ft. Ibs. (10 Nm). 23. Installthe reartiming beltcover and torque the mountingbolts to 17 ft. Ibs. (24 Nm). 24. Installthe intakecamshaftsprockets.Tighten the retainingbolt to 65 ft. Ibs.(90 Nm). 25. Apply sealerto the loweredgesof the valve cover.Tightenthe bolts in the propersequenceto 44-51 inch Ibs. (5-6 Nm). 26. Connectthe sparkplug wires and installthe centercover.Tightenthe bolts that securethe center cover to 27 inch Ibs. (3 Nm) 27. Installthe breatherhose. 28. Installthe timing belt. Referto the timing belt procedurein this section, 29. Installthe exhaustmanifoldassembly. 30. Usingall newgaskets,installthe intakemanifold and air intakeplenum. 31. Installthe air intakehoses. 32. Changethe engineoil and oil filter.

Neveropen, service or drain the radiator or cooling systemwhen hot; serious burnscan occurfrom the steamand hot coolant. Also, when drainingenginecoolant, keep in mind that cats and dogsare attractedto ethylene alvcol antifreezeand could drink any that is Leftin an uncoveredcontaineror in puddles on the ground.This will Drovefatal in sufficient quantities.Alwaysdrain coolant into a sealable container.Coolantshouldbe reused Unlessit is Contaminatedor is several years old. 4. Removethe air intakehose. 5. Removethe exhaustmanifold. 6. Removethe air intakeplenumand intake manifold. 7. Removethe timing belt. Referto the timing belt procedurein this section. 8. Removethe camshaftsprocketsand the rear timing belt cover. 9. Removethe powersteeringpump bracket.If removingthe rearhead,removethe alternatorbrace. 10. Disconnectthe waterinlet pipe. 11. Removethe purgepipe assembly. 12. Removethe valve cover, 13. Usingthe reversesequenceof the installation sequence,loosenthe cylinderheadmountingbolts in threesteps.Lift off the cylmderheadassemblyand removethe headgasket.

To install: 14. Thoroughlycleanthe sealingsurfacesof the headand block. 15. Placea newheadgasketon the cylinder block makingsurethe identificationmark on the cylrnderheadgasketis in the front top (upward)location. Do not usesealeron the gasket, 16. Carefullyinstallthe cylinderheadon the block. Besurethe headbolt washersare installed with the chamferededgeupward.Usingthreeeven steps,torquethe headbolts in sequence,to 7683 ft. Ibs. (105-115 Nm). 17. Apply sealerto the loweredgesof the halfroundportionsand installthe valve cover.Tighten valve cover bolts to 7 ft. Ibs. (9 Nm). 18. Installthe purgepipe assembly. 19. Connectthe water inlet pipe. 20. Installthe powersteeringpumpbracketand alternatorbrace. 21. Installthe reartiming belt coverand camshaft sprockets.Torquethe retainingbolt to 65 ft. Ibs. (90 Nm). 22. Installthe timing belt.Referto the timing belt procedurein this section.


3-30 ENGINEANDENGINEOVERHAUL 23. Usingall newgaskets,install the intakemanifold, air intakeplenumand exhaustmanifold. 24. Installthe air intakehose. 25. Fill the systemwith coolant. 26. Connectthe negativebatterycable. 27. Startthe engine. 28. Checkand adjustthe idle speedand ignition timing. 29. Oncethe vehiclehascooled,recheckthe coolantlevel.

18. Installany remainingcomponents. 19. Refillthe cooling system. 20. Connectthe negativebatterycable.

REMOVAL&INSTALLATION 1.5L Engine p See Figure 135

3.51 Engine ti See Figure 134 1. Disconnectthe negativebatterycable. 2. Drainthe enginecoolant

Never open, service or drain the radiator or cooling systemwhen hot; serious burnscan occurfrom the steamandhot coolant. Also, when draining enginecoolant, keep in mind that cats and dogsare attractedto ethylene glycol antifreezeand could drink any that is left in an uncoveredcontaineror in puddles on the ground.This will prove fatal in sufficient quantities.Always drain coolant into a sealable container.Coolantshouldbe reused unlessit is contaminatedor is several years old. 3. Removethe timing belt.Referto the timing belt procedurein this section. 4. Removethe intakeand exhaustmanifolds. 5. Removethe sparkplug wires. 6. Removethe cylrnderheadcovers. 7. Removethe timing belt rearcentercover. 8. Loosenthe cylinderheadbolts graduallyin threestages,in the oppositeof the installationsequence. 9. Removethe cylinderhead.

1. Disconnectthe negativebatterycable. 2. Drainthe engineoil.

The EPAwarns that prolongedcontactwith usedengineoil maycausea numberof skin disorders, includingcancer!Youshould makeevery effort to minimizeyour exposure to usedengineoil. Protectivegloves should be worn when changingthe oil. Washyour handsand any other exposedskin areas as soonas possibleafter exposureto usedengine oil. Soapandwater, or waterless hand cleaner shouldbe used. 3. Removethe bell housinglowercover. 4. Removethe oil pan retainerbolts.Tapthe oil panwith a rubbermalletto breakseal.

*Do not use a prytool when removingthe oil pan. If available, oil pan removertool MD998727or equivalentmaybe usedto breakthe seal.

To install: 5. Cleanall gasketsurfacesof the cylinder block and the oil pan. 6. Apply sealantto the gasketsurfacesof the oil pan. 7. Installthe oil panonto the cylinderblock within 15 minutesafterapplyingsealant.Installthe fastenersandtightento 60 inch Ibs. (7 Nm). 8. Installthe bell housingcover. 9. Installthe oil drain plugwith a newsealand tightento 29 ft. Ibs. (40 Nm). 10. Lowerthe vehicleand fill the crankcaseto the properlevelwith cleanengineoil.

Operatingthe enginewithout the proper amountandtype of engineoil will result in severe enginedamage. 11. Connectthe negativebatterycable.Startthe engineand checkfor leaks.

1.8L Engine # See Figure 136 1. Disconnectthe negativebatterycable. 2. Raisethe vehicleand supportsafely. 3. Removethe oil pan drain plug and drainthe engineoil.

The EPAwarns that prolongedcontactwith usedengineoil may causea numberof skin disorders, includingcancer!Youshould makeevery effort to minimizeyour exposure to usedengineoil. Protectivegloves should

To install: 10. Cleanthe cylinderheadand mountingsur-’ faceon the engineblock. 11. Installthe cylinderheadusing a newgasket. 12. Tightenthe bolts in sequenceusingthree stagesto 76-83 ft. Ibs. (103-113 Nm). 13. Installthe timing belt rearcentercover. 14. Installthe cylinderheadcoversusing new gaskets.Tightenthe boltsto 2-3 ft. Ibs.(334 Nm). 15. Installthe sparkplug wires, 16. Installthe intakeand exhaustmanifolds, 17. Installthe timing belt. Referto the timing belt procedurein this section.


Fig. 134 Cylinder head bolt tightening sequence-3.5L engine

IFig. 135 Oil pan and related components-Mirage 1.5L (4615) engine

ENGINEANDENGINEOVERHAUL 3-31 To install: 9. Usinga wire brushor othertool, scrapeclean all gasketsurfacesof the cylinderblock andthe oil panso that all loose materialis removed.Cleansealing surfacesof all dirt and oil. 10. Apply sealantaroundthe gasketsurfacesof the oil pan in such a mannerthat all bolt holesare circled andthereis a continuousbeadof sealer aroundthe entireperimeterof the oil pan.


Fig. 137 Oil pan and related components2.OLSOHCengine

Fig 136 Oil pan and related components-

I,.s; engine


be worn when changingthe oil. Washyour handsand any other exposedskin areas as soon as possibleafter exposureto usedengine oil. Soapandwater, or waterless hand cleaner shouldbe used. 4. Disconnectand lowerthe exhaustpipe from the enginemanifold. 5. Removethe bell housinglowercover. 6. Removethe oil pan retainerboltsand remove the oil pan.

*Do not use a prytool when removingthe oil pan. If available, oil pan removertool MD998727or equivalentmay be usedbreak the seal. To install: 7. Cleanall gasketsurfacesof the cylinder block andthe oil pan. 8. Apply sealantaroundthe gasketsurfacesof the oil pan. 9. Installthe oil pan ontothe cylinderblock within 15 minutesafterapplyingsealant.Installthe fastenersand tightento 60 inch Ibs. (5 Nm). 10. installthe bell housingcover. 11. Connectthe exhaustpipe to the enginemanifold with newgasketin place.Tightenthe exhaust pipeto manifoldflangenutsto 33 ft. Ibs. (45 Nm). Installand tightenthe supportbolt to 18 ft. Ibs. (25 Nm). 12. Installthe oil drain plug and tightento 29 ft. Ibs. (40 Nm). 13. Fill the crankcaseto the properlevel.

Operatingthe enginewithout the proper amountandtype of engineoil will result in severe enginedamage. 14. Connectthe negativebatterycable.Startthe engineand checkfor leaks.

1.6L and 2.OLEngines FRONTWHEELDRIVE ti See Figures137 and 138 1. Disconnectthe negativebatterycable. 2. Raisethe vehicleand supportsafely. 3. Removethe oil pan drain plug and drain the engineoil.

*The continuousbeadof sealer shouldbe applied in a beadapproximately0.16 in. (4mm)in diameter. 11. Installthe oil pan onto the cylinderblock within 15 minutesafterapplyingsealant.Installthe fastenersandtightento 4-6 ft. Ibs. (G8 Nm). 12. Installthe crossmemberand tightenthe mountingbolts to 72 ft. Ibs.(100 Nm). 13. Connectthe exhaustpipe to the enginemanifold with newgasketIn place.Tightenthe exhaust pipe to manifoldflangenutsto 29 ft. Ibs. (40 Nm) 14. Installthe oil drain plug and tightento 33 ft. Ibs. 15. Lowerthe vehicleand fill the crankcaseto the properlevelwith cleanengineoil.

Operatingthe enginewithout the proper amountandtype of engineoil will result in severe enginedamage. 16. Connectthe negativebatterycable. 17. Startthe engineand checkfor leaks.


Fig. 138 Oil pan and removal for FWDand AWDl.liL and 2.OLDDHCenoines

The EPAwarns that prolongedcontactwith usedengineoil maycausea numberof skin disorders,includingcancer!Youshould makeevery effort to minimizeyour exposure to usedengineoil. Protectivegloves should be worn when changingthe oil. Washyour handsand any other exposedskin areas as soon as possibleafter exposureto usedengine oil. Soapandwater, or waterless hand cleaner shouldbe used. 4. Disconnectand lowerthe exhaustpipe from the enginemanifold. 5. Usingthe appropriateequipment,supportthe weightof the engine. 6. Removethe retainerbolts andthe center crossmember, 7. Removethe oil pan bolts. Usingspecialtool MD998727,tap in betweenthe engineblock and the oil pan.

*Do not use a chisel, screwdriver or similar tool when removingthe oil pan. Damageto enginecomponentsmay occur. 8. Inspectthe oil pan for damageand cracks. Replaceif faulty.While the pan is removed,inspect the oil screenfor clogging,damageand cracks.Replaceif faulty.

ti See Figure 138 1. Disconnectthe negativebatterycable. 2. Raisethe vehicleand supportsafely. 3. Removethe oil pan drain plug and drain the engineoil.

TheEPAwarns that prolongedcontactwith usedengineoil maycausea numberof skin disorders, includingcancer!Youshould makeevery effort to minimizeyour exposure to usedengineoil. Protectiveglovesshould be worn when changingthe oil. Washyour handsand any other exposedskin areas as soon as possibleafter exposureto usedengine oil. Soapandwater, or waterless hand cleaner shouldbe used. 4. Disconnectand lowerthe exhaustpipe from the enginemanifold. 5. Removethe transferassemblyand right driveshaft. 6. Usingthe appropriateequipment,supportthe weightof the engineand removethe centercrossmember. 7. Disconnectthe returnpipe for the turbochargerfrom the side of the oil pan. 8. Removethe oil pan bolts. Usingspecialtool MD998727,tap In betweenthe engineblock andthe oil pan.

*Do not use a chisel, screwdriver or similar tool when removingthe oil pan. Damageto enginecomponentsmay occur.


3-32 ENGINEANDENGINEOVERHAUL 9. Inspectthe oil panfor damageand cracks. Replaceif faulty,While the pan is removed,inspect the oil screenfor clogging,damageand cracks,Replace if faulty.

To install: 10. Usinga wire brushor othertool, scrapeclean all gasketsurfacesof the cylinderblock andthe oil panso that all loose materialis removed.Cleansealing surfacesof all dirt and oil. 11, Apply sealantaroundthe gasketsurfacesof the oil pan in such a mannerthat all bolt holesare circled and thereis a continuousbeadof sealer aroundthe entireperimeterof the oil pan.

*The continuousbeadof sealer shouldbe applied in a beadapproximately0.16 in. (4mm)in diameter. 12. Installthe oil pan ontothe cylinderblock within 15 minutesafterapplyingsealant.Installthe fastenersand tightento 4-6 ft. Ibs. (68 Nm). 13. Installthe oil returnpipe using a newgasket, if removed.Tightenretainersto 5-7 ft. Ibs. (7-10 Nm). 14. Installthe left memberand tightenthe forward retainerbolts to 72 ft. Ibs. (100 Nm).Tightenthe rearwardleft memberbolts to 58 ft. Ibs. (80 Nm). 15. Installthe transferassemblyand right driveshaft. 16. Connectthe exhaustpipe from the engine manifoldwith newgasketin place.Tightenthe exhaustpipe to manifoldflangenutsto 29 ft. Ibs. (40 Nm). 17. Installthe oil drain plug and tightento 33 ft. Ibs. 18. Lowerthe vehicleandfill the crankcaseto the properlevelwith cleanengineoil.

Operatingthe enginewithout the proper amountandtype of engineoil will result in severe enaine damage. 19. Connectthe negativebatterycable.Startthe engineand checkfor leaks.

2. Removethe oil pandrain plug and drainthe engineoil.

The EPAwarns that prolongedcontactwith usedengineoil maycausea numberof skin disorders, includingcancer!Youshould makeevery effort to minimizeyour exposure to usedengineoil. Protectiveglovesshould be worn when changingthe oil. Washyour handsand any other exposedskin areas as soonas possibleafter exposureto usedengine oil. Soapandwater, or waterless hand cleaner shouldbe used. 3. Removethe oil dipstick andtubeassembly. 4. Detachthe HeatedOxygen(HOaS)sensor connector. 5. Removethe front exhaustpipe from the vehicle. 6. Removethe bell housingcover. 7. Removethe oil pan retainerbolts. Usingspecial tool MD998727 or equivalent,tap in betweenthe engineblock andthe oil pan.

*Do not use a prytool when removingthe oil pan. Damageto enginecomponentsmay occur. To install: 8. Apply sealantaroundthe gasketsurfacesof the oil pan. 9. Installthe oil pan onto the cylinderblock within 15 minutesafterapplyingsealant.Installthe fastenersandtightento 6 ft. Ibs. (8 Nm). 10. Installthe oil drain plug and tightento 29 ft. Ibs. (39 Nm). 11. Installthe bell housingcover,andtightenthe mountingboltsto 7 ft. Ibs. (9 Nm). 12. Installthe front exhaustpipe andtightenthe boltsat the catalyticconverterto 36 ft. Ibs. (49 Nm). Tightenthe nutsat the exhaustmanifoldto 32 ft. Ibs. (44Nm). 13. Reconnectthe HOPSsensorconnector.

2.4L Engine ) See Figure 139 1, Disconnectthe negativebatterycable.


Operatingthe enginewithout the proper amountandtype of engineoil will result in severe enginedamage. 15. Connectthe negativebatterycable.Startthe engineand checkfor leaks.

3.OLEngines u See Figure 140 1. Disconnectthe negativebatterycable. 2. Removethe oil pandrain plug and drain the


Hole of bolt 7923PG67

Fig. 140 Oil pan bolt tightening sequence andapplication of sealant to the pan-Diamante3.OLengines gine oil. Soapandwater, or waterless hand cleanershouldbe used. 3. Removethe left side crossmember.If equippedwith 4WS,it will also be necessaryto removethe right side crossmember. 4. Removethe startermotor. 5. Disconnectthe roll stopperstay bracket,from the reartransaxlestaybracket.Removethe both transaxlestaybrackets. 6. Removethe bell housinglowercover. 7. Removethe oil pan mountingbolts. Using specialtool MD998727or equivalent,separateand removethe engineoil pan.

To install: 8. Apply a 0.16 in. (4mm) continuousbeadof sealeraroundthe surfaceof the oil pan.

*Assemble the oil panto the cylinder block within 15 minutesafter applyingthe sealant. 9. Installthe oil panmountingbolts. Following propersequence,tightenmountingbolts to 48 inch Ibs. (6 Nm). 10. Install lowerbell housingcoverand the startermotor. 11, Installthe transaxlestaybracketsand connect the roll stopperbracket. 12. Installthe crossmember andtightenthe mountingbolts to 43-51 ft. Ibs. (60-70 Nm). 13. Fill the enginewith the properamountof oil.

Operatingthe enginewithout the proper amountandtype of engineoil will result in severe enginedamage. 14. Connectthe negativebatterycableand check for leaks.

3.5L Engine p See Figures 141, 142, and 143

,(L.. 2



-Ip t 8*t.almcwr :y&pn ::Elm 93153g30

Fig. 139 Oil pan and related components2.4L engine

The EPAwarns that prolongedcontactwith usedengineoil may causea numberof skin disorders, includingcancer!Youshould makeevery effort to minimizeyour exposure to usedengineoil. Protectivegloves should be worn when changingthe oil. Washyour handsand any other exposedskin areas as soon as possibleafter exposureto useden-

1, Disconnectthe negativebatterycable. 2. Drainthe engineoil.

The EPAwarns that prolongedcontactwith usedengineoil may causea numberof skin disorders,includinacancer!Youshould makeeve’ryeffort to minimizeyour exposure


ENGINEANDENGINEOVERHAUL 3-33 4. Placea block of wood againstthe side of the panand tap the block with a hammerto breakthe sealand removethe lowerpan. 5. Removethe starter. 6. Removethe dipstick tube. 7. Unboltthe upperoil pan.


Fig. 141 Install a bolt in the threaded hole to force the oil pan from the engine block3.5L engine




Hole of bolt 7923PG69

Fig.142 Apply sealant andtighten the bolts Inthe order shown-3.51 engine, upperoil Ian shown

Do not pry or use seal breakertool to remove the oil pan. Damageto the aluminumsurface can result. 8. Screwa bolt into the threadedhole to force the oil panfrom the engineblock and removethe pan. 9. Removethe bolt usedto removethe pan. To install: 10. Cleanand degreasethe sealingsurfacesof the upperoil panand engineblock. 11. Apply a beadof sillcone sealantalong the mountingsurfaceof the upperoil pan. 12. Installthe upperoil pan.Tightenthe bolts in sequenceto 4 ft Ibs.(6 Nm). 13. Installthe dipsticktube using a newO-ring. 14. Installthe starterassembly. 15. Cleanand degreasethe sealingsurfaceof the lower oil pan. 16. Placea beadof sealanton the mountingsurfaceof the loweroil pan. Install the lowerpan. Tightenthe bolts in sequenceto 7-9 ft. Ibs.(10-12 Nm). 17. Installthe drain plug usinga newwasher, Tightenthe drain plug to 29 ft. Ibs (39 Nm). 18. Lowerthe vehicleand fill the crankcaseto the correctlevel.


Fig. 144 Exploded view of the oil pump mounting-l .5L engine

Operatingthe enginewithout the proper amountandtype of engineoil will result in severe enginedamage.

View from above

19 Connectthe negativebatterycable. 20. Startthe engrneand checkfor leaks, Flange

bolt tightening





REMOVAL& INSTALLATION 1.5L and 1.8L Engines p See Figures144 and 145


:ig. 143Apply sealant andtighten the bolts in the order shown-3.51 engine, lower oil pan shown to usedengine oil. Protectivegloves should be worn when changingthe oil. Washyour handsand any other exposedskin areas as soon as possibleafter exposureto usedengine oil. Soapandwater, or waterless hand cleaner shouldbe used. 3. Removethe mountingboltsfrom the lower oil pan.

*Whenever the oil pumpis disassembledor the cover removed,the gear cavity mustbe filled with petroleumjelly to seal the pump and act as a prime. Do not use grease. 1. Drsconnectthe negativebatterycable. 2. Raiseand supportthe vehicle. 3. Drainthe engineoil.

The EPAwarns that prolongedcontactwith usedengineoil may causea numberof skin disorders, includingcancer!Youshould makeevery effort to minimizeyour exposure to usedengineoil. Protectivegloves should be worn when changingthe oil. Washyour


Fig. 145 Exploded view of the oil pump mounting-l.81 engine handsand any other exposedskin areas as soon as possibleafter exposureto usedengine oil. Soap . . .and . water, or waterless hand cleaner snoutdbe used. 4. Supportthe engineusing a suitabledevice 5. Removethe front engmemount bracketand accessorydrive belts. 6. Removetiming belt upperand lowercovers. 7. Removethe timing belt and crankshaft sprocket.Referto the timing belt procedurein this section. 8. Removethe oil panand removethe oil screen.

3-34 ENGINEANDENGINEOVERHAUL 9. Removethe front cover mountingbolts. Note the lengthsof the mountingbolts as theyare removedfor properinstallation. 10. Removethe front caseassemblyand oil pumpassembly. 11. Removethe oil pumpcover. 12. Removethe innerand outergearsfrom the front case.

To install 13. Removeall gasketmaterialfrom the mating surfacesand cleanall parts. 14. Thoroughlycoat both oil pumpgearswith cleanengineoil and installthem in the correctdirection of rotation. 15. Installthe pumpcover andtightenthe boltsto 84 inch Ibs.(10 Nm). 16. Coatthe reliefvalveand spring with cleanengine oil. Installthemandtightenthe plug to 33 ft. Ibs. (45 Nm). 17. Installa newfront crankshaftsealand coat the lips of the sealwith cleanengineoil. 18. Installthe front caseand oil pumpassembly to the engineblock using a newgasket.Tightenthe bolts to loft. Ibs. (14 Nm) 19. Installthe oil screenwith newgasket.Torque the screenbolts to 14 ft. Ibs. (19 Nm). 20. Installthe oil pan. 21. Installthe crankshaftsprocketandtiming belt. Referto the timing belt procedurein this section. 22. Fill the crankcaseto the properlevel.

Operatingthe enginewithout the proper amountandtype of engineoil will result in severe enoinedamaae.

7. Detachthe electricalconnectorfrom the oil pressuresendingunit and removethe oil pressure sensor.Removethe oil filter and the oil filter bracket. 8. Removethe oil pan,oil screenand gasket. 9. Usingspecialtool MD998162, removethe plug cap in the enginefront cover. 10. Removethe plugon the side of the engine block. Inserta Phrllipsscrewdriverwith a shankdiameterof 0.32 in. (8mm) into the plug hole.This will hold the silent shaft. 11. Removethe drivengearbolt that securesthe oil pumpdrivengearto the silent shaft. 12. Removethe front cover mountingbolts. Note the lengthsof the mountingbolts as they are removedfor properinstallation. 13. Removethe front casecover and oil pump assembly.If necessary,the silent shaftcancomeout with the cover assembly. 14. Removethe oil pumpcover, locatedon the backof the enginefront cover. Removethe oil pump drive and driven gears. 15. Afterdisassemblingthe oil pump,cleanall componentsand removegasketmaterialfrom mating surfaces. 16. Assemblethe oil pumpgearsinto the front caseand rotateit to ensuresmoothrotationand no looseness.Besurethereis no ridgewearon the contact surfacebetweenthe front caseandthe gearsurfaceof the oil pumpfront cover.

To install 17. Align the timing markon the oil pumpdrive gearwith that on the drivengearand installthem into the enginefront case.Apply engine011to the gears. 18. Installthe oil pumpcoverand tightenthe retainer bolts to 13 ft. Ibs.(18 Nm). 19. Usingthe appropriatedriver, installa new crankshaftseal into the front case.

23. Connectthe negativebatterycable.

20. Position newfront casegasketin place.Set seal guidetool MD998285 on the front end of the crankshaftto protectthe sealfrom damage.Apply a thin coatof oil to the outercircumferenceof the seal pilot tool. 21. Installthe front caseassemblythrougha new front casegasketandtemporarilytightenthe flange bolts. 22. Mountthe oil filter on the bracketwith newoil filter bracketgasketin place.Installthe bolts with washersandtightento 14 ft. Ibs. (19 Nm). 23. Inserta Phillips screwdriverinto the hole in the left side of the engineblockto lock the silent shaftin place. 24. Installthe oil pumpdrive gearontothe left silent shaft.Tightenthe drivengearbolt to 27 ft. Ibs. (37Nm). 25. Installa newO-ringto the groove in the front caseand installthe plug cap. Usingthe specialtool MD998162,tightenthe capto 17 ft. Ibs. (24 Nm). 26. Installthe oil screenin positionwith new gasketin place. 27. Cleanboth matingsurfacesof the oil panand the cylinderblock.Apply sealantIn the groovein the oil panflange.

*After applyingsealantto the oil pan, do not exceed15 minutesbefore installing the oil pan. 28. Installthe oil panto the engineand secure with the retainers.Tightenbolts to 5 ft. Ibs. (7 Nm). 29. installthe oil pressuregaugeunit and the oil pressureswitch.Connectthe electricalharnessconnector. 30. Installthe oil cooler.Securewith oil cooler bolt tightenedto 31 ft. Ibs (43 Nm). 31. Refillthe crankcase. 32. Install newoil filter.

1.6L, 2.OLand 2.4L Engines p See Figures 146, 147, 148, and 149 *Whenever the oil pumpis disassembledor the cover removed,the gear cavity mustbe filled with petroleumjelly to seal the pump and act as a prime. Do not use grease. 1. Disconnectthe negativebatterycable. 2. Rotatethe engineso No. 1 cylinder is on Top DeadCenter(TDC) of its compressionstroke. 3. Drainthe engineoil.

The EPAwarns that prolongedcontactwith usedengineoil may causea numberof skin disorders, includingcancer!Youshould makeevery effort to minimizeyour exposure to usedengineoil. Protectivegloves should be worn when changingthe oil. Washyour handsand any other exposedskin areas as soon as possibleafler exposureto usedengine oil. Soapandwater, or waterless hand cleaner shouldbe used. 4 Usingthe properequipment,supportthe weightof the engine Removethe front enginemount bracketandaccessorydrive belts. 5 Removetiming belt upperand lowercovers. 6. Removethe timing beltand crankshaft sprocket.Referto the timing belt procedurein this section.

Phrllips screwdrrver

7923PG72 7923PG71

Fig. 146 Holding the silent shaft for oil pump gear removal-2.01 engine

Fig. 147 Use the special socket and holder :o remove the balance shaft plug-2.0 en7ine

L= Bolt length below head /mm (cn.)] 7923PG73

Fig. 148 Aligning oil pumptiming marks2.OLermine

Fig. 149 Front case bolt identification?.OLand 2.4L engines

ENGINEANDENGINEOVERHAUL 3-35 Operatingthe enginewithout the proper amountand type of engineoil will result in severe enginedamage. 33. Connectthe negativebatterycableand start the engine. 34. Verify correctoil pressure 35. Inspectfor leaks.

3.OLEngines b See Figure 150 *Whenever the oil pumpis disassembledor the cover removed,the gear cavity mustbe filled with petroleumjelly to seal the pump and act as a prime. 00 not use grease. 1. Disconnectthe negativebatterycable. 2. Drainthe engineoil.

To install: 10. Thoroughlycleanall gasketmaterialfrom all mountingsurfaces. 11. Apply engineoil to the entiresurfaceof the gearsor rotors. 12. Assemblethe front casecover and oil pump assemblyto the engineblock. 13. Installthe oil screenwith newgasket. 14. Installthe oil pan 15. Installthe crankshaftsprocketandtiming belt. Referto the timing belt procedurein this section 16. Installthe timing belt covers. 17. Installthe drive belts andthe front engine mount bracket. 18. Connectthe negativebatterycable,refill the crankcaseand checkfor adequateoil pressure.

Operatingthe enginewithout the proper amountandtype of engineoil will result in severe enginedamage.

3.5L Engine p See Figures 151 and 152 1. Disconnectthe negativebatterycable. 2. Removethe timing belt. Referto the timing belt procedurein this section. 3. Drainthe engineoil.

Fig. 151 Apply sealant to the rear of the oil pumpcase-3.5L ermine

The EPAwarns that prolongedcontactwith usedengineoil may causea numberof skin disorders, includingcancer!Youshould makeevery effort to minimizeyour exposure to usedengineoil. Protectivegloves should be worn when changingthe oil. Washyour handsandany other exposedskin areas as soon as possibleafter exposureto usedengine oil. Soapandwater, or waterless hand cleaner shouldbe used. 3. Removethe front enginemountbracketand accessorydrive belts. 4. Removetiming belt upperand lowercovers. 5. Removethe timing belt and crankshaft sprocket.Referto the timing belt procedurein this section. 6 Removethe oil pan. 7. Removethe oil screenand gasket. 8. Removethe front cover mountingbolts. Note the lengthsof the mountingboltsas they are removedfor properinstallation. 9. Removethe front and oil pump assembly.


11 Nm 8 ft.lbs.


7g. 150 Exploded view of the oil pump nounting-3.01 engines

Removal steps 1. 011 pressure gauge unit 2. 011 filter 3. 011 filter bracket 4. 011 filter bracket gasket 5. Drain plug 6. Drawn plug gasket 7 011 pan, lower 8. Cover 9 011 pan, upper 10. Baffle date 11. 011 screen

12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 10. 19. 20. 21. 22.

7g. 152 Explodedview of the oil pump mounting-3.51 engine

Oil screen gasket Baffle plate Plug Reltef spring Relief plunger Crankshaft oil seal Oil pump case 0-ring 011 pump cover 011 pump outer rotor 011 pump inner rotor

: :

3-36 ENGINEANDENGINEOVERHAUL The EPAwarns that urolonaedcontactwith usedengineoil may cause”anumberof skin disorders, includingcancer!Youshould makeevery effort to minimizeyour exposure to usedengineoil. Protectivegloves should be worn when changingthe oil. Washyour handsandany other exposedskin areas as soonas possible after exposureto usedengine oil. Soapandwater, or waterless hand cleaner shouldbe used. 4. Remove thesolashshieldfromthewheel well. 5. Remove theoil filteradapter. 6. Remove thelowerandupperoil pans. 7. Remove thelowerbaffle,oil pumppick-up andupperbaffle. 8. Remove theoil pumpcasemounting bolts andtheoil pumpcase. 9. Remove theoil pumpgearcover. 10. Makematchmarks ontheoil pumprotorsbefore,,.removing them. r.--IL-.( -L.11---‘I --. me IL- 011 -.I pump _ -nemove mecranksnarr searrrom case. To instell: 12. Installa newcrankshaft sealin theoil pump cover. 13. Applyengineoil totherotors,thenalignthe matchmarks andinstalltherotorsintheoil pump case. 14. Installtherotorcover.Tightentheboltsto 7 ft. Ibs.(10Nm). 15. Applya 0.113in.(3mm)beadof sealantto thebackof theoil pumpcase.I[nsrall -‘-‘I me IL ca -~-ILse on me engineandtightentheboltsto IOft,,,Ihc -. 11 , .4 Nm). 16. Installtheupperbafflertlalteandoil pump an tha pick-upusinga newgasket.Ticfhtti,, ,,lGhafflc, va,,,tihnltc ““a,., to 7 ft. Ibs.(10Nm)andthepitk-upboltsto 13ft. Ibs.(18Nm). 17. Installthelowerbaffleintheupperoil pan. Tightentheboltsto 8 ft. Ibs.(11Nm). 18. Installtheoil pans. 19. Installtheoil filteradapterusinga newgasket.Tightenthelargerboltto 30ft. Ibs.(41Nm)and thesmallerboltto 1’ u ‘L- Inn‘I--’ 20. InstallthetilllIllYuljllOlluIclllallllllY~ullIPVnents.Referto thetimingbeltprocedure in thissection. 21. Filltheenginewiththecorrectamountof oil. I.


Operatingthe enginewithout the proper amountandtype of engineoil will result in severe enginedamage. 22. Chrmxt -s --, the , I” nenntive ,.-JXL.._h;lttm I -..-., cnhle --I.-. 23. Starttheengineandcheckfor leaks.


Fig. 153 Remove the fasteners, then remove the side inner fender splash shield 3. Raiseandsupportthevehicle. 4. Remove thepassenger sidefrontwheel. 5. Remove thepassenger sideinnerfender splashshieldto gainaccessto thecrankshaft damper. 6. Onthe1.5L,1.6L,2.OLand2.4Lengines, removetheoullev-to-sorocket bolts. 7. Onthei .5L,i .8L,3.OLand3.5Lengines, removethecrankshaft pulleycenterretainingbolt. 8. Remove thedamper fromthecrankshaft us inga suitablepuller. -la install: 9. Placethedamper ontothecrankshaft, ensuringthekey-wayisaligned. 10. Onthe1.5L,1.8L,3.OLand3.5Lengines,inpulleycenterretaining boltand stallthlecrankshaft tightentheboltasfollows: 4) 1.5Lengine:51-72ft. Ibs.(70-100Nm) l 1.8Land3.5Lengines:134ft. Ibs.(185 NM l 3.OLengines:108-116ft. lbs.(150-160


Fig. 154 Unfastenthe crankshaftpulley retalning bolts, then remove the pulley 1. Disconnect thenegative batterycable. 2. Remove theengineundercover. 3. Raiseandsafelysupporttheweightoftheengineusingtheappropriate equipment. Remove the frontenginemountbracketandaccessory drivebelts. 4. If necessary, remove thecoolantreservoir tank. 5. Usingtheproperequipment, slightlyraise theengineto taketheweightoffthesideengine mount.Remove theenginemountbracket. 6. Remove thedrivebelts,tensionpulleybrackpulley. ets,waterpumppulleyandcrankshaft 7. Remove all attraching screwsandremovethe upperandlowertimin{Jbeltcovers. 8. Makea markon thebackof thetimingbelt I of rotationso it maybereindicating thedirectior assembled inthesame ! directionif it is to bereused. andremove thetimLoosenthetimingbelttensioner ingbelt. *If coolant or engineoil comesin contact with the timing bplt L,thaw .,,s,,will n,,, r(mcti~~llv u,uu.,vu,,, shortenits life. A,ISo, do not allow engineoil #.I”* In rind In, “I IruuI(IIILLuIrulll&t the timing belt sprockets or tensionerassembly. 9. Remove thetensioner spacer,tensioner springandtensioner assembly. 10. InspectthetimingbeltforIcracksonbacksurface,sides,bottomandcheckfor !;eoarated ( canvas. Checkthetensioner pulleyfor smoothrotation. To install: 11. Positionthetensioner, tensioner springand tensioner spaceronengineblock. 12. Alignthetimingmarksonthecamshaft ft sprocket. Thiswill position sprocket andcranksha No.1 pistononTDCotnthecomoression stroke. 13. Positionthetimingbeltonthecrankshaft sprocket andkeeping thetensionsideof thebolt tight,setit onthecam, shaftsprocket. 14. Applycounterc Yockwise forceto thecamshaft snrnckd -r ._nive J..- tensin ._ - _Intothebeltandmakesureall timingmarksarealigned. 15. Loosenthepivotsidetensioner boltandthe clnt&In hnlt Allnurthn rnrinn tn tdm III-I thn slack, ., 16. Tighten , , , the ,, ,,slot ,, side , tensioner , , , ,,bolt . ,,ark ,~clthen mep~vorsloeDOI~. ITmep~vorsloeOOII IS ogntened first,thetensioner couldturnwithbolt,causingover tension. 17. Turnthecrankshaft clockwise. Loosenthe pivotsidetensioner boltandthentheslotsideboltto allowthespringtotakeupanyremaining slack. Wll


11. Onthe1.5L,1.6L,2.OLand2.4Lengines, installthepulley-to-sprocket boltsandtightenthebolts asfollows: l 1.5Lengine:10ft. Ibs.(14Nm) * 1.6Land2.OLengines:14-22ft. Ibs. (20-30Nm) l 2.4Lengine:18ft. Ibs.(25Nm) 12. Onthe1.6Land2.OLengines,installthepulley-to-sprocket boltsandtightenthemto 14-22ft. Ibs.(20-30Nm). 13. Installthesplashshield. 14. Installthewheel,thencarefullylowerthevehicle. 15. Installtheaccessory drivebelts.Referto Section1. 16. Connect thenegative batterycable.







REMOVAL &INSTALLATION 6 See Figures 153 and154 1. Disconnect thenegative batterycable. 2. Remove theaccessory drivebeltsfrom aroundthecrankshaft pulley.Referto Section1.

.-Refer to Section1 for the propertiming belt service interval. 1.5L Engine 1999-94 MODELS b See Figures155 and 156











ENGINEANDENGINEOVERHAUL 3-37 6. Removetiming belt upperand lowercovers. 7. Makea markon the backof the timing belt indicatingthe directionof rotationso it may be reassembledin the samedirectionif it is to be reused. Loosenthe timing belttensionerand movethe tensionerto provideslackto the timing belt.Tightenthe tensionerin this position. 8. Removethe timing belt.

Coolantand engineoil will damagethe rubber in the timing belt, drastically reducingits life. Do not allow engineoil or coolantto contactthe timing belt, the sprocketsor tensioner assembly. 9. If defective,removethe tensionerspacer,tensioner springandtensionerassembly.

To install:

1. Ben 2. Power4teerlna


7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

washer Crankshaft pullet Damper pulls upper ccwer Lowercowr llmingbeil crsnkshat? E#ocket

14. i 5. 16. 1;

Flsnge Tensbner spacer Tef~kner WkW Tgibnrr

19: camehan sprocket 91251ga

Fig. 155 Explodedview of the timing belt covers, timing belt and related parts-1990-94 1.51 engine

10. Positionthe tensioner,tensionerspring and tensionerspaceron engineblock. 11. Align the timing markson the camshaft sprocketand crankshaftsprocket.This will position No. 1 piston on TDC on the compressionstroke. 12. Positionthe timing belt on the crankshaft sprocketand keepingthe tensionside of the belt tight, set it on the camshaftsprocket,thenthe tensioner. 13. Apply slight counterclockwiseforceto the camshaftsprocketto give tensionto the belt and be sureall timing marksarealigned. 14. Loosenthe pivot sidetensionerbolt andthe slot side bolt. Allow the spring to removethe slack. 15. Tightenthe slot side tensionerbolt, thenthe pivot side bolt. If the pivot side bolt is tightenedfirst, the tensionercould turn with bolt, causingover tension. 16. Turn the crankshaftclockwise.Loosenthe pivot side tensionerbolt, thenthe slot side bolt to allow the spring to takeup any remainingslack. Tightenthe slot bolt, thenthe pivot side bolt to 17 ft. Ibs. (24 Nm). 17. Installthe timing belt coversand tightenthe cover boltsto 84-96 inch Ibs.(E-11 Nm). Installall otherapplicablecomponents. liming


ming mark

Fig. 156 Camshaftand crankshaft sprocket mark alignment for proper timing belt installation-1990-94 1.51 engine Tightenthe slot bolt andthenthe pivot side bolt to 14-20 ft. Ibs. (20-27 Nm). 18. Checkthe belttensionby holding the tensionerand timing belttogetherby handand give the belt a slight thumbpressureat a point levelwith tensioner center.Makesurethe belt cog crestcomesas deepas aboutl/4 of the width of the slot side tensionerbolt head.Do not manuallyovertightenthe belt or it will makea howling noise. 19. Installthe timing belt coversand all related items. 20. Connectthe negativebatterycable.

1995-00MOOFLS ) See Figure 157 1. Disconnectthe negativebatterycable. 2. Removethe engineundercover. 3. Rotatethe crankshaftclockwlseand position the engineat TDC of the compressionstroke. 4. Raiseand safelysupportthe weight of the engine using the appropriateequipment.Removethe A/C clamp,front enginemount bracketand accessory drive belts. 5. Removethe crankshaftpulley.






sprocket 79235g5t

Fig. 157 Align the timing belt sprocketsas indicatedbefore removingthe timing belt1995-00 1.51 engine

3-38 ENGINEANDENGINEOVERHAUL 1.61&?2.OL(Non-Turbo)DOHCEngines g See Figure 158 *The 1.6L engine is not equippedwith silent shafts. Disregardall instructionspertaining to silent shafts if working on that engine. 1. Disconnectthe negativebatterycable. 2. Removethe engineundercover. 3. If necessary,removethe coolantreservoir. 4. Usingthe properequipment,slightly raise the engineto takethe weightoff the side engine mount.Removethe enginemountbracket. 5. Removethe drive belts,tensionpulleybrackets,waterpumppulleyand crankshaftpulley. 6. Removeall attachingscrewsand removethe upperand lowertiming belt covers. 7. Rotatethe crankshaftclockwiseand align the timing marksso No. 1 piston will beat TDC of the compressionstroke.At this time the timing markson the camshaftsprocketandthe uppersurfaceof the cylinderheadshouldcoincide,and the dowelpin of the camshaftsprocketshould beat the upperside.

*Always rotate the crankshaftin a clockwise direction. Make a mark on the backof the timing belt indicatingthe direction of rotation so it may be reassembledin the samedirection if it is to be reused. 8. Removethe autotensionerand removethe outermosttiming belt. 9. Removethe timing belt tensionerpulley,tensionerarm, idler pulley,oil pumpsprocket,special washer,flangeand spacer. 10. Removethe silent shaft(inner) belttensioner and removethe belt.

To install: 11. Align the timing markson the crankshaft sprocketand the silent shaftsprocket.Fit the inner timing belt over the crankshaftand silent shaft sprocket.Ensurethat thereis no slack in the belt. 12. While holdingthe innertiming belttensioner with your fingers,adjustthe timing belttensionby applyinga force towardsthe centerof the belt, until the tensionside of the belt is taut.Tightenthe tensioner bolt.

*When tighteningthe bolt of the tensioner, ensurethat the tensioner pulley shaft does not rotate with the bolt. Allowing it to rotate with the bolt can causeexcessivetension on the belt.

13. Checkbelt for propertensionby depressing the belt on it’s long side with your finger and noting the belt deflection.Thedesiredreadingis 0.20-0.28 in. (5-7mm). If tensionis not correct,readjustand checkbelt deflection. 14. Installthe flange,crankshaftand washerto the crankshaft.Theflangeon the crankshaftsprocket must be installedtowardsthe innertrming belt sprocket.Tightenbolt to 80-94 ft. Ibs. (110-130 Nm). 15. To installthe oil pump sprocket,inserta Phillips screwdriverwith a shaft0.31 in. (8mm) in diameterinto the plug hole in the left side of the cylinder block to hold the left silent shaft.Tightenthe nut to 36-43 ft. Ibs. (50-60 Nm). 16. Usinga wrench,hold the camshaftat it’s hexagonbetweenjournal No. 2 and 3, thentighten the bolt to 58-72 ft. Ibs. (80-100 Nm). If no hexagon is presentbetweenjournal No. 2 and 3, hold the sprocketstationarywith a spannerwrenchwhile tighteningthe retainerbolt. 17. Carefullypushthe autotensionerrod in until the set hole in the rod aligns with the hole in the cylinder.Placea wire into the hole to retainthe rod. 18. Installthe tensionerpulleyonto the tensioner arm. Locatethe pinholein the tensionerpulleyshaft to the left of the centerbolt. Then,tightenthe center bolt finger-tight. 19. Wheninstallingthe timing belt,turn the 2 camshaftsprocketsso their dowelpins are locatedon top. Align the timing marksfacingeachotherwith the top surfaceof the cylinderhead.Whenyou let go of the exhaustcamshaftsprocket,it will rotate1 tooth in the counterclockwisedirection.This should betaken into accountwheninstallingthe timing beltson the sprocket.

*Both camshaftsprocketsare usedfor the intake and exhaustcamshaftsand are provided with 2 timing marks.Whenthe sprocketis mountedon the exhaust camshaft,use the timing mark on the right with the dowel pin hole on top. For the intake camshaflsprocket,usethe 1 on the left with the dowel pin hole on top. 20. Align the crankshaftsprocketand oil pump sprockettiming marks. 21. Afteralignmentof the oil pumpsprockettiming marks,removethe plug on the cylinderblockand inserta Phillips screwdriverwith a shaftdiameterof 0.31 in. (8mm) throughthe hole. If the shaftcanbe inserted2.4 in. deep,the silent shaft is in the correct position. If the shaftof the tool canonly be inserted 0.61 .Oin. (2C-25mm) deep,turn the oil pump sprocket1 turn and realignthe marks.Reinsertthe tool makingsure it is inserted2.4 in. deep.Keepthe tool insertedin holefor the remainderof this procedure.

*The above step assuresthat the oil pump socketis in correct orientation to the silent shafts. This step mustnot be skippedor a vibration may developduringengineoperation. 22. Installthe timing beltas follows: a. Install the timing belt aroundthe intake camshaftsprocketand retain it with 2 spring clips or binder clips. b. Install the timing belt aroundthe exhaust sprocket,aligning the timing markswith the cylinder headtop surfaceusing 2 wrenches.Retain the belt with 2 spring clips.

c. Install the timing belt aroundthe idler pulley, oil pump sprocket,crankshaftsprocketand the tensionerpulley.Removethe 2 spring clips. d. Lift upwardon the tensionerpulley in a clockwisedirectionand tighten the centerbolt. Make sureall timing marksare aligned. e. Rotatethe crankshaft‘14 turn counterclockwise. Then,turn in clockwiseuntil the timing marksare alrgnedagain. 23. To adjustthe timing (outer)belt,turn the crankshaft‘14turn counterclockwise,then turn it clockwiseto move No. 1 cylinderto TDC. 24. Loosenthe centerbolt. Usingtool MD998738or equivalentand a torquewrench,apply a torqueof 22-25 inch. Ibs. (2.6-2.8 Nm).Tighten the centerbolt. 25. Screwthe specialtool into the engineleft supportbracketuntil its end makescontactwith the tensionerarm. At this point, screwthe specialtool in somemore and removethe set wire attachedto the autotensioner,if the wire was not previouslyremoved.Thenremovethe specraltool. 26. Rotatethe crankshaft2 completeturns clockwise and let it sit for approximately15 minutes.Then, measurethe autotensionerprotrusion(the distance betweenthe tensionerarm and autotensionerbody) to ensurethat it is within 0.15-0.18 in. (3.8-4.5mm). If out of specification,repeatStepl-4 until the specifiedvalue is obtained. 27. If the timing belt tensionadjustmentis being performedwith the enginemountedin the vehicle, and clearancebetweenthe tensionerarm andthe auto tensionerbodycannotbemeasured,the following alternativemethodcan be used: a. Screw in specialtool MD998738 or equivalent,until its end makescontactwith the tensioner arm. b. After the specialtool makescontactwith the arm, screw it in some more to retractthe auto tensionerpushrodwhile countingthe numberof turns the tool makesuntil the tensionerarm is broughtinto contactwith the auto tensioner body. Make surethe numberof turns the special tool makesconformswith the standardvalue of 21/a-3 turns. c. Installthe rubber plug to the timing belt rear cover. 28. Installthe timing belt coversand all related items. 29. Connectthe negativebatterycable.

1.8L & 2.OLSOHCEngines g See Figures 159, 160, and 161 1. Positionthe engineso the No. 1 piston is at TDC of the compressionstroke. 2. Disconnectthe negativebatterycable. 3. Removethe engineundercover. 4. Usingthe properequipment,slightly raise the engineto takethe weightoff the side engine mount.Removethe enginemount bracket. 5. Removethe drive belts,tensionpulleybrackets,waterpump pulleyand crankshaftpulley. 6. Removeall attachingscrewsand removethe upperand lowertiming belt covers. 7. Removethe timing beltcovers. 8. Removethe outercrankshaftsprocketand flange. 9. Removethe silent shaft(inner) belttensioner and removethe belt.





91251gbl 91251gb2

Fig. 180 Silent shaft sprocket alignment marksfor belt replacement-l.81 and 2.OL SOHCengines To install: IO. Align the timing marksof the silent shaft sprocketsandthe crankshaftsprocketwith the timing markson the front case. 11. Wrapthe timing beltaroundthe sprocketsso thereis no slack in the upperspanof the beltand the timing marksare still aligned. 12. Installthe tensionerpulleyand movethe pulley by handso the long side of the belt deflectsabout l/d in. (6mm). 13. Hold the pulleytightly so the pulleycannot rotatewhenthe bolt is tightened.Tightenthe bolt to 15 ft. Ibs.(20 Nm) and recheckthe deflection amount. 14. Installthe timing belttensionerfully toward the waterpumpand tightenthe bolts. Placethe upper end of the spring againstthe waterpumpbody. 15. Align the timing marksof the camshaft, crankshaftand oil pumpsprocketswith their correspondingmarkson the front caseor rearcover.

*There is a possibility to align all timing marksand havethe oil pumpsprocketand silent shaft out of time, causingan enginevibration duringoperation. If the following step is not followed exactly, there is a 50 percent chancethat the silent shaft alignmentwill be 180 degreesoff. 16. Beforeinstallingthe timing belt,ensurethat the left side (rear)silent shaft(oil pumpsprocket)is in the correctpositionas follows: a. Removethe plug from the rear side of the block and inserta tool with shaft diameterof 0.31 in. (8mm) into the hole. b. With the timing marksstill aligned,the shaft of the tool must be able to go in at least 2’13 in. (59mm). If the tool can only go in about 1 in. (25mm), the shaft is not in the correctorientationand will causea vibration during engine operation.Removethe tool from the hole and turn the oil pump sprocket1 completerevolution. Realignthe timing marksand insertthe tool. The shaft of the tool must go in at least21/3 in. (59mm). c. Recheckand realign the timing marks. d. Leavethe tool in placeto hold the silent shaft while continuing 17. Installthe beltto the crankshaftsprocket,oil pumpsprocket,then camshaftsprocket,in that order. While doing so, makesurethereis no slackbetween the sprocketexceptwherethe tensioneris installed. 18. Recheckthe timing marks’alignment.If all are aligned,loosenthe tensionermountingbolt and allow the tensionerto applytensionto the belt.

19. Removethe tool that is holdingthe silent shaftand rotatethe crankshafta distanceequalto 2 teethon the camshaftsprocket.This will allow the tensionerto automaticallyapplythe propertension on the belt. Do not manuallyovertightenthe belt or it will howl. 20. Tightenthe lower mountingbolt first, thenthe upperspacerbolt. 21. To verify correctbelttension,checkthatthe deflectionat the longestspanof the belt is about1/2 in. (13mm). 22. The installationof the timing belt coversand all relateditems,is the reverseof the removalprocedure. Makesureall piecesof packingare positioned in the inner groovesof the coverswhen installing. 23. Connectthe negativebatterycable.

2.OL(Turbo)OOHCEngine ti See Figures162 and 163 1. Disconnectthe negativebatterycable. 2. Removethe engineundercover. 3. Removethe enginemount bracket. 4. Removethe drive belts. 5. Removethe belttensionerpulley. 6. Removethe waterpumppulleys. 7. Removethe crankshaftpulley. 8. Removethe stud bolt from the enginesupport bracketand removethe timing belt covers. 9. Rotatethe crankshaftclockwiseto line up the camshafttiming marks.Alwaysturn the crankshaftin the normaldirectionof rotationonly. 10. Loosenthe tensionpulleycenterbolt.

Fig. 161 Checkingthe rear silent shafl for jroper positioning-1.8L and 2.OL SOHC Pnoines To Install: 15. Placethe crankshaftsprocketon the crankshaft.Usetool MB9g67or equivalentto hold the crankshaftsprocketwhile tighteningthe centerbolt. Tightenthe centerbolt to 80-94 ft. Ibs. (108-127 Nm). 16. Align the timing markson the crankshaft sprocketB andthe balanceshaft. 17. Installtiming belt B on the sprockets.Position the centerof the tensionerpulleyto the left and abovethe centerof the mountingbolt. 18. Pushthe pulleyclockwisetowardthe crankshaftto applytensionto the belt andtightenthe mountingbolt to 14ft. Ibs. (19 Nm) Do not let the pulleyturn whentighteningthe bolt becauseit will causeexcessivetensionon the belt.The belt should deflect0.20-0.28 in. (5-7mm) whenfinger pressure is appliedbetweenthe pulleys. 19. Installthe crankshaftsensingbladeand the crankshaftsprocket.Apply engineoil to the mounting bolt and tightenthe bolt to 80-94 ft. Ibs. (108-127 Nm). 20. Usea pressor vise to compressthe auto-tensioner pushrod,Inserta set pin whenthe holesare lined up. Tming

marks I

Cylinder had top surface

*If the timing belt is to be reused,markthe direction of rotation on the flat side of the belt with an arrow. 11. Move the tensionpulleytowardsthe water pumpand removethe timing belt. 12. Removethe crankshaftsprocketcenterbolt using specialtool MB9g67to hold the crankshaft sprocketwhile removingthe centerbolt. Then,use MB998778 or equivalentpullerto removethe sprocket. 13. Mark the directionof rotationon the timing belt B with a arrow. 14. Loosenthe centerbolt on the tensionerand removethe belt.

Ti m

00 not rotate the camshaftsor the crankshafl while the timing belt is removed.

:ig. 162 Camshaft and crankshaft timing lelt sprocketTOCalignment mark positionng for timing belt removal and installaion- 2.OLturbo engine

Crank&aft sprocket 79235g60


I I :




2.41 Engine # See Figures 164 thru 162 1. Besurethattheengine’sNo.1 pistonisat TDCin thecompression stroke. Wait at least 90 secondsafter the negative battery cable is disconnectedto preventpossible deploymentof the air bag.

19235861 2. Disconnect thenegative batterycable. Fig. 163 Timing belt 5 installation mark 3. Remove thesparkplugwiresfromthetreeon alignment- 2.OLturbo theuppercover. 4. Drainthecoolingsystem.

Do not compressthe pushrodtoo quickly, damageto the pushrodcan occur.

Neveropen, service or drain the radiator or cooling systemwhen hot; serious bumscan occurfrom the steamand hot coolant. Also, when draining enginecoolant, keep in mind that cats and dogsare attractedto ethylene glycol antifreezeand could drink any that is left in an uncoveredcontaineror in puddles on the ground.This will prove fatal in sufficient quantities.Always dramcoolant into a sealable container. Coolantshouldbe reused unless it is contaminatedor is several years old.

21. Installtheauto-tensioner ontheengine. 22. Alignthetimingmarksonthecamshaft sprocket, crankshaft sprocket andtheoil pump sprocket. 23. Afteraligningthemarkontheoil pump sprocket, remove thecylinderblockplugandinserta prytoolin theholeto checkthepositionof thecounterbalance shaft.Theorvtoolshouldao inat least 2.36in.(60mm)or more,if not,rotai;!theoil pump sprocket onceandrealignthetimingmarksothepry5. Remove theshroud,fanandaccessory drive toolgoesin.Donotremovetheon/ooluntilthetfrnI:lelts. ingbeltis installed. . 6. Remove theradiatorasrequired. 24. Installthetimingbeltontheintakecamshaft andsecureit witha clip. 25. Installthetiminabeltontheexhaust camshaft. 26. Alignthetimingmarkswiththecylinderhead topsurfaceusingtwowrenches. Securethebeltwith anotherclip. 27. tnstatfthebeltaroundtheidlerpulley,oil pumpsprocket, crankshaft sprocket andthetensioner pulley. 28. Turnthetensioner pulleysothepinholesare atthebottom.Pressthepulleylightlyagainstthetimingbelt. 29. Screwthespecialtoolintotheleftengine supportbracketuntilit contacts thetensioner arm, thenscrewthetoolin a littlemoreandremovethe Fig 164 Removethe upper engine mountpushrodpinfromtheauto-tensioner. Remove the to-mountbracket nuts al%@] specialtoolandtightenthecenterboltto 35ft. Ibs. (48Nm). 30. Turnthecrankshaft ‘Idturncounterclockwise, thenclockwise untilthetimingmarksarealigned. 31. Loosenthecenterbolt.InstallMitsubishi SpecialToolMD998767, orequivalent, onthetensionerp&y. Turnthetensioner pulleycounterclockwisewitha torqueof 2.6ft. Ibs.(3.5Nm)andtighten thecenterboftto35ft. tbs.(48Nm).Donotletthe tensioner pUtFey turnwhentightening thebolt. 32. Turnthecrankshaft clockwise tworevolutions andalignthetimingmarks. 33. After15minutes, measure theprotrusion of thepushrodontheauto-tensioner. Thestandard measurement is0.150-0.177 in (3.8-4.5mm). Ifthe protrusionis outof specification, loosenthetensionerpulley,applythepropertorqueto thebeltand retighten thecenterbolt. 34. Installthetimingbeltcoversandall applicablecomponents.

7. Remove thepowersteeringpump,alternator airconditioning compressor, tensionpulleyandaccompanying brackets, asrequired. 8 Remove theupperfronttimingbeltcover. 9. Remove thewaterpumppulleyandthe crankshaft pulley(s). 10. Remove thelowertimingbeltcovermountinf screwsandremove thecover. 11. If thebelt(s)areto bereused,markthedirec. tionof rotationonthebelt. 12. Remove thetiming(outer)belttensioner and removethebelt.Unboltthetensioner fromtheblock andremove. 13. Remove theoutercrankshaft sprocket and flange. 14. Remove thesilentshaft(inner)belttensioner andremove theinnerbelt.Unboltthetensioner from theblockandremoveit. 15. Toremove thecamshaft sprockets, useSST Ml39g67-01 andMlT308239, ortheirequivalents. To in!3tall: 16. Installthecamshaft sprockets andtightenthr centerboltto 65ft. Ibs.(90Nm). 17. Alignthetimingmarkofthesilentshaftbelt sprockets onthecrankshaft andsilentshaftwiththe marksonthefrontcase.Wrapthesilentshaftbelt aroundthesprockets sothereis noslackin theuppe !spanofthebeltandthetimingmarksarestill in line. 18. Installthetensioner initiallysotheactual I:enterof thepulleyisaboveandto theleftof theinjtallationbolt. 19. Movethepulleyupbyhandsothecenter jpanof thelonasideof thebeltdeflectsabout11~ in.


Fig. 165 Remove the upper engine mount through-bolt . . .



Fig. 170 Loosen the bolt on the tensioner pulley and slide the pulley to the left to relieve the tension on the timing belt


Fig. 173 Unfastenthe two timing belt tensioner retaining bolts . . .

Fig. 174. . . then removethe tensionerfrom the engine block

Fig. 175 Removethe bolt and remove the crankshafttiming belt pulley

Fig. 176 After unfasteningthe retainer, removethe CKPtrigger wheel from the crankshaft

Fig. 177 Removethe silent shaft tensioner retafnfng bolt . . .

Fig, 178 I . . then removethe tensionerfrom the engine block

Fig. 179 Removethe silent shaft belt from the engine


Fig. 180 Silent shaft alignment marks. No, tice the tension side of the inner (silen shaft) belt-2.41 enaine Timing merk (pun+ on sprocket)

a. Removethe plug locatedon the left side of the block in the areaof the starter. b. Inserta tool havinga shaft diameterof 0.3 in. (8mm) into the hole. c. With the timing marksstill aligned,the tool must be able to go in at least2l/s in. (59mm). If it can only go m about 1 in. (25mm), turn the oil pump sprocketone completerevolution. d. Recheckthe position of the balanceshaft with the timing marksreahgned.Leavethe tool in placeto hold the silent shaft while continuing. 24. Installthe belt to the crankshaftsprocket,oil pumpsprocketandthe camshaftsprocket,in that order. While doing so, be surethereis no slack betweenthe sprocketsexceptwherethe tensionerwill take it up whenreleased. 25. Recheckthe timing marks’alignment. 26. If all are aligned,loosenthe tensionermounting bolt, and allow the tensionerto applytensionto the belt. 27. Removethe tool that is holdingthe silent shaft in placeandturn the crankshaftclockwisea distanceequalto two teethof the camshaftsprocket. This will allow the tensionerto automaticallytension the belt the properamount.

Do not manuallyapply pressureto the tensioner. Thiswill overtightenthe belt andwill causea howling noise. 28. Firsttightenthe lowermountingbolt and then tightenthe upperspacerbolt.

liming m&k (notch in sprocket) 79245g31

:ig. 181 Timing belt pulley alignmenl narks-2.41 enoine 20. Hold the pulleytightly so it does not rotate whenthe bolt is tlghtened.Tightenthe bolt to 15 ft. Ibs. (20 Nm). If the pulleyhasmoved,the beltwill be too tight 21. Installthe timing belt tensionerfully toward the waterpumpandtemporarilytightenthe bolts. Placethe upperend of the springagainstthe water pumpbody.Align the timing marksof the cam, crankshaftand oil pumpsprocketswith the correspondingmarkson the front caseor head.

*If the following stepsare not followed exactly, there is a chancethat the silent shaft alignmentwill be 180 degreesoff. This will causea noticeablevibration in the engine andthe entire procedurewill haveto be repeated.

If any bindingis felt when adiustinothe timing delt tension by turningth;! crankshaft, STOPturningthe engine, becausethe pistons may be hitting the valves. 29. To verify that belt tensionis correct,check that the deflectionof the longestspan(betweenthe camshaftand oil pumpsprockets)is I/* in. (13mm). 30. Installthe lowertiming belt cover. Be surethe packingis properlypositionedin the inner groovesof the coverswheninstalling. 31. Installthe waterpumppulleyand the crankshaftpulley(s). 32. Installthe upperfront timing belt cover. 33. Installthe powersteeringpump,alternator, air conditioningcompressor,tensionpulleyand accompanyingbrackets,as required. 34. Installthe radiator,shroud,fan and accessory drive belts. 35. Installthe sparkplug wires to the tree on the uppercover. 36. Refillthe cooling system. 37. Connectthe negativebatterycable.Startthe engmeand checkfor leaks.

22. Beforeinstallingthe timing belt,ensurethat the left side silent shaft is in the correctposition.


*It is possibleto align the timing markson the camshaftsprocket,crankshaftsprocket andthe oil pumpsprocketwith the lefl balanceshaft out of alignment.

# See Figures 182 and 183

23. With the timing markon the oil pumppulley alignedwith the markon the front case,checkthe alignmentof the left balanceshaftto assurecorrect shafttiming.

1992-94 MODELS

1. 2. 3. 4.

Disconnectthe negativebatterycable. Removethe engineundercover Removethe cruisecontrol actuator Removethe accessorydrive belts.

. 5. Removethe air conditionercompressortension pulleyassembly. 6. Removethe tensionpulleybracket. 7. Usingthe properequipment,slightly raise the engineto takethe weightoff the side engine mount.Removethe enginemountingbracket. 8. Detachthe powersteeringpump pressure switch connector.Removethe powersteeringpump and wire aside. 9. Removethe enginesupportbracket. 10. Removethe crankshaftpulley. 11. Removethe timing belt cover cap. 12. Removethe timing belt upperand lowercovers. 13. If the sametiming beltwill be reused,mark the directionof the timing belt’srotationfor installation in the samedirection.Makesurethe engineis positionedso the No. 1 cylinder is at the TDC of its compressionstrokeand the sprockets’timing marks are alignedwith the engine’stiming mark indicators. 14. Loosenthe timing belt tensionerbolt and removethe belt. If the tensioneris not beingremoved, position it as far awayfrom the centerof the engine as possibleand tightenthe bolt. 15. If the tensioneris beingremoved,paintthe outsideof the spring to ensurethat it is not installed backwards.Unboltthe tensionerand removeit along with the spring. To install: 16. Installthe tensioner,if removed,and hookthe upperend of the springto the waterpumppin and the lowerend to the tensionerin exactlythe sameposition as originally installed.If not alreadydone,position both camshaftsso the marksalign with those on the rear.Rotatethe crankshaftso the timing mark aligns with the markon the oil pump. 17. Installthe timing belt on the crankshaft sprocketand while keepingthe belttight on the tension side, installthe belt on the front camshaft sprocket. 18. Installthe belt on the waterpumppulley,then the rearcamshaftsprocketand the tensioner. 19. Rotatethe front camshaftcounterclockwiseto tensionthe belt betweenthe front camshaftand the crankshaft.If the tlmlng marksbecamemisaligned, repeatthe procedure. 20. Installthe crankshaftsprocketflange. 21. Loosenthe tensionerbolt and allow the spring to applytensionto the belt. 22. Turn the crankshaft2 full turns in the clockwise directionuntil the timing marksalign again. Nowthat the belt is properlytensioned,torquethe tensionerlock bolt to 21 ft. Ibs. (29 Nm). Measure the belttension betweenthe rearcamshaftsprocket and the crankshaftwith belt tensiongauge,The specification is 46-68 Ibs. (210-310 N). 23. Installthe timing covers.Makesureall pieces of packingare positionedin the innergroovesof the coverswhenInstalling. 24. installthe crankshaftpulley.Tightenthe bolt to 108-116ft. Ibs. (150-160 Nm) 25. Installthe enginesupportbracket. 26. Installthe powersteeringpumpand reconnectwire harnessat the powersteeringpumppressure switch. 27. Installthe enginemountingbracketand removethe enginesupportfixture. 28. Installthe tensionpulleysand drive belts. 29. Installthe cruisecontrol actuator. 30 Installthe engineundercover.


Bolt Washer Crankshaft pulley Access cover Right side upper front cover 7. Cap 8. Left side upper front OOVM

90 Nm 65 ft.lbs.

9. Front lower cover 10. Flange


16 1

r 11 I 26 Nm 19 ft.lbs.

11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

I 155 Nm 112 ft.lbs.

Lookbolt Tensioner Tensbner spring Timing bait Crankshaft sprocket Bott Camshaft sprocket Left slde rear cover Right side rear cwer 91'251gb:

:ig. 182 Explodedview of the timing belt covers, timing belt and related parts-1992-94 Mitsubishi 3.OLSOHCengine TIMING MARK TIMING MARK ON









:ig. 183 Crankshaftand camshaftsprocket alignmentfor proper timing belt replacement-1992-94 Mitsubishi 3.OLSOHCengine


3-44 ENGINEANDENGINEOVERHALJL 31. Connectthe negativebatterycable. 32. Roadtest the vehicle. EXCEPT 1992-94 MODELS

$ See Figure 184 1. Positionthe engineso the No. 1 cylinderis at TDC of its compressionstroke. 2. Disconnectthe negativebatterycable.

Wait at least 90 secondsafter the negative battery cable is disconnectedto preventpossible deploymentof the air bag. 3. Removethe engineundercover. 4. Removethe front undercoverpanel. 5. Removethe cruisecontrol pumpandthe link assembly. 6. Removethe alternator. 7. Raiseand suspendthe engineso that force is not appliedto the engmemount, 8. Removethe timing coversfrom the engine. 9. If the sametiming beltwill be reused,mark the directionof the timing belt’s rotationfor installation in the samedirection.Makesurethe engineis positronedso the No. 1 cylinder is at the TDC of its compressionstrokeand the timing marksare aligned with the engine’stiming mark indicatorson the valve coversor head.

10. Loosenthe centerbolt of tensionerpulleyand unboltauto-tensionerassemblyTheauto-tensioner assemblymust be resetto correctlyadjustbelt tension. Removethe timing belt. 11. Usinga wrench,hold the camshaftat its hexagonand removethe camshaftsprocketbolt. 12. Removeand positionthe auto-tensionerinto a vise with soft jaws.The plugat the rearof tensioner protrudes,besureto usea washeras a spacerto protectthe plugfrom contactingvise jaws. 13. Slowly pushthe rod Into the tensioneruntil the set hole rn rod is alignedwith set hole in the auto-tensioner. 14. Inserta 0.055 in. (1.4mm)wire into the alignedset holes.Unclampthe tensionerfrom the vise and install it on the engine.Trghtentensronerto 17 ft. Ibs. (24 Nm). 15. Cleanand inspectbothautotensioner mountingbolts. Coatthe threadsof the old boltswith threadsealer.If newbolts are installed,Inspectthe headsof the newbolts. If thereis white paint on the bolt head,no sealeris required.If thereis no parnton the headof the bolt, applya coat of threadsealerto the bolt. Installboth bolts andtightento 17 ft. Ibs. (24 Nm).

To install: 16. Installthe tensioner,if removed,and hook the upperend of the springto the waterpump pin and the lower endto the tensionerin exactlythe sameposition as originally installed.

17. Ensureboth camshaftsare still positionedso the timing marksalign with thoseon the reartiming covers. 18. Rotatethe crankshaftso the timing mark aligns with the markon the front cover. 19. Installthe timing belt on the crankshaft sprocketand while keepingthe belt tight on the tension side, mstallthe belt on the front (left) camshaft sprocket. 20 Installthe belt on the waterpumppulley,then the rear(right) camshaftsprocketandthe tensioner. 21. Loosenthe bolt that securesthe adjustment of the tensionerand lightly pressthe tensioner againstthe timing belt. 22. Checkthatthe timing marksare in alignment. 23 Rotatethe crankshaft2 full turns in the clockwise directiononly, then realignthe timing marks, 24. Tightenthe bolt that securesthe tensionerto 19 ft. Ibs.(26 Nm). 25. installthe lowerandthe uppertiming belt covers,along with all otherapplicablecomponents.

3.OLDDHCEngine 1992-94 MODELS

# See Figure 185 1. Positionthe engineso the No. 1 cylinderis at TDC of its compressionstroke. 2. Disconnectthe negativebatterycable. 3. Removethe engineundercover.

Timing mark (on belt cover)

Timing belt tensioner

Crankshaft sprocket 7923W

:ig. 184 Align the sprocketsproperly before removing or installing the timing belt-1995-96 Diamantewith the 3.OL(6672) SDHCengine






:ig. 185 Crankshaftand camshaftsprocket alignmentfor proper timing belt replacement-1992-94 Mitsubishi 3.OLDOHCengine 4. Removethe cruisecontrol actuator. 5. Removethe alternator.Removethe air hose and pipe. 6. Removethe belttensionerassemblyandthe powersteeringbelt. 7. Removethe crankshaftpulley. 8. Disconnectthe brakefluid levelsensor. 9. Removethe timing belt uppercover. 10. Usingthe properequipment,slightly raisethe engineto takethe weightoff the side enginemount. Removethe enginemountbracket. 11. Removethe alternator/airconditioneridler pulley. 12. Removethe enginesupportbracket.The mountingbolts are differentlengths;markthemfor properinstallation. 13. Removethe timing belt lowercover.Timing bolt cover mountingbolts are differentin length,note their position during removal. 14. If the sametiming beltwill be reused,mark the directionof the timing belt’srotationfor installation in the samedlrection.Make surethe engineis positionedso the No. 1 cylinderis at the TDC of its compressionstrokeandthe sprockets’timingmarks are alignedwith the engine’stiming mark indicators on the valve coversor head. 15. Loosenthe timing belt tensionerbolt and removethe belt. 16. Removethe tensionerassembly. To install: 17. If the autotensionerrod is fully extended,reset it as follows: a. Clampthe tensionerin a soft-jaw vice in level position. b. Slowly push the rod in with the vice until the set hole in the rod is alignedwith the hole in the cylinder.

c. Inserta stiff wire into the set holes to retain the position. d. Removethe assemblyfrom the vice. 18. Leavethe retainingwire in the tensionand install to the engine. 19. If the timing marksof the camshaftsprockets and crankshaftsprocketare not alignedat this point, proceedas follows:

*Keep fingers out from betweenthe camshaftsprockets.Thesprocketsmay move unexpectedlybecauseof valve springpressure and could pinchfingers. a. Align the mark on the crankshaftsprocket with the mark on the front case.Thenmove the sprocket2 teethclockwiseto lower the piston so the valve can’ttouch the piston whenthe camshaftsare being moved. b. Turn eachcamshaftsprocket1 at a time to align the timing markswith the mark on the valve cover or head.If the intakeand exhaustvalves of the samecylinder are openedsimultaneously, they could interferewith eachother. Therefore,if any resistanceis felt, turn the other camshaftto move the valve. c. Align the timing mark of the crankshaft sprocket,then continue1 tooth fartherin the counterclockwisedirectionto facilitatebelt installation. 20. Using4 spring loadedpaperclips to hold the belt on the camsprockets,install the beltto the sprocketsin the following order: l M-exhaust camshaftsprocketfor the front head l 2nd-intake camshaftsprocketfor the front head l trd-water pump pulley



camshaftsprocketfor the rear

head l 5th-exhaust camshaftsprocketfor tile rear head l Gth-idler pulley l 7th-crankshaft sprocket l 8th-tensioner pulley 21. Turn the tensionerpulleyso its pin holesare locatedabovethe centerbolt. Thenpressthe tensionerpulleyagainstthe timing beltand simultaneouslytightenthe centerbolt. 22. Makecertainthat all timing marksare still aligned.If so, removethe 4 clips. 23. Turn the crankshaftl/d turn counterclockwise, thenturn it clockwiseuntil all timing marksare aligned. 24. Loosenthe centerbolt on the tensionerpulley. Usingtool MD998767 or equivalentanda torque wrench,applya torqueof 7 ft. Ibs. (10 Nm).Tighten the tensionerbolt; makesurethe tensionerdoesn’t rotatewith the bolt. 25. Removethe set wire attachedto the autotensioner,if the wire was not previouslyremoved. 26. Rotatethe crankshaft2 completeturns clockwise and let it sit for approximately5 minutes.Then, makesurethe set pin caneasily be insertedand removedfrom the hole in the tensioner. 27. Measurethe autotensionerprotrusion(the distancebetweenthe tensionerarm and autotensioner body)to ensurethat it is within 0.15-0.18 in. (3.8-4 5mm). If out of specification,repeatSteps l-4 until the specifiedvalueis obtained. 28. Makesureall piecesof packingare positioned in the inner groovesof the lowercover, position cover on engineand install mountingbolts in their original location.

3-46 ENGINEANDENGINEOVERHAUL 29. Installthe enginesupportbracketand secure using mountingbolts in their original location.Lubricatethe reamingareaof the reamerbolt and tighten slowly. 30. Installthe idler pulley. 31. Installthe enginemountbracket.Removethe enginesupportfixture. 32. Make sureall piecesof packingare positioned in the innergroovesof the uppercoverand install. 33. Connectthe brakefluid levelsensor. 34. Installthe crankshaftpulley.Tightenthe bolt to 130-137ft. Ibs. (180-190 Nm). 35. installthe belt tensionerassemblyandthe powersteeringbelt. 36 installthe air hoseand pipe. 37 Installthe alternator. 38. Installthe cruisecontrol actuator. 39. Installthe engineundercover. 40. Connectthe negativebatterycable.

Be sure to disconnectthe negativebattery cable. Wait at least 90 secondsafter the negative batterycable is disconnectedto prevent possibledeploymentof the air bag.

199546 MODELS

# See Figure 186 1, Positionthe engineso the No. 1 cylinder is at TDC of its compressionstroke. 2. Disconnectthe negativebatterycable. 3. Removethe engineundercover. 4 Removethe cruisecontrol actuator.

Timing marks (on right rocker cover)

5. Removethe alternator,Removethe air hose andpipe. 6. Removethe belt tensionerassemblyand the powersteeringbelt. 7. Removethe crankshaftpulley. 8. Disconnectthe brakefluid levelsensor. 9. Removethe timing belt uppercover. 10. Usingthe properequipment,slightly raisethe engineto takethe weightoff the side enginemount. Removethe enginemountbracket. 11, Removethe alternator/airconditioneridler ..,,ll^,. pu,ey. 12. Removethe enginesupportbracket.The mountingbolts are differentlengths;markthemfor orooer , . installation. 13. Removethe timing belt lowercover.Timing bolt cover mountingbolts aredifferentin length,note their position during removal.

14. If the sametiming belt WIIIbe reused,mark the directionof thetrming belts rotationfor installation In the samedirection,Besurethe engineis positionedso the No. 1 cylinder is at the TDC of its compressionstrokeand the timing marksarealignedwith

Camshaft sprocket

the engine’stiming mark indicatorson the reartiming covers.

Turningthe camshaftsprocketwhen the timing belt is removedcould causethe valves to contactwith the pistons,resulting in severe enginedamage. 15. Removethe bolts that securethe auto-tensionerto the engineblock and removethe tensioner.

To install: *The auto-tensionerassemblymustbe reset to correctlv _ adiust - belt tension. 16. Loosenthe centerbolt of tensionerpulleyto providetiming beltslack. 17. Removethe timing belt assembly. 18. Posrtionthe auto-tensionerinto a vise with soft iaws.Theolua at the rearof tensionerprotrudes, be sureto usea v&her as a spacerto protectthe plugfrom contactingvise jaws. 19. Slowlypushthe rod mtothe tensioneruntil the set hole in rod is alignedwith set hole in the auto-tensioner. 20. Inserta 0.055 in. (1.4mm)wire into the alignedset holes,Removethe tensionerfrom the vise and install it on the engine. 21. Tightentensionermountingbolts to 17 ft. Ibs. (24 Nm).

Timing marks

mark (on oil pump case)

Crankshaft sprocket Fig. 186 Sprocketalignment for timing belt installation-1995116 Diamantewith the 3.N (6672) DDDDengine

ENGINEANDENGINEOVERHAUL 3-47 DONOTrotate or turn the camshaftswhen removingthe sprocketsor severe enginedamage will result from internal componentinterference. 22. Align the markon the crankshaftsprocket with the mark on the front case.Then,movethe crankshaftsprocket1 tooth counterclockwise. 23. Align the timing marksof the camshaftswith the markson the rearcovers. 24. Using largepaperclips to securethe timing belt to the sprockets,installthe timing belt in the following order.Besurecamshafts-to-cylinderheads and crankshaft-to-frontcovertiming marksare aligned.Installthe timing belt aroundthe pulleysin the following order: a. Exhaustcamshaftsprocket(front bank). b. Intakecamshaftsprocket(front bank). c. Waterpump pulley. d. Intakecamshaftsprocket(rear bank). e. Exhaustcamshaftsprocket(rear bank). f. Tensionerpulley. g. Crankshaftpulley. h. Idler pulley.

*Since the camshaftsprocketsturn easily, securethem with box wrencheswhen installing the timing belt. 25. Align all timing markson the crankshaftand raisethe tensionerpulleyagainstthe belt to remove slack,snugtensionerbolt. 26. Checkthe alignmentof all the timing marks and removethe clips that securethe timing beltto the camshaftsprockets. 27. Rotatethe engine1/4turn counterclockwise, then rotatethe engineclockwiseto align the timing marks.Checkthat all the timing marksare in alignment. 28. Loosenthe centerbolt on the tensionerpulley. 29. Usingtool MD998752 or equivalentand a torquewrench,apply 84 inch Ibs.(10 Nm) to the tool on the tensioner.Tightenthe tensionerbolt to 35 ft. Ibs.(49 Nm) and besurethe tensionerdoesnot rotatewith the bolt.

Timing marks

30. Rotatethe crankshafttwo completeturns clockwiseand let it sit for approximatelyfive minutes. Then,checkthat the set pin caneasily be inserted and removedfrom the hole in the auto-tensioner. 31. Removethe set wire attachedto the auto-tensioner 32. Measurethe auto-tensionerprotrusion(the distancebetweenthe tensionerarm and auto-tensioner body)to ensurethat it is within 0.15-0.18 in. (3.8-4.5mm). If out of specification,repeatadjustmentprocedureuntil the specifiedvalueis obtained. 33. Checkagainthatthe timing markson all sprocketsare in properalignment. 34. Installthe timing belt coversand all otherapplicablecomponents.

10. Removethe cooling fan bracket. 11, On somevehiclesIt may be necessaryto removethe pulleyfrom the crankshaftto accessthe lowercover bolts. 12. Removethe timing belt cover bolts and the upperand lowercoversfrom the engme. 13. Detachthe crankshaftpositionsensorconnector 14. UsingSSTMB9g67-01 and MD998754,or their equivalents,removethe crankshaftpulleyfrom the crankshaft. 15. Usea shop ragto cleanthe timing marksto assist in properlyaligningthe timing marks. 16. Loosenthe centerbolt on the tensionpulley and removethe timing belt.

3.51 Engine

@if the sametiming belt will be reused, markthe direction of timing belt’s rotation, for installation in the samedirection. Be sure engine is positionedso No. 1 cylinder is at the TDCof it’s compressionstroke andthe sprocketstiming marksare alignedwith the engine’stiming mark indicators.

p See Figure 187 1. Disconnectthe negativebatterycable. 2. Drainthe cooling system.

Neveropen, service or drain the radiator or cooling systemwhen hot; serious burnscan occurfrom the steamand hot coolant. Also, when draining enginecoolant, keepin mind that cats and dogsare attractedto ethylene giycoi antifreezeand could drink any that is left in an uncoveredcontaineror in puddles on the ground.This will prove fatal in sufficient quantities.Always drain coolant into a sealable container.Coolantshouldbe reused unlessit is contaminatedor is several years old. 3. Removethe drive belts. 4. Removethe upperradiatorshroud. 5. Removethe fan and fan pulley. 6. Withoutdisconnectingthe lines, removethe powersteeringpumpfrom its bracketand position it to the side Removethe pumpbrackets. 7. Removethe belttensionerpulleybracket. 8. Withoutreleasingthe refrigerant,removethe air conditioningcompressorfrom its bracketand position it to the side. 9. Removethe bracket.

To install: 19. Installthe crankshaftpulleyand turn the crankshaftsprockettiming markforward(clockwise) threeteethto movethe piston slightly past No. 1 cylindertop deadcenter. 20. If removed,installthe camshaftsprocketsand tightenthe bolts to 64 ft. Ibs. (88 Nm). 21, Align the timing markof the left bankside camshaftsprocket. 22. Align the timing markof the right bankside camshaftsprocket,and hold the sprocketwith a wrenchso that it doesn’tturn. 23. Setthe timing belt ontothe waterpumppulley. 24. Checkthat the camshaftsprockettiming mark of the left bankside is alignedand clampthe timing belt with doubleclips. 25. Setthe timing belt onto the idler pulley.

if any bindingis felt when adjustingthe timing belt tension by turningthe crankshaft, STOPturningthe engine, becausethe pistons may be hitting the valves.

liming marks

Tinning marks 79245934

Fig. 187 Cleanthe timing marksto verify their position when aligning-3.51 engine

17. Removethe auto-tensioner,the tensionpulley and the tensionarm assembly. 18. Removethe sprocketsby holdingthe hexagonal portion of the camshaftwith a wrenchwhile removingthe sprocketbolt.

26. Turn the crankshaftoneturn counterclockwise and setthe timing belt ontothe crankshaft sprocket. 27. Setthe timing belt on the tensionpulley. 28. Placethe tensionpulleypin hole so that it is towardsthe top. Pressthe tensionpulleyontothe timing belt,andthen provisionallytightenthe fixing bolt. Tightenthe bolt to 35 ft. Ibs. (48 Nm). 29. Slowlyturn the crankshafttwo full turns in the clockwisedirectionuntil the timing marksalign. Removethe four doubleclips. 30. Installthe crankshaftpositionsensorconnector. 31. Installthe upperand lowercoverson the engine and securethemwith the retainingscrews.Be surethe packingis properlypositionedin the inner groovesof the coverswhen installing.




3-48 ENGINEANDENGINEOVERHAUL 32. Installthecrankshaft pulleyif it wasremoved. Tightentheboltto 110ft. Ibs.(150Nm). 33. Installtheairconditioning bracketandcompressorontheengine.Installthebelttensioner. 34. Installthepowersteeringpumpintoposition. Installthefanpulleyandfan. 35. Installthefanshroudontheradiator. 36. Refillthecoolingsystem. I 37. Connect thenegative batterycable. 38. Starttheenaineandcheckforfluidleaks. INSPECTION ti See Figures 188 thru 195 Aninspection of thetimingbeltshouldbeperIIUIIII~U ^__^-Iat ^I I---.-II. .- I.ommg . Ioerr I.cover IWSIarly I.-. me meupper isoff. Ifthetiminabeltshowsanvsiansof shouldbereplaced. Recommended timingbeltre: placement intervalscanbefoundin Section1 of this manual.

Fig. 188 CIneeK ’ ror m prematurepanrngof the , belt 1

Fig. 189 Checkif the teeth are cracked or 1damaged


REMOVAL&INSTALLATION u See Figure 198 Onall engines, thecamshaft oil sealrepuiresthe removalof thetimingbelt(s).It is advisedto replace thesealwhilereplacing thetimingbelts. *The seal is locatedbehindthe crankshaft timino sorocket. 1. Toremove thesealusea suitablesealremoval toolandpryit outofthecover. 2. Thoroughly cleanthesealingareaof thefront fYi”f.V 3. Usinga suitableinstallation tool(a large socketworkswellif noneis available), installtheseal intothr?frontcover, ”


Fig. 191You may only have damageon one side of the belt; if so, the guide-could be 1 the culprit

Fig. 190 look for noticeable cracks or wear on the belt face I



EnI Make surf!to install the seal to the correct depth,if the seal is installed too far, an oil leak will occur.

Fig. 192 Foreign materials can get in between the teeth and cause damage

fraying, gla&g or damageof any kind

REMOVAL&INSTALLATION 1.!I Engine + See Figures 197 and 198 1. Disconnect thenegative batterycable. 2. Rotate theengineandpositiontheNo.1 pistonto TDCof itscompression stroke. 3. Disconnect theaccelerator cable,breather hoseandPCVhoseconnections. 4. Matchmark thepositionino of thedistributor housingandthepositioning of thedistributor rotorto0 theengineblockandremove thedistributor. thevalvecoveranddiscardthegas. 5. Remove Itet. 6. Loosenbothrockerarmassemblies gradually andevenly,andremove therocketshaftsfromthevehicle. 7. Remove thetimingbeltcovers.


Fig 194 Damage on only one side of the timing belt may indicate a faulty guide *DO NOTallow the camshaftor the crankshaft to rotate after the timing belt is removed.

Fig. 195 ALWAYSraplace the timing belt at the interval soecified br the manufacturer 8. Remove thetimingbeltassembly. 9. Holdingthecamshaft sprocket fromturning, loosenandremove theboltthatsecures thesprocket.


011 pump MS8


Fig. 196 Crankshaftseal installation-Dia manteshown, others similar

10. Removethe camshaftsprocketfrom the camshaft.Notethe positioningof the dowelpin at the end of the camshaft. 11. Removethe camshaftoil sealfrom the front of the cylinder head. 12. Removethe camshaftfrom the head. 13. Carefullycheckall partsfor damageand wear To install: 14. Lubricatethe camshaftwith heavyengineoil and slide it mto the head.Be sureto positionthe dowelpin at the 12 o’clockposition. 15. Checkthe camshaftend-playbetweenthe thrust caseand camshaft.The camshaftend-play should be0.002-0.008 m (0.05-O 20mm). If the end-playis not within specification,replacethe camshaftthrust bearing. 16 Installa newcamshaftoil seal.Besureto Iubricatethe lips of the sealwith cleanengine011. 17. Installthe camshaftsprocketand install the mountrngbolt. Tightenthe bolt to 51 ft. Ibs.(70 Nm) while holdingthe camshaftfrom turning. 18. Installthe timing belt assembly. 19. Installthe timing belt covers. 20. Installthe rockershaftassemblies.Torquethe bolts graduallyand evenlyto 23 ft. Ibs.(32 Nm). 21. Checkvalveadjustmentand installthe valve coverwith a newgasket.Tightenthe valve cover bolt to 16 inch Ibs (1.8 Nm). 22 Align the distributormarksand installthe distributor. 23. Connectthe acceleratorcable,breatherhose and PCV hose. 24. Connectthe negativebatterycableand check the ignition timing

1.8L Engine # See Figure 199

:ig. 197 Camshaft,rocker arm andshaft as remblies-1.5L engine

1. Disconnectthe negativebatterycable 2. Rotatethe engineand positionthe No. 1 piston to TDC of its compressionstroke. 3. Labeland disconnectthe sparkplug cables. 4. Matchmarkthe positronrngof the distributor housingandthe positioningof the distributorrotor to the engineblock and removethe distributor. 5. Detachthe air flow sensorconnectorand removethe air cleanercasecover. 6. Drsconnectthe acceleratorcable,breather hoseand PCVhoseconnections. 7. Removethe rockercover and discardthe gasket. 8. Loosenboth rockerarm shaftassemblies graduallyand evenlyand removethe rocketshafts from the vehicle.Do not disassemblyrockerarms and rockerarm shaftassemblies. 9. Removethe timing belt covers.

DONOTallow the camshaftor the crankshaft to rotate after the timing belt is removed!


Fig. 198 Positioning of the camshaftdowe pin-Mirage 1.5L (4615) engine

10. Removethe timing beltassembly. 11. Holdingthe camshaftsprocketfrom turning, loosenand removethe bolt that securesthe sprocket. 12. Removethe camshaftsprocketfrom the camshaft.Notethe positioningof the dowelpin at the end of the camshaft. 13. Removethe camshaftoil sealfrom the front of the cylinderhead. 14. Removethe camshaftfrom the head.

Fig 199Camshaft rocker arm andshaft as(r.mblies-1.8L Agine g3i53033 15. Carefullycheckall partsfor damageand wear. To install: 16. Lubricatethe camshaftjournalsand camshaft with cleanengineoil and install the camshaftin the cylinderhead.Besureto positionthe dowelpin at the end of the camshaftas notedduringthe removal procedure. 17. Checkthe camshaftend-playbetweenthe thrustcaseand camshaftThe camshaftend-play shouldbe 0.002-0.008 in. (0.05-0.20mm). If the end-playIS not within specification,replacethe camshaftthrust bearing 18. Installa newcamshaftoil seal.Be sureto Iubricatethe lips of the sealwith cleanengineoil. 19. Installcamshaftsprocketandtorquethe retainerbolt to 65 ft. Ibs. (90 Nm). Besureto secure the sprocketwhile tighteningthe bolt. 20 Installthe timing belt assembly. 21. Installthe timing belt covers. 22. Installthe rockerarm and shaftassemblies. Tightenthe rockerarm shaftretainerbolts to 23 ft. Ibs (32 Nm). 23 Checkthe valve adjustmentand install the valve coverwith a newgasket.Tightenthe valve cover bolts to 29 inch Ibs.(3.3 Nm). 24. Align the distributor marksand install the distributor. 25. Connectthe sparkplug cables. 26. Connectthe acceleratorcable,breatherhose and PCVhose. 27. Attachthe air flow sensorconnectorand install the air cleanercasecover. 28. Connectthe negativebatterycable. 29. Runthe engineat idle until normaloperating temperatureis reached. 30. Checkidle speedand ignition timing and adjust as required.

2.OLSDHCEngine # See Figure 200 1. Disconnectthe negativebatterycable. 2. Disconnectthe breatherand the PCVhoses


3-50 ENGINEANDENGINEOVERHALJL 21. Ahgn the matchmarksand installthe distrrbutor. 22. Removethe lashadjusterretainingtools. 23. Installthe valvecover and all relatedparts 24. Connectthe negativebatterycableand run engineto checkfor leaks, 25. Checkand adjust ignition timing, if necessary.

l.‘6L and 2.lJL DOHCEngines 6 See Figures 201 and 202 1. Disconnectthe negativebatterycable. 2. Removethe acceleratorcablebracketand position the cableaside. 3. Removethe breatherhoseand disconnectthe PCVhose. 4. Labeland disconnectthe sparkplug cables. 5. Matchmarkthe distributorhousingto the cylinderhead,and removethe distributor. 6. Removethe rockercover. 7. Install lashadjusterretarnertools MD998443 or equivalent,to the rockerarm.


F:ig. 200 Camshaft,rocker arm andshaft ass 1 iemblies-2.01 SOHCermine 3. Removethe acceleratorcablebracketand position the cableaside. 4. Install lashadjusterretainertools MD998443 or equivalent,to the rockerarm. 5. Removethe valve coverand semi-circular packing. 6. Matchmarkthe distributorhousingto the cylinderhead,and removethe distributor, 7. Removethe timing belt coversand the timing belt. 8 Removethe camshaftsprocket. 9. Removethe carrier bolts and removethe rockerarms,rockershaftsand bearingcapsfrom the engineas an assembly. 10. Removethe camshaftfrom the cylinderhead. 11. Inspectthe bearingjournalson the camshaft for excesswearor damage. 12. Measurethe cam lobe heightand compareto the desiredreadings. 13. Inspectthe bearingsurfacesin the cylinder head. 14. Replaceany componentsthat are damagedor show signs of excesswear, To install: 15. Lubricatethe camshaftjournalsand camshaft with cleanengineoil and installthe camshaftin the cylinderhead. 16. Align the camshaftbearingcapswith the arrow marks(dependingon cylindernumbers)and install in numericalorder, 17. Installthe rockershaftassemblyto the cylinder head.Torquethe bearingcap bolts from the center outward,in threesteps,unh a final torqueof 15 ft. Ibs. (20 Nm) is reached. 18. Apply a coatingof engineoil to the oil seal. Usingthe propersize driver, press-frtthe seal into the cylinderhead. 19. install the camshaftsprocketand torqueretaining bolt to 65 ft. Ibs. (90 Nm). 20. Installthe timing belt.

8. Removethe timing belt coversand the timing belt assembly. 9. Removethe camshaftsprocketretainerbolt while holding shaftstationarywith an appropriate wrench.Removethe sprocketfrom the shaft. 10. Removethe camshaftoil seal. 11. Removeboth rockerarm shaftassemblies from the head.Do not drsassemblethe rockerarms and rockerarm shaftassemblies. 12. Removethe camshaftfrom the cylinderhead. 13. inspectthe bearingjournalson the camshaft, cylinderhead,and bearingcaps. To install: 14. Lubricatethe camshaftjournalsand camshaft with cleanengineoil and installthe camshaftin the cylinderhead. 15. Installthe rockerarm and shaftassemblies. Tightenthe rockerarm shaft retainerbolts to 21-25 ft. Ibs. (2935 Nm). 16 Apply a coatingof engineoil to the oil seal. Usingthe propersize driver, press-fitthe seal into the cylinderhead. 17. Instal!camshaftsprocketand retainerbolt. Tightenthe bolts to 65 ft. Ibs. (90 Nm). 18. Installthe hming belt and belt covers. 19. Align the matchmarksand installthe distributor. 20. Removethe lashadjusterretainingtools, 21. Installthe rockercover using newgasketmaterial on matingsurfaces, 22. Connectthe sparkplug cables. 23. Installthe breatherhoseand connectthe PCV hose. 24. Connectthe negativebatterycable. 25. Runthe engmeat idle until normaloperating temperatureis reached.Checkidle speedand ignition timing; adjustas required.

2.4L Engine ) See Figures 203 and 204 1. Relievethe fuel systempressurefollowing properprocedure. 2. Disconnectthe negativebatterycable. 3. Disconnectthe acceleratorcable,PCV hoses, breatherhoses,sparkplug cablesand the removethe valve cover.

*Always rotate the crankshaftin a clockwise direction. Make a mark on the backof the timing belt indicatingthe direction of rotation so it may be reassembledin the samedirection if it is to be reused. 93153gO:

:ig. 201 Camshaftand rocker arms-i.61 rnd 2.OLDOHCengines r

, w ei

Camshaft sprocket side i i


4. Rotatethe crankshaftclockwiseand align the timing marksso that the No. 1 pistonwill be at TDC of the compressionstroke.At this time the timing markson the camshaftsprocketand the uppersurface of the cyhnderheadshouldcoincide,andthe dowel pin of the camshaftsprocketshould beat the upperside. 5 Removethe timing belt upperand lowercovers. 6. Removethe camshafttiming belt. 7. Usea wrenchbetweenthe No 2 and No. 3 journalsto hold the camshaft;removethe camshaft sprockets. 8 Loosenthe bearingcap bolts in 2-3 steps. Labeland removeall camshaftbearingcaps,

*If the bearingcapsare difficult to remove, use a plastic hammerto gently tap the rear part of the camshaft.

ENGlNEANDENGlNEOVERHALiL 3-51 5. Removethe centercover,breather,PCV hoses,and the sparkplug cables. 6. Removethe rockercover and the semi-circular packing. 7. Matchmarkthe position of the crankshaftposition sensorat the rearof the camshaft,then remove the sensor. 8. If equippedwith a camshaftsensor,remove the sensorfrom the front of the engine. 9 Beingsureto hold the flats of the camshaft, loosenthe camshaftsprocketbolts. 10. Notingthe positionmgand locationof the sprockets,removethe sprocketsfrom the camshafts.

*Be sure to note the positioningof the knock pin at the end of the camshaftsfor reinstallation purposes. *Be sure to keepthe valve train components labeled and in properorder for reassembly. 9315393'

:ig. 203 Camshaft,rocker arm and shaft assemblies-2.41 engine Intake side




Fig. 204 Camshaftidentification-2.41 engine 9. Removethe intakeand exhaustcamshafts. 10. Removethe rockerarmsand lashadjusters

*It is essentialthat all parts be kept in the sameorder and orientationfor reinstallation. In order to preventconfusionduring installation, be sure to markandseparateall parts. To install: 11. Installthe lashadjustersand rockerarms into the cylinderhead.Lubricatelightlywith cleanoil prior to installation. 12. Lubricatethe camshaftswith heavyengineoil and positionthe camshaftson the cylinderhead. 13 Checkthe camshaftjournalsand lobesfor wearor damage.Also, checkthe cylinderheadoil holesfor clogging.Visually inspectthe rockerarm roller and replaceif dented,damagedor evidenceof seizureis evident.Checkthe roller for smoothrotation. ReplaceIf excessplay or bindingis present. Also, inspectthe valve contactsurfacefor possible damageor seizure.It is recommendedthat all rocker armsand lashadjustersbe replacedtogether.

Only1 (intake)or I? (exhaust)is stampedon No. 1 bearingcap Also, makesurethe rockerarm is correctly mountedon the lash adjusterand the valve stemend.Torquethe retainingboltsto 15 ft. Ibs.(20 Nm). 16. Apply a coatingof engineoil to the oil seal. Usingthe propersize driver, press-fitthe seal into the cylinderhead. 17. Installthe camshaftsprockets.While holding the camshaftat its hexagon,betweennumber2 and 3 journalstightensprocketbolts to 58-72 ft. Ibs. (80-l 00 Nm). 18. Installthe timing belt,coversand related components. 19. Installthe valve cover, using newgasket,and reconnectall relatedcomponents 20. Reconnectthe negativebatterycable.

11. Loosenthe bearingcap bolts in 2-3 steps. 12. Labeland removeall camshaftbearingcaps.

*If the bearingcapsare difficult to remove, use a plastic hammerto gently tap the components. 13. Mark the componentsand removethe intake and the exhaustcamshafts. 14. Removethe rockerarmsand the lashadjusters.Be sureto notethe locationof the valve train componentsfor reinstallationpurposes.

3.OLDOHCEngine # See Figures 205 and 206 1. 2. 3. 4. belt.

Relievethe fuel systempressure. Disconnectnegativebatterycable. Removethe intakemanifoldplenum. Removethe timing belt cover andthe timing

DONOTrotate the crankshaftor camshafts after the timing belt has beenremoved.If rotated, severe internal enginedamagewill result from the pistonshitting the valves. 1semblies-3.01 DOHCengine


Left bank

*Do not confusethe intake camshaftwith the exhaustcamshaft.The intake camshaft has a split on the rear face for driving the , crankangle sensor. 14. Makesurethe dowelpin on bothcamshaft sprocketendsare locatedon the top. 15. Installthe bearingcaps.Tightenthe capsin sequenceand rn 2 or 3 steps.No 2 and 5 capsare of the sameshape.Checkthe markingson the capsto identifythe cap numberand intake/exhaustsymbol.


Fig. 206 Proper positioning of the camshaftknock pins-3.01 DOHCengine


3-52 ENGINEANDENGINEOVERHAUL 15. Checkthe camshaftjournalsfor wearor damage.Checkthe cam lobesfor damage.Also, check the cylinderheadoil holesfor clogging. To install: *Lubricate the valve train components with clean engine oil. 16. Bleedand installthe lashadjustersto the to the original boresin the cylinderhead. 17. Installthe rockerarmsto the cylinderhead. 18. Lubricatethe camshaftswith cleanengineoil and position the camshaftson the cylinderhead

Siit 7923'659

Fig. 208 Right bank camshafl identification-3.01 SDHC engine

Be sure to properly position the knock pins of the camshaft to prevent valve to piston interference.



Left bank

*Do not confuse the intake camshaft with the exhaust camshaft. The intake camshaft on the Diamante has a B or J stamped on the hexagon depending on the application. The exhaust camshaft on the Diamante has a D or K stamped on the hexagon depending on application. -Install the bearing caps according to the identification mark and cap number. Bearing caps No. 2,3 and are marked as such. The caps also are marked I for intake or E for exhaust. 19 Installthe bearingcaps.Tightenthe caps in sequence,graduallyin 2 or 3 steps Caps2,3 and 4 havea front mark. Installwith the markalignedwith the front markon the cylinderhead.Torquethe retaining bolts for capsNo. 2,3 and 4 to 8 ft. Ibs. (11 Nm) and torquethe retainingboltsfor the front and rearcapsto 14 ft. Ibs.(20 Nm). 20. Apply a coatingof engineoil to the oil seals and installthe oil sealsto the front and rearof the camshafts. 21. Holdingthe flats of the camshaft,installand tightenthe sprocketboltsto 65 ft. Ibs.(90 Nm). 22. If removed,installthe camshaftpositionsensor andtightenthe mountingboltsto 78 inch Ibs. (9 Nm). 23. Aligning the matchmark,installthe crankshaft position sensorat the rearof the camshaftand tightenthe mountrngnut to 7 ft. Ibs. (12 Nm). 24. Align the markson the camshaftand crankshaftsprockets.Installthe timing belt assembly. 25. Installthe rockercover and the semi-circular packing. 26. Installthe intakemanifoldplenum. 27. Installthe sparkplug cables,centercover, breatherand PCV hoses. 28. Connectthe negativebatterycableand check for leaks. 3.OL SDHC Engine ti See Figures 207, 208, 209, and 210 1. Disconnectthe negativebatterycable, 2. Rotateand positionthe engineto TDC of compressionstroke. 3. If removingthe right side (front) camshaft, matchmarkthe distributorrotor and distributorhousing to the engineblock and removethe distributor. 4. Removethe Intakemanifoldplenumstay bracket.


Fig. 207 Camshaft, rocker arm and shaft asiemblies-3.01 SDHC engine


Fig. 209 Proper positioning :amshafts-3.OL SDHC enoine



\ Armwmark(cql~ndertmad)


:ig. 210 Alignment of the rocker shafts and application of sealant-3.01 Removethe distributorhousingadapterand ,. 5. ,.^. aiscara ^ tne - u-rmg. 6; Kemovethe valve coversand the tlmmg belt. 7 Usingcamshaftsprocketholdingtool MB9g67 and MD998719 or equivalent,hold the sprocketand loosenthe bolt. 8. Removethe bolt and notethe positioningof the of the knockpin at the end of the camshaftand removethe sprocket. 9. Installauto lashadjusterretainertools MD998443 or equivalent,on the rockerarms. *Be sure to note the position of the rocker arms, rocker shafts and bearing caps for reinstallation purposes. 10 Removethe camshaftbearingcapsbut do not removethe boltsfrom the caps.

SDHC engine

11. Removethe rockerarms, rockershaftsand bearmgcaps,as an assembly 12. Removethe camshaftfrom the cylinderhead. 13. Inspectthe bearingjournalson the camshaft, cylinder head,and bearingcaps. To install: *The right bank camshaft is identified by a 4mm slit at the rear end of the camshaft. 14. Lubricatethe camshaftjournalsand camshaft with cleanengmeoil and installthe camshaftin the cylinderhead Be sureto properlypositionthe knock pin of the camshaftas notedduring removal. 15. Apply sealerat the endsof the bearingcaps and installthe rockerarms, rockershaftsand bearing capsas an assembly Properlypositronthe arrowson the bearingcaps.

ENGINEANDENGINEOVERHAUL 3-53 16. Torquethe bearingcap bolts in the following sequence:No. 3, No. 2, No. 1 and No. 4 to 85 inch Ibs. (10 Nm). 17. Repeatthe sequenceincreasingthe torqueto 14ft. Ibs. (20 Nm). 18. Removethe auto lashadjusterretainertools from the rockerarms. 19. Installthe camshaftsprocketand bolt. 20. Usingcamshaftsprocketholdingtool MB9g67and MD998719 or equivalent,hold the sprocketand tightenthe bolt to 65 ft. Ibs. (90 Nm). 21. Installthe timing beltand valve covers. 22. Usinga newO-ring, install the distributorextensionhousing. 23. Installthe intakemanifoldplenumstay bracket. 24. Installthe distributorassembly Besureto align the rotor and distributorhousingmatchmarks. 25. Connectthe negativebatterycableand check for leaks.

3.5L Engine + See Figures211 and 212 1. Disconnectthe negativebatterycable. 2. Removethe timing belt. Referto the timing belt procedurein this section. 3. Removethe rockerarm cover. 4. Installthe lashadjusterclips on the rocker arms,then loosenthe bearingcap bolts. Do not remove the bolts from the bearingcaps. 5. Removethe rockerarms,shaftsand bearing capsas an assembly. 6. Removethe camshafts.

To install: 7. Lubricatethe camshaftswith engineoil and positionthemon the cylinderheads. 8. Positionthe dowelDinsas shownin the drawing. 9. Installthe bearingcaps/rockerarm assemblies. Tightenthe bolts to 23 ft. Ibs. (31 Nm). 10. hstall the rockerarm cover using a newgasket. 11. Installthe timing beltand remainingcomponents Referto the timing belt procedurein this section. 12. Connectthe negativebatterycable.

INSPECTION CamshaftLobe Liff Camshaftlobe lift is the amount(measuredin inchesor millimeters)that the camshaftis capableof LIFTINGthe valve train componentsin orderto open the valves.The lobe lift is a measureof how much taller the “egg shaped”portionof the camshaftlobe is abovethe baseor circular portionof the shaft lobe. Lift is directlyproportionalto howfar the valvescan openand a worn camshaft(with poor lobe lift) cannot fully openthe valves.The lobe lift thereforecan be directly responsiblefor properor poor engineperformance. Lobe lift can be measuredin 2 ways,depending on whattools areavailableand whetheror not the camshafthasbeenremovedfrom the engine.A dial gaugecan be usedto measurethe lift with the camshaftinstalled,while a micrometeris normally only usedoncethe shafthas beenremovedfrom the engine.

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Rocker arm shaft Lash ad,uster Rocker arm C Rocker arm six,, Lash adluster Thrust case orng Camshan 1923PGD

:ig. 211 Explodedview of the camshaftmounting-3.51 engine Rear bank




Fig. 212 Camshaftdowel position duringinstallation-3.51 engine DIALGAUGEMETHOD Lobe lift maybe checkedwith the camshaftinstalled.In all cases,a dial gaugeis positronedsomewhereon the valvetrain (pushrod,lifter, or camshaft itself) and the camshaftis thenturnedto measurethe lift. Checkthe lift of eachlobe in consecutiveorder and makea noteof the reading. 1. Removethe valve coverfor accessto the camshaft. 2. Installa dial indicatorso thatthe actuating point of the indicatoris directlyplacedon the camshaft.

*A remotestarter can be usedto turn the engineover duringthe next steps. If a remotestarter is not available, removethe spark plugsin order to relieve enginecompression,andturn the engineover usinga large wrench or socketon the crankshaft damperbolt. BESUREto only turn the engine in the normal direction of rotation.

3. Turn the crankshaftover until the tappetis on the basecircle of the camshaftlobe. 4. Zerothe dial indicator.Continueto rotatethe crankshaftslowly until the pushrod(or camshaft lobe) is in the fully raisedposition. 5. Comparethe total lift recordedon the dial indicatorwith the elevationspecificationshownin the EngineSpecificationchart. To checkthe accuracyof the original indicator reading,continueto rotatethe crankshaftuntil the indicatorreadszero.If the lift on any lobe is below specifiedwearlimits listed,the camshaftand the valvetappetsmust be replaced. 6. Installthe valve cover(s).

MICROMETER ) See Figure 213 A micrometermay usedto measurecamshaftlobe lift, butthis is usuallyonly after it hasbeenremoved from the engine.Oncethe valve cover is removed



Fig. 213 Camshafflobe IIR Is measuredIn

3-54 ENGINEANDENGINEOVERHALJL fromthe, accessmay be possible(thougha little awkward)to measurethe camshaftlobes usinga micrometer In any case,two measurementsare necessaryfor eachlobe. MeasurementY or the total LOBEHEIGHT and measurementX or the total LOBEWIDTH.To find the lobe lift, you simply subtractX from Y (subtractthe width from the height). Noteeachmeasurement,then makeyour calculation to determinethe lift. Notethe final resultsand repeatthe processon the remainingcamshaftlobes. Finally,you shouldcompareyour resultsto the specificationschartsand decideif a newcamshaftis in your future.

REMOVAL&INSTALLATION 2.OLand 2.4L Engines p See Figure 214 *A special oil seal guidetool, 18998285, and a plug cap sockettool, MD998182,or exact equivalentsare neededto completethis operation. 1. Disconnectthe negativebatterycable. 2. Raiseand safelysupportthe vehicle. 3. Drainthe engineoil.

The EPAwarns that prolongedcontactwith usedengineoil may causea numberof skin disorders, includingcancer!Youshould makeevery effort to minimizeyour exposure to usedengineoil. Protectivegloves should be worn when changingthe oil. Washyour handsand any other exposedskin areas as soon as possibleafter exposureto usedengine oil. Soapand water, or waterless hand cleanershouldbe used.

4. Removethe oil filter, oil pressureswitch,oil gaugesendingunit, oil filter mountingbracketand gasket. 5. Removeengineoil pan,oil screenand gasket. 6. Removethe relief plug,gasket,reliefspring and relrefplunger. 7. Lowerthe vehicle. 8. Usingthe properequipment,supportthe weightof the engine. 9. Removethe front enginemountbracketand accessorydrive belt, 10. Removethe timing beltsand sprockets. 11. Usingspecialtool MD998162, removethe plug cap in the enginefront cover. 12. Removethe plug on the side of the engine block. Inserta Phillips screwdriverwith a shankdiameterof 0.32 in. (8mm) into the plug hole. This will hold the silent shaft. 13. Removethe drivengearbolt that securesthe oil pumpdriven gearto the silent shaft. 14. Removeand tag the front cover mounting bolts. Notethe lengthsof the mountingboltsas they are removedfor properinstallation. 15. Removethe front casecoverand oil pump assembly.If necessary,the silent shaftcan comeout with the coverassembly. 16. Removethe silent shaftoil seals,the crankshaft oil sealand front casegasket 17. Removethe silent shaftsand inspectas follows: a. Checkthe oil holes in the shaft for clogging. b. Checkjournals of the shaft for seizure, damageand contactwith bearing.If there is anything wrong with the journal, replacethe silent shaft bearing,silent shaft or front case. c. Checkthe silent shaft oil clearance.If the clearanceis beyondthe specifications,replace the silent shaft bearing,silent shaft or front case. The specificationsfor oil clearancesare as follows

Rightshaft l l

Front-0.0012-0.0024 in. (0.030.06mml Rear+0.0008-0.0021 in. (6.02-O 05mm)

26. Mountthe oil filter bracketwith newgasketin place.Installthe 4 bolts with washersand tightento 16 ft Ibs. (22 Nm). 27. Insertthe Phillips screwdriverinto the hole on the side of the engineblock. 28. Securethe oil pumpdriven gearonto the left silent shaftby tighteningthe driven gearflangebolt to 29 ft. Ibs. (40 Nm). 29. Installa newO-ring ontothe groove in the front case.Usingspecialsockettool, installand tightenthe plug capto 20 ft. Ibs (27 Nm). 30. Installthe oil pump relief plungerand spring into the bore in the oil filter bracketandtightento 36 ft. Ibs. (50 Nm). Makesurea newgasketis in place. 31. Cleanboth matingsurfacesof the oil panand the cylinderblock. 32. Apply sealantin the groove in the oil pan flange,keepingtowardsthe inside of the bolt holes. Thewidth of the sealantbeadappliedis to beabout 0.16 in. (4mm)wide.

*After applyingsealant to the oil pan, do not exceed15 minutesbefore installing the oil pan. 33. Installthe oil panto the engineand secure with the retainers.Tightenbolts to 6 ft. Ibs. (8 Nm). 34. Installthe oil pressuregaugeunit andthe oil pressureswitch.Attachthe electricalharnessconnector 35. Installnewoil filter and fill enginewith clean engineoil. 36. Installthe timing beltsand all relateditems,

*The timing of the oil pumpsprocketand connectedsilent shaft can be incorrect, even with the timing markaligned. Make certain that all special timing belt installation proceduresare followed to ensureproper orientation of the silent shafts. 37. Installany remainingcomponentsremoved duringdisassembly. 38. Connectthe negativebatterycableand start the engine. 39. Checkfor propertiming and inspectfor leaks.

Left shaft l l

Front-0.002&0.0036 in. (0.05-0.09mm) Rear-O.0017-O.0033 in. (0.04-0.08mm)

To install:

18. Lubricatethe bearingsurfaceof the shaftand the bearingjournalswith cleanengineoil. Carefully installthe silent shaftsto the block. 19. Cleanthe gasketmaterialfrom the mating surfaceof the cylinderblockand the enginefront cover.Install newgasketin place. 20. Installthe oil pumpdrive gearand driven gearto the front case,lining up the timing marks. 21. Lubricatethe gearswith cleanengineoil. Install the oil pumpcover,with newgasketin placeand tightenthe mountingboltsto 13 ft. Ibs.(18 Nm). 22. Usingpropersizedriver, install the crankshaft oil seal into the front enginecase. 23. Usingthe propersizesocketwrench,pressin the silent shaftoil seal into the front case. 24. Placepilot tool MD998285 or equivalent, ontothe noseof the crankshaft.Apply cleanengine oil to the outercircumferenceof the pilot tool. 93153g3 25. Installthe front caseonto the engineblock :ig. 214 Explodedview of the balanceshaf and temporarilytightenthe flangebolts (otherthan thosefor tighteningthe filter bracket). assemblies-2.01 and 2.4L enoines

REMOVAL&INSTALLATION p See Figure 215 1. Disconnectthe negativebatterycable. 2. Removethe transaxlefrom the vehicle,as outlinedin Section7. 3. Removethe flywheel/driveplateassembly. 4. Removethe rearengineplateand the bellhousingcover. 5. If the crankshaftrearoil sealcaseis leaking, removeit. Otherwise,just removethe oil seal.Some engineshavea separatorthat shouldalso be removed.

To install: 6. Lubricatethe inner diameterof the newseal with cleanengineoil. 7. Installthe oil sealin the crankshaftrearoil sealcaseusing tool MD998376 or equivalent.Press the sealall the way in without tilting it. Forcethe oil separatorinto the oil sealcaseso the oil hole in the separatoris downward.

ENGINEANDENGINEOVERHAUL 3-55 8. Runa beadof sealeralonganyseamsbetweenthesealcaseandblock.Installthesealcase witha newgasket. 9. Installtheflywheel/driveplate andtransaxle. 10. Connect thenegative batterycableandcheck for leaks. 11. Adjustoil levelasnecessary.

REMOVAL&INSTALLATION b See Figure 215 1. Disconnect thenegative batterycable. 2. Remove thetransaxle, asoutlinedinSection 7, 3. If equipped witha manualtransaxle, remove theclutchdiscandpressure plate.Referto Section7. 4. Markthepositionof theflywheel/driveplate onthecrankshaft andremovetheretainingbolts. 5. Onautomatic transaxle equipped models,removethedriveplate adapter. 6. Remove theflywheel/driveplate fromtheengine.

al drive plate and rear

healthysupply of penetratingoil and rags is highly recommended. + See Figures216 thru 222 *Safety glassesshouldbe worn at all times whenworking on or near the exhaustsystem. Olderexhaustsystemswill almost always be coveredwith loose rust particles which will showeryou when disturbed.Theseparticles are morethan a nuisanceandcould injure your eye.

Yourvehiclemustberaisedandsupported safely to inspecttheexhaust systemproperly.Placing4 safetystandsunderthevehiclefor supportshould provideenoughroomforyouto slideunderthevehicleandinspectthesystemcompletely. Starttheinspection attheexhaustmanifoldor turbocharger pipe wheretheheaderpipeisattached andworkyourway

DONOTperformexhaustrepairs or inspection wtth the engineor exhausthot. Allow thr systemto cool completelybefore attempting any work. Exhaustsystemsare notedfor sharpedges,flaking metal and rustedbolts. Glovesand eye protectionare required. A

tothebackof thevehicle.Ondualexhaust systems, remember to insoectbothsidesof thevehicle.Check thecomplete exhaustsystemfor openseams,holes looseconnections, or otherdeterioration whichcould


Fig. 216 Makesure the exhaustcomponents are not contactingthe body or suspension


Fig. 216 Cracksin the muffler are a guaranteed leak

To lnstell: 7. Coatthethreadsof thedriveplate/flywheel retainingboltswiththreadlockingcompound. 8. Positionthedriveplatelflywheel onthecrankshaftflange. 9. Onautomatic transaxle equipped models,installthedriveplate adapter. 10. Installandtightenthebolts,in aalternating starpattern, tothefollowingspecifications: l 1.5Lengine:98ft. Ibs.(135Nm) l 1.6L,2.01and2.4Lengines:94-101ft. Ibs.(130-140Nm) l 1.81engine:72ft. Ibs.(100Nm) l 3.OLand3.5Lengines:53-56ft. Ibs. (72-76Nm) 11. If equipped witha manualtransaxle, install theclutchandpressure plate. 12. Installthetransaxle. Referto Section7. 13. Connect thenegative batterycable.


Fig 217 Checkthe muffler for rotted spot welds and seams

Fig. 219 Cheekfor overstretchedor torn exhaust hangers



Fig. 222 Some systems, like this one, use 220 Exampleof a badly deterioratedex- 1 haust pipe

Fig. 221 inspect flanges for gaskets that have deteriorated and need replacement

fumesto seepintothepassenger F)ermitexhaust :ompartment. Inspectall mounting brackets and bangers for deterioration, somemodelsmayhave ubberO-ringsthatcanbeoverstretched andnonsupportive. Thesecomponents will needto bereIlacedif found.It hasalwaysbeena practiceto usea F)ointedtoolto pokeupintotheexhaistsystem vherethedeterioration spotsareto seewhetheror d theycrumble. Somemodelsmayhaveheatshield :overingcertainpartsof theexhaustsystem, it will ttenecessary to removetheseshieldsto havetheexlaustvisiblefor inspection also.

Beforeremoving anycomponent of theexhaust system, ALWAYS squirta Liquidrustdissolvingagent ontothefasteners for easeof removal. A lotof knuckleskinwill besavedbyfollowingthisrule.It mayevenbewiseto spraythefasteners andallow themtosit overniqht.



3EPLACEMEMT 1 See Figure 223 Therearebasicallytwotypesof exhaustsystems. )neis theflangetypewherethecomponent endsare attached withboltsanda gasketin-between. The )therexhaust systemis theslipjointtype.These :omponents slipintooneanotherusingclampsto ioldthemtogether. liiow the exhaustsystemto cool sufficiently Iefore sprayinga solvent exhaustfasteners. Somesolventsare highly flammableand :ould ignite whensprayedon hot exhauti :omponents.


FlangeType b See Figure 224 Do NOTperform exhaustrepairs or inspection with the engineor exhausthot. Allow the systemto cool completelybefore attempting any work. Exhaustsystemsare notedfor sharpedges,flaking metal and rustedbolts. Glovesand eye protectionare required.A healthy supplyof penetratingoil and rags is highly recommended.Neverspray liquid rust dissolving agentonto a hot exhaustcomponent. Beforeremoving anycomponent onaflangetype system,ALWAYS squirta liquidrust._ dissolvingagent ontothefasteners foreaseof removal. Startbyunboltingtheexhaustpieceatbothends(if required). Whenunbolting theheadpipe fromthemanifold, makesurethattheboltsarefreebeforetryingto removethem.if yousnapa studintheexhaustmanifold,thestudwill haveto beremoved witha boltex-

tractor,whichoflenmeansremovalof themanifoldit self.Next,disconnect thecomponent fromthe mounting; slighttwistingandturningmayberequiredto remove thecomponent completely fromthr vehicle.Youmayneedto taponthecomponent with a rubbermalletto loosenit. If all elsefails,usea aratetheparts.Anoxy-acetylene cuthacksaw to sep; tingtorchmayI3efasterbutthesparksareOANGEROUSnearthefueltank,ant1attheveryleast,accito the dentscouldhappen, resultingin damage under-car parts,notto meiitionyourself. Slip Joint Type V See Figure 225 Beforeremoving anycomponent ontheslipjoint typeexhaustsystem, ALWAYS squirta liquidrust dissolvingagentontothefasteners for easeof removal.Startbyunbolting theexhaustpieceatboth ends(if required). Whenunboltingtheheadpipe fron themanifold, makesurethattheboltsarefreebefore tryingto remove them.if yousnapa studin theexhaustmanifold. thestudwill haveto beremoved wit1 a boltextractor, whichoftenmeansremovalof the manifolditself.Next.removethemountina U-bolts fromaroundtheexhaustpipeyouareext&tingfrom thevehicle.Don’tbesurprisedif theU-boltsbreak whileremoving thenuts.Loosentheexhaustpipe fromanymounting brackets retainingit to thefloor panandseparate thecomponents.


Fig. 223 Nuts and bolts will be extremely difflcuit to remove when deteriorated with rust

Fig. 224 Exampleof a flange type exhaust systemjoint

Fig. 225 Example of a common slip joini type system


Anythingthat generatesheatand/or friction WIII eventuallyburn or wearout (for example,a light bulb generatesheat,thereforeits life span is limited).With this in mind, a runningenginegeneratestremendous amountsof both;friction is encounteredby the moving and rotatingpartsinsidethe engineand heatis createdby friction and combustionof the fuel However,the enginehassystemsdesignedto help reduce the effectsof heatand friction and provideadded longevrty.Theoiling systemreducesthe amountof friction encounteredby the moving parts insidethe engine,while the cooling systemreducesheatcreatedby friction and combustion If eithersystemis not maintained,a break-downwill be inevitable. Therefore,you can seehow regularmaintenancecan affectthe service life of your vehicle,If you do not drain,flush and refill your cooling systemat the properintervals,depositsWIIIbeginto accumulatein the radiator,therebyreducingthe amountof heatit canextractfrom the coolant Thesameappliesto your oil and filter; If it is not changedoftenenoughit becomesladenwith contaminatesand is unableto properlylubricatethe engine.This increasesfriction and wear. Thereare a numberof methodsfor evaluatingthe conditionof your engine.A compressiontest can revealthe conditionof your pistons,piston rings, cylinder bores,headgasket(s),valvesand valve seats.An oil pressuretest canwarnyou of possible enginebearing,or oil pumpfailures.Excessrveoil consumption,evidenceof oil in the engineair intake areaand/or bluish smokefrom the tailpipe may indicateworn piston rings, worn valve guidesand/or valve seals.As a generalrule,an enginethat usesno morethan one quartof oil every1000 miles is in goodcondition. Enginesthat useone quartof oil or more in lessthan 1000 miles shouldfirst be checked for oil leaks.If any oil leaksare present,havethem fixed beforedetermininghow muchoil is consumed by the engine,especrallyif bluesmoke is not visible at the tailpipe



Fig. 226A screw-in type compressiongauge is more accurate and easier to use without an assistant

A noticeablelackof enginepower,excessiveoil consumptionand/or poor fuel mileagemeasured over an extendedperiodare all indicatorsof internal enginewear.Worn piston rings, scoredor worn cylinderbores,blown headgaskets,stickingor burnt valves,and worn valve seatsare all possibleculprits. A checkof eachcylinders compressionWIIIhelp locatethe problem.

*A screw-in type compressiongaugeis more accuratethanthe type you simply hold againstthe sparkplug hole. Althoughit takes slightly longerto use, it’s worth the effort to obtain a moreaccuratereading. 1 Makesurethat the properamountand viscosity of engineoil is in the crankcase,thenensure the batteryis fully charged. 2. Warm-upthe engineto normaloperating temperature,then shutthe engineOFF. 3. Disablethe ignition system. 4. Labeland disconnectall of the sparkplug wires from the plugs, 5. Thoroughlycleanthe cylinderheadarea aroundthe sparkplug ports,then removethe spark plugs. 6. Setthe throttleplateto the fully open(wideopenthrottle)position You can block the accelerator linkageopenfor this, or you canhavean assistant fully depressthe acceleratorpedal. 7. Installa screw-intype compressiongauge into the No. 1 sparkplug hole until the fitting is snug.

Be careful not to crossthreadthe spark plug hole. 8. Accordingto the tool manufacturersinstructions, connecta remotestartingswitchto the starting circuit. 9. With the ignition switch in the OFFposition, usethe remotestartingswitchto crankthe engine throughat leastfive compressionstrokes(approximately5 secondsof cranking)and recordthe highest readingon the gauge 10. Repeatthe test on eachcylinder,crankingthe engineapproximatelythe samenumberof compression strokesand/ortime as the first. 11. Comparethe hrghestreadingsfrom each cylinderto that of the others.The indicatedcompression pressuresare consideredwithin specificationsif the lowestreadingcylinder is within 75 percentof the pressurerecordedfor the highestreadingcylinder For example,if your highestreadingcylinderpressurewas 150 psi (1034 kPa),then75 percentof that would be 113 psi (779 kPa).So the lowestreading cylindershould be no lessthan 113 psi (779 kPa). 12. If a cylinderexhibitsan unusuallylow compressionreading,pour a tablespoonof cleanengine oil into the cylinderthroughthe sparkplug hole and repeatthe compressiontest. If the compressionrises afteraddingoil, it meansthat the cylinder’spiston rings and/or cylinderboreare damagedor worn, If the pressureremainslow,the valves maynot beseating properly(a valvejob is needed),or the headgasket maybe blown nearthat cylinder. If compression

in anytwo adjacentcylindersis low, and if the addition of oil doesn’thelp raisecompression,thereis leakagepastthe headgasket.Oil and coolantin the combustionchamber,combinedwith blueor constantwhite smokefrom the tailpipe,are symptomsof this problem.However,don’t bealarmedby the normalwhite smokeemittedfrom the tailpipe during engine warm-upor from cold weatherdriving. There maybe evidenceof waterdropletson the enginedipstick and/or oil dropletsin the cooling systemif a headgasketis blown.

OIL PRESSURETEST Checkfor properoil pressureat the sendingunit passagewith an externallymountedmechanicaloil pressuregauge(as opposedto relying on a factory Installeddash-mountedgauge).A tachometermay also be needed,as somespecificationsmay require runningthe engineat a specific rpm. 1. With the enginecold, locateand removethe oil pressuresendingunit. 2. Followrngthe manufacturersinstructions, connecta mechanicaloil pressuregaugeand, if necessary,a tachometerto the engine. 3 Startthe engineand allow it to idle. 4 Checkthe oil pressurereadingwhencold and recordthe number.You may needto run the engine at a specifiedrpm, so checkthe specifications, 5. Runthe engineuntil normaloperatingtemperatureis reached(upperradiatorhosewill feelwarm) 6. Checkthe oil pressurereadingagainwith the enginehot and recordthe number.Turn the engine

OFF. 7. Compareyour hot oil pressurereadingto that given in the chart If the readingis low,checkthe cold pressurereadingagainstthe chart.If the cold pressureISwell abovethe specification,andthe hot readingwas lowerthanthe specification,you may havethe wrongviscosity oil in the engine.Change the oil, makingsureto usethe propergradeand quantity,then repeatthe test. Low oil pressurereadingscould beattributedto internalcomponentwear,pump relatedproblems,a low oil level,or oil viscosity that is too low. High oil pressurereadingscould be causedby an overfilled crankcase,too htghof an oil viscosity or a faulty pressurereliefvalve.

Nowthat you havedeterminedthat your engineis worn out, you must makesomedecisions.Thequestion of whetheror not an engineISworth rebuilding is largelya subjectivematterand oneof personal worth. Is the enginea popularone,or IS it an obsoletemodel?Are partsavailable?Will it get acceptable gas mileageonce It is rebuilt?Is the car its being put into worth keeping?Would it be lessexpensiveto buy a newengine,haveyour enginerebuiltby a pro, rebuild it yourselfor buy a usedenginefrom a salvageyard?Orwould It be simplerand lessexpensive to buy anothercar? If you haveconsideredall these mattersand more,and havestill decidedto rebuild the engine,then it is time to decidehowyou will rebuild it.

3-58 ENGINEANDENGINEOVERHAUL *The editors at Chiltonfeel that most engine machiningshouldbe performedby a professional machineshop. Don’tthink of it as wasting money,rather, as an assurancethat the job has beendoneright the first time. Thereare manyexpensiveandspecialized tools requiredto performsuchtasks as boring and honingan engineblock or havinga valve job doneon a cylinder head. Eveninspectingthe parts requires expensivemicrometersand gaugesto properly measure wear and clearances.Also, a machineshop can deliver to you clean, and readyto assembleparts, savingyou time and aggravation. Your maximumsavingswill comefrom performingthe removal, disassembly,assemblyand installation of the engineand purchasingor renting only the tools required to performthe abovetasks. Dependingon the particular circumstances,you may save 40 to 60 percentof the cost doing theseyourself. A complete rebuildoroverhaulof anengineinvolvesreplacing all ofthemovingparts(pistons, rods,crankshaft, camshaft, etc.)withnewonesand machining thenon-moving wearingsurfaces of the blockandheads.Unfortunately, thismaynotbecost effective. Forinstance, yourcrankshaft mayhave beendamaged or worn,butit canbemachined undersizefora minimalfee. So,asyoucansee,youcanreplaceeverything insidetheengine,but,it iswiserto replaceonlythose partswhicharereallyneeded, and,if possible,repair themoreexpensive ones.Laterinthissection,we will breaktheenginedownintoitstwomaincomponents:thecylinderheadandtheengineblock.We will discusseachcomponent, andtherecommended partsto replaceduringa rebuildoneach.

Mostengineoverhaulprocedures arefairlystandard.Inadditionto specificpartsreplacement proceduresandspecifications for yourindividualengine, thissectionis alsoa guideto acceptable rebuilding procedures. Examples of standard rebuilding practice aregivenandshouldbeusedalongwithspecificdetailsconcerning yourparticular engine. Competent andaccurate machine shopservices will ensuremaximum performance, reliabilityandenginelife.Inmostinstances it is moreprofitablefor thedo-it-yourself mechanic to remove, cleanandin-

spectthecomponent, buythenecessary partsand delivertheseto a shopfor actualmachine work. Muchoftheassembly work(crankshaft, bearings, pistonrods,andothercomponents) is wellwithinthe scopeof thedo-it-yourself mechanic’s toolsandabilities.Youwill haveto decideforyourselfthedepthof involvement youdesireinanenginerepairor rebuild. TOOLS Thetoolsrequiredfor anengineoverhaulor parts replacement will depend onthedepthof yourinvolvement. Witha fewexceptions, theywill bethe toolsfoundina mechanic’s toolkit(seeSection1 of thismanual). Morein-depthworkwill requiresome orall of thefollowing: l A dialindicator(readinginthousandths) mounted ona universalbase l Micrometers andtelescope gauges * Jawandscrew-type pullers ‘ Scraper l Valvespringcompressor l Ringgroovecleaner l Pistonringexpander andcompressor l Ridgereamer l Cylinderhoneor glazebreaker l Plastigage@ l Enginestand Theuseof mostof thesetoolsis illustratedin thissection.Manycanberentedfor a one-timeuse froma localpartsjobberor tool supplyhousespecializingin automotive work. Occasionally, theuseof specialtoolsis calledfor. Seetheinformation onSpecialToolsandtheSafety Noticeinthefrontof thisbookbeforesubstituting anothertool.

' OVERHAULTIPS Aluminum hasbecome extremely popularfor use in engines, dueto itslowweight.Observe thefollowingprecautions whenhandlingaluminum parts: l Neverhottankaluminum parts(thecaustichot 6nksolutionwill eatthealuminum. l Remove all aluminum parts(identification tag, etc.)fromenginepartspriorto thetanking. l Alwayscoatthreadslightlywithengineoil or anti-seize compounds beforeinstallation, to prevent seizure. l Neverovertighten boltsorsparkplugsespeciallyinaluminum threads. Whenassembling theengine,anypartsthatwill beexposed to frictionalcontactmustbeprelubed to providelubrication at initialstart-up.Anyproduct specifically formulated for thispurposecanbeused, butengineoil is notrecommended asa prelubein mostcases. Whensemi-permanent (locked,butremovable) installationof boltsor nutsis desired,threadsshould becleanedandcoatedwithLoctite@ or anothersimi, lar,commercial non-hardening sealant. CLEANING ) See Figures227, 228, 229, 230, and 231 Beforetheengineanditscomponents areinspected, theymustbethoroughly cleaned. Youwill needto removeanvenainevarnish,oil sludoeand/or carbondepositsfromail of thecomponentsio insure aInaccurate inspection. Acrackintheengineblockor :ylinder head can easily become overlooked if hidden c trya layerof sludgeor carbon.

Fig. 227 Thoroughly clean the gasket surfaces of the cylinder head as well as . . .


Fig. 229 Usea ring expandertool to remove the piston rings

230 Clean the piston ring grooves using a ring groove cleaner tool, or . . .

::“,z s,rpuse,a piece of fn old ring to 1 clean the grooves Be careful the ring can

ENGINEAND ENGINEOVERHAUL 3-59 Most of the cleaningprocesscan becarriedout with commonhandtools and readilyavailablesolventsor solutions.Carbondepositscan bechipped awayusinga hammerand a hardwoodenchisel. Old gasketmaterialandvarnishor sludgecanusuallybe removedusinga scraperand/or cleaningsolvent.Extremelystubborndepositsmay requirethe useof a powerdrill wrth a wire brush.If usinga wire brush, useextremecarearoundany critical machinedsurfaces(suchas the gasketsurfaces,bearingsaddles, cylinderbores,etc.). USEOFA WIREBRUSHIS NOT RECOMMENDEDONANY ALUMINUM COMPONENTSAlwaysfollow any safetyrecommendations given by the manufacturerof the tool and/or solvent. You shouldalwaysweareyeprotectionduringany cleaningprocessinvolvrngscraping,chippingor sprayingof solvents. An alternativeto the messand hassleof cleaning the partsyourselfis to drop themoff at a local garage or machineshop.Theywill, morethan likely, have the necessaryequrpmentto properlycleanall of the partsfor a nominalfee.

Always wear eye protectionduringany cleaning processinvolving scraping,chippingor sprayingof solvents. Removeany oil galleyplugs,freezeplugsand/or pressed-inbearingsand carefullywashand degrease all of the enginecomponentsincludingthe fasteners and bolts. Small partssuchas the valves,springs, etc.,should be placedin a metalbasketand allowed to soak.Usepipe cleanertype brushes,and cleanall passagewaysin the components.Usea ring expanderand removethe rings from the pistons.Clean the piston ring grooveswith a specialtool or a piece of brokenring Scrapethe carbonoff of the top of the piston.You shouldneverusea wire brushon the pistons.After preparingall of the pistonassemblies in this manner,washand degreasethemagain.

REPAIRINGDAMAGEDTHREADS # See Figures232, 233, 234, 235 and 236 Severalmethodsof repairingdamagedthreadsare available Heli-Coil@(shownhere),Keenserts@ and Microdop areamongthe mostwidely used.All involve basicallythe sameprinciple-drilling out strippedthreads,tappingthe holeand installinga prewoundinsert-making welding,pluggingand oversizefastenersunnecessary. Two typesof threadrepairinsertsare usuallysupplied: a standardtypefor most inch coarse,rnchfine, metric courseand metrrcfine threadsizesand a sparklug typeto fit most sparkplug port sizes.Consult the individualtool manufacturerscatalogto determineexactapplications.Typicalthreadrepairkits will containa selectionof prewoundthreadedinserts, a tap (correspondingto the outsidediameterthreads of the insert)and an installationtool. Sparkplug inserts usuallydiffer becausethey requirea tap equippedwrth pilot threadsanda combined reamer/tapsection.Most manufacturersalso supply blister-packedthreadrepair Insertsseparatelyin addition to a masterkit containinga varietyof taps and insertsplus installationtools Beforeattemptingto repaira threadedhole, remove anysnapped,brokenor damagedbolts or studs.Penetratingoil can be usedto freefrozen threads.The offendingitem can usuallybe removed with lockingpliers or usinga screw/studextractor. Afterthe hole is clear,the threadcan be reparred,as shownin the seriesof accompanyingillustrations and in the krt manufacturersinstructions.

To properlyrebuildan engine,you mustfirst remove it from the vehicle,then disassembleand diagnoseit. Ideallyyou should placeyour engineon an enginestand.This affordsyou the bestaccessto the enginecomponents.Followthe manufacturersdirections for usingthe standwith your particularengine. Removethe flywheelor flexplatebeforeinstallingthe engineto the stand. Nowthat you havethe engineon a stand,and assumingthat you havedrainedthe oil and coolant from the engine,it’s time to strip it of all but the necessarycomponents.Beforeyou startdisassembling the engine,you maywantto takea momentto draw somepictures,or fabricatesome labelsor containers to markthe locationsof various componentsand the bolts and/or studswhich fastenthem. Modernday enginesusea lot of little bracketsand clips which hold wiring harnessesand such,and theseholders are oftenmountedon studs and/or bolts that can be easily mixed up. The manufacturerspenta lot of time and moneydesigningyour vehicle,andthey wouldn’t havewastedany of it by haphazardlyplacingbrackets, clips or fastenerson the vehicle.If it’s present whenyou disassembleit, put it backwhenyou assemble,you will regretnot rememberingthat little bracketwhich holds a wire harnessout of the pathof a rotatingpart. You shouldbeginby unboltinganyaccessories still attachedto the engine,such as the waterpump, powersteeringpump,alternator,etc.Then,unfasten any manifolds(intakeor exhaust)which werenot removedduringthe engineremovalprocedure.Finally,


Use extremecare when cleaningaroundthe cylinder headvalve seats. A mistakeor slip may cost you a new seat. Whencleaningthe cylinderhead,removecarbon from the combustronchamberwith the valves installed.This will avoid damagingthe valve seats.


replaced with thread repair inserts

Fig.233 Standardthread repair insert (left), andspark plug thread insert

:ig. 235 Usingthe kit, tap the hole in order o receive the thread insert. Keep the tap veil oiled and backit out frequentlyto avoid :logging the threads

Fig. 236 Screw the insert onto the installer 1001 until the tang engagesthe slot. Thread ‘he insert into the hole until it is l/4-l/~ turn lelow the top surface, then removethe tool andbreak off the tano usina a uunch


:ig. 234 Drill out the damagedthreads with he specified size bit. Be sure to drill corn. rletely throughthe hole or to the bottomoi I blind hole


1 I

3-60 ENGINE/ remove anycoversremaining ontheenginesuchas therockerarm,frontor timingcoverandoil pan. Somefrontcoversmayrequirethevibrationdamper and/orcrankpulleyto beremoved beforehand. The ideais to reducetheengineto thebarenecessities (cylinderhead(s), valvetrain,engineblock,crankshaft,pistonsandconnecting rods),plusanyother ‘in block’components suchasoil pumps,balance shaftsandauxiliaryshafts. Finally,remove thecylinderhead(s)fromtheengineblockandcarefullyplaceona bench.Disassemblyinstructions foreachcomponent followlaterin thissection.

Therearetwobasictypesof cylinderheadsused ontoday’sautomobiles: theOverhead Valve(OHV) andtheOverhead Camshaft (OHC).Thelattercan alsobebrokendownintotwosubgroups: theSingle Overhead Camshaft (SOHC) andtheDualOverhead Camshaft (DOHC). Generally, if thereis onlya single camshaft ona is iustreferred to asanOHC head.Also,anenginewithanOHVcylinderheadis alsoknownasa pushrodengine. Mostcylinderheadsthesedaysaremadeof an aluminum alloydueto itslightweight,durabilityand L--L I_---1^-_..^I:,:^^I I^...^..^_^^^I:_-_..^^,LIIRN il~llSlt?l ~Lldll~l~S. IlUWttVtJ, MS1 11011W8S lilt: materialof choiceinthepast,andis still usedon manyvehiclestoday.Whether madefromaluminum or iron,all cylinderheadshavevalvesandseats. Someusefwovalvespercylinder,whilethemorehitechengineswill utilizea multi-valve configuration using3‘4 andeven5 valvespercylinder.Whenthe valvecontacts theseat,it doessoonprecisionmachinedsurfaces, whichsealsthecombustion chamber,All cylinderheadshaveavalveguideforeach valve.Theauidecentersthevalvetotheseatandallowsit to moveupanddownwithinit.Theclearance between thevalveandguidecanbecritical.Too muchclearance andtheenginemayconsume oil, losevacuum and/ordamaae theseat.Toolittle.and thevalvecanstickin theguidecausingtheengineto runpoorlyif atall,andpossiblycausingseveredamage.Thelastcomponent all cylinderheadshaveare valvesprings.Thespringholdsthevalveagainstits seat.It alsoreturnsthevalveto thispositionwhen thevalvehasbeenopenedbythevalvetrainor camshaft. Thespringis fastened to thevalvebya retainerandvalvelocks(sometimes calledkeepers). Aluminum headswill alsohavea valvespringshim to keepthespringfromwearingawaythealuminum. Anidealmethodof rebuilding thecylinderhead wouldinvolvereplacing all of thevalves,guides, seats,springs,etc.withnewones.However, dependingonhowtheenginewasmaintained, oftenthisis notnecessary. A majorcauseof valve,guideandseat wearis animproperly tunedengine.Anenginethatis ~~f~t~~ rich,will oftenwashthelubricating oil outoftheguidewithgasoline, causingit to wear ~~fdfy.lonely, anenginewhichis runningtoo leanwifl pfacehighercombustion temperatures on Mevalvesandseatsallowingthemto wearor even bum.Springsfall victimto thedrivinghabitsofthe f~~iduaf.A driverwhooftenrunstheenginerpmto tfreredfinewill wearoutor breakthespringsfaster thenonetfratstayswellbelowit. Unfortunately, mileagetakesit tot1onall of theparts.Generally, the valves,guides,springsandseatsin a cylinderhead canbemachined andre-used, savingyoumoney. .However, if avalveis burnt,it maybewiseto replace all of thevalves,sincetheywereall operating inthe

-w sameenvironment. Thesamegoesforanyother component onthecylinderhead.Thinkof it asaninsurancepolicyagainstfutureproblems relatedto that component. Unfortunately, theonlywayto findoutwhichcomponentsneedreplacing, is to disassemble andcarefullycheckeachpiece.Afterthecylinderhead(s)are disassembled, thoroughly cleanall of thecomponents.

DISASSEMBLY ti See Figures 237 and 238 Whether it is a singleor dualoverhead camshaft cylinderhead,thedisassembly procedure is relatively t “” ““’ 1

j:, ’

: .;:-, _I


unchanged. Oneaspectto payattention to is careful labelingof thepartsonthedualcamshaft cylinder head.Therewill beanintakecamshaft andfollowers aswellasanexhaustcamshaft andfollowersand theymustbelabeledassuch.Insomecases,the components areidenticalandcouldeasilybeinstalledincorrectly. DONOTMIXTHEMUP!Determiningwhichiswhichis verysimple;theintake camshaft andcomponents areonthesamesideof theheadaswastheintakemanifold.Conversely, the exhaustcamshaft andcomponents areonthesame sideof theheadaswastheexhaustmanifold. CupType CamshaftFollowers 6 See Figures 239, 240, and 241 Mostcylinderheadswithcuptypecamshaft followerswill havethevalvespring,retainerandlocks recessed withinthefollowersbore.Youwill needa C-clampstylevalvespringcompressor tool,anOHC springremoval tool(orequivalent) anda smallmagnetto disassemble thehead. 1. If notalreadyremoved, remove thecamshaft(s) and/orfollowers,Marktheirpositionsfor assembly. 2. Positionthecylinderheadto allowuseof a Cclampstylevalvespringcompressor tool. At is preferredto position the cylinder head lasket’surtace facing you with tee valve springsfacing the oppositedirection andthe leadlaying horizontal. 3. WiththeOHCspringremovaladaptertoolpo,itionedinsideofthefollowerbore,compress the alvespringusingtheC-clampstylevalvespring :ompressor.

Fig, 237 Explodedview of a valve, seal, spring, retamer and locks from an OHC 1cylinder head ----r-1


fig. 239 C-clamp type spring compressor and an OHCspring removal tool (center) for cup type followers

oi a multi-valve cylinder t has 2 intake and2 ex-

Fig. 240 Most cup type follower cylinder heads retain the camshaft using bolt-on bearing caps /

ENGINEAND ENGINEOVERHAUL 3-61 thevalvefromthecylinderhead. 6. Withdraw 7. If equipped, remove thevalveseal. *Special valve seal removal tools are available. Regularor needlenosetype pliers, if usedwith care, will work justaswell. If using ordinary pliers, be sure not to damage the follower bore. Thefollower and its bore are machinedto close tolerancesand any damageto the bore will effect this relationship. 8. If equip(jed, remove thevalvespringshim.A smallmagnetic toolor screwdriver will aidin removal. Steps3 through8 untilall ofthevalves 9. Repeat havebeenremoved. RockerArm Type CamshaftFollowers b See Figures 242 thru 250

*Due to enginevarnish, the retainer may stick to the valve locks. A gentle tap with a hammermay help to breakit loose. 4. Remove thevalvelocksfromthevalvetip and/orretainer. Asmallmagnet mayhelpin removingthesmalllocks. 5. Liftthevalvespring,toolandall,off of the valvestem. 6. If equipped, remove thevalveseal.If theseal is diflicultto removewi‘ththevalvein place,tryremovingthevalvefirst,thentheseal.Followthesteps belowforvalveremoval I. 7. Positiontheheadto allowaccess forwithdrawingthevalve. --.---a- LL-. L-..- -.-.. .~. . . -Cylinder nears InaI nave seena IOIor ** . ..x.. *#....a ... . ..lmr~...r~ nllrr mnesanuIul aUUJl.IllcrY IIQVli.lltUJllrUVlllliU the..valve gmve and/or tip, causing _ --lock L--__-I UT -Z.L._-I__-I*.LI_ L-- diffime vane. II ms nas napculty in Dmuval nnnnd llse a metal file to carefully remove the high spotsaround the lock._grooves :. ---_--L -II____ -n-s.. a:.and/ortip. UIIIY IIIU II enuugn IU alluw NP moval. 8. Remove thevalvefromthecylinderhead. 9. If equipped, removethevalvespringshim.A smallmagnetic toolor screwdriver will aidin removal. Steps3 though9 untilall of thevalves 10. Repeat havebeenremoved. r-..--,


Fig. 241 Position the DHCspring tool in the follower bore, then compress the spring with a C-clamptype tool 4. Remove thevalvelocks.Asmallmagnetic tool or screwunver WIIIalaIn removal. 5. Release thecompressor toolandremovethe pringassembly.


Fig. 242 Example of the shaft mounted meker arms on some DHCheads


then the camshaftcan be removedby sliding it out (shown), or unbolting a bearfng cap (not shown) Fig.245...

Mostcylinderheadswithrockerarm-type camshaft followersareeasilydisassembled usinga standard valvespringcompressor. However, certain modelsmaynothaveenoughopenspacearoundthe springforthestandard toolandmayrequireyouto usea C-clampstylecompressor toolinstead. remove therocker 1. If notalreadyremoved, armsand/orshaftsandthecamshaft. If applicable, alsoremove thehydrauliclashadjusters. Marktheir positionsfor assembly. 2. Positionthecylinderheadto allowaccessto thevalvespring. toolto relieve 3. Usea valvespringcompressor thespringtensionfromtheretainer.

Fig. 243 Anotherexampleof the rocker arm type DHChead. This model uses a follower iider the camshaft

INSPECTION Nowthatall of thecylinderheadcomponents are clean,it’stimeto inspectthemfor wearand/ordam-

all of the followers mustfirst be re



lge.Toaccurately inspectthem,youwill needsome ,pecialized tools: l AO-l in.micrometer for thevalves l A dialindicatoror insidediameter gaugefor hevalveguides l A spring ressuretestgaue If youdo noPhaveaccessto tYle propertools, ‘oumaywantto bringthecomponents to a shop hatdoes. lalves 1 See Figures 251 and 252 Thefirstthingto inspectarethevalveheads.Look E:loselyatthehead,margin andfacefor anycracks, Erxcessive wearor burning.Themarginisthebest c)lace?olookfor burning.Itshouldhaveasquared

edgewithanevenwidthall aroundthediameter. Whena valveburns,themarginwill lookmeltedand theedgesrounded. Alsoinspectthevalveheadfor anysignsof tulipping.Thiswill showasa liftingof theedgesor dishinginthecenterof theheadandwill usuallynotoccurtoall of thevalves.All of theheads shouldlookthesame,anythatseemdishedmore thanothersareprobablybad.Next,inspectthevalve lockgroovesandvalvetips.Checkforanyburrs aroundthelockgrooves, especially if youhadto file themto remove thevalve.Valvetipsshouldappear flat,althoughslightrounding withhighmileageenginesis normal.Slightlywornvalvetipswill needto bemachined flat.last,measure thevalvestemdiameterwiththemicrometer. Measure theareathatrides withintheguide,especially towardsthetipwhere mostof thewearoccurs.Takeseveralmeasurements

Springs,Retainersand Valve Locks $ See Figures253 and 254 Thefirstthingtocheckis themostobvious,brokensprings.Nextcheckthefreelengthandsquarenessof eachspring.If applicable, insureto distinguishbetween intakeandexhaust springs.Usea rulerand/orcarpenter’s squareto measure thelength. Acarpenter’s squareshouldbeusedto checkthe



Fig. 251Valve stemsmay be rolled on a flat I suhace to checkfor bends

alongitslengthandcompare themto eachother. Wearshouldbeevenalongthelengthwithlittleto no taper.If nominimum diameter is giveninthespecifications,thenthestemshouldnotreadmorethan 0.001in.(0.025mm) belowtheunwornareaofthe valvestem.Anyvalvesthatfail theseinspections shouldbereplaced.


Fio. 252 Use a micrometerr to check the valve stem diameter I


Cylinder Head Thereareseveralthingsto checkonthecylinder head:valveguides,seats,cylinderheadsurfaceflatness,cracksandphysicaldamage. VA1YEGUIDES N See Figure 255

254 Checkthe valve spring fo s on a flat surface; a carpenter


Nowthatyouknowthevalvesaregood,youcan usethemto checktheguides,althougha newvalve, if available, is preferred. Beforeyoumeasure anything,lookattheguidescarefullyandinspectthem for anycracks,chipsor breakage. Alsoif theguideis a removable style(asin mostaluminum heads), checkthemforanylooseness orevidence of movement.All oftheguidesshouldappearto beatthe sameheightfromthespringseat.If anyseemlower (or higher)fromanother, theguidehasmoved. Mounta dialindicatorontothesorinasideof the cylinderhead.Lightlyoil thevalvestemandinsertit

i i I I

ENGINEANDENGINEOVERHAUL 3-63 Placea straightedge acrossthegasketsurface. Usingfeelergauges, determine theclearance atthe centerof thestraightedge andacrossthecylinder headatseveralpoints.Checkalongthecenterline anddiagonally ontheheadsurface.If thewarpage exceeds 0.003in.(0.076mm) withina 6.0in. (152cm)span,or0.006in.(0.152mm) overthetotal lengthof thehead,thecylinderheadmustberesurI faced.Afterresurfacing theheadsof a V-typeengine 4 theintakemanifoldflangesurfaceshouldbechecker, andif necessary, milledproportionally to allowfor thechangein itsmounting position. CRACKSANDPHYSICALDAMAGE Generally, cracksarelimitedtothecombustion -guide..clearance; read the 1 chamber, hbwever, it is notuncommon for thehead to crackina sparkplughole,port,outsideof the heador inthevalvespring/rocker armarea.Thefirst area is alwaysthehottest:theexhaust intothecylinderhead.Positionthedialindicator .Ito inspect * seawpon area. againstthevalvestemnearthetieandzerothe 8I .,“““I llly”Lv”l~ .ml”“l”- plr”llll”“, ““I ,“a’ gauge.Graspthevalvestemand’wiggle towardsand because youdon’tseea crackdoesnotmeanit is not awayfromthedialindicatorandobserve thereadthere.Somemorereliablemethods for inspecting for ings.Mountthedialindicator90degrees fromthe processor initialpointandzerothegaugeandagaintakea read- cracksincludeMagnaflux?a magn$i,c -’ Zyglo? a dye penetrant. Ma{ InatluxW IS used only on ing.Compare thetworeadings fora outof round ferrousmetal(castiron)heatIs.Zyglo@ usesa spray condition.Checkthereadings againstthespecificamixturealongwitha blacklightto retionsgiven.AnInsideDiameter (I.D.)gaugedesigned onfluorescent vealthecracks.It is stronglyrecommended to have forvalveguideswill giveyouanaccurate valveguide professionally for cracks, boremeasurement. IftheI.D.gaugeis used,compare yourcylinderheadchecked especially if theenginewasknownto have thereadings withthespecifications given.Any ..^..overI .* I,. analorieaKea orconsumea coolant.Contact a guidesthatfailtheseinspections shouldbereplaced nearea localshopforavailability andpricingof theseseror machined. vices. Physicaldamage is usuallyveryevident.ForexVALVESEATS amnb P hrnbn mntlntinn ear from dropping the A visualinspection of thevalveseatsshouldshow I and/or bolt.All ofthese .a,... . a slightlywornandpittedsurfacewherethevalve meneaa uetecIsSIIOUIO oenxeaor,ITunrepairaole, facecontacts theseat.Inspect theseatcarefullyfor shouldbereplaced. severepittingor cracks.Also,a seatthatis badly wornwill berecessed intothecylinderhead.A seCamshaftand Followers verelywornor recessed seatmayneedto bereInspect thecamshaft(s) andfollowersasdescribed placed:All cracked seatsmustbereplaced. Aseat earlierin thissection. concentricity gauge,if available, shouldbeusedto checktheseatrun-out.If run-outexceeds specificaREFINISHING & REPAIRING tionstheseatmustbemachined (if nosoecification is givenuse0.002in.or O.O51mt$. :..^^I... --I:^:-L!-- --A WI WIIIIISIIIIIIJ ~IIU Manyof theprocedures gIveI CYLtNDEt? HEADSURFACEFLATNESS repairingthecylinderheadcomponents mustbeperformedbya machine shop.Certainsteps,if thein) See Figures 256 and 257 spected partis notworn,canbeperformed yourself inexpensively. However, youspenta lotof timeand Afteryouhavecleaned thegasketsurfaceof the effortsofar,whyrisktryingto savea couplebucksif cylinderheadof anyoldgasketmaterial, checkthe youmighthaveto doit all overagain? headforflatness. I-

Valves Anyvalvesthatwerenotreplaced shouldbe refaced andthetipsgroundflat.Unlessyouhaveaccessto a valvegrindingmachine, thisshouldbe donebya machine shop.Ifthevalvesareinextremelygoodcondition,aswellasthevalveseats andguides, , theymaybelappedinwithoutpetformmgmacnme worK. It is_a- recnmmended ___ .- - - _ practiceto lapthevalves evenaftermachine workhasbeenp&formed and/or newvalveshavebeenpurchased. Thisinsuresa positivesealbetween thevalveandseat. LAPPINGTHEVALVES *Before iaoaino the valves to the seats, read the rest of the cylinder headsectionto insurethat any related parts are in acceptable enoughconditionto continue. *Before anv valve seat machiningand/or lappingcan be performed,the guidesmust be within factory recommendedspecifications. 1. Invertthecylinderhead. 2. _Linhtlv Iuhrir;rBthevalvestemsandinsert -. ~..... .--.._-._ themintothecylinderheadintheirnumbered order. 3. Raisethevalvefromtheseatandapplya small amountof finelanninncompound to theseat. 4. Moistenthesuctionheadof a hand-lapping toolandattachit totheheadof thevalve. 5. Rotatethetoolbetween thepalmsof both hands,changing thepositionof thevalveonthe valveseatandliftingthetooloftento preventgrooving. 6. Lapthevalveuntila smooth,polishedcircleis evidlentonthevalveandseat. 7‘. Remove thetoolandthevalve.Wipeawayall tracesof thegrindingcornpoundandstorethevalve to maintain its lappedloca

Do not get the valves out of order after they have beenlapped.Theymustbe put back with the samevalve seat with which they \ were lapped. Springs,Retainersand Valve locks Thereis norepairor refinishing possiblewiththe springs,retainers andvalvelocks.If theyarefoundto bewornor defective, theymustbereplaced withnew lor nnod\r-narts \- known a---r .-. Cylinder Head procedures dealingwiththe Mostrefinishing

VALVEGWDE elf any machiningor replacementsare e valve guides,the seats mustbe Fig. 257 Checksshouldalso be madealong

Unlessthevalveguidesneedmachining or replacing,theonlyserviceto performis to thoroughly‘ cleanthemof anydirtor oil residue.



; I


3-64 ENGINEANDENGINEOVERHAUL Thereareonlytwotypesof valveguidesusedon automobile engines: thereplaceable-type (allaluminumheads)andthecast-inintegral-type (most castironheads). Therearefourrecommended methodsfor repairing wornguides. . Knurling l Inserts l Reaming oversize l Replacing Knurlingis a processin whichmetalis displaced andraised,therebyreducing clearance, givinga true center,andprovidingoil control.It is theleastexpensivewayof repairingthevalveguides.However, it is notnecessarily thebest,andin somecases,a knurledvalveguidewill notstandupfor morethan a shorttime.It requiresa specialknurlizerandprecisionreamingtoolsto obtainproperclearances. It wouldnotbecosteffectiveto purchase thesetools, unlessyouplanon rebuildingseveralof thesame cylinderhead. Installing a guideinsertinvolvesmachining the guidetoaccepta bronzeinsert.Onestyleisthecoiltypewhichis installedintoa threaded guide.Another isthethin-walledinsertwheretheguideis reamed oversize to accepta split-sleeve insert.Aftertheinsertis installed, a specialtoolis thenrunthroughthe guideto expandtheinsert,lockingit to theguide. Theinsertis thenreamed to thestandard sizefor propervalveclearance. Reamina for oversize valvesrestoresnormalclearantesandprovidesatruevalveseat.Mostcast-in tvpeguidescanbereamed to acceptanvalvewithan oversizestem.Thecostfactorforthiscanbecome quitehighasyouwill needto purchase thereamer andnew,oversize stemvalvesforall guideswhich werereamed. Oversizes aregenerally 0.003to 0.030 in.(0.076to 0.762mm), with0.015in.(0.381mm) beingthemostcommon. Toreplace cast-intypevalveguides,theymustbe drilledout,thenreamed to acceptreplacement guides,Thismustbedoneona fixturewhichwill allowcentering andlevelingoff of theoriginalvalve seator quide,otherwise a seriousguide-to-seat misalignment mayoccurmakingit impossible to properlymachine theseat. Replaceable-type guidesarepressedintothe cylinderhead.A hammer anda stepped driftor punchmaybeusedto installandremovetheguides. Beforeremoving theguides,measure theprotrusion onthespringsideof theheadandrecordit for instaltation.Usethestepped driftto hammer outtheold guidefromthecombustion chamber sideof thehead. whenin~llfng, determine whetheror nottheguide alsosealsa waterjacketinthehead,andif it does, usethe~o~ended sealingagent.If thereis no waterjacketgreasethevalveguideanditsbore.Use thestepped drift,andhammer thenewguideintothe cylinderheadfromthespringsideof thecylinder head.A stackaf washers thesamethickness asthe measured Eaton mayhelptheinstallation process.

machined. If theseatsarein goodcondition,thevalvescan belappedto theseats,andthecylinderheadassembled.Seethevalvessectionfor instructions onlapping. If thevalveseatsareworn,crackedor damaged, theymustbeservicedbya machine shop.Thevalve seatmustbeperfectlycentered tothevalveguide, whichrequiresveryaccurate machining. CYLINDERHEADSURFACE If thecylinderheadis warped,it mustbemachinedflat.If thewarpage is extremely severe,the headmayneedto bereplaced. Insomeinstances, it maybepossibleto straighten a warpedheadenough to allowmachining. Ineithercase,contacta professionalmachine sh& for service. *Any OHCcylinder headthat showsexcessive warpageshouldhave the camshaftbearing journals align boredafter the cylinder headhas beenresurfaced.

Failure to align bore the camshaftbearing journals could result in severe enginedamage includingbut not limited to: valve and oiston damage.connectinurod damaoe, iamshaft and/orcrankshaftbreakage, CRACKSANDPHYSICALDAMAGE Certaincrackscanberepairedin bothcastiron andaluminum heads.Forcastiron,a tapered threaded insertis installedalongthelengthof the crack.Aluminum canalsousethetaperedinserts, however weldingis thepreferred method. Some physicaldamage canberepaired throughbrazingor welding.Contact a machine shopto getexpertadvict foryourparticulardilemma.

ASSEMBLY + See Figure 258 Thefirststepforanyassembly jobisto havea cleanareain whichto work.Next,thoroughly clean all of thepartsandcomponents thatareto beassembled.Finally,placeall of thecomponents ontoa suitableworkspaceand,if necessary, arrange theparts totheirrespective positions.

VALVESEATS *Before any valve seat maChiningcan be aerformed.the guidesmustbe within factory recommendedspecifications. rlf any machtningor replacementswere madeto the valve guides, the seats must be

1Fig. 258 Onceassembled,checkthe valve 1clearance and correct as needed

CupType CamshaflFollowers Toinstallthesprings,retainers andvalvelockson headswhichhavethesecomponents recessed into thecamshaft followersbore,youwill needa small screwdriver-type tool,somecleanwhitegreaseanda lotof patience. Youwill alsoneedtheC-clampstyle springcompressor andtheOHCtoolusedto disassemblethehead. 1. Lightlylubricatethevalvestemsandinsertall of thevalvesintothecylinderhead.If possible,maintaintheiroriginallocations. 2. If equipped, installanyvalvespringshims whichwereremoved. 3. If equipped, installthenewvalveseals,keepingthefollowingin mind: l If thevalvesealpressesovertheguide, lightlylubricatetheouterguidesurfaces. l If thesealis rc rn+#fld justaftercompressing thespringbutbeforethe valvelocks. 4. Placethevalvespringandretaineroverthe stem. 5. Positionthespringcompressor andtheOHC tool,thencompress thespring. 6. Usinga smallscrewdriver asa spatula, fill thevalvestemsideof thelockwithwhitegrease.Use theexcessgreaseonthescrewdriver to fastenthe locktothedriver. 7. Carefullyinstallthevalvelock,whichis stuck to theendofthescrewdriver, tothevalvestemthen pressonit withthescrewdriver untilthegrease squeezes out.Thevalvelockshouldnowbestuckto thestem. 8. Repeat Steps6 and7 fortheremaining valve lock. 9. Relievethespringpressure slowlyandinsure thatneithervalvelockbecomes dislodged bytheretainer. 10. Remove thespringcompressor tool. \ 11. Repeat Steps2 through10untilall of the springshavebeeninstalled. 12. Installthefollowers,camshaft(s) andany othercomponents thatwereremoved for disassembly. .,




RockerArm Type CamshaftFollowers 1. Lightlylubricate thevalvestemsandinsertall of thevalvesintothecylinderhead.If possible,maintaintheiroriginallocations. 2. If equipped, installanyvalvespringshims whichwereremoved. 3. If equipped, installthenewvalveseals,keepingthefollowingin mind: l If thevalvesealpressesovertheguide, lightlylubricatetheouterguidesurfaces. l If thesealis anO-ringtype,it is installed justaftercompressing thespringbutbeforethe valvelocks. 4. Placethevalvespringandretaineroverthe stem. 5. Positionthespringcompressor tooland compress thespring. 6. Assemble thevalvelocksto thestem. 7. Relievethespringpressure slowlyandinsure thatneithervalvelockbecomes dislodged bytheretainer. 8. Remove thespringcompressor tool. 9. Repeat Steps2 through8 untilall of the springshavebeeninstalled.


ENGINEANDENGINEOVERHAUL 3-65 10. Installthecamshaft(s), rockers,shaftsand anyothercomponents thatwereremoved for disassembly.


waysnumber1.However, depending ontheengine placement, thefrontoftheenginecouldeitherbethe flywheelor damper/pulley end.Generally thefrontof theenginefacesthefrontof thevehicle.Usea numberpunchor scribeandalsomarkthemainbearing capsfromfrontto rearwiththefrontmostcapbeing number 1 (if therearefivecaps,markthem1 through 5, frontto rear).

A thoroughoverhaul or rebuildof anengineblock wouldincludereplacing thepistons,rings,bearings, timingbelt/chain assembly andoil pump.ForOHV enginesalsoincludea newcamshaft andlifters.The blockwouldthenhavethecylindersboredandhoned oversize (or if usingremovable cylindersleeves,new sleevesinstalled) andthecrankshaft wouldbecut undersize to providenewwearingsurfaces andperyourparticular enginemay feetclearances. However,

Takespecial care when pushingthe connecting rod up from the crankshaftbecausethe sharpthreadsof the rod bolts/studswill scorethe crankshaftjournal. Insurethat special plastic capsare installed over them, or cut two piecesof rubberhoseto do the same.

preventthe assembliesfrom beingremoved, necessitatingits removal. Thereareseveraldifferenttypesof ridgereamers onthemarket,noneof whichareinexpensive, Unless .3 “me.+ ,-ins,rdnnn;nn mh~lil.-linn ;I nn+:n:nnL.* l.^W a ylwx “Gal “I cllylllc Ir;““ll”llly 13 dllLILlpxC”, ““Irowor renta reamer. 1. Turnthecrankshaft untilthepistonis atthe bottomof itstravel. 2. Covertheheadof thepistonwitha rag. 3. Followthetoolmanufacturers instructions and cutawaytheridge,exercising extreme careto avoid ~ ioo deepfy. 4. Remove theridgereamer, theragand1asmany armings aspossible.Continue untilaII of the biter ridgeshavebeenremoved. ~1SA~E~BLY b See Figures259 and 260 Theenginedisassembly instructions followingassumethatyouhavetheenginemounted onanengine stand.If not,it is easiestto disassemble theengine ona benchor thefloorwithit restingonthebell

Fig. 260 Carefully tap the piston out of the bore using a wooden dowel housingor transmission mounting surface. Youmust beableto accesstheconnecting rodfasteners and turnthecrankshaft duringdisassembly. Also,all enginecovers(timing,front,side,oil pan,whatever) shouldhavealreadybeenremoved. Engines which aresei2,edor lockedupmaynotbeableto becomnletelv anda core(salvage yard)enr’-‘-‘, disassembled, gineshouldbepurchased. If not doneduringthecylinderheadremoval,removethetimingchain/belt and/orgear/sprocket assembly.Remove theoil pick-upandpumpassembly and,if necessary, thepumpdrive.If equipped, removeanybalance or auxiliaryshafts.If necessary, removethecylinderridgefromthetopof thebore.See thecylinderridgeremovalprocedure earlierinthis section. Rotate theengineoversothatthecrankshaft is exposed.Usea numberpunchor scribeandmarkeach connecting rodwithitsrespective cylindernumber. Thecylinderclosesttothefrontof theengineisal-

Again,rotatetheengine,thistimeto positionthe number onecylinderbore(headsurface)up.Turnthe crankshaft untilthenumber onepistonisatthebottomof itstravel,thisshouldallowthemaximum accessto itsconnecting rod.Remove thenumberone connecting rodsfasteners andcapandplacetwo lengthsof rubberhoseovertherodbolts/studs to protectthecrankshaft fromdamage. Usinga sturdy woodendowelanda hammer, pushtheconnecting rodupabout1 in.(25mm)fromthecrankshaft and remove theupperbearinginsert.Continue pushing ortappingtheconnecting rodupuntilthepiston ringsareoutof thecylinderbore.Remove thepiston androdbyhand,puttheupperhalfof thebearinginsertbackintotherod,installthecapwithitsbearing insertinstalled, andhand-tighten thecapfasteners. If thepartsarekeptin orderinthismanner, theywill notgetlostandyouwill beabletotellwhichbearingscameformwhatcylinderif anyproblems are discovered anddiagnosisis necessary. Remove all theotherpistonassemblies inthesamemanner. On V-styleengines,remove all ofthepistonsfromone bank,thenreposition theenginewiththeothercylinderbankheadsurfaceup,andremove thatbanksnistonassemblies. Theonlyremaining component intheengine blockshouldnowbethecrankshaft. Loosenthemain bearingcapsevenlyuntilthefasteners canbeturned byhand,thenremove themandthecaps.Remove the crankshaft fromtheengineblock.Thoroughly clean all of thecomponents. INSPECTION Nowthattheengineblockandall of itscomponentsareclean,it’stimeto inspectthemfor wear and/ordamage. Toaccurately inspectthem,youwill needsomespecialized tools: l Twoorthreeseparate micrometers to measure theprstons andcrankshaft journals l A dialindicator l Telescoping gauges forthecylinderbores l A rodalignment fixtureto checkfor bentconnettingrods If youdo nothaveaccessto thepropertools, youmaywantto bringthecomponents to a shop thatdoes. Generally, youshouldn’t expectcracksin theengineblockor itscomponents unlessit wasknownto leak,consume or mixenginefluids,it wasseverely overheated, ortherewasevidence of badbearings and/orcrankshaft damage. Avisualinspection

3-66 ENGINEANDENGINEOVERHAUL shouldbeperformed onall of thecomponents, but justbecause youdon’tseea crackdoesnotmeanit is notthere.Somemorereliablemethods for inspectingfor cracksincludeMagnaflux?a magnetic processorZyglo@‘, a dyepenetrant. Magnaflux@ is usedonlyonferrousmetal(castiron).Zyglo@ usesa sprayonfluorescent mixturealongwitha blacklight to revealthecracks.It is stronglyrecommended to haveyourengineblockchecked professionally for cracks,especially if theenginewasknownto have overheated and/orleakedor consumed coolant.Contacta localshopforavailabilityandpricingof these services. EngineBlock ENGINEBLOCKBEARINGALIGNMENT Remove themainbearingcapsand,if still in: stalled,themainbearinginserts.Inspectall of the mainbearingsaddlesandcapsfor damage, burrsor highspots.If damage isfound,andit is causedfrom a spunmainbearing,theblockwill needto bealignboredor,if severeenough, replacement. Anyburrsor highspotsshouldbecarefullyremoved witha metal file. Placea straightedge onthebearingsaddles, in the engineblock,alongthecenterline of thecrankshaft. If anyclearance existsbetween thestraightedge andthe saddles, theblockmustbealign-bored. Align-boring consistsof machining themain bearingsaddlesandcapsbymeansof aflycutterthat runsthroughthebearingsaddles. DECKFLATNESS Thetopof theengineblockwherethecylinder headmountsis calledthedeck.Insurethatthedeck surfaceis cleanof dirt,carbondeposits andoldgasketmaterial. Placea straightedge acrossthesurface of thedeckalongitscenterline and,usingfeeler gauges, checktheclearance alongseveralpoints.Repeatthechecking procedure withthestraightedge placedalongbothdiagonals of thedecksurface.If thereadingexceeds 0.003in.(0.076mm) withina 6.0 in.(152cm)span,or 0.006in.(0.152mm) overthe totallengthof thedeck,it mustbemachined. CYLINDERBORES $ See Figure 261 Thecylinderboreshousethepistonsandare slightlylargerthanthepistonsthemselves. Acommonpiston-to-bore clearance is 0.0015-0.0025 in.

(0.0381mm-O.0635mm). Inspectandmeasure the cylinderbores.Theboreshouldbechecked for outof-roundness, taperandsize.Theresultsofthisinspectionwill determine whether thecylindercanbe usedin itsexistingsizeandcondition, or a reboreto thenextoversizeis required(or inthecaseof removablesleeves,havereplacements installed). Theamountof cylinderwallwearisalwaysgreater atthetopof thecylinderthanatthebottom.This wearis knownastaper.Anycylinderthathasataper of 0.0012in.(0.305mm) or more,mustberebored. Measurements aretakenata numberof positionsin eachcylinder:atthetop,middleandbottomandat \ twopointsateachposition;thatis,ata point90degreesfromthecrankshaft centerline, aswellasa pointparalleltothecrankshaft centerline. Themeasurements aremadewitheithera specialdialindicatoror atelescopic gaugeandmicrometer. Ifthenecessaryprecisiontoolstochecktheborearenot available, taketheblockto a machine shopandhave themmikeit.Alsoif youdon’thavethetoolsto check thecylinderbores,chances areyouwill nothavethe necessary devicesto checkthepistons,connecting rodsandcrankshaft. Takethesecomponents withyou andsaveyourselfanextratrip. Forourprocedures, wewill useatelescopic gaugeanda micrometer. Youwill needoneof each,’ witha measuring rangewhichcoversyourcylinder boresize. 1, Positionthetelescopic gaugeinthecylinder bore,loosenthegaugeslockandallowit to expand. *Your first two readingswill be at the top of the cylinder bore, then proceedto the middle and finally the bottom,makinga total of six measurements. \ 2. Holdthegaugesquareinthebore,90degrees fromthecrankshaft centerline, andgentlytightenthe lock.Tiltthegaugebackto removeit fromthebore. 3. Measure thegaugewiththemicrometer and recordthereading. 4. Again,holdthegaugesquareinthebore,this timeparallelto thecrankshaft centerline, andgently tightenthelock.Again,youwill tilt thegaugebackto removeit fromthebore. 5. Measure thegaugewiththemicrometer and recordthisreading. Thedifference between thesetwo readings is theout-of-round measurement of the cylinder. 6. Repeat steps1 through5, eachtimegoingto thenextlowerposition,untilyoureachthebottomof thecylinder.Thengoto thenextcylinder,andcontinueuntilall of thecylindershavebeenmeasured. Thedifference between thesemeasurements will tellyouall aboutthewearin yourcylinders. The measurements whichweretaken90degrees fromthe crankshaft centerline will alwaysreflectthemost wear.,That is because atthispositioniswheretheenginepowerpresses thepistonagainstthecylinder borethehardest. Thisis knownasthrustwear.Take yourtop,90degreemeasurement andcompare it to yourbottom,90degreemeasurement. Thedifference between themis thetaper.Whenyoumeasure your pistons,youwill compare thesereadings to yourpistonsizesanddetermine piston-to-wall clearance. Crankshaft Inspect thecrankshaft for visiblesignsof wearor damage. All of thejournalsshouldbeperfectlyround andsmooth.Slightscoresarenormalfor a used

crankshaft, butyoushouldhardlyfeelthemwithyour fingernail.Whenmeasuring thecrankshaft witha micrometer, youwill takereadings atthefrontandrear of eachjournal,thenturnthemicrometer 90degrees andtaketwomorereadings, frontandrear.Thedifferencebetween thefront-to-rear readingsis thejournaltaperandthefirst-to-90degreereadingisthe out-of-round measurement. Generally, thereshould benotaperor out-of-roundness found,however, up to 0.0005in.(0.0127mm) for eithercanbeoverlooked.Also,thereadings shouldfall withinthefactoryspecifications for journaldiameters. If thecrankshaft journalsfall withinspecifications, it is recommended thatit bepolishedbeforebeing returned to service.Polishing thecrankshaft insures thatanyminorburrsor highspotsaresmoothed, therebyreducing thechanceof scoringthenewbearings. Pistonsand ConnectingRods PISTONS N See Figure 262 Thepistonshouldbevisuallyinspected for any signsof crackingor burning(causedbyhotspotsor detonation), andscuffingor excessive wearonthe skirts.Thewristpinattaches thepistontotheconnettingrod.Thepistonshouldmovefreelyonthe wristpin,bothslidingandpivoting.Grasptheconnettingrodsecurely, or mountit ina vise,andtryto rockthepistonbackandforthalongthecenterline of thewristpin.Thereshouldnotbeanyexcessive play evidentbetween thepistonandthepin.If thereareCclipsretaining thepininthepistonthenyouhave wristpinbushings intherods.Thereshouldnotbe anyexcessive playbetween thewristpinandtherod bushing.Normalclearance forthewristpinisapprox.0.001-0.002 in.(0.025mm-0.051mm). Usea micrometer andmeasure thediameter of the piston,perpendicular to thewristpin,ontheskirt. Compare thereadingto itsoriginalcylindermeasurementobtained earlier.Thedifference between thetwo readingsis thepiston-to-wall clearance. If theclearanteiswithinspecifications, thepistonmaybeused asis.If thepistonis outof specification, butthebore is not,youwill needa newpiston.If bothareoutof specification, youwill needthecylinderreboredand oversizepistonsinstalled. Generally if twoor more pistons/bores areoutof specification, it is bestto reboretheentireblockandpurchase a complete setof oversize pistons.




Youshouldhavetheconnecting rodchecked for StraiQhtness ata machine shop.If theconnecting rod is bent,it will unevenly wearthebearingandpiston, aswellasplacegreaterstressonthesecomponents. Anybentor twistedconnecting rodsmustbereplaced.If therodsarestraightandthewristpinclearanceiswithinspecifications, thenonlythebearing endoftherodneedbechecked. Placetheconnecting rodintoa vice,withthebearinginsertsin place,installthecaptotherodandtorquethefasteners to specifications. Usea telescoping gaugeandcarefully measure theinsidediameter of thebearings. Comparethisreadingto therodsoriginalcrankshaft journaldiameter measurement. Thedifference is theoil clearance. If theoil clearance is notwithinspecifications,installnew in therodandtakeanother . bearings measurement. it theClearance is still outof :specifica- L tions,andthecrankshaft is not,therodwill needto shopasthepistonsmustbeinstalledinthecon,ect bereconditioned bya machine shop. relationshipto therodor enginedamage canoccur, *You can also use Plastigage’@tocheckthe Pistons and Connecting Rods bearingclearances.Theassen-Mm....=sectinn - _______ has completeinstructionson its use. b See Fiaute 264 ---



Inspectthecamshaft andlifters/followers asde scribedearlierin thissection. \ Bearings All of theenainebearinos ~~~ I~ should .- - be -- visuallv ..-_-.., inspected forwe; and/ordamage. Thebearingshould lookevenlywornall aroundwithnodeepscoresor pits.If thebearingis severelyworn,scored,pittedor heatblued,thenthebearing, andthecomponents thatuseit, shouldbebroughtto a machine shopfor inspection. Full-circlebearings (usedonmost camshafts, auxiliaryshafts,balance shafts,etc.)requirespecialized toolsfor removalandinstallation,’ andshouldbebroughtto a machine shopfor service.

crankshaft. Replace anyfreezeoroil galleyplugs whichwereremoved duringdisassembly. Crankshaft u See Figures265, 266, 267, and 266 1. Remove themainbearinginsertsfromthe blockandbearingcaps. 2. If thecrankshaft mainbearingjournalshave beenrefinished to a definiteundersize, installthe correctundersize bearina.Besurethatthebearina insertsandbearingboresareclean.Foreignmateiial underinsertswill distortbearinqandcausefailure. 3. Placetheuppermainbearinginsertsin bores *The oil holes in the bearinginserts must be with the oil holes in the cylinder . . aligned .




Onlypistonswiththewristpinretained byC-clips areserviceable bythehome-mechanic. Pressfit pisI” requirespecialpresses tons and/orheaters to rerrrove/install theconnecting rodandshouldonlybe srformed bya machine shop. PC All pistonswill havea markindicating thedirectir9nto thefrontof theengineandthemustbeinstalledintotheengineinthatmanner. Usuallyit is a notchorarrowonthetopof thepiston,or it maybe theletterFcastor stamped intothepiston.

ASEtiBlY Beforeyoubeginassembling theengine,firstgive yourselfa clean,dirtfreeworkarea.Next,cleanevery enginecomponent again.Thekeytoa QOOd assemhhr Iaio ~rGiOllll,lc7.Ja. da~nlinmw “‘I

Oil Pump *The oil pumpis responsiblefor providing constantlubricationto the whole engineand so it is recommendedthat a new oil pumpbe installed when rebuildingthe engine. Completely disassemble theoil pumpandthoroughlycleanall of thecomponents. Inspecttheoil pumpQears andhousingfor wearand/ordamage. Insurethatthepressure reliefvalveoperates properly andthereis nobindingor stickingdueto varnishor debris.If all of thepartsarein properworkingcondition,lubricate thegearsandreliefvalve,andassemblethepump.

Mounttheengineblockintotheenginestandand wasnIt onelasttimeusmgwateranddetergent (dishunrhinn rldarnant 1ILl.M 0,,y “GSGl ycxII~nrirc ““1n well), While washing it, scrubthecylinderbore:j\witha softbristlebrushand thoroughly cleanall oftht: oil oassaoes. Comoletelv drytheengineandspray theentireassembly down’ withananti-rustsolutioinsuchasWD-4Q@ or similar proIduct.Takea cleanlint-freeragandwipeupany exelessanti-rustsolutionfromthebores,bearing sacIdles,etc.Repeat thefinalcleaningprocessonthe


Fig. 265 Apply a strip of gauging material to the bearmg lournal, then mstall and !torguethe~~p * ,’ /


REFINISHING # See Figure 263 Almostall engineblockrefinishing mustbeperIUIIII~U uya macnme mecynnoers arenorro berebored, thenthecylinderglazecanberemoved witha ballhone.Whenremoving cylinderglazewith a ballhone,usea lightor penetrating typeoil to Iubricatethehone.Donotallowthehoneto rundryas thismaycauseexcessive scoringof thecylinder boresandwearonthehone.If newpistonsarerequired,theywill needto beinstalledto theconnectbva machine ingrods.Thisshouldbeoerformed


Fig. 266After the cap is removedagain, use




8. Installtherearmainseal. 9. Afterthebearings havebeenfitted,applya lightcoatof engineoil to thejournalsandbearings. Installtherearmainbearingcap.Installall bearing capsexceptthethiustbearingcap.Besurethatmain I bearingcapsareinstalledin originallocations. Tightenthebearingcapboltsto specifications. 10. Installthethrustbearingcapwithboltsfinger-tight. 11. Prythecrankshaft forwardagainstthethrust surfaceof upperhalfof bearing. 12. Holdthecrankshaft forwardandprythethrust bearingcapto therear.Thisalignsthethrustsurfacesof bothhalvesof thebearing. 13. Retaintheforwardpressure onthecrankshaft. \ Tightenthecapboltsto specifications. 14. Measure thecrankshaft end-playasfollows: a. Mounta dialgaugeto theengineblock andpositionthetip of thegaugeto readfromthe crankshaft end. b. Carefullyprythecrankshaft towardtherear of theengineandholdit therewhileyouzerothe gauge. c. Carefullyprythecrankshaft towardthe frontof theengineandreadthegauge. d. Confirmthatthereadingis withinspecifications.If not,installa newthrustbearingand repeattheprocedure. If thereadingis still outof specifications witha newbearing,havea machineshopinspectthethrustsurfaces of the crankshaft, andif possible,repairit. 15. Rotatethecrankshaft soasto positionthe firstrodjournaltothebottomof itsstroke.

Fig. 266 Carefully pry the crankshafl Ez and forth while reading the dial gauge for end-play

# See Figures 269, 270,271, and 272

4. Installthelowermainbearinginsertsin bearingcaps. 5. Cleanthematingsurfaces of blockandrear mainbearingcap. 6. Carefullylowerthecrankshaft intoplace.Be carefulnotto damage bearingsurfaces. 7. Checktheclearance of eachmainbearingby usingthefollowingprocedure: a. Placea pieceof Plastigage@ or its equivalent,on bearingsurfaceacrossfull widthof bearingcapandaboutV4in. off center. b. Installcapandtightenboltsto specifications.Donotturncrankshaft whilePlastigage@ is in place. c. Remove thecap.UsingthesuppliedPlastigage@ scale,checkwidthof Plastigage@ at widestpointto getmaximum clearance. Differencebetween readingsis taperof journal. d. If clearance exceeds specifiedlimits,try a 0.001in.or 0.002in. undersize bearingin combinationwiththestandard bearing.Bearingclearantemustbewithinspecifiedlimits.If standard and0.002in. undersize bearingdoesnotbring clearance withindesiredlimits,refinishcrankshaftjournal,theninstallundersize bearings.

1. Beforeinstallingthepiston/connecting rod assembly, oil thepistons,pistonringsandthecylinderwallswithlightengineoil. Installconnecting rod boltprotectors or rubberhoseontotheconnecting rodbolts/studs. Alsoperformthefollowing: a. Selecttheproperringsetfor thesizecylinderbore. b. Positiontheringin theborein whichit is goingto beused. c. Pushtheringdownintotheborearea wherenormalringwearis notencountered. d. Usetheheadof thepistonto positionthe ringin theboreso thattheringis squarewith thecylinderwall.Usecautionto avoiddamage to theringor cylinderbore. e. Measure thegapbetween theendsof the ringwitha feelergauge.Ringgapin a worn cylinderis normallygreaterthanspecification. If theringgapis greaterthanthespecifiedlimits, try anoversizeringset. f. Checktheringsideclearance of thecompressionringswitha feelergaugeinsertedbetweentheringandits lowerlandaccording to specification. Thegaugeshouldslidefreely aroundtheentireringcircumference without binding.Anywearthatoccurswill forma stepat

Pistonsand ConnectingRods

theinnerportionof thelowerland.If thelower landshavehighsteps,thepistonshouldbereplaced. 2. Unlessnewpistonsareinstalled, besureto installthepistonsinthecylindersfromwhichthey wereremoved. Thenumbers ontheconnecting rod andbearingcapmustbeonthesamesidewheninstalledinthecylinderbore.If aconnecting rodis evertransposed fromoneengineor cylinderto another,newbearings shouldbefittedandtheconnectingrodshouldbenumbered to correspond withthe * newcylindernumber. Thenotchonthepistonhead goestowardthefrontof theengine. 3. Installall of therodbearinginsertsintothe rodsandcaps. 4. Installtheringstothepistons.Installtheoil controlringfirst,thenthesecondcompression ring andfinallythetopcompression ring.Usea piston ringexpander tooltoaidin installation andto help reducethechanceof breakage. 5. Makesuretheringgapsareproperlyspaced aroundthecircumference of thepiston.Fita piston ringcompressor aroundthepistonandslidethepistonandconnecting rodassembly downintothe cylinderbore,pushingit inwiththewoodenhammer handle.Pushthepistondownuntilit is onlyslightly belowthetopofthecylinderbore.Guidetheconnettingrodontothecrankshaft bearingjournalcarefully,to avoiddamaging thecrankshaft. 6. Checkthebearingclearance of alltherod bearings, fittingthemto thecrankshaft bearingjournals.Followtheprocedure inthecrankshaft installationabove. 7. Afterthebearings havebeenfitted,applya lightcoatingof assembly oil to thejournalsandbearings. 8. Turnthecrankshaft untiltheappropriate bearingjournalisatthebottomof itsstroke,then pushthepistonassembly all thewaydownuntilthe connecting rodbearingseatsonthecrankshaft journal.Becarefulnotto allowthebearingcapscrewsto strikethecrankshaft bearingjournalsanddamage them. 9. Afterthepistonandconnecting rodassemblieshavebeeninstalled, checktheconnecting rod sideclearance oneachcrankshaft journal. 10. Primeandinstalltheoil pumpandtheoil pumpintaketube. 11. Installtheauxiliary/balance shaft(s)/assembly(ies). Cylinder Head(S) 1. Installthecylinderhead(s)usingnewgaskets. 2, Installthetimingsprockets/gears andthe belt/chain assemblies. EngineCoversand Components Installthetimingcover(s)andoil pan.Referto yournotesanddrawings madepriorto disassembly andinstallall of thecomponents thatwereremoved. Installtheengineintothevehicle.



Fig. 271 Most rings are marked to show which side of the ring should face up when installed to the piston


4. Allowtheengineto reachnormaloperating

tt?mperature (theupperradiatorhosewill behotto STARTING THEENGINE clearance using the ring and a ,

Nowthattheengineis installedandeverywireand hoseis properlyconnected, gobackanddouble checkthatall coolantandvacuumhosesareconnetted.Checkthatyouroil drainplugis installedand

tlie touch). 5. Atthispointyoucanperformanynecessary Checks oradjustments, suchaschecking theignition timing. 6. Installanyremaining components or body anelswhichwereremoved.

IREAKING IT IN Makethefirstmilesonthenewengine,easyones. arvthesoeedbutdonotaccelerate hard.Mostimoriantly,do notlugtheengine,andavoidsustained ighspeedsuntilat least100miles.Checktheenineoil andcoolantlevelsfrequently. Expect theenineto usea littleoil untiltheringsseat.Change the il andfilterat500miles,1500miles,thenevery


1.5L ENGINE MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS Description General Information Enginetype Displacement sore Stroke Compression rat10 Firingorder Cylinder Head Overall height Flatness (maximum) Camshaft bearing-to-camshaftclearance Camshaft Camshaft height Intake Standard Limit Exhaust Standard Llmlt Journal outside diameter Bearing 011clearance Standard Limit Rocker arms lwde diameter Arm-to-shaltclearance Standard Llmlt Rocker arm shaft OutsIdediameter Valves Valve length Intake Exhaust _ Stemoutslde diameter Intake Exhaust Faceangle (ail) Head thickness (margm) Intake Standard Llmlt Exhaust

English Specificationr

Metric Specifications

4 Cylinder In-LineOvethead Camshaft 69 6 cubic I” 15L 2 972 I” 75 5mm 3 226 I” 82mm 921 l-3-4-2 4 209.4 217 I” 0 002 I” 0 0016-O0031 I”

1059-107 lmm 0 05mm 0 04-OOBmm

1 5256 I”. 1.5059 In

39 75mm 38.25mm

1 5394 I” 1 5197 In 161101”

391mm 38 6mm 46mm

0 1X324.0a)39 I” 0 0055 I”

0 06-O10mm 0 14mm

0 744 I”.

18 Smm

0 OCQ4-00016 I”. 0 004 I”

0 Old 04mm Olmm

0 744 I”

16 9mm

3 9665 I” 3 9763 I”

100 75mm 101.05mm

0 2585.0 2591 I” 0 2571-o 2579 I”

Cescriptlon Valve guide Length Intake Exhaust Selwe wes Valve seat Seat contactwidth Seat angle (all) Valve spring Free length Intake Standard Llmlt Exhaust Standard Llmlt Load Intake Exhaust Cylinder Block Bore Dnmeter Out-of-round(ma) Taper (max.) Overall height Standard Llrnbt

SPECIFICATIONS English Specifications

Metric Specifications

1 732 I” 1 949 I” 0002,0010.002cIn

44 Omm 49 5mm 0 05,O 25,O 50mm

0 035-o 051 I”

0 S-13mm 44.44 5”

1 615 I” 1 776 I”

461mm 451mm

1 643 I” 1 603 I”

46 8mm 45 6mm

64 It Ibs.


2 9724-Z 9736 I” 0 006 I” 0 006 I”

75 50.75 53mm 0 02mm 0 02mm

10075-10083In 10 073 I”

255 9.256 1mm 254 62mm

6.565-6 5tlOmm 6 530-6 55Omm 45-45 5”

0 039 I”. 0 02u In.

1 Omm 05mm

0 059 I” 0 039 I”.

1.5mm 1.Omm

0 02-O05mm 0 1Omm 0 05-OOSmm 0 15mm

0 15mm 0 25mm 0 07mm

No 1 Standard Llmlt No 2 Standard Llmlt End gap No 1 Standard Limit No 2 Standard Ltmlt 01 Standard Limit Connecting rod Bend (mex) Twst (max)

0 0012-o 0028 I”. 0 0047 I”

0 03-O07mm 0 12mm

0 OCOE-0 0024 I” 0 0047 I”

0 02-O06mm 0 l2mm

0 0079-o 0157 I”. 0 031 I”

0 20-O40mm 0 8mm

0 0079.0.0136 I” 0.031 I”

0 20-O35mm 0.8mm

0 0079.0 0276 I” 0 039 I”

0 20-O70mm 1 Omm

0 CO20I” 0 0039 In

0 05mm 0 10mm


1.5L ENGINE MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS Description Connecting rod (cont’d) Pistonp,n press-mload Connectingrod bearing 011clearance Standard Limit Crankshaft Main bearing 011clearanc8 Standard Ltmit Pin outslde diameter Journal outside dlametei Out-al-round imax I

SI& clearance Standard Llmtt Bodyclearance Standard Llmlt AelM spring Free length . Load (@1 579 tn (40 1mm)

English Specifications

Metric Specifications

1,100.3,300 II Ibs


0 0006-OCO24I” 0 0059 I”.

0 02-O06mm 015mm

0 0006.0 0026 I” 0 0059 I” 165111 1 89 I”. 0oLx%l”

0 02-O07mm 0 15mm 42mm 46mm 0 015mm

0 0016-O0039 I” 0 0079 I”

0 04-O1Omm 0 20mm

0 0039-o 0071 I”. 0013am

0 10-O16mm 0 35mm

1635 I” 13H Ibs

46 6mm 61Nm

1.6L ENGINE MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS Description General Information

Camshaftheight Intake Standard Llmlt Exhaust Standard Llmlt Journal outslde diameter Bearing011clearance End-play

English Specifications

Metric Specifications

1 3556 I” 1 3661 I”

35 2Omm 34 70mm

1 3743 I” 1 3546 I”. 1021n 0 0020-0 w35 I” 0 004.0 oQ6In

34 W7mm 34 407mm 26mm 0 05-0 09mm 0 i-02mm

1.6L ENGINE MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS OWCriptkUl Piston Rings (cont’d) End 9ap No 1 standard Limit No 2 Standard Ltmlt 04 standard Limit SeNlce SlZeS Connecting rod Bend(max) Test (max.) Rod bigend side clearance Standard Limit Pistonpm press-mload Connecbngred bearingal clealilnce Standard Llmlt Crankshaft Mm bearingMI clearance Standard Llmlt Pmoutslde diameter Journalout&e diameter Out-of-round(max ) SIatU&rd Llmlt Flywheel Run-out(max ) 011Pump lip clearance Drive gear Standard Llmlt Driven gear standard Llmlt Sideclearance Dive gear standard Llmlt then gear Standard Limit R&l spring Free length Load (01 579 I” (40 tmm)

English SpeciflCatiOllS

Metric Specifications

0 0096-00157,“. 0 031 1”

0 25-O40mm 0 6mm

0 0136-O0197 1” 0 039 I”.

0 350 mm 1 Omm

0 0079-O0276 I” 0 039 I” 0 010,O 020.0 030.0 039 m

0 2Q.O70mm 1 Omm 0 25.0 50,O 75, 1 Omm

0 0020 I”. 0 0039 I”

0 05mm 0 1Omm

0 0039-o 0096 I” 0 016 I” 1.6533,658 fl Ibs

0.10-O25mm 0 4mm 7.500.17.500Nm

0 oowo 002u I” oOO41n

0 02-O05mm 0 lmm

Standard Llmlt

37 15mm 36 65mm

146111 1441n

110.15mm 109.65mm

Limit Exhaust 0 ooot-0 0020 I”. 0 004 I”. 177m 224111 00006lll

0 02-O05mm Oimm 45mm 57mm 0 015mm

0 002-O0071 1” 0 0096 I”

0 05-O16mm 0 25mm

0 0051 I”

0 13mm

11370mm 11325mm

4 476 in 4 457 I” 0 2340 I” 0 2340 1”

6 Omm 6 Omm 45-45 5”

1 Omm 0 5mm 13mm 0 6mm


0 0063.0 W63 m. OCW6lfl

016.021mm 0 25mm

0 0051-O0071 I”. 0 0096 I”.

0 136 16mm 0 25mm

0 0331.0 0055 I”. 00096lll

0 060 14mm 0 25mm

0 0024-O0047 I” 0.0096 I”

006.0 12mm 0 25mm

1635 I” 13 11Ibs

46 6mm 61Nm

Standard Llmtt


Seatangle (all) Valve spring Freelength Intake standard Llmlt EXhaUSt standard Llmlt Load B 1 74 I” (44 2mm) Intake Exhaust

0 @JOB-0 0020 m 0 0039 I”

0 02-O05mm 0 1Omm

44-44 5”

2 cmI” 1961n

50 9mm 49.9mm

2 w I” 1961n

50 9mm 49.9mm

59 It Ibs. 59 It lbs

216Nm 216Nm 93153&!6

l&L ENGINE MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS Description Oil Pump (cont’d) bdycleamnce Standard

Gasket surfaceflatness (ma )

0 004 I”

Outslde diameter Pistonpm autslde diameter Pistonp,” press-,” load Piston-to-cylmderclearance Piston Rings

Llmlt Connecting rod Rod big end side clearance Standard Llmlt Crankshaftpl” o~~clearance Standard Lllllll Crankshafl Crank&It ]ournal outsidediameter Pin outsIdediameter Journal011clearance Standard Llmlt Out.&round (ma ) Crankshaftend-play Standard Llmlt Oil Pump Tip clearance Standard Llmlt Sideclearance Standard

3191n 0751n 1,100.3.300fl Ibs 0 0008-O0016 I”

81 Omm 190mm 5,000.15,OOONm 0 02-O04mm

0 0012-0 0028 1” 0.0039 I”.

0 03-O07mm O.lmm

0 0008-OCO24I” 0 0039 1”

0 02-O06mm Olmm

0 0098-O0157 m 0 031 I”

0 25-O40mm 0 8mm

0 0157-O0217 ,n 0031 I”

0 40-O55mm 08mm

0 1X378-00236 m 0 039 I”

0 200 60mm 1 Omm

0 0039.0 0098 m 0 016 I”

0 10-O25mm 0.4mm

0 OG98-00020 I”. 0 004 I”

0.02-O08mm Olmm

1 97 I". 1771n

50mm 45mm

0 0008-O0016 I” 0 004 In 0 0006 1”

0 020 04mm Olmm 0 015mm

0 002-O0098 I” 00041n

0 050 25mm Olmm

0 0024-O0071 I” 0 0138 I”.

0 06-O18mm 0.35mm

0 0016-O0039 I”

0 04-O1Omm

Metric Specifications

0 0039-o0071 I”

0 10-O18mm




English Speclficabons

De5Criptl0li General Information Engine type Dsplacement Bore Stroke Flnng order Cylinder Head

Stem outs& diameter Intake Exhaust Faceangle (all) Head thickness(margm) Intake

English Specifications

Metric Specifications

4 CyknderIn-LmeOvetiead Camshalt 121 9 cubic I” 2OL 3.35 I” 85mm 3461n 88mm 851 l-3-4-2

0 315 I”. 0311 I”.

8Omm 7 9mm 45.45 5

0 047 I” 0 020 I”.

12mm 0 5mm

0 079 I” 0 031 I”

20mm 08mm

0 0008-OOQ24I”. 0 0039 I” Exhaust Standard Llmlt Valve guide InsIdediameter Oulslde dlametet valve 5eat

0 0020-0 w35 I”. 0 0059 I”

0 05-O09mm 0 15mm

0 315 1” 0516ln

8 Omm 131mm

2.OL SOHC ENGINE MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS Description Valve sorino S&dard Llmlt Squareness Standard Llmll Cylinder Block lnslde diameter O&of-round (max) Taper (max) Overall height Gasket surface flatness (mex ) Piston Outsidedlameler Piston-lo-cylinderclearance Piston Rings


Engbsh Specifications

Metric Specifications

1 36 I” 1 96 I” 2” 4” 335m 0 008 I”. 0 008 I” 11 413.11 421 I” 0 002 I”.

65mm 0 02mm 0 02mm 263 Q-290lmm 0 05mm

3 346 I”. 0 004-o 04312I”

64 99mm 0 01-O03mm

0.0012-0 0026 I”. 0 004 I”

0 03-O07mm 01mm

0 0008-O0024 I” 0 004 I”

0 02-O06mm Olmm

0 0098-0 0157 I”. 0 031 I”

0 25.0 40mm 0 6mm

0.0079-O0136 I”. 0 031 I”

0 20-O35mm 08mm

Description General Information Engine type Dlsplacemenl Bore Stroke Comprwon rat10 Flung order Cylinder Head Overall height Flatness (maximum) Camshaft Camshaftheight lndentlficaiw mark A, D Intake Standard Llmlt lndentll!cat!onmark B C, E, F Intake Standard Llmlt lndentlllcallon mark A Exhaust Standard Lrmt lndenbllcabonmah C Exhaust Standard Limit

English Specifications

Metric Speciticatlonr

4 Cylmdet In-LoneDual Overixad 12’ 3 cubic m 3351n 3 46 I” 981 l-54-2

Camshaft 2OL 85mm 68mm

5 193.5 201 Ill 0 008 1”

131 9.1321mm 0 2mm

14m 1 36 I”.

35 49mm 34 99mm

1 39 I”. 1 37 I”.

35 20mm 34 70mm

1 39 I”. 1 37 I”.

35 20mm 34 70mm

14m 1 38 I”.

35 49mm 34 QQmm


0 0079-O0276 I”.

Piston pm outside diameter Piston p,” press-!” load Crankshaft PI” 011clearance Standard Limit Crankshaft Man bearing 011clearance Standard Llmlt Pm outside dwneler Journal outslde diameter Out-of-round(max) CrankshaHend-play Standard Limtt Flywheel Run-out(max) Oil Pump

0631ll 1,653.3,656ft Ibs

21mm 7,500.17,5WNm

0 oooa-o 0020 In. 0 004 I”

0 02-O05mm Olmm

0 ciw0 0020 I”. 0 004 I”. 1771n 2 24 I” 0 0006 I”

0 02-O05mm Olmm 45mm 57mm 0 015mm

0 002-O0071 I” 0 0098 I”

0 05-O16mm 0 25mm

0 0051 I”


Stem outside diameter Intake Exhaust Face angle (all) Head lhlckness (margm) Intake Standard Llmlt Exhaust Standard Limit Stem-to-gude clearance Intake Standard Llmlt Exhaust Standard Llmlt Valve guide lnstde diameter OutsIde diameter Valve seat Seal contactwldlh Seat angle (all) Valve spring


0 260 I”. 0 256 I”.

6 6mm 6 5mm 45-45 50

0 039 WI. 0 020 I”.

1 Omm 0 5mm

0 059 I”. 0 031 I”.

15mm 0 6mm

0 oooa-o 0020 I” 0 0039 in

0 02-O05mm 0 1Omm

0 0020-O0035 I” 0 W59 m

0 05-O09mm 0 15mm

026Om 0 476 I”

66mm 121mm

0 035-o 051 I”.

0 Q-13mm 44-44.5




Cyltnder Block lnslde dnnetet Out&round (ma) Taper (ma) Overall haght Gasket surfaceflatness (ma ) Piston

Side clearance No 1 Standard Llmlt No 2 Standard Llmlt

Standard Limit No 2 Standard Llmlt 011 Standard

335m 0 006 I” oooh 11 413-l 1 421 I”. 0 002 I”

English Specifications

Metric Specifications

1 4 In 1 36 I”

35 49mm 34 99mm

1 39 I”. 1 37 I”.

35 20mm 34 70mm

1 39 I”. 1 37 I”.

35 20mm 34 70mm

1 4 I” 1 36 I”

35 49mm 34 99mm

1 37 I”. 1351n 1021n

34 91mm 34 41mm 25 96mm

0 039 I”. 0 020 I”.

1 Omm 0 5mm

0 059 I”. 0 031 I”.

15mm 0 6mm

0 0008-0 0020 I” 0 0039 I”

0 02-O05mm OlOmm

0 0020-0 0035 I”. 0 0059 I”.

0 05.0 09mm 015mm

0260 In. 0 476 I”

66mm 12 lmm

65mm 0 02mm 0 OPmm 269 9-290 lmm 0 05mm

0 0012-O0028 I”. 0 004 I”

0 03-O07mm Olmm

0 0012-OW26 I” 0 004 I”

0 03-O07mm Olmm

00096-0 0157 I” 0 031 I”

0 25-O40mm 0 8mm

0 0177-O0236 I” 0 031 I”.

0 45-O6Omm 0 6mm

0 0079.0 0276 I”

0 20-O70mm

Camshafl height lndentlkcatlon mark A. D Intake Standard Llmlt lndentlflcatlon mark E C. E, F Intake Standard Llmlt lndentlflcal!on mark A Exhaust Standard Llmlt lndentlflcatlon mark C Exhaust Standard Llmlt lndentlflcatlon mark E, F Exhaust Standard Llmlt Camshaftjournal outslde dlametar Vhf&S

Piston pin outslde diameter Piston ownoress-m load

Mm bearing 011clearance Standard Llmlt Pin outsIde diameter Journal outslde diameter Out-of-round(max ) Crankshall end&v Standard’ ‘ Llmlt FlVWheel Run-out(max) Oil Pump

Ot331n 1.653-3.856n Ibs

Zlmm 7 500-l 7 500Nm

0 OOOB-0 0020 1” 0 004 I” 1 77 I”. 2 24 I”. 0 0006 I”

0 02-O05mm Olmm 45mm 57mm 0 015mm

0 002-O0071 I” 0 0096 I”.

0 05-O16mm 0 25mm

0 BO51I”

0 13mm

Standard LilTlIt Exhaust Standard Llmlt Stem-to-guideclearance Intake Standard Llmtt Exhaust Standatd Limit Valve guide lnslde diameter OutsIdedlametat Valve peat Seat contact wdth Seat angle (all)

0 035-o 051 m

0 9.1 3mm 44.44 5” 93153c12

2.OL DOHC (TURBO) ENGINE MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS Description Valve spring Free length Standard Llmlt Squareness Standard Llmlt


English Specifications

Metric Specifications

1 90 I”. 1 98 I”

46 3mm 49 9mm 2’ 4’

Description General Information Enginetype Displacement Bore Stroke Compressionrat10 Frrlngorder Cylinder Head Overall height Flatness (maxlmum) Camshaft Camshaftheight lndenbflcatlonmark D Intake Standard Llrnd Exhaust Standard Limit lndenbflcabonmark AR Intake Standard Llmlt Exhaust Standard Llmlt Camshalt journal outside dnmeter Valves Stem outsidediameter Intake Exhaust Face angle (all) Head thickness(margm) intake Standard Llmlt Exhaust Standard Llmlt Stem-to-guideclearance Intake Standard Llmlt Exhaust Standard Llmlt Valve guide lwde diameter OutsIdediameter Valve seal Seat contactwdlh Seat angle (all) Valve spring Free length Standard Llmlt Squareness Standard Llmlt

MlxdC Specifications

English Specifications

4 CylinderIn-LmeOverhead Camshaft 143 4 cLblc I” 24L 341 I” 86 5mm 3941n 1OOmm 651 l-3-4-2 3 539-3 547 I” 0 008 1”

89 9-90 1mm 02mm

167Ill 165vl

42 4mm 419mm

167m 165In

42 4mm 419mm

1751n 1.73 I”

44 53mm 44 03mm

175m I 73 I” 1 34 I”

44 53mm 44 03mm 33 95mm

0315m 0311 I”

8 Omm 7 9mm 45.45 5

0047m 0.020 I”

1 2mm 0 5mm

0 079 I” 0 031 ,”

2 Omm 0 8mm

0 0008-O0024 I” 0 0039 I”

0 03-O&mm 0 1Omm

0 oQ20-00035 I” 0 0059 In

0 05-O09mm 0 15mm

0 315 tn. 0 516 I”

8 Omm 131mm

0 035.0 051 I”

0 9-l 3mm 44-44 5”

1961n I 98 I”

49 6mm 49 9mm 2” 4” 93153ci4

2.4L SOHC ENGINE MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS Description Cylinder Block lnstdednmeter Out-o-round (max ) Taper(max) Overall hwght Gasket&ace flatness (max ) Piston OutsIdedlameler Plslon-to-cylinderclearance Piston Rings

Standard Lfmlt No 2 Standard Llmlt Endgap No 1 Standard Llmlt No 2 .Standard Llmlt 011 Standard

Standard Llmlt Pistonpin outside dlametar Pistonpin press-mload Crankshaftom 011clearance Standard

Mambeanna 011clearance Standard Limit Pmoutslde diameter Journaloutside diameter Out-al-round(max ) Crankshaftend-play Standard Ltmit


English Specifications

Metric Specifications

3 35 I”. 0008ln 0008ln 11 413-11 421 I” 0 002 I”

85mm 0 02mm 0 02mm 289 9-290 lmm 0 05mm

3 346 I” 0 004-o 0012 I”

04 99mm 0 01-O03mm

0 0012-O0928 I” 0 004 I”

0 03-O07mm Olmm

00008-O 0024 I” 0004,"

0 02-Offimm Olmm

0 0098-O0157 In 0 031 I”.

0 25-O40mm 0 Smm

0 0079-o 0138 I” 0 031 I”.

0 20-O35mm 0 8mm


0 20-O70mm

0 0039-o 0098 I” 0 016 m 0631n 1,653-3,&a fl Ibs.

0 10.0 25mm 0 4mm 21mm 7,500~17,500Nm

0 OuoE-00020 I”. 0004 I”. 1 77 I” 2P4m

o-i& I”.

0.024 05mm 0 lmm 45mm wmm 0015mm

Metric Specifications

l-3-4-2 5 193.5 201 K1 0 008 I”

131 9-132 lmm 0.2mm

1 4 I”. 1331n

35 49mm 34 99mm

0002-00071 I”. 000981n

0 050 18mm 0 25mm

0 039 I”. 0 020 I”.

1 Omm 05mm

OOm-00055," 0 0024-O0047 I”

0 08.0 14mm 006012mm

0 059 I” 0 031 I”

15mm 0.8mm

0 cooa- NJ20 I”. 0 0039 I”.

0 02-O05mm O.lOmm

0002+0M)35m 0 0059 I”.

005.009mm 015mm



Fmngorder Cylinder Head Overall height Flatness (maxtmum) Camshaft Camshaft height lndentlhcabonmalk A, D Intake Standard Limit lndentlkcatlonmark 8, C, E. F

English Specifications

0 02-O05mm


Sideclearance Dnve gear Driven gear

Description General Information (cont’d)

English Specifications

Metric Specifications

4 Cyi~nderIn-LmeDual Overhead Camshaft 143 4 cubtc I”. 24L

Head thickness(margtn) Intake StaMkrd hrnft Exhaust Standard Llmlt Stem-to-guldaclearance Intake Standard Llmlt Exhaust Standard Limit Valve guide lnslde diameter Outside diameter

02mm 0 476 I”.

6 6mm 121mm

2.4L DOHC ENGINE MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS Description Valve seat Seat contactwldlh Seat angle (all) Valve spring Freelength Standard Llmlt squareness Standard Llmlt Cylinder Block lwde diameter Out-of-round(max) Taper (mu) Overall height Gasket surfacellatnass (max ) Piston OutsIdediameter Plslon-lo-cylinderclearance PioFn Rings Side clearance No 1 Standard Limit No 2 Standard Llmlt End 9ap No 1 Standard Llmtt NO 9 Standard Lrmt 011 Standard Llmll Connecting rod Rod big end side clearance Standard Llmlt Plstonpin outsIde dlametar Pistonp,” press-,” load Crankshatl pin 011clearance Standard Llmlt Crankshaft Man bearing011clearance Standard Llmlt Pin outstdedlameler Journaloutside diameter Out-of-round(max ) Crankshaltand-play Standard Llmll Flwhd Run-out(max)



English Specifications

Metric Specdications

0.035-o 051 I”


0 9-l 3mm 44-44 5”

1901n 1 96 I”

0 06-O14mm 46 3mm 49 9mm


2” 4” 3351n 0 006 in 0 006 I” 11 413-11421 I” 0 002 In

65mm 0 02mm 0 02mm 269 9-290 lmm 0 05mm

3 346 In 0 006.0 0016 m

64 99mm 0 02.0 04mm

0 0012-O0026 I” 0 004 I”.

0 03-O07mm Olmm

0 Cot 2-o 0028 I” 0 004 I”

0 03-O07mm Olmm

O.W96-00157 I” 0 031 I”.

0.25-O40mm 0 6mm

0 0177-O0236 I” 0 031 I”

0.45-O6Omm 0 6mm

0 0979.0 0276 I” 0 039 I”

0 PO-O70mm 1 Omm

0 0039-o co96 I” 0 016 m. 0631n 1,653.3,656 H Ibs

0 10-O25mm 0 4mm Zlmm 7,5Wl7,500Nm

0 0006-0 0020 I” 0004m

0 02-O05mm 0 tmm

0 0006-0 0020 1” 0 004 I” 177m 224111 ooGQ6m

0 02-O05mm Olmm 45mm 57mm 0015mm

0 002-o 0071 I”. OW96Ul

0 05-O16mm 0 25mm

0 0051 I”

0 13mm



Description General Information Engmetype Displacement Bore Stroke Compreswn rat0 Firingorder Cylinder Head Overall helghl Flatness (maxImum) Camshaft CamshafthelgM Standard Llmlt Camshaft~oumaloutslde diameter Valves

Seat contactwidth Seat angle [all) Valve spring Free length Standard Llmlt Load (Installedheight) Ibs (Nm) at m (mm) Squareness Standard Lmxt Cylinder Block

Metric Specifications

English Specifications

6 CylmderGO”Single Overhead Camshatl 161 4 cubic I” 3OL 3 59 I”. 91 lmm 2 99 In. 76mm 1001 1-2-3-4-5-6 3 31 I” 0 006 I”

64mrn 0 2mm

1 62 ,n 1601n 1 34 I”

41 25mm 40 75mm 33 95mm

0 9-1 3mm

49 0mm 46 6mm 329 Nm @!40.4mm

1.96 I”. 72.5 Ibs @l 591 I”.



3.OL SOHC ENGINE MECHANICAL SPEClFlCATlONS Description Cylinder Block (cont’d) Taper (max.) Overall klght Gasket sudace flatness (max ) Piston Oufslde diameter Piston-to-cylinderclearanca Piston Rinas Side clearance


Standard Llrw No 2 Standard Ltmlt End gap No 1 Standard Llmlt No 2 Standard Llmlt 011 Standard Llmlt C0nnactlng rod Rod big end side clearance Standard Llmlt Piston pin outslde diameter Piston pin prawn load Crankshaftpm 011clearance Standard Llmlt Crankshat Mm bearing 011clearance Standard Llmlt Pmouts& dfameter Journalouts& diameter Out-al-round hnax 1


English Specifications

Metric Specifications

0008ln 8 28.8 29 I”. 0 ofI39 In

0 OZmm 2104-210 6mm Olmm

358ln. 0.008-o 0020 I”

91 lmm 0 020 04mm

0 COIZ-0W28 I”. 0004 I”

0 03-O07mm Olmm

0 0008-0 0024 I”. 00041”

0 020 06mm Olmm

00118-00177,” 0 031 I”

0.30-O40mm 0 8mm

0 0177-O0236 I”. 0.031 I”

0 45-O60mm 0 8mm

0 0079-o 02% I” 0 039 I”

0 200 fiOmm 1 Omm

0 00390 0098 I”. 0 016 m 087al 1,652.3.867It Ibs.

0 10.0 25mm , 04mm 22mm 7.350.17,ZOONm

0 ow3-0 mm I”. 0004m

0 02-O05mm O.lmm

o.rYm-0 oao I”. 0 Oil4 1” 197n 236111 0 OW8 in

0 02.0 05mm Olmm 50mm

FT~pclearance St& clearance Body clearance

0 0024.0 0071 I”. 0 0016-O0039 I”.

OC6016mm 004-O 10mm

Standard Llmlt

o.cn340 0071 I”. 0 0138 I”

010-018mm 0 35mm

3.OL DOHC ENGINE MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS Description Gemal lrlformtlon Eqne type Displacement Bore Slfoke

English Spscificalions

M&lC SpecHicatiOllS

6 CylmderW Dual Overhead Camshaft 1814cubicm. 3OL 359m 91 lmm 2 99 I”. 76mm 9315x19

Metric Specifications

English Dsscription General lnformstlon (cont’d) Compraswm ratio Fmngorder Cylinder Head Overall helghl Flatness (manmum) Camshall Camhalt height Standard Llmll Camshalt journal out&e diameter VdVRS Stem outsrdediameter Intake Exhaust Face angle (all) Head thickness(mamn) Intake Standard Llmlt Exhaust Standard Llmlt Stem-to-gudeclearam intake Standard Limit Exhaust Standard Lllllll Valve guida lwde dtameter Outs& diameter Vahreseal Seat contactwtdlh Seat angle (all) Valve spring

Llmlt Cvlindsf Block tnslde dlametar Out-&round (max ) Taper (max) Overall hslght Gasket surfacellatnezs (max.) Platen Outs& diameter Plslon-t@cylmn&rClearance Piston Rings

l-2-3-45-6 5 20 I”. 0 008 I”

132mm 0 2mm

1 37 m 1 37 I”. 1 02 m.

3491mm 3491mm 25 96mm

0 260 I”. 0 256 I”.

60mm 6 5mm 45-45 5”

0 039 I” 0019,”

1 Omm 0 5mm

0 059 I”. 0 039 m.

15mm l.Omm

0 oo#l-0 002il I”. 0 0039 I”.

0 02-O05mm 0 IOmm

0 0020-0 0035 I”. 0 0059 m.

0 05-O09mm 0 15mm

0 280 In. 0.476 I”

6 6mm 12 lmm

0 035-o 051 ,“.

0413mm 44.44 5’

4” 3.66 I”. 0 008 I”. 0 006 I”. 8 97-8 98 in. 0 CO39I”

93mm 0 02mm 0 OPmm 227 9.228 1mm Olmm

3 66 I”. o.oQB-00020 M.

93mm 0 020.04mm

3.OL DOHC ENGINE MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS English oescliptiin Piston Rings (cont’d)


Metric Specifications

Endgap No 1 standard Llmlt No 2 Standard Llmlt 011 Standard Llmlt Connecting rod Rod big end side clearance Slandard Llmlt Pistonpm outside dnmeter Pistonpi” press-,” load Crankshaftpm 011clearance Standard Llmlt Crankshaft Mm bearing011clearanca Standard Llmlt Pmoutslde diameter Journalouts& dlametar Out-ol-round(max ) Crankshaftend-play standard Llmlt Oil Pump Tip clearance Side clearance Bodyclearance

0 0118-O0177 ,“. 0 031 I”

0.300 40mm 08mm

0.01770 0236 I” 0 031 I”.

0 450 6Omm 08mm

0.0039-0 0137 I” 0.039 1”

0 10-O35mm 1 Omm

0.0039-O0098 m. 0016m 087111 1,652.3,887fl Ibs.

0.100 25mm 0 4mm 22mm 7,350.17,200Nm

00012-oOOx)m 0 004 I”

0 030 05mm Olmm

0 ooO8-00020 I” 0 004 9”. 2171n 2521n OoOffiRl

0 020 05mm Dimm 55mm Mmm 0 015mm

0 002-O0098 I” 0 012 I”

0 05-O25mm 03mm

0 CO24.00071 m 0 0016-O0039 in.

006018mm 0 040 1Omm

3.5L SOHC ENGINE MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS Description Valves Stem outstdedmmetar Intake Exhaust Face angle (all) Head thickness(margm) Intake Standard Llmlt Exhaust Sl.SldZld Llmd stem-to-gude clearance Intake standard Llmlt EXhaUsl standarc Llmlt Valve guide lnstde dram&t OutsIdediameter Valve seat Seat contactwidth Seal angle (all) Valve spring Free knoth Standard Llmlt Squareness Standard Llmlt Cylinder Block lnslde diameter Out-ol-round(max ) Taper (max ) Overall height Gasket surfaceflatness (max)

3.5L SOHC ENGINE MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS Description General Information Engmetype Displacement Bore Stroke Comprasslonratio

Llmlt Camshaft]oumal outs& dtameter

English Specifications

Metric Specifications

6 Cylinder60” SingleOvedvzad Camshaft 213 5 cubic I” 3SL 3 65 I”. 93mm 3 37 m. 85 8mm 901

1 44 I”. 1771n

36 45mm 44 95mm

English Speciffcationr

hletrlc Specificationr

0 236 I”. 0 236 I”.

6 Omm 60mm 4545.5”

0 0039 I” 0 019 I”.

OlOmm 05mlll

0 047 I” 00281n

12mm 0 7mm

0 0008-O0020 I” OW391n

0 020 05mm 0 lOmm

0 0016-O0028 I”. 0 0059 I”

0 040 07mm 0 15mm

0315m 0 433 I”

6 Omm 11 Omm

0 035-O051 I”

0 9-l 3mm 44-44 5’

51mm 5omm

2 01 I” 1 97 I”. 2” 4” 3 65 I”. 0 008 in 0 008 I” 8 28-8 29 I” 0 002 I”

93mm 0 02mm 0 02mm 2104.2106mm 0 05mm

0 0012-OCO281”. 0 004 In

0 03-O07mm O.lmm

0 CCQ8-00024 I” 0 004 I”

0 02-O06mm Otmm

0 0079-O0236 I”

0 20-OMXnm


Side clearance No 1 standard Llmlt No. 2 Standard Llmlt

01 Standard

3.5L SOHC ENGINE MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS Description Connecting rod Rod big end side clearance Standard Llrnll Piston pin outslde dnmeler P~slonpin press-~”load Crankshalt pm 011clearance Standard Llmtt Crankshaft Maln bearing 011clearance Standard Llmlt Pin outsidedram&r Journaloutslde diameter Out-+round (max ) Standard

TIPclearance Side clearance Bodyclearance Standard

English Specifications


0 0039-o 0096 I” 0 10-O25mm 0016ln 0 4mm 067rn 22mm Flngerprewre 0 0006-0 0020 in 0 004 I”

0 02-O05mm Olmm

0 0006-0 0020 I” 0 004 I” 197m 2361n 0 0006 I”.

0 02-O05mm Olmm 50mm 60mm 0015mm

0 002-0 0096 I”.

0 05-O25mm

Components Camshall Camshalt sprwket bolt 1 5L engjne 1 6L, 1 8L, and 2 OL(SOHC and DOHC)engines 2 4L engine 3 OL(SOHCand DOHC)engme Bearingcap retalnlng bolts 2 OLSOHC engine 1 6L and 2 OLDOHC engines 2 4L eng,ne 3 OL(SOHCand DOHC)engme 3 5L engine Crankshalt dampedpullev Pullev bolts 1 5L engine 1 6L and 2 OL(SOHC and DOHC)engines 2 4L enqme



51 it Ibs 6511 Ibs 56.72 R Ibs. 65 It Ibs

70 Nm 90 Nm 60-l 00 Nm WNm

1511 Ibs 21.25ft Ibs 15 fl lbs.

2ONm 29-35 Nm 20 Nm 0

23 11Ibs

31 Nm

loft Ibs 14.22 It lbs 16 fl Ibs.

14Nm 20-30 Nm 25 Nm

51-72 It lbs 13411 Ibs 106-11611lbs

70.100 Nm 165Nm 150-160 Nm

22lt Ibs 11.14ll Ibs 16-21it Ibs 21 ll Ibs 14 It Ibs 21 It Ibs

3ONm 15-19 Nm 25-29 Nm 29 Nm 19Nm 29 Nm

98 It Ibs 94.101 II Ibs 72 It lbs 53-56 It Ibs

135Nm 130-140 Nm 100 Nm 72-76 Nm

1311 lbs Ii-141 Ibs 1411 Ibs

16Nm 15-19 Nm

11.14R Ibs. 11-1411 Ibs left Ibs

15.19Nm 15.19Nm 25 Nm

15fl ibs 26 ‘I lbs.

20 Nm 35 Nm

15fi Ibs 15 ft Ibs.

20 Nm 20 Nm

Center reta!ino bolt

0 1X24-0 0071 1” 0 0016-O0039 I”

0 06-O16mm 0 040 IOmm

0 0039-o 0071 I”

0 10.0.16mm

3 OL(SOHCand DOHC) engine Cvllnder head

1 6L englne 2 OLSOHC engine 2 4L engine 3 OLSOHC engine 3 OLDOHCenwe 3 5L eqne Flywheel/dnvaplale retainingb&s 1 5L engine 1 6L 2 OL(SOHCand DOHC),and 2 4L engmes 1 6L engine 3 OLSOHC,3 OLDOHC,and 3 5L engmes Intake manlfoid retanmg bolts 1 5L engine 16Land20L DOHC engines 1 6L engine 2 OLSOHC engme Plenum bolts Manifold bolts 2 4L eng,ne 1994 models Bolts NUk 1995.00 models SOItS Nuts 3 OLSOHC 3 OLDOHC, and 3 5L engines

m F5


m P 0 m is 7 m

0 93153~24

TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS Components 011pan retamg bolls 15L eng,ne 1 6L and 2 OLLXJHC engmes 1 EL eqne 2 OLSOHC engme 2 4L eng,ne 3 OLSOHCengme 3 OLDOHCengme 3 5L engme Upper 011pan Lower 011pa” 011Pump 1 5L and 16L engmes Pump cover RM valve Pumpscreen 16L, 2 OL(SOHC and DOHC),and 2 4L engmes 011filter bracket Pump wver Pump drive gear retammgbolt Plug cap 3 OL(SOHCand DOHC) engme Ballle plate retalnlng bolts Pump case retammgbolts Pump cover retamng bolts 3 5L engme Baffle plate retammgbolts Pump case retalmng bolts Pick-upretalnmg bolts Rotorcover Rockerarm (valve) cover retalnmgbolts 1 5L engine 1 6L ,l EL,2 OLDOHC. and 2 4L engines 2 OLSOHC engme 3 OLSOHC engine 3 OLDOHC engme 3.5L eng,ne Rockerarms and pushrods Rockerarm retalmngbolts 15L, 1 6L and 2 4L engines 16L and 2 OLDOHC engines 3 5L engine Thermostat 1 ELengine 1 5L, 1 6L. 2 OLWHC, and 1990.92 2 OLSOHC eng,nes 19932 OLSOHC engine 2 4L Eqne 3 OLSOHC,3 OLDOHC, and 3 5L eqnes



60 Inch Ibs. 4-6 tl Ibs 60 Inch Ibs. 4-6 ft. Ibs 6 fl Ibs. 48 Inch Ibs. 48 mchIbs.

7Nm 6-8 Nm 7Nm 6-8 Nm 6Nm 6Nm 6Nm

411 Ibs 7-9 Il. Ikls

6Nm 10-12 Nm

64 Inch Ibs 33 n Ibs. 14 fl Ibs

10 Nm 45 Nm 19Nm

14 n tbs. 17 11Ibs. 27 II Ibs. 17n Ibs.

19Nm 24 Nm 37 Nm 24 Nm

0n Ibs ion Ibs. 7 n Ibs.

11 Nm 14Nm 1ONm

7 n Ibs. 10 It Ibs 13 n Ibs. 7 ft Ibs

lONm 14Nm 16 Nm 1ONm

12-16 mch Ibs. 24.36 mchIbs. 48.60 mchIbs. 7n Ibs 42.54 Inch Ibs 30 Inch Ibs

1-2Nm 2-3 Nm 4-5 Nm 9Nm 4-5 Nm 3Nm

23 fl Ibs 21-25 fl Ibs. 16 It Ibs

32 Nm 29-35 Nm 25 Nm

16ft Ibs 12.14 ft lbs. 7-10 It Ibs loft lbs 12.14lt Ibs

22 Nm 17-20 Nm lo-15 Nm 13Nm 17-20 Nm

Components Timingbelts 1 5L engine PlVOlboll 1990-94models 199500 models 2.OLDOHCturbo engine Balance shaft tensloner pulley bolt Tlmmg belt tensu~nerpulley boil 2 4L engme BalanceshafltenSlonerpulley bolt Trmmgbelt tensioner pulley bdt 3 OLSOHC engine Tensioner lock bolt 3 OL DOHCengme 1992-94models Tensionerlock bolt 1995% models Tensionerretalnmgbolts 3 5L engine Tenwner pulley flxed bolt Waterpump Pump retanlng bolts 1 5L and 16L engines 16L and 2 OL(SOHCand COHC)engmes 2 4L eng,ne Bolts markedwith ~4, Bolts mahed wth ~7, 3 OLSOHC,3 OLDOHC, and 3 5L engines



16 fl Ibs.

25 Nm

14an Ibs 17 Il. Ibs.

20.27 Nm 24 Nm

14 fl Ibs 35 IL Ibs.

19Nm 46 Nm

15 n Ibs 35n Ibs.

20 Nm 46Nm

21 n ibs

29 Nm

7 It Ibs.


17n Ibs 16 n Ibs. 35 n Ibs

24 Nm 25 Nm 46 Nm

i7n Ibs 9.11 n Ibs

24 Nm 12-15 Nm

ion Ibs 1Elt Ibs 17 n Ibs

14Nm 24 Nm 24 Nm


@ Referto the prccedure 9x&26


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