Causes Of World War I

  • November 2019
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Name Teresa Adamik Period 7

Expert Group: Causes of WWI

You will thoroughly complete this e-sheet dealing with your Expert Group topic. All answers must be in complete sentences and clearly written. Click on the picture or hyperlink in order to be taken to a site of primary sources or other articles to read in order to help you answer the question. If you run out of space in the textbox, enlarge the box. Question 1: In what way would Alliances be a cause of war?

AND Question 1 Answer: If one country within the alliance is attacked by another, the remaining countries must support the country that was attacked, such as stated in the expanded version of the Triple Alliance in December 5, 1912. This aggravates any confrontation between countries included in the alliance, and therefore may cause war. In 1882, with the original Triple Alliance formation, a similar situation was stated, claiming that it was “…'essentially defensive and conservative' with the aim of stopping anyone who 'might threaten' the three nations.” Secret treaties within the Alliance, due to mistrust of other nations, also had potential for causing war.

Question 2 In what way would Militarism be a cause of war?

Answer #2 (Use “arms race” and Schlieffen Plan in your answer) Great competition between countries to be the strongest in arms could become a cause of war, due to the growing divide of Europe. Militarism fueled the arms race between Britain and Germany. Britain and Germany began to compete for rule of the seas, while German and French armies doubled between 1870 and 1914. When an effective battleship was introduced in 1906 from Britain, the Germans followed in production of their own battleships.

Question 3: In what way did Imperialism contribute to World War One? (Be sure to read this site thoroughly since it offers some very good answers to the rest of the questions here) Follow the links within the article!

Answer #3 Imperialism throughout the world contributed to rivalry among European nations. The Industrial Revolution brought on a need for expanded markets in which to sell goods. Therefore, countries competed over expansion in areas like Africa. German markets clashed with British and French in Northern Africa. Austria-Hungary and Russia also each had their eyes on the middle-eastern territories.

Question 4: In what ways did Nationalism contribute to World War One?

Answer #4 German and Italian nationalist movements in the mid-late 1800s caused the unification of each nation. Many conflicting national groups existed in Austria-Hungary and the Balkans, which posed a problem. France was also upset over the loss of Alsace-Lorraine to the Germans. However, in order to preserve the peace, the issue of nationalism was ignored at the Congress of Vienna in 1815.

Question 5: What is the immediate cause of World War I? This can be confusing, so be sure you understand the players before you write.

Question 5 answer: On June 28th, 1914, Archduke Francis Ferdinand was assassinated in Sarajevo, Bosnia by a Serbian nationalist. After the assassination, Germany pledged support of Austria-Hungary, and pressured them to declare war on Serbia. France, however, strengthened its support of Russia. Austria-Hungary was convinced that they had been conspired against by Serbia, and delivered Serbia an ultimatum. Serbia agreed to the ultimatum almost completely, but Austria-Hungary was not satisfied. Russia ordered mobilization against A-H in support of Serbia, and the Germans threatened war if Russia didi not stop. On August 1 Germany declared war on Russia, then on France. Allies fell into place thereafter, and World War I began.

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