Catalogue Of The Cuneiform Tablets (kouyunjik Coll -british Museum) Iiib

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Download & View Catalogue Of The Cuneiform Tablets (kouyunjik Coll -british Museum) Iiib as PDF for free.

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  • Pages: 242















..... lines. Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by1l i.; 9 + 14 + ...... The the moon. of observations Astrological forecasts taken from [K. 11006] <- y " k. paragraphs begin with Y <<< Fragment of the lower portion, 2-1-in. by l1in.; 3 + 6 lines. containing forecasts.

Part of a text [K. 11007]

Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by 151 in.; 11 + ..... casts.

lines. Fore[K. 11008]

+ 6 lines.

Fragment out of the middle, lin. by 1-in.; ..... of a text containing astrological forecasts.

Fragment [K. 11009]

Forecasts concerning Air *$l' Y--c [K. 11010]

+ 8 lines. in.; .... Left-hand corner, lin. by Yetc. The text begins:--< <<<< , Mt Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by 1ain.; 11 concerning incidents that may happen to men.


lines. Omens [K. 11011]

lines. Part Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by 1in.; 9 +..........) observations from taken forecasts astrological containing of a text [K. 11012] of the moon and various stars. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1jin.; 11 +.....lines. Astrological forecasts concerning eclipses, etc.; they partly relate to [K. 11013] public affairs. Fragment of the right half, 1 in. by l-iin.; .....

+ 14 lines.

Forecasts. [K. 11014]

Fragment of the lower portion, 1 9 in. by 1lin.; 3 + 7 lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts concerning eclipses, etc. [K. 11015] lines. Part of a Fragment out of the middle, lsin. by lin.; 12 +..... text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of [K. 11016] y , etc.). :-4-+ various stars (z--+ G--, lines. AstroFragment out of the middle, 2in. by 1in.; 13 +..... logical forecasts taken from observations of the moon; they partly [K. 11017] relate to public affairs. Left half, lower portion, 113in. by l in.; 10 + 11 lines. Part of an astro-4V--YY logical text including forecasts; see, e.g., reverse, line 2:-vy-

4 V >TH-

~-E (<,-p


* Partly effaced.

.':, -[K.




Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by l-11in.; 8 + traces of 8 lines. Omens [K. 11019] concerning incidents that may happen to men, etc. + 9 lines. Part of a text Fragment of the left half, 2in. by 1-in.; ... containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of the clouds (cf. supra, p. 430, K. 2299), their colour, shape and resemblance to animals, fish, ships, etc. E.g., Section II (lines 5 ff.) reads:-


, nY -YT

]Ya^ A A ^s I

^ ™


[K. 11020]

Fragment of the left half, 1in. by 11in.; 7 + 3 + (left-hand edge) 4 lines. [K. 11021] Part of a letter, or report. Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by 1-in.; 17 + ..... text containing forecasts.


Part of a [K. 11022]

..... + 9 + 1 lines. End of a prayer. Left-hand corner, 2-~1in. by 1in.; The catch-line and a preceding colophon-line read:YV <\Y



Y BYS,,.,


, >.-^ d >t

[K. 11024]

11 +..... Fragment out of the middle, 2¼in. by 1-Tin.; (....+) and prescriptions containing a text of (+. .... ) lines. Fragment directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. [K. 11025] Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by 1in.; 13 +..... = religious text. Mention is made of Uru (|G

lines. Part of a -<E), etc. [K. 11026]

) ... (.. 9 +. Fragment of the right half,176in. by I1in.; (.....+) prescriptions lines; partly vitrified. Fragment of a text containing and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of people [K. 11027] suffering from diseases of the ears. + 5 lines. End of a text Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1 in; ... containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of the wind; it may belong to a tablet of the great astrological work ¥Yr-~ y:~ yyTy. Of the catch-line only the middle part is visible :-''| <

4-n -


v~ FWY - E_~~~~~~~,"Yy yVy ' 5Y V In --~~~~:,_Yyyy *

Partly effaced.

Wr AY ~

aT.¢2,z' /,-~2

g,>::[K,. [K11028]



Fragment of the left half, 2in. by l in.; 13 +..... lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts. Two paragraphs begin with:

[ f?] ¥?)



< > ¢ i

[K. 11029] Fragment of the left half, 2-1in. by 18in.; ..... + 14 lines. Part of a text containing forecasts concerning j =y- and Aq, etc. [K. 11030] Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by 11%9in.; ..... + 11 lines. End of a text containing forecasts. Of the catch-line only the middle part is visiblee :-I T:l " >; S Hi yE [K. 11031] Frmen off he middle, m l Fragment in. by in; 8f in.; text containing astrological forecasts. Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by in.; 10 + text containing astrological forecasts.


o a [K. 11032] ..... lines. Part of a [K. 11033]

Fragment of the left half, 2 in. by 1 in.; 11 + ... . . lines. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of the moon. The lines begin with [K. 11034] Y <<« -
[K. 11036] Fragment of the right half, 1 in. by of an omen-text.


+ 10 lines.

Fragment [K. 11037] Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by 1lin.; 9 + 8 lines. Part of a hymn. [K. 11038] Fragment out of the middle, 1ain. by1-in.; 8 + ..... lines. Part of a text similar to those mentioned above, p. 797, K. 6594, containing omens derived from the condition of certain parts of the human body. [K. 11039] Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by in.; 10 .......... ) lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts. [K. 11040] Fragment of the lower portion, 2½in. by 1 in.; 9 - .... ...... . + .. lines. Omens derived from dreams, etc. The text of one paragraph begins:-[I 4? -?] -YA

Partly effaced.



Fragment of the upper portion, 1-in. by l in.; (....) lines. Fragment of a religious text.


2 (+ .... [K. 11042]

Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by lin.: ..... + 10 lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts. Two sentences begin with [K. 11043] Y >>- +<. Right-hand corner, 1-in. by Dlin.; on obverse .......... + traces of 1 + 4 + 4 lines; on reverse 9 lines; Babylonian. Part of an astrological text. Line 1 of reverse reads ,:, ', *Y V YY ::it\<

[K. 11044]


Lower portion, right half, 2in. Akkadian religious text.

by lin.; 1 1 2 +n 4 lines.

Part of a Sumero[K. 11045]

Right-hand corner, 1 in. by 13-in.; 4 + 3 lines. Part of an astrological report from [ >-]yt A ';f , be ginning .11046] zr, It[K. ^Mfl· ri. Fragment of the left half, 1Lin. by in.; 11 + .......... ) lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of the wind. The sentences begin with ' >+y c; cf. spraC, p. 422, K. 2207. [K. 11047] Fragment of the left half, lin. by mythological legend.

in.; .....

+ 7 lines.

Fragment of a [K. 11048]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 I-in. by I 1 in.; 9 + ..... a text containing astrological forecasts.

lines. Part of [K. 11049]

Fragment out of the middle, 15in. by 1in.; ..... 11 +.....+ . . lines. Astrological forecasts for the various months, concerning storms, etc. The text of one section begins:- A-d-S A d ~y


> D'ie

[K . !05, 0 ]


Left half, upper portion, 2in. by 1-in.; 13 + 4 lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts concerning eclipses, etc.; it probably belongs to a tablet of the great astrological work $-> ¢YT yyY. The obverse begins:readss :-yyy H "".





, and the catch-line [K. 11051]

Fragment of the upper portion of reverse, 1 in. by l in.; ..... Part of a Sumero-Akkadian incantation-text.

+ 15 lines. [K. 11052]

Partly effaced. f Attempted restoration from KK. 185, 546, 555, 565, 569, 703, 706, 712, 784, 795, 4281

(see above, pp. 48, 126, 128, 130, 131, 157, 159, 169, 171, 613), and other similar texts. $ This may be part of A-. VOL. III.

7 F




Fragment of the right half, 1lin. by 1Hin.; 9 + 12 lines. partly relating to public affairs. Right-hand corner, 1 -in.

by 1 1in.; 7 + 3 lines.

Forecasts, [K. 11053]

Fragment of a text

containing forecasts.

[K. 11054]

Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by 1lin.; 11 +.....lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts concerning eclipses, etc. [K. 11055] Fragment of the right half, 2in. by 1Iin.; 17 +..... lines. Part of a mythological, or religious, text. [K. 11057] Fragment out of the middle, 1 9in. by in.; 10 +.....lines. Fragment of a text containing forecasts, partly relating to public affairs. [K. 11058] Fragment of the right half, 2in. by -5in.;

16 +.....


Part of an

omen-text concerning cities, houses and incidents that may happen to men. [K. 11059] Fragment out of the middle, lin. by 1 in.; 13 +..........) lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts concerning eclipses, etc.: they partly relate to public affairs. [K. 11060] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by of a text containing forecasts.

1 in. ; 9



Right half, lower portion, 1 in. by 1 5in.; 11 + 11 lines. ing incidents that may happen to men.

Fragment [K. 11061]

Omens concern[K. 11062]

Fragment of the upper portion of one side, lin. by 1 7 in.; 11 +..... lines. Omens derived from the condition of certain members (horns, eyes, etc.) of the body of an animal. Cf. lines 1 ff.:-

KT \

. Y*- <<EYY


ap Al- k S-Yy > T"`·


-,. t/ : ,//MI.

--irYV-> > i -:'~7,





A .

[K. 11063]

Fragment of the right half, 2 in. by 13-in.; traces of 3 + 10 lines. Fragment of a text containing forecasts. [K. 11064] * Partly effaced.



Right-hand corner, 1 ,in. by l-Ein.; 7 + 9 lines. text.

Part of a religious [K. 11065]

Right-hand corner, 15in. by l-5in.; ..... taining astrological forecasts.

Part of a text con[K. 11066]

+ 9 lines.

Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by 15in.; 17 +..... lines. Part of a text containing omens concerning houses and incidents that may happen to men. [K. 11067] Fragment out of the middle, 1 1 6in. by 1Jin.; 11+ .......... of a religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version.

) lines. Part [K. 11068]

Left-hand corner, 1lin. by 19%in.; 3 + 1 lines. Fragment of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of the planet --+ >-><. [K. 11069] Fragment out of the middle, lg7in. by in.; 10 +.........) lines. Part of a religious text. [K. 11070] Left-hand corner, 1 in. by 1-gin.; 11 + 6 lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts concerning incidents that may happen to men. [K. 11071] Right-hand corner, 2 1in. by lin.; ..... taining forecasts.

+ 9 lines.

End of a text con[K. 11072]

Fragment of the left half; 1Iin. by lIin.; ..... + 11 lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of the planet


4+-- >-.

E.g., lines 4 ff. read:--



>>+ >


A .\/8

W 'Y >Y+ XY -<«-

~T >;+x


T$ kMe

T H-a

Right-hand corner, 1 in. by 11in.; astrological(?) text.

Ad f ^.6 +.....

Fragment out of the middle, 11-in. by 1--in.; ..... Sumero-Akkadian religious text.


[K. 11073]

^yV etc.


Beginning of an [K. 11074] 13 lines.

Part of a [K. 11075]

Fragment of the upper portion of one side, H1in. by lyT-in.; (..... +) 9 + ..... (+.....) lines. Part of a text containing prayers and directions for ceremonies. [K. 11076] *

Partly effaced.

7 F2





Fragment out of the middle, lin. by l19 -in.; 7 +.....(.....) lines. Fragment of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of the planets; cf. line 2 :--[>F- ?] ^-: ]* A V < + [K. 11077] Y]= -i,'":li.' They partly relate to public affairs. 7 Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by 1-1 6 in.; 8 + 10 + . (in double-columns). Part of a list of names ideographs begin throughout with -T.

......... + lines of vessels. The . [K. 11078]

Fragment of the right half, 13in. by 1-lin.; 11 + ..... lines. text containing forecasts, one of which reads:~ T~m

Part of a >>_ . [K. 11079]

Left-hand corner, 1 -3in. by Iin.; 9 + (..... ..... +) 7 lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts for the various months, concerning eclipses, etc. [K. 11080] Fragment out of the middle, 27 in. by 1-Lin.; 13 +..... lines. Fragment of a text containing astrological forecasts, partly relating to public affairs. [K. 11081] Portion of the left half, 2 in. by 1 in.; 17 + ..... lines. Astrological forecasts, for the various months, concerning houses and incidents that may happen to men, etc. One section begins :-- Yi -j-,


<_y A-





AIT-nI4 4

[K. 11082] Portion out of the middle, 28in. by 2-in.; ..... + 21 lines. Astrological forecasts concerning eclipses, etc.; they partly relate to public affairs. This text may belong to a tablet of the great astrological work >_-

Y>>m:R -y.

[K. 11084]

Fragment of the right half, 2-in. by 1-in.; 15 + ..... text containing forecasts.


Part of a [K. 11085]

Portion out of the middle, 3Oin. by 1 in.; 13 + 10 + ..... +.... lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts taken fiom observations of the moon. [K. 11086] Portion out of the middle, 33in. by 3in.; . ..... + 16 + 6 lines. Astrological forecasts for certain days of the month Kislev, etc., concerning eclipses and the direction in which the shadow travels over the surface of the object eclipsed; they partly relate to public affairs. For similar texts see above, pp. 430, 918, 920. K. 2304, K. 8340, K. 8362, etc. [K. 11087] * Partly effaced.




Portion of the right half, 2 in. by 1 in.; 10 + 14 lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of various stars ( -Yl k4 + < Yf W + > etc.); they partly relate to public affairs. [K. 11088] Portion of the left half, 2-9 in. by 2-5-in.; 15 + 16 lines. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of the wind, clouds, lightning, etc.; cf. supra, p. 422, K. 2207 + K. 11083. Several lines on reverse begin:cf. sucpia, p. 1126, K. 10946. H; k a< -> >-+ 4T-t-< [K. 11089] Portion of the right half, 31in. by 1 1in.; 25 +.....lines. Omens con[K. 11090] cerning monstrosities, etc. lines. Fragment Fragment out of the middle, 2 in. by 1in.; 9 + .... of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations [K. 11091] of various stars. + ..... Fragment out of the middle, 3kin. by 2-in.; 18 + 20 + lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of various stars; they partly relate to public affairs. Cf. [K. 11092] BEZOLD, V. Zeits. f. d. K. d. II, Vol. IV, p. 78, note 2. .... lines. Portion out of the middle, 2 -in. by lin.; 14 + 16 + ... . . Astrological forecasts taken from observations of the clouds and [K. 11093] sun; cf. suzpra, p. 430, K. 2299. + ..... +.....lines. Portion of the left half, 4in. by 3 in.; 27 + 12 of the moon. Most taken from observations Astrological forecasts
1 6in.;




14 + 14 lines.

Astrological forecasts, partly relating to public affairs. The . ]-f sentences of Column III begin throughout with y >>-F[K. 11096] Fragment of the upper portion, 2 in. by 2- 7 in.; 17 +.....lines. Part of a religious text concerning ceremonies and rites to be performed by [K. 11097] the s -, etc. I

Partly effaced.



lines. Fragment out of the middle, 2iin. by 2-in.; 10 + 15 + .. ..... obsertaken from forecasts astrological containing of a text Part vations of the moon; they partly relate to public affairs. The paragraphs begin with y <¢(<( - - YYYY
or >> >> H T-, >ori>+ ¢H[4], or :- -T+ 5 ~yy* [X,] respectively.



I> -Y [K. 11099]

Fragment of a [K. 11100]

Right-hand corner, 2 in. by 1T in.; traces of 5 + 9 lines. text containing forecasts.

Fragment of the lower portion, 2 in. by 2-iin.; ..... + 15 + 8 +..... lines. Astrological forecasts for the single days of the month [K. 11101] Tebet. ....... lines. Part Fragment out of the middle, 2- 6 in. by lIin.; 17 + .. of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to [K. 11102] be used for the benefit of sick people. Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by 2in.; 12 + 8 + ..... +....lines; marginal number <. Copy of a text containing astrological fore[K. 11103] casts taken from observations of various stars. Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 2 1in. by 1-in.; ..... + 19 lines. [K. 11104] Part of an omen-text, partly relating to public affairs. Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by l in.; 15 + ..... of a religious text.


lines. Part [K. 11105]

+ 9 lines; Babylonian. Fragment of the right half, 2½in. by 1-in.; ..... [K. 11106] Astrological forecasts for the various months.

25 lines. Right half, lower portion of reverse, 3-46in. by 16in.; .... Line 25 etc. recovery, sick man's Omens concerning the chances of a [K. 11107] A V. > ¢; reads :-t,,
Beginning of an X. [K. 11110]



Fragment of the lower portion, 2 [Lin. by 1-7in.; traces of 1 + 9 lines. Fragment of a text containing astrological forecasts concerning eclipses, etc. [K. 11111] Fragment of the right half, 2in. by 1 in; ..... + 13 lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts concerning eclipses, etc.; they partly relate to public affairs. [K. 11112] Fragment out of the middle, 2 in. by 1 in.; ..... a religious(?) text.

+ 9 lines.

Fragment of [K. 11113]

Fragment of the right half, 2-1in. by la-in.; ..... + 8 lines. Astrological forecasts concerning clouds and rain, etc. [K. 11114] Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by 1in.; ..... + 13 lines. Part of an omen-text; its contents appear to be similar to those of K. 9202 (see above, p. 992), K. 11545, etc. [K. 11115] Fragment out of the middle, 2½in. by 2in.; 18 +.......... lines. Part of an incantation-text, with an interlinear Assyrian version, which, according to a colophon-line, probably belongs to a tablet of the Series

Hi.. >


Fragment out of the middle, 2-in. by 2min.; 8 +.....lines. of a religious (?) text.


Fragment [K. 11117]

Fragment of the right half, 2min. by lDin.; 15 + ..... lines. Part of a religious text, probably written for an Assyrian king. [K. 11118] Portion of the right half, 2Ain. by 2in.; 19 + . ... lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts concerning eclipses, etc. [K. 11119] Fragment out of the middle, 265 in. by 1-in.; 17 + ..... lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts, partly relating to public affairs. [K. 11120] Right-hand corner, lAin. by l7win.; 12 + 3 lines. incidents that may happen to men, etc.

Omens concerning [K. 11121]

Fragment of the left half, lin. by lin.; 13 +.....(.....) lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts for the various months, taken from observations of the wind; they partly relate to public affairs. [K. 11122] Portion of the right half, 2§in. by 1-rin.; 14 + 11 lines. partly relating to public affairs. Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by l;in.; 13 text containing forecasts.



Forecasts, [K. 11123] Part of a [K. 11124]





Fragment out of the middle, 2- 1 in. by in.; 8 + . ........ lines. Fragment of an astrological text concerning various stars. [K. 11125] Right-hand corner, 1 in. by 1 1iin; 12 ..... lines. Astrological forecasts concerning eclipses, etc.; they partly relate to public affairs. [K. 11126] Portion of the left half, 2 8in. by 2in.; 17 + ..... lines. Part of a text containing directions for ceremonies and rites. One paragraph begins with j M y. y [K. 11127] Right half, upper portion of reverse, l in. casts.

in.; ....

+ 17 lines. Fore[K. 11128]

Portion of the left half, 3in. by lin.; traces of 5 + 23 lines. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of meteors (?), etc.; they partly relate to public affairs. Several lines begin with y ~-V , >"y. This fragment may belong to a tablet of the great astrological work t



[K. 11129]

T4- re.A

Fragment of the right half, 2½in. by 1-in.; 14 + 4 lines. cerning houses and incidents that may happen to men.

Omens con[K. 11130]

Fragment out of the middle, 21in. by 2in.; ..... +. ... 14 + traces of 2 lines. Astrological forecasts for the months Kislev and Tebet, concerning eclipses; cf. szupra, p. 750, K. 5941. [K. 11131] Fragment of the left half, 2T in. by 1in.; + 15 lines; marginal numbers < and Viy. Astrological forecasts concerning storms (4"-Y <>f>) and the directions in which they travel, etc. According to the colophon this text belongs to the 49th tablet of the great astrological work \ " * [ YTT]. The catch-line reads:-y - AA [K. 11132] 4-T ->YYYY




Fragment out of the middle, 2 1 in. by 2in.; ......... + 13 + 1 lines; marginal number <. Fragment of a text containing astrological forecasts for the various months. [K. 11133] Fragment of the left half, 2in. by 11T^i; 8+ ......... ) lines. Astroloogical forecasts for the various months, taken from observations of

the moon.

,E a
One section begins:-y-



Fragment of the right half, lin. by lin.; 17 + .....

<<< MUE

[K. 11135] ' Partly effaced.



Fragment of the left half, 2 in. by lin.; ..... + 19 lines; marginal number <. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from the various directions in which a cloud travels. Duplicate of K. 2299 (cf. supra, p. 430), reverse, lines 10 ff. [K. 11136] Fragment of the left half, 2Ain. by 1in.; 10 +..........)


of a religious text.


[K. 11137]

Fragment of the right half, 24in. by 2in.; 12



religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version. Fragment of the right half, 2-in. by



Part of a

[K. 11138]

+ 23 lines.

Part of an


[K. 11139] Fragment out of the middle, 3in. by1 in.; 6 + .......... ++... lines. Fragment of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. [K. 11140] Fragment of the right half, lin.

by 1-bain.; 9 + 12 lines.

Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by l%1in.; 12 for the various months, concerning the

of month




Forecasts. [K. 11141]



The lines read:--y.


,,:-:-, A


[K. 11142]

Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by in.;(....+) 16 + 3 (+.....) lines. Omens derived from the conditions of various parts of the body. E.g., lines 8 ff. of Column II read:-


YilST rel="nofollow">;--yy A-YA 44 -VV^ -Yy1 Y Vv

v syt-e i>B;;rm [.^ 14 ' T 1-ffV >,;- - I V ¢Y V --me XY *Y!k y^ TVZy wVV ^YY PS-- <&ffE KY 3^- > Yg_ ^E VL/! -YY^cf


>V A Y > CY



ik K




ki::T n



->hng -



[K. 11144]

Fragment out of the middle, 2jin. by 1 5in.; 20 +...(..... ) lines. Part of an astrological text concerning observations of the moon and various stars. [K. 11145] Fragment out of the middle, 28in. by 1in.; 17 + . ... ) lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts for the various months, taken from observations of certain stars. [K. 11146] *


Partly effaced.

7 G




Fragment of the left half, 2-in. by 1in.; 10 + 20 lines. Fragment of a text containing astrological forecasts for each day of Kislev and [K. 11147] other months. Portions, 2 in. by lin.; 21 + 20 + 2 + (left-hand edge) 1* lines. Letter >WY _ -d - ~-. Mention is made of the to the king from y >-4- iY Yi, the land of &A >TyyyY < <0y and the city of :->y i- ~-: , [K. 11148] etc. 20 + 29 + traces of Right half, lower portion, 5in. by 4in.; (.....+) ) lines. Part of a religious text, including hymns 8 + 10 ( + .... and prayers. E.g., lines 7 ff. of Column III read:-

- - t^ ' , -~4


" T >m, vk1 Ac

t (?)

Ey >



Y , ,,T $Y atym tY= 97YYy ao>^ yV 1-_ :Dy ytNi >E A ^y > >>LY beykMk yk





n-line A colophoreads


A colophon-line reads:-

size, shape and stile of writing this tablet may belong According to its size, if. read -to certain deities, inifra, p. 1154, Cf. also inqfra, p. 516. Cf. 3245;lines see 8above, 3245 as K.Eg., to the same Seriesetc. [K. 11150] K. 11300.

(. . +.....(.....) 16 + hin.; 2 3in. by 2½in.; the middle, 3^^-in. Portion out of the

)lines; lines,

Mention is made of various religions text. text. Babylonian. Part of aa religious trees and stones, which were probably sacred and plants, and of trees temples and to certain deities, etc. E.g., lines 8 ff. read:-

(W 4 4 <4< 4 «
vc/!;j-(n\V/' y',~\


KU (:4- <W4e~p~~$ ~E- T~ · & ~VV

4 -Y

<>4 •Y

Cf. infra, p. 1146, K. 11192. e

This line reads from the top of the tablet to the bottom.

[K. 11151] t Partly effaced.



Portion of the left half, 23in. by 1in.;. prayer.


Portion of the right half, 2 in. by 2 in.; 22 + . .

containing prayers. - >-+ TTYYTk]YY >$-

+ 18 lines. lines.

Part of a [K. 11152]

Part of a text

~:Yy A colophon-line reads":--[-; see above, duplicate a For . YW[K. 11153]

p. 800, K. 6639.

Fragment of the left half, lain. by Iin.; short beginnings of 7 + (..... 10 lines in double-columns. Fragment of an explanatory +.....+)

[K. 11154]

list with glosses.

+ 9 + 7 +..... lines in. .... Fragment of the right half, 1 in. by in double-columns. Part of an explanatory list arranged in groups according to the form of the cuneiform ideographs. Duplicate of [K. 11155] K. 4143; see above, p. 599. Left-hand corner, 1-in. by 1lin.; 9 + 7 lines. Fragment of a religious [K. 11156] text, part of which has an interlinear Assyrian version. Fragment out of the middle, lin. ..... ) lines in double-columns.

14 (+ .....) + by llin.; ( Part of an explanatory list. [K. 11157]

lines (in in.; 5 +.... Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1 three or four columns). Fragment of an explanatory list of the [K. 11158] class "Sb) or " Sc." Fragment out of the middle, 1 1in. by lin.; 10 + .... of a prayer.


Fragment [K. 11159]

(+...) 9 + ... Fragment of the right half, l|in. by jin.; (.....+) list. lines (in double-columns). Fragment of an explanatory

[K. 11160] 11 +.......... Fragment out of the middle, 2 - in. by 2in.; (....+) list. explanatory an of Fragment lines in two, or more, columns.

[K. 11161] lines; Babylonian. Portion out of the middle, 3in. by 2kin.; 22 +..... glosses are Explanatory text. religious Part of a Sumero-Akkadian [K. 11162] added by the scribe. + 15 ( +....) ..... Fragment of the right half, 3in. by 2Min.; (.....+) lines. Fragment of an explanatory list arranged in groups according [K. 11163] to the form of the cuneiform ideographs. *

Partly effaced.

7 G2



Portion of the left half, 2 in. by 2- in.; 14 +... (. .) lines. Part of a religious text, probably a hymn addressed to a goddess. E.g., Section II reads:-

>-< ^m rf






[K. 11164]

Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by 1-Lin.; 14 + . .... .. + .... lines (in double-columns). Part of an explanatory list. [K. 11165] Fragment of the right half, 2 in. by 2-in.; (.....+) 5 + ..... (+... .) lines in double-columns. Fragment of a text containing grammatical paradigms. [K. 11166] Left-hand corner, lin.

by 1-in.; .....


+ 14 lines (in


Part of an explanatory list with glosses. [K. 11167] Right-hand corner, 2jin. by l1in.; (.....+) 7 ..... (+....) lines (in double-columns). Fragment of an explanatory text. [K. 11168] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by l-win.; short ends of 4 + 6 + ..... + ..... lines in double-columns. Fragment of an explanatory list with glosses. [K. 11169] Fragment out of the middle, lin. by lin.; 9 + 6 +........ lines in double-columns. Fragment of a list of Assyrian words with similar meanings. [K. 11170] Fragment of the left half, 3-in. by 13-in.; traces of 9 + (..... + ..... +) 9 lines (in double-columns ?). Fragment of an explanatory(?) text. [K. 11171] Fragment out of the middle, 2 in. by 2kin.; 9 + 5 + ....+ . lines. Part of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. [K. 11172] Portion out of the middle, 5in. by 4in.; 28 + 23 lines; Babylonian. Part of a hymn, in the form of a litany, with an interlinear Assyiian version. [K. 11173] Lower portion, left half, 5}in. by 21-6in.; 41 + 40 lines; Babylonian. Part of a hymn with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 11174] * Partly effaced.




Portion of the right half, 3in. by 1 in.; 22 + 25 lines in double-columns; Babylonian. Part of an explanatory list, probably referring to one F >¥ - T.· For of the tablets of the great astrological work [K. 11175] similar texts see above, pp. 38, 433, K. 148, K. 2329, etc. Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by 1Uin.; traces of 5 + 5 +.......... lines (in double-columns ?). Fragment of an explanatory text. [K. 11176] + 1 + 9 (+.....) Fragment of the lower portion, 2 in. by 16-in.; ( . [K. 11177] lines in double-columns. Part of an explanatory list. Fragment out of the middle, lines in double-columns.

) by l in.; (.....+) 9 ..... ( [K. 11178] Part of an explanatory list.


... ... +) 8 Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by 11in.; 11 + ( . lines. Forecasts for certain days of the months Nisan and Yiar, etc. [K. 11179] 1 lines in Left-hand corner, 2--in. by ly-in.; 18 + (.....+....+) double-columns. Part of an explanatory list forming, according to [K. 11180] the colophon, the 2nd tablet of a Series. Fragment of the right half, 25in. by l-91in.; ( ..... +) 15 + ..... lines in double-columns. Part of an explanatory list.

(+ . .) [K. 11181]

) .. +) 8 + 13 (+ .... Fragment of the right half, l1in. by 1lin.; ( lines in double-columns. Part of an explanatory list arranged in [K. 11182] groups according to the meanings of the Assyrian words. Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 1 in. by 1 in.; 7 + ...... lines in double-columns. Fragment of an explanatory list. [K. 11183] ... lines Fragment out of the middle, 23in. by 1l-in.; 9 + 6 + ..... + in double-columns. Part of an explanatory text referring to astro[K. 11184] logical subjects. Fragment of the right half, 13in. by 1-1in.; (... +) 11 + . ... (+....) lines in double-columns. Part of a list of Assyrian words with similar [K. 11185] meanings. Fragment of the right half, 1in. by lain.; traces of 13 + 16 lines. Frag[K. 11186] ment of a text containing forecasts. Fragment of the left half, 11 in. by 11in.;




11 lines in double-columns. Fragment of an explanatory list. Most of the ideographs are compounded with <WW'Y^. [K. 11187]




Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 1lin. by 1 in.; 10 +.......... lines (in double-columns?). Fragment of an explanatory (?) text. [K. 11189] (+ in.; ( .... +) 14 .... Fragment of the right half, 2 1 ;in. by lines in double-columns. Part of an explanatory list arranged in [K. 11190] groups according to the meanings of the Assyrian words. Fragment of the upper portion of one side, l in. by 1-in.; 9 +....... lines in double-columns. Fragment of a list of Assyrian words with [K. 11191] similar meanings. Fragment out of the middle, 2{in. by 1Iin.; 9 ..... lines divided into columns like those of K. 11151; see above, p. 1142. Part of a religious [K. 11192] text. Cf. BEZOLD, Zeits., 1889, p. 436. Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by 1 in.; 12 + traces of 3 + ..... +.. lines in double-columns. Part of an explanatory list, probably [K. 11193] serving for the interpretation of a certain literary text. Fragment out of the middle, lin. by 1 5-in.; 9 +......... double-columns. Fragment of an explanatory list.

lines in [K. 11194]

Fragment out of the middle, 2kmin. by l in.; short ends of 7 + 14 +..... +..... lines (in double-columns ?). Part of an astrological text. Referring to line 5 of Column II an explanatory gloss is added by the [K. 11195] scribe. lines in Fragment out of the middle, 1kin. by 1lin.; 12 +.......... list with glosses. of an explanatory Part of a copy double-columns. [K. 11196] lines ........ Fragment out of the middle, 1kin. by lin.; 7 + 10 + .. (in double-columns). Fragment of a list of names of deities similar to those mentioned above, pp. 406, 409, K. 2098, K. 2119, etc. [K. 11197] Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by loin.; 13 + .......... double-columns ?). Part of an explanatory(?) text.

lines (in [K. 11198]

lines. Part Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by lin.; 10 + .......... of an explanatory list arranged in groups according to the roots of [K. 11199] the Assyrian words. + 2+ 9 +......... in.; .......... Right-hand corner, 1-in. by lines in two, or more, columns. Part of a copy of an explanatory [K. 11200] list. lines + 3 + 2 +. Fragment out of the middle, 2 1 in. by 1in.; ..... (in four columns). Part of an explanatory list of the class " Sc." [K. 11201]



lines Fragment out of the middle, 2fwin. by 2in.; 7 + 7 + ......... in double-columns. Part of an explanatory list arranged in groups [K. 11203] according to the form of the cuneiform ideographs. lines (in . Fragment out of the middle, 23in. by 1in.; 9 + .. four columns). Fragment of an explanatory list of the class " SC." [K. 11204] Fragment of the lower portion, 1l5'in. by lin.; 8 + short beginnings of 4 + traces of 2 + 6 lines (in double-columns). Fragment of an ex[K. 11205] planatory list. lines in Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by 1-in.; 12 + double-columns. Part of an explanatory list with glosses. [K. 11206] Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by 1lin.; 8 + .......... columns. Fragment of an explanatory list.

lines in double[K. 11207]

.... (+. ... ) )16 Fragment of the right half, 1i-in. by 1-in.; (.. ... Part of an explanatory list arranged in lines in double-columns. groups according to the form of the cuneiform ideographs. [K. 11208] Fragment of the right half, 1-Iin. by l of a text containing forecasts.

in.; .....

+ 13 lines.

Fragment of the lower portion of reverse, 1-in. by 1-in.; 7 + 4 lines. Part of a religious(?) text.


Fragment [K. 11209] + [K. 11210]

Fragment of the right half, 2iin. by lin.; 19 + 7 lines. Portion a reli gious [K. 11211] text, part of which has an interlinear Assyrian version.

.. lines. Part Fragment out of the middle, 1Iin. by 11 in.; 9 + . of a text containing directions for ceremonies and rites. [K. 11212] Fragment out of the middle, omen-text.




14 + .....


Part of an [K. 11213]

Fragment out of the middle, liin. by 1sin.; 13 +.....lines. Omens [K. 11214] concerning houses and incidents that may happen to men. 7 + 2 lines +...+ Fragment out of the middle, 1sin. by 1sin.; .. (in double-columns). Fragment of an explanatory list with glosses. [K. 11215] ..... + Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by -1 in.; 9 + 6 in double-columns. Part of list of forms of official titles.



[K. 11216]





... (+..) Fragment out of the middle, 1 1 in. by 1 in.; ( ... +) 14 + Part of an explanatory list arranged in lines in double-columns. groups according to the form of the cuneiform ideographs. [K. 11217] .. lines in ........ by 1in.; 13 Fragment out of the middle, lin. double-columns. Part of a text containing grammatical paradigms. [K. 11218] The subject matter is of a religious character. + 15 + 15 lines; ..... Portion out of the middle, 2'in. by lin.; .... Babylonian; marginal number <. Portion of a religious text, part of [K. 11219] which has an interlinear Assyrian version. 9 lines in doubleFragment out of the middle, 1in. by in.; ...... columns. Fragment of a text containing grammatical paradigms. [K. 11220] 6 + 5 + 7 lines in Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by lin.; .... double-columns. Part of an explanatory list with glosses. Duplicate [K. 11221] of K. 2051; see above, p. 395 f. . - . + 14 +. Fragment of the right half, 2 in. by 1-in.; · ...... lines in double-columns. Part of an explanatory list arranged in [K. 11222] groups according to the meanings of the Assyrian words. lines in doubleFragment of the left half, 28 in. by 18 in.; 12 + ......... columns. Part of a list of Assyrian words with similar meanings. [K. 11223] ..... Fragment of the lower portion of one side, 3 7Tin. by 1-,-in.; 4 + 6 a text containing lines in double-columns. Fragment of +..... [K. 11224] grammatical paradigms. Fragment of the right half, 2½in. by -lin.;..... . ..... + 14 +..... lines in double-columns. Part of an explanatory list arranged in [K. 11225] groups according to the meanings of the Assyrian words. 1 ..... + in. 18 +..... Fragment of the upper portion, 2 in. by .... .lines in double-columns. Part of a text containing grammatical paradigms based on the theme bilu "lord." This text may belong -- Y< X. >-&-4> to a tablet of the Series
by 1 in.; 12 +.....


Part of a [K. 11229]




Portion out of the middle, 2in. by ln.; 1i 4 + 17 ..... +..... lies. Forecasts. The lines of Column II begin throughout with y &]. [K. 11230 + Sm. 126] Right half, upper portion of reverse, 2in. by 13in.; .... 18 lines. Omens concerning houses and incidents that may happen to men. [K. 11231] Right-hand corner, 1L3in. by l- in.; 7 +... lines. Fragment of an incantation-text. [K. 11232] Fragment of the lower portion of reverse, 2in. by 1 - in.; . ±.....+ 14 + 6 lines in double-columns. Part of a list of Assyrian words with similar meanings, belonging, according to the colophon, to a tablet of the Series [t~] * ~T t i ~ '-Y Y. The catch-line is mutilated. [K. 11233] Fragment of the lower portion, 2Iin. by Lsin.; 4 + 7 lines. Fragment of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 11234] Right-hand corner, 1-b-in. by 1- in.; . .+ 9 lines (in double-columns). Fragment of an explanatory list arranged in groups according to the meanings of the Assyrian words. [K. 11235] Fragment of the left half, 2in. by 15in.; .. + 11 lines. Part of a mythological text. Referring to line 8 a gloss is added by the scribe. [K. 11236] Left-hand corner, 2-5in. by 1-'in.; 12 + traces of 3 lines. Fragment of a religious(?) text. [K. 11237] Fragment out of the middle, lin. by lin.; 6 + (..... in double-columns. Fragment of an explanatory list.

+) 3 lines [K. 11238]

Left half, 2min. by 1}in.; 16 + 14 lines. Part of a report concerning offerings, or taxes. The end reads:-,;-_
Partly effaced.

. COf.supra, p. 141 K. 625 VOL. III.

7 H




Left-hand corner, 3gin. by 15in.; 4 + 6 lines. Part of a text containing forecasts, which may belong to a tablet of the Series -< OYy y ; cf. szpra, p. 522, note t. The text of obverse begins:--< " Y . 7-:-2 The catch-line reads:--[-<] tyy (?) CH < i 4 : k t b y z5-, [K. 11242] Portion out of the middle, 23in. by 2 -1in;; 9 + 15 + ..... +.... lines. Part of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies. A colophon-line reads:--, y_ _ ~_ _ rel="nofollow">be [K. 11243] TF [2?]. Left-hand corner, 1 in. by 1lin.; 8 +..... lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts. The sentences begin with AYjiY; cf. supra, p. 431, K. 2311. [K. 11244] Fragment of the left half, 3in. by 2in.; 13 + 10 lines. containing forecasts.

Part of a text [K. 11245]

Fragment of the right half, 2 -in. by l1in.; 9 + 8 lines; Babylonian. Fragment of a religious (?) text. [K. 11246] Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by l1in.; 7 + .......... lonian. Fragment of an astrological text.

) lines; Baby[K. 11247]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 1in. by 1 1in.; 11 .......... lines. Fragment of a historical inscription of an Assyrian king. [K. 11248] Right half, lower portion, 2- 7win. by 2in.; 12 + 4 lines. Copy of a text containing forecasts; they partly relate to public affairs. [K. 11249] Fragment of the right half, 2¼in. by l1in.; .....



Forecasts. [K. 11250]

Left-hand corner, lin. by lDin.; 9 + 3 lines. Fragment of a list of names of stars, probably belonging to an astrological or magical text. Copy of a Babylonian original. [K. 11251] Portion out of the middle, 23in. by 2-in.. ........ + 15 + 10 lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of the moon. This fragment may belong to the same tablet as K. 11094 and K. 11098; see above, p. 1137 f. [K. 11252] Fragment of the right half, 2-in. by report.


-- in.; 9 +.....lines. Part of a [K. 11253]

Fragment of the left half, lin. by 1 in.; 14 + ..... lines. Fragment of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of various stars. [K. 11254] *

Partly effaced.



lines. Mention is made of the goddess

Fragment out of the middle, 2-1 in. by

Fragment of a religious text. F

-13in.; 11 +..........

>-4 -r iT$U

[K. 11255]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by1lin.; 7 + 5 lines. historical inscription of an Assyrian king.

Fragment of a [K. 11256]

Fragment of the right half, lin. by lin.; 14 + 8 lines; Babylonian. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts; it probably belongs to a tablet of the great astrological work y 4 ~- >OT ~y. [K. 11257] + 13 lines. Forecasts. Fragment out of the middle, lin. by 1-l7in.; ..... [K. 11258] lines. .... Fragment out of the middle, 2 in. by 1in.; 10 +9 +... Part of a text containing astrological forecasts for each day of [K. 11259] Tebet and of other months. lines. 9 + ........ Fragment out of the middle, l-5in. by -lin.; Fragment of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies. A colophon-line reads:-[>Sy] *V y ¢ Y>y_ * 11260] -[K. .9 . >butte BOY ¢[T7] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1in.; 6 +..........) Fragment of a religious text.

lines. [K. 11261]

lines. Part of a Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by 1lin.; 13 + ..... text containing astrological forecasts concerning clouds and rain, [K. 11262] etc. For a similar text see above, p. 972, K. 8923. ) lines. . Fragment of the lower portion, l inl. byli in.; 10 ..... Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 11263] .) lines. Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by 1I-in.; 7 +..... [K. 11264] Fragment of a religious text. 10 +..... Fragment of the right half, l-7in. by l'in.; (.....+) (+.....) lines. Part of a text containing incantations and direc[K. 11266] tions for ceremonies. Fragment of the lower portion of one side, 2in. by lin.; (.....+)..... ) lines in double-columns. Fragment of a list of names + 7 (+ .... [K. 11267] of stars. Fragment of the right half, 2{in. by lin.; ....

+ 17 lines.

Forecasts. [K. 11268]

- Partly effaced.

7 H 2



+ 11 lines. Part of a text containing directions for ceremonies and rites to be performed in order to obtain magical results from stones and herbs. [K. 11269]

Right-hand corner, 2-1in. by 1--5in..; .....

Fragment out of the middle, lin. by 1 in.; ..... + 7 lines; Babylonian. Fragment of a text containing astrological forecasts. [K. 11270] Fragment of the right half,


in. by 1kin.;.

. . .+

11 lines.

Forecasts. [K. 11271]

Fragment of the left half, 2in. by 1--9 in.; 16 +.......... lines. Astrological forecasts for the various months, taken from observations of the wind. Cf. stpra, p. 422,K. 2207. [K. 11272] Fragment of the right half, li omen-text.

by in.; n. .....

+ 12 lines.

Part of an [K. 11273]

lines. Fragment out of the middle, lin. by 1in.; 10 +..........) is added by the to line 5 a gloss Part of a religious text. Referring [K. 11274] scribe. Fragment out of the middle, 1min. by a text containing forecasts.

1 -in.;


9 lines.

Fragment of [K. 11275]

lines. Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by lin.; 5 + 2 +......... Fragment of a religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 11276] + 8 (+.....) Fragment of the right half, 1kin. by 1kin.; .......... lines. Part of a text containing regulations for making offerings. [K. 11277] ......... lines. Fragment out of the middle, 23 in. by lin.; 11 + 11 + . Part of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for > _.Y .ceremonies. One paragraph begins:-4.TMY <4 T>-YY [K. 11278] Portion out of the middle, 25in. by 2¼in.; ..... + 20 lines. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of the moon, etc.; they partly relate [K. 11279] to public affairs. ......... lines. Part Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by 1 in.; 20 + . of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to [K. 11280] be used for the benefit of sick people. Fragment of the left half, 1 7in. by 1 in.; 8 + 4 lines. Fragment of a text [K. 11282] containing incantations and directions for ceremonies.



Fragment out of the middle, 2 1in. by l'in.; .... list of names of stars. E.g., lines 5 ff. read:-




mv n Y 4 Ym i.

Y Wi'isKo Cf. infra, K. 11306.

+ 4

*F >:XI+X

+ 10 lines.

Part of a



[K. 11283]

Left half, upper portion, 2ain. by l-in.; 15 1+ religious text.

0 lines.

Fragment of the left half, 11in. by l-7in.; 5 +.....lines. a report(?).

Fragment of a [K. 11284] Fragment of [K. 11285]

lines. Fragin.; 12 +..........) Fragment of.the left half, 3in. by ment of a text containing astrological forecasts for the various [K. 11286] months. Fragment of the lower portion, l1in. by lin.; 8 + 12 lines. Part of an omen-text concerning houses and incidents that may happen to men. [K. 11287] ) lines. Fragment out of the middle, 21in. by 1 in.; 15 + ..... Part of an inscription of Assurbanipal concerning his war with Tiumman, king of Elam ([y] yd Af Y << « ) -]t. Mention is made of Y >>.) lines. Fragment of Left-hand corner, 1-in. by l in.; 13 +..... a text containing astrological forecasts for each day of certain [K. 11290] months. + 12 lines; marginal Fragment of the left half, 2in. by l-3in.; number <. Fragment of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of the clouds. The sentences usually begin [K. 11291] with Y 4->y TTYY; cf. supra, p. 430, K. 2299. + Fragment out of the middle, ll 'in. by 1 9 in.; 12 + traces of 1 +. [K. 11292] ..... lines. Forecasts, partly relating to public affairs. Portion out of the middle, 2¼in. by lain.; 21 + short beginnings of 15 + lines; marginal number <. Part of a text containing ... +..... astrological forecasts for each day of certain months; they partly [K. 11293] relate to public affairs. 21 + traces of 13 + .... + Fragment out of the middle, 2 in. by 8in.; [K. 11294] .... lines. Fragment of a text containing forecasts. * Partly effaced.

t Cf. line 9,



0 + (edge) 5 +13 lines; 1 Fragment of the lower portion, 2 in. by I Iin.; Babylonian. Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions [K. 11295] for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. .. lines. AstroFragment out of the middle, 2 -in. by 1in.; 15 +. logical forecasts taken from observations of the moon, etc.; they [K. 11296] partly relate to public affairs. lines.

Fragment out of the middle, 1Din. by H1in.; 9 +.....


[K. 11297]

of a text containing astrological forecasts.

Fragment out of the middle, l in. by 1in.; ..... + 12 lines. Fragment of an omen-text concerning the colours of the eyes, etc.; cf., e.g., lines 3 ff:-

.Y'y- _



r*[- -]d >1







r :-Y]

Fragment out of the middle, 2Lin. by text containing forecasts.



11 + ....


[K. 11298]


Part of a [K. 11299]

10 + 12 ...... Fragment of the lower portion, 2in. by 1in.; making offerings, for regulations containing a text lines. Part of similar to that of K. 3245 (see above, p. 516), K. 11150 (p. 1142), etc. [K. 11300] ) lines. +. ......... 13 in.; Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by [K. 11301] Forecasts, partly relating to public affairs. Fragment of the upper portion, 2in. by tin.; 5 + 5 lines. religious (?) text. Fragment of the right half, 1

Fragment of a [K. 11302]

Forecasts. [K. 11303] Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by -17-in.; 14 +.....lines. Omens [K. 11304] concerning the condition of, or events in, a city, etc. in. by 1 in.; 9 + ...

Fragment of the right half, l1in. by l19in.; ..... astrological text concerning various stars. Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by 1in.; 12 + .

list of names of stars. tablet as K. 11283, q.v.


+ 8 lines. ..



End of an [K. 11305] Part of a

This fragment probably belongs to the same [K. 11306] * Partly effaced.


Fragment out of the middle, lin. Fragment of a prayer.



by 1in.;

8 + ..........

) lines. [K. 11307]

Fragment of the left half, in. by 1in.; 14 +..........) lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts for each day of certain months, concerning eclipses, etc.; they partly relate to public affairs. [K. 11308] Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by 1 l in; ..... 7 lines. End and colophon of a text containing astrological forecasts, and belonging, according to the colophon, to the 2nd tablet of a Series. Of the catch-line only the beginning is visible:-- <<< y- p i'y; cf. supra, p. 1083, K. 10379. Mention is made of y -+4A--Y - ; 4 4Y ; see above, p. 1127, K. 10967, and below, p. 1181, K. 11614. [K. 11309] Fragment out of the middle, ilin. by 1Iin.; 10 + .......... lines. Fragment of a religious text, probably referring to the celebration of the Festival of the New Year. [K. 1-1310] Fragment of the right half, l} in. by lin.; ..... text containing astrological forecasts.

+ 14 lines.

Fragment of the lower portion, 2in. by 1Din.; 11 + ( . 12 lines. Part of an incantation-text.


Part of a [K. 11311] +) [K. 11312]

Left-hand corner, 2in. by'11-in.; 12 + 5 lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of various stars. [K. 11313] Fragment out of the middle, 1+in. by ltin.; ....-. + 6 lines. End of a religious text. [K. 11314] Lower half, king).



1 in.; 7 + 2 + 8 lines. Part of a letter (to the

Fragment out of the middle, 23in. by lin.; 17 + Part of an astrological text.

[K. 11315] .(.

) lines. [K. 11316]

Fragment of the upper portion, 23in. by lin.; 2 + 3 +. . ..... lines. Fragment of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies, similar to those of K. 8172 (see above, p. 902), K. 9441 (above, p. 1012), etc., to be used for the benefit of sick people. [K. 11317] Fragment of the right half, 2¼in. by 1in.; (.. ..... +) 18 +..... (+.....+.....) lines. Part of a mythological legend. [K. 11319] Fragment out of the middle, '1 in. by 1-in.; 11 +.. lines. Part of an omen-text concerning the condition of certain parts of the human body. [K. 11320]



... Fragment out of the middle, 13in. by li1-in.; ..... + 8 +..... lines. Part of a text containing incantations and directions for [K. 11321] ceremonies. ) lines. Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by lin.; 11 + ........ Astrological forecasts taken from observations of various stars; [K. 11322] they partly relate to public affairs. Portion out of the middle, 2jin. by I in.; 18 + .... letter, or report, to the king.


Part of a [K. 11323]

+) 5 lines. Part .......... Left-hand corner, 2-win. by lin.; 4 +( of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations [K. 11324] of various stars. lines. Astrological Portion of the right half, 2Ain. by l1in.; 22 +..... forecasts taken from observations of the clouds; cf. supra, p. 430, [K. 11325 + K. 11356] K. 2299. + 6 lines. Fragment Fragment out of the middle, lajin. by in.; ..... of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies. Duplicate of K. 8009 (see above, p. 888), reverse, lines [K. 11326] 2 ff. Fragment out of the middle, 2 3in. by 1 -in.; 9 + traces of 1 - ..... ..... lines; marginal number <. Part of a hymn to a goddess. [K. 11328] lines. Part Fragment out of the middle, 2 in. by 1½in.; 10 + ... (.....) of a text containing astrological forecasts concerning eclipses, etc. [K. 11329] Fragment out of the middle, 1 9in. by 1-5gin.; 9 + traces of 4 +..... + ..... lines. F orecasts, partly relating to public affairs. [K. 11330] Fragment of the right half, 2¼in. by 1lin.; 19 + text containing astrological forecasts.


7 by 1-5 in.; ..... Right half, upper portion of reverse, 2- -in. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts.

Part of a [K. 11331] + 8 lines. [K. 11332]

lines. Astrological foreLeft-hand corner, 1Hin. by l3 in.; 8 + ..... casts taken from observations of the moon, etc. This text may belong [K. 11333] to a report. ) +) ..... + 10 (+.. Fragment of the right half, 2 in. by 2in.; lines (in double-columns). Fragment of an explanatory list. [K. 11334]



Left half, 23in. by 2}in.; 12 +.... lines. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of the moon and sun, etc. This text may be part of a report. [K. 11335] Fragment out of the middle, 2-3in. by lin.; 15 astrological text concerning various stars.



Part of an [K. 11336]

Fragment of the left half, 2-in. by 2kin.; 5 (+..... ) (.. + ) 10 lines in double-columns. Part of an explanatory list arranged in groups according to the forms of the cuneiform ideographs. [K. 11337] Portion out of the middle, 3-]3 in. by 1-7in.;

of 2 lines; Babylonian. linear Assyrian version.



+ 19 + traces

Part of an incantation-text with an interCf. supra, Vol. I, p. xxx. [K. 11338]

Left-hand corner, 3in. by 1Din.; . ......... + 6 +....lines columns? ). Fragment of an explanatory (?) text.

(in double[K. 11339]

Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by 1min.; 15 + ..... lines. Omens derived from the condition of certain parts (the heart, lungs (?), etc.) of the human body. [K. 11340] Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by 1-7in.; 12 +.....lines. Part of an omen-text concerning incidents that may happen to men, etc. [K. 11341] Right-hand corner, l in. by 1 in.; 13 + 2 lines. Forecasts. [K. 11342] Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by l-in.; of an omen (?)-text.

9 + .....


Fragment [K. 11343]

Fragment out of the middle, l in. by l1-tin.; 11 + ..... (.....)lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. [K. 11344] Fragment of the upper portion, 1 55 in. by 1 iin.; a religious text.

14 + ....

Fragment out of the middle, 1-Pin. by lin.; 10 +.....(..... Part of an astrological text.

lines. Part of [K. 11345] ) lines. [K. 11346]

Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 1-in. by 14in.; 7 + ... lines. Fragment of a prayer (?). [K. 11347] Fragment of the right half, lIin. by 1'in.; ( ..... ) 7 +...( +....) lines. Part of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies. One section ends with k-4 -. [K. 11348] Fragment out of the middle, 1ain. by 1 Part of a religious text. VOL. III.


12 + ..........

) lines. [K. 11349] 7 I




8 +.....(...

Fragment out of the middle, 1Hin. by 1l-3in.; Fragment of a religious text.

) lines. [K. 11350]

) lines. Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by l--in.; 10 +....(..... r* y and >yAyy, etc. Part of a text containing forecasts concerning ,y* [K. 11351] lines in Fragment out of the middle, 1ain. by 1 9%in.; 9 + [K. 11353] double-columns. Fragment of an explanatory list. Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by lin.; ..... forecasts, partly relating to public affairs.

+ 17 lines. Astrological [K. 11354]

Fragment of the right half, 2 -3in. by l1in.; ..... mythological, or religious, text.

+ 11 lines.

Part of a [K. 11357]

lines. FragFragment out of the middle, l1in. by -lin.; 9+ .......... days of certain for forecasts astrological containing of a text ment [K. 11358] the month Tebet, concerning eclipses. traces of + (.....+) Fragment of the left half, 2in. by lin.; 14 (+. .... ) 3 lines. Part of a text containing grammatical paradigms. [K. 11359] Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by ain.; short ends of 10 + short belines (in double-columns). Fragment ginnings of 7 +.....+..... [K. 11360] of an explanatory list. +) 3 lines in ....... Left-hand corner, 1-3in. by 1in.; 6 + ( double-columns. Beginning and end of an explanatory list. [K. 11361] + 8 .......... Fragment out of the middle, 1-5in. by 1in.; ..... [K. 11362] lines. Fragment of an astrological text. + 11 lines. Omens Fragment out of the middle, 1½in. by 1lin.; ..... concerning cities, etc. Referring to line 10 an interlinear gloss is added [K. 11364] by the scribe. 11 lines. Fragment of a Right-hand corner, 1-in. by 13in.; ..... [K. 11365] ceremonies. for directions and prayers text containing Fragment of the right half; 1T-in. by 1-lin.; ..... + 10 lines. o m e n-text.

Part of an [K. 11366]

lines. Fragment of a Fragment out of the middle,1 in. by 1in.; 8 + .... king. Mention is Assyrian religious text, probably written for an [K. 11367] made of Urulk ([


..... Fragment out of the middle, 1 -in. by l- 6in.; 12 + 10 +... Part of an explanatory (?) text. Cf. lines (in double-columns ?). [K. 11368] infra, K. 11380. lines in Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1 -5in.; 11 +.......... double-columns. Part of an explanatory list arranged in groups [K. 11369] according to the roots of the Assyrian words. lines. 14 +..........) Fragment out of the middle, l1-9in. by 1in.; stars. various Astrological forecasts taken from observations of [K. 11370] 12 + traces + . . .... . 9in.; by 1 1 11 in. the middle, out of Fragment of 5 lines (in double-columns). Part of an explanatory list. [K. 11371] lines. ..... + ..... + 5 8 by l1-in.; in. 1 the middle, of out Fragment [K. 11372] Part of a text containing grammatical paradigms (?). Fragment of the lower portion, lin.; 5 +..........lines. [K. 11373] Fragment of a text containing hymns in paragraphs.* Fragment of the left half, 113-in. by 1 in.; 13 +.... _-Y + -+ One section begins:-- t
lines. Forecasts. Yt i v- v [K. 11374] lines in 13 +.......... 11in.; Fragment out of the middle, 14 in. by Part of a list of Assyrian words with similar double-columns. [K. 11375] meanings. Fragment out of the middle, 115in. by l1in.; 11 + traces of 3 +... + ..... lines. Fragment of a text containing forecasts. [K. 11376] .. lines in Fragment out of the middle, 1l-in. by l1in.; 11 +....... double-columns. Part of an explanatory list arranged in groups [K. 11377] according to the forms of the cuneiform ideographs. Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by 1-in.; ........... lines. Fragment of a list of names of persons, etc. Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by ment of an astrological text.

in.; 5 +.........

+ 4 + [K. 11378] ) lines. Frag[K. 11379]

lines ......... Fragment out of the middle, 21in. by lin.; 11 + 6 + . (in double-columns?). Part of an explanatory (?) text. This frag[K. 11380] ment may belong to the same tablet as K. 11368, q.v. Fragment out of the middle, 2kin. by 1lin.; .... of a prayer with an interlinear Assyrian version. *

Cf. supcra, p. 436, note

Fragment [K. 11381]

8 lines.

t*. + Partly effaced.






Fragment of the right half, 196in. by I inl.; 9 + ..... lines. Fragment ot a Sumero-Akkadian religious text in the form of a litany. [K. 11382] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1 in.; 9 +.......... lines in doublecolumns. Fragment of an explanatory list. [K. 11383] Lower portion, right half, 2jin. by 1lin.; 10 + .....


incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. Fragment out of l-in. the middle, by 1¼in.;..... + 6 lines. a Sumero-Akkadian religious text.

Part of an

[K. 11384] Fragment of [K. 11385]

Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by l 7in.; 11 +.......... lines in doublecolumns. Part of an explanatory list of names of various kinds of reeds (V-y4), etc. [K. 11386] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by l--7in.; 10 + traces of 4 + .... + ..... lines (in double-columns). Fragment of an explanatory list. [K. 11387] Fragment of the right half, 1 in. by 1 lin.; ( .... ) 10 .... .. ) lines (in double-columns). Fragment of a text containing grammatical paradigms. [K. 11388] Fragment out of the middle, l- 5in. by in.; 8 + .......... lines. Fragment of an inscription of Assurbanipal concerning his war with [¥ ty ?] Sit <<. Mention is made of the land of , $ -. [K. 11389] Fragment out of the middle, 11in. by l1in.; 9 + .......... lines in double-columns. Fragment of an explanatory list. [K. 11390] Fragment of the right half, 2in. by --5in.; .... containing astrological forecasts. Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by lin.; .......... columns. End of an explanatory list.

7 lines.

Part of a text [K. 11391]

+ 6 lines in double[K. 11392]

Fragment out of the middle, l-in. by 11in.; 8 + 8 + . (in double-columns). Part of an explanatory list.

.... ..... lines [K. 11393]

Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by 1in.; 6 + 9 +......... lines in double-columns. Part of an explanatory list arranged in groups according to the form of the cuneiform ideographs. [K. 11394] Fragment of left half, 1 in. by Ilin.; ..... + 9 + (left-hand edge) traces of 1 lines. Part of an astrological text concerning observations of various stars. Mention is made of the " road of Bel" ( ¥ Ai "t


[K. 11395]




Fragment out of the middle, 1-6iin. by 1in.; 8 + short beginnings of 2 + ..... +..... lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. Fragment of the right half; 2-l in. by lin.; 10 + ..... of a text containing forecasts.


[K. 11397] Fragment [K. 11398]

Fragment out of the middle, 1-7iin. by 1iin.; 11 + ......... lines in double-columns. Part of a list of Assyrian words with similar meanings. [K. 11399] Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by l-in.; 11 +..........lines in double-columns. Part of a text containing grammatical paradigms. [K. 11400] Fragment out of the middle, 2¼in. by 1 .; 2 + . double-columns. Part of a list of Assyrian meanings.

......... ) lines in words with similar [K. 11401]

Fragment out of the middle, in.; 9 + ....... lines in doublecolumns. Part of a text containing grammatical paradigms. This fragment apparently belongs to a tablet of the Series
Fragment ot of the middle, 2lin. by klin.; . .... ends of 2 lines. Part of an astrological(?) text. Fragment of the right half, I in. by 1- 7 in.; .....

+ 12 + short [K. 11403]

+ 12 lines.

of a text containing forecasts. Fragment out of the middle, 2 in. by 2 in.; 8 + ......... columns. Part of an explanatory list. Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by lin.; 1 - 14 lines. Part of a religious text.


[K. 11404]


lines in double[K. 11405] .....

+ traces of [K. 11406]

Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by 1-l3in.; 5 + 6 +. ......... lines (in double-columns). Part of a text containing grammatical paradigms. This fragment apparently belongs to a tablet of the Series K X; Cf. K. 46 (supra, p. 12), 4V gf li <¢ <ME TT >¶A Column III, lines 21 ff. [K. 11407] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1 in.; ( ... +) 13 + .... (+ .. ) lines in double-columns. Part of a text containing grammatical paradigms based on the theme t patdru. This fragment may belong to a tablet of the Series <M_y< y h [K. 11408]



Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 1lin. by lin.; 13 + ..... Part of a list of Assyrian words with lines in double-columns. [K. 11409] similar meanings. ) ( .... +) 15 + .... Fragment out of thermiddle, 1-in. by 14in.; (.... lines in double-columns. Part of a list of Assyrian words with similar [K. 11410] meanings. Fragment out of the middle, 23in. by 1lin.; 11 +.....lines. religious text, probably written for an Assyrian king.

Copy of a [K. 11411]

+ 7 + traces ....... Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1in.; . list. explanatory of 2 lines in double-columns. Fragment of an [K. 11412] + +.....+ ....... Fragment out of the middle, 1-Iin. by lin.; ..... [K. 11413] 9 lines. Fragment of a text containing forecasts. lines -in. by 1 in.; 9 + 4 + ......... Fragment out of the middle, 196 (in two, or more, columns). Fragment of an explanatory list. [K. 11414] ..... Fragment of the lower portion of one side, l3in. by l-in.; 9 + 2 [K. 11415] lines. Part of an astrological text. Fragment of the lower portion, l1in. by tin.; Fragment of a religious text.

) lines. [K. 11417]

9 + ..........

) lines. Fragment out of the middle, 1T-in. by lin.; 12 + .......... relate partly they forecasts; astrological containing a text Part of [K. 11418] to public affairs. + 16 lines. Part of an Portion out of the middle, 2-in. by 1 in.; .... omen-text concerning houses and incidents that may happen to men. [K. 11419] Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by lin.; traces of 4 + 10 + 3 +..... ..... lines. Part of a list of animals which were probably offered [K. 11420] up as sacrifices. lines. Fragment Fragment out of the middle, lin. by l1in.; 7 ± ..... [K. 11421] of a historical inscription of an Assyrian king(?). Fragment of the left half, -Iin. by lin.; short beginnings of 5 + 6 lines. Part of a text containing forecasts concerning the -Y>y, etc.; cf. supra, [K. 11422] p. 549, note t. by min.; 6 + ..... Fragment out of the middle, min. ment of a text containing forecasts.

... lines. Frag[K. 11423]



12 ' ..... Fragment of the right half, 1,-7in. by l--in.; (.....+) Part of a list of names of (+ .. ) lines (in double-columns). [K. 11424] plants. Fragment of the right half, 1in. by -Hin.; . Part of a letter.

+ 11 lines; Babylonian. [K. 11425]

Fragment of the lower portion, 13in. by lEin.; 8 +.......... double-columns ?). Part of an explanatory list (?).

lines (in [K. 11426]

lines. Part of an Fragment of the right half, 1 9 in. by 1 in.; 12 +.... omen-text concerning the chances of a sick man's recovery, etc. [K. 11427] lines in doubleFragment out of the middle, l1in. by lin.; 10 +.......... columns. Fragment of a text containing grammatical paradigms. [K. 11428] Fragment of the upper portion, 1 7 in. by in.; 3 + 3 + 3 lines. Fragment of a report concerning public affairs, of the class described above, p. 259 f., K. 1288. For the text see KNUDTZON, Assyr. Gebete an den [K. 11429] Sonnengott, Vol. I, p. 48, No. 129. Left half, lower portion, 2in. by lHin.; 10 + 7 + (left-hand edge) 2 lines. Part of a similar report concerning public affairs. For the text see [K. 11430] KNUDTZON, I.e., p. 9, No. 23. Left half, upper portion, 4 in. by l--in.; 7 + 12 lines. Part of a similar report concerning public affairs. Mention is made of the land of k & |y -- Yy yd Yi. For the text see KNUDTZON, I.e., p. 12, No. 30. [K. 11431 + K. 11453 + 83-1-18, 569] Fragment of the lower portion, l in. by in.; 4 + 1 + 4 lines. Babylonian. Fragment of a similar report concerning public affairs. For the text [K. 11432] see KNUDTZON, I.e., p. 33, No. 88. Fragment of the right half, 2-in. by ment of a report(?).


short ends of 4 + 1 lines. Frag[K. 11433]

Left half, lower portion, 1-in. by 1kin.; 1 + 7 + (left-hand edge) 3 lines. Fragment of a report of the class described above, p. 259 f., K. 1288. -4- E 4--. For the text see KNUDTZON, Mention is made of [K. 11434] Assyr. Gebete an den Sonnengott, Vol. I, p. 33, No. 89.


Right half, upper portion, 21 in. by in.; 4 + 5 + 3 lines. Part of a similar report concerning public affairs. For the text see KNUDTZON, I.e., [K. 11435]. No. 85.





Fragment out of the middle, 2 in. by l- 7 in.; 3 + 7 lines. Fragment of a report of the class described above, p. 259 f., K. 1288. Mention is made of the land of &A -<E{[. For'the text see KNUDTZON, Assyr. Gebete an den Sonnengott, Vol. I, p. 32, No. 82. [K. 114361 Left half, 4 in. by 4}in.; 25 + 16 + 3 + (left-hand edge) 3 lines. Part of a similar report concerning public affairs. Mention is made of Esarhaddon

(Tb4 A

) y +


3,Y T? Id E


of Akkad (

r >td2n

~> 'T-YXT i



<^ V <EV r^ ya -4- ffi r Y PTfT Y f HY E,

>TY kn ^J Y

^ B


of the land A,

4-+ yo

n>_ 4 _Vm-YKTt(?) [Iy if?],

Y~ Yi, etc. For the text see KNUDTZON,

p. 42, No. 108.


[K. 11437]

Right half, upper portion, 3 in. by 3, in.; 14 + 14 lines. Part of a similar report concerning public affairs. Mention is made of Assurbanipal, the son of Esarhaddon (If ->_ At_ ¥( -'Ad A 4 ), and of the land of -& <_* < Y t- and its inhabitants. For the text see KNUDTZON, I.e., p. 31, No. 75. [K. 11438] Left half, lower portion, 5 in. by 3in.; 12 + 12 + (left-hand edge) 2 lines. Part of a similar report concerning public affairs. Mention is made of yT~ _; and of Y -+- < Ly a -A-, and of the nation of ^4 '_ AydV, etc. For the text see KNUDTZON, I.c., p. 14, No. 35. [K. 11439] Portions, 63in. by 4in.; 17 + 18 + 3 + (left-hand edge) 2 lines. Part of a similar report concerning public affairs; cf. supra, p. 260, noteS. Mention is made of king Esarhaddon (y -4- >- 13 $ 4-j), and of the crown-prince Assurbanipal (y r--- > _ggy >_ ) For the text see KNUDTZON, I.e., p. 45, No. 116. [K. 11440] Lower portion, 3 in. by 2¼in.; 6 + 8 lines. Mention is made of



Part of a private contract.

4 x-.

[K. 11441]

Left half, upper portion, 21in. by 1-in.; 8 + 6 lines. Part of a report of the class described above, p. 259 f., K. 1288. Mention is made of Esarhaddon ([i V --Ad >-?] A), and of - '- ~y ]]YT -yy. --y<.t For the text see KNUDTZON, Assyr. Gebete an den Sonnengott, Vol. I, p. 3, No. 4. [K. 11442]


Fragment out of the middle, 3- in. by l1in.; .....

+ 5 lines.

a report (?).

Fragment of

[K. 11443] * Partly effaced; cf. supra, p. 120, K. 512. f Partly effaced.



Upper portion, right half, 2- in. by 2lin.; 14 + 5 lines. Part of a report of the class described above, p. 259 f., K. 1288. Mention is made of

the peoples >>>Ty > my ~ ¥~ ¥, ay

«'Y 4l <<


, b-


~ t, For the text see


¥T¥Y ¥Y Y, etc.

KNUDTZON, Assyr. Gebete an den Sonnengott, Vol. I, p. 43, No. 109. [K. 11444] Fragment of the lower portion, 3'in. by 2in.; 14 + traces of 1 lines. Part of a similar report concerning public affairs. Mention is made of king Esarhaddon (! > Ad x:), - and of the crown-prince Assurbanipal (Y -~: : _ _:F ^ty ) For the text see KNUDTZON, I.c., p. 52, No. 143. [K. 11445] Upper portion, left half, 3-in. by 2jin.; 12 + 12 + (left-hand edge) 1 lines. Part of a similar report concerning public affairs. Mention is made of king Assurbanipal (Y -> TY °), of T* * -V + [ < and [Y -+] y. For the text YyY yy } _w ~~E , and of the city of '-


see KNUDTZON, i.c., p. 57, No. 153.

Lower portion, 3in. by 3in.; 14 + 15 lines.

[K. 11446]

Portion of a prayer.


to lines 7 and 10 of obverse interlinear glosses are added by the scribe. [K. 11447] Lower portion, left half, 3 in. by 2Hin.; 8 + 3 + 11 + (left-hand edge) 3t lines. Part of a letter. Mention is made of Y -- _ A and

Y ->-


[K. 11448]

Right half, 3¼in. by 3in.; 15 + 17 lines. Part of a report of the class described above, p. 259 f., K. 1288. Mention is made of Esarhaddon. For the text see KNUDTZON, Assyr. Gebete an den Sonnengott, .Vol. I, p. 46, No. 117. [K. 11449 + 81-2-4, 192] Portions, 4 in. by 2-E in.; 11 + 11+ 1 concerning public affairs. Mention ,, tih)V, ~ y + A- A the text see KNUDTZON, I.c., p. 26, No. Right half, 3



by 2 in.; 12 lines; reverse blank.

beginning:-8' Ac Y w-'-Yyy y-. *

lines. Part of a similar report is made of Assurbanipal (y >u> For aand y >yide ,66. [K. 11450 + 83-1-18, 549]

y/. *] . -

b.Y. .1,

Part of an omen-text V

< [K. 11451]

Partly effaced.

+ These lines read from the top of the tablet to the bottom.


7 K




Fragment of the lower portion, 2iin. by lin.; 4 + 4 lines. Fragment of a report of the class described above, p. 259 f., K. 1288. For the text see KNUDTZON, Assyr. Gebete an den Sonnengott, Vol. I, p. 51, [K. 11452] No. 140. Lower portion, left half, 31in. by 1 in.; traces of 4 + 7 lines. a private contract.

Fragment of [K. 11454]

Part of a prayer. [K. 11455] 1 Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by -- in.; 9 + 7 lines. Part of a letter . 1-:g .:, A Y to the king. Mention is made of the city of[K. 11456] lines. Fragment of a Fragment of the left half, 1-in. by 1-lin.; 7 +..... report of the class described above, p. 259 f., K. 1288. For the text see KNUDTZON, Assyr. Gebete an den Sonnengott, Vol. I, p. 43, No. 110. [K. 11457] lines. Fragment of Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by l-in.; 4 +... [K. 11458] a list of names of persons (?). Right-hand corner, 1l'in.

by lin.; 3 + 7 lines.

+ (left-hand edge) 3 lines. Lower portion, left half, 3Lin. by 2in.; 12 + .... Fragment of a report of the class described above, p. 259 f., K. 1288. : f
Fragment out of the middle, 2-in. by lkin.; ..

+ 4 lines. Fragment of

a similar report concerning public affairs. I.c., p. 58, No. 155.

For the text see KNUDTZON, [K. 11460]

Fragment of the upper portion, 2-in. by 1kin.; 6 + 4 lines. Fragment of a similar report concerning public affairs. For the text see KNUDTZON, [K. 11461] I.c., p. 51, No. 136. lines. Fragment of Fragment out of the middle, 31in. by 1 in.; 5 +. a similar report concerning public affairs. Mention is made of Assur.: x -*). For the text see KNUDTZON, I.c., banipal (Y- -4-V [K. 11462] p. 47, No. 122. Fragment of the right half, 2iin. by 2in.; ..... +8 lines. private contract.

Fragment of a [K. 11463]

by lin.; 5 + 7 lines. Beginning and end of a Right-hand corner, 1lin. report of the class described above, p. 259 f., K. 1288. For the text see KNUDTZON, Assyr. Gebete an den Sonnengott, Vol. I, p. 50, No. 134. [K. 11464] *

Partly effaced.


Left-hand corner, 2in. by lin.; 5 + 2 + 4 lines. king.


Part of a letter to the [K. 11465]

+3 lines. Fragment of the upper portion of reverse, l1in. by 1-6 in.; ..... Fragment of a report of the class described above, p. 259 f., K. 1288. For the text see KNUDTZON, Assyr. Gebete an den Sonnengott, Vol. I, p. 58, [K. 11466] No. 160. Left-hand corner, 2§in. by -- in.; 5 + 5 lines. Beginning and end of a similar report concerning public affairs. Mention is made of YV >-4-S k -nTT. For the text see KNUDTZON, I.c., p. 23, No. 58. [K. 11467] Upper portion of one side, 3in. by 1lin.; 7 + 4 lines. concerning various articles of clothing, etc.

Part of a report [K. 11468]

Fragment of the lower portion, 1jin. by 1-lin.; 2 + 3 lines. Fragment of a report of the class described above, p. 259 f., K. 1288. For the text see KNUDTZON, Assyr. Gebete an den Sonnengott, Vol. I, p. 58, No. 159. [K. 11469] + 4 lines. in. by in.; ..... Fragment of the upper portion of reverse, Fragment of a similar report concerning public affairs. For the text [K. 11470] see KNUDTZON, I.e., No. 161. Fragment of the left half, 1in. by l 3in.; 6 + of objects. Right-hand corner, 2kin. the class described For Assurbanipal. Sonnengott, Vol. I, p.


Fragmentmen of a list [K. 11471]

by 1 in.; 6 + 5 lines. Fragment of a report of above, p. 259f., K. 1288. Mention is made of the text see KNUDTZON, Assyr. Gebete an den [K. 11472] 52, No. 146.

Right half, 3 in. by 23iin.; 16 + 16 lines; Babylonian. Part of a similar report concerning public affairs. Mention is made of the land of << >_ h [ET], etc. For the text see KNUDTZON, I.c. p. 8, No. 19. [K. 11473 + 82-5-22, 986] Portions, 5½in. by 3½in.; 15+13 lines; Babylonian. Part of a similar report concerning public affairs. Mention is made of Assurbanipal D). For the text see KNUDTZON, I.c., p. 53, _ -(Y "- 4 [K. 11474] No. 147. .

Fragment of the lower portion, 3 in. by 1¼in.; 7 + 5 lines; Babylonian. Part of a similar report concerning public affairs. For the text see [K. 11475] KNUDTZON, I.c.,jp. 31, No. 77. 7 K 2



Upper portion, left half, 4/in. by 3l in.; 13 + 11 lines; Babylonian. Beginning and end of a report of the class described above, p. 259 f., K. 1288. Y),' -Y= Mention is made of Esarhaddon ( -+ A e<
of Esarhaddon (I




Ai y, etc.

Y, `AdY. <<<<< 4), - `iY % For the text see KNUDTZON, i.e., p. 37, [K. 11477]

No. 98.

Portions, 53in. by 3 in.; 13 + 15 lines; Babylonian. Part of a similar report concerning public affairs. Mention is made of Saosduchinos,

- i-V4 4 TYY > -4TTY->" -Y >+ -YtyT). Line 15 of reverse contains a date in Y<WY <1:-- A *

the son of king Esarhaddon (y <<«<4 . y Assyrian writing -


i.e., March-April, 668 B.c.


For the text see KNUDTZON, I.c., p. 54, No. 149. [K. 11478]

Lower portion, left half, 4- 1in. by lain.; 8 + 7 lines. Babylonian. Part of a similar report concerning public affairs. Mention is made of IY 'f- a, etc. This fragment probably belongs to the same tablet as K. 11484, q.v. For the text see KNUDTZON, i.c., p. 22, No. 56, b. [K. 11479] Left half, 3 -in. by 2-in.; 14 + 14 + 5 + (left-hand edge) 2 lines; Babylonian. Part of a similar report concerning public affairs. Mention is , yY 4 4- rL , y_ > ,a and of the city made of y ,r %>-> y<-* iTy,etc. Line 2 of the left-hand edge contains a I2 of -- t 4,]),T >f4 [<-<<<Mention is made of Esarhaddon (y+ > ) and of * s iY ^ y (yY Askelon of the city of > For the text see Iyf yI). 5- <(< j( <4j< the troops of Egypt (J [K. 11481] KNUDTZON, i.c., p. 29, No. 70. -L,

Fragment of the right half, 3¼in. by 2gin.; 11 + 12 lines; Babylonian. Part of a similar report concerning public affairs. For the text see [K. 11482] KNUDTZON, I.e., p. 9, No. 21. Partly effaced. t This line reads from the top of the tablet to the bottom. *



Fragment out of the middle, 2 in. by 2'in.; 5+ 7 lines; Babylonian. Fragment of a report of the class described above, p. 259 f., K. 1288.

Mention is made of Esarhaddon_ ([f

_.4-Q ?]

_<<<] ).

For the

text see KNUDTZON, Assyr. Gebete an den Sonnengott, Vol. 1, p. 47, No. 121.

[K. 11483] Left-hand corner, 2 in. by 1l- in.; 7 + 6 lines; Babylonian. Part of a similar report concerning public affairs. Mention is made of ]Y _yy :

y_y- M and of the city of >TY 7Y >4<. Cf. supra, [ A, Y K. 11479. For the text see KNUDTZON, l.c., p. 22, No. 56, a. [K. 11484] Left-hand corner, 2-9in. by 2in.; 10 + 9 lines; Babylonian. Part of a similar report concerning public affairs. Mention is made of Esarhaddon [yy], etc. For the text see KNUDTZON, Y-Y -]), Y [<<+ [K. 11485] l.c., p. 4, No. 9. Left half, 3-in. by 2 9 in.; 14 + 11 lines; Babylonian. Part of a similar Y>T report concerning public affairs. Mention is made of Y A y. , etc. For the text see KNUDTZON, I.c., p. 21, No. 54. and of y 'Fy [K. 11486] Right-hand corner, 3in. by 2 -Tin.; 5 + 9 lines; Babylonian. Part of a similar r e p ort concerning public affairs. Mention is made of Esarhaddon

([! "4] 4n


4<<; ,) and

of the goddess-

, 44 _.

~ of



Lower portion, left half, 3 in. by16 2 in.; 11 + 13 + (left-hand edge) 1* lines; Babylonian. Part of a report of the class described above, p. 259 f., K. 1288. The left-hand edge contains a date. For the text see KNUDTZON, Assyr. Gebete an den Sonnengott, Vol. I, p. 49, No. 130. [K. 11491] Lower portion, right half, 3--in. by 2kin.; 15 + 9 lines; Babylonian. Part of a similar report concerning public affairs. For the text see KNUDTZON, I.c., p. 19, No. 50. [K. 11492] Fragment out of the middle, 3in. by 3in.; 4 + 11 lines; Babylonian. Part of a similar report concerning public affairs. Mention is made of the lands of A TX A ^f [^] and ` I > . For the text


see KNUDTZON, I.e., p. 15, No. 38.


[K. 11493]

Fragment of the upper portion, 3in. by 2in.; 10 + 10 + 4 lines; Babylonian. Part of a similar report concerning public affairs. Mention is made of

yV '.-

For the text see KNUDTZON, I.e., p. 7, No. 17.

Cf. also supra, p. 260, note .

[K. 11494]

Portions, 3kin. by 3in.; 20 + ..... + (left-hand edge) 3* lines; Babylonian. Part of a similar report concerning public affairs. Mention is made of the city of AyY ink . 3,tetc. For the text see KNUDTZON, I.e., [K. 11495] p. 6, No. 12. Lower portion, left half, 3½ 2in.; 14 + 9 lines; Babylonian. Fragment of a similar report concerning public affairs. For the text see KNUDTZON, I.e., p. 35, No. 94. Cf. also (for lines 1 and 3 of reverse) supra, p. 260, notes * and t.

[K. 11496]

Fragment of the lower portion, 2-in. by 2½in.; 10 + 1 lines; Babylonian. Part of a similar report concerning public affairs. For the text see KNUDTZON, I.c., p. 10, No. 28. [K. 11497] Fragment out of the middle, 24in. by 2¼in.; 9 + 10 lines; Babylonian. Fragment of a similar report concerning public affairs. Mention is gy .t _Iand of the (soldiers of made of the land of Ai !

the) land of ~

<< _

Yft Yft, etc. For the text see KNUDTZON, I.e.,

p. 13, No. 34.

[K. 11498]

Fragment of the upper portion, 2 in. byl1in.; 5 +9 lines; Babylonian. Part of a similar report concerning public affairs. Mention is made For the text see KNUDTZON, I.e., p. 3, No. 6. U A. of Y ' -SNY [K. 11499] * Reading from the top of the tablet to the bottom. f Partly effaced.



Left half, 3-in. by 2-in.; 14 + 15 lines; Babylonian. Part of a report of the class described above, p. 259 f., K. 1288. Mention is made of Esarhaddon (y ~ <W L <* [42f]). For the text see KNUDTZON, Assyr. Gebete an den Sonnengott, Vol. I, p. 49, No. 131. [K. 11500] Lower portion, left half, 2 in. by l in.; 9 + 1 + 10 + (left-hand edge) 3 lines; Babylonian. Part of a similar report concerning public affairs. Mention is made of the city of SY ~t k. For the text see KNUDTZON, i.., p. 7, No. 18. [K. 11501] Fragment of the right half, 4 in. by 1 in.; 6 + 7 lines; Babylonian. Fragment of a similar report concerning public affairs. Mention is made of Y Ty tY -YY ><, and of the governor -( , yy) of the country of k ~ g¥ ; <- . For the text see KNUDTZON, I.e., p. 2, No. 3. [K. 11502] Fragment of the lower portion, 2lin. by lain.; 4 + 3 lines; Babylonian. Fragment of a similar report concerning public affairs. Mention is made of Y > " YV-yk * [>4<]. For the text see KNUDTZON, I.c., p. 3, No. 7. [K. 11503] Right half, 4in. by 2}in.; 17 + 15 lines; Babylonian. Part of a similar report concerning public affairs. Mention is made of Esarhaddon -([f 4+A4?] e <
Fragment of the lower portion of reverse, 3in. by 2a-in.; ..... + 14 lines; Babylonian. Part of a similar report concerning public affairs. Mention is made of Esarhaddon. For the text see KNUDTZON, I.c., p. 32, No. 80. [K. 11507] Fragment of the upper portion, 35in. by 15in.; 5 + 5 lines; Babylonian. Fragment of a similar report concerning public affairs. For the text see KNUDTZON, I.c., p. 57, No. 154. [K. 11508] *

Partly effaced.



Left-hand corner, 2-in. by 1-in.; 6 + 3 lines; Babylonian. Fragment of a report of the class described above, p. 259 f., K. 1288. Mention is ['Y .T i]. This fragment probably >-TYY4 made of the belongs to the same tablet as K. 11505, q.v. For.the text see KNUDTZON, [K. 11509] Assyr. Gebete an den Sonnengott, Vol. I, p. 5, No. 11, a. Fragment of the lower portion, 2- in. by 1 in.; 6 + 7 lines; Babylonian. Part of a similar report concerning public affairs. For the text see [K. 11510] KNUDTZON, I.c., p. 6, No. 13. Right half, upper portion, 21in. by 1ini.; 10 + 9 lines; Babylonian. Part of a similar report concerning public affairs. Mention is made of T-7l•f) and of the (troops of the) land Assurbanipal (Y >- 4A , 4 Ty . For the text see KNUDTZON, I.e., % t Ig) of (_[K. 11511] p. 55, No. 151.


Right-hand corner, 2 56in. by 1lin.; 6 + 6 lines; Babylonian. Fragment For the text see of a similar report concerning public affairs. [K. 11512] KNUDTZON, I.c., p. 53, No. 148. Left-half, lower portion, 21in. by 1-7in.; 5 + 8 lines; Babylonian. Part of [K. 11513] an incantation-text. Fragment of the upper portion, l1in. by "in.; 4 + 2 lines; Babylonian. Fragment of a report of the class described above, p. 259 f., K. 1288. Mention is made of YT'V . 'yi. For the text see KNUDTZON, Assyr. [K. 11514] Gebete an den Sonneingott, Vol. I, p. 10, No. 26. in.; 7 + 10 lines; Babylonian. Fragment of Right-hand corner, 2 in. by of a similar report concerning public affairs. For the text see [K. 11515] KNUDTZON, I.c., p. 32, No. 79. Portion out of the middle of reverse, 2-in. by l1in.; ..... + 9 lines; Babylonian. Part of a report. Mention is made of Assurbanipal [K. 11516] (¥ ~+ 4 Em yi). Fragment of the upper portion, 2s in. by lLin.; 5 + 5 lines; Babylonian. Fragment of a report of the class described above, p. 259 f., K. 1288. For the text see KNUDTZON, Assyr. Gebete an den Sonnengott, Vol. I, p. 12, [K. 11517] No. 32. Right-hand corner, 2-in. by lin.; 4 + 8 lines; Babylonian. Part of a similar report concerning public affairs. For the text see KNUDTZON, [K. 11518] 1.c., p. 51, No. 137.



Fragment of the upper portion of reverse, 21 in. by 2- 7in.; + 11 lines; Babylonian. Part of a report of the class described above, p. 259 f., K. 1288. For the text see KNUDTZON, Assyr. Gebete an den Sonnengott, Vol. I, p. 33, No. 86. [K. 11519] Fragment out of the middle of reverse, 1T in. by 1-in.; ..... + 7 + 2 lines; Babylonian. Fragment of a similar report concerning public affairs. For the text see KNUDTZON, I.e., No. 87. [K. 11520] Fragment of the left half, 2lin. by 1in.; 6 + 9 lines in Babylonian + (left-hand edge) 4 lines in Assyrian. Part of a similar report concerning public affairs. Mention is made of [y >-4-] C -,t 52, No. 145. text see KNUDTZON, I.c.,p. y [ahl], etc. For the .4 [K. 11521] Fragment of the upper portion of reverse, 23in. by lin.; ..... + 6 lines; Babylonian. Fragment of a similar report concerning public affairs. For the text see KNUDTZON, I.e., p. 58, No. 163. [K. 11522] Fragment out of the middle, 2--7in. by lin.; 5 + 5 lines; Babylonian. Fragment of a similar report concerning public affairs. Mention is made of Esarhaddon. For the text see KNUDTZON, I.e., p. 10, No. 27. [K. 11523] Fragment out of the middle of one side, 1-Iin. by -in.; 7 + ..... lines. Fragment of a similar report concerning public affairs. For the text see KNUDTZON, I.e., p. 58, No. 157. [K. 11523 a] Fragment out of the middle of one side, lin. by l-x'in.; 5 + .... lines; Babylonian. Fragment of a similar report concerning public affairs. For the text see KNUDTZON, I.e., No. 164. [K. 11524] Fragment of the lower portion, 1-in. by lin.; 1 + 4 lines; Babylonian. Fragment of a similar report concerning public affairs. For the text see KNUDTZON, I.c., p. 6, No. 14. [K. 11525] Fragment out of the middle of reverse, 1bin. by 1in.; ..... + 8 lines; Babylonian. Fragment of a similar report concerning public affairs. For the text see KNUDTZON, I.e., p. 58, No. 156. [K. 11526] Fragment of the upper portion of reverse, 1 in. by lT-in.; .....

Fragment of a similar report concerning public affairs. see KNUDTZON, I.c., No. 162. VOL. III,

+ 5 lines.

For the text [K. 11527] 7 L



Fragment out of the middle of one side, 1l-3in. by -3in.; 3 ..... lines; Babylonian. Fragment of a report of the class described above, p. 259 f., K. 1288. For the text see KNUDTZON, Assyr. Gebete an den Sonnengott, Vol. I, p. 58, No. 166. [K. 11528] lines; Fragment out of the middle of one side, lin. by 1-in.; 4 +..... Babylonian. Fragment of a similar report concerning public affairs. [K. 11529] For the text see KNUDTZON, I.c., No. 165. Portions, 33in. bb ceremonies. Yv <^




2 .; 15 + 2 + 7 lines. Prayers and directions for Cf., e.g., obverse, lines 9 ff.:m


_Y < AEt .^___Y Au >-^nV$ ((-

Y< h TGus T ien

T ^ Y-


y yy5 e t T t^, ^1 o'TV ^?P~~ r~TI ~i>P->Z-Al P--n"V to A-+

[K. 11530] Fragment of the lower portion, lin. religious text.



7 + 6 lines.

Part of a [K. 11531]

+ 14 lines. Part Portion out of the middle, 2sin. by 23in.; 12 + 10 + .... of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. One paragraph begins with [K. 11532] m t < + -+Y;cf. supra, p. 1110, K. 10726. Y Fragment of the right half,l1in. by 1 1 in. .... + 10 + 9 +. lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for cere[K. 11533] monies to be used for the benefit of sick people. Right-hand corner, 1 in. by 1Tin.; ..... + 6 lines; Babylonian. Fragment of a prayer, part of which has an interlinear Assyrian version.

rK. 11534] + 15 lines; Babylonian. Fragment of the left half, 2'in. by l-Uin.; ..... Part of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies. A colophon-line reads:-- -yy* _ yy P .Y4 [K. 11535] ,,, ,; of. supra, p. 766, K. 6142. * Partly effaced.

11.75 '


Fragment of the upper portion, 2-b3in. by 1l-in.; Babylonian. Fragment of a religious text.

4 +.....+

2 lines; [K. 11536]

Fragment of the left half, 2in. by -13in.; 14 + 12 lines. Part of an omentext forming, according to the colophon, the 87th tablet of a Series. The Series referred to probably begins :--.y -Ty fyy _y V . Of the catch-line only the beginning is visible:Ty Iy

t* e(?)

Id'2. ~_ ^^,-/

Fragment of the right half, l1in. by 1 text containing prayers.


in.; .....

[K. 11537] + 11 lines.

Part of a [K. 11538]

Part of an omen-text. [K. 11539] Portion out of the middle, 21in. by l1in.; 12 + 19 lines; Babylonian. Part [K. 11540] of a letter, or report.

Right-hand corner, lin.

by l1in.; .....

+ 9 lines.

Fragment out of the middle, 19in. by 1in.; (. Part of a prayer.


Fragment out of the middle, 15in. by l1in.; 9 +..... religious text.


10 lines. [K. 11541] Part of a [K. 11542]

lines. Part Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by 1in.; 10 + .......... of an incantation-text, with an interlinear Assyrian version, probably belonging to a tablet of the Series YV>-Y
+ 16 lines.

Part of an [K. 11545]

+ + 13 + ... Fragment of the right half, 2¼in. by in.; .... lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for cere[K. 11546] monies to be used for the benefit of sick people. by 1-in.; ..... + 12 lines; Babylonian. Fragment of the right half, lin. Astrological forecasts, partly relating to public affairs. This text probably belongs to a tablet of the great astrological work y ~ -[K. 11547] ny[T . Fragment of the left half, 14in. by 1 in.; 8 + 11 lines. Part of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies. [K. 11548] *

Partly effaced.

7 L 2




Fragment of the left half, 2 in. by 1 in.; 10 +.... incantation-text.


Part of an [K. 11549]

Fragment of the left half, 1-in. by l1in.; 6 + 6 lines; Babylonian. Part of an incantation-text. One section begins:---F- <<<_'-4rY ¢y AidU

[K. 11550]


Right half, lower portion, l in. by l1in.; 13 + 6 lines; Babylonian. Omens concerning cities, etc. [K. 11551] Fragment out of the middle, l-9in. by 1-lin.; 8 + 10 + ......... lines. Part of a text containing incantations with an interlinear Assyrian version, and prayers. [K. 11552] Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by 2in.; 13 +.....(.....) lonian. Part of a Sumero-Akkadian religious text.

lines; Baby[K. 11553]

Fragment out of the middle, 1-.... + .... + ..... 1 in. by 15 in.; 9 + lines in double-columns. Part of a list of Assyrian words with similar meanings. [K. 11555] Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by lin.; ..... + 15 lines; Babylonian. Part of a text containing forecasts concerning H-, Ad and t 7y, etc. [K. 11556] Left-hand corner, 11Tin. by lin.; traces of 3 + ( .. .... +) 6 lines in double-columns. Part of an explanatory list with glosses. [K. 11557] Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by 1 in.; 14 + .... lines; Babylonian. Part of a text containing forecasts concerning the -Y etc. [K. 11558] A,r

Left-hand corner, I in. by 1 in.; traces of 6 + 5 lines. of objects.

Fragment of a list [K. 11559]

Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by 14in.; 1 - 10 lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts, partly relating to public affairs. According to the colophon:- (<<<( {{ < i > ty,- <( ->y < -. ,this text forms the 38th part of a Series; cf. supra, p. 412, note t. [K. 11560] Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by 1-in.; 12 + ..... text containing astrological forecasts. Fragment of the left half, 1nin. by 1t-iin.; 8 +.. lines. containing directions for ceremonies and rites.


Part of a [K. 11561]

Part of a text [K. 11562]



Fragment of the upper portion, lin. by lkin.; 9 + ..... derived from the actions of snakes. Lines 1 ff. read: [Y t-Y<

e <

Y- ]

TY > -


[Y1 t-YTY<] <'T __Y [Y -YyT<] < Yy rYo



_r _ <














>. 4YY a



This fragment may belong to the same tablet as K. 3731; see above, p. 559. [K. 11563] Fragment of the right half, 2in. by 1-6in.; 13 + ..... lines. cerning houses and incidents that may happen to men.

Omens con[K. 11564]

Fragment out of the middle, lin. by 1l5%in.; 13 + 9 + .......... lines. Part of a mythological legend. [K. 11565] Portion of the right half, 2}in. by 1sin.; ..... prayer.

+ 15 lines.

Fragment out of the middle, 11in. by Ilin.; 9 +..........) Babylonian. Fragment of an incantation-text.

Part of a [K. 11566] lines; [K. 11567]

Fragment out of the middle, 1-{in. by 1in.; 8 . . ........ +... lines. Fragment of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of people suffering from diseases of the eyes. [K. 11568] Fragment of the right half, 1in. by in.; .......... + 11 ..... lines. Part of an incantation-text belonging to the 3rd tablet of the B-y *--Series. Duplicate of K. 2959 (see above, p. 492 and Vol. II, p. xxII), Column III, lines 18 ff. This fragment may belong to the same tablet as K. 2390 (above, p. 439). [K. 11569] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1-in.; ...

+. 12 lines. Forecasts. [K. 11570]

Fragment of the left half, lHin. by 1gin.; 11 +........... ( +) 4 + 11 lines. Part of an Assyrian text containing grammatical paradigms(?) concerning legal subjects. Cf. supra, p. 1091, K. 10483. E.g., Section II of the last Column (lines 3 ff.), reads:--Ss: V y

[Et--] IfN> 1t
y* M |IY IH £Y ET

4 ei



Y -S ->YZy1f I

-A>-ik ^t SFe

Y nY

K. 11571] '* Partly effaced.

t Cf.




Portion of the right half, 3 in. by 2in.; (..... Part of a text containing forecasts.

.... ) lines. [K. 11573]

) 23 + 26 (

7 + traces of 4 + 3 + 9 lines. in. Fragment of the lower portion, 2. by Iin.; [K. 11575] Omens concerning houses, etc. + 8 lines. End of an Fragment of the right half, 2- -in. by 25in.; .... incantation-text, with an interlinear Assyrian version, probably Hi A e. The catchbelonging to a tablet of the Series ~YMY >E



a T->Y* AT-



[K. 11576] lines. +.. ..... Fragment out of the middle. 2½in. by 14in.; 7 + 8 4.Part of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for

A colophon-line reads:- [>-_y

ceremonies. Y


_yYYTTySY -Y y


yyy; cf. supra, pp. 981, 1001, KK. 9047, 9296.

[K. 11577]

lines.. ..... Fragment out of the middle, 2 in. by 1in.; 8 + 11+ .... Part of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies. [K. 11578] Fragment out of the middle, 2|in. by l1in.; 9 ± ..... lines. Part of an omen-text concerning houses and incidents that may happen to men. [K. 11579] Fragment of the upper portion, 2 in. by 1l in.; 13 +..... a prayer to a goddess.

lines. Part of [K. 11580]

lines. Fragment (...). Left-hand corner, 3- 6in. by 3in.; 10 + .... of a mythological, or religious, text. Mention is made of .+ [K. 11581] >V >yy. +..... Fragment of the left half, 2T-1in. by 1"in.; 14 + ..... + .... for directions and lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions ceremonies to be used for the benefit of people suffering from diseases < J> -< of the lungs(?). One section begins:--[Y J 4g=_ Y.y

$< S4

A Y-

[K. 11582]


Fragment of the lower portion, 2 in. by 1 in.; 11 + 6 lines. astrological report relating to public affairs.

Part of an [K. 11583]

Right-hand corner, 21 in. by lin.; 12 + 15 lines. Part of an astrological text concerning observations of various stars and of eclipses. [K. 11584] * Partly effaced.




..... +.... + 18 + 20 lines. Portion out of the middle, 2{in. by 11; Part of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies. [K. 11585] 6 + 7 (+ ..... ) lines. Fragment of the right half, 2 in. by 2-in.; (.....+) [K. 11586] Part of a text containing incantations and prayers. lines. 10 + 10 (+....) Right-hand corner, 2 5in. by 11in.; (.....+) Part of a text containing directions for ceremonies and rites(?). [K. 11588] Fragment of the right half, 23in. by 1½in.; 11 + ..... lines. Part of a prayer. [K. 11589] + 10 lines. Omens concerning Left-hand corner, 1-in. by 1in.; ..... incidents that may happen to men. Lines 1 and 2 begin with [y ,] g---< ~ Y t T*"-; W Portion of the right half, 2lin. by 15in.; 7 + 15 lines. Part of an omen[K. 11592] text. lines. Omens Fragment out of the middle, 21in. by lin.; 10 +..... [K. 11593] concerning houses and incidents that may happen to men. lines. +..... Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by l in.; 3 + 10 .....+ Part of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of various stars. The lines of Column II usually read:y





[K. 11594]


name of a star

Fragment of the right half, 1ain. by l1-in.; 10 - ..... religious text.


Part of a [K. 11595]

lines; archaic Babylonian. Portion of the left half, 6min. by 2in.; 8 + . . Part of a historical inscription of an ancient king of Sumer and [K. 11596] Akkad (cf. lines 7 and 8). Upper portion, right half, 25 in. by 1 Tin.; 11 +..... text containing astrological forecasts. + 21 lines. Portion of the right half, 2{in. by 2in.; ..... forecasts, partly relating to public affairs. Fragment of the right half, 2¼in. by of a text containing forecasts.

in.; ....

* Partly effaced.


Part of a [K. 11597]

Astrological [K. 11598]

+ 14 lines.

Fragment [K. 11599]





Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by 1Hin.; 13 +..... lines. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of various stars; they partly relate to public affairs. Among the predicted evils scarcity of river- or sea-fish is mentioned :-;-< Y-2¢ > - T. [K. 11600] Fragment out of the middle, lain. by 1"in.; 9 +..........) Fragment of a text containing astrological forecasts.

lines. [K. 11601]

Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by Fragment of a religious text.

) lines. [K. 11602]

in.; 6+ .

Portion of the right half, 21in. by l- in.; 20 + .... containing incantations and prayers.



Part of a text [K. 11603]

Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by l1in.; 10 +........ lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. [K. 11604]

Fragment of the right half, 3in. by lin.; (.....+)9 + 25 (+....


lines (in double-columns). Part of an explanatory list. Duplicate of K. 2012 and K. 7742; see above, pp. 385, 871. [K. 11605] Fragment of the left half, 25in. by 2jin.; 12 + ( . ......... +) 8 lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of the moon. [K. 11606] Fragment of the left half, 3in. by 21 in.; 13 + ........ lines (in double-columns). Fragment of a text containing grammatical paradigms (?). [K. 11608] Fragment out of the middle, 21in. by 2in.; 13 + ..... lines. Part of a text containing forecasts concerning -Y* _ and CAy, etc. [K. 11609] Fragment out of the middle, 2-in. by lin.; traces of 8 + 9 + .... ..... lines. Part of a religious text. [K. 11610] Fragment of the left half, 3in. by l1in.; ..... + 20 lines. Part of a text containing omens derived from the actions of sheep, oxen and other animals. [K. 11611] Fragment out of the middle, lain. by l1in.; 9 + 9 +..... ..... lines. Part of a text containing forecasts. The lines of Column II begin throughout with >-< <S_<. [K. 11612] Fragment out of the middle, 11in. by 1-% in.; 7 + ... lines. Part of a text containing directions for ceremonies and rites. Mention is made of the Tigris (Y[ '4-+ [X]). [K. 11613] 7

* Partly effaced.



Left-hand corner, 1 l-in. by lin.; 3 + 2 lines. Beginning and end of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of the moon. In the colophon mention is made of YH-- -A >y-i _ ~* [>YYA

>-], cf. Supra, pp. 1127, 1155, K. 10967, K. 11309, etc. [K. 11614]

Fragment of the lower portion, 2"-in. ' by 1in.; 8 + . lines. Part of an astrological text concerning observations of the moon and sun, etc. [K. 11615] Portion out of the middle, 4in. by l1in.; 15 + 6 lines.


Part of an omen-

Of the catch-line only the middle part is visible:-

Fragment out of the middle, Part of a religious text.

116T~ -in. m. by 1y




[K. E 1616]

n.; . 12 +.....) 1T6in'

lines. [K. 11617]



Fragment of the left half, 24in. by l-7-in.; 13 + 17 lines; marginal number <. Part of a text containing forecasts. A comparison of the catch-line: -< 4g * -¥ ,> ,, with K. 1352 (see above, p. 272 f.), obverse, 1. 2, shows that K. 11618 belongs to the 1st tablet of the Series -< . [K. 11618] Right-hand corner, 1 in. by 1ain.; 8 + 12 lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts; they partly relate to public affairs. [K. 11619] Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 2¼in. by Iin.; 4 + ..... lines. Forecasts, partly relating to public affairs. [K. 11620] Fragment of the left half, 21in. by 2 in.; 10 + 7 +.......... Part of a religious text.

lines. [K. 11621]

Portion out of the middle, 3jin. by lin.; 11 + 19 + ..... +.....lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of people suffering from diseases of the

heart. The paragraphs of Column II begin with 4yt yyd . (d aftiY-) >> Xl Ai [K. 11622] Fragment of the left half, 13-in. by tin.; 13 +..... (.....) lines. Fragment of a mythological text. Fragment of the left half, Il religious text.

in. by lin.; 6 +. ...



[K. 11624] lines.

Fragment of a [K. 11625]

Partly effaced.

7 M



11 lines. Omens Fragment out of the middle, 2-in. by 11in.; ..... derived from the aspects of human faces when they resemble those of certain birds, etc.; cf. supra, pp. 992, 994, K. 9194, K. 9222, etc. [K. 11626] Fragment out of the middle, 3 in. by 21in.; 16 + short beginnings of [K. 11627] lines. Part of an omen-text. +. 4 + .... + 9 lines. Part of a text containing in. by 1in.; ..... Left-hand corner, [K. 11628] incantations and directions for ceremonies. +) 15 + 16 (+.....) Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by 2in.; (..... lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian [K. 11629] version. lines. +) 6 + 10 (+.....) Right-hand corner, 2-in. by l1in.; (.... for ceremonies and directions Part of a text containing prescriptions [K. 11630] to be used for the benefit of sick people. + 8 lines. Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 2 in. by 1}in.; ..... Part of a religious text connected with the worship of Merodach. [K. 11631] lines.

Portion of the right half, 2 in. by 2in.; 18 +.... forecasts, partly relating to public affairs. Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by lin.;


Astrological [K. 11632] + 7 lines.

Fragment of a text containing incantations and prayers; it may belong to the same tablet as K. 5014 + K. 10180; see above, p. 683. [K. 11633] Fragment out of the middle, 2 in. by 2Y in.; 7 + ..... lines. Fragment of a text containing forecasts similar to those of K. 3951 (see above, [K. 11635] p. 579), etc. Fragment of the lower portion of one side, 2§in. by 13in.; 13 + traces of [K. 11636] + . .. lines. Part of an astrological text. 4 + ..... Left-hand corner, 2in. by 1lin.; 11 + ..... lines. Beginning of a text [K. 11637] containing astrological forecasts for the month Yiar. lines. Part of a Fragment of the right half, l-in. by 1 in.; 10 + .... [K. 11638] list of persons similar to K. 8363, etc.; see above, p. 920. Right half, upper portion, 2''in. by 1-M9in.; 14 + 3 lines. Fragment of a :. religious text. Of the catch-line only the end is visible:-*, '' [K. 11639] Cf. BEZOLD, Zeits., 1890, p. 108.


Fragment of the right half, 2 in. by 1in.;..... a text containing forecasts.


+ 12 lines.

Fragment of [K. 11640]

Fragment of the right half, upper portion, 3$win. by 23in.; 9 + 14 lines. Fragment of a mythological(?) text. Of the catch-line only the middle part is visible:- -' ,;r [K. 11641] Fragment of the right half, 2 in. by 1 text containing forecasts.


in.; 10 + 1 lines.

Fragment of a [K. 11642]

Upper portion, 3¼in. by 3 in.; 15 + traces of 3 lines. the form of a litany.

Part of a prayer in [K. 11643]

Left-hand corner, ljin. by 1-lin.; 8 + .......... incantation-text.

) lines.

Part of an [K. 11644]

Fragment out of the middle, 24in. by 1-5in.; 18 +.... lines. Astrological forecasts concerning eclipses; they partly relate to public affairs. [K. 11645] Fragment out of the middle, 2'in. by l1in.; 10 + ..... of a text containing forecasts.


Fragment [K. 11646]

Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by 1 in.; . 12 + 11 + traces of 2 lines. Part of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of women during their period of pregnancy, etc. [K. 11647] Fragment out of the middle, 15in. by 1 in 10 . +9 + ..... lines. Part of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. Two paragraphs begin with 'j _ >4 yf. [K. 11648] Fragment out of the middle, 1 text containing forecasts.

bin. by 1-5.;


+ 7 lines.

Portion out of the middle, 2T-gin. by l in.; . .... Part of a hemerology; cf. supra, p. 518, K. 3269.

End of a [K. 11649]

+ 13 + 10 lines. [K. 11650]

Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by 1 in.; 8 (+ ..... ) (.. ) short beginnings of 6 lines. Fragment of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. [K. 11651] Upper portion, left half, 2in. by Akkadian religious text.

in.; 17 +...


Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by l2in.; 5 + .... a religious(?) text.

Part of a Sumero[K. 11652]


Fragment of [K. 11653] 7 M2



+ 12 lines (in doubleFragment of the right half, 1lin. by 15in.; ... [K. 11654] coulumns?). Part of an explanatory(?) text. Fragment of the lower portion of one side, 2-in. by 2 in.; 10 + 10 lines. Omens derived from the appearances of certain animals in a man's [K. 11655] house, etc. Portion of the right half, 2lin. by 2 lin.; 12 + 8 lines. Part of a text containing forecasts concerning the chances of a sick man's recovery, and directions for the performance of ceremonies and rites. [K. 11657] Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by 1in.; 15 +..... of a text containing forecasts.


Fragment [K. 11658]

+ ..... 15 .......... Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by 1 l in.; lines. Part of a mythological legend, apparently belonging to a . For the text see PINCHES, f v tablet of the Series in HAUPT'S Nimrr., p. 94, No. 55; cf. also Beitr., Vol. I, p. 322.

[K. 11659] Fragment out of the middle, 2-36in. by lain.; ..... text containing incantations and prayers.

the middle part is visible :"" '"->"

+ 15 lines. End of a Of the catch-line only

>, [K. 11661]

Right-hand corner, 1 in. by 1 in.; 14 + 1 lines. Babylonian. Part of a text containing forecasts. This fragment may belong to an explanatory text of one of the classes described above, pp. 433, 487, K. 2329, [K. 11662] K. 2895, etc. + 11 (+ ..... ) +). .... Fragment of the right half, 1 in. by lin.; (..... [K. 11663] lines. Part of a hemerology; cf. supra, p. 518, K. 3269. Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 1 3in. by l1in.; .. Omens concerning houses.

+ 8 lines. [K. 11664]

Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by 1 in.; 6 + 7 lines; Babylonian. Part of a text containing forecasts concerning ,->- and [E]Y tY, etc. The [K. 11665] colophon contains a date. Upper half; 19 6in. by 1-l-in.; 12 + ..... lines. Part of a letter to the king from [y] A * kT -Y - * concerning building-operations. Mention [K. 11666] " >V; ¶ b YYH 4 > is made of a " YV A -in. by 1 7-in.; 7 +....(.....) la Fragment out of the middle, Fragment of an astrological text. *

Partly effaced.

lines. [K. 11667]




Left-hand corner, 2T3 12 lines. Part of a text con6 in. by 2in.; .... taining omens derived from the appearances of snakes at the doors of temples, etc.; cf. supra, p. 465 f., K. 2682, etc, [K. 11668] Lower portion, right half, 2in. by lT- in.; 3 + 1 + 4 lines; Babylonian. Part of a text containing forecasts, etc., similar to that of K. 11665. [K. 11669] Fragment of the left half, lin. by lin.; ..... + 13 lines. Forecasts. The lines begin with [>-<] ~ : --Pl,; cf. supra, p. 559, K. 3732. [K. 11670] Fragment out of the middle, l3in. by 1-b3in.; 12 + ..... (....) ines, Part of an astrological text. Mention is made of the star [C>-4T [K. 11671] -. * -TY '-+ Ws Fragment of the right half, 1 in. by of a text containing forecasts.

+ 12 lines.


Fragment [K. 11672]

Right half, lower portion, 2- in. by l1in.; 7 + 11 + (edge) 3 + 8 + 8 lines; Babylonian. Part of a list of names of persons. [K. 11673] Fragment of the upper portion of reverse, 2in. by 1in.; .... + 1 + 8 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king concerning public affairs. Mention is made of the (inhabitants of the) land of k -Y Y¥ Z,

[K. 11674]

Y * [¥]Left-hand corner, ll in. by 1-in.; ,.... taining forecasts concerning --tPY usually with >-<

+ 13 lines. Part of a text conand |a , etc. The lines begin [K. 11675] [t.

Fragment of the left half, 2in. by 1fin.; 8 + .... (....) lines. Part of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies. [K. 11676] Portion out of the middle, 23in. by 2jin.; 9 ++.....+ ... lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. One paragraph begins:. ,-, -- ; cf. supra, p. 556, K. 3698, Y YS-4Y'--

10 + .....

lines. Omens [K. 11678]

Fragment of the lower portion, iin. by 1 in.; 11 + ..... lines. Fragment of a text containing forecasts. [K. 11679] * Cf. line 4.



Right half, upper portion, 2Qin. byl1in.; 16 + ..... containing forecasts.


Part of a text [K. 11680]

Fragment of the right half, 11 -in. by l in.; 6 + 9 lines. Part of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies. A colophon-line reads :--[a-dz 3- r] ] yy~_y] h~- -r- <- Y .This fragment appears to belong to the same tablet as K. 3221; see above, p. 514. Of the catch-line only the end is visible:-' ;' d< <(_j; compare the catch-line of K. 3221, and K. 2832 (above, p. 480, and Vol. II, p. xxII), Column I, line 12. [K. 11681] '--_

Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 1 in. by l in.; 10 +. ..... lines. Part of a prayer. [K. 11682] Fragment out of the middle, l2in. by lin.; 12 + .... ..... - ..... lines. Forecasts(?). The contents seem to be similar to those of K. 2708; see above, p. 468, and Vol. II, p. xxII. [K. 11685] Portion out of the middle, 2 9,- in. by 1-7in.; traces of 4 + 14 + ..... + ..... lines. Omens derived from the motions of scorpions; of. supra, p. 582, K. 3974. [K. 11686]; Fragment of the left half, 1-in. by 1 in.;

Fragment of a letter. fSugm:IM.


+ 11 lines; Babylonian.

Mention is made of the temple Ay 3_-¢ [K. 11687]

Fragment of the right half, 1 in. by 1in.; 12 +.. forecasts concerning eclipses, etc.

lines. Astrological [K. 11688]

Left-hand corner, 1 in. by 1in.; 9 + ..... lines. Beginning of a SumeroAkkadian hymn, in the form of a litany, without an interlinear version. The first line, however, contains an Assyrian translation of the second:-

<-w> dY E -Yyk


t^ Ad ^Y Y

[K. 11689]

Fragment of the left half, 2in. by 15in.; 4 +..... lines; archaic Babylonian; not from Kouyunjik (?). Fragment of a historical text. [K. 11690] Fragment out of the middle, 2-in. by l in.; (....+) 4 6 + 8 18 (+ .) lines. Part of a text containing regulations for making offerings. [K. 11691] Fragment out of the middle, 11in. by I -in.; religious text.

6 + 9 lines.

Part of a [K. 11692]



Fragment of the upper portion, 1 -in. by lIin.; 5+5+2 lines; Babylonian. Part of a report(?). [K. 11693] Upper portion, right half, luin. by lin.; 17 + ....... . + 2 lines; Babylonian. Part of an address to the king, beginning:-Ž ' " t >-< T -4+ -j [ ].AY] [K. 11694] Fragment out of the middle, 1in in by . ; 0 . + ........ . lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. [K. 11695] Fragment of the right half, 2in. by l1,-in.; 10 + 8 + (right-hand edge) 1 lines. Part of an omen-text. [K. 11696] Fragment out of the middle, 2-in. by in.; 13 + 8 + 11 + 7 lines. Omens concerning incidents that may happen to men, etc. The sentences of Column II begin throughout with Y [K. 11697]


Fragment of the upper portion of reverse, l-in. by 1-in.; . ........ + 11 lines in double-columns. Part of a text containing grammatical paradigms. The subject matter is of a religious character. Mention is made of the (water of the) Euphrates (yit H -yyy >-4). [K. 11699] Fragment of the lower portion of reverse, 22in. by

End of an omen-text. ^



h RY 'rm





The catch-line reads:-G' -t y. yy --


Fragment out of the middle, lin. prayer.

by 15in.; 11 + .



yy -


[K. 11700]


Part of a [K. 11701]

Fragment of the right half, lin. by 1in.; ( .. + .. + ) 7 + 12 ( +..... + .. ) lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions for the performance of ceremonies and rites. [K. 11702] Fragment of the left half, 141 in. by 1in.;..+ 12 lines. Part of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies. [K. 11703] Fragment out of the middle, 15-in. by 1in.; .. + 12 lines. Part of a text containing forecasts concerning the ~, etc. [K. 11704] Fragment of the left half, 1-ain. by lin.; 7 + 6 lines. Part of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies. One paragraph begins:--+4- kt¥T -yo [' -"K. 11705] . * Partly effaced.




1 Fragment of the upper portion, 2in. by lin.; incantation-text.

Part of an [K. 11706]

1 + 5 lines.

Part of an incantation-text, [K. 11707]

Left-hand corner, 1- in. by lin.; 10 + 9 lines.

lines. Part Fragment out of the middle, 13iin. 1iin.; 15 +..... (.....) of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 11708]

+. Fragment out of the middle, 2 in. by 1 3in.; traces of 2 + 7 + .... prayers incantations, containing ..... Fragment of a text lines. One paragraph begins:--J-4- A-Y and directions for ceremonies. [K. 11709] -Y k Ad af^^y lines. Fragment out of the middle, 1min. by -1-in.; 9 +.....(.....) Fragment of a religious text. Mention is made of Babylon (_Y< kt;y; [K. 11710] <~j|). lines. Fore15 +.....(.....) Fragment of the left half, 1lin. by lin.; reads:--colophon-line A etc. casts concerning _t L and >-it, L; cf. supra, p. 579, K. 3951. - :v,;,L: v <© Ad2 k^

· ,~


Aly -+ j _ mA< A< T :<

> -t



ARTY s-w. TYR YTA<< < yT<<<


¥y<<< <snyy? 'V yy8<<<

Y<<< 4Ylo




-s"a t

y¥¥<<< 4y¥* , Ad 'W'L,!U-,-I:




This fragment appears to belong to the same tablet as K. 10681; cf. [K. 11713 + K. 12315]

supra, p. 1106. in.;..... Portion of the left half, 2}'in. by containing forecasts concerning the ~y [J, * Partly effaced.

18 lines. etc.

Part of a text [K. 11714]




Fragment out of the middle of a prismoid, 1.3 1 in.; 8 ........ lines. Part of an inscription of Assurbanipal. The text corresponds with that of Rm. 1 (q.v.), Column VI, lines 127 f. [K. 11715] Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by 15in.; 12 +..... lines. Omens derived from the condition of certain parts of the human body. Fragment out of the middle, 1Iin. by 1{in.; 11 +... omen-text.

. lines.

[K. 11716] Part of an [K. 11717]

Fragment out of the middle, 1-5in. by lin.; 10 +...... ... lines. Part of an inscription of Sennacherib. The text corresponds with Senn. Pr., Column I, lines 17 if. [K. 11718] Fragment of the right half, 2 in. by 1Iin.; 16 + 11 lines. containing astrological forecasts.

Part of a text [K. 11719]

Fragment out of the middle, 1- 6 in. by 1in.; 8 + ..... lines. Fragment of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of various stars. [K. 11720] Fragment out of the middle, 1Iin. by 1lvin.; 8 +.....(....) lines; Babylonian. Fragment of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of the moon. [K. 11721] Fragment of the right half, 2in. by lin.; 10 + 2 lines. Part of a prayer. [K. 11722] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by lin.; (.....+) 8 + ..... + . .) lines. Fragment of a text containing prescriptions and directions for c eremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. [K. 11723] Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by 1-in.; .... 6 lines. End of a text containing astrological forecasts. Of the catch-line only the middle part is visible :-.-( Y = i ,;'¥\ [K. 11724] Right half; lower portion, 2sin. by 1-- in.; 15 + traces of 8 lines. Part of an incantation-text. Mention is made of the goddesses b-4- Y [T4- ?], etc. [K. 11725] thy; m >-T* [-0 ?] and -+ Y< > Fragment out of the middle, 176 in. by 1-in.; 12 + .... lines. Part of a text containing forecasts concerning the it 'dy, etc. [K. 11726] Fragment out of the middle, 18in. by 1 in.; 10 + ... lines. Part of a religious text. [K. 11727]


Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1- in.; 8 +..... of a religious(?) text.


Fragment [K. 11728]

* Partly effaced.


7 N



..... + 9 lines. Omens derived Portion out of the middle, lin. by iin. from the appearances of certain animals in a man's house, etc. [K. 11729] "in. by 1iin.; 13 + 10 lines. Astrological l Portion of the right half, forecasts concerning eclipses, etc.; they partly relate to public affairs. [K. 11730] Fragment of the left half, 2in. by 1ain.; 19 + ..... lines. Omens derived [K. 11731] from the state of houses, the condition of their walls, etc. ..... + ..... +) 9 + Fragment of the left half, 1-in. by gin.; ..... lines. End of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. According to the colophon it belongs to the 2nd tablet of a Series. The catch-line [K. 11732] . d Ad 1 ^ reads:-l :4 Y 4 + 8 lines. Part of an ..... Fragment out of the middle, 1Hin. by 1in.; moon and sun, etc. the of observations concerning astrological text [K. 11733] Portion out of the middle, 1 in. by of a religious text.

lain.; 11 + 14 lines; Babylonian. Part [K. 11734]

Fragment of the right half, 1Hin. by lr in.; 14 + traces of 6 lines. Part of [K. 11735] a religious, or mythological, text. Fragment of the upper portion of one side, l1in. by 1I in.; 9 +..... lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts (....) taken from observations of the moon, etc.; they partly relate to <X T ?],\ a I public affairs. The text begins :-[11736] [K. >bd v Id Right-hand corner, 11;in. by houses.



9 in.; 8 + ...

Omens concerning [K. 11737]

5 + 1 . Fragment of the lower portion of one side, l1in. by 1-in.; ... lines. Fragment of a religious text, probably an extract from a [K. 11738] larger composition. 9 +) 15 ( .. + . Fragment of the left half, 2in. by 1 16 in.; 19 (+.....) of names of list explanatory an of Part lines in double-columns. mentioned:are stars stars. In lines 9 ff. of Column I the following



L T -A






Al A_- A


iaS 4 >>>T+ FiL-



[ H i] 11f

and )-T>+ -

[K. 11739]



in.; 8 + 8 lines; Babylonian. Fragment out of the middle, lin. by'1 observations of various stars; from taken forecasts Astrological they partly relate to public affairs. This fragment probably belongs <.' to a tablet of the great astrological work y 4-, r--4[K. 11740] Left-hand corner, 1 in. by 1-b-in.; 7 + 7 lines; Babylonian. Part of a text containing omens similar to those mentioned above, p. 568, K. 3821. * " rel="nofollow"> "-4-The text of reverse begins:-- ^y [K. 11741] '-Y

+.... +.... 17 +.... Portion out of the middle, 2 - in. by lin.; Part of a text containing incantations and directions for lines. [K. 11742] -¥ ,+*. ceremonies. One section ends with ^k ) lines. Fragment out of the middle, 2 in. by1lin.; 11 + .......... Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 11743] lines. Fragment out of the middle, 2 -bin. by 18in.; 6 +.......... Fragment of a text containing prescriptions and directions for [K. 11744] ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. + ) 6 lines. Part .... ..... Left-hand corner, 2-- 6in. by 1 in.; 10 + ( note by the scribe a to According of a copy of an incantation-text. the first four lines of the obverse were obliterated on the original. [K. 11745] Left-hand corner, 1 in. by 1in.; 7+7 lines; Babylonian. Omens derived from the stings of scorpions upon anyone of the five toes of the right or left foot, etc. Cf., e.g., obverse, lines 2 ff.:-

[Y] Ya


r ST ^ ae

>-L abv



'F V_ V


~artlV faceI






.t 8, K.



Y „f ST

[V tV We<]







^^l VV X $n >-<

X>-] Y


See also above, p. 582, IK. 3974.

[K. 11746]

* Partly effaced.

I X 2



Right half, lower portion, 2-in. by 1-3in.; 12 + 17 lines. forecasts concerning eclipses, etc.

Astrological [K. 11747]

Fragment of the upper portion, 1-in. by l1in.; 7 + ( .......... 1 lines. Fragment of a religious text.

+) [K. 11748]

Fragment of the right half, 1'.in. by 1in. .... +) 6 + 10 (+..... lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions for various medical potions. Cf. infra, p. 1252, K. 12587. [K. 11749] Fragment of the left half; 2--5in. by in.; .... + 14 lines; marginal number <. Forecasts concerning J= At and >- ~, etc. [K. 11750] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1 in.; 11 + ..... lines; Babylonian. Fragment of a text containing omens concerning houses, etc. [K. 11751] Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by in.; 8 +(..........)4 lines; Babylonian. Part of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies. [K. 11752] Right-hand corner, 2in. y 2in.; (.....) 10 + 3 (+.....) lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. [K. 11753] Left-hand corner, 1-in. by 1in.; traces of 5 + ( ..... Fragment of an incantation-text. Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by Fragment of a religious text.


6 lines. [K. 11754]

in.; ..... + 8 lines; Babylonian. [K. 11755]

Upper portion, right half, 2in. by 1 1in.; 9 + 3 lines.

Part of a prayer. [K. 11756]

Fragment out of the middle, 2-6in. by 1 9in.; (..........+ 5 lines. End of an incantation(?)-text. Of the catch-line only the middle part is visible :-: '>-+ -' , ' :: [K. 11757] Fragment of the left half, 1 -9in. by 3in.; 12 + 11 lines. Part of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies and rites. Two paragraphs begin:- 4- > -y, [K. 11758] Portion of the left half, 4in. by 2}in.; 32 + short beginnings of 11 lines. Omens concerning oxen, etc.; they partly relate to public affairs. This text appears to consist of extracts from a larger composition. Cf. supra, pp. 592, 1113, KK. 4073, 10780, etc. [K. 11759] *

Partly effaced.




Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 1jin. by 1 w1in.; ..... + 12 lines. Part of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies. [K. 11760] Left-hand corner, 2in. by l _-in.; 3 + 12 lines.

Part of a religious text.

Of the catch-line only the beginning is visible :-,>-- t



[K. 11761] Fragment out of the middle, 2 in. by 2in.; 15 + traces of 2 + ..... + ..... lines. Part of an incantation-text. One section ends with >>Yang T-3[X ][K. 11762] Fragment of the lower portion, 24in. by 2in.; (.... +) 10 +..... (+ ..... ) lines. Fragment of a text containing prayers to Samas and Rammdnm and directions for ceremonies and rites. [K. 11763] Fragment out of the middle, 2 in. by 1-1 6in.; 18 +.....(.... Astrological forecasts concerning rain-fall, etc.

) lines. [K. 11764]

Fragment of the right half, 11.1in. 1¼in.; b6.4 by 1 in.; .. _. 10 +..... astrological text.

Part of an [K. 11766]


Right-hand corner, 1in. by in.; (....+) 6 + 7 ( ..... ) lines. Part of a religious text. Cf. infra, p. 1228, K. 12229. [K. 11767] Fragment of the left half, 1-Iin. by 13in.; ..... + 17 lines. Part of a hymn to the Sun-god. [K. 11768] Fragment of the right half, 2in. by 1'in.; 8 + 7 lines; Babylonian. of a hymn to a goddess, with an interlinear Assyrian version. Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. l by 1in.; 10 + ..... religious text.


[K. 11769] lines. Part of a [K. 11770]

Left-hand corner, 1 in. by 18in.; 6 + (.... ...... +) 6 lines. Part of a text containing directions for ceremonies to be used by sick people, similar to those of K. 4075; see above, p. 592. The text of Column I begins :-YY4_ ]-] > Aj- - * [K. 11772] Fragment of the left half, lHin. by lin.; 17 + ........ lines (in double-columns). Part of a list of Assyrian words with similar meanings. [K. 11773] Right half, upper portion of reverse, 2iin. by lin.; .... + 10 lines. Part of an omen-text concerning the chances of a sick man's recovery. [K. 11774] Partly effaced.




14 lines. End Fragment out of the middle, 3in. by l1in.; ( .... ).....+ Of the catch-line only the middle part is of an incantation-text. [K. 11775] YM visible :-iiiMf< lines. Part Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by 1?3in.; 9 + .......... of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. One section ends with


[K. 11776]


Fragment out of the middle, 13in. by 1 in.; religious text.

9 + 6 lines.

Part of a [K. 11777]

6 Fragment of the upper portion, l in. by 1 in.; (.....+) paragraphs.t in hymns containing text of a lines. Part

) 4 (+.... [K. 11778]

9 .......... Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by 1 in.; 13 double (?)-columns. Part of an explanatory(?) text.

lines in [K. 11779]

+ 5 lines. Fragment of the lower portion of reverse, 1in. by 1in.; ..... End of an omen-text forming, according to the colophon, a tablet of , and the 19th tablet of the Series I <*_ the Series [I 7 I?] >-te <_> _ dHd <-- 7 A?]. A comparison of V a L- [Wt the colophon with that of K. 3962 (see above, p. 581) shows that K. 11780 formed the 5th tablet of the former Series. Of the catch-line 1 -Y ¥ only the middle part is visible :---",,\\ 11780] [K. ?]^^T[T= A 12 + + traces +..... Fragment out of the middle, lin. by 1 1 in.; .... begins:section One forecasts. containing text a of 1 lines. Part of [K. 11781] , ,,T ' ¥ T-Y - 4 T
f Cf. supra, p. 436, note *.



Fragment of the right half, 2in. by 1-in.; (.....+) 7 4 (+.....) lines; Babylonian. Part of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies. [K. 11785] Right half, upper portion of reverse, 23in. by l--bin.; ..... _ 7 + +.... 2 lines. Part of a list of names of stones, probably used to produce magical results. [K. 11786] Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by l-in.; 11 + .... lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of

the star


i=, etc.; they partly relate to public affairs. [K. 11787]

Fragment out of the middle, 1- in. by l in.; 14 + .... . lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of people suffering from diseases of the ears. [K. 11788] Fragment out of the middle, 15in. by 1 in.; 11 + ...... lines. Part of an incantation-text. Duplicate of K. 4803 (see above, p. 664), obverse, lines 15 ff. LK. 11789] Fragment of the right half, 13-in. by 1Lin.; Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king. Right-hand corner, text.


by lin.; ....

traces of 4+10 lines; [K. 11790]

+ 13 lines.

Fragment out of the middle, 2Lin. by lin.; 13 + ..... omen-text.

Part of a religious [K. 11791] lines.

Part of an [K. 11792]

Left-hand corner, 1in. by in. 1-in.; 10 + (, .. +...... +) 9 lines. Part of an incantation-text which appears to belong to a tablet of the

Series ! S -


[K. 11793]

Fragment of the right half, l1in. by 1tin.; traces of 6 + 8 lines. Omens concerning houses, etc. [K. 11794] Fragment of the lower portion of one side, l1in. by 1-bin.; (.... +) 12 + . (+.. ) lines. Part of an omen(?)-text. [K. 11795] Fragment out of the middle, lin.

by 1-5in.; 12



of a religious text. Fragment out of the middle, l-yin Part of a prayer.



[K. 11796] by

-1 in,;

12 + .* .....

lines. [K. 11797]



lines. Part in. by 1in.; 9 +..........) Fragment out of the middle, of a text containing directions for ceremonies and rites, etc. [K. 11798] lines; Babylonian. Portion out of the middle, 1 15in. by -fill. 21 +.... Part of a letter to the king concerning public affairs. Mention is made [K. 11799] * [ ?]. Y> . * -l of the land of + 7 + (right-hand edge) 1 lines; .in...... Right-hand corner, 1 in. by l [K. 11800] Babylonian. Part of a private contract. Portion out of the middle, 1- 6 in. by 1-Ylin.; ..... + 10 lines. Part of a [K. 11801] }. letter. Mention is made of the city of >-- * - -Left-hand corner, 1Hin. by l1in.; 3 + 4 lines.

Part of a hymn. [K. 11802]

+) 9 lines. Fragment of the left half, lin. by 3in.; ... ceremonies for directions and prescriptions text containing Part of a to be used for the benefit of people suffering from diseases of the eyes. [K. 11803] The paragraphs begin usually with Y ,_: <¥-yy k. Fragment of the right half, 1-9in. by 1in.; lines. Part of a religious text.


) 11 + 6 ( .... [K. 11804]

lines. Frag1 3in. by lin.; 8 +....... l Fragment out of the middle, ment of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies [K. 11805] to be used for the benefit of sick people. Fragment of the upper portion, 1'5 in.; 5 + 6 lines. Part of a ,* text containing forecasts. Mention is made of y -_>_y >- - < [K. 11806] probably the owner of this tablet. +..... .. Fragment out of the middle, linm. by 1 in.; 12 lines (in double-columns). Part of an explanatory list.

... + [K. 11807]

+....+ Fragment out of the middle of reverse, 1 in. by l- in. ..... 12 + 1 lines. Part of an astrological text. The sentences begin with Gl Gi and V respectively. ,, Y¶, Y ,VI, < ^ - <:t: A--= 4- ¢_ ~ [K. 11808] + 14 + 11 + Fragment out of the middle, 1min. by l15in.; ...... K. 3846. 570, p. cf. supra, etc.; >-Yt, the concerning lines. Forecasts [K. 11809] Portion of the right half, 2-76 in. by l1in.;..... cerning houses, etc. * Partly effaced.

20 lines.

Omens con[K. 11810]



Fragment out of the middle, l}in. by 1]in.; 12 + .... omen-text concerning the sick.


Part of an [K. 11811]

Fragment of the lower portion, lin. by 1-5in.; 9 + .. ... (... .) lines. Fragment of a religious(?) text. [K. 11812] Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by 1-8in.; 5 + ... Fragment of a text containing forecasts.

. lines; Babylonian. [K. 11813]

Fragment out of the middle, 15-in. by 1 3in.; 10 +......... lines. Part of a mythological text. The contents seem to be similar to those of K. 2148 (see above, p. 413), K. 8337 (p. 917), K. 10951 (p. 1126), etc. [K. 11814] Left-hand corner, lin.

by -11in.; 7 +.....


containing a list of prayers; it begins:----

Fragment of a text

< ,-+ A-y ~11815]


¥-- i-,t,>',.

Fragment out of the middle, 1 - in. by 1-,'in.; ..... + 9 lines; Babylonian.

Part of an astrological text concerning observations of various stars, e.g., the

--* ->4-





T,, etc.

T a

[K. 11816]

Fragment of the left half, 1 in. bytin.; 13 + 10 lines. Fragment of a prayer. [K. 11817] Fragment out of the middle, lin. by -hin.; 6 +..... + ... lines. Fragment of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies; it forms the 2nd part of the Series -- r-


Duplicate of K. 2423 (see above, p. 442), Column I, lines 26 ff.

[K. 11819] Fragment out of the middle, 23in. by lin.; 7 +.....(....)

Fragment of a religious text. Lower portion, left half, 31in. by 2

3 in.;


[K. 11820] 3 + 2 +4 lines. Part of a historical

inscription of an Assyrian king. Nearly complete, 2-gin. by 1-l-in.; 11 + 6 lines.

[K. 11821] Letter to the king from

Y,-V <<(. Mention is made of the city of -- - >-+. [K. 11822] Lower portion, 21in. by lin.; 6 lines; reverse blank; from Kal'at Sherkat. Part of a list of proper names of persons, etc.; it may belong to a private contract. [K. 11823] Fragment of the lower portion, 2-g9in. by I in.; traces of 1 + 6 lines; Babylonian. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts; they partly relate to public affairs. [K. 11824] * Partly effaced. VOL. II.

7 o



Left-hand corner, 1- in. by la-in.; 8 + 6 lines. >-TV, etc.; cf. supra, p. 570, K. 3846. 1

Upper portion, right half, by prayer.

Forecasts concerning the [K. 11826]

- %in.; 9 +......lines.

Part of a [K. 11827]

Fragment out of the middle, lIin. by 1- -in.; ...... + 7 lines. End of a religious text. Of the catch-line only the middle part is visible:'.s;<


[K. 11828]

Y f-,,,

+ ..... ..... Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by lin.; 13 +.....+ lines. Part.of a text containing incantations and directions for ,---. [K. 11829] ceremonies. Two sections end with -JI + 8 lines. End of a Fragment of the right half, 2in. by lin.; ..... Sumero-Akkadian prayer. Of the catch-line only the end is visible:[K. 11831] '" -Y <-: " Fragment out of the middle, 1

5 lines.

by Tin.

-in.; ...




Fragment of a text containing directions for ceremonies. [K. 11832]

Fragment of the upper portion of reverse, 1in. by Fragment of a religious text.

ain.; .....

+ 5 lines. [K. 11833]

Left half, upper portion, 2- in. by 2jin.; 13 + 4 lines. Astrological forecasts, probably belonging to a tablet of the great astrological work < gy <<« The catch-line reads:- [¥ -] - ~- -T[yTY. y [K. 11834] ,; . E Y TY <¢ A-4 ts Fragment of the right half, 1in. by 1 in.; ..... + 10 lines. Part of a religious text connected with the worship of various gods. [K. 11835] + 10 lines. Fragment of the upper portion of reverse, lin. by 13in.; ..... K. 3951 of those to similar forecasts Part of a text containing [K. 11836] (see above, p. 579), etc. + 10 lines; Babylonian. in.; ..... Fragment out of the middle, Tl-in. by [K. 11839] Part of an astrological text concerning eclipses, etc. Left-hand corner, 1- in. by 1lin.; 8 + 6 lines; Babylonian. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of the [K. 11840] A* V* etc. ---+ aplanets 4---+--< and lines. ..... Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by l 5 in.; 4 + 7 +..... Omens derived from the condition of the urine; cf. supra, p. 583, [K. 11841] K. 3980. * Partly effaced,


Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1in.;


1199 +

10 lines.

concerning cities, etc.


[K. 11842]

Fragment out of the middle, 11in. by lin.; 7 + ..... lines. Fragment of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of the moon. [K. 11843] Fragment out of the middle, n. byin.l. 1Fragment of a religious text.


lies. [K. 11844]

Fragment out of the middle, l- in. by 1-ain.; ..... + 10 lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts. [K. 11845] Fragment of the right half, 1-in. by Sin.; (.....+) traces of 8 + 14 (+ .... ) lines. Part of a religious text. [K. 11846] Fragment out of the middle, 1--in. by 1lin.; . ......... 12 +... lines. Part of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of people suffering from diseases of the eyes. Duplicate of K. 2573 (see above, p. 455), K. 5000 (p. 682), etc. The text corresponds with that of W.A.I. IV, 2nd ed., pl. 29* (cf. Add., p. 8), No. 4 C, reverse, Column I, lines 17 if. See also below, p. 1211, K. 12000 p. [K. 11847] Fragment of the left half, lin. by 1 in.; 17 ..... lines. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of the moon; they partly relate to public affairs. [K. 11848] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1l-in.; 8 + .... lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king. [K. 11849] Fragment out of the middle, 2 in. by fin.; ..... religious text.

+ 7 lines.

Part of a [K. 11850]

Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 1 -6-in. by lin.; ..... + 5 lines. Part of a text containing forecasts concerning the ,A , etc. [K. 11851] Fragment of the right half, 18in. by 1lin.; (.... +)... + 12 (+.... .) lines. Fragment of an incantation-text, part of which has an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 11852] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1 ih.; 10 + ... . lines. Forecasts, partly relating to public affairs. [K. 11853] Fragment out of the middle, 1ain. by 1lin.; 10 + ..... lines; Babylonian. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts. [K. 11854] Fragment of the left half, l1in. by 1in.; .... + 11 lines. Part of a text containing forecasts. The lines begin with >.-< >y, or <3Z__ or ,¢_fT, ,_ respectively. [K. 11855] 7 2




lines. Part Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by l1in.; 8 + .......... In lines 7 version. Assyrian of a religious text with an interlinear and 8 mention is made of the Akkadian language:-

[K. 11856]

Cf. infra, Sm. 1190 and 81-7-27, 130. lines.

Fragment out of the middle, 1Hin. by sin.; 9 + .... Sumero-Akkadian hymn.

Part of a [K. 11857]

lines. Part of a Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by lin.; 10 +..... text containing omens derived from the condition of the mouth and lips.

Three sentences begin, after k, with Y -¢p--



A [K. 11858]

+......... ..... Fragment out of the middle, 25in. by 1 56 in.; 12 + lines. Fragment of a religious(?) text. The lines end throughout [K. 11859] _Iv_. y with E j 14 lines. Omens, probably Fragment of the left half, lin. by in.; ..... belonging to a tablet of the Series < -. The sentences begin with YH -EY-cy], etc. Fragment out of the middle, 2-- in. by l in.; 9 + .... Part of an astrological text. Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by 1 in. Fragment of a religious text.

.. ....+ [K. 11861]

lines; Babylonian. [K. 11862]

1 +..........

lines. [K. 11863]

+ 8 (+.....) +) Fragment of the right half, 2 in. by 1 in.; (..... lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for [K. 11864] ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. + 8 +...... Fragment of the lower portion, 1-'in. by 1-7in.; ... lines. Part of a list of objects and of the names of their owners; [K. 11865] it probably refers to offerings to a temple. Fragment of the right half, 1 in. by 1 1in.; 7 +.......... ment of a list of names of officials. Right-hand corner, 13in. by 1-1in.; 11 + 3 lines. mythological text. * Partly effaced.

lines. Frag[K, 11866]

Beginning and end of a [K. 11867]



Fragment of the left half, 1lin. by lin.; 6 + (....... + .+) 12 lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremnonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. Two sections begin with 'Y

[K. 11868]

-< * [T!yyr?].

Fi (S
Right half, upper portion, 2in. by lin.; 5 + 5 + 1 lines. Part of an astrological text. In the colophon mention is made of Assurbanipal

(Y ¥-V

[K. 11869]


Fragment of the right half, 1lyin. by 1l-3in.; 10 + 6 lines. cerning incidents that may happen to men, etc.

Omens con[K. 11870]

Fragment of the left half, 2¼in. by 7in.; 15 + 12 lines; Babylonian. Part of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies. [K. 11871] Fragment of the right half, 2in. by 11iYin.; 10 + 11 lines. of objects.

Part of a list [K. 11872]

Upper portion, right half, 1 in. by 1 1in.; 12 + traces of 4 lines; Babylonian. Omens concerning incidents that may happen to men, etc. [K. 11873] Left-hand corner, l1in. by l1in.; ..... + 7 + 2 lines. End of a SumeroAkkadian prayer. The catch-line and a preceding colophon-line read:n'
TMY M ST % YYv >

< C

Fragment of the left half, 1Tin. by 1 in.; 8 + 4 lines.

[K. 11874] Part of a report. [K. 11875]

Fragment of the right half, 1-9 in. by lin.; 7 + ..... lines. Fragment of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies. A colophon-line reads:--[_ [-Go >b i fT~Y, _] "- * -

T- f-.

[K. 11876]

Fragment out of the middle, by 1i;in.; 1.

es. Astrological

forecasts taken from observations of the planet i

d-_ -< f ~-, etc.

[K. 11877] Fragment of the right half, Iin. by l1in.; 10 + 6 lines. containing forecasts.

Part of a text [K. 11878]

Fragment of the lower portion, lin. by in.; 5 + ..... lines. Part of a religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 11879] * Partly effaced.





lines. Part Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1-7in.; 1 + ........ ceremonies for directions of a text containing prescriptions and [K. 11880] to be used for the benefit of sick people. lines. Part of an Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by lin.; 15 + .... omen-text; its contents appear to be similar to those of K. 9202, [K. 11881] K. 11115, K. 11545, etc.; see above, pp. 992, 1139, 1175. Fragment of the right half, 2in. by containing forecasts.


Part of a [K. 11883]

+ 9 lines.

Part of a [K. 11884]

Fragment out of the middle, 1sin. by 1-in.; 12 + .. religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version. Fragment of the right half, l religious text.

Part of a text [K. 11882]

in.; 13 + 13 lines.

. by

in. i.;.....

Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by l1in.; 14 + traces of 1 lines; Astrological forecasts, partly relating to public Babylonian. affairs. This fragment probably belongs to a tablet of the great astro[K. 11885] -TY[. -4- ' logical work y +) ...... Fragment out of the middle, l3in. by 11}in.; 12 + (.. for directions and prescriptions containing a text of Part 7 lines. 11886] [K. ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. +) 22 lines; ) + (..... Portion of the left half, 3f in. by jin.; 18 (+ ..... prayers. including Babylonian. Regulations for making offerings, [K. 11887] Right-hand corner, 2-6in. by lin.; 5 + ..... logical text.

Part of an astro[K. 11888]


lines. Part of . by by in. ; 10 + ... Fragment of the lower portion, l the eyes, nose of condition a text containing omens derived from the and hair of a new-born child. Cf., e.g., lines 2 f.:-



at- ]

E[-01 to]


[>4 =Y]








6 , 2-

o: ).:-);;


E- sT I v TO-Ui <^ T- I- A Tg n11TT > -M My y v 1>F T y X NTV \?Sx
u v <

YY4 YT<^ a _Es

etc. According to a colophon-line it is an extract from a tablet of the [K.- 11889] Series -< v- Ve-. See also below, p. 1212, K. 12001. * Partly effaced.



Fragment of the right half, 1in. by 1in.; ( ..... . +) 8 ... (+ lines in double-columns. Part of an explanatory list arranged in groups according to the roots of the Assyrian words. The words in Section I belong to V/bt2 ' to wash.' [K. 11890] Fragment out of the middle, ljin. by liin.; ..... +.....+ traces of 3 + 11 lines. Part of a text containing incantations and prayers. [K. 11891] 5 (+.....) lines. [K. 11892]

Right-hand corner, 1lin. by l-5in.; (.....).... + Fragment of a hymn. Fragment out of the middle, 1 -in. of a religious(?) text.

by 1 in.; 8 +.....


Fragment [K. 11893]

Fragment of the left half, 2 fin. by lin.; 11 +.....(... .) lines; Babylonian. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts. One

section begins :--y




[K. 11894]

Right-hand corner, 2jin. by jin.; 16 + ....


Part of an omen-text. [K. 11896]

Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by l-in.; .. ... text containing astrological forecasts. Left-hand corner, 11in. by lin.;


.+ 7 lines.

+ 13 lines.

Part of a [K. 11897]

Part of a list of officials.

[K. 11898] Right-hand corner, l-in. by l-sin.; (.....+) 8 + 7 (+....) lines. Part of a text containing forecasts similar to those of K. 3951 (see above, p. 579), etc. [K. 11899] Fragment of the right half, l-in. by l1in.; 9 + 2 lines.

to Istarof Arbela; cf. reverse, line 2:

[ rel="nofollow">--+?] <WY

Fragment of the right half, 2§in. by liin.; 17 + . . . religious text.

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1n. in 7 +....

Part of a hymn Y - -+ * [
lines; Babylonian.

Fragment of a religious(?) text. Fragment of the right half, 2¼in. by 1lin.;

Part of a [K. 11901] [K. 11902]



+) 9 +...


. ...

lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. According to a colophon-line it appears to belong to a tablet of the Series Y>Mo
Partly effaced.




Fragment of the right half; 2in. by lin.; .... + 16 lines; Babylonian. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of various stars. This fragment may belong to a tablet of the great astrological work YT




[K. 11905]

Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by 1¼in.; 8 +..........) Part of a Sumero-Akkadian religious text.

lines. [K. 11906]

Fragment out of the middle, ly-in. by 1'in.; 10 + .(.....) lines. Fragment of a religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 11907] Fragment of the lower portion of reverse, 2lin. by lin.; . ..... + .. + 4 lines. End and colophon of a religious text; cf. lines 2 f.

+- t Y b4 -Y7 ,ig>v EB!y



O' -4+ InVY*




·k HY A i> <<« Yn5- ; Yy -+ 4.

[K. 11908]

Fragment out of the middle, 1- in. by 1Iin. 9 + ...... . lines. Part of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies. [K. 11909] Fragment of the right half, 11- in. by lin.; 9 + . . . lines. Omens concerning incidents that may happen to men. [K. 11910] Fragment out of the middle, liin. by 1-bin.; .... + 10 lines; Babylonian. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts; it probably belongs

to a tablet of the great astrological work ¥



- L:y T

:V [K. 11911]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1- in.; 66 + 11 +



Babylonian. Forecasts concerning the H, etc.

[K. 11912]

Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by lin.; 11 ±. .... omen-text.

lines. Part of an [K. 11913]

Upper half, lwin. by 15in.; 3 + 4 lines. Part of a list of objects. Lines 3 and 4 of the reverse contain the sum total : F <<<E7 rM




> GV



[K. 11914]

Fragment out of the middle, l-ain. by l1in.; 9 + . . lines. Fragment of a hymn, part of which has an interlinear Assyrian version, [K. 11915]



Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1- -in.; 11 ........... lines. Part of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of people suffering from diseases of the ears. [K. 11916] Fragment out of the middle, 1Hin. by lin. ; 6 +.... lines. Part of a text containing forecasts. [K. 11919] Fragment of the right half, 1 in. by 13in.; (. .. ) 7 + traces of 3 (+.....) lines. Part of a religious text. [K. 11920] Fragment out of the middle, 2-, in. by -- in.; ... .+ 14 lines. Part of a letter, or report.

~4 >,b)

Mention is made of the city of

Right-hand corner, l1in. by 1in.; .... a hymn.

.- >-ty [K. 11921]

>-T* *

etc. Mention is made of

+ 11 lines.



End and colophon of +-. The colophon


>e >vY1 \



>-E ^


\YYa; cf. S p ra,

p. 483, K. 2862, K. 2863, K. 2864, etc. Fragment of the right half, 1 9in. by l-5in.; .... text containing forecasts.

[K. 11922] + 12 lines.

Part of a [K, 11923]

Portion of the right half, lHin. by +-6in.; 11 + 10 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king. Mention is made of the temple H nyd Yy. [K. 11924] Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by l- in.; traces of 1 + 7 + 6 + ..... lines. Forecasts concerning iy E and ~g, etc. [K. 11925] Fragment of the left half, lin. by 176in.; ... .... ..... + 9 lines in double-columns. Part of an explanatory list belonging to a tablet of the Series <_-Y e _ _y. Duplicate of K. 4230 (see above, p. 607), Column IV, lines 19 ff. [K. 11926] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. lby 1 3 in.; ..... + 9 lines. Fragment of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of various stars. [K. 11927] Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by lin.; (..... +) 7 + .. ..... + ) lines in double-columns. Part of a list of names of deities, beginning throughout with -[K. 11928] Fragment of the right half, 1 }3in. by 1'in.....+ 11 lines. Part of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies. )uplicate of K. 2487 (see above, p. 447), reverse, lines 10 if. [K. 11929] * Partly effaced.


7 P



Portion out of the middle, l-in. by l-3in.; 7 + 5 lines. Part of a letter, or report. Mention is made of Y j' - t A -d-Yd a-d, etc. [K. 11930] Fragment of the right half, 1-7in. by 1in.; 14 Part of an incantation-text.



) lines. [K. 11931]

Upper portion, 1lin. by 1Iin.; 7 + 8 2 lines. Part of a report. Mention is made of the city of [-y] Zt * 4- Y, etc. [K. 11933] Fragment of the right half, 13in. by 1l-in.; .... ...... 13 + .... lines. Part of a text containing regulations for making offerings. [K. 11934] Fragment of the left half, 5in. by 1iin.; 11 . ........ ) lines. Part of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies. [K. 11935] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by in.; 7 + .......... lines. Fragment of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. [K. 11936] Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by 1-g-in.; 7 +.....(.....) Fragment of a list of names of persons, etc.

lines. [K. 11937]

Fragment of the upper portion of one side, l1in. by 4in.; 5 + ..... 1 lines; Babylonian. Fragment of a religious text. [K. 11938] lines. Part of a Fragment out of the middle, la-in. by l1in.; 12 ±+ .... text containing omens concerning diseases of women, etc. [K. 11939] lines. Fragment Fragment out of the middle, l1-5in. by lin.; 9 + ..... [K. 11940] of a religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version. in.; ..... + 3 + 10 + traces of 1 Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by lines. Part of a list of objects, etc., probably offerings to a temple. [K. 11941] + 2 + 2 lines.

Left-hand corner, 31 in. by a text containing forecasts(?). Left-hand corner, 1


in. by 1lin.; .....

+ 4 lines.

Fragment of [K. 11942]

Fragment of a hymn.

[K. 11943] Right-hand corner, 1½in. by lin.; 11 + omen-text.

. .


Beginning of an [K. 11944]

Fragment of the right half, 1-in. by sin.; traces of 6 + 8 lines; Babylonian. [K. 11945] End of a text containing forecasts. *

Partly effaced.




Fragment of the right half, 18in. by 19in.; .... + 11 lines. astrological text concerning ,y E_ and i4-, etc. Right-hand corner, l1in. by l1in.; 8 + 6 lines. forecasts.

Part of an [K. 11946]

Part of a text containing [K. 11947]

Right-hand corner, 11 in. by 15in.; 9 + ... logical text.


Part of an astro[K. 11948]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1-5 6 in.; 12 +.... Fragment of a religious text. Fragment of the left half, 1in. by lin.; 9 + .....



) lines. [K. 11949]

Part of a prayer.

[K. 11950] Fragment of the left half, Iin. by 1 5 in.; 10 text containing incantations and prayers. Right-hand corner, 1 in. by religious text.

in.; ....




+ 10 lines.

Part of a [K. 11951]

Fragment of a [K. 11952]

Fragment out of the middle, lin. by l15in.; ..... + 8 + ..... +..... lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. Duplicate of K. 4872 (see above, p. 670), Column II, lines 36 ff. This fragment probably belongs to the same tablet as K. 5069; cf. supra, p. 687. [K. 11953] Fragment of the right half, 2in. by 1-in.; 9 + 5 lines. text.

Part of an omen[K. 11954]

Left-hand corner, 1in. by ly1in.; 7 + . ... + ( ) ..... + 3 + 7 lines. Part of a list of persons of various nationalities, etc. E.g., lines 1 ff. of the last Column read:-y
2n « I T> AT >YY Y

?< In T I YT ^>T -

Y V, etc.


^P -

+ yw


In Column I mention is made of

f <( q A >yT. See also below, K. 13079. [K. 11955] Lower portion, left half, 1 lin. by "in.; 7 + 5 lines. Part of a text containing directions for ceremonies and rites. [K. 11956] Fragment out of the middle, D in. by 1 in.; 8 + lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. [K. 11957] Fragment of the left half, 1lin. by Iin.; 10 + ..... lines; Babylonian; not from Kouyunjik (?). Fragment of a religious(?) text. [K. 11958] Fragment of the right half, 1 in. by 1

in.; .....


+ 11 lines.

Part of an [K. 11959]


Partly effaced.

7 P2



Part of a private contract. [K. 11960] lines. Fragment ..... Fragment out of the middle, 2-7 in. by 13 in.; 6 [K. 11961] of a text containing directions for ceremonies and rites. Right-hand corner, 1lin. by l1Iin.; 6 +4 lines.

3 lines in +.....+.....+ Left-hand corner, 1in. by lin.; ..... double-columns. Colophon of an explanatory list forming the 25th [ ><] Cf. BEZOLD, tablet of the Series ' _ [K. 11962] Zeits., 1889, p. 431. lines. Fragment out of the middle, 11in. by l I in.; 16 + ..... (.....) Part of a text containing astrological forecasts; they partly relate [K. 11963] to public affairs. + 13 lines. Part of an Fragment out of the middle, lain. by 1 in.; .... omen-text. This fragment may belong to the same tablet as K. 6884; [K. 11964] see above, p. 816. in. by

Fragment out of the middle, 1 concerning houses, etc.

in.; 12 + ....

lines. Omens [K. 11965]

) lines. Part Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1 in.; 9 +. ..... of a religious text referring to the worship of the god Nergal

[K. 11966]

(m -O T). Lower portion, 2-sTin. by {3'in.; 4 + 3 lines; Kouyunjik. Part of a private contract. Fragment of the left half, 1lin. by 1-


in.; ( .....

Babylonian; not from [K. 11967] ).....+

9 lines.


of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies. [K. 11969] ,,--, . y, The catch-line reads :---+ , + 13 lines, AstroFragment out of the middle, 11in. by 1in.; .... logical forecasts taken from observations of various stars. [K. 11970] ..... Fragment out of the middle, 1-96-in. by lin.; 12 + 8 +....+ [K. 11971] lines; Babylonian. Part of an incantation-text.

+ 2 lines. ..... + ..... Fragment of the left half, lin. by 1-1 1in.; 15 Astrological forecasts taken from observations of the stars AT---- ,- etc. [K. 11972] 4+ YY and _ - y L, _ lines. Omens derived Fragment of the left half, 2 in. by in.; 16 + .... from the movements and flickerings of a lamp; cf. supra, pp. 594, 1087, K. 4097, K. 10423, and infra, pp. 1217, 1226, K. 12077, K. 12191, etc. [K. 11973] _) v (v). The sentences begin with y ~~y (: *

Partly effaced.



Left half, l 3 in. by 1in.; ....

+ 7 lines.

Fragment of a report. [K. 11974]

Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by 1- 7in.; 10 + .....

lines; Babylonian. Part of a religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 11976]

Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by l1in.; 7 +..... hymn in the form of a litany. Left-hand corner,


by 11in.; 7 + 4 lines.

Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by Part of a prayer.


Part of a [K. 11977]

Part of a hymn. [K. 11978]

1in.; 7


Fragment of the right half, l-7-in. by 1lin.; 12 + concerning houses, etc. Fragment of the upper portion of one side, lin. lines. Part of a religious text.

......... ....


)lines. [K. 11979] Omens [K. 11980]

by l¼in.; 10 + ..... [K. 11981]

Fragment of the right half, 1 in. by 1-T3 in.; ..... + 12 lines. Part of an omen-text concerning incidents that may happen to men, etc. [K. 11982] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 13in.; 11+. .. .. .. . lines. Astrological forecasts taken fiom observations of the wind, etc. [K. 11983] Left-hand corner, l-in. by 1in.; .... + 7 lines. Fragment of a text containing prayers, part of which has an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 11984] Fragment out of the middle, lin. by 1-y- 6in.; 5 + 2 lines; Babylonian; not from Kouyunjik(?). Part of a list. [K. 11985] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 116 in.; 8 +. ... (.....) lines (in double-columns?). Part of a text containing grammatical paradigms. The subject matter appears to be of an astrological character. LK. 11986] Fragment out of the middle, 1- f in. by 1 in.; (......... + 10 lines. Astrological forecasts for the month Tisri; they partly relate to public affairs. [K. 11987] Right-hand corner, 1 in.; 7 +.... ginning of a hymn.


Babylonian. Be[K. 11988]

Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by 1 %3in.; 10 + .. . . lines. Part of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies. [K. 11989]




Fragment ont of the middle, 1- in. by 1-L6in.; 7 + ......... of an incantation-text.

ines. Part [K. 11990]

Fragment out of the middle, 15in. by gin.; 5 +.......... lines. Fragment of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. [K. 11991] Left-hand corner, 1-l7in. by lin.; 6 +.....lines. cantation-text.

Beginning of an in[K. 11992]

Fragment of the left half, 1-3 in. 6 by l in.; 9 + (.....+.....+..... lines. Part of a text containing incan tations, prayers and directions for ceremonies. [K. 11993] Fragment of the lower portion of reverse, 1 in. by 1 in.; .... + 10 lines. End of a text containing forecasts. [K. 11994] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1l-in.; 11 + ..... lines. Part of an incantation-text.



+ ... ... [K. 11995]

Fragment out of the middle, lin. by l11 in.; 12 + 5 +..... lines. Part of an omen-text; cf. supra, p. 555, K. 3685.

+..... [K. 11996]

Left-hand corner, 1in. by in.; ..... + 10 lines. Omens derived from the appearances of various animals, or of dead people, probably seen in a dream or vision. [K. 11997] Portion out of the middle, 1in. by lin.; ..... concerning religious subjects.

11 lines.

Part of a letter [K. 11998]

Fragment of the lower portion, 1in. by 1 3in.; 9 +..........) lines. Part of a text containing forecasts concerning the ~g, etc. [K. 11999] Left-hand corner, 1 g-in. by lin.; 8 + (....... +) 6 lines. Part of a hymn to the Sun-god. [K. 12000] Fragment of the left half, lin. by 8in.; 6 +...... lines. Epigraphs, similar to those of K. 2674 (see above, p. 464 f.), referring to the campaign of Assurbanipal against Ti'umman, king of Elam. Fragment out of the middle, 3in. byL in.; 7 + ... lines. a mythological legend. Mention is made of r-
[K. 12000 a] Fragment of

[K. 12000 b] Fragment of the left half, 1 1-ain. by 1 in.; .. . +. 7 lines. End of a mythological legend belonging, according to the colophon, to the 1st tablet of the Series Y -"x.The catch-line reads:>[K. 12000 c] Fly Ad



Fragment out of the middle, lsin. b; by 1 1in. ..... + 11 lines. Part of an astrological text. Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 2

+... traces of 3 [K. 12000d]

-in. by 11in.;


+ 8 lines.

Omens concerning the chances of a sick man's recovery, etc. [K. 12000 g] Fragment of the left half, lin. by lain.; 10 + ..... forecasts for Sivan and another month.


Astrological [K. 12000 h]

Fragment out of the middle, lin. by in.; 7 +... ment of a text containing forecasts.


) lines. Frag[K. 12000i]

Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by in.; ..... + 6 + . ... + + ..... + ..... lines. Fragment of an incantation. The text belongs to the 5th tablet of the Series Yot d ^ i.itil. ., [K. 12 0 00 q] F

Eight fragments varying from lin. by lin. to -- in. by to 3 lines. Parts or fragments of hemerologies.


and from 5 + 8 [K. 12000 r-y]

Fragment out of the middle, 1- in. by l1-3in.; 7 + 11 +..... +..... lines. Part of an incantation-text similar to that of K. 2390, etc.; cf. s9upra, p. 439. [K. 12000 z]

12 12


Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by lin.; ..... +.....+ 7 +..... lines. Fragment of a text containing incantations with an interlinear Assyrian version. Duplicate of K. 111; see above, p. 29. The text corresponds with that of W.A.I. IV, 2nd ed., pl. 15 *, lines 2, b if. [K. 12000 bb] + 6 + 5 ..... Fragment of the lower portion, 1 -in. by lin.; .... lines. Fragment of a text containing incantations with an interlinear Assyrian version. Duplicate of K. 3169 (see above, p. 510), Column III, [K. 12000 cc] lines 5 ff.; cf. W.A.I. IV, 2nd ed., Additions, p. 1. Fragment of the upper portion, 11 5in. by lin.; 6 + ..... lines. Part of a text containing omens derived from the condition of the eyes of a new-born nV : This child; it begins:-[-<] Y H -< 4 t- . + 9 lines. Part of an astroUpper portion of reverse, 2in. by 1in; .... [K. 12004 + K. 12006] logical report concerning public affairs. Fragment out of the middle, 2jin. by Part of a letter.

in.; 12 + .....

lines; Babylonian. [K. 12007]

Fragment out of the middle of a prismoid, 3-6in. by 1in.; 6 + ......... Fragment of an inscription of Assurbanipal. The text lines. corresponds with that of Rm. 1 (q.v.), Column III, lines 54 if. [K. 12008] lines. FragFragment out of the middle, 2 in. by 1in.; 7 + ...... ment of an inscription of Tiglathpileser I. The text corresponds with that of K. 1621 a (see above, p. 320), Column I, lines 9 if.

[K. 12009] Fragment out of the middle, 2 6 in. by I-3in.; 7 + .... of a letter, or report. *


Fragment [K. 12010]

According to the indication of the scribe these lines should follow line 2 of reverse.



Firagment of the left half, -lin. by 11in.; 11 + 7 lines; Babylonian. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of various stars. The catch-line reads:-y '; - >4- -y Y g"-, [K. 12011] Left-hand corner, 11lin. by 1:-in.; 5 + 2 + 5 + (left-hand edge) 4 lines; Babylonian. Part of a report of the class described above, p. 259 f., K. 1288. [K. 12012] Upper portion, right half, l1in. by -13kin.; 6 + 5 + 1 lines; Babylonian. Part of an astrological report from [y ->zYk]* JA
lines; Babylonian. [K. 12015]

8 + 4 lines.

Part of a letter [K. 12016]

Left half, l--in. by l_-in.; 4 + 4 lines; Babylonian. Part of an astrological report from y ' _4yJ [R'( t?]t concerning an observation of the moon. [K. 12017] Fragment of the left half, 1 -in. by -tin.; a mythological or religious text. Right-hand corner, l3in. by lin.; .... astrologicalreport(?).

13 + + 6 lines.

Fragment of the lower portion, 2 in. by {in.; 5 +..... Part of a Sumero-Akkadian prayer. ,[K.


Fragment of [K. 12018]

Fragment of an [K. 12019] lines; Babylonian. 12020]

Left-hand corner, 1 in. by 1 in.; 6 +(..........+) 12 lines in double columns. Part of a list of Assyrian words with similar meanings.

[K. 12021] Right-hand corner, 1iin. by 11in.; ( ..... 4) 6 + 6 (+ ..... ) lines in double-columns. Part of a list of Assyrian words with similar meanings. This fragment may belong to the same text as the preceding number.

[K. 12022] Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by in.; +......... lines in doublecolumns. Fragment of a list of names of temples. This fragment probably belongs to the same tablet as K. 3436; see above, p. 532. [K. 12023] * Attempted restoration from similar tablets; cf. svpra, pp. 21, 111, 190, 222 f., 636, 658 f., K. 79, 462, 909, 1085, 1089, 4489, 4736, 4748, etc. t Attempted restoration from K. 1393 (see above, p. 281) and similar tablets.


7 Q




Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1- in.; 9 +.......... double-columns. Fragment of a list of names of temples.

lines in [K. 12024]

Fragment out of the middle, l-in. by in.; ' 15 + ...... . lines in double-columns. Fragment of a list of names of temples. [K. 12025] Fragment of the right half, 2- 5 in. by 2in.; ( ... +) .. + 22 (+ ..... ) lines in double-columns. Part of an explanatory list, with glosses, arranged in groups according to the roots of the Assyrian words. [K. 12026] Fragment out of the middle, 1-lin. by lin.; 8 +.......... lines in double-columns. Part of an explanatory list. This fragment appears to belong to the same tablet as the preceding number. [K. 12027] Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by l1in.; 8 + ..... .... ) lines; Babylonian. Fragment of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 12028] Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by lin.; 8 +.......... lines. Part of an incantation-text, probably belonging to a tablet of the

Series Gayet

[K. 12030]

Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by lin.; 1 . 8 + ......... ) lines. Part of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies. [K. 12031] Fragment out of the middle, 1½in. by l-Tin.; ......... + 8 + 3 lines (in double-columns). Part of an explanatory list belonging, according to the colophon, to a tablet of the Series [Y_ _W j5 ,] > * >i. Mention is made of t gY 4-7 . [K. 12032] Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by l-ein.; 6 + 3 + (.... + ..... +) 6 + 6 lines. Part of a text, similar to that of K. 4310 (see above, p. 616), containing addresses to an Assyrian king, which purport to come from the goddess Istar of Arbela. [K. 12033] Fragment of the upper portion of one side, l-in. by 1 in.; 14 .......... lines in double-columns. Part of an explanatory text. [K. 12034 + K. 12036] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by lin.; 5 + 8

Forecasts concerning the



Fragment out of the middle, l-1-in. by lin.; 7 + ......... double-columns). Fragment of an explanatory list. * Partly effaced.

+ +..... .....


[K. 12035] lines (in [K. 12037]




lines in doubleFragment out of the middle, 1lin. by in.; 4 + .......... columns. Fragment of an explanatory text. Mention is made of the [K. 12038] "Calumniator" (y [ ty;¥ [;T ?]). (....+) Fragment of the left half, 1-in. by 1-jlin.; 6 (+ ..... ) 8 lines; Babylonian. Fragment of an incantation-text with an inter[K. 12039] linear Assyrian version. .. lines; BabyFragment out of the middle, 1in. by lin.; 8 + ..... lonian. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian [K. 12040] version. Duplicate of K. 5079; see above, p. 687. Fragment of the lower portion of reverse, l-1in. by 1--in.; ..... + 3 lines; Babylonian. End of a religious text with an interlinear Assyrian [K. 12041] version. Fragment out of the middle, l- in. by sin.; 6 + ......... ment of a mythological legend. Fragment out of the middle, 19in. by sin.; 8 + .... division-marks. Part of a text containing forecasts.

lines. Frag[K. 12042] ....

) lines; [K. 12044]

+ 1 + 7 lines. Part of a Upper portion of reverse, 19in. by lin.; .... [K. 12045] letter concerning the transport of stallions and mares.

Lower half, 1-1 in. by 1in.; 5 + 1 + 9 lines. Part of a letter to the king concerning the transport of a part of the armour for the face and eyes . t- ': y p.-) Y of some men in the city of >-Y^ (W -< ~y t.

T A- H; cf. supra, p. 585,

sentences on reverse begin with >'-< -Y t-

[K. 12049]

K. 3998, etc.

Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by I5'in


+ 13 lines. Fragment

of an omen-text, apparently belonging to a tablet of the Series


Fragment out of the middle, ment of a hemerology.


by i.;

4 +..........

lies. Frag[K. 12051]

Fragment out of the middle, Dlin. by 1, 1 - 1 .; .... + 17 + .... +... lines in double-columns. Grammatical paradigms; duplicate of K. 2033 (see above, p. 391), Column 11, lines 7 ff. [K. 12052 + K. 12053] Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 1-r7 in. by (.....) lines. Part of an astrological text.


in.; 9 +.... [K. 12054]

Fragment of the lower portion, -in. by in.; 4 + 3 + .... .lines in cuneiform characters which seem to be identical with those of the second Column of the trilingual Akhaemenian inscriptions. Contents unknown. Cf. supra, p. 1040, K. 9817, etc. [K. 12055] Fragment out of the middle, 1-7-in. by lin.; 9 + ....... lines in double-columns. Part of an explanatory list arranged in groups according to the meanings of the Assyrian words. [K. 12056] Fragment out of the middle, lin. by lin.; 8 + ....


Fragment of a

list of objects. Fragment of the lower portion, Part of a religious text.

[K. 12057] 3


in. by

in.; 9 +.....

.... ) lines. [K. 12058]

Fragment out of the middle, lin. by lin.; 7 + .......... lines. Fragment of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 12059] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1- 6in.; 9 + .......... double-columns. Part of an explanatory list.

lines in [K. 12060]

Fragment of the left half, lain. by Win.; 9 + 9 lines ; Babylonian. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of various stars. [K. 12061] .+ Fragment of the lower portion of reverse, 2in. by l7 in.; ..... + . 11 +..... lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts [K. 12062] taken from observations of various stars. Fragment of the left half lin. by in.; traces of 3 + 6 lines; Babylonian. Fragment of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from [K. 12063] observations of the star >;>-4yy y- V. . lines. Fragment of the lower portion, 1'in. by 1-T7 in.; 11 + 4 + . Astrological forecasts, partly relating to public affairs. [K. 12064] Babylonian. Beginning lines; alna Left-hand corner, l1-5in. by lin.; 7 + ..... of a text containing astrological forecasts for the month Nisan. [K. 12065]



Right-hand corner, 11in. by ing forecasts.

in.; ....

Part of a text contain[K. 12066]

+ 7 lines.

+ 11 lines; Babylonian. Fragment of the right half, 1l in. by lin.; . Part of a text containing astrological forecasts concerning eclipses, [K. 12067] etc. Fragment of the left half, l1in. by 5in.; 13 + 17 lines; Babylonian. Part [K. 12068] of an astrological text. Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by 1 in.; 14+ ...... lines. Astro[K. 12069] logical forecasts taken from observations of the moon. lines.

Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by 7in.; 9 + ..... Fragment out of the middle, lin. religious text.


by 15-in.; 14 +.....

Fragment of the left half, 1-9in. by 1in.; .....

containing forecasts concerning P-t and

Forecasts. [K. 12070] Part of a [K. 12071]

+ 8 lines.

Part of a text

etc. A, ME

[K. 12072]

Fragment out of the middle, 1rin. by 1 in.; 9 + ..... lines. Forecasts, [K. 12073] partly relating to public affairs. Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by 1in.; 6 +..... lines. Forecasts con[K. 12074]

cerning the -- Y,etc.

+ (edge) 3 + 1 lines. Fragment of the lower portion, 1-in. by in.; ..... -- fTY, >e y and concerning forecasts Fragment of a text containing 12075] m .[K. gn S~y Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by

in.; 7 +



) lines;

Babylonian. Part of a text containing incantations and directions [K. 12076] for ceremonies. lines. Omens derived from Left-hand corner, 1 n. by 5in.; 6 + . the movements and flickerings of a lamp; cf. supra, p. 1208, K. 11973.

[K. 12077]

Interlinear glosses are added by the scribe. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1 in.; 11 +...... concerning 4a, iY E and !yt77.



[K. 12078]

lines; (...) ... Portion out of the middle, 1in. by l--in.; 18 +.. Babylonian. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of [K. 12079] various stars. + 9 lines; Babylonian. Fragment out of the middle, 1- in. by 1in.; ..... This fragment Part of a text containing astrological forecasts.

probably belongs to a tablet of the great astrological work y ~ 4[K. 12080] .-. * .d . t'=1T




Fragment of the right half, 14in. by lin.; .... partly relating to public affairs. Portion of the right half, 2astrological text.

7 lines.

Forecasts, [K. 12081] 1-in.; traces of 4 + 14 lines.

Fragment out of the middle, 1-7 in. by liin.; 10+ .... partly relating to public affairs.


Fragment out of the middle, 1iin. by lin.; 12 + ..... *, et etc.. concerning the


Part of an [K. 12082] Forecasts, [K. 12083] Forecasts [K. 12084]

Fragment of the left half, 24in. by - in.; traces of 4 + 12 lines. Omens [K. 12085] concerning incidents that may happen to men. Fragment of the lower portion, in. by {in.; 6 + ..... .... Babylonian. Fragment of a religious text.

) lines; [K. 12086]

+ Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1 in.; traces of 1 + 12 + ..... The sentences forecasts. ..... lines. Part of a text containing [K. 12087] begin with >- - - I. Fragment of the right half, astrological text.

i.n. b by 1in.; .....

+ 8 lines.

Part of an [K. 12088]

Fragment of the right half, 1sin. by gin.; 12 + 5 lines. Part of an omen':. "-'. text. Of the catch-line only the end is visible :- ^' ^ [K. 12089] Fragment of the right half, lin. by gin.; 10 + .... Forecasts, partly relating to public affairs.

lines; Babylonian. [K. 12090]

Left-hand corner, 1-7in. by l-r in.; ...... + 6 lines. Fragment of a text [K. 12091] containing astrological forecasts for the month Ab. Left-hand corner, by 3in.; 6 + 3 + 5 lines. Fragment of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of the [K. 12092] moon, etc. Fragment of the lower portion, 1lin. by liin.; 3 + 7 lines. containing astrological forecasts.

Part of a text [K. 12093]

Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by 1in.; ..... + 12 lines. Omens concerning houses and incidents that may happen to men, etc. [K. 12094] * Partly effaced.



Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by ain.; 7 .... lines. forecasts taken from observations of various stars.

Astrological [K. 12095]

Fragment of the right half, lin. containing forecasts.

Part of a text [K. 12096]

by 1in.; ..

Right-hand corner, 1jin. by l1in.; 7 ~/i




B, <,




+ 10 lines.

lines. Forecasts, beginning:'4


Right-hand corner, l-in. by l-1 in.; ..... containing forecasts.

[K. 12097]

+ 2 + 9 lines.

Part of a text [K. 12098]

Fragment of the left half, 1ain. by 'in.; .... 13 lines; Babylonian. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of various stars




'-'+ 'TLf -YT,2'¢4

- A, etc.).

Fragment out of the middle, 13in. by 4- in.; ... a text containing forecasts. Fragment out of the middle, incantation-text. Astrological


+ 7lines.

sin. by lin.; 13 + ....

Fragment of the upper portion, forecasts




[K. 12099] Fragment of [K. 12100]


Part of an [K. 12102]

2 + 9 + 3 + .....

concerning 'lucky days' (t



lines. 4**


[K. 12103]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 5lin. by iin.; 6 + ..... lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of the moon. [K. 12104] Fragment out of the middle, 2jin. by 1--in.; 16 + .... text containing forecasts.


Part of a [K. 12105]

Fragment out of the middle, l1-ain. by l-jin.; .... + 6 lines. End of a text containing astrological forecasts. Of the catch-line only the middle part is visible:-)>x" L YT t t4- < Y 4-TY A

[K. 12106]


Fragment of the upper portion, 1lin. by in.; 4 + 3 + 2 lines; Babylonian. Part of an astrological(?) text. [K. 12107] Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by b lines. Part of a religious text.

n. in.; (....

) 7 + 9 (+ ..... ) [K. 121081

Fragment of the upper portion of reverse, ljin. by 1%-in.; ..... Astrological forecasts concerning eclipses. *

Partly effaced.

+ 4 lines. [K. 12109]




Fragment of the lower portion of one side, 1 in. by ilin.; 4 +'..... lines; [K. 12110] Babylonian. Fragment of an incantation(?)-text. lines; Babylonian. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by I in.; 7 + .... Part of a text containing forecasts concerning the 'FY Ad, etc. [K. 12111] Fragment of the right half, l--1 in. by Ain.; 11 +.....


Forecasts. [K. 12112]

lines; Babylonian. Fragment out of the middle, lin. by lin.; 9 +..... [K. 12113] forecasts. Part of a text containing astrological Forecasts. [K. 12114] lines; Babylonian. Fragment out of the middle, kin. by ein.; 7 +... Fragment of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from V and other stars. [K. 12115] observations of the [t--q-] _T. * Fragment out of the middle, 18in. by Sin.; 7 + ...


+ 8 lines. Astrological Fragment of the left half, 2-1-in. by l1ir.; . . forecasts taken from observations of various stars. One section begins:-'Y( +4 'EM. -y 0-- y ' [K. 12116] Fragment of the right half, 1Iin. by 1kin.; 10 + ...... lines; Babylonian. [K. 12117] Forecasts. (....) Fragment out of the middle, lin. by kin.; 7 +..... ment of a text containing astrological forecasts. 8 + ..... by Fin.; 4in.

Fragment of the left half,


ment of a text containing forecasts concerning AiY and , ', - ..' , '' '' Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by 1-in.; 7 + of a text containing astrological forecasts.

lines. Frag[K. 12118] lines.


y -T. [K. 12119]

............. lines. Part [K. 12120]

) lines. Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by 1iin.; 14 + ..... (..... [K. 12121] Part of a religious text. Fragment out of the middle, lin. by 1!-in.; 9 +.......


Astrological forecasts.

) lines. 12122]

7 + 4 (+.....) Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by in.; (.....+) taken from forecasts astrological lines. Part of a text containing [K. 12123] observations of the sun, etc. *

Partly effaced.



.. + 8 lines. AstrologiFragment out of the middle, 1Iin. by s1in.; cal forecasts concerning eclipses, etc.; they partly relate to public [K. 12124] affairs. lines. Astro. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by lin.; 8 + . **YQ logical forecasts taken from observations of the stars -->Y-+ 12125] [K. j-4--- . Y- V and + 7 lines; Babylonian. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by in.; ..... Astrological forecasts concerning eclipses, etc.; they partly relate to public affairs. This fragment probably belongs to a tablet of the

great astrological work Y y--

[K. LyK. 12126]


Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by 1jin.; 10




[K. 12127]

logical forecasts. Fragment of the left half, 1-in. by 1lsin,; 7 + ....


Part of a text

containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of the [K. 12128] moon. Fragment out of the middle, l"in. by -l-in.;13 + ..... lines; Babylonian. [K. 12129] Astrological forecasts concerning eclipses. lines; Babylonian. Fragment of the left half, lin.; 7 +.... Forecasts concerning the >-r, etc.; cf. supra, p. 570, K. 3846.

[K. 12130] Fragment out of the middle, 1jin. by lin.; 12 + traces of 3 lines. Part of [K. 12131] a text containing astrological forecasts. + 9 lines. Astrological Fragment of the left half, 1-7in. by lin.; .... [K. 12132] forecasts taken from observations of various stars. Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by


in.; 10 +.....

Part of an

[K. 12133]


Right-hand corner, l1in. by sin.; 3 + 7 lines; Babylonian. Part of a text

[K. 12134]

containing forecasts. Fragment out of the middle, 1 l1 3 in.; 5 + 9 +


lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts for the [K. 12135] various months. Fragment out of the middle,

Iin. by lin.;

7 + 6 lines;


Astrological forecasts taken from observations of various stars (


-Y "


A- -




[yTy], etc.). This fragment probably belongs to a tablet of the [ 12136] [K. -yi(.. y great astrological work *



Partly effaced.

7 R




Fragment out of the middle, -l-ini. by 1in.; 11 + traces of 2 ..... + .. . .lines; marginal number <. Forecasts. [K. 12137] Fragment out of the middle, 1jin. by lin; ..... + 7 lines. text containing forecasts concerning the Hi, etc.

Fragment of a [K. 12138]

Fragment of the left half, 3in. by 213in.; 21+7 lines. Forecasts forming, according to the colophon, the 15th tablet of a Series. Of the catchline only the beginning is visible :--< <( : *(?)'"' [K. 12139] Fragment of the right half; 1in. by 1 3 in.; traces of 1 + 11 lines. Omens concerning houses and incidents that may happen to men. [K. 12140] Fragment of the right half, 1-j in. by I5in.; 6 + 9 lines; Babylonian. Part of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies. One section ends with _ d ,4--. [K. 12141] Fragment of the lower portion, 11 in. by 1- llin.; 6 + traces of 5 lines; Babylonian. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts. [K. 12142] Fragment out of the middle, lain. by 1lin.; 8 + .... lines. Omens concerning houses. [K. 12143] Fragment of the lower portion, 1in. by lin.; ( .. +)4 +...(+ ..... ) lines. Forecasts concerning the _'y, etc. [K. 12144] Fragment of the upper portion of one side, l1in. by ½in.; ..... + 3 lines. Fragment of an omen-text. [K. 12145] Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by I3in.; 10 +. .lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of various stars. [K. 12146] Fragment of the right half, 1in. by in.; ..... + 9 lines; Babylonian. Fragment of an astrological text concerning various stars. [K. 12147] Fragment out of the middle, la-in. by I;in. ..... 6 +......... lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of the sun. This fragment may belong to the same tablet as K. 6454 (see above, p. 788), K. 7042 (p. 827), and K. 12739 (below, p. 1263). [K. 12148] Fragment out of the middle, 1- in. by I in.; 9 +.... lines. Part of an astrological text. [K. 12149] Fragment out of the middle, 1sin. by lin.; 8 + .... a religious text. * Partly effaced.

lines. Part of [K. 12150]



Fragment of the right half; I-in. by 1lin.; traces of 7 + 12 lines; Babylonian. Forecasts. [K. 12151] Fragment of the omen-text. K. 9945, and middle part is

left half, 1 in. by 1in.; ..... + 6 lines. End of an The lines begin with y>-- ; cf. supra, p. 1052, infra, p. 1.248, K. 12526. Of the catch-line only the visible :S *(?) V : i.[K. 12152]

Fragment out of the middle, 13in. by l,-in.; 9 + ......... ) lines. Part of a text containing forecasts similar to those of K. 3951 (see above, p. 579), etc. [K. 12153] Fragment out of the middle, lin. by lin.; 7 + ......... ) lines. Part of an astrological text concerning various stars (¢>>T- * (i>, >E-t- * Mt! -O., etc.). [K. 12154] Fragment out of the middle, lin. by sin.; 6 + ..... astrological text.


Fragment out of the middle, lin. by {in.; 7 + .....

Fragment of an [K. 12155]

lines; Babylonian.

Fragment of a text containing forecasts.

[K. 12156]

Fragment of the right half, 1 in. by lin.; 8 + 5 lines; Babylonian. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts. This fragment probably belongs to a tablet of the great astrological work y t -+ -Yk

[K. 12157]


Fragment of the left half, 14in. by sin.; 11 +.... lines. Part of an omen-text. The lines begin with [y] |S; cf. szpra, p. 421, K. 2192. [K. 12158] Fragment of the left half, 1-1in. by lin.; ..... concerning ,f ;y and d4 , etc.

Left-hand corner, 13in. by 5in.; 3 + 1 +2 concerning --X



+ 8 lines.

Forecasts [K. 12159]

lines; Babylonian.


Forecasts [K. 12160]

Left-hand corner, l1-bin. by lin.; ( ......... + 8 lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of the moon; it is probably an extract from a larger composition. [K. 12161] Fragment out of the middle,


by lin.; 7 + ....


an omen-text.

Fragment of [K. 12162]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by l Forecasts. *



+ 5 lines

Babylonian. [K. 12163]

Partly effaced.

7 R2



lines. by {in.: 7+....(...) Fragment out of the middle,gin. Fragment of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from [K. 12164] observations of various stars, etc. lines. Fragment out of the middle, lin. by y9in.; 5 +..........) Fragment of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from [K. 12165] observations of the sun, etc. + 6 lines; Babylonian. Fragment out of the middle, 5in. by 5in.; ... Fragment of a text containing astrological forecasts concerning eclipses, etc.; they partly relate to public affairs. This fragment probably belongs to a tablet of the great astrological work y : -4r~R,

[K. 12166]

Ad. 3

Left half, lower portion, 2- in. by 15in.; 14+12 lines; Babylonian. Part of an omen-text. The lines begin with y ~y-y y; cf. suprea, [K. 12167 + 82-3-23, 81] p. 872, K. 7749. Fragment of the left half, 1lin. by l3 in.; 10 + (.... .... fy*, etc. and ,I Forecasts concerning -EYT, d4

+) 7 lines. [K. 121.68]

Fragment out of the middle, 13in. by 1lin.; ..... + 12 lines. Omens derived from the appearances of dogs and calves to a person going out [K. 12169] from a door, etc. + 12 lines. Part of an Fragment of the right half, 1{in. by l--Iin.; ..... omen-text concerning incidents that may happen to men, etc. [K. 12170] ;........ Fragment of the upper portion of reverse, 1 in. by 1 in.;


traces of 2 + 9 lines. Part of a text containing incantations and [K. 12171] directions for ceremonies. lines. Part of a Fragment out of the middle, l in. by 1-3in.; 11 +..... text containing omens concerning the condition of countries or lands, [K. 12172] and incidents that may happen to men. traces of 4 + 7 (+ Fragment of the right half, 3in. by 2i- 6in.; (.....+) and directions incantations containing of a text ) lines. Part ..... [K. 12173] for ceremonies. + ....+..... Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by 1 in.; 14 + . lines. Omens. Mention is made among them of the scarcity of young [K. 12174] - CY !) -Y A -g'i<1 cattle Right half, l-rin. by lin.; 8 + 8 lines; Babylonian. logical text concerning various stars. * Partly effaced.

Part of an astro[K. 12175]




Fragment of the lower portion, 2 -6in. by l1in.; 10 + 1 + 11 lines. Part of an astrological report, partly relating to public affairs. [K. 12176] +) traces of Fragment of the left half, 1ain. by 1-in.; 6 + (.......... taken from forecasts astrological containing a text 2 lines. Part of [K. 12177] observations of the sun and various stars. + 9 lines; Babylonian. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1ain.; .... [K. 12178] Astrological forecasts, partly relating to public affairs. + 11 Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 1in. by 1in.; . lines; Babylonian. Part of a text containing directions for ceremonies [K. 12179] and rites. Lower half, 43in. by 4¼in.; 27 + 33 +24 + 19 lines. Part of an omentext. A great number of lines begin with Y [•3[<•; cf. supra, p. 834, K. 7156, and infra, p. 1270, K. 12841, etc. [K. 12180 + K. 13219 + Sm. 505 + Sm. 1401] Upper portion, left half, 1 in. by 1iin.; 4 + 4 lines; Babylonian. Part of a text containing forecasts. The reverse contained a date in Assyrian [K. 12181] writing. . .... Fragment out of the middle, in. by 5in.; 5 +. ment of a text containing forecasts concerning the >Fragment out of the middle, 1- 5in. by text containing forecasts.

in.; 7 + .....

) lines. Fragetc. MIE:, [K. 12182]


Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 11in. by l-in.;


Part of a [K. 1.2183] + 12


[K. 12184]


Fragment of the right half, 1- in. by lin.; 10 + ..... lines. omen-text.

Part of an [K. 12185]

+ 9 lines.

Part of an [K. 12186]

Fragment of the right half, 1-% astrological text.


by 1l-in.; .....

+ 15 Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 2 3in. by 1in.; ..... lines. Astrological forecasts concerning eclipses, etc. [K. 12187] + 10 lines; Babylonian. Fragment out of the middle, 2 in. by 1-7 in.; ..... End of a "complete"* copy of an omen-text, probably belonging V. Of the catch-line to a tablet of the Series Y-yT ¥A- ~t-

only the middle part is visible





[K. 12188] * Cf. supra, p. 474, note *.




Fragment of the left half,lin. by lain.; 9 + ... (.. ) lines; Babylonian. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of the sun. One section begins :--( « -- -]yTr?YXlX Cf. supra, p. 423, K. 2221, etc. [K. 12189] Fragment out of the middle, 17 in. by 7in.; 10 + . . Left-hand corner, 13 in. by 1

. lines.

Forecasts. [K. 12190]

in.; ....

+ 6 lines. Part of an omen-text. The lines begin:-- ^ f 4y-Y < -Vgy Y:; cf. supra, p. 1208, K. 11973. [K. 12191] Fragment out of the middle, 1¥ in. by 1lin.; 12 + ..... lines. Part of an omen-text. The lines begin with [r- ~ ?]- * <_. [K. 12192] Fragment out of the middle, ilin. by l in.; 4 + .... of a religious text. Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by Forecasts.

in.; 8 +

lines. .........

Fragment [K. 12193] ) lines. [K. 12194]

Fragment of the right half, l1in. by l--in.; 10 + ..... lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts. [K. 12195 + K. 12260] ..... lines. Fragment Fragment out of the middle, l-51in. by -in.; 6 of a text containing omens derived from the appearances of certain [K. 12196] birds. Right-hand corner, 1 1-iin. by 1in.; 9 +..... derived from the condition of a city, etc.

lines; Babylonian. Omens [K. 12197]

by 1in.; 9 + ..... Fragment of the left half, l ain. ... omen-text. The lines begin with Y A_

lines. _

Part of an [K. 12198]

12 +.....(.....lines. Fragment out of the middle, l in. by -in.; Fragment of a text containing astrological forecasts for the various [K. 12199] months. Fragment of the right half, l1in. by 7in.; 12 + ..... text containing forecasts.


Part of a [K. 12200]

lines; Fragment of the lower portion, 1 9in. by 1- 5in.; 7 + 1 + ... Babylonian. Part of a report of the class described above, p. 259f., K. 1288c Mention is made of Esarhaddon ([Y] -- A , <<<4 ,-). [K. 12201] Fraglent out of the middle, lin. by 11in.; 11 +. Part of a text containing forecasts. *

Partly effaced.



) lines. [K. 12202]




Right-hand corner, lRin. by ly1in.; 5 + 3 lines; Babylonian. Part of a text containing directions for ceremonies and rites to be used for the benefit of sick people. [K. 12203] Fragment of the right half, liin. by lin.; 7 + .... lines. Part of a text containing directions for ceremonies and rites. Mention is made of the t r .--; cf. supra, p. 551, K. 3646, etc. [K. 12204] Fragment of the right half, 1-bin. by 1 in.; 10 + .... *. astrological text.


Part of an [K. 12205]

Fragment out of the middle, 1-T-in. by li 1 1in.; 9 + ........... ) lines; Babylonian. Part of a religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 12206] Fragment out of the middle, llin. by 1- 6 in.; 6 +.....lines. Fragment of a text containing prayers to Samasrand Ramman and directions for ceremonies and rites. [K. 12207] Fragment out of the middle, liin. by win.; ..... 6 lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts; they partly relate to public affairs. [K. 12208] Right-hand corner, 1-in. by 1{in.; 9 + .....


Fragment of the left half, lin. by {in.; ..... Forecasts concerning the Gi, etc.

Part of an omen-text. [K. 12209] + 5 lines; Babylonian. [K. 12210]

Fragment of the left half; l1in. by lsinm.; 3 +..... Part of a report concerning astrological subjects.

lines; Babylonian. [K. 12211]

Lower portion, left half, 2-in. by lin.; 19 + 1 + ..... lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of the moon; they partly relate to public affairs. [K. 12212] Fragment of the left half, lin. by bin.; 4 + 3 lines; Babylonian. Part of a text containing forecasts. Mention is made of Assurbanipal

(I ~+- X '.


[K. 12213]

Fragment out of the middle, l-7-in. by lIin.; 7 + . .. Forecasts. Fragment out of the middle, lin. by win.; 7 +......... of a hemerology.

lines; Babylonian. [K. 12214] lines. Fragment [K. 12215]

Fragment out of the middle, l-ain. by 1 in.; 8 + ........ lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts taken fiom observations of various stars. [K. 12216] *

Partly effaced.




Fragment out of the middle, lin. Forecasts.

by l1in.; 9 +.....

) lines. [K. 12217]

Fragment of the left half, 1--in. by Ain.; ..... + 8 lines; Babylonian. 6 Fragment of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of the moon. [K. 12218] Fragment of the right half, 1 in. by ltin.; an omen-text.


Fragment out of the middle, lin. an omen-text.

8 +.....lines.

by lin.;

+ 12 lines. Part of [K. 12219] Part of [K. 12220]

Fragment out of the middle, l-Lin. by l1in.; 6 +.....lines. Omens concerning houses, etc. [K. 12221] Right-hand corner, l--5in. by lin.; logical text.

12 + 6 lines.

Part of an astro[K. 12222]

Fragment out of the middle, lin. by 1 in.; ... + 9 lines; Babylonian. Forecasts, partly relating to public affairs. [K. 12223] Fragment of the right half, 1in. by of a text containing forecasts.


.... + 7 lines.

Fragment of the left half, lin. by kin.; 4 + 10 lines. text.

Fragment [K. 12224]

Part of an omen[K. 12225]

Fragment of the upper portion, 2in. by in.; 4 + ..... lines; Babylonian. Beginning of a text containing astrological forecasts. [K. 12226] Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by kin.; .... omen-text.

+ 7 lines.

Fragment out of the middle, lin. by Sin.; 7 + ........ logical forecasts.

Part of an [K. 12227]

lines. Astro[K. 12228]

Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by 1lin.; ..... + 10 lines. Part of a religious text similar to that of K. 11767; see above, p. 1193. [K. 12229] Fragment out of the middle, liin. by lkin.; 8 + ..... Part of an astrological text. Fragment out of the middle, 1min. by l1in.; ..... a report (?).


lines. [K. 12230]

+ 5 lines. Part of [K. 12231]

Fragment of the lower portion, l in. by -1in; 5 + 3 lines. forecasts.

Astrological [K. 12232]

Fragment out of the middle, 1Hin. by 1in.; 5 + 3 lines. Part of an astrological text concerning observations of various stars. [K. 12233]



Fragment of the left half, lIin. by -iin.;.... + 6 lines. Fragment of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of the planet >i4--<. [K. 12234] Fragment out of the middle,l19 in. by l1sin.; 7 + ..... logical forecasts concerning eclipses, etc.

lines. Astro[K. 12235]

Fragment of the right half, 1l- 1 in. by lin.; .....

6 lines.

Forecasts. [K. 12236]


[K. 12237]

Right-hand corner, 15in. by in.; 6 +7 lines. Fragment out of the middle, astrological text.

in. by

5in.; 6


Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by lin.; 9 + ..... astrological text.


Part of an [K. 12238]


Part of an [K. 12239]

Fragment out of the middle, 1sin. by lin.; ..... 7 +......... lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts for the various months. [K. 12240] Fragment of the upper portion, 1in. by 1- in.; ( ..... +)5+7(+.....) lines. Part of a text containing forecasts concerning the id A, etc. [K. 12241] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 3in.; ..... + 6 lines; Babylonian. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts. This fragment may belong to a tablet of the great astrological work } 4- > ---T YT. [K. 12242] Fragment out of the middle, -1 in. by ½in. 8 .......... ) lines. Fragment of an astrological text concerning observations of various stars. [K. 12243] Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. Columns I and II) 1 + 10 + omen-text.

by 1-Zin.; traces of 4 + (between .......... lines. Fragment of an [K. 12244 + K. 12823]

Fragment out of the middle, I in. by I- in.; ..... + 6 lines; Babylonian. Astrological forecasts concerning eclipses, etc.; they partly relate to public affairs. This fragment may belong to a tablet of the great astrological work Y t - ^WYLT. [K. 12245] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by in.; 9 + ..... cerning houses, etc. Fragment out of the middle, 1-i-in. by -in.; derived from the condition of a city, etc. VOL. III.




Omens con[K. 12246] lines. Omens [K. 12247] 7



Fragment of the left half, 1-l-in. by -in.; 7 + 3 + (left-hand edge) 3 lines; Babylonian. Fragment of a text containing astrological forecasts. [K. 12248] lines.

Fragment of the right half, l-nin. by tin.; 7 + ....

Forecasts. [K. 12249]

Right half, upper portion, -5in. by 3in.; 5 + traces of 1 lines. astrological report concerning public affairs.

Part of an [K. 12250]

+ 5 + 4 lines. + .... Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by Bin.; ..... Fragment of a text containing astrological forecasts. [K. 12251]

. ... (+ ..... ) 7 Fragment of the right half; lin. by 15in.; (..... lines. Fragment of a text containing directions for ceremonies(?). [K. 12252] lines.

Fragment out of the middle, I 5in. by 1in.; 7 + an omen-text. Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by tin.; ..... Part of a report.

Fragment of [K. 12253]

+ 8 lines; Babylonian. [K. 12255]

) lines. Part *. (..*. Fragment out of the middle, lin. by ain.; 7 + months. the various of a text containing astrological forecasts for [K. 12256] Fragment of the left half, Forecasts concerning


in. by in.; ...... + 8 lines; Babylonian. [K. 12257] and A, etc. ft, YY -'%

Omens Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by lin.; ..... + 9 lines. derived from the appearances of certain animals in a man's house. [K. 12258] Duplicate of K. 10390 (see above, p. 1084), lines 1 if. Fragment of the left half, ljin. by l1in.; 10 + 10 lines; marginal number This fragment probably belongs to a tablet of the <. Forecasts. [K. 12259] Series >-< yt ty. lines.

Forecasts [K. 12261]

+ 8 + .. Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by -l in.; .... lines. Forecasts concerninggfY E and 4g, etc.

+. [K. 12262]

Portion out of the middle, l1Sin. by 1jin.; 10 +..... similar to those of K. 3951 (see above, p. 579), etc.

Fragment out of the middle, 1sin. by lin.; 7 + .... omen-text.


Part of an [K. 12263]

7 lines. Part of a text Fragment out of the middle, 1'in. by lin.; ..... to public affairs. relating forecasts astrological containing [K. 12264]




Fragment out of the middle, 1-7-in. by gin.; 9 + ..... lines. Part of an [K. 12265] omen-text. lines; Babylonian. Fragment of the right half, 1 7 in. by lin.; 11 + ..... [K. 12266] forecasts. Fragment of a text containing Right-hand corner, 1 in. by in.; 6 + . of a text containing forecasts.

... lines; Babylonian.

Beginning [K. 12267]

lines. Part of a Fragment out of the middle, 1 'in. by lin.; 12 +..... II and a preceding Section of text containing prayers. The beginning colophon-line read:

Yk [Tte/ ~L.?] r-+? -+

7 8;* V


Aid] )-

+>44 Yid<

[Y ?]-. [K. 12268]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by ilin.; 12 +.....lines. Forecasts, [K. 12269] partly relating to public affairs. .. ) lines. Frag.... Fragment out of the middle, l in. by in.; 8 +. [K. 12270] ment of an omen-text concerning houses, etc. lines. Fragment of Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by gin.; 7 +..... [K. 12271] an omen-text concerning houses, etc. lines. Part .......... Fragment out of the middle, lin. by 1Lin.; 9 + K. 10733 and 1019) p. of a text similar to those of K. 9528 (see above, (p. 1110), containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of people suffering from diseases of the nose. [K. 12272] + 8 lines. Forecasts .. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by I - in. [K. 12273] concerning the A! ar, etc. + 10 lines. Part of a Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by Iin.; ..... [K. 12274] text containing forecasts. 9 lines. Part of a text ..... Left-hand corner, 3½in. by 2in.; (.... of certain parts of a condition the containing omens derived from woman's body. Cf., e.g., lines 1 ff.:

^>n v > 1:TYOX> Y1f
3;IT "U(T;,,2vY

>Y p. 142 Y Zeits., 1893, f


[K. 12275] Cf. BEZOLD, Zeits., 1893, p. 142. Portion out of the middle, 3-in. by 23in.; 13 + 16 + 5 + ..... +.....+ ..... lines. Part of an omen-text. Some of the lines begin with [K. 12276] (Y--) A. ¥ A-Hy, and others with ¥ >_ *

Partly effaced.

7 s2



Fragment out of the middle, 1 Iin. by 1 -7in.; 5 +.....

concerning houses, etc. Portion out of the middle, 2jin. by 1in.; 7 + 5 lines. firom births of monstrosities.



[K. 12277] Omens derived [K. 12278]

Left-hand corner, 2 in. by l in.; short beginnings of 8 + 6 lines; Babylonian. Part of one of the "copies" ( << d - () of a text containing forecasts concerning the Fy y, etc. [K. 12279] Portion of the left half, 2 in. by lin.; 14 +(.....+.....+) 12 lines. Forecasts concerning the id It_, etc. Of the catch-line only the

beginning is visible :---<


[K. 12280]

Left-hand corner, lin. by 4'in.; 6 + 5 lines; Babylonian. Forecasts, beginning:-y -Y 2. : [K. 12281] Left-hand corner, lin. by I5-in.; 9 + 10 lines. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of the moon. [K. 12282] Left half, 15in. by 11in.: 7 + 2 lines; Babylonian. Part of an astrological report concerning observations of the moon, etc. [K. 12283] Fragment of the right half, 1 in. by in.; ( . .).........+ 9 ( +.... lines (in double-columns). Part of an explanatory list. [K. 12284] Fragment out of the middle, 1-5-in. by 1 in.; ..... + 7 lines. Part of a text containing forecasts concerning _Y 4aE and ry ~fy, etc. According to a colophon-line this text appears to be an extract from the 6th tablet of a series. [K. 12285] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by l-3in.; 9 +..... Fragment of a mythological text. Fragment of the left half, 1L in. by1 in; ..... + 13 lines. containing astrological forecasts.


lines. [K. 12286]

Part of a text [K. 12287]

Fragment out of the middle, l-xain. by iin.; 8 +.....(.... lines. Fragment of a text containing forecasts concerning the chances of a sick man's recovery. [K. 12288] Right half, l in. by "in.; 12 + 13 lines; Babylonian. Forecasts, partly relating to public affairs. [K. 12289] Left-hand corner, 1-6 in. by; 5 + 4 lines. Fragment of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of the >-+4_ B-OY g=-,4,>-Y_+Yd, and other stars. [K. 12290] Fragment of the left half, l in. by lin.; 11 +.....(... .) lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts similar to those of K. 2239; see above, p. 425. [K. 12292]




Fragment out of the middle, l-bin. by in.; short ends of 2 + 5 + *.... + ..... lines. Fragment of an astrological text. [K. 12293] Fragment of the left half, lin. by 5in.; 8 + ..... lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of the moon. [K. 12294] Fragment out of the middle, I]-in. by gin.; The sentences begin with [-<] * _


+ 7 lines.

Forecasts. K. 3732. [K. 12295] Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by 1in...... .... ) lines. Astrological forecasts for the months Elul, Tisri and Hesvan. [K. 12296] Fragment of the left half, l- in. by lin.; 8 +.... (.....) lines. Astrological forecasts for the month Veadar; cf. infra, D. T. 273. [K. 12297] Fragment out of the middle, ln. by in.; 8 +.........) lines. Part of an astrological text concerning various stars. [K. 12298]

;yy; cf. supra, p. 559,

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by lIin.; 8 +.....(..... Fragment of a text containing astrological forecasts. Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by lin.; 6 +.. Babylonian. Forecasts concerning andd-4>

) lines. [K. 12299]

...... lines; d, etc. [K. 12300]

Fragment out of the middle, lyin. by b . 11 .... ) lines. Astrological forecasts concerning eclipses, etc.; they partly relate to public affairs. [K. 12301] Fragment out of the middle, 8in.; 7 + . ..... ) lines. Fragment of a text containing astrological forecasts. [K. 12302] Fragment of the lower portion, 1-6in. by 15 Babylonian. Forecasts.


7 + 2 +....

lines; [K. 12303]

Fragment out of the middle, lin. by lin.; 11 +..... lines; Babylonian. Astrological forecasts, partly relating to public affairs. This fragment probably belongs to a tablet of the great astrological work Y 4 + i . [K. 12304] Portion out of the middle, 4in. by 3 in.; traces of 5+ 21 lines; Babylonian. Astrological forecasts concerning eclipses, etc. [K. 12305] Portion out of the middle, 3 in. by 2 lin.; 21 + ..... cerning incidents that may happen to men, etc. * Partly effaced.


Omens con[K. 12306]




) lines. [K. 12307]

by 1--in.; 5 +.....(..... Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. Forecasts concerning >-Y and __.

lines. Part of an Fragment out of the middle, lA-in. by 1 in.; 9 + ..... omen-text concerning incidents that may happen to men, etc. [K. 12308]

Left-hand corner, l--yin. by 1-l in.; 8 + 1 lines. -T+ t¢ +"' TE y text:-T



in. by

Fragment out of the middle, Astrological forecasts.

Beginning of an omen[K. 12310] , etc. lines.

9 +..

Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by 1-3in.; concerning houses, etc.

+ 6 lines. [K. 12309]


by -1in.; ..... Fragment out of the middle, lin. Fragment of a text containing forecasts.

in.; 8 + .

Omens [K. 12311]

......... ) lines. [K. 12312]

Fragment of the right half, 1in. by 3in.; 6 + short ends of 5 lines. Frag[K. 12313] ment of a text containing forecasts. Fragment out of the middle, 17in. by 1-in.; 9 + ....


Forecasts. [K. 12314]

..... lines. Fragment of a text conin.; 5 Left-hand corner, in. by [K. 12316] taining forecasts concerning the Y CYf, etc. Fragment of the lower portion, l1in. by I in.; 7 + ... of a text containing forecasts.

line. .

Fragment [K. 12317]

lines. AstrologiPortion out of the middle, 2-ilin. by 1-in.; 17 +..... cal forecasts taken from observations of various stars. [K. 12318 + K. 12391] Fragment out of the middle, 1- 7 in. by I 3in.;


+ 7 lines.


of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations [K. 12320] of various stars. + 3 lines. End of a text Fragment out of the middle, 11in. by 1in.; .... to what is left of according being, containing forecasts, and probably ) a colophon-line, an extract from a tablet of the "Series" (JS* 'Y >-< - A. Of the catch-line only the middle part is visible :' ;' ; r [K. 12321] -*6" , zl- 4,-4f v--' ->~ .... + Fragment out of the middle, 16in. by lin.; traces of 2 + .6 + lines. ..... Fragment of a text containing forecasts concerning [K. 12322] and Et BlY, etc. The sentences begin with - -< . 4g *

Partly effaced.



lines. )+ ..... in.; ..... Fragment of the left half, 1--in. by Astrological forecasts taken from observations of various stars [K. 12323] 6 Y, etc.). go-T_ -4, >M-* ~- ¢ am (b-+ Lower portion, left half, by 21in.; 13 + traces of 14 lines. Part of a text containing directions for ceremonies and rites. One paragraph [K. 12324] begins with ( ,_ ~, etc. Fragment of the left half, 1'in. by ~'in.; traces of 1 + 6 lines. Fragment of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations [K. 12325] [^[ <. of the star --Fragment out of the middle, 1T6-i Forecasts.

by b

lines. [K. 12326]

in. in.; 5 +....(.....)

+ 8 lines. Part of an Fragment out of the middle, 1sin. by 1ain.; ..... omen-text concerning the appearances or actions of various animals, [K. 12327] etc. ) ... 5 (+ + +) Fragment of the right half, 3in. by 3in.; (.. lines. Fragment of a text containing forecasts similar to those of K. 3951 (see above, p. 579), etc. Cf. also infra, p. 1266, K. 12779. [K. 12328] ........ ) lines. Fragment out of the middle, 1-l3in. by 1kin.; 7 + Part of an omen-text concerning the chances of a sick man's recovery, [K. 12329] etc. Fragment out of the middle, 1iin. by lin.; . partly relating to public affairs.

. + 8 lines.

Part of a text [K. 12331]

Left half, lower portion, 3- in. by l in.; 9 + 9 lines. containing forecasts.


) lines. [K. 12332]


Forecasts. [K. 12333]

Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by lin.; 11 + ...... etc. Forecasts concerning JY -iy and dt, Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by ,5in.; 7 +

Forecasts, [K. 12330]

in. by 1-flin.; 6 + 7 lines. Part of a text Fragment of the left half, -17 containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of various [K. 12334] -Y*. Yn yystars. One section begins:-- >.[>-4Left-hand corner, l1in. by I in.; 10 + 6 lines; Babylonian; marginal number <. Part of a text containing forecasts similar to those of [K. 12335] K. 3951 (see above, p. 579), etc. * Partly effaced.



Fragment of the right half, l-'in. by lin.; 9 + ....


Forecasts. [K. 12336]

Right-hand corler, 1½in. by l in.; .....

8 lines.


[K. 12337] Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by in.; 8 .......... ) lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts. Referring to line 4 an interlinear gloss is added by the scribe. [K. 12338] Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by 1ain.; 10 +..... lines. Fragment of a text containing forecasts similar to those of K. 3951 (see above, p. 579),etc. [K. 12339j Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by lin.; 11 +....(.....) lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of various stars (>_Wy , >+ y, + >->-y ^^ t$+ ^ ^ + - F-4-+ , -n+ A-c - zf, etc.). [K. 12340] Fragment of the left half, lin.

by lin.;



Astrological forecasts concerning eclipses. II and III begin with Y- > < . Fragment of the right half, 1 forecasts.

in. by 1ill.; .

lines; Babylonian.

The lines of Sections [K. 12341]

+15 lines. Astrological [K. 12342]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1-9 +..... 1 -in.; Part of a text containing astrological forecasts. Right half, upper portion of reverse, 2in. by 1in.; Omens concerning houses, etc. Fragment of the left half, l1in. by




.... .....

-in.; 13 + 11 lines.

and >yJyY, 'Y, tfYy, etc.

Fragment of the right half, l in. by lIin.; 8 + ....

) lines. [K. 12344]

+ 12 lines. [K. 12345] Forecasts

[K. 12346] lines.


[K. 12347] Upper portion, left half, 1. in. by in.; 6 + 4 lines. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of the moon and sun, etc. [K. 12348] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. bytin.; 10 +....... ) lines. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of various stars. Fragment out of the middle, 13in. by 1l-in.; 9 +.... logical forecasts. *

Partly effaced.

[K. 12349] .lines. Astro[K. 12350]




lines. Part: . .... Fragment out of the middle, 1,in. by lin.; 9 +..... of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations

of various stars (

4--*XY *_-4-



Fragment out of the middle, 1- iin. by 1-l in. 14 + .... an omen-text. Fragment out of the middle, 11in. by



[K. 12351J

_, etc.).

lines. Part of [K. 12352] lines.

in.; 9 + ..... (.....)

Astrological forecasts taken from observations of various stars.

[K. 12353] lines. [K. 12354]

Fragment out of the middle, 2½in. by 1-in.; 6 +........) Astrological forecasts concerning eclipses. +.. Fragment out of the middle, 1- in. by 1'in.; ..... + 8 +... lines. Part of an astrological text concerning various stars (m--* :


) E-+ [-],


[K. 12355]


lines. FragFragment out of the middle, 1 in. by sin.; 7 + .. ment of a text containing forecasts similar to those of K. 3951 (see [K. 12356] above, p. 579), etc. Fragment out of the middle, 1-3in. by k in.; 6 + 6 lines; Babylonian.


[K. 12357]

of an omen-text. Right-hand corner, 1Rin. by lsin.; 9 + traces of 3 lines.

Omens concern-

[K. 12358]

ing houses, etc. Fragment out of the middle, 1}1in. by

in.; .



7 lines.

[K. 12359] Fragment of an astrological text. Upper portion, left half, 1 in. by 1 in.; 5 + 4 + 3 + (left-hand edge) 1 lines; Babylonian. Forecasts concerning T andDYy, etc. Mention is made The last two lines, which are written in of Nippur (q[ A 4d¥). [K. 12360] Assyrian characters, apparently contained a date. Fragment of the left half, 2§in. by Bin.; 14 + 14 lines; marginal numbers < ~. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts taken and from observations of the moon. The catch-line reads:- <{y- k Hy >< _-



[K. 12361 + K. 12386]


lines. Part of . Fragment out of the middle, lin. by in.; 6 + . of observations from a text containing astrological forecasts taken [K. 12362] eclipses. Fragment out of the middle, liin. by lin.; ..... + 10 lines. End of an omen-text. Of the catch-line only the middle part is visible:[K. 12363] -""'.' "',-' " XT. Partly effaced. VOL. III.

7 T




Portion out of the middle. 16in. by iin.; .... containing astrological forecasts.

+ 13 lines. Part of a text [K. 12365 + K. 12644]

Fragment of the left half, 1-tin. by 7in.; 5 + 6 lines; Babylonian. Astrological forecasts similar to those of K. 10718; see above, p. 1109. The lines on obverse begin with Y t-Y A' , and those on reverse read:-y· t a
+ 13 lines.

Fragment out of the middle, l-in. by lin.; 8 +..........) of a text containing astrological forecasts. Fragment out of the middle, 1Hin. by lin.; 8 + 9 lines. concerning >->y and >, f, etc.

Forecasts [K. 12372] lines. Part [K. 12373] Forecasts [K. 12374]

Right-hand corner, 1 in. by lin.; 6 + 10 lines. Part of a text containing forecasts; they partly relate to public affairs. [K. 12375] Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by 3in.; 7 + 9 lines; Babylonian. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of various stars; it is probably an extract from a larger composition. [K. 12376] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by lin.; traces of 1 + 10+...+ ..... lines. Astrological forecasts for the various months. [K. 12377] * Thus.

t Partly effaced



lines. Omens, Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by l in.; 9 +..... similar to those of K. 3826 (see above, p. 568), derived from the [K. 12379] condition of certain parts of the human body. Fragment out of the middle, 1 9 in. by -l1in.; 9 +..... text containing astrological forecasts.


Part of a [K. 12380]

Lower portion, left half, 1-in. by 1 5 in.; 10 + 4 lines. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of various stars. The sentences [K. 12381] >. begin with 7 -.- -lines. +..... .... [K. 12382]

Fragment out of the middle, lin. by l1in.; 7 + 8 + . Part of an astrological text.

lines. .......... + Fragment out of the middle, 11in. by lin.; 8 + 4 + Part of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observa[K. 12383] tions of the wind, etc. Left-hand corner, 1¼in. by win.; traces of 2 + 10 lines; marginal number <. [K. 12384] yAf, etc. Forecasts concerning the Fragment of the right half, 2 -in. 1

by lin.; .....

+ 10 lines.

Forecasts. [K. 12385]

Lower portion, left half, 196in. by in.; 2 + 3 lines; Babylonian. Part of an astrological report concerning observations of the moon. [K. 12388] lines. ......... Fragment of the lower portion, 2in. by 1in.; 5 + 6 + . observafrom taken Copy of a text containing astrological forecasts [K. 12389] tions of various stars. Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by 1-6-in.; 10 + ..... text containing forecasts concerning E¥ -(y and Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1in.; 9 + .. forecasts concerning eclipses, etc.


Fragment out of the middle, 1 15in. by lin.; 7 + 6 + ..... Astrological forecasts for the various months.

lines. Part of a ,H, etc. [K. 12390] Astrological [K. 12392] ..... lines. [K. 12393]

Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by win.; ..... + 6 lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of the [K. 12394] sun. Fragment of the left half, 2sin. by 1-5Lin.; traces of 4 + 15 lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of [K. 12395 + K. 12463] various stars. 7 T2



Fragment of the right half, 1in. by ½in.; 6 + 8 lines. Fragment of a text containing forecasts, which may belong, according to indications conveyed by a part of the colophon, to a tablet of the Series [<] SYy *. Of the catch-line only the end is visible:,4. : * (?) <' . [K. 12396] Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by 1 in.; 8 + 11 + ..... ... lines. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of various stars. [K. 12397] Fragment out of the middle, l-1 6in. by1I in.; .. + ..... +11 + traces of 2 lines. Astrological forecasts concerning eclipses. [K. 12398] Fragment of the right half; Ig in. by 1 -- in.; 9 + ..... Part of a text containing forecasts.

lines; Babylonian. [K. 12399]

Fragment of the left half, 19 -in. by 1-a-in.; 12 + traces of 5 lines. Astrological forecasts, similar to those of K. 12395 (q.v.), taken from observations of various stars. [K. 12400] Fragment out of the middle, l- in. by li.; 1 8 +... Astrological forecasts concerning eclipses. Fragment out of the middle, l1-6in. by lin.; 7 + .... forecasts concerning eclipses, etc.


) lines. [K. 12401]

lines. Astrological [K. 12402]

Fragment out of the middle, lin. by in.; ..... + 7 lines; Babylonian. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of the sun. [K. 12403] Fragment out of the middle, DIin. by 1-5in.; 9 +.......... lines. of an astrological text concerning eclipses of the moon, etc.


[K. 12404] Fragment out of the middle,


in. by lin.;


+ 11 lines.

Part of an

omen -text.

[K. 12405]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by lyain.; 5 + .... a text containing astrological forecasts.


1 Fragment out of the middle, 1--3in. by in.; ..... of a text containing forecasts concerning theyJ

10 lines.


AYy, etc.

[K. 12407]

Fragment out of the middle, Ilin. by --'in.;

4 +........)

Fragment of [K. 12406]


Fragment of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of various stars. [K. 12408] Fragment out of the middle, 2-3Lin. by fin.; 6 + ..... text containing astrological forecasts. " Partly effaced.


Part of a [K. 12409]



by 1 - in.; 9 + ...

Tin.1 Fragment out of the middle, 1forecasts. Astrological


lines. [K. 12410]

+ Fragment out of the middle, 2¼in. by 1lin.; traces of 1 + 16 + .... forecasts lines; marginal number <. Part of a text containing ..... [K. 12411 + K. 12417] concerning >-TY and >Y, etc. Fragment out of the middle, -l-in. of an astrological text.

by lin.; 10 + ..........

lines. Part [K. 12412]

Fragment of the upper portion of one side, lin. by ilin.; 7 +.....lines. [K. 12413] Astrological forecasts, partly relating to public affairs. + 9 lines; Babylonian. Fragment Left-hand corner, 1--in. by -1in.; ... of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations [K. 12414] of the moon. lines. ForeFragment of the left half, in. by in.; 8 +.....) >-< A with begin sentences The etc. casts concerning the dt,


[K. 12415]


lines. (.....) Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by 5in.; 5 + .... Fragment of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from

$ >>-I+

->bT >>-4+

y * T- '9 , >_---]

observations of the stars [


[K. 12416]


' Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by of an omen-text.

( ..

in.; 8 +...

) lines. Part [K. 12418]

Left-hand corner, 1in. by 5in.; 6 + .... lines. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of the moon. Line 1 reads:-- <<<.-. [K. 12419] ",ZP~~~t~aS .. .i''. Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by Astrological forecasts.




lines. [K. 12420]

Fragment of the right half, 1in. by 1in.; ..... + 5 lines. End of a text containing directions for the performance of ceremonies and rites. [K. 12421] Fragment of the left half,


ly ,




in. by ;in.; 3 + 7 lines; Babylonian.

l logical forecasts taken from observations of the stars -.-




[K. 12422]

Fragment of the left half, 2-S6 in. by 1klin.; 16 + traces of 1 lines; marginal 1_, A- etc. The sentences number <. Forecasts concerning A- and L- 12423 + K. 12864] [K. . ~ begin with -< (--) * Partly effaced.



Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by 1 in.' 12 + traces of 5 lines. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of the sun when rising; cf. supra, p. 423, K. 2221. The lines begin with Y << . [K. 12424] [,4 Fragment out of the middle, lin. by 1-6 in.; 8 + ..... lines. Part of an astrological text concerning various stars. Duplicate of K. 7129 (see above, p. 832), obverse. [K. 12425] Fragment out of the middle, 1jin. by Win. ; 6 + ..... (. .... ) lines. Part of a'text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of ::v4 >-< and other stars. [K. 12426] Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by 1 I-in.; ..... (.....) + 9 lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts for the various months. [K. 12427] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by in.; 8 + . .... ..... ) lines. Fragment of a text containing astrological forecasts. [K. 12428] Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by 'l1 in.; 12 +...

lines; Babylonian.

Astrological forecasts taken from observations of the moon. [K. 12429] Fragment out of the middle, l in. by 1-in.; (..... +) 9 ..... + ..... lines. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of the sun. [K. 12430] Fragment out of the middle, 1-3 in. by 1in.; ..... + 9 lines. Copy of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of various stars. [K. 12431] Fragment out of the middle, 1Tin. by 7in.; 8 +... 1 forecasts.


Astrological [K. 12432]

'Fragment of the left half, 1-yin. by {in.; 8 +..... lines. Fragment of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of the clouds; cf. supra, p. 430, K. 2299. See also below, p. 1263, K. 12740. [K. 12433 + K. 12618] Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by 1in.; 10 + .......... Forecasts, partly relating to public affairs. Fragment of the right half, 1in. by 1 in.; ..... Part of a text containing forecasts. Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by 'in.; Astrological forecasts. Fragment out of the middle,


) lines. [K. 12434]

+ 10 lines; Babylonian. [K. 12435] 7

by Iin.; 6 +.....

..... lines.

lines. [K. 12436] Forecasts. [K. 12437]




Fragment of the right half, 1-in. by 1-1lin; ....

+ 6 lines.

Forecasts. [K. 12438]

Fragment of the upper portion of one side, lin. by Vin.; ..... + 5 lines. Fragment of an omen-text. [K. 12439] + 6 lines. Fragment of the lower portion of reverse, lain. by 1 1-in.; ... End of a text containing forecasts, partly relating to public affairs. Of the catch-line only the middle part is visible :-:"w', e [K. 12440] Ad i ,f- ; ';,",-<".;~:' Fragment out of the middle, lin. by lin.; (.....+) 6 + ..... (+...) lines; Babylonian. Omens concerning incidents that may happen to [K. 12441] men. Fragment of the upper portion of one side, lain. by lin.; ..... +.... + 5 + 7 lines. Part of a text containing forecasts. [K. 12442] by l1in.; 9 +.......... lines. Fragment out of the middle, lin. 798, K. 6611, etc. Omens similar to those mentioned above, p. [K. 12443] Fragment of the left half, 1-5in. by l-3in.; .....

+ 10 lines.

Part of a

text containing omens derived from the appearance of birds in certain [K. 12444] places. Fragment of the upper portion of reverse, l1in. by lin.; ..... Forecasts.

+ 9 lines. [K. 12445]

lines (in doubleFragment of the left half, -l-in. by sin.; 8 + .......... columns). Fragment of a list of forms of official titles. [K. 12446] Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by 4-Tn 8 lines. Omens Om ;ine..; ..... [K. 12447] concerning houses and incidents that may happen to men. Fragment of the left half, 1-1-in. by in.; 6 ± 5 lines; Babylonian; marginal The sentences number <. Forecasts concerning the Ad !, etc. T. For similar texts see above, p. 981, K. 9048, and begin with ,-< [K. 12448] below, Sm. 1898 and Rm. 2, 176. Fragment out of the middle, -Uin. by :in.; 6 + Forecasts, partly relating to public affairs.


Fragment out of the middle, 18in. by l'in.; 6 +... Fragment of a text containing forecasts.

) lines. [K. 12449] (....)

Forecasts [K. 12451]

Fragment of the left half, lIin. by lin.; ..... + 14 lines. concerning the di, etc. Fragment.out of the middle, 1- in. by 1-lin.; 7 + 5 +.

Forecasts concerning the ,,



lines. [K. 12450]




[K. 12452]





.... ) lines. Part of a text Left-hand corner, 1 in. by in.; 5 + ... containing astrological forecasts taken fiom observations of eclipses of the sun, which may belong to a tablet of the great astrological work * /ll. <<( Add - Y > t . It begins:4 ->^>-YMf [K. 12453] lines.

Fragment out of the middle, lin. by -Ain.; 6 +. . concerning ~4 and Y M=J, etc.

Forecasts [K. 12454]

... ) lines. Copy Fragment of the left half, l1-Lin. by in.; 12 + of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations [K. 12455] of the wind; cf. supra, p. 422, K. 2207. Fragment out of the middle, lin. by ment of an om.en-text.

) lines. Frag[K. 12456]


in.; 5 +.

Fragment out of the middle, 1}in. by 1 in.; 8 +..... lines. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of the planet ~wY> [K. 12457] lines. Part by l1in.; 7 + ......... Fragment out of the middle, 1-1in. of a text containing directions for the performance of ceremonies and [K. 12458] rites. 6 + ... + ... Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by {in.; ... lines. Forecasts similar to those of K. 8841 (see above, p. 965); Sm.

[K. 12459]

373; 79-7-8, 54, etc.

Fragment of the lower portion, l1in. by 1-lin.; traces of 3 + 5 + ..... [K. 12461] lines. Astrological forecasts. +..... Fragment out of the middle, lin. by {in.; ( .....


4 +

( ..



lines. Fragment of a text containing astrological forecasts taken [K. 12462] .-4- ,4-. from observations of the star+ - lines. Fragment of the upper portion, 1-lin. by lin.; 6 +.....(...) Astrological forecasts taken from observations of the moon. [K. 12464] Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by 1-"in.; 10 + ..... logical forecasts.

lines. Astro[K. 12465]

Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by lin.; ..... omen-text. .

+ 10 lines.

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by - ' in; ....

+ 5 lines.

Part of an [K. 12466] Fragment of

[K. 12467]

an omen-text. Fragment out of the middle, Forecasts, *

l1in. by Partly effaced.

5tin.; 7 + ±.

lines. [K. 12468]



Left-hand corner, l-t in. by report.

in.; 5+1+3 lines.

Part of an astrological [K. 12469]

Fragment out of the middle, 18in. by -lin .... + 6 lines; Babylonian. Fragment of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of the star ->'-.<, , etc. [K. 12470] Left-hand corner, l1in. by 1-bin.; ..... the >-by, etc.

+ 9 lines.

Forecasts concerning [K. 12471]

lines. Fragment of a Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by in.; 7 +..... text containing forecasts similar to those of K. 11242; see above, [K. 12472] p. 1150. Fragment of the left half, -15in. by in.; 7 + 5 lines. astrological text concerning various stars.

Fragment of an [K. 12473]

lines. Fragment of a Fragment out of the middle, tin. by 3in.; 7 + ..... text containing astrological forecasts concerning the EY Tfy, etc. [K. 12474] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1 in.; 9 + lines. Part of a text containing forecasts.



Fragment of the right half, liin. text containing forecasts.

5 lines.

....... + .....

[K. 12475]

by - in.; ....

Copy of a [K. 12476]

+ 13 lines. End of a Fragment out of the middle, 1|in. by 1in.; ..... text containing omnens derived from the actions of certain animals. Of |' ]''' '"-Y the catch-line only the middle part is visible:-

[K. 12477]

A tytIsy. Fragment out of the middle, 1 3in. by I in.; 7 + .... omen-text.


Part of an [K. 12478]

Fragment of the left half, 2 in. by lin.; 25 + 10 lines; marginal number <. Omens concerning incidents that may happen to men. A number of sentences begin either with y _ - A t -< or with y ,4 <>-y (or -) 5J



Of the catch-line only the beginning is visible:--Y

[K. 12479 + K. 12497]

Portion of the left half, 2lin. by lin.; 22 + 12 lines; marginal number <. Omens concerning houses, etc.

[K. 12480 + K. 12500]

Fragment of the upper portion of reverse, 2in. by lin.; ..... + 7 lines. Omens concerning houses.

[K. 12481]


7 u




+ 4 lines. End of an Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by 1in.; .... omen-text belonging, according to the colophon, to a tablet of the Series [y] - Ay _y-[_YW 7]. Of the catch-line only the middle part is visible :--i'.



y ¢WY >y A-

[K. 12482]


Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by 13in.; ..... + 10 lines. Part of a text containing directions for the performance of ceremonies and [K. 12483] rites. + 7 lines. End of an Fragment of the left half, 15in. by 1 -in.; ..... omen-text forming, according to the colophon, the 1st tablet of a >--]JTV- '; >-x'lvL series. A comparison of the catch-line: [ with K. 3802 (see above, p. 566), obverse, line 1, shows that the Series <'<-_, fyy > Y -Yy=. [K. 12484] referred to begins:-... lines. Omens derived from Left-hand corner, l1in. by 1-in.; 10 + the appearances of scorpions in a man's house, etc.; cf. supja, p. 582, [K. 12485] K. 3974. + 6 lines. Omens [K. 12487]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1-1-in.; ..... derived fronm the condition of a city, etc. Fragment out of the middle, cerning houses.


in. by lin.; 9 + .....


Omens con[K. 12488]

Fragment out of the middle, 1-3in. by l1in.; ..... + 7 lines. Omens concerning incident's'that may happen to men, etc. [K. 12489] Left-hand corner, 2-in. by 21in.; short beginnings of 14 + 12 lines; marginal number <. Part of an omen-text. The contents appear to [K. 12490] be similar to those of K. 8480; see above, p. 930. Fragment out of the middle, lain. by1lin.; . concerning incidents that may happen to men.

++..... 9 lines.

Omens [K. 12491]

Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by lain.; ..... concerning incidents that may happen to men.

+ 12 lines.

Omens [K. 12492]

Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by1 derived from the condition of a city.

+ 11 lines.

Omens [K. 12493]

in.; .....

Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by ' in.; 9 + ... concerning incidents that may happen to men.


Omens [K. 12494]

Left-hand corner, 1-in. by 1-in.; 6 + 8 lines. Omens concerning incidents that may happen to a man while talking; cf. reverse, line 1 :-y _ [K. 12495] . ->Y 2Fragment of the lower portion, tin. by l-in.; 1+ 3 + 8 + 4 lines; Babylonian. Omens derived from the actions of birds. The sentences begin with f <<<-- < ->-Yk; cf. supra, p. 923, K. 8401. [K. 12498]




Fragment out of the middle, l- -in. by 1in. .... + 3 lines. Catch-line and colophon of an omen-text belonging to a tablet of the Series Of the catch-line only the middle part is V. - < Y >-Y-

-eY -Y << «

visible :- '' Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by cerning houses.

5 in.



[K. 12499] 15 lines.

Omens con[K. 12501]

Fragment of the left half, 1ain. by lin.; ..... + 8 lines. omen-text. The lines in Section II begin with y mx Right-hand corner, lin. by 1 cerning houses, etc.


2+6 lines; Babylonian.

Part of an f:. [K. 12502] Omens con[K. 12503]

Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by -in.; 10 + 5 + (left-hand edge) 1 lines. The lines begin Omens derived from the actions of various animals. , Y-- E and - ]Y H-Yi Y k respectively. with y' Y- + [K. 12504] Portion of the right half, 2 in. by 1 in.; 18 + 7 lines ; partly vitrified. [K. 12505] Part of an omen-text. Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by 1-l-in.; .....

8 lines.

Forecasts [K. 12506]

concerning the iy Md, etc.

Fragment of the left half, l1 in. by 81in.; 10 + 9 lines; marginal number <. [K. 12507] Part of an omen-text; the lines begin with y (4y) W<. + 15 lines. Omens Fragment out of the middle, 2 in. by l- in.; ..... [K. 12508] concerning houses and incidents that may happen to men. Beginning and end of an Upper portion, 3 in. by 2-in.; 14 + 2 lines. omen-text. A comparison of line 1 of obverse with the catch-line of K. 53 (see above, p. 14) shows that K. 12509 belongs to a tablet of the [K. 12509]

Series >-< ~- and continues the text of K. 53.

Fragment out of the middle, 15 in. by lin.; 7 + 8 lines. text.

Part of an omen[K. 12510]

Left half, lower portion, 2in. by lin.; 13 + 10 lines. Omens concerning [K. 12511 + K. 12540] incidents that may happen to men. Fragment of the left half, Win. by Iin.; traces of 4 + 7 lines; Babylonian. [K. 12512] Fragment of a text containing omens concerning houses. Fragment out of the middle, l--1in. by

in.; .....

5 lines.

Fragment of the left half, 1in. by in.; 7 - .... containing astrological forecasts.

Part of an [K. 12513]



Part of a text [K. 12514] 7 u 2



Fragment out of the middle, lIin. by 1-bgin.; 8 + 9 + ..... +..... lines; marginal number <. Omens derived from the actions of pigs (?). The sentences begin with Y'-a-~(; cf. supra, p. 558, K. 3725, etc. [K. 12515] Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by lin.; 6 + .... lines. Fragment of a text containing astrological forecasts similar to those of K. 9078 and K. 10118; see above, pp. 983, 1065. [K. 12517] Fragment of the lower portion, 2in. by sin.; 5 + 5 lines. ing incidents that may happen to men.

Omens concern[K. 12518]

Fragment of the left half; 1-3in. by lin.; .... + 10 lines; marginal number <. Omens concerning incidents that may happen to men. [K. 12519] Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by 1½in.; 10 + ..... lines; Babylonian. Astrological forecasts concerning eclipses, etc. This fragment may belong to a tablet of the great astrological work y 4 4->+--T~y . [K. 12520] Fragment out of the middle, 1'in. by 11in.; ..... + 14 lines; Babylonian. Omens concerning incidents that may happen to men. [K. 12521] Fragment out of the middle, lain. by -l lines. Part of an 1 in.; 10 + ... om en-text. [K. 12522] Left-hand corner, 1T5in. by 1lin.; 5 + 11 lines. is made of the goddess i < I <-4_-. Fragment out of the middle, l1in. cerning houses.


Forecasts, etc.

gin.; 7 +.....lines.

Mention [K. 12523]

Omens con[K. 12524]

Fragment of the left half, 3 in. by 3in.; traces of 3 + 5 lines. Part of an omen-text. The lines begin with Y t y>--; cf. supra, p. 1223, K. 12152. The catch-line, which reads:-- I t-¥il,,; shows that probably K. 6087 (above, p. 762) continues the text of K. 12526. Both these fragments may belong to tablets of the Series y _'<~__ 12526] .[K. yTyy<_yy Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by lin.; ..... concerning the births of certain animals, etc. Right-hand corner, houses, etc.

lin. by 1in.; .....

Right half, upper portion, -l17 in. by Part of an omen-text.

+ 10 lines. Omens [K. 12527]

+ 8 lines.

Omens concerning [K. 12528]

in.; 9 + .....

lines; Babylonian. [K. 12529]



Fragment out of the middle, 1 7-in. by lin.; an omen-text.

lines. Part of [K. 12530]

6 +.....

by 1- i-in.; 8 + traces of 5 + ..... Fragment out of the middle, lin. lines; marginal number <. Omens concerning houses and +. . [K. 12531] incidents that may happen to men and women. lines; BabyFragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1 in.; 7 + . . [K. 12532] lonian. Omens derived from the condition of a city, etc. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by lin.; Part of an omen-text.

in. ; 5 + 9 lines.

Fragment of the right half, 21 6 in. by

lines. [K. 12533]

9 +.....(.)

Part of an omen-

text, probably belonging to a -tablet of the Series [<. 'G the catch-line only the end is visible :-.


>-. Of [K. 12534]

... + 9 + 9 Fragment of the lower portion, 2-36in. by 1-in.; ..... III begin Column of lines. Part of an omen-text. The sentences [K. 12535] cf. supra, p. 385, K. 2011. with y M_


+ 5 lines. Omens derived Fragment of the left half, 1 3in. by 1-in.; ..... from the actions of birds. The sentences begin with y ¢-:YT A-fY; 12537] [K. cf. supra, p. 595, K. 4110, etc. lines; Babylonian. [K. 12538]

Fragment out of the middle, ljin. by 1in.; 8 +..... Omens concerning houses, etc.

Portion of the left half, 3in. by l-in.; 20 + 19 lines. Part of an omentext concerning the condition of certain parts of the body. According to the colophon it belongs to the 4th tablet of a Series. A comparison with K. 2949 (see

,, ,*

* ->

of the catch-line:-]
above, p. 491), obverse, line 1, shows that the Series referred to [K. 12539 + K. 12897] > M. < E( begins:--y Omens Fragment of the upper portion, l1in. by tin.; 9 + ..... lines. a round flutter bird may which a derived from the various directions in [K. 12542] man. Fragment out of the middle, l- in. of an omen-text. Fragment of the right half, omen-text.


iin. by

in.; 6 + in.; ....



+. 6 lines.

Fragment [K. 12543] Copy of an [K. 12545]

lines; marginal Fragment of the left half, 1-Tin. by in.; 14 +..... number <. Part of a text containing forecasts concerning the >-B-t, [K. 12546] etc. * Partly effaced.



Fragment of the upper portion, concerning houses.


by -in.;


lines. Omens [K. 12547]


Fragment of the lower portion of one side, lin. by tin.; ( ..... ) 7 + ) lines. Omens derived from the condition of certain ..... ...... parts of the body. E.g., lines 5-7 read:--

T -


TYT, d-

W ,< T. V



' '

This fragment probably belongs to the same tablet as K. 6682; see above, [K. 12548] p. 802. (+ ..... ) lines. ..... Right-hand corner, 1¼in. by 1in.; (....+ Omens concerning houses and incidents that may happen to men. [K. 12549] Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by %in.; 8 + ..... lines. Fragment of an omen-text. The lines begin with Y t; c'. supra, pp. 1052, 1223, [K. 12550] 1248, K. 9945, K. 12152, K. 12526, etc. Fragment out of the middle, lin. Part of an omen-text.

lines. (.....) by 1iin.; 9 + .... [K. 12551 + K, 12552]

Fragment of the lower portion, 21in. by 1-l5in.; 2 + ........ and ,y >y-, etc. lines. Forecasts concerning 4a Right half, lin. by iin.; 9 + 4 lines. from [7 <{Vg -? 4>]<(?) (<-.

+ 5 [K. 12554]

Part of an astrological report [K. 12555]

+ 4 lines; Babylonian. Fragment out of the middle, l in. by --in.; ..... End of a copy of a text containing incantations and directions for According to the colophon it appears to belong to a ceremonies. Cf. supra, p. 778, * [l(?]. A tablet of the Series -yA z [K. 12556] K. 6313, etc. 10 + 5 (+ ..... ) lines. Right-hand corner, 1-in. by 1-6in.; (.....+) Part of a text containing incantations and directions for cere[K. 12557] monies. Fragment of the right half, 1lin. by lin.; 10 + 6 lines.

Forecasts. [K. 12558]

Fragment of the right half, 1lin. by 1lin. ; 11 +..... text containing forecasts.


Fragment of the right half, 1-s7in. by sin.; 7 + 5 lines. cerning houses. * Partly effaced.

Copy of a [K. 12559] Omens con[K. 12560]




in.; 9 +.... Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by etc. casts concerning the r¥Y At, Fragment of the right half, l1in. by lin.; 6 + 4 lines.

lines. Fore[K. 12561]


Forecasts. [K. 12562]

...... Fragment of the upper portion of reverse, 1 in. by 5in.; ..... + 4 lines. Forecasts concerning the 4A , etc.

Fragment out of the middle, lin. by lin.; 7 + 4 + . Astrological forecasts concerning eclipses, etc.


[K. 12563] ......... lines. [K. 12564]

Portion of the left half, l1in. by 1 in.; 11 + traces of 5 lines. Forecasts concerning the -VYyy, etc. The text of reverse contains a date. [K. 12565] + 14 lines. Omens Fragment of the right half, ain. by -5in; ..... [K. 12566] concerning incidents that may happen to men, etc. Fragment of the left half, 1-in. by 13in.; 11 + 12 lines; Babylonian. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of various stars. Duplicate of K. 6211; see above, p. 771. [K. 12567] Left-hand corner, 1-in. l by 1-in.; 4 + (.... +.. ... +) 4 lines (in doublecolumns). Fragment of an explanatory text belonging, according to the colophon, to the 4th tablet of a series. [K. 12568] Fragment of the right half, 1 in. by l in.; 10 + 7 lines. Omens derived from the various directions in which a bird may flutter round a man. [K. 12569] Portion of the left half, 3¼in. by 2¼in.; 31 + traces of 3 lines; marginal number <. Part of a text containing forecasts concerning >y ME and

>>Yy, etc.

The lines begin usually with >-< A-

Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by l-Jin.; of an incantation-text.

9 +....


[K. 12570] ilnes.

Fragment [K. 12571]

Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 1-1 6in. by } in.; 5 + traces of 4 + ..... + lines. Omens concerning houses, etc. [K. 12572] lines. Omens Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by 1--in. 8 +..... concerning houses and incidents that may happen to men, etc. [K. 12573] Fragment out of the middle, 1--in. by lin; 7 + .... lines. Omens concerning houses and incidents that may happen to men. [K. 12574] Right-hand corer, 2in. by lin.; 16 + .... lines; Babylonian. Astrological forecasts concerning eclipses, etc. [K. 12575]




Fragment of the left half, 2in. by lin.; .... 8 lines; Babylonian. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of various stars. [K. 12576] Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by 1-in.; 9 + ... (.....) lines. Forecasts concerning the ~|, etc. The sentences begin with - 4t < f- ~-¢ <{Y ->Yi (var.: >y). [K. 12577] Fragment out of the middle, 1 1in. by 1 1in.; 9 + 3 + ...... .... lines. Forecasts, partly relating to public affairs. [K. 12578] Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by -l-in.;12 + ..... text containing astrological forecasts.


Fragment of the right half, 21in. by 2in.; 11 + traces of 5 lines. omen-text.

Part of an [K. 12580]

Fragment of the right half, l-^in. by an omen-text. Fragment of the left half, la Part of a hymn.

Part of a [K. 12579]


1in.; ...

+ 10 lines.

by 1in.; .....

Fragment of [K. 12581]

+ 8 lines; Babylonian. [K. 12582]

Fragment out of the middle, in. by b ; .... ±.+7 lines; Babylonian. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts; it may belong to a tablet of the great astrological work y' - >-y
-1-3in.;19 +....

Fragment of the right half, 1 in. by 1 -1 in.; ..... a text containing forecasts.

lines. 6 lines.

Part of an [K. 12584] Fragment of [K. 12585]

Fragment of the lower portion, 1 in. by by;1 + 6 lines; Babylonian. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of the sun, moon, and the stars r-;- + - and _4^-q+ -_byt . [K. 12586] Fragment out of the middle, 13in. by in.; ..... ..... 4 + 6 lines; Babylonian. Part of a text containing prescriptions for various medical potions; cf. supra, p. 1192, K. 11749. [K. 12587] Fragment out of the middle, 1Lin. by Din.; 8 + lines. Omens derived from the condition of certain parts of the human body. [K. 12588] Fragment of the upper portion of reverse, 1-in. by 1- in.; Babylonian. Part of a text containing astrological from observations of various stars. This fragment tablet of the great astrological work yT >- ~-'>

..... + 11 lines; forecasts taken may belong to a T. [K. 12589]


Fragment of the left half,; lin. hymn to a goddess.



by lin.; .....

+ 12 lines.

Part of a [K. 12591]

Fragment out of the middle, l-in. by Iin.; 10 + ..... lines; Babylonian. Forecasts, partly relating to public affairs. [K. 12592] Lower half, 1-lin. by 1 n.; 4 + 1 3 l;ines; Babylonian. Forecasts concerning the ~t, etc. In lines 2 and 3 of reverse mention is made of king Assurbanipal. [K. 12593] Fragment of the upper portion, 2sin. by 1 in.; ..... ( +) 17 + 7 (+.....) lines; obverse partly vitrified. Part of a text containing forecasts. [K. 12594] Fragment of the upper portion, lin. by in.; 9 +. ......... ) lines. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of the moon and sun. [K. 12595] Fragment out of the middle, 17 in. by 1n .+

marginal number <.

Forecasts concerning the;



This text may be an extract from a larger composition. line only the end is visible :--Ad _y A.



Of the catch[K. 12596]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 -in. by lin.; 10 +....... of a text containing astrological forecasts.


Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by Fragment of an astrological text.

lines; Babylonian. [K. 12598]

in.; 6 + .....

Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by1-}in.; 7 +. . Part of a text containing forecasts.

) lines. Part [K. 12597]


) lines. [K. 12599]

Fragment of the left half; 1- 9in. by -in.; traces of 6 + 10 lines; Babylonian. Fragment of an omen-text concerning houses. [K. 12600] Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by 1 in.; 7 + .... ) lines; Babylonian. Fragment of a text containing astrological forecasts. [K. 12601] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by lin.; 8 +..... lines; Babylonian. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of the star [ >;.-+?] ><, - etc. This fragment may belong to a tablet of the great astrological work ¥ ~ -~. -T< [K. 12602] Portion out of the middle, 1Iin. by 1in. 2 + 7 +.... ..... lines; Babylonian. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of various stars. [K. 12603] VOL. III.

7 X




Fragment out of the middle, lin. by in.; 8 +. ... .... ) lines. Fragment of a historical inscription of an Assyrian king(?). [K. 12604] Fragment of the left half, in. by 3in.; ..... + 7 lines; Babylonian. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts. This fragment may [K. 12605] belong to the same tablet as K. 12675; cf. infra, p. 1258. Fragment of the upper portion of one side, l in. by 1 in.; 7 + .....

Astrological forecasts beginning:... >'.. --





T At <<<W [K. 12606]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by l in.; 8 + ..... Astrological forecasts concerning eclipses, etc. Fragment out of the middle, lin. text containing forecasts.



Fragment out of the middle, 13in. by in.; 10 omen-text.


lines; Babylonian. [K. 12607]

+ 9 lines. lines.

Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by in.; 8 + .......... Babylonian. Astrological forecasts.

Part of a [K. 12608] Part of an [K. 12609] ) lines; [K. 12610]

lines; Baby... Fragment out of the middle, "in. by 1 -in.; 9 + lonian. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of the star

( ?) [>T--]y

-< P at

L, etc.

[K. 12611]

lines. Fragment of a Fragment of the left half, l3in. by in.; 5 + .... text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of [K. 12612] _P etc. Y>-+* ~ the star Fragment of the upper portion of reverse, lin. by lin.; ..... + 4 lines. [K. 12613] Forecasts, partly relating to public affairs. in.; .... + 7 lines; Babylonian. Fragment of the left half, tin. by Fragment of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from [K. 12614] .--- , etc. observations of the planet m1 10 lines; by - 96in.; (.........+. Fragment of the left half, l 6 in. Babylonian. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts. [K. 12615]

Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by Win.; 5 + . Forecasts.

lines; Babylonian. [K. 12616]

lines ..... Fragment out of the middle; lin. by 1in.; 9 + 8 + .... (in double-columns). Part of a list of names of stars, with glosses. [K. 12619] *

Partly effaced.



10 +..... lines. Beginning of 1in. by 1'in.; Upper portion, right half, 2 concerning eclipses. forecasts a text containing astrological [K. 12621] Fragment of the lower portion, 1 in. by 1 in.; 7 + 6 lines. Omens derived from the various directions in which a bird may flutter round a man. [K. 12622] Fragment of the left half, l1in. by 1 -in.; 9 + 6 lines; marginal number <. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of the moon and [K. 12623] various stars. Left-hand corner, 12-iin. by lin.; 7 + traces of 1 lines. Part of a text containing omens and medical prescriptions; it belongs to the > <¥< and to the <|vA ,> V 3rd tablet of the Series Y' ] l EE>y f y> _. < 17th tablet of the Series >T_ ~ begins:obverse It is a duplicate of K. 3962; see above, p. 581. The s [K.· 12624] a -/
their houses.


Several lines begin with Y >


A_ (var.: k).


[K. 12625] Fragment out of the middle, 11in. by lin.; 7 + ..... omen-text.

lies. Part of an [K. 12626]

Fragment of the upper portion of reverse, l in. by lin.; ..... + 8 lines; Babylonian. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts. [K. 12627] Fragment of the lower portion of reverse, 1 in. by l 3in.; lines. Forecasts concerning >- A, ..... + 8 (+.....) >->ff, etc. Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by l1in.; 10 +.....(.....) Part of a text containing astrological forecasts.

(.....+) ,y

j'yy and

[K. 12628] lines. [K. 12629]

8 lines. Part of an Fragment out of the middle, 2 in. by 1-tin.;..... an-4 y- and astrological text. Mention is made of the star [K. 12630] v -YyY < . A, and YT __ of the rivers yAd Fragment of the left half, 1in. by 1 in.; 14 + short beginnings of 10 lines; etc.; cf. supra, marginal number <. Forecasts concerning the v -, [K. 12631] p. 582, K. 3973. Omens derived from Right-hand corner, l1in. by 1-5in.; 6 + 12 lines. round a man, etc. may flutter a bird which in the various directions [K. 12632] 7 x2



Fragment out of the middle, 13in. by 1in.; .... + 11 lines; Babylonian. Part of an astrological text. Mention is made of the stars --f and t-L i . [K. 12633] Fragment out of the middle, 2 in. by in.; 18 + ..... lines. Part of a text containing omens derived from the colours of the horns (?) of oxen (?) and the directions in which they are curved. [K. 12634] Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 11in. by 1 in.; ..... + 9 lines. Forecasts concerning 7_, E and A|. M_ [K. 12635] Fragment out of the middle, l1- in. by Fragment of a religious text.




lines. [K. 12333]

Right-hand corner, 1in. by 1-lin.; 4 + 5 + 1 lines; Babylonian. Part of a report of the class described above, p. 259 f., K. 1288. [K. 12637] Left-hand corner, 1-5in. by 1-in.; 9 + 6 lines. Part of an omen-text forming, according to the colophon, the 2nd tablet of a Series. A comparison of the catch-line:-- , _< ->; * "s, with K. 4017 (see above, p. 587), obverse, line 1, shows that K. 4017 continues the text of K. 12638. [K. 12638] Right-hand corner, 2in. by linl.; 7 +..... lines. Beginning of a text containing astrological forecasts. [K. 1263,] Fragment out of the middle, lin. by 1in.; 9 + ..... lines. Part of a text containing forecasts. [K. 12640] Fragment of the lower portion, 2l - in. by -in.; (.....+)3 + 3 + 3 +7 (+.....) lines. Part of an omen-text similar to those of K. 2018a + K. 12525 + Sm. 1562 (see above, p. 387), K. 12842 (below, p. 1270), Sm. 801 (q.v.), etc. [K. 12641] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 11in.; 12 + .... lines. Part of a religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 12642] Fragment of the lower portion, l-7in. by 1-in.; traces of 2 + ..... + ..... + 8 lines. Forecasts. [K. 12643] Fragment of the upper portion of reverse, 1 in. by 1in .... + 7 lines. Forecasts. [K. 12645] Portion out of the middle, 1min. by l1in.; ..... + 15 lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of various stars. [K. 12646] Right-hand corner, 1l in. by 1in.; 4 + 2 + 4 lines. Part of an omen-text.


[K. 12647] *

Partly effaced.



Fragment out of the middle, in. by 1in.; . Forecasts concerning the ->tyY, etc.


13 + 2 lines. [K. 12648]

Fragment of the right half, 1in. by lin.;.... . + 13 lines. Part of an omen-text. Among the predicted evils mention is made of accidents which may happen to women during pregnancy:'g?- ' ~,, Y7 [K. 12649] ^T7 4YY EmAd Fragment of the lower portion of reverse, 13in. by gin.; ..... +..... + 4 + 2 lines. Forecasts concerning the >-BTY, etc. [K. 12650] Fragment of the right half, 1 in. by lIin.; ..... + 9 lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of the star -4y _ -< i ., etc. [K. 12651] Fragment out of'the middle, H1in. by 1T 1-in.; 9 +..... logical forecasts concerning rain-fall, etc. Fragment of the right half, lin. religious text.

by 1-yin.; 9 +....

lines. Astro[K. 12652] lines.

Part of a [K. 12653]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1 in.; 11 + .... lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of the moon and its position in relation to the stars - Ai_, ¢>Ady E and -fY -;4>-b-y . [K. 12654] Left-hand corner, 1-Ain. by 1-}in.; 6 +..... lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of the moon; it

begins:-y <<<


y<- k

<'-'~;:¥ A fY]i

:[K. 12655]

Fragment of the left half, 1-in. by 1in.; ..... omen-text. Fragment of the right half, containing forecasts.

Lin. by


+ 10 lines.

9 + 12 lines.

Part of an [K. 12656]

Part of a text [K. 12657]

Fragment out of the middle, 1l'in. by lin.; 8 + traces of 1 +.... ...... lines. Part of an astrological text concerning observations of the moon. [K. 12658] Fragment out of the middle, l;in. by gin.; 5 + ..... lines. Fragment of a text containing omens derived from the actions of birds. [K. 12659] Fragment of the left half, 13-in. by -inl ... + 7 lines. Omens con-. cerning births. This fiagment appears to belong to a tablet of the Series -< [K. 12660] [-. Fragment out of the middle, ltext containing forecasts.

in. by l1in.; 7



Part of a [K. 12661]




Fragment of the right half, 1-in. by 5in'.; .. .. + 11 lines. Omens concerning the chances of a sick man's recovery, etc. [K. 12662] Fragment of the upper portion of one side, lain. by lin.; ..... ..... ) + 11 lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of the star _--Fragment of the, left half, 1I


[K. 12663]

by in. ,5 in....(


) + 9 lines.


of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of the stars

MU+ Q >-< and


y- [v].

[K. 12664]

Fragment out of the middle, lain. by -l1in.; ..... + 10 lines. Astrological forecasts concerning eclipses, etc. [K. 12665] Fragment of the upper portion, 1-16in. by 11in.; 11 +..... lines; Babylonian. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of various stars. [K. 12t66] Fragment out of the middle,


- 11 lines.

in. by 1 in.; .....

text containing astrological forecasts. Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by in.; 9 +..... forecasts concerning eclipses.


Astrological [K. 12668]


+ 7 (+ ... ) [K. 12669]

Fragment of the right half, 1in. by lin.; ( .... lines. Fragment of a religious text. Fragment out of the middle, 1-t1in. by omen-text.

in.; 9 + .....

Fragment out of the middle, 1jin. by sin.; 7 + 7 lines. incidents that may happen to men, etc. Fragment of the right half, lin. by containing forecasts.

X in.;

Part of a

[K. 12667]

6 + 5 lines.


Part of an [K. 12670]

Omens concerning [K. 12671] Fragment of a text [K. 12672]

Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by 11in.; 6 .......... lines. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of various stars; they partly relate to public affairs. [K. 12673] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by in.; ..... + 11 lines; Babylonian. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts; it may belong to a tablet of the great astrological work Y - .T. [K. 12674] Fragment of the left half, lin. by win.; 10 + ..... lines; Babylonian. Astrological forecasts for the various days of the month Sebat, etc., taken from observations of the sun. This fragment may belong to a tablet of the great astrological work Y >-T-yf. Cf. also supra, p. 1254, K. 12605. [K. 12675] '




Fragment of the lower portion, lin. omen(?)-text.

by lIin.; 5 + 9 lines.

Part of an [K. 12676]

Lower portion, left half, 2--in. by I-in.; 4 + 6 lines. Omens concerning incidents that may happen to men. One section begins:,_j y



t<2 ___ <MYi Ad Iy >
[K. 12677]


Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by lin. ..... + 12 lines. Part of an astrological text concerning observations of the stars >-4"- >T -

CLyY and -T--+




[K. 12678]

Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by H1in.; ..... + 13 lines. Omens derived from the various directions in which a bird may flutter round a man. [K. 12679] Fragment out of the middle, 13in. by l1in.; 7 + 3 + .... Part of a text containing forecasts.

. .... lines. [K. 12680]

Fragment out of the middle, 1*in. by 1}in.; 8 omen-text.



Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by 1 in.; ..... containing forecasts.

+ 8 lines.

Part of an [K. 12681] Part of a text [K. 12682]

Fragment of the left half, lgin. by in.; traces of 5 + 10 lines. Fragment of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of the wind; cf. supra, p. 422, K. 2207. See also below, p. 1264, K. 12747. [K. 12683] Fragment of the upper portion, l1in. by 18in.; 4 + 3 lines; Babylonian. Beginning and end of a report of the class described above, p. 259 f., K. 1288. [K. 12684] Fragment of the left half, lin. by 11in.; ..... 15 lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts for the various months. [K. 12685] Left-hand corner, l in. by l--in.; 5 +.... casts concerning >-4 and -r , etc. Fragment out of the middle, lain. by Part of an astrological text.



lines; Babylonian. Fore[K. 12686]

in.; 12 +.....(.....)

Left half, lower portion, 2in. by fin.; 19 - 2 +9 containing forecasts concerning the - yy, etc. Fragment out of the middle, Forecasts.


lines. [K. 12687] Part of a text [K. 12688] 1in.; ..... + 7 lines; Babylonian. [K. 12689]




Fragment out of the middle, I in. by Ijin.; .... + 8 lines; Babylonian. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of various stars 'V(^-4-2 Ac oy, ha>+ EY 9 and >+ y- A ); they partly relate to public affairs. [K. 12690] Fragment out of the middle, 18in. by in.; 6 + . ......... ) lines. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of the moon; they partly relate to public affairs. [K. 12691] Right-hand corner, 1 -in.

by l in.; 4+ 5 lines; Babylonian.

Fragment out of the middle, 1-8in. by tin.; 8 + .. Fragment of a Sumero-Akkadian religious text.

Forecasts(?). [K. 12692] ...(

lines. [K. 12693]

Fragment out of the middle, lin. by lin.; ..... + 7 lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of various stars; they partly relate to public affairs. [K. 12694] Right-hand corner, 1 in. by 1 in.; (..... Part of an omen-text.


10(- ..

) lines. [K. 12695]

Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by in.; 8 +..........) lines. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of the star ~q-t -yy



[K. 12696]

Fragment of the lower portion, l1in. by l1-a-in.; 8 + traces of 3 +..... ..... lines. Part of a religious text. [K. 12697] Fragment out of the middle, l2in. by lin.; ..... + 8 lines. a text containing forecasts.

Fragment of [K. 12698]

Fragment of the left half, 1 in. bywin.; ..... (.....) + 11 lines; marginal number . Part of a text containing astrological forecasts for certain days of the various months, concerning eclipses. [K. 12699] Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 1-1-in. by 1-_in.; . .... + 8 lines. Part of an omen-text. [K. 12700] Fragment out of the middle, 1- 6 in. by Part of an omen-text.


8 + .....


Fragment out of the middle, l-in. by 1,-3in.; ..... (....) Part of an astrological text concerning the stars *.T+

y*Y- v and > >+* --

riYHi Y


Babylonian. [K. 12701] + 10 lines. _-4-+** y,

etc. [K. 12702]


Partly effaced.



Fragment out of the middle, 11in. by 6'in.; ..... + 7 lines. Omens concerning houses and incidents that may happen to men. [K. 12703] Fragment out of the middle, 1-3 in. by lin.; 10 + ... .lines. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of the star [>Y-e ?] * y L, etc. [K. 12704] Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by lin.; ..... + 8 lines. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of the stars >+-_ -,S->~I >-y f, [_ -? 2]- f * Y, etc. [K. 12705] Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by I3in.; concerning houses.



lines. Omens [K. 12707]

Fragment of the upper portion, in. by in.; 7 .......... ) lines. Fragment of a text containing astrological forecasts derived from observations of eclipses and of various stars. [K. 12708] Fragment out of the middle, l-6in. by 1in.; 8+.....lines; Babylonian. Omens concerning houses. This fragment may belong to a tablet of the Series Y -nyl- ,Y- at _ . [K. 12709] Fragment of the upper portion of one side, -in. by 13in.; . + 6 lines. Fragment of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of the star [ >>]+r(?) . H Y , etc. [K. 12710] Fragment of the right half, 15in. by lin.; 13 +.... lines. Part of an omen-text. [K. 12711] Fragment out of the middle, lin. Forecasts.


in.; 8 + .....

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by l-1 in.; ..... concerning · y E and eYd, etc.


+ 8 lines.

) lines. [K. 12712] Forecasts [K. 12713]

Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by 1-l1 in.; 7 + .......... lines. Fragment of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies. [K. 12714] Fragment out of the middle, tin. by sin.; concerning houses. Fragment out of the middle, lin.

7 + .....

by I5in.; 7 +.....



Omens [K. 12715]

Forecasts. [K. 12716]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by lin.; 8 + .... lines. Fragment of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of the star -4-* $ >-<, etc. [K. 12717] Partly effaced. VOL. III.

7 Y



Fragment of the right half, 1-7jin. by lin.; ..... F orecasts.

+ 13 lines; Babylonian. [K. 12718]

Fragment out of the middle, 1min. by in.; 8 + .......... lines in doublecolumns. Fragment of an explanatory list. [K. 12719] Fragment out of the middle, concerning houses.

in. by -3in.;

Fragment out of the middle, lin. omen-text.

7 + ....

by gin.; 9 +....

lines. Omens [K. 12720] lines.

Part of an [K. 12721]

.. + 7 + .. Fragment out of the middle, 1l- in. by -311in. lines. Part of a list of the numbers of tablets, and of parts of texts, belonging to a certain collection of omen- and astrological texts selected from different Series. E.g., lines 3 ff. read:-

-mv; YTV ; 7 <^ ,4:

^v .

Ae >ifT



(; j




rr [wif?] VHn


- 2n, - ri14 1, 70 '-


[K. [--- 12722]


Left-hand corner, l-1 -in. by I-in.; 4 + 2 + 2 lines; Babylonian. Astro[K. 12723] logical forecasts, partly relating to public affairs. ) lines; Fragment out of the middle, 1 -6 in. by I 5in.; 6 ..... from the containing omens derived Babylonian. Fragment of a text [K. 12724] condition of a city. Fragment of the right half, 1 in. by lin.; 9 + ..... omen-text.


Part of an [K. 12725]

Fragment out of the middle, 1-7in. by 1-in.; 7 +..... concerning >Ayy and iY Ay, etc.


Forecasts [K. 12726]


Forecasts, [K. 12727]

7 + .....

-in.; Fragment out of the middle, lin. by partly relating to public affairs.

Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 1lin. by l1in.; ..... + 9 lines. Omens concerning houses and incidents that may happen to men. [K. 12728] lines.

Fragment out of the middle, Iin. by 1in.; 13 +..... derived from the actions of oxen, etc. Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by Omens concerning houses, etc.


13 +.........)

Left-hand corner, 1 in. by 1,-in.; 6 + traces of 2 lines. logical text concerning various stars. *

Partly effaced.

t Cf. line 2.

Omens [K. 12729] lines. [K. 12730]

Part of an astro[K. 12731]




Fragment out of the middle, lin. l by 1t-in.; 11 + ...... of a Sumero-Akkadian religious text.

lines. Part [K. 12732]

Fragment out of the middle, l13in. by lin.; ..... (... ) + 8 lines; Babylonian. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of the moon and various stars. [K. 12733] Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 1 in. by 1 -in.; 6 +....lines. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of the star ~:

-H , y

[K. 12734]


Fragment of the left half, 13in. by in.; .... 9 lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts. The lines of Section I begin with y MAX< ;<; cf. supra, p. 571, K. 3858 + K. 12536. [K. 12735] Fragment of the left half, l!in. by lin.; .. omen-text. The lines begin with y A.

+...+12 lines.

Part of an [K. 12737]

Left-hand corner, 1fin. by sin.; 3 + 3 + 2 lines; Babylonian. Beginning and end of a report of the class described above, p. 259 f., K. 1288. [K. 12738] Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by lin.; short ends of 3 +8 .... + ..... lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of the sun. Cf. supra, p. 1222, K. 12148. [K. 12739] Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by lin.; ........... + 8 + 6 lines; marginal number <. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of the clouds. This fragment may belong to the same tablet as K. 12433; see above, p. 1242. [K. 12740] Fragment out of the middle,lin. concerning the ¢Y¥, etc.

by }in.; ....

Left-hand corner, l-ain. by sin.; 8 + 5 lines. text.

+ 9 lines.

Forecasts [K. 12741]

Part of an astrological [K. 12742]

Portion out of the middle, 2in. by l 11in.; 11 + 5 ..... .... lines. Omens derived from the condition of various parts of the human body. [K. 12743] Fragment out of the middle, lin. by I-5in.; 6 + .. lines. Fragment of a text containing omens derived from the various directions in which a bird may flutter round a man. [K. 12744] Fragment of the upper portion, 1sin. by 1-in.; 10+.....lines. Beginning of a text containing astrological forecasts concerning eclipses, etc.; they partly relate to public affairs. Of line 1 only the middle part is visible: [> . ]1[^] Y cf. supra, p. 576, K. 3908, etc. [K. 12745] 7 Y2




Left-hand corner, l-bin. by jin.; ..... + 1 + 6 lines. Fragment of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of the stars -- +~>>- ft [_- '] and Be, etc. [K. 12746] Left-hand corner, 1 -3in. by lin.; 7 +..........) lines. Fragment of a text containing astrological forecasts'taken from observations of the wind. This fragment may belong to the same tablet as K. 12683; see above, p. 1259. [K. 12747] Fragment out of the middle, 1¼in. by tin.; concerning houses.

8 + ......

lines. Omens [K. 12748]

Fragment of the upper portion of reverse, 1 in. by sin.; ..... + 4 lines. Fragment of a text containing omens derived from births. [K. 12749] Fragment out of the middle, l-&-in. by l in.; 7 + ... lines.' Part of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of various stars, etc. [K. 12750] Fragment of the lower portion, i. by 1in. in.; 5 + 7 lines. Omens concerning incidents that may happen to men. [K. 12751] Fragment of the left half, 18in. by lin.; .... containing forecasts.

+ 12 lines.

Part of a text [K. 12752]

Fragment out of the middle, -l7in. by -in.; 10 + ......... lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies. [K. 12753] Fragment out of the middle, l-h-%in. by 1--lin.; ..... + 11 lines. Omens derived from the births of monstrosities. [K. 12754] Fragment out of the middle, l- in. by 7 in.; 7 + .......... casts concerning the jy Ay, etc.

lines. Fore[K. 12755]

Fragment out of the middle, 19in. by lin.; ..... + 8 lines. Omens concerning incidents that may happen to sick people. [K. 12756] Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by IIin.; ..... + 9 lines. Forecasts. One paragraph begins with >-< Y and another with P-< X ; cf. supra, pp. 846, 1009, KK. 7346, 9414, etc. [K. 12757] Fragment out of the middle, 1-]-in. by }3'in.; Astrological forecasts.

7 +........

lines. [K. 12758]

Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by 1 in.; 11 +.....lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of various stars. [K. 12759] Fragment of the left half, l1in. by 1-3in.; 11 + Forecasts concerning the z&, etc.


..... ) lines. [K. 12760]



lines. Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by -3in.; 11 +..........) -f Astrological forecasts. Mention is made of the star ._12761] [K. yn. + lines. Part of a text containing Left-hand corner, Ilin. by lin.; 6 + .... astrological forecasts taken from observations of the planet -4- ~-<. [K. 12762] + 10 lines. Part of a text Right-hand corner, 1-17-in. by 1in.; ..... containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of the [K. 12763] .- 4-+~Y: y,,- V and other stars. Left-hand corner, 2--in. by 1-9in.; 14 + 12 lines; marginal number <. [K. 12764] ge, etc. Forecasts concerning >y E and + 8 lines. Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 17 in. by 1in.; .... Copy of an omen-text concerning incidents that may happen to men. [K. 12765] + 14 Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 2a-in. by l1in.; ..... 12766] [K. lines. Forecasts. Right-hand corner, 18in. by 1iin.; 8 houses.



Omens concerning [K. 12767]

Fragment out of'the middle, lHin. by 1hin.; 9 +..... lines. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of various stars, etc. [K. 12769] Portion of the right half, 2 in. by 1 in.; 14 + 14 + (right-hand edge) 1 lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts. [K. 12770] in.; 6 + Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by Fragment of a text containing forecasts.


)lines. [K. 12771]

+ 9 lines. Fragment of a Fragment of the left half, l;in. by -lin.; ... [K. 12772j of pigs. the actions text containing omens derived from Fragment of the left half,l4in. containing forecasts.

by lin.; ...

Left-hand corner, 1in. by 1 in.; .... Two paragraphs begin:--y- _

+ 10 lines.

Part of a text [K. 12773]

9 lines. Part of an omen-text. [K. 12774] r >-q(. V

+ 2 + Fragment of the upper portion of one side, lsin. by 1 -in.; .... 11 lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts. [K. 12775] lines. Astrological foreLeft-hand corner, 2-in. by 1lin.; 10 + .... V T] casts taken from observations of the moon, beginning:- y <(< [K. 12776] y' Y*g' : ado^ >t TV-X




Fragment of the left half, l7in. by 1in.; .... + 11 lines. astrological text concerning ~!E and d Aad, etc.

Part of an [K. 12777]

Right half, 1 7in. by tin.; 10 + 10 lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts, similar to that of K. 872, etc.; see above, p. 183. [K. 12778] Fragment out of the middle, l-fLin. by gtin.; ..... + 7 lines. Forecasts concerning the At 'f, etc. This fragment may belong to the same tablet as K. 12328; see above, p. 1235. [K. 12779] Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by 1 3 in.; 7 +..... lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of the star [>

_i-+? A]



[K. 12780]


Fragment of the right half, 11in. by -in.;



Right-hand corner, lIin. by lin.; 6 + 10 lines. and incidents that may happen to men.


Forecasts. [K. 12781]

Omens concerning houses [K. 12782]

Fragment out of the middle, -1 z-in. by 1l in.; 7 + ..... lines. Part of a Mention is report of the class described above, p. 259f., K. 1288. made of Esarhaddon ([¥ b- ?] * ~ 4). [K. 12783]


Left-hand corner, 1lin. by lin.; 8 + .... of persons, etc. Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by Omens concerning birds, etc.


-in.; ....

) lines. +...

Part of a list [K. 12784] ..

7 + 6 lines. [K. 12785]

Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by Sin.; 8 + traces of 2 + .......... lines (in double columns?). Part of a list of names of gods and their [K. 12786] titles. ..... ) + 9 lines; Fragment out of the middle, lin. by 1-3in.; ... Babylonian. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of the [K. 12787] moon; they partly relate to public affairs. 6 lines. Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 1in. by in.; .... Part of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observaT- etc. , tions of the stars [L..+] - TV=-and [--4-+] JY W [K. 12788] Fragment out of the middle, 1 3-in. by 1 in.; .. concerning houses, etc.

+ 10 lines. Omens [K. 12789]

Fragment out of the middle, 1-6in. by 1163in.; 10 + ..... casts concerning >.~ and fYA:, etc. * Partly effaced.



[K. 12790]



Fragment out of the middle, l in. by 1 in.; ..... 8 lines. Part of a text containing omens derived from the various directions in which an animal may move round a man. [K. 12791] Fragment out of the middle, lin. by 3in.; . ......... Babylonian. Forecasts concerning -o- and ~. Fragment out of the middle, 12in. by Tin.; 8 +.......... casts concerning T-yy and y, etc. Portion of the right half, 1 in. by 1 in.; .... forecasts concerning wind and rain.

)+ 8 lines; [K. 12792] lines. Fore[K. 12793]

+ 15 lines.

Astrological [K. 12794]

Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by in.; 9 + ..... lines. Astrological forecasts concerning eclipses; they partly relate to public affairs. [K. 12795] Fragment out of the middle, 1 3in. by 1 in.; 8 + ... lines; Babylonian. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of the moon, etc. [K. 12796] Fragment out of the middle, lin. by -'in.; .. + 6 lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of various stars. [K. 12797] Fragment out of the middle, l in. by yin.; 7 + .... lines. Astrological forecasts concerning meteors and shooting stars (?); cf. szpra, pp. 425, 1140, K. 2239, K. 11129, etc. [K. 12798] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by Astrological forecasts.


6 +.....(.....)

lines. [K. 12799]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1-i 6 in.; ..... + 9 lines. End of a text containing astrological forecasts. According to what is left of the colophon, it probably belongs to a tablet of the great astrological work [ -4--?] UY.* ¥TY. Of the catch-line only the middle part is visible:?2y,-F


, *



Fragment out of the middle, 1l-in. by 1min.; 9 +..... concerning houses.



lines. Omens [K. 12801]

Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by lsin.; 12 + 4 +. + .... lines; marginal number <. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of the moon. [K. 12802] * Partly effaced.



Fragment of the lower portion, lin. by in.; 7+ 1 +.... lines; Babylonian. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts taken

from observations of the star


yy __ *, etc.; they partly

relate to public affairs.

[K. 12803]

Fragment of the upper portion of one side, lin. by lin.; ...... 11 lines. Astrological forecasts concerning eclipses of the sun, etc. [K. 12804] Left half, lower l5in. portion, 1 by lain.; 13 +.... concerning > _A,4A . and
. lines.

Forecasts [K. 12805]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by lin.;..... 6 lines. Fragment of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of various stars, etc.; they partly relate to public affairs. [K. 12806] Fragment out of the middle, 1-6-in. by lin.; 8 +.....(..... Part of a text containing astrological forecasts. Fragment of the left half, lin. by gin.; 6 + .....


)lines. [K. 12807] Forecasts con-

cerning the -Ptyn.

[K. 12808]

Portion of the left half, 1 in. by 1 in.; 6 + 7 lines; Babylonian. Forecasts concerning the :_y7, etc. Lines 2 and 3 of reverse contain a date in Assyrian writing. [K. 12809] Fragment of the left half, 1 96 in. by in,; ..... 11 lines. Part of an omen-text similar to those mentioned above, p. 561, K. 3757. [K. 12810] Fragment of the left half, 17-gin. by gin,; 11 + 3 lines. cerning the ~S, etc.

Forecasts con[K. 12811]

Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by lin.; 8 + ..... lines. forecasts taken from observations of various stars. Fragment out of the middle, lIin. by lIin.; 7 + .... cerning incidents that may happen to men, etc. Fragment of the right half, 11in. by lin.; ..... omen-text.


Omens con[K. 12813]

+ 8 lines.

Part of an [K. 12814]

Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by 1-bin.; 8+ ...... logical forecasts taken from observations of the other stars. Fragment of the left half, lIin. by tin.; casts concerning the >--, etc. *

Astrological [K. 12812]

lines. Astro* Tyty and [K. 12815]

6 + 5 lines; Babylonian.

Partly effaced.


[K. 12816]



+... + 10 + ..... Fragment out of the middle, l in. by 1Iin.; ...... observations from taken forecasts lines; Babylonian. Astrological [K. 12817] of various stars, etc.

lines. Fragment out of the middle, 1-~1 in. by 1-1-in.; 9 + ..... (.....) 12818] [K. affairs. public to relating partly Astrological forecasts, . + 12 + .. . + Fragment out of the middle, 1 ii. by lin.; .. [K. 12819] lines. Forecasts concerning iyy and >-yYY, etc. Fragment of the upper portion of one side, lin. Fragment of a text containing forecasts.

by 4in.; .....

Fragment out of the middle, l-in. by ½in.; 5 + ... an omen-text.


+ 4 lines. [K. 12820] Fragment of [K. 12821]

Fragment of the left half, l1in. by 1-36in.; ..... + 8 lines. Part of an Duplicate of K. 2238 (see above, p. 425), Column III, omen-text. [K. 12822 + Sm. 623] lines 17 ff. lines. FragFragment out of the middle, lin. by sin.; 8 + .......... ment of a text containing forecasts concerning Ad and y- _, etc. [K. 12824] lines. Fragment of Fragment out of the middle, 5'in. by1 - 9 in.; 5 + a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of [K. 12825] the star





Fragment out of the middle, in. by in.; . . ........ +..... 4 lines. Catch-line and colophon of an incantation-text forming the 7th tablet of the Series Wy >~yy. y Duplicate of K. 2950; see above, p. 492. [K. 12834] Fragment out of the middle, l 6 in. by sin.; 9 + .......... lines. Fragment of a text containing astrological forecasts for the various days of each month. [K. 12835] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by lin.; 14 +.......... lines. of an astrological text similar to that of the preceding number. fragment may belong to the same tablet as K. 12838, q.v.

Part This

[K. 12836 + K. 12839] Fragment out of the middle, l- in. by lin.; short ends of 6 + short beginnings of 8 + ......... lines. Fragment of an astrological text similar to that of the preceding number. [K. 12837] Portion out of the middle, lHin. by l1in.; 15 + 16 +.......... lines. Fragment of an astrological text similar to that of the preceding number. [K. 12838] Fragment of the left half, ljin. by 1in.; 8 + ... lines. Part of an omen-text similar to that of K. 9713; cf. supra, p. 1033. [K. 12840] Upper portion, left half, lin. by gin.; ..... + 5 lines. Part of an omentext. The lines begin with YU[KY<; cf. supra, pp. 834, 1225, K. 7156, K. 12180, etc. [K. 12841] Fragment of the upper portion, lIin. by lin.; 12 +.......... lines. Part of an omen-text similar to that of K. 2018a (see above, p. 387), K. 12641 (p. 1256) and Sm. 801 (q.v.). [K. 12842] Fragment of the left half, 2in. by in.; ..... + 21 lines. Part of an omen-text concerning houses, cities and incidents that may happen to men. [K. 12844] Fragment of the upper portion, 2¼in. by 15 in.; 14 + 17 + ..... + ..... lines. Forecasts concerning 4 and ec-yy, etc. [K. 12845] Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 2 in. by lLin.; 17 +.......... lines in double-columns. Part of an explanatory list. [K. 128461 Fragment of the right half, 2in. by in.; (....+) 11 + 13 (+ .... lines (in double-columns). Part of an explanatory list. [K. 12847] Fragment of the right half, 1 -5in. by l1-in.; (.....+) 10 + 7 (+..+..) lines in double-columns. Part of a list of names of wooden objects. [K. 12848]



Fragment of the right half,




1 Tin.;



(+ ..... ) lines. Part of an explanatory list arranged in groups according to the roots of the Assyrian words. [K. 12849] Fragment of the right half, gin. by gin.; ( .... ..... + 9 (+.....) lines (in double-columns?). Part of an explanatory list(?). [K. 12850] Fragment out of the middle, 1 -in. by 1vin.; 9 .......... lines (in four columns). Part of an explanatory list of the class " SC." [K. 12851] Left half, l1in. by 1iin.; 6 lines. Part of a private letter. [K. 12852] Fragment of the left half, I by in.; . .... 1in. 12 lines; marginal number <.* Part of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of storms. The lines begin with A-Ty <(E>. [K. 12854] Portion of the right half, 3in. by in.; ( .... +) traces of 8 + 18 (+ .... ) lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. [K. Fragment out of the middle, 1- in. by 1in.; 6 +.......... lines. ment of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from vations of the star _- _ by!
12857] Fragobser12858]

Left-hand corner, l1in. by kin.; ..... + 4 lines. Fragment of an omentext, apparently belonging to a tablet of the Series >-< t -. The lines begin :->-< e7 t LYY- X. [K. 12859] Fragment of the left half, 1'in. by 15in.; 9 + . . lines. Part of an omen-text belonging to a tablet of the Series >-< H-; q K. 4065 cf. (see above, p. 591), obverse, lines 1 ff. [K. 12860] Fragment of the left half, l1in. by lOin.; ..... + 9 lines. Part of an omen-text belonging to a tablet of the Series -< t:-. The sentences begin with >-< <- , or <>EY(, k. This fragment may belong to the same tablet as K. 4129; see above, p. 597. [K. 12861] Fragment of the left half, 1 'in. by -7in.; 7 +. lines. Fragment of an omen-text, apparently belonging to a tablet of the Series >-< -. [K. 12862] Portion of the left half, 2Jin. by 2in.; .... + 15 lines. Part of an omentext concerning the births of horses. Cf. supra, p. 776, K. 6289, and infra, Rm. 2, 107, etc. [K. 12865 + K. 12884] * Partly effaced.

7 z 2



Fragment out of the middle, lin. by -1%in.; traces of 2 + 5 +....... lines. Fragment of an omen-text concerning actions of pigs. [K. 12867] Fragment of the left half, 1Iin. by 3in.; ..... + 8 lines. Fragment of an omen-text concerning actions of snakes. [K. 12868] Fragment out of the middle, l in. by -in.; .. an omen-text concerning actions of snakes.

+ 9 lines.

Fragment of [K. 12869]

Portion of the left half, 3 in. by lin.; 19 + traces of 1 lines; marginal number <. Part of an omen-text concerning actions of snakes and scorpions, etc. [K. 12870] Fragment of the left half, l4in. by ¥-in.; 7 +. . . lines. Fragment of a text containing forecasts concerning the 4f]Y H, etc. [K. 12871] Portion out of the middle, lin. by liin.; ..... concerning the AY CIy, etc.

+ 14 lines.

Fragment of the left half, lin. by in.; 6 +....


Forecasts con-

cerning the HYy H], etc. ra

t llefthalf, the h 1in in. by by

Forecasts [K. 12872]

[K. 12873] in

text containing forecasts concerning the

4 lins. Fragment of Yy Cto, etc. [K. 12875]

Fragment out of the middle, l-19in. by |in.; ..... omen-text. Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 1ain. by

+ 7 lines. 1- 1 1in.;


Part of anl [K. 12876] 8 lines.

Part of an omen-text. This fragment appears to belong to the same tablet as the preceding number. [K. 12877] Left-hand corner, 5in. by 13in.; 5 +..... derived from the condition of the hair; KK. 3860, 9222, etc.

..... ) lines. Omens cf. supra, pp. 571, 994, [K. 12878]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 11in.; 11 +..... omen-text. Fragment of the left half, 11in. by -- in. ..... omen-text similar to that of K. 12878, q.v.


+ 7 lines.

Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 1-ain. by lines. Part of an omen-text.

Part of an [K. 12879]

Fragment of an [K. 12880] 5'in.

10 +..... [K. 12881]

Portion out of the middle, 2-l 3 in. by lin.; ..... + 15 lines. Part of an omen-text. [K. 12882 + K. 13313] Fragment out of the middle, lin. by lin.; 9 + ...... lines. Part of an omen-text. This fragment probably belongs to the same tablet as

K. 12881, q.v.

[K, 12883]




Fragment out of the middle, lin. by sin.; 6 +.....lines. omen-text concerning births. in.; 9 +.....lines. Fragment out of the middle, lin. by an omen-text concerning births. Portion out of the middle, 15in. by in.; 18 + .... omen-text concerning births.

Fragment of [K. 12886] lines.

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1- in.; 10 + .... omen-text concerning births of lions, etc. Left-hand corner, --6in. by etc. the ~y,

6in.; ....

+ 6 lines.

Fragment of the left half, - 5in. by 4in.; .......... omen-text concerning actions of scorpions.

Fragment of an [K. 12885]


Part of an [K. 12887] Part of an [K. 12888]

Forecasts concerning [K. 12889] + 7 lines.

Part of an [K. 12890]

lines; + 9 + 6 + .... Fragment out of the middle, 14in. by 1 -in.; ..... This scorpions. of from actions derived <. Omens number marginal fragment may belong, as well as the preceding number, to the same [K. 12891] tablet as K. 3956; see above, p. 580. Upper portion, left half, 1½in. by lin.; 14 +.... a-ny >yy, etc. and cerning


Forecasts con[K. 12892]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 13in.; traces of 3 + 3 +..... ..... lines. Fragment of an omen-text concerning incidents that [K. 12893] may happen to men. ) lines. ........ in. by in.; 5 + . Fragment out of the middle, Fragment of an omen-text concerning actions of scorpions. [K. 12894] Fragment of the left half, 1in. by lin.; 10 + 10 lines; marginal number <. Omens derived from the condition of various parts of the (human) [K. 12895] body. Fragment out of the middle, 1sin. by 1-3in.; 8 +.....(... Omens similar to those of K. 3826, etc.; cf. supra, p. 568.

) lines. [K. 12896]

lines. .... ..... Fragment out of the middle, lin. by '--in.; 9 + 6 + . Part of an omen-text. Of the lines of Column II only the beginnings [K- 12898] H i' are visible :-y traces of 7 + 16 lines. FragFragment of the left half, 1-3in. by Tin.; ment of an omen-text concerning the condition of the lips. [K. 12899] lines. Omens Fragment of the left half, l1in. by l1in.; 11 +..... derived from the appearances of certain birds. One Section begins:-



UY; cf. sppra, p. 803S, K. 6734. *

Partly effaced.

[K. 129001



+ Fragment of the lower portion, 21in. by -in.; 4 + traces of 2 + .. [K. 12901] Part of an omen-text. .... .lines.

lines (in doubleFragment of the left half, gin. by in.; 5 +.......... [K. 12902] glosses. list with columns). Fragment of an explanatory + 17 lines; Upper portion of reverse, right half, 3¼in. by 3in.; .... Babylonian. Fragment of a religious text, part of which has an [K. 12903] interlinear Assyrian version. Fragment of the upper portion of reverse, lin. by 1in.;..........) 6 lines in double-columns. Part of an explanatory list.

[K. 12')04]

by l1- in.; 13 +..........lines Fragment out of the middle, 1in. double-columns. Part of an explanatory list.

in [K. 12906]


+ ..... lines 7 + 3 + ... ,in.; Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by 1-l 1 in double-columns. Part of an explanatory list arranged in groups according to the meanings of the Assyrian words. Mention is made of [K. 12907] the grammatical terms Y(< m YYI and ` YE <. Fragment of the right half, 1-in. by religious text.


+ 14 lines.


Part of a [K. 12908]

+ 4 + 5 lines. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by lin.; . ... . .... Part of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies. [K. 12909] Fragment out of the middle, 13in. by 1-kin.; 10 + 6 + ..... Part of an incantation-text. Left-hand corner, 11in. by 3in.; 8 + ..... At- >. prayer to the goddess+


lines. + ..... [K. 12910]


Part of a [K. 12911]

Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 11 5in. by 1l 5in.; 8 +.... lines. Part of an incantation-text. Mention is made of the (.....)

god -Fragment of the right half, prayer.

Y. _y i in. by

Lyt 12912] [K. n. ; .....


7 lines.

Fragment of a [K. 12913]

..... lines. .. Fragment out of the middle, 1ain. by lin.; 10 + 6 --. ** --,[Y with ends Part of an incantation-text. One section [K. 12914] (....... ) ..lines. Fragment out of the middle, lin. by l1 -in.; 12 + directions for and prayers incantations, containing a text Part of [K. 12915] ceremonies. * Partly effaced.



Portion of the left half, 2 -in. by 'in.; 16 (..... ... +) 10 lines; Babylonian. Incantations belonging to the 3rd tablet of the Series Ey x *. Duplicate of K. 2728 (see above, p. 470), Column I, >4Fk lines 32 ffi; Column III, lines 34 f., the text of which it partly restores. [K. 12916] Fragment of the left half, 1Iin. by gin.; 5+ .......... ) lines. Fragment of an incantation-text belonging to the 5th tablet of the Series Ty -0 Y IE >-. Duplicate of K. 2544 (see above, p. 453), Column I, lines 21 ff. [K. 12917] Fragment out of the middle, l3in. by ..... lines. Part of a prayer.

1- 1in.;

traces of 2 + 10 + ..... + [K. 12918]

Fragment of the left half, l1-in. by -3in.; 8 +..........lines. Part of an incantation-text, with an interlinear Assyrian version, probably belonging to a tablet of the Series Yfy <-_ ¥ H-. [K. 12919] Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by 1 in.; .......... + 7 lines. Part of an incantation-text. It appears to belong to the 5th tablet of the Series ¥g_ < -iy¥ yAd, and corresponds with W.A.I. IV, 2nd ed., pl. 2, lines 24 ff., b. [K. 12921] Fragment out of the middle, 1 1-in. by in.; ..... + 7 lines. Fragment of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies. [K. 12922] Fragment out of the middle, 1-3in by lin.; 8 + 5 + .... Part of a mythological, or religious, text. Fragment of the right half, lIin. by religious text.

gin.; 11 + .....



... .


[K. 12923] Part of a [K. 12924]

Fragment of the left half, lin. by l1in.; . . .... ) (.. +) 8 lines. Part of an incantation-text belonging to a tablet of the Series Sy -S In = . [K. 12925] Fragment out of the middle, - in. by jin.; 7 +.......... ment of an incantation-text.

lines. Frag[K. 12926]

Fragment out of the middle, lin. by 1-in.; 10 + 5 +.....+....lines. Part of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies. One section ends with \>J. [[-i3 K. 12927] Fragment out of the middle, Sin. by sin.; 7 + .......... lines. Fragment of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 12928]



Fragment out of the middle, l-1in. by lin.; 6 + traces of 5 +..... + . ... lines. Fragment of an incantation-text. One section ends with --. [K. 12929] [-K Fragment of the left half, 1lin. by ment of an incantation-text.

5in ..



9 lines. Frag[K. 12930]

Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by -lin.;short beginnings of 7 + 8 lines. Fragment of an incantation-text. Several lines begin with ~>_~¥: ¥- _ _ -
[K. 12931]

Fragment out of the middle, Iin.


by {in.; .....

- .6

+- ...... ....

Fragment of an incantation-text.

[K. 12932]

Left-hand corner, la-7in. by in.; 8 + ( . .. ) 7 lines. Part of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies. [K. 12933] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by

in.; 11



of an incantation-text.


[K. 12934]

Left-hand corner, 1lin. by 1-yin.; 7 + 4 lines.

Part of a religious text. [K. 12935]

Fragment out of the middle, 1-iin. by - -3in.; 7 + 7 + +....... lines. Fragment of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies. [K. 12936] Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by 1'in.; 11 + .... of an incantation-text.


Fragment out of the middle, 2-in. by lin.; .... text containing incantations and prayers. (see above, p. 895), reverse, lines 1 if.

+ 8 lines. Part of a Duplicate of K. 8105 [K. 12938]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1in.; 9 + 7 +.

lines. Part [K. 12937]




Part of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. [K. 12939] Fragment of the left half, 1-in. by Pin.; .....

+ 11 lines.


Part of a

[K. 12940]

Fragment out of the middle, l 1 .in. by -in.; short ends of 9 + 10 + .... + ..... lines. Part of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies. [K. 12941] Fragment out of the middle, lin.

to -+

ndyi and - ,-

, etc.



12 lines.


[K. 12942]



Fragment of the left half, 2-in. by 3in.; 5 + Part of an incantation-text.


+) 7 lines. [K. 12943]

Portion out of the middle, -16in. by iin.; 10 + 12 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king ([a-t.?] am pK() concerning public affairs. Mention is made of the land of Elam (^ <>(7 [' - Y¢?]). [K. 12944] Fragment out of the middle, letter to the king.

in. by lin.; 10

Portion out of the middle, 1

-in. by l in.;


.... + 10 lines; Babylonian.

Part of a letter concerning public affairs. 4t y and the country of d4~ A.*

eMntion is made of y-,y [K. 12946]

Upper portion, right half, 2 in. by in.; 4 + 3 + 1 lines. of a letter to the king from - r-+ A- At ~


Portion out of the middle, 2 in. by sin.;.... concerning astrological subjects. Right half, 2 in. by f'vl'-:>



10 + 6 lines.

Part of a [K. 12945]

Beginning and end [K. 12947]

+ 9 lines.

Part of a letter [K. 12948]

Part of a letter (to the king) frcm



Portion of the left half, l-Lrin. by 1in.; 9 + 8 lines. Part of a letter to the king concerning the delivery (?) of various objects. [K. 12950] Right-hand corner, 11in. by ain.; 7 + 2

9 lines.

Part of a letter. [K. 12951]

Portion out of the middle, 11-9in. by l¼in.; ..... + 8 lines. Part of a letter, or report. Mention is made of ' >-+4 >Y-^^- and y ~-: { 2 %,etc. [K. 12952] Right-hand corner, 1in. by- 'in.; 7 +..... to the king from [7 -+] t X k*

lines. Beginning of a letter -i Ya. [K. 12953]

Left half, upper portion, 1lin. by lin.; 12 + traces of 1 lines; Babylonian.

Part of a letter ([NY

?] A) to the king from Y>w:i




[K. 12954]

Fragment of the right half, 1 -. by in. in; ..... 7 lines. Part of a list of objects, probably sent as tribute from the city of >-T >yy ft

Ad *;(?),etc.

[K. 12955]

Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by 1½in.; traces of 4 + 7 + ........ lines. Part of a list of objects (animals, etc.).. [K. 12956] * Partly effaced. t Attempted restoration from K. 325; see above, p. 84. VOL. III

8 A



Fragment of the left half, lin. by 13-in.; 7 +.....

Fragment of the left half, 1 g9in. by l-1 in.; 7 + ..... Part of a letter. Portion of the right half, l1in. by 3in.; 8 +..... to the king concerning certain fortresses (p-

lines. * --

Part of a letter. [K. 12957J lines.

Babylonian. [K. 12958]

Part of a letter G-- yo). [K. 12959]

Right-hand corner, 1 in. by lin.; 3 + 5 lines; Babylonian; between lines 1 and 2 of obverse traces of a seal-impression. Part of a private [K. 12960] contract. (edge) 2 lines. ->:,i'-<'".

Left-hand corner, 1 in. by 1-l-in.; 5 +......+ and end of a letter to the king from

Beginning [K. 12961]

lines; Babylonian. Portion out of the middle, l1in. by tin.; 12 +..... 'j' T :i "Y-' " Beginning of a letter to the king from [K. 12962] * a, etc. Mention is made of >i Ad <>d. S^y Right-hand corner, 15in. by I5in.; 3 + 3 + 3 lines. Part of a private [K. 12963] contract. Mention is made of y - 4- and Y+ - >-yT. Left-hand corner, 2in. by lin.; 7 + 3 + 13 + (left-hand edge) 1 lines. [K. 12964] Portion of a letter concerning private affairs. lines. Left-hand corner, 1-a3in. by in.; 8 +.......... names of persons and their places of dwelling.

Part of a list of [K. 12965]

+........+ 5 +.......... Left-hand corner, 2in. by 1-in.; 1 Part of a list of objects. Mention is made of y >-+-


Left half, upper portion, 1 9 in by I . 10 +...... lines. letter to the king concerning a lady.

Beginning of a [K. 12967]

5 lines. -- , etc. [K. 12966]

Left half, lower portion, 1 -I in. by 3in.; 10 + 2 + 8 lines. Part of a letter ( -yy-., etc. [K. 12968] (to the king). Mention is made of ~+ 10 + 9 lines. Portion of a letter to Left half, upper portion, 1lin. by 3in.; , etc., concerning military affairs. the king from Y -- I _[ [K. 12969] Lower portion, l1in. 1-in.; 6 + 4 lines.

Part of a letter to the king. [K. 12970]

* Partly effaced.



in.; --3 in.; lin. Portion out of the middle, I~fJ.I1· +14 14 lines. Part of a .. .... IIIL~CUI~) by MY·VI'1V11~ 3in. W.o 1 Mention is made of affairs. public concerning king letter to the Hi , -Fy-<<* and the inhabitants of Borsippa (¥q


t Y

[K. 12971]

?]. 5

Lower portion, 2-l

3-in.; 3 + 3 lines; Babylonian. by 1in.

Part of a letter. [K. 12972]

. lines. Part of Fragment out of the middle, 1Iin. by gin.; 6 + ....... a text containing forecasts; they partly relate to public affairs. [K. 12973] Portion out of the middle, 1 in. by 1 5 in.; 10 + 5 lines. Part of a letter to the king concerning public affairs. Mention is made of the place where Ad y 4< _ the Elamite king was stationed at that time, etc.:-- -Yn>, By >pT IItt ' P inf Upper portion, 1 -- in. by lin.; 2 + 1 lines. Part of a private note dated [K. 12976] -, i.e., 700-699 B.C. in the eponymy of [ ]
....... + 4 + 10 lines. Part [K. 12977 + K. 12980]

Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by gin.; 8 + traces of 5 lines. Part of [K. 12978] a letter to the king concerning military affairs. Portion of the right half, 1l1in. by (to the king).

in.; 8 + 10 lines.

Part of a letter [K. 12979]

Right half, 16in. by lin.; 8 + 3 + 8 lines. Part of a text concerning [K. 12981] directions for the performance of ceremonies and rites. Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by 10 n. Part of an omen-text.

.. ) lines. [K. 12982]

+ . .... ..

........ +) 7 + 9 + 8 + 8 Portion out of the middle, 1in. by 1 in.; (.. objects. of list a of Part ines. ) ( +.......... [K. 12983 + K. 12988] Fragment out of the middle, lin. by;..... + 8 lines; Babylonian. : ,->YY <<. Part of a letter. Mention is made of Y '>-yIt [K. 12984] Left half, lower portion, l1in. by 13bin.; 10 4 2 + 7 lines. concerning the transport (?) of various animals. * Partly effaced.

Part of a report [K. 12985]

t Cf. supra, p. 854, K. 7473, etc,

8 A2





Fragment of the left half, lin. by 3in.; .......... +7 lines. of a list of narn3s of perons3. Mnation is made of [F] ~- V* etc. Portion of the right hdflf, lin. the king.

by 1- 1 in.; 7 + 7 lines.

Fragment JY Y, f [K. 12986]

Part of a letter to [K. 12987]

Right-hand corner, 1-blin. by l1Jain.; 6 + 5 + 2 lines. of a letter to the king from IY <= , .

Beginning and end [K. 12989]

Portion of the right half, 1 in. by in. ... .+ 10 lines. Part of a letter. Mention is made of y -. ->Xx -, etc. [K. 12990] Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by in.; 9 + .... lines. Part of a private letter (to the king). Mention is made of Y -f T.[L ?]. [K. 12991] Portion of the left half, 1 in. by - in.; 9 + 7 lines. cerning public affairs. Mention is made of the Portion out of the middle, lin. the king.



Portions, 2 in. by 1 in.; 16 + 7 lines. beginning:-


A= 7YTY 1Y '(-4

Part of a letter con_i_ yf ¥, etc. [K. 12992]


5 + 3 lines.

Part of a letter to [K. 12993]

Part of a list of names of persons, -+ v { + H{ a|Y I Y 4-+



+ 'V + I T >>

"An id, etc.

[K. 12994 + K. 13070]

Right half, upper portion, 2§in. by } in.; 17 + 11 lines. Portion of a letter to the king concerning public affairs. Mention is made of T It-Y << 4- T, who is probably identical with the 'king of Elam' (hi ( A < - _J <~ *) mentioned in other lines of the text. [K. 12995]


Right-hand corner, 1 in. by in.; 6 + 6 + 2 lines. Beginning and end of a letter to the king ([ ~ .?] ^4) from the [mz?] g < Y , i etc. [K. 12996] Portion out of the middle, 1-in. by gin.; ..... + 12 lines. Part of a letter to the king. [K. 12997] Left half, lower portion, lmin. by

11 + 3 + 11 lines; partly ain.; vitrified.

Part of a letter (to the king).

[K. 12998]

Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by 1in.; 8 +. .... .... ) lines. Part of a religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version. - [K. 12999] * PPartly effaced.



Upper portion, 1-in. by l-bin.; 5 + 3 lines. Beginning and end of a letter to the > -*E from j -~- : r-Y[~- MR?]t, [Y -+1] 4- *

^ Am, ( ,4 [4? «<<]. Y


[a] ,4 ['( Aid]

Fragment out of the middle, 1-bin. by letter.



t.y4 i and.

<WYe [K. 13000]

+ 7 lines.

Part of a [K. 13001]


Fragment out of the middle, l-9in. by 1in.; .....


7 +..........

[K. 13002]

Part of a list of names of persons.

Upper portion, right half, 13in. by 1Iin.; 10 + 10 + 4 lines. Portion of a letter to the king concerning public affairs. Mention is made of y-q -Yy [K. 13004] ¥. eVy YT (inhabitants of the) land of Gi Left-hand corner, 11in. by


5 + 4+5 lines. Part of a report. [K. 13005]

Upper portion, right half, 1lin. by l1in.; 5 + 9 + 2 lines. Part of a letter 2-4- concerning public affairs.
by in.; 4 + .....

+ 3 lines. Part of [K. 13007]

Upper portion, right half, 1-in. by 1in.; 10 + 9 + 4 lines. Portion of a concerning public affairs. -t>V . letter to the king from y V [K. 13008] Fragment out of the middle, 1- in. by lin.; 8 +.....(. of a religious text. Portion out of the middle, the king.


by Tin.; 7 + 11 lines.

Fragment of the left half, 1in. by gin.; 7 + . a-z> IV, etc. Mention is made of

lines. l..


) lines. Part [K. 13009]

Part of a letter to [K. 13010] Part of a report. [K. 13011]

Fragment of the lower portion, 18in. by "in.; 5 4 1 lines; Babylonian. Part of an astrological report from ¥Y k * [V ;:?]Il. [K. 13012] Partly effaced. t Attempted restoration from K. 4453; see above, p. 634. t Cf. supra, p. 151, K. 671, etc. § Attempted restoration after K. 7334, etc.; see above, p. 845. 11Attempted restoration after K. 700 (see above, p. 156) and K. 13175 (q.v.), etc. *



Portion out of the middle, 1 in. by -Iin.; 9 + 6 lines. Portion out of the middle, 1 3-in. letter. Lower portion, 1-in. by A dated:- -; 672 B.C. April,

by sin.; 12 + .....

Part of a letter. [K. 13013] lines.

Part of a [K. 13014]

in.; 3 + 2 + 2 lines. Part of a private contract, -- , i.e., March_
Right half, upper portion, 15in. by 1-lin.; 9 + 6 lines.* Part of a letter to Mention is made of the city of ¥ >-V m'- 4. m_: .TT< from the [K. 13016] tYY t TYYT¶ Y<. Portion out of the middle, 1'in. by 1-l 6in.; 6 + 4 lines. animals.

Part of a list of [K. 13017]

6 lines; Babylonian. Part Fragment of the left half, sin. by sin.; ..... > <.<<< of a letter to the king. Mention is made of y >-* [K. 13018] . Right-hand corner, 5'in. by in.; 5 + 4 . to the king from y 4- yyy4yT tyyyy


Beginning of a letter [K. 13019]

lines. FragFragment out of the middle, lin. by tin.; 7 +.......... ment of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies [K. 13020] to be used for the benefit of sick people. Portion out of the middle, 17in. ' to the king from 2ff:-


lines. Part of a letter by lin.; 9 +..... certain stones; cf. lines nYKt t concerning

<>TH t

:Yy t WV -YYY m +-




4 _YYY V4A>+ [K. 13021]

<¥-y ¥y , etc.

+ traces of 1 lines; Fragment out of the middle, lin. by -in.; 12 +..... Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king concerning public affairs.

Mention is made of the Babylonians ([

A_ A] $ h_

O ). [K. 13022]

* On the top margin are visible traces of two lines, which, however, do not belong to the text inscribed on the tablet. t Partly effaced, $ Cf. supra, p. 852, note $.



Right-hand corner, in. by Win.; 3 + 4 + 3 lines. Beginning and end of a letter to the king from [y] >_y * >-yo -+ --, concelning military affairs. [K. 13026] Right-hand corner, 1ain, by 3in.; 5 + .... lines. to the king from [y] «(<< £ - 4-yH.

Beginning of a letter [K. 13027]

Fragment out of the middle, lin. by I3in.; (. .. +) 5 + ..... lines. Fragment of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies. A colophon-line begins:---_J tFv {=;,;;',, 2_= >_ByV I C[K. 13028] Fragment out of the middle, H1in. by l - 6 in.; .......... + 7 + 10 lines. Part of a list of names of persons, etc. Mention is made of Y<<< << -, etc.

[K. 13029]

Right-hand corner, - 5in. by -in.; 5 + .... or report, to the king from t - -+ ,:


Fragment of a letter, < |A'',f-. [K. 13030]

1 Fragment of the left half, 1l Yin. by ½in.; 9 +.....lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter (to the king) concerning public affairs. Mention is made of the J-, the city of >Jp jy ~ * and the lands of Elam (&A <>(Y [FY AlY]) and Aram (&A y * ). [K. 13031]

Fragment of the left half, lin. by -Sin.; 7 +..... letter. Right half, lin.

by 1ain.; 7 lines.

made of the city of -,Y 3-Y


Part of a private note. < -Z.

Portion out of the middle, 1lin. by l1in.; .....

+ 9 lines.

concerning the royal household; cf. line 2: .:-;'< .Y--,,,


Fragment of a [K. 13032]

Mention is made of Y 'dk


Mention is [K. 13033]

Part of a letter

--- i


and the city of -TT

[K. 13034]

Lower portion, right half, 11in. by 5in.; 10 + 1 + 6 lines. to the king. Mention is made of [¥] ._Y ->- -S. *

Partly effaced.

t Cf. supra, p. 148, K. 658.

Part of a letter [K. 13035]





Portion out of the middle, 1 in. by gin.; 12 ...... lines. Part of a letter to the king concerning the statues of certain genii (S4 "4H YTY - Y [b ?]), etc. [K. 13036] Left half, upper portion, sIin. by -S13in.; 11 + 7 + (left-hand edge) 1 lines. Part of a letter to the king. [K. 13037] in.; 14 + ..... lines; Babylonian. Portion out of the middle, 1 tin. by Part of a letter (to the king) concerning public affairs. Mention is & <><(Wy * [try]), yT _ IV , made of the king of Elam (a- ,

D ?], and of the cities of Kish, Borsippa and Cuthah Z TY`;y [r[K. 13038] . Y>)^ [Ad] Ad * : i *t [:Y] (I 0 =tX Portion of the left half, 1lin. by 3in.; 4 + 8 lines. Part of a list of names of persons and their titles. Mention is made of Y -:Y <(y + , [~I]. [K. 13040] Fragment of the right half, 13in. by letter.



Portion of the left half, ll-1in. by 5in.; 10 + 9 lines. the king concerning religious subjects.

6 lines.

End of a [K. 13041]

Part of a letter to [K. 13042]

Right-hand corner, 1 in. by in.; ........ .... + 3 + 3 + short ends of 3 + ...... lines. Part of a list of names of persons and their titles. Mention is made of Y q-rlg: -, the son of y <(< M *

_ '->.

[K. 13043]

Fragment of the left half, 1'in. by IHin.; . to the king.

. + 5 lines.

Part of a letter [K. 13044]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1in.; .... + 7 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter. Mention is made of y ~-4- <'Ty y [K. 13045] lines. Part of a Fragment of the left half, 1-3in. by 1in.; 6 + .... _ -YYk <.- Mention is made of the letter (to the king) concerning land of 5,

[K. 13046]


+ 14 lines; Babylonian. Portion out of the middle, l1in. by lin.;.. .. Part of a letter. Mention is made of _ T TvYf. I [K. 13047 + K. 13119] *

Partly effaced.


Left half, upper portion, 1lin. by }in.; 10 + ..... letter to the king. Portion out of the middle, 1 in. by




in.; 8+


lines. lines.

Beginning of a [K. 13048] Part of a letter, [K. 13049]

or report.

Right-hand corner, 1 in. by lin.; 5 + 1 + 6 lines; Babylonian. Part of a [K. 13050] letter, or report. Portion of the right half, lin. Part of a letter.

by 1 in.; traces of 1 + 12 lines; Babylonian, [K. 13051]

Right-hand corner, 1 36 in. by 1- in.; 6 + 1 + traces of 2 lines; Babylonian. -y Part of a private contract(?). Mention is made of y r-- CIY [K. 13052]

A-, etc.

Left-hand corner, 1lin. by in.; 4 + 3 + 1 lines. concerning ] E ~67 ,9^,, a prefect (x

Part of a legal decision < y r ), etc. [K. 13053]

+ 9 lines. Part of a letter Portion out of the middle, 1in. by }in.; .... to the king concerning public affairs. Mention is made of the city of

BVyy <

+- [^la?], etc. 4y

[K. 13054]

Portion of the left half, l¼in. by 'in.; ....

+ 11 lines.

Part of a letter. [K. 13055]

Right-hand corner, 1¼in, by 3in.; 3 + 3 lines; on obverse part of a sealimpression. Beginning and end of a private contract. Mention is [K. 13056] - '4_ . made of the city of >-¢ o Lower portion, 1 in. by 1in.; traces of 3 + 5 lines. Part of a letter, or report, concerning various liquids. Mention is made of yf Hi [K. 13057]

4 '.

Upper portion, left half, 1 in. by 1-i6 in.; 5 + traces of 2 lines. d": : % of a letter to the king from y -Y ~-

Beginning [K. 13058]

Left half, upper.portion, 15in. by 9-in.; 7 + 6 + 3 + (left-hand edge) ~- Y [yY-?]t and 2 lines. Part of a letter to the king from ] [K. 13059] others. Portion of the left half, 1 in. by 3in.; ..... Part of a letter to the king.

+ 11 + (left-hand edge) 2 lines. [K. 13060]

Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by 3in.; 6 +.....

of a letter (to the king).

xe^ a],


* Partly effaced.


lines; Babylonian.


y_ Mention is made of Y>Doy[K. 13061] : t Cf. supra, pp. 121, 654, KK. 518, 4690. B




Left half, upper portion, 13in. by -Iin.; 8 + 9 + 5 + (left-hand edge) 5 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king concerning public ,4 ,* etc. [K. 13062] yY 4k affairs. Mention is made of the city of Fragment of the upper portion, 13in. by lIIin.; 11 +.....+ . Babylonian. Part of an address from [y , Left-hand corner, 1 in. by l-3in.; 6+ concerning some silver. Upper portion, lin. by king from y

o --

in.; 4 + ....

C -y -


Part of a private note [K. 13064]


Beginning of a letter to the


[K. 13065]


lines. Introduction [K. 13066] [>- T].

Portion out of the middle, lin. by 13in.; 10 + .... -- 4-- of a letter to the king from y in . by 1lin; Lower portion, 2 1 . etc.). objects (animals,

2 lines; [K. 13063]

6 + 7 + 6 + 5 lines.

Part of a letter, or report, [K. 13068]

Left-hand corner, l1-in. by {in.; 7 + 7 lines. concerning the transport of horses, etc. Portions, 2 in. by 1 in.; 6 + 12 lines.

Part of a list of [K. 13067]

Part of a letter to the king. [K. 13069]

Upper portion, l1in. by 1 in.; 5 + 6 lines; Babylonian; partly vitrified. Part of an address from [y] f_* _yY A- concerning public affairs. [K. 13071]

Right-hand corner, l|in. by 1-in.; 5 + 5 lines. Part of a legal decision. [K. 13072] lines. Part of a Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by 11in.; 6 + .... letter to the king from the E

y} -><<



of (G")

[K. 13073]


Right half, lower portion of reverse, 1 in. by a letter to the king.

the city of

9 lines. Part of [K. 13074]

in.; ....

Left half, I5in. by win.; 5 + 3 + 2 + 4 + (left-hand edge) 3 lines; on reverse traces of a seal-impression. Part of a private contract. [K. 13075] + 7 + (left-hand edge) Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by in.; .... Mention is made affairs. public concerning letter of a 1 lines. Part of the city of -Y


-4- and the land of ,




[K. 13076] Right-hand corner, l-in. by lin.; 7 + ..... IX -. to the king from YT-- - $ * Partly effaced.


Beginning of a letter [K. 13077]




7 + 8 lines.

Portion of the right half, 1 3 in. bygin.; (to the king) concerning public affairs.

Part of a letter [K. 13078]

Fragment out of the middle, 1-3 in. by 1 in.; traces of 3 + 9 +.......... lines. Part of a list of persons of various nationalities. Mention is i- 4r,% and made of y -+ I «< ,- and of the cities of -Y = ,il-,;, This fragment may belong to the same -Ho ,-YyEA 5 [K. 13079] tablet as K. 11955; see above, p. 1207. + 9 lines; Babylonian. Portion out of the middle, -l-in. by in.; ..... Part of a letter concerning public affairs. Mention is made of [Y] -- * [K. 13080] l i Y• [<3 >4] + 9 lines; Babylonian. Portion out of the middle, 15in. by 1 in.; ..... [K. 13081] Part of a letter to the king. Fragment of the right half, lin.



10 + 4 lines.

Fragment of the left half, 15 in. by lin.; ..... + 5 lines. to the king.

Part of a letter [K. 13083]

+ 10 lines.

Portion out of the middle, 1Hin. by l-bin.; ..... letter to the king. Left-hand corner, lin. by lin.; 8 + 5 lines. concerning the delivery (?) of corn, etc.

Part of a letter. [K. 13082]

Part of a [K. 13084]

Part of a letter, or report, [K. 13085]

Almost complete, l1 3in. by 1-aiin.; 7 + 6 lines. arranged in groups according to their trade.

Part of a list of persons [K. 13086]

Right half, 1- 6 in. by lin.; 6 + 3 lines; Babylonian. T YjT f . cal report from []-i"'

Part of an astrologi[K. 13087]

in.; 4 + 2 + 5 lines.

Part of a letter con[K. 13088]

Left-hand corner, lin. by tin.; 5 + 2 + 5 lines. report, concerning the transport of corn, etc.

Part of a letter, or [K. 13089]

Right-hand corner, 1 in. by cerning military affairs.

... lines; Babylonian. Fragment of the upper portion, 5in. by -Iin.; 7 + a , an [-4-] <( y * e Beginning of an address to the king from [J rK. 13090] K [-t ?I].by t--in.; 5 + 6 lines.

Iin. Fragment of the left half, 1objects.

Part of a list of [K. 13091]

8 lines; Fragment of the lower portion of one side, in. by in.; ..... public affairs. concerning to the king a letter Babylonian. Part of [K. 13092] <. * Mention is made of (the son of) y ; *

Partly effaced.

8 B2




Portion of the right half, 1 in. by report (?).


+ 13 lines.

Part of a [K. 13093]

Right half, upper portion, 1½in. by gin.; 8 + ..... lines. Beginning of a letter to the king from [7 ' .. ?] * <<( . Mention is made of [K. 13094] -, etc. [y + i -] -e: Upper portion, l1in. by 1 16 in.; 10 + 1 + ..... + (left-hand edge) 1 lines. Part of a letter to the king concerning public affairs. Mention is made of the city of Nineveh (dJ! <E ). [K. 13095] Lower portion, left half, 2- 3in. by l-i-in.; 7 + 2 + 13 lines; in line 5 of reverse are division-marks between two of the words. Part of a letter concerning public affairs. Mention is made of the city of ,-Yf 4 i iy ...^etc. ,¢~,\>:%,¢ [K. 13096] Upper portion, 1 in. by


2 + 5 lines.

Part of a list of objects. [K. 13097]

Portion of the left half, 13in. by in.; 10 + 6 lines. Part of a letter (to the king) concerning the celebration of a festival. Mention is made of [K. 13098] the river Yl E >| .t Right-hand corner, 1 in. by lin.; 4 + 1 + 4 lines; Babylonian. Part of a private contract. Mention is made of [I --] (?) << << >- [(]. [K. 13099] Fragment of the upper portion, 1-7in. by lonian. Beginning of a letter to the X8y t concerning public affairs. Upper portion, right half, 1 in. by tin.; 5 + of an astrological report to the king

13in.; 9 + ... lines; Babyking from [Y _4- 4 ?] e ] 13100] [K. 4 + 2 lines; Babylonian. Part from [y yy V] >-YYT >-. [K. 13101]

Left half, lower portion, 1 5 in. by -'in.; letter. Mention is made of -A- >

12 + 3 + 12 lines. 15- <[Y-].

Fragment out of the middle, 1


in. by

Mention is made of the A

in.; ....


+ 12 lines.


Part of a [K. 13102] Part of a

A ?]. [K. 13103]

Part of a [K. 13104] Part of a + 9 lines. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by in.; ..... - rel="nofollow">¥> -- and report concerning public affairs. Mention is made of [K. 13105] etc. '>BYtt !Yr^-Am Fragment of the right half, 1 letter to the king.


by -9in.; .....

+ 9 lines.

Attempted restoration after K. 316; cf. supra, p 81. t Cf. (?) supra, p. 148, K. 659. + Partly effaced. *



Fragment out of the middle, l1-Xin. by -1in.; 8 +....

Part of a letter.

Mention is made of [Y] f-Yj. l

lines; Babylonian. >-[by ?]. [K. 13106]

in.; 3 + 6 + 3 lines; Babylonian. Left-hand corner, "in. by and end of a letter to the king. Upper portion, lin. by in.; 2 + 4 lines. * -. to the king from y -+ 4

Beginning [K. 13107]

Beginning and end of a letter [K. 13108] -

Portion of the right half, 1-in. by lin.; 12 +..... a letter to the king.


Introduction of [K. 13109]

lines. Part of a Portion out of the middle, l in. by 11in.; 7 + .... letter to the king concerning the transport (?) of the images of certain [K. 13110] colossi. lines. Beginning of a Upper portion, right half, 1-sin. by in.; 8 + ..... concerning public affairs. letter to the king from [Y] A 4- --yY [K. 13111] Mention is made of Y -V -- -Yk <( , etc. Part of a list of [K. 13112]

Fragment of the left half, V1in. by 3in.; 5 + 7 + 3 lines. items of expenditure, etc.

Lower portion, 1'in. by 3in.; 3 + 3 lines; Babylonian. Part of a private V A [< ?] C YWr ¶ L< !y contract dated:-13113] [K. B.C. 602 i.e., Sept.-Oct., Bf *X 4£V," *" ,^A + 7 lines. Fragment of the left half, 1- 3in. by in.; ..... contract. to a private witnesses of names of the Fragment of the right half, 1 in. by gin.; ..... Fragment of a text containing forecasts.

Part of the list [K. 13114]

+ 9 lines; Babylonian. [K. 13115]

Lower portion, left half, 1-T in. by 1 --l in.; 5 + 2 lines. Part of an astro[K. 13116] -o [
lines. A-YT.

Beginning of a letter [K. 13120] t Or




Right half, upper portion, 1 in. by A16in.; short ends of 9 + 7 lines. Part of a letter to the king from [I <<<. [K. 13121] 10 + 6 lines. Part of a letter, g1 Portion of the right half, 1lin. by 3in.; or report. Mention is made of the city of -- _ rTTTy M* [m ?], etc. [K. 13122] Por

; 7lin. +

hal 1 5 n by f the to the king concerning some _-

<S ;,\.-

etter Parti of [K. 13123]

Fragment out of the middle, 1Iin. by - in.; 9 +......... a list of names of persons, etc.

lines. Part of [K. 13124]

Right-hand corner, T-in. by in.; 8 + 2 + 6 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter (to the king) concerning public affairs. [K. 13125] + traces of 1 + 6 lines. [K. 13126]

Upper portion, right half, 13in. by 1in.; .... Part of a private letter,

Fragment of the upper portion of reverse, lin. by L"in; .... Part of a letter to the king concerning military affairs. Portion of the right half, lhin. by 3in.;

+ 6 lines. [K. 13127]

+ 13 lines; Babylonian.


Part of a letter to the king concerning public affairs. made of [f] -+ <<< > -e , etc. '

Portion of the right half, lin. by -Pin.; 10 + ..... Part of a letter to the king.

Mention is [K. 13128]

lines; Babylonian. [K. 13130]

Fragment of the left half, l 8 in. by kin.; ..... + 9 + (left-hand edge) It ;<; lines. Part of an omen-text. The lines begin with Y(....) [K. 13131] cf. supra, p. 1247, K. 12507. . lines. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by lin.; 8 + 5 + ....... Part of a list of the names of members of various families, and of their properties, etc., similar to that of K. 2017; see above, p. 386 f. [K. 13132] + (edge) 4 lines. Fragment of the upper portion, I5in. by -in.; 3 + .... «<< T * r-k _ Part of a private contract dated:--Y'Yla,* i.e., April-May, 651 (?) B.C. Cf. G. SMITH, Ep. C., p. 95.4 ~'W [K. 13133] Upper portion, right half, lin. by letter from the king to Y

- in.; 6 + 6 lines; Babylonian. Part of a ;




[K. 13135]

* Partly effaced.

t According to the indication of the scribe this line should follow one of the lines on the obverse, which is now broken. t The text is there quoted as 'unnumbered fragment.'




Portion of the right half, lin. by 3in.; 5 + 7 lines. Part of a letter concerning public affairs. Mention is made of the city of >-TV 4 A W OYY ,4 and the country of Ad -y 4, etc. [K. 13136] Upper portion, right half, l1in. by 3in.; 13 +.....lines. Part of a letter to the king from I A-4- Pyy>^ yy I. Mention is made of y ,- >.> [K. 13137] etc. i- [?], I= qy d and Y >t Tyy' Fragment of the upper portion, 1-5in. by -'in.; 3+ 3+1 lines. and end of a letter to the king from >-- - + ' .

Beginning [K. 13138]

Left half, upper portion, lain. by l-bin.; 8 + 8 + 3 lines; division-marks. Part of a letter to the king from y |. Mention is made of M Y-T


[K. 13139]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by or report.


4 + 6 lines.

Fragment out of the middle, lin. by -- in.; .... letter to the king.

Part of a letter, [K. 13140]

+ 7 lines.

Part of a [K. 13141]

Fragment of the upper portion, l1in. by lin.; 7 +..... lines. of a letter to the king from y -i L * [k -].t

Beginning [K. 13142]

Fragment out of the middle, 7in. by in.; 5 . ..... letter. Mention is made of the city of >--- A?]. ' .


Part of a *


[K. 13143] Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by 1-in.; ..... + 12 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter (to the king) concerning public affairs. Mention is made of -V a ^<<< [_ ].< [K. 13144]


Lower portion, left half, 1 -in. the king.

by gin.; 4 + 4 lines.

Right half, 3in. by -,Lin.; 3 + 2 lines.

[-W] 667 (?) B.C.

* 4 Yvt.

Part of a letter to [K. 13145]

Part of a private note dated:-


Cf. G. SMITH, Ep. C., p. 94.


+- *(?), i.e., April-May, [K. 13146]

Lower portion, right half, 51-,in. by lin.; 6+ 2 +7 lines. Part of a letter to the king concerning public affairs. Mention is made of YTE-y 4'j - T; and of the city of [!-Y] n* [~ -:Y -Y, y etc. [K. 13147] Fragment of the right half, lain. by -in.; 9 + 5 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king concerning public affairs. [K. 13148] Partly effaced. t Attempted restoration from KK. 1029, 1031; see above, p. 212 F.; cfe also infra, p. 1361, K. 14109. I The text is there quoted as 'unnumbered fragment.' *




Fragment of the right half, lin. by -in.; .... + 11 lines. Part of a letter (to the king) concerning public affairs. Mention is made of the lands of Assyria (^ >-4 <M() and Elam (^4_
Part of a letter to [K. 13151]

Right-hand corner, lin. by in.; 5 + 1 + 4 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king concerning public affairs. [K,. 13152] Left half, lower portion, l1in. by 1 -in.; 9 + 2 lines. Part of a letter to the king concerning public affairs. Mention is made of the city of ">-V



[K. 13153]


Fragment of the l-5in. upper portion, by lin.; 5 +...... lines. Beginning of a letter from the king to Y*-4- ( YV/,,' On the lower portion of reverse part of what seems to be a geometrical figure is to be seen:-


V V \V


[K. 13154]

Fragment out of the middle, 13in. by lin.; 9 + 9 + ...... Part of a list of objects, etc. Mention is made of T v


lines. >-+ 4 k <. [K. 13155] Left-hand corner, 1in. by lin.; 7 + traces of 2 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter. [K. 13157] Lower portion, left half, 1 1-in. by -'5in.; 7 + 2 + 7 + (left-hand edge) 1 lines. Part of a letter to the king. [K. 13158] Portion of the left half, 1 in. by in.; .... objects.

+ 12 lines.

Part of a list of [K. 13159]

Portion of the left half, 1lin. by 13in.; 6 + 6 + (left-hand edge) 1 lines. Part of a letter to the king concerning the transport (?) of corn. [K. 13160] Fragment of the right half, l1in. by "in.; 6 + 6 lines. Part of a letter, or report. Mention is made of YT >+. ->> ATT ; , etc. [K. 13161] Portion of the right half, 1 in. by 131in.; + 10 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king concerning religious matters. [K. 13162] Left-hand corner, 1 in. by


4 + 2 + 5 lines.

Part of a letter. [K. 13163]




Portion of the right half, 1-in. by 5in.; 10 + 12 lines. the king).

Part of a letter (to [K. 13164]

Fragment out of the middle, l8in. by 7 +. lines. Part A--in.; of a letter to the king concerning public affairs. Mention is made of the (inhabitants of the) city of -- Yy< ,TTX < CO Yytyy . [K. 13166] Fragment out of the middle, ment of a report (?).

1 ill.

Fragment of the left half, lin. by of a letter to the king.


5in.; 7 + ..

in.; 8



.)lines. Frag[K. 13167]

lines; Babylonian. Part [K. 13168]

Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by "in.; 8 + .... Part of a letter. Mention is made of ( >_EY A--

lines; Babylonian. I~-. [K. 13169]

Left half, lower portion, 1 9 in. by 1in.; traces of 5 + 2 + 9 + (left-hand edge) 2 lines. Part of a letter, or report, concerning astrological subjects. [K. 13170] Portion out of the middle, 1in. by pin.; .... + 9 lines. Part of a letter concerning public affairs. Mention is made of the city of -¢y b>> CY



and the city of t



[K. 13172] Right half, upper portion, - -in. by -iin.; 8+8 -+3 lines; Babylonian. Part of an address to Sargon (, -_-Y4 x4T ) from [y] -NYXy AtEY. Mention is made of [Y -i ?] L -. A ,> and the temple 1¥y fy


[K. 131.73]

Right half, lower portion of reverse, 1 in. by lin.; .... 8 + 2 lines. Part of a letter, or report, concerning observations of various stars. [K. 13174] Fragment of the upper portion, 1in. by -in.; 3 + 2 lines; Babylonian. Fragment of an astrological report from [f] >-T/ V . [K. 13175] Fragment of the right half, {in. by -9-in.; 5 + 5 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king. Mention is made of [_ >4-] <{(y As. D and Y ~>-4T4 Ty T -. [K. 13176] Right half, lower portion, (to the king).

1 1

5 in. by 15in.; 9 + 5 lines.

Part of a letter [K. 13177]

* Partly effaced.


8 c




Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by -3in.; 14 +...... Part of a religious text. Portion of the left half, l1in. by 1in.; objects.

5 + 7 lines.

Right-hand corner, l-l-in. by gin.; 6+..... report (?).



Part of a list of [K. 13179]


Beginning of a [K. 13180]

+ 7 lines; Babylonian. Part 4~_y= Y r and y [K. 13181]

Upper portion of reverse, lin. by lin.; ..... of a letter. Mention is made of A -(

) lines. [K. 13178]

Portion of the left half, 1 in. by in.; 8 + 8 + (left-hand edge) 2 lines. Part of a letter concerning an eclipse, etc. [K. 13183] ....... Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by lin.; 8 ment of a text containing hymns in paragraphs.*

Fragment out of the middle, 'in. by Win.; 3 + 5 lines. contract. Fragment out of the middle,


by 13'in.;


lines. Frag[K. 13184]

Part of a private [K. 13185]

+ 7 lines; Babylonian.

Part of a letter to the king concerning military affairs. Fragment of the left half, 1-in. by 1-Iin.; 7 + 2 lines.

[K. 13186]

Part of a report. [K. 13187]

Portion of the left half, 1lin. by lin.; 9 + 7 lines. Part of a letter to the , the son king concerning (y-F y YIf and Y -4kV <e

of (?) (y


y*. y.

[K. 13188]

Fragment of the lower portion, lin. by -in.; 3 + 2 + 3 lines. Part of a

report, or letter, concerning the transport (?) of oxen and sheep, etc. Mention is made of [V] t E'"-< YI >YYYY [A4


[K. 13189]

Portion out of the middle, a1in. by 1Lin.; 8 +..... lines. Part of a list of persons, etc. MIention is made of Y -


AVY Y-- v 4-

-JYY and of the city of

[K. 13190]


Right half, upper portion, 1 in. by



7 + 10 +'3 lines; Babylonian.

Part of an astrological report to the king from [Y]<


concerning public affairs.

Mention is made of Y

[K. 13191]

yyytyIy, etc. and Y>Ta

8 lines. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by "in.; ..... contract. list of names of the witnesses to a private * Cf. :sup~ra,

p. 436, note **.X

t or Y ay.

yt! (?)


- <<< - Y

Part of the [K. 13192]

t Partly effaced



+ 5 lines. End of a Portion out of the middle, 1 3in; .... T Y letter (to the king). Mention is made of the city of -Ty* [K. 13193] (<( T<* Portion of the left half, 1 in. by lin.; 7 ± ..... lines. Part of a letter to [K. 13194] the king. Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 1l- 9 in. by 1 -3in.; ..... + 8 + lines. Part of a text containing omens derived from + ..... .... the appearances of certain animals in a palace or temple, etc. The lines

begin with [Y] -y.



[K. 13195]


in. by 1in.; 11 + 6 Fragment of the left half, of a list of names of persons.

lines. Part [K. 13196]


Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by 1Iin.; 14 + traces of 4 + .......... [K. 13198] lines. Part of a list of officials. )...+(....) [K. 13199]

. . Fragment of the left half; 1lin. by lyTin.; 7 +..... + traces of 1 lines. Part of a list of officials. .... Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1in.; 9 + 9 + ......... Part of a list of objects, etc.

lines. [K. 13200]

lines. Part Portion out of the middle, 3in. by 2in.; 9 + 19 + .......... of a list of the names of members of various families, and of their properties, etc., similar to that of K. 2017; see above, p. 386 f. [K. 13202 + K. 13205 + K. 13212 + K. 13213 + K. 13221] Fragment out of the middle, 1Lin. by 13in.; 10 + short beginnings of 4 + lines. Fragment of a list of names of persons, etc., similar .......... [K. 13203] to the preceding number. lines. Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by 1in.; 3 + 10 +... Fragment of a list of names of persons, etc., similar to the preceding [K. 13204] number. Fragment of the left half, 1-in. ment of a list of objects.

by in.; 7 +..


) lines. Frag[K. 13206]

Fragment out of the middle, lin. by l1in.; 5 + 12 + 12 +......... lines. Part of a list of the names of members of various families, and of their properties, etc., similar to that of K. 2017; see above, p. 386 f. RTY Mention is made of the cities of -_ k --- kT ~ and y [K. 13208 + K. 13215] TY¥_:,4 etc lines. Fragment out of the middle, 1 -in. by 1in.; 7 +4 +.......... [K. 13209] Part of a list of persons, etc. * Partly effaced.

Oc 2



Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by 1Hin.; 11 + 10 +......... . lines. Part of a list of the names of members of various families, and of their properties, etc., similar to that of K. 2017; see above, p. 386 f. This fragment may belong to the same tablet as K. 13208, q.v. [K. 13210] Fragment out of the middle, 5in. 1 Fragment of a list of objects.

by «in.; 5 + 9


lines. [K. 13211]

Fragment out of the middle, lin. by -2-in.; traces of 1 + 4 +......... lines. Fragment of a list of objects, etc. [K. 13214] Fragment out of the middle, l- 3 in. by I in.; 9 +..... . lines. Fragment of a list of objects, similar to the preceding number. [K. 13216] Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by in.; ..... Fragment of a list of females, etc.

+ 4


lines. [K. 13218]

Fragment out of the middle, lin. by lin.; 5 + 4 + ........ Fragment of a list of objects. Left-hand corner, - in. by {in.; 6 +.......... of objects.


lines. [K. 13220]

Fragment of a list [K. 13222]

Fragment out of the middle, lin. by in.; 6 + ........ of a list of objects, similar to K. 13214, q.v.

lines. Fragment [K. 13223]

Fragment out of the middle, 1-Jin. by nin.; 4 +..........lines. Fragment of a list of the names of members of various families, and of their properties, etc., similar to that of K. 2017; see above, p. 386 f. Mention is made of the city of -- y 4P;_ f TY . [K. 13224] Fragment of the right half, lin.

by 1-b-in.; 8 + .....

lines; Babylonian.

Part of a historical inscription. Mention is made of the Elamite king [y] E I* -YI and of [' II ?] << 2 I. E [K. 13225] Fragment out of the middle, 1--in. by Part of an omen-text.



6 + .....

Fragment out of the middle, 11in. by tin.; 12 + 10 + . Part of text containing hymns in paragraphs.t


lines. [K. 13226]

lines. ........ [K. 13227]

13 lines. Part of a Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by 1lin.; ..... religious, or mythological, text referring to the worship of the goddess [K. 13228] hstar in the temple yyyy
This appears to be 9.mistake of the scribe for

Part of a text [K. 13229]

Cply. t Cf. supra, p. 436, note **.



Left-hand corner, Igin. by 3in.; 7 + 4 lines. Part of a text containing directions for the performance of ceremonies for the benefit of sick people. [K. 13230] 1

1 -in. by 1 -in.; 5 + 7 lines. Part of a text containing cn 2, 16 5+7ine incantations and directions for ceremonies. [K. 13231]

Right-hand corner,

Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by Fragment of an omen-text.

7 +.

lin.; .......

) lines. [K. 13232]

Fragment out of the middle, 1--lin. by l1in.; 7 +.....(....) lines. Part of a text containing directions for the performance of ceremonies and rites. [K. 13233] Fragment of the left half, liin. by in.; ..... + 12 lines. Part of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies. [K. 13234] Fragment out of the middle, lin. by lin.; 7 +..... religious text containing directions for ceremonies.


Part of a [K. 13235]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by lin.; 6 + ..... ) lines. Fragment of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies. A colophon-line reads ,:-[I >if AfJ] ft [K. 13236] T k ?]. [-Sy l-~t;y Fragment of the left half, 1 3 in. by 1- in.; 7 + ..... containing incantations and prayers.


Fragment of the right half, 1Din. by 1 in.; 5 + 5 lines. containing forecasts.

Part of a text [K. 13237] Part of a text [K. 13238]

Left half, upper portion, 1-in. by 1 in.; 8 + 2 lines. Part of a text containing directions for a man how to act under certain circumstances. The obverse begins:-- 4, - _ :t= y j-[K. 13239] Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by 1in.; 7 + 2 lines.

Part of a hymn. [K. 13240]

Fragment out of the middle, 1-3in. by l--in.; 9 + .......... of a religious text.

lines. Part [K. 13241]

Left half, lower portion, 11in. by l-1-in.; 10 + 7 + 3 lines; Babylonian. Part of a text containing incantations, prayers and ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. [K. 13242] Fragment out of the middle, 1 7 in. by lin.; 11 + ..... text containing astrological forecasts.


Part of a [K. 13243]




..... + 9 lines. Part of a Fragment out of the middle, lgin. by 1-in.; text containing grammatical paradigms in Assyrian, concerning [K. 13244] legal subjects. Fragment out of the middle, 1- 6in. by "+in.; 9 +.....(.....) Fragment of a text containing directions for ceremonies.

lines. [K. 13245]

Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by -15 in.; 14 + ..... lines. Part of a religious text. Mention is made of the river (TS) and of the city of [K. 13246] IT >-STY [

Aft (- >




gg~g '

[K. 13247]

) lines. Frag......... Fragment out of the middle, lin. by in.; 6 +. ment of a text containing incantations and directions for cere[K. 13248] monies. Fragment out of the middle, 1Hin. by 1 in.; 10 + .......... Part of an incantation-text.

) lines. [K. 13249]

..... ..... 14 in. by 1in.; traces of Portion out of the middle, lines. Part of an omen-text concerning events which may happen in a man's house, etc. E.g., lines 3 ff. of Column II read:-

[ a?] Y






4Xm k*./\S21

r_YVYT u WSm : '-,, "* E k* t:YTY r--mYY is WS mY

<~T-Yl A.

ATY It i



[K. 13250]

lines. ......... Fragment out of the middle, 1T1in. by lin.; 7 + 6 + Fragment of a text containing incantations and directions for cere[K. 13251] monies. ) lines. Part ..... (. Fragment of the left half, 17lin. by 1 in.; 10 [K. 13252] offerings. for making regulations of a text containing ) lines. Fragment out of the middle, 1-5in. by lin.; 7 +- ...... [K. 13253] Part of a religious text. ....(.....)+ Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 1 in. by 3in.; . 5 lines; Babylonian. Part of a religious text. Mention is made of the [K. 13254] Y, etc. ~ -+ god b) lines. .... . 0 +.... 1 Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by lin.; [K. 13255] Fragment of an omen-text. * Partly effaced.



Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by {in.; 5 + ... of a prayer to Samas. Fragment out of the middle, '5n

lines. Part [K. 13256]


by ' 1in.; 4 +


lines. [K. 13258]

Fragment of an omen-text.


Fragment out of the middle, 1"in. by l3in.; (.... + 14( +..,..

) lines.


+ 9

Part of a text containing regulations for

making offerings. This fragment may belong to the same tablet as [K. 13259 + K. 13260] K. 3245; see above, p. 516. .

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by l in.; . lines. Part of a religious text.

+..... ...

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by in.; 8 + .... ( ... of a historical inscription of an Assyrian king. Fragment of the right half, 1-in. Part of an astrological text.

by; 7 + .

Fragment out of the middle, lin. by lin.; 8 + 5 + Babylonian. Fragment of an incantation-text.

..... [K. 13261]

) lines. Part [K. 13262] .....

) lines. [K. 13263]

+ .......

lines; [K. 13264]

Fragment of the lower portion, 2sin. by 11in.; 10 + 4 lines. Part of a text containing directions for the performance of ceremonies and rites. [K. 13265] Fragment out of the middle, lin. by 'I-in.; 10 + a religious text. Mention is made of the god [Tyy?], etc.

lines. Part of -4+- -ty >yyt [K. 13266]

Fragment of the right half, 2 in. by 1 5 in.; 14 + 8 lines. Part of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies. [K. 13267] Fragment out of the middle, Iin. by l religious text.

in.; ....

+. 8 lines.

Part of a [K. 13268]

lines. Part of a text Fragment of the left half, 2in. by l- 5 in.; 13 +.... containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of the [K. 13269] sky. Most of the lines begin with y -- H>Ty-. Fragment of the right half, l1in. by tin.; religious text.


+ 13 lines.

Part of a [K. 13270]

+ 5 lines. Fragment of the upper portion of reverse, 2in. by in.; .... Fragment of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies. Referring to line 4 a gloss is added by the scribe. [K. 13271]





Fragment of the left half, lin. by gin.; 7 + ment of a mythological, or religious, text.

..... ) lines. Frag[K. 13272]

Fragment out of the middle, 1-6 in. by 1-din.; 9 +.....lines. Part of a text containing incantations and prayers. Line 9 appears to be a [K. 13273] colophon-line. Fragment out of the middle,

in. by lin.; ( .

lines. Part of a text containing ceremonies.


.. ...

7+ (+



incantations and directions for [K. 13275]

Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by lin.; 3 + 9 lines. Part of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies. [K. 13276] Fragment out of the middle, lin. by 1-I3in.; 10 + .... text containing incantations and prayers. Left-hand corner, 23 in. by 1-in.; 9 + 6 lines.


Part of a [K. 13277]

Part of a prayer. [K. 13278]

Fragment of the right half, l in. by I--in. 11 + 7 lines. Part of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies. Of the -+ t=TMH o , YA and ^>fYk^ *)Y^: ha [K. 13280] Fragment out of the middle, 1ain. by 1lin.; 6 + ............... lines. Part of a historical inscription of an Assyrian king, probably YY * ftYY. [K. 13282] Assurbanipal. Mention is made of y ry* + ...... Fragment of the upper portion, 1 in. by 3in.; 9 .... lines. Part of a text containing incantations and directions for [K. 13283] ceremonies. Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by l- in.; prayer.

7 + .....


Part of a, [K. 13284]

Fragment of the right half, 1liin. by 1 in.; 11 .... lines. Part of a text containing regulations for making offerings. [K. 13285] Portion of the right half, 25in. by 1sin.; religious, or mythological, text. * Partly effaced.

13 +.....lines.

Part of a [K. 13286]



Left-hand corner, 1in. by 13 in.; 8 +.... lines; Babylonian. Part of a religious text referring to the worship of Marduk and Samas, etc. [K. 13287] Left-hand corner, 1lin. by gin.; 6 + 2 lines. incantation-text.

Beginning and end of an [K. 13288]

Fragment of the left half, 1-in. by 1 -in.; 9 + 8 lines; Babylonian. Part of a text containing directions for the performance of ceremonies and rites(?). [K. 13289] Left-hand corner, 13in. by hin.; 6 + (.......... ment of an astrological(?) text, beginning:STat


+ 1 lines. Frag* (?) A Y

Fragment of the upper portion of reverse, 1-in. by in.; (..... ..... containing prayers to Samas + 7 ( + ..... ) lines. Part of a text and Rammdn and directions for the performance of ceremonies and rites. [K. 13291] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by l- in.; 11 +.....lines. Part of a religious text referring to the worship of the god Merodach. [K. 13292] Fragment out of the middle, lin. a religious text.


in.; 4 +....


Fragment of [K. 13293]

Fragment out of the middle, lin. by -lgin.;..... + 10 lines. Part of a text containing directions for the performance of ceremonies and rites. [K. 13294] Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by l3in.; ..... +. 7 lines; Babylonian. Part of a text containing directions for the performance of ceremonies and rites. [K. 13295] Fragment out of the middle, 1¼in. by lin.; 7 + ..... lines. Fragment of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for cere>_H '¢M Y , k Yr ~monies. A colophon-line reads:-[>-

> [>4 4 ?]. "ya ifyt

[K. 13296]

Fragment of the upper portion of one side, lin. by lines. Part of a religious text. lines. Left-hand corner, 1 96in. by in.; 4 + ..... tation-text, beginning:---+ < >t ! *



7 + .......... ) [K. 13297]

Fragment of an incan[K. 13298]

Partly effaced.

8 D



Fragment of the right half, 1 in. by 16 - in.; (.....+ lines. Part of a religious text.

) 11 ±..

(+ .... .) [K. 13299]

Fragment out of the middle, 1]in. by1-Iin.; religious text.

+ 12 lines.

Part of a [K. 13300]


Fragment out of the middle, l-1-in. by in.; 6 + ......... ment of an incantation-text.

. lines. Frag[K. 13301]

Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 1lin. by 1 in.; 9 +.......... lines. Part of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. A colophonline reads :-[-.H] >->J *t Y tm '-' [K. 13302]


Fragment out of the middle, 1-l6in. by li- in.; Babylonian. Part of a religious text.

7 +..........lines; [K. 13303]

Right-hand corner, l in. by

Part of a prayer.

in.; 2 + 3 + 6 lines.

Fragment out of the middle, l Part of an incantation-text.

[K. 13304] ) lines. [K. 13305]

by 1in. lin.; 14 + ..........

Fragment out of the middle, 1-7in. by -l{in.; ..... + 12 lines. Fragment of a text containing incantations and prayers. [K. 13306] Fragment out of the middle, l- 7in. by Part of an incantation-text. Fragment out of the middle, l

lines; Babylonian. Assyrian version.


by 1in.

in.; 8 + 6 + .... 13in.;


+ .... lines. [K. 13307]

+ ........


+ 6

Part of a religious text with an interlinear [K. 13308]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by -- in.; 8 Sumero-Akkadian religious text.


Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. 11 by Part of a prayer.

7 +.....(.....)



Part of a [K. 13309] lines. [K. 13310]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by I 3in.; 10 +.. . lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 13311] Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by in.; (.....+) 12 +... .. ) lines. Part of a text containing regulations for making offerings. [K. 13312] Fragment out of the middle, 14in. by lI-6in.; 7 + ........ lines. Part of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies. [K. 13314] * Partly effaced.



Fragment of the left half, lin. by S-in.; 4 + 9 lines; Babylonian.

an incantation-text. [Y O?].

One section begins:--~-+ :. -

Part of <*

[K. 13315]

Fragment out of the middle, lin. by |in. ..... + 6 lines. End of a text containing omens derived from the movements of birds. Of the catchline only the middle part is visible :-i \"-I >: ,




[K. 13316]

Fragment of the lower portion of one side, 181in. by 5in; ..... ± 7 + 1 lines. Part of an omen-text concerning the appearances of snakes. [K. 13317] Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by 1in.; 9 +... (..... ) lines. Part of a religious text. [K. 13318] Fragment out of the middle, 1ain. by 1Din. .... + 9 lines. Part of an astrological text similar to that of K. 12630; see above, p. 1255. [K. 13319] Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 1 in. by 1in.; 6 + 7 .......... lines. Part of a religious text. [K. .13320] Fragment out of the middle, lin. by 1 in.; .... . 8 + 8 lines. Part of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies. [K. 13321] Fragment of the right half, 1 in. by 19in.;(..... t ) 13 ( +.....) lines. Part of an incantation-text. One section ends with .-TVy

[K. 13322]

.-- · Fragment out of the middle,

End of a religious text.

X -cTTR -+

visible :-4

in. by 1 3 in.;



+ 7 lines.

Of the catch-line only the middle part is



>~[K. <



Fragment of the upper portion, 3in. by 2in.; 6 + 7 lines.

incantation-text, beginning:--4--



Part of an


[K. 13324] Portion of the left half, 4in. by 2in.; 20 + .... + 3 + 14 lines. Part of a hemerology. Of the catch-line only the beginning is visible:-

<4 < r lyq


3-YY7r+ i


[K. 13325]

Left-hand corner, 1- -in. by gin.; 5 +( . + ... +)5 lines. Part of a text containing directions for the performance of ceremonies and rites. [K. 13326] Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by 3in.; 9 + .(.....) a text containing incantations and prayers. *

Partly effaced.

lines. Part of [K. 13327]

t Cf. the preceding line.

8 D2

1304 Left-hand



report (?). and of 4.

1-gin. by


1 in.;

6 +.....



of a

Mention is made of the land of Elam (b, <£y [y < h ?]) W_ <Sf_.

[K. 13328]

Fragment out of the middle, 1kin. by gin.; 9 + .......... lines. Part of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies. [K. 13329] Fragment out of the middle, -in. - 1 1 by 1¼in.; 9 Part of a religious text referring to dreams.


Fragment of the right half, 1 in. by 1in.; ( lines. Part of a religious text.



Right-hand corner, l-1in. by 1ain.; 6 + 6 lines. Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by an incantation-text. Fragment of the right half, 1 religious text.

in.; 7

.) lines. [K. 13330]


+ ... ) [K. 13331]

Part of a prayer. [K. 13332]


-in. by 1 in.; 10 + .....

lines. Part of [K. 13333] lines.

Part of a [K. 13334]

Fragment of the right half, lf9in. by lin.; ( . + ) ..... 7 (+.....) lines. Part of a text containing directions for the performance of ceremonies and rites. [K. 13335] Fragment out of the middle, 1Iin. by 1kin.; 12 + cerning houses, etc.

..... lines.

Omens con[K. 13336]

Fragment out of the middle, I-iin. by gin.; 8 + . .... ) lines. Fragment of a mythological text. Mention is made of the

lines. [K. 13342]




lines; +..... ... Fragment out of the middle, l in. by in.; 6 + 5 Babylonian. Part of a text containing incantations and directions [K. 13343] Y- T--. for ceremonies. One section ends with 11 ) lines. Fragment out of the middle, ¢1 in. by 3in.; 7 +......... cerefor directions and incantations containing text Fragment of a [K. 13344] monies. Fragment of the lower portion, 1 in. by 1 lbin.; 8 + 4 + 10 lines; Babylonian. Part of an astrological text. Mention is made of the star "-- NJ_ [K. 13345] , etc.

5 lines; +4 ..... Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by ain.; ..... Babylonian. Part of a text containing directions for the performance [K. 13346] of ceremonies and rites. Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by 1-5in.; traces of 3 + 8 + ..... [K. 13347] lines. Part of a religious text. .... Left-hand corner, 18in. by lin.; 8 + 5 lines. Part of a religious text. [K. 13348] + . Fragment out of the middle, 11in. by 1-5in.; traces of 2 + 8 + ..... lines. Part of an incantation-text relating to the worship of [K. 13349] the god r-+ AY . l Fragment out of the middle, incantation-text.

b1 in. in. by

; .;..

+ 10 lines.

lines. Regu[K. 13351]

in.; 9 +........ Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by lations for making offerings. Fragment of the lower portion, 1-bin. by 11 in.; 9 + ..... Part of an incantation-text. Portion out of the middle, 1 in. by 1lin.; 12 + ..... cerning incidents that may happen to men, etc.

Part of an [K. 13350]


.. ) lines. [K. 13352] Omens con[K. 13353]

+ . + 6 + .... Fragment out of the middle, 1 5 in. by lin.; .. Fragment of an incantation-text, which may belong to a lines. [K. 13354] M tayt. tablet of the Series id -

by -in.; 8 + ..... Fragment of the left half, l-in. text containing incantations and prayers.


Fragment of a [K. 13355]

+ + Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by Win.; traces of 1 6 + One section begins:lines. Fragment of an incantation-text. [K. 13356] i Vi7 R:2 K ^; + ^+ * Partly effaced.



Left-hand corner, 1-k6in. by 1in.; 8 +..... Istar, beginning:-.A C H Fragment out of the middle, 1'in. by 1 religious text.


Part of a prayer to

in.; .....

+ 9 lines.

Part of a [K. 13358]

Left-hand corner, 1in. by l-6in.; 5 + 6 lines. Part of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies. A colophonline reads :-> -Y



**f [,L ?] g,.

Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by l1in.; .... Part of a religious text.

[K. 13359]


Fragment out of the middle, 1jin. by 1ain.; 9 +.... incantation-text.

+ 6 + 2 lines. [K. 13360] lines.

Fragment of the left half, lin. by { in.; 13 + .......... of an incantation-text. One Section begins :----o

Part of an [K. 13361]

) lines. Part ^',"-' [K. 13362]

Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 23in. by in.; (.....+) 6 + traces of 3 ( +.....) lines. Fragment of a religious text. [K. 13363] Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by 1jin.; 8 + ..... lines. Part of a religious text. Mention is made of yyyy yyT C etc. t, [K. 13364]

Fragment of the lower portion, 1 in. by 1in.1 an omen-text.

+ .....

lines. Part of [K. 13365]

Fragment out of the middle, 76in. 11 by lin.; 10 +.........) lines. Part of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies. [K. 13366] Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by 1in.; .... + 11+.......... lines. Part of a text containing directions for the performance of ceremonies and rites. [K. 13367] Fragment of the left half, 1-56 in. by 1lin.; 8 .......... lines. Part of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for cere-


A colophon-line reads:---]L_* > -E>.y VYY <--_ Y

cf. supra, p. 999, K. 9280 + K. 13281, etc. Fragment out of the middle, 1-w6in. by




Fragment of an incantation-text.

Fragment of the right half, 1 in. by 1Iin.; 8 +3 lines. text. *

Partly effaced.

T.ii'-"'-; [K. 13368]

........ +

lines. [K. 13369]

Part of a religious [K. 13370]



Fragment of the left half, 1l in. by gin.; 6 + .. ment of an incantation-text:-J-'-4-

(.....) H.

lines. Frag-,'i, etc. [K. 13371]

Fragment out of the middle, 1'in. by kin.; .......... + 8 + lines. Part of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies. [K. 13372] Fragment out of the middle, in. by in.; 7 ......... ) lines. Fragment of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 13373] Fragment out of the middle, l-in. by 1in.; 9 +....... ) lines. Part of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies. [K. 13374] Fragment out of the middle, 1¼in. by lin.; 10 + ...... (. ) lines. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of various stars. [K. 13375] Left-hand corner, 1-j-in. by lin.; 2 + 8 lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of various stars. The reverse begins :-+>--- , ,y.[K. 13376] Fragment of the left half, 13 in. by 1hin,; 4 + 6 lines; Babylonian. an astrological text. One section begins:--+Iy>

Part of y yT¥Y

[K. 13378] Fragment out of the middle, 1¼in. by "in.; 10 + . Part of a religious text. Fragment of Part of a version. K. 4613;


) lines. [K. 13379]

the left half, lin. by lin.; 12 +..... lines; Babylonian. hymn, in the form of a litany, with an interlinear Assyrian The contents appear to be similar to those of the text of see above, p. 647. [K. 13380]

Fragment out of the middle, lin. by -'in. ment of an incantation-text.

7 +.


) lines. Frag[K. 13381]

Fragment of the left half, 1 3in. by ½in.; 7 + 8 lines; Babylonian. Part of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies. [K. 13382] Fragment of the lower portion, 1-7in. by


8 + 7 lines.

Part of a

religious text relating to the worship of Samas and Rammdn. [K. 13383]




lines. Part Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1 in.; 7 + .......... of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to [K. 13384] be used for the benefit of sick people. lines. in.; ( ..... +) 4 + 4 ( +.....) Right-hand corner, 2in. by ceremonies Part of a text containing incantations and directions for and rites. According to a colophon-line, part of it seems to be an kH>< - _. [K. 13385] extract from a text beginning: Y 4 - 7 (..... ) 10 Fragment of the right half, 1- 6 in. by 1in.; . for directions and lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions [K. 13386] ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. + ) 6 lines. Direc......... Left-hand corner, 2in. by l-5in.; 5 + ( tions for the performance of ceremonies and rites, beginning:[K. 13387] :i,__~ *'-:-" id ~= s.y,_ y traces of Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by 1,in.;... 1 + 11 lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of people suffering from [K. 13388] diseases of the mouth and nose. .... ..... + 9+ 3 lines. Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by 1-lin.; . Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies One section begins:-' to be used for the benefit of sick people. _ JFFId_,~.v9,>¥.. ~[K. 13390]


)+ 9 lines. Part .... (..... Fragment out of the middle,l1in. by l in.; . of a text containing directions for the performance of ceremonies and [K. 13391] rites. ) 24 + 11 ( +.....) Right half, lower portion, 4/in. by 1in.; (.....+ lines. Part of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. Various [K. 13392] ~4-. k-~g sections end with + 8 lines. Part of in. by 1in.; .......... Fragment of the left half, a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of people suffering from diseases of the eyes. [K. 13393] ...... + Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 5in.; 9 + Fragment of a list of the names of members of various families, their properties, etc., similar to that of K. 2017; see above, p. [K. -T.S 4 Mention is made of the city of YY* ~ t *

Partly effaced.

lines. and of 386 f. 13394]




Fragment of the right half, in. by in.; (..... ) ..... + 11 ( +.....) lines. Part of a text containing directions for the performance of ceremonies and rites. [K. 13395] Fragment of the lower portion, 2in. by Win.; 2 + 4 lines. Part of a text containing directions for the performance of ceremonies and rites. [K. 13396] Fragment out of the middle, 2-5 in. by lin.; 14 +.......... lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. [K. 13397] Fragment out of the middle, l 3in. by "in.; ..... + 11 + + ..... lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. Two sections begin with [] y * <4-* _ y A 5y i A i. [K. 13398] Left-hand corner, sin. by in.; 4 ( ...... + ) 2 lines. Fragment of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies. [K. 13399] Fragment out of the middle, lin. by l1-in.; short ends of 8 + 6 + ..... + ..... lines. Fragment of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. [K. 13400] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1-la in.; 8 +..........



of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. A colophon-line reads:T Y >.- RtY a id k
[K. 13401] lines.

Part of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies. [K. 13402] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 4 in.; 12 .......... lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. [K. 13403] Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by l--3in.; traces of 2 + 8 + ..... + ..... lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. One section begins :--






[K. 13404]

Right-hand corner, l1-in. by l- tin.; 6 + 6 lines; Babylonian. Part of a text containing prescriptions, etc. [K. 13405] Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by 1in.; 9 + ......... of a religious text. *



) lines. Part [K. 13406]

Partly effaced. 8 E




Fragment out of the middle, 15in. by l1 in.; 10 +.......... lines. Part of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of people suffering from diseases of the mouth. [K. 13407] Fragment out of the middle, 13 in. by 8in.; 7 +.......... lines. Part of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. [K. 13408] Fragment out of the middle, 1T 7in. by in.; 8 + . .... ..... ) lines. Part of a text containing incantations, prayers and ceremonies. A colophon-line reads :--[>-Y -H] ;y
+ 12 lines; Babylonian.

Part of a religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 13410] 'Fragment of the right half, 2¼in. by tin.; 14 + ..... lines. Part of a prayer. [K. 13411] Fragment out of the middle, in. by lin.; 1 Part of a Sumero-Akkadian hymn.



..... lines; Babylonian. [K. 13412]

Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by l1in.; 11 + 6 + ..... +.....lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. Referring to line 2 of Column I an interlinear gloss is added by the scribe. [K. 13413] Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by 1in.n.;0 +.....(....) lines. Part of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies. E.g., Section III (lines 6 if.) reads:-Y*E > t4i

>^.; *>Yr

"- Y g>f




[K. 13414]

Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by * 'in.; 11 + 3 lines. Part of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies. [K. 13415] Fragment out of the middle, 1Iin. by lin.; 10 + ..... (..... ) lines. Part of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies.

[K. 13416] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by lin.; 6 + .lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. [K. 13417] *

Partly effaced.




Fragment out of the middle, 1 lin. by 1 3in.; 10 + .... Prescriptions and directions for ceremonies.


) lines. [K. 13418]

Fragment of the left half, 1-in. by lin.; 12 + traces of 2 lines. incantation-text. One section begins:-Sy- '<(¥¥i' "

Part of an

[K. 13419]

Fragment of the upper portion, l1in. by in.; ..... + 10 +. ..... lines. Part of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies. [K. 13420] Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. Part of a religious text. Fragment of the right half, a religious text.


by lin.; 7 +.....(....)

lines. [K. 13421]

by lin.; traces of 7 + 13 lines. Part of [K. 13422]

Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by 11in.; 12 + lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. One section begins:-


?]'^ 1



MSIA > Yy Y mYr ;"''i [K. 13423]

Fragment of the right half, 1 by T-1in. 1 in.; 10 +.....(.....) Omens derived from the movements of birds.

lines. [K. 13424]

Fragment of the left half, lin. by -in.; 7 +......... . lines. Part of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies. [K. 13425] Fragment of the left half, by 'in. 3in.; ....... .. + 10 lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 13426] Fragment of the left half, 1in. by 13in.; 6 + ( . .... ....+ ) 11 lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. Two sections begin with y >_ t < -+ _Y I 'Yii ; cf. supra, p. 877, K. 7824, etc. [K. 13427] Fragment of the left half, 1 by lin.; 1in. ..... ..... )+ 9 lines; Babylonian. Part of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies. [K. 13428] Fragment of the right half, 2in. by 1-in.; (....+ ) 10 +....(+...) lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. [K. 13429] * Partly effaced.

8 E 2



Fragment out of the middle, l in. by lin.; 6 + ..... of a text containing hymns in paragraphs.*


lines. Part [K. 13430]

Fragment out of the middle, lDin. by lin.; 13 + ..... lines. Part of a text containing incantations and prayers to Ramrmdn (.-4- A-y). [K. 13431] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by in.; 8 +.......... lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. [K. 13432] Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 15in. by 3in.; 4 +.......... lines. Fragment of a mythological (?) text. [K. 13433] Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by 3in.; 17 + ..... (....) lines. Part of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies. [K. 13434] Fragment out of the middle, lin. by l-in.; ..... + 7 lines. Copy of an omen-text. [K. 13435] Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by in.; 8 +. of a text containing astrological forecasts.


) lines. Part [K. 13436]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by lin.; 12 ......... lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. Referring to line 6 an interlinear gloss is added by the scribe. [K. 13437] Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by jin.; 11 +.........) of an astrological text.

lines. Part [K. 13438]

Fragment of the left half, lain. by 11 -in.; 9 + ...... .. lines. Part of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies.


A colophon-line reads:---




YY y =


[K. 13439]

Fragment out of the middle, lin. by 1kin.; 7 +. ......... ) lines. Part of a historical inscription of an Assyrian king, probably Assurbanipal. Mention is made of y Ey -Yey
+ 12 lines.

+ 12 lines.

Partly effaced

Part of a [K. 13441]

Part of a religious [K. 13442]



Fragment out of the middle, concerning births.


by 13in.; .....

+ 7 lines.

Omens [K. 13443]

Fragment out of the middle, lin. by in.; 7 .......... lines. Fragment of a historical text concerning Saosduchinos (¥ r-+- - -<( rel="nofollow">_ >-Ta _D) [K. 13444] Fragment out of the middle, l11in. by B in.; 9 +... ( ) lines; Babylonian. Part of a religious text. [K. 13445] Fragment out of the middle, lin. by in.; 6 + ... lines. Part of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. [K. 13446] Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by in.; 11 +. ......... ) lines. Part of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies. [K. 13447] Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by 1--in.; 7 + ......... of a list of names of officials and their titles, etc.

lines. Part [K. 13448]

Fragment of the upper portion of one side, in. by in.; 4 + ....... . lines. Fragment of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. [K. 13449] Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by 3in.; 9 + .... of an incantation-text.


lines. Part [K. 13450]

Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by lin.; ... (.....) + 7 lines. Part of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies. [K. 13451] Fragment of the right half, 1 in. by 11 in.; 9 + ..... lines. Part of a text containing regulations fpr making offerings. Duplicate of K. 2866 (see above, p. 484), obverse, lines 28 ff. [K. 13452] Left-hand corner, 1¼in. by -51in. 8 + (. +...+ )2 lines. Part of an incantation-text. Duplicate of K. 2538 (see above, p. 452), Column VI, lines 1 ff. [K. 13453] Left-hand corner, 11in. by l1in.; 6 + ..... an interlinear Assyrian version.


Part of a hymn with [K. 13454]

Portion out of the middle, 2 in. by lin.; 7 + 10 lines. Akkadian religious text.

Part of a Sumero[K. 13455]

Fragment of the right half, 1 -in. by gin.; 12 +.....lines. Part of a Sumero-Akkadian religious text. [K. 13456] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1in.; 5 + ......... columns. Grammatical paradigms.

lines in double[K. 13457]




Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by in.; 9 .......... lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies. [K. 13458] Fragment out of the middle, lin. by lin.; 10 +. ......... ) lines. Part of a religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 13459] Left-hand corner, I3in. by in.; ..... + 11 lines. Part of a hymn with an interlinear Assyrian version. Duplicate of K. 4617 and K. 5117; see above, pp. 647, 690. [K. 13460] Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by in.; 9 + 8 +.......... lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 13461] Fragment out of the middle, 1Hin. by l7-in.; 7 + .......... lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. [K. 13462] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1 -in.; traces of 3 + 9 + ..... + ..... lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. One section begins:-y7 > ] i y <' '"". [K. 13463]


Fragment out of the middle, lkin. by lin.; 9 + ..... hymn with an interlinear Assyrian version.


Part of a [K. 13464]

Fragment out of the middle, 1- 7in. by 1l in.; 8 +. lines. Part of a text similar to that of K. 5000 (see above, p. 682), containing incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. This fragment may belong to the same tablet as K. 2573 (above, p. 455); see also p. 1269, K. 12831, etc. [K. 13465] Fragment out of the middle, 1-7in. by 1in.; 9 + .......... lines. Part of a list of proper names of persons, etc. [K. 13467] Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by l--1in.; 9 ± ..... hymn with an interlinear Assyrian version. Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by -16in.; 11 + .......... an incantation-text.


Part of a [K. 13468]

lines. Part of [K. 13469]

Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 1 in. by 7in.; 5 + .......... lines. Part of a religious text. [K. 13470] Portion out of the middle, 2 in. by hymn.

l -in.;

19 +



Part of a [K. 13471]




Fragment out of the middle, lin. by 1-3in.; 8 +..........) lines. Part of a text containing directions for ceremonies including the recital of prayers. [K. 13472] Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by lkin.; 12 + ..... ... .) lines. Part of a religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 13473] Fragment out of the middle, in. by in.; . 5 + .......... lines. Fragment of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies. A colophon-line reads:,'?,-,


Fragment of the right half, lin. by l religious text.


[K. 13474]



in.; .....

+ 11 lines.

Part of a [K. 13475]

Fragment out of the middle, l-in. by 1lin.; 10 +.....(....) lines. Part of a religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 13476] Fragment out of the middle, 1-3in. by 13 in.; 8 +.......... lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies. [K. 13477] Fragment out of the middle, l1in.- by in.; 5 + 5 + .......... lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. One section begins:.. ,:,Y -, [K. 13478] Fragment out of the middle, l-6 in. by 1lin.; traces of 3 + 8 + ..... + ..... lines. Part of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies. One section begins:l-f

,>] >f






Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1kin.; 12 + .... hymn to Nergal (-4- < [< ]) [

[K. 13479]


Part of a [K. 13480]

Fragment out of the middle, 1-lin. by in.; 9 + traces of 5 ....+... lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. [K. 13481] Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by w-in.; + 6 +.... .. lines. Part of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of people suffering from diseases of the eyes. Duplicate of K. 2573; see above, p. 455. The text corresponds with W.A.I. IV, 2nd ed., pl. 29 *, B, lines 6 if. [K. 13482]




Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by in.; (..... ) 7 7 ( + ..... ) lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts taken fiom observations of various stars, etc. - [K. 13483] Fragment out of the middle, 11in. by in.; ( .. ... ..... + ..... (.. () lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 13484] Fragment out of the middle, l'in. by lin.; 10 ± ..... prayer with an interlinear Assyrian version.


Part of a [K. 13485]

Fragment out of the middle, lin. by l in.; . .+ ±. ... + 9 lines. End of an incantation-text. Of the catch-line and a preceding colophon-line only the end is visible:-

,k g42 I ,T.·

[K. 13486]

Fragment of the right half, 13in. by lin.; ( ....... .... 14 ( +.....) lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 13487] Fragment out of the middle, 1ain. by -l3in.; 12 + 11 + ...... lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 13488] Fragment of the left half, 13in. by 1iin.; 8 4- 9 lines. Akkadian hymn.

Part of a Sumero[K. 13489]

Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 1 in. by 1'-in.; 6+.... (.....) lines in double-columns(?). Part of a text containing grammatical paradigms(?). [K. 13490] Fragment of the right half, 1tin. by 1- in.; ( .... +) 9 + . .. (.....) lines in double-columns. Part of an explanatory list arranged in groups according to the form of the cuneiform ideographs. [K. 13491] Fragment out of the middle, 1- in. by 1 in.; 11 + 7 +..... + ... lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of people suffering from diseases of the ears. [K. 13492] Fragment of the left half, 1jin. by lin.; ..... + 8 lines. Omens derived from the actions of certain animals. Some of the lines begin with


[K. 13493]

¥i . * Partly effaced.



Fragment of the left half, 15n. by b in. . in.; . + 14 lines; Babylonian. Part of a religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 13494] Fragment of the lower portion, 1 n. by in. in.; 6 + ..... Fragment of a religious text.

) lines. [K. 13495]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by lin.;

Part of an


+ 10 lines.

incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. Fragment out of the middle, lin. by




[K. 13496]

+) 8 + ......

Part of an omen-text.

(+ ....


[K. 13497]

Fragment of the right half, lin. by lin.; 8 + ..... lines. religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version.

Part of a [K. 13498]

Fragment out of the middle, 1T lin. by 3in.; .. + 8 +.....+ lines. Partof a text containing incantations, prayers and directions i . for ceremonies. One section begins :--4 Y Tyy *>_,k;* [K. 13499] Fragment out of the middle, 1-t-in. by 1I-in.; .... + 7 +....... lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. [K. 13500] Fragment of the left half, lin.




+ 8 lines.

Fragment of a

prayer, part of which appears to have an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 13501] Fragment of the left half, 1in. by; 7 +.......... lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. One section begins:-- ,4 > -YY-D A!ry Ad m
Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by lin.; ..... .... + 7 + 10lines. Part of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. [K. 13506 + K. 13570] * Partly effaced.


8 F



Right-hand corner, l1in. text.


by l1in.; 8 + 3 lines.

Part of an incantation[K. 13507]

Fragment of the lower portion, 2 in. by in.; 5 +..... hymn with an interlinear Assyrian version.


Part of a [K. 13508]

Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by lin.; 13 ..... religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version.


Part of a [K. 13509]

Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by l'in.; 8 + ..... lines. Part of a hymn with an interlinear Assyrian version. Mention is made of Babylon [K. 13510] j), etc. <<_ = -yy_ (
Tin. by 1in.; 3 + 7 + 3 + 5 lines.

Part of [K. 13512]

Fragment of the upper portion of reverse, lin. by 1 in.; ..... + 11 lines. Part of a religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 13513] Fragment of the right half, 1 6in. by 1in.; ( .. ) 10 + 5 ( +.. ) lines. Part of a religious text. [K. 13514] Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by Win.; ... (.....) + 5 lines. Part of a religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 13515] Fragment of the left half, 1-in. by 1-bin.; ..... + 9 lines. hymn, part of which has an interlinear Assyrian version.

Portion of a [K. 13516]

Fragment of the upper portion, 1 in. by 13in.; 6 +..... + (edge) 3 lines. Part of a hymn to [--4] Z.k- y T- -, with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 13517] Fragment out of the middle, 1 Sumero-Akkadian hymn.

in. by


in.; 9 + ....


Part of a [K. 13518]

Fragment of the upper portion, 1-5 in. by 1 in.; 9 + ......... ) lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 13519] Left-hand corner, 11' in. by Akkadian hymn.



* Partly effaced.


Part of a Sumero[K. 13520]


Fragment of the left half, 1-in. by 4in.; with an interlinear Assyrian version. text forms the 2nd tablet of a Series, the words A_ t; 2[ ¥y :: Y only the beginning is visible :--_



11 + 6 lines. Part of a hymn According to the colophon this probably that which begins with = qI. Of the catch-line ';-' .> V [K. 13521]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1in.; 9 + ..... Sumero-Akkadian prayer in the form of a litany.


Part of a [K. 13522]

Fragment out of the middle, 1ain. by gin.; 12 +.....(.....) lines. Fragment of an incantation-text, part of which has an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 13523] Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by '-in.; 10 + ..... prayer with an interlinear Assyrian version.


Part of a [K. 13524]

Fragment out of the middle, l1-in. by lin.; 9 + .......... lines. Part of a mythological legend belonging to a tablet of the Series V >^ zY. Ad > [K. 13525] Fragment out of the middle, l in. by lr in.; 9 + ..... Sumero-Akkadian hymn.


Part of a [K. 13526]

Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by 11 16in.; 11 +..... religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version.


Part of a [K. 13527]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by gin.; 6 + ..... (..... ) lines. of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version.


[K. 13528] Fragment out of the middle,

14in. by 116in.; 9 + .... .... ) lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version.

[K. 13529] Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by 3in.; ..... Sumero-Akkadian religious text.

+ 11 lines.

Part of a [K. 13530]

Fragment of the left half, lin. by 3in.; 5 +..... lines. Part of a prayer with an interlinear Assyrian version. Cf. infra, p. 1321, K. 13563. [K. 13531] Left-hand corner, 1l-5in. by in.; 10 + .... lines. Part of a hymn with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 13532] Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by 1in.; 7 + ... . lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 13533] Fragment of the right half, lI in. by1lin.; 7 ...... Sumero-Akkadian hymn in the form of a litany.


Part of a [K. 13534] 8 F 2



Fragment of the left half, lin. by 1lin.; ..... + 7 lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 13535] Fragment out of the middle, lin. by Jin.; 7 + 9 + ...... .... +..... +..... lines. Fragment of an incantation. The text belongs to the 5th tablet of the Series Y~YY<-vY
. .... .. + 3 + 5 lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 13538] Fragment of the right half, l1in. by 1l3in.; ( . .... )..... 10 ( +.....) lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 13539]

Right-hand corner, 1-lin. by lin.; (.... ) 7 + 7 (4-....) lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 13540] Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by l1in.; 6 +..........) lines. Fragment of an incantation-text.

Fragment of the left half, 2-in. by l1in.; ..... Sumero-Akkadian hymn.

[K. 13541]

+ 18 lines.

Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by 1in.; 8 +.....


hymn with an interlinear Assyrian version. Fragment out of the middle, l -in. by 1in.; 9 hymn with an interlinear Assyrian version.

Part of a [K. 13542] Part of a

[K. 13543] .....


Part of a [K. 13544]

Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by lin.; 8 +.....(....) lines. Fragment of an incantation-text, part of which has an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 13545] Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by 1lin.; 15 + ..... lines. Part of a Sumero-Akkadian hymn. [K. 13546] Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by l-5in.

6 + traces of 4 + ..... + 5 lines. Part of a list of the names of members of various families, and of their properties, etc., similar to that of K. 2017; see above, p. 386 f.

[K. 13548] Portion out of the middle, 1 in. by 11in.; 13 +.....lines. Part of a Sumero-Akkadian hymn in the form of a litany. [K. 13549]



Fragment out of the middle, lin. by gin.; traces of 3 + 11 +.......... lines. Part of an incantation-text. [K. 135501 Portion out of the middle, 2in. by 1ain.; 10 + ..... Sumero-Akkadian religious text.


Fragment out of the middle, 1-lin. by 1-6in.; 7 ± 8 lines. ncantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. Left-hand corner, 1}in. by

ljin.; 9 +..........

) lines.

religious text.

Part of an [K. 13552] Part of a

[K. 13553]

Fragment of the left half, 1-'ia. by 3in.;

12 + ...


Sumero-Akkadian hymn. Fragment out of the middle, 1 Sumero-Akkadian hymn.

Part of a [K. 13551]

Part of a

[K. 13554] 5

in. by 1in.; 9 + ....


Part of a [K. 13555]

Fragment out of the middle, 13in. by min.; 15 +.........) lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 13556] Fragment of the left half, l1in. by ljin.;

6 + .....


Sumero-Akkadian hymn. Fragment of the lower portion, 23in. by 1in.; 10 + 8 lines. incantation-text. Fragment of the right half, lin.


Part of a

[K. 13557]

by I-in.; (...


Part of a religious text.

Fragment of the right half, 1-in. by -5in; Sumero-Akkadian religious text.

Part of an [K. 13558]

+ 10 ( ... . [K. 13559]

11 +.....


Part of a [K. 13560]

Fragment out of the middle, lain. by ljin.; 9 +..... prayer with an interlinear Assyrian version.


Part of a [K. 13561]

Fragment out of the middle, 13in. by 1- %in.; 10 +...........



of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 13562]

Fragment out of the middle, lx1in. by lin.; 8 +..... lines. Part of a prayer with an interlinear Assyrian version. This fragment may belong to the same tablet as K. 13531; see above, p. 1319. [K. 13563] Fragment out of the middle, lin. by liin.; 8 + ..... of a Sumero-Akkadian religious text.

..... ) lines. Part [K. 13564]



Fragment out of the middle, 1-5in. by 1- in.; 8 + of a text containing incantations, prayers



. lines.


A colophon-line reads:- [-H]

Part directions for


y< . --

"t'i-~ -,';~':~>":" ~[K. 13565J Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1 in. .. 9 lines. End of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 13566] Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by lin.; .... + 7 lines. Sumero-Akkadian prayer in the form of a litany.

Part of a [K. 13567]

Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by 1in.; 7 + .......... lines (in double-columns?). Part of a text containing grammatical paradigms (?). The subject matter appears to be of a religious character. [K. 13568] Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by 5in.; 7 +.......... lines. Fragment of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies. [K. 13569] Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by 1 3in.; traces of 2 + 10 + ..... + ..... lines in double-columns. Part of an explanatory list arranged in groups according to the form of the cuneiform ideographs. [K. 13571] Fragment out of the middle, 1*in. by 11in.; 8 .......... double-columns. Fragment of an explanatory list.

lines in [K. 13572]

Fragment out of the middle, 1-tin. by -l-in.;6 + 8 . ......... lines; Babylonian. Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies. [K. 13573] Right-hand corner, l1in. by lin.; ( ..... +) 8 + (in double-columns). Part of an explanatory list.


) lines [K. 13574]

Right-hand corner, 1-lin. by "in.; (....+) 2 + 7 (.....) lines (in double-columns). Part of an explanatory list arranged in groups according to the meanings of the Assyrian words. [K. 13575] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by

lines (in double-columns).

++..... ..... Part of an explanatory list. 1-7in.;


7 LK. 13576] .++

Fragment of the left half, 2in. by Iin.; .....( + + .....+ ± ) 15 lines (in double-columns). Part of an explanatory list. [K. 13577] Fragment of the right half, l1in. by lin.; (.....+ ) 3 6 ( +...) lines in double-columns. Part of an explanatory list. [K. 13578] *

Partly effaced.




Fragment out of the middle, 1]]in. by 1-in.; 8 + ........ lines in double-columns. Part of a list of Assyrian words with similar meanings. [K. 13579] Fragment out of the middle, 13in. by lmin.; .. .... (in double-columns). Part of an explanatory list. Fragment out of the middle, lmin. by 1in.; 1 + 9 +.......... in double-columns. Part of a list of liquids.

++ 5 + 14 lines [K. 13580] lines [K. 13581]

Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by '-in.; ..... + 7 +..... lines in double-columns. Part of an explanatory list arranged in groups according to the form of the cuneiform ideographs. Cf. infra, p. 1325, K. 13608. [K. 13582] Fragment of the right half, l1in. by 1 in.; ( ..... +)15 .... (+ .. ) lines in double-columns. Part of an explanatory list arranged in groups according to the meanings of the Assyrian words. [K. 13583] Fragment out of the middle, 1 6 in. by l in.; ..... +...... 8 + 2 lines in double-columns. Part of an explanatory list arranged in groups according to the meanings of the Assyrian words. The contents appear to be similar to those of K. 2039; see above, p. 392. [K. 13584] Fragment out of the middle, 1kin. by -lin.; 11 + ....... lines in double-columns. Part of a list of Assyrian words with similar meanings. [K. 13585] Fragment out of the middle, l-in. by in.; '5 + 10 + ....+... lines (in double-columns). Part of an explanatory list with glosses. [K. 13586] Fragment of the right half, lines in double-columns.

in. by 1 1 in.; ( ..... )..... Part of an explanatory list.

5 (+....) [K. 13587]

Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by l-1 ½in.; 8 +.......... lines in double-columns. Part of an explanatory list with glosses. [K. 13588] Fragment out of the middle, 1kin. by 1lI in.; 8 + 4 + . ....+.... lines (in double-columns). Part of an explanatory list arranged in groups according to the meanings of the Assyrian words. [K. 13589] Fragment out of the middle, lin. by tin.; 12 +......... lines in double-columns. Part of an explanatory list arranged in groups according to the form of the cuneiform ideographs. [K. 13590]



Fragment out of the middle, 15in. by -in.;




5 (



lines. Fragment of an explanatory list arranged in groups according to the form of the cuneiform ideographs. [K. 13591] Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by 1in.; 10 +..........lines in three columns. Fragment of an explanatory list of the class "S^." [K. 13592] Left half, upper portion, 15in. by 1 in.; 10 .............. . lines in double-columns; Babylonian. Beginning of a list of Assyrian words with similar meanings, belonging to the 1st tablet of the Series EY cf. Column 1, line 1. Duplicate of K. 4409 (see above, e T a; EJk p. 630) and Rm. 349, q.v. Cf. also infra, p. 1325 f., K. 13612 and K. 13620. [K. 135931 Fragment out of the middle, l-bin. by sin.; 7 +..........lines in double-columns. Part of an explanatory list arranged in groups according to the meanings of the Assyrian words. [K. 13594] Fragment out of the middle, 1-9-in. by lin.; 8 + .......... lines in doublecolumns. Part of an explanatory list arranged in groups according to the form of the cuneiform ideographs. [K. 13595] Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by lin.; 7 .......... lines in doublecolumns. Part of an explanatory list arranged in groups according to the meanings of the Assyrian words. [K. 13596] Fragment of the right half, 1 in. by 1- 6 in.; (. .... +).. . 13 (+ .... ) lines (in double-columns). Part of an explanatory list. [K. 13597] Fragment out of the middle, l16in. by in.; 7 + .......... lines in double-columns. Part of an explanatory list arranged in groups according to the roots of the Assyrian words. [K. 13598] Fragment out of the middle, 11in. by lin.; 8 ........... double-columns). Part of an explanatory list.

lines (in [K. 13599]

Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by 15 in.; . .. ..... + 7 lines (in double-columns). Part of an explanatory list arranged in groups according to the meanings of the Assyrian words. Of the catch-line only the right half is visible:-




? -2 -I


[K. 136001

Fragment out of the middle, l 6 in. by 13in.; 5 +.......... lines in double-columns. Fragment of an explanatory list of names of stars. [K. 13601] '* Partly effaced.




Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by lin.; 9 +.......... lines in doublecolumns. Part of an explanatory list arranged in groups according to the form of the cuneiform ideographs. [K. 13602] Fragment out of the middle, lin. by 5in.; 10 +.......... lines in doublecolumns. Part of an explanatory list arranged in groups according to the form of the cuneiform ideographs. [K. 13603] Left-hand corner, 11-in. by l1in.; ......... columns). Part of an explanatory text.

+ 13 lines (in double[K. 13604]

Left-hand corner, 1ain. by 1in.; 8 + . ... .. + ..... lines (in three columns). Part of an explanatory list belonging to the class of Sumero-Akkadian Syllabaries. [K. 13605] Fragment out of the middle, 1}in. by yin.; 13 +..........lines double-columns). Part of an explanatory list.

(in [K. 13606]

Fragment out of the middle, s1in. by lin.; 7 + ... .. lines in doublecolumns. Part of an explanatory list arranged in groups according to the meanings of the Assyrian words. [K. 13607] Fragment of the left half, -l in. by 1- in.; ( .... +) 11±+ .... (+....) lines in double-columns. Part of an explanatory list arranged in groups according to the form of the cuneiform ideographs. This fragment may belong to the same tablet as K. 13582; see above, p. 1323. [K. 13608] Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by jin.; 13 + traces of 12 +..... + ..... lines (in double-columns). Part of an explanatory list of names of vessels, etc. [K. 13609] Fragment of the left half, 1in. by 1in.; ..... +....) ( .... + 10 lines (in double-columns). Part of an explanatory list arranged in groups according to the form of the cuneiform ideographs. [K. 13610] Fragment of the upper portion of one side, W-in. by in.; 6 + ........ lines (in double-columns). Fragment of an explanatory list. [K. 13611] Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by 'in.; 10 +... .+.. .. +. .... lines in double-columns; Babylonian. Part of a list of Assyrian words, with similar meanings, belonging to the 1st tablet of the Series , Duplicate of Rm. 349, q.v. This fragment - e Y . ,. Al appears to belong to the same tablet as K. 13593, q.v. [K. 13612] VOL. III.




Fragment of the left half, 1 7in. by 13in.; 10 + lines in doublecolumns. Part of an explanatory list arranged in groups according to the meanings of the Assyrian words. Duplicate of K. 4560 (see above, p. 642), lines 4 ff. [K. 13613] Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by


9 + ...

lines in double-

columns. Part of an explanatory list arranged in groups according to the form of the cuneiform ideographs. [K. 13614] Fragment out of the middle, I1in. by ll5in. 8 + traces of 1 +..... + ..... lines in double-columns. Part of an explanatory list. [K. 13615] Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by lin.; 6 +.......... lines in double-columns. Part of a text containing grammatical paradigms. [K, 13616] Left-hand corner, 1ain. by 1 in.; 7 + ........... lines in double-columns. Part of a text containing grammatical paradigms. [K. 13617] Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by -gin.; (. .. ) 9+ ... ( . ) lines (in double-columns). Part of an explanatory list arranged in groups according to the meanings of the Assyrian words. [K. 13618] Fragment out of the middle, lHin. by lin.; 4 + 3 +.......... lines in double-columns. Part of an explanatory list of names of wooden objects. [K. 13619] Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by 1-in. 1.2 +.... +..... ..... lines in double-columns; Babylonian. Part of a list of Assyrian words, with similar meanings, belonging to the 1st tablet of the Series Y At -yke H' g. Duplicate of Rm. 349, q.v. This fragment appears to belong to the same tablet as K. 13593 and K. 13612, qq.v. [K. 13620] Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by 1in.; 8 + .......... lines in double-columns. Part of a text containing grammatical paradigms. [K. 13621] Fragment out of the middle, 1 5 in. by 1kin.; 9 .......... lines in double-columns. Part of an explanatory list with glosses. [K. 13622] Fragment out of the middle, 1 3in. by in.; 8 +.......... lines (in three columns?). Part of an explanatory list, which may belong to a tablet of the class of Sumero-Akkadian Syllabaries. [K. 13623] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by l-5in.; traces of 5 + 8 +..... .... lines (in double-columns). Part of a text containing grammatical paradigms. [K. 13624]



'IT6in.-byl1in.; 9 +.....(....) Fragment out of the middle, Part of an astrological text concerning eclipses, etc. made of the star ---K6

'-4+.[K. >-

lines. Mention is


Fragment out of the middle, 1 -in. by "in.; traces of 1 + 5 +.....+... lines in double-columns. Part of a list of Assyrian words with [K. 13626] similar meanings. .... lines Fragment out of the middle, l6in. by l1in.; 6 + 3 +.. (in two or three columns). Fragment of an explanatory list. [K. 13627] in. by in.; 12 +. Fragment out of the middle, (in double-columns). Part of an explanatory list.

......... lines [K. 13628]

lines in doubleFragment out of the middle, 5in. by in.; 10 + ..... columns. Fragment of a list of Assyrian words with similar meanings. [K. 13629] lines in Fragment out of the middle, 11in. by -15%in.;9 + .......... double-columns. Part of a text containing grammatical paradigms. [K. 13630] lines in Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by l1in.; 10 + ......... groups in double-columns. Part of an explanatory list arranged [K. 13631] according to the roots of the Assyrian words. .... ..... +- 12 + 5 lines Fragment out of the middle, lin. by W-1in.; . (in double-columns). Part of an explanatory list with glosses. [K. 13632] Fragment of the left half, 15yin. by lin.; ..... containing forecasts.

47 lines.

Part of a text [K. 13633]

... + 7 + ..... Fragment out of the middle, 1|in. by 1 in.;.... [K. 13634] lines in double-columns. Part of an explanatory text. +.....lines Fragment out of the middle, 1]in. by lin.; 7 + 9 ± ..... (in double-columns). Part of a list of Assyrian words with similar meanings. Lines 2 and 3 of Column II, however, contain Sumero[K. 13635] Akkadian ideographs. (in 6 +..........lines Fragm'ent of the lower portion, liin. byTin.; double-columns); Babylonian. Fragment of an explanatory list. [K. 13636] lines in in.; 3 + .......... Fragment of the lower portion, 24in. by three columns. Part of an explanatory list, with a gloss. [K. 13637] 8 G2




Fragment of the right half, lsin. by lin.; ( .....9)......9(+ ..... ) lines (in double-columns). Part of a text containing grammatical paradigms. [K. 13638] 9 Left-hand corner, l-1in. by lin.; traces of 2 + (. .+ ... ) 7 lines in double-columns. Part of an explanatory list with glosses. [K. 13639] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by l in; .... 9 ........ lines in double-columns. Part of an explanatory list. [K. 13640] Fragment out of the middle, 1jin. by lain.; .......... 9 lines in double-columns. End of an explanatory list. [K. 13641] Fragment out of the middle, lin. by 1-in.; 7 + .... (. ) lines. Part of an omen-text. [K. 13642] Fragment of the left half, 19in. byin.; ..... .... ..... ) 7 lines (in double-columns). Part of an explanatory list with glosses. [K. 13643] Left half, upper portion, 2-3in. by 1¼in.; 24 (..+ . ) 17 lines in double-columns; Babylonian. Part of a geographical list. [K. 13644] Fragment of the lower portion, 2'in. by l1in.; 10 + 10 + traces of 5 + 9 lines. Part of a historical inscription of an Assyrian king. [K. 13645] Fragment out of the middle of a prismoid, l in. by lin.; 8 ......... lines. Part of an inscription of Tiglathpileser I., corresponding with K. 1621 a (see above, p. 320), Column I, lines 90 if. [K. 13646] Portion out of the middle, 2in. by lin.; 11 + ..... (....) lines. Part of a historical inscription of an Assyrian king. [K. 13647] Fragment of the left half, lain. by l13in.; 7 +.....(.....) lines. Part

of an inscription of Esarhaddon ([f] -





[K. 13648] Fragment out of the middle, 15in. by l'in.; 8 +........ ) lines. Part of an inscription of an Assyrian king, probably Esarhaddon. [K. 13649] Fragment out of the middle, 1{in. by 1ain.; 10 + traces of 4 + .. . + . .. lines. Part of a historical inscription of an Assyrian king.

[K. 13650] Portion out of the middle, 1iin. by 1iin.; 11 + ......... of an inscription of Assurbanipal (Y >.-+ 4 *

Prtly effaced.

) lines. Part : VYI), [K. 13651]




Fragment of the left half, 1-Z in. by 1 5in.; 4 + (..........+ ) 7 lines. Part of a text containing drafts of the epigraphs for the sculptures upon which the campaigns of Assurbanipal in Elam are represented. Mention is made of YZ ' S-Yk t, etc. [K. 13652] Fragment out of the middle, 2Ain. by 1sin.; 9 +......... lines. Part of a text containing drafts of the epigraphs for the sculptures upon

which Assurbanipal's war with his brother -Saosduchinos ([I -~- ty] [K. 13653] "-< >- -YY4 ,j ) is represented. 9 Fragment of the lower portion, -1 in. by 11in.; 4 + 9 + ..... ..... lines in double-columns. Part of a list of Assyrian words with similar meanings. [K. 13654] (in Fragment out of the middle, l1sin. Iy ilin.; 9 +.........lines double-columns). Part of a text containing grammatical paradigms. The subject matter appears to be of a religious character. [K. 13655] Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by 17 in.; 7 + .......... Part of a historical inscription of an Assyrian king. made of the city of -f * <* XV- j' SY,* etc.

) lines. Mention is [K. 13656]

Fragment out of the middle, 2-in. by lin.; (.+ ) 9 +10 lines in double-columns. Part of an explanatory list.

(+....) [K. 13657]


Fragment of the left half, in. by lin.: 8 + ( .+ .. double-columns. Part of an explanatory list. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by lin.; 7 + ... . columns. Part of an explanatory list, with a gloss.

+) 8 lines in [K. 13658] lines in double[K. 13659] Part [K. 13660]

Fragment out of the middle, 11in. by lin.; 10 +lines. of a religious text.

7 (+.... Fragment out of the middle (of a cylinder?), 1lin. bytin.; ..... ) lines. Part of a historical inscription of an Assyrian king. [K. 13661] lines. Fragment of the upper portion, 1 -'ain. by l1in.; 10+ ..... The opening lines of a historical inscription of an Assyrian king. [K. 13662] Upper portion, right half, 1l7in. by {t in.; 5 + 5 + 3 lines in double-columns; Babylonian. Part of an explanatory list, probably written for the Of the catch-line only interpretation of some literary composition.

|I 4.i

the right half is visible :-'i



Fragment of the lower portion, 1-7in. by lin.; 6 + 8 lines. historical inscription of an Assyrian king. *

Partly effaced.

; [K. 1B3663]

Part of a [K. 13664]



lines in + . Fragment out of the middle, 2¼in. by lin.; 5 + 6 + ..... their titles. of gods and double-columns. Part of a list of names [K. 13665] lines in doubleFragment out of the middle, 13in. by 4 in.; 8 .......... columns. Part of an explanatory list of names of gods, with glosses. [K. 13666] Fragment out of the middle, lin. by 11in.; 8 + 3 + ............ (in double-columns). Part of an explanatory list.

lines [K. 13667]

+12 Fragment out of the middle, 1¼in.; ( ........ (+.....) lines in double-columns. Part of an explanatory list with [K. 13668] glosses.

in.; 8 + . 7in. by Fragment out of the middle, double-columns. Part of a list of names of gods.

......... lines in [K. 13669]

.... ..... ) lines. Part of a in. by 1 in.; 0 . Right-hand corner, Mention is made of king. Assyrian historical inscription of an [K. 13670] the land of Elam (0.A
lines in [K. 13672]

lines in .......... Fragment out of the middle, 13in. byl1in.; 10 paradigms. double-columns. Part of a text containing grammatical [K. 13673] Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by .lin.;8 +........... double-columns. Part of a copy of a list of names of gods.

lines in

[K. 13674] ..... Fragment of the upper portion, 1sin. by 1L-in.; 8 + 9 + . + ... lines (in double-columns). Part of an explanatory list of names of [K. 13675] star-deities, with glosses. + Fragment out of the middle, lain. by 1kin.; 7 + traces of 3 +..... list. .....lines (in double-columns). Fragment of an explanatory [K. 13676] lines in doubleFragment out of the middle, 1½in. by sin.; 8 + ......... star-deities. including of gods, of names list columns. Part of a

[K. 13677]



Left-hand corner, !-Tin. by lin.; 6 + (. ..+.... +) traces of 1 lines (in double-columns?). Beginning of a list of names of gods. [K. 13678] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by in.; 6 +........ linesin doublecolumns. Part of a text containing grammatical paradigms. [K. 13679] Fragment of the right half, 1 in. by l in.; ( ... + )... 12 (+.....) lines (in double-columns). Part of an explanatory list (?). [K. 13680] Fragment of the right half, 13in. by lin.; ( ...... +.. 8 ( +....) lines in double-columns. Part of a list of Assyrian words with similar meanings. [K. 13681] Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by lin.; 7 + .... lines in doublecolumns. Part of a list of names of gods and their titles. [K. 13682] Fragment out of the middle, 1-3-in. by 1-in.; 8 + ........ lines (in three columns). Part of an explanatory list of the class "Sa" or "cS b." .. [K. 13683] Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by in.; 8 ... .... lines (in double-columns). Part of a list of names of gods and their titles. [K. 13684] Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by in.; 6 +......... lines in doublecolumns. Part of an explanatory list. [K. 13685] Fragment of the right half, l1in. by -in.; .. + 6 lines in doublecolumns; Babylonian. Part of an explanatory list. [K. 13686] Fragment out of the middle, lin. by 1in.; 8 .... lines (in double-columns). Part of an explanatory list with glosses. [K. 13687] Fragment out of the middle, l3 6 in. by -3-in.; 7 + traces of 3 +.... + ..... lines (in double-columns). Part of a text containing grammatical paradigms. [K. 13688] Fragment of the lower portion of reverse, 1-5in. by in.; .. .... ..... ) + 5 + (edge) 2 lines in double-columns. End of a list of names of gods and their titles. Of the catch-line and the colophon only the middle parts are visible:.T, rutty~ 2!~·V



-Y, l: <



rel="nofollow">YVs If~" g>> DgP

* Partly effaced.

[K. 1.3689 [K. 13689]




Fragment of the right half, -1 in. by lin.; (.....+) .. 9 (....) lines in double-columns. Part of an explanatory list arranged in groups according to the meanings of the Assyrian words. [K. 13690] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by in.; 7 + .......... lines (in three or four columns). Part of an explanatory list of the class "Sb" or " S." [K. 13691] Fragment out of the middle, 1ain. by in.;..... +....+ + 5 + 4 lines (in double-columns). Part of a list of names of stones. [K. 13692] Right-hand corner, 1 5in. by I--Iin.; ( ... )8+ 9(+...) double-columns). Part of an explanatory list.

lines (in [K. 13693]

Fragment out of the middle, 11in. by gin.; ..... . ......... + ) 4 lines (in three columns). End of an explanatory list belonging, according to the colophon, to a tablet of the Series As* *Yk 4k~-Y [E- [r-YY visible



]g 2.

Of the catch-line only the middle part is I . [K. 13694]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 1in. by -1in. + + 13 + + .. + ..... lines (in three columns). Part of an explanatory list of the class Sb." Duplicate of K. 110 (see above, p. 28), Column III, lines 34 if. [K. 13695] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by in.; 8 + .......... columns. Part of an explanatory list.

lines in double[K. 13696]

Fragment of the right half, -in. by in. (......+ ). . 7 (+ ... ) lines in double-columns. Part of a list of names of stones, etc. [K. 13697] Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by lin.; 8 + .......... lines in doublecolumns. Part of an explanatory list. [K. 13698] Fragment of the right half, lines in double-columns.

in. by lin.; (.....+) 9 ... Part of an explanatory list.

Fragment of the lower portion, 1-in. by 3in.; 10 + 3 + .... of a historical inscription Assyrian king.


. ) [K. 13700]

lines. Part [K. 13701]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. byTin.; ..... + 4 + ... + ......... lines (in three columns). Fragment of an explanatory list of the class "Sb." Duplicate of K. 110 (see above, p. 28), Column III, lines 7 ff. , [K. 13702] Fragment out of the middle, in. by in.; 6 +....... lines (in doublecolumns). Part of a list of names of gods and their titles. [K. 13703] * Partly effaced.



6 lines (in double; .......... Fragment of the left half, in. by [K. 13704] columns). Part of an explanatory list with glosses. Fragment out of the middle, l-in. of a religious text.



lines. Part [K. 13705]

8 + ..........

Fragment out of the middle, '5 in. by in.; 7 +...... columns?). Part of a list of names of gods, etc.

lines inn double[K. 13706]

..... ... ..... Fragment out of the middle, 15lin. by Win.; 6 + . 13707] [K. list. lines (in double-columns). Part of an explanatory 7 +. by +lin.; Fragment out of the middle, lin. m-In. by 1 'in.; 7 . .......... of a historical inscription of an Assyrian king.




[K. 13708]

lines in doubleFragment out of the middle, l-1 in. by 3in.; 6 +.......... to astrological referring text columns. Fragment of an explanatory [K. 13709] subjects. + ... 7 + traces of 1 Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. byhin.; ..... lines (in double-columns). Fragment of an explanatory list. [K. 13710J lines +..... Fragment out of the middle, 13 in. by l1in.; 5 + 9 ± .... glosses. with Part of an explanatory list (in double-columns). The characters of the gloss in line 2 of Column II are written upside [K. 13711] (4i Q& ' ). down :+.... Fragment of the lower portion of reverse, 1Iin. by t5in.; . + 6 + 2 lines (in double-columns). Part of a copy of an explanatory [K. 13712] list with glosses. Fragment out of the middle, 5in. by 13in.; 3 + 6 + . (in double-columns). Part of a list of names of stones.

......... lines [K. 13713]:

Fragment out of the middle of a prismoid, 1Hin. by tin.; 10 +.......... lines. Part of an inscription of Tiglathpileser I., corresponding [K. 13714] with K. 1621 a (see above, p. 320), Column VI, lines 32 ff. Fragment out of the middle of a prismoid, 1 in. by l in.; 7 + lines. Part of an inscription of Tiglathpileser I., corresponding [K. 13715] with K. 1621 a (see above, p. 320), Column VI, lines 4ff. Portion out of the middle of a prismoid, 2 13 in. by |5in.; 13 +. lines. Part of an inscription of Tiglathpileser I., corresponding [K. 13716] with K. 1621 a (see above, p. 320), Column V, lines 91 if. VOL. III.

8 H




Fragment out of the middle of a prismoid, 2in. by 1Iin.; 13 +.......... lines. Part of an inscription of Tiglathpileser I., corresponding with K. 1621 a (see above, p. 320), Column V, lines 67 if. [K. 13717 + K. 13836] Portion of the right half, 2-in. by in.; () 18 .( +.....) lines. Part of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies. One section ends with -YS_ --+*; the colophonlines end with ': f . [K. 13718] Portion of the right half, 25in. by in.; (..... +) .... + 18 (+ . ) lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. [K. 13719] Portions of a spheroid, which was probably used as an instrument for astrological calculations, lin. high, diameter 2½in. Both sides are inscribed with what appear to be mathematical figures and with descriptions referring to them; the latter read in different directions. Cf. supra, p. 937, K. 8538; but see also p. 1021, K. 9552. [K. 13720] Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by l1in.; short beginnings of 4 + 6 lines. Part of a historical inscription of an Assyrian king, probably Assurbanipal. Mention is made of Tirhakah ( >A d- <(), etc. [K. 13721] Fragment of the left half, l1in. by -in.; 10 + ..... (.....) lines. Part of an inscription of an Assyrian king, probably relating to building-operations in Nineveh (>-.Y : %- [.y]). [K. 13722] Fragment out of the middle, liin. by 13in.; ..... omen-text.

+ 8 lines.

Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by in.; ......... Part of a text containing astrological forecasts,

Part of an [K. 13723] )+

7 lines. [K. 13724]

Upper portion, l-7in. by lin.; 8 +.... lines; Babylonian. Beginning of a letter from Assurbanipal (' .-- A Yy to Tammarit .(¥ ~ I) Aid), the king of Elam. [K. 13725] Fragment out of the middle, lain. by l-1 in.; 9 +..........) lines. Part of a historical inscription of an Assyrian king, probably Assurbanipal. Mention is made of Tirhakah ([I A-] TAT -<< [< ai?]) [K. 13726] A.

* Partly effaced.




Fragment of the right half, 23in. by lin.;


+ 11 lines; Babylonian.

Omens concerning the probabilities of a sick man's recovery. [K. 13727] Left-hand corner, l1in. by 1-Alin.; 10 + ..... beginning:-



V ,Y


Part of a hymn,

- .>V

q:-X+::'2&,~:: '.

Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by 1in.; 6 + ..... text containing astrological forecasts.

[K. 13728]


Part of a [K. 13729]

Fragment out of the middle of a prismoid, 1 in. by in.; 9 +.......... lines. Part of an inscription of Assurbanipal; cf. Rm. 1, Column I, lines 48 fF. [K. 13730] Portion out of the middle, 2-Tin. by in.; 1 5 +..... .. ) lines. Part of the introduction of a historical inscription of an Assyrian king. [K. 13731] Fragment out of the middle, ls3in. by 1-l-in.; traces of 3 + 6 +..... ....


Part of a historical inscription of an Assyrian king.

[K. 13732] Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by in.; 9 + ..... lines. Part of the introduction of a historical inscription of an Assyrian king, probably Esarhaddon. [K. 13733] Fragment out of the middle, lin. by lin.; 8 + .......... lines; Babylonian. Part of a religious text. [K. 13734] Right-hand corner, lin. by 1lin.; 5 + traces of 2 lines. Part of a list of persons similar to that of K. 8363, etc.; see above, p. 920. [K. 13735] Fragment out of the middle of a prismoid, 1 in. by lin.; 6 +......... lines. Part of an inscription of Assurbanipal; duplicate of Rm. 1 (q.v.), Column I, lines 58 ff. [K. 13736] Portion of the left half, 11in. by 13^in.; 9 + ..... + (left-hand edge) 2 lines. Part of a letter (to the king) concerning public affairs. Mention is made of + = > [G-u-] and Y¢ .-+ A=, etc. [K. 13737] Portion out of the middle, 2y-in. by 15in.; traces of 5 + 13 + ..... + ..... lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. One section begins :-- 4> t<_ < ^<". [K. 13738] * Partly effaced.

8 H 2



Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by 1 5 in.; 10 + .... religious text.


Part of a [K. 13739]

) lines. Part [K. 13740]

Fragment of the left half, lin. by in.; 11 +.......... of a historical inscription of an Assyrian king.

lines. Part .... Fragment out of the middle, 1l T6in. by lin.; 7 + ...... of a text containing drafts of the epigraphs for the sculptures upon [K. 13741] which Assurbanipal's campaigns in Elam are represented. lines. Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by13in.; 5 +....(...) Mention is made of the land of Elam Fragment of a report(?).


[K. 13743]

<ST Y <E).

Babylonian. Part of Right-hand corner, l1in. by lin.; 10 +.....lines; Mention is made of affairs. public concerning the king) a report (to [K. 13744] Jg Y rf), etc. Nineveh (o Fragment of the right half, 11in. by 11in.; ..... + 12 lines. Part of an omen-text concerning incidents that may happen to men, etc. [K. 13745] Fragment of the left half, 1 Part of a prayer.


Fragment out of the middle, Part of a religious text.

2 lines. [K. 13746]

by in.; 9 + (..........) Iin.. by

in.; 9 + ..........

) lines. [K. 13747]

Lower portion, right half, 2 in. by lin.; 6 + ..... lines; Babylonian. Astrological forecasts taken firom observations of the moon, etc.; [K. 13748] they partly relate to public affairs. + 10 lines. Part of an Fragment of the right half, 18in. by 1-3in.; ..... inscription of an Assyrian king concerning building-operations. [K. 13749] lines. FragFragment out of the middle, 1 -7in. by in.; 4 + ......... ment of an inscription of Assurbanipal, corresponding with K. 2732 [K. 13750] (see above, p. 470), Column VI, lines 41 ff. Part of Fragment out of the middle, l'in. by tin.; 7 +..........lines. an inscription of Assurbanipal, corresponding with Rm. 1 (q.v.), [K. 13751] Column II, lines 33 ff. 11 +. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 3in.; Part of a list of persons of various nationalities.


) lines. [K. 13752]

) lines. Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by l--in.; 8 + ..... (... Part of a historical inscription of an Assyrian king. [K. 13753]




..... Fragment out of the middle of a prismoidd.1in. by IT-1 in.; 6 +.. lines. Part of an inscription of Assurbanipal, corresponding with [K. 13754] Rm. 1 (q.v.), Column VI, lines 11 if. ) lines. Fragment out of the middle, 1-5 in. by lysin.; 9 + .......... Part of a historical inscription of an Assyrian king (Assurbanipal?) [K. 13755] concerning a campaign in Elam. ) lines. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1-1in.; 9 + ..... (..... Part of a historical inscription of an Assyrian king, probably [K. 13756] Assurbanipal. lines. Part .... (..) Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by gin.; 7 + ty E and Jy YE. * -Y~V, of a text containing forecasts concerning [K. 13757] + traces . Fragment of the upper portion of reverse, 1 in. by 3in.; affairs. public of 1 + 7 lines. Part of a report, or letter, concerning

Mention is made of the king of Elam (a

A <




[K. 13758] Portion out of the middle, 2in. by of a prayer.






Portion out of the middle, 1in. by 1Iin.; 11 + . .......... Part of a mythological or religious text.

Part of a copy [K. 13759] lines. [K. 13760]

Left-hand corner, 1 in. by lin.; 5 + 12 lines; marginal number <. Part [K. 13761] of a mythological text. + 11 + .. ... + .... Fragment out of the middle, by 1-f6in.; .... [K. 13762] text. or religious lines. Part of a mythological ......... Fragment out of the middle (of a prismoid ?), 1 in. by lin.; + 9 lines. Part of an inscription of an Assyrian king referring [K. 13763] to building-operations. + 9 lines. Part Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by lin.; .......... of an inscription of Assurbanipal, corresponding with K. 2732 [K. 13764] (see above, p. 470), Column VIII, lines 23 ff.

7 + 4 lines. Part of a text Fragment of the lower portion, 1 in. by 1in,; containing epigraphs referring to Assurbanipal's campaigns in Elam. [K. 13765] ' -+ <*t. Mention is made of Y d !Portion out of the middle, 3in. by 2-in.; 22 + ..... of a religious text. Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by lin.; of an incantation-text. *

Partly effaced.


+ 12 + 8 lines. Part [K. 13766] ... ) + 6 lines. Part [K. 13767]



Fragment out of the middle, l-in. hymn.

by 1 in.; 12


Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by 1lfin.; 10 -

lines. ..........


of an inscription of an Assyrian king. Left-hand corner, l1in. by 1in.; 9 + ..... lines. logical text beginning :-_ -___> i ,-,'. Fragment out of the middle, 14in. by mythological text.



[K. 13769] Part of a mytho-


[K. 13770]

-in.; 13 +.....


Fragment out of the middle, 1 1in. by lin.; 13 +......... Part of a prayer written for Assurbanipal ([I] *X A>Fragment of the upper portion, 18in. by lines. Part of a religious text.

Part of a [K. 13768]

Part of a [K. 13771] lines. M yS). [K. 13772]

in.; 6 + 4 + traces of 1 +..... [K. 13773]

Fragment out of the middle, 1-7in. by 11in.; 14 +. Part of a mythological text.


lines. [K. 13774]

Fragment out of the middle, IPart of a religious text.


lines. [K. 13775]

in. by 11in.; 11 +.....

Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by lyin.; 8 +..........) Part of a religious text.

lines. [K. 13776]

Fragment of the lower portion, lin. by lines. Part of an incantation-text.

..... [K. 13777]

in.; 6 + 3 +....+

Fragment out of the middle, 15-in. by 15;-in.; ..... + 12 +.......... lines. Part of a historical inscription of an Assyrian king, probably Assurbanipal, concerning a campaign in Elam. [K. 13778] Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by l--in.; 9 +.... of a historical inscription of an Assyrian king. Right-hand corner, lin. by


4 + 6 lines.


lines. Part [K. 13779]

Part of a prayer. [K. 13780] Fragment out of the middle of a prismoid, 1 in. by win.; 10 + .......... lines. Fragment of an inscription of Tiglathpileser I., corresponding with K. 1621a (see above, p. 320), Column VI, lines 45 if. [K. 13781] Fragment out of the middle, 13in. by in.; 1 2 +.......... lines. Part of an inscription of an Assyrian king. [K. 13782] * Partly effaced.



Fragment out of the middle, 1;in. by l in.; . Part of an inscription of Assurbanipal; lines 9 fE.

....... 11 lines. cf. Rm. 1, Column X, [K. 13783]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by l1in.; 10 + traces of 2 +.......... lines. Part of an inscription of an Assyrian king referring to building-operations. [K. 13784] Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by lin.; 5 + 7 + .... . lines. Part of a religious text. Mention is made of the city of Ur (Go <_< y I). [K. 13785] 3 Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by ,5in. . .. + 9 lines 1 Part of an astrological text. [K. 13786] Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by in.; .......... + 9 lines. Part of an inscription of an Assyrian king referring to buildingoperations. [K. 13787] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by -in.; 7 +.......... lines. Fragment of an inscription of Tiglathpileser I., corresponding with K. 1621a (see above, p. 320), Column VI, lines 66 ff. [K. 13788] Fragment out of the middle, lin. by lin.; 9 + a historical inscription of an Assyrian king.

lines. Part of [K. 13789]

Fragment of the lower portion, I-3 in. by in.; 4 + 3 lines in cuneiform characters which seem to be identical with those of the second Column of the trilingual Akhaemenian inscriptions. Contents unknown. Cf. supra, pp. 907, 1040, KK. 8224, 9817, etc. [K. 13790] Fragment of the left half, lin.

by 1 in.; 8 + ....



Part of an

[K. 13792]

Fragment of the left half, lin. by 3in.; 6 ( +.....) (.....+) .... lines. Part of a hymn to the Sun-god, in paragraphs.* [K. 13794] Fragment of the left half; 1- in. by lin. .... + 10 lines. Part of a religious text. One section begins with -,kt l -rmY A,. [K. 13795] Fragment of the right half, 1 in. by 1in.; ..... ..... ) + 10 lines. Part of a text containing directions for the performance of ceremonies and rites. [K. 13796] Fragment of the left half, 1-in. by 1T6 in.; 7 +.......... lines. Part of a text containing regulations for making offerings. [K. 13797] *

f. supra, p. 436, note **.



Fragment of the upper portion of reverse, 1in. by l in.; .... .... + 7 lines. . Part of a prayer. Fragment out of the middle, 11-3in. by 1'in.; 13 + Part of a religious text.

+..... + [K. 13798]


.. ) lines. [K. 13799]

Fragment out of the middle, l"in. by lin.; ..... + 15 lines. Part of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for cere-

monies. s* .y

One section begins:-[-_ l>9 · > _ ^


_-Y El>-



[?]>j<9ii. [r





Fragment out of the middle, in. by in.; 6 + 3 +.......... lines. Part of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies' to be used for the benefit of people suffering from diseases of the face. Four paragraphs end with Y <:yV (-+). [K. 13801] >

Right-hand corner, 1in. by lin.; (.....+) 7 + 5 (+ .. double-columns). Part of an explanatory list. Right-hand corner, 113in. by Ilin.; text.


+ 6 lines.

) lines (in [K. 13802]

Part of an omen[K. 13803]

Fragment out of the middle, l-b5in. by l-- 6 in.; 10 + .. . .(....) lines.: Part of a prayer with an interlinear Assyrian version. Mention is made

of Niffer (Zj



y -PyI).

[K. 13804]

Right-hand corner, 1 in. by lin.; 7 + 8 lines. Part of a text containing directions for the performance of ceremonies and rites. [K. 13805] Fragment out of the middle, 1-1 in. by 1-1in.; 8 +....... Part of an incantation-text.

lines. [K. 13807]

Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by 1 in.; (.....+)9 + . ....(+....) lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. [K. 13808] Fragment out of the middle, l in. by lin.; 7 +.. of a religious or mythological text.

.. .

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 11-in.; 9 + ......... of a text containing hymns in paragraphs.t

) lines. Part [K. 13809] lines. Part [K. 13810]

Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by i 1 3in.; 8 +..........) lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of the moon and various stars. [K. 13811] * Partly effaced.

t Cf. supra, p. 436, note **.




Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by lIin.; 8+...... ) lines. Part of a religious text relating to the worship of the gods [4-] IYY* yt, -+ and 4-+ Y< * A. [K. 13812] Fragment out of the middle, 113in. by 18in.; 10 ..... lines. Part of a religious text. [K. 13813] Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by 5-in.; 9 .... lines. Part of a text containing directions for the performance of ceremonies and rites. Referring to line 2 an interlinear gloss is added by the scribe. [K. 13814] Left-hand corner, l--in. by l1in.; 6 + ..... lines. Part of a hymn to Nergal (-+ < <_Y < ->). [K. 13815] Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by l-j1in.; 11 +..........) lines. Part of an incantation-text. [K. 13816] Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by in.; 10 (+ ..... . ) ( . +) ..... lines. Part of a text containing hymns in paragraphs.t [K. 13817] Fragment of the right half, 11in. by 1 in.; traces of 6 + 9 lines. Part of a list of the numbers of the tablets, and of parts of the texts which belong to a certain collection of omen and astrological texts selected from different Series. Mention is made of the Series:--< * -i- D-,


m:< tt g<;V A, i;

>>Tn -

t <,[r ?t] -r rel="nofollow">> >Y

:Ye <, etc. For a similar text see above, p. 1262, K. 12722. [K. 13818] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by in.; 8 + .......... lines. Part of an incantation-text. [K. 13819] Fragment out of the middle, 15in. by 1in.; .......... + 7 + 1 lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. [K. 13820] Fragment out of the middle, lin. Part of a religious text. Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by Part of a report.

by 1kin.; 8 +..........) 5in.; ...

Fragment of the upper portion, 1-in. by 1 in.; 6 prayer, beginning:-

A -ff

lines. [K. 13821]

+ 11 lines; Babylonian. [K. 13822] .....


Part of a

?,- . [K . 13823] Right-hand corner, 1 in. by lin.; (..+) traces of 1 + 8 ( ..... ) lines. Part of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies. [K. 13824]




Partly effaced.


+ Cf. supra, p. 436, note**. $ Cf. supra, p. 602, K. 4173.

8 I



Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by 1in.; 10 + Part of an incantation-text. 'Left-hand corner, 1lin. by

) lines. [K. 13825]


-l5in.; 9 +.....(.....)

inscription of Esarhaddon (?, [y] -




Part of an

d [ fi- >-4?])-

Fragment out of the middle, 21- in. by 1 in.; 6 + .. . lines. omen-text concerning incidents that may happen to men.

[K. 13826] Part of an [K. 13827]

Fragment of the right half, 2in. by gin.; ..... religious text.

Part of a [K. 13828]

Fragment out of the middle, lin. a religious (?) text.

by 1 in.; 9

+ 10 lines.



Fragment of the left half, 1in. by 1lin..; 11 +.......... of a mythological or religious text.

Fragment of [K. 13829] ) lines.

Part [K. 13830]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by l-in.; ( ... ....... +) .. ) lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of people suffering from diseases of the mouth and nose, etc. [K. 13831] Fragment out of the middle, 13in. by Part of a religious text. Fragment of the left half, lHin. by l-1 incantation-text. Fragment out of the middle, lin. Part of a report or letter.

in.; n. 11 +..........) in.; 9 + ....

by tin.; ....


lines. [K. 13832] Part of an [K. 13833]

+ 8 lines; Babylonian. [K. 13834]

Fragment of the left half, 1-in. by 1-3 in.; 10 + .. ...* ( ... ) lines. Part of an inscription of Assurnasirpal (?, [Y -->V?] -- Y). [K. 13835] 15 + 9 (+ ..... ) lines. Par, Right-hand corner, 11in. by 13in.; (.....+) of a religious or mythological text. [K. 13837] ) + 11 lines; Fragment of the left half, -ljin. by in.; ......... Babylonian. Part of a text containing directions for the performance of ceremonies and rites. [K. 13838]

Left-hand corner, 1Lin. by ln.; 6 + 5 lines. Part of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies; it begins:{'^k no




In the colophon mention is made of the owner of this tablet: YY5Ya



[K. 13839]

.Pt * Partly effaced.




lines. Fragment out of the middle, 1l-in. by 1-l-in.; 6 +.......... Fragment of a historical inscription of an Assyrian king, probably [K. 13840] Tiglathpileser 1. 1 1-in. by lin.; 6 +.......... I Fragment of the upper portion of one side,


[K. 13841]

Fragment of a mythological text.

Fragment out of the middle, lin. lines. Part of an omen-text.

+ 7 (+.....) [K. 13842]

by l1in.; (.....+)8

Fragment of the upper portion, 2-i in. by

in.; traces of 1 + 6 + .....

..... lines. Part of a mythological text. This fragment maybelong to the same tablet as K. 2148 (see above, p. 413) + K. 876!d + K. 13806. [K. 13843] .......... Fragment out of the middle of a prismoid, 1Iin. by -tin.; 11 I., corresponding of Tiglathpileser lines. Part of an inscription [K. 13844] with K. 1621a (see above, p. 320), Column V, lines 75 ff. ; 7 + 4 + 9 lines.

Part of a [K. 13845]

Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by l1in.; ..... + 8 lines. omen-text concerning houses, etc.

Part of an [K. 13846]

Lower portion, right half, lin. private contract.

by lin.

+ 8 +.....+.. Fragment out of the middle, 1'in. by lin.; ..... of a text containing <. Part lines; Babylonian; marginal number [K. 13847] forecasts concerning the :E Y, etc. Fragment out of the middle,

in.; 12



.) lines.


[K. 13848]

of a religious text.

lines. Fragment out of the middle, l-3in. by lin.; 9 +..........) Part of a text containing astrological forecasts. Mention is made of the star

+ t


[K. 13849]


Fragment out of the middle, 15-in. by 1in.; 11 + .... religious text. Fragment out of the middle, l-56in. by l1in.; .....


+ 10 lines.

Part of a [K. 13850] Part of a

[K. 13851]

religious text. Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by 1ain.; ..... letter to the king. Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by 1min.; ..... Part of a report, or letter, to the king.

+ 9 lines.

Part of a [K. 13852]

+ 9 lines; Babylonian.

[K. 13853]

* Partly effaced.

8 I




Fragment out of the middle, in. by 3in.; 8 + .... lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter (to the king) concerning public affairs. Mention is made of Y -RV
in.; 9 +.....

Fragment out of the middle, 1 5in. by Iin.; 4 historical(?) text. Fragment out of the middle, hymn.

in. by lin.;

Fragment out of the middle, l in. by a religious text.


.... ) lines. Part [K. 13855] 8 lines.

Part of a [K. 13856]


Part of a [K. 13857]

11 + ..... 7 +..........lines.

Part of [K. 13858]

Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by lin.; 10 +.....(.....) Part of a mythological or religious text. Fragment of the upper portion of one side, lin. by - in.; .... Part of a prayer. Fragment of the left half, lin. of an incantation-text.

by lain.; 7 + ........

lines. [K. 13859] 13 lines. [K. 13860]

) lines. Part [K. 13861]

Fragment out of the middle, Iin. by in.; 6 ......... ) lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of the moon. [K. 13862] Fragment of the right half, 1-yin. by in.; ..... ..... ) + 12 lines. Part of a religious text. [K. 13863] Fragment out of the middle, 1¼in. by -3in.; 10 + ... lines. Part of a religious(?) text. [K. 13864] Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by n.; 8 + . ......... ) lines. Part of a religious text. [K. 13865] Fragment of the right half, 1-3in. by 1-1 in.; 11 + .....

mythological or religious text. Fragment of the left half, I-5in. by -in.; 9 + 5 lines. logical text.


Part of a

[K. 13866] Part of a mytho[K. 13867]

Fragment of the left half, 1in. by lin.; 14 + ..... lines; Babylonian. Part of a text containing grammatical paradigms including proverbial sayings. The sentences begin with 'A -]A T>4<(y. [K. 13868] Fragment out of the middle of a prismoid, 11in. by --7in.; 6 .......... lines. Fragment of an inscription of Tiglathpileser I. [K. 13869]



Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 1-y5in. by -- in.; 4+..... (... ) lines in double-columns. Fragment of a text containing grammatical paradigms. [K. 13870] Fragment out of the middle of a prismoid, -in. by in.; 6 + .. lines. Part of an inscription of Tiglathpileser I., corresponding with K. 1621a (see above, p. 320), Column VI, lines 50 ff. [K. 13871] Fragment out of the middle, 2½in. by l1in.; 10 + ..... .... lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. [K. 13872] Fragment out of the middle, l- 6 of a religious(?) text.



in.; 9..........)

lines. Part [K. 13873]

Left-hand corner, 1Hin. by 1-1fin.; ..... + 8 lines. Part of a historical inscription of an Assyrian king, probably Assurbanipal. [K. 13875] Fragment of the right half, 1 -5in. by -in.; (.... +) 12 + .... (+.....) lines; Babylonian. Part of a text containing directions for the performance of ceremonies and rites. [K. 13876] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by lin.; 14 +....... of a mythological or religious text.

) lines. Part [K. 13877]

Fragment out of the middle, 11inb lin; . 9 ment of a religious text.

lines. Frag[K. 13878]


Fragment out of the middle, l-in. by -{-in.; 9 +... lines. Part of a mythological legend, apparently belonging to a tablet of the Series . W ,[K. 13880] Fragment out of the middle, of an omen-text.

in. by - in.; 9 +....

( ...

) lines. Part [K. 13881]

Fragment out of the middle of a prismoid, I 1 in. by tin.; 6 +........ lines. Part of an inscription of Tiglathpileser I., corresponding with K. 1621a (see above, p. 320), Column V, lines 46 ff [K. 13882] Fragment out of the middle of a prismoid, 1 -in. by ' in.; 6 +.......... lines. Part of a historical inscription of an Assyrian king, probably Tiglathpileser I. [K. 13883] Left-hand corner, in.1by 1 in.; 5 + 3 lines; Babylonian. Part of a text containing directions for the performance of ceremonies and rites. Two sections begin :-,i yf" |-Tg,\".' [K. 13884] Fragment out of the middle, lin. by lin.; 9 + ..... of a religious or mythological text.


lines. Fragment [K. 13885]




lines. Part [K. 13886]

Fragment out of the middle, liAin. by "in.; 11 +.......... of a religious or mythological text. Fragment of the left half, 113-in. by 1'in; ..... religious text.

+ 7 lines.

Part of a [K. 13887]

Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by 13in.; short beginnings of 10 + 6 lines. Part of an omen-text concerning snakes and scorpions, etc. [K. 13888] ) ( ..+ . +) Fragment of the lower portion, l3in. by lin.; 6 (+.... 2 lines. Part of an incantation-text. This fragment may belong to a [yyy>. [K. 13889] E tablet of the Series >t A Left-hand l corner, Hin. by 3in.; 9 + ..........( ) lines. Part of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies. [K. 13890] Right-hand corner, 1'in. by l- in.; .... + 5 lines. Fragment of a text containing directions for the performance of ceremonies and rites. [K. 13891] lines. Part of a Fragment out of the middle, 1-5in. by 1¼in.; 11 + .... text containing omens derived from the appearances of animals (probably snakes) at the entrance of a gate. [K. 13892] Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by lZ7in.; ..... religious text. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 11in.; ..... Part of an astrological text.

+ 7 lines.

Part of a [K. 13893]

+ 12 lines; Babylonian. [K, 13894]

Fragment of the left half, 2-l6 in. by 1 in.; 14 + ..... hymn.


Part of a [K. 13895]

Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by l1in.; ..... +..... + 7 + 5 lines. Part of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for [K. 13896] ceremonies. One section ends with >->-a * A-4-. Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by 11-ein.; 6 +.... hymn.


Part of a [K. 13897]

Fragment of the left half, I1in. by 91-in.; 8 + ( Part of an incantation-text.


+) 4 lines. [K. 13898]

(+ ... ) Fragment of the right half, 1 in. by 1in.; (.....+) 9 + .... lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for [K. 13899] ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. lines. Part of Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by lin.; 7 + .......... a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be [K. 13900] used for the benefit of sick people. *

Partly effaced.



Fragment of the right half, 1in. by - in.; 8 + 7 lines; Babylonian. Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to [K. 13901] be used for the benefit of sick people. Right-hand corner, 17 in. by 1-in.; 9 + ..... a text containing forecasts.

lines; Babylonian. Part of [K. 13902]

Right-hand corner, 2in. by 1-l-in.; 6 + ..... text.


Part of a religious [K. 13903]

Fragment of the right half, 2in. by 1in.; 4 + 15 lines. Part of a text containing directions for the performance of ceremonies and rites. [K. 13904] ... + 4 (+ .... Fragment of the right half, 1 in. by 1 in.; ( .... lines. Fragment of a text containing prescriptions and directions [K. 13905] for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. Right half, upper portion, 1l6 in. by 1in.; .... report or letter.

Mention is made of

+ 9 + 3 lines. -4

Part of a 4 < <<. [K. 13906] >

< yy

+ 3 lines. Fragment of the upper portion of reverse, 2--in. by 1in.; ..... End of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies. The catch-line and a preceding colophon-line read:-

[>>Gi Ad




" Em




?] [K. 13907]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by la-in.; .... lines. Part of an incantation-text.


Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1ain.; 8 + ( . Part of a text containing forecasts. Fragment out of the middle, l- 76in. by in.; 10 + .... lonian. Part of an incantation-text

9 + ..... ....+

+..... [K. 13908] . .+) 8 lines. [K. 13909]

. .b lines; Baby[K. 13910]

Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by 1 in. 12 +. . . lines; Babylonian. [K. 13911] Part of a hymn with an interlinear Assyrian version. Fragment of the right half, l3in. by l3in.; 7 + 5 lines. Part of an incan.* [K. 13912] tation-text. One section ends with ~>_> Fragment of the upper portion of one side, l1in. by lin.; 7 - ..... lines. [K. 13913] Part of a prayer. * Partly effaced.




Fragment of the left half, 1-7-in. by 17in.; legal decision.



Fragment of the right half, 11in. by in.;.... Fragment out of the middle, 1ain. by Part of a religious text.

+ 7 lines.

+ 9 lines. .....


Part of a [K. 13914]

Forecasts. [K. 13915]

+ 12 lines; Babylonian. [K. 13916]

Right-hand corner, 1lin. by 1l-5in.; (..... +) 8 + 9 (+.....) lines. Part of a text containing directions for the performance of ceremonies and rites. [K. 13917] Fragment of the upper portion, l-fJin. by gin.; traces of 1 + 8 + ..... + ..... lines; Babylonian. Part of a hymn. [K. 13918] Fragment out of the middle, 113 in. by 3in.; 7 + ...... ) lines. Part of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies. [K. 13919] Fragment of the right half, 1lin. by religious text.



+ 10 lines.

Part of a [K. 13920]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by in.; 5 + ......... ) lines. Fragment of a religious text. Mention is made of the goddess >- - ~>


[K. 13921]


Fragment of the left half, 1 3in. by sin.; 6 ± 5 lines; Babylonian. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 13922] Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by of a religious text.


Fragment out of the middle, 1¼in. by an incantation-text.

in.; 6 + ..........

12 +. 1in.;


) lines. Part [K. 13923] lines. Part of [K. 13924]

Fragment of the left half,' 1in. by 1 1 ni.; 10 + ......... ( ) lines; Babylonian. Part of a hymn with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 13925] Fragment out of the middle, l 3in. by 1 Part of a text containing forecasts. Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. Part of a hymn.

5 6

in.; traces of 4 + .... lines. [K. 13926]

by 1 in.; 12 +.....

Fragment of the right half, l1in. by lin.; 6 + .... prayer.

lines; Babylonian. [K. 13927] . lines.

Part of a [K. 13928]



Fragment of the lower portion, 1-9 in. by 1 in.; 9 + 3 lines. Part of a religious text. [K. 13929] Fragment of the right half, 1-"-in. by 14in.; 8 + 10 lines; Babylonian. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts. [K. 13930] Fragment out of the middle, 1-lin. by lin.; 6 +.......... lines. Fragment: of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies. [K. 13931] Fragment out of the middle, in. by in.; 12 +. ......... ) lines; Babylonian. Part of a religious text. [K. 13932] Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by 1in.; ..... + 10 lines; Babylonian. Part of a religious text. [K. 13933] Fragment out of the middle, l1- in. by lin.; 8 + ..... lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter, or report, concerning public affairs. [K. 13934] Fragment out of the middle, 14in. by in.; 12 + ..... lines; Babylonian. Part of a hymn with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 13935] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by lin.; ...... Part of a religious text.

+ 8 lines; Babylonian. [K. 13936]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1l-fin.; .....

+ 10 lines; Babylonian.

Part of a hymn with an interlinear Assyrian version.

[K. 13937]

Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by 1 in.; 7 +.......... lines. Part of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies. [K. 13938] Fragment out of the middle, 14in. by l1-in.; 10 + ..... lines; Babylonian. Part of a hymn. [K. 13939] Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by l1in.; .....


+ 9 lines.


of a text containing directions for the performance of ceremonies and rites. [K. 13940] Fragment of the left half, lin. by gin.; ..... + 14 lines; Babylonian. Fragment of a religious text, part of which has an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 13941] Fragment out of the middle, lin.

by 1 1 in.; 8 + 11 +


+ .....


archaic Babylonian; marginal number <; not from Kouynnjik (?). Part of a religious text. [K. 13942] Fragment of the left half, 2 in. by I in.; traces of 6 + 9 lines. astrological text. VOL. III.

Part of an [K. 13943] 8 K



lines; Baby[K. 13944]

lin. by lin.; 8 + ......... Fragment out of the middle, lonian. Part of an incantation-text.

7 + 6 ( +.....) Fragment of the right half, 14in. by lin.; (.....+) lines. Part of an incantation-text. Two sections end with .-4-. [K. 13945] Fragment out of the middle, 1- 71in. by Fragment of a religious text.

in.; 7 +.


) lines. [K. 13946]

Right-hand corner, lin. by 3in.; 5 + 5 lines; Babylonian. Part of a text containing forecasts. Of line 1 of obverse only the right half is [K. 13947] > . A H Y o ; -:"<-' visible:'ii';W lines. Part of [K. 13948]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1 in.; 7 + ...... a religious text.

lines; Fragment out of the middle, 1-7in. by 1 -in.; 7 + 4 +.....+..... Babylonian; marginal number <. Part of a religious or mythological [K. 13949] text. Right half, lower portion, 1 3-in. by -in.; 5 + 10 lines; Babylonian. Part [K. 13950] of an incantation-text. ... ..... Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by -in.; traces of 5 + 8 . lines; Babylonian; marginal number <. Fragment of a prayer, part [K. 13951] of which has an interlinear Assyrian version. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 13 in.; 5 + 5 +. Fragment of a text containing hymns in paragraphs.* by lin.; 8 + ..... 1 Fragment out of the middle, l-Iin. of an incantation-text.


.........lines. [K. 13952] lines. Part [K. 13953]

Left-hand corner, l in. by }- in.; ..... + 5 lines; Babylonian. Part of a [K. 13955] hymn with an interlinear Assyrian version. Fragment of the lower portion, lIin. by Part of a private contract. Fragment out of the middle, lin. by Part of a hymn.


2 + 4 lines; Babylonian. [K. 13956]

in.; 9 +.....lines;

Babylonian. [K. 13957]

) +) 14 + ..... (+ .. Portion out of the middle, 4-5in. by 4in.; ( ... lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for [K. 13958] ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. Left half, lower portion, 1 in. by1lin.; 7 + 3 lines. Part of a text containing omens derived from the condition of the nose (of a new-born ^YY (var.: Y 4 child), etc. Most of the lines begin with y _4 d [K. 13959] r>T) '. *

Cf. supra, p. 436, note ~*.



+ 10 lines. Part of a text Fragment of the left half, l1in. by 1-6 in.; ..... containing omens derived from the births of various animals; cf. supra, [K. 13961] p. 582, K. 3970. lines. Part Fragment out of the middle, 11in. by 1in.; 9 +.......... ceremonies to of a text containing prescriptions and directions for [K. 13962] be used for the benefit of sick people. Fragment of the upper portion of reverse, 3 in. by 1l-in.; traces of 1 + 6 lines. End of a religious(?) text. Of the catch-line only the middle part is visible:-2 f t E'd w[ a- ¢ Ef >Y [K. 13963] . ^ e>(?) (?) ^ Left-hand corner, 1 in. by lin.; 9 + ..... lines. Omens derived from the appearances of snakes in a man's house. The lines begin :--Y t > -]yy-

[K. 13965]

ymyyy 4.

Fragment of the left half, l1in. by 1-{in.; 13 + 8 lines; marginal number <. Forecasts concerning the ->yfy. The sentences begin throughout with -- < ,y >Y. yf [K. 13966] Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by lin.; 8 + ..... lines. Part of a text containing omens concerning incidents that may happen to men, etc. [K. 13967] Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by 1 6-in.; 7 + 6 lines. Forecasts, concerning the ,_4, belonging to the 5th tablet of a series. The lines on Of the catch-line and the colophon obverse begin with >- ,4
[K. 13968] , e. , niinfrm o i, ens ederied of a text.... containing,,';' Part lines. 12 + 6lIin.; by,;1lin.5by 1in. corner, .Left-hand Fragment out of the middle, +..... ) lines. Part of a religious text. added by the scribe.

Referring to line 7 an interlinear gloss is [K. 13969]

Left-hand corner, 15in. by lin.; 5 + 6 lines. Part of a text containing [K. 13970] omens derived from the condition of milk, fat, blood, etc. Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by 1Iin.; traces of 1 + 8 +.....+ ..... lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of people suffering from

diseases of the nose. One section begins:-- ,_T _ . A

Ill,-, [K. 13971]


Partly effaced.

8 K 2



Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by 1Din.; 3 3+ ........... lines. Part of a list of archaic signs. This fragment probably belongs to the same tablet as K. 14002; see below, p. 1354. [K. 13972] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1- in.; 7 + . ...... ) lines Fragment of a text containing prayers to Samas and Rammdn, and directions for the performance of ceremonies and rites. [K. 13973] Portion out of the middle, 2 in. by 1 in.; 19 + ... lines. Omens concerning houses and incidents that may happen to men. [K. 13974] Fragment out of the middle, 1--l6 in. by lin.; 7 + . .... ) lies. Fragment of a prayer to a goddess. [K. 13975] Fragment of the right half, 1 in. by tin.; ..... + 12 lines. Omens concerning houses and incidents that may happen to men. [K. 13976] Fragment out of the middle, lain. by lin.; 12 + ..... lines. Forecasts. Portion out of the middle, 2 1in. by 1in.; .... Babylonian. Part of an astrological text.


Fragment out of the middle, 1min. by lin.; 7 +.....+.......... lines. Fragment of a religious text.

[K. 13977] 11 + 13 lines; [K. 13978] [K. 13979]

Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by lin.; 15 + traces of 8 + . .. ..+ lines. Part of a text containing directions for the performance of ceremonies and rites. [K. 13980] Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by in.; .... + 6 lies. Part of a text containing omens derived from the actions of snakes. [K. 13981] Fragment of the upper portion, in. by in.; 8 + ..... lines. Forecasts. [K. 13982] Left half, upper portion, 2jin. by 2 5Tin.; 7 ..... lines. Omens derived from the actions of snakes. The text begins:--Ky<



[K. 13984]

Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by 1lin. ;'8 + 7 + ..... +... lines. Omens derived from the condition of a man's eyes. This fragment probably belongs to the same tablet as K. 6737; see above, p. 806. [K. 13985]



Fragment of the lower portion, l in. by 1Vin.; 10 +. ......... ) lines. Part of a historical inscription of an Assyrian king. [K. 13986] Fragment of the lower portion, l3in. by -in.; 5 +.....lines. Part of a historical inscription of an Assyrian king(?). [K. 13987] Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by 156in.; ...


12 lines.

Fragment out of the middle, 3 in. by 1*in.; 22 + .. . omen-text.


Forecasts. [K. 13988] Part of an [K. 13989]

Fragment out of the middle, 21 in. by 1in.; 8 + 4 + ..... + .... lines. Omens concerning houses. [K. 13990] Right half, upper portion, l1in. by 1lin.; astrological text.

12 + 12 lines.

Part of an [K. 13991]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 -in. by 1¼in.; 12 + .. .... ) lines. Part of a text containing directions for the performance of ceremonies [K. 13992] and rites. Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by 1¼in.; . Babylonian. End of a religious text.

.... .....

lines; [K. 13993]

) +8

Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 1 1-in. by I-6in.; 10 + .......... lines in double-columns. Part of a text containing grammatical paradigms. The lines of Column b begin throughout with [K. 13994] ~T~_. Right-hand corner, 1-in. by lin.; 12 +.....lines (in two or three columns). Part of an explanatory list similar to that of K. 9894; see above, p. 1048. [K. 13995] ) + 6 (+...) Fragment of the right half, 1 in. by 3in.; (.....+ lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for [K. 13996] ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by b Part of a list of archaic signs.

in. n.

8 ;+ 5 + ...

+...lines. [K. 13997]

Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by l in.; ..... + 9 lines. Part of a text containing forecasts concerning the Y-Y , etc. The lines begin: ~ -d {~<1 4:- ¥y; cf. infra, p. 1364, K. 14148. [K. 13998] - rel="nofollow">TX Fragment of the left half, 1in. by 13 in.; 9 +..... ..... ) lines. Part of a religious text. The paragraphs begin with >TVy Ay-; cf. infra, p. 1363, K. 14143. [K. 13999] Fragment of the left half, 1kin. by 1- in.; short beginnings of 5 + 7 lines. Part of a text containing omens derived from the condition of certain parts of the body. [K. 14000]





Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by 1-6 in.; ... Part of a prayer.

+ 9 lines; Babylonian. [K. 14001]

Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by in.; 3+ 4 + 5 ( +..........) (..........+ ) 3 + 5 lines. Part of a list of archaic signs. Cf. supra, p. 1352, K. 13972. [K. 14002 + K. 14020] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by }in.; 8 + ... lines. Omens concerning houses, similar to those of K. 6448 + K. 8459; see above, p. 788. [K. 14003]


Fragment out of the middle, 1-3 in. by l-Tin.; 8 + .... Part of a religious or mythological text. Fragment out of the middle, lain. by lin.; ..... Part of a religious text.


lines. [K. 14004]

8 + 7 lines. [K. 14005]

Fragment of the left half, lain. by in.; traces of 3 + 7 + (left-hand edge) 1 lines; Babylonian. Part of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies. [K. 14006] Fragment out of the middle, 1sin. by 1 in.; 6 + 10 +.......... lines (in double-columns). Part of a list of names of wooden objects. [K. 14007] Portion out of the middle, in. by 1 1 lines. Part of a religious text.

n.; (...+

Fragment out of the middle, 1-1in. by Part of a prayer. Fragment out of the middle, 1 -in.

) 9 + 12 (+.....) [K. 14008]

-t-in.; 9 +.

by lin.; .....

) lines.


[K. 14009] + 7 lines.

cerning houses, etc.

Omens con-

[K. 14010]

Fragment out of the middle, l in. by l-1 in.; 10 + 8 + . Part- of a religious or mythological text.

......... ines. [K. 14011]

Left-hand corner, lin. by kin.; 9 + 8 lines. Part of a text containing omens derived from the actions of various animals. [K. 14012] Fragment out of the middle, 1-13in. by in.; 5 + ....... .. lines. Part of a religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version. In lines 5 and 6 mention is made of the Akkadian and Sumerian:-

- HM->S i>>*m


,/ -f

cf. supra, p. 1200, K. 11856, and infra, Sm. 1190 and 81-7-27, 130. [K. 14013] * Partly effaced.



Fragment of the left half, 1 ain. by 1-in.; 5 + 11 lines; marginal number <. Omens derived from the actions of snakes. This fragment may belong [K. 14014] to the same tablet as K. 3731; see above, p. 559. Right-hand corner, 1lin. by 1in.; ( .......... lines. Part of a list of archaic signs.

+) 3 + 5 (+......

) [K. 14015]

....+ .. lines. Fragment out of the middle, 1-7in, by lin.; 3 + 7 + . Part of a text containing directions for the performance of ceremonies and rites. [K. 14016] Fragment of the left half, in. by 'in.; ..... + 9 lines. Fragment of a text containing omens derived from the actions of snakes. [K. 14017] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1 T6in.; 7 +..........lines (in double-columns). Part of a list of names of wooden objects. [K. 14018] Fragment of the right half, lin. by in.; (.....+) 8 + 10 (+.....) lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. [K. 14019] Fragment of the right half, i2in. by 1-in.; ..... concerning houses, etc.


lines. Omens [K. 14021]

Left-hand corner, 1ain. by 1lin.; ......... + 6 lines. alliterative hymn. The lines begin with -YY.-

Fragment of an [K. 14022]

Left-hand corner, 1- in. by lin.; 7 + 4 lines. omens derived from the actions of snakes. Fragment of the left half, 15in. 3 lines. Part of an omen-text. out:--y >t




Part of a text containing [K. 14023]

7 + (left-hand edge) -1in.; 'by .... Tle lines of onesection beginthrough-


[K. 14024]

Portion of the left half, 2min. by -l-in.;6 + 15 lines; marginal number <. Part of an omen-text. The lines on reverse begin throughout with Y ,, x-<; of the catch-line only the beginning is visible:--7 t [K. 14025] Fragment out of the middle, 1min. by 1in.; ..... + 8 lines. cerning the chances of a sick man's recovery, etc.

Omens con[K. 14026]

Fragment of the left half, 1lin. by -9in.; 9 +. .. ) lines. Part of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies. [K. 14027] Fragment out of the middle, li. by 1-in; 10 + ..... (.....) lines. Part of a text containing directions for the performance of ceremonies and rites. [K. 14028]



Fragment of the left half,

in. by tin.; 5 +. ....

Fragment of a


text containing omens derived from the actions of snakes and scorpions. [K. 14029] Fragment out of the middle, lin. by 1lin.; 6 + traces of 3 +.......... lines (in double-columns). Part of a list of names of plants. [K. 14030] lines. Part .......... Fragment out of the middle, lin. by 1-in.; 10 of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies. [K. 14031] ... lines. Part Fragment out of the middle, -lin. by lin.; 8 + .... of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to [K. 14032] be used for the benefit of sick people. + ... . Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 1}in. by 1in.;.. lines. Part of a text containing hymns in paragraphs.* + 6 + ... [K. 14033] + 9 lines. Omens [K. 14034]

Fragment out of the middle. 1-19in. by lin.; .... concerning houses, cities, etc.

Fragment out of the middle, 1 3in. by in.; 3+ .... lonian. Fragment of a religious text. Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by 1-3^in.;

omen-text concerning houses, etc. part is visible:-




lines. Frag[K. 14035]


Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1- 1 6in.; 3 + .... ment of a list of archaic signs.

) lines; Baby[K. 14036]


End of an

+ 9 lines.

Of the catch-line only the middle

[K. 14038]

'<' "-". ~;

Fragment out of the middle, lin. by }'in.; 5 + .. . .. lines.

Fragment of [K. 14039]

an omen-text.

Fragment of the left half, 1lin. by 1 in.; 9 + 9 lines.

Part of an omen-

I , text. A comparison of the catch-line:-Y t <( t ' A 14040 K. that shows 924) p. above, (see 8406 K. of that with ¢<APt,'i,, belongs to the 59th tablet of the Series



- y-




[K. 14040] ) lines. Frag( Fragment of the left half, 1-in. by 1in.; 6+ ...... from obsertaken forecasts ment of a text containing astrological [K. 14041] vations of the moon. *

Cf. supra, p. 436, note *r.

t Partly effaced.




Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by in.; 8........... columns). Part of an explanatory list with glosses. K. 14074. Fragment out of the middle, lin. omen-text.

by l--in.; .....

+ 10 lines.

Fragment out of the middle, in. by in.; 9 + ...... columns. Part of an explanatory list. Right-hand corner, 2in. by l1in.; 7 + 9 lines.

lines (in doubleCf. infra, p. 1359, [K. 14042] Part of an [K. 14043]

lines in double[K. 14044]

Part of a prayer. [K. 14045]

Fragment of the left half, 13in. by in.; 11 +..........lines colunns). Part of a list of names of plants.

(in double[K. 14046]

Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by l1in.; 11 +..........lines (in doublecolumns). Part of a list of names of plants. [K. 14047] Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by 1¼in.; ..... omen-text concerning palaces, etc.

+ 6 lines.

Part of an [K. 14048]

Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by 11in.; 7 + 9+ .......... lines (in three columns). Part of an explanatory list of the class " Sa." [K. 14049] Fragment of the left half, liwin. by in.; 6 + ( ..... + ) 3 lines (in double-columns). Part of a list of names of various kinds of wood. [K. 14050] Fragment out of the middle, 11in. by lnin.; 11 +.......... lines (in double-columns). Part of a list of names of plants. [K. 14051] Fragment out of the middle 11-in. by 1-in.; 12 + .......... double-columns). Part of a list of names of plants.

lines (in [K. 14052]

Fragment out of the middle, 1-i9in. by 1 in.; 11 + .......... (in double-columns). Part of a list of names of plants.

lines [K. 14053]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by -- in. 9 + ... (in two or more columns). Part of an explanatory list.

lines [K. 14054]

Fragment out of the middle, 15in. by lain.; 10 + .......... lines (in double-columns). Part of an explanatory list. [K. 14055] Fragment of the right half, 1 -in. by 1 in.; 10 . ......... ) lines (in double-columns ?). Part of a text containing grammatical paradigms(?). The subject matter is of a religious character. [K. 14056] Fragment out of the middle, l1in. bygin.; 6 + 5 + (in double-columns). Part of an explanatory list. VOL. III.

....... lines [K. 14057] 8 L



lines. Part of Fragment of the left half, 13in. by1'5in.; 7 + a text containing directions for the performance of ceremonies and rites to ward off evil dreams, etc. One section begins:[K. 14058] )£ -_ A<> -YT <
Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by l-bin.; ........... double-columns). Part of a list of names of plants.

+ Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by gin.; 7 + traces of 1 + ..... ..... lines in double-columns. Part of a text containing grammatical [K. 14061] -YE-. paradigms. The words begin with lines (in three [K. 14062]

Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by in.; 6 + .......... columns?). Part of a list of names of plants. Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by l1in.; ..... omen-text.

+ 10 lines.

Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by l-g-in.; 9 + ..... religious text.


Part of an [K. 14063] Part of a [K. 14064]

.....+ ... + 8 + Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by 1lin.; .... lines in double-columns. Part of a list of names of various kinds of [K. 14065] wood. lines. FragFragment out of the middle, 24 in. by 1 -in.; 5 + .......... ~ [K. 14066] ment of a religious text. lines. Part Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by 1in.; 9 + .......... of an explanatory list, probably written for the interpretation of a [K. 14067] certain literary composition. .......... Fragment out of the middle, l-1-in. by 1lin.; 14 double-columns. Part of an explanatory list.

lines in [K. 14068]

Fragment out of the middle, 2-win. by 11in.; 17 + ..... lines. Portion of a text containing forecasts; they partly relate to public affairs. [K. 14069] Right-hand corner, lin.

by H1in.; 10 + 7 lines.

Fragment out of the middle, 3"in. by 2in.; .... religious text.

Part of a religious text. [K. 14070] + 16 lines.

Fragment of the upper portion, 2l in. by la-in.; 15 + ..... + 3 lines. Part of a mythological text. (....).....

Part of a [K. 14071] (....)+ [K. 14072]



Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by 1in.; .... + 8 + ..... + 6 lines. Part of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies. One section begins :--K+* >Ty W< -Yy -a J< -;° [K. 14073] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by lin.; 5 +.......... lines (in doublecolumns). Part of an explanatory list with glosses. This fragment probably belongs to the same tablet as K. 14042; see above, p. 1357. [K. 14074] Fragment out of the middle, lin. by 1-2in.; 9 + ........ lines. Part of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies. [K. 14075] Fragment out of the middle, l--in. by 1lin.; 11 double-columns. Part of an explanatory list.


Fragment out of the middle, 15in. by lin.; 15 +. double-columns). Part of a list of names of plants.

lines in [K. 14076] ....

Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by 1- 6 iin.; 6 +.......... double-columns. Fragment of an explanatory list.

lines (in [K. 14077] lines in [K. 14078]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by lin.; 6 + traces of 2 + . ....+..... lines in double-columns; Babylonian. Part of an explanatory list with glosses. [K. 14079] Fragment out of the middle, 1-3in. by lin.; 9 +.......... double-columns). Fragment of an explanatory list.

lines (in [K. 14080]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1-hin.; 10 + ...... double-columns). Part of a list of names of plants.

. lines (in [K. 14081]

Fragment of the upper portion of reverse, l1in. by l 5in.; ..... +- 6 lines. Part of a text containing directions for the performance of ceremonies and rites. [K. 14082] Fragment out of the middle, 1jin. by I3in.; 10 + ....... lines in double-columns. Part of a list of Assyrian words with similar meanings. [K. 14083] Left half, lower portion, 1lin. by -l 6 in.; 7 + 3 + 9 lines. Mention is made of the city of >Ty ~T J<[K.

Part of a letter. 14084]

Left-hand corner, lin. by gin.; 7 + 9 + 3 + (left-hand edge) 4 lines. Beginning and end of a letter to the king concerning public affairs.

Mention is made of the king of Elam r(; city of -




Partly effaced.

8 L2




Portion out of the middle, 3sin. by 3¼in. ;. + 8 lines; Babylonian. End of a prayer with an interlinear Assyrian version. Of the catchline the middle part is broken away:-

. Y4


] -,-


. [K. 14086] 08-,,

Fragment of the lower portion, 1 7yin. by lin.; 10 +.......... double-columns. Part of a list of names of plants. Fragment out of the middle, 2 in. by lin.; ..... forecasts.

lines in [K. 14087]

+ 8 lines.

Astrological [K. 14088]

Fragment of the right half, 1 in. by in.; (.....+). + 14 (+ .... ) lines. Part of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for ( eremonies. [K. 14089] Fragment out of the middle, 1-1Zin. by l-16in.; 6 +..........lines in double-columns. Part of a list of names of various kinds of wood. [K. 14090] Fragment of the right half, lin. by jin.; ( ..... )..... + 8 (+.....) lines in double-columns. Fragment of an explanatory list. [K. 14092] Fragment of the upper portion, 15 in. by 1 in.; 5 +....lines. of a letter to the king from Ad. ty; 45 [-_]. *


Fragment of the right half, 2-in. by 2in.; 13 + 11 lines. to a goddess.

Beginning [K. 14093]

Part of a prayer [K. 14094]

Fragment out of the middle, 1--in. by in.; 7 +.......... lines in double-columns. Part of an explanatory list arranged in groups according to the form of the cuneiform ideographs. [K. 14095] Upper portion, lin.

the king from



in. ; 4 +.....lines. Beginning of a letter to f t;,',. [K. 14096]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by in.; .......... + 6 + 9 lines (in double-columns). Part of a list of names of wooden objects. Duplicate of K. 4331 (see above, p. 619), K. 4338a (p. 620), K. 4568 (p. 642), etc. [K. 14097] Fragment out of the middle, 1- 7in. by lin.; 11 + (.... . +) 10 lines. Part of a religious or mythological text. Mention is made of Nippur (.- rel="nofollow">yyy <Eg). [K. 14098] Left-hand corner, l in. by lin.; 6 + 5 lines.

Part of a letter to the king. [K. 14099]

* Attempted restoration after KK. 630, 1081; see above, pp. 142, 22 .

t Partly effaced.




Fragment of the upper portion, 1in. by gin.; 4 + 1 +..... + ..... lines in double-columns. Fragment of an explanatory list. [K. 14100] Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by sin.; 3 + 6 +.......... lines. Part of a text containing regulations for making offerings. [K. 14101] Right-hand corner, 1lin. by in.; 4 +.... lines. Beginning of a letter (to the king) from [y] -k [ J1 J_, etc. [K. 14102] 5 Fragment out of the middle, 1-¢in. by jin.; 11 +.......... double-columns). Part of an explanatory list.

lines (in [K. 14103]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 1 in. by lin.; 8 + .......... lines in double-columns. Part of a list of Assyrian words with similar meanings. [K. 14104] Fragment out of the middle, lin. by 1 in.; 6 +.......... lines. Part of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies. [K. 14105] Fragment of the lower portion of one side, 1Oin. by in.; 8 +.. lines in double-columns. Part of an explanatory list. [K. 14106] Right half, r portion, rt letter to the king.

in in. by

in.; 9

2 + 10 lower

Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by 1 'in.; 10 + ...... columns). Part of a list of names of plants.

of a [K. 14107]

lines (in double[K. 14108]

Fragment of the upper portion, 1in. lby -f9in.; 3 + 2 lines. Beginning and end of a letter to the king from y r->-. ¥ f [T By].* [K. 14109] Fragment out of the middle, 2 in. by 1in.; traces of 12 + 17 + .... + ..... lines; Babylonian; marginal number <. Fragment of a religious text. [K. 14110] Fragment of the lower portion of one side, 11 1in. by lin.; 5 + .......... lines in double-columns. Port of a list of names of plants. [K. 14111] Fragment out of the middle, 1T-6in. by lin.; .. + 4 lines. End of a religious text. Of the catch-line only the middle part is visible:',;/-' ,'',~ >"" .^ - '. ; [K. 14112] Fragment of the upper portion, lin. by lin.; 7 + ..... a letter to the king from y - "^ 4- i- .

lines. Beginning of [K. 14113]

Fragment out of the middle, 4-in. by t6-in.; 7 + short beginnings of 3 + .......... lines (in double-columns). Part of a list of names of wooden objects. [K. 14114] * Cf. supra, p. 1291, note




Fragment out of the middle, 1l in. by 13in.; 5 + double-columns. Part of an explanatory list.

lines in [K. 14115]


+ Fragment of the lower portion of one side, lin. by "in.; 6 + .......... + traces of 3 lines (in four columns ?). Fragment of an .......... [K. 14116] explanatory list of the class "Sc" (?). Fragment of the light half, 2 1in. by in. text containing forecasts.

16 + traces of 3 lines.

Part of a [K. 14117]

+ 5 lines ..... +..... Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by 1 in.; ..... (in double-columns). Fragment of an explanatory list. [K. 14118] lines. Part ) Fragment of the left half, 1l 9 in. by 1-in.; 9 +......... of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for cere[K. 14119] monies. lines in [K. 14120]


Fragment out of the middle, 116in by l1in.; 8 + .... double-columns. Part of a list of names of plants.

lines. Part Fragment out of the middle, lin. by 13 in.; 9+ ....... of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies to [K. 14121] be used for the benefit of sick people. + 7 + (left-hand edge) Fragment of the left half, 1in. by 1in.; ..... 2 lines. Part of a private contract. The date is mutilated. [K. 14122] Fragment of the upper portion, l in. by la1 in.; Part of a list of objects.

6 +.........

in.; 3 + ....

Fragment of the upper portion, 1-in. by of a list of objects.


lines. [K. 14123]

lines. Part [K. 14124]

Fragment out of the middle, l-fin. by gin.; ..... + 4 +..........lines Fragment of a list of names of various kinds (in double-columns). [K. 14125] of wood. .... lines (in four Fragment out of the middle, 1-in by 3in.; 4 + . [K. 14126] columns?). Fragment of an explanatory list. Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by

of a religious text.


9 + ..........



[K. 14127]

... lines in doubleFragment out of the middle, l in. by 1 in.; 8 +..... columns. Part of a text containing grammatical paradigms. [K. 14128] lines in doubleFragment out of the middle, «in. by in.; 6 + .......... columns; Babylonian. Part of an explanatory list, probably written [K. 14129] for the interpretation of a certain literary composition.



Portion out of the middle, l 3-in. by B'Sin.; + 9 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter (to the king). Mention is made of [y ~--?]- A*


[K. 14130]


Fragment out of the middle, 1-Tin. by 1in.; traces of 2 + 8 +......... lines (in double-columns). Part of a list of names of various kinds of wood. [K. 14131] Fragment out of the middle, lin. by 5in.; 8+ ..... columns). Part of a list of names of plants.

.. lines (in double[K. 14132

Fragment out of the middle, 1-bin. by l-iin.; 4 + 6 ..... + +.....lines (in two or three columns). Part of an explanatory list; the ideographs begin throughout with >I-yy. [K. 14133] Fragment out of the middle, sin. by {in.; 5 +..........lines in doublecolumns. Fragment of a list of Assyrian words with similar meanings. [K. 14134] Fragment out of the middle, lines (in double-columns).

by win.; traces of 2 + 5 + .. . Part of an explanatory list with glosses. [K. 14135]


Fragment out of the middle, 3in. by in.; l 8, +.. columns). Fragment of a list of names of plants.

lines (in double[K. 14136]

Fragment out of the middle, -in.' by in.; 7 +.... . lines in doublecolumns. Fragment of an explanatory list with glosses. [K. 14137] Right-hand corner, tin. by-in.; to the king from y - b-

3 +..... S .

Fragment of the upper portion, 3in. by of a letter to the king from y --Y

lines. --

Beginning of a letter [K. 14138]


+.....lines. >>- . *

Beginning [K. 14139]

Right-hand corner, lain. by 1- 6 in.; 8 + 4 lines; Babylonian. Part of a list of names of persons, etc. [K. 14140] Fragment out of the middle, 1T3in. by 1 13in.; Babylonian. Part of a religious text.

9 +.....(.....)

lines; [K. 14141]

Portion of the right half, 1 in. by l1in.; 8 + 11 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter or report. [K. 14142] Fragment of the left half, 2¼in. by liin.; 11 + 5 lines. Part of a religious text similar to that of K. 13999; see above, p. 1353. [K. 14143] * Partly effaced.



Left-hand corner, lain. by 1Iin.; 3 + 6 + 2 + (left-hand edge) 2 lines. Part of a report concerning public affairs, of the class described above, p. 259 f., K. 1288. [K. 14144] Right-hand corner, 1 in. by 1 5 in.; 7 + .. lines. Part of a religious or mythological text. [K. 14145] Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by a text containing forecasts.

in.; 6 + 5 lines; Babylonian. Part of [K. 14146]

Fragment of the left half, 1in. by in.; 9 +.....) a religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version.

lines. Part of [K. 14147]

Fragment of the left half, l-1-in. by lin.; 10 + ..... lines; marginal number <. Part of a text containing forecasts. The lines begin throughout with >-< "_ -y; cf. supra, p. 1353, K. 13998. [K. 14148] Fragment of the left half, 2in. by 1lin.; ..... astrological text.

+ 12 lines.

Part of an [K. 14149]

Right-hand corner, 1T-Iin. by tin.; 4 + 5 + 1 lines; Babylonian. Part of an astrological report from [y -Tylg ~ ?] V ;; concerning

public affairs.

[K. 14150]

Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by - lin.; 6 + . double-columns). Fragment of an explanatory list.


lines (in [K. 14151]

Fragment of the right half, 1-1 in. by lin.; ..... 6 lines. End of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies, probably an extract from a larger composition. [K. 14152] Fragment out of the middle of a prismoid, 1-in. by in.; 6 +........ lines. Part of an inscription of Tiglathpileser I., corresponding with K. 1621a (see above, p. 320), Column V, lines 85ff. [K. 14153] Fragment out of the middle, 1-76in. by lin.; 13 +..... Part of a religious text.

lines; Babylonian. [K. 14154]

Fragment of the right half, 1 5in. by 3in.; 10 + 3 lines. tation-text.

Part of an incan[K. 14155]

Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by of a religious(?) text.

3in.; 11 +..........

lines. Part [K. 14156]

Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by l-i5 in.; 8 +..........lines in double-columns. Fragment of a list of Assyrian words with similar meanings. [K. 14157] Left-hand corner, lin. by 1-lin.; 5 +.....lines. Part of an incantation-text, beginning :--j+ --yyy - y [K. 14158] * Partly effaced.




Fragment of the upper portion, 1 in. by 1in.; 9 + .... an omen-text. Right-hand corner, forecasts.


by 1TI in.; 6 + 4 lines.

Fragment of the right half, l1-3in. by

lines. Part of [K. 14159]

Part of a text containing [K. 14160] +10



Part of a

religious text.

[K. 14161]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by I-in.; 4 ..... (.....) lines; Babylonian. Fragment of an astrological text. Mention is made of the star +,~ f. [K. 14162] Fragment out of the middle, 11 in. by

H6 in.;

7 +.....


historical inscription of an Assyrian king. Fragment of the right half, 1 of a religious text.

'in. by lin.; 9 + ......

Fragment out of the middle, lin. by cerning houses.

in.; 7 +....

Part of a

[K. 14163] )...) lines. Part [K. 14164] . lines.

Omens con[K. 14165]

Left-hand corner, 1-1in. by 3in.; 3 + 3 lines. Part of an omen-text, beginning :-y JE YYY>-T - Ty [K. 14166] Fragment out of the middle, sin. by 'in.; 6 +..... lines. Omens concerning lands or countries. [K. 14167] Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by lin.; 9 +.......... lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 14168] Left-hand corner, l-,in. by lin.; 2 + 4 lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts. A comparison of the beginning:-- =_->>_OV _ [LT -O], _Th_ * with K. 2330 (see above, p. 433), obverse, lines 2 ff., etc., makes it probable that K. 14169 belongs to the 57th tablet of the great astrological work >.-4- "-y4kT-y . The text of the colophon, which contains part of a double-date (687-6 B.C.?), is published W.A.I. III, 2, No. XXI. [K. 14169] Fragment of the right half, 1 in. byI prayer.


11 + ....


Fragment out of the middle, l-17in. by lin.; 8 + .... lines. li. cerning houses and incidents that may happen to men. Lower portion, left half, 1in. by in.; 8 +..........) of a text containing forecasts.

Part of a [K. 14170]

Omens con[K. 14171] lines. Part [K. 14172]

Left-hand corner, 16in. by in.; 8 +.... lines; marginal number <. Part of an omen-text, apparently belonging to a tablet of the Series -- Y v [K. 14173] [-. * Partly effaced. VOL. III.

8 M





Fragment out of the middle, lin. by --%in.; ..... ....+ 7 + . +... .. lines (in three columns). Part of an explanatory list of the class " Sb." Duplicate of K. 110 (see above, p. 28), Column IV, lines 25 ff. [K. 14174] Fragment of the left half, 1tin. by in.; ... + 9 lines; marginal number <. Part of a text containing forecasts. The sentences begin with either >-< E -'bt or r-< C :Ty. [K. 14175] Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 1ain. by lin; 10 +.......... lines in double-columns. Part of a list of names of gods and their titles. [K. 14176J Fragment of the lower portion, lin. by lin.; 3 + 6 lines; Babylonian. Part of a text containing forecasts. [K. 14177] Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by 15-in.; 10 + .. .... . ) lines (in double-columns). Part of a text containing grammatical paradigms. [K. 14178] Fragment out of the middle, lin. by t3in.; 8 + 7 +...+....lines. Part of a religious text. [K. 14179] Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by lin.; (.....+) 4 + 4 (+.....) lines. Fragment of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies. [K. 14181] Part of a votive dish, 2l in. by -15in.,1 in. high; 5 lines. Part of a historical inscription of an Assyrian king. Mention is made of [y] -+ * < qy =k. [K. 14182] Fragment out of the middle, 5 sin. by in.; 8 + . . lines. Part of a list of eponyms. Duplicate of K. 4329; see above, p. 618, and DELITZSCH, Lesest., 2nd ed., p. 87, No. 5. [K. 14183] Fragment out of the middle, l4-in. by l¼in.; 8 +......... lines. Part of a text containing directions for the performance of ceremonies and rites. [K. 14184] Fragment out of the middle, l--iin. by l in.; 10 ±- ..... lines. Part of a historical inscription of an Assyrian king [K. 14185] Fragment out of the middle, l--in. by lmin.; 8 +.. . (. ) lines. Part of a religious text.

[K. 14186]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by sin.; ...

. + 6 lines in double-

columns; Babylonian. Part of an explanatory list referring, according to the colophon, to one of the tablets of the great astrological work


'--] lt=- ,_iy* Cf. supra, p. 433, K. 2329, etc. *

Partly effaced.

[K. 14187]




+ 7lines .... + t out of the middle, 1-in. by 116 in.; (in double-columns). Part of a text containing grammatical para[K. 14188] digms. Cf. infra, K. 14205.


.... Fragment out of the middle, lin. by 1in.; 9 + traces of 4 +.....+. Assyrian an interlinear with incantation-text lines. Part of an [K. 14189] version. ) lines.

..... (.....

Fragment out of the middle, 1ini. by 1Yin.; 10 + .

Part of a text containing regulations fof making offerings. [K. 14190] lines. Omens [K. 14191]

Fragment of the lower portion, 1 in. by lin.; 6 +..... derived from the actions of owls(?).


Fragment out of the middle, 1r--in. by lin.; 11 + .... religious text.

Fragment out of the middle, lin. prayer to a goddess.

±+8+2 lines. [K. 14193]


Fragment out of the middle, lNin. by 5'in.;. Fragment of an astrological text.


by 11in.; 11 + ....

Fragment out of the middle, 1¼in. by .i-n of a religious text.

5 ,+ ..


Part of a [K. 14192]


Part of a [K. 14194] lines. Part [K. 14195]

lines. Part of an Fragment of the left half, 1lin. by 1I-in.; 4 +.... omen-text similar to those mentioned above, p. 561, K. 3757, etc. [K. 14196] lines. Omens 10 + ..... Fragment out of the middle, lin. by ain.; [K. 14197] derived from the condition of certain parts of the body. Left-hand corner, 1--in. by

--in.; 6 + (.


a religious text.

+) 3 lines.

Part of

[K. 14198]

6,;in. by 9in.; 7 + 7 lines; Babylonian. Part of an Left-hand corner, lines begin usually with the words Y dy or y if The omen-text. ~[K. E 14199] 2~¢_~>=$>^~~~~. ++..7 lines. Fragment of the upper portion of reverse, 1iin. by lin.; .. Part of a text containing directions for the performance of ceremonies [K. 14200] and rites. lines. Part of a text Fragment of the left half;, 1in. by sin.; 8 + .... containing forecasts. The sentences begin with Y - -PyT df.y[K. 14201] Fragmeint out of the middle, lin. by I5in.; 9 + ......... an incantation-text.

lines. Part of [K. 14202] 8 MX



Fragment out of the middle, lin. by Sin.; 8 + a religious text.


lines. Part of [K. 14203]

Fragment out of the middle of a prismoid, in. by in.; 5 +.......... lines. Part of an inscription of Tiglathpileser I., corresponding with K. 1621a (see above, p. 320), Column I, lines 21 ff. [K. 14204] Fragment out of the middle, lin. by in.; 5 + 6 +. . lines (inn 8·· · ) C + .... double-columns). Part of a text containing grammatical paradigms; the subject matter is of a religious character. One paragraph begins:+ S-Y
by 1in.; 7 + ...

[K. 14207] lines. e..... Part [K. 14208]

Left-hand corner, 5-in. by in.; 3 + .. lines. Part of a text containing omens derived from the actions of birds; it begins:'T Jyy_ YTT[HIt]'^[K. 14209] Fragment out of the middle, lin. by gin.; 6 + ..... lines. Fragment of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies. [K. 14210] Fragment out of the middle, 1- 6 in. by Win.; 7 + ........ lines. Part of a mythological legend concerning the god >.-_ tY, etc. [K. 14211] Fragment out of the middle of a prismoid, l1in. by gin.; 8 +..... lines. Part of an inscription of Tiglathpileser I., corresponding with K. 1621a (see above, p. 320), Column V, lines 94 ff. [K. 14212] Fragment of the left half, 3in. by I in.; 5 + ..... lines. Part of a text containing omens derived from births. [K. 14213] Fragment out of the middle, 1-1in. by in.; ... + 7 lines. Fragment of a text containing forecasts concerning ~*! -]] and 4a, etc. [K. 14214] Fragment of the left half, lin. by ½in.; ..... 8- + (left-hand edge) 1 lines. Fragment of an omen-text, apparently belonging to a tablet of the Series >-< - t. [K. 14215] * Partly effaced.



in. by lin.; ..... + 6 lines. Colophon of the Fragment of the left half, 4th tablet of an omen-text. Of the catch-line only the beginning is [K. 14216] , visible :+.. + + Fragment out of the middle, l- in. by l-Lin.; ... 3 lines. Colophon of an incantation-text being a tablet of the -S-Series. A comparison of the catch-line with that of the Aduplicate K. 150 (see above, p. 39) shows that K. 14217 belongs to the [K. 14217] 2nd tablet of this Series.

Fragment out of 4 lines. End directions for the catch-line

+ .......... . . the middle, 1 in. by 1-in; and colophon of a text containing prescriptions and ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. Of only the middle part is visible:[K. 1421t] E- CAY i@ *bS',.

+ 4 lines. Colophon Fragment of the left half, 1-l3 in. by 1 in.; .......... of an incantation-text belonging, according to what remains of the to the 5th tablet of y:-. , T* T < catch-line :--4r-+ YY-Y-,,> Y; A h.; cf. supra, p. 449, K. 2507, etc. Y f
-in.; ..... + 4 lines. Of the catch-line -

[K. 14220] End and + 5 lines. Fragment of the right half, 1 in. by 1in.; ..... colophon of an "incomplete "t copy of a religious text. Of the catchline only the middle part is visible-:,bIy ,-; - aY ." [K. 14221] 6 lines in (+ Fragment out of the middle, 1-9in. by 1ain.; .... Of the list. explanatory an of colophon and End double-columns. catch-line only the middle part is visible :-:, A,, I Y ^ [K. 14222] + 5 lines. End and Fragment out of the middle, 1-1in. by 5'in. * *] colophon of an omen-text being the 15th tablet of the Series y visible:part is _T-yV ]. Of the catch-line only the middle -J [I-

[T .]tly a>


r X ^ t r--l




[K. 14223]

Mtg]4^] *Partly

+ Cf. supra, p. 474, note *. effaced, t Restored from the duplicate 68-5-23 1,, q..






Firgment out of the middle, 1 in. by in... 3 lines. End a id colophon of an omen-text belonging to a tablet of the Series [J >Y- ¥ ]-f __ [>-y; ; ]. Of the catch-line only the middle part is visible:->,Y a [K. 14224] Fragment 6f the left half, l--in. by 1 in. ;. . . (.....) + 3 lines. End and colophon of a religious text, being the 4th tablet of the Series which begins with 4p-. Of the catch-liie only the beginning is visible :-i'f

> F[K.


Fragment out of the middle, 1


in. by 1.-


. ....) +in.;


Colophon of a religious (?) text, being the 19th tablet of a Series. Of the catch-line only the middle part is visible :z-| E :"11 :.,' [K. 14226] iragmenti out of the middle, 2¼in. iby 1in.; .... ( ... )+ 3 lines. End and colophon of a religious text, being the 1st(?) tablet of a Series. Of the catch-line only the middle part is visible:-. SKI> *




[K. 14227]


Fragment out of the middle, lin. by5 lines. nd and colophon of an omen-text belonging to a tablet of the Series [T] ~Y.- i- _ * [ty; V]. A comparison of the catch-line:-|, -,,,,-,-with that of K. 116 (seeabove, p. 30)shoW that K. 14228 probably formed part of the 61st tablet of that Series. [K. 14228] Fragment of the left half, 3 in.; . .... .. ) + 4 lines. Colophon of a text containing forecasts, belonging to the 6th tablet of a Series. Of the catch-line only the beginning is tisible :-' [K. 14229] Fragmeni out of the middle, 1 Tin. by in.; ........ ) + 4 lines. End and colophon of a religious text, belonging to the 3rd tablet of the Series which begins with | i:' . Of the catch-line only the middle part is visible:-[4?] * ~ D- d e [K. 14230] : Partly effaced.




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