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  • Pages: 10
Teaching and Learning Evaluation Lecturer : Mangaratua M. Simanjorang, M.Pd , Ph.d.


Compiled By

Meidy Adelina


Bilingual Mathematics Education 2016


PREFACE Thank God I say the presence of God Almighty, over the abundance of grace, so that I can complete the Critical Book task entitled "The Concept of Evaluation of Learning" In criticizing this book, I realize that in my critics there are still many shortcomings, both in terms of systematics and writing techniques. Therefore, all the suggestions and constructive criticism I would have hoped, as a valuable input for my future progress. As a result of this Critical book, I hope this Critical Book can be useful for people who need this book.

Medan, October 16th 2017



TABLE OF CONTENT PREFACE ............................................................................................................................ i Table of Content.................................................................................................................. 1 BAB I PRELIMINARY ..................................................................................................... 2 1.1

Background ........................................................................................................ 2


Purpose ............................................................................................................... 2

BAB II DISCUSSION ........................................................................................................ 3-4 BAB III CONCLUSION..................................................................................................... 5 3.1

Conclusion ......................................................................................................... 5


Advantages and Disadvantages og book Content .............................................. 5

Attachment .......................................................................................................................... 6

CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY 1.1 Background This Evaluation Book of Learning there are 2 that I criticize. My choice is Evaluation book entitled "Evaluation of Learning" author is Drs. Zaenal Arifin, M.Pd. and the second one entitled "Buku Diktat Evaluation of Learning" the author is Dwi Ivayana Sari, S.Pd. This book is my criticism as a reference for completing the task of Mathematics Learning Evaluation course and also to deepen the understanding of Teaching And Learning Evaluation . I am interested in criticizing this book because I think this book is suitable as a reference to complete the task and to deepen the knowledge about Teaching And Learning Evaluation.

1.2 Purpose The purpose of me criticizing this book is: 1. Knowing the Basic Concepts of Evaluation Learning, 2. Knowing the Position of Evaluation in Learning,


2.2 SUMMARY OF FIRST BOOK CHAPTER. I Basic Concepts of Evaluation

The Evaluation Is Broader In Scope Than The Assessment, While The Assessment Focuses On A Particular Aspect. The exact term in assessing the learning system is evaluation, not worth it. If the thing to be assessed is one or more components or components of learning, for example learning outcomes then the appropriate term used is judgment, not evaluation. In addition there are also measurements. Evaluation and assessment are qualitative whereas measurement is quantitative (sectors or numbers) of standard standards. In the context of learning outcomes or measuring instruments or instruments can be test or non-test. Evaluation is one important component and the stage that must be taken by the teacher to know the effectiveness of learning. In addition, evaluation is a systematic and continuous system to determine the quality (value and meaning) of something, based on certain considerations and criteria in the framework of decision-making, in addition evaluation is not a product of a product. Evaluations and assessments are more comprehensive and include measurements, whereas tests are one of the more measurable measurement tools in quantitative images (figures) on learners' progress, while evaluations and evaluators are more qualitative. In addition, evaluation and assessment are essentially an assessment not only based on measurement results, but can also be based on the type. Position of Evaluation in Learning The basic word "learning" is learning. In the narrow sense of learning can be interpreted as a process or a way that is done for someone did to study really earnings involving intellectual, emotional, and social, than "teaching" is more likely to teaching activities in the classroom teachers. Thus, the word "learning" s wider than "teaching". In a broad sense, learning is a systematic or interactive process or activity, which is interactive and communicative between educators (teachers) with learners, both in the classroom and outside the classroom, physically attended or not, to master the competencies specified. The word "Achievement" comes from the Dutch word. In the Indonesian language "achievement" which means "result of effort". The term "achievement" is different from "learning outcomes" (learning outcome). Learning achievement is generally related to the knowledge aspect, while the learning outcomes include aspects of determining the character of learners. The words of many achievements are used in various and among other activities in the arts, sports, and education, especially learning. One component of learning is evaluation. Likewise in the learning procedure, one step that must be taken by the teacher is the evaluation has a very important and strategic position because the evaluation is an inseparable part of learning.

Objectives and Functions of Learning Evaluation • The objectives of evaluation are of a general nature and some are of a special nature. If the purpose of the evaluation is still general, then the objective needs to be broken down into specific objectives, so as to guide the teacher in composing the questions or developing other evaluation instruments. There are two ways in which teachers can formulate specific evaluation objectives. First, make a detailed evaluation of the scope of the evaluation. Second, do the details of the mental process to be evaluated. The objective of learning evaluation is to know the effectiveness and efficiency of the learning system, whether it concerns the objectives, materials, methods, media, learning resources, both the environment and the appraisal system itself. The specific objectives of the learning evaluation are tailored to the type of learning evaluation itself. • The function of evaluation of learning, according to Scriven (1967) Evaluation function can be divided into two kinds, namely formative function and sumatif function. Formative function is implemented if the results obtained from the evaluation activities are directed to improve certain parts or most of the curriculum being developed. While the summative function is associated with the conclusion of the goodness of the system in its entirety and this function can be implemented if developing a curriculum has been considered to be a selsai. In addition, Stanley in Oemar Hamalik (1989) suggests specifically the function of the test in learning that is categorized into three interacting functions namely instructional functions, administrative functions, and functions. Based on the above explanation, the learning evaluation function for improvement and development of learning system. Next to accreditation. In the Constitution No.20 / 2003 Chapter I Article 1 paragraph 22, it is explained that "accreditation is a feasibility assessment activity of the program in one education based on predetermined criteria ". One component of accreditation is learning. That is, the accreditation function can be implemented if the result of learning evaluation is used as the basis of accreditation of educational institution. The learning achievement function is the formative function, the diagnostic function, the summative function and the determining function. • Continuity • Comprehensive • Fair and Objective • Cooperative • Practical Types of Learning Evaluations1. Evaluation of the planning and development of the results of this evaluation is necessary to design the learning program. The main objective is to provide early-stage assistance in the preparation of the learning program.2. Evaluation of monitoring, to check whether the learning program reaches the target effectively and whether the learning program is implemented as appropriate.3. Impact evaluation, to determine the impact of a learning program.4. Evaluation of economic efficiency, to assess the level of efficiency of the implementation of the learning program. Comprehensive program evaluation, to assess the overall learning program, such as program planning, program implementation, implementation monitoring, program impact, effectiveness and efficiency. In a model known as the education system evaluation model

SUMMARY OF SECIOND BOOK CHAPTER. I PRELIMINARY 1.MEASUREMENT OF MEASUREMENT, ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION Evaluation is always associated with learning achievement of the definition of evaluation developed first time by Ralph Tyler who said that evaluation is a process of collecting data to determine the extent to which, in what way, and how the goal of education has been achieved. A broader definition is put forward by two other experts, Cronbach and Stuflebeam who say that the evaluation process is not just measuring the extent to which goals are achieved, but used to make decisions. 2. WHY RATS ? Assessing or evaluating here there are 3 causes which is the cause for the teacher and school. because for students are: a) By assessing the teacher will be able to know which students are entitled to continue their studies because it has mastered the material, know the students who have not managed to master the material. b) The teacher will find out whether the material being taught is appropriate for the student so that to give in time that will come no changes need to be made. c) The teacher will know whether the method used is right what has not. 3. OBJECTIVES OR EVALUATION FUNCTIONS (ASSESSMENT) Here the assessment also has some purpose or function. By knowing the meaning of assessment in terms of some aspects of the education system, it can be said that the purpose or function of the assessment there are several things: a) The assessment is selective, b) The assessment is diagnostic, c) Assessment serves as a placement, d) Assessment serves as a measure of success,


3.1 Conclusion Evaluation activities are very important activities undertaken by the teacher during the learning process. Evaluation is done to know the ability of students, in addition to make improvements. Therefore, evaluation activities should pay attention to basic concepts of evaluation that are useful for achieving learning objectives. The basic concept of evaluation that must be mastered by educators (teachers) or prospective educators (teacher candidates) is the basic understanding of evaluation, evaluation objectives, evaluation characteristics, evaluation techniques, and the latest various evaluation tools described above. Without knowing the basic concepts of evaluation an educator (teacher) will not be able to develop an evaluation tool. For that we need a basic understanding of the basic concepts of evaluation.

3.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of Book Content Advantages •The author makes the language easy for readers to understand •This book has a very broad and easy-to-understand discussion. • The cover of this book is very good. The color selection makes readers interested, so it is worth reading.

Disadvantages 

There are some wrong words or fewer letters


A. Journal Cover First Book

B. Journal Cover Second Book



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