Cfsa Fy10 Budget Questions Final

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  • Words: 1,726
  • Pages: 5
Child and Family Services Agency FY10 Budget Questions

1. What is the total number of currently filled FTE positions identified for elimination? Please provide the title of each position and which program each position is in? Identify which positions are subject to collective bargaining? How will the loss of these staff impact service delivery? Is early retirement being offered to those individuals who are eligible? What was the impetus for the elimination of these positions? 2. Provide the activities under the Policy Activity (Line 2050). 3. Please provide a detailed listing of how the agency plans to use stimulus funds? 4. The following areas will see funding increases: • •

Intake and Investigation Activity (Line 2020) =$2,440,000 Teen Services Activity (Line 2030) = $1,492,000

What specific activities will be implemented or expanded in each area receiving a funding increase? Does the increase in dollars represent increasing costs to maintain baseline or are these TRUE expansions? 5. One of the policy initiatives identified in the proposed budget was the allocation of $818,959 in one-time funds for build-out cost of CFSA’s Office of Youth Development (OYD) and provide program space for the new Youth Transition Center (YTC). Will these funds be used to hire staff as part of the OYD build-out cost? If yes, how many employees will be needed to fully staff the office? Because this is a one-time funding allocation, will staffing positions be permanent or time-limited? Has a program space been identified for the Youth Transition Center? How much of the $818,959 will be used for build-out cost of the OYD and how much will be used for the YTC program space? Will this funding be adequate for the build-out cost of staff and program space or have additional funds been identified for these initiatives? When will the YTC be fully operational? Please provide a program description for the OYD and for the new YTC. 6. What is Court Supervision (Line 1099) with zero expenditure for FY08 and FY09 and $665,000 in FY10? 7. What specific resources will be allocated in FY10 to provide services to children in the APPLA category aside form the build-out of the Office of Youth Development and the Youth Transition Center?


8. The following areas will see funding decreases: • • • • • • • •

Foster Care Services (Line 2011) = -$851,000 Adoption Activity (Line 2040) = -$248,000 Child Placement Activity (Line 3010) = -$1,089,000 Health Services and Clinical Support Act (Line 3030) = -$5,909,000 Licensing and Monitoring Activity (Line 3040) = -$7,360,000 Adoption & Guardianship Activity (Line 4010) = -$18,203,000 Supported Service Activity (Line 5010) = -$169,000 Family Resources Activity (Line 3020) = -$75,000

What specific activities will be eliminated or transitioned in each program receiving a funding decrease? Will the decrease in funding have an impact on the delivery of services? 9. Provide a detailed breakdown of plans to use the increase of $1.5 million for the InHome program. 10. What was the impetus behind the decision to eliminate Targeted Case Management (TCM) services through Medicaid? How will these services be provided if not through Medicaid? Will there be services that will not longer be available? Is it the expectation that local funding will be used to pay for TCM services and or other services that will no longer be provided under Medicaid? Provide a timeline for this transition. 11. Can you identify what services were previously eligible under Targeted Case Management and how these services will be delivered? 12. What are the documentation requirements for Medicaid? What are the documentation requirements for Title IV-E? What benefits do you expect to gain from making this transition? 13. Regarding the transition in claiming Medicaid Rehab Option services, please explain the differences between the new methodology that will provide payment for specific discrete services and the current bundled methodology. Please itemize which services were previously bundled and which services will now be paid for individually. Do you anticipate that this will cause any disruption in the delivery of these services? 14. What internal inefficiencies has the agency identified regarding the Medicaid disallowances? What does the future look like for disallowances? Please walk through a case? 15. Under Cost Savings a total of 16 vacant non social worker positions were slated for elimination. Are these the only vacant positions identified for elimination? How long was each position vacant? Provide the title of each position and what unit each position in? Will the elimination of these positions have any impact on service delivery? 2

16. Under Policy Initiatives, $246,073 in one-time funding is allocated for build-out of the Special Abuse Unit of CFSA’s Child Protective Services program to co-locate at the new DC Children’s Advocacy Center (CAC). How many CFSA staff will be colocated to the new CAC? Will staff from other District government agencies be included in the co-location? If yes, provide which agencies and the number of staff from each. When will the co-location be completed? 17. Under Policy Initiatives, $350,000 is allocated to cover the cost of operating the new CAC. What is the total funding amount for the completion of the new CAC? When will the CAC be fully operational? 18. The budget supported the continuation of the Grandparent Subsidy Program. How much funding will be provided for the program in FY10? Is this an increase in funding from FY09? How many families will be able to be serviced at the funding level? Will there be a cost of living increase above the 4% supported in the FY09 budget? 19. Under the Mayor’s proposed FY09 budget a $2.5 million program enhancement was included to “fund continued and intensified development of a broader, more nuanced array of quality mental and behavioral services for District child welfare clients.” In the proposed FY10 budget under Protected Programs it states that the proposed budget will sustain the expansion of mental health services for youth. What is the FY10 allocation for mental health services for youth in care? How many additional youth were able to receive services under the FY09 program enhancement? What additional services were provided under the FY09 program enhancement? If the FY10 allocation is greater that the $2.5 million allocated in FY09 please provide detailed information on how the additional funding will be used. If the FY10 allocation is less that the $2.5 million allocated in FY09, please provide a rational for this decease and detailed information on how this funding loss will impact services? 20. Please explain the increases in Object Code 32 in Table RLO-3 on page E-20. 21. Please explain the decreases in Object Codes 40, 41, 50, and 70 in Table RLO-3 on page E-20. 22. Please explain the increases and decreases in Object Codes 11-15 in Table RLO-3 Personal Services on page E-20. 23. Are funds available under "The Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008" for FY09? If yes, does CFSA need to make significant changes in policy and practice to comply with any new requirements in order to access this funding? 24. In the FY09 budget as part of the Child Placement Activity $511,988 was provided for the Family Team Meeting Initiative. The proposed FY10 budget supports sustaining this initiative. How much funding has been allocated for this program in FY10? 3

25. In the Transfers Out section of the proposed budget CFSA will transition services for medical screening from hospital-based services to agency-based clinic services. Agency-based medical professional will provide immediate medical screenings. Please provide detailed information about the transition and how it will work to ensure timely medical screenings. Do you anticipate a budget impact as a result of this transition? Please walk through a case? 26. Provide additional information on the new payment rate structure for Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facilities. 27. Is there money in the FY10 proposed budget for employee parking? If yes, is this an increase or decrease from FY09? 28. Have all positions within contracting and procurement been filled specifically the position of Director. If no, have any of these vacant positions been eliminated? 29. In the proposed budget $664,039 in cost saving was identified within the Child Information Services Administration by using staff resources to support information technology needs. Provide a program description for the Child Information Services Administration and a listing of activities within this program? Please specify the source of this cost savings. Will staff be required to take on additional duties? 30. Under the Cost Savings the Collaborative Council contract was reduced by $544,055 to focus on documentation, quality assurance, evaluation and training supports to the Collaboratives. Provide detailed information on how the agency plans to support improvements in these areas? What is the total funding allocated to the Collaboratives in FY 10? 31. Please specify how the agency plans to use the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, which will provide $2,500,000 in Title IV-E federal funding to support services to children in foster care, training for social workers and staff, training for current or prospective foster and adoptive parents, and other eligible services. How much funding will be used for each of the above mentioned activities? Will this funding represent and increase or decrease from funding allocated for each activity in FY09? After the one-time stimulus funding has been spent, will the agency look for ways to annualize these services? 32. The proposed budget allows for the sustaining of the co-location of social worker support units in the community. What is the total funding allocated for co-location in FY 10? Does this amount represent and increase or decrease from FY 09? Are there plans to have workers assigned to cases according to geographic location? 33. The FY09 budget included $357,000 in funding in the development of the Child Welfare Student Training and Education-to-Practice (STEP) program. The FY10 proposed budget supports sustaining this initiative as a way to promote retention and recruitment. How much funding is be allocated for this program in FY10? To date, how many students are in this program? How many students to you anticipate in FY10? 4

34. In the FY09 budget the “Work of the Heart” Respite Program Initiative received $150,000 in funding. The FY10 proposed budget supports sustaining short-term respite care for foster care families. How much funding has been allocated for this program in FY10? 35. How much funding have you allocated for travel in the proposed FY10 budget?


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