Ce English 1998 Paper 3

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Paper III PART A (10% of the subject mark) Section 1 (6 marks) In this section, you will hear a question followed by a conversation. Look at the information provided and the four possible answers. Choose the best answer and write the appropriate letter-A, B , C or D –in the box provided

2. Percentage of labour force Aged under 25 AAged 25-34 Aged 35-44 Aged 45-64 Aged 65 or over

year 1991 16.3 30.4 29.6 21.5 2.2

1995 14.3 31.0 30.4 22.7 1.6

1996 14.0 31.0 30.1 23.4 1.5

A.25-34 B.35-44 C.45-64 D.65 or over

3 Flights to Taipei Depart Hong Kong Arrive Taipei 07:45 09:10 10:20 11:45 14:50 16:15 17:30 18:55 20:00 21:25

Flight Number A.CX090 CX090 B.CX120 CX120 CX420 C.CX420 CX720 CX920 D.CX720

Section 2(14 marks) In this section , you should read the instructions for each item and look at the information provided. Then listen to the conversation and follow the instructions 7.fill in the order form

Wonder sandwich company Sandwiches-order form

Breads :white, brown, French baguette, 5grain fillings bread B.L.T(bacon, Lettuce, Tomato) Gammon Ham& Mustard Smoked salmon & Gream cheese Smoked turkey Chicken mayonnaise Vegetarian(eggplant, cucumber& green peppers) Cheese special Chicken tikka

Price $24 $24 $28 $28 $24 $24


$25 $25 Total :


Section 3 (15 marks ) You work in the lost property office of the HK ferry company. passengers come in to make reports about articles they have lost on the ferries. You must complete the lost property report for them. Use a separate form for each passenger. 11

Lost property report form Date : 8 MAY 1998 Passenger’s name: Telephone number: Description of lost article: Remarks:


Lost property report form Date : 8 MAY 1998 Passenger’s name: Telephone number: Description of lost article: Remarks:

Section 4 (20marks) Listen to the interview and fill in the form as if you were the interviewer. Put ticks ()in the appropriate boxes and write down the necessary information. You have 30 seconds to study the form. One box has been filled in for you as an example.

PART B (22% of the subject mark)

Situation You are John Lam, a secondary five student who is just about to complete the HKCEE. Because you are secretary of the student union, your principal, Mrs Lau, has asked you to attend a briefing session about the course on Leadership and teamwork in schools offered by the Hong Kong adventure bound school. After attending the briefing session you have to do the following tasks: 1. fill in an application form for a scholarship(32 marks) 2. write a letter to the parent- teacher association of your school requesting financial(35 marks) you will find all the information you need in the Question-answer book, the data file and the recording of the briefing session. You have five minutes to study the question-answer book in order to familiarize yourself with the situation and the tasks. You should also read the course brochure an the note sheet on pages 1 and 2 of the data file. You will hear a tape recording of the briefing . take notes on the note sheet on page 2 of the data file as you listen. Task 1(32 marks) You want to apply for a scholarship. Follow the instructions on the application form and fill in the form using information form the data file. Use a pen for this task.

The Hong Kong Adventure Bound School Scholarship Application form

This form must be completed in full and sent with the course application form to : The director The Hong Kong adventure bound school 254 Sai Kung country park road Sai Kung New Territories, Hong Kong Name of applicant: Age : sex: ID no: Name of school: Name of course you are applying for : I will be attending the course * on an individual basis/as part of a school group. (* delete as appropriate) my school group * is /is not applying for funding from another source (* delete as appropriate)

In about 120 works, tell us what previous leadership experience you have had either at school or elsewhere .also mention personal qualities any awards which are relevant to the course

John Lam Signature

15th June ,1998 date

Task 2(35 marks) Write a letter to the parent-teacher association of your school requesting financial support for the course. Read the memo from the principal on page 3 of the data file. Follow the instructions carefully. Sign your letter’ John Lam, secretary of the student union’ use a pen for this task.

Sir Edmund Cheung Memorial College 22 Kowloon Road, Sha Tin. N.T…….Hong Kong 15th June, 1998 Mrs Dorothy Chan The chairperson Parent-teacher association C/o sir Edmund Cheung Memorial College Sha Tin, N.T., Hong Kong

Extract from the Hong Kong adventure bound school brochure

Course on leadership and Teamwork in schools

How do we develop leadership qualities?

organized by The activities are designed to develop The Hong Kong adventure bound school leadership qualities by ‧ increasing the students’ confidene to take Fee :HK$3,000 per person, on responsibilities ‧ developing the students’ decision-making Duration :5 days(Friday to Tuesdayinclusive) skills ‧ showing the students the importance of Where dose the course take place? The course is held in the Hong Kong gaining the trust of their team-mates. adventure Bound school in Sai Kung . What is meant by teamwork? This location presents a challenging environment for us to conduct some fo Every activity the students engage in on the our activities both indoors and outdoors. course involves working in teams, thus the students learn how to ‧ co-operate with others Our school is ideal for residential courses as there are good sleeping and ‧ work for a common aim eating facilities. in this way the students learn to value teamwork Who is the course designed for? any individual attending one of our courses can The course is designed for senior school apply for a scholarship, regardless of whether students to go out into the wider world ,t they are part of a school group. he course also helps them develop the leadership skills needed by today’s To apply for a scholarship, the student should

successful adults. What does the course involve? The course involves presenting the students with a series of activities which will help them ‧ develop leadership qualities ‧ be good team members

fill in the scholarship Application Form and submit it to the Hong Kong Adventure Bound School. When granting scholarships, consideration is given to the student’s suitability for the course. Preference is given to students with previous leadership experience.

Note sheet Before attending the briefing session, you prepared the following page in your notebook so that you can take better notes. The notes will not be marked . however, it is important to get them right as you will need them for completing the tasks.

Types of leadership roles

Examples of activities offered


Leadership qualities developed

How the course helps students work in teams

How to apply for scholarship

Application deadline

Memo form the principal to John Lam

Sir Edmund Cheung Memorial College MEMO From :the principal Date:5th June, 1998

To :John Lam Secretary of the student Union

Course on Leadership an teamwork in schools Hong Kong Adventure Bound School Thank you for agreeing to be the school representative at the briefing to be given by the Co-ordinator of the Course on Leadership and Teamwork in Schools. As I mentioned to you previously, I would like you , as secretary of the student union, to write a letter to the parent –teacher association(PTA). We would like the PTA to subsidise the course because it is so expensive. I have already discussed this with Mrs Dorothy Chan, the Chaiperson of the PTA, but a written request from the students would be appreciated. In the letter tell Mrs Chan that: ‧ Ten of next year’s secondary six students(5 boys and 5 girls )hope to attend this course to prepare them for their leadership roles in secondary six seven ‧ I would like the students to attend the course in August after the orientation day for secondary six students . look at the school calendar and the course brochure and find a suitable time when the students will be free to go , and give dates for the whole course. ‧ Try to make sure that she realizes the money will be well spent , so 1. mention what types of leadership roles the course prepares students for 2. give examples of activities on offer. 3. explain what leadership qualities it develops in students ,and 4. explain how it helps students to work in teams ‧Make sure you mention the deadline for applications because there is not much time Finally, ask her if the PTA could kindly subsidise the course by course by 50% because it is so expensive. You will need to inform her of the exact amount we need. Thank for your help . C Lau

Testimonial from the district commissioner, Sha Tin scout group

Sha Tin Scout Group P O Box 205, Sha Tin Central Post Office

To whom it may concern Lam Wai Hung, John has been an active member of the schouts since he joined his scout Group in September 1995. Last year he became a patrol Leader of his scout Goup. He has always shown great commitment and enthusiasm. While on camp he has a positive attitude and gets on well with other scouts. This is demonstrated by the fact that he has completed the pioneer course with distinction and has has been waarded the camp warden badge. When presented wit a problem, he can examine it intelligently and come to a sensible decision, he has also shown good leadership qualities. He has obviously enjoyed his involvement in the scouts and has often entertained the group on camp with his singing.

Signed Wong Wai Keen date 15 APR 1998 Wont Wai Keen District commissioner, Sha Tin District

Thank –you letter from Benjamin Lee to John Lam

Kowloon Government Secondary School 245 Antrim Road, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong

27th April, 1998

Mr John Lam Co-ordinator of Inter-school Science Project Sir Edmund Cheung Memorial College 22 Kowloon Road Sha Tin, N.T Hong Kong

Dera John, Just a quick note to thank you for your excellent work in co-ordinating the Inter-school science project. Your helpful attitude in co-ordinating various members of the group was favourably commented on by teachers of many schools. I would have found the work much more difficult without your help. I must say I found the project of your team really interesting . it was very creative in concept and very well designed. You did a great deal of really good research which should prove to be most useful in the future. I look forward to seeing you next year. Yours sincerely, B Lee Benjamin Lee Teacher in charge of the Inter-school science project

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