Cdk Workshop 2009 Intro Course Material

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  • Words: 5,698
  • Pages: 38
Contents 1 Preface Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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2 Installation 2.1 Binaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.1 Git . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.2 Compiling . . . . . . . . 2.3 Debian GNU/Linux & Ubuntu

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3 Writing CDK Applications 3.1 A (Very) Basic Java Application 3.2 BeanShell . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 Groovy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.1 Closures . . . . . . . . . . 3.4 Other Languages . . . . . . . . . 3.4.1 Bioclipse . . . . . . . . . 3.4.2 Cinfony . . . . . . . . . . 3.4.3 R . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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6 6 6 7 8 9 10 10 10

4 Documentation 4.1 JavaDoc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Other Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

11 11 11 11

5 Atoms, Bonds and Molecules 5.1 Atoms . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1.1 IElement . . . . . . . 5.1.2 IIsotope . . . . . . . . 5.1.3 IAtomType . . . . . . 5.2 Bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3 Molecules . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3.1 Iterating of atoms and

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12 12 12 13 13 13 14 15

6 Graph Properties 6.1 Partitioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2 Spanning Tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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7 Missing Information 7.1 Reconnecting Atoms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2 Missing Hydrogens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2.1 Implicit Hydrogens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

19 19 20 21

8 Input/Output 8.1 File Format Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2 Example: Downloading Domoic Acid from PubChem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

22 22 23 23

9 Keyword List



Chapter 1

Preface This book is written to help people start developing cheminformatics software using the Chemistry Development Kit, an open source cheminformatics toolkit written in Java [1, 2]. This book is written for version 1.2.1 and all code snippets in this book are compiled against this version when the book is build. Each snippet is actually a small Groovy script, BeanShell script, or Java Application, and all code is compiled and run. Some sections show the output of the code snippets. Each code snippet has an orange bar which points to name of the script or application from which the snippet was derived.

Bibliography [1] C. Steinbeck, Y. Han, S. Kuhn, O. Horlacher, E. Luttmann, and E. Willighagen. The chemistry development kit (cdk): an open-source java library for chemo- and bioinformatics. J Chem Inf Comput Sci, 43(2):493–500, 2003. [2] Christoph Steinbeck, Christian Hoppe, Stefan Kuhn, Matteo Floris, Rajarshi Guha, and Egon L. Willighagen. Recent developments of the chemistry development kit (cdk) - an open-source java library for chemo- and bioinformatics. Current Pharmaceutical Design, pages 2111–2120, June 2006.


Chapter 2

Installation 2.1


Like most Java software, CDK can be downloaded in binary form as .jar file. The CDK 1.2.1 version can be downloaded from jar. This Java Archive file includes all third party dependencies, and only requires a Java Virtual Machine to be used.



There are two primary methods to get the source code for the CDK: you can download the source package, or you can download the source code from the Git repository. The source package has the advantage that you run exactly the version of the CDK for which you downloaded the source code; using Git has the approach to run any version you like, but requires a bit more effort to get going. The source distribution with all required third party libraries (except a Java Virtual Machine) can be downloaded as tar.gz from libs-1.2.1.tar.gz or as ZIP file from



The CDK source code is hosted in a Git repository at SourceForge: http://cdk.git.;a=summary. You will find there the complete history of the source code of the CDK library. Git ( is a version control system that allows us to develop the CDK in a distributed manor. Anyone can write patches, even publish them on their web server, and the CDK release managers can include them in the main distribution when these patches are approved. In contrast to the source dist you download the full CDK history, but still is only about 100MB in git format. The command to make a local copy of the git repository on SourceForge looks like: $ git clone git:// This will get you a copy of trunk, but since we discuss CDK 1.2.1 , you will need to get the cdk-1.2.x branch which you can do by making a local branch: 4

$ git checkout -b cdk1.2.1 origin/cdk-1.2.x



Compiling requires you have Ant 1.7.1 installed, which can be downloaded from http://ant. The source code can be compile by issueing: $ ant clean dist-large


Debian GNU/Linux & Ubuntu

Debian GNU/Linux and Ubuntu users can install older version of the CDK with aptitude: $ sudo aptitude install libcdk-java If you wish to compile CDK 1.2.1 , you can take advantage of the build-dependencies for the above package. With the following command you can download most of the required dependencies: $ sudo apt-get build-dep libcdk-java


Chapter 3

Writing CDK Applications 3.1

A (Very) Basic Java Application

Using the CDK library smaller and larger Java programs can be written that take advantage for the cheminformatics functionality in the library. Experiences programmers know how to use external libraries, and there is enough tutorial material on Java programming on the Internet. This chapter only gives the very basic pointers to get you started from scratch. Given you already downloaded the CDK jar file, or compiled it from scratch, consider the following piece of Java source code: import org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IAtom; import org.openscience.cdk.Atom; public class BasicProgram { public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { IAtom atom = new Atom("C"); System.out.println(atom); } } This code can then be compiled with javac to byte code, creating a BasicProgram.class: $ javac -classpath cdk-1.2.1.jar BasicProgram And then run with: $ java -classpath .:cdk-1.2.1.jar BasicProgram



BeanShell ( is a simple interactive environment where one can experiment with Java libraries. For example, consider this simple script: code/BeanShell.bsh import org.openscience.cdk.Atom; Atom atom = new Atom("C"); print(atom); 6

Figure 3.1 shows the effect of running this script in the graphical frontend xbsh. Beanshell needs to be made aware of the CLASSPATH, which uses the common approach for setting this: $ CLASSPATH=cdk-1.2.1.jar bsh

Figure 3.1: Screenshot of xbsh showing a simple BeanShell script.



Groovy ( is a programming language that advertizes itself as is an agile and dynamic language for the Java Virtual Machine. Indeed, like BeanShell is provides an environment to quickly try Java code. However, unlike BeanShell, it provide more linguistic changes and adds quite interesting sugar to that Java language. A simple script may look like: code/IterateAtoms.groovy for (IAtom atom : molecule.atoms()) { System.out.println(atom.getSymbol()); } But in Groovy it can also look like: code/IterateAtomsGroovy.groovy for (atom in molecule.atoms()) { println atom.getSymbol() } Groovy needs to be made aware of the CDK, which uses the common CLASSPATH approach for doing this. To start the GUI console shown in Figure 3.2: $ CLASSPATH=cdk-1.2.1.jar groovyConsole 7

Figure 3.2: Screenshot of groovyConsole showing a simple Groovy script.



However, one of the more interesting features of Groovy is the closures. I have know the programming pattern from R and happily used for a long time, but only recently learned this to be called closures. Closures allow you to pass method as parameter, which can have many applications, and I will show one situation here. Consider the calculation of molecular properties which happen to be a mere summation over atomic properties, such as the total charge, or the molecular weight. Both these calculations require an iteration over all atoms. If we need those properties at the same time, we can combine the calcultion into one iteration. However, let’s generalize the situation a bit and assume they are not. Therefore, we have to slices of code which share a large amount of data: code/CalculateTotalCharge.groovy totalCharge = 0.0


for (atom in molecule.atoms()) { totalCharge += atom.getCharge() } and code/CalculateMolecularWeight.groovy molWeight = 0.0 for (atom in molecule.atoms()) { molWeight += isotopeInfo.getNaturalMass(atom) } In both cases we want to apply a custom bit of code to all atoms. Groovy allows us to share the common code: code/GroovyClosureForAllAtoms.groovy def forAllAtoms(molecule, block) { for (atom in molecule.atoms()) { block(atom) } } totalCharge = 0.0 forAllAtoms(molecule, { totalCharge += it.getCharge() } ) totalCharge = String.format(’%.2f’, totalCharge) println "Total charge: ${totalCharge}" molWeight = 0.0 forAllAtoms(molecule, { molWeight += isotopeInfo.getNaturalMass(it) } ) molWeight = String.format(’%.2f’, molWeight) println "Molecular weight: ${molWeight}" which gives the output: Total charge: -0.00 Molecular weight: 16.04


Other Languages

Except Java and BeanShell, there are other languages at you disposal when using the CDK library. This book will only use Java code snippets, either as BeanShell or as Java application, but in this section point to alternatives. These alternatives do not always provide access to the full CDK API, but at the same time often offer a custom API which hides certain more technical details.




Bioclipse has a custom scripting language with a JavaScript interface [1]. Functionality is provided using managers, and CDK functionality is provided using two such managers. Bioclipse can be downloaded from and example scripts are available from the following bookmark lists: and



Cinfony is a Python module that integrates to the CDK as well as two other cheminformatics toolkits [2]. Cinfony can be downloaded from



The statistical software R ( also provide access to the CDK functionality via the rcdk package [3]. This package can be downloaded from CRAN from


Chapter 4

Documentation 4.1


Besides this book, and in particular the keyword index at the end, you will find the Java API documentation (JavaDoc) valuable. If you have downloaded the source distributions will, you can generate the documentation with Ant in the doc/cdk-javadoc-1.2.1 folder, using: $ ant -f javadoc.xml html Alternatively, you can download the documentation here at cdk/cdk-javadoc-1.2.1.tar.gz.


Other Sources

More information can be found in the following resource: ˆ CDK News: ˆ CDK Wiki:

Bibliography [1] Ola Spjuth, Tobias Helmus, Egon Willighagen, Stefan Kuhn, Martin Eklund, Johannes Wagener, Peter M. Rust, Christoph Steinbeck, and Jarl Wikberg. Bioclipse: An open source workbench for chemo- and bioinformatics. BMC Bioinformatics, 8(1), 2007. [2] N. M. O’Boyle and G. R. Hutchison. Cinfony - combining open source cheminformatics toolkits behind a common interface. Chemistry Central journal, 2, 2008. [3] Rajarshi Guha. Chemical informatics functionality in r. Journal of Statistical Software, 18(6), 2007.


Chapter 5

Atoms, Bonds and Molecules The basic objects in the CDK are the IAtom, IBond and IAtomContainer. The name of the latter is somewhat misleading, as it contains not just IAtoms but also IBonds. The primary use of the model is the graph-based representation of molecules, where bonds are edges between two atoms being the nodes. Before we start, it is important to note that CDK 1.2 has an important convention around object properties: when a property is unset, the object’s field is set to null. This brings in sources for NullPointerExceptions, but also allows us to distinguish between, for example, zero and unset formal charge.



The CDK interface IAtom is the underlying data model of atoms. Creating a new atom is fairly easy: code/ IAtom atom = new Atom("C"); Or, alternatively, using the Elements class: code/ IAtom atom = new Atom(Elements.CARBON); An CDK atom has many properties, many of them inherited from IElement, IIsotope and IAtomType (see Figure 5.1).



The most common property of IElement it the symbol, which is set in the constructors in the above code. The other property for elements found in the CDK is the atomic number : code/ElementProperties.groovy atom.setSymbol("N") atom.setAtomicNumber(7) 12

Figure 5.1: The IAtom interface extends the IAtomType interface, which extends the IIsotope interface, which, in turn, extends the IElement interface.



The IElement information consists of the mass number, exact mass and natural abundance: code/IsotopeProperties.groovy IAtom atom = new Atom("C"); atom.setMassNumber(13) atom.setNaturalAbundance(1.07) atom.setExactMass(13.00335484)



The IAtomType interface contains fields that relate to the model we use to describe the properties of atoms, for example, used in force fields. These properties include formal charge, neighbor count, maximum bond order and atom type name: code/AtomTypeProperties.groovy atom.setAtomTypeName("C.3") atom.setFormalCharge(-1) atom.setMaxBondOrder(IBond.Order.SINGLE)



The IBond interface of the CDK is an interaction between two or more IAtoms, extending the IElectronContainer interface. While the most common application in the CDK originates from graph theory, it is not restricted to that. That said, many algorithms implemented in the CDK expect a graph theory based model, where each bond connects two, and not more, atoms. For example, to create ethanol we write: code/Ethanol.groovy IAtom atom1 = new Atom("C") IAtom atom2 = new Atom("C") 13

IAtom atom3 = new Atom("O") IBond bond1 = new Bond(atom1, atom2, IBond.Order.SINGLE); IBond bond2 = new Bond(atom2, atom3, IBond.Order.SINGLE); The CDK has a few bond orders, which we can list with this groovy code: code/BondOrders.groovy IBond.Order.each { println it } which outputs: SINGLE DOUBLE TRIPLE QUADRUPLE As you might notice, there is no AROMATIC bond defined. This is deliberate and the CDK allows to define single-double bond order patterns at the same time as aromaticity information. For example, a kekule structure of benzene with bonds marked as aromatic can be constructued with: code/AromaticBond.groovy IAtom atom1 = new Atom("C") IAtom atom2 = new Atom("C") IAtom atom3 = new Atom("C") IAtom atom4 = new Atom("C") IAtom atom5 = new Atom("C") IAtom atom6 = new Atom("C") IBond bond1 = new Bond(atom1, atom2, IBond.Order.SINGLE) IBond bond2 = new Bond(atom2, atom3, IBond.Order.DOUBLE) IBond bond3 = new Bond(atom3, atom4, IBond.Order.SINGLE) IBond bond4 = new Bond(atom4, atom5, IBond.Order.DOUBLE) IBond bond5 = new Bond(atom5, atom6, IBond.Order.SINGLE) IBond bond6 = new Bond(atom6, atom1, IBond.Order.DOUBLE) bond1.setFlag(CDKConstants.ISAROMATIC, true); bond2.setFlag(CDKConstants.ISAROMATIC, true); bond3.setFlag(CDKConstants.ISAROMATIC, true); bond4.setFlag(CDKConstants.ISAROMATIC, true); bond5.setFlag(CDKConstants.ISAROMATIC, true); bond6.setFlag(CDKConstants.ISAROMATIC, true);



We already saw in the previous pieces of code how the CDK can be used to create molecules, and while the above is strictly enough to find all atoms in the molecule starting with only 14

one of the atoms in the molecule, it often is more convenient to store all atoms and bonds in a container. The CDK has two containers, which are identical in functionality, but which have different semantics: the IAtomContainer and the IMolecule. The first is a general container to holds atoms an bonds, while the IMolecule has the added implication that it is meant that the container holds a single molecule, of which all atoms are connected to each other via one or more sudo covalent bonds. It is important to note, however, that the latter is not enforced. Adding atoms and bonds is done by the methods addAtom(IAtom) and addBond(IBond): code/AtomContainerAddAtomsAndBonds.groovy mol = new AtomContainer(); mol.addAtom(new Atom("C")); mol.addAtom(new Atom("H")); mol.addAtom(new Atom("H")); mol.addAtom(new Atom("H")); mol.addAtom(new Atom("H")); mol.addBond(new Bond(mol.getAtom(0), mol.addBond(new Bond(mol.getAtom(0), mol.addBond(new Bond(mol.getAtom(0), mol.addBond(new Bond(mol.getAtom(0),

mol.getAtom(1))); mol.getAtom(2))); mol.getAtom(3))); mol.getAtom(4)));

The addBond() method has an alternative which takes three parameters: the first atom, the second atom, and the bond order. Note that atom indices follows programmers habits and starts at 0, as you can observe in the previous example too. This shortens the previous version a bit: code/AtomContainerAddAtomsAndBonds2.groovy mol = new AtomContainer(); mol.addAtom(new Atom("C")); mol.addAtom(new Atom("H")); mol.addAtom(new Atom("H")); mol.addAtom(new Atom("H")); mol.addAtom(new Atom("H")); mol.addBond(0,1,IBond.Order.SINGLE); mol.addBond(0,2,IBond.Order.SINGLE); mol.addBond(0,3,IBond.Order.SINGLE); mol.addBond(0,4,IBond.Order.SINGLE);


Iterating of atoms and bonds

The IAtomContainer comes with convenience methods to iterate over atoms and bonds. Both methods use the Iterable interfaces, and for atoms we do: code/CountHydrogens.groovy int hydrogenCount = 0 for (IAtom atom : mol.atoms()) { 15

if ("H".equals(atom.getSymbol())) hydrogenCount++ } println "Number of hydrogens: $hydrogenCount" which returns Number of hydrogens: 4 And for bonds the equivalent: code/CountDoubleBonds.groovy int doubleBondCount = 0 for (IBond bond : mol.bonds()) { if (IBond.Order.DOUBLE == bond.getOrder()) doubleBondCount++ } println "Number of double bonds: $doubleBondCount" giving Number of double bonds: 1


Chapter 6

Graph Properties Graph theory is the most common representation in cheminformatics, and with quantum mechanics, rule the informatics side of chemistry. The molecular graph follow graph theory and defines atoms as molecules and bonds as edge between to atoms. This is by far the only option, and the IBond allows for more complex representations, but we will focus on the molecular graph in this chapter.



If one is going to calculate graph properties, the first thing one often has to do, is to split ensure that one is looking at a fully connected graph. Since this is often in combination with ensuring fully connected graphs, the ConnectivityChecker is a welcome tool. It allow partitioning of the atoms and bonds in an IAtomContainer into molecules, organized into IMoleculeSet: code/ConnectivityCheckerDemo.groovy atomCon = new AtomContainer(); atom1 = new Atom("C"); atom2 = new Atom("C"); atomCon.addAtom(atom1); atomCon.addAtom(atom2); moleculeSet = ConnectivityChecker.partitionIntoMolecules(atomCon); println "Number of isolated graphs: $moleculeSet.moleculeCount" Which gives: Number of isolated graphs: 2


Spanning Tree

The spanning tree of a graph, is subgraph with no cycles; that spans all atoms into a, still, fully connected graph: code/SpanningTreeBondCount.groovy 17

println "Number of azulene bonds: $azulene.bondCount" treeBuilder = new SpanningTree(azulene) azuleneTree = treeBuilder.getSpanningTree(); println "Number of tree bonds: $azuleneTree.bondCount" which returns: Number of azulene bonds: 11 Number of tree bonds: 9 As a side effect, it also determines which bonds are ring bonds, and which are not: code/SpanningTreeRingBonds.groovy ethaneTree = new SpanningTree(ethane) println "[ethane]" println "Number of cyclic bonds: $ethaneTree.bondsCyclicCount" println "Number of acyclic bonds: $ethaneTree.bondsAcyclicCount" azuleneTree = new SpanningTree(azulene) println "[azulene]" println "Number of cyclic bonds: $azuleneTree.bondsCyclicCount" println "Number of acyclic bonds: $azuleneTree.bondsAcyclicCount" giving [ethane] Number of Number of [azulene] Number of Number of

cyclic bonds: 0 acyclic bonds: 1 cyclic bonds: 11 acyclic bonds: 0


Chapter 7

Missing Information Missing information is common place in chemical file formats and line notations. In many cases this information is implicit to the representation, but recovering it is not always easy, requiring assumptions which may not be true. Examples of missing informations is the lack of bonds in XYZ files, and the removed double bond location information for aromatic ring systems.


Reconnecting Atoms

XYZ files do not have bond information, and may look like: 5 methane C 0.25700 H 0.25700 H 0.77100 H 0.77100 H -0.77100

-0.36300 0.00000 0.72700 0.00000 -0.72700 0.89000 -0.72700 -0.89000 -0.72700 0.00000

Fortunately, we can reasonably assume bonds to have a certain lenght, and reasonably understand how many connections and atom can have at most. Then, using the 3D coordinate information available from the XYZ file, an algorithm can deduce how the atoms must be bonded. The RebondTool does exactly that. And, it does it efficiently too, using a binary search tree, which allows it to scale to protein-sized molecules. Now, the algorithm does need to know what reasonable bond lengths are, and for this we can use the Jmol list of covalent radii, and we configure the atoms accordingly: code/CovalentRadii.groovy methane = new Molecule(); methane.addAtom(new Atom("C", methane.addAtom(new Atom("H", methane.addAtom(new Atom("H", methane.addAtom(new Atom("H",

new new new new

Point3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))); Point3d(0.6, 0.6, 0.6))); Point3d(-0.6, -0.6, 0.6))); Point3d(0.6, -0.6, -0.6)));


methane.addAtom(new Atom("H", new Point3d(-0.6, 0.6, -0.6))); factory = AtomTypeFactory.getInstance( "org/openscience/cdk/config/data/jmol_atomtypes.txt", methane.getBuilder() ); for (IAtom atom : methane.atoms()) { factory.configure(atom); println "$atom.symbol -> $atom.covalentRadius" } which configures and prints the atoms’ radii: C H H H H

-> -> -> -> ->

0.77 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32

Then the RebondTool can be used to rebond the atoms: code/RebondToolDemo.groovy RebondTool rebonder = new RebondTool(2.0, 0.5, 0.5); rebonder.rebond(methane); println "Bond count: $methane.bondCount" The number of bonds it found are reported in the last line: Bond count: 4


Missing Hydrogens

Missing hydrogens can be added using the CDKHydrogenAdder. This class, however, expects CDK atom types to be perceived, for which we can use the CDKAtomTypeMatcher: code/AtomTypePerception.groovy molecule = new Molecule(); atom = new Atom(Elements.CARBON); molecule.addAtom(atom); matcher = CDKAtomTypeMatcher.getInstance( DefaultChemObjectBuilder.getInstance() ); type = matcher.findMatchingAtomType(molecule, atom); AtomTypeManipulator.configure(atom, type); println "Atom type: $type.atomTypeName" This reports the perceived atom type for the carbon: Atom type: C.sp3



Implicit Hydrogens

Implicit hydrogens are hydrogens that are not vertices in the molecular graph, but merely a property of the atom. They can be calculated with: code/MissingHydrogens.groovy adder = CDKHydrogenAdder.getInstance( DefaultChemObjectBuilder.getInstance() ); adder.addImplicitHydrogens(molecule); println "Atom count: $molecule.atomCount" println "Implicit hydrogens: $newAtom.hydrogenCount" which reports: Atom count: 1 Implicit hydrogens: 4


Chapter 8

Input/Output The CDK has functionality for extracting information from files in many different file formats. Unfortunately, hardly ever the full format specification is supported, but generally the chemical graph and 2D or 3D coordinates are extracted, not uncommonly complemented with formal or partial charge.


File Format Detection

Typically, one is fairly aware about the format of a file. Computer programs in general do not, however, but the CDK has a fairly accurate class for detecting the chemical format of a file. To detect the format of a file, the FormatFactory can be used: code/GuessFormat.groovy Reader stringReader = new StringReader( "<molecule xmlns=’’/>" ); FormatFactory factory = new FormatFactory(); IChemFormat format = factory.guessFormat(stringReader); System.out.println("Format: " + format.getFormatName()); This script properly recognized the file a Chemical Markup Language [1]: Format: Chemical Markup Language To learn if the CDK has a IChemObjectReader or IChemObjectWriter one can use the methods getReaderClassName() and getWriterClassName() respectively: code/HasReaderOrWriter.groovy Reader stringReader = new StringReader( "<molecule xmlns=’’/>" ); IChemFormat format = factory.guessFormat(stringReader); String readerClass = format.getReaderClassName(); 22

String writerClass = format.getWriterClassName(); System.out.println("Reader: " + readerClass); System.out.println("Writer: " + writerClass); It reports: Reader: Writer:


Example: Downloading Domoic Acid from PubChem

As an example, below will follow a small script that takes a PubChem compound identifier (CID) and downloads the corresponding ANS.1 XML file, parses it and counts the number of atoms: code/PubChemDownload.groovy cid = 5282253 reader = new PCCompoundXMLReader( new URL( "$cid&disopt=SaveXML" ).newInputStream() ) mol = NNMolecule()) println "Atom count: $mol.atomCount" It reports: Atom count: 43

Bibliography [1] P. Murray-Rust and H. S. Rzepa. Chemical markup, xml, and the worldwide web. 1. basic principles. J. Chem. Inf. Model., 39(6):928–942, November 1999.


Chapter 9

Keyword List The keyword list is an overview of CDK functionality organized by keyword. For each keyword a reference is made to the CDK class that implements that functionality. To simplify the list, the common prefix org.openscience.cdk has been removed. For example, the class org.openscience.cdk.layout.StructureDiagramGenerator has to do with 2D coordinates. 2D layout.StructureDiagramGenerator 2D coordinates layout.StructureDiagramGenerator 2D-coordinates layout.TemplateHandler layout.OverlapResolver 3D modeling.builder3d.ModelBuilder3D similarity.DistanceMoment 3D coordinates modeling.builder3d.ModelBuilder3D 3D isomorphism pharmacophore.PharmacophoreQueryAtom pharmacophore.PharmacophoreBond pharmacophore.PharmacophoreUtils pharmacophore.PharmacophoreMatcher pharmacophore.PharmacophoreAtom pharmacophore.PharmacophoreAngleBond pharmacophore.PharmacophoreQueryAngleBond pharmacophore.PharmacophoreQueryBond 3D model geometry.AtomTools.add3DCoordinates1() modeling.builder3d.AtomTetrahedralLigandPlacer3D.add3DCoordinatesForSinglyBondedLigands() 3D-coordinates modeling.forcefield.GeometricMinimizer adding tools.CDKHydrogenAdder.addImplicitHydrogens() tools.manipulator.AtomContainerManipulator.convertImplicitToExplicitHydrogens() adjacency matrix graph.matrix.AdjacencyMatrix amino acid AminoAcid


interfaces.IAminoAcid amino acids stuctures templates.AminoAcids animation ChemSequence interfaces.IChemSequence aromatic ring bond order adjustment tools.DeAromatizationTool aromaticity detector aromaticity.AromaticityCalculator ASN io.iterator.IteratingPCSubstancesXMLReader io.iterator.IteratingPCCompoundASNReader io.iterator.IteratingPCCompoundXMLReader association Association atom Atom Bond interfaces.IAtom interfaces.IBond type AtomType config.TXTBasedAtomTypeConfigurator config.AtomTypeFactory interfaces.IAtomType valency tools.LonePairElectronChecker tools.SaturationChecker tools.SmilesValencyChecker chemical validation validate.ValidationTest atom coloring partial charges renderer.color.PartialAtomicChargeColors CPK renderer.color.CPKAtomColors atom mapping Mapping atom parity AtomParity interfaces.IAtomParity atom type E-state atomtype.EStateAtomTypeMatcher mmff94 modeling.builder3d.MMFF94BasedParameterSetReader MM2 modeling.builder3d.MM2BasedParameterSetReader atom types Sybyl atomtype.SybylAtomTypeMatcher atomic interfaces.IElement qsar.descriptors.molecular.APolDescriptor atomic number interfaces.IElement AtomPlacer3D modeling.builder3d.AtomPlacer3D


BCUT qsar.descriptors.molecular.BCUTDescriptor Binary Space Partitioning Tree graph.rebond.Bspt biopolymer BioPolymer interfaces.IBioPolymer interfaces.IPDBPolymer bond ElectronContainer Association Bond LonePair interfaces.ILonePair interfaces.IBond recalculation graph.rebond.RebondTool bond count rotatable qsar.descriptors.molecular.RotatableBondsCountDescriptor bond creation geometry.BondTools.closeEnoughToBond() bond order CDKConstants smiles.DeduceBondSystemTool calculation tools.SaturationChecker.newSaturate() tools.SmilesValencyChecker.saturate() bond order adjustment tools.DeAromatizationTool calculation tools.SaturationChecker.newSaturate() tools.SmilesValencyChecker.saturate() canonicalization graph.invariant.CanonicalLabeler CAS number index.CASNumber index.CASNumber.isValid() CDK source code io.CDKSourceCodeWriter center of mass geometry.GeometryTools.get2DCentreOfMass() geometry.GeometryTools.get3DCentreOfMass() charge distribution charges.InductivePartialCharges charges.GasteigerMarsiliPartialCharges charges.GasteigerPEPEPartialCharges chemical identifier io.INChIPlainTextReader io.INChIReader chemical validation validate.ValidationTest chi chain index qsar.descriptors.molecular.ChiChainDescriptor chi cluster index qsar.descriptors.molecular.ChiClusterDescriptor chi path cluster index qsar.descriptors.molecular.ChiPathClusterDescriptor chi path index qsar.descriptors.molecular.ChiPathDescriptor


CIF io.CIFReader class convertor libio.cml.Convertor classification qsar.model.R.CNNClassificationModel CML io.CMLWriter io.CMLReader io.iterator.event.EventCMLReader libio.cml.Convertor conformer conformation io.iterator.IteratingMDLConformerReader connection matrix graph.matrix.ConnectionMatrix connectivity graph.ConnectivityChecker coordinate calculation geometry.AtomTools.add3DCoordinates1() modeling.builder3d.AtomTetrahedralLigandPlacer3D.add3DCoordinatesForSinglyBondedLigands() coordinate generation geometry.AtomTools.calculate3DCoordinatesForLigands() modeling.builder3d.AtomTetrahedralLigandPlacer3D.get3DCoordinatesForLigands() 3D modeling.builder3d.ModelBuilder3D CPK renderer.color.CPKAtomColors creation tools.IDCreator crystal Crystal geometry.CrystalGeometryTools interfaces.ICrystal DBE tools.manipulator.MolecularFormulaManipulator.getDBE() descriptor qsar.descriptors.molecular.RuleOfFiveDescriptor qsar.descriptors.molecular.BCUTDescriptor qsar.descriptors.molecular.WHIMDescriptor qsar.descriptors.molecular.ChiChainDescriptor qsar.descriptors.molecular.GravitationalIndexDescriptor qsar.descriptors.molecular.XLogPDescriptor qsar.descriptors.molecular.KappaShapeIndicesDescriptor qsar.descriptors.molecular.RotatableBondsCountDescriptor qsar.descriptors.molecular.ChiPathDescriptor qsar.descriptors.molecular.ChiPathClusterDescriptor qsar.descriptors.molecular.ChiClusterDescriptor qsar.descriptors.molecular.ZagrebIndexDescriptor qsar.descriptors.molecular.CarbonTypesDescriptor qsar.descriptors.molecular.TPSADescriptor diagonalization math.Matrix.diagonalize() dictionary dict.OWLFile dict.Dictionary dict.DictionaryDatabase dict.Entry dict.OWLReact


dict.EntryReact implicit CDK references dict.CDKDictionaryReferences double bond equivalent tools.manipulator.MolecularFormulaManipulator.getDBE() E-state atomtype.EStateAtomTypeMatcher EAID number graph.invariant.HuLuIndexTool.getEAIDNumber() electron Bond interfaces.IElectronContainer interfaces.IBond unpaired SingleElectron interfaces.ISingleElectron electronegativities partial equalization of orbital charges.GasteigerMarsiliPartialCharges charges.GasteigerPEPEPartialCharges electronegativity charges.InductivePartialCharges charges.PiElectronegativity charges.Electronegativity tools.PeriodicTable element PeriodicTableElement Element config.IsotopeFactory interfaces.IElement tools.PeriodicTable sorting tools.ElementComparator estate config.fragments.EStateFragments fingerprint.EStateFingerprinter file format io.SMILESWriter io.GamessReader INChI io.INChIPlainTextReader io.INChIReader XYZ io.XYZReader Polymorph Predictor (tm) io.PMPReader CML io.CMLWriter io.CMLReader io.iterator.event.EventCMLReader Mol2 io.Mol2Reader Z-matrix io.ZMatrixReader ShelX io.ShelXWriter HIN io.HINReader


MDL SD file io.SDFWriter ShelXL io.ShelXReader PDB io.PDBReader PubChem Compound ASN io.PCSubstanceXMLReader io.PCCompoundASNReader CIF io.CIFReader mmCIF io.CIFReader MDL RXN io.MDLRXNReader io.MDLRXNV2000Reader CDK source code io.CDKSourceCodeWriter MDL RXN file io.MDLRXNWriter MDL molfile io.MDLWriter io.MDLV2000Reader io.MDLReader io.iterator.IteratingMDLReader PubChem Compound XML io.PCCompoundXMLReader SDF io.MDLV2000Reader io.MDLReader io.iterator.IteratingMDLReader SMILES io.SMILESReader io.iterator.IteratingSMILESReader ASN io.iterator.IteratingPCSubstancesXMLReader io.iterator.IteratingPCCompoundASNReader io.iterator.IteratingPCCompoundXMLReader file format SDF io.iterator.IteratingMDLConformerReader fingerprint fingerprint.FingerprinterTool fingerprint.MACCSFingerprinter fingerprint.Fingerprinter fingerprint.IFingerprinter fingerprint.SubstructureFingerprinter fingerprint.EStateFingerprinter fingerprint.ExtendedFingerprinter fingerprint.GraphOnlyFingerprinter force field modeling.forcefield.MMFF94EnergyFunction fractional coordinates crystal geometry.CrystalGeometryTools fragment config.fragments.EStateFragments Gamess io.GamessReader Gauss elimination math.Matrix.elimination() Gaussian (tm)


input file io.program.GaussianInputWriter Gaussian basis set math.qm.GaussiansBasis generator smiles.SmilesGenerator geometry modeling.forcefield.GeometricMinimizer Gram-Schmidt algorithm math.Matrix.orthonormalize() graph path ringsearch.Path graph matrix molecular graph.matrix.IGraphMatrix gravitational index qsar.descriptors.molecular.GravitationalIndexDescriptor HIN io.HINReader HOSE code tools.BremserOneSphereHOSECodePredictor spherical atom search tools.HOSECodeGenerator hydrogen removal tools.manipulator.AtomContainerManipulator.removeHydrogens() tools.manipulator.AtomContainerManipulator.removeHydrogensPreserveMultiplyBonded() tools.manipulator.AtomContainerManipulator.getHeavyAtoms() tools.manipulator.MolecularFormulaManipulator.getHeavyElements() hydrogens adding tools.CDKHydrogenAdder.addImplicitHydrogens() tools.manipulator.AtomContainerManipulator.convertImplicitToExplicitHydrogens() id creation tools.IDCreator implicit CDK references dict.CDKDictionaryReferences INChI io.INChIPlainTextReader io.INChIReader input file io.program.GaussianInputWriter ionization potential qsar.descriptors.molecular.IPMolecularLearningDescriptor isomorphism isomorphism.IsomorphismTester isotope Isotope config.IsotopeFactory interfaces.IIsotope isotope pattern formula.IsotopePatternGenerator IUPAC name iupac.parser.NomParser jaccard similarity.Tanimoto Jacobi algorithm math.Matrix.diagonalize() join-the-dots geometry.BondTools.closeEnoughToBond() graph.rebond.Bspt JRI qsar.model.R2.RModel Kappe shape index qsar.descriptors.molecular.KappaShapeIndicesDescriptor Layout layout.StructureDiagramGenerator


layout.TemplateHandler layout.OverlapResolver line search modeling.forcefield.LineSearch linear qsar.model.R.LinearRegressionModel linear regression qsar.model.R2.LinearRegressionModel Lipinski qsar.descriptors.molecular.RuleOfFiveDescriptor lipophilicity qsar.descriptors.molecular.ALOGPDescriptor log file io.GamessReader logP qsar.descriptors.molecular.ALOGPDescriptor lone-pair ElectronContainer LonePair interfaces.ILonePair mass interfaces.IIsotope molecular tools.manipulator.AtomContainerManipulator.getNaturalExactMass() mass number interfaces.IIsotope MDL molfile io.MDLWriter io.MDLV2000Reader io.MDLReader io.iterator.IteratingMDLReader MDL molfile V3000 io.MDLV3000Reader MDL RXN io.MDLRXNReader io.MDLRXNV2000Reader MDL RXN file io.MDLRXNWriter MDL SD file io.SDFWriter MDL V3000 io.MDLRXNV3000Reader MM2 modeling.builder3d.MM2BasedParameterSetReader mmCIF io.CIFReader mmff94 modeling.builder3d.MMFF94BasedParameterSetReader modeling.forcefield.MMFF94EnergyFunction Mol2 io.Mol2Reader molecular graph.matrix.IGraphMatrix tools.manipulator.AtomContainerManipulator.getNaturalExactMass() molecular formula formula.MolecularFormula formula.AdductFormula formula.MolecularFormulaChecker formula.MolecularFormulaRange formula.MolecularFormulaSet interfaces.IMolecularFormulaSet interfaces.IAdductFormula interfaces.IMolecularFormula molecule


Molecule MoleculeSet molecular formula formula.MolecularFormulaChecker moment of inertia qsar.descriptors.molecular.MomentOfInertiaDescriptor monomer Monomer interfaces.IMonomer Morgan number graph.invariant.MorganNumbersTools Murcko fragments tools.GenerateFragments neural network qsar.model.R.CNNClassificationModel qsar.model.R.CNNRegressionModel qsar.model.R2.CNNRegressionModel Newton-Raphson modeling.forcefield.NewtonRaphsonMethod notional coordinates geometry.CrystalGeometryTools.notionalToCartesian() number qsar.descriptors.molecular.PetitjeanNumberDescriptor mass interfaces.IIsotope atomic interfaces.IElement orbital ElectronContainer Association LonePair interfaces.ILonePair orthonormalization math.Matrix.orthonormalize() output io.GamessReader parser smiles.SmilesParser partial atomic charges charges.InductivePartialCharges charges.GasteigerMarsiliPartialCharges charges.GasteigerPEPEPartialCharges partial charges renderer.color.PartialAtomicChargeColors partial equalization of orbital charges.GasteigerMarsiliPartialCharges charges.GasteigerPEPEPartialCharges partial least squares qsar.model.R.PLSRegressionModel path ringsearch.Path PDB io.PDBReader pdbpolymer interfaces.IPDBMonomer interfaces.IPDBAtom interfaces.IPDBStructure interfaces.IPDBPolymer PEOE charges.GasteigerMarsiliPartialCharges PEPE charges.GasteigerPEPEPartialCharges periodic table tools.PeriodicTable permutation graph.AtomContainerPermutor


graph.AtomContainerBondPermutor graph.AtomContainerAtomPermutor Petit-Jean shape index qsar.descriptors.molecular.PetitjeanShapeIndexDescriptor number qsar.descriptors.molecular.PetitjeanNumberDescriptor pharmacophore pharmacophore.PharmacophoreQueryAtom pharmacophore.PharmacophoreBond pharmacophore.PharmacophoreUtils pharmacophore.PharmacophoreMatcher pharmacophore.PharmacophoreAtom pharmacophore.PharmacophoreAngleBond pharmacophore.PharmacophoreQueryAngleBond pharmacophore.PharmacophoreQueryBond physical properties PhysicalConstants PLS qsar.model.R.PLSRegressionModel pocket protein.ProteinPocketFinder polarizability charges.Polarizability atomic qsar.descriptors.molecular.APolDescriptor polymer BioPolymer Polymer interfaces.IBioPolymer interfaces.IPolymer interfaces.IPDBPolymer Polymorph Predictor (tm) io.PMPReader prime numbers math.Primes projection in 2D geometry.Projector protein protein.ProteinPocketFinder PubChem io.iterator.IteratingPCSubstancesXMLReader io.iterator.IteratingPCCompoundASNReader io.iterator.IteratingPCCompoundXMLReader PubChem Compound ASN io.PCSubstanceXMLReader io.PCCompoundASNReader PubChem Compound XML io.PCCompoundXMLReader R qsar.model.R2.CNNRegressionModel qsar.model.R2.RModel qsar.model.R2.LinearRegressionModel radial distribution function geometry.RDFCalculator radical SingleElectron interfaces.ISingleElectron


radius vanderwaals tools.PeriodicTable RDF geometry.RDFCalculator reaction ReactionSet ChemSequence Reaction ReactionScheme MoleculeSet interfaces.IReaction interfaces.IChemSequence interfaces.IReactionSet atom mapping Mapping rebonding graph.rebond.RebondTool graph.rebond.Bspt recalculation graph.rebond.RebondTool refractivity qsar.descriptors.molecular.ALOGPDescriptor regression qsar.model.R.CNNRegressionModel qsar.model.R.PLSRegressionModel linear qsar.model.R.LinearRegressionModel removal tools.manipulator.AtomContainerManipulator.removeHydrogens() tools.manipulator.AtomContainerManipulator.removeHydrogensPreserveMultiplyBonded() tools.manipulator.AtomContainerManipulator.getHeavyAtoms() tools.manipulator.MolecularFormulaManipulator.getHeavyElements() ring Ring interfaces.IRing set of RingSet interfaces.IRingSet ring finding graph.SpanningTree ring search ringsearch.FiguerasSSSRFinder ringsearch.SSSRFinder ringsearch.cyclebasis.SimpleCycle rotatable qsar.descriptors.molecular.RotatableBondsCountDescriptor RSS io.RssWriter rule-of-five qsar.descriptors.molecular.RuleOfFiveDescriptor saturation tools.LonePairElectronChecker tools.SaturationChecker SDF io.MDLV2000Reader io.MDLReader


io.iterator.IteratingMDLReader set of RingSet interfaces.IRingSet shape index qsar.descriptors.molecular.PetitjeanShapeIndexDescriptor ShelX io.ShelXWriter ShelXL io.ShelXReader similarity fingerprint.MACCSFingerprinter fingerprint.Fingerprinter fingerprint.SubstructureFingerprinter fingerprint.EStateFingerprinter fingerprint.ExtendedFingerprinter fingerprint.GraphOnlyFingerprinter 3D similarity.DistanceMoment tanimoto similarity.Tanimoto smallest-set-of-rings ringsearch.FiguerasSSSRFinder ringsearch.SSSRFinder ringsearch.cyclebasis.SimpleCycle SMARTS isomorphism.matchers.smarts.RingMembershipAtom isomorphism.matchers.smarts.HybridizationNumberAtom isomorphism.matchers.smarts.AromaticOrSingleQueryBond isomorphism.matchers.smarts.TotalValencyAtom isomorphism.matchers.smarts.ChiralityAtom isomorphism.matchers.smarts.SMARTSBond isomorphism.matchers.smarts.AnyAtom isomorphism.matchers.smarts.ExplicitConnectionAtom isomorphism.matchers.smarts.AromaticAtom isomorphism.matchers.smarts.AtomicNumberAtom isomorphism.matchers.smarts.AnyOrderQueryBond isomorphism.matchers.smarts.OrderQueryBond isomorphism.matchers.smarts.RingIdentifierAtom isomorphism.matchers.smarts.RingBond isomorphism.matchers.smarts.TotalConnectionAtom isomorphism.matchers.smarts.FormalChargeAtom isomorphism.matchers.smarts.DegreeAtom isomorphism.matchers.smarts.RecursiveSmartsAtom isomorphism.matchers.smarts.AliphaticAtom isomorphism.matchers.smarts.AromaticQueryBond isomorphism.matchers.smarts.PeriodicGroupNumberAtom isomorphism.matchers.smarts.NonCHHeavyAtom isomorphism.matchers.smarts.TotalRingConnectionAtom isomorphism.matchers.smarts.TotalHCountAtom isomorphism.matchers.smarts.LogicalOperatorAtom isomorphism.matchers.smarts.AromaticSymbolAtom


isomorphism.matchers.smarts.SmallestRingAtom isomorphism.matchers.smarts.MassAtom isomorphism.matchers.smarts.LogicalOperatorBond isomorphism.matchers.smarts.AliphaticSymbolAtom isomorphism.matchers.smarts.ImplicitHCountAtom isomorphism.matchers.smarts.HydrogenAtom isomorphism.matchers.smarts.SMARTSAtom isomorphism.matchers.smarts.ConnectionCountAtom isomorphism.matchers.smarts.StereoBond isomorphism.matchers.smarts.RingAtom smiles.smarts.SMARTSQueryTool smiles.smarts.parser.SMARTSParser smiles.smarts.parser.ASTOrExpression smiles.smarts.parser.ASTElement smiles.smarts.parser.ASTChirality smiles.smarts.parser.ASTPrimitiveAtomExpression smiles.smarts.parser.ASTAtomicMass smiles.smarts.parser.ASTNotBond smiles.smarts.parser.ASTCharge smiles.smarts.parser.ASTLowAndBond smiles.smarts.parser.ASTAtom smiles.smarts.parser.ASTLowAndExpression SMARTS AST smiles.smarts.parser.ASTPeriodicGroupNumber smiles.smarts.parser.ASTExplicitHighAndExpression smiles.smarts.parser.ASTAtomicNumber smiles.smarts.parser.ASTStart smiles.smarts.parser.ASTOrBond smiles.smarts.parser.ASTSmarts smiles.smarts.parser.ASTImplicitHCount smiles.smarts.parser.SimpleNode smiles.smarts.parser.ASTAliphatic smiles.smarts.parser.ASTHybrdizationNumber smiles.smarts.parser.Node smiles.smarts.parser.ASTSmallestRingSize smiles.smarts.parser.ASTRingIdentifier smiles.smarts.parser.ASTExplicitAtom smiles.smarts.parser.ASTRingConnectivity smiles.smarts.parser.ASTAromatic smiles.smarts.parser.ASTReaction smiles.smarts.parser.ASTTotalHCount smiles.smarts.parser.ASTExplicitConnectivity smiles.smarts.parser.ASTTotalConnectivity smiles.smarts.parser.ASTSimpleBond smiles.smarts.parser.ASTValence smiles.smarts.parser.ASTImplicitHighAndExpression smiles.smarts.parser.ASTGroup


smiles.smarts.parser.ASTImplicitHighAndBond smiles.smarts.parser.ASTRecursiveSmartsExpression smiles.smarts.parser.ASTNotExpression smiles.smarts.parser.ASTRingMembership smiles.smarts.parser.ASTAnyAtom smiles.smarts.parser.ASTNonCHHeavyAtom smiles.smarts.parser.ASTExplicitHighAndBond smiles.smarts.parser.visitor.Smarts2MQLVisitor smiles.smarts.parser.visitor.SmartsQueryVisitor smiles.smarts.parser.visitor.SmartsDumpVisitor SMILES io.SMILESReader io.iterator.IteratingSMILESReader generator smiles.SmilesGenerator parser smiles.SmilesParser sorting tools.ElementComparator spanning tree graph.SpanningTree spherical atom search tools.HOSECodeGenerator stabilization charge charges.StabilizationCharges stack io.cml.CMLStack steepest descent modeling.forcefield.SteepestDescentsMethod stereochemistry CDKConstants AtomParity interfaces.IAtomParity structure diagram generation layout.TemplateHandler Structure Diagram Generation (SDG) layout.StructureDiagramGenerator structure generator structgen.RandomGenerator structgen.VicinitySampler stuctures templates.AminoAcids substructure search fingerprint.FingerprinterTool.isSubset() smiles.smarts.SMARTSQueryTool smiles.smarts.parser.SMARTSParser Sybyl atomtype.SybylAtomTypeMatcher tanimoto similarity.Tanimoto templates templates.AminoAcids templates.MoleculeFactory templates.saturatedhydrocarbons.IsoAlkanes topological bond order ctypes qsar.descriptors.molecular.CarbonTypesDescriptor total polar surface area qsar.descriptors.molecular.TPSADescriptor TPSA qsar.descriptors.molecular.TPSADescriptor type AtomType config.TXTBasedAtomTypeConfigurator


config.AtomTypeFactory interfaces.IAtomType unpaired SingleElectron interfaces.ISingleElectron valency tools.LonePairElectronChecker tools.SaturationChecker tools.SmilesValencyChecker validation index.CASNumber.isValid() vanderwaals tools.PeriodicTable WHIM qsar.descriptors.molecular.WHIMDescriptor Wiener number qsar.descriptors.molecular.WienerNumbersDescriptor XLogP qsar.descriptors.molecular.XLogPDescriptor XYZ io.XYZReader Z Matrix geometry.ZMatrixTools Z-matrix io.ZMatrixReader Zagreb index qsar.descriptors.molecular.ZagrebIndexDescriptor


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