Catalogue Of The Cuneiform Tablets (kouyunjik Coll -british Museum) Iib

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Fragment of the left half, 2'in. by 1 in.; 7 +.....+..... ..... + ..... + 20 lines. Prayers, and incantations having an interlinear Assyrian version. Mention is made of the names of the various winds. [K. 4625] Fragment of the lower portion of one side, 3 by in .2in. 16 + traces of 8 + ..... lines. Incantations having an interlinear Assyrian version. Duplicate of K. 111 (see above, p. 29, and Vol. I, p. xxx), corresponding with W.A.I. IV, 2nd ed., pl. 15 *, lines 15 ff., b. [K. 4626] Fragment of the left half of reverse, 2 in. by l in. . . ............ + ..... +..+ 13 lines. Incantations having an interlinear Assyrian version. Duplicate of K. 2977 (see above, p. 494) and of K. 4870 (q.v.). [K. 4627] Upper portion, 4kin. by 3in.; 31 + 9 lines. Part 'of a mythological text having an interlinear Assyrian version. According to the colophon it forms the first part of a Series. The text is published in the first and second editions of W.A.I. IV, 14, No. 1, and explained by G. SMITH, Chald. Gen., p. 119 f.; G.E., p. 108 f.; HALEVY, Doe. rel., pp. (74) ff.; and SAYCE, Hibb. Lect., p. 295 f. [K. 4628] Lower half, 6in. by 5-in.; 43 + 34 + 33 + 34 lines. Portion of a hymn, part of which has an interlinear Assyrian version. Extracts from the text (Column I, lines 41-43; Column II, lines 3 f.; Column III, lines 8 f., 25-30) are published by STRASSMAIER, A, V., pp. 95, 761, 894, 1036. Cf. also DELITZSCH, Lesest., 2nd ed., pp. 13, 32; in LOTZ'S Tigl., p. 80; Parad., p. 260; W.B., pp. 82, 187, 218, 219, 252, 306 f., 409; BUDGE, Hist. of Esarh., p. 150; HAUPT, Akk. Spr., pp. XXXI, XXXVI f.; Am. J. of Pliilol., Vol. V, pp. 74 f., 84; BEZOLD, Lit. Ctrlbl., 1883, p. 619; Zeits., 1889, p. 432; * JENSEN, ibid., 1886, p. 191; CRAIG, Hebr., Vol. IIl, p. 222;

and SAYCE, Hibb. Lect., pp. 57, note 1; 183, note 2; 305 note 2. For a duplicate see above, p. 444, K. 2442. [K. 4629] Upper portion, 3 in. by 3k in.; 16 + 14lines. " Complete"t copy of a prayer in the form of a litany. The obverse begins:-






'wtzX ¥.y







< Cy BY

Y,<'Y~YX v]-Y'w..'yy ,Y -> I The catch-line and colophon read : .

>.+ ,,]

)n -,



.Y -

>', r-y,M





[K. 4630] For-Column I read " Column IV." t (Of.supra, p. 474, note *. *



... ) + 14 (+..... Fragment of the left half, 3in. by Iin.; ..... lines. Portion of a prayer having an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 4631 + K. 4894] + 14 + 12 Portion of the left half of reverse, 3½in. by 2-in.; ........ + Incantations belonging to the 4th tablet of the Series lines. Duplicate of K. 2355 (see above, p. 435), V -'y(

Fragment out of the middle, 21in. by l1in.; 11 +.... hymn having an interlinear Assyrian version.

+ 8 lines. Portion of .. Left-hand corner, 25in. by l in.; 6 +.....+.. a hymn having an interlinear Assyrian version. Duplicate of K. 257 (see above, p. 67 f.), obverse, lines 41 ff.; reverse, lines 63 ff. [K. 4634] Fragment of the left half, 2in. by I in.; short beginnings of 10 +..... lines which probably belong to a hymn having an interlinear Assyrian [K. 4635] version. Portion of the left half, 3 in. by 1Hin.; 21 + short beginnings of 9 lines; marginal number <. Part of a mythological text having an inter[K. 4636] linear Assyrian version. Portion of the left half, 21in. by 2in.; ..... + 14 lines. Istar, having an interlinear Assyrian version. Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by lin.; 11 + 6 lines. in the form of a litany.

Part of a hymn to [K. 4637] Portion of a prayer [K. 4638]

in.; 25 +.....+. Portion of the left half, 4 in. by Assyrian version. interlinear an having Incantations Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by l in.; 9 +.......... tations having an interlinear Assyrian version. Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by 1 in.; 15 +.. prayer having an interlinear Assyrian version. Portion of the right half, 2}in. by 2}in.; ..... Bilingual (?) incantation-text (?).


+ 7 lines. [K. 4639]



Incan[K. 4640] Part of a [K. 4642]

+ 10 lines; Babylonian. [K. 4643]

+) 13 + ..... Lower portion, left half, 6 in. by 43in.; 46 + 13 (..... ceremonies, for directions and 38 lines. Incantations, prayers, Duplicate of some of which have an interlinear Assyrian version. K. 3197, etc.; see above, p. 512. Cf. also supra, p. 452, K. 2538, and [K. 4644 + K. 4810] infra, Rm. 2, 272.



Portion out of the middle, 2in. by 2in.; traces of 3 + 12 +.......... lines in double-columns. Part of an explanatory list, with glosses, arranged in groups according to the meanings of the Assyrian words For the text see W.A.I. V, 12, No. 3. [K. 4645] Fragment of the left half, 2-in. by 1in.; 20 + ......... lines. Incantations having an interlinear Assyrian version. They may belong to the Series H -YV- <(HTy iY -. [K. 4646] Lower portion, 4tin. by 3lin.; 28 + traces of 5 lines. Part of a prayer having an interlinear Assyrian version. Cf. HAUPT, Sintf., p. 26; and Keilschriftt., p. 178 f. [K. 4648] Portion of the left half, 3¼in. by 2in.; 19 + 20 lines. Incantations, some of which have an interlinear Assyrian version. They appear to belong to the -A %--Series. The text of reverse corresponds with that of K. 65 (see above, p. 17 f.), Column I, lines 39 ff., and the catch-line is identical with K. 65, Column I, line 51. [K. 4649] Fragment of the left half, l1in. by lin. ; 12 .......... tations having an interlinear Assyrian version.


Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by lin.; 11 + traces of 3 lines. prayer having an interlinear Assyrian version.

Incan[K. 4650] Part of a [K. 4652]

Fragment of the right half, 2in. by 1in.; 7 + 2 lines. Left-hand corner, 2lin. by 12in.; 15 + 9 lines. interlinear Assyrian version.

Part of a prayer. [K. 4653] Incantations having an [K. 4654]

Left-hand corner, 2in. by 2in.; ..... + 11 lines. having an interlinear Assyrian version.

Portion of a prayer [K. 4655]

Fragment of the left half, 11 in. by 1-in.; 13 +.......... to an incantation-text.

lines, belonging [K. 4656]

Fragment of the lower portion of reverse, 21in. by l3in.; ..... Part of a prayer (?).

+ 10 lines. [K. 4657]

Portion of the left half, 2-in. by 1 in.; ..... +..... ..... + 23 lines. Incantations having an interlinear Assyrian version. They belong to the 5th tablet of the Series YM-k Yy[yT], having an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 4659]




Fragment of the left half, 1lin. by 1'in.; 7 +.......... tations having an interlinear Assyrian version.


Incan[K. 4660]

Upper portion, 3¼in. by 27in.; 18 + 7 lines. Incantations having an interlinear Assyrian version. They probably belong to the Series f . The sentences begin almost throughout with YYI->'
[K. 4661 + K. 4939]


Portion out of the middle, 2 in. by 2in.; 18 + ..... lines. Part of a prayer having an interlinear Assyrian version. For similar texts see below, K. 4899. [K. 4662] Upper portion, 21in. by 1 in.; 11 +.. ,. lines. Incantations having an interlinear Assyrian version. They probably belong to the Series ITy *= T - m. A

Portion out of the middle, 3{in. by 23in.; 23 + .... lines. Part of a prayer having an interlinear Assyrian version, Cf. HAUPT, Keilschriftt., p. 180. [K. 4664] Fragment out of the middle, 21in. by 1-in.; traces of 2 + 8 (....) ± (.....+) 5 +...., lines. Incantations having an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 4665] Fragment of the left half, 2'in. by l"in.; ..... + 15 lines. prayer having an interlinear Assyrian version,

Portion of a [K. 4666]

Left-hand corner, 2&in. by l1in.; 15 + 14 lines. Incantations having an interlinear Assyrian version, Duplicate of K. 3586 (see above, p. 546), lines 58 ff. [K. 4667] Portions, 7in. by 4¼in.; 18 + 19 + 4 lines; Babylonian. Report of the class described above, p. 259 f., K. 1288, relating to public affairs. Cf. SAYCE, Bab. Lit., pp. 80 ff.; Rec., Vol. XI, pp. 82 ff.; and Hibb. Lect., p. 77; SCHRADER, K.G,, p. 518 f.; DELITZSGH, Parad., pp. 245, 249; LENORMANT, Les origines de 'hiist., Vol. II, p. 353 f.; TIELE, Gesch., p. 342, and note 4; and WINCKLER, Unters., p. 120. [K. 4668] Portion out of the middle, 33 in. by 2 in.; 12 + 7 lines. Part of an omentext. Mention is made of Assurbanipal (I ''- H). [K. 4669] Portion of the left half, 2½in. by 1 -in.; 19 + 13 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king concerning offerings, etc. Mention is made of XMerodachbaladan ([i ok] <(tY ^-kr a; obverse, line 12; cf. line 8). [K. 4670] * Partly effaced.




Portion of the left half, 2kin. by sin.; traces of 9 + 14 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king, probably bearing on public affairs. [K. 4671] Left-hand corner, 2-in. by 1in.; 5 + 7 lines. List of officials, etc. [K. 4672] Portions, 3-in. by 1 in.; 31 + 4 + 26 lines; Babylonian. Letter to the king (>-,X concerning the transport (?) of animals, etc. Mention is made ofY Y>¢-=* , J jyA_ , T -- _:

Portion of the right half, 3in. by 1-in.; 14 t-16 lines. Part of a geographical inscription, probably a report. Mention is made of 4 >YVY, etc. y ~~ yxy< d >yyyy T-- 47-YY { YA~I; the city of )-Ty [K. 4675] Portions, 16in. by 1lin.; 3 + 9 lines. Part of a letter to the king. [K. 4676]


Portion out of the middle, 2in. by l1in.; ..... + 11 lines; division-marks. Part of a letter on public affairs. Mention is made of the city of

[K. 4677]

-E [* U?].*

M >_YY

Lower portion, 2. in. by 1lin.; 14 + 18 - (left-hand edge) 3 lines. Letter to the king concerning the images of Sargon in a temple, etc.; cf. reverse, lines 11 f.:--

In nt

T$ wV van r << 7y~ ^HeF [rea -> v?]

4 Mention is made of Y > '-r 4A>-ym 4 v id A U

V -Yy







and of the priest (m_ Ad) [K. 4678]

Lower portion, right half, 13in. by 7in.; 14 + 1 + 12 lines. Letter to the king. [K. 4679] Portions, 21in. by lin.; 13 + 2 +9 lines. Letter to the king concerning the requisition of x-ykt >TATY-, "news about the palace" (&>; ft: f [K. 4680] >-H), etc. '-(yY¶-YY Upper portion, 2in. by lin.; 12 + 8 + 3 lines; Babylonian. Part of an address to Sargon II., beginning:[>TY

H>Y 7VGi


s AMnt-1? >4 ; Mention of y >-+ <<< >( y (var.: 7 VOL. IT is ~ made-Bb~

g H E



47 7; >P-Y >Y





A, $Cy + S



Y, Y .

-~v( ~) andP Y ->y=* 41?I

- [K. 4682]

-C. V_~~j;.. Cf. supra, pp. 51, 368, KK. 194, 1907. VOL. II.

4 P



Portions, 3in. by lin.; 16 + 22 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter on [K. 4684] public affairs. Mention is made of Assyria (% >>- :V). lines in three Fragment of the left half, 3¼in. by 2}in.; 25 + ......... columns. Portion of an explanatory list with glosses. For the text [K. 4685] see W.A.I. V, 19, No. 3. lines. ............ Upper portion of one side, 3 in. by 3in.; 22 + 8 + 8 List of personal and geographical proper names, probably relating to [K. 4686] contributions. Fragment of the lower portion, 21in. by lin.; 6 + 7 lines. Inscription of Assurbanipal concerning his war in Arabia; cf. K. 2732 (above, [K. 4687] p. 470), Column VIII, lines 22 ff. 17 + 4 + 14 + (left-hand edge) 1 lines. Part of Portions, 2iin. by 1in.; a letter concerning the transport of horses, etc. Mention is made of 4688] ft ¢>v~[K.. I Hi-$A Am Portion out of the middle, 1lin. by lin.; 12 + 13 lines. Part of a letter [K. 4689] to the king, probably concerning religious matters. Upper portion, 2in. by l1in.; 12 + 11 lines. Part of a letter to the king from Y >-YI (and ..... * Mention is made of Y =4-- ; . [K. 4690] Lower portion, 2in. by 1½in.; 14+ 1 + 9 lines. Part of a letter to the [K. 4691] king concerning the transport of animals. Complete "tablet" of a case-tablet, lapin. by Private contract dated: -r y << 4 Ai 4-(?).t Portions, 21in. by Hlin.; 12 + traces of 3 lines. :<>YI . king from y -4-


in.; 5 + 2 + 6 + 2 lines. (?)t
Part of a letter to the [K. 4693]

Portions, 33in. by 3in.; 21 + 22 lines in double-columns; Forecasts (?).

Babylonian. [K. 4694]

Left-hal;f upper portion of obverse, 2 in. by 1 in.; 12 +..... of a letter to the king concerning the Akkadians (G f

lines. Part Y )'

[K. 4695] Lower portion, 23in. by loin.; 13 + 3 lines. Part of an omen-text relating the son _ , to public affdirs. Mention is made of [y -4-+?] <<<( = of ([v~]: ) T -4- 1-E' AlW ; Saosduchinos (yV _>-< Y 4); _A <]y <_E); cf. G. SMITH, Assurb., p. 184. and the city of Ur (I The text of reverse, which is written in smaller characters than that of [K. 4696] obverse, contains a date. *

Cf. sutpra, p. 121, K. 518.

t Partly effaced.




Left-half, 1-in. by lin.; 5 + 4 + 5 + 4 + (left-hand edge) 6 lines in: cuneiform characters which are neither Assyrian nor Babylonian, but appear to be identical with those of the second Column of the trilingual Akhaemenian Inscriptions. Uncertain.* For similar texts see above, p. 267, K. 1325, and below, K. 4713; Sm. 691, Sm. 2144; Rm. 552; 48, 7-20, 118; 81, 2-4, 137; 83, 1-18, 307; 83, 1-18, 480; and 89, 4-26, 15. [K. 4697] Portion of the right half, 3in. by 1-in.; 19 + 10 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king concerning public affairs. Mention is made of

y-$ -e >sitY` (?); Left-hand corner, l- in. by

f Y1V < ElY , etc.

[K. 4698]

in.; 4 + 3 + 6 lines.

Fragment of a letter. [K. 4700]-

Upper portion, 14in. by l in.; 8 +.....lines. Part of a letter to the king from '( t> 1k;, concerning (the transport of) oxen (aft H ). [K. 4701] Left half, 2-in. by 13in.; 14 + 5 lines; Babylonian. Omens concerning the >-- (cf. supra, p. 570, K. 3846), and geometrical (?) figures; see above, pp. 403, 573, KK. 2086, 3879 a. [K. 4702] Right-hand corner, 1lin. by 3in.; 6 + 2 lines.

from [ -+ <- YV (?)t 1- [

Part of a letter to the king

tk?]. t

Upper portion, right half, l in. by lin.; 11 + 7 + 3 lines. to the king from [y] t$t -+ 4 _ y .


[K. 4703] Part of a letter [K. 4704]

Fragment of the case of a case-tablet, lin. by -in.; 7 lines which belong to a private contract.

[K. 4705]

Lower portion, 14in. by1 in.; 10 + 2 + 12 lines; in line 6 of reverse are division-marks. Part of a letter to the king on private affairs (requisition of corn, etc.).

[K. 4706]

Upper portion, 2in. by lin.; 11 + 4 lines, probably containing a private note. [K. 4707] Left half, upper portion, l in. by jin.; 5 + 1 + (edge) 1 lines; Babylonian. Part of an astrological report from Y->j
4 P2



Right half of obverse, 2in. by 2 in.; 9 +..... lines in archaic characters. Historical inscription of an ancient Babylonian king, beginning:-

'>- W yJ-Y s- Y S #gpray(?) -Y



o t



For the text see W.A.I. IV, 35, No. 8, and LENORMANT, Cl1oix, p. 158, No. 68.

Cf. DELITZSCH, Kossder, p. 69, note 1; and BEZOLD, Lit., p. 53,

§ 27, note 1.

[K. 4709]

Left-hand corner, 1-in. by 1lin.; 5 + 4 + (edge) 1 on private affairs.

Part of a letter lines. [K. 4710]

Portion out of the middle, 1-in. by lin.; 6 + 2 lines. * on private matters.

Part of a letter [K. 4711]

Left-hand corner, lin.


in.; 7 + 2 + 6 lines.


[K. 4712]

Portion of the left half, 15in. by 1Iin.; 10 + .... + (left-and edge) 3 lines in cuneiform characters which appear to be identical with those of the second Column of the trilingual Akhaemenian Inscriptions; cf. supra, p. 655, K. 4697. Uncertain. [K. 4713] Left half, 1 in. by 1in.; 12 + (edge) 3 + 13 + (edge) 3 lines; Babylonian. List of temples, etc., and of the gods worshipped therein. The obverse begins: >< ^4 ET [ ->
Part of a A. [K. 4716] Left half, lower portion, 1lin. by 1lin.; 6 + 5 lines; Babylonian. Omens, and a prayer, probably to be used for the benefit of sick people.

[K. 4717] Left half, 3in. by 1ain.; 15 + 14 lines. probably belonging to a report.

List of persons, with sums total, [K. 4718]

Portion of the right half, 2-in. by 1in.; 16 + 5 lines. Part of a letter to the king relating to the work of embanking some river or canal. Lower portion, 23in. by lin.; 4 + 1 + 5 lines; Babylonian. omen-text, probably relating to public affairs. # The lines on obverse and reverse are written in the same direction. + Restored from the following lines.

[K. 4719] Part of an [K. 4720]



Upper portion, left half, l1in. by 1-in.; 15 + 8 lines; Babylonian. Prayers to Samas and Rammdn. Lines 6 ff. of reverse belong to the colophon. [K. 4721] Fragment of the right half, 2in. by l in.; 13 + ..... lines. List of names of persons. [K. 4722] Fragment of the lower portion of one side, 2in. by 1Din.; 9 + 5 lines. Probably part of a text containing forecasts. [K. 4723] Lower portion, 17in. by 1 in.; 10 + 2 + 9 lines. Part of a letter to the king concerning private affairs. Mention is made of the land of ' 7,- 1 "Y A and of the city of >- yy t-k _. [K. 4724] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1 in.; on obverse 8 lines in Babylonian; on reverse 3 lines in Babylonian and 2 lines in Assyrian. Forecasts. [K. 4725] Right-hand corner, lin. by "in.; 4 + traces of 2 + 5 lines; Babylonian. Part of a private contract (?). [K. 4726] Portion out of the middle, 23in. by 2-in.; 17 + 20 lines. ceremonies to obtain magical results from stones.

Directions for [K. 4727]

Lower portion, 3in. by 2{in.; 11 + 12 lines; Babylonian. Omens relating to public affairs. Mention is made of Assurbanipal (reverse, line 4: Y H- 4k Ad ty). Lines 8-10 of reverse, which are written in small Assyrian characters, contain a date: <(,y-y t&: Y. [K. 4728] Lower portion, 3 in. by 31in.; 26 + 27 + 24 . ......... + 6 + 22 lines. List of the names of members of various families, and their property, etc., similar to that of K. 2017; cf. supra, p. 386 f. [K. 4729] Portions, 3-in. by 2}in.; 24 + 26 lines. Inscription of Sennacherib concerning religious subjects (oracles, etc.). Mention is made of his father Sargon (! H ). [K. 4730] Portion of the left half, 45 in. by 21in.; 25 + traces of 8 lines. text containing directions for ceremonies.

Copy of a [K. 4731]

Fragment of the left half, 2in. by lin.; 8 + 4 lines. Part of a religious inscription, probably a charm to be engraved upon stone; cf. the colophon (reverse, lines 1 ff.):<-


D.Y <-M1]|i

WU7 t Y; <m O+

Act Adll


m 4· 4I.

[K. 4732]




Fragment of the left half, 2in. by l in.; ..... + 13 lines; Babylonian. Prayers to Samas and Ramm.nn. Line 6 forms a colophon-line:~V-"H



[K. 4733]


Portions, 25in. byi'lin.; 18 + 7 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter to the < king [ _(?)] \5 '1) from Yf~-~Y .> x4. Mention is made of the city of Babylon (-ykt _ 4 fTy). [K. 4734] Right-hand corner, 1Vin. by 1rin.; 10 + ..... having an interlinear Assyrian version.


Portion of a prayer [K. 4735]

xin.; 7 + 5 + (edge) 3 lines; Babylonian. BeUpper portion, l in. by + ginning and end of a letter to the king ([ 3 ?] \1 A) from Y->7-l ] A)
lines; Babylonian. [K. 4738]

9 +.....

by Ein.; 7 + 4 + 8 lines; Babylonian. Part [K. 4739]

10 + 4 + 12 lines; Babylonian. Lower portion, right half, 1Nin. bytin.; Part of a letter to the king. Mention is made of [ y->q< ?] __y and of [ ? <
(?) ]^4-

Fragment of the left half, l in. by Portion of a religious (?) text.

, and his son

in.; .....


-Y Z.

[K. 4740] + 14 lines; Babylonian. [K. 4741]

Upper portion, left half, 1-in. by in.; 9+ 8 + 3 lines. money, probably contributions. Mention is made of

List of sums of Y>-y_ e~. [K. 4742]

Part of a letter to the king. [K. 4743] Left-hand corner, 11in. by sin.; 8 + 1 + 8 lines. List of objects and of the persons to whom they are to be delivered. Probably part of a report. [K. 4744] Upper portion, lin. by lin.; 5 + 7 + 3 lines; Babylonian. Part of a [K. 4745] _4y ; dg. letter, or report, from Y Upper portion, 1^in. by lin.; 10 + 9 + 3 lines.

lines. List of persons, Portions of obverse, 4-in. by 31in.; 25 + ..... i.e., soldiers. It begins:probably officers, "and their people,"

[Y] ^4 + mY] -+,q
< YA (4 <
;4 -] >-.

[ [61 M ?]

[?] [K. 4746]



Left half, upper portion of reverse, 35in. by 3kin.; .......... + short beginnings of 5 + 27 lines. Regulations for making offerings. [K. 4747] Portions, 28in. by 1lin.; 18 +3 + traces of 4 lines; Babylonian. Part of an address to the king concerning public affairs. Mention is made of y_Y-- 4 -[yTy?]; and the kings YV > y=] X <[ -?]; the city of of Elam and Assur. [K. 4748] Left-hand corner, 2 in. by 1iin.; 6 + 14 lines. Portion of a mythological text. [K. 4749] Lower portion, right half, 2-in. by 1-in.; .......... + 12 + 14 + 15 + 14 + .......... lines. List of objects, probably serving for offerings. [K. 4750] Portion of the right half, 28in. by 28in.; ..... + 11 lines. Copy of a text containing directions for ceremonies to obtain magical results from stones. [K. 4751] Portion out of the middle, 3in. by 1 in.; 16 + 12 lines; division-marks. Part of a letter to the king. Mention is made of Y -4- =_-¥-o ~ a-y. [K. 4752] Portion of the right half, 25in. by 2in.; .............. + 3 + 15 + 9 (+..........?) lines. List of names of persons, probably relating to religious offices. [K. 4753] Left-hand corner, 3Win. by liin.; 7 +.............. (+ ..... +. ?) + 3 + 7 + ..... lines. List of the names of the members of various families, and their property, etc., similar to that of K. 2017; cf. supra, p. 386 f. [K. 4754] Portion out of the middle, 2-in. by 2 in.; .... + 12 lines in archaic characters. Historical inscription of an ancient Babylonian king. Mention is made of gi -- -


[lt>y ??].


For the text see W.A.I. IV, 35,

No. 7, and LENORMANT, Clhoix, p. 155, No. 66. Cf. G. SMITH, TS.B.A., Vol. I, p. 37; Rec., Vol. III, p. 13; and MENANT, Bab. et la CA., p. 95. [K. 4755] Portion, 27in. by 1-in.; traces of 3 + 5 lines; division-marks. letter, or report.

Part of a [K. 4756]

Upper portion, left half, 2¼in. by 11in.; 1 (edge) + 19 + 19 + 2 lines. Part of a letter to the king from gd ~ Jy concerning religious matters. Mention is made of y yyand of the city of Nineveh (S-y y__,var.: ~ y~ f). [K. 4757] *

Cf. the next paragraph.




Upper portion, 2in. by lin.; 7 12 + 1 lines. Part of a letter to the king from Y d E ' 'E> \ concerning religious matters. The introduction is the same as on the preceding tablet. [K. 4758] Portion out of the middle, 2iin. by 2in.; ..... + 16 lines in three columns. List of forms of official titles. Partly duplicate of K. 4344 (see above, p. 621). For the text see W.A.I. V, 32, No. 3. [K. 4759] Upper portion, 1 in. by 11in.; 15 + traces of 3 lines. the king from Y( -; r--q-' Y <EY [Y YY ?].*

Part of a letter to [K. 4760]

Upper portion, left half, 4 in. by 3in.; 20 + 3 + + traces of 4 + 10 lines. List of contributions (?). Fragment out of the middle of reverse, 1,in. by 1 in.; Portion of a letter to the king. Portion out of the middle of reverse, 3in. by Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king. Portions, lin.



12 + 1 + 5 lines.

Mention is made of the city of >-yTy -¶

........+.. [K. 4761] .. ..+ 13 lines.

[K. 4762]

in.; .....

+ 19 lines; [K. 4763]

Part of a letter to the king. _yy<.

[K. 4764]

Fragment of the upper portion, 2in. by lin.; 13 + .... to the king.


Letter [K. 4765]

Fragment of the lower portion, 33in. by 1Iin.; 9 + 12 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king concerning forecasts. Line 1 of obverse, which seems to have been written in Assyrian characters, appears to contain part of a date. [K. 4766] Fragment of the lower portion, 27in. by 2lin.; +.....+....



+ 9 + 11 + 8 + 7 + 10

List of names of the members of various

families, and their property, etc., similar to that of K. 2017; cf. supra, p. 386 f. [K. 4767] Fragment of the left half, 2¼in. by in.; 12 + .... ... lines. Forecasts. The lines begin throughout with YAdYgy; cf. supra, p. 431, K. 2311. [K. 4768] Lower portion, 2in. by l1in.; 11 + 3 +5 lines. List of proper names of persons, etc. [K. 4769] Upper portion, 2{in. by 1in.; 15 + traces of 15 + (edge) traces of 2 lines. Part of a letter to the king from y >TTYY -Yyy bYYY [A TYY]t concerning the delivery of horses, etc. [K. 4770] * of. supra, p. 148, K. 660.

t Restored from similar tablets: of. supra, pp. 119 f., 136, 140, 233, 285, KK. 507, 515, 594, 620, 1147, 1413, etc.



Portion of the left half, 2in. by lin.; 9 + traces of 2 lines. sums of money, probably contributions. Upper portion, 2½in. by 2 in.; 10 + 11 +.


List of various [K. 4771]


tributions (?).

List of con-

[K. 4773]

Lower portion, 2in. by 1 in.; 7 + 11 lines. concerning horses.

Part of a private contract [K. 4774]

Portions, 2 in. by 13in.; short ends of 14 + 21 + 3 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king concerning public affairs. Mention is made y YY Ja H, the city of ^f a Af fi, and the land of of [K.4775] [K. yc_ YT &A ^ Lower portion, 2{in. by 13in.; 12 + 18 + (left-hand edge) 1 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king (cf. obverse, line 1) concerning public affairs. Mention is made of y -> <( Y, and of the ~ ~; ->w
Mention is made of




-]P -


TAT ~ -<


-A yW,etc.

[K. 4779]

Portions, 21in. by l in.; 11 + 2 +12 + 1 lines. Part of a letter to the king from [y >-+- , probably concerning religious cere[K. 4780] monies. Fragment of the lower portion, l in. by 1 in.; 8 + short beginnings of 3 lines. Part of a letter (to the king?) concerning astrological obser[K. 4781] vations. .... Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by 1lin.; ..... + 15 +.....+ lines. Directions for ceremonies to obtain magical results from stones. [K. 4782] -VOL. II

4 Q




Portion of the right half, 2½in. by 2in.; ........ + 12 + 17 + 7 + 6 +.......... lines. Part of a list of contributions (?). [K. 4783] Nearly complete, 2in. by 1in.; 11 + 2 + 3 lines.

y , -,:,

Letter to the king from

[K. 4784]


Lower portion, 23in. by 13in.; 17 + 2 + 19 lines. Part of a letter on public affairs, probably addressed to the king. Mention is made of the city of >-¢yy ~-S- Y-. In lines 13 if. of obverse the writer refers to a dream sent by Bel: ....... Y Y~ - VY Y <_ 4 I

s s ? hkg yr+ ) o oEt f Tra iiT b-e I


in 2 eY or

TY --

ev (-.Y_ Ida ie <

< X] y( r[<;

V YYt rel="nofollow"> />-VV >VYV VY




- tY


[K. 47851 Upper portion, 33in. by 3i.; 14 + 13 + 3 lines. Part of a letter to the king from [ah+- ? iS - . Mention M= tp is made of 7 Yl< T [K. 4786] >. .y!y Y >T ,- and Y etc. >><, D4 w

Portions, 4in. by lIin.; 30 +4+26 lines; division-marks. Part of a letter from the king (of Assyria?) to the king of Elam, concerning public affairs. It begins:-

? ]1((?) [4-HY ? M+ 4e mr na « - A <<<



Line 26 of reverse contains a date ([a-n] o f



_>* U 6Y
?] X ).

[K. 4787] Fragment of the upper portion of obverse, 3in.; 4 ..... + ..... ? +..... lines, belonging to a hemerology for the Second Elul. The text corresponds with W.A.I. IV, 2nd ed., pl. 32, Column I, lines 1 ff. [K. 4788] Portion out of the middle, 3cin. by lin.; 21 + 24 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king concerning religious subjects. Mention is made of

Y rel="nofollow">t<] ]<] id, and of the land of Akkad (

) [K. 4789]

Fragment of the lower portion of reverse, 2-2in. by 2in.; from Warka (?); ..... + 7 + 1 lines; Babylonian. Portion of a private contract. In the colophon mention is made of king Demetrius (! $ s -]Y] Ad

[K . 4790]

A)* These restorations are conjectural.



Left half, 3 in. by 1 in.; 15 + 10 lines. from various towns and countries.

List of persons, male and female, [K. 4791]

Upper portion, 2-in. by 13in.; 22 + 22 + (left-hand edge) 1 lines. Part of a letter to the king concerning building in certain temples, decorations of the king's throne. etc. Mention is also made of a message from the king, delivered in the land of Akkad; cf. obverse, lines 11 if.: i 4 E


I TY -4

AgT< E

<1 E SY -OY< -vY (?) I ?t s ? t >> + - - _)<MEg-Y*


77[ Ba



Upper portion, left half, 2 in. by 2in.; 10 + 15 lines; Babylonian. Address to Assurbanipal (y >- , _ 4 ~ t) concerning public affairs. [K. 4793] Portions, 2½in. by lin.; 7 + 7 lines. List of the numbers of prayers to be recited (or offerings to be made) before various gods. [K. 4794] Lower portion, l-in. by tin.; 8 + 3 lines; Babylonian. Part of a SumeroAkkadian hymn to the Sun-god; cf. line 8 of obverse, which appears to form a colophon-line:-

Yf* ; ;+ 0



[K. 4795]

Left-half, 38in. by l in.; 22 + 3 + 23 + 3 lines; Babylonian. Portion of a letter to the king on public affairs. Mention is made of Ummanigas

(Y^n ]T ^]^

<< «1


£a), Saosduchinos (I r- y rNYX ¢ C T Y+ >4
-di A-Y; the city of



z^ Ad -

pp. 149, 204. Portion out of the middle, 2 in. by lHin.; 8 +....

4> <4 :[


[:]U§; the · Ad Cf. G. SMITH, Assurb., [K. 4796] . lines.

List of offerings. [K. 4797]

Lower portion, 13in. by tin.; 5 + 6 lines. Explanatory list of names of vessels, with glosses. Duplicate of 80, 7-19, 193 (q.v.), Column I, [K. 4798] lines 9 ff. Right half, 2in. by lin.; 11 + 3 + 12 lines. probably addressed to the king.

Portion of a letter, or report, [K. 4799]

* Partly effaced. t These restorations are conjectural. t Attempted restoration from KK. 954, 1167, 1366; cf. supra, pp. 199, 237, 277. § Restored from K. 961; cf. supra, p. 201.

4 Q2






Lower portion, 2-in. by 1lin.; 16 + 1 + 17 lines; Babylonian. Part of a > letter to the king. Mention is made of Y ~-y -:yT my -(. [K. 4800] Portion out of the middle, 2in. by 1 in.; 12 +..... to the king.


Part of a letter [K. 4801]

Portion of the left half; 2¼in. by lin.; 9 + 4 lines; Babylonian. Part of a report concerning public affairs, of the class described above, p. 259 f., K. 1288. [K. 4802] Portion out of the middle, 3-in. by 2-in.; 21 + 18 lines. Incantations, and a hymn to the Sun-god. Duplicate of K. 3343 (see above, p. 524) + K. 5002, reverse, lines 9 ff. The text is published in the first and second editions of W.A.I. IV, 28, No. 1; transliterated by HALEVY, Doc. rel., pp. (132) ff.; and translated by LENORMANT, Les prem. civil., Vol. II, p. 165 f.; Etudes ace., Vol. III, pp. 138 ff.; 239; Jouqrn. asiat., Ser. VII, t. 13, 1879, pp. 84 ff.; Rec., Vol. XI, p. 124; DELITZSCH, in G. SMITH'S Chald. Gen., G. E., p. 284 f.; and SAYCE, Hibb. Lect., p. 499 f. Cf. also DELITZSCH, Lit. Ctrlbl., 1887, col. 543; and W:B., pp. 13, 129, 138 f., 263, 278, 363,419. For another duplicate see below, K. 11789. [K. 4803] Portion out of the middle, 3in. by 2in.; 8 + 11 +.....+..... lines. Incantations and ceremonies used to obtain magical results from stones. [K. 4804] Upper portion, 21in. by 1 in.; 5 + 10 + (left-hand edge) 1 lines. Part of a private contract. [K. 4805] Portions, 4-in. by 4in.; 31 + 34 + 29 + 27 lines. Hymns with an interlinear Assyrian version, and ceremonies. According to the colophon they form a tablet of the Series >pY Ad J; cf. supra, p. 451, K. 2529. The text is published in the first and second editions of W.A.I. IV, 23, No. 1; transliterated by HALEVY, Doc. rel., pp. (110) ff; and translated by LENORMANT, La magie, pp. 157 ff.; and SAYCE, IEibb. Lect., p. 495 f. See also BEZOLD, Acad., 1888, No. 841, p. 417. [K. 4806] Portion out of the middle, 5-in. by 42in.; 33 + 43 lines. Part of a hymn with an interlinear Assyrian version, which appears to be written in celebration of a Babylonian king. A portion of the text is published, and restored from the duplicates K. 1832 (see above, p. 357) and K. 8269 (q.v.), in the first and second editions of W.A.I. IV, 12 (cf. also 2nd ed., Additions, p. 2); and transliterated by HALEVY, Doc. rel., pp. (68) ff. Cf: also DELITZSCH, V.B., pp. 55 ff. [K. 4807 + Sm. 977]



Lower portion, 4in. by 3'in.; 27 +..... lines in five columns. Part of an explanatory list. Duplicate of K. 4225; see above, p. 607. For the text see HAUPT, Keilschrifdt., p. 185; and Aikk. Spr., pp. IX, XIII. Cf. also PINCHES, J. Roy. As. Soc., Vol. XVI, p. 321; and STRASSMAIER, A. ., [K. 4808] pp. 740, 800, 1031. Portions, 7in. by 3sin.; 25 + 60 lines; partly vitrified. Hymns with an interlinear Assyrian version. The text is published in the first and second editions of W.A.I. IV, 24, No. 1; transliterated by HALEVY, Doc. rel., pp. (116)ff.; and translated by LENORMANT, Les prem. civil., Vol. II, pp. 188 ff.

See also BEZOLD, Lit., p. 311; and DELITZSCH, W.B.,

[K. 4809] p. 153. + 19 lines. Incantations with Right-hand corner, 3|in. by 21in.; ..... an interlinear Assyrian version. For the text see W.A.I. IV, 23, No. 4; [K. 4811] cf. HALEVY, Doc. rel., p. (116). Upper portion of reverse, 3in. by 3in.; ..... + 19 lines. Part of a prayer with an interlinear Assyrian version. For a duplicate see below, p. 668, [K. 4812] K. 4854. Lower portion, right half, 3¼in. by 2iin.; 27 + 25 lines. Incantations, some of which have an interlinear Assyria.n version. Lines 15 f. of reverse are quoted by DELITZSCH, Lesest., 3rd ed., p. 4, note 2.. [K. 4813] Portion of the right half, 4 in. by 2~ in.; 8 + 22 lines. Part of a hymn with an interlinear Assyrian version, which forms, according to the colophon, a tablet of the Series Ay-YA _ ~Y y .he. The catchline reads:f.,P.B.'AfVYol.XL ZO


Cf7.BEZOLD, P.S.B.A., Vol. XI, p. 49, note t.




[K. 48141

Right-hand corner, 23in. by l8in.; 9 + 12 lines. Part of a hymn to Nebo [K. 4815] with an interlinear Assyrian version. Left-hand corner, 21in. by lin.; 7 + 2 lines; division-strokes. Portion of an explanatory text. For the text see BEZOLD, P.S.B.A., Vol. X, [K. 4816 b] No. 2. p. 423, and plate IV, Astrological forecasts. [K. 4817] Fragment of a prismoid, height l1in., one side of the base at least 1 in.; .......... + traces of 2 + 11 lines; on the base portions of two figures representing animals.* Part of an inscription of Sargon I1. The text is published by WINCKLER, Sargon, Vol. II, plate 46, a; cf. ibid., Vol. , p. xII, and Zeits., 1887, p. 137. For similar texts see above, p. 328, [K. 4818] K. 1668a, and below, Sm. 2049, Rm. 2, 92, and 82, 5-22, 8. Left-hand corner, 1- in. by 1 in.; 15 + 12 lines.


For similar representations on the base of a prismoid see Bu. 88, 5-12, Nos. 77,78, and 102.



Portion of the right half, 25in. by 2in.; 20 + ..... lines. Part of a hymn with an interlinear Assyrian version. For the text see W.A.I. IV, 23, No. 3; cf. HALEVY, Doc. rel., p. (115) f. [K. 4819] Fragment of the left half, 25in. by l3in.; 10+ ..... lines. incantations with an interlinear Assyrian version.

Prayers and [K. 4820]

Right-hand corner, 17-in. by 1 in.; 14 + 4 lines. Portion of a hymn with an interlinear Assyrian version. Cf. infra, p. 710, K. 5359. [K. 4821] Portion of the left half, l1in. by 1lin.; 17 + 15 lines; marginally-ruled. Portion of a hymn with an interlinear Assyrian version. Duplicate of K. 4829, q.v. [K. 4822] Fragment of the left half, 2 in. by 1in.; ..... + 11 lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. The contents appear to be similar to those of K. 2505 (supra, p. 449). [K. 4823] Fragment of the right half, 2{in. by 1-in.; ...... + short ends of 11 + 18 +.......... lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. It apparently belongs to the Series Y~y~-~ -M Q

iEr[K. ^S.

Fragment of the right half, 2§in. by lin.; 14 + 11 lines. with an interlinear Assyrian version.

Incantations [K. 4826]

Upper portion, 3 in. by 23in.; traces of 12 + 12 lines. Part of a hymn with an interlinear Assyrian version, which forms, according to the colophon, a tablet of the Series E BUyt y a - >Y -YYY . The catch-line reads:

-A-yy (?)*


' -' TTY "Y



* k>-





P.S.B.A., Vol. XI, p. 49, note +. [K. 4827]

Portions, 5- in. by 2-in.; 32 + 34 lines. Complete copy of a hymn with an interlinear Assyrian version, which forms, according to the colophon, a tablet of the Series ,-- (<&y
Part of hymn [K. 48311

KOUYUNJIK COLLECTION. Left-hand corner, 2 in. by 2 in.; 7+



667 + 7 lines.


for ceremonies (?), and part of a hymn with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 4833] Fragment out of the middle, 13in. by lin.; 6 + . lines. Portion of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. Duplicate of K. 4861 (see below, p. 669), lines 12 ff. [K. 4834] Fragment of the left half, 1lin. by 1lin.; ..... + 9 lines. incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version.

Part of an [K. 4835]

Left-hand corner, 2in. by 2in.; 9 + 2 lines. Prayers in the form of a litany, with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 4836] Portion out of the middle, 3 in. by 3in.; 22 +.... lines. Part of a mythological text with an interlinear Assyrian version. The text is published in the first and second editions of W.A.I. IV, 22, No. 2, transliterated by HALEVY, DoeV. rel., p. (110); and translated by SAYCE, Hibb. Lect., p. 494 f. [K. 4837 + K. 4927] Fragment out of the middle, 1½in. by 1¼in.; 7 + .....


Copy of an

astrological text.

[K. 4838]

Fragment of the right half, 1lin. by l in.; 10 + ..... lines. religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version.

Part of a [K. 4839]

Right-hand corner, l1in. by l3in.; 5 + 12 lines. Incantations with an interlinear Assyrian version. Duplicate of K. 2869 (see above, p. 484), obverse, lines 46 ff. [K. 4840] Fragment of the left half, 2in. by 1 in.; 12 + ....


Prayers and


Right-hand corner, l1in. by l1in.; ..... with an interlinear Assyrian version.

[K. 4841]

+ 7 lines.

Portion of a hymn [K. 4843]

Fragment out of the middle, L1in. by lin.; 6 +.......... lines in doublecolumns. Part of an explanatory list of terms of relationship. [K. 4844 b] Fragment of the upper portion of reverse, 2 in. by 1 in.; . ......... traces of 9 + 14 lines. Portion of a mythological text, part of which has an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 4845] Fragment out of the middle, 2|in. by 1 in.; 1 + 4 + ..... .... + ..... +..... lines. Incantations. Duplicate of K. 2507 (see above, p. 449), Column I, lines 36 ff. [K. 4846] Fragment out of the middle, 23in. by 2in.; 12 +.... lines. incantation (?)-text with an interlinear Assyrian version.

Part of an [K. 4847]





lines in Portion out of the middle, 2 in. by 1 in.; 12 + 14 +.......... double-columns. Part of an explanatory list, with glosses, probably [K. 4848] 4. e '-%;y belonging to the SeriesAg '

11 lines. Fragment of the upper portion of reverse, 2in. by 1-in.; ..... Prayers, in the form of a litany, some of which have an interlinear [K. 4849] Assyrian version. Left-hand corner, 21in. by lin.; 9 + .... with an interlinear Assyrian version.


Portion of a prayer [K. 4850]

Left-hand corner, 23in. by 2 in.; traces of 7 + 10 lines. with an interlinear Assyrian version.

Hymn to Istar [K. 4851]

Left-hand corner, 1in. by 1lin.; 9 + 7 lines; marginally-ruled. Portion [K. 4852] of a hymn with an interlinear Assyrian version. .. Fragment of the upper portion of reverse, 1 in. by 1½in.; ..... + 8 + 10 lines in double-columns. Grammatical paradigms. The subject matter is of a religious character, and similar to that of K. 156 [K. 4853] (above, p. 41). + 15 lines. Portion of a Fragment of the left half, 2§in. by in.; ..... prayer with an interlinear Assyrian version. Duplicate of K. 4812 (see above, p. 665), lines 3 if. The catch-line reads: X[4,Y YTYEy

[K. 4854]

lines. Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by 1¼in.; 9 + 10 +.......... Incantations with an interlinear Assyrian version. They probably [K. 4855] iyf . y
. lines. In[K. 4856]

+ ) traces of 4 + 12 + in.; (..... Fragment of the right half, 2 1il. by Assyrian version. an interlinear with Incantations lines, .......... yj-. One < yH-T They probably belong to the Series ¥yY,~t section begins: x

n$% nlS Tw

-$+god CSTV <M Ad E tY S %YI^

a-$ ->XV% rlS

T-+ 'Y- t


< Mr rig W ky-wT -- YYT; T

Portion out of the middle, 2|in. by 29in.; 15 + .+


m [K. 4857] lines.

Prayers in the form of a litany, with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 4858] *

Partly effaced.



Fragment of the right half, l-in. by l1in.; 10 + ..... lines. Incantations with an interlinear Assyrian version. Duplicate of K. 5139; see below, p. 692. This fragment probably belongs to the same tablet as K. 5317, (see below, p. 707). For the text see W.A.I. IV, 2nd ed., Add., p. 5. [K. 4859] Fragment out of the middle, 2'in. by lin.; 14 + 12 + .... ..... lines. Incantations, some of which have an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 4860] Portion out of the middle, 2 in. by 1 in.; .... + 14 +..... .... .lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. It probably belongs to a tablet of the H- tS--Series. For a duplicate see above, p. 667, K. 4834. [K. 4861] Fragment out of the middle, l- in.; 14 + ......... lines. Portion of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 4862] Portion out of the middle, 1in. by 1in.; short ends of 14 + 13 + .. lines. Incantations with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 4863] Portion

of the


half, 3 in. by 2in.; 21 +



Part of a

mythological text with an interlinear Assyrian version. Mention is made of the god 4-+- -YY< -Y[4,]; cf. infra, p. 696, K. 5187. [K. 4864 + K. 4869] Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by ln 1 in.

10 + ..... . Incantations with an interlinear Assyrian version. K. 3169 (see above, p. 510), Column I, lines 17 if.



Duplicate of [K. 4865]

Left-hand corner, 1½in. by lIin.; 8 + .......... lines. Portion of an incantation with an interlinear Assyrian version. Each sentence begins with ¥JiYy (= iY 1- <, var.: Tyy>). Cf. infra, p. 677, K. 4946. [K. 4866] Fragment out of the middle, 1I in. by I in.; 8 + traces of 2 + ..... +..... lines. Incantations with an interlinear Assyrian version. Duplicate of K. 111; see above, p. 29, and Vol. I, p. xxx. The text corresponds with W.A.I. IV, 2nd ed., plate 15, Column II, lines 4 ff. [K. 4867] Fragment of the left half, 1lin. by 1in.; (.....


lines. List of the beginnings of various incantations. forms the end of an incantation-text.

+ (.....+)


It probably [K. 4868]

Upper half, 6jin. by 6¼in.; 46 + 38 + 23 + 18 + 33 + 23 lines. Incantation s with an interlinear Assyrian version. According to the colophon VOL. II.




< >-I . The text they form the 16th tablet of the Series TJY~is published W.A.I. IV, 5 f., and restored from the duplicates KK. 2406, 2968, 2977, 3122 (see above, pp. 440, 493 f., 505), 4904 (see below, p. 673); Rm. IV, 270, and Sp. 396 in the second edition of this work; cf. also ibid., Additions, p. 1 f.: HAUPT, Keilschriftt., p. 76 f., and ABEL-WINCKLER, Keilschriftt., p. 58. For translations and explanations of the text see G. SMITH, T.S.B.A., Vol. III, p. 458 f.; Disc., pp. 398 if.; and Chald. Gen., pp. 107 ff.; G.E., pp. 99 if., 307; LENORMANT, La magie, p. 171 f.; Etudes acc., Vol. III, pp. 121 ff.; 239; TALBOT, Rec., Vol. V, pp. 161 f.; SCHRADER, HO'llenf., p. 148; OPPERT, Fragm. myth., pp. 20 ff.; HALEVY, Doe. rel., pp. (20) ff; 100 f.; SAYCE, Hibb. Lect., pp. 463 ff.; and TELONI, Crest., pp. 71 if.; 110 f. For other duplicates see below, pp. 693, 701, etc., K. 5156, K. 5238, Sm. 1448; 81, 2-4, 410b, etc. Cf. also p. 699, [K. 4870] K. 5220. Portions, 6in. by 5-in.; 44 + 41 +.....




with an interlinear Assyrian version, apparently belonging to the Series . Column I begins:_ Yf yj-y:zYy -


,f .-

-VT<;s- LT ]-^ tY P




Lines 4 and 5 of Column I are quoted by PINCHES, Bab. Rec., Vol. III, [K. 4871] p. 24. Portions, 93in. by 6in.; 80 + 78 + 78 + 45 lines. Incantations and hymns to the Sun-god, etc., with interlinear Assyrian versions. The text is published W.A.I. V, 50 f.; cf. also HAUPT, Keilschriftt., pp. 187 f., 193 t; and STRASSMAIER, A.V., pp. 516, 535, 550, 723. 729, 742, 749, 797, 840, 916, 951, 1070 (Column I); 205, 518, 798, 865, 867, 893, 909, 913, 930, 936, 980, 998, 1036, 1108, 1116 (Column II); 536, 640, 832, 932, 1030, 1032, 1046, 1109 (Column III); 956 (Column IV). For translations and explanations see DELITZSCH, in LOTZ'S Tigl., pp. 167 f. 170, note 2; HAUPT, V. Or.-Cgr., p. 281; BERTIN, T.S.B.A., Vol. VII, p. 377; BEZOL), Ltr. Ctrlbl., 1883, col. 618; Zeits., 1884, p. 199, note 1; and SAYCE, Hibb. Lect., pp. 363, 515 ff. For duplicates see above, pp. 647, 666, KK. 4610 and 4830, and below, pp. 675, 681, 687, 691, 701, K. 4922, K. 4986, K. 5069, K. 5135, and K. 5248; cf. also p. 700, K. 5233. [K. 4872 + Rm. 110] Portion out of the middle, 41in. by 3-in.; 14 + 11 lines. Incantations with an interlinear Assyrian version, and directions for ceremonies. [K. 4873] Restored according to the lines that follow. t Read "Rm. 110," instead of Rm. 610.




Right half, 41in. by 2½in.; 39 + 29 lines. Portion of a mythological text with an interlinear Assyrian version. The obverse begins:-

=,~,,-,,,O-RYX,>,YY<M < vA < Y

r& Y < YY y,<( YW

-. Y

The catch-line reads:-


y];; (?) aiyyy >Ty-




The text is translated by SAYcE, Hibb. Lect., p. 511 f. Cf. ibid., pp. 169, note 1; 454, notes 3 and 4; DELITZSCH, in LOTZ'S Tigl., pp. 149, 181; W.B., pp. 286, 369; and HAUPT, Zeits., 1885, p. 269. [K. 4874] Portion out of the middle, 4¼in. by 3¼in.; 18 + 17 + 17 + 12 lines. Incantations, some of which have an interlinear Assyrian version. Two

sections end with



[K. 4875]

Right-hand corner, 26in. by 1lin.; ..... + 3 + 7 + traces of 4 lines in double-columns. Portion of an explanatory list arranged in groups according to the meanings of the Assyrian words. Lines 1-5 of Column III are quoted by STRASSMAIER, A. V., p. 989, No. 7996. [K. 4876] Portion out of the middle, 2in. by in.; 16 +.... . lines. Part of a prayer in the form of a litany, with an interlinear Assyrian version.

[K. 48771 ..... Portion out of the middle, 2½in. by 1in.; short ends of 8 + 19 + ..... lines. Part of a mythological text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 4878] Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by 15in.; 12 4-....lines. hymn with an interlinear Assyrian version.

Portion of a [K. 4879]

Fragment of the left half, 2 in. by 2in.; 19 +..... lines. Part of a prayer in the form of a litany, with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 4880] Fragment of the right half, 21 in. by 1lin.; 9 + ..... lines. Portion of a mythological text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 4882] Fragment of the upper portion, 1 in. by 1 in.; 14 + ..... lines. Portion of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K 4883] Left-hand corner, 1- in. by 1 in.; 9 + .... interlinear Assyrian version.


Part of a hymn with an [K. 4884]

in.; 14 + ..... Fragment out of the middle, 2 in. by hymn with an interlinear Assyrian version.


Portion of a [K. 4885] 4 R 2




Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by lA-in.; .... + ..15 +..... .... lines. Incantations with an interlinear Assyrian version. Duplicate of K. 111; see above, p. 29, and Vol. I, p. xxx. The text corresponds with W.A.I. IV, 2nd ed., pl. 15, Column II, lines 29 ff. [K. 4886] Fragment of the upper portion of one side, l1in. by lin.; 15 + ..... lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 4887] Fragment out of the middle, 1-iin. by 1 in.; 10 + . lines. Portion of an incantation(?)-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 4888] Fragment of the right half, 2 7in. by I in.; ( .... +) .... + 15 (+ ..... ) lines. Portion of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 4890] Fragment of the left half, lin. by lin.; 11 + ..... lines. Portion of a prayer in the form of a litany, with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 4891] Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by 1-in.; 12 + .......... lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. The text of lines 9 ff. corresponds with that of K. 2507 (see above, p. 449), Column I, lines 37 ff. [K. 4892] Fragment of the left half, 1-in. by 1 in.; 10 + ..... with an interlinear Assyrian version.

lines. Part of a hymn [K. 4893]

Fragment of the left half, lIin. by lin.; 7 + .......... lines. mythological text with an interlinear Assyrian version.

Part of a [K. 4895]

Fragment of the left half, lin. by lin.; 11 + ..... lines. Portion of a prayer in the form of a litany, with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 4896] Fragment of the left half, 1.3 in. by tin.; 5 +..... with an interlinear Assyrian version.


Part of a hymn [K. 4897]

Upper portion of reverse, 41in. by 48in.; traces of 4 + 21 lines. Part of a mythological text with an interlinear Assyrian version. The text of lines 1-14 of reverse is published in the first and second editions of W.A.I. IV, 27, No. 2 (cf. also 2nd ed., Add., p. 6); transliterated by HALEVY, Doc. 'el., p. (129); and translated by LENORMANT, Les prem. civil., Vol. II, pp. 174 ff.; La magie, p. 157; SAYCE, Rec., Vol. XI, p. 131 f.; and Hibb. Lect., p. 362. See also STRASSMAIER, A. V., p. 983; and DELITZSCH, W.B., p. 368.

[K. 48198]



lines. Part of a Lower portion of obverse, 3 in. by 31in.; 18 +..... prayer with an interlinear Assyrian version. The text is published ill the first and second editions of W.A.I. IV, 27, No. 3; transliterated by HALEVY, Doc. rel., p. (129) f.; and translated. with additions from the parallel text K. 4934 (see below, p. 676), by ZIMMERN, Bussps., pp. 85 ff.; and SAYCE, Hibb. Lect., p. 526; cf. also DELITZSCH, W.B., pp. 237, 239, 405. For a duplicate to lines 7 if. see above, p. 541, K. 3517, and for another, to lines 9 ff., below, p. 675, K. 4921. Cf. also supra, p. 652, K. [K. 4899] 4662, and infra, p. 693, K. 5153. Incantations Portion out of the middle, 4in. by 3lin.; .... . + 33 lines. with an interlinear Assyrian version. The text of lines 8 ff. corresponds with that of K. 4949 (see below, p. 678), lines 6 ff., and the text of lines 21 ff. forms a duplicate of K. 2869 (see above, p. 484), reverse, lines 1 ff. [K. 4900 + K. 5367] Cf. DELITZSCH, in BEZOLD'S Lit., p. 312. Lower portion, 3 in. by 14in.; 8 + 10 lines. Incantations with an interDuplicate of K. 1284 (see above, p. 258f.), linear Assyrian version. [K. 4901] obverse, lines 23 ff. 2in.; 20 + 8 lines. Portion of a hymn to Nebo with Left half,- in. by 2in. an interlinear Assyrian version. The text is published il the first and second editions of W.A.I. IV, 14, No. 3; transliterated by HALEVY, Doc. rel., p. (76); and translated by LENORMANT, Les prei,. civil.,Vol. II, p. 184 f.; Etudes ace., Vol. II, pp. 107 ff.; Vol. III, pp. 37 if.; 236; and SAYCE, Hibb. Lect., p. 488. See also DELITZSCH, W.B., pp. 231 f., 264. [K. 4902] (+. .) ..... + 42 + 20 +... Right half, 57in. by 2gin.; (.... lines. Portion of a religious text, part of which has an interlinear Assyrian version. Lines 13 ff. of the obverse form a parallel text to K. 4950; see below, p. 678. The text, is published in the first and second editions of W.A.I. IV, 30, No. 2; transliterated by HALEVY, Doe. rel., p. (144) f.; and translated by SAYCE, Hibb. Lect., p. 503 f. See also DELITZSCH, in LOTZ'S Tigl., p. 171, n. 1; W.B., pp. 153 f., 173, 177, 196 f., 307, 466; HAUPT, Keilschrliftt., p. 190 f.; SAYCE, Zeits., 1885, p. 8; BEZOLD, ibid., p. 71, note 1; 1887, p. 459; and JENSEN-ZIMMERN, ibid., [K. 4903 + Sm. 2148] 1888, p. 201. Portions, 6 in. by 4in.; 14 + 39 lines; Babylonian. Incantations with an interlinear Assyrian version, which form a portion of the 16th tablet Duplicate of K. 4870; see above,



24 + 5 Lower portion, left half, 5in. by 5in.; 26 + 35 +.....+.....+ Duplicate version. Assyrian lines. Incantations with an interlinear The text of obverse corresponds with of K. 111; see above, p. 29. W.A.I. IV, 2nd ed., plate 15, lines 55, a ff.; 62, b ff. For the text of reverse see W.A.T. IV, 2nd ed., plate 15*. See also below, p. 690, [K. 4905 + D.T. 150 + Rm. 243] K. 5120. +.:+ (+.) Left-hand corner, 2in. by ltin.; 7 +..... Incantations with an interlinear Assyrian version. lines. obverse begins:*





?L]. .[Yy, BYT


6... The

[K. 4906]

Left-hand corner, 1in. by in.; ..... + 12 lines. Portion of a mytho[K. 4907] logical text with an interlinear Assyrian version. Fragment out of the middle, 2 in. by 2 in.; 17 + ... .

Portion of


[K. 4908]

a prayer, part of which has an interlinear Assyrian version. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by l in.; 9 an incantation-text. Fragment out of the middle,


+ ..

by 1 in.; 9 + .

* lines. .....


. .

Part of [K. 4909]

Portion of a


[K. 4910]

religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version.

lines. IncanFragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1 in.; 14 +......... tations with an interlinear Assyrian version, which probably belong to

the Series IY


[K. 4911]

13 lines. Fragment of the left half, 2in. by 13in. .... with an interlinear Assyrian version, and prayers.

Incantations [K. 4912]

lines. 8 + ......... Right-hand corner, 1-in. by 1 in.; (.±...+) Portion of a mythological text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 4913] .. . + 9 ..... Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1 in.; .... lines. Incantations concerning spirits, with an interlinear Assyrian [K. 4914] version. Cf. supra, pp. 486, 511, KK. 2893, 3179, etc. Fragment of the upper portion of one side, l1in. by lin.;



. .+

6 lines.

Part of a mythological text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 4915] lines. 18 +.... Portion out of the middle, 2 in. by 1in.; incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. * One sign appears to be erased by the scribe.

Part of an [K. 4916]




Left-hand corner, 1in. by 18in.; 4 +.......... lines. Part of an incantation (?)-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 4917] Fragment out of the middle, 15-in. by lin.; 14 + ......... cantations with an interlinear Assyrian version.

lines. In[K. 4918]

Fragment of the lower portion of one side, lin. by 1'in.; 6 + ..... lines. Part of a hymn (?) with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 4919] Portion out of the middle, l1in. by lIin.; 15 + ..... lines. incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version.

Part of an [K. 4920]

Fragment of the lower portion of obverse, l1in. by I]in.; 10 + ..... lines. Part of a prayer with an interlinear Assyrian version. Duplicate of K. 4899; see above, p. 673. [K. 4921] Fragment out of the middle, l1in.; 7 + 8 + ......... lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. Duplicate of K. 4872 (see above, p. 670), Column I, lines 30 ff.; Column II, lines 40 ff. [K. 4922] Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by la-in.; 11 + ......... lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 4923] Left-hand corner, 26in. by 2kin.; 14 + 4 lines. Portion of a religious text, with an interlinear Assyrian version, which begins:tmTY t-n


bt^i>k-4 E


TY ->>Y>-^y y l 4y- y". Upper portion, 3in. by 2in.; 15 + 9 lines. "Incomplete"' mythological text with an interlinear Assyrian version.

[K. 4924] copy of a [K. 4925]

Portion out of the middle, 31 in. by 3in.; 21 + ..... lines. Part of a prayer with an interlinear Assyrian version. Lines 9-15 and 17 f. are quoted by HAUPT, Keilschriftt., p. 180, No. IV. [K. 4926]

Portion of the left half, 4in. by 3in.; 15 + 13 +.... tations with an interlinear Assyrian version.

+ 8 lines.

Incan[K. 4928]

Portion of the left half, 35in. by 3in.; .... +.... + 13 + 10 lines. Incantations, prayers and ceremonies. A colophon-line reads ef. supra, p. 531, K. 3422. | iZ 4C[ad ] [K. 4929] Fragment of the right half, 2in. by liin.; ..... + 14 lines which probably belong to a religious text. [K. 4930>





Cf. supra, p. 474, note *.




Lower portion, 4 lin. by 3in.; 26 + 22 lines. Prayers with an interlinear Assyrian version. The text is published by HAUPT, Keilschriftt., p. 116 f., No. 15, and translated Akkad. Spr., p. XXXV; by ZIMMERN, Bussps., pp.

33 ff.;

SAYCE, Hibb. Lect., pp. 336,

521 ff.; and A. JEREMIAS, Jzdubar-Nimrod (Leipzig 1891), p. 58 f. See also HAUPT, Zeits., 1885, p. 281; BEZOLD, ibid., p. 192; STRASSMAIER, A.E, pp. 690, 692, 732, 844, 1106; DELITZSCH, Gramm., §§ 79a, 81 b, 91, and W.B., pp. 378,

405, 412, 430, 433.

[K. 4931]

Lower portion of obverse, 3¼in. by 2in.; 20 + 22 + . Part of a prayer with an interlinear Assyrian version.

..........lines. [K. 4932]

Portion out of the middle, 4in. by 37 in.; 24 + 15 lines. Prayer in the form of a litany, with an interlinear Assyrian version. The text is published in the first and second editions of W.A.I. IV, 18, No. 2 (cf. also 2nd ed., Add., p. 3); transliterated by HALEVY, Doc. rel., p. (92) f.; and translated by SAYCE, Hibb. Lect., p. 489. Cf. also G. SMITH, Assurb., p. 325; DELITZSCH, in LOTZ'S Tigl., p. 74, note 1; W.B., pp. 148, 308, 309, 406; and GITYARD, Zeits., 1884, p. 113 f. For a duplicate see below, 82, [K. 4933] 3-23, 11; cf. also p. 694, K. 5162. Lower portion of obverse, 3ain. by 2½in.; 15 + ..... lines. Prayer with an interlinear Assyrian version. The text is published in the first and second editions of W.A.I. IV, 26, No. 8, and translated by LENORMANT, Etudes ace., Vol. III, p. 158 f.; cf. also DEL1TZSCH, W.B., pp. 236, 406. [K. 4934] For a parallel text to lines 5 ff. see above, p. 673, K. 4899. lines. .. Fragment of the left half of obverse, 3 in. by lin.; 24 + . Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version.

[K. 4935] Fragment of the lower portion of obverse, 2-in. by 2½in.; short ends of lines. Portion of an incantation-text with an ..... + .... 3 + 15 [K. 4936] version. interlinear Assyrian Fragment of the left half, l1in. by l1in.; 10 + ..... hymn with an interlinear Assyrian version.


Part of a [K. 4937]

... .... Lower portion, left half, 4 in. by 31in.; 33 + 17 + ... version. The Assyrian with an interlinear + 20 lines. Incantations text is published in the first and second editions of W.A.I. IV, 27, No. 5 (see also 2nd ed., Additions, p. 6); transliterated by HALEVY, Doe. rel., p. (130) f.; and translated by LENORMANT, La magie, p. 29; Etudes ace., Vol. II, pp. 219 if.; Vol. III, pp. 77 f., 238; BERTIN, P.S.B.A., Vol. III, p. 121 f.; and SAYCE, Hibb. Lect., p. 498 f.

W.B., pp. 17, 151, 349, 428, 454, 472. K. 5166, and 80, 6-17, 317.

Cf. also )ELITZSCH,

For duplicates see below, p. 694 [K. 4938




Right-hand corner, 2 in. by 2 in.; 13 - 1 lines. interlinear Assyrian version.

Part of a hymn with an [K. 4940]

Fragment out of the middle. 1-in. by 1 in.; (.. + ? ) traces of 4 + 13 +.......... lines. Part of an incantation-text with aninterlinear Assyrian version. The beginnings of the lines of Column II correspond with those of Column II of K. 2507, etc.; see above, p. 449. [K. 4941] Portion of the right half of one side, 3-in. by 23in.; 27 + ..... lines. Part of a prayer with an interlinear Assyrian version. The text is published in the first and second editions of W.A.I. IV, 24, No. 3, and transliterated by HALEVY, Doc. rel., p. (119) f. See also HAUPT, Keilscliriftt., p. 208 ;' and below, K. 4948. [K. 4942 + K. 5101] Left-hand corner, 2 in. by 1in.; 16 +.......... lines. Incantations with an interlinear Assyrian version. They belong to the 5th tablet of the Series Yt>_-y Y
y~Tg ((~ yt~Q V^




yyy< ^V< 1n

Cf. HAUPT, Keilschriftt., p. 180, No. VI, and Akk. Spr., p. XL.


[K. 4944]

Portion of the left half, 3in. by 2in.; ..... +..... + 4 + 15 lines. Incantations, some of which have an interlinear Assyrian version. They belong to the 6th tablet of the B- ~--Series and form a duplicate of K. 65 (see above, p. 17 f.), Column II, lines 57 if.; Column III, lines 45 ff.

Cf. JENSEN, Zeits., 1885, p. 52; 1888, p. 407; and DELITZSCH, W.B.,

p. 187.

[K. 4945]

Fragment out of the middle of obverse, 23in. by 2-in.; 13 + 14 +..... +..... lines. Incantations with an interlinear Assyrian version. The fragment may belong to the same tablet as K. 4866; see above, p. 669. [K. 4946] Portion of the left half, 2"in. by 2¼in.; 14 + ....... + 4 lines. Incantations with an interlinear Assyrian version. According to the * For K. 4342 read " K. 4942." t Thus. + K. 3431 (see above, p. 532), on which the second halves of the first tAo lines correspond with

those above: E, VOL. II.

4 S



* < -hy

colophon they form the 10th tablet of the Series YY>-l^ The catch-line reads: a[h--?

A1' 2A

,] *e mr

X t[T


AY .

[K. 4947]


Fragment of the upper portion of reverse, 2in. by1¼in.; ..... Part of a prayer with an interlinear Assyrian version. correspond with those of K. 4942 (q.v.).

+ 8 lines. Some lines [K. 4948]

Upper portion, 3-in. by 2-in.; 17 + 1 lines. Incantations with an interlinear Assyrian version. The text is published in the first and second editions of W.A.I. IV, 26, No. 5; transliterated by HALEVY, Doe. rel., p. (126); and translated by SAYCE, Hibb. Lect., p. 496. For parallel texts see above, p. 673, K. 4900, and below, 79, 7-8, 65; cf. also [K. 4949] K. 6031. .) Upper portion, left half, 3 in. by 3 in.; 27 + traces of 4 (+ ..... + 9 lines. Part of a religious text with an interlinear +.....+ Assyrian version. Lines 13-25 of Column I are published in the first and second editions of W.A.I. IV, 27, No. 1; transliterated by HALIrVY, Doc. rel., p. (128) f.; and translated by SAYCE, Rec., Vol. XI, p. 131; and Hibb. Lect., p. 245. For lines 1-12 of Column I, restored from the parallel lines of K. 4903 (above, p. 673), see W.A.I. IV, 2nd ed., Additions, p. 6.

Cf. also LENORMANT, Langue prim., p. 317, note 2; and DELITZSCH,

i.B., pp. 153 f., 195, 361, 416.

[K. 4950]

Left-hand corner, 2in. by 1 in.; ..... + 8 lines; marginal number <. Portion of a mythological text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 4951] Right-hand corner, 2 in. by 2 in.; 12+ ..... lines. Part of a hymn with an interlinear Assyrian version. Mention is made of Nippur ( >yyVy

~<]S =

%= HI


[K. 4952]


+ 19 lines. Left half, upper portion of reverse, 2 in. by 2in.; Portion of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 4953] Portion of the left half, 3¼in. by 23in.; 20 + 23 lines. with an interlinear Assyrian version.

Part of a prayer [K. 4954]

+ ?) 20 + 8 (+....) Fragment of the right half, 25 in. by 2in.; (.... lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 4955] Partly effaced.



Left-hand corner, 3-in. by 2 in.; 11 + 5 lines. Prayer, in the form of a litany, part of which has an interlinear Assyrian version. Duplicate of K. 9315, q.v. The obverse begins:--








<]YK -




T A7

e ¢¢


The catch-line reads:

<>Y;7V >kYT b¢Y r

[K. 4956 + K. 5224] Fragment of the left half, 3jin. by 2'in.; 17 + ..... + 14 lines. Incantations and ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. [K. 4957] Fragment of the right half, 2 in. by 21 in.; 8 + 2 lines. with an interlinear Assyrian version.

Part of a prayer [K. 4958]

Right-hand corner, 2 in. by l1in.; ..... + 16 + 12 +..... lines. Portion of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 4959] Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 2 in. by 2in.; ..... + 13 lines. Part of a prayer (?) with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 4960] Portion out of the middle of obverse, 2k in. by 2in.; 15 + 14 +.. lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 4961] Upper portion of reverse, 25in. by 2in..... prayer with an interlinear Assyrian version.

+ 16 lines. Part of a [K. 49(62 + K. 4963]

Fragment of the left half, 2sin. by 28in.; 17 + ..... (+ ..... + .) +.....+ 18 lines. Incantations with an interlinear Assyrian version. They probably belong to the Series Y,>


if Y-.

[K. 4965]

Fragment of the upper portion, 1min. by lin.; .... + 6 + 3 +..... lines. Incantations with an interlinear Assyrian version. They belong to the 6th tablet of the >:--Series and form a duplicate of K. 65 (see above, p. 17 f.), Column I, lines 47 ff.; Column III, lines 43 if. [K. 4967] Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by 1in.; 10 + . lines. Portion of a hymn with an interlinear Assyrian version. Duplicate of K. 257 (see above, p. 67 f.), obverse, lines 68 ff. [K. 4968] * The restorations are attempted after the duplicate.

t The duplicate adds: _A. k

1 Partly effaced.





Left-hand corner, lin. by 1 in.; 7 + . .... + lines. Incan+2 tations with an interlinear Assyrian version. They begin:--XE-+ aYY

-T T

>--y] (= y

[K. 4969]


Fragment of the right half, lin. by 1 in.; .......... + 12 (+.... ) lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 4971] Fragment of the right half, l2in. by lin.; (..... +) 9 +..... lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 4972] Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by 1min.; 13 +........ . lines. Incantations with an interlinear Assyrian version, and prayers. A colophonline begins:>-->-__ id i_ 4h~ <- LY= Yi:. [K. 4973] Fragment of the left half, lin. by 1lin.; 11 +..... lines. Part of a prayer with an interlinear Assyrian version. Duplicate of K. 1296; see above, p. 262, and Vol. I, p. xxxI. The text corresponds with W.A.I. IV, 2nd ed., pl. 21*, No. 2, obverse, lines 7 ff. [K. 4974] Fragment out of the middle, 1¼in. by 11in.; ..... + 5 +.......... lines. Part of a prayer with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 4975] Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by 1|in.; Portion of a mythological (?) text.

11 +..........lines. [K. 4977]

Fragment out of the middle, 15in. by lin.; 7 .......... tations (?) with an interlinear Assyrian version. Lower portion of reverse, right half, 33in. by 11in.; Incantations with an interlinear Assyrian version. only the end is visible :"

Incan[K. 4978]

.... + 11 lines. Of the catch-line [K. 4979]

Lower portion of obverse, 4½in. by 3-in.; 21 + 21 +....+..... lines. Portion of a hymn with an interlinear Assyrian version and occasional explanatory glosses. The text is published in the first and second editions of W.A.I. IV, 27, No. 4; transliterated by HALEVY, Doc. rel., p. (130); and translated by LENORMANT, Les prem. civil., Vol. II, p. 185 f., and SAYCE, Eibb. Lect., p. 498. Cf. also W.A.I. IV, 2nd ed., Additions, p. 6 ; HAUPT, Sintfl., p. 26, note 16; and Keilschriftt., p. 183, No. XVIII. [K. 4980] Fragment of the right half, 2in. by lin.; ..... prayer (?).

+ 11 lines.

Part of a [K. 4981]



Upper portion of reverse, 5in. by 25in.; ..... + 37 lines. Incantations with an interlinear Assyrian version. Lines 16-19 have been quoted by HAUPT, Keilschriftt., p. 204. [K. 4982] Portion out of the middle, 3in. by 3in.; 23 + 20 lines. text with an interlinear Assyrian version.

Part of a religious [K. 4983]

+ 15 lines. Portion of a Fragment of the left half, 3in. by 1in.; .... religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version. The catch-line begins: It AId 'CYy H 9. [K. 4984] lines. Part of a Fragment out of the middle, 2 in. by 1-in.; 12 +..... religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version. Lines 1-6 have been quoted by HAUPT, Keilschriftt., pp. 180, 188. [K. 4985] Left-hand corner, 2 3 in. by 2 1in.; 14 ... + . .+ 8 lines. Portion of a hymn with an interlinear Assyrian version. Duplicate of K. 4872 (see above, p. 670), Column I, lines 1 ff., which it restores. [K. 49861 Fragment out of the middle, 2-in. by 1¼in. .... + 18 lines. religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version.

Part of a [K. 4987]

Portion of the left half, 2 in. by 2in.; 14 + ..... + ..... + 19 lines. Incantations with an interlinear Assyrian version, and directions for ceremonies. I [K. 4988] Lower portion, 23in. by 1in.; 7 + 6 ..... ..... lines. Portion of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. It probably belongs to the Series YjYY ,

Part of a [K. 4990]

Portion out of the middle, 2½in. by 15in.; 15+ ..... religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version.


Part of a [K. 4991]

Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by lin.; 9 +.... religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version.


Part of a [K. 4992]

Portion out of the middle, 23in. by 2'in.; ..... + 15 lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. It may belong to a tablet of the A-V t--Series. [K. 4993] Lower half, 3min. by 2 in.; 24 + 19 lines. Incantations, some of which have an interlinear Assyrian version, prayers and ceremonies. The text of reverse has been published W.A.I. IV, 1st ed., pl. 28, No. 3; transliterated by HALEVY, Doc. rel., p. (135); and translated by SAYCE, Hibb. Lect., p. 285 f. For the complete text see W.A.I. IV. 2nd ed., pl. 28*, No. 3. Cf. also DELITZSCH, W.B., pp. 79, 307, 378, 408. For a duplicate see above, p. 453, K. 2550. [K. 4994]





Portion out of the middle, 33 in. by 3 in.; 24 + 22 lines. "Incomplete"* copy of a hymn with an interlinear Assyrian version. For the text see HAUPT, Keilschriftt., p. 124 f., No. 20; and STRASSMAIER, A. V, pp. 869, 870. Cf. also PINCHES, Athten., 1883, No. 2901, p. 700; BEZOLD, Zeits., 1885, p. 67 f.; and DELITZSCH, W.B., p. 2. [K. 4995] Portion out of the middle, 2k in. by 2in.; 12 + 10 +.......... Incantations with an interlinear Assyrian version.

lines. [K. 4996]

Fragment out of the middle, 18in. by l8in.; 12 + ...... ... lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 4997] Fragment of the right half, 15in. by liin.; ..... hymn with an interlinear Assyrian version.

+ 6 lines.

Part of a [K. 4998]

Portions, 63in. by 5in.; 27 + 9 + 19 + 33 lines. Incantations, prayers and ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. Duplicate of K. 2573 (see above, p. 455) and K. 2970 (above, p. 493); cf. W.A.I. IV, 2nd ed., Additions, p. 8. For an attempted transliteration of a portion of Column IV (- W.A.I. IV, 1st ed., p]. 29, No. 4) see HALJVY, Doe. rel., p. (140) f. [K. 5000 + DT. 172 + D.T. 371 + Rm. 2, 381 + 79, 7-8,192 + 82, 3-23,41] Portion out of the middle, 3-in. by l1in.; 12 + 10 lines. Part of a hymn with an interlinear Assyrian version. Cf. DELITZSCH, in LOTZ'S Tigl., p. 86;t W.B., p. 38;t BEZOLD, Zeits., 1885, p. 68; 1887, p. 461; 1889, p. 429; SAYCE, Acad., 1886, No. 750, p. 191; and Hibb. Lect., p. 483. [K. 5001] Fragment of the upper portion, 2-in. by lain.; 4+ traces of 2 lines. of a hymn with an interlinear Assyrian version. It begins:+N

<>/ (?)t YA- £1 - :







[K. 5003] Fragment of the upper portion, 2 in. by 1 in.; 8 +.... lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version, beginning:-

See above, p. 474, note *. t The fragment is quoted there without reference number. : Partly effaced. *



Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 2 in. by 1in.; 12 + traces of 3 + ..... + .... lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5006] Lower portion, 2 in. by 2 in.; 13 + .... interlinear Assyrian version.


Part of a prayer with an [K. 5007]

Fragment of the left half; 1-in. by 1-in.; 14 +..... lines. hymn, part of which has an interlinear Assyrian version.

Portion of a [K. 5008]

Portion of the left half, 2kin. by l1in.; 17 +..... lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. The sentences begin throughout with Y Ad

Portion of a hymn with an [K. 5010]

12 + .........

lines. Part [K. 5011]

Fragment of the lower portion, 2in. by 2in.; 10 +.....lines. a prayer to a goddess.

Portion of [K. 5012]

Left-hand corner, 15in. by lin.; 7 .... +.... 5 lines. Incantations, some of which have an interlinear Assyrian version. Line 1 of Column IV begins: -,,Y <TI M)- ,-y YY Yg V , .i*

[K. 5013] Portion of the left half, 3in. by 3in.; 24 + 9 + ..... cantations with an interlinear Assyrian version, Sumero-Akkadian text of Section II of Column I K. 2437 (see above, p. 443), lines 1 ff.

+..... lines. Inand prayers. The forms a duplicate of [K. 5014 + K. 5103]

Fragment of the left half, 2in. by 1- in.; ..... + 11 lines; marginal number <. Part of a prayer with an interlinear Assyrian version.

Line 11 appears to begin the colophon: y
YYYt E t

t Y
ZIMMERN, Bussps., [K. 5016]

Upper portion of reverse, 3 in. by 3in.; .... + 20 lines. Portion of a mythological text with an interlinear Assyrian version. The text is published in the first and second editions of W.A.I. IV, 26, No. 2 (see also ibid., 2nd ed., Additions, p. 5); transliterated by HALEVY, Doc. rel., p. (124) f.; and translated by SAYCE, Hibb. Lect., p. 496 f. Cf. also HAUPT, Keilschriftt., p. 183; STRASSMAIER, A. V., p. 1058; and DELITZSCH, WB., pp. 277, 345, 346. [K. 5017] This may be restored after K. 156 (above, p. 41), Column II, line 65. t Partly effaced.





.......+ ) 13 lines. Fragment of the left half, 3¼in. by 1Iin.; 13 + (. Incantations with an interlinear Assyrian version. The reverse forms a duplicate of K. 3169 (see above, p. 510), Column III, lines 27 if. [K. 5018] Portion of the left half, 3- in. by 2in.; 23 + traces of 12 lines. Part of a religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version. The contents appear to be similar to those of Sm. 526, q.v. [K. 5019] Fragment of the lower portion, 2 in. by 2 in.; ..... + 14 + ... + ..... lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5020] Right-hand corner, 15 in. by 1Iin.; 7 + 5 lines. an interlinear Assyrian version.

Portion of a prayer with [K. 5021]

Fragment out of the middle, 2Hin. by 1-in.; 17 of an incantation-text.


lines. Part [K. 5022]

Left-hand corner, 1-in. by1lin.; 11 - 1 lines. Prayer in the form of a litany, with an interlinear Assyrian version. It begins:[K. 5023] 1].4 XI [n Y 1 W e =Ad >* IV <
Part of [K. 5026]

in.; 12 + .......... lines. Portion Fragment of the left half, 13in. by [K. 5027] of a religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version. Left-hand corner, 1in. by 11in.; 9 + ..... an interlinear Assyrian version.


Part of a hymn with [K. 5028]

Fragment of the right half, 13in. by lin.; 15 + traces of 10 lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5029] Fragment of the left half, lin. by 1-in:.; ..... + 14 lines. Portion of a prayer with an interlinear Assyrian version. Duplicate of K. 4666 [K. 5030] (see above, p. 652), lines 1 ff. Fragment out of the middle, 13in. by l1in.; 12 +.......... of a religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version.

lines. Part [K. 5031]

.. lines. Fragment out of the middle, 1{in. by 1ilin.; 5 + 9 +..... Part of a text containing directions for ceremonies, probably to be [K. 5032] used for the benefit of sick people. * Partly effaced.




Fragment of the left half, 2)in. by l-in. ; 15 +..........lines. of a hymn with an interlinear Assyrian version.

Part [K. 5033]

Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 1in. by 1 -in.; 10 + 1 lines. Portion of a religious (?) text. [K. 5034] Left half, 2in. by l1in.; 10 + 13 lines. with an interlinear Assyrian version.

Grammatical paradigms (?) [K. 5035]

Fragment of the left half, lin. by 1lin.; 14 +..........lines. of a Sumero-Akkadian religious text.

Portion [K. 5036]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by l1-in.; 9 +.......... of a religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version.

lines. Part [K. 5037]

Fragment of the left half, 2jin. by l1in.; 15 +..........lines. of a hymn with an interlinear Assyrian version.

Portion [K. 5039 a]

Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by 3in.; 10 + ........ of a religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version. Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by l1in.; ..... prayer in the form of a litany. Fragment of the right half, 2 in. by 1jin.; ..... religious text.

lines. Part [K. 5039 b]

+ 8 lines.

+ 14 lines.

Part of a [K. 5040]

Portion of a [K. 5041]

Fragment of the left half, l1in. by 1 in.; .......... + 4 lines, belonging to a religious (?) text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5042] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by l1in.; 10 + .......... of a religious (?) text.

lines. Part [K. 5043]

Fragment of the left half, l1in. by lin.; 9 +.......... of a hymn with an interlinear Assyrian version.


Fragment out of the middle, 1'in. by 13in.; 11 +..........lines. of a prayer with an interlinear Assyrian version.

Portion [K. 5044] Part [K. 5045]

Fragment of the upper portion, 14in. by 1l-kin.; 9 +..........lines. Part of a religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5046] Left-hand corner, lain. by lain.; ..... an interlinear Assyrian version. p. 701), lines 3 if.

+ 6 lines. Part of a prayer with Duplicate of K. 5239 (see below, [K. 5047]

Fragment of the left half, lin. by in.; 11 4 ..... hymn with an interlinear Assyrian version. Fragment out of the middle, 13in. by lIin.; 9 + ..... prayer with an interlinear Assyrian version. VOL. II.


Portion of a [K. 5048]


Part of a [K. 5049] 4 T




......... + 28 lines. IncantaPortion of the left half; 33in. by 1in.; . tions with an interlinear Assyrian version, and prayers. A colophonline begins: [-_]d B- Tf]l>,. _ [K. 5050 0y + K. 5230] Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by 1jin.; 7 +.......... of a religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version.

lines. Part [K. 5051]

Fragment of the upper portion, 1Hin. by 1in.; 9 + ..... lines. Portion of a prayer, part of which has an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5052] Fragment of the upper portion, 1 in. by 1lin.; 9 + ... a religious (?) text.


Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1-in.; 7 + ..... of an astrological text.


Fragment of the left half, 2iin. by 1Hin.; 16 +..........lines. of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version.

Part of [K. 5053] Part [K. 5057] Part [K. 5058]

Fragment out of the middle, 13in. by 13in.; 12 + .......... lines. Portion of a religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5059] Portion out of the middle, 2 in. by 1in.; 18 + ..... hymn with an interlinear Assyrian version. Lower half, l-in. by l1in.; 8 + 10 lines; Babylonian.


Part of a [K. 5060 a]

Portion of a letter. [K. 5060 b]

+......... . lines. Fragment of the left half, 2iin. by 1Iin.; 12 +..... Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5061] Portions, 4in. by 1Iin.; 38 + 29 + 2 lines; Babylonian. Letter to the king (A-X I *() from y ,-1Py concerning public affairs. Mention is made of y -T: -[. -]-~ : K<¢<], the land of Elam (Vg <>y A! A),



[K. 5062]

Portion of the left half, 25in. by 21in.; 19 + ....... lines. Portion of a prayer, part of which has an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5063] Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by 1¼in.; 11 +.......... lines. Part of an in cant ation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5064] Complete, 2 in. by 1-in.; 11 + 2 + 9 + (left-hand edge) 1 lines; Babylonian. Letter (?). [K. 5065 b] Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by 1Hin.; 10 + short beginnings of 5 + ..... ..... lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear [K. 5066] Assyrian version.



Left-hand corner, 2in. by lin.; 14 + 10 lines. with an interlinear Assyrian version.

Part of a religious text [K. 5067]

Upper portion, left half; 2-in. by 2in.; 21 .......... lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. Duplicate of K. 4872 (see above, p. 670), Column I, lines 1 ff. [K. 5069 + K. 5250] Fragment of the right half, l1in. by lin.; 8 + ......... Sumero-Akkadian religious text.


Part of a [K. 5070]

Fragment of the right half, in. by 1in.; 12 +.......... lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5073] Upper portion, 2in. by l1in.; ..... + 9 lines. an interlinear Assyrian version.

Portion of a prayer with [K. 5074]

Left-hand corner, 11in. by 1lin.; traces of 4 + 6 lines. with an interlinear Assyrian version.

Part of a prayer [K. 5075]

Fragment of the upper portion of reverse, 2in. by 1l in.; ..... Part of a prayer with an interlinear Assyrian version.

+ 14 lines. [K. 5076]

Fragment of the left half, 1Hin. by -in.; 7 +.......... lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. Cf. DELITZSCII, W.B., p. 306, and supra, p. 647, K. 4611. [K. 5077] Lower portion of reverse, l1 in. by lin.; .. ........ + 13 + 4 lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5078] Fragment out of the middle, in. by lin.; 8 .......... lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5079] Fragment out of the middle, lain. by Win.; 7 +......... probably belong to a Sumero-Akkadian religious text.

lines which [K. 5080]

Fragment of the lower part of reverse, 1 in. by s in.; .......... + 6 lines. "Incomplete"* copy of a religious text. Of the catch-line only [K. 5081] is ^ visible. IX+ < Ž Fragment of the right half, 1}in. by 1 in.; + 9 lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5082] Upper portion, left half, 2min. by in.; 15 + traces of 1 lines. Part of a letter to the king from ] >-- -t'^-,,--, . Mention is made of



[K. 5083]

+J . 3 11 1 3 in.

by 1-in.; 8 +. .... Fragment of the right half, religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version. * Cf. supra, p. 474, note *'.


Part of a [K. 5084 a]

t Partly effaced.

4 T 2



Portions, 3in. by 1--in.; 22 + 14 lines.

[K. 5084 b]

Part of a letter.

Fragment of the right half, 1--in. by 3in.; 8 + traces of 7 lines. religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version.

Part of a [K. 5085]

lines. Fragment of the right half, lin. by lin.; 7 + .......... incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version.

Part of an [K. 5086]

Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by 1-in.; 8 +.......... of a religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version.

lines. Part [K. 5087]

Fragment out of the middle, 1iin. by 1 in.; 9 + .......... of a prayer.

lines. Part [K. 5088]

Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by 14in.; 10 +.......... of a prayer with an interlinear Assyrian version.

lines. Part [K. 5089]

Fragment out of the middle, 1iin. by lin.; 8 + .......... a religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version. Fragment out of the middle, 14in. by-in.; a religious text.

7 +..........

lines. Left-hand corner, 1-in. by lin.; 6 +.......... version. Assyrian tation-text with an interlinear


Part of [K. 5091]


Part of [K. 5092]

Part of an incan[K. 5093]

Upper portion, 1 in. by lin.; 7 +..... lines. Portion of a prayer, in the form of a litany, part of which has an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5094] Fragment of the left half, 1tin. by 1}in.; 9 + ..... prayer with an interlinear Assyrian version.


Part of a [K. 5095]

lines. Part Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1 in.; 9 + .......... It of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. 5096] [K. Yd Am. fY Gi-). Portion of the right half, 2-in. by 2jin.; 15 + 11 lines. Part of a hymn with an interlinear Assyrian version. Lines 1 ff. of obverse correspond [K. 5098] with K. 2861 (see above, p. 482 f.), obverse, lines 57 ff. Right-hand corner, 2in. by 1-in.; ..... with an interlinear Assyrian version.

+ 14 lines.

Portion of a hymn [K. 5099]

?) 9 lines. Portion of the left half, 2'in. by 2½in.; 9 + (.....+..... catch-line the Of version. Incantations with an interlinear Assyrian [K. 5100] only the beginning is visible: -- 4- ¢-[T-;

KOUYUNJIK COLLECTION. Portion out of the middle, 2 in. by 2in.; mythological text.

689 16 lines.


Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by I in.; 10 +..... prayer with an interlinear Assyrian version.


Part of a [K. 5102] Part of a [K. 5104]

lines. Part of Portion out of the middle, 2in. by 1in.; 19 +.......... an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5105] ) 4 lines. Part of Left-hand corner, 2-in. by1lin.; 8 + (..+ a text with incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies, some of which have an interlinear Assyrian version. It begins:-


X(?) *"-YY ('?) (-)





The catch-line reads:-

k-+ EEW -&y

>Y/:* : / "r and thus proves K. 3197 (see above, p. 512) to form the continuation of the present text. [K. 5106] _>y


Portion out of the middle, 2in. by l in.; 13 + traces of 4 +. .. ....+ .. lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5107] Portion of the left half, 1 in. by 1 in.; 10 +.......... religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version.


Part of a [K. 5108]

Fragment of the lower portion, l in. by lIin.; ( ..... + ?) 10 +... (+.....) lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5109] Right-hand corner, l1in. by lin.; 13 + .... . lines. logical text with an interlinear Assyrian version.

Part of a mytho[K. 5110]

Fragment out of the middle, 21in. by 1 in.; 14 + ..... lines. religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version.

Portion of a [K. 5111]

Fragment out of the middle, 2 in. by 11-in.; 17 +..... hymn with an interlinear Assyrian version.

Portion of a [K. 5112]


Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 1-lin. by lin.; 6 +......... lines. Part of a mythological (?) text. [K. 5113] Portion of the left half, 2 in. by 1in.; 14 +.......... lines. Portion of an incantation-text, part of which has an interlinear Assyrian version. Portion of the left half, 2 in. by lin.; 14 +..... with an interlinear Assyrian version. * Partly effaced.


[K. 5114] Part of a prayer [K. 511S6]




Portion of th]e left half, 2-'in. by 1Iin.; 11 +.... lines. Part of a hymn with an interlinear Assyrian version. Duplicate of K. 4617 (see above, p. 647), lines 3 if. [K. 5117] Upper portion, 3in. by 2{in.; 17 + 4 lines. Part of a hymn with an interlinear Assyrian version. Lines 9 and 13 f. of obverse are quoted by HAUPT, Keilschriftt., p. 180, No. II. [K. 511X]

Portion of the right half, 3in. by 1-in.; ( .......... +) 24 + 20 (+......... lines. Part of anincantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. It probably belongs to the Series Y aY~.y <-Th YT -. [K. 5119] Portion out of the middle, 2 -in. by 2in.; . .. +.....+ 18 +..... + ..... +..... lines. Incantations with an interlinear Assyrian version. Duplicate of K. 111; see above, p. 29, and Vol. I, p. xxx. The text corresponds with W.A.I. IV, 2nd ed., pl. 15.-, lines 39, b ff. The fragment may belong to the same tablet as K. 4905; see above, p. 674. [K. 5120] Portion out of the middle, 2 in. by 2-in.; 12 + ....... of a text containing hymns in paragraphs. '

lines. Part [K. 5121]

11 Portion out of the middle of reverse, 2-in. by 2in.; .......... + 17 lines. Part of a hymn with an interlinear Assyrian version. Duplicate of K. 257 (see above, p. 67 f.), reverse, lines 37 ff. [K. 5122] 17 + Portion out of the middle of reverse, 38in. by 2in.; . 19 lines. Incantations belonging to the 4th tablet of the Series . Duplicate of K. 2355 (see above, p. 435), K. 2410 y y
Part of a hymn [K. 5124]

Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by lin.; .......... + 7 lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. Line 7 may form the catch-line :-- -+ I--Y Y(<-h +4 4 -,,; cf. supra, p. 514, note *.

[K. 5125]

Fragment of the right half, 2in. by lin.; 11 + ..... hymn with an interlinear Assyrian version.

Upper portion, 3in. by 3in.; 20 + 20 lines.


Part of a [K. 5126]

Part of a hymn with an inter[K. 5127]

linear Assyrian version. Fragment of the left half, 2in. by 2in.; 17 +..........lines. an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. * Cf. supra, p. 436, rnote ~*.

Part of [K. 5128]



Portion out of the middle, 3 in. by 2in.; 21 + 9 +.......... lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. Mention is made of the Tigris (+ X E = [yl ?] * 4 ). [K. 5129] Fragment out of the middle, lin. by l1in.; ..... + 11 +.......... lines. Portion of an incantation-text, part of which has an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5130] Portion out of the middle, l in. by 1 in.; ..... + 13 lines. or report.

Part of a letter [K. 5131]

Left-hand corner, 1 in. by l1in.; .......... + 7 lines; Babylonian. End of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. The catch-line and a preceding colophon-line read:-

4- ZLVVb$ >j>T FVI

4-+ -




l--PEH - p t>-/A-

LK. 5132]

Lower portion, right half, 3{in. by 3¼in.; short ends of 5 + 21 + 24 + traces of 3 lines. Incantations with an interlinear Assyrian version. Duplicate of K. 111; see above, p. 29, and Vol. I, p. xxx. The text corresponds with W.A.I. IV, 2nd ed., pl. 15, Column I, lines 58 ff.; Column II, lines 40 ff.; and lines 62 ff. [K. 5133 + 5336 + K. 9351] Lower portion, right half, 3½in. by 24in.; ..... +19 +.. .. +.... lines. Part of a hymn with an interlinear Assyrian version. It forms a duplicate of K. 4629 (see above, p. 649) and completes lines 14 ff. of Column II of this text. [K. 5134] Portions, 6-in. by 3in.; 43 + 34 lines. Incantations and hymns to the Sun-god with interlinear Assyrian versions. Duplicate of K. 4872 (see above, p. 670), Columns I and II, parts of which it restores. The catchline corresponds with K. 4872, Column II, line 27. [K. 5135] Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 2 in. by lin; 7 + 7 +.......... lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5136] Upper portion, 3§in. by 2jin.; 16 + 4 lines. Portion of a hymn, part of which has an interlinear Assyrian version. The text is published in the first and second editions of W.A.I. IV, 26, No. 1 (see also 2nd ed., Additions, p. 5); transliterated by HALEVY, Doe. rel., p. (124); and translated by LENORMANT, Divin., p. 69 f.; Les pren. civil., Vol. II, p. 187 f.; and SAYCE, Hibb. Lect., p. 496. Cf. also HAUPT, Keilschrifttt., 183; PINCHES, in EVANS' An Essay, p. 67; and DELITZSCH, W.B., pp. 10, 251. [K. 5137] *

Partly effaced.




lines. Part of a Portion out of the middle, 23in. by 1 in.; 22 +..... = ~ letter to the king on public affairs. Mention is made of ( P-5138] [K. L [y a]+ < y d ^. and :Y 7yBY l. 'M

) 7 + 13 + ..... + Lower portion, right half, 3in. by 2--in.; (..... ..... (+.....) lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. The text is published in the first and second editions of W.A.I. IV, 26, No. 6 (see also 2nd ed., Additions, p. 5); transliterated by HALEVY, Doc. rel., p. (126) f.; and translated by LENORMANT,

Les prem. civil., Vol. II, p. 197; Etudes ace., Vol. II, pp. 297 if.; Vol. III, pp. 112 f., 239; and SAYCE, T.S.B.A., Vol. IV, pp. 27 ff. Cf. also SAYCE, Elem. Grammar, p. 123; Bab. Lit., p. 46; G.E., p. 36; Zeits., 1885, p. 403 and note 1; Hibb. lect., p. 78; MENANT, Recherches sur la glyptique orientale, Vol. I (Paris 1883), p. 157; and DELITZSCH, W.B., p. 32. For duplicates see above, p. 669, K. 4859, and below, p. 707, K. 5317. [K. 5139] 23 + traces of 2 (+....) Right-hand corner. 3 in. by 2 in.; (.....+) Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian lines. [K. 5140] version. Lower portion, 23in. by 2-in.; 20 + 11 lines. Incantations with Duplicate of K. 3169 (see above, linear Assyrian version. Column I, lines 39 ff.; Column II, lines 1 ff.; cf. W.A.I. IV, 5141 + Additions, p. 1[K. Portion of the left half, 21in. by 1in.; 13 + ..... with an interlinear Assyrian version.


an interp. 510), 2nd ed., K. 5206]

Part of a hymn [K. 5142]

Lower portion, left half, 3 in. by 21in.; 22 ...... lines. Incantations with an interlinear Assyrian version. Duplicate of K. 3152 (see above, [K. 5143] p. 508), obverse, lines 13 ff.; see also below, p. 705, K. 5292. Fragment of the left half, 2in. by lin.; 14 +.... hymn with an interlinear Assyrian version.


Part of a [K. 5144]

+ 8 lines. Part of Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by lain.; ......... [K. 5145] an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. Upper portion, 3-in. by 3-in.; 16 + 2 lines. Incantations with an inter'-kS--Series. linear Assyrian version, belonging to the 7th tablet of the They form a duplicate of K. 136 (see above, p. 35), obverse, lines 1 if., [K. 5146] and restore part of that text.



Portion of the left half, 21in. by 23in.; 14 + 9 lines.

with an interlinear Assyrian version. colophon-line read:--

7H >T-yk


(?) X* I *

Part of a prayer

The catch-line and a preceding


4-Y '



Lower portion, left half, 2 in. by 1 in.; 22 + with an interlinear Assyrian version.

Fragment of the left half, 2in. by

[K. 5147] ...

in.; 15 +..........


Part of a hymn [K. 5148]


[K. 5149]

an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version.

Portion out of the middle, 3in. by 2½in.; ..... hymn with an interlinear Assyrian version. Left-hand corner, 2'in. by l-in.; 13 + .....

Part of

+ 22 lines.

Part of a [K. 5150]

lines; partly vitrified.


A comparison of line 1 of obverse of a text containing forecasts. with K. 1352 (see above, p. 272 f.), reverse, line 5, shows that K. 5151 belongs to the 10th tablet of the Series Iy - _ Y_ _>>>y [I AY. [K. 5151]

19 + traces of 2 Portion of the right half, 31in. by 23in.; (.....+) (+ ..... ) lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear [K. 5152] Assyrian version. Lower portion, right half, 5 in. by 1lin.; 17 + 3 lines. Part of a prayer with an interlinear Assyrian version, similar to those of K. 4662 (see [K. 5153] above, p. 652) and K. 4899 (p. 673). 9 +....... in.; (.....+) Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian [K. 5155] version. + 5 + .. ... Fragment of the lower portion, 12in. by 1lin.; . . lines. Incantations with an interlinear Assyrian +.....

version, being a fragment of the 16th tablet of the Series SYMO <{yV- Ty-. Duplicate of K. 4870; see above, p. 670. The text corresponds with that of W.A.I. IV, 2nd ed., plate 5, Column III, [K. 5156] lines 74 ff. Upper portion, 43in. by 3Iin.; 32 + 29 + 3 lines. Part of a prayer in the form of a litany, with an interlinear Assyrian version. Extracts from the text are quoted by HAUPT, Keilschriftt., p. 181, No. XII. See also Am. J. of Philol., Vol. V, p. 84; BEZOLD, Lit. Ctrlbl., 1883, p. 619; Lit., [K. 5157] p. 314; Zeits., 1887, p. 234; and above, p. 50, K. 193. *


Partly effaced. 4 TU



Portion out of the middle, 3 in. by 3in.; 20 + 17 lines; Babylonian. Portion of a religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5158] Left-hand corner, 14in. by 1gin.; 14 + 14 lines. Portion of a religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version. For a duplicate see below, p. 702, K. 5255. [K. 5159] Right half, upper portion, 2 in. by 2½in.; traces of 4 + 19 + 25 + traces of 8 lines; Babylonian; marginal number <. Prayer in the form of a litany, with an interlinear Assyrian version. Mention is made of Babylon (~ d ¥ = -_ <- ). [K. 5160] Portion of the right half, 2-in. by 2in.; 24 + 19 lines. tation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version.

Part of an incan[K. 5161]

Portion of the right half, 2 5in. by 2in.; .... + 17 lines. Part of a prayer in the form of a litany, with an interlinear Assyrian version; similar to that of K. 4933 (see above, p. 676). The catch-line and a preceding colophon-line read:

[27 ^rWnYn

A?] I-NTl'- OT


^.Tn T 4

Left-hand corner, 2in. by lin.; 12 + 12 lines. interlinear Assyrian version.



_7. 7T =

[K. 5162]

Portion of a hymn with an [K. 5163]

Fragment out of the middle, 2 in. by 2 in.; .......... + 11 lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5164] Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by 2in.; 14 + . ......... lines; Babylonian. Part of a religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5165 + Sm. 1818] Fragment of the lower portion, 31-in. by1lin.; 4 + 6 +.... +..... + ..... +..... lines. Incantations with an interlinear Assyrian version. They form a parallel text to K. 2507 (see above, p. 449), and a duplicate of K. 4938 (above, p. 676), Column I, lines 21 ff.; Column II, lines 13 ff. [K. 5166] Upper portion of one side, 2-in. by 2'in.; . . +....16 + 13 lines; Babylonian; marginal figure <. Part of a mythological (?) text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5167] Fragment out of the middle, 2 in. by 2in.; 23 + ..... lines; Babylonian. Portion of a religious text, part of which has an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5168]



Left-hand corner, l1in. by l1in.; 13+ ..... +..... + traces of 2 lines (reverse vitrified); Babylonian. Part of a religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5169] Portion out of the middle, 1lin. by lin.; 12 +..... Part of a letter to the king.

lines; Babylonian. [K. 5170]

Portion out of the middle, 2 in. by 2in.; .......... + 17 (+ ... .) lines; Babylonian. Part of a prayer with an interlinear Assyrian version. The fragment probably belongs to the same tablet as K. 5189; see below, p. 697. [K. 5171] Fragment out of the middle, lin. by 1-in.; 9 + 9 + .......... lines. Part of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. [K. 5172] Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by 1in.; 14 + ..... lines. Part of a prayer with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5173] Portion out of the middle, 2in. by in.; . ......... 18 + 8 lines; Babylonian. Part of a hymn (?) with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5174] Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by lin.; 12 + 14 + .......... lines. Part of an incantation-text. [K. 5175] Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by 1 in.; 10 4 10 + .......... lines; Babylonian. Part of a religious text, containing directions for ceremonies, etc. [K. 5176] Portion of the left half, 3in. by 2 in.; 28+ .... lines; Babylonian. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. Lines 1-5 form a duplicate of K. 1401 b (see above, p. 283), reverse, lines 7 if. [K. 5177] Portion out of the middle, 4 in. by 3in.; 19 + 12 (+ ... ) + .......... lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. It probably belongs to a tablet of the Series Yy»Y-_yy <-y[K. 5176] Cf/.infra, K. 51.86. g Portion of the left half, 4¼in. by 33in.; 20 +..... (+.) + ..... + 13 lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. According to the colophon it forms a tablet of the Series YMSyy [<-ty y Ty>]. The catch-line reads:>W Ltty ] <(T>y-



A` >


[K. 5179]

Upper half, 3in. by 2 in.; 16 + 9 lines. "Incomplete"* copy of a hymn, part of which has an interlinear Assyrian version. Of the catch-line only the end is visible:-

>a(?)t ?^^?, * Cf. supra, p. 474, note *.


T 1t



[K. 5180]

t Partly effaced.

4 u 2





Part of a [K. 5181]


Portion out of the middle, 23in. by l1in.; 17 + .... prayer with an interlinear. Assyrian version.

Portion of the right half, 2Iin. by 2-1in; traces of 2 + 13 + .....

with an interlinear




Assyrian version, Ad ~

prayers, probably belonging to the Series G-o-



>_yyy y-e. The beginning of Section II of Column II and a preceding colophon-line read:-


Ads YTt\>¢4 St >TYy4


T$^Tn^ E YT- t>

C >_YI

SFn At a


Y y

[K. 5182] +) ................. + Portion of the left half, 2-in. by 2½in.; 23 + ( 14 lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian [K. 5183] version. lines. Portion out of the middle, 2¼in. by 1 in.; 12 + 8 + ......... ]i,. <<< .AList of objects. A colophon-line begins: [K. 5184] Right-hand corner, 2 'in. by 1 in.; 13 + 14 lines. Part of a prayer in the [K. 5185] form of a litany, with an interlinear Assyrian version. ) (+ .. . 21 + .... Portion of the right half, 25in. by 23in.; .. ... lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. The fragment may belong to the same tablet as K. 5178 (q.v.), or to [K. 5186] one similar. Upper portion, 34in. by 23in.; 18 lines. Part of a mythological text with an interlinear Assyrian version, concerning the god -4- UYyy>V> (see above, p. 535, K. 3454, etc., and p. 669, K. 4864), the "wild ox of the Mountain," etc. Cf. lines 1 ff.:-



t yiy


4 +



·p V en


-YYY -Y>k kthis



H ¢>¢> At ANY> v--'J9..']'

^ ^H^YY t -^^ k4-~YY








;' ; -



[K. 5187>- + K. 25

Partly effaced.

t The catch-line of K. 2503 (s e above, p. 449), and Sm. 187 (q.v.) may be restored from this line. T





Portion of the left half, 3in. by 1in.; 26 + 25 lines; Babylonian; marginal

number <. Portion of a hymn, part of which has an interlinear Assyrian version. The text of obverse forms a duplicate to D.T. 67 (q.v.), reverse. lines 9 ff., and partly restores this text. Cf. also supra, p. 523, K. 3328, and infra, p. 706, K. 5307. [K. 5188] Portion of the right half, 3½in. by 3|in.; traces of 11 + 16 + 23 + 9 lines;

Babylonian; marginal number <. Cf. supra, p. 695, K. 5171.

Prayers in the form of a litany. [K. 5189]

Right-hand corner, 2jin. by 1Iin.; 20 + traces of 6 lines; Babylonian. Portion of a prayer, part of which has an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5190] Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by l-in.; 10 + .... lines. Part of a prayer with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5191] Fragment of the lower portion of one side, 2-in. by 1lin.; 10 + 4 lines; Babylonian. Portion of a report (?). [K. 5192] Lower portion, left half, 22in. by lmin.; 15 + 2 + 18 + (left-hand edge) 5 lines. Part of a letter to the king. Mention is made of the land of Elam (reverse, line 18), and the cities of A-Y

. lines.

Fragment of the left half, 2¼in. by 1-in.: 8 + traces of 5 lines.

prayer with an interlinear Assyrian version. Left-hand corner, hymn (?).

in. by

in.; 5 - .....


Part of [K. 5196] Part of a

[K. 5197 a]

Part of a Sumero-Akkadian [K. 5197 b] Portion out of the middle, 1l in. by 1-in.; 7 + 11 + (left-hand edge) 3 lines; Babylonian. Letter to the king. [K. 5198]



Fragment out of the middle, l in. by lin.; traces of 2 + 8 +.......... lines. Part of a religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5199] Fragment out of the middle, lin. by lin.; traces of 9 + 12 + .... + ..... lines; Babylonian. Part of a hymn with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5200]

Upper portion, left half; 3 in. by 2{in.; 22 + 8 lines.

Copy of a hymn to

Merodach, in the form of a litany, with an interlinear Assyrian version. It begins:--



+ ,



[l [&mV


]t ¢yyT


\ >TV

]t I


Lines 17-20 of obverse and the text of reverse are quoted by HAUPT, Keilschriftt., pp. 181, No. XIII; 184. [K. 5201] Fragment oat of the middle, 1in. by 1in.; traces of 5 + 8 .......... lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5203] Right-hand corner, 2jin. by 2in.; 18 + ..... incidents that may happen to men.


Omens concerning [K. 5204]

Fragment out of the middle, 1iin. by 5 in.; (.....) 7 ........... lines. Part of a religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5205] Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by lin.; 12 +..... Portion of an astrological text.

lines; Babylonian. [K. 5207]

Portions, 5Tin. by 3¼in.; 33 + 21 lines. Part of a hymn with an interlinear Assyrian version. Lines 23 f. of obverse are quoted by HAUPT, Keilschriftt., p. 220. See also ZIMMERN, Bussps., p. 28, note 2; A. JEREMIAS, Leben n. d. Tode, p. 96, note 7; and BEZOLD, Zeits., 1889, p. 432. [K. 5208] Upper portion, 3-in. by 3in.; 22 +..... lines. Portion of a hymn to Rammdn, in the form of a litany, part of which has an interlinear Assyrian version. It begins:< ANY!



At]YUn ?Y o+AYTT -n A



>Tn Y

Lines 1 f. and 12-17 of obverse: are quoted by HAUPT, Keilschriftt., p. 183, No. XVI, and STRASSMAIER, A. K, pp. 656, 860, 1082. See also DELITZSCH, W.B., pp. 289, 291.

[K. 5209]

Portion of the left half, 2sin. by 2½in.; 21 + .......... lines. incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. * Partly effaced.

I-' Restc-red from the following lines.


Part of an [K. 5210] Thus.




Left-hand corner, 2in. by 1in.; 16 + ( ....+ +) 15 lines; Babylonian. Part of a text containing incantations with an interlinear

Assyrian version, and prayers. ,', H


Of the catch-line only [-4-?] <(-

,, is visible.

[K. 5211]

Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by 1 in.; 9 + traces of 4 lines. Part of a letter, probably concerning private matters. [K. 5212] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by lin.; ..... + 9 + . ... lines. Incantations with an interlinear Assyrian version. Duplicate of K. 3169 (see above, p. 510), Column II, lines 21 ff.; cf. W.A.I. IV, 2nd ed., Additions, p. 1. [K. 5213 a] Lower portion, 1 in. by l1in.; 8 + 7 lines. Part of a letter to the king. [K. 5213 b] Right-hand corner, 1 in. by l1in.; 8 lines. Part of a religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version. It begins:

_?[>TYYYY ?I yak YY

> r tYY[-YyI t


,-g\-Ytty yIi> 7y H-

[K. 5214] Left-hand corner, 2in. by l1in.; 10 +.......... lines. Portion of a mythological text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5215] Fragment of the left half, 2 in. by lin.; 16 +..... lines. Portion of a hymn, part of which has an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5216] Portion of the right half, 3 in. by lin.; 24 + 24 + 3 lines. Part of a letter concerning public affairs. Mention is made of ( t^Y~ ¢ >+-<¢ >4-b id, who probably is identical with "the king of Elam" A(4A \yY<3E) mentioned in another line. [K. 5217] Lower portion,, left half, 2¼in. by 2¼in.; 10 + 10 lines. Part of a prayer with an interlinear Assyrian version. Mention is made of (Sin, the

Lord of) Ur (-+

<- <TIh'y


) Fragment out of the middle, 24in. by 28in.; ... .





<_ M- = + [K. 5218]

+ +..... I

Part of' an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian

Cf. BEZOLD, Zeits., 1887, p. 460; see also below, K. 5236. [K. 5219]

Fragment of the lower portion, 21in. by 1 in.; 11 + 8 + ......... lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. The text of lines 6-9 of Column I corresponds with that of W.A.I. IV, 2nd ed., pl. 5, lines 68 ff., a (cf. supra, pp. 493, 670, KK. 2968, 4870). [K. 5220] * Partly effaced.

tF Restored fromr line 5.



Right-hand corner, 15in. by 1-in.; 10 + 9 lines. an interlinear Assyrian version.

Portion of a hymn with [K. 5221]

Right-hand corner, 3in. by 2in.; 19 + short ends of 7 lines. prayer with an interlinear Assyrian version. Lower portion, right half, 3in. by 2in.; 10 + 11 lines. tation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version.

Part of a [K. 5222]

Part of an incan[K. 5223]

Right half, lower portion of reverse, 3in. by 2in.; traces of 3 + 9 lines. "Incomplete"* copy of a religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version. Of the catch-line only the end is visible:i.



>+-v o^vI


[K. 5225]

lines. Part of a hymn Portion out of the middle, 3in. by 2gin.; 12 + ..... with an interlinear Assyrian version. Mention is made of Borsippa ef. HAUPT, Keilschriftt., p. 180, - T <Ej = + VY':); (ESy -1 y Y _Y [K. 5226] No. VII. + 2lines. Fragment of a religious(?) Right-handcorner, 2 in.byl in.; ..... [K. 5228] text with an interlinear Assyrian version. Portion of the left half, 25in. by 1-in.; ..... ± 17 lines. Part of a prayer [K. 5231] with an interlinear Assyrian version. Portion of the right half; 2sin. by 2sin.; 17 + ..... lines. incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. Fragment of the left half, lin.

by 1}in.; 13 + .


Part of an [K. 5232] Part of a

-¶Y 4i', q+ hymn to Merodach (written: --4-YyyTY, E respectively) 4-4' _,y >+ yyY Uyy, and [p] CT -+ [K. 5233]

with an interlinear Assyrian version.

in.1 in.; 20 +.....lines. Epigraphs Portion out of the middle, 3 .bby referring to Assurbanipal's campaigns in Elam. Mention is made of [K. 5234 a] ~'Y t-!Y {(. Left-hand corner, 2 in. by 1 in.; 13 +..... with an interlinear Assyrian version.


Portion of a prayer [K. 5235]

.. lines. Fragment of the upper portion, lkin. by lain.; 7 + ....... version. Assyrian interlinear an with Part of an incantation-text The fragment might belong to the same tablet as K. 5219, q.v. [K. 5236] Portions, 6in. by 5½in.; 29 + 17 + 17 + 43 lines; Babylonian. incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. * Cf. supra, p. 474, note *.

Part of an [K. 5237]



Fragment of the left half, lIin. by





+ .....+ 12 lines. Incantations with an interlinear Assyrian version, being a fragment of the 16th tablet of the Series LYY<->YH. Duplicate of K. 2977; see above, p. 494. The text corresponds with that of W.A.I. IV, 2nd ed., pl. 6, Column VI, lines 15 ff. [K. 5238] Left-hand corner, 27in. by 1in.; .... + 18 lines. Part of a prayer with an interlinear Assyrian version. For a duplicate see above, p. 685, K. 5047. [K. 5239] Fragment of the right half, 2'in. by 2in.; 9 +..... lines. Portion of a prayer in the form of a litany. [K. 5240] Fragment of the upper portion of one side, ljin. by lfin.; 15 + ... + .......... lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version, beginning:-

-~'C~ gk t'¥2iMK4 (?) .TT >StY ^

e t

Y [Ya]*


Ad A

[K. 5241]

Portion out of the middle, 3in. by 3in.; 29 + .......... lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5243] Upper portion, from



by lain.; 11 + 5 lines. Y y>-~_ k.

_ -

Part of a letter to the king [K. 5244 b]

Upper portion, right half, 3in. by 2-in.; 22 + 10 lines. Portion of a religious text. [K. 5245] Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by 1in.; ..... + ( . .. +.....+) 8 lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5246] Fragment of the right half, l1in. by lin.; ..... + 13 + ....... ... lines. Portion of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies, some of which have an interlinear Assyrian version. Duplicate of K. 3197, etc., see above, p. 512; the text corresponds with that of W.A.I. IV, 2nd ed., pl. 21, lines 2 ff., b. [K. 5247] Fragment of the right half, 2 in. by 2in.; ..... + + .... 20 ..... lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. Duplicate of K. 4872 (see above, p. 670), Column III, lines 10 ff. [K. 5248] Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by l1in.; 10 +.......... lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version, similar to that of K. 3586 (see above, p. 546). [K. 5251] * Restored from lines that follow. VOL. II.

4 x




Part of a


11 + .....

l1in.; Fragment of the right half, 1 in. by

[K. 5252]

prayer. 20 +

Fragment out of the middle, 2-in. by l1in.;

Portion of a



[K. 5253]


Fragment of a [K. 5254]

lines. -

Left-hand corner, 2in. by 1in.; 15 + .......... *' _y -Y: .4hymn, beginning:

Portion of a


Fragment of the right half, 23in. by 2in.; 14 + .....

Duplicate of [K. 5255]

religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version. K. 5159 (see above, p. 694), obverse, lines 13 if.


+ 15 (+.....)


Portion of the right half, 2 in. by 1 in.;

Part of an in cantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. .

_-H] iy * HYY>>Y
colophon-line reads: [--


Fragment out of the middle, 1,in. by 1in.; 12 +..........


[K. 5256] Part

[K. 5257]

of a religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version.

Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 2jin. by l in.; ..... + 8 lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version, + +4. qYYYY <W -Y 4 X * y-4-+










Fragment of the right half, 21in. by lin.; 21 religious text.

[K. 5258]



Portion of the left half, 23in. by 23in.; 14 + .....

Portion of a [K. 5260]



Part of a hymn


[K. 5261]

with an interlinear Assyrian version. 1 1 Fragment out of the middle, 1'in. by 1 in.; 8 + .......... of a religious text.

lines. Part [K. 5262]


lines; Babylonian.


1Jin.; Fragment of the right half, 2-in. by


Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5263] lef Lower portion le

l 2jin. by 1iin.; 18 + 5 + 21 + (left-hand edge) 4 hal,

lines; Babylonian.

Part of a letter to the king concerning public



, y <« [K. 5264]

Portion of the left half, 2-in. by 2 in.; 12 + traces of 7 lines.

Part of an

affairs. y y¢

Mention is made of , etc.



A* (?) H,



incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. Lower portion, 31in. by 2¼in.; 15 + 11 lines. text with an interlinear Assyrian version. * Partly effaced.

[K. 5265]

Part of an incantation[K. 5266]



Left-hand corner, 2'in. by lin.; 13 + 7 lines. Part of a prayer with an interlin3ar Assyrian version. Lines 4 f., 12 f. of obverse and lines 1 f. of reverse are quoted by HAUPT, Keilschriftt., p. 180, No. VIII. [K. 5267] Upper portion, 4 in. by 3½in.; 28 + 13 lines; Babylonian. Portion of a hymn to Nergal, with an interlinear Assyrian version, which has been copied from a tablet in the city of Cuthah. It begins:AndT A->YW in + The catch-line and colophon read: f/t'~~



a b-


/ Ad

. // //Y /Aad-,-

^IT ^ e ^'^^ d ni y sEE T; tiy V ^n? is ai >YTO Lines 3-6 of obverse and lines 4-7, 13 of reverse are quoted by STRASSMAIER, A.V., pp. 286, 721 f., 772, 1059, 1061, 1087; see also SAYCE, Acad., 1886, No. 750, p. 191; Hibb. Lect., pp. 197; 343, note 1; and DELITZSCH, W.B., pp. 253, 255, 405. [K. 5268 + K. 5333 a] Fragment out of the middle, 2 in. by 2 in.; 18 + 9 +.......... lines. Portion of an incantation-text, part of which has an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5269] Fragment out of the middle, 2 in. by 2in.; 17 +..... prayer with an interlinear Assyrian version. Right-hand corner, 2 in. by l1in.; ..... + 13 lines. with an interlinear Assyrian version.


Part of a [K. 5270]

Portion of a prayer [K. 5271]

Fragment of the lower portion, lin. by I in.; 9 + ..... lines. Part of a historical inscription, probably of Assurbanipal, whose name is mentioned in line 6. [K. 5272] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by lsin.; 13 + ..... Sumero-Akkadian hymn.


Left-hand corner, 1 in. by 1in.; .......... + 9 lines. incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version.

Part of a [K. 5273]

Part of an [K. 5274]

Right-hand corner, lIin. by in.; 10 + 10 lines. Fragment of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. Of the catch-line

only the end is visible:

" t-<-



[K. 5275] Restored from line 3 of obverse. t Partly effaced. * Corrected by the scribe. *





Fragment of the left half, lin. by in.; 5 +.... ..... lines. Fragment of an incantation (?)-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5276] Right-hand corner, l1in. by 1in.; 11 + 4 lines. Part of an astrological text, probably belonging to a tablet of the great astrological work The reverse contains part of a double-date (Ty -+ --YP, etyyD). (B.C. 709); cf. G. SMITH, Ep. C., p. 86. [K. 5277] in.; ..... + 2 lines. Fragment of the lower part of reverse, Part of a colophon containing a (double-)date from the reign of [K. 5278] Sargon II. Fragment out of tie middle of reverse, 2 in. by 28in.; ..... + 6 lines. Part of a colophon containing a (double-)date (B.C. 706 ?); cf. G. SMITH, [K. 5279] Ep. C., p. 87. Left-hand corner, 3in. by 2¼in.; 9 + 8 lines. Astrological forecasts belonging, according to the colophon, to the 6th tablet of the great astrological work. The catch-line and the beginning of the colophon read:

ky -~w>+


Fm7Y, tC.

Lines 7 f. of reverse contain a double-date (B.c. 709); cf. G. SMITH, Ep. C., p. 86; OPPERT, Doc. jurid., p. 167; and BOSCAWEN, 7.S.B.A., [K. 5280] Vol. VI, p. 16. Left-hand corner, l1in. by 1lin.; 8 + 6 lines. Astrological forecasts belonging, according to the colophon, to the 6th tablet of the Series The colophon contains a double-date (B.C. 706?); y*y By ;y >TTY. [K. 5281] cf. G. SMITH, Ep. C., p. 87. + 10 lines. AstroPortion of the left half of reverse, 2-in. by in.; ..... logical forecasts belonging, according t, the colophon, to the 36th tablet of the Series Yy ¥ A- ~Yf Ty]y. The catch-line reads:-

- - "4 ^4 Y Y <__ M$'tots [IZ 4 The (double-)date on reverse is mutilated.

H-] Y>>^


[K. 5282]

Fragment of the left half, 1Iin. by lain.; 6 + 4 lines. Astrological -+--E . The forecasts; the lines begin throughout with [y ¢] colophon contains a (double-)date (B.C, 717 ?); cf. G. SMITH, Ep. C. [K. 5283] p. 85. Partly effaced. t This restoration is attempted after K. 2874 (see above, p. 485), obverse, line 1. *



Right-hand corner, 2:in. by 2in.; 17 + 2 lines. Forecasts, partly relating to public affairs. Dated colophon; cf. G. SMITH, Ep. C., p. 85. [K. 5284] + 6 lines. Fragment of the lower portion of reverse, 2sin. by lin.; ..... Colophon of an omen-text belonging to the Series [[I >]y >- <(> - TT Y <; ^;Y [V ~E]. Of the catch-line only '"2 "%




[K. 5285]

is visible.

Portion of the left half, 23in. by l1in.; 19 + ..... lines; Babylonian. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5286] Right-hand corner, lin. by 1lin.; 6 lines. Fragment of an incantationtext with an interlinear Assyrian version. Duplicate of K. 31.69 (see above, p. 510), Column I, lines 1 ff. [K. 5287] Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by l1lin.; .... Prescriptions (?).

+ 7 +..........lines. [K. 5288]

in.; 9 + .... lines. Fragment of the right half; 1 in. by ncantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version.

Part of an [K. 5289]

21 + 25 + Lower portion, right half, 3kin. by 2jin.; (.....).....+ ..... ) lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear .....

Assyrian version.

[ -4- -y ?]* on public affairs.

from Y A dYy


of Carchemish (=y



V =yy¥ BdjY),


Mention is made of

-yY YTt Y Y~ , and

of the cities

yy _^

, etc. [K. 5291]

Fragment of the right half, 3in. by 23in.; .... with an interlinear Assyrian version.


[K. 5290] Letter to the king

y _yy HyY

_ nY~_ M!

A colophon-line reads: [G-_Y -




+ 17 lines. Incantations

Duplicate of K. 3152 (see above,

p. 508), reverse, lines 7 if., which it completes.

This fragment probably

belongs to the same tablet as K. 5143; see above, p. 692.

[K. 5292 +K. 5344] lines. Portion out of the middle, 23in. by 1min.; 18 + 13 ........... Assyrian version, have an interlinear Incantations, some of which [K. 5293] and directions for ceremonies. Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by liln.; .....

prayer with an interlinear Assyrian version.

+ 9 lines.

Part of a

[K. 5296]

* This restoration is attempted after K. 1402 and K. 4307; see above, pp. 283, 615; cf. also pp. 100, 139, 142,146, 149, 222, 247, 285, 299, 723, KK. 403, 610, 630, 650, 665, 1031, 1227, 1413, 1500, 5468, etc.



Upper portion, 35in. by 2 in.; 25 + 4 lines. Copy of a prayer in the form of a litany, with an interlinear Assyrian version. Cf. DELITZSOH, Lesest., 3rd ed., p. 26, note 1; and BEZOLD, Lit. Ctrlbl., 1885, col. 975. [K. 5298] Portion out of the middle, 2 in. by 2}in.; 15 + 16 lines; division-marks. Part of a mythological legend concerning the Sun-god (-4yf) ; cf. supra, p. 451, K. 2527, etc. [K. 5299] Fragment of the right half, 24 in. by 11in.; 14 + .... lines. incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. Right-hand corner, 2in. by 1 in.; 13 + 12 lines. an interlinear Assyrian version.

Portion of an [K. 5300]

Portion of a prayer with [K. 5301]

Fragment of the right half, 21 in. by 2in.; ..... + 11 lines; Babylonian. Part of a Sumero-Akkadian prayer. [K. 5302] Lower portion, right half, 2 in. by 2 in.; 13 + 10 lines; Babylonian. Part of a prayer with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5303] Portions, 2-in. by 1 in.; 20 + ..... address to the king.

Part of an [K. 5304]

+ 2 lines; Babylonian.

Fragment out of the middle, 1iin. by 1 in.; 7 +.... historical inscription.


Part of a [K. 5305]

Fragment out of the middle, 24in. by lIin.; traces of 2 + 18 + .......... lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5306] ines. Portion of a hymn, Left-hand corner, l in. by lin.; 12 + ..... part of which has an interlinear Assyrian version. Duplicate of D.T. 67 (q.v.), obverse, lines 22 ff. [K. 5307] Portion out of the middle, 2 in. by 2iin.; 22 + ..... prayer with an interlinear Assyrian version.


Part of a [K. 5308]

lines. Portion of an incanRight-hand corner, 2|in. by 1 in.; 18 + ... tation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5309] lines. Part Fragment out of the middle, lin. by 1in.; 15 - ........ of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5310] Left-hand corner, 2jin. by 2in.; 17 + 1 + ..... with an interlinear Assyrian version.


Part of a prayer [K. 5311]

.......... lines; Portion out of the middle, 3 in. by 2 in.; 12 + 11 + Babylonian. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5312] Portion out of the middle, 2½in. by 2in.; 18 + 13 + .. Incantations and directions for ceremonies.


lines. [K. 5313]



Upper portion, 25in. by 2jin.; 18 + .....


Part of a hymn to


[K. 5315] Fragment of the right half, 2|in. by l1in.; ..... + 12 + ..... +.... lines in double-columns. Explanatory list with glosses. Lines 8 if. form a duplicate of K. 4341 (see above, p. 621), Column II, lines 1 ff. For the text see W.A.I. V, 30, No. 2. [K. 5316] -+



Fragment of the right half, 2¼in. by lsin.; 18 +..... lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. Duplicate of K. 5139; see above, p. 692; cf. also p. 669, K. 4859. For the text see W.A.I. IV, 2nd ed., Add., p. 5. [K. 5317] Left-hand corner, 2in. by gin.; 5 + .......... lines. tation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version.

Part of an incan[K. 5318]

Fragment of the left half; 1 in. by 1 in.; 8 +.....lines. with an interlinear Assyrian version.

Part of a prayer [K. 5319]

Fragment out of the middle, l:in. by 1 in.; 16 + .... hymn with an interlinear Assyrian version.


Part of a [K. 5320]

Portion of the left half, 21in. by 2| in.; 19 + ..... lines; marginal number <. Part of a mythological text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5321] Fragment out of the middle, 1kin. by lin.; 6 +.......... lines. Part of a religious text. [K. 5322] Portion out of the middle of obverse, 23in. by1lin.; 14 lines. Fragment of a letter to the king. Mention is made of the Tigris (pyS*_ <

[K. 5323]

~-Ty4~ ) Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by 1in.; 24 + ........... of a religious text. Fragment out of the middle, in. by in.; 6 + .......... a religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version.

lines. Part [K. 5324] lines.

Part of [K. 5325]

Fragment of the lower portion of one side, 1 -in. by kin.; 6 + ...... lines. Part of a religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5327] Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by 1 in.; 11 + ..... Part of a mythological (?) text.

lines; Babylonian. [K. 5328]

Lower half, 3-in. by 3 in.; 20 + 26 lines. Incantations with an interlinear Assyrian version. Duplicate of K. 3152; see above, p. 508. The text corresponds with that of W.A.I. IV, 2nd ed., pl. 30 *, lines 7 ff., a. [K. 5330] *

Partly effaced.



Lower half, 3 in. by 23in.; 12 + 17 lines. linear Assyrian version.


Incantations with an inter[K. 5331]

Lower portion, 3§in. by 2in.; 11 + 12 lines; marginal number <. Part of a prayer in the form of a litany, with an interlinear Assyrian version; cf. supra, p. 50, K. 193. The text is published by HAUPT, Keilschriftt., p. 121 f., No. 18. See also ibid., p. 180, No. I; STRASSMAIFR, A.V., pp. 555, 900, 1083; and BEZOLD, Zeits., 1885, p. 192; 1887, pp. 456, [K. 5332] note 2, and 460. Upper portion, 2 1 -in. by lin.; 9 + 12 + 1 lines. public affairs. It begins:--

¢ 'Y Y; k-¢ y ¢< I, I T{ he Y C= «; +ST ¢YTWnt > ¢E -v < <e W ET <<

¢-7Y;Y e

Part of a letter on


Mention is made of

it TY

and of the city of -y




[K. 5333 b]

. lines; BabyFragment out of the middle, 11in. by in.; 7 +......... lonian. Part of a religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5334] + 14 + 12 + +..... Fragment of the right half, 2¼in. by lin.; .. lines. Part of a mythological legend belonging to ..... +..... kAYY. Duplicate of A a, the 6th tablet of the Series V K. 231; see above, p. 61. For the text see HAUPT, Nimr., p. 34, No. 17; and W.A.I. IV, 2nd ed., pl. 41 [48]. Cf. also Beitr., Vol. I, p. 111; and [K. 5335]

A. JEREMIAS, Idd.-Nimr., p. 25 f.

lines; Fragment out of the middle, lin. by lin.; 16 ........ version. Assyrian Babylonian. Part of a hymn with an interlinear [K. 5337] lines; Baby...... Fragment of the left half, lin. by 12in.; 10 + . lonian. Part of a prayer with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5338] lines; Baby Fragment of the left half, lin. by lin.; 7 +.......... lonian. Part of a prayer with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5339] Fragment of the left half of reverse, lin. by sin.; .... of a hymn with an interlinear Assyrian version.

+ 8 lines. End [K. 5340 a]

Lower portion, 2hin. by 1lin.; 19 + 3 + traces of 3 lines. or report, concerning astrological forecasts.

Part of a letter, [K. 5340 b]

* Tar., in line 2 of reverse:


f Partly effaced. ae




Fragment of the lower portion, 1 in. by sin.; 5 lonian. Part of a mythological (?) text.


lines; Baby[K. 5341]

Fragment out of the middle, lin. by "in.; 7 +..........lines. an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version.

Part of [K. 5342]

Fragment of the right half, 11in. by 3in.; 8 +..... lines. Part of a hymn with an interlinear Assyrian version. Duplicate of K. 2861 (see above, p. 482 f.), obverse, lines 60 ff. [K. 5343] Fragment of the right half, 1in. by "in.; 11 +.. lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5345] Fragment of the upper portion, 1]in. by lin.; 7 +..... hymn with an interlinear Assyrian version.


Part of a [K. 5346]

Fragment of the right half, lin. by in. .......... + 14 lines; Babylonian. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5347] Fragment out of the middle, 2 in. by lin.; .... prayer with an interlinear Assyrian version.

+ 10 lines.

Part of a [K. 5348 a]

Portion of the left half, 33 in. by 2 in.; 12 lines. Omens derived from the actions of pigs (?), etc. Cf. supra, p. 558, K. 3725. [K. 5348 b] Lower portion, 1 -in. by 1 in.; 8 +.....lines; Babylonian. religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version (?).

Part of a [K. 5349]

Right-hand corner, 1 in. by in.; traces of 6 + 8 lines; Babylonian. Part of a religious (?) text. [K. 5350] Left-hand corner, lin.


in.; ....

with an interlinear Assyrian version.

+ 11 lines.

Portion of a hymn

[K. 5351]

Fragment of the right half, 1in. by lin.; .......... 9 ( + ..... ) lines. Part of an in cantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5352] ....... lines; BabyFragment out of the middle, l1in. by in.; 8 +. lonian. Part of a religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5353] Fragment of the right half, 1in. by l1in.; .......... + 9 lines; Babylonian. Portion of an incantation-text, part of which has an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5354] Fragment of the lower portion, 25in. by 1in.; ..... + 6 + 4 +. lines; Babylonian. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. Lines 5 and 6 of obverse are quoted by BEZOLD, Zeits., 1889, p. 431. [K. 5355] VOL. II.

4 Y



Fragment of the left half; 3Min. by 3in.; 27 + 26 lines; Babylonian. Part [K. 5356] of a religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version. lines. Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by 1 in.; 13 + 4 +.......... Part of an incantation (?)-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5357] lines. Part of a Fragment of the upper portion, 1lin. by 13in.; 6 + .... [K. 5358] prayer with an interlinear Assyrian version. + 10 lines. Part of a in.; .... Fragment of the right half, 2in. by hymn with an interlinear Assyrian version. The contents appear to [K. 5359] be similar to those of K. 4821; cf. stpra, p. 666. lines; by 1 in.; 9 + 12 +.......... Portion out of the middle, lin. Part of an incantation (?)-text with an interlinear Babylonian. [K. 5360] Assyrian version. lines. Part Fragment out of the middle, lin. by in.; 5 +.......... [K. 5361] of a prayer. Babylonian. Portion of the left half, 2 in. by 1 in.; 15 +...........lines; Copy of a religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5362] Fragment of the left half, 2in. by gin.; 14 + ..... lines; Part of a hymn (?) with an interlinear Assyrian version.

Babylonian. [K. 5364]

+ 11 lines. Part of Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by in.; ......... [K. 5365] an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. 18 + 16 + ..... lines. Portion of the right half, 2in. by 2in.; . .... Part of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for [K. 5366] ceremonies. + ..... Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by luin.; ..... + 10 + ... lines; Babylonian. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear [K. 5368] Assyrian version. lines; BabyFragment out of the middle, lin. by in.; 6 + .......... lonian. Part of a religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5369] Portion of the left half, 2in. by 1lin.; 15 +..... lines; Babylonian. Part of a prayer with an interlinear Assyrian version. Six pairs of [K. 5370] rel="nofollow">my) ; cf. infra, K. 5992. lines begin with >¥~ (= ~y~ lines. Part of Fragment out of the middle, lin. by gin.; 6 +.......... [K. 5371] an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. ... +) 12 lines; ...+ Lower portion, left half, 2-in. by 2jin.; 15 + (. Portion of an incantation-text with an interlinear Babylonian. [K. 5372] Assyrian version.


-itl 711


lines; Babylonian. Portion out of the middle, 31in. by 2§in.; 17 q ..... Part of a religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5373 + Sin. 438 + Sm. 1337] lines; Baby[K. 5374]

Fragment out of the middle, 21 in. by 2in.; 8 +.......... lonian. Part of a prayer.

Left-hand corner, 1 in. by lin.; 6 + 6 lines. Incantations with an linear Assyrian version, belonging to the 7th tablet of the Duplicate of K. 136 (see above, p. 35), obverse, lines Series. [K. reverse, lines 20 if.

interke 3 ff.; 5375]

lines. Baby[K. 5376]

Fragment of the lower portion, 1]in. by 1 in.; 8 +.......... lonian. Part of a religious (?) text.

lines. Part of Fragment of the left half, lin. by 1in.; 10 + .......... [K. 5377] an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. lines; Babylonian. Fragment out of the middle, 1}lin. by lin.; 8 + .... Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5378] Lower portion, right half, 2in. by 1lin.; 16 + 4 + 15 lines; Babylonian. Letter to the king on military affairs. Mention is made of Y-- (<<

> L,i y >44

Y -, L] and the land of Elam (G <>Y(








Upper portion, 2in. by lin.; 3 lines.


Lower portion, 2 in. by 2 in.; 14 + 8 lines. Lines 10 f. of obverse read:-

^>+ ><> ?] >k4

Y _ ^; i _BEY


Beginning of a private contract. [K. 5381]

Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by lin.; 13 + 13 lines.



[K. 5380]



Part of a letter. [K. 5382 a]

Part of a historical inscription.


^tnTT SI a Fagmento



mlibi;.iey[K. 5382 b]

Fragment out of the middle, 2 in. by 1 in.; 9 +.. Part of a letter to the king.

lines; Babylonian. [K. 5383]

i by 2in.; 7 + 8 lines; Babylonian. Fragment of the lower portion, 2in. ' Hi) concerning public Part of a letter, or report, to the king (E? d). affairs. Mention is made of the land of Akkad (\ [K. 5384] Partly effaced.

4Y 2




Fragment of the upper half, liin. by 1- in.; 9 + 7 lines; Babylonian. -Part of a letter to the king. [K. 5385] Fragment out of the middle, 1}in. by gin.; Part of a letter.

8 + .....

lines; Babylonian. [K. 5386]

Portion out of the middle, 2]in. by in.; 14 + 15 lines. Part of a letter to the king on public affairs. Mention is made of y A-- .-t.. [K. 5387] Portion of reverse, 1-in. by lin.; ... a letter.

+ 15 lines; Babylonian.

End of [K. 5388]

Fragment of the right half, 1 1-in. by -- in.; 7 + 7 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king (?X ) ' [K. 5389] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 3in.; 6 a letter to the king. Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by l1iD.; ..... Fragment of a letter.



Fragment of [K. 5390]

+ short remains of 9 lines. [K. 5391]

Fragment out of the middle, 11in. by lin.; 7 + .... letter to the king.


Part of a [K. 5392]

Portion out of the middle, 1 in. by "in.; 12 + 8 lines; Babylonian. Part [K. 5393] of a letter. Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by lin.; 10 + .... Part of a letter (?).

lines; Babylonian. [K. 5394]

Upper portion, right half, 1 in. by Win.; 9 + traces of 2 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king (Gu- \~ av) from the people of Erech [K. 5395] ), etc. >ff i f(>t^-

Lower portion, right half, 2in. by 1lin.; 11 + 1 + 12 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king. Mention is made of < ~y -y < T* ^, (Yif


>f I

, and


[K. 5396]

Portion out of the middle, 15in. by 1in.; 9 + 6 lines; Babylonian. Part of a report to the king on private affairs. Mention is made of the city of yy T~y y oce. [K. 5397] Right-hand corner, 1in. by 1 1in.; 9 + 3 lines; Babylonian. Portion of a letter to the king (-k >-*- ) from y ~->~ + tconcerning public affairs. Mention is made of y Ad Gi YWand of the city of [K. 5398] . -TY -5E A Lower portion, 1-in. by 1 in.; 9 + traces of 3 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter on public affairs. Mention is made of ( ,--


Partly effaced.



Fragment of the right half, 1 in. by in.; 7 + 8 lines; Babylonian. a letter to the king. Mention is made of [f] ~---F* <4T-z Fragment of the right half, 1-in. by lin.; ..... Part of a letter.

Part of -- 4>. [K. 5400] + 8 lines; Babylonian. [K. 5401]

Fragment of the upper portion ot one side, 1-lin. by Babylonian. Part of a religious (?) text.

gin.; 5

Fragment of the upper portion of reverse, 1l-in. by Win.; ... Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king. Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by l-in.; 11 + ..... Part of a letter to the king. Lower portion, right half, lin. of a letter.

+ .....

lines; [K. 5402]

+. + 4 lines [K. 5403]

lines; Babylonian. [K. 5404]

by 1¼in.; 7 + 9 lines; Babylonian.

Part [K. 5405]

Fragment out of the middle, lin.

by sin.; 8 + ....

Part of a letter.

lines; Babylonian.

[K. 5406]

Fragment of the lower portion, 1 in. by Win.; 5 + 4 + 3 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter concerning public affairs. Mention is made of Saosdubcinos (y f.t- '-V r-4 - ) and of ty y];; [r ~ ?]. Lower portion, 3hin. by 2in.; 9 + 13 lines. including directions for ceremonies.

[K. 5407] Part of a religious text, [K. 5408 a]

Fragment out of the middle, lain. by win.; .... Part of a letter.

+ 7 lines; Babylonian. [K. 5408 b] Upper portion, 3 in. by 2i-in.; 16 + 8 lines. Directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. They begin:-

ma s V vt a XIA-d~Ady ·8+a


S Hi

Fragment of the right half, ] in. by win.; ..... Part of a letter.


At [t?]. K

[K. 5409 a] + 12 lines; Babylonian. [K. 5409 b]

Left-hand corner, 2in. by 18in.; 9 + ..... +.....+ 12 lines. Portion of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies. [K. 5410 a] Fragment of the right half, 1'in. by 1-in.; 8 + 13 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king. [K. 5410 b] * Partly effaced.



Lower portion, right half, 3in. by 1 in.; 17 + 7 lines. Portion of a prayer, in the form of a litany, part of which has an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5411] Left-hand corner, 2 in. by 21in.; 17 + traces of 3 + .... + traces of 3 lines. Sumero-Akkadian incantations. The text of the fragment begins:



TY -






:n - '

A colophon-line reads:E >>4

E[H ^H




Right-hand corner, 14in. by 11in.; 8 lines; Babylonian. letter to the king from Y ;WY ~-^ f k.

.[K. 5412a]

Beginning of a [K. 5412 b]

Upper half, 3in. by 3 in.; 14 lines. Inscription of Sennacherib concerning his works dedicated to the god Assr. It begins: YW> ~-- 4

:-+- rI
, . -YFragmet f the

righ half,



in. by in.; 7 .




lines; < -Baby*

-+ U; qYYY

^ n -n^ Y-i U r- 1yTnrT 4A Yv Y; <®Yk


>+ Y>->->>->--H ->¢__Y V

-^ ^r<-VYk-w

< ; rY[-+

T-T >


ky- " 2byk>k

TYn <


<^ -+ U
- T-



-- V < f, etc.

I <

[K. 5413 a] Fragment of the right half, lin. by 8in.;

7 +.....

lines; Babylonian.

Part of a letter.

[K. 5413 b]

Upper portion, 3 Lin. by 1'in.; 7 + 2 lines. beginning:,\X>YB^<>>7<>Y^ o(?)*><>>(y)X g~o etYTA>+4-






Part of an omen (?)-text,



· 0(-44

I >+ 077 LS> ~Y $

-Y> -I1YZ V--va

[K. 5414 a] Left-hand corner, 1 in. by lin.; 7 + 8$ lines; Babylonian. List of names of persons, probably to be connected with the revenues of a temple. [K. 5414 b] Portion ont of the middle, 3in. by 2- in.; ..... + 15 +.....+ ..... lines. Incantations and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. [K. 5415 a] * Partly effaced.

t This iestoration is based on K. 3511; see above, p. 540. t The lines on reverse run at right angles to those on obverse.



Right-hand corner, 1-6in. by I-Iin.; 7 + 2 + 4 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter. [K. 5415 b] Portion of the right half, 2 in. by lin.; ..... + 10 + 15 + ..... lines. Incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies. Two colophon-lines read:-




..[>H] ^



nTY <*!4



>myy, and .

Cf. supra, pp. 452, 517, K. 2537 and K. 3261. Portion of reverse, 1 in. by letter (to the king?).

in.; .....

+ 10 lines

[K. 5416a] Babylonian.

Part of a [K. 5416 b]

Portion of the right half, 3-in. by 31in.; traces of 3 + 19 + 15 +.... lines; marginal number <. Astrological forecasts for the various months, partly relating to public affairs. [K. 5417 a] Upper portion, right half, l--in. by "in.; 7 + 6 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter to the > 'yyy on private affairs. Mention is made of

Borsippa ([


[K5417 KI b]

Lower half, 3Min. by 3in.; 23 + 28 + 27 + 25 lines. Portion of a mythological legend concerning the deeds and fortunes of an ancient Babylonian (?) king,t his religious ceremonies and an oracle communi-

cated to him in the city of Cuthah by means of an inscription.

Cf., e.g.,

Column IV, lines 5 if.:-

l> >Y^ >_*:YYTY] f -

::~ ~ -l

$> V





-¥ T--- ~- I-mYI

>- _U

+Y< _T-;

VA*t V

t Y £&4 ny M





I [v;:i+


Y -T:?


§] *4Y*«

-I < 4r? T- I


-y< tVt ;>> 1 7t%,,W<




tY( etc. Y. f-j -Tt;. =Y



AI 'A translation of the text, completed from the duplicate K. 5640 (cf. infra, p. 734), has been attempted by G. SMITH, Chald. Gen., pp. 102 ff.; G.E., pp. 95 if.; and SAYCE, Rec., Vol. XI, pp. 109 ff.; T.S.,'Vol. I, pp. 149 ff. >>e


.-- H

Partly effaced. t Perhaps that king who is supposed to have escaped the Deluge. - Restored from K. 5640. *

§ Or


K. 5640:






See also DELITZSCH, Parad., pp. 142, 144; in LYON'S Keilschriftt., p. 68; in ZIMMERN'S Bussps., p. 118; in BEZOLD'S Lit., p. 315; W.B., p. 457; [K. 5418 a]

and Guide Kouy. Gall., 1885, p. 147, No. 23, F.

Upper portion, 2¼in. by 1-in.; 14 + ..... lines; Babylonian. Part of an J,< I [yf] > -Y£* yVy address, beginning: [,]4 T, etc. Cf. infra, K. 5423 c. [K. 5418 b] -4 + * -? f- > r.Y Portion out of the middle, l1in. by l1in.; 11 t 14 lines; Babylonian. Part [K. 5419 a] of a letter to the king. Fragment of the left half, I in. by 1l n.; 10 + .


lines in double-

Explanatory list of names of various kinds of wood. [K. 5419 b] mythological a of Part lines. 8 15liin.; Upper portion, 3 in. by . The text _; J i- ~T legend forming the 1st tablet of the Series is published by G. SMITH, T.S.B.A., Vol. IV, p. 363 f., plate 1, and columns.

repeated by TALBOT, T.S.B.A., Vol. V, pp. 428 ff.; MENANT, Manuel, p. 378 f.; DELITZSCH, Lesest., 3rd ed., p. 93, and LYON, Mlanual, p. 62.

For translations and explanations see G. SMITH, Chald. Gen., pp. 62 ff.; G.E., pp. 62 f., 293 ff.; TALBOT, Rec., Vol. IX, p. 117; OPPERT, in LEDRAIN'S Hist., Vol. I, p. 411 f.; LENORMANT, Les origines de 1'hist., pp. 494 ff.; HALEVY, Mdl., p. 383 f.; SCHRADER, CO.T., Vol. I, pp. 2 ff.; Vol. II, p. 313; SAYCE, Hibb. Lect., p. 384 f.; Rec., N.S., Vol. I, p. 133; and JENSEN, Kosmol., pp. 266 if., 320 if., 513, 515.


W.B., pp. 65, 304, 446; BEZOLD, Zeits., 1889, p. 432; BRtNN.OW, ibid., 1890, p. 65; PINCHES, Bab. Rec., Vol. IV, pp. 27, 70 f.; and Guide Kouy. Gall., 1885, p. 147, No. 23. For a duplicate see 82, 7-14, 402. [K. 5419 c] lines in doublePortion out of the middle, 3in. by 21in.; 22 +........ [K. 5420 a] meanings. similar with words Assyrian of List columns. Lower portion, right half, lin. by 3in.; 7 4 2 + 10 lines. Part of a letter 4O-. - and Y -4- If to the king. Mention is made of y >-4- A ~ [K. 5420 b] Lower half, 3jin. by 3in.; 19 + 27 lines. Portion of a mythological legend belonging to the 4th tablet of the Series add r Id Y; A. Duplicate of K. 3437 (see above, p. 532 f.), obverse, lines 39 ff. [K. 5420 c] Upper portion, right half, 2in. by 2in.; 15 +.


Portion of a

prayer, in the form of a litany, part of which has an interlinear Assyrian version. Line 5 is quoted by HAUPT, Keilschriftt., p. 181, [K. 5421 a] No. XI. *

Partly effaced.



Right-hand corner, tin. by -in.; 7 + 8 lines; Babylonian. letter.

Fragment of a [K. 5421b]

Portion out of the middle, 2-in. by 13in.; traces of 5 + 13 + . ....... lines in double-columns. Part of an explanatory list, probably belonging to a tablet of the Series 4Y 1 <1 y. [K. 5422 a] Portion out of the middle, 3in. by 23in.; . ....... + 16 lines in double-columns. List of Assyrian words with similar meanings. Duplicate of K. 3906 (see above, p. 575), reverse; cf. also p. 14, K. 52. [K. 5422 b] Right-hand corner, "in. by {in.; 5 + 8 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king. Mention is made of ;t~> , - Y4// 7.^ [K. 5422 c] Upper portion, left half, 4in. by 2-in.; 31 + ... .......... lines in double-columns. Explanatory list, probably belonging to a tablet of the Series y~- |v-j X'. The text corre-

sponds with that of K. 5418 b (q.v.), obverse, lines 1 if.

[K. 5423 c]

Portions, 4}in. by 25in.; 13 + 21 + (left-hand edge) 3 lines. Letter to the king concerning public affairs. Mention is made of y -y> yVy+and Y A-V Y Y[K. 5424 a] Portion out of the middle, 2-in. by lin.; 16 + 11 + ...... double-columns. Part of a list of names of plants. Column I are quoted by STRASSMAIER, A. V., p. 1062.

lines in Lines 4-9 of [K. 5424 b]

Lower half, 2½Iin. by 1 in.; 7 + 7 Babylonian, and 3 lines in Phoenician; from Babylonia. Portion of a private contract. For the Phoenician text see RAWLINSON, J. Roy. As. Soc., New Series, Vol. I, p. 222; W.A.I. II, 70, No. 15; and DE VOGUE, Corpus inscrr. Sem., Pars II, t. I, p. 32. [K. 5424 c] VOL. II.

4 Z




Upper portion, 2½in. by 2jin.; 16 lines. Portion of a letter to the king from y PH Y . Mention is made of the > -4 J-YA Y .' [K. 5425 a] +.... + .... + 14 lines in Portion of the left half, 3in. by lain.; ..... Part of an explanatory list arranged in groups double-columns. according to the form of the cuneiform ideograms. For the text see [K. 5425b] W.A.I. V, 30, No. 3. Fragment of the left half, gin. by ain.; 7 +.....lines; Babylonian. Part [K. 5426 b] of a letter. 14 +.. Portion out of the middle, 2in. by 13in.; (...+) lines in double-columns. Part of an explanatory list.

(+ .) [K. 5427 a]

Upper portion, left half, 2in. by gin.; 13 lines; Babylonian. Part of a [K. 5427 b] letter to the king. .... lines (in Portion out of the middle, 23 in. by 2in.; 11 + 10 + ...... double-columns). Part of an explanatory list arranged in groups [K. 5428 a] according to the form of the cuneiform ideograms. Portion of the left half, 2-in. by Rin.; 9 + 12 lines; Babylonian. Part of a [K. 5428 b] letter. Left half, 2 in. by in.; 8 lines; Babylonian. Letter to the king. [K. 5429] Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 1-in. by 1in.; 4 +..... lines (in three columns). Explanatory list of the class " Sa." For the text see DELITZSCH, Lesest., 3rd ed., p. 51, No. 4; cf. also BEZOLD, [K. 5430] Zeits., 1885, p. 66. Portion of the left half, 2jin. by tin.; 16 + 15 + 1 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king concerning military affairs. Mention is made of 5431 b] [ y>i= t[K. A Portions, 4in. by 2-in.; 10 + 2 + 10 + 2 lines. Letter to the king concerning public affairs. Cf. JASTROW, Zeits., 1889, p. 154, note 1. [K. 5432 a] .). 12 +...(+ Fragment of the right half, 1in. by 1in.; (...+) the text list. For explanatory Part of an lines in double-columns. see JASTROW, Zeits., 1889, p. 159; cf. also ZEHNPFUND, Beitr., Vol. I, [K. 5432 b] p. 526. . lines ....+ ..... + 20 +. Portion of the right half, 2-in. by lin.;. Part of an explanatory list. Duplicate of in double-columns. K. 2055; see above, p. 397. This fragment probably belongs to the same tablet as Rm. 2, 29 (q.v.). Cf. STRASSMAIER, A.-V;, pp. 165, 457, [K. 5433 a] 523, 945; and DELITZSCH, W.B., p. 241.



Portion of the right half, 2iin. by sin.; 19 + 22 + 2 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter concerning public affairs. Mention is made of

r- n ?]·" S?I

T z-

[K. 5433 b]

Fragment of the left half, in. by in.; 14 + ..... + (left-hand edge) 3 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter. Mention is made of y b->- ^y yI( -; [K. 5434 a] Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by 1-in.; 12 +........ lines in double-columns. Part of an explanatory list arranged in groups according to the form of the cuneiform ideograms. [K. 5434 b] Fragment out of the middle, 3¼in. by 3in.; 15 a letter.



Fragment of [K. 5435 b]

Portion of the right half, 2in. by lin.; . .... +..... 14 + ... lines in double-columns. Explanatory list, probably written for the interpretation of a religious text. [K. 5436 a] Upper portion, left half, 1 -in. by a letter to the king.


Iin.; 9 + 9 lines; Babylonian. Part of [K. 5436 b]

Portion of the right half, 1 in. by lyin.; 10 + 6 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king concerning military affairs. Mention is made of

Y 'R



and y


[K. 5437 a]

+ (. >-

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by in.; traces of 2 + 5 + lines (in double-columns ?). List of names of liquids. Upper portion, 18in. by 1min.; 6 lines; Babylonian. address to the king from ( vY y ~-k.f -


....... [K. 5437 b]

Beginning of an [K. 5438]

Portion of the right half, 4in. by in.; . 19 + 21 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king concerning public affairs. [K. 5439 a] Left-hand corner, 11in. by lin.; 7 + ..... +..... + 7 lines (in three columns). Part of an explanatory list of the class of the SumeroAkkadian Syllabary. Duplicate of K. 4319 (see above, p. 617), Column II, lines 4 ff. [K. 5439 b] Fragment of the left half, dlin. by 1 in.; 15 + 13 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king concerning astrological observations, etc. Mention is made of Y V > f, T >t-Y <<4. (-YY [K. 5440 a]

Fragment of the right half, 1 in. by l1in.; (.

lines (in double-columns).


6 (.....)

Fragment of a list of names of plants. [K. 5440 b]

* Cf. supra, p. 612, note *.

t Partly effaced; cf. supra, p. 277, K. 1370.







Fragment of the right half; 1lin. by 1lin.; ....

lines (in double-columns).

12 + .

Explanatory list, probably belonging to [K. 5441 a] . e _

a tablet of the Series %4Y-

Portion of the right half, 2¼in. by1 of a letter.

in.; 13 + 11 lines; Babylonian. Part [K. 5441 b]

+) 13 + 11 (+ ..... ) Fragment of the right half, 2in. by 1 in.; (. [K. 5442 a] lines in double-columns. Part of an explanatory list. Portion of the left half, 2in. by sin.; 16 + 14 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king concerning military affairs. Mention is made of T) and Babylon and the cities of Borsippa (+- y T- yk: <(-, [K. 5442 b] gPg) (Q An [K. 5442 c] Portions, 2-in. by 1in.; 7 + 13 lines. Part of a letter. ) .. ..... .. ( 12 + Portion out of the middle, 2in. by 14in.; (.....+) subject The paradigms. lines in double-columns. Grammatical Mention is made of the Tigris and matter is of a religious character. [K. 5443] <e). Y T -YYYY AY [X], +Euphrates ([Y]f ... lines in doublePortion of the left half, 2in. by 2in.; 14 + 4 + ...... meanings. similar columns. Part of a list of Assyrian words with [K. 5444 a] Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by iin. ; 10 + 10 + (left-hand edge) 3 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king. Mention is made of the [K. 5444 b] - 44). 4- yinhabitants of Borsippa (Lower portion, 1iin. by lin; 7 + 2 + 7 lines. Part of a private contract. [K. 5445] lines Portion out of the middle, lin. by 1in.; 4 + 11 + ......... Explanatory list, probably belonging to a (in double-columns). [K. [K- 5446 a] %-Y. <_ e tablet of the Series '-

Fragment out of the middle, tin. byTin.; 7 + 1 lines; Babylonian. Part [K. 5446b] -'g. of a letter to the king concerning Y -ni= ' Lower portion, 1in. by I in.; 9 + 4+ 12 + 2 lines; Babylonian. Part [K. 5447 a] >-T> TY. of a letter. Mention is made of Id2 +) 1i .......... Portion out of the middle, 2}in. by 1in.; (.. [K. 5447 b] paradigms. Grammatical double-columns. lines in +..... Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by 1min.; 8 + traces of 2 + ..... probably list, Part of an explanatory lines in double-columns. 4F<(iY'e = belonging to a tablet of the Series 54k [K. 5448 a]



Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by lin.; 8 + 9 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king on public affairs. Mention is made of the land


[K. 5448 b]

Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by 1in.; 11 + ..... lines in doublecolumns. Part of an explanatory list. For the text see JASTROW, Zeits., 1889, p. 156; cf. also ibid., 1891, pp. 78 ff. [K. 5449 a] Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by 3in.; 4 + 10 + (left-hand edge) 2 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king on military affairs. [K. 5449 b] Fragment of the right half, 1Iin. by 1'in.; ......... lines. Fragment of an astrological (?) text.


(... .. ) [K. 5450 a]

Upper portion, left half, 2§in. by 7in.; 21 + traces of 8 (vitrified) + (lefthand edge) traces of 4 lines; Babylonian. Portion of a letter to the king from Y ^=q= ; - , ,,, concerning public affairs. Mention is made of i] - , - > -Y ,* T etc. [K. 5450 b] Fragment of the left half, luin. by 1in.; 13 +.......... matical paradigms.

lines. Gram[K. 5451 a]

Fragment of the lower portion, lyVin. by in.; 4 + 3 lines; Babylonian. Fragment of a report. Mention is made of the inhabitants of the land of .f [\ 5451 b] [K. Fragment of the right half, 1 in. by 13in.; .....

+ 14





in double-columns. Part of an explanatory list with glosses. Duplicate of K. 2061; see above, p. 398 f. Cf. also HAUPT, Keilschriftt., p. 203; and DELITZSOH, W.B., pp. 167, 336 f., 440. [K. 5452 a] Lower portion, 1in. by 1-in.; letter.

10 + 6 lines; Babylonian.

Part of a [K. 5452 b]

Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 2¼in. by "in.; 6 +.......... lines in double-columns. Grammatical paradigms. [K. 5453 a] Left-hand corner, lin. by lin.; 4 + 7 lines; Babylonian. to the king (?) concerning astrological observations.

Part of a report [K. 5453 b]

Fragment out of the middle, 13in. by l1in.;. ..... + 10 + 6 lines (in double-columns). Part of a list of Assyrian words with similar meanings. Of the catch-line only the end is visible :-i',',[ ] ;' . [K. 5454] Partly effaced; t Partly effaced. *

cf. supra, pp. 119, 133, 245, KK. 508, 580, 1214, and infra, p. 729, K. 5559.



12 + +) Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1in.; ( ..... [K. 5455 a] lines in double-columns. Part of an explanatory list. lines; Babylonian. Part Portion of the left half, 1 in. by l1 -in.; 11 ± ...... of a letter to the king on public affairs. Mention is made of the city [K. 5455 b] _, Ai. of Ain.; 1 + 3 +.....

Fragment of the lower portion, 3kin. by Part of a religious (?) text.

.... lines. [K. 5456 a]

Fragment of the left half, lin. by gin.; 9 + ..... lines; Babylonian. Part y A-> >~-Yf :-p), Y >-- <<< Z


T ^4 F - z

-d ^ I I~,

(var. Ay :




Gu$YY Y; f


A y y), and the lands of A t i<. o C;. G. SMITH, Asurb., pp. 201,* 204.



T U, ¢ FTV V and> d YYT y Y

A, Y

A, k the

rY4# X [K. 5457]

Portions, 3sin. by l1in.; 28 + 3 + 23 lines. Letter to the king from _TT ~- <((?)t concerning military affairs. Mention y <{<(t- -d J -y, and ->IYT Yt-Yk -y;TYy, etc. [K. 5458] -f is made of Y -+ 04 ~>>Fragment out of the middle, lin. to the king.

by lin.; 5 + 10 lines.

Part of a letter [K. 54601

Portions, 25in. by 15in.; 18 + 4 + 17 lines; Babylonian. Portion of a letter to the king on public affairs. Mention is made of y -4- << A W the · Ad^ Ad ly an d > 1k A;-U -Y4t WEYYt A [K. 5461] t Y), etc. the city of Erech (>-< < Lower half,




6 + 5 lines.

Part of a letter, or report. [K. 5462]

Upper portion, 2-in. by 1in.; 15 + 12 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king from ¥ - > A T concerning +> 4 > -.d <2 S t Y HY], and g-o >-YTy of Y son the tif ,,^ [K. 5463] * It seems that at G. SMITH'S time the left-hand top corner of the tablet, now wanting, was AxV. still preserved. Accordingly, G. SMITH gives the name of the writer:-y; t Partly effaced.



Portions, 43in. by 1'in.; 32 + 3 + 26 lines. Letter to the king from [¥ H-~] (4 -Y( ><
made of the king of Akkad (- - ' V-A YIY); a message from ~ yTy T; a message T >Y r_ concerning the city of from y >-> >TX-yy TOS Ay -Yy(var.: Yyj) yy; and affairs in the lands of Ay -.-y y,H Id d, .^ Ad >.. IYId, Ya>At >y Y;An , the city of nY TV; %yy<, etc. Cf. WINCKLER, Unters., p. 134, note 1; and Guide Kouy. Gall., syy

1885, p. 145, No. 12. Upper portion, 2in. b by Y 4YYk -TYYtY L

AY k [

[K. 5464]

13 + 10 + 4 lines. Letter to the king from C YY].Mention is made of the city of ,yy l



[K. 5465]

Upper portion, 3in. by 1Iin.; 17 + 18 + 2 lines. Part of a letter to the king from y 4:>Yyy Yy-Y* a[Y?] 4?. Mention is made of the cities of [K. 5466] y-. yTY T y>;Yy and >Y y yT TyTy Lower portion, right half, 2 1-in. by 1-in.; 11 + 12 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter, or report. Mention is made of y ~ A. [K. 5467] Upper portion, from YA


by 1Iin.; 11 + 5 lines.
Part of a letter to the king [K. 5468]

Upper portion, 2 in. by 1in.; 14 lines; Babylonian. Akkadian hymn.

Part of a Sumero[K. 5469]

Upper half, 1 in. by 1in.; 7 + 1 lines. Part of a letter to the king from 4 < concerning yyY and Y
Lower portion of reverse, lin.

+ 3 lines.

Part of a letter. [K. 5472] Lower portion, 1in. by 1 in.; 12 + 5 + 10 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king concerning public affairs. Mention is made of Saosduchinos (Y -+ ' Y -> > V-yy* YY >-* ), -Yk A and [K. 5473] ,A. Y "-Ty: : Portions, 2in. by l1in.; 6 + 3 lines; Babylonian.

beginning:-AY Y ^M-YT



'- ] Y>





Fragment of reverse, 2in. by lin.; ..... * Partly effaced.

Part of an address,

~ Yat--

+ 4 lines.


[K. 5474]

End of a letter. [K. 5475]

t (Yf. supra, p. 705, note a.




Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1l in.; 6 + traces of 2 + (left-hand [K. 5476] edge) 1 lines. Part of a letter (to the king). lines. Part of a Portion out of the middle, 1"in. by I-in.; 13 +..... letter, or report, concerning public affairs. Mention is made of Nippur

(-m a

[K. 5477]

lines. Part of a letter Portion out of the middle, 2in. by 1 in.; 12 + .... [K. 5478] to the king. Mention is made of [f -]y (?) A='. > X Fragment out of the middle, lin. by "in.; 7 + 4 lines. Part of a letter [K. 5479] to the king. lines. Beginning Fragment of the upper portion, lin. by 1in.; 7 + ..... [K. 5480] "'. ': of a letter to the king from 4 Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by 1-gJin.; .....

letter. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by {in.; ... letter. Upper portion, l in. by l-in.; 8 + 7 lines. >

Part of a [K. 5481] + 8 lines. End of a [K. 5482]

+ 10 lines.

+ i-- ?]I -<-

Letter from [

[K. 5483]

T[4A 4] to his brother (Assurbanipal).



Part of a [K. 5484]

Fragment of the lower portion, 1-s7,in. by Iin.; 2 + 2 + 4 lines. letter to the king.

Part of a [K. 5485]

Fragment out of the middle, lin. letter (to the king).

Upper portion of reverse,


1lin. by 1

11 + ....

in.; . . ... + 8 lines.

Part of a

[K. 5486]



5 + 6 lines.

Fragment out of the middle, lin. by letter. Fragment of the lower portion, 4 in. by -in.; 2 + 3 lines. to the king. + 4 lines.

Fragment of the right half, l in. by lin.; .....

Fragment of a [K. 5487] Part of a letter [K. 5488] Fragment of a

5 + 1 + 1 lines.

[K. 5489] Fragment [K. 5490]

Fragment of a letter.

[K. 5491]

Fragment out of the middle, lin. by lin.; 6 +..........lines. of a religious (?) text.

Fragment [K. 5492]

Portion out of the middle, lain. by 1in.; letter. Mention is made of the city of -- Y

Part of a [K. 5493]

letter. Fragment of the lower portion, 1lin. bytin.; of a letter. Lower half, 1-7in. by lin.; 3 + 3 lines.

* Partly effaced.

+ 10 lines. . 4(( <_


7 25

Portion of the left half, l1in. by {in.; 9 + 6 lines; Balbylonian. letter concerning military affairs.

Mention is made of the

toe Go.

Portion out of the middle, lin. a letter to the king.

Part of a >_

[K. 5494 a]

by I in.; 12 + traces of 4 lines. Part of [K. 5494b]

Fragment of the upper portion, 3in. by 2¼in.; 16 + 16 + . .... ..... lines. Incantations belonging to the 2nd tablet of the Series. Duplicate of K. 150; cf. supra, p. 39, and Vol. I, p. xxx. The text corresponds with that of W.A.I. IV, 2nd ed., plate 51 [58], Column I, lines 14 if.; Column II, lines 5 if. For the text of lines 1 ff. of Column I see ibid., Additions, p. 9. The fragment probably belongs to the same tablet as K. 6423 and K. 6423 a, qq.v. [K. 5495]


Upper portion, 1 in. by -in.; 4 + 3 + 3 lines. Part of a letter to the king from y -y * >--t yy . [K. 5496] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by -in.; 8 .... lines. Part of a letter to the king. [K. 5497] Upper portion, 15in. by 1Hin.; 6 lines; partly vitrified. to the king. Fragment out of the middle, lin. by 1 in.; 4 + ......... of a list of names of persons and their titles.

Part of a letter [K. 5498] lines. Fragment [K. 5499]

Upper portion, 1 1in. by 11in.; 6 lines. Beginning of a letter to the king from [yI +4- d]Y (?) -<. >' t - ' -4 [K. 5500] Fragment out of the middle, 1ain. by in.; . .... + 4 lines; Babylonian. Fragment of a letter to the king. [K. 5501] Fragment out of the middle, Il in. by 3in.; ... 6 lines. Part of a letter to the king. [K. 5502] Portion of the left half, 1 5in. by 1 in.; traces of 3 + 8 lines. Part of a letter to the king. [K. 5503] Portion out of the middle, 2in. by 3in.; .... + 18 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king concerning military affairs. Mention is made of the r -<_-y *- and the countries of [>y y y ?] [K. 5504] ?]§. Y T(?) It and 1\ 1 - Vi ^ >Fragment out of the middle, 1'in. by gin.; 8 + ..... lines; Babylonian. Fragment of a letter (to the king). [K. 5505] * Partly effaced. t Corrected by the scribe, probably from a previously written -YYk. : This restoration is attempted after K. 82; see above, p. 22. Cf. also pp. 139, 190, 273,

638, KK. 615, 909, 1353, 4515, etc. § This restoration is attempted after K. 5457; see above, p. 722. VOL. II.

Cf. also ibid., K. 5461. 5 A




Fragment of the upper portion, 1in. by tin.; 3 + ..... * -. of a letter (to the king) from [f7,-gl


Beginning [K. 5506]

Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by 9 in.; 9 + .. . >-].* letter to the king. Mention is made of I _f


Part of a [K. 5507]

Fragment out of the middle,


byTin.; 9 + 7 lines.

Fragment of the upper portion, lin. by lin.; 4 + A-. letter to the king from Y -+ A-=


Portion out of the middle, 2in. by i in.; 13 + ..... Part of a letter to the king. Fragment out of the middle, lin. Part of a letter.

Part of a letter. [K. 5508]

by jin.; 8 + .....

Fragment out of the middle, lin. by "in.; 6 + .... Fragment of a l etter (to the king).


lines; Babylonian. [K. 5510] lines; Babylonian. [K. 5511] lines; Babylonian. [K. 5512]

Fragment out of the middle, l3in. by 1 in.; 6 + .... letter. Fragment out of the middle, lin. by tin.; 10 + ..... Part of a list of names of persons. Left-hand corner,


in. by !6in.; 8 + 7 lines.

Lower portion, 1l--in. by 1l letter to the king.




Part of a [K. 5513]

lines; Babylonian. [K. 5514]

Part of a letter (?); illegible. [K. 5515]

+ 1 + 10 lines.

Portion out of the middle, 1 in. by 1 in.; letter to the king. Mention is made of

Part of a [K. 5509]

Fragment of a [K. 5516]

.... 13 lines. : A ,-- Ac,'

Part of a - <-- and


TY+*>> '3 ~ )gp[K. Fragment out of the middle, sin. by Tin.; 4 + ..... letter.


Part of a [K. 5518]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by sin.; 13 .......... . lines. Part of a text containing forecasts. The sentences begin with >-< _V; cf. supra, p. 549, note t. [K. 5519] Fragment out of the middle, 1 5lin. by Sin.; 9 -...... Part of a letter. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by in.; 3 + 6 lines.


Partly effaced.

lines; Babylonian. [K. 5520] Partof a letter(?). [K. 5521]




Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by Part of a letter to the king.




9 lines; Babylonian. [K. 5522]

Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by "in.; 3 + 4 lines. Part of a letter to the king concerning (the images of) genii (VE>+- f]y-. b-- sy. [K. 5523] Fragment of the lower portion of one side, 1in. by lin.; 7 + .....lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter. [K. 5524] Portion out of the middle, 1Lin. by -7in.; 10 + ..... lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter. [K. 5525] Right-hand corner, 1 in. by gin.; 7 + 4 lines. Fragment of a letter to the king. [K. 5526] Fragment of the lower portion, 1l in. by 3in.; . +....2 + 4 lines. Part of a letter concerning public affairs. [K. 5527] Fragment out of the middle, 7in. by -in.; letter. Mention is made of Y «!,,Fragment out of the middle, lin. by Part of a letter.

5 + ..... lines. - and ( -V

in.; ....

Part of a [,., [K. 5528]

+ 8 lines; Babylonian. [K. 5529]

Fragment of the upper portion, 1 in. by in.; 1 + I + (margin) 4 lines. Fragment of a text with forecasts concerning the -|y, etc. [K. 5530] Fragment of the upper portion, 1 in. by in.; 7 +....lines. of a letter to the king from [I +--]*A- A [--<].*

Beginning [K. 5531]

Fragment out of the middle, lin. by I-in.; 9 + .....

Part of a



[K. 5532]

Fragment out of the middle, 11-in. by {in.; .... letter concerning public affairs. Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by letter to the king.


8 lines.

Part of a [K. 5533]

+ 7 lines.

Part of a [K. 5534]

Fragment of the upper portion of obverse, 1}-in. by -in.; 8 +.....


Fragment of a letter to the king.

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by in.; 9 + ..... Part of a letter. Fragment out of the middle, -in. by a letter (?). Mention is made of [!


[K. 5535] lines; Babylonian. [K. 5536]

5 ... lines. -- ] I > ~_l.

Fragment rin.; of [K. 5537]

* This restoration is attempted after KK. 624, 625, 1060; see above, pp. 141, 218; cf. also pp. 147, 248, KK. 655, 1234, etc.

5 A 2



Fragment of the upper portion, lin. by T-in.; 8 + traces of 5 lines; Baby[K. 5538] -X4). , \ lonian. Part of a letter to the king (Portion out of the middle, 1¼in. by 1¼in.; 7 + 4 lines. Fragment of a [K. 5539] letter to the king. lines. Part Fragment out of the middle, 1¼in. by in.; 7 + .......... of a text containing directions for religious ceremonies (?). [K. 5540] Fragment of the right half, lin. by -in.; Part of a letter.

8 + .....

lines; Babylonian. [K. 5541]

Fragment of the left half, lin. by in.; 6 + ..... lines. Part of a letter [K. 5542] to the king. lines. Part of a Fragment out of the middle, lin. by "in.; 7 + ..... [K. 5543] letter. + 8 Fragment of the upper portion of reverse, l in. by tin.; .......... [K. 55441 (?). forecasts lines. Part of a text containing 5 lines. ..... bytin.; Tin. Fragment out of the middle, letter (?). + 2 lines. Fragment out of the middle, 1¼in. byTin.; ..... letter. Fragment of.the upper portion of reverse, 1lin. by 3in.; ..... Babylonian. Part of a letter (?).

Part of a [K. 5545] End of a [K. 5546] + 4 lines; [K. 5547]

lines; Babylonian. Fragment out of the middle, 15-in. by in.; 9 + .... [K. 5548] Part of a letter. 0 + 10 lines; Babylonian. List 1 Portion out of the middle, 2in. by lin.; [K. 5549] of names of persons. Portions, 2 in. by 1 in.; 15 + 1 + 12 + (left-hand edge) 1 lines; Babylonian. Portion of a letter to the king concerning public affairs. Mention is itt . ), Merodachbaladan (m-- <_* made of Sargon (I =y etc. G-, t \^ of country the ge; Y -t-f HT %< -Z), [K. 5550 + K. 5614] lines; Babylonian. Fragment of the left half; 1 in. by in.; 12 + ..... [K. 5551] Part of a letter. Mention is made of the land of i H ai. + 12 lines; Babylonian. Portion Left-hand corner, 1-in. by 1-in.; 13 [K. 5552] of a religious.text. Portion of the left half, 2'in. by 1in.; 15 ± ..... lines; Babylonian. Part [K. 5553] of a letter concerning public affairs. Fragment of the lower portion, 2- 1 in.; 2 + 4 lines; Babylonian. [K. 5554] Probably part of a letter. Partly effaced.

7 29


Fragment of the left half, 1 1in. by 3in.; 6 + 6 lines. the king. Left-hand corner, 1


by in.; 6 lines. b6in.

Part of a letter to [K. 5555]

Part of a report, beginning:

I W <s

[K. 5556]

Upper portion, left half, l in. by If in.; 13 lines; Babylonian. letter to the king (r-


Part of a

Gl) from yI- "*i."

[K. 5557]

Fragment of the left half, 1in. by 1l in.; 7 + 8 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter on military affairs. Mention is made of Erech (><¢ EY), and Y (,(?)'¥* [K. 5558] Portion of the left half, 1-in. by gin.; 15 + 18 + (left-hand edge) 1 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king concerning religious matters. Mention is made of >jT >- - . [K. 5559] Left-hand corner, liin. by 1--in.; 7 + 6 lines.

Part of a letter to the king. [K. 5560] Left-hand corner, lin. by lin.; 5 + 5 lines; Babylonian. Beginning and end of a report (COY I) from Y - ;;'">+ i to the T. [K. 5561] Portion of reverse, 2ain. by in.; .... + 10 lines. Part of a letter. [K. 5562] Portion of the left half,l3in. by sin.; 13 + 14 lines. Part of a letter concerning public affairs. Mention is made of the >__ D[^-? ]. [K. 5563] Fragment out of the middle, l8in. by lin.; 8 + .......... lines. Part of a historical inscription. [K. 5564] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1in.; 10 + .......... of a religious text.

lines. Part [K. 5565]

Fragment out of the middle, 1iin. by 8in.; 7 + .......... lines in doublecolumns. Fragment of a list of Assyrian words with similar meanings. [K. 5566] Fragment of the lower portion, 1 in. by 1ain.; 9 + traces of 2 + 10 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter on public affairs. Mention is made of [Y r4- > , -* ??] -*T - and Y -^>f^ -Z\ i> . [K. 5567] Right half, upper portion, 2-3-in. by 8 in.; 11 + traces of 5 lines. letter. Fragment of the left half, 2-1in. by l in.; 13 lines. cerning public affairs. *

Partly effaced.

Part of a [K. 5568]

Part of a letter con[K. 5569]



Portion out of the middle, 2ain. by 1lin.; 10 +3 lines. serving, perhaps, for offerings. Upper portion, 2kin. by l3in.; traces of 6 + 9 + 3 lines. to the >-j . -

List of objects [K. 5570] Part of a letter [K. 5571]

Fragment of the left half, 2in. by lin.; traces of 5 + 8 lines. letter.

Part of a [K. 5572]

Fragment of the left half, 2-in. text containing forecasts.

Part of a [K. 5573]

by 18in.; traces of 3 + 8 lines.

Lower portion, right half, 3in. by Tin.; 18 + 1 + traces of 2 lines. Part of a list of officials (?). [K. 5574] Fragment of the left half, lin. by Part of a letter to the king.


+ 11 lines; Babylonian. [K. 5575]

Portion of the left half, l in. by 1 in.; 12 +.. + (left-hand edge) 3 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter concerning public affairs. [K. 5576] Portion of the left half, 2k-in. by kin.; 12 + 12 lines. the king. Right-half, upper portion, 2- in. by gin.; 14 + 11 lines. the king. Mention is made of f ] VY ai.

Part of a letter to [K 5577] Part of a letter to [K. 5578]

Portions, lin. by 1l-3in.; 8 + 5 lines; lines 3-5 of reverse in Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king from Y --4 t] [¥yA -t ?]. For the text see LEHMANN, Samass., plate XII; cf. also ibid., pp. 7, 25. [K. 5579] Lower portion, left half, 1lin. by 1in.; 15 + 4 + 14 + (left-hand edge) 1 lines. Portion of a letter to the king concerning religious matters. [K. 5580] Upper portion, left half, 2 in. by lin.; 15 + 10 lines. the king concerning military affairs.

Part of a letter to [K. 5581]

Lower portion, left half, 2in. by kin.; 11 + 2 + 14 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king. [K. 5582] Fragment of the upper portion of reverse; 1 in. by '`in.; I traces of 4 + 9 lines. Part of a letter (to the king's son ?). [K. 5583] Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by 1min.; 3 + 9 + (left-hand edge) 2 lines. Part of a letter concerning religious ceremonies. [K. 5584] Upper portion, 1 in. by 1lin.; 6 + 7 + 2 + (left-hand edge) 1 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king (t_ A k) from Y t-l>Y-the city of Mention is made of military affairs. ~_¥ .~ concerning [K. 5585] . ?] aV -Y [-^ y Y * Partly effaced.



Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 13in. to the king.

7 + 6 lines.

Part of a letter [K. 5586]

Fragment of the left half, lin. by in.; 9 ± 3 lines; Babylonian; marginal number <. Fragment of a religious text. [K. 5587] Fragment of the left half, lin. by -in.; 6 + 8 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter. Mention is made of Babylon (4 i;I [by! ?]). [K. 5588] Fragment of the left half, lin. by sin.; 8 + 7 lines. or letter, concerning astrological observations.

Part of a report, [K. 5589]

Left-hand corner, lin. by jin.; 7 + 6 + (left-hand edge) 1 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king. [K. 5590] Left half, upper portion, 1-in. by l in.; 10 + 4 + 2 lines; Babylonian. Part of an address to the king. [K. 5591] Left half, lin. by 3in.; 11 + 12 + 1 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king concerning public affairs. [K. 5592] Portion of the left half, 1 in. by letter.

in.; 10 + 7 lines; Babylonian.

Part of a [K. 5593]

Portion of the left half, 2-in. by 1'in.; 17 ..... + traces of 1 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king concerning public affairs. Mention is made of Merodachbaladan (y >.f- (if IB Y <> 4), -+

a> >



Fragment of the left half of obverse, 1lin. by lonian. Letter to the king. Fragment of the left half, lin. by Part of a letter to the king.

fK. 5594]

? Y, etc.



9 +.....

traces of 3 + 12 lines.

lines; Baby[K. 5595] Babylonian. [K. 5596]

Fragment of the left half, 14in. by lmin.; 7 + 7 + (left-hand edge) 2 lines. Letter to the king. [K. 5597] Lower portion of reverse, a in. by 1- in. ..... + 4 lines. End of a letter to the king. Mention is made of the city of -Ty TTf [r < ?].y [K. 5598] Fragment of the left half, lin. by 6in.; 10 + 4 + (left-hand edge) 1 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter. (K. 5599] Left-hand corner, 7 in. by kin.; 6 + 2 + 6 lines. king concerning private affairs.

Part of a letter to the [K. 5600]

* This restoration is attempted after KK. 418, 521, 595, 616, 948, 1059, 1209, 1233, 1252 a, 1963, 1975, 4764, 5464; see above, pp. 103, 121, 136, 140, 197, 217, 244, 248, 251, 376, 378,660, 723. Cf. also pp. 154, 199, 226 f., 266, 308, 527, 712; KK. 687, 954, 1108, 1113, 1319, 1556, 3374, 5397, etc.



Left-hand corner, 1lin. by letter to the king.


Rin.; 5 + 2 lines.

Beginning and end of a [K. 5601]

Fragment of the left half, 1in. by 3in.; 8 + ..... Part of a private contract.

lines; Babylonian. [K. 5602]

Left-hand corner, «in. by 3in.; 4 + 1 + 3 + (left-hand edge) 2 lines; Baby[K. 5603] lonian. Fragment of a letter. Fragment of the left half, lin. by D-in.; traces of 8 (vitrified) + 8 + 4 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter lo the king concerning public affairs. [K. 5604] Left-hand corner, lin. by address to the king.

l-in.; 7 + 5 + 2 lines; Babylonian.

Part of an [K. 5605]

Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by Tin.; 6 lines. Part of a letter to the y [T ?].* [K. 5606] king. Mention is made of y >yY Left half, upper portion, 2in. by 1-lin.; 11 + 11 + 2 lines; Babylonian. ,:>,,-t concerning public affairs. Letter to the king from t `Yy, ! Y] --y ?], and the cities of Mention is made of y >


[K. 5607]

[Y 1 ?] and yy G i.

Left-hand corner, 1in. by in.; 6 + 1 + 7 lines. king.

Part of a letter to the [K. 5608]

Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by "in.; 11 + 7 lines.

Part of a letter. [K. 5609]

Left-hand corner. lin. by tin.; 7 + 10 + 4 lines; Babylonian. 'A - "''" letter. Mention is made of y

Portion of [K. 5610]

Fragment of the left half, 1in. by 1 in.; 7 + 8 lines. the king.

Part of a letter to [K. 5611]

Upper portion, left half, 1in. by l1in.; 9 + 12 lines. the king from y 4y &il-,, C-LY

Part of a letter to [K. 5612]

Lower portion, 1ain. by 1-3win.; 6 + 1 + 9 lines; Babylonian. letter to the king concerning military affairs. Fragment of the left half, Ia in. by 1in.; Fragment of a letter to the king. Fragment of the left half, l1in. by-in.; a letter to the king.


Part of a [K. 5613]

7 lines; Babylonian. [K. 5615]

9 + 5 lines; Babylonian.

Part of [K. 5616]

* Attempted restoration after K. 5291; see above, p. 705. t Cf. supra, p. 178, K. 844. The size and the form of script of both tablets appear to be similar.




Upper portion, left half, 1Tlin. by 3in.; 9 + 11 + 3 lines; Babylonian. Part of an address to the king (b A,4 A ). [K. 5617] Fragment of the left half, 1lin. by 5in.; 10 + 11 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king. [K. 5618] Fragment of the left half, 1sin. by a letter.

in.; 9 ± 10 lines; Babylonian.

Part of [K. 5619]

Left half, 2in. by l1in.; 14 + 2 + 14 + traces of 1 + (left-hand edge) 3 lines; Babylonian. Portion of a letter to the king. [K. 5620] Fragment of the lower portion, 1 in. by 1 in.; 8 + traces of 3 + 6 + (lefthand edge) 3 lines. Part of a letter to the king. Mention is made of the city of >i a * J< [- ?], Y Ty > -[¥y ?], and the land of Elam (5,

<>XT [T ^m-fl>) Left-hand corner, 11in. by

[K. 5622] in.; 6 + 2 lines.

Fragment of the left half, 1-lin. by letter on private matters.


Fragment of a letter. [K. 5623] 6 + .... lines. Part of a [K. 5624]

Left-hand corner, inm. by -in.; 6 + 2 + 4 + (left-hand edge) 1 lines; Babylonian. Fragment of a letter. [K. 5625] Left-hand corner, -1 in. by -- in.; 10 + .... lines; Babylonian. Beginning of a letter, or report, to the king (C _. k l)concerning public affairs. [K. 5626] Upper portion, lin. by in.; 7 . ++2 lines; Babylonian. Beginning and end of a letter to the king from V'q ¥ -. Mention is made of >O rY I- , + and the -- land of Elam (I 4<>y '( y*). [K. 5627] Fragment of the left half, 1k'in. by letter.

in.; 5 + traces of 4 lines.

Part of a [K. 5628]

Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by lin.; .... .+ 7 + (left-hand edge) 1 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter, or report. [K. 5629] Left-hand corner,

in. by


5 lines.

Left-hand corner, lain. by lin.; Part of a letter. *


Fragment of a letter.

[K. 5630]

7 + 1 + 7 + (left-hand edge) 1 lines. [K. 5631]

Partly effaced. 5 B



Fragment of the left half, gini. Fragment of a letter.



. ...

Fragment of the left half, -5Tin. by 5in.; 8 +..... Fragment of a letter (to the king). Fragment of the lower portion, 1'6'in. by


6 lines; Babylonian. [K. 5632] lines; Babylonian. [K. 5633]

6 + 2 + 3 lines; Babylonian.

Part of a letter. Mention is made of y -:Y Z


<[-?]. [K. 5634]

Fragment of the lower portion of one side, 1-in. by 1-l in.; 8 + 3 +..... lines; Babylonian. Portion of a letter to the king (m= * a ) concerning public affairs. It appears to contain the names of Saosduchinos and Assurbanipal. [K. 5635] Left-hand corner, lin. by lin.; traces of 3 + 6 lines; Babylonian. Fragment of a letter. [K. 5636] Lower portion, left half, 1 b in. traces of 5 + 8 + (left-hand edge) in.; 2 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter. Mention is made of Y >'-=: ~~--~^>~~~ ~v^-J~.v [K. 5637] Portion of the left half, 1|in. by Win.; 9 + 10 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter, or report, to the king concerning financial transactions. Mention is made of '->s- k ?] T ?], - [V ?] and y 'Ad '"[T'Y ?]' [K. 5638] Portion of the left half, 2in. by sin.; 15 + 8 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king concerning public affairs. Mention is made of


<<<- [




(?) and

7 ^Y



[K. 5639]

Portion of the left half, 3iin. by 2-3in.; 23 ..... ++ 20 lines. Part of a mythological legend. Duplicate of K. 5418 a (see above, p. 715 f.), Column I, lines 1 if.; Column IV, lines 1 if. For the text see S. A. SMITH, Texts, pp. (6) f., 3; cf. also BEZOLD, Sitzber. Pr. Ak d. W., 1888, p. 746, note 2; JENSEN, Kosmol., p. 269, note 1; and DELITZSOH, W.B., pp. 445, 457. [K. 5640] ...... + Lower portion, left half, 3-in. by 3jin.; 6 + .... + +.. ..... + 20 lines. Incantations and regulations for making offerings, etc. The text is published, transliterated and translated by PINCHES, Bab. Rec., Vol. I, pp. 145.ff. For similar texts see above, p. 516, K. 3245; and below, K. 5859, etc. [K. 5641] Lower portion, left half, 2-in. by 2 in.; 13 + 16 lines. Omens derived from the actions of snakes. Cf. supra, pp. 410, 466, 554, 559, KK. 2128, 2682, 3674, 3731. [K. 5642] *

Partly effaced.



Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1Iin.; ..... Astrological forecasts.

735 + 10 lines; Babylonian. [K. 5643]

Portion of the left half, 21in. by 1kin.; 16 + traces of 6 lines. Astrological forecasts for the various months, taken from observations of the moon. [K. 5644] Left-hand corner, 15in. by 1-in.; traces of 3 + ( ........ in double-columns. Part of an astrological text. K. 3597 (see above, p. 547), lines 7 if. Fragment of the right half, +in. Fragment of a letter (?).

) 8 lines Duplicate of [K. 5645]

by kin.; 4 +....

lines; Babylonian. [K. 5646] Fragment out of the middle, lin. by in.; .......... + 11 + 4 lines. Part of a text containing prayers and incantations. One section ends with !uY' -.[K. 5648] Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by 1¼in.; 5 + ..... lines. Fragment of a religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version (?). [K. 5649] Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by 1in.; 9 + ......... lines. Part of a religious text. [K. 5650] Fragment out of the middle, 21 in. by 1in.; 10 + traces of 4 +. lines. Forecasts (?). Portion out of the middle, 1 in. by lin.; 13 + ........ casts, partly relating to public affairs. Fragment out of themiddle, 1in. by l.-nin.; 13 + .... hymn in the form of a litany.

......... [K. 5651] lines. Fore[K. 5652]


Part of a [K. 5653]

Fragment of the lower portion of one side, 17in. by 1 ..... +..... lines. Forecasts.

4 + -in.; traces of 1 [K. 5654]

Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by 1lin.; 6 + ..... lines. probably serving as contributions.

List of objects, [K. 5655]

Lower portion, 3¼in. by 1 in.; 6 + 6 + 7 + 4 lines. Part of a list of proper names of persons, beginning with either Y > >->--_y y or T -+ <-y or Y .4 e or ¥ > yYY-4-. Cf. supra, p. 63, K. 241. [K. 5656] Fragment of the left half, 2 in. by l in.; 13 + ...... lines. Omens concerning houses, etc. [K. 5657] Fragment out of the middle, l-r in. by 7in.; 9 + .......... lines. Part of a religious (?) text. [K. 5658] Fragment out of the middle, 1jin. by 1iin.; 7 + .... lines. Fragment of a letter, or report. [K. 5659] B 2




Left-hand corner, 2in. by lin.; 5 + (. religious (?) text.



+*) 1 lines.

Fragment out of the middle, ljin. by 1 in.; 6 + ......... casts.

Part of a [K. 5661]

lines. Fore[K. 5662]

Left-hand corner, 1k-in. by Win.; 4 + ( + ..... of a text containing hymns in paragraphs (?).*

+) 3 lines.

Fragment [K. 5663]

Left-hand corner, l1in. by 1kin.; 6 + .....



[K. 5664]

Fragment of the left half, 2in. by lin.; .... text.

+. 11 lines.

Part of an omen[K. 5665]

Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by kin.; ..... astrological (?) text.


Fragment out of the middle, Prayers.

8 + ..........


by lin.;

4 lines.

Fragment out of the middle, lin. by I in.; 7 + .......... Part of a letter, or report (?). Fragment out of the middle, of an omen (?)-text.

in. by

Part of an [K. 5666] lines. [K. 5668]

lines; Babylonian. [K. 5669]

in.; 10 +..........

lines. Part [K. 5670]

Left-hand corner, 2 in. by 1 in.; 7 + .. .+.. . +..... lines in doublecolumns. Grammatical paradigms. For the text see W.A.I. V, 20, No. 4. [K. 5672] Fragment of the right half, 1lin. by kin.; (..... +) 9 + 6 (+.....) lines (in double-columns). Fragment of an explanatory list. [K. 5673] Fragment of the right half, 1-in. by lin.; ..... Forecasts relating to public affairs.

+10 lines; Babylonian. [K. 5674]

Fragment of the lower portion, 23in. by l1in.; ..... lines. Part of a religious (?) text.

+ +3


+ . [K. 5675]

Fragment out of the middle, l in. by sin.; 9 + .......... of an astrological text.

lines. Part [K. 5676]

Fragment touof the middle, 2in. by 1in.; 10 + of a mythological (?) text.

lines. Part [K. 5677]


Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1 in.; 12 + ...... .lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5678] Fragment of the left half, 2-l in. by 2in.; .... prayer. * Cf. supra, p. 436, note **.

+. 10 lines.

Part of a [K. 5679]

737 3


Fragment out of the middle, l in. by lin.; 6 + ... ..... lines. Fragment of a religious (?) text. Cf. infra, p. 740, K. 5732. [K. 5680] Fragment of the right half, l1in. by lin.; 7 + ..... religious text.


Part of a [K. 5682]

Fragment of the upper portion of one side, l1in. by lin.; . ...- + 10 + .... ... .. lines; partly vitrified. Part of a text containingincantations and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. [K. 5683] Fragment of the right half, ljin. by lin.; ( ..... +.... + 6 (+ ..... ) lines (in double-columns). Fragment of an explanatory list. [K. 5684] Fragment of the left half, 2Rin. by lin.; 5 + ......... lines. Part of a text containingincantations and directions for ceremonies. [K. 5685] Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by gin.; 13 + .......... of an explanatory (?) text. Left-hand corner, 2 3 in. by l}-in.; 5 .... text. It begins :---< -_S ] ,Y, 'v

lines. .

lines. Part [K. 5686]

Part of a religious [K. 5687]

Fragment of the left half 2 in. by lin.; .........

matical paradigms.

5 lines.

For the text see W.A.I. V, 20, No. 5.

Fragment of the left half, 1lin. by Astrological forecasts.

in.; 11 + ....

Fragment of the right half, lIin. by "in.; ..... prayer (?).


[K. 5688]

lines; Babylonian. [K. 5689]

+ 9 lines.

Fragment of a [K. 5690]

Portion of the left half, l1in. by lin.; 11 + ........ lines. Astrological forecasts. The paragraphs begin with ¥ , -¥¥; cf. supra, p. 422, K. 2207. [K. 5692] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by tin.; 6 + ......... ment of a prayer with an interlinear Assyrian version. Portion out of the middle, 3in. by 2in.; ..... Directions for ceremonies (?).


lines. Frag[K. 5693] 8 + 3 lines. [K. 5694]

Fragment of the upper portion of one side, lin. by lin.; 7 + .... lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. It begins:-


in rTT y ]?
MY; T-
ra- -R[ kT Y YTj ; V

i ,:

ELM ¢7yTa ray
e'-,,.-" [ak E rs-W]-, [K. 5697]



Upper portion, lin. by 1 in.; 3 + 4 lines.

Part of a private contract. [K. 5700]

. lines; BabyFragment out of the middle, 1in. by lin.; 5 + ........ [K. 5701] lonian. Astrological forecasts for the various months. Fragment of the lower portion of one side, win. by 5in.; 5+ ..... lines. [K. 5702] Fragment of an omen-text. lines; Babylonian. Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by lin.; 11 + ..... Part of a religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5703 a] Fragment of the lower portion of reverse, l1in. by l1in.; ..... + 6 lines. [K. 5703 b] Part of a colophon. Right-hand corner, 11in. by 1- in.; 7 ..... lines. Part of a reli gious (?) [K. 5704] text. Fragment of the right half, lain. by "in.; 11 + traces of 5 lines. Fore[K. 5706] casts. Upper portion of one side, l1in. by 1ain.;..... private contract.

+ 5 lines.


Fragment of the left half, 21in. by lin.; 7 + ..... religious text. Fragment out of the middle, lin. by lin.; 11+ .. Fragment of a letter, or report (?).

Fragment of a [K. 5707] Part of a [K. 5708 a]

..lines; Babylonian. [K. 5708 b]

Fragment of the lower portion, 1 in. by lin.; 3 + 5 lines; Babylonian. Fragment of a religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5709] Fragment of the lower portion of one side, 1-in. by of 1 + 7 (+ ..... ) lines. Forecasts (?). Fragment out of the middle, l in. by l-1 1in.; 10 + ... ment of an omen-text.

in.; ( ..... +) traces [K. 5710]

Left-hand corner, lain. by "in.; 3 + 2 lines; Babylonian. forecasts. Right-hand corner, lin. by lin.; 4 + 5 lines. Fragment of the right half, lin.

lines. Frag[K. 5711]


Astrological [K. 5712] [K. 5713]


by lin.; 6 + ....


Fragment of a

[K. 5714]

religious (?) text. lines.

Fragment out of the middle, 2 in. by lin.; 7 + .... omen (?)-text. Fragment out of the middle, sin. by kin.; 7 +..

ment of a religious (?) text.


Part of an [K. 5716]



[K. 5717]



Fragment out of the middle, lin. by s in.;. + 6 lines. Fragment of a text containing omens (?). Of the catch-line only 'g'<' .. . . ] , ^,, is visible. [K. 5718] Fragment out of the middle, in. by 1in.; 6 +......... lines (in four columns). Fragment of an explanatory list of the class " S." [K. 5719] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1 in.; 8 +. .... lines. Forecasts (?). [K. 5720] Fragment of the right half, 15in. by l13in.; 4+ F orecasts.

8 lines; Babylonian. [K. 5721]

Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by lin.; 5 + 7 + .lines double-columns. Part of an explanatory text. Left-hand corner, 1kin. by astrological report.


4 lines; lin. Babylonian.

in [K. 5722]

Beginning of an [K. 5723]

Fragment of the right half, 2in. by 1Iin.; ..... + 10 lines. religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version.

Part of a [K. 5724]

Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by 1 'in.; . ........... . + 10 + traces of 4 + ..... lines. Incantations with an interlinear Assyrian version. They belong to the 5th tablet of the Series I-y and form a duplicate of K. 2507; see above, p. 499. The text corresponds with W.A.I. IV, 2nd ed., plate 1*, Column III, lines 68 if. The fragment may belong to the same tablet as K. 4943; cf. supra, p. 677. [K. 5725] Fragment out of the middle, 1min. by lin.; 6 + .......... columns. Fragment of an explanatory text.

. ines in double[K. 5726]

Fragment of the upper portion of one side, l1in. by l1in.; .+....+ traces of 8 + 11 lines. Forecasts.

+ [K. 5727]

Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by 11in.; 11 + ....... Astrological forecasts.

lines. [K. 5728]

Fragment of the left half, 2in. by 1 in;.. ...+ +. . + 12 lines. Part of an incantation-text which may belong to a tablet of the Series IT -Hi



[K. 5729]

Fragment of the right half, 1 in. by 1 in.; 9 + .....


Fragment out of the middle, 2kin. by 1kin.; ...... concerning hosuss.

- 10 lines.

Forecasts. [K. 5730] Omens [K. 5731]



... lines. FragFragment out of the middle, 1-in. by in.; 8 +....... ment of a religious (?) text, similar to that of K. 5680; see above, p. 737. [K. 5732] Fragment of the right half, lin. a religious (?) text.

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by sin.; 7 +.. + Forecasts. Fragment out of the middle, lin. of a religious (?) text.


Fragment of [K. 5734]


lines. [K. 5735]

by }-6in.; 10 + ....

lines. Part [K. 5736]

by 1Iin.; 11 + ........

lines. Frag[K. 5737]

Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by lin.; 6 + ........ ment of an omen-text.

. lines. Fore-

Fragment out of the middle, 1:in. by l1in.; 9 +......... casts.

[K. 5738] lines; Babylonian. [K. 5739]

Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by 11in.; 10 + .... Forecasts.

lines. Part of a religious (?) Right-hand corner, lin. by gin.; 7 + ... [K. 5740] text. Fragment lines. of 1 Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by sin.; 7 + traces [K. 5741] of a letter (?). lines; Babylonian. Fragment out of the middle, 1sin. by 3in.; 10 + .... [K. 5742] version. Assyrian an interlinear Part of a hymn with lines.

Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by lin.; 7 + .....

Forecasts. [K. 5743]


lines; Baby[K. 5744]

-Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by l1in.; 10 + ..... of an omen-, or mythological, text.,

lines. Part [K. 5745]

Fragment out of the middle, l1i by; 9 + lonian. Fragment of a religious (?) text.

Fragment of the lower portion, 1 in. by lin.; 2 + 6 lines. private contract.

Part of a [K. 5746]

Fragment out of the middle, 14in. by l-in.; ..... + 6 lines; Babylonian. [K. 5747] Part of a report (?). lines; Babylonian. Fragment out of the middle, lin. by lin.; 5 +..... [K. 5748] forecasts. Astrological lines. Pre......... Fragment out of the middle, lin. by in.; 3 + . [K. 5749] scriptions (?). Fragment out of the middle, 11in. by lin.; 5+ ....... ment of a religious (?) text.

lines. Frag[K. 57501



Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by lin.; 8 ++ ... Astrological forecasts.

lines; Babylonian. [K. 5751]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1lin.; 5 + ........ ment of a mythological (?) text. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in by 1 in.; 14 +.....

lines. Frag[K. 5752] lines.

Forecasts. [K. 5753]

Fragment out of the middle, 1ain. by l-in.; 11 +.......... lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5754] Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by of a religious (?) text.




Fragment [K. 5756]

Fragment out of the middle, lin. by -- in.; 6 +.......... ment of an omen-text.

lines. Frag[K. 5757]

Portion out of the middle, l in. by l-in.; .... cerning houses, etc.

Omens con[K. 5758]

Fragment lonian.

+ 14 lines.

of the middle, 11in. by in.; 6 +.......... out lines; BabyPart of an astrological text concerning various stars. [K. 5759]

Fragment out of the middle, lin. by lin.; 5 q- .. ment of a religious (?) text. Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by in.; . Part of an incantation (?)-text. Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by of a religious (?) text.

..... .. lines. Frag[K. 5760] +....8

in.; 6 + ....


Portion out of the middle, 2in. by lin.; 15 + an omen-text. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by l-%5in.; colophon.

..... ....


lines. [K. 5761]

ines. Fragment [K. 5762] lines.

+ 6 lines.

Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by 1in.; 9 + .... religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version. Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by liin.; 5 + ..........

[K. 5765] lines.


[K. 5766] by lin.; 9 + .........

Fragment out of the middle, liin. by lIin.; 10 + .... religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version. NOL. II.

Part of a [K. 5764]

lines. Part of a

casts (?). Fragment out of the middle, lin. ment of an omen(?)-text.

Part of [K. 5763]

lines. Frag[K. 5767] lines.

Part of a [K. 5768] 5



Fragment of the upper portion of one side,



in. by


... + 7 lines.



They may belong to a tablet of the Series >-<

lines; Baby[K. 5770]

Fragment out of the middle, lin. by lin.; 9 +.......... lonian. Astrological forecasts. in.; 6 + ..........

lines. Frag[K. 5771]

by 1 in.; 9 + ..........

lines. Part [K. 5772]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by ment of an o me n(?)-text. Fragment out of the middle, of an incantation-text.

; cf. [K. 5769]

szpra, p. 272 f., K. 1352.


Right half, l1in. by lin.; 3 + 1 + 9 lines; Babylonian. Fragment of the right half, lin, by ain.; .....

+ 7 lines.

Part of a report. [K. 5773] Forecasts (?). [K. 5777] lines; Baby[K. 5778]

Fragment out of the middle, 1'in. by in, 4 + ......... lonian. Fragment of a religious (?) text.


in.; 10 +..... Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by concerning incidents that may happen to men. Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by ment of a religious text.

Omens [K. 5779]

lines. Frag[K. 5780 a]

in.; 11 + ..........

. lines; BabyFragment out of the middle, 1 in. by lin.; 9 + ....... lonian. Astrological forecasts, partly relating to public affairs. [K. 5780b] Fragment of the upper portion of one side, lin. lines. Part of a report (?). Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by 1 lines. Part of a religious (?) text.

by .in.; 3 + 5*+ ..... [K. 5781]


+ 8 + ....

+... [K. 5784]

+ . . . lines. Fragment out of the middle, 15in. by 1 in.; 7 + 9 + Part of a religious text. Lines 6, 7 and 8 of Column II are a repe[K. 57851 tition of lines 3, 4 and 5.

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1ain.; 4 + ..... of an omen-text concerning houses, etc. Portion out of the middle, 13in. by 1 in.; 13 + ... Forecasts. Fragment out of the middle, casts. *



Fragment [K. 5786]

lines; Babylonian. [K. 5787]

by lin.; 7 + ...........

On the top edge, at right angles to the lines of obverse.

lines. Fore[K. 5789]



Fragment of the right half; l1in. by lain.; ..... + 10 lines; Babylonian. Astrological forecasts, partly relating to public affairs. [K. 5790] Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by gin.;.....

+ 8 lines.

letter, or report. Mention is made of [y?] -- V ritc city of Harran (-Ty =).

Part of a


and of the [K. 5791]

Fragment of the left half, 1-in. by gin.; 11 + 6 lines; Babylonian. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of the moon. [K. 5792] Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by -in.;

4 + ......


ment of an omen (?)-text. Fragment of the right half, 1 in. by in.; (....+)

lines (in double-columns?).


[K. 5793] 10 + ..

.. .)

+ ..

Part of an explanatory list (?). [K. 5794]

Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by 1lin.; 8 ± .....


religious (?) text.

Part of a

[K. 5796]

Fragment out of the middle, 13in. by 1-in.;

5 + . .......


ment of a text containing hymns in paragraphs * (?).


[K. 5797]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. bySin.; 4 + ..... lines. Forecasts (?). [K. 5798] Fragment out of the middle, l

in. by lin.; 8 + ..


a religious (?) text.

Part of

[K. 5799]

Fragment out of the middle, liin. by


- -in. 5 + ....



of a list of persons. [K. 5800] .Fragment out of the middle, tin. bytin.; short ends of 3 + 7 + ..... + ..... lines. Fragment of an incantation-text. [K. 5801] Portion out of the middle, 1lin. by 1'in.; 12 + .. . .lines.. Part of an omen-text. [K. 5802] lines in doubleFragment of the left half, 1-in. by 1 8in.; 10 + ...... columns. Part of an explanatory list with glosses. Lines 6 ff. form a duplicate of 80, 7-19, 192, q.v. [K. 5803] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by lin.; 5 + ..... lines.

Omens con-

cerning houses.

[K. 5804]

Portion of reverse, 15in. by sin.; .....

+ 6 lines; Babylonian.

letter, or report.

Part of a

[K. 5805]

Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by



) 8 + ....

lines; Babylonian. Astrological forecasts concerning the moon. [K. 580;] * Cf. supra,

p. 436, nofte


5 c2



Portion out of the middle, 1ain. by lin.; 9 + 5 lines; Babylonian. Part of [K. 5807] a letter. Fragment out of the middle, lin. by gin.; 6 + traces of 5 + .......... [K. 5808] lines. Part of a religious (?) text. lines; Babylonian. [K. 5809]

by lin.; 4 + ...

Fragment out of the middle, lin. Forecasts.

lines. Frag[K. 5812]

in. ; 8 + ..........

Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by ment of a religious text.

Fragment of the upper portion, lin. by tin.; 4 + . .. .lines. _ []E ?].t of a letter to the king from Y kX-* Fragment out of the middle, of a religious (?) text.


in. by

Beginning [K. 5814]

lines. Part

in.; 6 + ..........

[K. 5815]

Fragment out of the middle, in. by a text containing forecasts.

in.; 4 + .

. lines.

lines. Fore[K. 5817]

Fragment out of the middle, lin. by tin.; 5 +.......... casts (?). Fragment out of the middle, l1-in. by tin.; 8 + ..... Astrological forecasts.

Fragment of [K. 5816]

lines; Babylonian. [K. 5820]

Fragment out of the middle, lin. by casts (?).

in.; 7 +..........

lines. Fore[K. 5821]

Fragment out of the middle, lin. by casts.

in.; 4 + .

lines. Fore[K. 5822]

Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 14in. by lin.; 6 +.......... [K. 5823] lines. Fragment of a report (?), or list of contributions. Fragment of the right half, 2in. by 1lin.; 9 + traces of 2 lines; Babylonian. [K. 5824] Forecasts. Fragment out of the middle, lin. by -,iin.; 9 +........... lonian. Astrological forecasts.

lines; Baby[K. 5826]


lines. Frag[K. 5827]

Fragment out of the middle, lin. ment of an omen-text.


by gin.; 9 +

Fragment out of the middle, lin. by in.; 7 + . of a religious (?) text.


Fragment out of the middle, Iin. by lin.; 9 + ..... prayer in the form of a litany. Fragment of the right half, sin. by letter, or report. * Partly effaced.

in.; .....

4 lines.


Fragment [K. 5829]


Part of a [K. 5831]

Fragment of a [K. 5833]

t Cf. supra, p. 118, K. 502.



Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 1lin. by tin.; ..... Part of an omen-text.

+ 8 lines. [K. 5834]

Portion out of the middle, 1lin. by 1'in.; 17 +..... lines; Babylonian. Part of a Sumero-Akkadian hymn. Glosses are added occasionally by the scribe. [K. 5838] in.; 8 + .......... Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by ment of a text containing directions for ceremonies (?).

lines. Frag[K. 5839]

Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by lin.; 5 + ..... a religious (?) text.

Fragment of [K. 5841]


Fragment out of the middle, lin. by lin.; traces of 3 + 7 +........ lines. Fragment of a religious, or mythological, text. [K. 5842] Fragment out of the middle, Forecasts (?).


by l1in.; 6 +


lines; Babylonian. [K. 5843]

Fragment of the left half. l in. by 7in.; 15 + 6 lines ; Babylonian. Astrological forecasts for the various months, taken from observations of [K. 5847] the moon. Fragment out of the middle, 17 in. by 13in.; 9 +.......... double-columns). Part of an explanatory list.

lines (in [K. 5848]

Fragment out of the middle, lin. by -1in.; 6 + ..... . lines. Frag ment of a religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5849] Portion out of the middle, 15in. by 1½in.; 13 + ..... lines; Babylonian. [K. 5851] Astrological forecasts, partly relating to public affairs. FragFragment out of the middle, lin. by }ain.; 4 +..lines. ment of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. Cf. supra, pp. 429, [K. 5852] 540, KK. 2290, 3516, and infra, K. 5864, etc. Fragment of the upper portion of one side, lines. Part of an omen(?)-text.


in.1 by

Portion of the right half, 2T7-in. by 1in.; 17 + ..... text containing forecasts. Right-hand corner, 2min. by l1in.; 6 + 17 lines.

in.; lines.


+. 6 ...... [K. 5853] Copy of a [K. 5857] [K. 5858]

Portion out of the middle, 2in. by lin.; (. . .. +) short remains of .+ 10 ( + .... ) lines. Regulations for making 4 + ..... [K. 5859] offerin gs. Cf. supra, pp. 516, 734, KK. 3245, 5641, etc. lines. Fragment of the lower portion of one side, 2min. by jin. 4 + ..... [K. 5860] Fragment of an omen(?)-text.



Portion out of the middle, lin. for ceremonies.


10 +

1in.; l.ines.

Portion out of the middle, 18in. by in.; ..... Part of a religious, or mythological, text.

Directions [K. 5861]

10 + ...

Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by 1 +in.; 11 + concerning houses, etc.

lines. [K. 5862] lines.


[K. 5863] Portion out of the middle, 1- in. by 1 in.; 9 +..........lines. Fragment of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. [K. 5864] Lower portion, right half, 2min. by 2- in.; 15 + 16 lines.

Forecasts. [K. 5865] Portion of reverse, 21in. by 2 in.; .... + 9 lines. Omens derived from the various directions in which a bird flutters round a man, etc. The catch-line reads:-



-RMIn' b£T _VV ~Q Y

ra ESAr w ni

Cf. supra, pp. 585, 587, 595, KK. 4001, 4021, 4110; infra, p. 816, K. 6880, etc. [K. 5866] Fragment out of the middle, 2min. by 1lin.; ..... logical forecasts. Fragment out of the middle, lin. Part of a religious text.


+ 10 lines.

-l3in.; 11+ ..........

Astro[K. 5867] lines. [K. 5868]

lines. in.; 6 + 11 + . ......... Portion out of the middle, 2-in. byl Omens derived from the actions of various animals (oxen, sheep, etc.).

[K. 5869] Portion out of the middle, 2min. by 2in.; 13 + ..... relating to public affairs. Right-hand corner, 1 in. by 1in.; 6 + .... text.



Forecasts [K. 5870]

Part of an astrological [K. 5871]

Portion out of the middle, loin. by lain.; .15 lines. Fragment of a religious (?) text.


...... [K. 5872]

Fragment of the upper portion of one side, lHin. by lin.; 10 + ..... lines. Fragment of a religious text. [K. 5873] Fragment out of the middle, lain. by lsin.; 9 + ........ , of an astrological text.

lines. Part [K. 5874]

Fragment of the upper portion of one side, lAin. by lin.; ..... + 5 lines. Fragment of an omen-text similar to those mentioned above, p. 569, K. 3840. [K. 5875]



Portion out of the middle, 2¼in. by Iin.; i1 6 .... lines. concerning ">m and J, 'f, etc.; cf. sura, p. 549, note t.

Forecasts [K. 5876]

Fragment out of the middle, 1-I-in. by 1-in.; 12 + ... Omens concerning the state of, or events in, a city.


Portion out of the middle, 25in. by - in.; 22 ± cerning incidents that may happen to men.


lines. [K. 5877]


Fragment out of the middle, 1in, by ½in.; 7 - ... casts.

Omens con[K. 5878]


lines. Fore[K. 5879]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1iin.; 11 + .......... lines. Fragment of a text containing regulations for-making offerings (?). [K. 5881] Fragment out of the middle, l1in, by l1--in,; 13 + ..... + .. .. lines. Fragment of a religious text. [K. 58821 Fragment out of the middle, 1 in, by l1in.; 10 + ... ment of a religious (?) text.


lines. Frag[K. 5883]

Portion out of the middle, 2]in. by 2in.; 10 + .... cerning incidents that may happen to men.


Omens con[K. 5884]

Fragment out of the middle, llin, by 1 in.; 9 + .. .. . . of a religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version.

lines. Part [K. 5885]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in by 1 l in. of a religious text.

lines. Part [K. 5886]

11 +


Left-hand corner, ljin, by ljin,. 6 ± traces of 1 lines, text. It begins: ,k W >y ; -Y -"-'

Part of a religious [K. 5887]

Portion of the left half, 3¼in. by lin.; 15 +.. .. +, , .. + traces of 1 lines. Part of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies, some of which have an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5888] Astrological [K. 5889]

Portion of the right half, 2 4in. by 2in.; 17 +..... forecasts, partly relating to public affairs.


Portion of reverse, 2½in. by 1ain.; ..... catch-line only V" v <-'



Fragment of the left half, 2in. by l in.; 9 an explanatory (?) text.

lines. .

4' .

is visible.


Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by in.; 7 + ... ment of a religious text.

.. ..

lines. .

Of the

[K. 5890]

Part of [K. 5891]

lines. Frag[K. 5892]



Fragment out of the middle, 44in. by tions for ceremonies.

in.; 6 +..........

lines. Direc[K. 5893]

Portion out of the middle, lIin. by Iin.; .... + 14 lines. forecasts taken from observations of various stars. Left-hand corner, 18in. by 1in.; 8 + .......... text containing prescriptions.


Portion of the right half, 2in. by lin.; 13 + ceremonies. Fragment out of the middle, lin. of a religious text.


Astrological [K. 5894] Fragment of a [K. 5895]


Directions for [K. 5896]


lines. Part [K. 5897]

by lin.; 12 +

Fragment of the right half, 1 in. by iDin.; 10 ± ......... casts.,

lines. Fore[K. 5898]

Right-hand coiner, l3in. by lin.; ..... 7 . .. +...lines. Fragment of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. [K. 5899] Fragment of the left half, 1in. by tin.; 7 +.. . of a prayer to the Sun-god.



Fragment [K. 5900]

Fragment of the lower portion of one side, 2sin. by 29in. ; 11 q+ ... lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies. [K. 5901] Right-hand corner, 1i-in. by lsiri.; (. ..... Part of a religious (?) text.

) 7


(+ .....

) lines. [K. 5902]

Fragment of the left half, 1 lin. by 1 in.; 10 + traces of 1 + (left-hand edge) 2 lines. Part of an inscriptibn referring to the ornamentation of a building (by a- king). [K. 5903] Fragment of the upper portion of oie side, 2jin. by liin.; i7 +.......... lines. Part of a religious text. [K. 5904] Fragment out of the middle, 13in. by lin.; 10 + .. . .. lines. Part of a religious text. Referring to line 2 an interlinear gloss is added by the scribe. [K. 5905] Portion out of the middle, 28in. by 1 in.; traces of 41 + .1 + ..... .. lines. Prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of people suffering from diseases of the eyes. Cf. supra, p. 455, K. 2573; infra, K. 7241, etc. [K. 5906] Fragment of the right half, l-in. by 1in; ..... + 10 lines. a text containing forecasts.

Fragment of [K. 5907]




Portion out of the middle, 23in. by 1 in.; 10 + ..... astrological text. Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by l1in.; Astrological forecasts. Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by casts.


Part of an [K. 5908]

10 +.........

3in.; 9 + .........

lines. [K. 5909] lines. Fore[K. 5910]

Portion out of the middle, 13in. by 15in.; 12 + .... lines. Part of a religious(?) text. Mention is made of the Euphrates (Gil A -d¢--) ). [K. 5911] Right-hand corner, 2 in. by 1 in.; 11 .... lines. Part of a religious


[K. 5912]

Fragment out of the middle, l in. by 13in.; 6 + ..... lines. a text containing forecasts concerning the f A_, etc.

Fragment of [K. 5913]

Fragment of the lower portion, 1i-tin. by -- in.; 4 + ..... lines. Forecasts (?). [K. 5914] Portion out of the middle, 2-l in. by 1 in.; traces of 5 + 11 ... ....... lines. Astrological forecasts concerning eclipses, etc. [K. 5915] Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by 1- in.; 10 + ..... of a religious text.


Fragment [K. 5916]

Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by 1 -i.; omen-text.


Part of an [K. 5917]

Right-hand corner, lIin. by lmin.;

10 + ..... 6 lines.

Fragment of the right half, l1in. by lTin.; (.... . lines. Part of a religious text.


[K. 5918]

+ +)..

7 ( +... . .) [K. 5919]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by lin.; 9 +......... ment of a religious (?) text.

lines. Frag[K. 5920]

Upper portion of reverse, 2Ain. by 1+in.; ...... The reverse begins:.~rxx,\,





+ 21 lines.


Fragment out of the middle, 1 fin. by lin.; 9 + ......... ment of a religious (?) text.

Forecasts. [K. 5921]

lines. Frag[K. 5923]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1 in.; 9 +.....

lines.. Forecasts (?). [K. 5924] Fragment out of the middle, 11in. by lin.; 12 + ..... lines. Part of a religious text. [K. 5925] * Partly effaeed. VOL. II.

5 D




Fragment of the upper portion, l1in. by 1-in.; traces of 5 + 9 +.... +.... lines in double-columns. Part of an explanatory list with glosses. [K. 5926] Fragment out of the middle, 1Din. by 1--in.; 8 +... lines. Forecasts (?). [K. 5928] Upper portion of one side, 2in. by 11in.; .... + 14 lines. Forecasts relating to public affairs. Mention is made of Sargon (Gl >'4)


and Naram-Sin (_ J-

<<); cf. supra, pp. 432, 560, KK. 2317,

3742; and infra, pp. 753, 788, 814, KK. 5988, 6446, 6857, etc. [K. 5929] Fragment of the right half, 23in. by 1-in.; 12 + 10 lines. Fragment of a religious text. . [K. 5930] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1lin.; 11 +........... lines. Part of a mythological (?) text. [K. 5932] Fragment out of the middle, 13in. by lin.; 8 + ..... ... lines. Fragment of religious, or mythological, text. [K. 5933] Portion out of the middle, 2in. by 1in.; 15 +..... lines. Omens concerning the state of, or events in, a city. [K. 5935] Fragment out of the middle, 11in. by 11in.; 9 .......... lines. Astrological foreca sts taken from observations of the star <(-4y >A-< yT /-. [K. 5936] lines. Part of Portion out of the middle, l1in. by l1in.; 19 + .......... a religious text. [K. 5937] Fragment out of the middle,


in. by 1in.; 13 + .........



of a religious text. [K. 5938] 5 Portion out of the middle, 2 in. by 2- in.; 17 + 7 + ..... - ..... lines. Forecasts. [K. 5939] Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by 1Iin.; 7 + .... .. lines. Astrological forecasts concerning the moon and sun. [K. 5940] Portion out of the middle, 2Lin. by l1in.; 15F 414 +.. +.....lines. Astrological forecasts, partly relating to public affairs. In the second column they are dated for the month Tebet; cf. infra, K. 11131, Sm. 727, etc. This fragment may belong to the same tablet as K. 7218, q.v. [K. 5941] Right-hand corner, lin. by 1lin.; ..... +5 lines. Forecasts (?). [K. 5942] Fragment of the lower portion of one side, 18 in. by l1in.; 12 + .... lines. Astrological forecasts. [K. 5943] Fragment out of the- middle, 1-Ain. by lin.; 8+ ....... lines. Fragment of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies. [K. 5944]



Portion out of the middle, 2in. by 1in.; 8 + .......... tions.


Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by l1in.; 5 +.......... of a mythological, or religious, text.

Prescrip[K. 5945] lines. Part [K. 5946]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by in. n. 9 + ........ lines. Fragment of a religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 5947] Fragment of the right half, 1lin. by

gin.; 5 + 9 lines. Forecasts. [K. 5948] 1

Fragment out of the middle, l1- in. by tin.; 11 +..........lines. Omens concerning incidents that may happen to men. [K. 5949] Fragment of the right half, 1 1 in. by l in.; (.....+.... 12(+...... ) lines. Part of an explanatory list containing names of stones, etc. [K. 5950] Fragment of the right half, 14in. by - in .... .... + 8 lines. Forecasts. [K. 5951] Fragment of the right half, l1in. by lin.; traces of 1 + 10 lines. Forecasts. [K. 5952] Fragment out of the middle, Astrological forecasts.


by lin.;

7 + ..........

Fragment out of the middle, 1Iin. by l1in.; 11 +.....

lines. [K. 5953]

lines. Omens (?).

[K. 5954] Fragment of the upper portion of one side, lin. by lin.; .... + 7 lines. Prescriptions. [K. 5955] Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by 1¼in.; 11 +±..... lines. Forecasts. [K. 5956] Fragment of the right half, 1 in. by lin.; ..... + 8 lines. Forecasts. [K. 5957] Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by lin.; ..... 8 lines. Fragment of a religious (?) text. [K. 5958] Portion out of the middle, 2in. by lDin.; ..... + 12 lines. religious text, including directions for ceremonies.

Part of a [K. 5959]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by lin.; 8 +..........lines. scriptions; cf. supra, p. 601, K. 4164.

Pre[K. 5960]

Portion out of the middle, 28in. by Ilin.; 13 +.....(....) lines. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of the star [_]~--

:yy=: y- V. Fragment out of the middle, lin. Astrological forecasts

[K. 5961] by - in.; 10


lies. [K. 5962] 5 D 2



Fragment out of the middle, lIin. by gin.; 6 + ......... logical forecasts.


Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 2in. by l5in.; .... Babylonian. Astrological forecasts. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by casts.

in.; 7


Astro[K. 5963]

.. + 6 lines;

[K. 5964] lines. Fore[K. 5965]

Portion out of the middle, 2min. by 1 in.; 16 + ... lines. Part of an astrological (?) text. Mention is made of the country of ^ >> <(. [K. 5966] Portions, 65in. by 6in.; 51 + 36 + 31 + 11 lines; partly vitrified. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of the moon. They appear to be extracts from larger compositions; cf. Column II, line 34; Column III, lines 5 and 6. [K. 5967] Portion out of the middle, 3-5in. by 2n.; .... a colophon (?). The catch-line (?) reads:-



+ 2 lines.

Beginning of

e i STyy AX at Uh

[K. 5968]

Portion of the left half, 3 in. by 3in.; traces of 2 + 28 + ..... . + . lines; Babylonian. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of the star L-4~- A--<. They partly relate to public affairs. [K. 5969] Right-hand corner, 25in. by 2in.; 20 + 2 lines; Babylonian. hymn with an interlinear Assyrian version. Portion out of the middle, 3in. by 2-in.; Astrological forecasts.

Part of a [K. 5970]

17 + 19 lines; Babylonian. [K. 5971]

Portion of the left half, 3in. by 2¼in.; 22 + ..... lines; Babylonian. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of various stars. [K. 5972] Portion of the left half, 33in. by lin.; 26 + .......... lines in doublecolumns. Part of an explanatory list arranged in groups according to the form of the cuneiform ideographs. [K. 5973] Portion of the right half, 2¼in. by 2$ in.; . ....+ +... 14 + ... lines in double-columns. Part of an explanatory list. [K. 5974] + 17 lines; Babylonian. Part Portion out of the middle, 2Lin. by 2in.; 14 of an omen-text concerning houses, etc. [K. 5975] +. .... Fragment out of the middle of reverse, 2lin. by 1 in.;. . 15 + 8 lines in double-columns. Part of an explanatory list of names kYIEis visible. 8'; ; of animals. Of the catch-line only [K. 5976] * Partly effaced.




Fragment out of the middle, 1-lin. by 1lin.; 7 + 5 lines; Babylonian. Astrological forecasts. [K. 5977] Portion of the left half, 2-in. by 2lin.; 20 + (.. ....... +) 1 lines:; Babylonian. Incantations and prayers connected with the worship of Merodach. A colophon-line reads:-




Left-hand corner, 2-1in. by lin.; text beginning:- -


-+ -

8 + 8 lines. Y; i> -

[t ?].

[K. 5980]

Part of an astrological [K. 5981]

Upper portion, left half, 21-in. by lin.; 15 + 8 lines; Babylonian. Part of a hymn to the Sun-god with an interlinear Assyrian version. It begins:1-+


-+y CCl ~


4<- *4-

! ~! ie


DYrY ¥ -A_+ t«<>



/-XX YBe _Y ,; ;¥ [K. 5982] Upper portion, 23in. by 2in.; 5 + 2 lines. Part of a hymn with an inter; linear Assyrian version, which may belong to a tablet of the Series r; ~ Yp- :. 3 ~-~, It begins: Am

y A

At*^ry 4 4n



<My Y ; >Y




[K. 5983] Portions, 2gin. by 1ain.; 10 + 4 lines. Part of an incantation. The blank space of the lower part of reverse is filled up with a geometrical figure. [K. 5984] Right-hand corner, 2in. by l1in.; 5 + 15 lines; Babylonian. Forecasts, partly relating to public affairs. [K. 5985] Fragment of the upper portion of one side, l1in. bylin.; 11 . lines. Part of an explanatory list. ; [K. 5986] Portion out of the middle, 2 in. by 1 in.; 14 + partly relating to public affairs.



Forecasts; [K. $987]

Portion out -of the middle, 2 in. by l3in.; 17 + .... lines. Omens derived from births. In line 6 mention is made of Naram-Sin (4y :<~ -+ <<). [K. 5988] * Partly effaced.



n. ; 10 lines. Astrological forecasts. i by 1 Left-hand corner, 1in. [K. 5989] Duplicate of K. 2169 (see above, p. 417), obverse, lines 1 if. 211 lines. Part of an astrological Upper portion, 3-|in. by 2iin.; 2 text. The text is published W.A.I. III, 53, No. 2, and translated by SAYCE, T.S.B.A., Vol. III, p. 196 f. See also Hibb. Lect., p. 253 f.; SCHRADER, Z.D.M.G., Vol. XXVII, p. 403; KA.T., 2nd ed., p. 178 f.; [K. 5990] C.O.T., Vol. I, p. 167; and JENSEN, Kosmol., p. 135. + traces of 3 + 9 lines. Upper portion, left half, 2 in. by 2-in.; 17 + ... Incantations and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. Cf. SAYCE, Zeits., 1885, p. 403, note 2 ; and [K. 5991] Hibb. Lect., p. 304, note 1.* Portion of the left half, 4 in. by 21in.; 30 + 23 lines; marginal number <. Part of a prayer with an interlinear Assyrian version. The catch-line and a preceding colophon-line read:-

>Y ?] Yy E *,,,,7




A4Ti - Y tY

3Y A )); cJ. supra, p. 710, (=Some pairs of lines begin with Z [K. 5992] K. 5370. Portion out of the middle, 1 -in. by 11in.; 4 lines. Part of a private [K. 5993] note. Right-hand corner, 1lin. by 1 in.; 6 + 1 + 10 lines; Babylonian. Part of an explanatory list, and astrological forecasts, partly relating to TTY Y i[]y public affairs. A colophon-line reads :-;,[ 5994] t. note 412, p. <- > T(<. Cf. supra, Left-hand corner, 1-in. by kin.; 5 + 8 + 4 + (left-hand edge) 5 lines. [CAyY Part of a letter to the king. Mention is made of - >-y [K. 5997] {T I-T and of the city of -y ... . lines. Part Fragment of the right half, 1min. by 1n.; 12 + ... [K. 5998] of an explanatory list (?).


Lower portion, 'lin. letter.

by lyin.; 5 + 1 + 5 lines; Babylonian. '

Portion out of the middle, 2kin. by 1 in.; 12 + 6 lines. 'cal (?) inscription. Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by 18 in.; 12 + ..... an astrological, or religious, text.

Part of a [K. 5999]

Part of a histori[K.6000] lines. Part of [K. 6001]

* The tablet is there quoted under G-. 8MITH'S private mark " M. 1101."



Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1in.; 9 + a historical, or religions, text.

lines. Part of [K. 6002]


Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 1 in. by 1 in.; 11 + ...... lines in double-(or three?) columns. Part of an explanatory list of [K. 6003] names of stones. lines in [K. 6004]

18 + .......... Fragment out of the middle, 21 in. by 1in.; double-columns. Part of an explanatory list. Upper portion, 1sin. by 1 in; 9 + 2 lines. Y-. o . from [ ] -- 4

Part of a letter to the king [K. 6005]


Fragment out of the middle, lin; by 1 in.; 8 +........lines;

[K. 6006]

Part of a religious text.


Left half, upper portion, 3 in. by 2 in.; 20 lines. Part of a historical text beginning:-

1m1y^ -K r %< -K


^ XA. &A


Ym ?TYF T3T£ylT


Fragment out of the middle, lin. by in.


[K. 6007]

... + 10 lines; Babylonian. [K. 6008]


....... lines in Portion out of the middle, 3½in. by 2aimn.; 27 - 27 + .. double-columns. Part of an explanatory list. The text of lines 9-23 of Column II is published W.A.I. III, 56, No. 4. Cf. also JENSEN, [K. 6012 + K. 10684]

Kosmol., p. 106, note 2, Lower portion, right half, 2Hin. by 2ain.; 8 + 11 lines. directions for ceremonies.

Part of a prayer.

Upper portion, 3 in. by 2in.; 10 + 2 lines. reverse reads

Incantations and [K. 6013] Line 2 of







+ 4

[K. 6014]


Portion out of the middle, 4in. by 35in.; 24 + traces of 5 lines. Incantations and directions for ceremonies. E.g., lines 13 and 14 read:-






o1 _*


Cf. SAYCE, Hzibb. Lect., p. 82, note 2.t * Thus. t The tablet is there quoted under G. SMITH'S private mark "M. 1246."

] [K. 6015]



Portions, 4 in. by 4 in.; 25 + 11 + ... + 14 + 24 + 14 lines in three columns. Explanatory list of the class "Sb." Duplicate of K. 110; see above, p. 28. The catch-line reads:-

[I?] ? ds* 17 T-Y - I + y Oa I _+ n L.For portions of the text see W.A.I. III, 70, lines 1 ff.; 44 ff.; 114 if. [K. 6016] Portion out of the middle, 4in. by 3¼in.; 14 + 23 lines. Incantations and prayers. Two colophon-lines read:[>->M ^]H>(?)

Ts + <<<

The catch-line reads:[id

EVY]Y^ (?) m

-'>T< id 3

Portion out of the middle, 3in. by 2Ain.; .... colophon-line reads:-

+. 19 lines.

-?>b t

MY I NE 8 -4-T + <+ Portion of the right half, 3|in. by 21in.; 15 + 3 lines. text.


YY -Yf s ' [K. 6018]

4+ -+






[K. 6019]

Part of a religious [K. 6020]

Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by 1iin.; 14 +..... lines; Babylonian. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of various stars. [K. 6021] Portion of the right half, 3in. by 28in.; 26 + ...... tations with an interlinear Assyrian version. to a tablet of the Series M vy
... lines. IncanThey appear to belong [K. 6022]

in.; 7 ± ..... lines; Babylonian. [K. 6023]

Portion out of the middle, 2sin. by lIin.; 13 + .... Sumero-Akkadian religious text.


Portion out of the middle, 2Tin. by 2¼in.; 17 +.........) Prescriptions and directions for ceremonies (?).

Part of a [K. 6024] lines. [K. 6025]

Portion of the left half, 2 in. by 2in.; 13 + traces of 7 lines. Incantations with an interlinear Assyrian version, belonging to the 7th tablet of the -V 6.-Series. Duplicate of K. 136 (see above, p. 35), obverse, lines 14 if. [K. 6026] Fragment of the right half, 3-llin. by 1Hin.; (.....+) 24 + .... (+ ... ) lines in double-columns. Part of an explanatory list of names of animals. [K. 6027] * Partly effaced.





of the left half, 2- %in. by 12- in.; ..... + ..... +..... + 12 lines. Incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies, belonging to the 3rd tablet of the Series TY Y <E . Duplicate of K. 3392 (cf. supra, p. 528). For the text see W.A.I. IV, 2nd ed., Additions, p. 5. [K. 6028]

Portion of the left half, 2¼in. by 1in.; 16 + ........ lines. Incantations, some of which have an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 6029] Fragment of the left half, 2½in. by 2_ 1-in.; ..... + 8 lines. End of an incantation-text forming, according to the colophon, the 7th tablet of the Series >--]y < The catch-line and a preceding colophon-line read:-

,>E >H EY YT -YY n

k, ,a VI,>,Y For a parallel text see below, Rm. 2, 154.


[K. 6031]

Left-hand corner, 2 in. by l1in.; 12 + ..... Sumero-Akkadian religious text.


Fragment of the left half, l in. by lin.; 9 + for ceremonies.


Upper portion, 2lin. by 2 in.; 14 + traces of 2 lines. the Sun-god (yf). A colophon-line reads:

>t sST NY Y

,> -t YY3?].*


5 lines.

Part of a [K. 6032]


Directions [K. 6033]

Part of a prayer to



Y ea. [K. 6034] lines. [K. 6035]

Portion out of the middle, 2iin. by lain.; 13 + 10 + ......... Incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies.

Fragment of the right half, l-in. by 1ain.; 12 + traces of 2 lines. Part of a Sumero-Akkadian religious text. [K. 6036] Fragment out of the middle, liin. by l1in.; ( .... +) 10 + ......... lines in double-columns. Part of a list of names of gods. [K. 6037] Fragment of the left half, l1in. by 1in.; 6 + ......... lines. Incantations with an interlinear Assyrian version. They form a parallel text of K. 2507 (see above, p. 499), corresponding with W.A.I. IV, 2nd ed., plate 1*, Column III, lines 49 fE. [K. 6040] Fragment of the left half, 2in. by l 3in.; short beginnings of 14 + ..... ..... lines. Fragment of a religious text with aninterlinearAssyrian version. [K. 6045] * Attempted restoration after K. 4949 (see above, p. 678), obverse, line 1.

t Partly effaced. VOL. II.

5 E


Left-hand corner, lin.





) + 8 lines.



-1flin.; .........


beginning:6046] I [K.

Incantations with an interlinear Assyrian version, It'




1Ad =

.-/Y Gi7\.i

+ -z

lines. Fragment of the left half, in. by in. 7 ......... of a religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version.

Fragment [K. 6047]

.) + 12 + 11 lines. Lower portion, 3in. by 3in.; 13 + 10 (+ ........ relating of Assurbanipal, probably inscription, Part of a historical to festivals, astrological observations, an inundation of the Tigris (cf. eyT etc. YYd I), I V 4+ reverse, column b, line 6: [K. 6048] lines. Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by 1ain.; 6 + .......... Epigraphs referring to the campaigns of Assurbanipal in Elam. [K. 6049] Portion out of the middle, 3¼in. by 2in.; 25 + traces of 5 lines. Omens. [K. 6050] Astrological 23 lines. + in ..... Portion of the right half, 3 in. by 3 forecasts, partly relating to public affairs. According to the colophon:-

<¢¢ -?]? > TI Pn:- -- Y< >TV <>-tXy



-C+->Yzmk* [-YT ?1]

they appear to belong to the great astrological work; cf. infra, Sm. 780. [K. 6051] 12 lines. Fragment of the lower portion of reverse 3in. by 2in.; ..... to the according Regulations for making offerings forming, colophon, the 122nd tablet of a composition, The catch-line reads:Y








[K. 6052] Upper portion, 33in. by 3in.; 26 + 21 lines. Incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies belonging, according to the colophon, to IyyTg.* etc. The catch-line the 63rd tablet of the composition reads: > >4g fi Y>*^ t - Y A colophon-line begins: K. 3394.







29 9 <<< adz; cf. supra, p. 529, [K. 6053]

Upper portion, left half, 2- in. by 2-in.; 12 + 20 lines; marginal number <. Forecasts forming, according to the colophon, the 3rd tablet of the Series


ay ~y.

The obverse begins:-

w< t>0Y*

Aff >*Y

The catch-line reads: ( aMt- ^ts·

* Partly effaced.


[K. 6054]



Upper portion of reverse, 35in. by 2in.; ..... partly relating to public affairs.

+ 12 lines.

Forecasts (?), [K. 6055]

Left-hand corner, 31in. by 2-in.; 16 +.....+.....+ 11 lines. Part of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. [K. 6056] Upper portion, left half, 33in. by 2 in.; 25 +..... Part of a hymn beginning:-

'Y NY < p-+ 3-. .y


rI <

1(-4F^HV A-n ^k r"T 4-4


t >__6Y







[K. 6057]

Fragment of the lower portion of reverse, 2-in. by 1in.; ..... + 9 lines; Babylonian. Fragment of a text with forecasts concerning _lt, >-w, etc. The catch-line reads:x,,\2S\E, r

4- A

3Z Z V rYd -Y^ k

X t

^V :

[K. 6058] Lower portion, 2-in. by 1Din.; 8 + 6 lines. offerings.

Regulations for making [K. 6060]

Fragment of the upper portion, 2§in. by "in.; 6 + 3 lines. prayer, probably written for an Assyrian king.

Part of a [K. 6061]

Portion out of the middle, 2-in. by 2 in.; 17 +..... lines; Babylonian. Astrological forecasts concerning eclipses, etc., partly relating to public affairs. They probably belong to the great astrological work [K. 6062] Q -+-' -Y > Y. Portion out of the middle, 3§in. by 21in.; 15 + 25 lines; Babylonian. Prayer, in the form of a litany, part of which has an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 6063] Portion of the right half, 4-in. by 33in.; 16 + 5 lines. Epigraphs relating to the campaigns of an Assyrian king, probably Assurbanipal, in Elam. [K. 6064] Upper portion of obverse, 45in. by 2-in.; 7 +.... lines; three sealimpressions. Probably part of a private contract. [K. 6065] Portion of the left half, 43in. by 4 in.; 34 + 21 ...... + 16 lines. Omens concerning the chances of a man's life and directions for ceremonies.

The lines begin with , V or




* Partly effaced.

> sT A



[K. 6066]

t Appears to be more probable than-yI,.

+ This is probably the fragment alluded to by G. SMITH, Chald. Gen., p. 168; G.E., p. 144;

cf. HATPT, Beitr., Vol. I, p. 151.

5 E 2



Upper portion, 33in. by 23in.; 19 + 10 lines. diseases. Cf., e.g., obverse, lines 13 ff:-

^^+^I>> 7Y,~V V

>^\< I


Prescriptions for various

S> W

W7Z 1 :::Y _T>:>--



( YA




[K. 6.067] + 7 + 5 lines. Upper portion, 6in. by 3in.; 15 + 24 + 20 + .... tations, prayers and regulations for making offerings.

IncanCf., e.g.,

Col. II, lines 1 ff.: y <~ t:T\yyy VlY ¥T( Y-+ D -> <w · << 8]< 6 0V 6 _3-----E. P-p~Z&44 -I Y- ~~7



> -*YI 4



n< 7

_ .,Tx :
4 iQ, ¥ :"-{2K+ viy:>Y

^nYyy k*





(? -

a religiousetc.K. text onernin ofofferings, The colophon contains a date ;->-

4in. by Right half >_ >+ Y _portion, T>upper Y



! v





5 1. lines;(?)Babylonian. 750 J E->, .e , July-August,

Par B.C.


[K. 6068]

o Portion of


middleft half

in double-columns.

, 3- i


21 lines

n. .......... by -in.;

List of names of plants.

:The catch-line re5


-[K. 6069]

- _ pa, p. 410, note t. _~ ~Cf.

+1 14( lines; Bablonian.1 Part Right half, upper portion, 4 in. by 2 in.; 2 [K. 6070] of a religious text concerning ofeerings, etc. + 28 lines. ..... Portion out of the middle of reverse, 38in. by 3i.; Omens derived from the actions of snakes; see e.g., line 5 :-t

4S-z t Il4


Cf. supra, p. 410, note


^^]]< Y [K. 6071]

Upper porltion, left half, 25in. by 2in.; 12 + 11 + (left-hland edge) 1 lines; objects, probably serving as contributions, of List of objects, Babylonian. List contributions, or offerings. Interlinear glosses appear to be added by the scribe. [K. 6072] * Partly effaced.




Upper portion, right half, 33in. byl in.; 19 + 12 lines; Babylonian. Part of a religious text. Of the catch-line only A-\:5, . .4 i .f f#t is visible. [K. 6073] Left half, lower portion, 3 in. by 3-in.; 11 ..... + 26 + 24 lines in double-columns. Grammatical paradigms. They probably belong to the Series <( V V


?, AYV <

<>e Ag >A< AJ




"T Y.

[K. 6075] Left half, l 6in. by 8in.; 4 + 4 + 4 + 3 + (left-hand edge) 3 lines in cuneiform characters which appear to be identical with those of the second Column of the trilingual Akhaemenian inscriptions. Uncertain. For similar texts see above, p. 655, K, 4697; also below, (K.) 83, 1-18, Nos. 706, 801, 803, and Bu. 91, 5-9, Nos. 24, 44, 91, 188. [K. 6076] Nearly complete, 21in. by 1-in.; 8 + 1 lines; Babylonian. Astrological report from y ~; WAX * concerning observations of the moon. [K. 6077] Portions, 21in. by 11- in.; 9 + 2 + 7 lines. Astrological report concerning observations of the moon and sun, partly relating to public affairs. [K. 6078] Right half, lower portion, 2'in. by lin.; traces of 15 + 17 lines. Part of a letter (to the king) concerning public affairs. Mention is made of the king of Elam, etc. [K. 6079] Upper portion of one side, 3½in. by 2kin.; 11 + ..... hymn, or prayer. Upper portion, right half, 2 in. by 23in.; ..... Forecasts concerning >_ A, u-tys, ity


Part of a [K. 6080]

+ 20 + 16 + ..... lines. fy, etc. [K. 6081]

Lower portion of one side, 33in. by 2in.; ( . +).... .... + 18 + 17 + .......... lines. Part of a mythological legend. Mention is made of Merodach, the "Lord of Babylon" (>tt, var.: >-T, __ -+ - Ty <m), the temple of e]y]y &AA _ -yyyy Yyyy >Yy Y_, and the city of O;

At< ^A

[K. 6082]

Portions, 2-in. by 13in.; 12 + 12 lines. cerning the delivery of horses, etc. *

Part of a letter to the king con[K. 6083]

Partly effaced.



Fragment of the right half, 2-gin. by lin.; 9 + .... lines. a Sumero-Akkadian prayer in the form of a litany.

Fragment of [K. 6084]

Portion of the left half, 2sin. by 23in.; 16 + ..... + (left-hand edge) 2 lines. Part of an inscription of an Assyrian king (Assurbanipal?). Mention is made of a dedication to the goddess -4 f--Y ~>-Y of Nineveh. [K. 6085] Upper portion, left half, 25in. by 1in.; 16 + traces of 1 lines. Omens derived from the state of a man's body. They begin:-


H yq

Fa <W



[K. 6087]


Left-hand corner, 2in. by 1lin.; 18 + 8 lines. Part of a religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version forming, according to the colophon, the 1st tablet of a series. The obverse begins: >-L t-! (= ?V¥ •Tvq')- Of the catch-line only -YY ' is visible. [K. 6088] Portion out of the middle, 83in. by 2 in.; 21 + ..... lines. for various diseases.

Prescriptions [K. 6089]

) traces of 4 + 24 Upper portion of one side, 2 in. by l1in.; (.....+ + .... +..... (+ .... ) lines. Incantations with an interlinear Assyrian version, concerning the evil spirits. [K. 6090] Portion out of the middle, 3in, by 23 in.; (..... +) 12 +... lines. Incantations with an interlinear Assyrian version.

(+ ... ) [K. 6091]

Fragment of the left half, lin. by -in.; 7 + .......... lines. of a religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version.

Fragment [K. 6092]

Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by in.; 9 + .......... columns. Fragment of a list of names of stars.

lines in double[K. 6093]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1lin.; 10 + double-columns). Part of an explanatory list.

. lines (in [K. 6094]

lines; marginal Fragment of the left half, 1in. by 1in.; 5 +......... number <. Fragment of a religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 6095] Portion out of the middle, 27in. by 2 in.; 24 + traces of 8 + traces of 10 + 14 lines; Babylonian. Omens concerning the state of, or events [K. 6097] in, a city. Forecasts Fragment of the right half, 2 in. by 2}in.; Babylonian. [K. 6098] relating to public affairs. Portion out of the middle, 3-in. by 2-in.; 28 + 17 lines; Babylonian. Prayer, in the form of a litany, part of which has an interlinear Assyrian version. According to line 14 of reverse it appears to form 9-7. . [K. 6099] the first part of a composition beginning: ;-



Fragment of the right half, l1in. by 1Din.; 13 + 10 lines; Babylonian.

Forecasts (?).

[K. 6100]

Portion out of the middle, 2 in. by 1 in.; 17 + .... Omens concerning houses.

lines; Babylonian. [K. 6101]

Upper portion, left half, 2-in. by 24in.; 13 + 16 lines; Babylonian. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of the stars '> -4 ¥-ET ,and 4 - .Y- d-I'0y. They belong to a tablet of the great astrological work and form a duplicate text of K. 2314 (see above, p. 432) and K. 2990 (p. 495). The catch-line and colophon read I[





.Y[K. 6102]

Portion out of the middle, 2-in. by 1-in.; 8 + 13 lines; Babylonian. Astrological forecasts concerning eclipses, relating to public affairs. They probably belong to the great astrological work Y Hi- Y-tX YT. [K. 6103]


Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by l1in.; 14 + .... Forecasts.

lines; Babylonian. [K. 6104]

+ 10 lines; Babylonian. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1in.;..... Astrological forecasts, probably belonging to the great astrological



[K. 6105]

-+ -4-il;T.

Nearly complete, 2 in. by 1in.; 10 + 3 + 13 + (left-hand edge) 2 lines. Private contract concerning the sale of a house. The date (reverse, lines 12 and 13) is mutilated. [K. 6106] Left hali; probably belonging to a case-tablet, 1 in. by lin.; 6 + 2 + 6 + 2 lines. Part of a private contract dated in the eponymy of Y~[K. 6107]

>->Y y yT, i.e., B.C. 671.

Portion of the right half, 2½-in. by 1iin.; ... probably addressed to the king.

+ 12 lines.

Part of a letter, [K. 6108]

Portions, 2-in. by 2 in.; 8 + 10 +1 lines.t Inscription of Sennacherib '>-y y) referring to his war with Merodach-baladan (y H--<- 4{(«at g-y <": q { (Y!> YY


4, --

The reverse§ contains a list of ') and of persons.

Cf. BEZOLD, Sitzber. Pr. Ak. d. W., 1888, p. 757. * This number may be <W7<, <<,

[K. 6109]

or t The script of this tablet appears to be similar to that of K. 1280; see above, p. 257 and note t. § Thus. t Partly effaced.




Lower portion, 2in. by 1 in.; 1 + 9 lines. Part of a Sumero-Akkadian hymn. This fragment appears to belong to the same tablet asK. 2489; see above, p. 447. [K. 6110] Portion out of the middle, 3- in. by 2 in.; 17 +1 lines; Babylonian. Omens [K. 6111] concerning houses. lines; BabyFragment of the left half, 1 in, by 1 3in.; 10 + ......... lonian. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of the sun. [K. 6112] Upper portion, left half, 2 3in. by lin.; 9 + 3 lines; Babylonian. Astrological forecasts concerning eclipses, partly relating to public affairs. In the colophon mention is made, of the city of EY_ GAR 4YY^ t 6113] ~[K. Go,_~.a&~~~~~ Fragment of the left half, 1¼in. by 1lin.; 10 +.........



lines; Baby-

Astrological forecasts taken from observations of the star

-[. 6114] Fragment of the lower portion of one side, 2in. by 1 in.; 15 + .......... [K. 6115] lines; Babylonian. Forecasts concerning the 'yAy, etc. Portion of the left half, 2jin. by 1 in.; 13 + 10 lines; Babylonian. Copy of a text with astrological forecasts, partly relating to public affairs. According to line 10 of reverse it may be an extract from a larger [K. 6116] composition. Right-hand corner, 2 in, by 2 in.; 9 + 7 lines; Babylonian. text containing directions for ceremonial rites.

Fragment of a [K. 6117]

Upper portion, 2§in. by lin.; 8 + 6 + 3 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter ,', ,,gconcerning military 44 4) fromy'Y T to the king ('> and of the land of Ae t affairs. Mention is made of y7>< : [K. 6118] Elam (& <>< 1ET) -etc, Upper portion, 2--31i. by 1 in.; 11 + 3 lines; Babylonian. Copy of a text with astrological forecasts concerning observations of the moon and yT_ yA V; they relate to public affairs. The obverse the star A-+',. £K. 6119] [rf (
Astrologi[K. 6120]

lines; BabyFragment of the left half, 23in. by 1in.; 27 + .......... lonian. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of various See stars. Cf. BEZOLD, W. Zeits. f. d. K. d. A., Vol. IV, p. 78, note 2. [K. 6121] also below, K. 6131. *

Partly effaced.



Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by 13in.; 13 +..... lines; Babylonian, Part of a letter (to the king) concerning public affairs. Mention is made of the king of Elam, the city of t-- tjy A-YY,etc. [K. 6122] Right-hand corner, 2in. by 2in.; 12 + 12 lines; Babylonian. Part of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies. [K. 6123] Fragment of the right half, 2in. by 1Lin.; 6 + 9 lines; Babylonian. Forecasts (?). [K. 6124] Portion of the right half, 3in. by 2in.; .... + 11 lines; Babylonian. Fragment of the copy of a text containing regulations for making offerings. [K. 6125] Fragment out of the middle, 3lin. by 1lin.; 8 + ..... lines; Babylonian. Part of a report, probably of the class described above, p. 259 f., K. 1288, relating to public affairs. [K. 6128] Right-hand corner, 2in. by 1 in.; 9 + 11 lines; Babylonian. Fragment of the left half, 2'in. by 1in.; .... Astrological forecasts.

Forecasts. [K. 6129]

+ 16 lines; Babylonian. [K. 6130]

Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by -3in.; .......... + 11 lines; Babylonian. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of various stars. The fragment may belong to the same tablet as K. 6121, q.v. [K. 6131] Fragment of the right half, 1 in. by -in.; (.....+).....+ 10 ( + .... ) lines; Babylonian. Fragment of a religious (?) text. [K. 6132] Fragment of the right half, Forecasts (?).


by 1 in.; .....

+ 6 lines; Babylonian. [K. 6133]

Left half, in. by 1 in.; 14 + 11 lines; Babylonian. Copy of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of various stars. It begins: Y <4( Cf. supra, p. 430, nte " [K. 6134] Portion of the left half, 23in. by 2|in.; 12 + ..... marginal number <. Astrological forecasts. belong to the same tablet as K. 6141, q.v.

lines; Babylonian; The fragment may [K. 6135]

Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by lin.; 15 + ..... lines; Babylonian. Omens concerning the state of, or events in, a city. [K. 6136] Fragment of the lower portion of reverse, 2¼in. by 1 in.; .... + 9 lines; Babylonian. Astrological forecasts, partly relating to public affairs. [K. 6137] VOL. II.

5 F




Portion of the left half, 2in. by 1 in.; 19 + ..... lines; Babylonian. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of the sun. The lines begin almost throughout with y (a) _~ ] Ay4- f < [K. 6138] Fragment out of the middle, 2-in. by 1ain.; 7 + ..... for ceremonial rites, etc.


Directions [K. 6139]

Fragment of the lower portion, 2¼in. by lin.; 14 + 7 lines; Babylonian. Astrological forecasts. [K. 6140] Portion out of the middle of reverse, 2-in. by 2in.; 19 + 17 lines; Babylonian. Astrological forecasts. Cf. supra, K. 6135. [K. 6141 + K. 6148] Portion out of the middle, 2-in. by Iin.; 21 + 22 lines; Babylonian. Incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies. A colophonline (reverse, line 12) reads: Cf. supra, p. 448, K. 2495; infra, p. 802, K. 6677, etc.

[K. 6142]

Fragment of the left half, l1-in. by lin.; 10 .......... lines. Fragment of a text containing astrological forecasts concerning eclipses. [K. 6143] Left-hand corner, 2¼in. by lin.; 11 +.....lines; gical forecasts for the various months. ..... fY Y . .Ad name of the month


Babylonian. AstroloThe lines begin with [] [K. 6144]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 3in.; 5 + 3 lines; Astrological forecasts. Fragment of the right half, 1-in. Fragment of a letter.

by 1in.; ....

Babylonian. [K. 6146]

+ 6 lines; Babylonian. [K. 6147]

Portions, l-bin. by 11-6in.; 7 + 4 lines; Babylonian. Part of an astrological report to the king from (Y-y - [(-].t [K. 6149] Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by l1in.; 9 +..... Omens concerning houses.

lines; Babylonian. [K. 6150]

Right half, upper portion, 1- - in. by 1 in.; 9 + 5 lines; Babylonian; divisionmarks between the words. Part of a religious (?) text. [K. 6151] Portion out of the middle, 2in. by 2in.; 10 + 16 lines; Babylonian. Forecasts. [K. 6152] * Partly effaced. t Attempted restoration after K. 1343; see above, p. 270.

Cf. also p. 226, K. 1110.



Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1lin.; 10 + traces of 2 lines; Babylonian. Astrological forecasts. [K. 6153] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. bytin.; Astrological forecasts.,

6 ......

lines; Babylonian. [K. 6154]

Fragment of the lower portion, 2in. by 1¼in.; 3 + 6 lines; Babylonian. Fragment of a religious (?) text. [K. 6155] Upper portion, left half, 2 in. by 1 in.; 16 + 10 lines; Babylonian. Astrological forecasts concerning eclipses. Theybegin: [1 ?]'7i2 +< A.\ V -Y T.Y tY*: '. The colophon reads:,iy v <X* (?) -H + 4. ^^ 9

/ 7

Fragment of the left half, 2in. by 1lin.; Astrological forecasts.

11 + 12 lines; Babylonian. [K. 6158]

Left-hand corner, 2in. by 1 in.; 12 + 6 lines. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of the moon. The sentences begin throughout with <<< .... [K. 6159] Lower portion, 2*in. by 15in.; 16 + 23 lines; Babylonian. religious text.

Part of a [K. 6160]

Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by 18|in.; 13 +. .. lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 6161] Right-hand corner, lin. by 1}1in.; 9 + 7 lines. Incantations with an interlinear Assyrian version. Duplicate of K. 2869 (see above, p. 484), obverse, lines 48 ff. [K. 6162] Left-hand corner, 1lin. by 11in.; religious text.

6 + 7 lines; Babylonian.

Part of a [K. 6163]

Portion of the right half, 23in. by 25in.; 20 +..... lines; Babylonian. Part of a religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 6164] Right half, upper portion of one side, 3in. by 27in.; Directions for ceremonies.

21 +....

lines. [K. 6165]

Fragment of the upper portion, 2in. by 25in.; 17 + 5 + . ....... .. lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. [K. 6166] * Partly effacetd.




Portion of the left half, 2kin. by in.; .. forecasts. Cf. supra, p. 423, K. 2221.

+ 18 lines.

Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by 5in.; 6 + ......... religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version.

Astrological [K. 6167] lines.

Part of a [K. 6168]

Fragment of the lower portion, l1in. by 1 in.; traces of 2 + 9 lines. [K. 6169] Omens. Portion of the right half, 2 in. by 2in.; .... Omens concerning houses.

+ 21 lines; Babylonian. [K. 6170]

Fragment out of the middle, 23in. by 2in.; 16 +..... logical forecasts.


Astro[K. 6171]

Left-hand corner, 25in. by l5in.; 12 +.....+..... -...... lines. Part of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. It begins:-

) rel="nofollow">P'f Y :.t -nYYT

'YV Y-

<(V- ^e ^^E < + y Y<^* rY I
-7M -tffI^-

< <1M


; Yn

[K. 6172] + 12 lines. Part of a Fragment of the right half, 2} in. by l in.; ..... prayer in the form of a litany. The catch-line and a preceding colophon-line read:>ngg Yyy


1^n^ Y,

m n Atasr >+ -;E


t~ t

-- w

>4^Y >Y oyy ly'






tYn k CO A . [K. 6173]

As ---




Portion out of the middle, 2-in. by 2in.; 21 + 20 lines; Babylonian. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of various stars. They probably belong to a tablet of the great astrological work Y 4 .-+ [K. 6174] > A-<. dy. Various lines begin with [y ¢]--+ >-I
. << <_ ( dY).< [K. 6177] Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by 1 in.; 12 + ..... Astrological forecasts.

lines; Babylonian. [K. 6178]

Left half, lower portion, 2in. by 1lin.; 12 + 3 + 14 lines; Babylonian. Part of a prayer. [K. 6179] *

Erased by the scribe.



lines (in doubleFragment out of the middle, 1 in. by I I in.; 6 + columns). Fragment of a text containing grammatical paradigms. [K. 6180] in; 6 .......... Fragment out of the middle, in. by list. of an explanatory Fragment columns.

+ 6 lines; Babylonian. [K. 6182]

Fragment of the left half, 1in. by lin.; ..... Part of an astrological report. Fragment out of the middle, in. by in.; 5 +..... columns. Fragment of an explanatory list. Fragment of the left half, " in. by "in.; .....

of an astrological report from



lines in double[K. 6184a] End

+ 3 lines; Babylonian.

[K. 6184 b]

A ['Y].*

Left-hand corner, 1 in. by l-t6in.; 11 + 7 lines; Babylonian.


lines in double[K. 6181]


The sentences begin throughout with Y ~-{ ~--



[K. 6185]

..... ++ 15 Portion out of the middle of one side, 21in. by 1½in.; ..... + 13 lines; Babylonian. Incantations and directions for ceremonies [K. 6187] performed to obtain magical results from stones. Fragment of the left half, 1- in. by -13in.;traces of 4 + 6 lines; Baby[K. 6188] lonian. Astrological forecasts. lines. Part of a Fragment of the upper portion, 1 in. by lin.; 12 + .... version. Duplicate of Assyrian mythological text with an interlinear [K. 6189] K. 4874 (see above, p. 671), obverse, lines 1 ff. Portion out of the middle, 24in. by lGin.; 11 + 11 + ...... + Omens. Portion of the right half, 2

9in. by l1in.; .....

+ 11 lines.

lines. [K. 6190]

Part of a hymn

[K. 6191] with an interlinear Assyrian version. Portion of the right half, 2 in. by lin.; ... + 18 lines; Babylonian. [K. 6192] F orecasts. lines; Babylonian. Fragment out of the middle, l}in. by 1 in.; 7 +..... [K. 6193] Forecasts. Fragment of the left half, l1in. by lin.; 13 + 15 lines; Babylonian. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of various stars [K. 6194] YY Y' , etc.). , ,4 a4 (>e ^r, < Fragment of the left half, lin. by lin.; 13 + ...... lines; Babylonian. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of the sun. [K. 6195] * This restoration is attempted after KK. 178, 790; see above, pp. 47, 170.




Ulpper portion, 4 in. by 3- in.; 36 + 20 lines. Directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. They begin:-

,c~P-~ , b





Of the catch-line only ,"

t E-mK-

¥TT is visible. [K. 6196] Portion out of the middle, 2-in. by 2jin.; ..... + 11 lines. Part of a religious text. [K. 6197] Left half, lower portion of reverse, 3-in. by 2ain.; ..... + 10 lines. Part of a colophon. [K. 6198] Right-hand corner. 1in. a prayer.

by 1in.;

..... + 8 +5

..... lines.

Part of [K. 6199]

Upper portion, 3 in. by 3in.; 13 + 23 + 10 + ..... lines; marginal number <. Forecasts. Several lines begin: -< (a-) Ym A.. For a similar text see below, p. 801, K. 6654. [K. 6200 + K. 6277] Upper portion, right half, 3in. by 2-~ in.; 18 + 4 lines. Forecasts. The obverse begins:-


n -+ -YYA

Ad 6

r 4><4 A [K. 6201] Right half, lower portion of one side, 4 in. by 2in.; ( . ..... + 29 (+....) lines. Forecasts concerning the chances of a sick man's life. [K. 6202] Portion out of the middle, 2 in. by 21in.; 20 lines. Part of an inscription of Tiglathpileser III. The text is published W.A.I. III, 9, No. 2, m


and translated by G. SMITH, Disc., p. 275 f.; RODWELL, Rec., Vol. V, p. 45; SCHRADER, K.G., p. 396 f.; K.A.T., 2nd ed., pp. 217 ff., and

C.O.T., Vol. I, pp. 208 ff. [K. 6205] Portion out of the middle, 2 in. by 25in.; 15 + .......... lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions and incantations to be used for the benefit of sick people. [K. 6206] Portion out of the middle, 3{in. by 2in.; 14 + ..... lines. Regulations for making offerings. [K. 6207 + K. 6225] Portion out of the middle, 2 in. by 2 in.; ..... forecasts. * Partly effaced.

+ 25 lines.

Astrological [K. 6208]



Portion out of the middle, 23in. by 21in.; 17 + ..... lines. Regulations for making offerings. Duplicate of K. 2541 (see above, p. 452), reverse, lines 8 if., and of K. 3282 (p. 519), reverse, lines 9 ff., parts of the text of which it restores. Cf. also infra, p. 792, K. 6502. [K. 6209] Portion out of the middle, 21 in. by 1in.; . Part of a religious text.


+ 18 + .


. lines. [K. 6210]

Left-hand corner, 2in. by 2 in.; ..... + 14 lines. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of various stars (>T-+ ~_ <-,


E' >-p ,V ,\ etc.). [K. 6211] Portion out of the middle, 3in. by 23in.; 20 + 23 +..... ..... lines. Omens concerning women. One section begins: y 5 - A y Ay- Y S i. ... * [K. 6212] Fragment out of the middle, 2ain. by 15in.; 12 + .... lines. Part of a text containing directions for ceremonies performed, probably, to obtain magical results from stones, etc. [K. 6213] ,



Portion out of the middle, 3inn. by 2jin.; .... +.... + 16 + 10 lines. Omens derived from the state of a man's heart. A large number of lines begin with y yyy .; cf. supra, p. 555, K. 3693. [K. 6214] Upper portion, 3in. by 2½in.; 21 + 4 lines. Forecasts. [K. 6215] Fragment out of the middle, 23in. by 1-in.; 11 +



religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version.

Part of a

[K. 6216]

Left half, lower portion, 3jin. by 15in.; 10 + 3 +.. + 1 lines. Astrological forecasts concerning eclipses. They partly relate to public affairs. [K. 6217] Left-hand corner, 2¼in. by 2gin.; ..... + 10 lines. Astrological forecasts for the months Kislev and Tebet, taken from observations of the sun. [K. 6219] Portion of the left half, 2in. by lin.; 11 + 3 lines. casts taken from observations of various stars.

Astrological fore[K. 6220]

Portion out of the middle of reverse, 3in. by 2-in.; ..... Omens concerning monstrosities.

+ 20 lines. [K. 6221]

Portion out of the middle, 3in. by 2in.; 16 + ..... lines. Astrological fo r e c a sts taken from observations of various stars; they partly relate to public affairs. [K. 6222] Portion of the left half, 2Iin. by 2in.; 10 + traces of 7 lines. Part of a historical inscription of an Assyrian king. Mention is made of



>.-YYp 4-dz t

and [y ]-y(?) [K. 6223]




Lower portion, right half, 3iin. by 1



+ 9 + 2 + .

. lines.

Part of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. [K. 6224] Fragment out of the middle, 1Hin. by omen-text. Portion out of the middle, 2in. by


stars (

in.; ..... 1}6in.;

10 lines. +10


Part of an [K. 6226]



Astrological forecasts taken from observations of various 4 Yi-T44i', >>o-+
q-4y+ yt


[K. 6227]

Fragment of the right half, 1in. by

in.; ....

+ 14 lines.

Forecasts. [K. 6228]

Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 2- 1in. by 1in.; (.....+) 16 + ..... (+.....) lines. Part of an omen-text. [K. 6229] Portion out of the middle, 25in. by 2-in.; .....+..... + 12 + 19 lines. Prayers to Samas and Rammdn and directions for ceremonies. [K. 6230] Left-hand corner, 1lin. by1Hin.;

12 + ....


+ 9 lines.

casts concerning the >Yy, etc.; cf. supra, p. 549, note t. relate to public affairs.


They partly [K. 6231]

Portion out of the middle, 4 in. by 3in.; 11 + 14 lines. Part of a historical inscription, probably of Saosduchinos (I '-4- ~y ~~ -- ), concerning building-operations, etc. Mention is made of the city of Sippara (Y A ffyy <E). [K. 6232] Lower portion, 3-in. by 2 in.; 15 + traces of 3 lines. prayers. A colophon-line reads:id 2H

Y Z.

[K. 6233]

Right half, upper portion of reverse, 2 in. by 2in.; ..... Omens concerning incidents that may happen to men.

+ 18 lines. [K. 6234]


Incantations and

Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by Part of a mythological legend. y iT -




in.; .... + 9 + 9 +.....lines. One section begins: >+--ydt*

For duplicates see below, K. 6831 (p. 813) and

Bu. 89, 4-26, 97. Portion out of the middle, 43in. by 4in.; 17 +.........lines. persons, probably to be connected with contributions.

[K. 6235] List of [K. 6236]

Portion out of the middle, 4iin. by 4in.; 21 + 44 + traces of 6 +........ lines. Forecasts. A large number of lines begin with C yY y-< [K. 6237 + K. 6279] .. .. < : 5~ >T...y




Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by ]8in.; According to line 9 they appear to be position. Fragment out of the middle, 2 in. by 2in.; cal forecasts, partly relating to public

10 + lines. Forecasts. an extract from a larger com[K. 6238] 17 + .... .lines. Astrologiaffairs. [K. 6239]

Portion out of the middle, 25in. by 2in.; 17 + traces of 7 + ..... +.... lines. Forecasts relating to public affairs. [K. 6241] Fragment out of the middle, 25in. by lin.; 14 + .... lines. Astrological forecasts, partly relating to public affairs. [K. 6243] Upper portion, 33in. by 2-in.; 13 + 7 lines; marginal number <. Forecasts forming, according to the colophon, the 3rd tablet of the Series The obverse begins: Y. -< V *-


(?) tY v >

The catch-line reads:

-< ^ sw-¥ ~ rV [-_ -T_ TT I-d4 T> M-t].t [K. 6244] Portion out of the middle, 35in. by 3ain.; 25 + ..... +.....+..... lines. Copy of a text containing astrological forecasts. [K. 6245] Upper portion, 4-in. by 4in.; 26 + 18 lines. Part of a mythological text forming, according to the colophon, a portion of a larger composition; cf. reverse, line 18:The beginning reads:__YT>zL V



^ ^Q -^L 1 Ybyy



>>>Y Y ^n





`*;Y X:



Portion out of the middle, 2 3in. by 25in.; 16 + 19 lines. cerning houses.




[K. 6246] Omens con[K. 6247]

Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by lin.; 15 +.......... of a religious text.

lines. Part [K. 6248]

Fragment of the right half, 2}in. by l in.; ( ..... +) 15 +. lines. Incantations. One section ends with I-¢ y .--.

...( +. .) [K. 6250]

Portion of the left half, 21in. by 1Iin.; 14 +.....lines. Omens concerning incidents that may happen to the king while driving in his chariot; cf. supra, p. 579, K. 3944. The fragment probably belongs to the same tablet as K. 10753, q.v. [K. 6251] *

Partly effaced. VOL. II.


This restoration is based upon K. 7000 (q.v.), obverse, line 1. 5G



Portion out of the middle, 2 in. by 2-in.; 16 ± .....


Forecasts. [K. 6252]

.........lines. Portion out of the middle, 25in. by lin.; 8 + 15 + . Part of a text containing prescriptions to be used for the benefit of [K. 62531 sick people. + 34 lines. Omens derived Portion out of the middle, 4-in. by 2-in.; .... from the state of the human body. Cf. infra, p. 797, K. 6594. [K. 6254 + K. 6464] lines. ReguPortion out of the middle, 2in. by 2in.; 16 + 4 + .......... [K. 6255] lations for making offerings. Portion out of the middle, 3½in. by 23in.; 27 + ..... lines. Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by logical forecasts.

in.; 8 + ..........

Forecasts. [K. 6256] lines.

Astro[K. 6257]

Part of an [K. 6258]

Portion out of the middle, 2{in. by 2{in.; 18 +.....lines. omen-text.

Left-half, 2¼in. by 2in.; 9 + 1 + 7 lines. Part of an address to Esarhaddon -), purporting to come from the goddess Istar. It begins: (VY YV


[K. 6259]


Right-hand corner, 2-in. by 2in.; 10 + 19 lines. houses.

Omens concerning [K. 6260]

Upper portion of one side, 34in. by 25in.; 11 + 22 + 6 + ..... +.....+ ..... lines. Prescriptions similar to those of KK. 249, 4164, etc.; [K. 6261] cf. supra, pp. 64f., 601. Portion out of the middle, 2 in. by 2}in.; 13 + 10 lines. religious text.

Part of a [K. 6262]

Portion out of the middle, 3-in. by 3in.; .... omen-text.

Part of an [K. 6263]

+ 29 lines.

Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by l1in.; 9 + .....


Fragment out of the middle, 2¼in. by 11-in.; 12 +..... ,[K. casts concerning thunderstorms, etc.

Forecasts. [K. 6264] lines.


Portion out of the middle, 3¼in. by 3in.; 16 + 13 lines. Omens concerning houses. Some of the lines begin with Y -Y; _(?); cf. supra, p. 574, [K. 6266] K. 3886 + K. 6819. *

Partly effaced.


Portions, 4 in. by 3-in.; 22 + traces of 11 + 26 + 9 lines. Omens derived from the state of the urine. The fragment may belong to the same tablet as K. 3980; see above, p. 583. The catch-line reads:t"Y W nIYY [K. 6267]

cf. supra, p. 587, K. 4017; also infra, K. 7068, etc.

Portion out of the middle, 3jin. by 3in.; 22 + 22 + ..... +.....lines. Forecasts concerning dy _J, -tYYy etc. This fragment may belong to [K. 6268] the same tablet as 81, 2-4, 200. Portions, 7in. by 3¼in.; 43 + 41 lines. Omens concerning the chances of a sick man's life. Of the catch-line only >' -Y.- i ¥ yyy b[K. 6269] : is visible. Ye-,, E >Y~-, A-10 lines. Fore+ .. ... in. by 1in.; 14 +.... Left-hand corner, casts concerning the A_,yy, etc., and geometrical (?) figures similar [K. 6270] to those of K. 219 and K. 4069; see above, pp. 57, 592. Portion out of the middle, 4in. by 3-in.; 19 + 20 lines. Forecasts concerning >-PAy, -y A, etc. According to line 19 of reverse they probably [K. 6271] form an extract from a larger composition. Fragment of the left half, 2|in. by 1in.; 15 +.......... casts. The lines begin with >< -Y (>-)
lines. Fore¢Y (var.: ~Yy). [K. 6272]

+ 8 lines.

Omens con[K. 6273]

Fragment of the lower portion, 2 in. by 1. in.; 10 + 14 +.. -y 4., etc. lines. Forecasts concerning the

....... [K. 6274]

Fragment out of the middle, 2-in. by 1-in.; ..... cerning houses, etc.

Fragment of the right half, 1 in. by 1lin.; 6 + . .


Fragment of [K. 6275]

a private contract (?).

lines. Forecasts. Portion of the left half, 2¼in. by 21in.; 17 +...... cf. supra, p. 431, K. 2311. The lines begin throughout with y Ad; [K. 6276] + 32 lines. Omens derived Portion out of the middle, 45in. by 3in.; ..... from the direction in which an owl (?) flies over a man while travelling, etc. Several sentences begin with '_4 y -yt>~_y ~YNT _ -YM. [K. 6278] + 8 lines. Omens Upper portion, left half, 4in. by 33in.; 24 + 13 +..... derived from the state of a man's eyes. For similar texts see above, p. 580, K. 3957 + K. 6347, and below, pp. 799, 806, 808, etc., KK. 6629, [K. 6280] 6737, 6756, 7099, 7279, etc. 5





Portion out of the middle of reverse, 2 in. by 2-in.; ..... + 14 lines. Omens forming, according to the colophon, a tablet of the Series -< > "I'T >4-< F 4Ty f-. Of the catch-line only ' [K. 6281] is visible. ,;y >> 4A Yy ..... lines. 16 + 16 + ..... Portion out of the middle, 4 in. by 3-in.; 1 in connamed gods to the List of stones arranged in groups according nection with them. Cf. the colophon-lines:T-A

Y V'

(?)T* [
?]* [YT [TT (?) *


' 4y- <(


>>t Y¥

M] Am i :t ^!S' a A* B< id

¥i,' ~- f: >::+

:-4-ff <<< -ky o4- *¥ B- 4-YY





(Column I, line 3), (Column I, line 8),

(Column I, line 10), (Column I, line 12), (Column I, line 14), (Column II, line 8), and (Column II, line 14). [K. 6282]

Fore. lines. Portion of the left half, 25in. by 2-in.; 22 + ......... casts concerning the
Portion out of the middle of reverse, 2½in. by 2in.; ..... >MU y. Forecasts. Several sentences begin: Y I Fragment of the left half; 3in. by 2in.; 15 + ...... taken from births.

. lines.

Omens [K. 6286]


Omens [K. 6287]

Fragment of the lower portion, 2½in. by 28in.; 15 + ..... derived from the state of a man's feet and hands. Right half, lower portion, 31in. by 24in.; 15 + 17 lines. cerning monstrosities, etc.

Omens con[K. 6288]

.lines. Omens conPortion of the left half, 3in. by 21in.; 25 + ... L YY cerning the births of horses. The lines begin: [A-Y. For a similar tablet see below, Rm. 2, 107; cf. also [K. 6289] supra, p. 574, K. 3886 + K. 6819.

Portion of the left half, 4in. by 2 3in.; 27 + ..... + (left-hand edge) 1 lines. The lines begin throughout with y ¥YY¶; cf. supra, Forecasts. [K. 6291] p. 431, K. 2311. *

These restorations are based on the totals of numbers of stones mentioned on this tablet.

+ Partly effaced.

$ Here are traces of a second to the left erased.

-4- <(<, which the scribe, having written, probably, too much



Upper portion, 4 in. by 3-in.; 37 + 34 lines. Forecasts concerning the chances of a sick man's life. A comparison of the catch-line:with K. 1352 (see above, p. 272 f.), reverse, line 3, shows that K. 6292 forms the 7th tablet of the Series HY>D-UYy
Omens con[K. 6295]

Portion out of the middle, 3 in. by 2 in.; 18 + 24 lines.

Forecasts. [K. 6296] Portion of the left half, 6in. by 2"in.; 53 + traces of 2 + 7 + 44 lines. Forecasts forming, according to the colophon, the 3rd tablet of a series. A comparison of the catch-line, >A >Y
Mj ^




[ ],tl

with K. 1352 (see above, p. 272 f.), edge, line 1, shows that the Series referred to begins: Yy Yy ¢-¥ >>i A H cf. Vol. I, p. xxxI. oE-; The contents are similar to those of K. 3951 + K. 4050 (above, p. 579). Cf. also infra, p. 803, K. 6691. [K. 6297] Portion out of the middle, 3½in. by 2 in.; ...... 23 lines. Part of an c omen-text. The sentences begin throughout with Y 7JWcJJ; ] f. supra, p. 561, K. 3757. [K. 62981 Portion of the left half, 3in. by 1-in.; 12 + 22 + (left-hand edge) 4{ lines. Omens. Several lines begin with 'jY ' -fyj|§ ; cf. the preceding n- nber. [K. 6299] Portion out of the middle, 3in. by 25in. and directions for ceremonies..


+ 20 lines.

Incantations [K. 6300]

Left-hand corner, 2lin. by 2in.; 14 +.....lines. women. Portions, 3½in. by b 2in.; n 20 + 3 lines. interlinear Assyrian version. Upper portion, 3in. by 2-in.; 7 + .... scription. Mention is made of :-*

Omens concerning [K. 6301] Part of a religious text with an [K. 6302] lines. Part of a historical in>-- and the king >- >-<. [K. 6303]

* Partly effaced. t Restored from K. 1352. : Of these four lines which the scribe omitted, three read in one direction, and the fourth in another.



Forecasts. [K. 6304] Forecasts .... lines. 2in.; 15 + Fragment of the right half, 25in. by [K. 6305] concerning the chances of a sick man's life, etc. Portion of the left half, 3 in. by2in.; ..... + 27 lines. Forecasts. The Cf. supra, p. 775, caret) <(: -B-i. _ (var.: . lines begin: >-<¢[K. 6306] K. 6272. lines. Forecasts conPortion of the left half, 2-in. by 2 in.; 20 + .... cerning men. See, e.g., lines 10 if.:

Portion of the right half, 3 in. by 2 in.; 18 + ....




Y N 4

g^0 5:



v EIM ME YY ?Yy -gTrY £ >?


t __-Sty _ _T_

YI <X:<X; <: E i t <m == YTZnd Y- -XH >rnY rk +l E >Y_-4 Y

r<<MY^ >-

m i










[K. 6307]


+ Portion out of the middle, 25in. by 2½in.; . .. + 9 + ... lines; marginal number <. Fragment of a mythological text. Mention is made of various rivers, or canals; see lines 3 ff.:

Ys + X YT%S



But ^TYU

>^YT -

< Ts






TUS <- >^ Y

YY< YTs TUrTy 4-m


A> E-ym [-+


¶ + C4e:]sS-

Cf. supra, p. 630, K. 4415. Fragment of the left half, 2-in. by 1in.; . concerning t _, ~ty, i 'y], etc.

[K. 6308]

... + 11 lines. Forecasts [K. 6309] Portion of the right half, 2 in. by 2 in.; ..... + 18 lines. Directions for ceremonial rites. Cf. SAYCE, Hibb. Lect., pp. 113, note 1;t 499, [K. 6310] note 2.t Portion of the right half, 2 in. by 1lin.; 18 + 14 lines. Forecasts. [K. 6311] Right half, lower portion, 3Nin. by 2in.; 23 + 2 + 21 lines. Astrological forecasts concerning eclipses, partly relating to public affairs. [K. 6312] Portions, 8in. by 3sin.; 44 + 36 lines. Incantations and directions for ceremonies forming, according to the colophon, the 9tht (?) tablet of Y->. The catch-line reads:the Series >-ykX T4YY A X YT YkYT Y X klY [K. 6313] -TYT

Partly effaced. t The fragment is there quoted under G. SMITH'S private mark " M. 602." v wvv wVIappears to be more probable than vTV oro ~ *



Part of a historical, or [K. 6314]

Right-hand corner, 25in. byl-lin.; 16 + 21 lines. mythological, text.

Portion out of the middle, 3-in. by 3lin.; 21 + 26 lines. Omens concerning houses, palaces, etc.; cf. supra, p. 385, K. 2010. According to the ~]. colophon they form a tablet of the Series Y -y y- y- [-yt A -: -, -, -, -- --,. Of the catch-line only [K. 6315] is visible. + 7 lines. End of a text Fragment of the left half, 23in. by 1in. ; .... containing incantations and prayers. The catch-line and the following line of the colophon read:-

k+ -T - J, -T; It, k


nMd m VT Y(A TY

Ssoi, [K. 6316]

Cf. supra, pp. 652, 691, KK. 4663, 5135. Portion of the right half, 2in. by 1n 1in. 11 text.

Part of a religious [K. 6317]

8 lines.

+) Fragment of the right half; 2in. by 1-7in.; (..... lines. Incantations; The paragraphs end with ~

12 (+ ..... )


-]-y a->-. [K. 6318]

+ short +..... Portion out of the middle, 3 in. by 3 n.; (.. . . an text with a religious Part of ) lines. 10(+.. .. of 14 + ends [K. 6319] interlinear Assyrian version. 13(+.... .) Portion of the right half, 21in. by -iin.;( ..... +).... lines. Incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies. Two [K. 6320] sections end with -¢Yy(>-+. Upper portion, left half, 2½in. by 2}in;; 11 + 13 lines. a goddess, H>T P>>Y-0 ¢ 1TYy MJ: A

[V?] <



Part of a prayer to It begins:-




[K. 6321]

*..': ,

Fragment of the lower portion of one side, 2in. by 1 in. lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions.

i2 +


[K. 6322]

Portion out of the middle, 3}-in. by 3}in.; 4 + 11 + 18 + traces of 2 + .... 9 lines. List of objects, probably serving for offerings +9 + .. [K. 6323] (cf. lines 6-10 of Column III). Partly effaced. t This line is written in smaller characters than the others.






Portion of the right half, 3in. by 2in.; (... +) traces of 3 + 23 + ) lines. Part of a text containing traces of 12 + ..... (..... regulations for making offerings connected with the worship of the various gods. E.g., Section III of Column III (lines 10 ff.) reads:-


Y'>- ¥c<'- >tX ~¥¢ MnAY -+ ~-YY¥¥ Yl -' <<< + e a-4YY -+


CIi dn! NJ rel="nofollow">IT >>E


>k ~


[K. 6324]

Cf. supra, p. 511, K. 3189 + K. 7014, etc.

lines. IncanFragment out of the middle, 2-in. by 1in.; 16 +..... tations belonging to the 1st tablet of the Series -S Ay M oyyy. Duplicate of K. 43 (see above, p. 11 and Vol. I, p. xxs) and K. 3294 [K. 6325] (above, p. 520). 13 + 15 + 4 lines. Fragment of the lower portion, 23in. by 2in.;.....+ Part of an incantation-text belonging to the 3rd tablet of the Series ~-S y MY~YyY.S The text corresponds with that of K. 2728 (see above, [K. 6326] p. 470), Column II, lines 42 ff.; Column IV, lines 6 ff. Right half, lower portion of reverse, 3in. by 2-in.; ..... ..... lines. Forecasts concerning ,E ~Yyyand Eyy, etc.


+ 17 + [K. 6327]

..... lines. Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 2-in. by 1 in.; 13 Astrological forecasts taken from observations of the moon and sun. [K. 6328] . ... ......... Portion out of the middle, 23in. by 21in.; 9 + 19 . [. 6329] +. . lines. Sumero-Akkadian incantations. lines Part of a Portion out of the middle, 33in. by 3in.; 21 + ..... mythological, or religious, text; cf. infra, p. 782, K. 6359. [K. 6330] Part of a prayer, Lower portion, 3Sin. by 2in.; 11 + 3 + 12 lines. [K. 6331] probably to be recited for the welfare of the king. Left-hand corner, 35in. by 31in.; 13 + traces of 1 lines. Part of a historical inscription of an Assyrian king, probably of Assurbanipal. <<< A* * and of >y - <E _. [K. 6332] Mention is made ofyY..... +) 6 Fragment out of the middle, 23in. by 1-in.; 11 + (.....+ lines. Part of a text containing prayers and directions for ceremonies.

[K. 6333] lines. Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 2sin. by l1in.; 8 + ... [K. 6334] Fragment of a prayer. *

Partly effaced.



Portion out of the middle, 3 in. by 2-in.; 27 +..........



of a mythological text concerning various gods (4- ~Y -4- <{ < -4 -XAn^ ; 1[- ??I] V pYt < -+- 5 5 Xe S Y>- <<<, etc.).

Cf., e.g., lines 17 ff.:-


^> *ith 7if





-viy X=yy^>


-its >,OZy,*



_PT__ .X Y-



r./.x .x\~;c~-
-p.~ ~C ~-[K. 6335] Right-hand corner, 2 in. by lin.; 11 +14 lines. Portion out of the middle, 37in. by 25in.;. ..... Forecasts +...... co:cering . + traces of 2 + 14 + 15 lines. Part of a mythological text. [K. 6336] the chances of a sick man's life, etc.

[I. 6337]

Left-hand corner, 2{in. by lin.; 11 + . .. . lines. Inscription of Assurbanipal. The text corresponds with that of Rm. 1 (q.v.), Column I, lines 52 if.

[K. 6338]

Portion out of the middle, 4¼in. by 32in.; 18 +17

of various +esates


Part of a list

and of persons and "ther people" ([E]

ce-h,), probably to be connected with the census. see below, 79, 7-8, 309.


For a similar text [K. 6339]

Upper portion, left half, 4in. by 2Min.; 25 + 22 lines. Incantations and prayersni. The catch-linetex reasds:4th thtf R. Cf.v. infra p., 802, K. 6672 Fragment out of the middle, 2 in. by 1in.; 18i 1 + 9 +....... Part of a historical inscription. Fragment of the right half, 2§in. by 12in.; .... incantation-text. One section ends with a religious text.

+ 13 lines.



Duplicate 6344. ofK.

Portion of the right half, 2-in. by 2gin.;... religious text, Cf. the preceding number.

[K. 6340] lines. [K. 6341] Part of an [K. 6342] [K. 6343]

+. + 18 lines.

Part of a [K. 6344]

Portion out of the middle, 2¼in. by lin., 14 + 3 lines. Part of an inscription of Assurbanipal relating to his campaign against Saosduchinos (¥ -,-. -<, rel="nofollow">,, >Y 47 ). [K. 6356] *


Partly effaced.

5 H




Fragment out of the middle, 2 in. by 2 in.; traces of 3 + 11 lines. Fragment of a historical, or mythological, text.

+ ..........

[K. 6357]

Fragment of a cylinder, 2 in. by loin.; 11 lines. Part of an inscription of Assurbanipal relating to his campaign against Saosduchinos. [K. 6358] lines. Part of a Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by 2in.; 16 + ..... mythological, or religious, text. Mention is made of the city of Cuthah (-Syy ra ; t

Part of a [K. 6360]

Fragment out of the middle, l in. by1lin.; 9 + ..... of a religious text.


Fragment [K. 6362]

Portion out of the middle, 2 in. by l1in.; 13 + ......... lines. Part of an inscription of Tiglathpileser I., corresponding with K. 1621a [K. 6363] (see above, p. 320), Column VI, lines 76 ff. Fragment of a cylinder, 1 -in. by 1in.; 7 lines; Babylonian. Fragment of a historical inscription of a Babylonian king, perhaps Nebuchadnezzar II. [K. 6364] Upper portion, 3- 7in. by l in.; 12 lines. ceremonial rites. It begins:y rel="nofollow">myy.< 'y-y ~-Uy

Part of a text containing


[K. 6365]

Portion out of the middle, 31in. by 2 in.; 14 +..... lines. Part of an inscription of Assurbanipal relating to his campaigns in Elam. Mention is made of [Iy kyy << ?] : y* A, ( >yz * [K. 6366] Y YY * , a and Syy << >J _ -,, [Y a ?] YTy



) lines. +) 8 + 11 (+ .... Portion of the right half, 1tin. by 1in.; (.... List of objects (animals, etc.), probably serving for contributions. Mention is made of the cities of -Y ,Y 5 >E_, TY Y E B-YY 4 24,

->YY T2 M yy>T,

> <, I nYYYY A4-+ Y->Y^,>YY v 7YYY yT*


and h, ^yyY

<( A


JT > YY4 .

[K. 6367]

lines. FragFragment out of the middle, 2in. by 1-in.; 9 + ......... ment of an inscription of Assurbanipal, corresponding with Rm. 1 [K. 6368] (q.v.), Column II, lines 10 ff. lines. Fragment out of the middle, 18in. by 1,-in.; 8 +......... Fragment of a historical inscription, probably of Assurbanipal. [K. 6370] *

Partly effaced.


Fragment out of the middle, 1Hin. by 1in.; 6 ment of a historical inscription.


Fragment of the right half, 1-in. by 1in.; 8 + 8 lines. containing epigraphs (?).

783 . lines. Frag [K. 6371] Part of a text [K. 6372]

Portion out of the middle, l1in. by 1 4 .......... lines. Part of an inscription of Assurbanipal relating to his war with Tammaritu (TY ' t > YR [-ET ?].) [K. 637a] Fragment out of the middle of a prismoid, 1-in. by 1in. ; 8 +.......... lines. Fragment of an inscription of Assurbanipal relating to his campaign against Saosduchinos. [K. 6377] Fragment out of the middle of a prismoid, 1 7 in. high, one side of the base at least 5in.; 6 + 10 + ......... lines. Part of a historical inscription. [K. 6378] Portion out of the middle, 2 in. by 2in.; ..... + 12 lines. Part of an inscription of Assurbanipal relating to his campaigns in Elam. Mention is made of the king [Y] = 4A-YT. [K. 6382] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by lin.; 7 + .......... lines. Fragment of a historical inscription, probably of Assurbanipal. [K. 6383] Fragment of the lower portion, 1lin. by 1'in.; 3 + 3 + 6 lines. historical inscription.

Part of a [K. 6384]

Fragment out of the middle, 2-in. by 2in.; ..... + 12 lines. Part of a historical inscription, probably of Assurbanipal. Mention is made of

the temple TYyy 4A ff<E)*



and of the land of Elam (i,4 4< [K. 6385]

Fragment of the left half of a cylinder, 1-in. long, segmental arch 15in., chord 1Lin.; 9 lines; Babylonian. Part of an inscription of Esarhaddon (y -+- _ m [. <<< >-?]) [K. 6386] Portion out of the middle, 41in. by 3 in.; ..... + 12 lines. historical inscription, probably of Assurbanipal.

Part of a [K. 6388]

Right half, upper portion, 23in. by 2 in.; 17 + 8 lines. Medical prescriptions. According to line 1 of reverse they appear to belong to a composition beginning with [>_y t >] (?) Y(?) >.-Y ar* <ET * -YH;* cf. supra, p. 581, K. 3962.

Upper portion of one side, 2 in. by 1in.; 19 + ... prescriptions and directions for ceremonial rites. '

[K. 6389]


Medical [K. 6390]

Partly effaced.

5 H 2



lines. 18 +.......... Portion of the left half; 2 in. by lin.; reads:ff.) 8 (lines III Section astrological text. E.g., "=Y

I>> >-Y <-

~T v Y


Part of an

-od R ->-YYY

>YYY -

Y .-Y_

.pY- 4 <© YCYTY AA

Lower portion, 31in. by 1-in.; 11 + 5 lines.


[K. 6392]


Forecasts concerning the

[K. 6393]


+ 9 lines. End Fragment of the right half of reverse, 2 in. by 1 in.; .. catch-line only the Of and colophon of a text containing prayers. Y > Ad v
Astrological [K. 6396]

+ traces of 10 + 12 Mention is made of

[K. 6397]

Y t (?) [<

Omens 15 lines. Upper portion of reverse, 23in. by 2}in.;.....+ 6398] [K. animals. other and snake, a fox, a derived from meeting a lion, . + ..... ) + 19 lines. . Portion of the left half, 5in. by 2in.; 19 (+.. The Part of a religious (?) text. Two sections begin with ,y >-< >. "i" <' -j MY E Y -4 -Yy, + . . . .lines. cf. supra, p. 560, K. 3745, c7; 2 of Column II begin with >< i_ < [K. 6402] 6720. K. and infra, p. 805, Portion of the left half, 2sin. by 2in.; 15 + short beginnings of 7 lines. Omens derived from the actions of various animals. For similar texts see above, p. 171, K. 798, and below, K. 8011, Rm. 302, and Rm. 2,107. [K. 6404] Fragment out of the middle, 2 in. by 1in.; 15 + ..... concerning houses, etc. *

According to line 4 probably part of



Omens [K. 6405]

ayy t Partly effaced.




.... lines. Sumero12 ++ 9 + Right-hand corner, 2 3in. by lin.; ..... Akkadian incantations and prayers. Duplicate of K. 2437 (see above, p. 443), lines 3 ff.; cf. also p. 683, K. 5014 + K. 5103 + K. 6038.

[K. 6406] Left-hand corner, 3in. by 2 in.; short beginnings of 19 + 8 lines. Omens forming, according to the colophon, the 10th tablet of the Series -TyyT].*The catch-line reads:<_ Y Y E_ [E


t (?)

t (?)

t (?) (?)



-Y <



: [K. 6407]

Upper portion, 2-in. by 1-lin.; 9 + 4 lines. Part of a report. Mention -4- y>*-. [K. 6409] is made of the cities of - Y 4_ ,V and -_Y lines in two Fragment out of the middle, 2¼in. by 1in.; 16 +.......... or three columns. List of names and titles of gods and their temples. [K. 6410] Fragment of the lower portion of reverse, 2§ in. by 17 in.; .....

+ 11 lines.

[K. 6411]

Part of a religious, or mythological, text. Fragment out of the middle, 2 in. by 1 in.; 11 + 13 lines. cerning incidents that may happen to men.

Omens con[K. 6412]

Part of an omen-

Upper portion, 3in. byin n.; 13 + traces of 4 lines. text beginning:-

[K. 6413] Portion of the right half, 2 in. by 1 in.; 18 + 24 lines. people.

Omens for sick [K. 6414]

Portion of the left half, 3}in. by 2|in.; 14 + 14 lines. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of various stars; they partly relate [K. 6415] to public affairs. Portion out of the middle, 2½in. by 2in.; 23 + ..... cerning incidents that may happen to men.


Fragment out of the middle, 2§in. by 2-3 in.; 15 + ..... a prayer.

Omens con[K. 6417] lines.

Part of [K. 6418]

Portion of the left half, 2ain. by 2L in.; ..... + 12 lines. Directions for - >< <_ .--


Portion of the left half, 3¼in. by 1 in.; 26 +..... lines. Omens. The lines begin with [a-< T ?] Ho; cf. supra, p. 522, note t. [K. 6420] Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by 1 in.; 13 + 10 + ..... Forecasts concerning the OY,etc.

+ ....

Portion out of the middle, 3

Forecasts. [K. 6422]


¼in. by 2in


+ 25 lines.

lines. [K. 6421]

Portion of the right half, 38in. by 2in; ..... + 24 + ... + . lines. Incantations belonging to the 2nd tablet of the ' -X -- Series. Duplicate of K. 150; cf. supra, p. 39, and Vol. I, p. xxx. The text corresponds with that of W.A.I. IV, 2nd ed., plate 51 [58], Column II, lines 24 f.; cf. ibid., A dditions, p. 10. See also above, p. 725, K. 5495. [K. 6423] Upper portion of reverse, 3in. by 2 in.; . ........ + 21 + 8 lines. Incantations belonging to the 2nd tablet of the -d7 tr--Series. Duplicate of K. 150; cf. supra, p. 39. The text corresponds with that of W.A.I. IV, 2nd ed., plate 52 [59], Column III, lines 7 if.; Column IV, lines 4 ff.; cf. ibid., Additions, p. 10. See also above, p. 725, K. 5495. [K. 6423 a + K. 120001 + K. 12000m] Left-hand corner, 23 in. by 1lin.; traces of 4 + 19 lines.

Omens. [K. 6424]

Portion of the right half, 2 in. by 1Lin.;. ±. + 15 + ... lines. Part of a text containing directions for ceremonies, probably to be used for the benefit of sick people. [K. 6425] Right-hand corner, 2 by 2in.; 1in. .... 14 7 ..... lines. Regulations for making offerings. [K. 6426] Portion of the left half, 4in. by 2in.; .... + 19 lines. Astrological forecasts forming, according to the colophon, the 14th tablet of the great astrological work y - -- )-Yj* [~YT]. Duplicate of 80, 7-19, 273 (q.v.), reverse. The catch-line reads:


r t £TY 3« .] >1 -V;AEY



- As ]

Fragment of the right half, 2 in. by lin.; ..... + 12 lines. cal forecasts, partly relating to public affairs.

[K. 6427] Astrologi[K. 6428]

Fragment of the right half, 3 in. by 2-in.; 13 + 19 + 21 + traces of 2 lines. Omens concerning houses, cities, etc. One section begins: Ty ~ ~yY e y- -^",-. [K. 6429 + K. 6619] *

Partly effaced.

t 80, ,7-19,273: Y 4 <<< 4 t Restored from 80, 7-19, 273.





Fragment of the lower portion of one side, 2 in. by lIin.; 11 + .... lines. Omens concerning incidents that may happen to men, etc. [K. 6430] Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 1l in. by l1in.; 10 + ..... lines. Omens (?). [K. 6431] Lower portion, 2jin. by 15in.; 6 + 9 lines. diseases. One section begins:-

?"S F



4Y Y k

g EE


Prescriptions for various

> T-

Fragment out of the middle, lin. by 1 15in.; Directions for ceremonial rites.


9 + .

Portion of the right half, 23in. by 1in.; 22 + . .. religious, or mythological, text.


Fragment out of the middle, 1sin. by l in.; 16 + ........ of a religious text.

Part of a [K. 6434] lines. Part [K. 6435]

Fragment of the right half, 2 in. by1 in.; (.+).... 110 ( + ..... ) lines. Fragment of an omen-text concerning the state of, or events in, a city. [K. 6436] Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by2in.; 13 + ..... forecasts, partly relating to public affairs.


Astrological [K. 6437]

Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by 1 in.; 8 +.......... lines. Fragment of an omen(?)-text similar to those mentioned above, p. 558, K. 3725. See also Bu. 91, 9-5, 213. [K. 6438] Portion out of the middle, 2 2 in. ; 17 + traces of 2 + ..... lines. Forecasts. [K. 6439] Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by lin.; 12 +..........lines. of an astrological text.

Part [K. 6440]

Fragment out of the middle, 28in. by 1in.; (.....+) 12 + (+.....) lines. Omens concerning incidents that may happen to men. [K. 6441] Portion out of the middle, 25in. by 2in.; 18 + .... ceremonial rites.


Fragment of the left half, 1in. by 1 in.; 16 + ........ ment of a religious text concerning evil spirits, etc. Portion out of the middle, 23in. by 2in.; 19 + .... lines. forecasts taken from observations of various stars. Fragment out of the middle, 23in. by 2§in.; 16 astrological text.


Directions for [K. 6442] lines. Frag[K. 6443] Astrological [K. 6444]

lines. Part of an [K. 6445 + K. 6460]



.) . ....( .+ ... +) 22 + Portion of the right half, 2in. by 2in.; ( Forecasts relating to public affairs. Mention is made of lines.

Naram-Sin (,_


[K. 6446]


lines. DirecFragment out of the middle, 2 in. by 1 in.; 5 + ......... tions for ceremonies, probably to be used for the benefit of sick [K. 6447] people. . . . + 32 lines. Copy of an Portion out of the middle, 32in. by 31in.; [K. 6448] omen-text concerning houses, etc. + 13 lines. Astrological Fragment of the right half, 2 in. by 1 in.; ..... forecasts taken from observations of various stars. They partly relate [K. 6449] to public affairs. Upper portion of one side, 22in. by 2 in.; 15 + ..... lines. Part of a [K. 6450] religious text, including regulations for making offerings. 17 ..... (+.....) Portion of the right half, 2 in. by 2 in.; (.....+) lines. Incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies. [K. 6451] Duplicate of K. 2453; see above, p. 445. Fragment of the right half, 2 in. by 1 9in.; 15 + 10 lines. Part of an astrological text concerning eclipses, dic. Glosses ate added by the [K. 6452] scribe. Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by 1 in.;


Forecasts concerning the


11 +...

Iyy, etc.




[K. 6453]

........ . lines. . Portion of the left half, 3 in. by 1 in.; 22 + . . Astrological forecasts for the months Tebet and Sebat. This fragment may belong to the same tablet as K. 7042 (q..). Cf. also supra, [K. 6454] p. 423, K. 2221. Portion of the right half, 2}in. by 2-in.; traces of 6 + 17 lines. Omens [K. 6455] concerning incidents that may happen to men. + 9 lines. Omens Fragment out of the middle, 2 in. by liin.; .. derived from the actions of animals, probably similar to those referred [K. 6456] to on p. 558, K. 3725. . lines. Fragment out of the middle, l in. by 136in.; 11 +...... Astrological forecasts taken from observations of the star .:Ty Ay-V7.

Portion out of the middle, 3 in. by 1-in.; 14 + 11 lines.

[K. 6457]

Oiens (?). [K. 6458]

Portion of the right half, 25in. by 1lin.; 16 + traces of 13 lines. Part of [K. 64 5 9] a religious text.



Fragment out of the middle, 2- 3in. by lin.; ..... + 6 +.... lines. Fragment of a religious, or mythological, text. [K. 6461] Fragment out of the middle, 2 in. by 1in.; Fragment of a religious text.

10 + ....

Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by 1- 3in.; 9 +.... concerning houses, etc.


lines. [K. 6462]


Omens [K. 6463]

Portion of the right half, 28 in. by 2 in.; 14 + ...... lines; division-marks. [K. 6465] Part of a religious text. Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by1 ment of a religious text.

in.; 10 +

ines. Frag[K. 6466]


Fragment of the left half, 1in. by 1l in.; 8 + traces of 2 lines. astrological text.

Part of an [K. 6467]

10 4 11 + .... + .lines; Portion out of the middle, 2¼in. by 15in.; marginal number <. Astrological forecasts for the various months, [K. 6468] taken from observations of the moon. .lines. Fragment out of the middle, by 1 in.; 10 of a text containing astrological forecasts. Lower portion, etc.


14 17 lines.

by 2 in.;

Copy [K. 6469]

Omens concerning houses, [K. 6470]

Fragment out of the middle, 15in. by 1½in.; 11 +..........lines. [K. 6471] Forecasts, partly relating to public affairs. 22 lines.

Portion out of the middle, 3in. by 2in.; .....

Omens (?). [K. 6472]

Upper portion, 7¼in. by 3-in.; 45 + 19 lines. Omens forming, according to the colophon, the 8th tablet of the Series y
The catch-line reads:-

>77' ;'9' $<$7 1


* [K. 6473]

Fragment of the right half, 2-in. by lin.; 14 + 12 lines. forecasts.

Astrological [K. 6474]


~"( T~-

Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by 1lin.; 11 + ......... Regulations for making offerings. Portion out of the middle, 2 in. by 1-in.; . 1 lines. Part of an astrological text.



lines. [K. 6475] 11 + traces of [K. 6476]

K*. 9965 adds God. VOL. II.

5 I




Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by 1in.


+ 12 lines.


Part of a

[K. 6477]

Upper portion, left half, 4½in. by 3|in.; 13 + 13 lines. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of various stars. According to the colophon they form the 3rd (?) part of a composition:I 'nmY «< -Yk<


-T t



v V

EY --




The obverse begins:-

Y^-+ Y;

t y?

y+ t ^-^ ^-, .^ ^r

<- [K. 6478]

Mention is made of the owner of this tablet: Y >s >- <4-' y -, [the son of (?) Y - (?) -]~ - ~ Vyy. Portion of the right half, 2 in. by Fragment out of the middle, 1 Forecasts.

in.; ... 3in. 6


+ 18 lines. '-sin.; 9

Forecasts. [K. 6480]


lines. [K. 6481]

Lower portion, 35in. by 2in.; 11 + 12 lines. Hemerology for certain days of the months Tebet, Sebat, Adar and Tisri. See, e.g., reverse, lines Iff.:-

Y- - e IYY<
<< ~ -t





~ >>

>fl YY _ [K. 6482]

Lower portion of reverse, 2-in. by 2in.; .... + 16 lines. Omens belonging, according to the colophon, to the 4th tablet of the Series (E I) _ beginning with -<. ¶ yyy~.* The catch-line reads:-

>YTY L kyyy


yy' Tk P-j _




[K. 6483 + Sm. 791] Fragment out of the middle, 1l-in. by 1 in.; 9 + astrological text concerning various stars.


Part of an [K. 6484]

(.... +) 14 + 8 (+.....) lines. Copy of an astrological text which forms, according to line 2 of Column III, an extract from a larger composition. [K. 6485]

Portion of the right half, 1 in. by 1-in.;

Fragment out of the middle, lin. by 13in.; 9 + ......... ment of an incantation-text. Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by 1in.; ..... * Cf. supra., p. 522, note

+ 15 lines.

t, and p. 553, K. 3670.

lines. Frag[K. 6486] Forecasts. [K. 6487]



. + 21 + 6 + 12 + 18 + traces of 6 lines.

Lower portion, 4 in. by 3g in.; .


The paragraphs begin throughout with y H -¢>>


E.g., Section III of Column V (lines 5 and 6) reads:

yY Yt Y 4t* E Y






The fragment may belong to the same tablet as K. 2441; see above, [K. 6488] p. 444. For a duplicate see below, p. 797, K. 6586. Fragment of the lower portion, l1in. by l1in.; traces of 3 + 9 lines. Frag[K. 6489] ment of an astrological text. Upper portion, 3½in. by 2-in.; 18 + 13 lines. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of various stars. According to the colophon 4 >YYT. The obverse --they form a* tablet of the Series Yft begins:

A>+4t ,>A b·

^-i'[ >v+ ~?]

^P -


The catch-line reads: '? t(?Af >WTV by



Ad t (?)s,,,,> ,2

Portion out of the middle, 3½in. by 2gin.; astrological text.

Part of an [K. 6492]

9 + 14 lines.

Fragment out of the middle, 2-in. by 1l-gin.; .....


>. [K. 6490]


+ 14 lines.

[K. 6493]

Cf. supra, p. 601, K. 4164.

Fragment out of the middle, 23in. by 1lin.; 14 + ..... Sumero-Akkadian religious text.


Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 2in. by lin.; .... Part of a religious (?) text.

Part of a [K. 6494] + 6 lines. [K. 6495]

Fragment out of the middle, liin. by l1in.; 11 +..........lines. Fragment of a text containing forecasts (?),.partly relating to public [K. 6496] affairs. Portion out of the middle, 2 lin. by 13in.; 13 +.......... marks. Part of a religious, or mythological, text. Fragment of the right half, 2in. by


lines; division[K. 6497]

8 +......lines. Forecasts.

[K. 6498] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by lin.; 5 + .... of an omen (?)-text. Fragment out of the middle, lin. *

Of the number only


by "in.; 5 + .... is visible.


Fragment [K. 6499]


Forecasts (?). [K. 6500]

ft, Partly effaced.

5 x. 2



. lines. Fore[K. 6501]

Fragment out of the middle, l--in. by -Sin.; 7 +. .... casts.

lines. Fragment out of the middle, 2-lin. by 15in.; 12 +.......... Regulations for making offerings. The fragment may belong to [K. 6502] the same tablet as K. 6209; see above, p. 771. Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 13in. by lin.; ..... Fragment of a Sumero-Akkadian incantation-text.

+ 4 lines. [K. 6503]

lines. Fragment of the upper portion, 2in. by 1 in.; 11 + .... ceremonies Part of a text containing incantations and directions for [K. 6504] to be used for the benefit of sick people. Astrological fore[K. 6505]

Upper portion, left half, 2 1 -in. by l1in.; 16 lines. casts taken from observations'of the moon.

Fragment out of the middle, l1 in. by 11in.; 10 t ..... Forecasts, partly relating to public affairs.

... lines. [K. 6506]

lines. AstroPortion out of the middle, 2 in. by 1-in.; 15 +.......... logical forecasts taken from observations of various stars, e.g., the TY ]-4-+ y We, []stars [>i]+ [K. 6507] __yy y . >j 4 and [}-T]4>[>>-J-IFragment of the right half, 1in. by 1 in.; .....

+ 13 lines.

Forecasts. [K. 6508]

Upper portion, L in. by 1 in.; 4 + 7 lines. Part of a report (?) concern[K. 6509] ing animals serving for tributes or offerings. lines. Part Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by 1-in.; 11 + ........... of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies. [K. 6510] + ..... + 9 lines. Portion of the left half, 3 in. by 1lin.; 20 + Incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies similarto those [K. 6511] of K. 239; see above, p. 63. Left half, upper portion of one side, ' 1 in. by lTin.; ..... + 10 lines. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of various stars, viz., < and Y-+ #, > >i4 i > y V, 4 ]yy the stars: [~4J[K. 6512] ^>-4- H Fragment out of the middle, lin. bylin.; 13 + .......... ,> ~Ty, etc. casts concerning , A, Fragment out of the middle, 2 in. by 1Hin.; . a religious text.

.+ 6 lines.

lines. Fore[K. 6513] Fragment of [K. 6514]




Fragment out of the middle of reverse, l1in. by 1-}in.; . .+ 11 + 4 lines (in three columns). Part of a list of names of vessels, etc. Duplicate of K. 4411 (see above, p. 630), reverse, lines 22 ff. [K. 6515]

Fragment out of the middle, l-in. by 1l1in.; 9 + traces of 2 + .......... 5 lines. Fragment of a mythological (?) text. [K. 6516] Fragment of the right half; 1 in. by l in.; 8 + 14 lines. incidents that may happen to men, etc.

Omens concerning [K. 6517]

Fragment out of the middle, 15in. by 1½in.; 13 +........ Astrological forecasts, partly relating to public affairs.

lines. [K. 6519]

Portion out of the middle, 2 in. by 2jin.; . ......... ..... + 17 lines. Prescriptions and directions for ceremonial rites. Referring to line 4 a gloss is added by the scribe. [K. 6520] Fragment out of the middle, lin. by 1in.; 13 + ........ lines. Part of an astrological text concerning observations of the star >_d --t B-4 > , etc. [K. 6521] Portion out of the middle, 2¼in. by 15in.; 18 +.....lines. cerning houses, etc. Fragment of the right half, 2jin. by lin.; ..... religious text.

Omens conrK. 6522]

+ 14 lines.

Part of a [K. 6523]

Portion out of the middle, 3 1 in. by 2 in.; 22 + ..... lines. Part of an astrological text concerning observations of various stars, e.g., the stars: , >;>+ > f >h-Yy< A, : >-2 >and h-+4- T_ .4 , . [K. 6524] Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by lin.; 7 + .... ment of a religious (?) text.


Left-hand corner, 2jin. by lin.; 8 + .......... lines. forecasts taken from observations of various stars.

lines. Frag[K. 6525] Astrological [K. 6526]

Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by 1-in.; 12 + .... lines. Omens derived from the appearances of certain animals in a man's house, similar to those of K. 3731; see above, p. 559. [K. 6527] Right half, 1 in. by forecasts.

in.; 8 + .....


Part of a report (?) concerning [K. 6528]

Portion of the right half, 2-in. by l1in.; 17 + .....


Forecasts. [K. 6529]




Portion out of the middle, 2in. by lin.; 12 + .... concerning incidents that may happen to men. snakes is mentioned.

...... lines. Omens The appearance of [K. 6530]

lines. Direc[K. 6531] Forecasts. [K. 6532] lines. Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 1 in. by 1jin.; 9 +.... [K. 6534] Part of an astrological text. + 3 lines. Colophon of an omenRight-hand corner, 2 in. by 2in.; .... s(< a v 4 text belonging to a tablet of the Series [y Y] Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by 1in.; 7 +.......... tions for ceremonies. Portion out of the middle, 2in. by 1in.; . . . . . + 13 lines.

Of the catch-line only


A'% e -" ' t-

? @;


is visible. ?(;>-

[K. 6535]

+ ..... ) .(+ . Lower portion, left half, 4-in. by 3jin.;. .. .. 4-.. + traces of 6 + 21 lines (in three columns). Part of an explanatory

Of the catch-line only is visible. < ' -[?]-, ... Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by lin.; 9 + list of the class " S"



[K. 6536] lines. Part

[K. 6537]

of an incantation-text. Fragment out of the middle, 24in. by lin.; 8 +......

lines. Part

[K. 6538]

of a religious (?) text. Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by


11 + ......



[K. 6539] ment of an astrological text concerning various stars. Portion of the right half, 2 in. by liin.; 17 + 17 lines. Forecasts (?). [K. 6540] lines. ..... + 7 + ..... in.; in. by Fragment out of the middle, 2 9 [K. 6541] Fragment of a mythological (?) text. Fragment out of the middle,


by l



-in.; 11 +..........

[K. 6542]

Fragment of a religious text. Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 1lin. by 1in.; 9 + ....


[K. 6544] Forecasts. .....+ .... + 15 + 15 lines. Lower portion of reverse, 5Oin. by 4-in.; and directions for cereprescriptions containing Copyt of a text monies to be used for the benefit of sick people. The colophon begins:-riy7 effaced.$gi *

Partly effaced.



t Cf. Column III, lines 13 and 14.

[K. 6545]




Fragment out of the middle, 1 ain.bylin.; ..... + 8 +.......... lines. Fragment of a historical inscription of an Assyrian king. Mention is made of the city of ~ 4 -[ ?]¥. [K. 6546] [KT Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by -in.; 5 + ... . lines. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of the wind; cf. supra, p. 422, K. 2207. The fragment probably belongs to the same tablet as K. 3551 (above, p. 543). [K. 6547] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in by in.;.... n. 9 lines in doublecolumns. Fragment of an explanatory text. [K. 6548] Fragment out of the middle, 1¼in. byTin.; 4 +..... a prayer with an interlinear Assyrian version.


Fragment out of the middle, 1- in. by 1in.; 7 + ....


Upper portion of one side, 2§in. by 1-in.; 16 +..........lines. tations and directions for ceremonies. Fragment of the right half, 1 in. by 1in.; ..... + 13 lines. Portion out of the middle, 2in. by lIin.; 15 +..... Portion of the right half, 2kin. by 1¼in.; 18 +..... forecasts relating to public affairs.

Fragment of [K. 6549] Omens. [K. 65501 Incan[K. 6551] Forecasts (?).

[K. 6552] Omens. [K. 6553] lines. Astrological [K. 6554]


Portion out of the middle, 23in. by 1 in.; (... ) ..... + 18 (+.. .) lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. Referring to line 5 a gloss is added by the scribe. [K. 6555] Left-hand corner, 1lin. by lin.; 6 + ..... +..... ..... lines. Beginning of an incantation-text belonging to the 3rd tablet of the Series f AS I- -yyy . The text corresponds with that of K. 2728 (see above, p. 470), Column I, lines 1 ff. [K. 6556] Fragment of the upper portion, 2}in. by 1lin.; 9 lines. Part of a hymn, beginning:[>_ ?] * + (?) >>1 < i . [K. 6557] Upper portion, 4§in. by 3¼in.; ..... + 14 + ..... +... lines. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of various stars, e.g., the

.Y+ '-YY a ^q and



OF Y^ 4- 4,


+ [K. 6558J

* Partly effaced.



Portion out of the middle, 2-in. by 1-in.; 23 + 9 lines. cerning the -y_, etc.

Forecasts con[K. 6559]

Upper portion of one side, 41in. by lin.; 7 + 7 +.....+..... lines. Prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. [K. 6560] Fragment out of the middle, 1 lin. by in.; 5


Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by I¼in.; ..... tions.


+ 9 lines.

Upper portion, right half, 24in. by 1 in.; 17 lines.


Fragment out of the middle, lin. by in.; 9 +... ment of a Sumero-Akkadian religious text. Fragment out of the middle, Forecasts (?).

lIin. by

Fragment out of the middle, 1A9in. by Forecasts.



Omens. [K. 6561] Prescrip[K. 6562] [K. 6563]

... lines. Frag[K. 6564] 10 +..........

lines. [K. 6565]

7 + ..........

lines. [K. 6567]

Fragment out of the middle, 2iin. by 1 in.; traces of 17 + 6 lines. Part of a religious (?) text. [K. 6568] Right-hand corner, 1-in by 1-in. .; 12 lines.


[K. 6569]

Left-hand corner, 2in. by lin.; 15 + ( .... .... +) 14 lines. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of the moon. [K. 6570] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by14in.; Prescriptions (?).



lines; Babylonian. [K. 6572]

Fragment out of the middle, 1l-in. by 1Iin.; 5 +.......... lines. Fragment of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. [K. 6575] Portion out of the middle, 3 in. by 23in.; ..... 12 lines. Forecasts.


+ traces of 4 +

[K. 6576]

Portion out of the middle, 2 by in. 2in. 9 + traces of 4 lines. Omens concerning incidents that may happen to men. [K. 6577] Fragment out of the middle, lin. logical forecasts.

by 1}in.; 7 + ..... lines.

Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by lin.; 6 + .......... casts. Fragment out of the middle, Astrological forecasts.

13m. by 14in.;

Astro[K. 6578]

lines. Fore[K. 6579]

8 + ..........

lines. [K. 6580]




out of the middle,


in. by -'-5n.


10 +

[K. 6581]

Forecasts (?).

Part of a religious text. [K. 6582] Fore+..........lines. 7 by lin.; 1 in. middle, Fragment out of the [K. 6583] casts (?). + Fragment out of the middle, Iin. by 1k-in.; traces of 4 + 7 + .... [K. 6584] lines. Fragment of a religious text. .... Lower portion, 2in. by


13 +.....


. +.....lines. [K. 6585]

Portion out of the middle, 2in. by l1in.; 7 + 10 + ... Part of an incantation-text.

+.....+..... .... Portion out of the middle, 2§in. by 2in.; . The paragraphs begin + 16 + traces of 1 lines. Prescriptions. Duplicate of K. 6488 (see above, pa 791), Column E-. Zwith y [K. 6586] V, lines 9 ff. Right-hand corner, 1-ain. by 1-iin.; 8 + 11 lines. Omens concerning [K. 6587] incidents that may happen to men. .

lines. Frag[K. 6588]

Fragment out of the middle, 1jin. by l1in.; 10 + .......... ment of a religious text. Fragment out of the middle, lin, by lin.; casts.

lines. Fore[K. 6589]

8 +. .......

Forecasts. [K. 6592] Portion of the left half, 3in. by 1k in.; ..... + 23 lines, Omens derived from the state of the human body, For similar texts see above, pp. 584, 774, K. 3985 + K. 6690, K. 6254, and below, pp. 803, 807, etc., K. 6690, [K. 6594] K. 6694, K. 6753 and Sm. 241. +) 11 ..... ..... ..... lin.; by Fragment out of the middle, 1in. [K. 6595] lines; Babylonian. Astrological forecasts.

Fragment of the right half; 1ain. by lin.; .

.. + 8 lines.

lines. Omens. The 15 + .... lsin. byhin.; Portion of the left half, 1 of Section II with those and 2X Y] >-< with begin lines of Section I -<




[K. 6597]

cf. supra, p. 559, K. 3732.

Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by 1 in.; 11 + .... religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by l1in.; 6 +. .... ment of a religious text.


Part of a [K. 6598]

lines. Frag[K. 6599]

Fragment of the lower portion, 23in. by 2-in.; 6 + traces of 1 + 3 + 7 lines. Astrological forecasts, partly relating to public affairs. [K. 6600] VOL. II.

5 K



Fragment of the lower portion of reverse, l1in. by lIin.; ..... + 10 + (edge) 1 lines. Forecasts concerning A dand an r-, etc. Of the catch-line only is visible. [K. 6601] ',,, T< < < < M· :',i i Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by in.; 4 ......... lines. Fragment of an incantation-text, probably belonging to a tablet of the Series YYI-yt <-Y~ y~ Y-. [K. 6602] Right-hand corner, 2in. by 1 in.; traces of 8 + 6 lines. Fragment of a text containing forecasts. The catch-line and colophon read:



Portion out of the middle, 3in. by concerning



m YY,



T<.( -,T


11 + .....

[K. 6603]


]YYY, etc.

Forecasts [K. 6604]

Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by lHin.; 12 + ......... of a text containing ceremonial rites.

lines. Part [K. 6605]

Portion out of the middle, 2-in. by 2in;.....+ 25 +.....+ .. + ..... +.... lines. Part of a historical, or mythological, text concerning building-operations, etc. [K. 6606] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by of an omen-text.

in.; 6 ± ....


Fragment [K. 6607]

Portion out of the middle, 2¼in. by 1lin.; 12 + .... religious text.


Part of a [K. 6608]

Fragment of the lower portion, 11½-in. by 1lin.; 5 + 8 lines. report (?).

Part of a [K. 6609]

Fragment out of the middle, 21in. by 1 lin.; ..... lines. Forecasts.

+ .... [K. 6610]

1- 3

+ 8 +..

Lower portion, 2 -in. by 2in.; 3 + 12 + 6 +..

+..... ........


Omens derived from eating various birds, etc. The fragment probably belongs to the same tablet as K. 4570 + K. 7251, K. 4575, and K. 6663; see above, p. 643, and below, p. 801. Cf. also p. 802, K. 6673. [K. 6611]

... lines.

Frag[K. 6612]

Fragment out of the middle, lNin. by 1¼in.; 13 +...... ment of a religious text.

Forecasts. [K. 6614] .. lines; marginal Portion of the left half, 1-in. by 1iin.; 14 + ....... number <. Astrological forecasts concerning eclipses, etc. [K. 6616] Portion out of the middle, 2fin. by 23in.; 22 + ....




Portion of the left half, 31in. by 1 in.; 9 + 9 lines. monial rites.

Directions for cere[K. 6617]

Fragment out of the middle, lin. by lin.; 12 +.......... lines. Fragment of a text containing directions for ceremonies performed to obtain magical results from stones. [K. 6618] Fragment of the left half, 2Hin. by 2in.; 12 +.....lines. Duplicate of K. 2235 (see above, p. 424), obverse, lines 4 ff.

Omens. [K. 6622]

Portion out of the middle, 1lin. by 15in.;. lines. Forecasts concerning the it yy, etc.

.+... [K. 6623]

+ 10 + .

Fragment of the right half, 2|in. by lin.; religious text; cf. infra, K. 6633.

14 + 9 lines.

Left-hand corner, 1¼in. by 11in.; 6 + 4 lines. text.

Fragment of a religious [K. 6626]

Part of a [K. 6624]

Fragment out of the middle, 2-in. by 1Iin.; 8 +..... lines. Incantations with an interlinear Assyrian version. Duplicate of K. 4900 (see above, p. 673), lines 7 if. Cf. also p. 678, K. 4949. [K. 6627] Upper portion, lin. by lin.; 10 + (edge) 1 + 6 lines. making offerings (?).

Regulations for [K. 6628]

Portion of the left half, 2in. by 13in.; 17 + .......... lines. Omens derived from the state of a man's eyes. Cf. supra, p. 775, K. 6280. [K. 6629] Fragment out of the middle, Omens.


by l1in.; 8 +..........

lines. [K. 6631]

3 Fragment out of the middle, 1-lin. by "in.; traces of 2 + 6 + .. lines. Fragment of a historical inscription of an Assyrian king. [K. 6632]

Fragment of the right half, 1in. by 1Hin.; 4 + 5 lines. Fragment of a religious text. This fragment may belong to the same tablet as K. 6624, q.v. [K. 6633] Fragment of the lower portion, 2in. by 1 religious text.


4 + 6 lines.

Portion out of the middle, 2in. by lin.; 14 + (.....+.....+) Directions for ceremonial rites. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by in.; 8 .......... ment of an astrological text concerning eclipses.

Part of a [K. 6634] 5 lines. [K. 6635]

lines. Frag[K. 6636]

Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by lin.; 7 + 9 lines. Directions for ceremonial rites similar to those mentioned on K. 6635. [K. 6637] 5K 2



Portion out of the middle, 2 in. by 1in.; 8+ ..... A colophon-line reads:-



VTt ?]?I d :.-4+






[K. 6639]

Portion out of the middle, 2 in. by 1in.; ..... 11 lines. Part of an astrological text concerning observations of the wind and clouds. [K. 6641] Left-hand corner, 2jin. by 1in; .... + 13 lines. Prayers. Mention is made of the goddess >+-- A-d ->Y. [K. 6642] Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by lin.; 6 +.. of a religious, or mythological, text. Right-hand corner, 1 in. by 1 an incantation-text.



12 +...... + 5 +


lines. Part [K. 6643] lines.

Part of [K. 6644]

Portion of the right half, 3in. by 2i.; , .... + 15 + ... +.....lines. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of various stars. They partly relate to public affairs. [K. 6645] Left half, lower portion, 2-in. by lin.; 14 + .....


concerning the jy Cyf, etc.


[K. 6646]

Portion out of the middle, 2 in. by in.; .... + 14 lines. Forecasts for the chances of a sick person's life. They relate to EY Ayy, >Yyy,

4,, etc. Fragment out of the middle, 2min. by 1lin.; 12 for ceremonial rites.

[K. 6647] . . . . lines.

Directions [K. 6648]

Left half, lower portion, 3in. by 2-in,; 28 + traces of 1 lines. Omens concerning incidents that may happen to the king while driving in his chariot; cf. supra, p. 579, K. 3944. [K. 6649] Portion out of the middle, 3in. by 2k in.; traces of 6 + 18 lines. mythological legend.

Part of a [K. 6650]

Portion out of the middle, 4¼in. by 4in.;..... + 24 + traces of 4 + ..... - .....+ ..... lines. Forecasts concerning the ¥Y J, etc. [K. 6651] Portion of the right half, 2 in. by 2 in.; (..... +) 13 + ..... (+.....) lines. Prescriptions and directions for ceremonies. [K. 6652] Portion out of the middle, 3-in. by 23in.; 21 + 18 + ±..... .. lines. Prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. [K. 6653]




Right half, 5lin. by 33in.; ..... + 33 + 39 + ..... lines. Forecasts concerning EY dy! and >f 7, etc. Several lines begin: >-< A- AJY - k; [K. 6654 + K. 6722] see above, p. 770, K. 6200. Portion of the right half, 3in. by 2-in.; ... Forecasts concerning

` -yyand


. + 23 +....lines.

|tyy, etc.

[K. 6655]

Portion out of the middle, 28in. by 2-in.; ..


12 + 13 lines.

Prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people.

Three sections begin: _

4 ~_¥


[K. 6656]

Fragment of the left half, l -in. by 1in. 12 + .......... a Sumero-Akkadian religious text. Portion of the left half, 4ain. by 2§in.; .....


+ 34 lines.

ing to the 11th tablet of the Series >-< H-


Part of [K. 6657]

Omens belong-

Duplicate of K. 3998

(see above, p. 585), reverse, lines 1 if. The fragment probably belongs to the same tablet as K. 4048; cf. supra, p. 590. [K. 6658 + Rm. 236] Portion of the right half, 23in, by 2 in.;. Left-hand corner, 23in. by


.... + 19 lines.

Omens. [K. 6659] + 12 lines. Forecasts. [K. 6660]


. + ..... ..... lines. Prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit and of sick people. Two sections begin with 4 - y * 4T-~*

Portion out of the middle, 2in. by 2in. ; 13 + 15

Y >4 k-

GE< - respectively.

Lower portion,

[K. 6661]

25in. by lin.; 11 + 12 lines.

belonging to a tablet of the Series >-<

Forecasts, probably

dyy. d

[K. 6662]

Portion out of the middle, 2jin. by 2in.; 16 23 +.........lines. Omens derived from the eating of various kinds of animal food, and from living and dead bodies of men. Cf.supra,p. 798, K. 6611. [K. 6663] Left half, upper portion, 2sin. by1ain.; 11 + traces of 1 + ... Forecasts. The obverse begins:-

Fragment out of the middle, 2 in. by l1in.; Prayers to Samas and 1ammdn, etc. Lower portion, 3in. by 2¼in.; ......


8 + ........

[K. 6664] lines. [K. 6665]

+ traces of 1 + traces of 1 + 19

Prayers and incantations.

Portion out of the middle, 2in. by l1in.; 16 +.....lines. cerning births. *

+ 3 lines.

Partly effaced.

[K. 6666] Omens con[K. 6667]





lines. + ..... +.... 12 + 16 2in. i. by 2in.; Portion out of the middle, Directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. [K. 6668] Portion out of the middle, 2-in. byilin.; 15 +.....lines. Part of a [K. 6669] religious text. lines. 6 + 14 (+....) Portion out of the middle, 2§in. by 2in.; (.....+) Astrological forecasts concerning eclipses, etc. They partly relate [K. 6670] to public affairs. Right-hand corner, 2 in. by 1- in.; 16 ±.....lines.

Forecasts. [K. 6671]

Fragment of the left half, 22in. by 21 in.; short beginnings of 12 + 9 lines. Incantations and prayers, similar to those of K. 6340 (above, p. 781). The catch-line begins:->X -- Y * < -* y * [I E] ?] , [K. 6672] Portion of the right half, 2 in. by 2in.; ..... + 21 lines. Omens de[K. 6673] rived from eating. Cf. supra, p. 798, K. 6611. Portion out of the middle, 2-in. by 1-lin.; 21 + traces of 6 + ..... +..... [K. 6675] lines. Forecasts. + 12 + traces of 1 + ..... Right half, upper portion, l in. by l1in.; ..... lines. Copy of a text containing forecasts. They probably belong

to a tablet of the Series >-<

Y :T.

[K. 6676]

Fragment of the left half, 2-in. by 1in.; ..... ceremonial rites. The catch-line reads:-

+ 6 lines.

Directions for

[K. 6677] Cf. supra p. 766, K. 6142. + 9 lines. Part of a text containing Left-hand corner, 1 in. by 1in.; .... [K. 6678] incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies. Portion out of the middle, 3in. by 3in.; 19 Istar and directions for ceremonies.



Prayers to [K. 6679]

lines. Introduction of 14 + . Portion of the left half, 2- in. by 27in.; 1 [K. 6681] a historical inscription of an Assyrian king. 16 + 10 + traces of 3 lines. 1+ Lower portion, right half, 316 in. by 2 in.; Omens derived from the state of various parts of the human body. E.g., the lines of Section I of Column II begin with: [f] <E X mE**, v YS T S t y [Y]

_Ynl [Y]

dd< tn y E rel="nofollow">-Y +>A >> .ITY Y



A k v YY<,

Y>E i.>y<

LY >-yt IT<,



Y v

<1YY X, and Y >yAm [K. 6682]

-Tat ~y<<(< . respectively. * Partlv effa ed.



Fragment of the right half, 1liin. by( 1 in.; ( + ) 5 ..... ). lines. Prayers and directions for ceremonies connected with the worship of the god -- =YY]y y. [K. 6683] Portion of the left half, 41 in. by 3in.; 20 +. . ........ ..... lines. Prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. [K. 6684] Right half, 3in. by 1 in.; 19 + 19 lines. Part of an astrological text. [K. 6685] Portions, 23in. by 2in.; 10 + 9 lines.* Astrological forecasts taken from observations of various stars. Mention is made of the planets -4 E-5 a e ky and -4E -- < >t Cf. iffra, K. 7129, K. 7275, etc. [K. 6686] Fragment of the lower portion, 31 in. by 23 in.; 6 + 16 lines.


forecasts, partly relating to public affairs.

Right-hand corner, 2in. by l-in.; 15 + traces 4 lines, etc., probably used to produce magical results.

[K. 6687]


Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by lin.; 12 +.......... casts concerning the

of [K. 6688]


5YyY, etc.

Portion out of the middle of reverse, 2 in. by 2 in.;

F ore-

[K. 6689] ..........

+ 7 +

16 lines. Forecasts similar to those of K. 3951 + K. 4050; see above, p. 579. Cf. also below, p. 805, K. 6721. [K. 6691] Portion out of the middle, 23in. by 2¼in.;..... + 16 lines. incantation-text.

Part of an [K. 6692]

Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by 2in.; traces of 8 + 15 + .... +..... lines; Babylonian. Omens derived from the state of, or events in, a city. Cf. supra, p. 413, K. 2143. [K. 6693] Fragment of the left half, 2 in. by 2 in.;

.... + 19 lines. Copy of a text containing omens derived from the state of the human body, similar to those mentioned above, p. 797, K. 6594. [K. 6694 + K. 6701] Portion of the left half, 28in. by 2 in.; 13 +....... lines. Part of a hemerology for the month Tisri. [K. 6695] Fragment of the lower portion of obverse, 2 in. by 1lin.; 8 +..... lines. Forecasts (?). [K. 6696]

Upper portion, 5kin. by 4kin.; 31 + 38 + traces of 12 + 2 lines; archaic Babylonian; marginal number <; not from Kouyunjik (?). Part of a Sumero-Akkadian religious text. [K. 6697] * The lines on reverse run at right angles to those on obverse.



+ 9 lines. Omens. This Fragment of the left half, 2in. by 1in.; .... 3838; see above, p. 569. K. as tablet same the fragment may belong to . i-, [K. 6698] Of the catch-line only the beginning is visible: -< + 15 lines.

Fragment out of the middle, 2-in. by 15in.; .....

Portion out of the middle, 2jin. by lsin.; 17 + 11 lines, Fragment out of the middle, 2,-in. by 1-f7in.; 12 Regulations for making offerings.

Forecasts. [K. 6699]

Forecasts. [K. 6700] lines. ......... [K. 6702]

lines. + Portion out of the middle, 2in. by 2in.; 12 + 7 +...... [K. 6703] Prescriptions. .... lines. Part Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by l1in. 18 + .... [K. 6704] of an omen-text. Left-hand corner, lsin.; 9 + ....... TY


t> Hi s^ Ul






[K. 6705]

.... lines. Part of Fragment out of the middle, ljin. by Iin.; + ..... with K. 1621a corresponding L, an inscription of Tiglathpileser [K. 6706] (see above, p. 320), Column VI, lines 22 if. Fragment out of the middle of a prismoid, lAin. high, one side of the base lines. Part of an inscription at least 1tin.; 6 + 6 +.......... K. 1621 a (see above, p. 320), with corresponding I., of Tiglathpileser [K. 6707] Column V, lines 28 ff.; Column VI, lines 18 if. ..... lines. FragFragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 3in.; 4 +..... [K. 6708] ment of a historical (?) text. Fragment out of the middle of a prismoid, 1 in. high, one side of the base lines. Fragment of an inscription of at least lin.; 8 + ..... Tiglathpileser I., corresponding with K. 1621 a (see above, p. 320), [K. 6709] Column IV, lines 71 ff. lines. FragFragment out of the middle, 1 in. by sin.; 6 +......... with corresponding I., Tiglathpileser of ment of an inscription 6710] [K. ff, K. 1621 a (see above, p. 320), Column VII, lines 51

Fragment out of the middle of a prismoid, lin. high, one side of the base lines. Part of an inscription of at least win.; 11 +.......... Tiglathpileser I., corresponding with K. 1621a (see above, p. 320), [K. 6711] Column VI, lines 3 if. Fragment out of the middle, sin. by tfin.; 5 + .* * of a historical inscription.



Fragment [K. 6712]



+.. lines. Part of an Lower portion, 2-in. by 2 in.; 12 + 12 + .... incidents that may happen to men, etc. [K. 6713] omen-text concerning Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by 1 in.; traces of 5 + 8 + ..... + lines. Fragment of a text containing prescriptions and ..... directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. < 4- <;4*, [K. 6714] One paragraph begins:-- 7 lines.

Portion of the left half, 2sin. by 1in.; 23 + ..... cerning houses. Cf. supra, p. 385, K. 2010. l Portion out of the middle,

3in. by l1in.; 12


Portion out of the middle, 2in. by 2in.; .... sick people, etc.

Omens con[K. 6715]

Forecasts. [K. 6716] + 14 lines. Omens for [K. 6717] lines.

Portion out of the middle, 2"in. by 2in. ;25 + traces of 8 + ... ..... [K. 6718] lines. Part of a Sumero-Akkadian incantation-text. ...... ) + 15 lines. Fragment of the left half, l1in. by l1in.; 11 (+ ... . Astrological forecasts concerning eclipses of the sun, etc. [K. 6719] Left-hand corner, 2in. by 1in; ..... + 17 lines. Forecasts belonging, according to the colophon, to the 1st tablet of a series. The catch-line reads: Y< V < '7 - tV [K. 6720] Cf. supra, p. 784, K. 6402. Right half, upper portion, 21in. by 2in.; 15 lines. text begins:-



[K. 6721] Forecasts. [K. 6723] Lower portion, lleft half, 3in. by 2in.; 29 + traces of 19 lines. Forecasts [K. 6724] concerning the ->yyy, etc. Portion, of the right half, 2k in. by 1 in.; 20 +...


Right-hand corner, 2in. by l1in.; 5 + 7 + (edge) 3 lines. Forecasts concerning jy Vyy and iy A, etc. Of the catch-line only the end is


, *,,_(?)
-,+ -

Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by lin.; 17 + ..... Fragment of the lower portion, 2in. by 1in.; 10 + ..... religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version.

[K. 6725] lines. lines.

Omens. [K. 6726] Part of a [K. 6727]

* Partly effaced.


5 L




Fragment out of the middle, 2 in. by 1 in.;. + 9 lines. Part of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies. [K. 6728] lines. ForeFragment out of the middle, 2 1-9in.; 12 + .......... [K. 6729] casts concerning >>Yp, JEY Ad, ^f,? etc. + 17 lines.

Portion of the right half, 2-3in. by lIin.; ..... partly relating to public affairs.

Forecasts, [K. 6730]

Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 25in. by 1-in.; 10 + ..... lines. Forecasts, probably belonging to a tablet of the Series -< , 7 . The text begins :-

[>a ?]»

i N M


+ 9 lines. Left-hand corner, 1in by lin.; ..... Duplicate of K. 2581; see above, p. 456.

[K. 6731] Directions for ceremonies. [K. 6732]

Portion out of the middle, 2 in. by 2in.; .....

+ 16 lines.

Part of a text

[K. 6733]

containing prayers and directions for cermonies. .. lines.

Left-hand corner, 28in. by 2T-in.; 17 + ..

the appearances of birds.

Omens derived from

One section begins :--¥


Incantations and [K. 6735]

Right-hand corner, 2in. by l1in.; 12 +.....lines. directions for ceremonies. Portion out of the middle, 21in. by 21in.; ....

3 lines.


Forecasts concerning

+ .....



[K. 6736]

Omens derived from the state of a man's eyes. K. 6280. Fragment out of the middle, lin. Forecasts concerning .>> . and

by la-in.;

V·V ant 44


¥¥ ITY

¥Y Y-

tl _



Cf. supra, p. 775, [K. 6737]

10 +.

,,F 'Ty, etc.

Portions, 3in. by 1in.; ....... 2 + 13 + 7 lines. travelling. Cf., e.g., Column III, lines 3 ff.: Y Y X

+ 15 + traces of


1 in.; 10 + 11 + .....

Portion out of the middle, 21-in. by

-k'T*' [K. 6734]

For a parallel text see below, Sm. 230.


lines. [K. 6738]

Omens concerning




< <]Y-¥

.= -




. >

gY; and lines 8 and 9:-

-i -y

Right half, lower portion of reverse, 2 in. by 1in.; .... of a text containing directions for ceremonies. * Partly effaced.

[K. 6739] + 15 lines. Copy [K. 6740]



Fragment out of the middle, 1

1in. by 1 in.; 6 +........

[K. 6741]

casts concerning .TYV and y E_, etc. Left-hand corner,

2{in. by 2in.; .....








N-i E >-T.

Incantations belonging to the 3rd tablet of the Series id

Duplicate of K. 2728 (see above, p. 470), Column IV, the beginning of [K. 6742] which it restores. Portion out of the middle, 2-in. by 1 in.; ..... + 17 lines. Omens concerning births, etc. The text is probably an extract from a larger [K. 6743] composition. lines; Portion out of the middle, 2 biin. by 2in.; 17 + 12 + .......... *Yg C - and HY, marginal note Av. Forecasts concerning _::, [K. 6744] etc. Fragment of the left half, 1i n. by 1 in.; traces of 2 + 13 lines. Omens.

The sentences begin with Y,


- (or <-_H, or |-<<_y) E _

[K. 6745] Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 2in; by 1 in,; 10 + Fragment of a religious text. lines.

Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by lain.; 12 + ... Fragment out of the middle, 3in. by casts.


, lines. [K. 6746]

Forecasts. [K. 6747]

in.; 11 + ..........

lines. Fore[K. 6748]

7 + .....

lines. Part of a [K. 6749]

+ 6+ in,; ..... Right-hand corner, 1 in. by text containing hymns in paragraphs.*

Upper portion, left half, 2 in. by 23in.; 12 lines. houses. Portion out of the middle, 1lin. by 13in.; 18 + 10 + yt, etc. Forecasts concerning the k¶yy

Omens concerning [K. 6750] lines. 6751] [K.

..... ...

lines; marginal Fragment of the left half, 1' 18 in.; 10 + .. number <. Forecasts. The lines begin throughout with -
- ,4 tyY Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 2 in. by 2-Tin.; 18 + ..... lines. Omens similar to those mentioned above, p. 797, K. 6594, derived [K. 6753] from the state of the human body. Portion of the left half, 23in. by 2in.; 18+ .......... The sentences begin throughout with-<

lines. Forecasts. [K. 6754] V . TT<<< y;

* Cf. supra, p. 436, note **.

5 L 2



Fragment out of the middle, lHin. by 2||in.; 15 +.......... ment of a religious text. Fragment out of the middle, 1 1¼in.; .....

lines. Frag[K. 6755] + 8 lines.

concerning a man's eyes.


[K. 6756]

Portion out of the middle, lin. by 1in.; .... + 13 lines. Part of an omen-text, probably an extract from a larger composition. The lines begin:-[a-
by 1T in.; .....

10 lines.

Forecasts. [K. 6758]

Fragment of the left half, lin. by in.; 11 + ........ The lines begin:- [-?] f-., _ <~ <. }. , pp. 561, 597, K. 3756 and K. 4134.


Portion of the left half, liin. by 1-in.; 16 +





y; cf. supra, [K. 6759] Omens. [K. 6760]

Portion of the right half, 2jin. by in.; (.....+) ... + 14(+ .... ) lines. Prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. [K. 6761] Fragment out of the middle,

in. by 1i in.;

4 + .....


Forecasts. [K. 6762]

Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by 1-in.; 13 + ......... lines. Part of an astrological text, probably a hemerology. [K. 6763] Upper portion, left half, 23in. by 23in.; 18 + 6 lines. Forecasts, probably belonging to the Series >-< r,j

4,=-AY,-V- ^ Y E


Of the catch-line only [K. 6764]

[ is visible.


Lower portion, left half, 2 in. by 1 in.; 11+ 10 lines. Omens derived from the nesting(?) of swallows. E.g., Section II of reverse (lines 7 if.) reads:-


TYy >-t >-4

O*TI y -Yk Yk,T[- ?]^i-I

T -y^ -VX- ^m~t.

Y -Mo -Yk


+A-YY <e 0'E <M- 34


For a fragment which probably belongs to the same tablet see below, Rm. 2, 33. [K. 6765 + K. 8464] Lower portion, 2- 7Win. by 2in.; 7 + 8 lines. -yyY,


Forecasts concerning the [K. 6766]

Portion of the left half, 241 in. by 1{in.; ... + 18 lines. Omens derived from the state of a man's hands and feet. For similar texts see above, p. 776, K. 6287, and below, Rm. 935, etc. [K. 6767] *

Partly effaced.



Lower portion, 2-in. by liin.;

7 + 11 + ....

..... lines. Omens >- >-y4 <(¢ . ¥ 4/. supra, p. 587, K. 4017, and infra, p. 812, K. 6824. [K. 6768]

derived from dreams.

One section begins:--

Fragment of the left half, 2Din. by 1fin.; .....

+ 11 lines. Cf. siupra, p, 549, note t.

concerning the ~>, etc.

Fragment of the left half, 1in. by


in.; 13 + 8 lines.

Forecasts [K. 6769]

Omens derived

from the state of various parts of the human body (nose, mouth, etc.). [K. 6770] Portion of the left half of reverse, 2jin. by lin.; .... + 16 lines. Directions for ceremonies. [K. 6771] Fragment of the left half; 1 in. by 11in.; 11 + (. .. +) 8 lines. +.. Regulations for making offerings. [K. 6772] Fragment of the left half, 2in. by 1 in.; 11 + ......... lines; marginal number <. Part of a text containing prescriptions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of people suffering from diseases of the eyes, lips, etc.

[K. 6773]

Right-hand corner, 2 in. by lm in.; 11 + ....



[K. 6774] Fragment of the lower portion of reverse, 1 in. by 1 in.; ..... +.... + 10 + 7 lines. Fragment of a text with omens concerning incidents that may happen to men, etc. [K. 6775] Portion of the left half, 2min. by 2min.; 10 + 13 lines. cerning >Vy and ^>Ty, etc. Right-hand corner, 2in. by 2.9XtV >>and <EW 1;:T*


11 + 3 lines.



Forecasts con[K. 6776]

Forecasts beginning:

>-J-e 9;< 70 ME:'JH

[K. 6777] Portion of the left half, 27in. by 2min.; 21 + 27 lines. cerning Ay ~yy, >yT,

: 4T,

Forecasts con-


Portion of the left half, 3in. by 2'in.;

[K. 6778] 14 + .....

+ ....

+ 11 lines.

Prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. [K. 6779] Portion out of the middle, 21in. by 2in.; .....

+ 17 lines.

prayer. Upper portion of one side, 2Ain. by1 min.; 17 + ..... Sumero-Akkadian incantation-text.

Part of a

[K. 6780] lines.

Part of a [K. 6781]



Fragment of the left half, 283 in. by 21-in.; 13 + .

derived from the appearances of scorpions.




Cf. supra, p. 582, K. 3974. [K. 6782]

Fragment of the lower portion of obverse, l{in. by lin.; 7 + 5 +..... [K. 6783] lines. Fragment of an omen-text. + .... + 12 + Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 2in. by 1in.; .... ... ..... lines. Omens concerning incidents that may happen [K. 6784] to men. 15 lines Forecasts con. Portion of the left half, 2lin. by I1l1 in.; [K. 6785]

cerning the .|yy, etc. Portion out of the middle, 2in. by 1in.; 15 + 12 + .



Omens derived from the actions of pigs (?); cf. supra, p. 558, K. 3725. This fragment may belong to the same tablet as K. 3055 (above, p. 499). [K. 6786] See also below, K. 7058. + 21 lines.

Portion of the right half, 3sin. by 1l-5in.; ..... concerning houses, etc. Left-hand corner, lsin. by l1in.; 8 + 9 lines, begins:^

^e &Y



Omens [K. 6787]

Copy of an omen-text.


-.. The catch-line reads:-

[K. 6788]


Portion out of the middle, 2-in. by 24in.; 5 + 7 - traces of 3 + 15 lines. [K. 6789] Prayers and directions for ceremonies. Portion out of the middle, 2'in. by l1in.; 21 +..... concerning births, etc.


Omens [K. 6790]

Fragment of the left half, 1 7-in. by 1 in.; 13 + ......... y -YY --or Y The lines begin with either


Omens. [K. 6791]

Fragment of the left half, 2in. by

religious inscription eclipse of the moon.


in.; .....

of Assurbanipal. byin

Portion out of the middle, 3in


+ 5 lines.

Fragment of a

Mention is made of an [K. 6792]

.; 21 + 17 lines.


[K. 6793] Portion out of the middle, 2in. by 1in.; .....

religious text. of the goddess -+ A= ,$-+q- ':*i

13 lines.

-Mention is made of Babylon (=J_ E



_E¥, and of the

Part of a


city" of - , [K. 6794]

* From this text it cannot be decided whether anything is wanting at the end of the name.



Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by l1in.; 9 + 7 + ..... + .... lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. [K. 6795] Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 2in. by 1lin.; 13 +- .. lines. Forecasts concerning ] and f, etc. [K. 6796] Fragment out of the middle, 1Gin. by 1in.; 10 + .... prayer.


Part of a [K. 67981

Fragment of the left half, 2in. by in.; 15 + 15 lines; marginal number <. Forecasts, probably belonging to a tablet of the Series >-< y y to. Cf. supra, p. 522, note t. [K. 6799] Fragment of the left half, l3in. by lin.; 1l + 4 lines. prayers.

Incantations and [K. 6800]

Fragment of the ipper portion of one side, 23in. by 1 in.; ..... 8 lines. Omens derived from the actions of pigeons. The lines begin with Y -__y -Y,; cf. infra, Rm, 2, 33, catch-line. See also below, K. 7153. [K, 6801] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 11rin 7 + ........ . lines. Fragment of a religious (?) text. [K, 6802] Right-hand corner, 17in. by 1lin.; 10 + 9 lines. Prayers and for ceremonies connected with the worship of Merodach H-i). Portion out of the middle, 2-in. by 2ii.; 18 +..... lines. hymn.

directions (-+- s-f_ [K. 6804] Part of a [KI 6805]

Fragment of the lower portion of reverse, 2iin. by lin.; ..... + 3 lines. End of a historical text, forming a copy, or probably the rough draft, of a bull-inscription. Cf. line 3 :-[>-~ '--y an- ?] * t-7 <>-

d GUY By


Fragment of the lower portion, casts.

[K. 6806]


Fragment out of the middle, lin. omen-text.

by 11in.; 11 +..... by ljin.; 11 + 8 lines.

lines. Fore[K. 6807] Part of an [K. 6808]

Fragment of the right half, 1iin. by 1Din.; traces of 1 + 15 lines. Forecasts. [K. 6809] Fragment of the upper portion, 2iin. by luin.; 7 + 9 +..... ..... lines. Incantations and directions for ceremonies. [K. 6810]i *

The lacuna may have contained the number of the lines inscribed on the bulls; cf. supra,

p. 518, K. 3265.

8'1 2


Lower portion, 3in. by 26in.; 14 + 17 lines. Regulations for making offerings. At the beginning of this fragment are mentioned the names used in y) 4Y¥ <^--<«< ( ¥y of 93 plants (cf. reverse, line 8 [K. 6811] making certain offerings. Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 2 in. by 1 in.; 8 + ..... lines. [K. 6812] Part of a religious text. Fragment of the left half, 2 in. by 1 in; 12 + .......... a religious text. 12 + in. by lin. (.....+) Fragment out of the middle, lines. Forecasts. Lower portion, 2in. by

17in.; (.....+)


) (+ [K. 6814]


traces of 7 + 13 (+

Part of [K. 6813]

..... ) lines.

[K. 6815]

Prescriptions (?). ......

Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by 1-in.; 13 + Omens derived from malformations of the feet. Fragment out of the middle, 2 in. by in.; 8 + ..........

. lines. [K. 6816]



[K. 6817]

casts. Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by lin.; 13 +......... Directions for religious ceremonies.

lines. [K. 6818]

lines. AstroFragment out of the middle, 1 in. by in.; 7 + ......... [K. 6820] logical forecasts taken from observations of the moon. Fragment out of the middle, a religious text.

in. by 1in.; 9 + ..........

lines. Part of [K. 6821]

_ .....+6 +.... + Fragment of the right half, 1min. by ILin.; .... lines. Fragment of a text containing hymns in paragraphs.*" [K. 6823] ..... +..... 10 Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by 1'in.;....+ lines. Omens concerning dreams. The fragment may belong to the [K. 6824] same tablet as K. 6768; see above, p. 809. + 8 lines. . . .. Fragment of the lower portion of one side, 1-in. by lin.; [K. 6825] Forecasts. Portion of the left half, 13in. by 1-in.; 13 + ......... concerning incidents that may happen to men.


Omens [K. 6826]

+ traces of 5 + 11 + Fragment of the right half, 2Iin. by -li.; ..... lines. Fragment of a text containing prescriptions and direc..... tions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. [K. 6828] lines. Part Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by 1kin.; 11 +.... *.... [K. 6829] of an incantation-text. * Cf. supra, p. 436, note Be.



lines. Portion out of the middle, 2 5in. by 2in.; ..... + 15 + 9 + .... Part of a mythological legend. Duplicate of K. 6235; see above, [K. 6831] p. 772. Portion of the left half, 4 in. by 2in.; 29 + ..... lines. Forecasts, [K. 6832 + K. 10583] probably belonging to the Series -< >-t. lines. AstroFragment out of the middle, 1 - in. by lin.; 8 + .......... logical forecasts taken from observations of the moon. The lines begin with


or -y,



[,Ili 6833] [K.

lines. Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by 1 in.; 13 +.......... Astrological forecasts taken from observations of the moon, etc. [K. 6834] Fragment of the right half, 1in. by lin.; traces of 1 + 7 lines. Fore[K. 6835] casts. + + 13 lines. Frag... .... Left-hand corner, 2½in. by l1in.; ment of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies [K. 6836] to be used for the benefit of sick people. Fragment out of the middle, 2 56 in. by 1in.; (..+...).. lines. Forecasts concerning >-YTy and ,-Y _,

_. + 5

(+.....) [K. 6837]


+ 14 + traces of Fragment of the right half, 2n. by l1in. -in.;..... 14 + ... (.....) lines. Directions for ceremonial rites. [K. 6838] Portion out of the middle, l1in. by 15in.; 10 + ......... logical forecasts.


Astro[K. 6839]

+ 11 + . +...+.. Fragment of the right half, 1lin. by 1lin.; .... directions prayers and incantations, of a text containing lines. Part for ceremonies. A colophon-line reads:-


[K. 6840]

Fragment out of the middle, 1Hin. by 1 in.; 7 + traces of 3 + .......... [K. 6841] lines. Regulations for making offerings. lines in doubleFragment out of the middle, 15in. by l1in.; 9 + .......... columns. Fragment of a list of Assyrian words with similar meanings. [K. 6842]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 11in.; 9 + traces of 3 + ......... [K. 6843] lines (in double-columns?). Part of an explanatory text. lines.

Portion out of the middle, 13in. by 1lin.; 17 + a historical inscription. Fragment of the left half, l3in. by 1 in.; ment of a religious text. VOL. II.


Part of [K. 6844]

11 lines. Frag[K. 6845] 5 M





lines. Fore[K. 6846]

Fragment out of the middle, 2 in. by 2in.; 12 + ..... casts (?).

1 ... ........ lines. Portion of the right half, 2- 3 in. by 1lin.; (.....) Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. One [I-4-]. [K. 6847] section ends with >-Y Portion out of the middle, 23in. by lin.; 15 + 12 lines.

Forecasts con-

[K. 6848]

cerning the >-Ty, etc. Portion of the left half, 3in. by 1 in.; religious text. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1in.; casts. Fragment out of the middle, Astrological forecasts.


4 +..........

1 in. by

Part of a [K. 6849]

8 +.........lines.

F ore[K. 6850]

in.; ...........

+ 11 lines. [K. 6851]

+.... lines. Portion out of the middle, 25in. by 1-in.; 7 + 7 + .... Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. Three paragraphs begin:6852] 7[K. T> T. 4_$< lines.

Left-hand corner, 2}in. by lin.; 16 +.......... incan tation-text, beginning:)





-ny g- -+

Part of an


[K. 6853]

m, '< ?

Fragment of the upper portion, 2 in. by 2~ in.; 11 lines; partly vitrified. [K. 6854] Beginning of a religious text. Fragment out of the middle, l1jin. by 1lin.; 13 +.......... Incantations and directions for ceremonies. Right-hand corner, 2- in. by 5in.; .... text.

+ 10 lines.

Part of a religious [K. 6856]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1 in.; 10 + .... q YAY _ casts. Mention is made of Sargon (~ Right half, lower portion of reverse, 2in. by 2in.; .... of a text containing incantations and prayers.





lines. [K. 6855]

.. ).

lines. F ore[K. 6857]

+ 13 lines. Part Of the catch-line

4 > is visible.

Fragment out of the middle, 11 in. by 1in.; 13 + ......... Omens concerning houses, etc.

[K. 6858] lines. [K. 6859]




Fragment out of the middle, 1]in. by 1 5 in.; ..... + 10 lines. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of various stars. [K. 6860] Portion of the right half; 2-in. by 2in.; 10 + 11 lines. logical text concerning eclipses, etc.

Part of an astro[K. 6861]

Fragment out of the middle, 2 in. by 2in.; 12 +.......... of a historical inscription.

lines. Part [K. 6862]

Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by l1 7 in.; 10 +.......... Forecasts concerning the -T|, etc.

lines. [K. 6863]

Fragment of the lower portion of one side, 1in. by lin.; 7 lines. Forecasts concerning the YY AYy,etc.

.......... [K. 6864]

Portion out of the middle, 2in. by 1 in.; ..... cerning houses, etc.

+ 12 lines.

Omens con[K. 6865]

Left-hand corner, 2 in. by l1tin.; beginning:-


Y?'VT . + 4






s E


He t id

Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by lIin.;


Part of a hymn,

m Adz;i.; +.....

+ 10 + 6 lines.

Part of an incantation-text.

[K. 6867]

Fragment out of the middle, l3in. by ljin.; 7 + 9 lines. cal inscription. Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by lin.; 9 Fragment of a text containing prescriptions ceremonies.

[K. 6866]

Part of a histori[K. 6868] lines. and directions for [K. 6869]


Fragment of the lower portion of one side, 13in. by 1-in.; 8 + ..... lines. Part of a prayer, probably written for an Assyrian king. [K. 6870] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by -in.; 11+..........lines. Astrological forecasts. [K. 6871] Fragment of the right half, 2in. by 1 in.; 15 + ..... lines. Part of an astrological text. [K. 6872] Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 1¼in. by l--in.; 7 + 7 +..... +..... lines. Forecasts. [K. 6873] Fragment out of the middle, l-5in. by 1in.; 8 +.......... lines. Prescriptions (?). [K. 6875] Fragment out of the middle, lin. by 1in.; 5 + 6 + .. ..... lines. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of the star I- St-t y~Vf~~'~.V~ ["K~. [K. 6876] * Partly effaced.

5M 2



Fragment out of the middle, lin. by 1in.; 11. I + ........ Omens concerning incidents that may happen to men.

lines. [K. 6877]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1Iin.; 10 + .......... partly vitrified. Astrological forecasts.

lines; [K. 6878]

Portion out of the middle, 13in. by 1in.; .... concerning houses.

Omens [K. 6879]

+ 14 lines.

Portion out of the middle, 2-in. by 1lin.; 12 +..... lines. Omens derived from the various directions in which a bird flutters round a man. Cf. supra, p. 746, K. 5866. [K. 6880] Portion out of the middle, l1in. by 12in.; . +. . 9 + ..... + lines. Part of a Sumero-Akkadian prayer in the form of a litany. [K. 6881] Fragment out of the middle, lin. by 1 in.; 8 +........ .. lines. Fragment of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies. [K. 6882] Portion out of the midde, loin. by liin.; 11 + .......... lines. Part of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies. [K. 6883] Fragment out of the middle, 2¼in. by l"in., ..... + 10 lines. Part of an omen-text.

Cf. infra, K. 11964.

Fragment out of the middle, lin. of an omen-text.

[K. 6884]

by 11in.; 10 + ....

Right-hand corner, 1 in. by lin.; (..... .... partly vitrified. Directions for ceremonies (?). Fragment out of the middle, lin. ment of a religious (?) text.

...... lines. Part [K. 6886] 8(+.....)

by lin.; 8 + ..........

Portion of the right half, 2|-in. by 2in.; .....

+ 26 lines.

Fragment of the right half, 1 in. by lin.; (.....+) (+....) lines. Part of an astrological text.

lines. Frag[K. 6888] Forecasts. [K. 6889] 8 + traces of 2 [K. 6890]

Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by lin.; 10 +......... of a religious text. Fragment out of the middle, lin.


by 1 -y in.; 9 + 7 +

lines; [K. 6887]

lines. Part [K. 6891] ..... +



[K. 6892]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by lin.; 10 + .... .. ........lines. Part of an incantation-text. Two sections end with ^-.^ -4-. [K. 6893]



Fragment out of the middle, 2'in. by 1-in.; 6 + tions for ceremonies.


Fragment of the right half, lin. relating to public affairs.

. + 7 lines.

by 1--in.; ....


lines. Direc[K. 6894] Forecasts [K. 6895]

Fragment out of the middle, in. by 1in.; 11 .......... lines. Part of an inscription of an Assyrian king. Mention is made of [ ?] [K. 6896] ')Y T X ~yyy
liin. by


10 +..

Fragment out of the middle, 2¼in. by 2in.; 11 + ..... religious text. Right-hand corner, 2-in. by lIin.; 8 + .... text.


....... lines. [K. 6897] lines.

Part of a [K. 6898]

Part of a religious [K. 6899]

Portion of the right half, 1i-in. by l1in.; 12 +..... astrological text.


Part of an [K. 6900]

Fragment of the right half, 1 in. by 1 in.; 10 +..... .. lines. Part of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies. Two sections end with ~-jY A-. [K. 6901] Fragment of the right half, 3-in. by 1iin.; 19 +..... religious (?) text.


Part of a [K. 6902]

Upper portion, 2½in. by 1 l-in.; 11 + 13 + 3 + (left-hand edge) 1 lines. Part of a letter to the king. [K. 6903 a] Fragment out of the middle, l- in. by lin.; 7 + .......... logical forecasts. Portion out of the middle, 23in. by 2 in.; ..... concerning the yY Ig, etc.

lines. Astro[K. 6903 b]

+ 16 lines.

Forecasts [K. 6904]

Left-hand corner, 1 -in. by lin.; ....... <. Forecasts concerning the c|yY, etc.

12 lines; marginal number Cf. suzpra, p. 549, note t. [K. 6905] Fragment of the left half, 2¼in. by lin.; 7 + . .... .......... lines. Fragment of a text containing hymns in paragraphs.* [K. 6906] Right-hand corner, 2in by lin.;n. (.....+) 12 + 12 (+ Forecasts concerning -mtty and yf rj, etc. Fragment of the left half, 2Lin. by l in.; 7 + 14 lines. X*Cf. supra, p. 436, note *.

) lines. [K. 6907]

Part of a prayer, [K. 6908]



Fragment of the lower portion of one side, 1in. by 1Lin.; 10 +..... (.....) lines. Omens concerning births. [K. 6910] lines.

Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by 1lin.; 8 +.......... concerning incidents that may happen to men.

Omens [K. 6911]

Lower portion, left half, 3 in. by 2&in.; 10 + 11 lines. Omens derived from the appearance of a fabulous animal called zuririttum. The sentences begin: [y?] ,-> (var.: - a '->T -y >-YYk FY: MAY A comparison of K. 1 (see above, VT -! -- yyTYA- V .... YR) p. 1), reverse, lines 23 and 24, shows that K. 6912 probably belongs


to a tablet of the Series

Y -;f

v >-;(


[K. 6912]


lines. FragFragment out of the middle, 2- in. by 15in.; 7 +.......... ment of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 6913] ..... +) 7 lines. Fragment of the left half, lin. by lin.; 8 + (..... Part of an inscription of Assurbanipal. The reverse appears to contain a parallel text of K. 3062 (see above, p. 500), Column III, lines [K. 6914] 6 ff. Fragment of the upper portion, 1lin. by religious text.


6 + 2 lines.

Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by l1in.; .... religious text. Fragment out of the middle, 24in. by 1lin.; Portion of a religious text. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by of a religious text.


+ 15 lines.

11 +..........

lines. [K. 6917] Fragment [K. 6918]


Fragment [K. 6919]

+ 19 + 13 +

.... lines. [K. 6920]


Fragment [K. 6921]

Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by l1in.; 10 + ..... of a religious text.

Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by 1--in.; 10 of a religious text.

Part of a [K. 6916]


in..; 11 + ....

Portion of the right half, 2kin. by 2¼in.; ..... Directions for ceremonial rites.

Fragment of a [K. 6915]

+ ....

lines. ..... Portion out of the middle, 21in. by 2lin.; 20 + 6 + ..... Part of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies. [K. 6922] Fragment of the right half, 2-1in. by lin.; 11 + ..... lines. Fragment [K. 6923] of a religious text.



Portion of the right half, 2- in. by 2in.; .... +) 12 + 17 (+ ) lines. Astrological forecasts, partly relating to public affairs. [K. 6924] Fragment of the left half, lIin. by l1in.; 9 + traces of 4 lines. Omens concerning incidents that may happen to men. E.g., lines 6 and 7 of

obverse read [fl respectively.



-_ V

<(A\ and [f] _ * ¢
Cf. supra, p. 587, K. 4017.

[K. 6925]

Fragment of the lower portion, 2min. by l1in.; concerning houses, etc.

7 + 6 lines.

Omens [K. 6926]

Portion out of the middle of reverse, 3in. by 3in.; ..... Astrological forecasts, partly relating to public affairs.

+ 17 lines. [K. 6927]

Fragment of the left half, 2in. by lin.; prayer.

Part of a [K. 6928]

10 + 9 lines.

Fragment of the right half, 2min. by lin.; ..... + 9 lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. Eg., lines 3 f., read:-t



A it -ii[sTn?] A X^ t B^r *>^

' ,n^ S


^m MY TY >-+ X s 4-pn ^

1-Y tY

t t o< F

b - , !y

A-Y 4aE>+ r Y.- [K. 6930]

Right-hand corner, 3 in. by 1--in.; ..... + 21 + (edge) 2 lines. Forecasts belonging to the 6th tablet of the Series >-< ,. Duplicate of K. 3846 (see above, p. 570), reverse. [K. 6931] Right-hand corner, l1in. by lin.; ..... houses. .

+ 7 lines.

Fragment out of the middle, lain. by l in.; ... mythological legend (?).

+.. 10 lines.

Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by g1in.; 8,+ ..... ment of an explanatory (?) text. Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by ment of a religious text.

in.; 9

Omens concerning [K. 6932]



lines. Frag[K. 6934] lines. Frag[K. 6935]

Fragment of the upper portion, l1in. by lin.; 10 +(..........+) 2 lines. Forecasts concerning the ~-TY, etc. Portion out of the middle, 2in. by lin.; 12 + ..... cerning houses, etc. Cf. supra, p. 385, K. 2010. Partly effaced.

Part of a [K. 6933]


[K. 6936]

Omens con[K. 6937]

Cf. K. 156 (above, p. 41), Column II, lines 22 and 23.




Forecasts [K. 6938]

+ 9 lines. Portion of the left half, 11in. by lin.; ... concerning the A-by, etc. Fragment out of the middle, 1 15in. by l1in.; 7 +........

lines. [K. 6939]


+ 17 lines. Omens derived Portion of the left half, 2½in. by l1in.; .. from the appearances of snakes. Cf. supra, p. 410, K. 2128. [K. 6940] lines. Part of a Portion out of the middle, l1in. by 1Iin.; 14 +..... [K. 6941] Sumero-Akkadian religious text. lines. Directions Fragment out of the middle, 2 in. by 1in.; 8 +..... [K. 6942] for ceremonial rites. +..... Fragment out of the middle, l-in. by lIin.; 8 + .........6943] [K. lines. Part of a hemerology (?). + 115 + +3 ..... Lower portion, right half, 2½in. bygin.; .......... [K. 6944] lines. Regulations for making offerings. ..... lines. Part Fragment out of the middle, 2½in. by lin.; 10 + .......... [K. 6945] of a religious (?) text. Portion of the left half, 2-56in. by -in.; 16 + 11 lines; Babylonian. Part >-[y] concerning public A,-) from ( of a letter to the king (g ? affairs. Mention is made of the



-[S<] and of

7' ]Y]


[K. 6946] iin.; 6 + 11 lines. List of [K. 6947]

>4?]' * [YW Fragment of the upper portion, 1in. by names of buildings, etc. Fragment of the lower portion, 1in. by 1l in.; 7 + traces of 3 +.....+ lines. Part of a text containing incantations and directions for ..... [K. 6948] ceremonies. + 9 lines. Frag........ Fragment out of the middle, 15in. by l1in.; .. [K. 6949] ment of a religious text. lines. FragFragment out of the middle, lin. by Ilin.; 8 + ......... ment of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies. [K. 6950] . . +... + 13 + in.; ..... Fragment of the right half, 2in. by amounts the with titles, their and persons of names lines. Part of a list of 6951] [K. of the taxes due from them (?). Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by lIin.; 14 + ..... religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version. Fragment of the right half, 1lin. by 1 in.; 17 + ..... columns). Part of an explanatory list. * Cf. spra,p. 725, note t.


Part of a [K. 6952]

lines (in double[K. 6953]



Right-hand corner, 1 -6in. by 1 in.; 8 + .... those of K. 3951 (see above, p. 579).


Forecasts similar to [K. 6954]

..... lines. Fragment out of the middle, lin. by lin.; 5 + 4 4-. .... Directions for ceremonies to be used, probably, for the benefit of sick [K. 6955] people. Fragment out of the middle, 1Iin. by lin.; 12 of a prayer.


lines. Part [K. 6956]

6 .......... lines. Omens derived Left-hand corner, 1- in. by 1in.; from the actions of dogs. For similar texts see above, pp. 56 f., 63, KK. 217, 236, and below, pp. 827, 892, etc., KK. 7051, catch-line; 8063; [K. 6957] 8064; 8065; Rm. 2, 135, catch-line; Rm. 2, 304, etc. Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 11in. by Omens concerning houses. Fragment of the left half, l- 7win. by 1 in.; .... forecasts.



+ 8 lines.


lines. [K. 6958]

Astrological [K. 6959]

Portion of the left half, 2- 1in. by 1 in.; ..... + 14 lines. Omens. The lines begin with [I ?] A ->V; cf. supra, p. 425, K. 2238. [K. 6960] + 9 + . ....+ Fragment out of the middle, 2¼in. by l1in.; .... lines. List of the beginnings of various incantations (J--), similar to [K. 6961] that of K. 2832 4 K. 6680; cf. supra, p. 480. lines. Part of a Fragment of the right half, 1 in. by 1¼in.; 11 + ...... list of the first lines of various texts containing forecasts, similar to that of Rm. 150, q.v. [K. 6962] + 12 lines. Fragment of an Fragment of the left half, 1-in. by in..... This fragment probably omen-text. The lines begin with >-< 1yz. [K. 6963] joins on to K. 7200; see below, p. 837. Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by 1lin.; 10 + .......... of a religious text. lines. Fragment of the left half, l1in. by tin.; 12 + .... forecasts taken from observations of the moon. Portion out of the middle, lin. cerning houses.

by 1Din.; .....

Fragment out of the middle, 1--inm by tin.; 7 + ment of a text containing astrological observations of various stars. VOL. II.

_+ 14 lines.

lines. Part [K. 6964] Astrological [K. 6965] Omens con[K. 6966]

...... lines. Fragforecasts taken from [K. 6967] 5 N



Fragment of the left half, lin. by "-in.; 7 +.... casts.

lines. Fore[K. 6968]

Fragment out of the middle, 18in. by 1--itn.; .... + 8 ......... ±. lines. Fragment of an incantation-text, part of which has an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 6969] Fragment out of the middle, 13in. by in.; 6 + ...... logical forecasts. Left-hand corner, 18in. by lin.; 4 +.....


Fragment of the right half, 1-2in. by 1 in.; ...


Astro[K. 6970]


[K. 6971]

+ 7 lines.

Forecasts. [K. 6972] lines. ForeFragment of the left half, lin. by 1-blin.; 13 + ......... [K. 6973] casts similar to those mentioned above, p. 459, K. 2618. Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by lain.; .......... + 10 lines. Prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of people suffering from diseases of the eyes. [K. 6974] Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by 1in.; 11 + ..... prayer. Fragment out of the middle, lin. by etc. casts concerning the 4t,

in.; 8 +..........

Fragment of the right half, 13in. by 1 - in.; ..... prayer. Fragment out of the middle, 11in. by 1Hin.; ..... derived from the condition of the human body. by in. Right-hand corner, 1 . bylin. Part of an incantation-text.


lines. Fore[K. 6976] + 9 lines.

in.; .....

Fragment of the lower portion, 17in. by a religious text.


Part of a [K. 6977]

+ 8 ines.

12 + .. .. (+.. (.....+) One section ends with ~-~y

Fragment of the right half, l1in. by text containing forecasts.

Part of a [K. 6975]

+ 13 lines. 12 + ....

Omens [K. 6978]


lines. J["-]. [K. 6979] Copy of a [K. 6980]


Part of [K. 6981]

Portions, 4 in. by 3in.; 20 + 16 lines. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of the moon, etc. They partly relate to public affairs. According to the colophon this text belongs to a tablet of the great astrological work Yy*> ~ >-yt-y . The catch-line reads:[K. 6982] [ kb* T i >?] -< 4Y Y y yt [Y?] <<< * Partly effaced.



Portion of the left half, 2-in. by 2in.; .... + 20 lines. Omens. This fragment may belong to the same tablet as K. 4106; see above, p. 595. [K. 6983 + K. 8345] Portion out of the middle, 3in. by 31-in.; 19 + 19 lines. Copy of a text containing astrological forecasts concerning eclipses, etc. They

partly relate to public affairs.

The sentences begin with y TMY ; cf.

supra, p. 431, K. 2311.

[K. 6984 + K. 8075]

Lower portion, right half, 2 in. by 2ain.; 20 + 18 lines. containing astrological forecasts.

Copy of a text [K. 6985]

Fragment of the left half, 2½in. by lin.; 10 + .......... ment of a religious (?)text.

lines. Frag[K. 6986]

Fragment out of the middle, l"in. by 1Hin.; ..... + 8 lines.


[K. 6987] lines. Omens [K. 6988]

Right-hand corner, 1-Tgin. by 1-in.; ..... + 4 + 9 +.... concerning incidents that may happen to men. Fragment of the left half, 1in. by

in.; .........

Part of

+ 7 lines.

an incantation-text.

[K. 6989]

Fragment out of the middle, l-Cin. by 1 in.: 11 +



Directions for ceremonies.

. lines.

[K. 6990]

Fragment of the lower portion, 2in. by 1 in.; (..... +) 7 + .... ( .. ) lines. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of various stars (>-4A [I ]-<,. ' --Y < :, etc.). [K. 6991] Left-hand corner, 2--in. 1


in.; ....

+ 9 lines.

Astrological fore-

casts taken from observations of the moon. Portion out of the middle of reverse, 2- in. by 1in.; ....

[K. 6992] +

16 lines.


of a text containing prayers. A colophon-line reads:--,i -,,,[K. 6993] 3930. KK. 20, *. _ Cf. sup'a, pp. 5, 577, T-- <Egk>.-< " Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 2lin. by in.; .... +. 7 lines. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of various stars. [K. 6994] lines. Forecasts. Portion out of the middle, 1 in. by 1iin.; 17 +..... [K. 6995] . .... lines.

Fragment out of the middle, 13in. by lain.; 9 4- 13 + .....

[K. 6996]

Part of an incantation-text. * Partly effaced.






Portion out of the middle, 3 in. by 2lin.; ..... 21 lines. forecasts taken from observations of various stars.

Astrological [K. 6997]

Portion of the left half, 17-in. by 1lin.; 15 + .... . lines. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of the moon. [K. 6998] Portion out of the middle, 27in. by 15in.; 21 + .. lines. Omens derived from the condition of various parts of the human body. [K. 6999] Upper portion, 6in. by 37 in.; 42 + 43 + (left-hand edge) 1 lines; the paragraphs are numbered on the margin by <. Forecasts forming, according to the colophon, the 4th tablet of the Series >-
>all tY >>Ye offl aHt t


2 tYTt

{+-< > t

Ek>-y 1T >y y-' HAS EW

The catch-line reads: < y>-


>Y gM:





For a duplicate see below, p. 882. K. 7909. [K. 7000] Fragment of the right half, 1 - 3in. by 1 in.; (..... +) 13 + . .... (+ .. ) lines. Omens concerning incidents that may happen to men, etc. [K. 7001] lines. Fore[K. 7002]

Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by 1*in.; 8 +.......... casts. Fragment of the right half, 1-in. by 1 in.; ..... concerning >-YyV and >yty, etc.

+ 13 lines.

Portion out of the middle, 2 in. by l1in.; 15 + 12 lines. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1 in.; 8 + . logical forecasts.


Forecasts [K. 7003]

Forecasts. [K. 7004] . lines. Astro[K. 7005]

Portion out of the middle, 215in. by 2±in.; .......... + 9 + 15 lines. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of various stars. [K. 7006] Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by 14in.; 6 + 2 lines. Part of an omentext. [K. 7007] Portion of the right half, 3 in. by 2-in.; ..... 15 lines. Part of a text containing prayers and directions for ceremonies. Mention is made of the god -+> S:. [K. 7008] * f. supra, p. 773, K. 6O241.



Forecasts. [K. 7009] Fragment of the upper portion of one side, l in. by lin.; 11 + .......... Portion out of the middle, 2-5 in. by 2in.; 13 +

8 lines.

Q -, lines. List of names of stars. Mention is made of >-4T-->-g >- , sx3 AF>- >:X4+ ok: 10 >-> -T+ Eaa M->;>+ [K. 7010] -+YYY- V iand lines.

Portion out of the middle, 2 in. by 25in.; 14 +


Omens con[K. 7012]

+ 7 lines.

Fragment of [K. 7013]

Fragment of the right half, lin. by 1 in.; 9 + .... cerning incidents that may happen to men, etc. Fragment of the right half, 1- in. by 1in.; ..... an omen-text.

Forecasts. [K. 7011]

Portion of the right half, 27in. by 21in.;...+ 12 lines. Astrological forecasts concerning eclipses. They partly relate to public affairs. [K. 7015] in; 8 +.......... [K. 7016]

Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 1in. by lines. Directions for ceremonies.

b Fragment out of the middle, 2~ in. by

t 2-Gl



+ 16 lines.



Fo recasts. [K. 7018]


in.; n. 9 +...

Portion of the right half, 2in. by 2in.; ..... forecasts. The catch-line reads-X

Part of a religious, or [K. 7017]

by lin.; 7 + 7 lines.

Right-hand corner, lin. mythological, text.

M. W

Astrological w

[K. 7019]

lines. AstroFragment of the left half, 1lin. by 18in.; 8 +........ logical forecasts taken from observations of various stars. [K. 7020] .... lines. .... Portion out of the middle, 2in. by 2in.; 9 + 11 +. Part of an astrological text. E.g., lines 5 ff. of Column II read:-


' Y*1

F y y T.W

-+ FXY Tr<E Y Ty- "H

4 '-+

7 YT V 3




rm Y+

re v -+ -


r; <s en-'-RY V < >- ti

Partly effaced. t Here are traces of characters erased by the scribe. * Appears to have been written over an erasure. *

-- )2

[K. 7021]



Fragment of the left half, 1 -in. by in.; .... derived from the actions of various birds.

+ 12 lines.

Omens [K. 7022]

Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 1-'Ain. by 1 in.; 7 +..... lines. Part of an omen-text concerning houses, etc. [K. 7023] Right half, lower portion, 2in. by lin.; 16 +..... omen-text.


Fragment of the right half, 1 in. by 1Iin.; 6 + 4 lines. historical (?) inscription.

Part of an [K. 7024]

Fragment of a [K. 7025]

Portion of the right half, 21 in. by 1 in.; 14 + 9 lines.

Forecasts. [K. 7026] Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 2in. by 1Hin.; 12 .......... lines: Prayers to Samas and Rammdn, and directions for ceremonies similar to those of K. 3703; see above, p. 556. [K. 7027] Lower portion, right half, 2iin. by 1-ain.; 6 + 9 lines.

Forecasts. [K. 7028]

Portion out of the middle, 2 in. by 1¼in.; (.....+)15

±+ ....



lines. etc.

Astrological forecasts taken from observations of the moon, [K. 7029] Portion out of the middle, 2|in. by 2in.; 16 + 9 lines. Omens concerning houses. [K. 7030] Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by lHin.; .. religious(?) text.

+ 11 lines.

Fragment of the left half, 1;in. by in;..... + 11 lines. concerning the 7. Cf. supra, p. 549, note t.

Part of a [K. 7031] Forecasts [K. 7032]

Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by l1in.; 13 +.....lines. Omens concerning births. [K. 7033] Portion of the left half, 2in. by N1in.; 12 +.... cerning houses. Cf. supra, p. 385, K. 2010.


Omens con[K. 7034]

Portion of the right half, 23in. by1lin.; .......... + 19 +......... lines. Part of a religious, or mythological, text. [K. 7035] Fragment of the left half, 2Sin. by l-q-in,; 13 + .... lines; marginal number <. Omens concerning births. The lines begin with > 4* [K. 7036] Fragment of the lower portion, l1in. by 1in.; 9 + 2 lines. Part of an astrological text concerning various stars ([t4-]]* S_t ffY ,t
t Partly effaced.



lines. Frag[K. 7038]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by liin.; 15 + ......... ment of a religious text. + 13 lines.

Portion of the right half, 2 in. by 2in.; ..... omen-text concerning houses, etc. Right-hand corner, lin. by 13in.; 1+1 + partly relating to public affairs.


Part of an [K. 7039]

Astrological forecasts, [K. 7040]

Fragment out of the middle, lain. by 1in.; 10 + .... or three columns. Part of a list of names of gods.

lines in two [K. 7041]

.... Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by 1in.; traces of + 8 + ...... lines. Astrological forecasts for the month Hesvan. Cf. supra, [K. 7042] pp. 423, 788, K. 2221 and K. 6454. Astro[K. 7043]

Portion out of the middle, 2in. by 1in.; 15 +..........lines. logical forecasts. lines.

Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by Iin.; 9 +... a religious text.

Fragment of [K. 7044]

Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 2in. by lin.; 9 + .......... lines. Part of an astrological text concerning eclipses, etc. [K. 7045] Fragment out of the middle, lin. by a religious text.

Fragment of [K. 7047]

in.; 6 +..lines.

lines. Upper portion of one side, 2- 6 in. by 1{in.; 13 + ..... astrological text. Portion out of the middle, 21in. by l1in.; ..... + 17 lines. concerning



and -y


Part of an [K. 7048] Forecasts [K. 7049]


lines. by 2 in.; 12 + 9 +.....+...... Portion out of the middle, 2in. b -- <. star
+ 13 lines.

belonging to the 79th* tablet of the Series y >:-Yy

Duplicate of Rm. 2, 135, q.v.

y y ·E Y

-f 'T


- -_By


A. ~7

The catch-line reads:--


-+ L[-Y £B kwo-S-

[K. 7051] .. ... + 12 +..... Fragment out of the middle, 1'in. by 1--3in.; lines. Fragment of a mythological legend. Lines 8 ff. form a duplicate of K. 3657 (see above, p. 552), Column II, lines 1 ff. [K. 7052] Right-hand corner, 1 in. by lin.; 9 + ..... lines.

Forecasts. [K. 7053]

Cf. BEZOLD, Lit. Ctrlbl., 1890, col. 1544, note *, where 'P.S.B.A. VI, 57" is to be * Thus. read instead of T.S.B.A. VIII. t Attempted restoration after Rm. 2, 135.



Fragment of the left half, 2 in. by 11in.; traces of 1 + 11 lines. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of the sun. The sentences begin with y kf; cf. supra, p. 426, K. 2249. [K. 7054] Portion out of the middle, 2in. by l1in.; 11 + 8 + ..... +.....lines. Prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. One section begins :-y . <(-b y * (?) -yy 4>< > * (?) iK[K. 7055] Fragment out of the middle of reverse, 2¼in. by 11in.; + 7 lines. Part of an astrological text, probably a hemerology. Of the catchline only , ,:',,:;,A -- >a4 ,',',' is_---visible. [K. 7056] Fragment out of the middle, 1in. of a religious text.

by lin.; 7 +..........

lines. Part [K. 7057]

Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 1 in. by lin.; 6 + 8 +... ..... lines. Omens. The lines begin with Y »-:^ W[. Cf. supra, pp. 499, 810, K. 3055 and K. 6786. [K. 7058] Fragment of the right half, in. by 1 in.; 10 +.......... lines. Part of an astrological text. [K. 7059] Fragment of the right half, of a religious (?) text.



in.; .....

+ 16 lines.

Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by lIin.; 13 +........... Omens (?).

Fragment [K. 7060] lines. [K. 7061]

Portion out of the middle, 1 in. by lin.; 14 + ..... lines. forecasts taken from observations of the moon.

Astrological [K. 7062]

Fragment out of the middle, l1in. Part of a prayer.

+..... lines. [K. 7063]

by1-in. ; 13 + 5 + .....

Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 1 in. by 1 in.; ..... + 10 lines. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of the star [j]>-4o [K. 7064] - Y- 4-Portion out of the middle, 2½in. by l1in.; 20 + ..... lines. Part of a religious text. Portion out of the middle, 2-in.by2½in.; 17 + .... forecasts concerning the star <(.yk >TV -.

+ .


+... [K. 7065]

Astrological [K. 7066]

Fragment of the left half, lin. by liin.; 13 +.......... lines. Part of a mythological legend. This fragment may belong to a tablet of the Series r-Y TY


Portion out of the middle, 4in. by 3in.; ..... + 23 + ..... Omens concerning incidents that may happen to men, etc. begins:-y

-YA <4


* (?)


..... lines. One section

cf. sapra,p. 775,

K. 6267.

[K. 7068]

Fragment out of the middle, I1in.

by lin.; traces of 5 + 10 + ..........

lines (in double-columns ?). Part of a list of names of stars. [K. 7069] Fragment of the left half, 2 in. by I-in.; ..... + 18 lines. Forecasts. Portion out of the middle, 2¼in. by l1in.; religious text.


+ 12 lines.

[K. 7070] Part of a [K. 7071]

Fragment out of the middle, 2½in. by 1 in; 7 + .... ..... lines. Fragment of a text containing astrological forecasts for the various months, taken from observations of the star ---+ -~; adz! _A.[K. 7072] Portion out of the middle, 2½in. by 2in.; 9 + 16 lines. cerning _Y E and ¢yy, etc.

Forecasts con[K. 7073]

Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 2in. by Omens concerning houses, etc.


Fragment out of the middle, Forecasts.



by 1-in.; 13 +


1 lines. [K. 7074]


lines. [K. 7075]

Fragment out of the middle, l 1 in. by 1in.; 8 + .... of a text containing prayers.


Fragment [K. 7076]

Portion out of the middle, l-in. by lTWin.; 12 + ..... concerning animals.


Omens [K. 7077]

Fragment of the right half, 1 -in. by

in.; ....

+ 12 lines.

Forecasts. [K. 7078] Lower portion, 5½in. by 3jin.; 15 + 11 + 22 + 14 lines. Part of a hemerology for the month Sebat. Cf. sztpra, p. 518, K. 3269. [K. 7079] Portion of the left half, 5kin. by in.; 33 + ..... + ........ .. lines. Part of a hemerology for the month Sebat. Cf. the preceding number. [K. 7081 + K. 7082] Portion of the left half; 3lin. by 23in.; 17 + ..... lines. Part of a hymn belonging to the Series >+ t


Partly effaced.

5 o



Fragment of the lower portion, 2 1in. by l in.; 11 + .......... Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for monies to be used for the benefit of sick people. Referring to an interlinear gloss is added by the scribe. [K. Lower portion, 2 in. by 2in.; 16 + ..... incidents that may happen to men.


lines. cereline 5 7086]

Omens concerning [K. 7088]

Portion out of the middle, 2in. by 2 in.; 8 + .... astrological text.


Part of an [K. 7090]

Fragment of the left half, 24in. by 1 in.; ..... +7 lines; marginal number. Omens belonging to the 2nd tablet of the Series -< i- H-; cf. stpra, p. 491, K. 2945. They probably form an extract from the text of this tablet. [K. 7093] Fragment out of the middle, 15in. by 1Lin.; traces of 4 + 11 + ... + ..... lines. Astrological forecasts for the various months. [K. 7094] Right-hand corner, l in. by 1l in.; . .... + 6 +.. lines. Fragment of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. Two paragraphs end with -dJIs ,-4-. [K. 7096] Fragment of the left half, 2 in. by tation-text.

in.; 15 + 2 lines.

Fragment out of the middle, 2 in. by religious text.


Part of an incan[K. 7097]

10 +.....


Part of a [K. 7098]

Portion of the left half, 34in. by lrin., 27 +.. . .... . lines. Omens derived from the state of a man's eyes. Cf. supra, p. 775, K. 6280. The sentences of Section II begin :-_ -k >--y<
in.; 16 +.....

by lin.; 11 + ......

Portion out of the middle, 2-in. by l1in.; 7 + 11 Forecasts.


Part of a [K. 7102] lines. Part [K. 7103]

..... ++....

lines. [K. 7104]



+ 8 +..... + ..... Fragment of the right half, 1'in. by 1-in.; lines. Fragment of a text containing prescriptions and directions for [K. 7105] ceremonies. 17 +..... lines. Omens derived from Left-hand corner, 21in. by 2 3in.; the appearances of things when they resemble a certain unspecified [K. 7106] object. The lines begin throughout with y <J: iy. Right-hand corner, 2-in. by 1 in.; 9 + ...


Forecasts. [K. 7107]

Fragment out of the middle, lsin. by 1in;..... logical (?) forecasts. Right-hand corner, lHin. by 15in.; religious, or historical, text.

+ 11 lines.

10 +.....lines.

Fragment of a [K. 7109]

Fragment out of the middle, lin. by lin.; traces of 3 + 5 + . lines. Fragment of a hemerology.

....+..... [K. 7110]


Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by 1'in.; 7 + ..... religious text.

Astro[K. 7108]

Part of a [K. 7111]

+ Fragment out of the middle, lin. by 1in.; 6 + traces of 2 +..... ..... lines, Fragment of a text containing astrological forecasts. [K. 7113] Portion of the left half, 3iin. by 2in.; ..... + 15 lines. Forecasts concerning the ,= 1Yy, etc. This fragment may belong to the same tablet [K. 7114] as K. 3668 (see above, p. 553), or to one similar. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1- in.; 11 +......... Astrological forecasts, partly relating to public affairs.

lines. [K. 7115]

+ Fragment out of the middle, -17 in. by lin.; traces of 4 + 5 +... [K. 7116] ..... lines. Fragment of a hemerology. Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by 1in.; 10 + .......... ment of an astrological text.

lines. Frag[K. 7117]

... lines; the Portion out of the middle, lmin. by 15in.; 13+ ...... punctuation is marked by k. Astrological forecasts taken from [K. 7118] observations of the moon. Portion out of the middle, 21in. by lin.; 13 +.....lines. cerning houses, etc. Portion.of the right half; 34in. by 2in.; 20 + 14 lines. the state of, or events in, a country.

Omens con[K. 7119]

Omens derived from [K. 7120]

by 1-in.; traces of 3 + 10 + .... Portion out of the middle, 2 -in. lines. Part of an astrological text.

+.... [K. 7121] 5 o 2




Fragment of the upper portion, 1 3in. by 1in.; 8 + .... logical forecasts concerning eclipses.


Astro[K. 7122]

+..... Fragment of the right half, 3in. by 2 in.; ..... + 10 + .. 7124] [K. stars. lines. Part of an astrological text concerning various Portion out of the middle, 3in. by 1 in.; 22 ± ..... for making offerings.


Regulations [K. 7125]

... + Fragment of the lower portion, 23in. by 2¼in.; 18 + 5 + . lines. Fragment of a text containing astrological forecasts taken [K. 7126] from observations of various stars. 9 lines.

Portion out of the middle, 2 in. by 1 in.; .....

Forecasts. [K. 7127]

lies. ....... Portion out of the middle, 2-in. by 2jin.; 9 + 6 + Fragment of a text containing astrological forecasts for the various [K. 7128] months. Portion of the right half, 3in. by 2'in.; 18 + 11 lines. Part of an astro< i L , -+ MEJ= logical text concerning various stars (-4- i_

>y -<


>->T- >4->T lktY I--Pr IW

4 , Y

[K. 7129]

X-4>-<, etc.).

lines. in.; 17 +..... Portion of the right half, 2in. by forecasts taken from observations of various stars.

Astrological [K. 7130]


Astrological [K. 7131]

Portion out of the middle, forecasts.

in. by

in.; 11 + .....

Upper portion, 2-Lin. by 1T-6 in.; 9 lines. cerning offerings.

Part of a report, probably con[K. 7132]

Fragment out of the middle, l-v-in. by l in.; 5 + .......... ment of an astrological text.

. . + 10 lines.

Fragment out of the middle, 13in. by 1¼in.; . religious text. Portion of the right half, 2 in. by 1 in.; ..... forecasts.

+ 18 lines.

Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by lin.; ..... Fragment of the left half, 15in. by gin.; 12 + ment of a religious, or mythological, text.

Part of a [K. 7134]

Astrological [K. 7135]

Forecasts. [K. 7136] .......... lines. Frag[K. 7138]

+ 14 lines.

Fragment out of the middle, lAin. by lin.; 5 + ..........

ment of an astrological text.

lines. Frag[K. 7133]



[K. 7139]




nt the h right rh ha 1iin. by half, ln Fragment an incantation-text. Of the catch-line only the end is visible:-

[K. 7140]


''* '


Portion of the left half, l3in. by lin.; 11 vitrified + 10 lines. concerning the Hi, etc.

Forecasts [K. 7141]

Fragment of the right half, lin. astrological text.

Part of an [K. 7143]

by lin.; 13 +.....

Fragment out of the middle, in. by 1in.; ment of an incantation-text.

9 +.

lines. ..

lines. Frag[K. 7144]

Fragment out of the middle, 1-1 in. by 1 in.; 12 + .... lines. names of gods, arranged in pairs. E.g., lines 9 ff. read:-

* Ti+?] E! +

M-[ IfF

4-- <¢

-Y,> ?d?]I


Z ?] .

< -+

List of

>-,T -:?_ 1+ He4 E>-Y] >- Y

[K. 7145]

Left-hand corner, lain. by lin.; (... .. ... + 9 lines. Astrological forecasts for the months Ab and Elul. They partly relate to public affairs. [K. 7147] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by in.; 11 +.......... lines. Omens concerning incidents that may happen to men. [K. 7148] Portion of the right half, 2kin. by 1 in.; 15 - .+ .. lines. Forecasts. Mention is made of -4¥lYi-- +. [K. 7149] Fragment out of the middle 1in. by lin.; 7 + .......... logical forecasts.


Astro[K. 7150]

Fragment out of the middle, I in. by in.; 6 + ........... lines. Forecasts concerning >f'_ and Y ¥ A, cf. supra, p. 549, note t. [K. 7151] Portion of the left half, 2-3in. by l1in.; ..... + 11 lines. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of the moon. [K. 7152] Portion of the left half, 2k in. by l1in.; ..... + 18 lines. Omens derived from the actions of various birds. They may form part of a larger composition. The sentences of Section II begin:--[?] y Ef__ y¥

y ~T -_.

This fragment may belong to the same tablet as

K. 6801; cf. supra, p. 811.

[K. 7153]

Left-hand corner, 1 in. by lin.;


10 lines.

Omens derived from

the actions of snakes; see above, p. 410, K. 2128. Portion of the left half, 2in. by lin.; 13 + ......... forecasts taken from observations of the moon. *

Partly effaced.

[K. 7154] lines.

Astrological [K. 7155]




Portion of the left half, 23in. by lin.; 16 + 16 lines; marginal number <. Omens. The lines begin throughout with Y k.<_ ; cf. infra, Sm. 505 [K. 7156 + K. 11634] and 80, 7-19, 85. Omens Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by 1Hin.; 19 +.....lines. derived from the actions of scorpions; cf. supra, p. 582, K. 3974. [K. 7157 + K. 11830] lines. Frag[K. 7158]

Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by 1lin.; 6 +.......... ment of an astrological(?) text. Portion out of the middle, 28in. by 28in.; 9 + 9 lines. text. Portion out of the middle, 2 in. by liin.; 16 + .....

Part of an omen[K. 7159]


Forecasts. [K. 7160]

Fragment of the upper portion of one side, l-J7in. by 1jin.; short ends of 5 + 9 lines. Fragment of a text containing astrological forecasts [K. 7161] taken from observations of various stars. + 12 lines. AstroFragment of the left half, 1- -in. by lin. ..... >-Y- i_ [K. 7162] and other stars. Fragment of the left half, lain. by lin.; 9 + .......... of an omen-text.


Fragment [K. 7163]

Portion of the left half, 2 in. by 11in.; 10 + 11 lines. Part of a religious text. This fragment may belong to the same tablet as K. 4006 (see [K. 7164] above, p. 586), or to one similar. lines.

Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by 11in.; 8 + ......... logical forecasts, partly relating to public affairs. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1-in.; 10 +- . incantation-text.

. lines.

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by - -in.; 7 + logical forecasts.

Astro[K. 7166]

Part of an [K. 7167]

lines. Astro[K. 7169]

lines. Part of . Fragment of the left half, 11in. by 1½in.; 10 + . a text containing astrological forecasts for the various months. [K. 7170] Lower portion, right half, 21in, by 2'in.; 15 + 18 lines. religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version. Portion of the right half, l1in. by lin.; ( lines. Part of a religious (?) text.

Portion of a [K. 7171]

+) traces of 7 +8 (+ ..... ) ..... [K. 7172]



Portion of the right half, 3¼in. by 14in.; 22 + .. probably concerning houses.


Omens, [K. 7173]

Fragment of the left half, 2in. by l in.; 15 + ..... lines; marginal number <. Forecasts concerning the F! dyd, etc. The lines begin :--< 4

[K. 7174]



Portion out of the middle, 2§in. by 2¼in.; 12 + 15 lines. forecasts.

Astrological [K. 7175]

Left-hand corner, 2min. by 1-in.; traces of 3 + 10 lines. reverse begins:-



11Y -Ad AcYt


K, 1''

[K. 7i76]



t-< KY 1



Fragment of the left half, 2 in. by -5in.; * ... + 9 lines. Part of an omen-text. It appears to form a duplicate of Rm. 136 (q.v.), lines 1 ff. Cf. also supra, p. 421, K. 2192. [K. 7177] Portion out of the middle, 2- -in. by l-i7in.; 16 + .. .. lines. Omens derived from the state of the human body. They appear to belong to a tablet of the Series p-< t [K. 7178] H-.

Fragment of the left half, 1in. by Hin.; .....

+ 11 lines.

Portion of the left half, 2in. by 1in.; .....



forecasts taken from observations of the star


They partly relate to public affairs.


[K. 7179] Astrological >>-->< T:>. [K. 7180]

Fragment out of the middle of reverse, 2w1in. by 1 in.; ..... + 6 lines. Fragment of an o m en-text forming, according to the colophon, a tablet of the Series ,:.-

Y >->T A
_- __ rY

-4 +



Of the catch-line only



Portion out of the middle, 22 2 i . b n.; ..... ..... Forecasts concerning >'_Y and >-bY, colophon only the end is visible:-

+ etc.


is visible.

[K. 7181] + 17 + 11 lines. Of the catch-line and


Cf. supra, p. 412, note t.



[K. 7182]

Portion out of the middle, 2-rin. by 2in.; 16 + ( ..... . .... +) 12 lines. Part of an incantation-text. One section ends with ~-Y., -J-. Mention is made of Ur (Gd * <E), Larsam (f - <EtYI


Fragment out of the middle of reverse, 13in. by 1in.; ..... Fragment of an astrological text concerning eclipses, etc.

+ 5 lines. [K. 7184]


Part of a [K. 7185]

Fragment of the right half, 2-twein. by ilin.; 16 + ..... prayer.

Part of a [K. 7186]

+ 6 lines.

Fragment of the left half, 21 in. by lin.; .... prayer.

++. ..... ± .... Lower portion of one side, 2-in. by 11in.; 15 + lines; Babylonian. Part of a religious, or mythological, text. [K. 7187] Forecasts. + 21 lines. in.; 6 by 2 2in. half, right portion, Lower [K. 7188] + 15 lines. Astro.......... Portion out of the middle, l1in. by l1in.; [K. 7189] logical forecasts, partly relating to public affairs. Astrological [K. 7191]

.. lines.

Portion out of the middle, 23in. by 13in.; 15 + . forecasts.

in . .; ..... + 10 lines. Astrological Portion of the left half, 2 . bby of the moon. The lines begin observations from taken forecasts [K. 7192] throughout:-¥ <<< i Yd-' . + 12 lines.

Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by 1 in.; .... cerning houses, etc. E.g., lines 6 if. read:-


T] --

(?) 4>TnSA T-


^nnVV A-T-


% - tVnnFLY



rY >_44 >Te of=Y

Omens con-

Ace Hi -,i



[K. 7193]

Fragment out of the middle, 2'in. by l1in.; 9 + ..... omen-text.


Part of an [K. 7194]

lines. Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 2in. by l1in.; 11 + ..... [K. 7195] Fragment of a religious text. Lower portion, 2 in. by 17in.; 10+ ..... text. One section begins:"-+ <

. Yt


>n X7 <(Ag4


: 4V ,-YnY

< >< Y>>+

Part of a religious



T;/ ,-

H Y n


<^ ^.i

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by lain.; 9 +..........lines. ment of an astrological text. * Partly effaced.

[K. 7196] Frag[K. 7197]



Portion out of the middle, 2in. by lin.; an omen-text.

13 +.........lines.

Part of [K. 7198]

Portion of the right half, 2 in. by 1in.; ..... + 24 lines. Omens concerning houses, etc. Cf. BEZOLD, Zeits., 1891, p. 260, note 1. [K. 7199] Portion of the left half, 3in. by 2in.; 19 + ..... lines. Omens concerning births of animals. The lines begin with [>-
lines. Frag[K. 7201]

Right-hand corner, 2½in. by 2¼in.; ..... + 9 + 15 +..... columns). Part of an explanatory list.

lines (in double[K. 7202]

Portion out of the middle, 2in. by 1in.; 13 +.... partly relating to public affairs. Portion of the right half, 23in. by lin.; .... cerning houses, etc.


+ 25 lines.

Fragment of the lower portion, l1in. by 1-in.; 12 +....

Forecasts, [K. 7204] Omens con[K. 7205] lines.

Part of

an incantation-text relating to the worship of various gods. e.g., lines 4 f.:-

YX f2'-40 +"

?) y ;?*of ^ -Y

< >++ IT ¢
+- 'Y- <-+

Gi [1



[K. 7206] Right-hand corner, 1 in. by 1in.; 7 +..........lines.

Partof a prayer. [K. 7207]

Fragment of the left half, 1in. by lin.; 14 + .. ....... lines. Omen's concerning incidents that may happen to men and houses. [K. 7208] Portion of the right half, 3in. byl11in.; ..... _

26 lines.

Fragment out of the middle, 2 in. by 13in.; 9 + ......... of an astrological text. Portion of the right half, 2iin. by 1lin.; 15


13 lines.

houses, etc.

Forecasts,etc. [K. 7209] lines. Part [K. 7210]

Omens concerning

[K. 7212]

Fragment of the right half, 1 in. by 1in.; 6 + 10 lines. or report.

Part of a letter, [K. 7213]

* Partly effaced.


5 P



Portion out of the middle, 2 in. by lin.; 18 + .... forecasts, partly relating to public affairs. Fragment of the right half, l in. by l- in.; 12 Sumero-Akkadian religious text. Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by lforecasts. Right half, upper portion of reverse,l of a religious text.

Astrological [K. 7214]




Astrological [K. 7216]

in.; 10 + 4 lines.

+ 11 lines. Part [K. 7217]

inn. by lin.; .....

Portion out of the middle, 2-in. by 21in.; 10 + 21 +.....+..... Astrological forecasts for the months Hesvan andKislev. p. 750, K. 5941. .....

Fragment of the right half, 2in. by l1in.; 7

Part of a [K. 7215]


lines. Cf. supra, [K. 7218]

Forecasts. [K. 7219]

lines. Astrological Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by lZ-in.; 12 + .... -<. They forecasts taken from observations of the star >v-4[K. 7220] partly relate to public affairs. lines. PreFragment out of the middle, 2}in. by 2in.; 17 + ...... scriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of [K. 7221] sick people. Portion out of the middle, 3}in. by lin.; traces of 8 + 8 lines; marginal Cf. <{. y :-< The lines begin with number <. Forecasts. 7222] [K. supra, p. 403, note *. Portion out of the middle, 2-in. by 28in.; 10 + 13 lines. forecasts partly relating to public affairs.

Astrological [K. 7223]

lines. FragFragment of the left half, 11in. by 1Hin.; 10 + .......... ment of a mythological legend, apparently belonging to a tablet of >_ kAhY. Cf. HAUPT, Beitr., Vol. I, p. 322. _, the Series V- ~[K. 7224] + Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by l1in.; 10 + traces of 3 + .. [K. 7225] lines. Astrological forecasts. ..... Upper portion, right half, 2 in. by 2in.; 11 + 11 lines. text. The catch-line reads:-


' Y:

in. by 1 in.; .... Fragment of the right half, Sumero-Akkadian religious text.


Part of a religious

t+ 8 lines.


[K. 7226]

Fragment of a [K. 7227]




Fragment out of the middle, 24in. by l1in.; .... hymn.

+ 13 lines.

Part of a [K. 7228]

.lines. Omens. Portion out of the middle, 2~in. by 2in.; 13 +.... From a comparison of line 6 of this fragment, which forms a colophonline, with the catch-line of K. 3697 (see above, p. 556) and with K. 4108 (above, p. 595), obverse, line 1, it appears that the text contains extracts from the 13th and 14th tablets of the Series >-< t A-. See also Vol. I, [K. 7229] p. xxx, and above, p. 510, K. 3171. .. lines. Part Portion out of the middle, 2-in. by 2¼in.; 17 + ....... of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies [K. 7230] to be used for the benefit of sick people. lines. Frag[K. 7231]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1in.; 9 + ..... ment of an omen-text concerning houses, etc. Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by

in.; ....


14 lines.


[K. 7232] Fragment of the right half, 2| in. by-

in.; 11 + 1



[K. 7233] ..... ... +) traces of Portion of the left half, 2sin. by 2in.; 10 + ( 7 lines. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of the moon [K. 7234] and sun. lines. Frag.. Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by 1lin.; 8 + . ment of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies.

[K. 7235] Fragment out of the middle, l3in. by 11in.; traces of 5 + 9 lines. Part of [K. 7236] an explanatory (?) text. Portion of the left half, 23in. by 1in. ; 12 + .....


Part of a prayer.

[K. 7237] Portion out of the middle, 2min. by 1Tin.; 17 + 15 lines. forecasts.

Astrological [K. 7238]

+ 23 lines. Portion of the right half, 2in. by 2in.; .... forecasts concerning storms (dTY <{H>), etc.

Astrological [K. 7240]

.........lines. Portion out of the middle, 2-in. by l1in.; 10 + 9 + . Prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the [K. 7241] benefit of people suffering from diseases of the eyes. Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by l1in.; 8 + 9 + ..... +.....lines. [K. 7242] Part of a religious text, perhaps an alliterative hymn. 5 P 2



Lower portion of one side, 2-Oin. by 1½in.; 14 + ..... religious text. Fragment out of the middle, 2jin. by 2¼in.; .....


+ 14 lines.

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1-in.; ..... + 8 lines. a religious text. Of the catch-line only


vY,CT 5

Part of a [K. 7243]

Forecasts. [K. 7245] Fragment of

'L is visible.

[K. 7247]

Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by 1Iin.; traces of 6 + 11 +.... ..... lines. Part of an omen-text concerning the y>yy, etc.; cf. supra, p. 582, K. 3974. [K. 7248] Portion out of the middle, 2 in. by l1in; Part of a religious text.


+ 17 lines, with division-marks. [K. 7249]

Fragment of the left half, 1-in. by 11 in.; 8 + .... Duplicate of 80, 7-19, 80 (q.v.), obverse, lines 4 if.


Omens. [K. 7250]

Fragment of the left half, 2- 1in. bylin.; 16 + ..... ... lines. Omens derived from the state of various parts of the human body. [K. 7252] Portion of the left half, 41in. by 31in.; 16 + ...... lines. List of names of persons, probably to be connected with contributions or offerings. [K. 7253] Left-hand corner, 1 in. by 1-l5in.; 8 + short beginnings of 6 lines; divisionmarks. Astrological forecasts. The text forms a duplicate of K. 50 (see above p. 13), obverse, lines 1 if. [K. 7254] Portion of the left half, 3¼in. by 2in.; 22 + 11 lines; marginal number <. Forecasts concerning the -]Yy, etc. [K. 7255] Fragment out of the middle, lin. Part of a letter. Right half, lower portion, lin. mythological text.

by 1lin.; 11

Babylonian. [K. 7256]


by l1in.; 16 + . .


Portion of a [K. 7257]

lines. FragFragment out of the middle, 2in. by 1yin.; 11 + .......... ment of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. [K. 7258] Portion out of the middle, 24in. by l1in.; 11 + 8 lines.

Forecasts. [K. Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by in.; 13 + .......... lines. of an astrological text. Mention is made of -4[ t¥yy 7¥ of the goddess -+ M-y Y< :¢( . [K. * Partly effaced.

7259] Part * and 7260]



Lower portion, 3k in. by 23in.; 16 + 15 lines. reverse, lines 8 ff.:




>>>shiv BRAY ;


e >>-



n>YY < I*

>-< ^T~V ^^ -S tffln ^ "'n4©V %^


4T TT m



<m <-y ^>



Mention is made of the Arallu (Yy ~yT >

Cf., e.g.,

atsim m

v o 4AnYYy TT ILbYyy]= Why< ^



E t-y

Part of a prayer.


>V -Y<*).

og gY

[K. 7263] ±....... [K. 7264]

Portion out of the middle, l1in. by lin.; traces of 2 + 12 + .. lines. Forecasts concerning the ry dy.

Portion of the left half, 2in. by 2in.; 14 +..... lines; marginal number <. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of the sun. [K. 7265] ..... One section

Fragment out of the middle, 2- in. by 29 in.; traces of 1 + 8 +... lines. Incantations and directions for ceremonies. begins:

M[Xk]Y (?)<>> 4c YTV + ^t4_I

ale YT>- M E E






W E4 IY bt eH

Left-hand corner, 2-nin. by lin.; ..... ing BY _ and ~2Yy, etc.


+ 11 lines.


[K. 7268]

Forecasts concern[K. 7269]

Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 2-56in. by lin.; 5 + ..... lines. Fragment of a religious text. [K. 7270]

Upper portion, 2 in. by 2¼in.; 19 + 17 lines; partly vitrified. religious text.

Part of a [K. 7271]

Fragment of the left half, 2in. by

Part of a

in.; .....

4 lines.

colophon. [K. 7272] Portion out of the middle, 2½in. by 1 in.; 22 + 21 + 5 + 8 lines. Omens concerning incidents that may happen tomen and houses. [K. 7273] Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by lin.; 11 +- ........ lines. Part of a religious text. Mention is made of the star ~I>->- fy~k*; cf. BEZOLD, W. Zeits.,f.d. K. d. M., Vol. IV, p. 78, note 2. Fragment out of the middle, 2}in. by kin.; 6 + ........

[K. 7274] lines.

ment of an astrological text concerning various stars (j>>


, >-+


E M-



* Partly effaced.

sM >Y ,


-y*y]>Pary* fef


r[K. 7275]




in.; ..... Portion out of the middle, 2 -in. by concerning the chances of a sick man's life.


11 lines. Forecasts The lines begin with

[K. 7276]

y?] iy.

+) 4 lines; ..... Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by 11in.; 5 +( taken from forecasts Astrological Babylonian; marginal number <. [K. 7277] observations of various stars. . lines. Omens Fragment out of the middle, 2-3in. by lin.; 9 +. [K. 7278] concerning births. . .. Fragment out of the middle, lin. by 1 - in.; ..... + 6 + ...... lines. Omens derived from the state of a man's eyes. Cf. supra, pp. [K. 7279] 580, 775, K. 3957 and K. 6280; infra, p. 898, K. 8140, etc. lines. F ore[K. 7280]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1lin.; 9 + casts concerning the 4k .

Portion out of the middle, l in. by 1 in.; .... forecasts.

Part of an [K. 7281]

+ 14 lines.

Portion out of the middle, 2¼in. by 2in.; ..... astrological text concerning various stars.

Astrological [K. 7282]

+ 15 lines.

lines. Part [K. 7283]


Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by 1'in.; 10 + .... of an astrological, or religious, text.

Fragment of the lower portion of reverse, l1in. by lain.; ......... lines. Part of a colophon. lines.

Portion out of the middle, 21in. by IHin.; 16 + ....

+ 6 [K. 7284] Ohiens.

Several lines begin with [I ,4?] 4>- <<7, or by<<, or ¥c, .; cf. [K. 7286]

supra, p. 553, K. 3661, catch-line. Fragment of the right half, 3in. by 1'in.; 8 + .....


[K. 7287]

hemerology. Fragment of the right half, 1-in. by gin.; 8 + traces of 4 lines.

Part of a

[K. 7290]

letter (to the king). Right-hand corner, lin. letter.

Part of a

by 3in.; 7 + 1 + traces of 6 lines.

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by tin.; 7 + ..... letter, or report. Mention is made of [!Y >X ?]

Part of a [K. 7291]

lines. Part of a 4<-. [K. 7292]

Fragment out of the middle, 11in. by tin.; .... report (?).

+ 6 lines.

Fragment out of the middle, "-in. by 'in.; 4 +... a letter (?).


Part of a [K. 7293]

Fragment of [K. 7294]




Portion of the right half, 1l+-in. by lin.; 7 + 13 lines. the king). Mention is made of Y { f >-~ ---. Fragment out of the middle, 2 in. by to the king.

in.; 12 lines.

Part of a letter (to [K. 7297]

Fragment of a letter [K. 7298]

Portions, 3Uin. by 1-in.; 20 + 3 + 21 + 3 + (left-hand edge) 51 ines. Part of a letter to the king from [F 4--]- ky k At- reporting the entrance of the king of Elam into the city of -Y yt hS- -m> <_, and his subsequent proceedings. Mention is made of the cities of -'-t <*= lt -TY and >-y >--


[K. 7299 + K. 7478]

Portion out of the middle, 2in. by 1in.; 8 + 11 + .. ..... lines in double-columns. Part of an explanatory list with glosses. Line 7 of Column II is quoted by STRASSMAIER, A. V., p. 674*. [K. 7300] Portion of the left half, 2}in. by sin.; 14 + 6 lines. the king).

Part of a letter (to [K. 7301]

Right-hand corner, l1in. by Iin.; 4 + 5 + 2 lines; Babylonian. of a report (?).

Fragment [K. 7302]

Portion of the left half, 1in. by in.; ..... 13 + 2 lines. letter to the king. Mention is made of Y <¥ t (?).

Part of a [K. 7303]

Fragment out of the middle, 3 in. by of a letter (to the king).

Fragment [K. 7304]

Upper portion, 2'in. by tin.; 7 + 8 lines.


14 + .....


Part of a letter to the king. [K. 7305]

Portion of the left half, 2in. by 1ain.; 9 + 7 lines; Babylonian. List of plants and stones having magical properties. [K. 7306] Portion of the left half, 3 in. by Win.; 20 + 22 + (left-hand edge) 6 lines. Part of a letter concerning public affairs. Mention is made of -[K. 7307] Portion of the left half, lin. by 1Iin.; 8 + 8 + (left-hand edge) 2 lines. Part of a letter to the king. [K. 7308] Y->V < _.>

Portion of the left half, 25in. by |in.; 12 + 14 lines. Part of a letter to the king referring to the treatment of certain prisoners. [K. 7309] Fragment out of the middle, 2|in. by -in.; 15 + letter. Mention is made of Y ¥ t A . -EF_H *-_y * [Gi-?]. Lower portion, 2-Lin. by 1 in.; 6 lines. *

lines. Part of a and of the land of

Fragment of aletter.

For K. 4381 read "L. 381," which is a private mark of G. SMITH.

t Partly effaced.

[K. 7310]

[K. 7311]



Upper portion, 2Lin. by 1 in.; 8 + 5 lines; obverse vitrified. Part of a [K. 7312] letter. Left half, lower portion, 1-9iin. by in.; 11 + 10 lines; Babylonian. Part [K. 7313] of a letter to the king. Fragment of the lower portion, l1in. by 18in.; 8 + 3 + 9 lines; Babylonian. [K. 7314] Part of a letter (to the king ?). 20 + 2 + 24 lines; Babylonian. 1Portions, 3in. by lin.; to the king concerning certain gods.

Part of a letter [K. 7315]

6 lines. Fragment of Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by lin.; .... [K. 7316] a letter (to the king). Portion of the left half, 1- in. by 3in.; 10 + 12 lines; Babylonian. Part Mention is made of Babylon of a letter concerning public affairs. [K. 7317] Ai-. t~y) and of Y Yk f ( Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by n.; 11 letter to the king concerning private affairs.

..... lines.

Part of a [K. 7318]

Part of a letter. [K. 7319] Complete, 2sin. by 1erin.; 14 lines; vitrified almost throughout. Letter. [K. 7320] letter to a of Portion of the right half, 2lin. by 18in.; 7 + 6 lines. Part [K. 7321] the king.

Right half, lower portion, 2 in. by -in.; 9 + 4 lines.

Fragment out of the middle, a letter. Fragment of the right half,



by in.; 7 +.....lines. Fragment of [K. 7322]

by iin.; 10 + 3 lines.

Part of a letter. [K. 7323]

Lower portion, right half, 1in. by 1 in.; 9 + 4 + 10 lines; Babylonian. [K. 7324] Part of a letter to the king. Portions, 2kin. by 1½in.; 17 + 23 + (left-hand edge) 1 lines. Part of a letter to the king concerning public affairs. Mention is made of ,_k_ , Y _+ <,_ y y >_+ [K. 7325] Right half, 3in. by lin.; 29 + 33 + 5 lines; Babylonian. Portion of a letter to the king concerning public affairs. Mention is made of the 1A- and of !y ¥ j< A AY), the city of >land of Elam (&X <X> Y

id ^.


[K. 7326]

Fragment of the right half, liin. by Iin.; 9 + traces of 6 lines. Part of a letter (to the king) concerning the transport (?) of various animals. [K. 7327]




Upper portion, left half, l1in. by 1in.; 7 + 5 + 1 lines. objects, probably offerings. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by -Tin.; .... Fragment of a letter, or report.

Part of a list of [K. 7328]

++. 10 lines; Babylonian. [K. 7329]

Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by in.; ..... + 8 lines. list of names of witnesses of a private contract.

Part of the [K. 7330]

Lower portion, 4min. by 2jin.; 11 + 14 + 16 + 17 lines in double-columns. Part of an explanatory list arranged in groups according to the form of the cuneiform ideographs. Extracts from the text are published by STRASSMAIER, A. V.,* pp. 778, 1001 (Column I); 499, 673, 1119 (Column II); 678, 832, 874, 1034, 1115 (Column III); and 645 (Column IV). [K. 7331] Fragment out of the middle, 1Hin. by kin.; 4 + 5 lines. Part of a letter. Mention is made of [I ?] -W-V -YY
11in.; 7 + 2 + 6 lines. Part of a letter to the [K. 7333]

Fragment out of the middle, l1in. bye 3in.; 12 +..... letter to the king concerning the delivery of corn. ?I- 1 [Y <
lines. Part of a Mention is made of

[K. 7334]


Portion of the right half, 2- 1in. by 1lin.; 14 + traces of 5 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter. Mention is made of ' AT 4, ¥(+ : m_ [K. 7335] 4 Ck and Y&--. a_ Lower portion, 21 in. by 1 in.; 14 + 5 + 16 + (left-hand edge) 4 lines. Part of a letter to the king. Mention is made of the city of >--Yt tSt [K. 7336] Y Ho>7 -< Fragment of the lower portion, 1in. by 1 in.; 5 + traces of 2 lines. Fragment of a letter. [K. 7337] Portion of the right half, 13in. by 1}in.; 7 + 6 lines. the king.

Part of a letter to [K. 7338]

Upper portion, right half, 1 in. by lin.; 9 + 5 lines. Part of a letter to the king from Y ->-Atj . Mention is made of Y .--T f t (?). [K. 7339] Right half, 1 in. by 2in.; 16 + traces of 3 + 14 + 3 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king (>-. &A i. ) from the inhabitants of a city; cf. obverse, line 2 :- A < { : <. [K. 7340] * This fragment is there quoted under BOWLER'S private mark ( 252. t Partly effaced. VOL. II.

5 Q



Portions, 2 in. by 13in.; 10 + 7 lines.

List of offerings (?).

[K. 7341]

Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by in.; 6 + ..... lines. Part of a letter (to the king) concerning building-operations. Mention is made



kY e yyy< -FT - ?].*

[K. 73421

Portion of the left half of the case (?) of a tablet, 2in. by 1 in.; traces of 1 + 8 + (left-hand edge) 2 lines. Part of a private contract dated in -y ; e T,, i.e., March-April, the month Nisan, in the eponymy of y' [K. 7343]

692 B.c.

Right-hand corner, tin. by Sin.; 5 + 4 lines. W. king from [' -+]t <-YY '_-

Fragment of a letter to the [K. 7344]

Fragment of the right half, tin. by -I-in.; 6 + 2 lines. letter to the king.

Fragment of a [K. 7345]

.lines. ... + Portion out of the middle, 2¼in. by 119in.; 17 + 17 + . Forecasts. A large number of lines begin with >-< JYY; cf. supra, [K. 7346] p. 583, K. 3984.

Upper portion, 2 in. by 1-in.; 13 + 8 + 1 lines. Part of a letter, or report, concerning the images of certain genii; cf. reverse, line 6:-

vwT ",-.-:S:g

[K. 7348]

¥e T-4-


Fragment of the right half, 1 in. by l1in.; ..... letter (to the king). Fragment of the right half, 1-in. by tin.; 6 lines.

+ 8 lines.

Part of a [K. 7349]

Fragment of a letter. [K. 7350]

Upper portion, right half, l--in. by lin.; 7 + 5 + 2 lines. yt << 4-. to the king from Y >-+ <

Part of a letter [K. 7351]

Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by lin.; 6 lines. king.

Part of a letter to the [K. 7352]

Portion out of the middle, 13in. by 1-1 in.; .... Part of a letter concerning public affairs.

+ 12 lines; Babylonian. [K. 7353]

Fragment out of the middle, 1iin. by in. ... a letter.

+ 6 lines.

Fragment of [K. 7354]

Left-hand corner, 11in. by I3in.; 5 + 10 lines.; Babylonian. Part of a letter (to the king). Mention is made of Y -ty\ . Z-, etc. [K. 7355] Fragment of the right half, 1 letter.


by in.; 11 + 8 lines.

Fragment of a [K. 7356]

* Attempted restoration after KK. 596, 623, 940, 1018, 1061, 1253, etc.; cf. supra, pp. 136, 141, 196, 210, 218, 252. t Attempted restoration from K. 577; see above, p. 132.



Fragment of the lower portion, l }-in. by


6 + 4 + traces of 2 lines.

Part of a legal decision (?).

[K. 7357]

Fragment out of the middle, 1-i-in. by 1-fin.; 6 + .... lines; Babylonian. Fragment of a letter to the king concerning public affairs. [K. 7358] Left-hand corner, l-f-in. by 1-5in.; 10 + 1 + 6 lines. the king. Fragment of the right half, 2in. by in.; 10 + .....

Part of a letter to [K. 7359] lines.

Fragment of a

4-2 Y*(?).

letter to the king. Mention is made of V <« z- <_-$*(?) H

[K. 7360] Portion of the right half, 1lin. byTin.; 12 + 12 lines. Part of a letter to the king concerning religious subjects. Mention is made of :-4- 4


[K. 7361]


Fragment of the lower portion, 25in. by letter to the king.

lin.; 6 + 2 + 15 lines.

Right half, lower portion, 1-in. by lin.; 12 + 3 + 13 lines.

letter concerning public affairs. (ar, i

Part of a [K. 7363] Part of a

Mention is made of the city of Arbela [K. 7364]

-4-), etc.

Portion out of the middle, 2 'in. by 1-Tlin.; .... + 15 lines; Babylonian. +. Part of a report (?) relating to military affairs. [K. 7365] Portion of the right half, lin. by in.; .... + 13 lines. to the king concerning the transport (?) of horses. Fragment of the right half, 1 in. by lin.; 6 + 5 lines. the king.

Part of a letter [K. 7366]

Part of a letter to [K. 7367]

Fragment out of the middle, 2k in. by Iin.; 16 + ..... lines. letter. Left half, 21i.

by 3in. ; 22 + 3 + 21 + 2 lines; Babylonian.

a letter to the king (


Portion of

^) , concerning public affairs.

is made of the land of Akkad (^



Part of a [K. 7368] Mention

) and the "Water

trict" (Persian Gulf) (, 4 [ >-[-T]).

Upper portion, right half, l3in. by 1l-in.; 8 + ..... a letter to the king from [I -]-] ' = >T-,. Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by l1in.; 10 + ..... Part of a letter to the king.


[K. 7369]


Beginning of [K. 7370]

lines; Babylonian. [K. 7371]

Portions, 2-in. by -11 in.; 6 + 15 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king concerning military affairs. Mention is made of Babylon (Qa cid; A

[K. 7372]

*) *

Partly effaced.





Left half, upper portion, 2 iin. by 1 in.; 11 + letter to the king. Mention is made of y

. i

lines. -pQ

Beginning of a 4-. [K. 7373]

Lower portion, 2jin. by 1Din.; 7 + 4 + 5 lines. Part of a letter to the ''' L& 7374] [K. king. Mention is made of YT-- i Fragment of the lower portion, 1-kin. by 1,- in.; traces of 1 + 8 lines. [K. 7375] Part of a letter. Portion out of the middle, 3in. by 1lin.; 18 + 10 lines. Part of a letter to the king concerning public affairs. Mention is made of ^] j and the yy 1w% Part of a letter. [K. 7377] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by in.; 10 + ..... lines. Babylonian. ? ].* Part of a letter to the king. Mention is made of ¥Y ff~ ][K. 7378] lines. Part of a , ain.; 13 + .... Fragment of the right half, 1 in. by [K. 7379] private contract (?). Portion of the left half, 2¼in. by 7in.; 10 + 11 lines.

Fragment of the left half, lHin. by sin.; 9 lines. king).

Part of a letter (to the [K. 7380]

lines. Part of a Fragment out of the middle, lin. by '-in.; 11 + .... ¶Y

Fragment of [K. 7382]

Portion out of the middle, 2 in. by in.; 16 + 19 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king concerning public affairs. Mention is made of ). ?] and the Babylonians (_ T ~-Y ['.f [K. 7383] Upper portion, right half, 2 in. by in.; 13 + 8 lines. Part of a letter to concerning building-operations. y ~A= the king from y A _ [K. 7384] 46yT]t Left-hand corner, 1in. by in.; 7 + 3 + 8 + (left-hand edge) 2 lines. List [K. 7385] of objects, probably contributions. Fragment of the right half, private contract (?).


by 5in.; 5 + 4 lines.

Fragment of a [K. 7386]

(+...) +) 9 ± ... Fragment of the right half, 1-in. by lin. ....( lines. Part of a list of names of officials and their titles, similar to that [K. 7387] of K. 1359; see above, p. 274. , Attempted restoration after K. 1353; see above, p. 273.

t Partly effaced.




Portion out of the middle, 2in. by 1-36 in.; .. letter to the king.

+ 5 lines.

End of a [K. 7388]

Portion of the left half, 1 l5in. by lin.; 8 + 3 lines. Part of a letter to the king concerning building-operations. Mention is made of the city of



[K. 7389]

Portion of the right half, lin. by Qin.; 9 + 8 lines. the king. Mention is made of y .4>-yF A.

Part of a letter to [K. 7390]

Fragment out of the middle, lin. by 1lin.; ..... + 8 + (left-hand edge) 3 lines. Part of a letter to the king concerning public affairs. Mention [K. 7391] is made of the inhabitants of Akkad (5,~ h y), etc. Fragment of the right half, l-ain. by l1in.; ..... letter.

7 lines.

Part of a [K. 7392]

Upper portion, lain. by lin.; 7 lines. Beginning of a letter to the king [K. 7393] --.. from . YE4I * THg , concerning Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by .. lin.; + 6 lines. Fragment of a list of names of persons. It may form part of a private contract. [K. 7394] Left-hand corner, 11in. by lin.; 5 + 5 + 4 + (left-hand edge) 3 lines. Part of a letter to the king from --Yk 4-D-*T[ky - ?].t [K. 7395] Right-hand corner, "in. by in.; 7 + 6 + 1 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king from L4-A y yf. [K. 7396] Right-hand corner, 1 in. by -in.; 3 + 2 + 2 lines; Babylonian. letter to the king.

Part of a [K. 7397]

Portion of the right half, H1in. by "in.; 10 lines. Part of a letter. [K. 7398] Portions, 2in. by 1-in.; 16 + 5 lines. butions.

Part of a report concerning contri[K. 7399]

Lower portion, left half, 1 ;in. by lin.; 12 + 2 + 4 lines. contract.

Part of a private [K. 7400]

Fragment of the lower portion, l1in. by lkin.; 5 + 2 +... ment of a private contralct (?). Right-hand corner, 1Din. by 4in.; 5 + 2 + 3 lines. cerning public affairs.

lines. Frag[K. 7401]

Part of a letter con[K. 7402]

Fragment out of the iiddle, 1Iin. by 1lin.; 8 + traces of 4 lines. Part of a letter. Mention is made of Y 7 : -. [K. 7403] * Partly


t Attempted restoration after K. 6223; see above, p. 771.





Right-hand corner, 1'in. by Win.; 4 + 3 + 5 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king concerning public affairs. Mention is made of Elam


<>Xy tE 4y) and the " Water district" (%2'k


[K. 7404]

Lower portion of reverse, 1in. by in.; ..... + 10 lines. Part of a letter. Mention is made of the cities of Nineveh (>-yy 4 sL [Y]) and

-T >TYY * [WY?].t

[K. 7405]

Portion of the right half, 1 in. by 1-%3in.; 10 + 7 lines. contract. Fragment of the upper portion,

Part of a private [K. 7407]

in. by lin.; 6 +.....

of a letter to the king from yY[- YW





[K. 7408]

Lower portion, 1 in. by 1- in.; 9 + 9 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king concerning military affairs. Mention is made of Y>Ret « ,. [K. 7409] Fragment of the right half, lin. by, -in.; 6 + 7 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter concerning public affairs. Mention is made of the king of Babylon \(Go G (^f)). [K. 7410] Right-hand corner,

11in. by

in.; 5 + 3 + 8 lines.

Part of a letter. [K. 7411] Fragment of the lower portion of reverse, 2 in. by -in.; . +....+ 7 lines. Fragment of a letter to the king. [K. 7412] Fragment of the right half, 1'in. by l-Tin.; 5 + 6 lines. to the king. Mention is made of the ^4 f . Fragment out of the middle, 2- in. by lIin.; letter, or report.

Part of a letter [K. 7413]

.... + 8 lines.

Part of a

Mention is made of the city of ,-V>>-^,.

[K. 7414] Portion of the right half, 2 in. by 8in.; 15 + 4 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter (to the king) from the inhabitants of the city of Erech [K. 7415] (<y YmY, obverse, line 2; cf. also line 5). Fragment of the right half, 1-in. to the king.

by 7in.; 9 + 8 lines.

Part of a letter [K. 7416]

Portion of the right half, lin. by 9 + 8 lines; Babylonian. Part of 9in.; a letter to the king concerning public affairs. Mention is made of


and the lands of Asur (\,




G i) and

Akkad (a*i (?) _Vi Zy). [K. 7417] Fragment out of the middle, l in.; 8 +..... lines; division-marks. Part of a letter (?). [K. 7418] * Partly effaced.

t Cf. supra, p. 731, note *. t Attempted restoration after K-K. 571, 1058; see above, pp. 11, 217.



Fragment of the right half, lIin. by lin.; 8 + .. ... to the king. Lower portion, lin. by lin.; .... of a letter.


Part of a letter [K. 7419]

13 + 1 lines; division-marks. Part [K. 7420]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by in.; 11 +..... Fragment of a letter to the king. Portion of the right half, l in. by a letter.

lines; Babylonian. [K. 7421]

jin.; 11 + 10 lines; Babylonian.

Part of [K. 7422]

Upper portion, right half, 9in. by yin.; 10 + 11 + 3 lines. Part of a letter to the king from [y 3]- k -- - concerning public affairs. Mention is made of the king of Elam (Go {~ , |7 <EJ) and of the cities of >-Y *
in.; 7 +.....

lines; Babylonian. [K. 7425]

Upper portion, right half, 1l-6in. by fin.; 9 + 9 + 3 lines; Babylonian.

Part of an address to Sargon (

>_ -
y VY concerning public affairs. baladan (i + Z-'k E • a).


Fragment out of the middle, 8lin. by -in.; 7 Fragment of a letter to the king.


Al) from [! Af- ?]

Mention is made of Merodach[K. 7426] 10

..... lines; Babylonian. [K. 7427]

Portion of obverse, 1 in. by lin.; 11 ..... + (left-hand edge) 1 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter concerning the transport (?) of animals, etc. [K. 7428] Portion out of the middle, 1 in. by 1 in.; 15 + 8+ ..... + ..... lines. Fragment of a religious text, part of which has an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 7429] Fragment out of the middle, an astrological (?) text. Portion of the left half,


in; 8 +..........

lines. Part of [K. 7430]

in.; 12 + ..... lines.

Part of a letter. [K. 7431] Fragment of the lower portion, 1 in. by 'in.; 6 + 6 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter (to the king). [K. 7433] 18in.

Upper portion, lain. by l-?in.; 7 lines.

from Y<<

e>c -

Beginning of a letter to the king


[K. 7434]

Fragment out of the middle, lin. by -in.; 6 + ..... lines; Babylonian. Fragment of a letter (to the king) concerning public affairs. Mention is made of ['f


V=^^* V



Partly effaced.

[K. 7435]



Fragment of the left half, 1'in. by |-in.; traces of 4 + 6 lines. letter.

Part of a [K. 7436]

lines in doubleFragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1 in.; 9 + ......... columns. Part of a text containing grammatical paradigms (?). [K. 7437] Portion of the right half, linm. by D1in.; 8 + 13 lines. Part of a letter to the king, concerning public affairs. Mention is made of Saosduchinos

(y -+ - y <



[K. 7438]


Fragment of the left half, kin. by in.; 3 + 3 lines. contract (?). Right-hand corner, 1'in. by -in.; 5 + 7 lines. king.

Fragment of a private [K. 7439]

Part of a letter to the [K. 7440]

Lower portion, right half, 1 in. by 1in.; 11 + 12 lines. Part of a letter (to the king) concerning public affairs. Mention is made of the city of [K. 7411] < *. ~-¢¥y lines in [K. 7443]

Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by 1l in.; 8 +.......... double-columns. Fragment of an explanatory list.

Right-hand corner, l- 1 in. by lin.; traces of 3 + 2 + 5 lines. Part of a list [K. 7444] of persons. + 11 lines; Babylonian. Portion of the left half, 1-'in. by 1 in.; .. Part of a letter to the king concerning public affairs. W44] ). [¥ i 'H5 `of the Babylonians (

Mention is made [K. F 7445]

Right half, lower portion, l1in. by 5in.; 13 + 1 + 15 lines; Babylonian. [K. 7446] Part of a letter to the king. 3 4 in.;.. by Fragment of the upper portion of reverse, 1 3in. of city the of made is Mention king. lines. Part of a letter to the [K. 7449] -+ Yt Right half, lower portion, 1min. by -Iin.; 8 + 9 lines; Babylonian. Part [K. 7450] of a letter to the king.

9+.........lines; Fragment out of the middle, 18in. by lin.; Babylonian. Part of a hymn to Merodach with an interlinear Assyrian [K. 7451] version. Right half, lower portion, 1kin. by kin.; 10 + 2 + 11 lines. letter to the king concerning military affairs.

Part of a [K. 7453]

Attempted restoration after KK. 233, 647, 982, 2931; see above, pp. 62, 146, 204, 490. t Partly effaced. *



Right half, upper portion, 11in. by -in.; Part of a letter to the king.

11 + 12 + 1 lines; Babylonian. [K. 7454]

Portion out of the middle, lin. by in.; ..... Part of a letter to the king (i ^ ~,). ,

9 lines; Babylonian. [K. 7455]

Portion out of the middle, 2in. by lin.; 10 + 10 lines.

Part of a letter. [K. 7456]

Portions, 33in. by l1in.; 29 + 4 + 22 lines; division-marks. letter to the king concerning public affairs.

Part of a [K. 7458]

lines; Babylonian. Beginning by lin.; 18 +..... Upper portion, lin. of an address to the king from 7VYJ -T -> yl [ Y Y]-.* Mention

is made of (

ad q-



[K. 7459]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by lin.; ..... letter concerning public affairs.

+ 12 lines.

Part of a [K. 7460]

Fragment of the right half, 1 in. by ½in.; traces of 8 + 8 lines; Babylonian. Fragment of a letter. [K. 7461] Portion of the right half, 1-9in. by 3in.; 11 + 12 lines. Part of a letter to the king concerning public affairs. Mention is made of the Babylonians




[K. 7462]

Portion out of the middle, 21in. by lfin.; 15 + ..... lines. letter, or report (to the king). Portion out of the middle, 1 in. by 5in.; ..... + 9 lines. to the king. Mention is made of the city of >->T] a--

Part of a [K. 7465]

Part of a letter - . [K. 7466]

Right half, upper portion, 2in. by 3in.; 15 + 6 lines; Babylonian. Portion of a letter to the king, on public affairs, from the inhabitants of Nippur and other cities; cf. obverse, lines 1 ff.:[MY

> ?4-

M[<eRn? tY i?



.,y -/

/e ./_

Mention is made of the Chaldeans (_

[. <




Fragment of the left half, lin. by gin.; traces of 2 + 4 lines. of a list of literary works similar to that of K. 9717, q.v.

[K. 7467] Fragment [K. 7468]

* Attempted restoration after K. 1177; see above, p. 239.

t Cf. reverse, line 3. VOL. II.

5 R



Fragment of the right half, 15in. by letter (?).

in.; 7 + 7 lines.

Right half, lower portion, lin. by A'in.; 9 + 6 lines. the king. Mention is made of the city of

Fragment of a [K. 7469]

Part of a letter to <(( y. [K. [- 7470]

Right-hand corner, l1in. by l-ain.; 7 + 4 lines. Fragment of a report of the class described above, p. 259 f., K. 1288. [K. 7471] Fragment of the left half, 1--5in. by -in.; 8 + 6 lines.

Part of a letter. [K. 7472]

Right half, upper portion, 2 in. by Iin.; 13 + 3 lines. Part of a letter to the king from [y'] <<


10 + ....

Babylonian. [K. 7474]

Portion of the right half, 1 in. by lin.; 12 + 8 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter. Mention is made of Borsippa ( HEY Ayd) and of the 4* Euphrates (yi4i A ). [K. 7475] Fragment of the lower portion, 1-in. by 1 in. Part of a religious text. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by -in.; .....


6 + 8 lines; Babylonian. [K. 7476] + 10 lines.

Mention is made of an Akkadian (F- 5'_


Part of a

fy). [K. 7477]

Right half, lower portion, 1-96in. by 1 7 in.; 12 + 10 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king concerning public affairs. Mention is made of Saosduchinos ( d





4 ) and

y ->J:^* *


[K. 7479]

Right-hand corner, gin. by |in.; 6 + 2 + 6 lines. Part of a letter to the king. Mention is made of the city of Cuthah (If& Y_;<E_). [K. 7480] Right half, upper portion, 11in. by in. 8 + 8 lines. Part of a private contract (?). [K. 7481] Left half, upper portion, 1¼in. by 8in.; 8 + 6 lines. Part of a letter to the king, probably concerning the celebration of a festival. [K. 7482] Left half, lower portion, 1 in. by 3in.; 13 + 2 + 9 lines. concerning military affairs. * Partly effaced.

Part of a letter [K. 7483]



Right half, lower portion, 1 in. by 5in.; 8 + 7 lines. Part of a letter. Mention is made of [ ?] <«( << 4- and [ -4-- f+t «t( - >' . [K. 7484] Upper portion, 2in. by lin.; 4 lines.

Beginning of a private contract. [K. 7485]

Upper portion, 1 1 in. by 1 -9in.; 8 + 10 + (left-hand edge) 1 lines; divisionmarks. Part of a letter to the king from Y ~-4 th A . [K. 7487] '+

Portion of the right half, l1in. by

in.; 9 + 7 lines.

Part of a letter. [K. 7488]

Portion out of the middle, 2'in. by iIin., 11 + 11 lines; Babylonian. Part [K. 7489] of a letter to the king. Part of a private [K. 7490]

Left half, lower portion, 1in. by lin.; 8 + 4 lines. contract. Fragment out of the middle, 1-x in. by 16 in.; .... lonian. Part of a religious (?) text.

+ 14 lines; Baby[K. 7491]

Portions, 1in. by 1in.; 7 + 11 lines. Part of a letter to the king. [K. 7492] H. - e~ Mention is made of y << Fragment of the upper portion, lin. by lin.; 6 lines. to the king from y - -+4T.

Beginning of a letter [K. 7493]

Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by l1in.; 5 + .... a letter.


Fragment of [K. 7494]

Fragment of the lower portion, 1lin. by gin.; 9 + traces of 3 + 11 lines. Part of a letter to the king concerning public affairs. Mention is made <7-) and the city of Y of the Babylonians (';,'- ~ [K. 7496] ^ > ^ t.$ lines; Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 1 in. by l1in.; 9 + ..... Babylonian. Part of a prayer with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 7498] List of names of persons.

Nearly complete, 1in. by lin.; 7 + 4 lines. The reverse contains a date :-






Y __

[K. 7499]

4-, i.e., February-March, 671 (?) B.C.

Portion of the right half, 1-in. by' -in.; traces of 2 + 13 lines. letter. Mention is made of Y An h'- - Y Y-,.-

Part of a [K. 7500]

Or [y -+]. + Attempted restoration after KK. 96, 323; cf. supra, pp. 25, 83; see also KK. 359, 974, pp. 91, 203, and p. 340, note *. + Partly effaced.

5 R2






Portion of the right half, 1 in. by 1in.; traces of 2 + 2 + 8 lines. of a letter to the king.

Fragment [K. 7502]

Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by lin.; 8 + 7 lines.

Part of a letter. [K. 7503] + 11 lines; Babylonian. [K. 7504]

Fragment out of the middle, 1Din. by 11in.; ..... Part of a letter, or report.

Portion of the left half, 2}min. by in.; .... + 11 lines; at the left-hand edge are 3 seal-impressions. List of names of the witnesses of a private contract. [K. 7505] Portion of the left half, 2in. by


15 + 11 lines.

concerning public affairs. Mention is made of and -_ ¥;.*


Part of a letter


4e ¥[D] [K. 7506]

Upper portion, 1ain. by l'in.; 5 + 3 + 1 lines; 3 seal-impressions.

a private contract.

The date is mutilated.

Part of

[K. 7507]

Fragment of the left half, 11in. by 1in. 7 +..........


ment of a prayer.


[K. 7508]

Fragment of the right half,1Iin. by -in.; 4 + 4 lines. Part of a letter (to the king). [K. 7509] Fragment of the right half, 11in. by 1 in.; 6 + 6 lines. Part of a letter, or report. [K. 7510] Fragment of the lower portion, lin. by lin.; 4 + 4 lines.

concerning >yy, ,y

y-fand A-byy.

Portion of the left half, 2 in. by 1in.; ..... of the witnesses of a private contract.


[K. 7511] + 10 lines. List of names [K. 7512]

Portions, la-in. by lin.; 14 + 2 + 7 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter concerning public affairs. Mention is made of the "Water district" [K. 7513] (~, ~ o). Left-hand corner, 1 in. by lin.; 8 + 4 + 6 + (left-hand edge) 3 lines. Part of a letter to the king. [K. 7514] Portion out of the middle, 2in. by 1 in.;

End of a letter, or report. T i;k k .


+ 8 lines; Babylonian.

In the colophon mention is made of [K. 7515]

Fragment of the lower portion, l1in. by -in.; 5 + 2 + 6 lines.


Part of a

[K. 7516] *

Partly effaced.



Upper portion, left half, Iain. by lin.; 10 + 6 lines. Part of a letter to the king concerning public affairs. Mention is made of the land of [K. 7517] ^«A A<4 > Ad* [n ?]. -in.; traces of 1 + 4 + 4 + (left-hand edge)

Left-hand corner, -in. by

[K. 7518]

Fragment of a private contract.

2 lines.

Fragment out of the middle, lIin. by lin.; 12 + ..... lines; Babylonian. [K. 7519] Part of a letter (to the king). lines; 2 seal-im[K. 7520]

Upper portion, right half, l in. by 1--in.; 3 +..... pressions. Beginning of a private contract. Fragment of the left half, l1in. by


9 + ..... lines.

Part of a letter

[K. 7521]

to the king. 1-36in.

Part of a letter. [K. 7522] Left half, lower portion, 1+Tin. byTin.; 5 + 2 + 6 lines. Part of a list of [K. 7524] objects, probably serving for offerings. Left-hand corner,

by tin.; 5 + 4 + 5 lines.

Upper portion, right half, lHin. by gin.; 10 +.....lines; Babylonian. -[-f;?]t Beginning of an address to the king from [y >-;Tt?] t -f [K. 7526] Lower portion, right half, l-in. by l-gsin.; 10 + 11 lines; Babylonian. [K. 7527] Part of a letter (to the king) concerning military affairs. Fragment out of the middle, lin. by lin.; ..... + 8 lines. Part of a letter concerning military affairs. Mention is made of ] -y -y~5 7528] [K. [< ] lines; Baby........ Fragment out of the middle, 1 -in. by in.; 10 + [K. 7530] lonian. Part of a letter concerning religious subjects. Left-hand corner, lin. by in.; 3 + 2 + 1 lines. Fragment of a letter. [K. 7531] Right-hand corner, lin. by ½in.; 3 + 1 + 1 lines. Fragment of a letter. [K. 7532] ' - -f Mention is made of vy


4 + 2 + 2 lines.

<« ~YMention is made of y << j- <>?yy

Part of a letter to the


[K. 7534]

Left-hand corner, l1-ain. by lin.; traces of 4 + 6 + 2 + (left-hand edge) 2 [K. 7535] lines. Fragment of a private contract. *

Partly effaced.

t Cf. supra, p. 716 f., K. 5418 b and K. 5423 c. +

Attempted restoration after similar texts;

.f. supra, p. 237, note t.



Fragment of the right half, 1 in. by in.; 11 + 12 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king concerning public affairs. Mention is made of the land of Elam (-& A <>(Y' f). [K. 7537] Right half, lower portion, 1 in. by1n.;

9 + 9 lines.

Part of a letter. [K. 7538] Left-hand corner, "in. by in.; 5 + 4 lines. Fragment of a letter. [K. 7539] Fragment of the upper portion, 1-in. by iin.; 7 + 7 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king concerning public affairs. Mention is made of Saosduchinos -( - -*>T[af-]) and ¥ a-iy >. [K. 7540] Fragment outo of the middle, 1-in. by 1in.; ..... + 7 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king. Mention is made of Y >ykVL: -. [K. 7541] Right half, lower portion, 1Lin. by -in.; 8 + 6 lines. Part of a letter. [K. 7542] Fragment of the left half, 1 5 in. by "in.; 5 + 5 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king concerning public affairs. Mention is made of Saosduchinos (>-+ tY -4 >H ") and Y - 5 |g. T [K. 7543] Portion out of the middle, 1 in. by sin.; .. + 11 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king concerning public affairs. [K. 7544]

Portion of the right half, 1-in. by I in.; 10 + 11 lines; Babylonian. a letter to the king concerning military affairs.

Part of [K. 7545]

Right-hand corner, 14in. by "in.; 7 + ..... lines; Babylonian. Fragment of a religious (?) text. [K. 7546] Right half, upper portion, 2¼in. by 3in.; 11 + 9 lines. Part of a letter to the king concerning military affairs. Mention is made of (the inhabitants of) the land of ^4 < ,4j¥ ¥_Y¥ . In line 3 of reverse (an astrological forecast taken from an observation of?) the star >>J-4 * [K. 7547] tutu= ¥n- V is mentioned. Right-hand corner, gin. by I-'in.; 5 + 3 lines. Beginning and end of a letter to the king from [ V t -f D. [K. 7548] Fragment of the right half; lain. by 4 in.; 8 lines. Fragment of a letter (?). [K. 7549] Fragment of the right half, 2|in. by -in.; 10 + 6 lines. Part of a letter to the king concerning military affairs. [K. 7550] Partly effaced. t Attempted restoration after KK. 391, 403, 1059; cf. supra, pp. 98, 100, 217; cf. also pp. 128, 380, 727, K. 556, K. 1989 and K. 5528. *




11 lines.

Portion out of the middle, 1 in. by1lin.; ..... letter to the king.

Part of a [K. 7551]

Fragment of the right half, l1in. by 5in.; 5 + 9 lines. Part of a letter concerning public affairs. Mention is made of the king of Elam (-y


_ -. - 4 YY

Right half, lower portion, 1lin. by lin.; 9 + 2 + 9 lines. or report, concerning religious subjects.

[K. 7552] Part of a letter, [K. 7553]

Right half, lower portion, 1in. by in. to the king.

Part of a letter [K. 7555]

7 + 1 + 6 lines.

Right-hand corner,din. by Iin.; 4 + 2 + 6 lines. Fragment of a letter. Mention is made of Y -

[K. 7556]


rel="nofollow">+- -y y

Right-hand corner, 3in. by I in.; 5 + 2 + 6 lines; Babylonian. Fragment out of the middle,


[K. 7557]

of a letter.

lines; Babylonian.

in.; 10 +.....

in. by

Part of a letter to the king ([Gus_] ~ Ai). 11 +.... + 13

Upper portion, 3¼in. by 1-in.; 14 +

[K. 7558] lines.

probably serving as contributions or offerings.

List of objects,

[K. 7559]

Right half, lower portion, 1{in. by 1-3in.; 12 + 12 lines. Part of a letter, [K. 7560] or report. Portion out of the middle, 33in. by 3lin.; 28 + 12 + traces of 3 + 30 lines. Incantationsand prayers. One section begins: -4- ]-'--'-[K. 7561] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1Din.; 10 +..




[K. 7562]

Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by

in.; 6 +..........


[K. 7563]

ment of a historical inscription. Fragment out of the middle, lin. by S-in.; 7 +.... an inscription of Assurbanipal.


lines. Part of

Mention is made of Y>-;W

yy >y-].

[K. 7566] Fragment out of the middle, -lain. by lin.; 8 + .....

ment of a historical inscription.

. lines.


[K. 7570]

Fragment of a prismoid, height l-Iin., one side of the base at least .in.; 5 + .......... lines. Fragment of an inscription of Assurbanipal. [K. 7572] Fragment of the left half,


by -in.; 4 +.........



ment of a text containing forecasts concerning the fy J, etc. [K. 7574]



Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by l1in.; ..... lines. Fragment of a list (?). 2 +9 3. by lin.; Fragment out of the middle, li Part of an incantation-text.

+ 7 ...

+. [K. 7580] lines. ..... [K. 7581]


Fragment of a religious [K. 7582] Fragment lines. Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by in.; 7 +.......... [K. 7583] of a text containing directions for ceremonies and rites.

Left-hand corner, 1lin. by text.


4 + 4 lines.

Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 1 in. by 8 in.;...... + . lines. Fragment of a text containing incantations and 5 +..... [K. 7584] directions for ceremonies. Fraglines. 5 +......... in. in. by Fragment out of the middle, [K. 7585] ment of an astrological text. 18 + 21 lines. + . Upper portion of one side, 3Min. by 3lin.; ..... Incantations and directions for ceremonies and rites. The sentences

of Column III begin with and


> r'-+Y<

-( >

yI) -+

T- , ^ p

'- -¥'>2


[K. 7586]


lines. FragFragment out of the middle, in. by in.; 5 + .......... ment of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies. [K. 7587]

Lower portion, right half, 3 in. by 2 in.; (.... +) 25 + 26 ( +.....)lines. [K. 7588] Forecasts concerning the -¥ AE:,etc. Portion out of the middle, 2-in. by 2-in.; 5 + 14 + .......... lines. Part of an inscription of an Assyrian king, probably Assurbanipal, concerning his campaign against Elam. Mention is made of the city of [K. 7589] >>i tYfY T 4 T * [a A] Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by 15lin.; 7 +..........



ment of an inscription of Assurbanipal. The text corresponds [K. 7590] with that of Rm. 1 (q.v.), Column V, lines 10 ff. Portion out of the middle, 2½in. by 21in.; 12 + .......... lines. Part of an inscription of Assurbanipal. The text corresponds with [K. 7591] that of Rm. 1 (q.v.), Column V, lines 115 if. Left half, 6-'in. by 4 in.; 44 + 25 lines. Portion of a hymn to Merodach in paragraphs.t The text is published, with a transliteration and translation, by BRUNNOW,

Zeits., 1889, pp. 230 if.; 246 ff.; 1890,

pp. 57 ff.; 77 f. See also JASTROW, A fragment of the Babylonian "Dibbarra" Epic (Philadelphia, 1891), pp. 33; 34, note 2; 35 f. [K. 7592 + K. 8717 + D.T. 363] *

Partly effaced.

t Cf. supra, p. 436, note *.




Upper portion, right half, 33in. by 35in.; 20 + 24 lines. Part of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies. The obverse begins:-



t> t>>f

\m Y »

Y- A]>->»->.

Of the catch-line only is visible.

[K. 7593]

Fragment of the right half, 25in. by 1in.; Part of a prayer. Cf. infra, K. 7610.


11 lines; Babylonian. [K. 7594]

Left-half, lower portion of reverse, 2 in. by 2 in.; ..... + ..... + 10 + 11 lines (in double-columns ?). Part of an explanatory text forming, according to the colophon, the 7th tablet of the Series ~ - f k : '. [K. 7595] Portion of the left half, 23in. by 1 in.; 18 + ..... + (left-hand edge) 5 lines. Epigraphs referring to the campaigns and building-operations of Assurbanipal. Mention is made of (Y By -Y yn ty, the land of Elam -(\ < 1•ty <E) and the kings of the land of := -<. [K. 7596] Fragment of the right half, 2 in. by 1-7 in.; ..... 11 lines. Part of a pray er in the form of a litany, with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 7597] Fragment of the lower portion, 2 1in. by 1 in.; 9 +..... lines; Babylonian. Part of a hymn with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 7598] Upper portion of reverse, 3¼in. by 28in.; ..... + 15 lines. Part of an inscription of an Assyrian king, probably Assurbanipal. Mention is made of the city of V-¥= and the land of YEm H, >T hi. [K. 7599] Portion out of the middle, 33in. by 2-in.; ..... + 32 lines. Part of a mythological legend. Duplicate of K. 162 (see above, p. 42 f.), reverse, lines 26 ff. Cf. W.A.I. IV, 2nd ed., Additions, p. 8. [K. 71t00] Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by in.; .... + 7 lines. Fragment of a mythological legend. Duplicate of K. 162 (see above, p. 42 f.), reverse, lines 54 ff. The colophon is published W.A.I. IV, 2nd ed., Additions, p. 8.* [K. 7601] Portions, 5¼in. by 3in.; (.....+) 35 + 26 + 3 + 22 (+....) lines in double-columns. Grammatical paradigms. The subject matter is * For K. 7600 read "K. 7601." VOL. II.

5 s




of a religious character. Duplicate of K. 156 (see above, p. 41), Column II, lines 46 if.; Column III, lines 33 ff.; Column IV, lines 45 ff. Extracts from the text are quoted by STRASSMAIER, A. V., pp. 104,* 207,* 232,* 360,* 575*, 939;* cf. also SAYCE, Hibb. Lect., p. 475, note 3* (referring to line 33 of Column I). [K. 7602] Fragment out of the middle, lin. by in.; (....+) 9 + ..... +. .... +.....(+.....) lines in double-columns. Grammatical paradigms. The subject matter is of a religious character. Duplicate of K. 156 (see above, p. 41), Column II, lines 16 ff. [K. 7603] Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by in.; 9 + 6 .......... lines in double-columns. Grammatical paradigms. The subject matter is of a religious character. [K. 7604] Fragment out of the middle, 22in. by 1 in.; .......... + 5 + 12 lines in double-columns. Grammatical paradigms similar to those of K. 156 (see above, p. 41) and K. 7602, q.v. [K. 7605] Portion out of the middle, 2-5in. by 2in.; .......... + 14 + 15 lines in double-columns. Grammatical paradigms. This fragment may belong to the same tablet as K. 7602, q.v. Lines 2-4b of the last Column are quoted by STRASSMAIER, A. V., p. 1080.t [K. 7606] Fragment out of the middle, 15in. by 1 in.; 9 + .......... ment of an omen-text.

lines. Frag[K. 7607]

Lower portion, 2 in. by 2-in.; 16 + 15 lines; Babylonian. concerning _Y7, !g and E-, H etc.

Forecasts [K. 7608]

Fragment of the lower portion of one side, 1in. by in.; 7 + .......... lines (in four columns). Fragment of an explanatory list of the class "Sc. [K. 7609] Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 2-win. by llin.; 9 + ..... lines; Babylonian. Part of a prayer (?). This fragment may belong to the same tablet as K. 7594, q.v. [K. 7610] Fragment out of the middle, 14in. by Fragment of an explanatory list. 4in.;

Fragment of the lower portion, Part of a religious text.


6 lines (in three, or four, columns). [K. 7611]

in. by 1 in.; 8 + .....

lines; Babylonian. [K. 7612]

Fragment out of the middle, 1--in. by 1'in.; 7 +.......... lines; Babylonian. Fragment of a religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 7613] * The fragment is there quoted under BowLER'S private mark t Under G. SMITH'S private mark "M. 284."


© 255."




Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1'in.; 10+........ double-columns. Part of an explanatory text.

lines in [K. 7614]

Fragment out of the middle, lain. by lin.;....+ 8 lines. Omens derived from births. They concern incidents that may happen to men. [K. 7615] Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 1 in. by 13in.; 8 + ..... lines. Part of an incantation-text. [K. 7616] Upper portion, 3in. by in.; 6 +.... lines. Beginning of a mythological text. Duplicate of K. 6246 (see above, p. 773), obverse, lines 1 ff. [K. 7619] Portion out of the middle, 2jin. by L in.; 19 +. ......... lines in doublecolumns. Part of an explanatory list of names of gods, with glosses. Cf. supra, p. 56, K. 215. [K. 7620] Portion out of the middle, 11-i4in. by 1 in.; (..... +) 22 + ..... (+....) lines; Babylonian. Astrological forecasts taken from observations

of various stars ([W-R_Ty y + MY m-e, -. + E, w_, -~+ -EA >--4 Y+ A- + rY,etc.). [K. 7621] Right half, lower portion, 3|in. by 3in.; ( . .. )..... + 27 + 27 + ..... (...) lines in three columns. Part of an explanatory list of the class " Sa." Duplicate of K. t2; see above, p. 16. The text of reverse is published W.A.I. II, 4, lines 605 ff. [K. 7622] Portion of the left half, 33in. by 3 in.; 17 + 15 +


+ 10 lines in three columns. Part of an explanatory list of the class "Sb." Duplicate of K. 110 (see above, p. 28); cf. W.A.I. II, 1, column a, and W.A.I. III, 70, lines 1 ff. [K. 7623] Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by 1in.;

1 +.


..... +

lines. Part of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies to be used, probably, for the benefit of sick people. [K. 7624] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by lain.; ..... + 9 + ......... lines. Part of a list of names of stars. The text corresponds with that of K. 2067 (see above, p. 400) lines 14 ff. [K. 7625] Portion out of the middle, 38in. by 2 in.; 16 + 12 + ..... +.....lines in double-columns. Part of an explanatory list for an astrological text. [K. 7626] Portion out of the middle, 3lin. by l1in.; 10 + 13 + .....

....... + lines in double-columns. similar to the preceding number.



Part of an explanatory list [K. 7627] 5 s2



Upper portion, right half, 3 in. by 2§in.; 19 + 10 lines. Forecasts con-y E and ,y >yy, etc. The obverse begins:cerning ~- dt,

< 4f S M1 y- E *\YA


y <'- >LtaH-

The catch-line, colophon and a preceding colophon-line read:4 't + Z Y1< <4 (I>- g mE W V e14iFY
v \ xh.\/N.+

t~N\ \f',,

zM Ihn24


[K. 7628] Portion out of the middle, 7iin. by 3in.; 22 + 18 + 18 + 18 lines. Astrological forecasts for the various months taken from observations of the star


[K. 7629]


+ + .. [K. 7630]

....+....) Left-hand corner, 25in. by ldin.; 14 + 10 (+ . ..... lines. Regulations for making offerings. Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by 13in.; 13 +.......... lonian. Part of a religious text. Cf. infra, Sm. 1448.

lines; Baby[K. 7631]

lines. Portion out of the middle, lin. by lHin.; 13 + 12 + ..... +.... Part of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of people suffering from diseases <S _ ,:->-of the mouth. A colophon-line begins [ire

[K. 7635]

c ?] ';-i;'.

+) traces of 3 lines ..... Left-hand corner, 2¼in. by 2-Tin.; 12 + (... [K. 7636] (in double-columns). Part of a list of names of gods. Portion out of the middle, 2 in. by 2}in.; 13 + ..........



ment of a religious text, part of which has an interlinear Assyrian [K. 7637] version. Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 2 in. by 2in.; 14 +.......... [K. 7638] lines in double-columns. Grammatical paradigms. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1in.; 9 +.......... lonian. Fragment of a religious (?) text.

lines; Baby[K. 7639]

by 1½in.; 13 + ........ Fragment out of the middle, lin. double-columns. Grammatical paradigms. Portion out of the middle, 3¼in. by prayer.

-in.; ...

* Partly effaced.

. + 15 lines.

lines in [K. 7640] Part of a [K. 7641]



Portion of the left half, 3in. by 2¼in.; 16 + ..... + ... 10 lines. Part of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people, forming, according to the colophon, the 3rd tablet of a series. A comparison with the duplicate K. 4023 (see above, p. 587) shows that the Series referred to begins: _y j Jy <-> ~sy_YyT. [K. 7642]

Fragment of the left half, 2in. by 1in.; 15 + .. ....


lines (in double-

Part of a list of names of gods, with glosses.

Portion out of the middle, 3in. by lin.; .......... Regulations for making offerings.

[K. 7643]

+ 8 + 11 lines. [K. 7644]

Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 23in. by 23in.; 5 + ..........

lines in double-columns. paradigms.

Fragment of a text containing grammatical [K. 7645]

Fragment out of the middle, 2 in. by 1Iin.; 10 + .......... lines in double-columns. Fragment of a list of names of gods. [K. 7646] Fragment of the right half, l-1in. by W1in.; ..... + 11 lines. Part of a list of names of persons (?). [K. 7647] Six fragments varying in size from 2in. by 1in. to gin. by in., and in the number of remains of lines (in double-columns) from 7 to 4. Fragments of lists of names of gods. [K. 7648-K. 7653] Fragment of the left half, 2 1 1in. by lin.; 14 + ..........

lines in double-

columns. Grammatical paradigms. The subject matter is of a mythological character. Mention is made of Sargon (y T 4-YYd _4) and the city of Larsam (y <<J_ <_g f). [K. 7654] Upper half, 3-61in. by 21in.; 16 + 12 lines; Babylonian. Portion of a report to the king (b


,-+ _T

s ) from from taken z- concerning astrological forecasts y >T3






observations of various stars.

[K. 7655]

Portion out of the middle, 24in. by lin.; 11 + 15 + ..... + ..... lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. [K. 7656] Fragment out of the middle, 15in. by tin.; 6 + ..... columns. Fragment of a list of names of gods. Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by 1 in.; 6 + ...... columns, Fragment of a list of names of gods.


linesin double[K. 7657] lines in double[K. 7658]




.. ) + 7 lines ....... Portion out of the middle, 2- in. by 2in.; 12 (+ in double-columns. Part of a list of names of gods, with glosses. [K. 7659] Left-hand corner, lin. by lin. ; 1 + 12 + 1 lines. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of the moon and various stars. The The colophon -: C * <<< -yy * [¢TX+ «
?] >_YY

[K. 7660]

3 lines; Upper portion, left half, 4iin. by 2sin.; 22 + 19 + ..... observations from taken forecasts Astrological <. number marginal The obverse of the moon. They partly relate to public affairs.

begins :-[I < < >;-




4Y Im


er <( ~


> --

Y >,-- -



,. In Column II various ;4--, > 4+- : A_T-4-
motions of the moon and the stars [K. 7661] >-T---- yy are mentioned. and lines in .......... 11 + l-1in.; by 13in. middle, the Fragment out of glosses. double-columns. Part of a list of names of gods, with [K. 7662] lines in .......... 8 + l1in.; by 1Hin. middle, the of out Fragment 7663] [K. double-columns. Fragment of a list of names of gods. Fragment out of the middle, lin. Part of a prayer.

by l-I

Fragment of the left half, la-7in. by in.; 11 + ......

logical forecasts.

The sentences begin with


>-4- t-t;


cf. supra, [K. 7665]

p. 422, K. 2207. Fragment out of the middle, of a list of stars.

lines. [K. 7664]

in.; 9 + 10 + ..........

in. by ain.; 7 +..........


Fragment [K. 7666]

lines in three Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by 1 in.; 8 +.......... columns. Fragment of an explanatory list of the class " Sc." For [K. 7668] the text see W.A.I. II, 2, lines 235 if. Left-hand corner, 2in. by I in.; 11 + traces of 1 + 2 lines; Babylonian. Omens. A comparison of the duplicate texts 80, 7-19, 81 and Rm. 2, 532 (qq.v.) shows that this fragment belongs to the 2nd tablet of the -- WV. The obverse begins-as does that of T -y¥t- y- 4 s Series Cf. also supra, Yd- Z~ 1-] V c. the first tablet of the Series-- [K. 7669] p. 282, K. 1400. * Partly effaced.

t Attempted restoration after the lines that follow.



Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1-in.; 10 +..... lines. Part of a prayer to Istar. Duplicate of Sm. 954 (q.v.), obverse, lines 17 if. [K. 7.670] Left-hand corner, 2in. by 2-in. ; ..... + ..... .... . + traces of 9 + 16 lines in three columns. Part of an explanatory list of the class "Sb." Duplicate of K. 110; cf. supra, p. 28. For the text see W.A.I. II, 2, lines 250 ff. [K. 7671] Fragment of the left half, 2Lin. by 2in.; 12. + + 4 lines in three columns. Part of an explanatory list. Duplicate of K. 4572; see above, p. 643. This fragment probably belongs to the same tablet as 82, 3-23, 147, q.v. [K. 7672] Portion out of the middle, 31in. by 2¼in.; ..... + 23 lines. Part of an inscription of Assurbanipal concerning religious subjects and building-operations. Mention is made of the city of [-,]Y SV P7 Ad and (an image of) the goddess Istar in the city of Susa (cf. line 5:

AidI>- TT y

v <JYY >M

NEY¥ V - Y

> -;


[K. 7673]

Portion of the right half, 3 in. by 3in.; ..... + + 22 + traces of 2 lines in double-columns. Grammatical paradigms. [K. 7674] Fragment out of the middle, Ikin. by casts (?).


7 +..........

lines. Fore[K. 7676]

Lower portion, left half, 3in. by 1 in.; 7 + 8 lines; Babylonian. Omens and directions for ceremonies to prevent their evil effects. [K. 7677] Left-hand corner, 2¼in. by 1-in.; 15 + .... +.....+ traces of 1 lines in double-columns. Beginning of an explanatory list. Duplicate of K. 4315 (see above, p. 617), Column I, lines 1 ff. [K. 7678] Portion of the right half, 4}in. by 4in.; .... 14 + 23 25 + 8 +..... lines in three columns. Part of an explanatory list of the class "Sb." Duplicate of K. 110; cf. supra, p. 28. For the text of Column V see W.A.I. II, 2, lines 303 ff. [K. 7679 + K. 7681 + K. 7768] Lower portion, 5in. by 4-3in.; 33 + 15 + 12 +



lines in three columns. Part of an explanatory list of the class " Sb." Duplicate of K. 110; see above, p. 28. [K. 7680] Nearly complete, 3-in. by 13in.; 14 + 17 + 2 + (left-hand edge) 3 lines; on obverse a seal-impression. Private contract, dated: -_ i~ *


H <-

m¥f << Y<

Cf. G. SMITH, Ep. C, p. 100.t [K. 7682]

* Partly effaced.

t- For K. 359 read " K. 7682."



Upper portion, 3½in. by 3§in.; ..... + 29 + 26 + 22 + 12 +..... lines in three columns. Part of an explanatory list of the class "Sb." Duplicate of K. 110; see above, p. 28. Lines 9-11 of Column V are quoted W.A.I. II, 2, at the foot of Column II. [K. 7683 + K. 7805] Fragment of the left half, 1½in. by lin.; 12 .......... lines (in four columns). Part of an explanatory list of the class 'Sc." Lines8-12 [K. 7684 + K. 7806] are published W.A.I. II, 2, lines 200 ff. Portion out of the middle, 35-in. by 27in.; 27 + 12 lines. forecasts. Duplicate of K. 2848; cf. supqa, p. 481.

Astrological [K. 7685]

Fragment out of the middle, 2'in. by 1¼in.; 14 + ......... .. +. . lines in double-columns. Part of a list of names of gods and their titles. [K. 7686] lines; BabyFragment out of the middle, in. by in.; 8 + ........ lonian. Fragment of a religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 7687] Fragment of the upper portion of one side, l1in. by 1Yin.; 9 + .......... lines (in double-columns). Fragment of a list of names of gods. [K. 7688] Portion of the right half, in by 2in.; 2in. ( ... +).... + 18 +... + ..... (+ . . ) lines in three columns. Part of an explanatory list of the class "Sb." For the text see W.A.I. III, 70, lines 71 ff. and DELITZSCH, Lesest., 3rd ed., p. 66 f. [K. 7689] Fragment out of the middle, i3in. by 1 -in.; 9 + .......... double-columns. Part of an explanatory list.

lines in [K. 7690]

Fragment out of the middle, lin. by lin.; 12 + ..... +.... +..... + ..... ..... lines in three columns.' Fragment of an explanatory list of the class "Sa." Duplicate of K. 62; see above, p. 16. [K. 7691] Fragment out of the middle, 1-3in.; .. +.... +.. + 14 +.... +. +... lines. Fragment of an explanatory list of the class "Sb." Duplicate of Sm. 23, q.v. For the text see W.A.I. III, 70, lines 57 ff. [K. 7692] ....... ..... + 6 lines Fragment of the left half, lin. by lin.; . (in four columns). Fragment of an explanatory list of the class " SC." Cf. D.T. 40, Columns III and IV. [K. 7693] Left-hand corner, 2in. by in.; 12 + .... Part of an explanatory list.


traces of 2 lines. [K. 7694]



Fragment of the lower portion, 29in. by 2in.; .... + 4 + 9 + ..... + ..... + ... lines in three columns. Part of an explanatory list of the class Sb." Duplicate of K. 110; see above, p. 28. [K. 7695] Fragment out of the middle, ] in. by l5in.; 7 +.......... lines (in two, or more, columns). Fragment of an explanatory list with glosses. [K. 7696] Fragment out of the middle, 1- in. by l-in.; traces of 3 + 7 + ..... + ..... lines in double-columns. Part of an explanatory list belonging to the 4th tablet of the Series am | <S kf Y. Duplicate of 80, 11-12, 1, Column II, lines 6 ff. See also below, Sm. 294. [K. 7697] Fragment of the lower portion of one side, 11in. by in. 6 +.......... lines in double-columns; Babylonian. Fragment of an explanatory (?) text. [K. 7698] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1 in.; 3 +.......... columns. Fragment of an explanatory list.

lines in double[K. 7699]

Portion out of the middle, 2in. by l1in.; 14 + .. ....... lines in four columns. Part of an explanatory list of the class " S." [K. 7701 + K. 7705] Fragment out of the middle, 1lin. by 1'in.; 6 +....... ment of a list of persons (?).

..... lines.

Frag[K. 7702]

Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by 11in.; traces of 8 +.... (+... + ..... .) ++7 lines (in three columns). Fragment of an explanatory list of the class " S a " or Sb." [K. 7703] Fragment of the left half, 11 in. by lin.; 3 + 9 + (left-hand edge) 1 lines. Omens derived from the appearances of birds. The sentences begin with y t yyys _ YYY[k -yt]; cf. infra, 80, 7-19, 161. [K. 7704] Fragment of the lower portion, 1-3 in. by a religious (?) text.

1 3

in.; 5 + 7 lines.

Fragment of [K. 7706]

Fragment of the right half, l1in. by l1in.; (.....+) traces of 7 + 7 (+.....) lines (in double-columns). Fragment of an explanatory list. [K. 7707] Fragment out of the middle, lIin. by 1in.; .... + 9 + traces of 3 + .. +..... . +. lines (in three columns). Fragment of an explanatory list of the class ' S." Duplicate of 82, 5-22, 317 (q.v.), obverse. [K. 7708] VOL. II.

5 T



Fragment out of the middle, 2 in. by 1-in.; ..... lines. Fragment of a religious (?) text.




[K. 7711J Fragment of the left half, 1in. by in.; 10 + ... lines (in doublecolumns). Part of an explanatory list with glosses. [K. 7712] Fragment of the right half, 1-in. by lin.; .. ... + traces of 1 +.... lines in double-columns. Fragment of an explanatory list. [K. 7713] Fragment out of the middle, 1 jin. by in.; 6 + .......... columns. Fragment of an explanatory list.

lines in double[K. 7715]

Fragment out of the middle, lin. by 8in.; 6 + .......... columns. Fragment of an explanatory list.

lines in double[K. 7716]

Fragment out of the middle, lin. by lin.; 5 + ......... columns. Fragment of an explanatory list.

lines in double[K. 7717]

Fragment of the left half, 1in. by in.; 7 +.. ..... four columns). Fragment of an explanatory list.

lines (in three or [K. 7718]

Fragment out of the middle, in. by in.; 7 ......... lines in doublecolumns. Part of a list of Assyrian words with similar meanings. [K. 7719] Fragment out of the middle, 1Iin. by 1in.; 9 + traces of 6 +.......... lines (in three or four columns). Part of an explanatory list. [K. 7721] Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by in.; 6 +.. ....... lines in doublecolumns; vitrified. Fragment of a list of names of gods. [K. 7722] Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by jin.; 5 + .......... lines in three or four columns. Fragment of an explanatory list of the class " S" or Sc." [K. 7723] Fragment out of the middle, 1 Iin. by sin.; 6 +.......... lines in doublecolumns. Part of an explanatory list. [K. 7725] Fragment out of the middle, 13in. by din.; . ....+..... +1 + + ..... + .... lines in four columns. Fragment of an explanatory list of the class " S"; duplicate of 79, 7-8, 300, q.v. [K. 7726] Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by in.; 10 + traces of 5 lines. religious, or mythological, text.

Part of a [K. 7727]

Portion out of the middle, 2 in. by 1in.; 14 + .......... lines in doublecolumns. Part of a list of Assyrian words with similar meanings. [K. 7728] Fragment out of the middle, lin. by lin.; 8 +...... lines in doublecolumns. Fragment of an explanatory list. [K. 7729]


871 '


+ .... 1 Fragment out of the middle; 1l-in. by Win.; ..... +lines in double-columns. Fragment of the colophon of a list of names of gods, belonging to a tablet of the Series [-- I] H-- y y ,TL T. [K. 7730] lines in Portion out of the middle, 2 in. by 2 in.; 12 + 2 + .......... double-columns. Part of an explanatory list with glosses. [K. 7731] . Fragment out of the middle, 1-3in. by l-iwin.; 4+ double-columns. Fragment of an explanatory list.


lines in [K. 7732]

lines (in doubleFragment out of the middle, lin. by in.; 8 +.......... columns). Fragment of a text containing grammatical paradigms. [K. 7733] lines in by 1in. ; 13 + .......... Fragment out of the middle, lin double-columns. Part of an explanatory list, probably written for [K. 7734] the interpretation of a certain (religious ?) text. in.; 5 + .......... Fragment out of the middle, 1in by double-columns. Fragment of an explanatory list.

lines in [K. 7735]

FragFragment out of the middle, l in. by gin.; 6 +.lines. [K. 7736] version. Assyrian an interlinear ment of a religious text with lines in Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by 1in.; .8 + ......... double-columns. Part of a text containing grammatical paradigms. [K. 7737] lines (in Fragment out of the middle, lin. by lin.; 3 + 7 +......... grammatical text containing of a Fragment double-columns). [K. 7738] paradigms. . ........ + 9 +. Fragment of the right half, 1 in. by "in.; .... Copy of an explanatory list, probably lines in double-columns. [K. 7740] written for the interpretation of an astrological text. ..... ± .. + 12 + Fragment of the right half, 15in. by 1lin.;12 lines in double-columns. Fragment of an explanatory list. [K. 7741] +..... + 7+ .... .... Fragment out of the middle, 1min. by1Iin.; . lines in double-columns. Fragment of an explanatory list. Dupli[K. 7742] cate of K. 2012 (see above, p. 385), reverse, lines 11 ff. lines in doublein.; 17 +........ Portion of the left half, 2in. by [K. 7743] columns. Part of an explanatory list with glosses. .) .. (+ ( +) 6 Fragment of the right half, 15' in. by }in. ...... lines. Fragment of a text containing prescriptions and directions [K. 7744] for ceremonies. 5 T 2



Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 1 in. by l1in.; 6 + ....... lines in double-coluimns. Fragment of an explanatory list. [K. 7745] Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by 1{in.; 7 +.......... lines (in four columns). Fragment of an explanatory list of the class " S."

[K. 7747] Fragment out of the middle, 1ain. by lfin.; 7 +.......... double-columns. Fragment of an explanatory text.

lines in [K. 7748]

Portions, 8in. by 3§in.; 62 + 36 lines; Babylonian. Omens. The lines begin with jY3¥ yk. A comparison of line 1 of obverse: ' 7 TY with the catch-line of K. 2192 (see above, p. 421) , t "> ^i '

proves that K. 7749 belongs to the Series


Iyy T-


-t ~, of

which it probably forms the 4th tablet. For a duplicate see below, 82, 5-22, 518. [K. 7749 + K. 8675] Fragment of the upper portion, 21 in. by 1 in.; 5 + 5 lines in two (or more?) columns. Fragment of an explanatory text. [K. 7750] Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by 1in.; 10 + traces of 8 +.......... lines (in three or four columns). Fragment of an explanatory list of the class " Sb " or " S." [K. 7751] Right-hand corner, 4-56in. by 2in.; ..... +.....+.....+ 20 +..... + ..... lines. Fragment of a mythological legend. belonging to the 11th tablet of the Series ~ v ¢ A- 'Hi. Duplicate of

K. 2252; see above, p. 426.

The text corresponds with W.A.I. IV, 44

[51], Column V, lines 3 ff.; cf. PINCHES-HAUPT, Beitr., Vol. I, pp. 320,

322. Fragment out of the middle, lin. by lin.; 8 +.......... or four columns). Fragment of an explanatory list.

[K. 7752] lines (in three [K. 7753]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 1 in. by in.; 5 +..........

lines (in four ?


Fragment of an explanatory list of the class " SC" (?). [K. 7754]

Fragment of the right half, l-in. by 1in.; .....

11 +.


.... +

lines in two or more columns. Part of an explanatory list. [K. 7755] Fragment out of the middle, lin. by "in.;.... + 9 +........ lines (in three columns). Fragment of an explanatory list. Duplicate of K. 4547 (see above, p. 641), Column IV, lines 1 if. [K. 7756] Fragment of the right half, lin. by 3in.; ..... + 6 +.... .... lines in double-columns. Fragment of an explanatory list. [K. 7757] Fragment of the left half, 2 in. by


13 + ..........

lines (in

Fragment of an explanatory list.

[K. 7759]



Right-hand corner, 2in. by lin.; ..... + 7 +-...+.... double-columns. Fragment of an explanatory list.

873 lines in [K. 7760]

Portion out of the middle, 13in. by 11in.; 10 +..........lines in four columns. Part of an explanatory list of the class "SC." For the text see W.A.I. III, 70, lines 156 if.; and DELITZSOH, Lesest., 3rd ed.,. p. 78, No. 5, b. Cf. also infra, Rm. 910. [K. 7761] Fragment of the right half, 2§in. by sin.; .... + 13 ..... +..... lines in two or more columns. Fragment of an explanatory list. [K. 7762] Left half, upper portion, 25in. by l1in.; traces of 15 (+ . ......... + 4 lines in double-columns. Fragment of an explanatory list forming, according to the colophon, the 16th tablet of the Series f>y,,^:,. Of the catch-line only yt II-,: l]'"::' is visible. [K. 7763] Fragment out of the middle, lin. by in.; 10 + . lines in double-columns. Part of an explanatory list. [K. 7764] Fragment out of the middle, lin. by 1in.; traces of 2 + 7 +.... lines (in four columns). Fragment of an explanatory list of the class "SC."

[K. 7765]

Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by l1in.; ..... ... + 4 + 2 lines (in three or four columns). Fragment of an explanatory list. Cf. infra, K. 7780. [K. 7766] Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by 1 iin.; 12 + ........ lines (in double-columns). Part of an explanatory list arranged in groups according to the form of the cuneiform ideographs. [K. 7767] Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by 1in.; 8 + ........ lines (in four columns). Fragment of an explanatory list of the class " S." [K. 7769] Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by 5in.; 3 .......... lines (in four columns). Fragment of an explanatory list of the class "Se." [K. 7770] Fragment out of the middle, 11in. by in.; 9 + 3 +.......... lines (in double-columns?). Fragment of a text containing grammatical paradigms (?). [K. 7771] Fragment out of the middle, 1-in. by lin.; 9 + ........ lines (in four columns). Fragment of an explanatory list of the class " Sc." Lines 5 and 6 are quoted by DELITZSCH, Lesest., 3rd ed., p. 61, note 7. [K. 7772]



Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by lin.; 6 + ......... columns?). Fragment of an explanatory (?) text.

lines (in double[K. 7774]

Fragment out of the middle, lin. by l in ..... ..... + 5 + ..... .... lines (in three columns). Fragment of an explanatory list of the class " Sb." Duplicate of K. 110; see above, p. 28. [K. 7775] Fragment out of the middle, lin. by Ilin.; 7 ........... columns. Fragment of an explanatory list.

lines in double[K. 7776]

Fragment out of the middle, 1l-in. by in.; 9 +.......... double-columns. Part of an explanatory list.

lines in [K. 7777]

Fragment out of the middle, 11in. by lin.; 4 +.......... lines (in four columns?). Fragment of an explanatory list of the class " Sc" (?). [K. 7778] Fragment out of the middle, l- 1in. by I in.; 7 + .......... lines (in three or four columns). Part of an explanatory list. [K. 7779] Fragment of the upper portion of one side, l-7-in. by l11 in.; 8 + 5 +..... ..... lines (in three or four columns). Part of an explanatory list similar to that of K. 7766. [K. 7780] Fragment out of the middle, 1I 5in. by 1klin.; .. .... + . .+ lines (in five columns). Fragment of an explanatory list. of K. 4225 (see above, p. 607), reverse. Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by -in.; 3 .......... columns. Fragment of an explanatory list.

4 Duplicate [K. 7781]

lines in double[K. 7782]

Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by ljin.; 5 + ... ....... lines (in four columns). Fragment of an explanatory list of the class " S." [K. 7783] Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by in.; . . ... +.......... ..... + traces of 4 + 4 lines (in three columns). Fragment of an explanatory list of the class 'Sb." Duplicate of K. 110; see above, p. 28. [K. 7785] Fragment out of the middle, lin. by -in.; 6 +.......... columns). Fragment of an explanatory list.

lines (in double[K. 7786]

Fragment of the lower portion of reverse, 2- 9 in. by 1in.; ..... + 7 lines. End of a Sumero-Akkadian religious text. According to the colophon it appears to be a copy from a tablet in Nippur (>-. _P <ME). [K. 7787] Fragment out of the middle, l-T 1 in. by ment of a religious text.




lines. Frag[K. 7788 + K. 7798]




+ 4 +. ... Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by 1in.;. lines in four columns. Fragment of an explanatory list of the class "Sc" forming, according to the colophon, the 9th (?)* tablet of the I kty? [ E ? > ?].t The AAd Ty I? k 'T¶I T] Series j (Y : catch-line reads:-

[T? I




I?] V L:Yy


and thus makes it probable that 1.T. 40 (q.v.) continues the text of the [K. 7790] present fragment. Fragment of the left half, logical forecasts.

in. by Iin.; 8 +

....... *


Astro[K. 7791]

Upper portion, left half, 1lin. by -in.; 6 + 5 lines; Babylonian. Part of a letter to the king (~b_ , ' i) concerning military affairs. [K. 7792] Fragment out of the middle, in. by4in.; . .... ..... .......... . lines (in three columns). Fragment of an explanatory + 7 +..... list of the class " Sa." Duplicate of K. 62; see above, p. 16. [K. 7793] Fragment out of the middle, in. by in.; 6 + ......... columns. Fragment of an explanatory text.

lines in double (?)[K. 7794]

Fragment out of the middle, lin. by "in.; 4 +.......... lines (in four columns). Fragment of an explanatory list of the class " Sc." [K. 7795] Fragment out of the middle, 1½in. by -5 in.; traces of 3 + 5 + ..... ..... lines (in double-columns). Fragment of an explanatory list with glosses. [K. 7796] Lower portion, 11in. by lin.; 7 + traces of 2 + 5 lines. Mention is made of


- y -Vf -

and Y J

Part of a letter.


Fragment of the right half, l1in. by lin.; ..... + 12 + ... lines in double-columns. Part of an explanatory list.

[K. 7797]

+ ..... [K. 7799]

Fragment out of the middle, 2 in. by 1 in.; 10 + .... lines. Omens derived from the various directions in which a bird flutters round a man, etc.

Cf. supra, p. 746, K. 5866.

Fragment out of the middle, 1'in. by sin.; 7 +..........lines more, columns. Fragment of an explanatory list.

[K. 7800]

in two, or [K. 7801]

in.; 5 +.... ..... lines (in four For columns). Fragment of an explanatory list of the class "SC." similar fragments see K. 4145 e and K. 4145 f (above, p. 599). [K. 7802]

Fragment out of the middle, lin. by


Or 19th, or 29th, etc.

t Attempted restoration after A.H., 83, 1-18, 1331, Column IV, line 18. : Partly effaced.




..... lines in double[K. 7803]

Fragment out of the middle, lin. by 3in.; 7 +..... columns. Fragment of an explanatory list.

lines in double[K. 7804]

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by s in.; 6 + .......... columns. Fragment of an explanatory list.

.... lines (in four columns). Left-hand corner, 2 1 in. by 1 in.; 12 + ..... [K. 7808] Part of an explanatory list of the class " SC." lines + 13 ........ Portion out of the middle, 21in. by 2min.; ..... in double-columns. Part of an explanatory list with glosses. [K. 7809] . lines (in doublePortion of the left half, 3min. by 'Iin.; 23 + .. [K. 7810] columns). Part of an explanatory list with glosses. lines (in four? Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by 1in.; 12 + ......... columns). Fragment of an explanatory list of the class 6" SC." [K. 7811] Portions, 8in. by 4in.; 46 + 27 + ..... and directions for ceremonies. ceding paragraph read:-

9 lines. Incantations, prayers E.g., a colophon-line and the pre-

4 <4 < rBiS Ft em AS 4>Y 4-14 -+ >+;; E^ >+IV^H Bu r >N >ITA I; Y ·$



'K>+> i£

y >>{

>Yi<>+ Hi-

I-11-YY -gI -ML>_ FilTl

^ X-. -+ ,v- ^n

a^< <-




M e

[K. 7814]

Cf. supra, p. 785, K. 6419.

Portion out of the middle, 5-in. by 4s in.; 16 + 22 + 5 + 9 lines. Incantations and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of [K. 78151 Yolk ~,-+. sick people. One section ends with Portion of the right half, 3min. by 24in.; 22 + 4 lines. text. Portion of the right half, 6kin. by 4kin.; ..... ..... Prayers, etc. l es. * Partly effaced.

Part of a religious [K. 7816]

+ 33 + 30 + 25 + 25 4[K. 7817]



+ 6+ 9 + 16 lines. Portion out of the middle, 4}in. by 4in.; .. be used for the to ceremonies for directions and Prescriptions benefit of sick people. Two sections begin:

y ~_ <6 -.UTUr Ai i^

Upper portion, 2{in. by 2-in.; 4 + 10 lines.



The colophon reads :"-


[K. 7818]

* [I?].


Fragment of an incantation-




<"'^ [K. 7819]

, :; . cf. supra, p. 449, K. 2503.

Portions, 2-in. by 24in.; 8 + 16 lines. Part of a text containing incan[K. 7820] tations and directions for ceremonies. traces of 4 + 19 + 16 + 14 Lower portion, 3¼in. by 2½in.; (.....+) [K. 7823] (+.....) lines. Regulations for making offerings. lines. Fragment + +7 +... Left-hand corner, 3in. by 2in.; 10 + .... of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. Column I begins:- t ,_ a CfJ. infra, 8 1, . A A F^ Add A+ >>nY tYm¢Tf4= [K. 7824] 2-4, 213. + 8 lines. End of a text Portion out of the middle, 3in. by lin.; ..... containing directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. The catch-line reads:-

?I> [Cy?]

11G nL*w

m mF >n Lo



[K. 7826] Forecasts. 8 lines. + 16 in 21 by in 2 half, right the of Portion [K. 7827] 9 (+.....) 17 .; (....+) Portion out of the middle, 24in. by 2 affairs. public to relate partly They forecasts. line. Astrological

[K. 7828] + 11 + 4 lines. Portion out of the middle, 4in. by 2in.; ......... directions for and prayers incantations, Part of a text containing [K. 7829] ceremonies. + ) 20 + 13 +. Portion out of the middle, 35in. by 3ain.; (. 7830] [K. offerings. making for Regulations lines. 22 (+...) Portion out of the middle, 2 in. by 2-in.; ..... + 12 + 11 +..... Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for monies to be used for the benefit of sick people. Referring to [K. of obverse a gloss is added by the scribe. Upper portion, 2jin. by 2kin.; 11 + 5 lines. *


lines. cereline 3 7831]

Part of a religious text. [K. 7832]

Partly effaced.

5 U





....+ 18 + ... . . lines. Portion out of the middle, 3½in. by 3in.; . directions for ceremonies Part of a text containing incantations and [K. 7834] to be used for the benefit of sick people. Fragment of the right half, 2-in. by 1 in.; ..... "complete"* copy of a religious text.

+ 9 lines.

End of the [K. 7837]

Portion out of the middle, 6-in. by 5{in.; 23 + 40 + 24 + 20 lines; marginal number <. Copy of a text containing astrological forecasts concerning eclipses, etc.; they partly relate to public affairs. This text is similar to that of K. 270 (see above, p. 71 and Vol. I, p. xxx), and appears to contain extracts from the 34th, and the preceding and following tablets of the great astrological work Y -- + -y "yTyyT. Cf. Column II, lines 9 ff.:-

Y An :S `Y Y eAX U; HTVV ~I^^


" ;L g^<M FTYU

^ >-.I ++-> ~Y


1 <E1x <Wv y 4 8tY 7tV U 4 Ace Be Ty as Y>Lyl - Ac >Yale

*YTY y


[K. 7838] Left-hand corner, 3in. by 2in.; 15 + 1 lines. Astrological forecasts. :, [K. 7843] . 12 + 20 + 31 + 11 lines. Part of an astroUpper portion, 4a in by 4in.; [K. 7844] logical (?) text concerning riy ~f, dk and f- A, etc. Lower portion, 3 in. by 2 in.; 16 + 14 lines. Prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. E.g., Sections I and II of reverse read:-





&^ >T


<E T$-$

Y ~ Ayyy ~YI - Y" >- b+


yyy= e!


[-Yy Pit c' T




<>> M T; +YBO

<M4Y?©t 4

^^YY r-

* Cf. spra, p. 474, note *.

^n gy

b< >^£T^T-i~y


[K. 7845]

Y< kY- (K.7845] f Partly effaced.



Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by 1 in.; 13 + .. ... lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. Referring to line 4 a gloss is added by the scribe. [K. 7846] Fragment out of the middle, l1in. by 15in.; 14 + .......... lines. Part of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 7848] Portion of the left half, 3in. by 2½in.; 18 + 8 lines. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of the sun; qf. supra, p. 423, K. 2221. According to the colophon this text belongs to a tablet of the great astrological work kY y-- [Oy-4 r yT?]. Of the catch-line only zsa o Yc



T y^l







l, v

is visible.

[K. 7849]

Right-hand corner, 3in. by 2in.; 11 + 11 lines. Part of a text with forecasts belonging, according to the colophon, to a tablet of the Series > The catch-line reads:>-*< ¢_ (_ I) ^^ ?^

.. T AI,-+ E



[K. 7853]

Portion out of the middle, 2 in. by 2S-in. . .... .... ... 12 lines. Prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people, belonging, according to the colophon, to a tablet of 'the Series Y>-¢ V _ _.* Of the catch-line only.the end is visible < i H- t If! Ad t (?) 4-mT yy< E >>. [K. 7854]


Nearly complete, 23in. by 2|in.; 10 + 12 lines; archaic Babylonian; not from Kouyunjik (?). Inscription of an ancient Babylonian king. [K. 7855] Lower portion, left half, 3jin. by 23in.; 21 + 13 + (.....) .... + (.....) .... + 3 + 12 lines. Part of a historical inscription concerning the decoration of a temple, etc. [K. 7856] Right-hand corner, 3in. by 1lin.; traces of 3 + 13 lines. End of a text with forecasts belonging, according to the colophon, to a tablet of the Series

([S] MI



T am

[K. 7858]

Fragment out of the middle, 2§in. by lin.; (.....+) traces of 5 + 14 (+ ..... ) lines. Astrological forecasts concerning eclipses, etc.; they partly relate to public affairs. According to a colophon-line this text is probably an extract from a larger composition. [K. 7859] Cf. supra, p. 458, and note t.

t Partly effaced.





lines. DirecPortion of the right half, 6in. by 3in.; 12 + 44 + .......... tions for ceremonies and rites, including the recitals of prayers and [K. 7860] incantations. Portion of the left half, 4in. by 3in.; ..... + 31 lines. Part of a legend similar to those of KK. 3426, 4541, 5418a, etc. (see above, p. 532, 640, 715 f.). Cf., e.g., lines 13 f.:-

v M as >a HaV7



3-_*^y >-^ K=-



Yy4 glol



i£PT VY _TT k~ ^Si

~mt. v


<_Ace Y


t A Z ~T

* "TBAA.

<^ *

--/ It

f +>>- Yvm etc.n_ [K. 7861]

+ 5 + 18 + 17 lines. Inscription of 7 2in.; ). Thi-s text probably served as ~v

Upper portion, 3rin. by 3 Esarhakdkdon (my-+A

rough draft of a text to be inscribed in a sanctuary(?) of Bel; cf. the -'A+Ad~g.[< k,

>..ig tat.:.


[K. 7862]

Upper portion, right half, 21in. by 2 in.; 33 + traces of 1 lines. Part of a [K. 7863] Sumero-ALkadian religi ous text. + 13 + 13 + ..... lines. Portion of the right half, 3in. by 2in.; .... Astrological forecasts taken from observations of the sun. [K. 7864] Left half, 4 in. by 23in.; 20 + traces of 3 lines. Astrological forecasts, -4y The obverse begins:-] partly relating to public affairs. ,~,~x., I>.-VY·-+I ky 'Y Y Y k Y ':My :. [K. 7865] e4 ",n " aY T¥ +-y ny a+_ . .: ,4Left-hand corner, 1-flin. by



The obverse begins :--4

7 + 6 lines. Part ofan incantation[K. 7866] .- [- Yy?]i *


lines. Part Fragment out of the middle, 2¼in. by 1-in.; 11 + of a text containing incantations to be used for the benefit of sick [K. 7867] people. Portion out of the middle, 33in. by 25in.; 22 + 2 lines. Astrological forecasts, partly relating to public affairs. According to the colophon AL>9< * [?]t yy y this text forms the 6th tablet of the Series «< a[K. 7869] * Partly effaced.

C- z~r, , Cf

4271,' K. 2254.



Fragment of the right half, 1in. by l·in.; 14 + .......... ment of a religious, or mythological, text.

lines. Frag[K. 7871]

Portion out of the middle, 2 in. by 1lin.; 20 + ..... cerning incidents that may happen to men.


Omens con[K. 7876]

+ 17 lines.

Omens con[K. 7878]

Portion out of the middle, 2jin. by 2½in.; ..... cerning incidents that may happen to men.

Left-hand corner, w in. by {-in.; ..... + 7 lines; Babylonian. Fragment of a letter to the king concerning public affairs. Mention is made of [K. 7880] [¥ ?]. ¥>T Hi T Fragment out of the middle, 2:-inl. by 1in.; 14 + ....


Forecasts. [K. 7881] Upper portion of one side, right half, 23in. by lain.; 18 + ..... lines. Part of a historical inscription. Mention is made of Babylon (~_J [K. 7882] yt <E). -+ Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by lin.; 8 + (... Omens concerning events in a city.


Fragment out of the middle, 2{in. by l1in.; 16 concerning incidents that may happen to men.


+) 4 lines. [K. 7885] lines.

Omens [K. 7889]

Fragment out of the middle of reverse, 2in. by 1in.; ..... + 10 lines. End of a religious text. Of the catch-line only the middle portion is left :

A-:^4 <><. ^


Fragment of the left half, 1 in. by a religious text.


[K. 7890]



The catch-line begins :---T'-<

Fragment out of the middle, 1 in. by lin.; 9 +.......... concerning incidents that may happen to men. Fragment out of the middle, lin. by 1 in.; 10 + .......... ment of an incantation-text. Portion of the right half, 3in. by 2min.; 19 ± 24 lines. text. Fragment of the right half, lin. by lin.; 5 +......... of a religious text.

+ 7 lines. xg;>.

End of [K. 7893]


Omens [K. 7894]

lines. Frag[K. 7895] Part of a religious [K. 7897] lines.

Fragment [K. 7898]

Portion of the left half, 2ain. by lin.; + 18 1... lines. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of the sun. Cf. supra, p. 423, K. 2221. [K. 7902] Portion of the right half, jin. by 2 in.; ( ..... lines. Forecasts.


+ 17 (+ .... ) [K. 7905]




9 lines. End of a text Fragment of the right half, 2in. by lin.; ..... containing prayers and directions for ceremonies. Of the catch-line [K. 7906] is visible. < only Portion of the right half, 2in. by 13in.; traces of 3 + 13 lines. Forecasts Y. The text of belonging to the 4th tablet of the Series -<
Part of a religious text. [K. 7914] ......... lines. Fragin.; 7 +. in. by Fragment out of the middle, [K. 7915] ment of a religious text. End of a text + 10 lines. in.; .... Portion of the right half, 3in. by containing prayers. The catch-line reads:-

,^ 2 y-*

r A < ^m ¢

n >A2<.-

[K. 7916]

lines. Portion out of the middle, 25in. by 2 1in.; 12 + 19 +.....+..... Part of a mythological text. Lines 6 if. of Column II form a parallel [K. 7918] text to K. 2148 (see above, p. 413), obverse, lines 1 if. .+ 11

Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by 1-in.; . Part of a mythological legend.


lines. [K. 7923]

Portion out of the middle, 23in. by 23in.; 18 + 16 + 4 + 5 lines. Portion [K. 7924] of a religious text. .+ . ....+.....+) Fragment out of the middle, 27in. by 13in.; ( . 13 lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. The catch-line and colophon read:-


[K. 7925]


'>;Y >-Y

+ 10 lines, divided into Upper portion of one side, 3jin. by 2 in.; ..... halves by k. Part of a religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version. E.g., lines 1 if. read:[4"]Vj

+4-y4^ e "(?) >L -K

[1 ?] E ¢>r4

^ ^ 4^

kB %Y kI


I e

>+'>/.^>^^<^ ^>^ [R](? h3> <>-

>Y"r, Ve>^4 Go V H
Y D >r


v [K. 7926]

Cf. infra, p. 888, K. 8002. *

Partly effaced.




Lower portion, left half, 2 in. by 1 in.; 7 + 7 lines. Akkadian religious text.

Part of a Sumero[K. 7927]

Fragment of the right half, 2 1in. by 15in.; 13 +.... in cantation-text.


Portion of the right half, 3 in. by 21in.; 26 + 4lines.

cerning the - i,

Part of an [K. 7928]

Forecasts con-


[K. 7929]

Portion out of the middle, 2-in. by 2in.; 19 +..........lines. Part of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies. [K. 7930] Right half, 4in. by 23in.; 27 + 25 lines. 'Astrological forecasts taken from observations of various stars (>.-TYF, _ -4-->-VTY I, < , >>+ Y<, etc.) ; cf. BEZOLD, W. Zeits. f. d. K. d. X, ~-{+ d >TVY Vol. IV, p. 78, note 2. This text probably contains extracts from a larger composition and is copied, according to the colophon, from "old documents " in Babylon (Syyyy y>
+ 26 lines.


of an omen-text forming, according to the colophon, the 2nd part of a composition. A great number of lines begin with Y y-S; cf. supra, p. 421, K. 2192. The catch-line reads:- - : dY >< 7'-gj' . [K. 7932] Portion out of the middle, 3in. by 2 in.; 18 + ..........



Prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. [K. 7933] Right-hand corner, 2 in. by 21in.; .... 17 lines. Part of a mythological text. This fragment may belong to the same tablet as K. 3353; see above, p. 525. [K. 7934] Portion out of the middle, 27in. by 2min.; ..... + 24lines. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of the sun. [K. 7935] Right half, upper portion of obverse, 3s in. by 2in.; 27 + . .. lines. Astrological forecasts concerning public affairs. [K. 7936] Portion of the right half; 4¼in. by l1in.; .....

31 lines. Forecasts.

[K. 7937] Fragment of the left half, 3in. by 2in.; 11 + ..........

logicical forecasts for the various months. Portion out of the middle, 2 in. by l1in.; 10 + traces of_2 lines. Astrological forecasts.



[K. 7938] .... . + .... [K. 7939]



+ 19 lines. Astrological Portion of the right half, 2¼in. by lin.; .... [K. 7940] forecasts for the various months. ..... lines. Astrological Portion of the left half, 23in. by 23in.; 23 cf. supra, p. 422, K. 2207. '-Y; 4-+ y with begin lines forecasts. The [K. 7941] .) ..... (+ Portion of the right half, 2 in. by 1lin.; ( .. . +) 16 +± 7942] [K. lines. Prescriptions. Fragment of the upper portion, 3sin. by 1 in.; 5 + 4 lines; archaic Babylonian. Beginning and end of an inscription of Esarhaddon

?])~* An [~



[K. 7943]


..... lines. [K. 7944]


Portion out of the middle, 23in. by 2iin.; 13 + 17 +. Astrological forecasts for the various months.

in.; traces of 11 + 16 lines. ForeFragment of the right half, 28 in. by LK. 7945] casts. + 17 lines. End of a Portion out of the middle, 3jin. by 3in.; ..... religious text. The colophon reads:3:+ t tytYt Wy

^meS Right-hand corner, 2jin. by 2sin.; religious text.

4Y X7

13 + ..........

[K. 7946] Part of a [K. 7947]


Portion of the right half, 3in. by 2-in.; 13 + 14 lines. Copy of a text containing astrological forecasts taken from observations of various [K. 7949] stars. Copy lines. ......... + 13 1lin.; by 2in. middle, the of Fragment out 7950] [K. of a religious text. 25 lines. Astrological Portion of the right half, 3¼in. by 2-in.; ..... >I - ¥d ', forecasts taken from observations of various stars:--~-Y-




Y; a, Tt T ,P>:-*

4 + Eu ,B


A ^-+

>;+ n

YD v.






[K. etc. . lines. Portion out of the middle, 3in. by 2Cin.; 16 + ... W. BEZOLD, Cf. stars. various concerning text of an astrological [K. f. d. K. d. M., Vol. IV, p. 78, note 2.


7951] Part Zeits. 7952]

) 28 + 11 (+ .... Portion out of the middle, 6in. by 3in.; (.....+) ceremonies, for lines. Incantations, prayers and directions probably to be used for the benefit of sick people. Two colophon-lines

' A read :---

- _ - Y'.



* The characters are here transcribed into modern Babylonian.

[K. 7953] t Paltly effaced.




Portion out of the middle, 2,3-in. by 13in.; traces of 7 + 18 + ..... + ..... lines. Part of an incantation-text. [K. 7954] Portion out of the middle, 3in. by 28in.; 17 +.... lines. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of the moon. They partly relate to public affairs. [K. 7955] Fragment of the lower portion of reverse, 2sin. by 2-in.; . Astrological (?) forecasts. Of the catch-line only TYrl <wT'YEp

to A-


. .


+ 18 lines.


is visible.

(?) M [K. 7956]

Lower portion, 2,in. by 23in.; 19 + traces of 5 lines. Akkadian religious text.

Part of a Sumero[K. 7957]

Portion out of the middle, 3¼in. by 2- 9 in.; 21 +.....lines. Omens concerning incidents that may happen to men. [K. 7958] Fragment out of the middle, 2¼in. by 2k1in.; 18 + .......... Omens concerning houses, etc.

lines. [K. 7959]

Portion out of the middle, 2sin. by 2½in.; 10 + 14 + .. + . .. lines. Astrological forecasts for the month Elul taken from observations of the sun; cf. supra, p. 423, K. 2221. [K. 7960] Right half, lower portion, 2 -1 in. by 2;in.; 10 + 15 + (edge) 3 + 18 lines. Part of an astrological (?) text. [K. 7961] Portion of the right half, 2- in. by 14--in.; 15 + ..... Portion out of the middle, 3in. by 2in.; 20 + .. logical forecasts. Upper portion, right half, 2sin. by Iin.; (. lines. Part of a list of names of stones.


Forecasts. [K. 7962] lines. Astro[K. 7963]

+) 18 + 14 + .) [K. 7964]

Portion of the left half, 23in. by 11in.; 16 + ...... lines. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of the moon. The sentences

begin with y

<«y- y-f


[K. 7965]

Lower portion, left half, 3in. by 3in.; 20 + (..... ..... +) 9 lines; marginal number <. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of the clouds, etc. Cf. supra, p. 430, K. 2299. [K. 7966] Fragment out of the middle, 2 in. by 2ain.; 13 + ..... lines. introduction to an inscription of an Assyrian king. *


Part of the [K. 7967]

Partly effaced.

5 X



Fragment out of the middle, in. by 1 in.; 9 + .......... ment of a religious text.

lines. Frag[K. 7968]

Lower portion, 2|in. by 2¼in.; traces of 9 + 18 +..........lines. Prayers to Samas" and Ranmmdn, and directions for ceremonies and rites. [K. 7969] Fragment of the left half, 21in. by 2in.; 16 +... casts.

. lines. Fore[K. 7970]

Right-hand corner, 25in. by 2-in.; 6 + 12 lines. etc. My E_ and At, Portion out of the middle, 2 in. by 2in.; .... cerning houses.

Forecasts concerning [K. 7971]

+ 17 lines.

Portion of the right half, 2 in. by 2¼in.; 8 + 16 + .....

Omens con[K. 7972] +.....lines.

Part of a hymn to the Moon-god.

[K. 7973]

Fragment of the upper portion, lHin. by 1-in.; 11 +.......... Part of a prayer to a goddess. Right half, 3-in. by 2 in.; .....

+ 16 lines.


lines. [K. 7974] Of the catch-

line only the end is visible:-

A-. [K. 7975]

"n' >ETA^ y;A '' Fragment out of the middle, 2 in. by l1in.; Astrological forecasts.



lines. [K. 7976]

Portion out of the middle, 2 in. by 2in.; 4i. 15 15 +............ines. + line A sro


logical forecasts taken from observations of various stars (>-4a

VYT , >w M- o

< and




[K. 7977]

Upper portion of one side, 27in. by lin.; 22 + ........ a prayer.

lines. Part of [K. 7978]

Portion out of the middle, 31 in. by 2|in.; 19 + ........ a historical text.


Part of [K. 7979]

Fragment of the loft half, 2in. by 14in.; 9 +..... .lines. Part of a report concerning public affairs. Mention is made of -¥yT a =

Aft= ^·

ATd W?].

Portions, 3in. by 21in.; 14 + 3 lines. nacherib.*

[K. 7980] Part of an inscription of Sen[K. 7981]

Fragment of the right half, 2 1 in. by in. 13+ ......... of a historical inscription of an Assyrian king. * Of the king's name only the end is left :-,,-V

lines. Part [K. 7982] >^




Fragment: out of the middle, 2in. by 2in.; 14 +......... ment of an incantation-text.

lines. Frag[K. 7984]

Portion of the left half, 2¼in. by 1sin.; .. + 14 lines. Omens concerning births. The lines begin throughout with >-< Y~yy"::; cf. supra, p. 569, K. 3838. [K. 7985] Portion out of the middle, 2 in. by 2 in.; 19 + ..... lines. Part of an astrological text concerning various stars (,-4- p - J >^, ¢> _-

z a<Ms

-o >-'

A,, >

y, TV+

+ S


>Y uy y, A, etc.).

+ -YY

[K. 7986]

Portion out of the middle, 2- in. by 28 in.; 18 + +.....+. ....+... lines. Incantations with an interlinear Assyrian version. *[K. 7987] Fragment of the left half, 2in. by lin.; 14 + ....... a religious text. Fragment of the lower portion, 2-5-in. by 1 Part of an incantation-text.


Part of [K. 7988]

155in. + ..

......lines. [K. 7989]

Fragment of the left half, 21-in. by lin.; 14 +..........lines. a text containing incantations, prayers and ceremonies.

Part of directions for [K. 7990]

Portion of the right half, 3} in. by 2in.; forecasts.

Astrological [K. 7991]


+ 23 lines.

Portion out of the middle, 2-1-in. by 2-in.; 22 + ... lines. Part of an astrological text concerning various stars. A colophon-line reads:-

Cf. BEZOLD, W+Zeits. . d. K. d. M, Vol. IV, p. 78,T note 2. Cf. BEZOLD, WI Zeits. f. d. K. d. Z., Vol. IV, p. 78, note 2. Portion out of the middle, 21in. by 21in.; 18 + ......... an astrological text.

[K. 7992 [K. 7992]

lines. Part of [K. 7993]

Portion out of the middle, 3§in. by 2 in.; (.....+)... + 12 (+ ..... ) lines. Part of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies. Two sections end with .¢liiY A-4-. [K. 7994] Portion out of the middle, 2 in. by 15in.; 12 + 12 + . .... lines. ..... Astrological forecasts taken from observations of the moon and the [K. 7995] . star ,-4- -Yyy Portion out of the middle, 3-in. by 2-in.; . ..-. prayer. Lower portion, 3Hin. by 25in.; 21 + ..... the - J, etc.


19 lines.

Part of a [K. 7996]

Forecasts concerning [K. 7997] 5x2



Fragment out of the middle, 2-y1in. by 2 in.; 17 +. Astrological forecasts concerning eclipses, etc.

lines. [K. 7998]

Portion out of the middle, lin.; 12 +.......... casts concerning ,=Y y-], ~_. AE and r- M_~, etc.

lines. Fore[K. 7999]

Portion of the left half, 3½in. by 2-in.; traces of 12 +-t 23 lines. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of various stars. The text is published W.A.I. III, 57, No. 2, and translated by SAYCE, T.S.B.A., Vol. III, pp. 201 ff. [K. 8000] Portion out of the middle, 2ain. by 13in.; 1..9..... 19 + .. lines. Regulations for making offerings. [K. 8001] Portion out of the middle, 25in. by 1 in.; 13 + lines, divided into halves by k. Part of a religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version. This. fragment appears to belong to the same tablet as K. 7926; see above, p. 882. [K. 8002] Portion out of the middle, 2sin. by 2¼in.; 11 + 15 + 20 (vitrified) +.. lines. Part of a text containing hymns in paragraphs.* [K. 8003] Portion of the right half, 4k1in. by 3 in.; ..... 3 lines. Part of an omen-text. Portion of the right half, 41 in. by 21 sacrificial prayer.

+ .....

in.; 24 +....

+ 20 + traces of [K. 8004] lines.

Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 29"in. by 2 ..... lines. Part of a text containing forecasts.


Part of a [K. 8005]

in.; 18 +..... [K. 8006]

Left half, upper portion of reverse, 3{in. by 2in.; (.... . .+ 24 lines. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of (+.....) the wind; cf. supra, p. 422, K. 2207. The contents of this fragment are similar to those of K. 2169 (supra, p. 417). [K. 8007] + 13 lines; Right half, upper portion of reverse, 2½in. by 2in.; ..... division-marks. Part of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. [K. 8008] Lower portion, 31 in. by 2in.; 11+9 lines. Part of a text containing inc ntations, prayers and directions for ceremonies. The catchline and two preceding colophon-lines read:-

*>1 s^-






^In -IM




g f r- -jg_r -

^T~ ^ tin M ^- < ^f





Y-4 ['f]t [K. 8009]

* Cf. supra,p. 436, note **.

f This line is written over an erasure. The characters are smaller than those of the preceding lines, and some of them are indistinct; they may, however, be restored from K. 2832, Column I, line 7.



Left-hand corner, 1 in. by 1yin.; 7 +.......... lines. Omens derived from the actions of horses. The lines begin with >-< i_ Iy;

cf. supra, p. 784, K. 6404.

[K. 8011]

Portion out of the middle, 2gin. by 2in.; 16 + ( ..... +) 4 lines. Part of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies. [K. 8012] Left-hand corner, 2ain. by 2in.; 7 + 11 lines. Omens derived from the actions of oxen. E.g., one section (obverse, lines 7 if.) reads:Y






Y s tY^y P< >+ _ r A; [Yfy] Y ev
[,] ale Y 2t Left-hand

corner, lin.

A ^ y >-T. yy^ ?"y, ;<

by 1lin.;

14 +..........lines.

concerning >b--y and >_ A_, etc.

[K. 8013] Forecasts

[K. 8014]

Fragment out of the middle of a prismoid, height 2&in., one side of the base at least 1 in.; 10 + 11 + .......... lines. Part of an inscription of Assurbanipal referring to his campaigns in Elam. [K. 8015] Lower half, 2min. by 2in.; 18 + 18 lines. Part of an inscription of Assurbanipal referring to his campaigns in Elam. [K. 8016] Portion out of the middle, 2min. by 2 in.; 18 +.......... lines. Part of an inscription of Assurbanipal. Lines 4 ff. form a parallel text to Rm. 1 (q.v.), Column II, lines 28 ff. [K. 8017] Portion of the left half, 3 - in. by 3in.; ..... + 25 lines. Part of an incantation-text. Lines 5 ff. contain invocations of the god >-+ >- -. [K. 8019] Portion out of the middle, 4- in. by 25in.; 34 +..... lines; Babylonian. Omens concerning incidents that may happen to men and houses. [K. 8020] Right-hand corner, 23in. by 2tin.; ( . ......... + 15 (+.....) lines. Copy of a text containing forecasts. [K. 8021] Fragment out of the middle, lin. by l1in.; 10 +........ Forecasts concerning the iF ayy, etc.

lines. [K. 8022]

Fragment of the right half, 2in. by 1kin.; 15 +.......... lines. Omens concerning incidents that may happen to men and houses. [K. 8023] Fragment of the lower portion, l1in. by 1 in.; 6 + 1 lines. religious text.

Part of a [K. 8024]



Portion of the left half, 2 in. by 2lin.; 27 + .......... lines; Babylonian. Part of a text containing astrological forecasts for the various months, concerning eclipses, etc. [K. 8025] traces of 11 + 17 ( ..... [K. 8026]

Right-hand corner, 25in. by 1in.; (.....) lines. Part of a religious text. Fragment of the right half, 2-in. by 1lin.; .....

+ 10 + 9 +.....

Forecasts. Portion of the right half, 2in. by lHin.; ..... Prescriptions.

+ 12

Portion of the right half, 3'in. by 31in.; 19 + ..... Fragment of the right half, 2- 3in. concerning the y dyy, etc.


[K. 8027]


15in.; .....


+ ..... lines. [K. 8028]


Forecasts. [K. 8029] + 10 lines. Forecasts [K. 8030]

Right-hand corner, 2 in. by 15--in.; 10 + 13 lines.

Part of an omen(?)-text. [K. 8031] Fragment out of the middle, lin. by 13in.; 17 + .......... lines. Forecasts concerning ->TY and i _, etc. [K. 8032] Upper portion, right half, 4in. by 2-in.; ..... + 4 + 24 + .. lines. Part of an incantation-text, probably belonging to a tablet of the Series y-9 Ig .yPy [K. 8033] Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by 2in.; 11 +..........lines. of a religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version. of K. 5357 (see above, p. 710), Column I.

Part Duplicate [K. 8034]

Portion out of the middle of reverse, 3in. by 1-7in.; ..... +..... + ..... + 19 lines. Part of a hemerology (?) belonging, according to the colophon, to the 17th tablet of a series. Of the catch-line only [K. 8035] ,,, is visible. "Y -V"'T,,,, < Right-hand corner, 2iin. by 1Hin.; 10 +.......... forecasts partly relating to public affairs.


Astrological [K. 8036]

Fragment out of the middle, 2 in. by 2in.; 11 + .......... of a historical, or mythological text.

lines. Part [K. 8037]

Portion of the left half, 3;in. by 1in.; 22 +......... derived from the appearances and actions of snakes. K. 3674.

lines. Omens Cf. supra, p. 554, [K. 8038]

Lower portion, right half. 3 in. by 2;in.; 16 + 16 lines. cerning cities, houses, temples, etc.

Omens con[K. 8039]


KOTJYUNJIK COLLECTION. Right-hand corner, 23in. by 1in.; 12 +


lines. - Copy of a text con-

taining astrological forecasts.

[K. 8040]

Portion of the right half, 3-in. by 2-in.; 18 + 11 lines. Omens concerning incidents that may happen to a king, etc. Cf. supra, p. 579, K. 3944. [K. 8041] Portion of the right half, 2gin. by 2 in.; 21 + ..... lines. Omens concerning incidents that may happen to men. [K. 8042] Fragment out of the middle, 2in. byiin.; of a religious (?) text. Right-hand corner, 21in. by l1in.; cerning ryV and ,y Ayd, etc.

13 + ............

13 + .....

Right-hand corner, 2 in. by 1 in.; .....


lines. Part [K. 8043] Forecasts

con[K. 8044]

+ 7 lines. Forecasts.

Portion out of the middle, 2-in. by 23in.; 18 + .... concerning incidents that may happen to men, etc. Right-hand corner, 2in 2n. 2in.; 10 + 10 lines. the chances of a sick man's life.

[K. 8045]


Omens [K. 8046]

Forecasts concerning [K. 8047]

Fragment of the upper portion, 2in. by 1 5 in.; 8 lines. cerning incidents that may happen to men and houses.

Omens con[K. 8048]

Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 23in. by 1lTin.; 13 + 10 + ..........lines. Regulations for making offerings. [K. 8049] Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 2in. by 1 in.; 12 + . ........ lines. Forecasts concerning i]Y and r-¥¥, etc. [K. 8050] Fragment out of the middle, 2 in. by l1in.; 11 + ......... of a prayer.

lines. Part [K. 8051]

Fragment of the lower portion, 25in. by 1lin.; 1 + 7 lines. an inscription of an Assyrian king.

Fragment of [K. 8053]

Fragment of the left half, lin. by - in.; 7 + ( Fragment of a religi ous text.

.... .....+

Fragment out of the middle, 1in. by lin.; 11 +. ment of a religious text.

+) 7 lines. [K. 8054] lines. Frag[K. 8055]

Fragment of the right half, 1 in. by 5in.; 10 + 7 lines. F orecasts. Of the catch-line only the end is visible :-'



Fragment out of the middle, l in. by llin.; ..... lines. Part of an incantation-text.

-H. e

+ 9


< >S-

[K. 8056] +..... [K. 8057]



... .... . Fragment out of the middle of reverse, lin. by lain.; . 8058] [K. incantation-text. 11 + 3 lines. Part of an lines. FragFragment out of the middle, 1 1in. by 1¼in.; 9 +.......... ment of an incantation-text with an interlinear Assyrian version. [K. 8059] Fragment 1 lines. +) ...... Left-hand corner, 1-in. by jin.; 4 + (... [K. 8060] of a religions text. lines. Part Fragment out of the middle, 15in. by 1¼in.; 10 +.......... [K. 8061] of an omen-text. lines. Fragment out of the middle, 1Nin. by 1in.; 11 + ......... 8062] [K. Omens concerning houses. Lower portion, 3-in. by 3½in.; 25 + 23 lines. Omens derived from the actions of dogs; cf. supra, pp. 63, 821, K. 236 and K. 6957. E.g., lines 13 if. of obverse read:-

[TY]EPST r Y<<-

a C


AS E ''-Y




A- T


Line 25 of obverse reads:-



in X I]' T v V v<®f iy X Y> yo <{i "e characters the k are and beneath <-b y>-be compared with line 1 of reverse:


i"; if these

I. l< ! i[YIn T Y n< text. it is evident that they form an emendation of the [K. 8063 + K. 8066] lines. Omens .... + 13 1in.; by 2sin. Fragment out of the middle, derived from the actions of dogs. Cf. supra, pp. 63, 821, K. 236 and [K. 8064] K. 6957. T





Left-hand-corner, Iin. by 11in.; 9 lines. of dogs. Cf. the preceding number.

Omens derived from the actions [K. 8065]

6 + 12 + 10 lines in +.....+....+ ..... Lower portion, 2in. by 1 3in.; double-columns; Babylonian. Part of an explanatory list of stars. Lines 9 ff. of Column V are a duplicate of K. 250,t Column V, lines 1 ff. [K. 8067] 18 lines. Portion out of the middle, 3in. by 2in.; 5 +..........+ 8068] [K. Part of a hemerology. Partly effaced. t On p. 65, for "obverse" *

read "reverse,"

and for "reverse"

read "obverse."



Fragment out of the middle, 25in. by 17in.; 11 +.......... lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. [K. 8070] Upper portion, 31in. by 3 in.; 27 + 22 lines. Omens forming, according to the colophon, the 3rd tablet of the Series |Wy >TO>.. Duplicate of K. 3815; see above, p. 567. [K. 8071] Portion of the right half, 27in. by 2in.; (..... +) +19 .... (+ ) lines. Part of one section of an incantation-text, ending with >YMJMY H+.' [K. 8072] Portion out of the middle, 3 in. by 2in.; 27 + ..... lines. Omens derived from the appearances of animals. [K. 8073] Portion out of the middle, 2-in. by 2--gin.; 6 + 16 +..... +.....lines. Prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. One section begins:-y 4 't. y _T t TYEf ~yT ~>TY, etc.

[K. 80741

Upper portion, right half, 4in. by 3-in.; 22 lines. Part of a religious (?) text. [K. 8076] Fragment out of the middle, 2jin. by 2- 3 in.; ..... + 3 lines. Colophon of an omen-text of the Series [ >T-]<-n_ _ v7. Of the catch line only [T]2i >W AA! is visible. [K. 8077] Right-hand corner, 2in. by lain.; 16 +.... lines. Astrological forecasts. Referring to line 13 a gloss is added by the scribe. [K. 8018] Portion out of the middle, 3§in. by 23in.; 14 + 21 + ..... +.... lines. Incantations and prayers. A colophon-line begins: -- L>_ y -Y

>2>m; "/;

cf. supra, pp. 445, 450, 491, 532, 813, KK. 2455, 2515,

2947, 3427, 6840, and infra, K. 8112 (p. 896), K. 8162 (p. 900) and Sm. 695. [K. 8079] Portion of the right half, 4in. by 3 in.; 20 + 19 lines. Part of a religious text. Many of the lines end with -yy. A colophon-line reads: ,

.-m >Yf t

CYS T :M tx


<E1 Y-_ [K. 8080] Portion out of the middle, 3iin. by 3in.; 27 +.....lines. Omens derived from births. [K. 8081] Lower portion, right half, 2Iin. by 2sin.; 17 + 22 lines. Astrological forecasts, partly relating to public affairs. [K. 8082] Portion out of the middle, 3in. by 2-in.; . ........ 21 + 15 lines. Incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies. Of the catch-line only the end is visible -:>-' =. [K. 8084]

IY Ad _<M A<4.*



Partly effaced.

5 Y




Portion out of the middle, 3lin. by 3in.; 28 + .....

lines. Astrological


[K. 8085]

in.; ..... + 6 lines. Astrological Fragment of the left half, 2min. by forecasts forming, according to the colophon, the 35th* tablet of the great astrological work Y y--~y, --yyy. Duplicate of K. 2236 (see above, p. 424), reverse, lines 19 ff.; cf. also p. 544, note 11.[K. 8086] Portion out of the middle, 3in. by 2{in.; 18 + ......... lines. Part of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies. One section begins:-[,-+ Y 4-<( -V AIMS A. -[K. 8087] Portion out of the middle, 3in. by 2½in.; 6 + 21 lines. forecasts, partly relating to public affairs.

Astrological [K. 8088]

..... lines. Part Portion out of the middle, 31in. by 2in.; 12 + 14 + ..... of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. One section begins:-- - ,_ _ [K. 8089] IE . 4-4A v k< Ar -4Y /\ A 4 lines. Part Fragment out of the middle, 2in. by 1Hin.; 11 + of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies to [K. 8090] be used for the benefit of sick people. .. lines. . +. Portion out of the middle, 23in. by 2 in.; 21 + 11 + Directions for ceremonies, rites and prayers to be recited by the king; cf. Column I, line 8 ':kf ' :. 4 [K. 8091] lines. Part of a Portion of the right half, 33in. by 2-in.; 28 +..... [K. 8092] mythological legend.

Portion of the left half, 3min. by 2¼in.; 16 + 13 lines in four columns. [K. 8093]

Part of a list of names of persons, etc. Portion out of the middle, 2-in. by 2|in.; 18 + ......... casts concerning

Fy ByyM,

!yy and


...+..... . Portion out of the middle, 2 in. by 1 in.; 15 + ( Part of a religious text. The catch-line reads:-


] (?) q,,: ]+

> A 4q


[K. 8095]

=t AJ, etc.



) 5 lines.

qJ"','i-. [K. 8096]

Portion out of the middle, 3{in. by 3-in.; 23 + 28 + 20 + 11 lines. Astrological forecasts concerning eclipses of the moon and sun, etc. * Thus.

t Probable restoration after the preceding line :--'>'V "Thou [oh priest,] sh +

Y-y -4-y

make the king to recite as follows."

" Thou [oh priest,] shalt make the king to recite as follows."




They are derived from observations of various stars (<(- Y

Jk- , [K. 8097] etc.). andf, <>T, %(, <>o_ of traces Portion of the right half, 3¼in. by 2iin.; 14 + 22 + 17 + 6 lines. Incantations. The paragraphs begin with -4- and end [K. 8098] A,-. -y with Portion of the right half, 21in. by 21in.; 19 + 11 lines. Omens concerning incidents that may happen to men or women and houses, etc. [K. 8099] +... ....... Upper portion, left half, 2 in. by 2-in.; 16 + Forecasts concerning the '-T-; cf. supra, p. 549, note 7 fT. of Column I read:>_

Ty <-TT- W


v <*Y



3 lines. E.g., lines



Column IV contains part of a colophon with a (double-) date.

[K. 8100]

Portion out of the middle, 23in. by 2 in.; 19 +...... lines; division-marks. Part of a religious, or mythological, text. Mention is made of Nippur [K. 8101] -4+-<(t -V
+ 21 lines.

Part of an [K. 8104]

Portion out of the middle, 3-in. by 3 in.; 19 + 28 lines. Prayers and incantations. E.g., a colophon-line and the beginning of the following Section read-



+ w < F$W¢E aft +


^ n rq rel="nofollow">+ >YM+fn Prd "I`>Y

* (?)


Lines 17-19 of reverse correspond with K. 3859 (see above, p. 571), reverse, lines 9 if., and with K. 3330 (above, p. 523), lines 18 and 19. 8105] .-~~~~[K. *

Partly effaced.



Fragment of the upper portion, 3in. by 2-in.; 7 + 7 + 15 +..... lines. Part of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for The colophon-lines read:-.-_y

ceremonies. < if I Gf


<mH_ {t

[K. 8106]


Upper portion, right half, 3¼in. by 21in. 20 + 6 lines. Part of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies. [K. 8107] f -4-. One section ends with ¢_ Portion out of the middle, 3in. by 2}in.; 10 + ..... lines. Part of a list of names of persons arranged in groups according to their trades or [K. 8108] professions. lines. Part Portion out of the middle, 2- 7in. by 2'in.; 14 +....... for ceremonies prescriptions and directions of a text containing [K. 8109] to be used for the benefit of sick people. 12 + 12 +..... lines. Part Right-hand corner, 3in. by 2¼in.; ..... of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of people suffering from diseases of the eyes. [K. 8110] lines. Part of Portion out of the middle, 3in. by 2 in.; 18 + .......... a religious text. Referring to line 3 an interlinear gloss is added by the scribe. At the top of line 1 part of a geometrical figure is visible:-

[K. 8111]

'5';f¢:-" Portion out of the middle, 2-in. by 23in.; 21 + 17 + ..... Incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies.

lines. +.... The colophon-

This fragment _>yyy ~H Iyy 4. _ y ~-Y may belong to the same tablet as K. 8079; see above, p. 893. [K. 8112] lines read:- ->_y

+ 15 + 10 lines.

Portion omt of the middle, 2- in. by 1-in.;. ........

Part of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for [K. 8113] ceremonies. Cf. infra, p. 899, K. 8151. Portion out of the middle, 31 in. by 2jin.; 20 + 20 + .. Part of an incantation-text.


lines. [K. 8114]

Upper portion, 3 in. by 2|in.; 13 + 14 lines. Incantations and prayers forming, according to the colophon, the 8th part (4wyw >_yyk Y Yy) of a composition:

,Pyyyy WY In- ^T.

The catch-line and a preceding

colophon-line read:i-+

arv ,-= < V YS

+ IY>




Left-hand corner, 2in. by 2in.; 13 + .. ........ lines. Part of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies. [K. 8117] Portion of the right half, 2in. by 2 in.; ..... + 18 lines. Omens belong-

ing, according to the colophon, to a tablet of the Series >-< A[]. Of the catch-line only the end is visible: -l',7"", Y k BY - Gs. [K. 8118]

Portion out of the middle, 3in. by 2-in.; 13 + 8 lines. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of various stars. The catch-line and colophon read:-

Sy_AnY > T4 'Y V ILr mV ^-TT: «-YB -m ^ ^Y YT ns




. [K. 8119]

Fragment of the left half, 24in. by 2in.; ..... +.... ..... + 9 lines. Part of an incantation-text belonging, according to the colophon, to the 8th tablet of the Series t H- EMU <. The absence of a catch-line probably shows that this is the last tablet of that Series. [K. 8120] Portion of the right half, 2 in. by

in.; ....

+ 9 lines.


belonging, according to the colophon, to the 6th tablet of the Series i<

T. Of the catch-line only the end is visible



' <MY1U -'Y . [K. 8121] Lower portion, 3in. by 2-in.; 16 ..... lines. Incantations and prayers. A colophon-line reads:- [i-¢ >-YWy?] Aty Y_>_]^ t _ry <6 , [4 ?][K. 8122]

Upper portion of one side, 4in. by 23in.; .....


+ 17 + 14 lines.

Part of a religious text. [K. 8123] Portion of the right half, 4-in. by 1lin.; 14 + 12 + 11 + 9 lines., Copy of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies. A colophon-line reads:--Y Ad ¥ - I Y%>e Xa ]>YT Y [~v, yyjI'] [K. 8124] Portion of the left hal;f 3-in. by b ..... ) +....+ 17 + 7 lines.

n3in.;8 + ..... . (+.. Part of a list of the names of members

of various families, and their property, etc., similar to that of K. 2017; cf. supra, p. 386 f. [K. 8125] Portion of the right half, 2min. by 2¼in.; 23 + .... lines. Part of a religious text. [K. 8126] Fragment of the right half, 2gin. by l1in.; .

.... + 11 + ...



lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. [K. 8127]



Portion out of the middle, 2 in. by 23in.; 13 + .......... casts.

lines. Fore[K. 8128]

+ 27 lines; ........ Lower portion, left half, 4 in. by 4in.: 17 + . marginal number <. Astrological forecasts taken from observations [K. 8129] of the moon; they partly relate to public affairs.

Portion out of the middle, 3in. by 2in. .; 18 + 14 lines. and Iy A, etc. cerning ry t^y, -yyy Upper portion, left half; 27in. by 23in.; 18 + ..... Part of a religious text.

Forecasts con[K. 8130]

+ .....

10 lines. [K. 8131]

Lower portion, 34in. by lldin.; 10 + 1 + 9 lines; Babylonian; not from [K. 8133] Kouyunjik (?). Part of a private contract. Lower portion, 43in. by 38in.; 21 + 12 + 15 + 19 + 16 + 14 + 11 + 16 lines. Part of a list of the names of members of various families, and their property, etc., similar to that of K. 2017; cf. supra, p. 386 f. [K. 8134] lines. Part Portion of the left half, 4 in. by 31in.; 12 + 20 + ....... of a list of objects, probably serving for offerings, or contributions. [K. 8135] Left-hand corner, 3i byn. in.; 16 + ...... tation-text. It begins:+$


-MY v At ^ "E-"

lines. WE Stat

I fTn ^

Part of an incan-

[K. 8136]

in.; .... + 21 + 14 +..... lines. Portion of the right half, 3in. by Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. [K. 8137] Portion of the right half, 27in. by 2 in.; ..... + 18 + 17 + traces of 7 lines. Part of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for [K. 8138] ceremonies. Portion out of the middle, 31 3in. b'y 3in.; 17+13 lines. Prayers to Samas and Ramrnmn and directions for ceremonies and rites. [K. 8139] ) 30 +....(+ Portion out of the middle, 3½in. by 28in.;.....) lines. Omens derived from the condition of the eyes of a man or [K. 8140] woman; cf. supra, p. 775, K. 6280. +. Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 3in. by 2--in.; ..... + 11 + 12 lines. Astrological forecasts taken from observations of [K. 8141] the moon.



Portion of the right half, 21 1;in. by 21in. .... + 18 + traces of 2 lines. Part of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies. [K. 8142] Lower portion, 3}in. by 21 in.; 13 + 15 + 16 + 11 lines. Part of a list of names of officials and their titles, similar to that of K. 1359; see above, p. 274. [K. 8143] Portion out of the middle, 3 in. by 3in.; 21 + .... ...... concerning incidents that may happen to men, etc.


Omens [K. 8144]

lines. AstroPortion out of the middle, 3 in. by 2in.; 26 + ........ logical forecasts taken from observations of the moon. They partly [K. 8145] relate to public affairs.

+..... . Portion out of the middle, 3 in. by 31in.; 19 + ..... +..... + 5 lines. Regulations for making offerings. [K. 8146] Lower portion, 23in. by 2-in.; 16 + 15 lines. Part of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies. A colophonline reads:-[>-_ >->_'V ]y (?) TYYYYJIY r! -+ L Y - _ ; [K. 8147] cf. supra, pp. 40, 447, K. 155 and K. 2487. lines. Fragment of the upper portion of one side, 3-in. by 2 in.; 21 + .... [K. 8148] Copy of a text containing astrological forecasts. Portion out of the middle, 2-in. by 1Din.; 19 +.......... of a text containing incantations and prayers. Portion out of the middle, 2in. by lin.; 22 + ........ of a religious text with an interlinear Assyrian version.

lines. Part [K. 8149]

. lines.

Part [K. 8150]

Portion out of the middle, 2in. by 2in.; .... ... + 3 + 10 lines. Part of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies. The catch-lines read:,+ '


, ' <,

4',.y -


< 1z;,

Ey F4 a-< >>-


This fragment may belong to the same tablet as K. 8113; cf. supra, [K. 8151] p. 896. Fragment of the right half, 2'in. by 2 3 in.; ..... + 15 +.....+..... lines. Part of an incantation-text. Two sections end with ~-[.iy >-4-. [K. 8152] Portion out of the middle, 23in. by l1in.; . Omens derived from the actions of birds.


5 + 13 lines. [K. 8153]



Fragment of the lower portion of reverse, 2in. by 1in.; ..... ..... 10 + 4 lines. Part of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies and rites. [K. 8154] Left-hand corner, 2 in. by lin.; 15 + (......... ) 12 lines. Part of a text containing sacrificial prayers to Samas and Ranmmdn and directions for ceremonies and rites. [K. 8155] Upper portion, 3§ in. by 3in.; 5 + 15 lines.

Part of a religious text. [K. 8156] Fragment of the left half, 2Y-in. by 1in.; 12 + ......... lines. Part of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies. [K. 8158] 5 Portion of the right half, 2 sin. by 24in.; 21 +..... lines. Part of a text containing incantations and directions for ceremonies and rites. [K. 8159] Portion out of the middle, 2iin. by 11in.; 13 +......... lines. Part of a text containing prescriptions and directions for ceremonies to be used for the benefit of sick people. [K. 8160]

Fragment of the right half, 2- in. by 1in.; religious text. Of the catch-line only

.... + 8 lines. >.ic,

End of a


[K. 8161] \ is visible. y _ Fragment of the right half, 23in. by 2lin.; ..... + .11 + . +... lines. Part of a text containing incantations, prayers and directions for ceremonies. A colophon-line begins:-Y' -jt-_A_ d Between lines 7 and 8 is an emendation of the text by the scribe. [K. 8162]



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