Cepa Drills By Megenius

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Reading Comprehension Passages (1) Read the text and the questions. Choose the best word or phrase to answer each question according to the information in the text: 1. Have you ever visited a zoo just to see the Giant Panda? The Giant Panda is one of the world’s rarest animals and comes from south-western China. It is black and white in colour and looks like a bear. The panda is between 160 and 180 centimeters in length, weighs about 80 to 125 kilograms, and can live to be 34 years old. Although the panda has a huge head and heavy body, it is also very attractive with a short tail and round ears. The panda has black spots on its eyes, ears, shoulders, and legs. The rest of the panda is white. 2. Pandas live in a deep bamboo forest, or at higher elevations in snowy or rocky areas. They prefer to live on the ground, but can also climb trees to look for food. Like the bear, the panda tends to live alone. However, it does not sleep through the winter like bears. The panda eats bamboo, fish, and a small amount of meat. It can spend 10 to 12 hours a day eating up to 12 to 15 kilograms of food. 3. Pandas are very vocal animals and can communicate through 11 different calls. They also communicate by rubbing a strong scent on to tree trunks and stones. They also scratch trees to identify their territory which is one of the reasons that people seem to believe that the panda is from the bear family; but it is actually from the raccoon family.

Questions: 1. The best title for this text is ------------. a) A Chinese Animal Bear c) The Giant Panda

b) An Attractive d) An Unusual Raccoon

2. In paragraph 1, it refers to the ------------. a) head c) tail

b) body d) panda

3. The white part of the panda is the ------------. a) eyes c) body

b) ears d) legs

4. Pandas live in the ------------. a) forest c) ocean

b) trees d) city

5. A panda spends half of its day ------------. a) scratching c) fishing

b) sleeping d) eating

6. The panda is part of the ------------ family. a) raccoon c) bamboo

b) bear d) fish


(2) Read the text and the questions. Choose the best word or phrase to answer each question according to the information in the text: 1. Have you ever heard of the emperor scorpion? The first emperor scorpions lived before the dinosaurs more than 450 million years ago. Nowadays they live in tropical wooded forests in Africa and can be found buried in the soil or under rocks. The scorpion is known for its poisonous and painful sting. Scorpions are thought to be very dangerous, but their sting rarely kills human beings. Today, many people even collect scorpions as pets. 2. The emperor scorpion grows very quickly. It can be between 12 and 24 centimeters in length. Male scorpions are usually bigger than females. Scorpions have a hard thin layer on the outside of the body, called the exoskeleton. Scorpions can be found in a variety of colours, including dark blue, black, green and brown. An unusual feature of scorpions is that they glow in the dark. The body is divided into four sections. Each section has a pair of legs. There are also two scissor-like pinchers at the front of its body that are strong enough to make humans bleed. At the end of the scorpion’s tail is a large ball that contains poison. 3. The scorpion can live for up to eight years and is most active at night. It eats insects, mice, lizards and other scorpions. Another special feature of the scorpion is that it can live up to a year without food and underwater for two days! Would you like to have an emperor scorpion as your pet?

Questions: 1. The best title for the text is ------------. a) A Different Kind of Pet c) Animals from Africa

b) A Poisonous Animal d) The Emperor Scorpion

2. In paragraph 1, the word they refers to ------------. a) pets c) dinosaurs

b) scorpions d) humans

3. The scorpion can grow up to ------------ centimeters long. a) 12 b) 2 c) 24 d) 8 4. The scorpion’s poison is located in its ------------. a) exoskeleton c) tail

b) pinchers d) legs

5. Scorpions move around mostly ------------. a) in the morning c) at midday

b) in the afternoon d) at night

6. Scorpions can go ------------ without eating. a) one year c) eight years

b) two days d) four nights


(3) Read the text and the questions. Choose the best word or phrase to answer each question according to the information in the text: 1. The life of a Pacific salmon begins in a small creek or stream. These fish are born in nests that the mother fish makes with small rocks. Young salmon live in freshwater lakes, rivers, and streams for about two years. Then they swim long distances down rivers until they reach the Pacific Ocean. Salmon are different from other fish because they can live in both saltwater oceans and in freshwater rivers and lakes. They spend the last half of their lives in the ocean, where they grow to a size of around nine kilograms. A few giant salmon have been found which were 60 kilograms in weight and 1.5 metres long. 2. At the end of their lives, salmon leave the ocean and return to freshwater streams to lay their eggs. In order to do this they must travel two or three thousand kilometres. They must be strong enough to swim upstream, against the flow of the water. The most interesting thing about salmon is that they always return to the same streams where they were born. Scientists don’t know how these fish are able to find their birthplaces after travelling hundreds of kilometres. During the long trip back there, salmon do not eat anything. After they lay their eggs, they die.

Questions: 1. Pacific salmon are born in ------------. a) large rivers b) saltwater c) the Pacific Ocean d) small streams 2. Pacific salmon travel to the ocean ------------. a) at the end of their lives b) when they are two years old c) when they lay their eggs d) at the beginning of their lives 3. Pacific salmon become very large in ------------. a) the ocean b) freshwater c) rivers and streams d) saltwater lakes 4. In paragraph 2, the word there refers to ------------. a) the ocean b) upstream c) their birthplaces d) fresh water lakes 5. Before Pacific salmon can lay their eggs, they must ------------. a) find the ocean b) return to their mothers c) swim upstream d) grow bigger than other fish 6. This story is mostly about ------------. a) fish of the Pacific ocean b) the life of the Pacific salmon c) how Pacific salmon lay their eggs d) where young Pacific salmon live


(4) Read the text and the questions. Choose the best word or phrase to answer each question according to the information in the text: 1. Have you ever heard about the elephant called Jumbo? Jumbo was an African Elephant that lived in the London Zoo for more than 17 years. Jumbo was so large that even today, the word ‘jumbo’ refers to something very large. 2. Elephants are the largest animals that live on land. An adult African elephant is approximately 3 meters tall and weighs about 5,400 kilograms. They live anywhere from the wet forest to the dry deserts. They are also the second-tallest of all animals. 3. The elephant is well known for its long trunk which has over 100000 muscles. The elephant uses its trunk as a hand. The elephant also uses its trunk to drink water by spraying it into its mouth. The elephant’s skin is dark grey, wrinkled, and about 3 centimeters thick. Although the skin is thick, it is very tender and needs protection from the hot sun and insects. An elephant usually takes a mud bath to help keep cool. The mud protects the animal’s skin. 4. The African elephant has a number of interesting features. It is strong and very intelligent. Elephants are sensitive and can cry, play, laugh, and even have incredible memories. They can remember places and people that they only saw once. 5. Young elephants learn by copying older elephants. This comes naturally because the mothers, aunts, sisters, and cousins all take care of the young. As with humans, the young are so important that all the family, or herd, of elephants protect them from predators.

Questions: 1. The best title for the passage is ------------. a) Jumbo the Elephant c) Elephants Around the World

b) African Elephants d) An Intelligent Animal

2. In paragraph 2, the word they refers to ------------. a) elephants b) animals c) Africans d) zoos 3. Elephants take a mud bath to------------. a) make their skin soft c) play and laugh

b) help them drink d) protect themselves

4. The elephant’s trunk is like a ------------. a) nose c) hand

b) mouth d) foot

5. African elephants are ------------. a) strong with tender skin c) predators with thick skin

b) very intelligent and sensitive d) short and wrinkled

6. Young elephants learn by ------------. a) playing with their friends c) protecting the herd from predators

b) doing the same things as their parents d) remembering people and places


(5) Read the text and the questions. Choose the best word or phrase to answer each question according to the information in the text: 1. According to legend, Marco Polo brought the recipe for ice cream with him from China. However, there is no written record of this. We do know that the Chinese taught Arab traders how to combine syrups and snow, to make an early version of ice cream called sherbet. These traders then showed the people of Venice and the Romans how to make this frozen dessert. In fact, the Roman Emperor, Nero, was said to be quite fond of pureed fruit, sweetened with honey, and he liked to mix it with snow. He loved this concoction so much that he had special rooms built under his palace which were designed keep the snow cold. In the 1500s, the recipe for sorbet was introduced to the French by Catherine de Medici. 2. The invention of ice cream came later with the development of custard, a milky dessert, and in 1775 people discovered that freezing custard would create a delicious sweet. This discovery was shortly followed by the creation of a machine to make ice cream which made the process much easier. 3. In America, Thomas Jefferson so loved ice cream that he imitated Nero by having a special cold room built for storing snow and he is said to have created the first ice cream recipe in the United States. Another president, George Washington, was one of the first people in the US to buy an ice cream machine. 4. Nothing really changed in the world of ice cream for the next 100 years. It was still being made at home. In 1851, this was all changed by a creative man named Jacob Fussell when he opened the first ice cream factory. 5. Near the beginning of the 20th century, the ice cream soda was created. It was made by accident when a scoop of ice cream fell into a glass of flavoured Coca-Cola. A short time later, another delicious dessert was invented. It was called the “sundae” and contained ice cream covered with syrup and whipped cream. 6. Perhaps the most important ice cream discovery was made during the 1904 Louisiana Purchase Exposition in Saint Louis. At the exposition, Charles Menches had a successful business selling ice cream in bowls. However, he had so many customers that he soon ran out of bowls. Sad, but determined to still find a way to sell his ice cream, he asked his friend Ernest Hamwi, who was selling a wafer-like biscuit called “zalabia”, a Syrian sweet, to form a cone from the wafers to hold his ice cream. The combination proved very popular and the ice cream cone was born!

Questions: 1.The main idea for this text is ------------. a) the Chinese contributions to the development of ice cream b) ice cream is a popular, delicious dessert c) ice cream can be made from various ingredients d) the historical developments of ice cream 2. The main idea for paragraph 6 is ------------. a) ice cream at the 1904 Exposition b) how bowls were used in the ice cream industry c) the invention of the ice cream cone d) how Syrians contributed to the history of ice cream


3. The words This discovery in paragraph 2 refer to ------------. a) ice cream machine b) sherbet c) sorbet d) frozen custard 4. The word imitated in paragraph 3 means ------------. a) invented b) discovered c) developed d) copied 5. Most people think that ------------.first brought ice cream to the Western world. a) Marco Polo b) Thomas Jefferson c) the Chinese d) Catherine de Medici 6. The Roman Emperor Nero kept snow in his palace ------------. a) to decrease the temperature b) to keep his food cold c) so he could make a cold dessert d) so fruit would stay fresh 7. Ice cream, as we know it today, was invented ------------. a) in 1775 b) at the same time as custard c) near the beginning of the 20th century d) by Thomas Jefferson 8. Until the mid 1800s ice cream was usually made in ------------. a) factories b) special cold rooms c) St. Louis d) people’s houses


(6) Read the text and the questions. Choose the best word or phrase to answer each question according to the information in the text: 1. ‘A woman without paint is like food without salt,’ wrote the Roman philosopher Plautus. But the reasons people wear makeup, as well as the way in which they wear it, have changed dramatically over time. 2. In ancient Greco-Roman societies, women wore white lead and chalk on their faces to look attractive. Ancient Egyptians wore foundation to lighten their skin and men, women and children wore kohl. This black eye liner was used both for beauty and to protect their eyes from disease. Persians, on the other hand, used henna dyes to stain their hair and faces to make themselves beautiful. 3. Later, in the European Middle Ages, both men and women made their faces white. Rich men wanted people to know that they did not have to work outdoors in the sun. They wanted to show off their wealth by having a pale or white face. Royal 13th-Century Italian women wore pink lipstick to show they could afford makeup. During the Italian Renaissance, women wore lead paint on their faces, which caused hundreds of deaths because lead is poisonous. 4. In England, at the time of Queen Elizabeth I, cosmetics were seen as a health threat because many thought makeup would stop blood and energy from circulating through the body properly. At this time, men's makeup wasn’t as obvious as women’s (women wore egg whites over their faces to create a glazed look). 5. By the time Charles II of England took over, Europe was still recovering from the plague when thousands of men, women and children died. Because of this, many people were afraid to go outdoors, so heavy makeup supplied the colour that sun-fearing people couldn't get elsewhere. Later, during the French Revolution in the 18th Century, red rouge and lipstick were popular and implied a healthy, fun-loving spirit. But other people didn’t like all this makeup. They thought the French had something to hide! 6. When makeup regained acceptance in the late 19th century, it was with natural tones so that the healthy, pink-cheeked look could be achieved without using all the dark colours the French had used. 7. Yet, throughout history, makeup hasn’t only been used for beautification, people have tried to use makeup to cover mild to severe imperfections and discolouration of the skin caused by birth, fire or accidents. 8. Today’s makeup is much more developed than in the past - both in cultural trends and styles. Makeup today seems to be a mix of past styles with a new emphasis on the natural look. A natural look that took centuries of painting faces to achieve.

Questions: 1. The main idea for this text is ------------. a) Europeans have traditionally loved wearing white makeup b) the importance of makeup c) wearing makeup can be dangerous for your health d) modern makeup is the result of contributions over time 2. The main idea for paragraph 7 is ------------. a) people use makeup mostly to make themselves look better b) fire can cause severe skin problems c) modern makeup is better than the traditional type d) in the past, people used makeup to cover damaged skin


3. The word implied in paragraph 5 probably means ------------. a) offered b) recovered c) thought d) suggested 4. The word they in paragraph 3 refers to ------------. a) wealthy men b) men and women c) people d) Italians 5. In ancient times, people wanted white skin to ------------. a) hide themselves b) give themselves a healthy look c) look beautiful d) appear younger 6. In the European Middle Ages a white face------------. a) meant that you were rich b) showed that you were ill c) stopped blood circulation through the body d) was a sign of death 7. The French Revolution occurred ------------. a) in the 13th century b) during the 1700’s c) in the late 19th century d) in the last 20 years 8. During the French Revolution, women wore red makeup to ------------. a) look happy b) disguise themselves c) cover skin diseases d) protect themselves from the sun


(7) Read the text and the questions. Choose the best word or phrase to answer each question according to the information in the text: 1. Coffee was first discovered in Northern Africa in an area we know today as Ethiopia. A goat herder by the name of Kaldi observed his goats were unusually active after eating berries from a bush. Curious about this, Kaldi tried eating the berries himself. He found that these berries gave him a lot of energy. The news of this special fruit that gave people energy quickly spread throughout the region. 2. Coffee berries were transported from Ethiopia to the Arabian Peninsula and were first grown in what today is the country of Yemen. From there, coffee traveled to Turkey where coffee beans were roasted for the first time over open fires. The roasted beans were crushed and then boiled in water, creating an early version of the drink we enjoy today. 3. Coffee was brought to Europe by Italian traders. Once in Europe, this new drink was criticized by some people. They felt that coffee should be illegal. However, local leaders declared that coffee was an acceptable drink. 4. In the 1700’s coffee found its way to America. It was taken there by a French military captain who only took one small plant on the long journey across the Atlantic. This one plant, transplanted to the Caribbean Island of Martinique, became the first of over 19 million trees on the island within 50 years. It was from this small beginning that the coffee plant found its way to the rest of the tropical regions of South and Central America. 5. In 1822 the French invented a way of preparing coffee called espresso. The Italians perfected a machine that makes espresso and were the first to manufacture it. Espresso has become such an integral part of Italian life and culture that there are presently over 200,000 espresso bars in Italy 6. Today, coffee is a huge industry employing more than 20 million people all over the world. This product ranks second only to petroleum in terms of dollars traded worldwide. With over 400 billion cups consumed every year, coffee is the world’s most popular drink. In Brazil alone, over 5 million people are employed in the coffee industry.

Questions: 1. This text is mostly about the ------------. a) preparation of coffee b) history of coffee c) coffee industry d) different types of coffee 2. The Turkish people ------------. a) brought coffee to the Arabian Peninsula b) believed that coffee should be illegal c) were the first to make hot coffee d) discovered the espresso machine 3. Coffee originally came from ------------. a) Yemen b) Northern Africa c) Italy d) The Arabian Peninsula


4. Coffee berries were first discovered by ------------. a) Italian traders b) an Ethiopian goat herder c) the French military d) people in Turkey 5. The hot coffee drink that is popular today was first made in ------------. a) Martinique b) France c) Turkey d) Yemen 6. Local leaders in Europe ------------. a) criticized coffee b) approved of coffee c) invented espresso d) made coffee illegal 7. In the 1700s, a French soldier took ------------ to America. a) 19 million trees b) 50 coffee plants c) a small coffee plant d) the espresso machine 8. Espresso is a ------------. a) coffee machine b) kind of coffee roasted over an open fire c) special coffee plant d) way of coffee preparation 9. The word it in paragraph 5 refers to ------------. a) espresso b) a machine c) Italy d) coffee 10. Paragraph 6 is mostly about ------------. a) the coffee industry in Brazil b) the importance of the petroleum industry c) the global coffee industry d) the popularity of coffee


(8) Read the text and the questions. Choose the best word or phrase to answer each question according to the information in the text: 1. Toothpaste has long been an important part of dental health. The development of toothpaste began as long ago as 300 BC in the ancient countries of China and India. According to Chinese history, Huang-Ti, an educated man, studied the care of teeth. He claimed that sticking gold and silver needles into different parts of the mouth could cure different types of pain. It was theories like these that led to the development of dental cream or what is now called toothpaste. 2. During the years 3000-5000 BC, Egyptians made toothpaste using a recipe of powdered ashes, an incense called ‘myrrh’, egg shells and pumice. Early records state that all these ingredients were mixed together. However, there are no specific written instructions on how to do this. Scientists think that the ancient Egyptians used their fingers to rub the mixture on to their teeth. 3. From the records of countries like India, China and Egypt, we know it was the Greeks and Romans who developed and improved toothpaste. They also made significant discoveries in the field of dental care. For example, they developed a medical device to pull out teeth and were also the first people to tie loose teeth together so they didn’t fall out. 4. The history of the development of toothpaste becomes less clear after the defeat of the Romans. In 1000 AD, evidence shows that the Persians further developed toothpaste. Scientists have found written records in what is now Iran advising people to avoid hard toothpaste because it damaged the teeth. Instead the Persians recommended using toothpaste made out of snail and oyster shells and gypsum. Other Persian recipes included dried animal parts, honey, herbs, and incense. 5. Toothpaste was first available in Britain in the late 18th century. It came in a ceramic pot and was available in either a powder or a paste. Rich people applied it with brushes and the poor put it on with their fingers. 6. In early times, one of the drawbacks of using toothpaste was its bad taste. To make toothpaste taste better, people added a substance called glycerin. In the late 18th century, borax powder was used to get the white foaming effect. In 1873, in the US, Colgate introduced pleasant-smelling toothpaste in a jar. In 1896, the Colgate Company was the first to package toothpaste in a tube similar to ones used today. 7. Toothpaste companies continue to do research to improve their product. The discovery that fluoride, when put in toothpaste, made teeth stronger and healthier was perhaps the most important step forward in the history of toothpaste.

Questions: 1. The best title for this text is ------------. a) Influences of the Greeks on Toothpaste b) The Importance of Good Dental Health c) The History of Toothpaste d) Early Recipes for Toothpaste 2. The main idea for paragraph 2 is ------------. a) how Egyptians made toothpaste in the early days b) products used to make toothpaste c) written records on toothpaste development d) the importance of brushing your teeth


3. The word they in paragraph 3 refers to ------------. a) people from India, China and Egypt b) scientists c) Greeks and Romans d) Persians 4. The word device in paragraph 3 probably means ------------. a) instrument b) product c) substance d) mixture 5. Chinese scientist, Huang-Ti, thought that ------------ stopped mouth pain. a) using dental cream b) putting needles between your teeth c) using a recipe invented by the Egyptians d) taking proper care of your teeth 6. According to the Persians, hard toothpaste ------------. a) was bad for dental health b) should be used to prevent tooth damage c) consisted of snail, oyster shells and gypsum d) must contain dried animal parts 7. One of the major disadvantages of early forms of toothpaste was its ------------. a) white foaming effect b) nice smell c) unpleasant flavour d) unusual packaging 8. The addition of a substance called fluoride to modern-day toothpaste ------------. a) improved dental health b) gave toothpaste a white foaming effect c) improved its taste and smell d) made toothpaste easier to use


(9) Read the text and the questions. Choose the best word or phrase to answer each question according to the information in the text: 1. In 1852, it was determined that Mount Everest, on the Nepal-Tibet border, was the highest mountain in the world. For the next 100 years, several groups tried to climb the mountain but were unsuccessful. It was too cold and windy, and the oxygen was too thin. Some people said it was impossible and several climbers died trying to climb it. However, Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay finally climbed Mt. Everest in 1953. 2. Edmund Hillary was born in New Zealand in 1919. As a young man, his hobby was climbing mountains. Later, he tried mountain climbing in the Alps and the Himalayas. In fact, before attempting to climb Mt. Everest, he had climbed 11 different mountains higher than 6500 meters. 3. In 1951 and 1952, Hillary made trips to the bottom of Mt. Everest to find the best way to the top. Then, in 1953, he joined a team of climbers to try to climb the mountain. After seven weeks of climbing, only two people were strong enough to reach the top. Those two people were Hillary and Norgay, a native of Nepal who was a guide for the team. 4. Hillary and Norgay reached the top of Mount Everest at 11:30 a.m. on 29th May 1953. They stayed at the top for just 15 minutes. After that, they climbed back down. Three days later, they arrived at the bottom of the mountain. The news of their climb spread around the world quickly. 5. For many years, only Hillary was considered to be the first person to climb Everest. However, Hillary insisted that he could not have made the climb without Norgay’s help. Now, they are both considered the first “person” to climb the world’s tallest mountain. In the years following that heroic climb, many people have reached the top of Mount Everest. However, Hillary and Norgay will always be remembered as the first.

Questions: 1. The main idea of the text is ------------. a) Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world b) Edmund Hillary was one of the first men to climb Mt. Everest c) Mountain climbing is a very popular hobby d) Several people died trying to climb Mount Everest 2. Before Hillary and Norgay, climbers were unsuccessful at climbing Mt. Everest because -------. a) the weather was too bad b) the mountain was in Tibet c) they did not have guides d) their clothing was too thin 3. From the text we can guess that ------------. a) Mount Everest is easier to climb in the summer than in the winter b) Hillary didn’t have much mountain-climbing experience c) Hillary carefully planned his climb of Mount Everest d) nobody wanted to climb Mount Everest after Hillary and Norgay


4. Hillary first visited the bottom of Mount Everest in ------------. a) 1952 b) 1951 c) 1953 d) 1919 5. Tenzing Norgay came from ------------. a) Nepal b) New Zealand c) India d) Tibet 6. It took Hillary and Norgay ------------ to climb down the mountain. a) 15 minutes b) 3 days c) 7 weeks d) 100 days


(10) Read the text and the questions. Choose the best word or phrase to answer each question according to the information in the text: 1. One of the greatest philosophers or thinkers in world history was a man named Kong Chiu. Have you ever heard of him? In many Asian countries, he is called Zhongni or Chungni, the name he used while writing books. In the English-speaking world, he is known as Confucius. His name is not important; what is important is that he was a very wise man whose writings and sayings still influence over half of the world’s population. 2. Confucius was born around 551 BC in the small town of Zou in what is now China. When he was three years old, his father died. Although his family was very poor, Confucius’s mother knew that her son was very intelligent, so she made sure he had a good education. Confucius studied hard for several years, sometimes with a teacher but usually on his own. At the age of 20, he started working for the local government. 3. Four years later, his mother died. Soon after this, he began his career as a teacher. He travelled around China teaching students and working for local governments. It was at this time that he developed many of the social ideas that he would later write about. The most important of these is how to act towards others. He wrote that you shouldn’t do anything to someone that you don’t want them to do to you. For example, if you don’t want someone to steal your money, you shouldn’t steal their money. Ideas such as this made Confucius a very popular philosopher and teacher throughout C 4. Later in life, Confucius introduced many ideas about society and how people should behave. He taught that education was important for everyone. He also taught that people should respect their kings, children should respect their parents, and younger people should respect older people. After his death in 479 BC, his ideas continued to grow in popularity. Today, many Asian countries such as China, Japan, and Korea still teach his ideas in public schools.

Questions: 1. The main idea of paragraph 2 is ------------. a) the teachings of Confucius b) the early life of Confucius c) the town of Zou in China d) the family of Confucius 2. From the text we can guess that ------------. a) Confucius became a very rich man b) Confucius didn’t like working for the government c) the ideas of Confucius are not studied in Vietnam d) Confucius thought that studying was necessary 3. Confucius was born in ------------. a) a small town in China b) Japan c) in the English-speaking world d) Korea


4. Confucius was ------------ years old when he started his first job. a) 20 b) 3 c) 24 d) 16 5. ------------ helped Confucius become a great philosopher. a) Education b) Money c) His father d) The king 6. Confucius thought that ------------. a) a man should have many names b) a son should respect his father c) you should work for the local government d) you should give money to poor people


(11) Read the text and the questions. Choose the best word or phrase to answer each question according to the information in the text: 1. How can a man be so rich, yet be so poor? Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was this type of man: rich with all his talents, loving family and friends, yet poor because of his many debts. 2. Mozart was born on 27th January 1756 in Salzburg, Austria. He was the seventh child of Leopold and Anna Mozart, but only had one sister, a pianist, who was four years older. At the age of 4, Mozart played the keyboard; and he mastered the violin at the age of 5 and also wrote his first piece then. Mozart’s father noticed his children’s talents. He then decided to make his son and daughter perform for money to increase the family’s income. In 1762, Mozart, who was now 6 years old, and his sister, who was 10 years old, toured Europe with their father and performed in Munich and Vienna. 3. As Mozart grew up, he continued travelling with his father. Between 1770 and 1772, he and his father travelled to Italy where he wrote 25 symphonies and his first quartets. In 1777, Mozart was deeply upset by his father’s death and decided to travel with his mother elsewhere to look for a j 4. In 1782, Mozart married a woman named Constance. Although Mozart did not have any money, he was very happy with his new wife. Over the next few years, Mozart earned money by teaching and publishing his music. 5. In 1784, Mozart started composing again and wrote six piano concerts. Between 1785 and 1786, he wrote six more concerts. Mozart’s fortune began to change and he fell ill with a fever. On 5th December 1791, Mozart passed away. Due to his overspending and poor management of his money throughout his life, Mozart died a poor man. He was buried with no ceremony and in a poor man’s grave.

Questions: 1. The best title for this text is ------------. a) The Marriage of a Composer c) A Young Musician

b) Troubled Times of the Famous d) A Famous Composer of the Past

2. The author probably believes that Mozart ------------. a) enjoyed travellingb) had a difficult life c) never worried about moneyd) came from a rich family 3. When Mozart wrote his first piece of music he was ------------ years old. a) 4 b) 5 c) 6 d) 7 4. Mozart first performed in public in ------------. a) Salzburg c) Italy

b) Munich d) Paris

5. Mozart married in ------------. a) 1782 c) 1785

b) 1784 d) 1786

6. When Mozart died ------------. a) he was a rich man c) none of his music was famous

b) he had no money d) he took a great fortune with him

(12) Read the text and the questions. Choose the best word or phrase to answer each question according to the information in the text: 17

1. Ann Rogers opened the first of her famous shops, The Health Shop, in 1995. It was a small shop in Oxford, with one assistant. Ann was the owner and the manager. She sold soaps, shampoos and creams, which were good for the body and good for the environment. She asked companies in the developing world to make her soaps. Then she asked the companies to use only natural materials, not chemicals. She also wanted to cut down on the number of bottles thrown away after using her products, so she encouraged people to take the empty bottles back to the shop for recycling. Customers who did this were given a 10% discount on prices. 2. Ann’s ideas were popular with women shoppers. Her shop was very successful. She made enough profit to open another shop in Cambridge in 1996, with another manager and another assistant. In 1997 she began to develop new products, including perfume and cosmetics for women. By the end of 1998 she had stopped working in her Oxford shop and was managing four ‘Health Shop’ stores in London, Manchester, Oxford and Cambridge. 3. In 1999 she opened sixteen more Health Shops in the United Kingdom. Her inexpensive and healthy products with delicious smells, such as orange, lemon and grapefruit, are favourites with her customers. Now you don’t even have to leave home to buy them. Last year Ann expanded her business onto the Internet. Just go to www.healthshop.com and sample the Ann Rogers range of products. She has helped many people in the developing world by giving them jobs. A good idea created a good business.

Questions: 1. Ann Rogers opened her first shop in ------------. a) Oxford c) London

b) Cambridge d) Manchester

2. The first Health Shop sold ------------. a) food c) cosmetics

b) perfume d) soap

3. Ann Rogers opened her second shop in _______________ . a) 1995 b) 1997 c) 1998 d) 1996 4. By the end of 1999, Ann had ------------ shops. a) 16 c) 4

b) 20 d) 6

5. Ann sells products which are ------------. a) expensive c) natural

b) unhealthy d) tasty

6. Customers can pay less for products if they ------------. a) come back often c) use the Internet

b) buy more d) return bottles

7. The author thinks that Ann’s business became successful because she had ------------. a) a lot of money b) many products c) good ideas d) important friends 8. This text is about a successful ------------. a) doctor c) manager

b) computer programmer d) businesswoman

(13) Read the text and the questions. Choose the best word or phrase to answer each question according to the information in the text: 18

1. Dolphins first appeared on earth over 50 million years ago as land animals. Today, the bottlenosed dolphin is the most well known type of dolphin in the world. It is this type of dolphin that performs in zoos and in water parks all over the world. The most famous bottle-nose dolphin, called Flipper, even had his own TV show. 2. The bottle-nosed dolphin is about 4 meters long, weighs 272 kilograms, and often lives to be 40 years old. The dolphin has smooth grey skin, and ear holes behind the eyes. This smooth surface allows the dolphin to move at great speeds through the water. The dolphin uses its tail for several purposes: to move through water, to hunt, and to warn other dolphins of danger. Dolphins can dive over 500 meters deep and can hold their breath up to 20 minutes. They sleep by closing one eye at a time, allowing each side of the brain to rest while using the other to watch for predators. 3. Dolphins mostly live in shallow tropical bays and stay within 160 kilometers of land. They are cheerful, friendly and ready to interact with humans. Because of this, dolphins are very easy to train. Today, tourists are attracted to some countries because of dolphins. In Japan, people can participate in programs such as ‘swim with a dolphin’ where they can actually touch dolphins.

Questions: 1. The best title for the passage is ------------. a) Flipper the Dolphin c) The Bottle-Nosed Dolphin

b) A Friendly Animal d) Animals of the Sea

2. In paragraph 2, they refers to ------------. a) pets c) dolphins

b) ear holes d) land animals

3. Dolphins can live ------------ years. a) 20 c) 50

b) 40 d) 160

4. The dolphin’s tail is used for ------------. a) moving through water c) moving over land

b) jumping through water d) breathing under water

5. The dolphin’s natural home is ------------. a) water parks c) Japan

b) tropical waters d) in deep water

6. Dolphins like to have contact with ------------. a) land animals c) people

b) zoos d) predators

(14) Read the text and the questions. Choose the best word or phrase to answer each question according to the information in the text: 19

1. One of the greatest and most important thinkers in history was the Greek philosopher, Socrates. He was one of the first to look for truth through a way of thinking called ‘logic’. His ideas became popular in the West. Although none of his writings can be found today, his student, Plato, wrote down many of his sayings and ideas. 2. Socrates was born in Greece in 469 BC. His father was an artist and Socrates worked as an artist when he was a young man as well. He was also a soldier in the Peloponnesian Wars. Later, he became a stonemason. A stonemason is a person who cuts and shapes stones. He did this work until he was 40 years old. 3.When Socrates’ father died, he left his son some money. Socrates used this money to stop working as a stonemason and become a full-time philosopher. He would spend his time walking around the city of Athens, discussing his ideas and talking about problems with society. 4. Because he was known as an intelligent man, many students came to study with him. He developed a style of teaching called the ‘Socratic Method’. When a teacher uses this method, he never answers questions directly. He only answers a question with another question. In this way, a teacher leads a student to find the answers for himself. Another famous idea which Socrates developed is that all people are basically good. He believed people only do bad things or make mistakes because they don’t know what is right. 5. Although his students loved him, many people in Greece did not. He often said things against the government. In 399 BC, Socrates was arrested and went to court. He received a death sentence. He was given a cup of poison called hemlock and told to drink it. Then Socrates called his friends and family together and went home. There, he said goodbye to everyone, drank the poison, and died peacefully.

Questions: 1. The main idea of paragraph 4 is ------------. a) the family of Socrates b) the life and death of Socrates c) the teachings of Socrates d) the writings of Socrates 2. From the text we can guess that ------------. a) Socrates was a good teacher b) Socrates enjoyed his work as a stonemason c) Socrates came from a poor family d) Socrates liked the government 3. We know about Socrates’ ideas today because ------------. a) his student Plato wrote them down b) he wrote several books c) there are government records of him d) of Socrates’ private writings 4. Socrates’ first job was as ------------. a) a stonemason b) an artist c) a soldier d) a teacher 5. Socrates became a philosopher ------------. a) when he was a young man 20

b) after his father died c) during the Peloponnesian Wars d) just before he died 6. In the Socratic Method, teachers ------------. a) speak against the government b) believe all students are basically good c) provide answers to their students’ questions d) answer questions with questions

(15) Read the text and the questions. Choose the best word or phrase to answer each question according to the information in the text: 21

1. When we think of medicine today we have visions of laser surgery, computerised body parts and drugs that can cure all kinds of diseases. Yet, modern medicine today is a combination of many years of study from countries all over the world. 2. Probably the first clear record of medicine came from ancient Egypt. The people there made several major medical discoveries ranging from basic anatomy to surgery. Egyptian doctors created drugs that came from wild animals, minerals and vegetables. 3. The ancient Greeks practised a different kind of medicine that was based on the study of ‘symptoms’. Symptoms are certain characteristics or signs that people have when they are sick. Later, Roman medicine combined new theories and Greek practice. During this time, a Roman named Galen made many new medical discoveries that helped build a healthy Roman army. 4. At the same time, medicine was also advancing in the Middle East. By 850 AD, Baghdad had a hospital, and by 931 AD doctors had to pass medical examinations in order to work in the medical profession. Hospitals were later built throughout the Islamic world. The most famous ones were in Damascus and Cairo. 5. In another part of the world, the Chinese were also progressing in medicine despite the fact that they were isolated and separated from the rest of the world. Because of this isolation, medical science developed in a very different way. For example, instead of drugs they used natural herbs. 6. During the Middle Ages, there were many changes to medicine. Many felt that the changes made during this time period were often for the worse. However, over time, things changed. Doctors learned a great deal about how to identify disease. About this time, an Italian named Vesius wrote a famous book which had drawings of the veins and muscles of the human body. It also described many new ways to treat diseases. Vesius’s book was an important moment in medical history because it used technical drawings and disproved many old theories. 7. Finally, the last important step in the early history of medicine was the treatment of infectious diseases in the late 18th century. These diseases were very dangerous because they could be spread from person to person very easily. When doctors began to understand the way the human body worked, they were able to gain an understanding of what caused illness and disease. Scientists and doctors all over the world began to look for cures and remedies. From then on, there were many developments and discoveries that aided the fight against disease.

Questions: 1. The best title for this text is ------------. a) The Differences between Chinese and Egyptian Medicine b) Modern-Day Medical Science c) Contributions of Different Countries to Early Medicine d) Early Cures for Infectious Diseases 2. The word isolated in paragraph 5 probably means ------------. a) close to b) different c) developed d) separated from

3. Vesius’s book was important in medical history because it ------------. a) contained technical drawings of veins and muscles b) discussed the use of natural herbs to cure disease c) explained good practice for doctors of the Middle Ages 22

d) made Vesius a famous man in Italy 4. The ancient Egyptians contributed to medical science by ------------. a) producing medicine for animals b) creating drawings of the human anatomy c) making discoveries in surgery and anatomy d) inventing laser surgery 5. The main idea for paragraph 5 is------------. a) the isolation of Chinese doctors b) cures for disease in Chinese medicine c) similarities between Islamic and Chinese medical developments d) how medical science developed in China 6. Galen used medicine to ------------. a) build a strong army b) help the Greeks practise sports c) prove theories d) start a hospital in Baghdad 7. The pronoun it in paragraph 6 refers to ------------. a) a book b) disease c) the human body d) history 8. Infectious diseases are dangerous because ------------. a) they are difficult to treat b) people can catch them easily c) doctors understand what causes them d) there are many cures

TEXT 16 Read the text and the questions. Choose the best word or phrase to answer each question according to the information in the text. 23

1. Smallpox has killed and estimated 300 million people in the 20th century but the disease has been around for thousands of years. 2. Evidence of smallpox has been found on the mummified body of Pharaoh Ramesses V of Egypt. He died in 1157 BC. The disease was carried by traders from India and from there it spread into China in the 1st century AD. It reached Japan in the 6th century. In the 11th and 12th century, returning travelers from the east helped smallpox to spread through Europe. 3. Smallpox was particularly virulent in populations who had no immunity. The Spanish brought smallpox to the Incas in Mexico in the 16th century when they invaded. Unlike the Spanish, the native Indians had no immunity to the disease. They had never encountered it before. It killed huge numbers of them. A century later the North American Indians were exposed to smallpox when Europeans landed on the shores of the new world. In the 18th century smallpox killed many thousands of people when it reached Australia. 4. People struggled to find ways to defeat the smallpox virus. In the 10th century in China and India they discovered the secret. People took a small sample of the virus from the of those infected with smallpox. Then they injected it into a healthy person. This resulted in a mild case of smallpox. However, they had lifelong immunity afterwards. 5. This formed the foundation for modern vaccines which have now successfully eradicated smallpox thanks to a worldwide vaccination programme. Because of this, routine vaccination against smallpox is no longer needed.


(a) Main idea

1. The best title for this text is________. a. Smallpox vaccines c. Smallpox in Egypt

b. The history of smallpox d. Smallpox vaccinations

2. The Main idea of paragraph 2 is ________. a. the spread of smallpox through the world. c. Smallpox in Japan

b. Smallpox d. Travellers take smallpox to Europe

3. The main idea of paragraph 3 is ________. a. The death of the Incas from smallpox b. The spread of smallpox in populations without immunity c. Smallpox and the North American indians d. Travel to Australia 4. The main idea of paragraph 4 is ________. a. A cure for smallpox c. The dangers of smallpox

b. A mild case of smallpox d. Smallpox in China and India

5. The main idea of paragraph 5 is ________. a. Smallpox c. The end of smallpox

b. Smallpox in Egypt d. The increase of smallpox worldwide

(b) Reading for general information 1. Smallpox is ________. a. a dangerous disease c. a mild illness

b. a group of people d. an invading army

2. Smallpox ________. 24

a. still kills large numbers of people c. Is still killing Australians

b. kills many American Indians today d. no longer exists

3. Smallpox is an ________ disease a. easy c. new

b. old d. current

4. In the first century smallpox spread from ________ a. China to India b. India to China c. China to Australia d. India to Australia 5. Smallpox spread through Europe because of ________ a. travel b. vaccines c. the Incas d. Pharoah Ramesses V 6. Many people died because ________ a. the had immunity c. They were Egyptian

b. they had vaccines d. they had no immunity.

(c) Reference 1. In paragraph 3, them refers to ________ a. The Spanish c. Native Indians

b. Diseases d. North American Indians

2. In paragraph 3, they refers to ________ a. The native Indians c. The Europeans

b. The Spanish d. The north American Indians

3. In paragraph 3, it refers to________ a. The new world c. Smallpox

b. The 18th century d. Thousands of people

4. In paragraph 4, they refers to ________ a. the Europeans c. The Spanish

b. People of 10th century India and China d. The Incas

5. In paragraph 4, this refers to ________ a. injecting people with a sample of the virus c. lifelong immunity

b. smallpox d. the virus

6. In paragraph 5, this refers to ________ a. worldwide vaccination programme c. the eradication of smallpox

b. smallpox d. the smallpox virus

TEXT 17 Read the text and the questions. Choose the best word or phrase to answer each question according to the information in the text. 25

1. Medieval Islamic medicine was based on the work of Hippocrates, and Islamic doctors found some useful cures for many common diseases. 2. Medieval Islamic doctors were especially good at treating eye infections and eye problems like cataracts. 3. One famous doctor was Ibn Sina, known in Europe as Avicenna. He was born in Bukhara (modern Uzbekistan), in about 980 AD. He wrote about his life and we learn a lot about his work from his writings. Ibn Sina worked very hard when he was a child. By the time Ibn Sina was ten, he had memorized the whole Koran and a lot of Islamic poetry. When he was fourteen, he left school because he had learned everything they had to teach him. His father had to get him a private teacher to help him continue his studies. 4. When Ibn Sina was sixteen, he started to study medicine. He learned about diseases and illnesses both from books and by visiting sick people. By the time he was 18 he was a doctor. He became known for being a great doctor, but a man who also enjoyed life. He loved to throw parties, dance and sing. 5. Ibn Sina wrote more than a hundred books in his life. The most famous was “The Canons of Medicine," . This was a book which listed diseases, their symptoms and suggested cures. It was based on the work of Hippocrates but also contained a lot of his own ideas. For example, he thought that tuberculosis was catching, even though most doctors at that time thought it was not (but Ibn Sina was right of course, as we now know). 6. Ibn Sina died at 58 in Persia, of some sort of stomach cramps. It is thought today that he possibly died of cancer.


(a) Main idea

1. What is the best topic for the text? a Curing eye infections b. Medieval history c. Medieval Islamic medicine d. Medieval medicine 2. What is the main idea of paragraph 3. a. The early life of Ibn Sina b. Ibn Sina’s final years c. Medieval medicine d. Ibn Sina’s school 3. What is the main idea of paragraph 5 a. The theories of Hippocrates b. Ibn Sina’s books and ideas c. Ibn Sina’s cures for Tuberculosis d. The Cannon’s of Medicine by Ibn Sina 4. Ibn Sina’s nationality was________. a. Roman b. Uzbek c. Persian d. European 5. We know a lot about Ibn Sina because________. a. lots of people wrote books about him b. he spoke about his work a lot c. he wrote a lot of poetry d. he wrote a lot of books 26

6. Ibn Sina ________. a. wasn’t interested in Hippocrates b. based a lot of his work on Hippocrates c. was a friend of Hippocrates d. was related to Hippocrates 7. Most doctors ___________________ a. agreed with Ibn Sina about tuberculosis b. didn’t agree with Ibn Sina about tuberculosis c. were right about tuberculosis d. had tuberculosis 8. Ibn Sina________. a. is still working today b. will not be remembered c. will be remembered as a great doctor d. killed thousands of people

(b) Reference questions 1. In paragraph 3, ‘he’ refers to ________. a. Bukhara c. Europe

b. Ibn Sina d. Uzbekistan

2. In paragraph 3, ‘him’ refers to ________. a. Ibn Sina c. Islamic poetry

b. Ibn Sina’s father d. A private teacher

3. In paragraph 5, ‘this’ refers to ________. a. Ibn Sina’s life c. Symptoms

b. Diseases d. Canons of Medicine

4. In paragraph 5, ‘their’ refers to ________. a. diseases c. cures

b. symptoms d. the book

5. In paragraph 5, ‘his’ refers to ________. a. Hippocrates c. Tubercolosis

b. Ibn Sina d. Ibn Sina’s father

6. In paragraph 5, ‘it’ refers to ________. a. The work of Hippocrates c. Ibn Sina’s ideas

b. Ibn Sina’s book d. Tubercolosis

TEXT 18 Read the text and the questions. Choose the best word or phrase to answer each question according to the information in the text. 27

1. Most people think of jaws and teeth when they think of sharks, and with good reason. Many sharks do have powerful jaws and rows of sharp teeth. Some sharks can bite nearly 300 times harder than a human, enough to cut through a piece of steel. Sharks may lose a tooth when they bite something hard, but they never run out of new teeth. A shark’s jaw is lined with as many as 5. twenty rows of teeth, one behind the other. When a shark breaks or loses a tooth, another one moves forward to replace it. Some sharks replace their teeth one by one, while others replace an entire row at the same time. A shark may go through thousands of teeth during its life. No two kinds of sharks have exactly the same kind of teeth. Bottom-dwelling sharks, such as the nurse shark, usually have large, flat, broad teeth for crushing crabs and other shellfish on the sea. floor. 10. Fast-swimming sharks, such as the mako and great white, which hunt in the open sea, have large, sharp teeth for cutting up other sharks, marine mammals, and big fish. But with all these teeth, sharks don’t chew their food. If the prey is small enough, a shark swallows it whole. If the prey is too big, a shark uses its teeth to tear it apart and then swallows the parts. Three of the largest sharks in the world have the smallest teeth compared to their body size. The 15.whale shark, basking shark, and mega mouth shark are called filter-feeders. They swim near the surface with their mouths open. As the water flows through their gills, they strain out microscopic animals called plankton. These sharks have hundreds of tiny teeth, each smaller than the thickness of a pencil. Even a shark’s skin has teeth. A shark’s body is covered with rough skin that feels like sandpaper 20. and is covered with little skin-teeth called denticles. You can cut yourself by rubbing against a shark’s skin.

Questions: 1. The best title for this passage is ________. (A) The Big, Sharp Teeth of Sharks (C) The Variety of Shark Teeth

(B) Sharks and Their Eating Habits (D) Teeth and Jaws

2. A shark could have ________ rows of teeth. (A) 1000 (C) 20

(B) 300 (D) 2

3. The nurse sharks feeds ________. (A) at the bottom of the sea (C) in the middle of the ocean

(B) on the surface of the ocean (D) everywhere in the ocean

4. The reading text mentions that sharks eat ________. (A) sharks (B) people (C) steel (D) microscopes 5. The largest sharks are different from smaller sharks because ________. (A) They have few teeth. (B) They have small teeth. (C) They are dangerous. (D) They have teeth on their skin. 6. The word “prey” in line 12 is close in meaning to ________. (A) food (B) fish (C) teeth (D) shark

TEXT 19 Read the text and the questions. Choose the best word or phrase to answer each question according to the information in the text. 28

1. The refusal to eat meat has had a long history among humankind, but in the last twenty years the number of vegetarians has risen dramatically. Due to concerns about personal health and the environment, more and more people are choosing to follow a diet based on vegetables and grains. However, vegetarians are by no means a uniform group. They can be categorized according to the 5. degree of strictness of their diet. The strictest group, known as “fruitarians”, not only do not eat meat, but they refuse to kill even plants for their food. They eat only the fruit of plants, if they can harvest it without killing the plant itself. This means that their daily menu is fairly limited, although it does include beans and many grains like wheat and rice, as well as corn. 10. Next in the line of strictness come “vegans”. Vegans do not consume any animal products whatsoever. In practical terms, this means that besides meat, dairy products, like milk and cheese, and eggs are also kept out of their diet. Their principles often extend to avoiding clothing that is made from leather, since it comes from the skins of dead animals. Vegans usually consume a great deal of products processed from soybeans. 15. “Lacto-ovo” vegetarians, whose name comes from the Latin words for “milk” and “egg” respectively, forswear any food that comes from the killing of animals. Thus, although they do not eat meat, they readily partake of dairy products and eggs. This group accounts for most of those who number themselves vegetarian. When the word “vegetarian” is used, lacto-ovo vegetarians are generally what is meant. 20. The last group consists of people who eat meat rarely, or who eat only certain kinds of animal flesh, such as fish. Because of the scares with “Mad Cow Disease” in recent years, there are also an increasing number of people who have given up beef. Strictly speaking, however, such people 23. are not true vegetarians.

Questions: 1. The best title for this passage would be ________. (A) Different Kinds of Vegetarianism (B) The History of Vegetarianism (C) Vegetarians and Non-Vegetarians (D) The Diet of Fruitarians 2. According to the text, some people do not eat meat because of ________. (A) the cost of meat (B) the effect on the environment (C) the benefits of meat-eating (D) the history of vegetarianism 3. ________ do not kill plants for food. (A) Vegetarians (C) Vegans

(B) Fruitarians (D) Lacto-Ovos

4. Vegans ________. (A) eat milk and cheese (C) prefer non-leather clothes

(B) are the strictest type of vegetarian (D) eat a lot of soybeans

5. The pronoun “it” on line 13 refers to ________. (A) skin (C) clothing

(B) diet (D) leather

6. The verb “partake of ” on line 17 means ________. (A) refuse (B) eat (C) produce (D) throw out

TEXT 20 Read the text and the questions. Choose the best word or phrase to answer each question according to the information in the text. 29

1. When the United States joined World War II at the end of 1941, thousands of men left their jobs and enlisted in the army, navy and air force. Their places at defense plants and shipyards needed to be filled. As a result, women went to work doing jobs that the men had performed before. All over the United States, the population of cities increased as women from the country 5. moved to urban areas to work for the war effort. They came not only to earn money, but also to contribute to the war effort while their brothers and husbands were away fighting. Besides working for private companies and factories involved in the war effort, women joined the armed forces. Many of these women worked in the U.S. doing a variety of jobs—everything from office paperwork to important high-tech assignments. Women in the service were not on the front 10. lines of fighting. However, they performed a whole range of important jobs to help support the soldiers who did fight. The government’s campaign to get more women into the work force was very successful. A song titled “Rosie the Riveter” was written in 1942, and famous illustrator Norman Rockwell drew her on the cover of the Saturday Evening Post in 1943. The term “Rosie the Riveter” was created 15. because jobs such as riveting, usually seen as men’s work, were now being done by women. World War II was the real beginning of women working outside the home.

Questions: 1. What is the main idea of the passage? (A) Women served in the American armed forces during World War II. (B) World War II was an interesting time for many American women. (C) Women all over the world contributed to the war effort. (D) Many U.S. women took jobs for the first time during World War II. 2. American women went to work during World War II because ________. (A) they wanted to help the soldiers (B) they wanted higher salaries (C) they wanted to work in defense plants and shipyards (D) they wanted to replace men 3. During World War II, the American population ________. (A)increased. (B)decreased. (C)became more female. (D)moved to the cities. 4. Most American women in the armed forces ____________. (A)fought beside men. (B) did office jobs. (C) worked for private companies at the same time. (D) moved overseas to work.

5. The word “service” in line 9 means ________. (A) ceremony (B) military (C) restaurant work (D) business 30

6. The pronoun “they” on line 10 refers to ________. (A) fighting (B) lines (C) women (D) assignments 7. “Rosie the Riveter” was important because ________. (A) it was a popular song (B) Norman Rockwell drew her (C) she worked for the war effort (D) she was a model for others 8. Paragraph 3 is mainly about ________. (A) Norman Rockwell’s illustrations (B) the song “Rosie the Riveter” (C) encouraging outside work for women. (D) the beginning of World War II

TEXT 21 Read the text and the questions. Choose the best word or phrase to answer each question according to the information in the text. 31

1. In most areas of professional and amateur sport, women and men compete separately. From the Olympics down to elementary school football, the two sexes usually have different teams, leagues, and even rules. Individual women have made attempts to enter the world of male sport, most recently Michele Wie in golf. However, most people agree that the different builds of males 5. and females give men a clear advantage due to their physical strength. On the other hand, when it comes to intelligence, men and women are considered equal. Then why do the sexes compete separately in chess? Women have their own World Championship, their own tournaments, and even their own prizes in mixed competitions. Few female chess players can compete on the level of the top male players. There are a number of theories that try to explain this. 10. The first theory is sociological. It points to how young girls successfully compete with boys at chess up until the age of 12. After that age, girls are taught to value other, more traditionally female activities, such as cosmetics, clothes, and shopping. As a result, many talented female chess players lose interest in chess in their teenage years. Those who continue playing face a lack of support from friends, family, and even coaches. 15. Other researchers think psychology is the reason why most females are not equal to men in chess. Chess is basically a war game, and the players must hunt down the enemy king and kill their opponent’s pieces to win. Some psychologists say that women do not have the desire to kill that is needed in high-level chess. However, one recent piece of research sheds a different light on this issue. Many chess games 20. can last 4-6 hours, during which the players are in deep concentration. Experimenters have found that a grandmaster uses about the same amount of energy during one game as an Olympic boxer during a three-round match. It appears that chess has a physical, as well as intellectual, side to it.

Questions: 1. Men and women compete separately in most sports because ________. (A) males are generally stronger than females. (B) they have different leagues and teams. (C) the rules are different. (D) men are professionals in their sports. 2. The word “builds” on line 4 means ________. (A) construction (B) work (C) bodies (D) minds 3. Most girls are able to play chess equally with boys until ________. (A) they are young. (B) they start shopping (C) they turn twelve years old. (D) they lose their talent for chess.

4. What happens to many teenage girls who play chess? (A) They are told to stop playing chess. (B) They receive support from family and friends. (C) They give up chess. (D) They spend all their time shopping. 32

5. The pronoun “their” on line 17 refers to ________. (A) females (B) opponent’s (C) players (D) women 6. One game of chess is similar to ________. (A) three rounds of boxing (B) four hours of boxing (C) five hours of boxing (D) six hours of boxing 7. The last paragraph is mainly about ________. (A) the physical side of most sports (B) the energy needed to play chess (C) the length of chess games (D) different kinds of research on chess 8. A good title for this reading text is ________. (A) The Advantages of Men in Chess (B) Women’s Psychology in Chess (C) The Exciting World of Chess (D) Theories about Women and Chess

TEXT 22 Read the text and the questions. Choose the best word or phrase to answer each question according to the information in the text. 33

1. Natural disasters, like earthquakes and floods, have always cost lives and destroyed parts of the environment. It is only recently, however, that man-made disasters have begun to do the same thing. One example of a man-made disaster is an oil spill. An oil spill is the release of petroleum into the environment as a result of human activity. It usually refers to marine oil spills, when 5. petroleum spills into the ocean or coastal waters. This is usually due to accidents with tankers. Although people don’t usually die as a result of an oil spill, the impact on the environment can be huge. Since the beginning of the 20th century, there have been hundreds of oil spills, both large and small. One of the largest took place during the Gulf War of 1991. Iraqi forces in Kuwait turned 10. on oil pipes that leaked between 20 to 30 million gallons of oil into the Arabian Gulf. Another oil spill in the Gulf was in 1997, when an oil tanker hit land and spilled more than 5000 tons of petrol into the water close to Ajman. The biggest spill to directly affect the UAE occurred in 1994. Two super tankers collided off the coast of Fujairah and about 16000 tons of oil leaked into the coastal waters. 15. Such spills have had a terrible effect on the environment of the Arabian Peninsula. Many fish and marine creatures die from the pollution of the waters. In addition, the oil usually washes up on shore and damages the environment there. It kills coastal plants and animals. In particular, sea birds that live on the coast and make their nests there suffer. People who usually eat seafood from the Gulf are also affected, and many beautiful beaches are spoiled by the oil. Finally, most 20. Gulf countries use water from the Gulf, which they desalinate, for drinking. Thus, oil spills near such factories can threaten a country’s water supply. Overall, the effects of an oil spill on nature can last for years. Therefore, oil companies, tanker owners and governments must work 23. together to reduce the danger of more oil spills in the Arabian Gulf and elsewhere.

Questions: 1. The main idea of the text is ________. (A) the effect of oil spills on the environment (B) oil spills in the Arabian Gulf (C) the environment of the Arabian Peninsula (D) the cleanliness of Arabian Gulf water 2. Most oil spills happen ________. (A) on land (B) on the beach (C) in the ocean (D) on water 3. The pronoun “It” on line 4 refers to ________. (A) human activity (B) oil spill (C) petroleum (D) environment

4. The word “impact” on line 6 means ________. (A) route (B) container (C) variety (D) effect 34

5. The largest oil spill took place ________. (A) in Fujeirah (B) in Kuwait (C) in Ajman (D) in Iraq 6. The worst oil spill near the UAE happened ________. (A) ten years ago. (B) a dozen years ago. (C) nine years ago. (D) fifteen years ago. 7. The Fujeirah oil spill was the result of ________. (A) thousands of tons of oil leaking into the water (B) a tanker colliding with the Fujeirah coast (C) a super tanker blowing up (D) a couple of ships hitting each other 8. ________ are probably affected the worst by oil spills. (A) Sea birds (B) Fish (C) Coastal plants (D) People 9. The most dangerous effect of oil spills on people is ________. (A) the spoiling of drinking water (B) the spoiling of beaches (C) the spoiling of seafood (D) the spoiling of factories that produce oil


TEXT 23 Read the text and the questions. Choose the best word or phrase to answer each question according to the information in the text. 1. This history of Indian food is as rich and diverse as the history of India itself. The earliest Indians probably ate mainly wheat, rice and lentils, and occasionally cows, pigs, sheep, goats, and chickens. Some of the wheat was made into stews or soups, and some into flat breads called chapattis. By around 300 AD, meat eating became less popular, and although people didn’t give up eating meat 5. entirely, they ate much less of it and a lot of people became vegetarians. They felt that eating meat was not good for inner happiness or ‘karma’. In, around 650 cows became sacred to Hindus and so they stopped eating beef. In 1100 AD, when Islam reached northern India, most people in India stopped eating pork as well, because it is forbidden in Islam. People could still eat sheep, goats or chicken, but most of the people in 10. India became vegetarians and only ate meat very rarely or not at all. The vegetarian food that Indians ate was mainly wheat flatbreads or a kind of flatbread made out of chickpeas, with a spicy vegetarian sauce and yogurt. People also ate rice, with yogurt and vegetables. Today, Indian cuisine is one of the best loved cuisines in the world. People everywhere now enjoy the 14. huge variety Indian food has to offer and almost every city in the world has at least one Indian restaurant.

Questions: 1. In line 5, it refers to ________. a. eating meat b. meat c. karma d. India 2. By around 300 AD people didn’t eat so much________. a. meat b. cows c. wheat d. chapattis 3. Vegetarians don’t eat________. a. rice b. chickpeas c. vegetables d. meat 4. Indian food________. a. is eaten all over the world b. isn’t popular anymore c. is only eaten in India d. Isn’t eaten in India 5. The best title for this text is ________. a. India b. Islamic food in India c. The history of Indian food d. Indian history.

TEXT 24 36

Read the text and the questions. Choose the best word or phrase to answer each question according to the information in the text. 1. Every year many cities in the world, including Abu Dhabi and Dubai, hold the annual Terry Fox Run. 2. People run, cycle, roller skate and walk in order to raise money for Cancer Research. But who was Terry Fox? 3. Terry Fox was one of the most famous Canadians of the 20th century. In fact, he was so famous that the Canadians even named a mountain after him. They have made two films about him. A road bears his name, a postage stamp was issued in his honour. A bronze statue of him overlooks lake Superior. 4. Terry’s ambition in life was to become a sports teacher. However, in 1977, he felt a pain in his right knee. Soon after, the doctors told him he had cancer. Terry had to have his leg taken off close to the knee. Luckily, Terry was a strong and determined young man. He was not deterred by losing a leg. He decided that he was going to run across Canada on his good leg and his artificial leg. This way, he would raise money for other young people with cancer. He called it, ‘The Marathon of Hope’. His goal was to raise $1.00 from every Canadian citizen. 5. He started his run on April 12th 1980. He ran an average of 42 kilometeres a day, often in great pain. He ran 5,373 km. over 143 days. Unfortunately, Terry had to stop running on September 1st 1980 because the cancer had spread to his lungs. However, by this time Terry had raised $24.3 million to help people with cancer. 6. Terry died a year after the start of his run. He was twenty two years old. 7.Today, the Terry Fox foundation has raised $360 million to help cancer research through its annual runs and other fundraising activities. 8. So, in February 2007, put your trainers on and run, walk, cycle or roller skate along the Abu Dhabi Corniche and continue the race that Terry started 30 years ago.

Questions: (a) Vocabulary 1. Annual means ________. a. every day b. every year c. every week d. every 100 years 2. Raise money means ________. a. steal money b. put money in the air c. encourage people to give money d. lose money 3. A postage stamp is ________. a. something we stick on a letter showing we’ve paid to post it b. something put inside a letter to send to another person c. somewhere we take a letter to post d. something we put the letter inside before we post it.

4. A statue is________. a. A type of animal which lives by a lake 37

b. A mountain close to a lake c. A film about someone’s life d. A figure of a person made of stone or metal. 5. If you are determined, you ________. a. Are lazy and not interested in anything b. Are always getting angry c. want to do something very much d. sleep a lot 6. If you are not deterred, you________. a. don’t let problems stop you doing something b. let problems stop you doing something c. are unhappy most of the time d. don’t try to do new or difficult things 7. Artificial means ________. a. real b. not real c. bad d. metal 8. Trainers are ________. a. People who exercise b. Pepole who don’t exercise c. A special exercise day d. Special shoes for exercising

(b) Reading 1. The best title for the text is________. a. Terry Fox and his ‘Matathon of Hope’ b. Terry Fox’s illness c. Terry’s shooldays d. The Terry Fox Run in Abu Dhabi 2. Every year ________. a. Terry Fox runs across Canada b. Many cities have an annual ‘Terry Fox run’ c. Only Abu Dhabi and Dubai have a ‘Terry Fox run’ d. A stamp is issued in honour of Terry Fox. 3. The Terry Fox run aims to ________. a. raise money to help people with cancer b. help Terry run across Canada c. help famous Canadians d. raise $1.00

4. A ________ has been named after Terry Fox a. lake b. a school 38

c. a hospital d. a mountain 5. Terry wanted to be________. a. teacher b. a doctor c. a mountain climber d. a film star 6. Terry did his run________. a. on two healthy legs b. on his own leg and an artificial leg c. in a wheelchair d. on rollerskates 7. Terry wanted to raise money for ________. a. Young people with cancer b. Canadians c. A bronze statue d. A pair of rollerskates 8. Terry________. a. ran 143 kms over 5.673 days b. ran 5,373 kms over 143 days c. ran 42 kms over 42 days d. ran 143 kms over 42 days 9. There will be a Terry Fox run in Abu Dhabi in_______________ a. April 1980 b. January 1977 c. November 2006 d. February 2007 10. To take part in the Terry Fox run, you ________. a. can run, cycle, walk or roller skate b. have to run c. have to have cancer d. mustn’t cycle, walk or use roller skates.

c. Reference 11. In the 3rd paragraph, ‘he’ refers to ________. a. Terry Fox c. Cancer research

b. Terry’s father d. Canadians

12. In paragraph 7, ‘its’ refers to ________. a. $360 million c. Terry Fox

b. Cancer research d. The Terry Fox foundation.

TEXT 25 39

Read the text and the questions. Choose the best word or phrase to answer each question according to the information in the text. 1. Mahatma Gandhi was one of the great leaders of the world. He wanted freedom and peace for all people. His parents named him Mohandas Karamchand, but people called him Mahatma. It means "great soul." He was born on October 2, 1869 in Porbandar, India. He studied law in London. In 1893, he moved to South Africa and he began work as a lawyer in South Africa. 5. In South Africa, Indians did not have the same rights as people from other countries. Gandhi did not like this. He believed that all people should have the same rights. For twenty-two years, he worked to help the Indian people in South Africa. At one time, he organized a strike of Indian workers. The Indian workers did not go to work and did not use violence. They fought with nonviolence and strikes. 10. In 1915 Gandhi returned to India. He became the leader of the Indian Nationalist Movement. It worked for the independence (freedom) of India. Gandhi did not want India to be a British colony. He continued to use nonviolent actions such as strikes and fasting. During the fight for independence, Gandhi did many things. For example, he began a national program for making cloth. The Indian people used to wear a long white cloth which 15. was made of cotton. They grew the cotton, but then they sent it to England. Factories in England made cloth from the Indian cotton and then they sent it back to India. The people had to buy the British cloth in India. Gandhi wanted to make the cloth in India. Then it would not be so expensive. Also, more Indians would have jobs. It would help India have economic, social, and political freedom. 20. Gandhi's nonviolent fight for independence ended when Britain gave India its independence in 1947. While he was living in New Delhi, Gandhi was assassinated. The day was January 30, 1948. He was shot by a man who didn’t like Gandhi’s friendship with Muslim Pakistan. Gandhi died for peace, and the whole world respects him for his peaceful ways of achieving independence for his country.


(a) Reading

1. Gandhi was a student in ________. (A) India (C) England

(B) Pakistan (D) South Africa

2. Gandhi fought for equal rights in South Africa for ________ years. (A) 2 (B) 10 (C) 15 (D) 22 3. In the fight for a free India, Gandhi preferred to use ________. (A) violent actions (B) independence (C) the British (D) strikes 4. The main idea of paragraph 4 is ________. (A) the national cloth program (C) political freedom for India

(B) the fight for independence (D) Gandhi’s actions

5. The word “assassinated” on line 33 means ________. (A) rewarded (C) elected

(B) killed (D) joined

6. The best title for the reading text is ________. (A) India and Independence

(B) Gandhi’s Ideas on Nonviolence


(C) Gandhi’s Struggles for Freedom

(D) The Early Life of Gandhi

(b) Reference 1. The pronoun “It” on line 3 refers to ________. (A) Gandhi (C) Mohandas

(B) Mahatma (D) Karamchand

2. The pronoun “he” on line 7 refers to ________. (A) South Africa (C) Gandhi

(B) the Indian people (D) all people

3. The pronoun “They” on line 8 refers to ________. (A) violence (C) strikes

(B) workers (D) Indian people

4. The pronoun “It” on line 11 refers to ________. (A) the Indian Nationalist Movement (C) the leader 5. The pronoun “They” on line 15 refers to ________. (A) cotton (C) Indian people

(B) India (D) independence (B) cloth (D) national program

6. The pronoun “it” on line 15 refers to ________. (A) cotton (C) national program

(B) cloth (D) independence

7. The pronoun “they” on line 16 refers to ________. (A) Indian cotton (C) Indian people

(B) factories (D) England

8. The pronoun “it” on line 16 refers to ________. (A) cotton (C) India

(B) England (D) cloth

9. The pronoun “its” on line 20 refers to ________. (A) fight (C) India

(B) independence (D) Britain


TEXT 26 Read the text and the questions. Choose the best word or phrase to answer each question according to the information in the text. 1. The name “Mercedes-Benz” is known all over the world as a symbol of wealth and excellence in automobiles. The first part of the name is actually a female name. It was the name of the daughter of one of the new car company’s investors. The second part of the name comes from one of the inventors of the modern automobile, Karl Benz. He and Gottfried Daimler both 5. produced models of the first cars separately in the same year, 1886. At first, the Daimler car company and the Benz car company were competitors. In 1900 the Mercedes vehicle had 35 horsepower and could reach speeds of 90 km/h. In 1903 the Benz produced the Parsifal model, which could only reach about 80 km/h. Car races were just becoming popular and were a good way to advertise vehicles. Both the Benz and Daimler 10. companies entered their cars in competitions. In the 1908 French Grand Prix, two Benz cars finished second and third behind the Mercedes. After World War I (1914-1918), the Benz and Daimler car companies found themselves in financial trouble. Germany, the loser of the war, was poor, and many Germans could not afford to buy cars. By the early 1920’s, there were 15 million cars registered in the world. However, 15. 80% of them were in the United States and half of the cars were Fords. Daimler and Benz could not compete. Instead, in 1926 they agreed to merge into one company, Mercedes-Benz. The merger worked well, and at the end of the 1920’s the company was producing not only cars, but also engines for boats, airplanes, and even zeppelins. After World War II the company returned to racing cars. However, in 1955 there was a tragic 20. accident with a Mercedes during one race. More than 80 spectators were killed in the stands. It was only in the late 1980’s that it again began entering cars in races. It now supplies the McLaren team, and top driver Kimi Raikonnen, with engines. Mercedes cars have a reputation for high quality, reliability, and modern engineering. As a result, they are usually more expensive than other cars. Mercedes vehicles are often the choice of the rich and 25. famous.

Questions: 1. The text is mainly about ________. (A) the history of the Mercedes car (C) the dangers of car racing

(B) the story of one car company (D) the past and present of luxury cars

2. The Mercedes got its name from ________. (A) the daughter of the owner (C) the relative of an investor

(B) the inventor of the car (D) the name of an automobile

3. Car companies entered races ________. (A) to win the prize money (C) to test their vehicles’ engines

(B) to advertise their vehicles (D) to produce better vehicles

4. During the 1920’s, Americans preferred to buy ________. (A) Daimler cars. (B) Benz cars (C) Ford cars. (D) German cars. 5. The Daimler and Benz auto companies became one company ________. (A) before 1900. (B) after World War 1 (C) after World War 2 (D) in the 1980’s. 42

6. The Mercedes-Benz company quit racing because of ________. (A)the high cost (B)an accident (C)the poor advertising (D)the lack of drivers 7. The word “spectators” on line 20 means ________. (A) workers (B) drivers (C) owners (D) watchers 8. The pronoun “it” on line 21 refers to ________. (A) World War II (C) a Mercedes


(B) a tragic accident (D) the company

VOCABULARY Choose the best word or phrase to complete each sentence 1. Dubai is the …… centre of the UAE. That is where most of the business and trade takes place. a) economic b) constitutional c) similar d) available 2. The …… on Islamic history begins on Page 27 of your textbook. a) acquisition b) conduct c) chapter d) commission 3. The …… speed limit on the Dubai road is 120 km/h. a) maximum c) removed

b) negative d) technical

4. Her children are very …… They always say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’. a) solemn b) loyal c) polite d) explosive 5. The …… must first be approved by the government before it becomes law. a) individual b) legislation c) sector d) environment 6. The mechanic gave Ahmed an …… to repair his car. He knew about how much it would cost. a) individual b) income c) environment d) estimate 7. Some of the …… differences between countries are based on religion, language and food. a) normal b) obtained c) cultural d) restricted 8. He could not solve the math problem because he did not remember the correct …… a) computer b) equation c) assistance d) consumer 9. The use of …… in the classroom is increasing. Teachers use computers, television and the Internet to teach English. a) technology b) philosophy c) sequence d) link 10. The campers didn’t have …… supplies. They didn’t have enough water or food. a) prior b) undertaken c) ethnic d) adequate 11. His flight ticket came with an …… He could leave on either 6th January or 10th January. a) option b) access c) output d) integration 12. I enjoy studying at the …… because it is quiet and there are many books and newspapers. a) chair b) theatre c) village d) library


13. I would like to …… you to my friend Jacques. He is from France. a) welcome b) urge c) intend d) introduce 14. We have a …… of the thief. He was tall with blond hair and blue eyes. a) completion b) description c) protection d) conversation 15. It is important to eat a good …… It is the first meal of the day. a) meat b) milk c) restaurant d) breakfast 16. I saw a …… of him. The picture was taken 10 years ago. a) camera c) resistance

b) network d) photograph

17. I think it’s time to buy some new …… Our sofa, table and chairs are very old now. a) faults b) dishes c) clothes d) furniture 18. The police found the …… running away from the bank. a) criminal c) beard

b) cotton d) lunch

19. The man across the street says he will give a …… of Dh. 100 to the person who finds his cat. a) reward b) friendship c) ticket d) trick 20. Alia wants to be an …… when she finishes university. She wants to teach little children. a) arrow b) essence c) insult d) educator 21. Police officers have the …… or power to make an arrest when citizens break the law. a) section b) factors c) benefit d) authority 22. Shaylas and Gutras are examples of …… Emirati clothing. a) traditional c) sought

b) complex d) previous

23. The university …… was in favour of the changes. The Chancellor, Vice Chancellor and faculty heads all voted yes. a) construction b) distinction c) consequences d) administration 24. Salim’s business has a good …… It is in the middle of town and there is plenty of parking. a) location b) proportion c) layer d) validity 25. Our family gathers together every December. It is an …… event. a) emerged b) approximated c) occupational d) annual 45

26. Ali’s …… is difficult. He works twelve hours a day. a) hypothesis c) job

b) cycle d) parameter

27. My father always …… me on my future plans. He tells me what he thinks about the plans I make. a) preserves b) advises c) reserves d) invites 28. Ahmed left a …… on your desk. He will call you back at 0.25. a) valley b) message c) knee d) soil 29. Jamal is a good …… He repairs cars. a) lawyer c) mechanic

b) musician d) operator

30. I like to …… in the pool after work. It is good exercise. a) sink c) solve

b) freeze d) swim

31. Petrol is …… in the Arabian Gulf. In England it costs much more. a) eager b) distant c) golden d) cheap 32. The largest body of water in the world is the Pacific …… a) Ocean c) Barrel

b) Custom d) Horizon

33. When we go on …… we like to visit our family who live in Oman. a) leather b) holiday c) tent d) caution 34. There is a lot of …… in Africa. A lot of people are very poor. a) scenery b) poverty c) rabbit d) defendant 35. If you are sick, you should sleep a lot and give your body a chance to …… a) insult b) heal c) sew d) obey 36. Oil has an important …… in the economy of the Gulf countries. a) period b) data c) percent d) role 37. When writing a term paper at university, always list the …… of your information. This tells the reader where you found the information. a) issues b) research c) source d) principle 38. You are only allowed to carry two bags on to an airplane. That is the …… for most airline companies. a) labor b) policy c) response d) assessment 46

39. Laila is …… about the time of her appointment. She is absolutely sure that it is on Tuesday at 1:00. a) normal b) primary c) positive d) complex 40. He is an American …… He lives and works in the United States. a) maintenance b) survey c) injury d) resident 41. Anyone who is not 18 years old needs to get written …… from their parents. a) sequence b) consent c) core d) framework 42. Their lives were …… They went to the same school, chose the same major and had the same job. a) domestic b) predicted c) parallel d) subsequent 43. In Asia, teachers have a high …… They are highly respected by students. a) project b) access c) status d) mechanism 44. First, you must fill out the …… Don’t forget to put your name, address and phone number on it. a) application b) reference c) dependence d) expression 45. The hotel club …… is very expensive. It costs 3500 dirhams for one year. a) membership b) passage c) victory d) chairman 46. Aisha makes a lot of money at her job. She …… 6000 dirhams a week. a) earns b) explores c) copies d) succeeds 47. Please do not …… your father. He is sleeping and he needs to rest. a) afford b) possess c) disturb d) defeat 48. Smoking …… your health. It hurts your lungs and heart. a) damages c) bursts

b) attracts d) delays

49. The car salesman tried hard to …… the people to buy the most expensive car. a) breathe b) excuse c) persuade d) crash 50. Hamdan was …… last week. He wasn’t in class because he was sick. a) eastern b) convenient c) absent d) lonely 51. My sister and I don’t like the same things. For example, we often …… on what we watch on TV and what we will eat for dinner. a) forbid b) disagree 47

c) swallow d) nill 52. Teachers at the UAE University sign a three-year …… when they work here. a) contract b) concept c) approach d) structure 53. Dictionaries are very important for studying a foreign language. If students do not know the meaning of a word they can look up the …… in their dictionaries. a) theory b) definition c) method d) variables 54. December is the …… month of the year. a) final c) perceived

b) potential d) relevant

55. His teaching …… was not good. Students reported that he talked too fast and was not prepared for class. a) conclusion b) category c) credit d) evaluation 56. We faxed the …… to you yesterday. It was written in Arabic. a) compensation b) instance c) convention d) document 57. The new law was …… The people had no choice but to accept it. a) retained b) civil c) professional d) imposed 58. To become a doctor, you need to make a great …… Medical students go to school for eight years then work in a hospital for four years. a) sum b) commitment c) regime d) cycle 59. The panda is very …… There are very few pandas living in the world today. a) wild b) rare c) evil d) fresh 60. My …… is very nice. The houses are all new and everyone knows each other. a) neighbourhood b) railroad c) minister d) prison

Vocabulary Exercises Choose the best word or phrase to complete each sentence 1. His _________ memory was sitting on his father’s knee when he was 3 years old. a. earliest b. big c. crowded d. spicy 2. He _________ visits his sister in Al Ain. 48

a. soon c. on time

b. often d. overtime

3. Beef is meat from _________. a. chickens c. cows

b. pigs d. sheep

4. Hindus are _________ to eat beef a. often c. fine

b. the same d. forbidden

5. We _________ see our sister because she lives in Australia. a. individual c. link

b. consumer d. rarely

6. His nationality was _________ and he came from Uttar Pradesh. a. Indian b. national c. province d. cultural 7. The ballet was very _________ and we all had a great time that evening. a. extensive b. specific c. enjoyable d. practical 8. The house came with an _________ to sell immediately. a. Interrogation c. access

b. option d. output

9. She goes to the _________ every day to read and study. a. library c. theatre

b. chair d. village

10. Please let me _________ my friend Sarah from the HCT in Dubai. a. urge b. welcomed c. intend d. introduce 11. Please write a _________ of your best friend. Include the colour of her eyes, height and hair colour. a. completion b. description c. protection d. conversation 12. The first meal of the day is very important, that is why you should always eat_________. a. restaurant b. milk c. meat d. breakfast 13. This picture was taken when I was 3 years old. It is a _________ of me and my father. a. photograph b. camera c. network d. resistance 14. They bought most of the _________ for the new house but couldn’t find a bed or table they liked. a. faults b. dishes 49

c. clothes

d. furniture

15. The _________ stole some gold jewelry and money a. beard c. criminal

b. cotton d. lunch

16. There is a _________ of dh 500 for information leading to the arrest of the thief. a. trick b. reward c. friendship d. ticket 17. When she finishes university, she wants to be a _________ and work with 4-6 year old children. a. arrow b. essence c. insult d. teacher 18. He is a policeman and therefore has the _________ to arrest anyone who breaks the law. a. factors b. benefit c. authority d. section 19. Camel racing is a _________ sport in the UAE and has been for hundreds of years. a. previous b. traditional c. complex d. sought 20. Please take your paper to the _________ section and the supervisor and the faculty head will process it. a. distinction b. consequences c. administration d. construction 21. Please give me the _________ of your apartment so that I can deliver your furniture to you. a. location b. proportion c. layer d. validity 22. The Terry Fox run is an _________ event in Abu Dhabi and Dubai. It happens every year. a. annual b. emerged c. approximated d. occupational 23. It’s not a difficult _________ you only have to work 6 hours per day. a. cycle b. job c. parameter d. hypothesis 24. I always take my father’s _________ about the future because he knows best. a. preserve b. advice c. reservation d. invitation 25. There is a _________ on your desk about the date and time of the exam. a. valley b. message c. knee d. soil 26. His job is a _________ and he repairs BMWs and Mercedes cars. a. lawyer b. musician c. mechanic d. operator 50

27. Both my children like to _________ in the pool after school. It’s good exercise for them. a. sink b. freeze c. solve d. swim 28. This food is _________ .It has gone bad. (a) necessary (c) worrisome

(b) fruitful (d) spoiled

29. The baby birds are still sitting in the _________. (a) nest (c) line

(b) pot (d) battle

30. Be careful—that bottle is _________ .You’ll get liquid all over you. (a) repairing (b) leaking (c) rumbling (d) viewing 31. I need to _________ the number of mistakes in my writing. (a) predict (c) strengthen

(b) reduce (d) arrange

32. Some schools have after-hour _________ where students can play sports or learn a hobby. (a) broadcasts (b) needles (c) hospitals (d) activities 33. It’s only _________ that she wants to spend more time with her friends. (a) slippery (b) grateful (c) industrial (d) natural 34. They make those cars in a _________ in Thailand. (a) signature (c) factory

(b) shield (d) whisper

35. The UAE _________ oil to many countries, including Japan. (a) supplies (b) removes (c) preserves (d) opposes 36. You can’t swim here. The water is _________. (a) determined (c) polluted 37. She loves the sea, so she’s going to study _________ biology. (a) mud (c) literature

(b) balanced (d) annoyed (b) marine (d) quarrel

38. They _________ returned from their honeymoon in Europe. (a) recently (b) respectfully (c) steadily (d) properly 39. You _________ the drink on the floor, so you need to wipe it up. (a) objected (b) spilled (c) peppered (d) melted 51

40. It’s difficult to say what _________ the new technology will have on our daily lives. (a) member (b) measure (c) impact (d) increase 41. If a meteor _________ with the Earth, millions of people could be killed. (a) escapes (b) collides (c) floats (d) breeds 42. Parrots are one of the few animals that can speak _________ languages. (a) official (b) human (c) comfortable (d) loyal 43. The other boys _________ to beat me up if I don’t give them my lunch money. (a) obey (b) translate (c) value (d) threaten 44. They are a _________ family. They have a lot of money. (a) youthful (c) sensitive

(b) straight (d) wealthy

45. Some old European cities have _________ streets. Two cars can’t drive down them at the same time. (a) narrow (b) magical (c) former (d) acceptable 46. Some cultures don’t _________ dead people in the ground. They burn them instead. (a) claim (b) influence (c) journey (d) bury 47. The No.1 tennis player defeated his _________ by a large score. (a) opponent (b) powder (c) profit (d) request 48. The shop _________ because not enough people wanted to buy foreign books. (a) turned down (b) took off (c) closed down (d) showed up

49. We had just enough money to _________ but there wasn’t much left over at the end of the month. (a) get by (b) take off (c) show up (d) move in 50. The flat was freshly painted and ready for them to _________. (a) get by (b) take off (c) show up (d) move in 51. Please try to _________ on time as the bus will leave at exactly 9.00am. (a) show up (b) find out (c) show around (d) get by 52

52. We didn’t _________ at 9.00 because of fog at the airport. (a) get by (c) move in


(b) take off (d) show around

Grammar Exercises Choose the best word or phrase to complete each sentence 1. _________ you come over to my place to study together? I need help. (A) Do (B) Should (C) Can (D) Must 2. Amal _________ be having problems with her teacher. She is always complaining about her. (A) must (B) is (C) doesn’t have to (D) should 3. That _________ be the answer, but I’m not sure. (A) must (C) has to

(B) (D)

4. Iman, you _________ bother your big brother while he’s studying. (A) shouldn’t (B) (C) must (D)

will might ought to don’t have to

5. She _________ bring her mobile—I’ve got mine, and we don’t need two. (A) can’t (B) won’t (C) doesn’t have to (D) may not 6. You _________ leave the table until you finish dinner. (A) must (C) don’t have to

(B) (D)

may not will

7. They can both _________ the oud like masters. (A) playing (C) played

(B) (D)

to play play

8. We _________ to leave early if we want to get good seats. (A) have (C) can

(B) (D)

must ought to

9. Where _________ for dinner? (A) should we to go (C) we should go

(B) (D)

should go should we go

10. _________ we watch a different movie? I’ve already seen this one. (A) Can’t (B) Mustn’t (C) Ought (D) Won’t 11. Our neighbors told me that they _________ move next summer. (A) aren’t (B) (C) don’t (D)


will be might

12. _________ I have to do this right now? (A) Must (C) May

(B) (D)

Do Can

13. He has always wanted to be _________. (A) director (C) directs

(B) (D)

direct. a director.

14. They work as _________ at the university. (A) an instructor (C) instructors

(B) (D)

instruct instructs

15. She _________ them on their career choices. (A) advisor (C) an advisor

(B) (D)

advice advises

16. We need to hire _________ to get these reports ready. (A) a typist (C) types

(B) (D)

type typist

17. Napoleon was a famous _________. (A) conqueror (C) a conqueror

(B) (D)

conquers conquering

18. Could I please speak to the _________ of this building? (A) own (C) owned

(B) (D)

an owner owner

19. The person who _________ this restaurant is wonderful. (A) manage (C) manages

(B) (D)

a manager manager

20. “Spiderman” is a well-known _________ of high-rise buildings. (A) climbs (B) (C) a climber (D)

climb climber

21. How many _________ are there in this company? (A) workers (C) worker

(B) (D)

a worker works

(B) (D)

beauty beauties

(B) (D)

voted a voter

22. She was employed as _________ before she got married. (A)



a beautician

23. How many people _________ in the last election? (A) voter (C) voters

24. She was hired as _________ at that computer software firm. (A) program (B) (C) programmer (D) 55

programs a programmer

GRAMMAR Choose the best word or phrase to complete each sentence 1. ‘ ………him alone!’ shouted the mother to her daughter who was fighting with her brother. a) Leave b) Leaving c) Leaves d) Left 2. The person ………visited your house was very nice. a) who c) what

b) which d) where

3. My brother wants to be ……… a) teacher c) teaches

b) teach d) a teacher

4. My brother has a new computer. We used ………yesterday. a) her c) computer

b) him d) it

5. I went to summer school ………improve my English. a) for c) so

b) to d) will

6. “ ……… are you sitting here?” “ I’m waiting for my friend.” a) Why b) How c) Who d) Where 7. My friends and I always spend Friday afternoons together. ………favourite hobby is swimming. a) Our b) We c) Their d) Us 8. Ajman has an area of about 250 sq km. It is ……… of the seven emirates. a) smaller b) the smaller c) smallest d) the smallest 9. “Is that your book on the desk?” “Yes, it is ………. a) mine c) myself

b) me d) my

10. I’ll be back in a few minutes. ……… here, please. a) Wait c) Waited

b) Waits d) Waiting

11. My brother is an accountant. ………works in a school. a) He c) He’s

b) His d) He is

12. We didn’t want to get wet ………we took an umbrella. a) because c) so

b) but d) although

13. My sister would like to be ……… 56

a) writer c) writes

b) write d) a writer

14. If you ……… faster, we would have arrived on time. a) had driven c) have driven

b) drive d) driving

15. My uncle ……… in the present government. a) is a minister c) minister

b) a minister d) is minister

16. Margaret Thatcher ……… Britain’s first woman prime minister in 1979. a) has become b) became c) will become d) was becoming 17. Would anybody like ……… piece of this cake? a) other c) others

b) another d) the others

18. Their new boss ……… dark brown hair and green eyes. a) is having c) having

b) have d) has

19. We ……… everywhere for Peter. Have you seen him? a) looking c) have been looking

b) have looking d) been looking

20. My ……… usually goes to school by taxi. a) sisters c) sister she

b) sister d) sister is

21. Their father is ……… a) hardworking very a person c) a very hardworking person

b) very hardworking a person d) a hardworking very person

22. If we ……… a car, we could drive everywhere. a) have c) would have

b) are having d) had

23. The shop owner wondered ……… I was looking for. a) what c) why

b) how d) when

24. If you feel cold, ……… a jacket. a) wore c) wear

b) wearing d) worn

25. The student didn’t have ……… for the teacher. a) answer c) an answer

b) some answer d) an answers

26. My cousins and I always enjoy doing the same things. …… favourite activity is going camping. a) Our b) We c) Us d) They 57

27. My brother bought a new bicycle. We saw him riding ……… yesterday. a) her b) him c) bicycle d) it 28. ……… I have another look at that article? a) May c) Will

b) Would d) Am

29. We went to the airport early ……… to avoid the crowd. a) for c) such

b) so d) enough

30. Khalid ……… skiing with his classmates next weekend. a) went c) is going

b) going d) has gone

31. She always gets good grades. She must be ……… girl in the class. a) the most intelligent b) more intelligent c) the intelligent d) intelligent 32. At least 10 ……… work in this office. a) peoples c) people

b) person d) a person

33. Has she ever ……… to play the piano? a) learn c) learned

b) learning d) learns

34. I want to phone Mr. and Mrs. Dennis to say ‘thank you’. Do you have ……… phone number? a) they b) their c) them d) theirs 35. “Did you call Bill this weekend?” “Yes, once. He wasn’t home so I left ……….” a) a message b) messages c) the message d) message 36. My brother usually ……… to music when he’s studying. a) listens c) listening

b) listen d) is listening

37. ……… was a long queue in front of the cinema. a) Their c) There

b) They d) These

38. You will need 4 eggs, 250 g of sugar and 200 g of flour ……… make this cake. a) for b) to c) so d) will 39. Jane ……… worked for that company for 15 years when she retired. a) had b) has c) would d) was 40. My parents sold their house ……… advertising it in the local paper. 58

a) by c) to

b) with d) from

41. Before ……… a decision on which university to go to, Omar had to talk with his family. a) make b) making c) made d) being made 42. Dinner will be served at 6pm so guests ……… come late. a) must not c) doesn’t have to

b) must d) should

43. I arrived just in time ……… see the movie. a) for c) by

b) to d) with

44. The young couple seemed quite disappointed to have ……… baby boy; they already had two sons and they wanted a girl. a) the other b) other c) another d) others 45. You can drive from here ……… the shopping centre in under 10 minutes. a) at b) in c) for d) to 46. If Ali had studied hard for the exam, he ……… passed. a) would have c) can have

b) will have d) had

47. Kate showed me the photographs of her friends ……… went on holiday with her last summer. a) which b) when c) who d) where 48. If you don’t hurry up, you ……… miss the bus. a) will c) can

b) would d) should

49. I ……… a lot before I got married. a) am used to travelling c) use to travel

b) am used to travel d) used to travel

50. ‘……… are all these people waiting in the office?’ ‘They are all people applying for a job here’. a) Where b) Who c) Which d) How 51. If Adam finishes the work by Wednesday, the company ……… pay him extra. a) will b) are c) is d) was 52. We took an umbrella ……… we didn’t want to get wet. a) because c) so

b) but d) although

53. Her cousin wants to be ……… a) driver

b) drive 59

c) drives

d) a driver

54. If they ……… sooner, they would have caught the train. a) had arrived c) have arrived

b) arrive d) arriving

55. Their mother ……… in a private company. a) is a manager c) manager

b) a manager d) is manager

56. The Smiths ……… a new house a month after their son was born. a) have bought b) bought c) will buy d) were buying 57. She……… had three accidents since she got her driving licence. a) is b) was c) had d) has 58. I can’t fit ……… person in my car; I only have space for 5. a) other c) others

b) another d) the others

59. Both of my cousins ……… long black hair and brown eyes. a) are having c) having

b) have d) were having

60. They ……… very hard for the past 3 weeks. They really need a break. a) are working b) have working c) have been working d) been working 61. Their ……… often washes the car on Sundays. a) brothers c) brother he

b) brother d) brother is

62. The painting they bought is ……… a) beautiful a very one c) a very beautiful one

b) very a beautiful one d) a beautiful very one

63. If she ……… more time, she would join a sports club. a) has c) would have

b) is having d) had

64. The lady wondered ……… the post office was closed. a) who c) why

b) how d) what

65. If the first question seems too difficult, ……… on to the next one. a) moves b) moving c) moved d) move 66. We need to buy ……… for our living room. a) chair c) a chair 60

b) some chair d) a chairs

67. Did his mother give you ……… tea? a) a few c) some

b) many d) a lot

68. Her family visits her every weekend and takes her to ……… favourite restaurant. a) theirs b) they c) them d) their 69. Did you find the book? I saw your roommate reading ……… this morning. a) her b) him c) book d) it 70. ……… I park my car here? Or will I get a ticket? a) Can c) Will

b) Would d) Am

71. Mohammed ……… swimming with his friends next Thursday. a) went b) is going c) going d) has gone 72. Ali and Abdullah went shopping at the weekend but they didn’t take their ……… a) wife b) wives c) wifes d) wive 73. Thanks, but I can’t have dinner with you. I ……… already. a) eaten b) am eating c) have eaten d) eat 74. The family living next door is friendly. I like ……… a lot. a) they c) them

b) their d) theirs

75. In some countries, elections usually ……… place every 4 years. a) take b) takes c) taking d) are taking it 76. ……… is a huge crack in the wall caused by the last earthquake. a) Their b) There c) This d) It 77. Mustafa ……… driven for 6 hours by the time he arrived in Dubai last night. a) has b) would c) had d) was 78. The mother cleaned her baby’s face ……… a tissue. a) with c) by

b) for d) to

79. You really ……… see her new movie if you get the chance. It’s quite good. a) should b) would c) can d) could 80. The boy was allowed to have some ice cream after ……… his dinner. 61

a) finish c) will finish

b) finishing d) finished

Vocabulary & Grammar Choose the best word or phrase to complete each sentence 1. A worker …………last month for not obeying the rules. a) dismissed c) was dismissing

b) was dismissed d) would be dismissed

2. Ahmed …………finish all his work today; he’s got all day tomorrow as well. a) not have to b) must to c) doesn’t have to d) should to 3. Toby, Stuart and Hannah are very old friends. They try to see each ……at least once a week. a) another b) the other c) other d) others 4. There isn’t …………cheese left in the fridge. We have to get some. a) any b) some c) many d) no 5. I’ve got to go ………… the bank; can you stop here please? a) at c) to

b) on d) for

6. If Rashid had played well, his team …………won. a) would have c) can have

b) will have d) had

7. That old green house is the place …………I grew up. a) when c) that

b) which d) where

8. I am used to getting up early in the morning because work …………at 8.00 a.m. a) starting b) started c) will start d) starts 9. My husband is …………patient with children than I am; I get angry very quickly. a) so b) most c) too d) more 10. …………do you want to do after class? a) How c) When

b) Why d) What

11. If the lab assistant …………more careful, the explosion wouldn’t have happened. a) had been b) were c) has been d) be 12. Her cousin …………and owns her own pharmacy. a) is a chemist c) chemist 62

b) a chemist d) is chemist


His parents …………a trip to Malaysia last month. a) have taken c) will take

b) took d) were taking

14. She returned three of my six books yesterday and promised to bring …………on Friday. a) other b) another c) others d) the others 15. She …………the house since 9 o’clock. a) is cleaning c) has been cleaning

b) has cleaning d) been cleaning

16. Our …………sometimes goes on holiday. a) bosses c) boss he

b) boss d) boss is

17. Her younger sister is ………… a) friendly very a person c) a very friendly person

b) very friendly a person d) a friendly very person

18. If we …………enough time, we would go to Oman. a) have c) would have

b) are having d) had

19. I left work early …………take my son to the doctor. a) for c) so

b) to d) that

20. Can you tell me …………cooked such a great meal in such a short time? Was it Fatma? a) who b) how c) why d) when 21. Ali was …………of the dark when he was young. He slept with the light on at night. a) proud b) afraid c) silent d) pleasant 22. The music was too ………… It hurt her ears. a) sad c) loud

b) angry d) ill

23. Nora is a good ………… She does her homework and studies her lessons. a) visitor b) queen c) pupil d) habit 24. One way to …………your body is to exercise at the gym everyday. a) strengthen b) joke c) shine d) tremble 25. My father will let me …………his car today, but I have to give it back to him tomorrow. a) complicate b) bury c) split d) borrow 63

26. My brother was very …………when I lent him some money very quickly. a) decisive b) destructive c) delicate d) grateful 27. Abdullah does not know how to swim. He stays in the …………water. a) tender b) shallow c) upset d) alike 28. The tickets will cost …………300 Dhirams – perhaps a little less, perhaps a little more. a) subsequently b) positively c) approximately d) previously 29. Hamad is always very happy. He has a …………outlook on life. a) final b) positive c) complex d) sufficient 30. The students were …………of their bad behaviour so they apologized to their teacher. a) ashamed b) blamed c) hastened d) miserable 31. I think you are ………… That person does not look like our teacher. a) wrecked b) dishonest c) entertaining d) mistaken 32. Could you fax or e-mail the …………to me as soon as possible. I need to read it today. a) document b) sequence c) illustrated d) journal 33. An …………came to the house to install the lights in the garden. a) accountant b) original c) electrician d) advisor 34. You should not say bad things about people. It can be very ………… a) earnest b) precious c) scornful d) hurtful 35. The company had so much work to be done that they had to …………more workers. a) program b) explore c) waken d) hire 36. If she makes the same mistake again, …………to the manager. a) complains b) complaining c) complained d) complain 37. Can I have …………more of that tomato soup? I am really hungry. a) few b) many c) some d) several 38. My brother and I applied for a scholarship. The university told …………to wait for a week. a) our b) we c) us d) them 64

39. Why don’t you give that heavy box to me? I really don’t mind carrying ………… a) her b) him c) box d) it 40. …………I please read your newspaper if you’re finished with it? I think I left mine in class. a) Could b) Would c) Will d) Should 41. My sister is still …………young to drive a car. a) too c) such

b) so d) enough

42. Next month, Omar and his friends …………fishing. a) went c) going

b) are going d) has gone

43. Of all the essays she has written this term, the one on pollution is ………… a) worse b) better c) the best d) the worse 44. My grandmother is almost 75 years old and has almost no …………. a) tooth b) tooths c) teeth d) teeths 45. …………about the exam results yet? She will be very sad when she does. a) Has she learned b) Is she learning c) Is she going to learn d) Will she learn 46. ‘I don’t want to take the wrong book – is this mine?’ ‘Yes, it’s …………’ a) your b) you c) yours d) yourself 47. Although I really like those shoes, I can’t buy them – they …………too much. a) are costing b) costs c) costing d) cost 48. …………a lot of errors in the student’s essay. a) There c) Their

b) They are d) There are

49. Our neighbours seem like nice people. I really want …………meet them. a) for b) so c) to d) will 50. Khadija …………be really sick to leave her food unfinished; normally she finishes everything. a) must b) can’t c) will d) shouldn’t 51. These days, Ali often dreams about …………on holiday; he hasn’t had one for such a long time. a) going b) goes c) being gone d) go 65

52. Everybody was …………to hear the terrible news yesterday. a) shock b) shocked c) shocking d) been shocked 53. In order to have enough sleep, you …………go to bed earlier. a) should not b) don’t have to c) might to d) must 54. The doctor advised me …………give up smoking. a) for c) should

b) by d) to

55. Khalid’s hair was too long so his father took him to the …………to get it cut. a) trickster b) barber c) fancier d) reminder 56. The …………from Thailand to Sri Lanka by ship took two weeks. a) voyage b) avenue c) kilometers d) broadcast 57. I don’t like …………vegetables. I always cook them. a) hollow c) mild

b) raw d) cool

58. The road was blocked because of the accident. The police told them to take an …………road. a) alternative b) opposite c) upwards d) initial 59. Fatima is always………… She is never late. a) consequent c) tempting

b) lazy d) punctual

60. When you have a sore …………it can be painful when you eat and drink. a) throat b) organ c) thumb d) neck 61. The students complained because the teacher always gave them difficult …………for their homework. a) criteria b) instances c) tasks d) strategies 62. Two matching socks are called a …………of socks. a) pair c) foot

b) crop d) nest

63. Nada’s watch was very …………It cost 12,000 dirhams. a) expensive c) sorry

b) funny d) prompt


64. Mariam bought tickets for herself and her friends for the play at the local ………… a) theatre b) cinema c) garden d) exhibition 65. Children should …………their parents a) worry c) obey

b) deserve d) grace

66. Hamza has a bad …………He always leaves his clothes on the floor. a) behaviour b) pattern c) habit d) slip 67. “I’ve lost my pen. Can I …………yours?” a) lend c) take

b) borrow d) steal

68. “I can’t eat this – I don’t like the ………….” a) taste c) colour

b) tongue d) juice

69. I know he is …………. I saw him steal the money. a) disgust c) scold

b) suspicious d) guilty

70. Everybody get ready. The bus …………the station. a) approaches c) is approaching

b) approaching d) would approach

71. The students had four tests yesterday. The first one was easy but …………. were difficult. a) others b) another c) the others d) the other 72. ‘…………. your food, or I’ll throw it in the rubbish,’ said the father. a) Finishing b) Finishes c) Finish d) Finished 73. ‘Do you have fresh bread today?’ ‘No, I am sorry. We don’t have …………..’ a) some b) no c) any d) much 74. ‘What’s that bright thing?’ he asked pointing …………. the sky. a) to b) for c) in d) by 75. If the wind …………. so strong, the trees wouldn’t have blown over. a) would be b) hadn’t been c) hasn’t been d) was 67

76. On the first day of class, the teacher explained the rules …………. the students had to obey. a) that b) what c) who d) whose 77. If you don’t hurry, you…………. be late. a) will c) is

b) are d) was

78. I only buy goods from companies that …………. about the environment. a) caring b) will care c) care d) cares 79. ‘…………. do you have in that bag?’ ‘Oh, my new laptop computer.’ a) Which b) Who c) Why d) What 80. My mother is an accountant. …………. works for a big company. a) She b) They c) It d) He 81. …………. we left home late, we got to the theatre on time. a) Because c) However

b) But d) Although

82. Her grandfather used to be …………. a) farmer c) farms

b) farm d) a farmer

83. If the instructions …………. clearer, we would have understood what to do. a) had been b) were being c) have been d) be 84. My father …………. for a national newspaper. a) is a journalist c) journalist

b) a journalist d) is journalist

85. She …………. back to work on 1 October 1997. a) has gone c) will go

b) went d) was going

86. Since they got married in 1966, the Al Kasim family …………. had five children. a) are b) were c) has d) was 87. Some people prefer vegetables while …………. prefer meat. a) other b) another c) others d) the others 88. Our best friend …………. a wonderful holiday in Paris this week. a) is having b) have c) having d) has 68

89. My parents …………. to buy a villa with a garden for the last 5 months. a) are trying b) have trying c) have been trying d) been trying 90. Marian’s best …………. often borrows her Walkman. a) friends c) friend she

b) friend d) friend is

91. We are all …………. to start the holidays. We can’t wait. a) eager c) pink

b) holy d) sour

92. “Agreement” is the …………. form of the word “agree”. a) organ c) modest

b) noun d) ambitious

93. The magician asked me to …………. a number between 1 and 10 a) attract b) dismiss c) shock d) pick 94. I think this t-shirt is too small. It feels …………. a) warm c) tight

b) opposite d) steep

95. Felafel is made from a kind of …………. a) tongue c) collar

b) widow d) bean

96. Hundreds of years ago, people believed that the world was …………. Now we know that it is round. a) flat b) cruel c) admired d) faint 97. This dish is covered in …………. from the lamb meat. You will need to wash it again. a) grease b) pattern c) string d) leaf 98. My friend makes me …………. He tells such funny stories. a) drown c) overcome

b) manage d) laugh

99. I need to …………. my car because it is so dirty. a) accuse c) burst

b) wash d) paste

100. How did you …………. the answer to the Math question? What is the answer? a) omit b) sacrifice c) calculate d) rejoice 69

101. The busiest time of the year for farmers is …………. time. This is when all the crops are collected. a) package b) harvest c) dust d) industry 102. It is not a good idea to eat …………. meat. It is better to cook it first. a) raw b) tidy c) pure d) sick 103. The …………. of the house had sloping sides so that the rain would flow down to the ground. a) envelope b) stem c) instrument d) roof 104. The …………. members met to decide what actions the organization should take. a) accident b) tomorrow c) ornament d) committee 105. There was a bad …………. in China. Many people died and many houses were destroyed when the water in the rivers rose because of the heavy rain. a) rescue b) hit c) flood d) curse 1061. Working in that company is …………. a) rewarding very an experience c) a very rewarding experience

b) very rewarding an experience d) a rewarding very experience

107. If she …………. black hair, she would look completely different. a) has b) is having c) would have d) had 108. I went to the open-air market …………. I could buy fresh vegetables. a) for b) that c) to d) so 109. If you need any more information, …………. the library help desk. a) asks b) asking c) asked d) ask 110. We bought …………. for their new house as a present. a) plant c) a plant

b) some plant d) a plants

111. Would you like …………. orange juice with breakfast? a) a few c) some

b) many d) a lot

112. Asma and her cousins sometimes go abroad together. …………. favourite country is Holland. a) Hers b) They c) She’s d) Their 70

113. I was not qualified …………. I did not get the job. a) too c) such

b) so d) enough

114. Sarah …………. shopping with her sisters next weekend. a) is going c) going

b) went d) has gone

115. Maths is …………. for her than chemistry. a) more easy c) the easier

b) easier d) easiest

116. We have a lot of books so we need to buy …………. in order to organise them. a) shelf b) shelfs c) shelves d) shelve 117. I …………. 14 books since the semester started. a) read c) am going to read

b) am reading d) have read

118. We are having a party …………. the 10th of August; would you like to come? a) at b) on c) by d) in 119. ‘Does that land belong to you or your brother?’ We both own it – it’s ………….’ a) our b) us c) ourselves d) ours 120. Some horses …………. many races. a) wins c) winning

b) win d) is winning

121. Today …………. a lot of parked cars outside. a) there c) they are

b) their d) there are

122. Her sister usually …………. swimming on the weekend. a) go c) gone

b) going d) goes

123. In the school, children …………. wash their hands before they eat lunch. a) have to b) has to c) should not d) must not 124. You’d better have a good rest before ………….; it’s going to be a long journey. a) leave b) leaving c) left d) will leave 125. During the summer, students …………. do homework. a) not have to 71

b) must to

c) don’t have to

d) should to

126. Something that you cannot manage without is …………. a) immediate c) essential

b) practical d) immense

127. She tried to …………. him to go, but he refused. a) persuade c) recommend

b) inform d) swing

128. They had to …………. the party until the following week because they were both sick. a) waste b) freeze c) postpone d) forbid 129. If you blow up that balloon any more it will …………. a) burst c) fault

b) spill d) excite

130. The mountaineers had a rest on the top of the mountain. Then they began to …………. slowly but happily. a) hinder c) climb

b) decrease d) descend

131. He is very …………. I never see him doing any work. a) absent c) rude

b) gradual d) idle

132. Gold and silver are …………. metals. a) precious c) prize

b) special d) ornament

133. It is very important that money is given for medical …………. The findings can save many lives in the future. a) experiment b) research c) formula d) sector 134. Khalid’s …………. is much greater than mine. But I don’t envy him because he also workers harder and longer. a) labour b) source c) income d) benefit 135. I am the finance director of the whole company. …………. to this I was the head accountant in the Abu Dhabi office. a) Initial b) Subsequent c) Apparent d) Prior 136. The builder and the landowner signed a …………. for the building of an apartment block. a) legislation b) contract c) legal d) formula 137. Ahmad could not go on holiday with his friends because his father did not give his …………. 72

a) agree c) alternative

b) consent d) justification

138. The speed limit is 120 kilometers an hour. That is the …………. maximum speed you should drive at.

a) sufficient c) volume

b) maximum d) constant

139. His …………. answer was wrong but he corrected it. a) initial c) constant

b) alternative d) valid

140. The two companies joined together to form a …………. a) convention c) sequence

b) coordination d) partnership

141. We’ll take three cars. You go in one and we’ll take ………… a) others b) another c) the others d) the other 142. Keep ………… or we will miss the school bus. a) run c) ran

b) running d) runs

143. ‘Can I have some salt?’ ‘Sorry, we don’t have …………’ a) any c) none

b) many d) some

144. David Lodge’s new restaurant will be open ………… the 23rd of August. a) in b) at c) on d) to 145. If we had had enough money, we ………… gone to the music concert. a) had b) would have c) will have d) would 146. This is the man ………… car was stolen last night. a) who c) that

b) which d) whose

147. The speaker received a big round of applause after ………… his speech. a) will finish b) finished c) finishing d) finishes 148. Ahmed is ………… than his sister. He’s always smiling. a) happier c) happy

b) the happiest d) more happier

149. ………… did you buy the gift?’ ‘It’s for my sister’s birthday.’ a) Which b) Who c) Why d) What 73

150. My car is not working. The engine needs to ………… a) be replaced c) replaced

b) replace d) been replaced

151. The students studied hard ………… they wanted to pass the exam. a) because b) but c) so d) although 152. If you ………… harder, you would have been successful. a) had worked c) have worked

b) work d) working

153. My father ………… in the military. a) is a policeman c) policeman

b) a policeman d) is policeman

154. The United Arab Emirates ………… an independent country on 2 December 1971. a) has become b) became c) will become d) was becoming 155. The people of the UAE ………… seen great changes since 1971. a) had b) was c) are d) have 156. More students joined the university so we decided to form ………… class. a) other b) another c) others d) the others 157. My new teacher ………… blond hair and blue eyes. a) is having c) having

b) have d) has

158. I ………… everywhere for Khalid. Have you seen him? a) looking c) have been looking

b) have looking d) been looking

159. My ………… usually gets up at 6 o’clock. a) uncles c) uncle he

b) uncle d) uncle is

160. My father is ………… a) intelligent very a person c) a very intelligent person

b) very an intelligent person d) an intelligent very person

161. If I ………… enough money, I would buy a computer. a) have c) would have

b) am having d) had

162. He went to the bank early ………… he wouldn’t have to stand in line. 74

a) for c) to

b) that d) so

163. The driver of the car wondered ………… would stop to help him. a) who b) how c) why d) when 164. If it is hot in the classroom, ………… on the air conditioner. a) turns b) turning c) turned d) turn 165. I’m sorry, I have not got ………… teacher. a) pen c) a pen

b) some pen d) a pens

166. Would you like ………… milk in your coffee? a) some c) a few

b) many d) a lot

167. ………… I borrow your pen? I have lost mine. a) Can c) Will

b) Would d) Should

168. We arrived at school early ………… to have a cup of coffee before the test. a) for b) so c) such d) enough 169. Khalifa ………… camping with his family next weekend. a) went c) is going

b) going d) has gone

170. My sister often visits me with her four ………… a) childs c) child

b) childrens d) children

171. Have you ever ………… Chinese food? a) eat c) eats

b) eaten d) eating

172. The students are sitting ………… the classroom. a) to c) on

b) at d) in

173. Ahmed usually has ………… with his friends in the cafeteria. a) the lunch b) the lunches c) lunch d) a lunch 174. Race horses ………… very fast. a) runs c) running

b) run d) is running

175. Today ………… many more foreign workers in the UAE than in 1970. a) there b) their 75

c) they are

d) there are

176. I usually ………… shopping with my family on the weekend. a) going b) gone c) go d) goes 177. He’s writing ………… a pen instead of a pencil. a) to c) with

b) from d) by

178. There is a very good film at the cinema. You ………… go and see it. a) must to b) should c) mustn’t d) shouldn’t 179. After ………… to class, the students talked to the teacher. a) going c) went

b) go d) will go

180. “Look at that accident! I hope the driver isn’t ………… a) dead c) died

b) die d) dies

181. It is difficult to know how the accident happened. There were many ………… which affected the end result. a) exports c) contexts

b) variables d) roles

182. The company ………… its products throughout the Middle East. They send them by truck to Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Oman. a) indicates b) analyzes c) proceeds d) distributes 183. I feel ………… living in the UAE. There is very little crime here. a) anxious b) graceful c) secure d) shallow 184. The article in the newspaper ………… that the man was not telling the truth, although it does not say so directly. a) retains b) promotes c) implies d) accesses 185. There is a clear ………… between smoking cigarettes and many serious diseases. If you smoke, you can get lung cancer. a) regime b) link c) task d) feature 186. ………… to his death, he was an active athlete. Before he died, he ran 10 kilometers every day. a) Annual b) Overall c) Constant d) Prior 187. I need to get a ………… visa for my housemaid. A visitor’s visa is only valid for three months. a) domestic b) hypothetical c) summary d) contrastive 76

188. The application form asked, “What is your marital …………? Married or Single?” a) validity b) status c) layer d) removal 189. Ali’s ………… is better than mine. I get paid Dhs 8000 a month but he gets Dhs 9000. a) excess b) ceremony c) attention d) salary 190. All the ………… got off the bus when it arrived at the bus station. a) audiences b) passengers c) customers d) journeys 191. A boy fell out of the boat. The man who jumped in and ………… him was very brave. a) arranged b) rescued c) harmed d) urged 192. Your brother’s son is your ………… a) niece c) cousin

b) nephew d) uncle

193. Ice is water in a ………… state. a) tall c) dozen

b) quick d) solid

194. There was a loud ………… from the crowd as the race finished. a) greet b) steer c) urge d) cheer 195. My sister is ………… of my success. She hates the fact that I am smarter than her. a) merry b) clever c) sincere d) jealous 196. You may need to add ………… to your food to make it taste better. a) salt b) fever c) grace d) beak 197. Water ………… at zero degrees Celsius. a) pipes c) beams

b) freezes d) dips

198. I think the new baby is a ………… little thing! She is so sweet. a) stiff b) dear c) solemn d) afraid 199. When the light went out, he struck a ………… and lighted a candle. a) match b) beat c) uncle d) wheel 200. Hamad found a handbag and took it back to the owner. She was so grateful that she gave him a ………… 77

a) reward c) excuse

b) packet d) bargain

201. The company is very successful. It ………… goods to many countries . a) processes b) estimates c) approaches d) exports 201. The police knew Salem had committed the murder but they had no ………… to prove it. a) evidence b) authority c) research d) theory 203. It is ………… for women to drive in the UAE, but it is not in Saudi Arabia. a) evident b) legal c) benefit d) occur 204. The worker was given 10000 Dhs ………… by his employer for the accident he had at work. a) compensation b) scheme c) contribution d) sum 205. Salah’s letter to the editor of the Gulf News was ………… I saw it in yesterday’s paper. a) ensured b) consented c) published d) documented 206. The teacher asked the students to write a two page ………… of the book. a) output b) summary c) cycle d) principal 207. I received a letter from my friend in the ………… today. He is on holiday in Lebanon. a) pack b) frame c) rent d) post 205. He has a very bad ………… I often hear him shouting at his children. a) temper b) revenge c) anger d) blame 209. Students take their ………… exams at the end of the year. a) final c) journal

b) ethnic d) range

210. He described his ………… for how he was going to make his plan work. a) scheme b) grant c) sum d) error


Writing Expected Topics Write an essay of 120 – 200 words on the following topic: • • • • • • • •

Write a description of your house and say why you like/don’t like living there. What makes a good teacher? What makes a good student? What makes a good school? What makes a good job? What makes a good friend? “What makes a good car?” What was your favorite trip, vacation or holiday? Describe it and say why it was your favorite.

………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………………………..



Write an essay of 120 – 200 words on the following topic: 1. What makes a good teacher? Say why. 2. What makes a good student? Say why. 3. What makes a good school? Say why. 4. What makes a good job? Say why. 5. What makes a good friend? Say why. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………………………..


CEPA MOCK EXAM (A) Vocabulary & Grammar Choose the best word or phrase to complete each sentence: 1. A worker …………last month for not obeying the rules. a) dismissed c) was dismissing

b) was dismissed d) would be dismissed

2. Ahmed …………finish all his work today; he’s got all day tomorrow as well. a) not have to b) must to c) doesn’t have to d) should to 3. Toby, Stuart and Hannah are very old friends. They try to see each ……… at least once a week. a) another b) the other c) other d) others 4. There isn’t …………cheese left in the fridge. We have to get some. a) any b) some c) many d) no 5. I’ve got to go ………… the bank; can you stop here please? a) at c) to

b) on d) for

6. If Rashid had played well, his team …………won. a) would have c) can have

b) will have d) had

7. That old green house is the place …………I grew up. a) when c) that

b) which d) where

8. I am used to getting up early in the morning because work …………at 8.00 a.m. a) starting b) started c) will start d) starts 9. My husband is …………patient with children than I am; I get angry very quickly. a) so b) most c) too d) more 10. …………do you want to do after class? a) How c) When

b) Why d) What

11. If the lab assistant …………more careful, the explosion wouldn’t have happened. 81

a) had been c) has been

b) were d) be

12. Her cousin …………and owns her own pharmacy. a) is a chemist c) chemist 13

His parents …………a trip to Malaysia last month. a) have taken c) will take

b) a chemist d) is chemist b) took d) were taking

14. She returned three of my six books yesterday and promised to bring …………on Friday. a) other b) another c) others d) the others

15. She …………the house since 9 o’clock. a) is cleaning c) has been cleaning

b) has cleaning d) been cleaning

16. Our …………sometimes goes on holiday. a) bosses c) boss he

b) boss d) boss is

17. Her younger sister is ………… a) friendly very a person c) a very friendly person

b) very friendly a person d) a friendly very person

18. If we …………enough time, we would go to Oman. a) have c) would have

b) are having d) had

19. I left work early …………take my son to the doctor. a) for c) so

b) to d) that

20. Can you tell me …………cooked such a great meal in such a short time? Was it Fatma? a) who b) how c) why d) when 21. Ali was …………of the dark when he was young. He slept with the light on at night. a) proud b) afraid c) silent d) pleasant 22. The music was too ………… It hurt her ears. a) sad c) loud

b) angry d) ill

23. Nora is a good ………… She does her homework and studies her lessons. 82

a) visitor c) pupil

b) queen d) habit

24. One way to …………your body is to exercise at the gym everyday. a) strengthen b) joke c) shine d) tremble 25. My father will let me …………his car today, but I have to give it back to him tomorrow. a) complicate b) bury c) split d) borrow 26. My brother was very …………when I lent him some money very quickly. a) decisive b) destructive c) delicate d) grateful

27. Abdullah does not know how to swim. He stays in the …………water. a) tender b) shallow c) upset d) alike 28. The tickets will cost …………300 Dhirams – perhaps a little less, perhaps a little more. a) subsequently b) positively c) approximately d) previously 29. Hamad is always very happy. He has a …………outlook on life. a) final b) positive c) complex d) sufficient 30. The students were …………of their bad behaviour so they apologized to their teacher. a) ashamed b) blamed c) hastened d) miserable 31. I think you are ………… That person does not look like our teacher. a) wrecked b) dishonest c) entertaining d) mistaken 32. Could you fax or e-mail the …………to me as soon as possible. I need to read it today. a) document b) sequence c) illustrated d) journal 33. An …………came to the house to install the lights in the garden. a) accountant b) original c) electrician d) advisor 34. You should not say bad things about people. It can be very ………… a) earnest b) precious c) scornful d) hurtful 35. The company had so much work to be done that they had to …………more workers. 83

a) program c) waken

b) explore d) hire

36. If she makes the same mistake again, …………to the manager. a) complains b) complaining c) complained d) complain 37. Can I have …………more of that tomato soup? I am really hungry. a) few b) many c) some d) several 38. My brother and I applied for a scholarship. The university told …………to wait for a week. a) our b) we c) us d) them

39. Why don’t you give that heavy box to me? I really don’t mind carrying ………… a) her b) him c) box d) it 40. …………I please read your newspaper if you’re finished with it? I think I left mine in class. a) Could b) Would c) Will d) Should 41. Next month, Omar and his friends …………fishing. a) went c) going

b) are going d) has gone

42. My grandmother is almost 75 years old and has almost no …………. a) tooth b) tooths c) teeth d) teeths 43. …………about the exam results yet? She will be very sad when she does. a) Has she learned b) Is she learning c) Is she going to learn d) Will she learn 44. Although I really like those shoes, I can’t buy them – they …………too much. a) are costing b) costs c) costing d) cost 45. …………a lot of errors in the student’s essay. a) There c) Their

b) They are d) There are

46. Our neighbours seem like nice people. I really want …………meet them. a) for b) so c) to d) will 47. Everybody get ready. The bus …………the station. 84

a) approaches c) is approaching

b) approaching d) would approach

48. Khadija …………be really sick to leave her food unfinished; normally she finishes everything. a) must b) can’t c) will d) shouldn’t 49. These days, Ali often dreams about …………on holiday; he hasn’t had one for such a long time. a) going b) goes c) being gone d) go 50. Everybody was …………to hear the terrible news yesterday. a) shock b) shocked c) shocking d) been shocked

51. In order to have enough sleep, you …………go to bed earlier. a) should not b) don’t have to c) might to d) must 52. The doctor advised me …………give up smoking. a) for b) by c) should d) to 53. Our best friend …………. a wonderful holiday in Paris this week. a) is having b) have c) having d) has 54. My parents …………. to buy a villa with a garden for the last 5 months. a) are trying b) have trying c) have been trying d) been trying 55. Marian’s best …………. often borrows her Walkman. a) friends c) friend she

b) friend d) friend is

56. We are all …………. to start the holidays. We can’t wait. a) eager c) pink

b) holy d) sour

57. “Agreement” is the …………. form of the word “agree”. a) organ b) noun c) modest d) ambitious 58. How did you …………. the answer to the Math question? What is the answer? a) omit b) sacrifice c) calculate d) rejoice 59. The busiest time of the year for farmers is …………. time. This is when all the crops are collected. a) package c) dust 85

b) harvest d) industry

60. It is not a good idea to eat …………. meat. It is better to cook it first. a) raw b) tidy c) pure d) sick 61. The …………. of the house had sloping sides so that the rain would flow down to the ground. a) envelope b) stem c) instrument d) roof 62. The …………. members met to decide what actions the organization should take. a) accident b) tomorrow c) ornament d) committee 63. There was a bad …………. in China. Many people died and many houses were destroyed when the water in the rivers rose because of the heavy rain. a) rescue b) hit c) flood d) curse 64. Maths is …………. for her than chemistry. a) more easy b) easier c) the easier d) easiest 65. We have a lot of books so we need to buy …………. in order to organise them. a) shelf b) shelfs c) shelves d) shelve 66. I …………. 14 books since the semester started. a) read c) am going to read 67. We went to the airport early ……… to avoid the crowd. a) for c) such 68. I arrived just in time ……… see the movie. a) for c) by 69. Did his mother give you ……… tea? a) a few c) some 70. My sister is still …………young to drive a car. a) too c) such


b) am reading d) have read b) so d) enough b) to d) with b) many d) a lot b) so d) enough

Mock Exam ( 2005 /2006 ) (A) Grammar and Vocabulary 1. We’ll take three cars. You go in one and we’ll take ________. a) others b) another c) the others d) the other 2. Keep ________or we will miss the school bus. a) run c) ran

b) d)

running runs

3. ‘Can I have some salt?’ ‘Sorry, we don’t have ________________.’ a) any b) many c) none d) some 4. David Lodge’s new restaurant will be open ________the 23rd of August. a) in b) at c) on d) to 5. If we had had enough money, we ________gone to the music concert. a) had b) would have c) will have d) would 6. This is the man ________car was stolen last night. a) who b) c) that d)

which whose

7. The speaker received a big round of applause after ____________ his speech. a) will finish b) finished c) finishing d) finishes 8. Ahmed is ________than his sister. He’s always smiling. a) happier b) the happiest c) happy d) more happier 9. ‘________ did you buy the gift?’ ‘It’s for my sister’s birthday.’ a) Which b) Who c) Why d) What 10. My car is not working. The engine needs to ________. a) be replaced b) replace c) replaced d) been replaced 11. The students studied hard ________they wanted to pass the exam. a) because b) but c) so d) although 12. If you ________harder, you would have been successful. a) had worked b) work c) have worked d) working


13. My father ________in the military. a) is a policeman c) policeman

b) d)

a policeman is policeman

14. The United Arab Emirates ____ an independent country on 2 December 1971. a) has become b) became c) will become d) was becoming 15. The people of the UAE ________seen great changes since 1971. a) had b) was c) are d) have 16. More students joined the university so we decided to form ________class. a) other b) another c) others d) the others 17. My new teacher ________blond hair and blue eyes. a) is having b) c) having d)

have has

18. I ________everywhere for Khalid. Have you seen him? a) looking b) have looking c) have been looking d) been looking 19. My ________usually gets up at 6 o’clock. a) uncles c) uncle he

b) d)

uncle uncle is

20. My father is ________ a) intelligent very a person c) a very intelligent person

b) d)

very an intelligent person an intelligent very person

21. If I ________enough money, I would buy a computer. a) have b) am having c) would have d) had 22. He went to the bank early ________he wouldn’t have to stand in line. a) for b) that c) to d) so 23. The driver of the car wondered ________would stop to help him. a) who b) how c) why d) when 24. If it is hot in the classroom, ________on the air conditioner. a) turns b) turning c) turned d) turn 25. I’m sorry, I have not got ________, teacher. a) pen c) a pen 88

b) d)

some pen a pens

26. Would you like ________milk in your coffee? a) some c) a few

b) d)

many a lot

27. ________I borrow your pen? I have lost mine. a) Can c) Will

b) d)

Would Should

28. We arrived at school early ________to have a cup of coffee before the test. a) for b) so c) such d) enough 29. Khalifa ________camping with his family next weekend. a) went b) going c) is going d) has gone 30. My sister often visits me with her four ________. a) childs b) c) child d)

childrens children

31. Have you ever ________Chinese food? a) eat c) eats

b) d)

eaten eating

32. The students are sitting ______ the classroom. a) to c) on

b) d)

at in

33. Ahmed usually has ________with his friends in the cafeteria. a) the lunch b) the lunches c) lunch d) a lunch 34. Race horses ________very fast. a) runs c) running

b) d)

run is running

35. Today ________many more foreign workers in the UAE than in 1970. a) there b) their c) they are d) there are 36. I usually ________shopping with my family on the weekend. a) going b) gone c) go d) goes 37. He’s writing ________a pen instead of a pencil. a) to b) c) with d)

from by

38. There is a very good film at the cinema. You ________go and see it. a) must to b) should c) mustn’t d) shouldn’t 89

39. After ________to class, the students talked to the teacher. a) going b) go c) went d) will go 40. “Look at that accident! I hope the driver isn’t ________.” a) dead b) die c) died d) dies 41. It is difficult to know how the accident happened. There were many _______which affected the end result. a) exports b) variables c) contexts d) roles 42. The company ________its products throughout the Middle East. They send them by truck to Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Oman. a) indicates b) analyzes c) proceeds d) distributes 43. I feel ________living in the UAE. There is very little crime here. a) anxious b) graceful c) secure d) shallow 44. Students take their ________exams at the end of the year. a) final b) ethnic c) journal d) range 45. He described his ________for how he was going to make his plan work. a) scheme b) grant c) sum d) error 46. The article in the newspaper ________that the man was not telling the truth, although it does not say so directly. a) retains b) promotes c) implies d) accesses 47. There is a clear ________between smoking cigarettes and many serious diseases. If you smoke, you can get lung cancer. a) regime b) link c) task d) feature 48. ________to his death, he was an active athlete. Before he died, he ran 10 kilometers every day. a) Annual b) Overall c) Constant d) Prior 49. I need to get a ________visa for my housemaid. A visitor’s visa is only valid for three months. a) domestic b) hypothetical c) summary d) contrastive


50. The application form asked, “What is your marital ________? Married or single?” a) validity b) status c) layer d) removal 51. Ali’s ________is better than mine. I get paid Dhs 8000 a month but he gets Dhs 9000. a) excess b) ceremony c) attention d) salary 52. All the ________got off the bus when it arrived at the bus station. a) audiences b) passengers c) customers d) journeys 53. I received a letter from my friend in the ________today. He is on holiday in Lebanon. a) pack b) frame c) rent d) post 54. A boy fell out of the boat. The man who jumped in and ________him was very brave. a) arranged b) rescued c) harmed d) urged 55. Your brother’s son is your ________. a) niece c) cousin

b) d)

nephew uncle

56. He has a very bad ________.I often hear him shouting at his children. a) temper b) revenge c) anger d) blame 57. Hamad found a handbag and took it back to the owner. She was so grateful that she gave him a ________. a) reward b) packet c) excuse d) bargain 58. There was a loud ________from the crowd as the race finished. a) greet b) steer c) urge d) cheer 59. My sister is ________of my success. She hates the fact that I am smarter than her. a) merry b) clever c) sincere d) jealous 60. You may need to add ________to your food to make it taste better. a) salt b) fever c) grace d) beak 61. Water ________at zero degrees Celsius. a) pipes c) beams

b) d)

freezes dips

62. I think the new baby is a ________little thing! She is so sweet. a) stiff b) dear c) solemn d) afraid 91

63. When the light went out, he struck a ________and lighted a candle. a) match b) beat c) uncle d) wheel 64. Ice is water in a ________state. a) tall c) dozen

b) d)

quick solid

65. The company is very successful. It ________goods to many countries . a) processes b) estimates c) approaches d) exports 66. The police knew Salem had committed the murder but they had no ________to prove it. a) evidence b) authority c) research d) theory 67

It is ________for women to drive in the UAE, but it is not in Saudi Arabia. a) evident b) legal c) benefit d) occur

68. The worker was given 10000 Dhs ________by his employer for the accident he had at work. a) compensation b) scheme c) contribution d) sum 69. Salah’s letter to the editor of the Gulf News was ________I saw it in yesterday’s paper. a) ensured b) consented c) published d) documented 70. The teacher asked the students to write a two page ________of the book. a) output b) summary c) cycle d) principal


(B) Reading TEXT 1 Read the text and the questions. Choose the best word or phrase to answer each question according to the information in the text. 1. Dolphins first appeared on earth over 50 million years ago as land animals. Today, the bottlenosed dolphin is the most well known type of dolphin in the world. It is this type of dolphin that performs in zoos and in water parks all over the world. The most famous bottle-nose dolphin, called Flipper, even had his own TV show. 2. The bottle-nosed dolphin is about 4 meters long, weighs 272 kilograms, and often lives to be 40 years old. The dolphin has smooth grey skin, and ear holes behind the eyes. This smooth surface allows the dolphin to move at great speeds through the water. The dolphin uses its tail for several purposes: to move through water, to hunt, and to warn other dolphins of danger. Dolphins can dive over 500 meters deep and can hold their breath up to 20 minutes. They sleep by closing one eye at a time, allowing each side of the brain to rest while using the other to watch for predators. 3. Dolphins mostly live in shallow tropical bays and stay within 160 kilometers of land. They are cheerful, friendly and ready to interact with humans. Because of this, dolphins are very easy to train. Today, tourists are attracted to some countries because of dolphins. In Japan, people can participate in programs such as ‘swim with a dolphin’ where they can actually touch dolphins.

Questions 1. The best title for the passage is ________. a) Flipper the Dolphin c) The Bottle-Nosed Dolphin

b) A Friendly Animal d) Animals of the Sea

2. In paragraph 2, they refers to ________. a) pets c) dolphins

b) ear holes d) land animals

3. Dolphins can live ________ years. a) 20 c) 50

b) 40 d) 160

4. The dolphin’s tail is used for ________. a) moving through water c) moving over land

b) jumping through water d) breathing under water

5. The dolphin’s natural home is ________. a) water parks c) Japan

b) tropical waters d) in deep water

6. Dolphins like to have contact with ________. a) land animals c) people

b) zoos d) predators


TEXT 2 Read the text and the questions. Choose the best word or phrase to answer each question according to the information in the text. 1. One of the greatest and most important thinkers in history was the Greek philosopher, Socrates. He was one of the first to look for truth through a way of thinking called ‘logic’. His ideas became popular in the West. Although none of his writings can be found today, his student, Plato, wrote down many of his sayings and ideas. 2. Socrates was born in Greece in 469 BC. His father was an artist and Socrates worked as an artist when he was a young man as well. He was also a soldier in the Peloponnesian Wars. Later, he became a stonemason. A stonemason is a person who cuts and shapes stones. He did this work until he was 40 years old. 3. When Socrates’ father died, he left his son some money. Socrates used this money to stop working as a stonemason and become a full-time philosopher. He would spend his time walking around the city of Athens, discussing his ideas and talking about problems with society. 4. Because he was known as an intelligent man, many students came to study with him. He developed a style of teaching called the ‘Socratic Method’. When a teacher uses this method, he never answers questions directly. He only answers a question with another question. In this way, a teacher leads a student to find the answers for himself. Another famous idea which Socrates developed is that all people are basically good. He believed people only do bad things or make mistakes because they don’t know what is right. 5. Although his students loved him, many people in Greece did not. He often said things against the government. In 399 BC, Socrates was arrested and went to court. He received a death sentence. He was given a cup of poison called hemlock and told to drink it. Then Socrates called his friends and family together and went home. There, he said goodbye to everyone, drank the poison, and died peacefully.

Questions 1. The main idea of paragraph 4 is ________. a) the family of Socrates b) the life and death of Socrates c) the teachings of Socrates d) the writings of Socrates 2. From the text we can guess that ________. a) Socrates was a good teacher b) Socrates enjoyed his work as a stonemason c) Socrates came from a poor family d) Socrates liked the government 3. We know about Socrates’ ideas today because ________. a) his student Plato wrote them down b) he wrote several books c) there are government records of him d) of Socrates’ private writings


4. Socrates’ first job was as ________. a) a stonemason b) an artist c) a soldier d) a teacher 5. Socrates became a philosopher ________. a) when he was a young man b) after his father died c) during the Peloponnesian Wars d)just before he died 6. In the Socratic Method, teachers ________. a) speak against the government b) believe all students are basically good c) provide answers to their students’ questions d) answer questions with questions


TEXT 3 Read the text and the questions. Choose the best word or phrase to answer each question according to the information in the text. 1. When we think of medicine today we have visions of laser surgery, computerised body parts and drugs that can cure all kinds of diseases. Yet, modern medicine today is a combination of many years of study from countries all over the world. 2. Probably the first clear record of medicine came from ancient Egypt. The people there made several major medical discoveries ranging from basic anatomy to surgery. Egyptian doctors created drugs that came from wild animals, minerals and vegetables. 3. The ancient Greeks practised a different kind of medicine that was based on the study of ‘symptoms’. Symptoms are certain characteristics or signs that people have when they are sick. Later, Roman medicine combined new theories and Greek practice. During this time, a Roman named Galen made many new medical discoveries that helped build a healthy Roman army. 4. At the same time, medicine was also advancing in the Middle East. By 850 AD, Baghdad had a hospital, and by 931 AD doctors had to pass medical examinations in order to work in the medical profession. Hospitals were later built throughout the Islamic world. The most famous ones were in Damascus and Cairo. 5. In another part of the world, the Chinese were also progressing in medicine despite the fact that they were isolated and separated from the rest of the world. Because of this isolation, medical science developed in a very different way. For example, instead of drugs they used natural herbs. 6. During the Middle Ages, there were many changes to medicine. Many felt that the changes made during this time period were often for the worse. However, over time, things changed. Doctors learned a great deal about how to identify disease. About this time, an Italian named Vesius wrote a famous book which had drawings of the veins and muscles of the human body. It also described many new ways to treat diseases. Vesius’s book was an important moment in medical history because it used technical drawings and disproved many old theories. 7. Finally, the last important step in the early history of medicine was the treatment of infectious diseases in the late 18th century. These diseases were very dangerous because they could be spread from person to person very easily. When doctors began to understand the way the human body worked, they were able to gain an understanding of what caused illness and disease. Scientists and doctors all over the world began to look for cures and remedies. From then on, there were many developments and discoveries that aided the fight against disease.

Questions 1. The best title for this text is ________. a) The Differences between Chinese and Egyptian Medicine b) Modern-Day Medical Science c) Contributions of Different Countries to Early Medicine d) Early Cures for Infectious Diseases 2. The word isolated in paragraph 5 probably means ________. a) close to b) different c) developed d) separated from


3. Vesius’s book was important in medical history because it ________. a) contained technical drawings of veins and muscles b) discussed the use of natural herbs to cure disease c) explained good practice for doctors of the Middle Ages d) made Vesius a famous man in Italy 4. The ancient Egyptians contributed to medical science by ________. a) producing medicine for animals b) creating drawings of the human anatomy c) making discoveries in surgery and anatomy d) inventing laser surgery 5. The main idea for paragraph 5 is________. a) the isolation of Chinese doctors b) cures for disease in Chinese medicine c) similarities between Islamic and Chinese medical developments d) how medical science developed in China 6. Galen used medicine to ________. a) build a strong army b) help the Greeks practise sports c) prove theories d) start a hospital in Baghdad 7. The pronoun it in paragraph 6 refers to ________ a) a book b) disease c) the human body d) history 8. Infectious diseases are dangerous because ________. a) they are difficult to treat b) people can catch them easily c) doctors understand what causes them d) there are many cures


Writing Write an essay of 120 – 200 words on the following topic: What makes a good student? Say why. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………………………..

End of the Exam Good Luck 98


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