Cathedral Power & Lighting Statement Of Intent- For Winch Ester Passnv5

  • November 2019
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Download & View Cathedral Power & Lighting Statement Of Intent- For Winch Ester Passnv5 as PDF for free.

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  • Pages: 6
Douglas P. Bennett 4 Cooper Close Worthy Down Winchester, SO21 2RD Tel: (01962) 889353 Mobile: 07791 058089 E-mail: [email protected]

Winchester Passion 2008 Cathedral Lighting & Power Statement of Intent

Assumptions • • • • • • • • •

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The Scaffold platform being built above the West door will be suitable for me to ‘hang’ lights from as discussed with your scaffolders last week. A lighting ‘tower’ will be built at the front of the Cathedral slightly to the left and to the front of the monument as shown in the diagram attached. Set up of all equipment will be performed during the day of Thursday 20 Mar 08, taking into account the services that will be taking place on that day. A full test of all equipment, including the lighting to be placed inside the Cathedral, will be need to be conducted on the evening of 20 Mar 08 following the final services. Arrangements will need to be made to permit this to take place. Where cabling or equipment comes into contact with the fabric of the building suitable protection will be used to prevent damage (e.g. rubber matting, carpet, rubber wheels on flight cases, rubber bases to stands etc) Additional security for the generator will not be required for the night of 19 Mar 08 (see item 1 below) Additional security for the site will have been provided in the form of personnel to protect equipment left on site on the night of 20 Mar 08. The LED screen, the BBC trailer and the Army Field Kitchen shown on the diagram come under the overall event management plan and do not form part of this assessment. The PA equipment is being provided by a separate contractor and is only mentioned here where a direct impact on power requirement is shown. These installations will also form part of the overall event management plan and do not form part of this assessment. All the equipment for the lighting will be transported to the site in a large box trailer, towed by a Mitsubishi Pajero. Additional equipment for the lighting or power may be transported in other vehicles which will drop off equipment and immediately leave the site. The box trailer will be re-loaded with flight cases and other unused equipment and will be parked at the position shown, behind the tower. Should the ground be soft, adequate protection in the form of hessian mats will be used to prevent damage to the grass during the movement of this into position. The Trailer will be used as a base for the Video Mixing desk and monitors as the controller will need to communicate with his crew and this prevents his voice carrying to the crowd. All personnel involved in installation of the equipment will be adequately supervised and/or trained. The current floodlighting used for the front of the Cathedral will either be switched off or masked by us during the event. The overall Indemnity, accident and equipment Insurance for the project covers all activities and equipment on this site.

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Generators 1. A 4 tonne 200 Kva 3 Phase generator (sled mounted) would be placed just over the wall off Minster Street as shown. All circuits emminating from the generator will have RCD protection at the generator. A local Earth Spike for this will be inserted in the ground. This will be delivered by HEWDEN Power on Wednesday 19 Mar 08 at a time to be agreed. It will be collected on Tuesday 25 Mar 08 at a time to be agreed. Method of delivery and collection will be by HIAB truck. 2. A 20 Kva single phase generator will be used to provide a separate power source for the PA system and the Video Mixing desks. A local Earth Spike for this will be inserted in the ground. This will have been deliverred to a safe location prior to the event and will be transported to the site on Friday 21 Mar 08 at the same time that the rest of the PA equipment being installed arrives. It will be a road tow rig and will be positioned as shown on the diagram. If the ground is soft on the day, suitable protection will be placed on the grass to prevent damage and to spread the load. This generator weighs no more than 1 tonne. The towing vehicle weighs 2760 Kg. 3. A 11 Kva generator will be used to power 4 x 400W UV lights which will be used as specified in Para 22. A local Earth Spike for this will be inserted into the ground. This system will have no contact with any other supply. INSIDE CATHEDRAL for ressurection scenes 4. A 3 phase 32A supply cable would be run into the cathedral as specified in Para 7 below, with the cable runs temporarily routed through the entrance door, passing through an in line 3 phase RCD and terminating at a 3 Phase Lighting Dimmer mounted in a rack on rubber wheels. This dimmer would have 6 individually protected channels (fuses). o From this dimmer the 3 x 8 light Blinders would be powered – 2 mounted on 7M high Manfrotto Tripod stands and a 3rd mounted on a 4M stand. All three of these stands will be weighted down with 3 sand bags to provide additional stability. If required 3 x 4ft long by 3 ft high crowd barriers can also be placed around each of the stands in a triangle arrangement to prevent accidental contact by the public. o A low voltage analogue control cable (5 core telephone cable size) for this dimmer would also be run out to the tower, from which all control will take place. 5. 1 or 2 COEMAR CF1200 Spot dmx movinghead lights (number tbc dependant on response from COEMAR to a request for spare parts). These will be mounted in a Flight case on rubber wheels and can be rapidly deployed. o A dmx control cable will be run in from the tower to control these lights. o Power for these lights will be from 2 x 13A sockets inside the cathedral as previously discussed. 6. A video projector will be set up for rear projection onto a screen located as shown on the diagram. This is intended to permit better viewing for any differently abled persons who choose to watch the performance from in front of the Cathedral, including the hard of hearing, who might otherwise be unable to view or hear the event properly. PA - Concert lighting - Theatrical lighting - Disco lighting - Exhibition Lighting - Video and Slide projection - Sound effects Power Distribution - Outdoor Events - Events Management - In Service Electrical Inspection and Testing - PAT Testing - Equipment Hire

7. The installations inside the Cathedral will be positioned, tested as discussed in the assumptions above, their positions marked using Tape on the floor, and then placed safely out of the way inside the cathedral at a position specified by you during the Maunday Thursday services. They can then be repositioned rapidly following the Friday services and re-tested briefly prior to the event. OUTSIDE CATHEDRAL - Balcony 8. A 63A 3 phase supply will be run using 16mm cable to a point near the tower. This wil then be split using an RCD protected board, into 2 x 32A 3 phase supplies; one for the balcony and one for inside the cathedral. 9. A 32 A 3 phase supply will be fed up to the balcony, terminating in an RCD protected distribution box. This will feed a number of lighting dimmers and 2 dmx strobe lights. o Strobes will be used in accordance with British Health & Safety Executive advice on use of strobes and in this particular setting will not cause concern for people suffering with epilepsy. The use of strobes in this way will be advised in the brochure and if it is deemed necessray by the H&S staff an announcement made over the PA at the appropriate time. o Each individual circuit will be MCB protected. o The dimmers will be placed in racks (and thus off the floor) underneath the stage and protected from the weather. o All cabling and connectors not inside this shelter will be waterproof Ceeform plugs and sockets. 10. 14-16 x 1K PAR 64 cans (number tbc following discussions with the artistic director) with either white or red gells to protect the lamps from direct contact with the weather will be strategically placed around the balcony to light the crosses, the actors and the architecture. Each fitting will be fed from the dimmers, and each will be individually protected by the fuses and circuitry in the dimmers o All fitings used on the balcony will be firmly fixed to the scaffolding and thus earth bonded, and safety chains will be used to further ensure safe use. o A number of analogue and dmx low voltage control cables will be fed up to the dimmers on the balcony from the tower. 11. 3 x 1500W infrared heater lamps will be mounted using clamps to the scaffolding At front of the balcony to provide heat for the actors. These will be controlled via Dimmers. 12. Equipment placed on the balcony will be lifted into position using the stairs, with the exception of the power cable, which will be carefully routed over rubber matting or carpet to protect the building. 13. The Scaffolding on the balcony will be bonded to the nearest Lightning conductor, and thus to earth.

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OUTSIDE CATHEDRAL – Tower area 14. Details of the construction of the tower are being submitted seperately, but it will be a 4 tier structure with a footprint of 8ft x 12 ft + stabilisers as required with steps leading up to the second level. o The first level, at ground level, is where we intend placing the control desks for the lighting and PA. o The second level, accessable by steps, is where one or more of the camera crews will be based once they arrive with the procession o The third level, accessable by ladder, is where the 3 follow spots and their operators will be placed o The forth level is for lighting dimmers and for mounting lights. o The whole structure will be protected from the weather as appropriate (side walls) and will have a roof that overhangs the top level by 2 Ft on each side 15. A 32A 3 Phase supply will be run from the 200 Kva generator to the tower, following the line of the wall a distance of approximately 80 meters. Where this passes over public access areas it will pass through conduit to provide protection from trip hazzard. This supply will pass through an in-line RCD and terminate in an MCB protected distribution box on the tower. o Power will be distributed from this supply to a number of dimmer packs, which will be placed in the top level of the tower. All lighting on the tower will be powered from these dimmer and will thus be individually protected by the fuses and circuitry in the dimmer packs. o 12 x 1k Par Cans, 2 x 575 moving head dmx lights and 2 x 1200W cantata profile spots with GOBOs and 3 x 2K follow spots will be mounted under the cover on the tower. All electrical connections for these will be under cover and will be protected by the dimmer circuitry and MCBs on the distribution units. 16. A single 32A 240 Cable wil be run from the generator to the tower to power all the local equipment (Lighting Desks, Safety lighting on the tower, heaters if required). This will terminate in an RCD protected distribution board. 17. An earth cable will be run from the Tower structure to an independent Earth Spike, which will be inserted in the ground at an appropriate point. 18. All distribution boards used on the tower will be bonded to the tower structure. This will also serve to provide linked bonding between the generators. All lighting used on the tower will be bonded to the structure of the tower. OUTSIDE CATHEDRAL – Separate power for PA system 19. A 32A Power lead will be run from the generator specified in Para 2 to a position at the far side of the west entrance to the Cathedral. PA speakers will be positioned in accordance with the overall Event Management Plan. This will terminate in an RCD protected board with single phase 16A outlets. This requirment ensures that all the PA runs off the same supply. Where this cable passes across public access areas it will be routed through conduit to prevent trip hazzard. It will not be routed across the wheelchair ramp at the left hand side of the west entrance.

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20. A 32A lead will be run from the generator specified on Para 2 to the tower, to power the PA mixing desk, the PA equipment on the tower side of the Cathedral. This will terminate in an RCD protected distribution board with 6 x MCB protected 13A sockets that will be under cover and thus also protected from the weather. 21. A 16A lead will be run from the PA generator into the Trailer to power the video mixing equipment. This will terminate in a protected distribution board with 13A sockets inside the trailer and thus out of the weather. The distribution board in the trailer will be bonded to the structure of the trailer, and the trailer will be fitted with an independent earth spike. Additional Site Lighting 22. 18 x 150W floodlights will be placed in the trees alongside the paths as shown on the diagram. These will be powered from the 2 x 6A supply fitted to the lamp posts as shown. Cable runs for these will be placed at least 3.6 m above head height, by running the cables through the trees. Where this is not possible suitable cable ducts will be used. These lights will be adequately fixed to the trees by rope and/or cable ties. Access to the trees will be using a suitable step ladder, supported at its base by additional personnel. 23. An additional 4 floodlights will be placed in the trees behind the tower. Cable runs for these will be placed at least 3.6m height, by running the cables through the trees. Where this is not possible suitable cable ducts will be used. These lights will be adequately fixed to the trees by rope and/or cable ties as above. UV Lighting for procession out at the end 24. A small trailer bourne 11 Kva generator will be sited as shown to provide power for 4 x 400W Ultra Violet Cannons, which will be used to enhance the patterns on the banners which will be used for the final procession out of the Cathedral grounds ate the end of the show. These cannons will be mounted on stands located 2 either side of the pathway as shown and will be surrounded by 3 x crowd barriers each to prevent access by the public. Cabling for these will be run through the trees, and will not fall below 3.6m height. The generator will be surrounded by crowd barriers to prevent access by the public. This will only be in operation for 5 minutes prior to and during the final scene. Power supply to Lost Children / Communication Hub Tent and to St Johns Ambulance Tent 25. A single 13A supply will be run out from the mains supply at No.3 The Square to provide power to Portable Appliance Tube fittings for lighting in each tent, and for power sockets to supply the Radio Battery Chargers. Location of these tents will be to the side of the Army Fieldf Kitchen iaw the overall event management plan and will be such that access by the public behind the tents will be prevented.

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General Comments 26. All portable equipment, whether listed here or not, will have been PAT tested specifically for this event. Details will be submitted prior to the event and will include readings and date of test. 27. All electrical wiring and distribution systems will comply with the recommendations of BS 7909 “Code of practice for design and installation of temporary distribution systems delivering a.c. electrical supplies for lighting, technical services and other entertainment related purposes” or where applicable BS 7671 “Requirements for electrical installations. IEE Wiring Regulations. Sixteenth Edition”. 28. A site certificate for the electrical installation will be issued following successful testing once complete. This will cover all electrical equipment listed above and all PA or video equipment as specified in the overall event management plan. The site certificate will specify readings taken during the tests.

(Signed on Original)

Douglas Bennett Sole Proprieter ICTHUS Sound, Light & Multimedia Services

PA - Concert lighting - Theatrical lighting - Disco lighting - Exhibition Lighting - Video and Slide projection - Sound effects Power Distribution - Outdoor Events - Events Management - In Service Electrical Inspection and Testing - PAT Testing - Equipment Hire

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