Cell Payalg Ldh

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 410
  • Pages: 14
CELL It is a unit of structure and function of living organism.

GOVT. GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL, PAYAL Project Name:- Structure Of Cell Student’s Name


Kuldeep Kaur

9th B

Sapreet Kaur

9th B

Ramandeep Kaur

9th A

TYPE S O F CE LLS •Animal cell •Plant cell

UL TRAST RUCT URE OF AN IMAL CEL L An animal cell has 3 functional regions • Plasma membrane • Cytoplasm • Nucleus

PL ASMA M EMBRA NE • Plasma me mbrane is li popr oteina ceo us a nd tri lami nar membrane outsi de the protopl asm. It all ows only s elec ted substances to pas s in ward.

CYT OPLA SM • Cyt oplas m is forme d of an amorphous ground subst anc e cal led hyal opl asm, whi ch show s cycl osis . I t posses ses a nu mber of li vin g st ructures and non-l ivi ng st ruc tures and li vin g st ructures et c.

NU CLE US • Nucleus is genera ll y single, spheric al and cent ric. A true nucleus is pr esent i n e ukaryot es nucleus acts a s direct or of cell. • The nucleus play s an impor tant r ole in prot ein synt hesis and in trans mission of heredit ary

ULTRASTRUCTURE OF PLANT CELL It consists of 3 distinct parts • Cell wall • Cell membrane or plasma membrane • Cytoplasm • Nucleus

Cel l wal l • It is the oute rm ost cove rin g o f a cell made u p o f a n onli vin g su bst ance call ed c ellu lo se .

CEL L MEMBR ANE O R PL AS MA ME MBRA NE • The plasma membrane controls the entrance and exit of molecules and ions. It is thin, delicate and elastic protoplasmic covering lining internal to the cell wall. It is composed of lipids and proteins.

CYT OP LAS M • It consists of a number of living and non-living structures. The living structures are called cytoplasmic organelles or cell organelles and include structures like • Endoplasmic • Reticulum • Ribosomes • Golgi apparatus • Mitochondria • Lysosomes • Plastids • Vacuoles etc.

NU CLE US • It is a dense spherical body bounded by a membrane called nuclear membrane. The space enclosed by the nuclear membrane is filled up with a transparent fluid called nuclear sap.

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