Cause Effect.

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  • Pages: 7
Cause /effect and opposition relationship.

Cách biến đổi từ Although / though => despite / in spite of Nguyên tắc chung cần nhớ là : Although/ though + mệnh đề Despite / in spite of + cụm từ Các công thức biến đổi từ mệnh đề sang cụm từ như sau: 1) Nếu chủ từ 2 mệnh đề giống nhau: - Bỏ chủ từ ,động từ thêm ING . Although Tom got up late, he got to school on time. => Despite / in spite of getting up late, Tom got to school on time.

2) Nếu chủ từ là danh từ + be + tính từ - Đem tính từ đặt trứoc danh từ, bỏ to be Although the rain is heavy,....... => Despite / in spite of the heavy rain, ...... 3) Nếu chủ từ là đại từ + be + tính từ : - Đổi đại từ thành sỡ hửu ,đổi tính từ thành danh từ ,bỏ be Although He was sick,........ => Despite / in spite of his sickness,....... 4) Nếu chủ từ là đại từ + động từ + trạng từ - Đổi đại từ thành sở hữu, động từ thành danh từ ,trạng từ thành tính từ đặt trước danh từ Although He behaved impolitely,..... => Despite / in spite of his impolite behavior ,......... 5) Nếu câu có dạng : there be + danh từ - Thì bỏ there be Although there was an accident ,..... => Despite / in spite of an accident,......


Designed by OanhVoLeHoang_Nov 27th,2009.

Cause /effect and opposition relationship.

6) Nếu câu có dạng : It (be) + tính từ về thời tiết: Đổi tính từ thành danh từ thêm the phía trước. Although it was rainy, ..... => Despite / in spite of the rain, ………. Các tính từ và danh từ thường gặp trong mẫu này là: Foggy => fog ( sương mù ) Snowy => snow (tuyết) Rainy => rain (mưa) Stormy => storm ( bão)

7) Nếu câu có dạng: Danh từ + (be) + p.p ( câu bị động) => Đổi p.p thành danh từ, thêm the phía trước và of phía sau, danh từ câu trên đem xuống để sau of Although television was invented, ..... => Despite / in spite of the invention of television, ……….

8 ) Phương pháp cuối cùng cũng là phương pháp dễ nhất : thêm the fact that trước mệnh đề. Phương pháp này áp dụng được cho mọi câu mà không cần phân tích xem nó thuộc mẫu này, tuy nhiên phương pháp này không được khuyến khích sử dụng vì suy cho cùng những biến đổi trên đây là rèn luyện cho các em cách sử dụng các cấu trúc câu, do đó nếu câu nào cũng thêm the fact that rồi viết lại hết thì các em sẽ không nâng cao được trình độ. Phương pháp này chỉ áp dụng khi gặp câu quá phức tạp mà không có cách nào biến đổi. Một trường hợp khác mà các em có thể sử dụng nữa là : trong lúc đi thi gặp câu khó mà mình quên cách biển đổi .


Designed by OanhVoLeHoang_Nov 27th,2009.

Cause /effect and opposition relationship.

Although he behaved impolitely,..... => Despite / in spite of the fact that he behaved impolitely,....

Các công thức trên đây cũng áp dụng cho biến đổi từ BECAUSE -> BECAUSE OF

Practice. Using the ideas given in parenthenses, complete the sentences. 1. (My parents are generous). Because of my parents’ generosity , all

of the children in my family have received the best of everything. 2. (The traffic was heavy). We were late to the meeting due to

______________________. 3. (Bill’s wife is ill). Bill has to do all the cooking and cleaning because of

______________. 4. (Dr. Robinson has done excellent research on wolves). Due to

______________________ we know much more today about that endangered species than we did even 5 years ago. 5. (It was noisy in the next apartment) I couldn’t get to sleep last night

because of _____________________________. 6. (Circumstances are beyond my control). Due to ___________________ I

regret to say that, I regret to say that I cannot be present at your daughter’s wedding.

Complete the sentences by using ether even though, in spite of, because, because of, therefore/consequently, however/nevertheless. 1. I put on my sunglasses _____________________ it was dark,

cloudy day. 2. I put on my sunglasses _____________________ the sun was bright. 3. _________________ she has a job, she is able to pay her rent and

provide food for her family.


Designed by OanhVoLeHoang_Nov 27th,2009.

Cause /effect and opposition relationship. 4. _________________ she has a job, she doesn’t make enough

money to support her 4 children. 5. I’m going to horseback riding with Judy this afternoon

____________ I’m afraid of horses. 6. I’m going to horseback riding with Judy this afternoon

____________ I enjoy it. 7. ___________ the weather was bad, we enjoyed our trip. 8. The children slept well ____________ the noise. 9. ________________ earning a low salary, Linda gave money to

her parents. 10.

John rarely sees Paul ___________ they live in the same town.


Julie failed the exam ____________ of working very hard.


____________ it was cold, she didn't put on her coat.


Tom went to work ___________ not feeling very well.


Anna never learned the language ___________ she lived there for two years.


____________ of the difficulty, they managed to climb to the top of the mountain. I couldn't eat _____________ I was very hungry.

16. 17.

________________ you’ve made it clear that you don’t want any help, I have to at least offer to help you.


I knew that I should get some sleep, but I just couldn’t put my book down ___________ I was really enjoy it.

19. 20.


Bob ate a large dinner. ______________ he is still hungry.

I’m glad that my mother get me to take piano lessons when I was a child ____________ I hated it at that time. Now I play the piano every day.

Designed by OanhVoLeHoang_Nov 27th,2009.

Cause /effect and opposition relationship. 21.

I had a lot of studying to do. _______________ I couldn’t help staying up late.


________________ Tom didn’t know how to dance, he wanted to go to the school dance __________________ he felt lonely sitting and staring blankly at the TV while all his friends having fun together.


I washed my hands. ___________________, they still looked dirty.


Joe jumped into the river to rescue the little girl who was drowning ________________ he wasn’t a good swimmer.


He seems to be trustworthy. ________________, I wouldn’t trust him with my money.


_____________the earthquake damaged the bridge across Skunk River, the Smiths were able to cross the river _______________ they had a boat.


Some people think great strikes have been made in cleaning up the environment in much of the world. __________________, others think the situation was much worse than it was 20 years ago.

28. It was still hot in the room _________________ I had turn on the air conditioner. 29.

Several people in the crowd became ill and fainted ______________the extreme heat.


The gardener trimmed the branches on the cherry tree _________________I asked him not to.

REWRITE THESE SENTENCES USING THE DIFFERENT EXPRESSIONS ABOVE: 1/ although he works hard, he never makes any money. (rewrite it using despite)


Designed by OanhVoLeHoang_Nov 27th,2009.

Cause /effect and opposition relationship.

2/ despite its monopoly, the company was losing money. (rewrite it with although)

3/ though it’s forbidden, people still smoke marijuana. (rewrite it with in spite of)

4/ I never go out, despite getting a lot of invitations. (rewrite it with though)

5/ although we have tested it, we can’t be sure the product is safe. (rewrite it with despite)

6/ although he loves her, she doesn’t want to get married. (rewrite it with in spite of)

7/ despite his lack of talent, everyone thinks he is wonderful. (rewrite it using though)

8/ though he has many problems, bob is always smiling. (rewrite it with despite)


Designed by OanhVoLeHoang_Nov 27th,2009.

Cause /effect and opposition relationship.

9/ despite us drinking all that beer, we didn’t get drunk. (rewrite it using although)

10/ although max helps Julie, she doesn’t appreciate him. (rewrite it with in spite of)


Designed by OanhVoLeHoang_Nov 27th,2009.

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