
  • August 2019
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  • Pages: 3
Universal Science Forum GUIDELINES: Active from 23 -7 2007 © Compiled by Suraj Rajan, Mohan Krishna and Dino M Krishnan for USF-Rmath™

[b][i](Please go through these before joining)[/b][/i] A. [B][U] General Rules:[/B][/U] 1. [b]USF-RMath Forum[/b] deals with [u]everything in Science and Math.[/u] 2. [b]This is not a doubt-clearing forum[/b]; it is essentially a community to share your knowledge/wisdom and learn. 3. [b]The more intriguing your topic is, the hotter the discussions get.[/b] That's something we assure you. Our older posts testify this. 4. [b]Do your homework before posting topics/questions/paradoxes.[/b] USF is beyond the scope of questions like : What is the speed of light? Why is the sky blue? What is E.coli? or What is blue-tooth?... There are ordinary school level websites and orkut communities that discuss and answer such questions for fun. USF is not a "[i]Coffee-with-Karan[/i]" or "[i]Oprah Winfrey[/i]" chat forum! 5. [b]All members are strongly urged to post a topic at least once in [i]3 months[/i][/b] unless they are too busy with exam's, sister's delivery, mamma's tooth filling, grandfather's third wedding, or their dog's vasectomy operation.! 6. [B]WE DO NOT ENETERTAIN INACTIVE MEMBERS[/B]. There are scores of orkut communities on Physics, Nanotech, Genetics, etc that have 15,000+ members but haven't had a

single good discussion in ages, or are spammed to the hilt with web-links to "come and see me getting screwed in my kitchen" or "Sania Mirza in the jacuzzi tub"..!! 7. [B]If you don't find topics that interest you here, post something of your own.[/B] It's the responsibility of every member to keep USF [B]interesting[/B]. 8. [B]We have our own ways of distancing ourselves from "pseudo-geeks"[/B]. If you plan to join USF simply to make your profile page look "geeky", "nerdy" or just to let your friends into believing that you 're the next best thing that happened to science after Stephen Hawking or James Watson, then please reconsider your decision.

B. [B][U]Rules of posting topics and discussions:[/B][/U] 1.

The language of communication will be English only. WE DO NOT ENTERTAIN SHORT MESSAGING LINGO. [i]For eg: I wud lyk tu ask u a qstn..Is it tru tat u guys wil kik ma ass if i don flw tese rulz?! [/i]


Be sure of the topic / question you are posting. Do not make up paradoxes.


Look up the net for info on your topic if you're not sure of the basic facts.


Present things in your own words as far as possible and [b]AVOID JARGON[/B]. Your knowledge is useless if you can't communicate it to a fellow being. Plagiarism is highly discouraged.


You can post puzzles which is the only class of threads which do not demand homework.[b]Puzzles posted should be standard ones.[/b] Stupid quadratic equations are for elementary schools. Mind you, our members range from KVPY scholars to IITans..!


All puzzles should be discussed fully within the USF threads. Do not give spoiler links to solutions if they aren't fully discussed. Every member has a right to suspense…!


All references must be acknowledged duly with web links to the sources. Respect copyrights.


You are allowed to '[i]copy paste[/i]' from outside sources only when : a. You are quoting somebody. b. You are reporting a research c. You are really at a loss of words…!

9. The topics should be lively and creative. A popular approach is always encouraged....need not be high profile techno savvy stuff

C. [b][u]Posts that warrant immediate removal and banning:[/b][/u] 1. Party politics (that's outside sociology..!) 2. Religious preaching ("your god sucks..! my god rocks..!") 3. [b]Posts asking for advice on books to read[/b] for IIT-JEE, SAT, KVPY interview, CBSE Boards, PCM scholarship, nursery school entrance exams, your next dog-show…etc 4. [b]Homework[/b]: If you try to get your homework done for free. 5. [b]Free e-Books links:[/b] As a matter of fact, 99.99% of such links take you to either sex sites or "log-in with your father's credit card baby..!" sites. 6. [b]Spam:[/b] Go get a life pal…! 7. Repeated disobeyance of above rules after a maximum of two warning messages. 8. Keep your emotions out of USF. No personal wars inside USF. Warning: We can be real rude. So “mood”ies keep away!

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