Caw Brochure 2006

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  • Words: 878
  • Pages: 2

is the largest alliance of U.S.-based international development and

humanitarian non-governmental organizations. With more than 160 members operating in every developing country, we work to overcome poverty, exclusion and suffering by advancing social justice and basic dignity for all. InterAction is greater than the sum of its parts, a force multiplier that gives each member the collective power of all members to speak and act on issues of common concern. InterAction convenes and coordinates its members so in unison, they can influence policy and debate on issues affecting tens of millions of people worldwide and improve their

Gender Equity Amendments In May 1996, InterAction’s Board of Directors adopted a set of Gender Equity Amendments to the PVO Standards, InterAction’s ethical and operational principles. The Amendments encompass governance, management, personnel, and programs. Each year, member agencies are required to sign a statement indicating that they are in compliance with the Standards. The Gender Equity Amendments call on members to:

P Develop a written policy that affirms a commitment to gender equity in organizational structures and in staff and board composition;

own practices.

P Train program staff in gender analysis for program planning, implementation, and evaluation;

The Commission on the Advancement of Women (CAW) was created

P Institute gender analysis and planning in all phases of the program process in collaboration with local NGO partners.

in 1992 by InterAction’s Executive Committee (i.e. Board) out of the former sub-committee on Women in Development to give enhanced visibility and priority to gender equality within the PVO community. The CAW includes a core staff and active representation from over 100 InterAction member agencies. As mandated, the CAW promotes gender equality in the policy and practice of InterAction members, national, and international development and humanitarian assistance organizations.

Priority Themes and Areas Building organizational capacity for gender sensitive development Provides training, technical assistance, information services, and peer learning to enable members to comply with the Gender Equity Amendments to the PVO Standards. Training on the CAW’s Gender Audit, an organizational self--assessment tool and action planning process, is the CAW’s principal technical assistance service.

P Integrate gender sensitivity into human resource development for staff at all levels to improve organizational effectiveness, promote non-discriminatory relationships, and respect for diversity in work and management styles; P Include gender awareness in job performance criteria; P Strive to increase the number of women in senior decision-making positions and on Boards of Directors; P Institute family friendly policies and create an environment that enables both women and men to balance work and family life; P Develop policies and practices that support equal pay for equal work; P Establish a mechanism, consistent with the organization’s mission and constituency, which operates with a mandate from the CEO to promote and monitor the integration of gender equity in programs.

Documenting “best practices” for gender and development for particular sectors and regions Works with members and partner NGOs to produce publications highlighting innovative and effective development strategies from a practitioners’ point of view.

Advancing women in leadership Provides support to InterAction members to increase the representation of women at the CEO and board of directors levels.

Gender integration is an organic process, akin to a living tree. At the root of the process is political

Technical Capacity

will. An organization with strong Accountability

political will, like a tree with strong roots, can support the development of three vital branches: technical capacity,

Advocating for gender mainstreaming in bi and multi-lateral donors Promotes and strengthens the integration of gender equality in USAID, the World Bank, and other agencies.

Organizational Culture

accountability and a positive organizational culture.

Political Will

CAW Publications &

Best Practices for Gender Integration in Organizations and Programs from the InterAction Community: Findings from a Survey of Member Agencies (1996, 1998)


The Gender Audit Facilitator’s Guide (2004)

InterAction’s Gender and Diversity Unit

Multimedia CD-Rom


The Gender Audit Questionnaire Handbook (1999, 2004) Available in English and French


Gender Mainstreaming in Action: Successful Innovations from Asia and the Pacific (2005) Published in partnership with the International Institute of Rural Reconstruction in the Philippipnes

& &

Organizational Skills for the New Millennium (1999) Revealing the Power of Gender Mainstreaming: Enhancing Development Effectiveness of Non-governmental Organizations in Africa (2005)


Commission on the Advancement of Women

Stories of Equitable Development: Innovative Practices from Africa (2001) Available in English and French. Published in partnership with the Gender Development Institute in Ghana.


Tapping the Power of Equal Opportunity For Women and Men: A Proven Strategy for Effective Foreign Assistance (2005)

& &

Weaving Gender in Disaster and Refugee Assistance Report (1998, 2003) Weaving Gender in Disaster and Refugee Assistance Field Checklists (1998, 2002) InterAction

Study after study has shown that there is no effective development strategy in which women do not play a central role. When women are fully involved, the benefits can be seen immediately: their children are better educated; they are healthier and better fed; they are better able to protect themselves against AIDS and other diseases; their families’ income and economy improve. And what is true of families is true of communities—ultimately, indeed, of whole countries. Secretary-General Kofi Annan International Women’s Day 2002

1717 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Suite 701 Washington, DC 20036 Tel ~ 1.202.667.8227 Fax ~ 1.202.667.8236 Visit for more information

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