.~ P.X
” .~.I
ity andtrouble:shootingelectrical circuits, please refer to Section6 of this manual.
Theignitionsystemonthe1.5L,1993-961.8L, 2.OLSOHC,1994-982.4LSOHC,3.OLSOHC,and 3.5Lenginesusesa pointless typedistributor, whose advance mechanism is controlledbytheEngineControlUnit(ECU).Onthe1.5L,1.8L,2.4Land3.5Lengines,thedistributorhousesa builtin ignitioncoil andignitionpowertransistor. The2.8LSOHCand 3.OLSOHCenginesutilizea separate coilandtranFig. 1 This spark tester looks iust like a sisterassemblv. spark plug, attach the clip to ground and WhentheignitionswitchisturnedON,battery voltageisappliedtotheignitioncoilprimarywinding. crank the engine to checkfor spark Astheshaftof thedistributor rotates, signalsare transmitted fromtheoowertrain controlmoduletothe . ignitionpowertrarrsistor.Thesesignalsactivate the powertransistor to causeignitioncoilprimarywindingcurrentflowfromtheignitioncoilnegative terminalthroughthepowertransistor to groundrepeatedly. Thisinterruption induces highvoltageintheignition coilsecondarv windinas, whichis divertedthrouah thedistributor, sparkplugcableandsparkplug6 ground,thuscausingignitionin eachcylinder.
SECONDARYSPARKTEST If See Figures 1 thru 6 Thebestwayto performthisprocedure isto usea sparktester(available atmostautomotive partsstores). -. I nreetypesotsparktestersarecommonly available. TheNeonBulbtypeisconnected tothesparkplug wireandflasheswitheachignitionpulse.TheAirGap typemustbeadjusted totheindividual sparkpluggap specified fortheengine. Thelasttypeofsparkplug testerlookslikea sparkplugwitha grounding clipon theside,butthereis nosideelectrode forthesparkto jumpto.Thelasttwotypesof testersallowstheuserto notonlydetectthepresence ofspark,butalsotheintensity(orange/yellow isweak,blueisstrong). 1. Disconnect a sparkplugwireatthesparkplug end. 2. Connect theplugwireto thesparktesterand groundthetesterto anappropriate locationonthe engine. 3. Cranktheengineandcheckforsparkatthe tester. 4. If sparkexistsatthetester,theignitionsystem is functioning properly. 5. If sparkdoesnotexistatthesparkplugwire, performdiagnosis of theignitionsystemusingindividualcomponent diagnosis procedures, CYLINDERDROPTEST p See Figures 7, 8, and 9 Thecylinderdroptestis performed whenanenginemisfireis evident.Thistesthelpsdetermine whichcylinderis notcontributing theproperpower. Theeasiestwayto performthistestisto remove the plugwiresoneata timefromthecylinderswiththe enginerunning.
Fiu. 2 This spark tester has an adjustable air-gap for measuring spark strength and testing different voltage ignition systems
I l;h.4!'$,L".~ >,% 91rJszp12
Fig. 3 Attach the clip to ground and crank the engine to checkfor spark I
1. Placethetransaxle in P,engage theemergencybrake,andstarttheengineandletit idle. tool,prefer2. Usinga sparkplugwireremoving ablythepliertype,carefullyremovethebootfrom oneof thecylinders. i ’ Makesure your body is free from touching any part of the car which is metal. Thesecondaryvoltage in the ignition systemis high
Fig. 4 This spark tester is the easiest to use iust alace it on a plug wire and the spark voltage is detectedand the bulb on the tof I will flash with each pulse
and althoughit cannotkill you, it will shock you and it doeshurt. 3. Theenginewill sputter,runworse,andpossiblynearlystall.If thishappens reinstalltheplugwire andmoveto thenextcylinder.If theenginerunsno differently, orthedifference is minimal, shuttheengineoffandinspectthesparkplugwire,sparkplug, andif necessary, performcomponent diagnostics as coveredinthissection.Perform thetestonall cylindersto verifythewhichcylindersaresuspect.
Fig. 9. . . notethe idle speedand idle characteristics of the engine. The cylinder(s) with the least drag is the non-contributing cyltnder(s) 1
Therearenoadjustments to thedistributorignition systemotherthantheignitiontimingadjustment. Referto section1 for ignitiontimingadjustment.
TESTING 1.5L, 1.8L, 2.41, and 3.51 Englnes u See Figures10, 11, and 12 *The ignition cog is an integral part of the distributor. 1. Measure theresistance of theprimaryignition coilasfollows: a. Unplugtheelectricalconnector at thedistributor.Usinganohmmeter, measure theresistancebetween thetwoterminalsof thedistributor, NOTTHEWIREHARNESS, exceptfor the3.5L engine,in whichyoutestacrossterminals1 and 2 of thedistributor. b. Measure theresistance andcompare to the desiredspecifications of: l 0.9-1.2ohmsonthe1.5L,1.8L,and2.4L engines l 0.5-0.7ohmsonthe35L engine c. If theactualreadingdiffersfromthedesired specification, replacetheignitioncoil. d. If themeasured valueis withinstandard allowance, therearenobrokenwiresor shortcircuits.
High voltage
2. Measure theresistance of thesecondary ignitioncoilasfollows: a. Insertoneof thetestleadsintothesecondaryignitioncoil terminalontopof thedistributorcap. b. Touchthesecondtestleadto terminal1 or terminal2 of thedistributorconnector. c. Measure theresistance andcomnare to the desiredspecifications of: l 21329kilo-ohmsonthe1.5L,1.8L,and 2.4Lengines l 9-13 kilo-ohmson the3.5Lengine d. If themeasured valueis withinstandard allowance, therearenobrokenwiresor shortcircuits. e. If theactualreadingdiffersfromthede siredspecification, replacetheignitioncoi!l. 2.OLSOHCand 3.OLSOHCEngines # See Figure 13 \ \ 1. Measure theresistance of theprimaryignition coilasfollows: a. Unplugtheelectricalconnector at thecoil. Usinganohmmeter, measure theresistance betweenthetwoterminalsof thecoil,NOTTHE WIREHARNESS. b. Measure theresistance andcompare to the desiredspecifications of: \ l 0.9-1.2ohmsonthe2.OLSOHCengine l 0.72-0.88ohmsonthe3.OLSOHCengine c. If theactualreadingdiffersfromthedesiredspecification, replacetheignitioncoil. d. If themeasured valueis withinstandard allowance, therearenobrokenwiresor shortcircuits.
I Q3 ‘I u, /
Fig. IO Distributor connectorpins and locatiou-l.LL and 1.8L engines
tflgn tension terminal
2. Measure theresistance of thesecondary ignitioncoilasfollows: a. Insertoneof thetestleadsintothesecondaryignitioncoil terminalon topof thedistributorcap. b. Touchthesecondtestleadto terminal1 or terminal2 of thedistributorconnector. c. Measure theresistance andcomoare to the desiredspecifications of: l 20-29kilo-ohmsonthe2.OLSOHCengine l 10.29-13.92 kilo-ohmsonthe3.01SOHC engine d. If themeasured valueis withinstandard allowance, thereareno brokenwiresor short circuits. e. If theactualreadingdiffersfromthe desiredspecification, replacetheignition coi!l.
REMOVAL&INSTALLATION 1.5L, 1.8L, 2.4L, and 3.5L Engines *The ignition coil is an tntegral part of the distributor. 2.OLSOHCand 3.OLSDHCEngines u See Figure 14 1. Disconnect thenegative batterycable. 2. Remove thecoilwirefromtheignitioncoilby grippingthebootandnotthecable. 3. Detach theelectricalconnectors forthecoil.
3=%@ @
Fig. 11 Distributor connectorpins and localion-2.4L SOHCengtne
Fig. 12 Dlstrfbufor connectorplus and locatio&.5L engine
2-4 ENGINEELECTRICAL 2. Installthedistributorin theenginesotherotor is alignedwiththematchmark onthehousingandthe housingis alignedwiththematchmark ontheengine.
4.‘ Remove theretainingscrewsandcoilfromengine. 5. Installation is thereverseof theremovalprocedure.
Beforeremoving thedistributor, positionNo.1 ‘cylinderatTopDeadCenter(TDC)onthecompressionstrokeandalignthetimingmarks. 1. Disconnect thenegative batterycable. 2. Remove theignitionwirecover,if equipped. 3. Detachthedistributorharness connector. thedistributor capwithall ignitionwires 4. Remove stillconnected. Remove thecoilwire,if necessary. 5. Matchmark therotorto thedistributorhousing andthedistributor housingtotheengine. 6. Remove thehold-down nut. remove thedistributor fromtheengine. 7. Carefully
INSTALLATION 6 See Figures19 and 2g Timing Not Disturbed
1, Installa newdistributorhousingO-ringand lubricate withcleanoil.
4. Attachthedistributorharness connectors. 5. Installthedistributorcap. 6. Connect thenegative batterycable. 7. Adjusttheignitiontimingandtightentheholddownnutto 6 ft. Ibs.(11Nm). Timing Dlsturbed 1. Installa newdistributorhousingO-ringand lubricate withcleanoil. 2. PositiontheenginesotheNo.1 pistonis at TopDeadCenter(TDC)of itscompression stroke andthemarkonthevibrationdamperis alignedwith 0 onthetimingindicator. 3. Alignthedistributorhousingandgearmating marks.Installthedistributorintheenginesotheslot or grooveof thedistributor’s installation flangealigns withthedistributorinstallation studintheengine block.Besurethedistributorisfullyseated.Inspect alignment of thedistributorrotormakingsuretherotnr ic dinnnd
with thn qn,c$nn
of the Nn
ISL, 1AIL, 2.4L, and 3.5L Engines Thepowertransistor(ignitionmodule)is anintegralpartof thedistributor. 2.gL SDHCand 3.OLSOHCEngines # See Figure 14 thenegative batterycable. 1x Disconnect Remove theretainingscrewsandpowertran-
Detachthe connectorsfrom the dis-
Fig. 16 Remove the bolt holding the wire harnessand capacitor, then move the harness and capacitor to the side
Fig. 18 . . . then slide the distributor from the engine Fig 14 Ignition system component loca/ tion’s-3.gL SOHCengine g3is~@ 1
ENGlNEELECTRliAL 2-5 4. Installthe hold-downnut. 5. Attachthe distributorharnessconnectors. 6. Installthe distributorcap. 7. Connectthe negativebatterycable. 8. Adjustthe ignition timing and tightenthe holddown nut to 8 ft. Ibs. (11 Nm).
For procedureson the positionsensors,pleaserefer to Section4 in this manual.
Fig. 19 Adjustingthe distributor-1.5L engine shown, others similar
The ignition systemfoundon the 1.6L, 1997-60 1.8L,2.OLDOHC,1999-00 2.4L SOHC,2.4L DOHC, and 3.OLDOHCenginesis a distributorlesstype. The advanceof this system,like the distributor type ignition, is controlledby the EngineControl Unit (ECU)or PowertrainControl Module (PCM). The distributorlessignition systemcontainsa crankangle/position sensorwhich detectsthe crankangleor position to eachcylinderand convertsthis data into pulsesignals.Thesesignalsare sent to the ECLVPCM,which calculatesthe enginerpm and regulatesthe fuel injection and ignition timing accordingly.The systemalso containsa top deadcenter sensorwhich detectsthe top deadcenterposition of eachcylinder and convertsthis datainto pulse signals.Thesesignals are then sentto the ECU/PCM,which calculatesthe sequenceof fuel injection and enginerpm. Whenthe ignition switch is turned ON, battery voltage is appliedto the ignition coil primarywinding. As the crankanglesensorshaft rotates,ignition signals are transmittedfrom the multi port injection control unit to the powertransistor.Thesesignals activatethe powertransistorto cause ignition coil primarywinding currentto flow from the ignition coil negativeterminalthroughthe powertransistor to ground or be interrupted,repeatedly.This action induceshigh voltagein the secondarywinding of the ignition coil. Fromthe ignitroncoil, the secondarywinding current producedflows throughthe spark plug to ground,thus causingignition in each cylinder.
TESTING 1.6L and 19902.OLDOHCEngines 6 See Figures21 and 22 1. Disconnectthe negativebatterycableand ignition coil harnessconnector. 2. Measurethe primarycoil resistanceas follows: a. Measurethe resistancebetweenterminals of the coil pack,NOTTHEWIREHARNESS, between4 and 2 (coils at the No. 1 and No. 4 cylinder srdes)of the ignition coil, and between terminals4 and 1 (coils at the No. 2 and No. 3 cylinder sides).
1991-!I3 2.OLDDHCEngines # See Figures 23 and 24
n0 93152go9
Fig. 21 Measuring ignition coil primary resistance-1.6L and 1990 2.OL DDHCengines
. For No
Fig. 23 Measuringthe primary ignition coil resistance-1991-93 2.OLDOHCenoines
1 and No. 4 I
Referto DiagnosisandTestingunderDistributor Ignition in this section,
Thereare no adjustmentsto the distributorlessignition systemotherthanthe ignition timing adjustment.Referto section1 for ignition timing adjustment.
b. Comparereadingto the desrredprimary coil resistanceof 0.77-0.95 ohms. 3. Measurethe coil secondaryresistanceas follows: c. Detachthe connectorfrom the ignition coil. d. Measurethe resistancebetweenthe highvoltageterminalsfor the No. 1 and No. 4 cylinders, and betweenthe high-voltageterminalsfor the No. 2 and No. 3 cylinders. e. Comparethe measuredresistanceto the desiredsecondarycoil resistanceof 10.3-13.9 kilo-ohms. 4. If the readingsare not within the specified value,replacethe ignition coil.
Fig. 22 Measuring ignition coil secondary resistance-l .6L and 1990 2.OLDOHCengines
FOR NO. 2 AND NO. 3 CYUNDERS 89572611
Fig. 24 Measuring ignition coil secondary resistance-1991-93 2.OLDOHCengines
Fig. 26 Measuring ignition coil secondary resistance-1997-00 1.8L and 1994-00 2.4L SOHCengines 1. Disconnect thenegative batterycableandignitioncoil harness connector. 2. Measure theprimarycoil resistance asfollows: a. Measure theresistance between terminals 3 and2 (coilsat theNo.1 andNo.4 cylinder sides)of theignitioncoil,andbetween terminals 3 and1 (coilsat theNo.2 andNo.3 cylinder sides). b. Compare readingto thedesiredprimary coil resistance of 0.70-0.86ohms. 3. Measure thecoilsecondary resistance asfollows: c. Detachtheconnector fromtheignitioncoil. d. Measure theresistance between thehighvoltageterminals for theNo.1 andNo.4 cylinders,andbetween thehigh-voltage terminals for theNo.2 andNo.3 cylinders. e. Thedesiredsecondary coil resistance is 11.3-15.3kilo-ohms. 4. Ifthereadings arenotwithinthespecified value,replacetheignitioncoil. 1997-00 1.8L and 1999-00 2.4L SOHC Engines + See Figure 25 1. Measure theresistance of thesecondarv , ianitioncoilasfollows: a. Insertoneof thetestleadsintothesecondaryignitioncoil terminalof thecoil. b. Touchthesecondtestleadto terminal1 or terminal2 of thecoil connector. c. Measuretheresistance andcompareto thedesiredspecifications of 9.4-12.8kiloohms. d. If themeasured valueis withinstandard allowance, thereareno brokenwiresor shortcircuits. e. If theactualreadingdiffersfromthedesiredspecification, replacetheignitioncoil.
89572914 89572g13
Fig. 28 Measurethe primary coil resistance between the connector terminals-2.4L DOHCenaine
Fig. 27 Measure the secondary resistance betweenthe towers of the coil-2.4L DOHC engine
coil resistance, per. 3. To.checkthesecondary termthetollowmg: a. Taganddisconnect thesparkplugwires fromtheignitioncoil. b. Measure thesecondary resistance of the coil between thetowersof eachindividualcoil. c. If theresistance is notbetween 20.1-27.3 kilo-ohms,replacetheignitioncoil.
d. If themeasured valueis withinstandard allowance, thereareno brokenwiresor shortcircuits. theresistance of thesecondary igni2. Measure tioncoilasfollows: Insert the lead of the ohmmeter between coil 3. packcylinderterminals: l Between coil terminalsl-4 for Co11 A l Between coil terminals2-5 for CoilB l Between coil terminals3-6 for CoilC e. Measure theresistance andcompare to the desiredspecifications of 11.3-l5.3kilo-ohms. f. If themeasured valueis withinstandard allowance, therearenobrokenwiresor shortcircuits. g. If theactualreadingdiffersfromthedesiredspecification, replacetheignitioncoil pack.
3.OLDOHCEngine 6 See Figures28 and 29 1. Measure theresistance of theprimaryignition coilasfollows: a. Unplugtheelectricalconnector atthecoil pack.Usinganohmmeter, measure theresistancebetween theterminalsof thecoil pack, NOTTHEWIREHARNESS. Measure theresistancebetween terminals: l 2-3 for CoilA l l-3 for Coil B l 4-3 for CoilC b. Measure theresistance andcompare to the desiredspecifications of 0.67-0.81ohms. c. If theactualreadingdiffersfromthedesiredspecification, replacetheignitioncoil.
REMOVAL&INSTALLATION 1.6L, 2.OLDOHC,and 2.4L DOHCEngines # See Figure 30 1. Disconnect thenegative batterycable. 2. Tagandremove thesparkplugwiresfromthe ignitioncoil bygrippingthebootandnotthecable.
Fig. 28 Measuring ignition coil primary resistance-3.01 DOHCengine
2.4L DDHCEngines # See Figures26 and 27 1. Disconnect thenegative batterycable. 2. Tochecktheprimarycoil resistance, perform thefollowing: a. Detachtheelectricalconnector fromthe coil pack. b. Usinganohmmeter, measure theresistancebetween thetwoterminalsof thecoil,NOT THEWIREHARNESS. c. If theresistance is notbetween 0.74-0.90 ohms,replacetheignitioncoil.
I ~::::L I 2 3 I 5 6 I
cemer Cwer Scabpiwcabk SPaark piug lgnlllancoll Powertran3lrtor ThrotflsDcnv*w Crankanglelmsm 93152g11
Fig. 29 Measuring ignition coil secondary resistance-3.01 DOHCenaine
Fig. 30 Ignition system component localions-l .6L and 2.OLDOHCengines
ENGINEELECTRICAL 2-7 3. Detachthe electricalconnectorsfor the COIL 4. Removethe retainingscrewsand coil from engine. 5. Installationis the reverseof the removalprocedure. 1997-00 1.81 and 1994-00 2.4L Engines ) See Figure 31 1, Disconnectthe negativebatterycable. 2. Detachthe electricalconnector(s)for the coil(s). 3. Removethe sparkplug wire(s)to the companion cylinder(s). 4 Removethe coil retainingbolts and lift the coil from the cylinder head. 5. The installationis the reverseof the removal. 3.OL DOHC Engine # See Figure 32
9315291 1 2 3 4
lgnltlo” co,, sparlt plug case Spark plug Imltlon fatlure semm 93152g1:
1, Disconnectthe negativebatterycable. 2. Removethe intakemanifoldplenum(upperintakemamfold) Referto Section3. 3. Tagand removethe sparkplug wires from the ignition coil by grippingthe bootand not the cable. 4 Detachthe electricalconnectorsfor the coil. 5. Removethe retainingscrewsand coil from engine. 6. Installationis the reverseof the removalprocedure.
REMOVAL &INSTALLATION 1 AL, 2.01 DOHC, and 2.4L DOHC Engines ) See Figure 30
Fig. 31 Ignition system component loca, iions-1997-00 1.8L engine shown 1999-00 2.4L engine similar 1. Disconnectthe negativebatterycable. 2. Detachthe electricalconnectorsfor the transistor. 3. Removethe retainingscrewsand removethe transistorfrom engine. 4. Installationis the reverseof the removalprocedure. 1.8L and 1999-00 2.4L Engines Thepowertransistor(ignition module)is an integral part of the powertraincontrol module.
Fig. 32 Ignition system component loca, tions-3.01 DOHC engine 1. Disconnectthe negativebatterycable. 2. Removethe intakemanifoldplenum(upperintakemanifold).Referto Section3. 3 Detachthe electricalconnectorsfor the transistor. 4. Removethe retainingscrewsand removethe transistorfrom engine. 5. Installationis the reverseof the removalprocedure.
For procedureson the positlon sensors,pleaserefer to Section4 in this manual.
3.OL DOHC Engine # See Figure 32
# See Figures 33 thru 40 *To avoid confusion, remove and tag the spark plug wires one at a time, for replacement. If a distributor is not keyedfor installationwith only one orientation,it could havebeenremovedpreviously and rewired.The resultantwiring would hold the correctfiring order,but could changethe relative placementof the plugtowers in relationto the engine. Forthis reasonit is imperativethatyou labelall wires beforedisconnectingany of them.Also, before removal,comparethe currentwiring with the accompanyingillustrations.If the currentwiring doesnot match,makenotesin your bookto reflecthow your engineis wired.
Fig. 33 1.5L (4615) and 1993-96 1.81 (4693) engines Firing order: l-3-4-2 Distributor rotation: Counterclockwise
:ig. 34 2.OL (4663) SOHC engine ‘iring order: l-3-4-2 Distributor rotation: Clockwise
Front of the Vehicle
Front of the Vehicle +
Fig. 35 1.61(4661) and 2.OL(4663) DDHC engines Firing order: l-3-4-2 Distributorlessignition system
Fig. 36 1997-00 1.6L (4693) and 1999-00 2.41(4664) Engineswith distributorless ignition Firing order: l-3-4-2 Distributorlessignition system
Fig. 36 2.4L (4664) DDHCengine with dislributorless ignition Firing order: l-3-4-2 gistributorless ignition system
Fig. 39 3.OL(6672) SDHCand 3.5L (6674) engines Firing order: l-2-3-65-6 Distributor rotation: Counterclockwise
Fig. 37 2.4L (4664) engine with distributor ignition Firing order: l-3-4-2 Distributor rotation: Counterclockwise
Theautomobilechargingsystemprovideselectrical powerfor operationof the vehicle’signition and startingsystemsand all the electricalaccessories. The batteryservesas an electricalsurgeor storage tank,storing (in chemicalform) the energyoriginally producedby the enginedriven alternator.Thesystem also providesa meansof regulatinggeneratoroutput to protectthe batteryfrom beingoverchargedandto avoid excessivevoltageto the accessories. ThestoragebatteryISa chemicaldeviceincorporating parallelleadplatesin a tank containinga sulfuric acid/watersolution.Adjacentplatesare slightly dissimilar,andthe chemicalreactionof the 2 dissimilar platesproduceselectricalenergywhenthe battery is connectedto a loadsuch as the startermotor.The chemicalreactionis reversible,so that whenthe generator ISproducinga voltage(electricalpressure) greaterthan that producedby the battery,electricityis forced into the battery,and the batteryis returnedto its fully chargedstate. Thevehicle’salternatoris driven mechanically,by a belt(s)that is driven by the enginecrankshaft.In an
alternator,the field rotateswhile all the currentproducedpassesonly throughthe statorwinding.The brushesbearagainstcontinuousslip rings rather thana commutator.This causesthe currentproduced to periodicallyreversethe directionof its flow creating alternatingcurrent(A/C). Diodes(electricalonewayswitches)block the flow of currentfrom traveling in the wrong direction.A seriesof diodesis wired togetherto permitthe alternatingflow of the statorto be convertedto a pulsating,but unidirectionalflow at the alternatoroutput,Thealternatorsfield is wired in serieswith the voltageregulator. The regulatorconsistsof severalcircuits. Eachcircuit hasa core,or magneticcoil of wire, which operatesa switch. Eachswitch is connectedto ground throughone or more resistors.The coil of wire respondsdirectlyto systemvoltage.Whenthe voltage reachesthe requiredlevel,the magneticfield created by the winding of wire closesthe switchand insertsa resistanceinto the generatorfield circuit, thus reducing the output.Thecontactsof the switch cycleopen and close manytimes eachsecondto preciselycontrol voltage.
:ig. 40 3.OL(6672) DDHCengine Yring order: l-2-3-4-5-6 Iistributorless ignition system
Severalprecautionsmust be observedwhenperforming work on alternatorequipment. l If the batteryis removedfor any reason,make surethat it is reconnectedwith the correctpolarity. Reversingthe batteryconnectionsmay result In damageto the one-wayrectifiers. l Neveroperatethe alternatorwith the main circuit broken.Makesurethatthe battery,alternator, and regulatorleadsare not disconnectedwhile the engineis running. l Neverattemptto polarizean alternator. l Whencharginga batterythat is installedin the vehicle,disconnectthe negativebatterycable. l Whenutilizing a boosterbatteryas a starting aid, alwaysconnectit in parallel;negatrveto negative, and positiveto positrve. l Whenarc (electric)welding is to be performed on any part of the vehicle,disconnectthe negative batterycableand alternatorleads. l Neverunplugthe PCM while the engineis running or with the ignition in the ONposition.Severe and expensivedamagemay resultwithin the solid stateequipment.
able for use by customers.An alternator benchtest is the mostdefinitive way to determine the conditionof your alternator.
REMOVAL&INSTALLATION VoltageTest 1. Makesuretheengineis OFF,andturnthe headlights onfor 15-20seconds to removeanysurfacechargefromthebattery. 2. Usinga DVOMsettovoltsDC,probeacross thebatteryterminals. 3. Measure thebatteryvoltage. 4. Writedownthevoltagereadingandproceedto thenexttest. No-load Test 1. Connect a tachometer totheengine.
1.51,1.61, 1.6L, 2.OLand2.4L Engines , See Figures4, thru 48 1. Disconnect thenegative batterycable. 2. Remove theleftsidecoverpanelunderthe vehicle. 3. Onturbocharaed Galantmodels,remove the air intakehose. 4. Remove thedrivebelts. 5. Remove thewaterpumppulleys. 6. Remove thealternator upperbracket/brace.
7. Onthe1.6Lengineremovethebattery,windshieldwasherreservoirandbatterytray. 8. Onthe1.6Lengine,removetheattaching boltsatthetopof theradiatorandlift uptheradiator. Donotdisconnect theradiatorhoses. 9. Detach thealternator wiringconnectors. 10. Remove thealternator mounting boltsandremovethealternator. Toinstall: 11. Positionthealternator onthelowermountina fixtureandinstallthelowermounting boltandnut. U Tightennutjustenoughto allowfor movement ofthe alternator. 12. Onthe1.6Lengine,lowertheradiatorandreinstalltheupperattaching bolts. 13. Onthe1.6Lengine,installthebattery,windshieldwasherreservoirandbatterytray.
Ensurethat the transmissionis in Parkand the emergencybrake is set. Blockinga wheel is optional and an addedsafety measure. 2. Turnoffall electricalloads(radio,blowermotor,wipers,etc.) 3. Starttheengineandincrease enginespeedto approximately 1500rpm. 4. Measure thevoltagereadingatthebatterywith theengineholdinga steady1500rpm.Voltage shouldhaveraisedat least0.5volts,butnomore than2.5volts. 5. Ifthevoltagedoesnotgoupmorethan0.5 volts,thealternator is notcharging. If thevoltage goes isover* upmorethan2.5volts,thealternator cnargmg. *Usually underand overchargingis‘caused by a defective alternator, or its related parts (regulator), and replacementwill fix the problem;however,faulty wiring and other problemscan causethechargingsystemto malfunction.Furthertesting, which is not coveredby this book, will reveal the exact componentfailure. Many automotiveparts stores have alternator benchtesters avaiiablefor use bycustomers.An alternator benchtest is the mostdefinitive way to determine the conditionof your alternator. 6. If thevoltageiswithinspecifications, proceeU to thenexttest. Load Test 1. Withtheenginerunning,turnontheblower motorandthehiohbeams(orotherelectricalaccessoriesto placeaioadonthechargingsystem). 2. Increase andholdenginespeedto 2000rpm. 3. Measure thevoltagereadingatthebattery. 4. Thevoltageshouldincrease atleast0.5volts fromthevoltagetest.If thevoltagedoesnotmeet specifications, thechargingsystemis malfunctioning. *Usually underand overchargingis caused by a defective alternator, or its related parts (regulator), and replacementwill fix the problem;however, faulty wiring and other problemscan causethe chargingsystemto malfunction.Furthertesting, which is not coveredby this book, will reveal the exact componentfailure. Manyautomotiveparts stores have alternator benchtesters avaii-
Fig 42 Remove the nut retaining the bat/ tery cable to the alternator . , . 93152p12
then remove the batte
Fig. 44 Removethe nut retaining the harnessto the alternator and remov
en removethe pivot bolt from
Fig, 47 Removethe alternator adjustingbolt . aa
Fia. 49 Alternator mountinu-3.0L DOHCenoine 14. Installthealternator upperbracket/brace and connectthealternator electricalharness. 15. Installthewaterpumppulleys. 16. Installthedrivebeltsandadjusttotheproper tension. 17. Onturbocharged Galantmodels,installthe air intakehose. 18. Installtheleftsidecoverpanelunder thevehid@ zx ran~kwl 1IIVI” YY ‘“~“““Y. 19. Connect thenegative batterycableandcheck for properoperation. 3.OLDOHCEngine
pinnor fmtil the nmnor
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\ 1. Disconnect thenegative batterycable. 2. Remove theheadlamp washerreservoirtank. 3. Remove thecondenser fanandupperradiator insulator. 4. Loosenthetensionerpulleyandremove the alternator drivebelt. 5. Remove thealternator upperandlower mounting bolts. 6. Remove thealternator supportbracket _ _
_ -. ._ ,_._ --TT-..
thevehicle. 8. Disconnect thealternator wiringharness. Q Romnm V.
slternatnr frnm thn
mhirln ,“,,,“,“.
To install: 10. Installthealternator to thevehicleandconnectthewiringharness. 11
1. Disconnect thenegative batterycable.
h&c _
denserfan. -rr- -15. Installtheheadlamp washerreservoirtank. 16. Connect thenegative batterycableandcheck thechargingsvstem -,-.- for properoperation. n C, engines n---I_-- \ 3.OLSOHCand J.DL ,i -fhs ,Itin** lyures 50 and 51
b See Figure 49
12. Positionthealternator onthemoursting lnrtnll dim Lvoltandnut VIUVI,VL. lllcllUllrmr( Ullytinhtnn llylllvll thn LltUmm ,,tvuln,,ly to 17ft. Ibs.(24Nm). 13. Reinstall thedrivebeltandadjustthetenhmrkd
Install wnnnrt .._. -.. the .._ -alternatnr .._..._._. --rT-..
hrxket -.--..-.
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vehicleandtightenthebracketmounting boltsto specifications.
:z RtEWtiW~-~ E$llaf 3EG
2. Disconnect andremove theair intakehose. 3. Loosenthetensioner pulleyandremovethe alternator drivebelt. 4. OnCaliforniamodels,removetherearbank converter assembly. 5. Remove theengineroll stopperstaybracket assembly. 6. Onthe3.OLSDHCengine,disconneCt the EGRtemperature sensorwireandremove theEGR pipeassembly. 7. Onthe3.OLSOHCengine,remove theintake plenumstaybracketassembly. 8. Detach thealternator wiringharness connectors. 9. Remove thealternator upperandlower mounting bolts. 10. From beneath the vehicle, remove thealterna-‘ I^” ._. To install: 11. Positionthealternator onthelowermountino fixture.Installandtightenthemounting boltandnu< to M-18 ft. Ibs.(20-25Nm). 12. Connect thealternator wiringharness. 13. Onthe3.OLSOHCengine,installtheintake plenumstaybracketandtightenthemounting boltto 13ft. Ibs.(18Nm). 14. Onthe3.OLSOHCengine,installtheEGR pipeandtightenthefittingconnections to 43ft. Ibs. (60 Nm). 15. Onthe3.OLSOHCenoine.connecttheEGR temperature sensorwire. 16. Connect theengineroll stopperstayand tightenthemountina boltto 35ft. Ibs.(45Nm)and thenutto 36-43ft.Tbs.(50-60Nm). ’ 17. Installtherearconverter assembly, if removed. 18. Reinstall thedrivebeltandadjustthetensioneruntiltheproperbelttensionis achieved. 19. Connect theair intakehose. 20. -_. Connect -_. __.the_.neoativa _=-___hatterv _-.._., rzahle ____ and _._ check _ __ thecharoinasystemfor orooerooeration. -
REMOVAL&INSTALLATION Thevoltageregulatoronmodelscoveredbythis manualis anintegralpartof thealternator. If theregulatoris defective, replace thealternator assembly.
ENGINE ELECTRICAL 2-11 l.unVeMlil(GSflWtWJ 2.Gwwator harness con3. Engme OS, level d,pst,& 4 Generator
Fig. 51 Alternator mounting-3.51 engine
Thestartingsystemincludesthebattery,starter motor,solenoid,ignitionswitch,circuitprotection andwiringconnecting thecomponents. Aninhibitor switchlocatedinthepark/neutral safetyswitchor Transmission Range(TR)sensoris includedin the startingsystemto preventthevehiclefrombeing startedwiththevehiclein gear. WhentheignitionkeyisturnedtotheSTARTposition,currentflowsandenergizes thestarterssolenoidcoil.Thesolenoidplungerandclutchshiftlever areactivated andtheclutchpinionengages thering gearontheflywheel.Theswitchcontacts closeand thestartercrankstheengineuntilit starts. Topreventdamage causedbyexcessive starterarmaturerotationwhentheenginestarts,thestarterincorporates anover-running clutchinthepiniongear.
2. Connect a voltmeter between thepositiveterminalof thebatteryandthestarterB+circuit. 3. Turntheignitionkeyto theSTARTposition andnotethevoltageonthemeter. 4. If voltagereads0.5voltsor more,thereis high resistance inthestartercablesorthecableground, repairasnecessary. If thevoltagereadingis okproteedto thenextstep. 5. Connect avoltmeterbetween thepositiveterminalof thebatteryandthestarterM circuit, 6. TurntheignitionkeytotheSTARTposition andnotethevoltageonthemeter. 7. If voltagereads0.5voltsormore,thereis high resistance inthestarter.Repairor replace thestarter asnecessary. *Many automotiveparts stores have starter benchtesters available for use by customers. A starter benchtest is the most definitive way to determinethe conditionof your starter.
Voltage Drop Test *The battery mustbe in goodconditionand fully chargedprior to performingthis test. 1. Disabletheignitionsystembyunplugging the coil pack.Verifythatthevehiclewill notstart.
# See Figures52 and 53 1. Disconnect thenegative batterycable. 2. Detach theair-flowsensorassembly connectorandremove thebreather hose.
3. Remove theresonator retainingnutsandremovetheair intakehoseandresonator assembly as required. rllse care when removingthe air cleaner cover becausethe air-flow sensoris attached and is a sensitive component. 4. If equipped withActive-ECS suspension, removetheaircompressor asfollows: a. Detachthetwoelectricalconnectors, from thecompressor. b. Disconnect theair lineat thecompressor. c. Remove thethreemounting bolts,securing thecompressor to thechassis. 5. Raisethevehicleandsupportsafely. 6. Remove theengineundercover. 7. Remove theheatshieldfrombeneath theintakemanifoldonthe1.5Lengine. 8. If necessary, detachthespeedometer cable connector atthetransaxle end. 9. Detach thestartermotorelectricalconnactions. 10. Remove thestartermotormounting boltsand remove thestarter. 11. Theinstallation isthereverseof theremoval procedure. Tightenthestartermounting boltsto 22ft. Ibs.(31Nm). 12. Connect thenegative batterycableandcheck thestarterfor properoperation.
Fig. 53 Location of the two starter retaining bolts
2-12 ENGINEELECTRICAL *This section describesthe operatingprina ciples of sendingunits, warning lights and gauges.Sensorswhich provide information to the EnafneControlUnit (ECU)or Electronic or Power&in ControlModule(FCM/PCM)are coveredin Section4 of this manual. Instrument panelscontaina numberof indicating devices(gauges andwarninglights).Thesedevices arecomposed of twoseparate components. Oneis thesendingunit,mounted ontheengineor otherremotepartof thevehicle,andtheotheristheactual gaugeor lightintheinstrument panel. Severaltypesof sendingunitsexist,howevermost canbecharacterized asbeingeithera pressure type ora resistance type.Pressure typesendingunits convertliquidpressure intoanelectricalsignalwhich is senttothegauge.Resistance typesendingunits aremostoftenusedto measure temperature anduse variableresistance to controlthecurrentflowbackto theindicatinq device.Bothtypesof sendinqunitsare connected inseriesbya wimtothebatteryithiough theignitionswitch).Whentheignitionis turnedON, currentflowsfromthebatterythroughtheindicating deviceandonto thesendingunit.
TESTING Thecoolanttemperature sendinaunitis usedto operate thetemperature gauge.Donotconfusethis sendingunitwiththeotherswitchesor sensorsused to signaltheenginecontrolunitorair conditioning regarding temperature of thecoolant.Usually,these otherunitsaremounted nearthecoolanttemoerature sensorusedfor enginecontrol. GaugeCheck 1. Detach theenginecoolantgaugesendingunit electricalconnector. 2. Connect a suitabletestliaht(12V-3.4W) betweentheharness sideconnector andthearound. 3. Turntheignitionswitchto theONposition. 4. Checktheconditionof thetestlightandgauge asfollows: a. If all components areoperating properly, thetestlightshouldilluminate andthegauge needleshouldmove. b. If thetestlightis illuminated andthe gaugeneedledoesnotmove,replacethecoolant temperature gauge. c. If thetestlightis illuminated andthe gaugeneedledoesnotmove,checkthefusefor a brokenwire,or resistance between thegauge terminals d. If thetestlightis notilluminated andthe gaugeis notmoving,check,thenreplacethe wiringharness, if necessar!y. SenderCheck p See Figure 64 1. Draintheenginecoolantto a levelbelowthe coolanttemperature sendingunit
i, 56, 57, and 56
Fig. 54 Placethe sendingunit in water and measurethe resistance 2. Disconnect thesendingunitwiringharness andremove thecoolanttemperature sendingunit. 3. Placethesendingunittip in a panof warmwater.Useathermometer to measure thewatertemperatlL”,“. KP 4. Measure theresistance acrossthesendinguni terminals whilethesendingunitis inthewater. 5. Notetheohmreadingandcompare to thefollowingspecifications: l Watertemperature of 68°F(2O”C)2.21-2.69kilo-ohmsresistance l Watertemperature of 158°F(7O’Ck 90.5-117.5ohmsresistance l Watertemperature of 176°F(8O”C)264-328ohmsresistance. If theresistance is notapproximately accurate for thetemperature, thesendingunitmustbereplaced.
Fig. 55 Detach the connector from the coolant temperaturesending unit
1. Disconnect thenegative batterycable. 2. Positiona suitabledrainpanundertheradiator. 3. Draintheenginecoolanta levelbelowthe coolanttemperature sendingunit. 4. Disconnect thesendingunitwiringharness, thenremovethecoolanttemperature sendingunit fromtheengine. To install: 5. Coatthesendingunitthreadswitha suitable threadsealant. 6. Installtheenginecoolanttemperature gauge sendingunitintotheboreintheengineandtighten to 7-8 ft. Ibs.(10-12Nm). 7. Attachtheelectricalharness connector to the sendinaunit. 8. fill thecoolingsystemtotheproperlevel. :onnect thenegative batterycable.
'ESTING tauga Check See Ftgure 69
ENGINE ELECTRlCiL2-13 b. If thetestlightflashesor lightssteadilybut thegaugedoesnotmove,thegaugemustbereplaced. c. If neitherthetestlightor thegaugeoperate,checktheoil pressure gaugecircuitandreplace,if necessary.
ing the oil pressuresendingunit 1. Detachtheoil pressure gaugeunitelectrical connector. 2. Usea suitabletestlioht(12V-3.4W) to around ’ theharnesssideconnecto~ ’ 3. Turntheignitionto theONposition. 4. Checktheconditionof thetestlightandgauge asfollows: a. If all components areoperating properly, thetestlightwill flashor lightsteadilyandthe oil pressure gaugeneedlewill move.
SendingUnit Check theelectricalharness connector from 1. Remove thesendingunitandremove thesendingunitfrom theoil filterhead. 2. Connect anohmmeter between theterminal andthesendingunitbodycavityandcheckfor conductivity.Ifthereis noconductivity, replace thesendingunit. 3. Next,inserta verythinwedgethroughtheoil holein theendof thesendingunit.Pushthewedge resistance. Thereshouldbe -in-slightly -- d and .. .. measure noconoucovey. evenwhenwedgeis 4. If thereis conductivity, pushed, replacethesendingunit. whena 71psipres5. If thereis noconductivity sureis placedthroughtheoil hole,thesendingunit is operating properly.
6. Checkto seethatthereis noair pressure leakagethroughthesendingunit.If thereis airpressure leakage, thediaphragm is brokenandthesending unitwill requirereplacement. REMOVAL&INSTALLATION b See Figures60 thru 65 1. Disconnect thenegative batterycable. 2. Raiseandsupportthevehiclesafely. 3. Detach theelectricalharness connector from thesendingunit,thenremove theunitfromtheoil filterhead. To install: 4. Aoolva thinbeadof sealantto thethreaded portionof theoil pressure sendingunit.Donotallow sealerto contacttheendof thethreaded portionof thesendingunit. 5. Installthesendingunitandtightento8 ft. tbs. (12Nm).Donotover-tighten thesendingunit. 6. Attachtheelectricalharness connector to the sendingunit. 7. Carefullylowerthevehicle,thenconnect the negative batterycable.
Fig 60 Detach the connectorfrom the oil /pressure sendingunit g3’9wi
Fig 61 The body of the sending unit has a / m&e shape . . . g3152w
Fig. 62 . , . and the use of an oil pressure sendingunit socketgreatly aids the removal and installation
Fig. 65 Before installing the sending unit, it is a good idea to place Teflon@tape on the threads
Basic Starting System Problems
Starter motor rotates engrne slowly
* Battery charge low or battery defecttve - Defective crrcurt between battery and starter motor * Low load current
* Hugh load current
Starter motor wrll not rotate engrne
* Battery charge low or battery defecttve * Faulty solenord * Damaged drive pnron gear or ring gear * Starter motor engagement weak . Starter motor rotates slowly wtth high load current
. Engine setzed Starter motor dnve wrll not engage (solenotd known to be good)
. Defecbve
contact pant assembly
. Inadequate contact pornt assembly ground - Defeckve hold-In co11 Starter motor dnve wtli not dtsengage
- Starter motor loose on flywheel houstng . Worn drive end bustng * Damaged nng gear teeth * Drive yoke return spnng broken or mtsstng
Starter motor dnve d&engages prematurely
* Weak drive assembly * Hold-tn co11defeckve
Low load current
- Worn brushes * Weak brush springs
thrust spnng
. Charge or replace battery + Clean and ttghten, or replace cables * Bench-test starter motor Inspect for wom brushes and weak brush springs. . Bench-test starter motor Check engtne for fncbon, drag or coolant rn cylinders. Check nng gear-toprnton gear clearance. * Charge or replaoe battery . Check solenoid ground Reparr or replace as necessary. * Replace damaged gear(s) . Bench-test starter . Inspect dnve yoke pornt gap, check bushtngs. check ance * Repatr engk7e
motor pull-down and for worn end m-g gear clear-
* Reparr or replace contact pornt assembly + Repatr connectron at ground screw * Replace field w~ndrng assembly . Ttghten mounttng
. Replace bushtrg . Replace ring gear or dnveplate . Replace spnng * Replace . Replace
dnve mechamsm field wtndtng assembly
. Replace * Replace
brushes spnngs
Basic Charging System Problems
Loose mounbngs Loose drive pulley Worn beanngs Brush notse Internal circuits shorted (Hugh pitched whrne)
. . * . .
Ttghten mountrng bolts Tighten pulley Replace alternator Replace alternator Replace alternator
Noisy alternator
* . . * *
Squeal when starting engtne or acceleratmg
. Glazed or loose belt
* Replace
Indicator light rematns on or ammeter rndrcates drscharge (ejrgrne runmng)
. . * .
. * .
Car Irght bulbs contmually bum outbatter-v needs water conbnually
* Alternator/regulator
Car kghts flare on acceleratton
. Battery low . Internal alternator/regulator problems
* Charge or replace battery . Replace alternator/regulator
Low voltage output (alternator lght fltckers conbnually or ammeter needle wanders)
* Loose or worn belt * Dkly or corroded connecttons * Internal alternator/regulator oroblems
. Replace or adjust beit . Clean or replace connecttons * Replace alternator/regulator
Broken belt Broken or dksconnected wares Internal aitemator problems Defectrve voltage regulator overchargtng
or adfust belt
Install heft Repatr or connect Waring Replace alternator Replace vottage regulator/alternator
. Replace voltage regulatoriatternator